
cm:Level2TextBlock: us-gaap:SalesInducementsToContractHoldersPolicy
Standard label: Sales Inducements to Contract Holders, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Name: us-gaap:SalesInducementsToContractHoldersPolicy
Documentation: Disclosure of accounting policy for sales inducements, including the yield enhancement features, such as interest credits and bonuses, given to motivate purchases of insurance products, and description of the nature of the costs deferred and the method for amortizing such deferred costs.
Object type: cm:Level2TextBlock
Data type: Text Block (HTML) (nonnum:textBlockItemType)
Period type: For Period (duration)
Balance type: (no balance type)
Abstract: false
Workiva Wdesk Taxonomy Analyzer: us-gaap:SalesInducementsToContractHoldersPolicy


Label Role Language
Sales Inducements to Contract Holders, Policy [Policy Text Block] http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/label en-US


Reference Role Topic
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 235 10 50 3 http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 235
FASB Accounting Standards Codification 944 30 50 3 (a) http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef 944