
cm:Concept: us-gaap:BusinessCombinationBargainPurchaseGainRecognizedDescription
Standard label: Business Combination, Bargain Purchase, Gain Recognized, Description
Name: us-gaap:BusinessCombinationBargainPurchaseGainRecognizedDescription
Documentation: In a business combination in which the amount of net identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed exceeds the aggregate consideration transferred or to be transferred (as defined), this element represents a description of the reasons why the transaction resulted in a gain.
Object type: cm:Concept
Data type: Text/String (xbrli:stringItemType)
Period type: For Period (duration)
Balance type: (no balance type)
Abstract: false
Workiva Wdesk Taxonomy Analyzer: us-gaap:BusinessCombinationBargainPurchaseGainRecognizedDescription


Label Role Language
Business Combination, Bargain Purchase, Gain Recognized, Description http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/label en-US


Reference Role Topic
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 805 30 50 1 (f)(2) http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 805
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 805 30 25 2 http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 805
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 805 30 25 3 http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 805
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 805 30 25 4 http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 805
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 805 30 30 5 http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 805
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 805 30 30 6 http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 805