
cm:Concept: us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultEarningsPerShareShares
Standard label: Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default, Earnings Per Share, Shares
Name: us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultEarningsPerShareShares
Documentation: In periods in which default, by a counterparty (share borrower) to a share-lending arrangement, is probable, but has not yet occurred, this item represents the number of the entity's shares related to the share-lending arrangement that will be reflected in basic and diluted earnings per share when the counterparty (share borrower) default does occur.
Object type: cm:Concept
Data type: Shares (xbrli:sharesItemType)
Period type: As Of (instant)
Balance type: (no balance type)
Abstract: false
Workiva Wdesk Taxonomy Analyzer: us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultEarningsPerShareShares


Label Role Language
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default, Earnings Per Share, Shares http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/label en-US


Reference Role Topic
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 470 20 50 2C http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 470