Example Queries

The following is a set of example queries which show the sorts of things you can do with XBRL-based financial information:


Click to execute Query Description
61 Compare balances sheet summaries for Apple, Google, IBM and Microsoft.
64 Compare cash flow statement summaries for Apple, Google, IBM and Microsoft
65 Compare key financial ratios for Apple, Google, IBM and Microsoft
67 Compare net income (loss) breakdown for Apple, Google, IBM, and Microsoft
68 Compare net income (loss) breakdown information across entities, DOW 30
69 Compare net income (loss) breakdown information across entities, Fortune 100
71 Compare General Information across entities of the DOW30
75 Compare comprehensive income (loss) summary information across across entities
107 Compares classified balance sheets as for FY 2014 for all DOW 30 companies that use a classfied balance sheet (i.e. financial services companies do not provide a classified balance sheet)
108 Compares classified balance sheets as of FY 2014 for several airlines that all use the same reporting style
109 Compares net income (loss) breakdown across periods for one company, JetBlue
110 Compares comprehensive income across all fiscal periods for one company, CISCO
111 Compares cash flow statement information for all fiscal periods for one company, ALLIANCE DATA SYSTEMS CORP
112 Compares key ratios across all fiscal periods for all fiscal years for one economic entity



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