
cm:Member: us-gaap:ForeignExchangeForwardMember
Standard label: Foreign Exchange Forward [Member]
Name: us-gaap:ForeignExchangeForwardMember
Documentation: Foreign exchange forward traded on an exchange (examples include but are not limited to the International Securities Exchange, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange) for options or future contracts to buy or sell a certain currency, at a specified date, at a fixed exercise exchange rate.
Object type: cm:Member
Data type: [Member] (nonnum:domainItemType)
Period type: For Period (duration)
Balance type: (no balance type)
Abstract: true
Workiva Wdesk Taxonomy Analyzer: us-gaap:ForeignExchangeForwardMember


Label Role Language
Foreign Exchange Forward [Member] http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/label en-US


Reference Role Topic