Accounting Standards Codification: 835 - Interest | ASC | GAAP Plus

# Reference Report Element
1 835 10 05 3 Interest Expense, Policy [Policy Text Block]
2 835 20 50 1 (a) Interest Expense
3 835 20 50 1 (b) Interest Costs Capitalized
4 835 20 50 1 (b) Interest Costs Incurred
5 835 20 50 1 (b) Real Estate Inventory, Capitalized Interest Costs, Period Increase (Decrease)
6 835 20 50 1 (b) Real Estate Inventory, Capitalized Interest Costs Incurred
7 835 20 50 1 (b) Real Estate Inventory, Capitalized Interest Costs
8 835 20 50 1 Interest and Debt Expense
9 835 20 50 1 Real Estate Inventory, Capitalized Interest Costs, Cost of Sales
10 835 20 50 1 Interest Capitalization, Policy [Policy Text Block]
11 835 20 55 2 (g) Property, Plant and Equipment, Interest Capitalization
12 835 20 15 8 Inventory, Interest Capitalization Policy [Policy Text Block]
13 835 20 15 8 Real Estate, Policy [Policy Text Block]
14 835 30 45 1A Accounts Payable, Interest-bearing, Current
15 835 30 45 1A Debt Instrument, Unamortized Premium
16 835 30 45 1A Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table Text Block]
17 835 30 45 1A Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table]
18 835 30 45 1A Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table Text Block]
19 835 30 45 1A Receivable with Imputed Interest, Net Amount
20 835 30 45 1A Receivable with Imputed Interest, Premium
21 835 30 45 1A Receivable with Imputed Interest, Discount
22 835 30 45 1A Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount
23 835 30 45 1A Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount (Premium), Net
24 835 30 45 1A Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table]
25 835 30 45 1A Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount, Current
26 835 30 45 1A Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest, Name of Receivable with Imputed Interest [Axis]
27 835 30 45 1A Amortization of Debt Discount (Premium)
28 835 30 45 1A Debt Instrument, Unamortized Premium, Noncurrent
29 835 30 45 1A Debt Instrument, Unamortized Premium, Current
30 835 30 45 1A Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount, Noncurrent
31 835 30 S45 1 Debt Issuance Costs, Line of Credit Arrangements, Net
32 835 30 S45 1 Debt Issuance Costs, Line of Credit Arrangements, Gross
33 835 30 S45 1 Accumulated Amortization of Debt Issuance Costs, Line of Credit Arrangements
34 835 30 45 2 Receivable with Imputed Interest, Face Amount
35 835 30 45 2 Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest, Name of Receivable with Imputed Interest [Axis]
36 835 30 45 2 Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table Text Block]
37 835 30 45 2 Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table]
38 835 30 45 2 Receivable with Imputed Interest, Description
39 835 30 45 2 Receivable with Imputed Interest, Effective Yield (Interest Rate)
40 835 30 45 2 Receivable with Imputed Interest, Due Date
41 835 30 45 2 Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Effective Percentage
42 835 30 45 2 Debt Instrument, Interest Rate During Period
43 835 30 45 2 Debt Instrument, Face Amount
44 835 30 45 2 Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Basis for Effective Rate
45 835 30 45 2 Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table]
46 835 30 45 2 Accounts Payable, Interest-bearing, Current
47 835 30 45 2 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount (Premium), Net
48 835 30 45 2 Accounts Payable, Interest-bearing, Interest Rate
49 835 30 45 2 Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table Text Block]
50 835 30 45 3 Accounts Payable, Interest-bearing, Interest Rate
51 835 30 45 3 Debt Issuance Costs, Current, Net
52 835 30 45 3 Debt Issuance Costs, Gross
53 835 30 45 3 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount (Premium), Net
54 835 30 45 3 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount (Premium) and Debt Issuance Costs, Net
55 835 30 45 3 Accumulated Amortization, Debt Issuance Costs, Noncurrent
56 835 30 45 3 Accumulated Amortization, Debt Issuance Costs, Current
57 835 30 45 3 Debt Issuance Costs, Noncurrent, Net
58 835 30 45 3 Accumulated Amortization, Debt Issuance Costs
59 835 30 45 3 Debt Issuance Cost, Gross, Noncurrent
60 835 30 45 3 Interest Expense
61 835 30 45 3 Receivables with Imputed Interest, Amortization Amount
62 835 30 45 3 Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table]
63 835 30 45 3 Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table Text Block]
64 835 30 45 3 Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest, Name of Receivable with Imputed Interest [Axis]
65 835 30 45 3 Debt Issuance Costs, Net
66 835 30 45 3 Debt Issuance Costs, Gross, Current
67 835 30 45 3 Amortization of Debt Issuance Costs and Discounts
68 835 30 45 3 Amortization of Debt Issuance Costs
69 835 30 45 4 Accounts Payable, Interest-bearing, Current
70 835 30 45 4 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount (Premium), Net
71 835 30 55 8 Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table]
72 835 30 55 8 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Premium, Current
73 835 30 55 8 Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table Text Block]
74 835 30 55 8 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount, Noncurrent
75 835 30 55 8 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount, Current
76 835 30 55 8 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Premium, Noncurrent
77 835 30 55 8 Debt Instrument, Face Amount
78 835 30 55 8 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount (Premium), Net
79 835 30 55 8 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount
80 835 30 55 8 Debt Instrument, Unamortized Premium
81 835 30 55 8 Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table]
82 835 30 55 8 Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table Text Block]
83 835 30 25 12 Accounts Payable, Interest-bearing, Interest Rate
84 835 30 25 13 Accounts Payable, Interest-bearing, Interest Rate