Business Rules Summary

Assertions Summary

Defined Executed Pass Fail
Existence assertions 0 0 0 0
Value assertions 19 24 24 0
Consistency assertions 0 0 0 0
Total all assertions 19 24 24 0

Formulae Summary

Defined Executed Facts created
Formulae 0 0 0

Calculations Summary

Defined Executed Pass Inconsistent
Calculations 16 51 51 0

Reporting Entity Specific Rules Summary

Defined Executed Pass Inconsistent
Reporting Entity Specific Rules 9 33 33 0

Total Validations Summary

Severity Signal Count

XBRL Cloud: Business Report
Component: (Network and Table)
1110 - Statement - Balance Sheet
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Balance sheet balances.
Pass $Total_Assets = $Total_LiabilitiesAndEquity
2 Balance sheet balances.
Pass $Total_Assets = $Total_LiabilitiesAndEquity

XBRL Calculations

1110 - Statement - Balance Sheet
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Assets [Roll Up]
Current Assets [Roll Up]
Cash and Cash Equivalents 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  DR INF
Receivables 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Inventories 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Current Assets 7,000  + 7,000  7,000  DR INF OK
Noncurrent Assets [Roll Up]
Property, Plant and Equipment 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF
Noncurrent Assets 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF OK
Assets 13,000  13,000  13,000  DR INF OK
1110 - Statement - Balance Sheet
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2017-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Assets [Roll Up]
Current Assets [Roll Up]
Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Receivables 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Inventories 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Current Assets 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF OK
Noncurrent Assets [Roll Up]
Property, Plant and Equipment 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Noncurrent Assets 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF OK
Assets 6,000  6,000  6,000  DR INF OK
1110 - Statement - Balance Sheet
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Liabilities and Equity [Roll Up]
Liabilities [Roll Up]
Current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Accounts Payable 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Current Liabilities 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF OK
Noncurrent Liabilities [Roll Up]
Long-term Debt 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF
Noncurrent Liabilities 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF OK
Liabilities 7,000  + 7,000  7,000  CR INF OK
Equity [Roll Up]
Retained Earnings 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF
Equity 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF OK
Liabilities and Equity 13,000  13,000  13,000  CR INF OK
1110 - Statement - Balance Sheet
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2017-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Liabilities and Equity [Roll Up]
Liabilities [Roll Up]
Current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Accounts Payable 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Current Liabilities 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF OK
Noncurrent Liabilities [Roll Up]
Long-term Debt 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Noncurrent Liabilities 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF OK
Liabilities 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF OK
Equity [Roll Up]
Retained Earnings 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  CR INF
Equity 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  CR INF OK
Liabilities and Equity 6,000  6,000  6,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1120 - Statement - Income Statement 2
Table (Implied)

XBRL Calculations

1120 - Statement - Income Statement 2
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations Before Tax [Roll Up]
Operating Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
Gross Profit (Loss) [Roll Up]
Sales 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  CR INF
Costs of Sales 2,000  - 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Gross Profit (Loss) 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF OK
Operating Expenses [Roll Up]
Depreciation and Amortization + DR INF
Operating Expenses - DR INF OK
Operating Income (Loss) 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF OK
Nonoperating Income (Expenses) + CR INF
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations Before Tax 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF OK
Income Tax Expense (Benefit) - DR INF
Net Income (Loss) 2,000  2,000  2,000  CR INF OK
1120 - Statement - Income Statement
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
Gross Profit (Loss) [Roll Up]
Sales 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  CR INF
Costs of Sales 2,000  - 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Gross Profit (Loss) 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF OK
Depreciation and Amortization - DR INF
Net Income (Loss) 2,000  2,000  2,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1120 - Statement - Income Statement
Table (Implied)

XBRL Calculations

1120 - Statement - Income Statement
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
Gross Profit (Loss) [Roll Up]
Sales 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  CR INF
Costs of Sales 2,000  - 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Gross Profit (Loss) 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF OK
Depreciation and Amortization - DR INF
Net Income (Loss) 2,000  2,000  2,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1130 - Statement - Cash Flow Statement
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Cash Flow Statement Roll Forward reconciles.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $NetCashFlow = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

XBRL Calculations

1130 - Statement - Cash Flow Statement
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Cash Flow [Roll Up]
Net Cash Flow Operating Activities [Roll Up]
Collection of Receivables 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Payment of Accounts Payable (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Net Cash Flow Operating Activities 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  INF OK
Net Cash Flow Financing Activities [Roll Up]
Additional Long-term Borrowings 2 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF
Repayment of Long-term Borrowings 2 (1,000) - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Net Cash Flow Financing Activities 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF OK
Net Cash Flow Investing Activities [Roll Up]
Capital Additions of Property, Plant and Equipment 2 (5,000) - 5,000  5,000  CR INF
Net Cash Flow Investing Activities (5,000) + (5,000) (5,000) DR INF OK
Net Cash Flow 1,000  1,000  1,000  DR INF OK

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Balance 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Net Cash Flow 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending Balance 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1140 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Equity reconciles.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $VARIABLE_Change1 = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Equity, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Equity, Beginning Balance 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  CR INF
Net Income (Loss) 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Equity, Ending Balance 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1210 - Disclosure - Cash and Cash Equivalents Roll Forward
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Cash and Cash Equivalents Rolls Forward.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $CollectionReceivables - $PaymentOfAccountsPayable + $AdditionalLongtermBorrowings - $RepaymentLongtermBorrowings - $CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Balance 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Collection of Receivables 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Payment of Accounts Payable (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Additional Long-term Borrowings 2 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF
Repayment of Long-term Borrowings 2 (1,000) - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Capital Additions of Property, Plant and Equipment 2 (5,000) - 5,000  5,000  CR INF
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending Balance 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1220 - Disclosure - Receivables Roll Forward
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Receivables Rolls Forward.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $Sales - $CollectionReceivables - $AdditionsToAllowanceForBadDebts - $BadDebtsWrittenOff = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Receivables, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Receivables, Beginning Balance 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Sales 2 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  DR INF
Collection of Receivables 2 (3,000) - 3,000  3,000  CR INF
Additions to Allowance for Bad Debts - CR INF
Bad Debts Written Off - CR INF
Receivables, Ending Balance 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1230 - Disclosure - Inventories
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Inventories Rolls Forward.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $PurchasesOfInventoryForSale - $CostsOfSales - $InventoryWrittenOff = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Inventories, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Inventories, Beginning Balance 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Purchases of Inventory for Sale 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Costs of Sales 2 (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Inventory Written Off - CR INF
Inventories, Ending Balance 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1240 - Disclosure - Property, Plant, and Equipment Roll Forward
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Property, Plant, and Equipment Rolls Forward.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment - $DepreciationAndAmortization - $PropertyPlantAndEquipmentWrittenOff = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Property, Plant and Equipment, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Property, Plant and Equipment, Beginning Balance 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Capital Additions of Property, Plant and Equipment 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Depreciation and Amortization 2 - CR INF
Property, Plant and Equipment Written Off - CR INF
Property, Plant and Equipment, Ending Balance 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1250 - Disclosure - Accounts Payable Roll Forward
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Accounts Payable Rolls Forward.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $PurchasesOfInventoryForSale - $PaymentOfAccountsPayable = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Accounts Payable, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Accounts Payable, Beginning Balance 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Purchases of Inventory for Sale 2 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Payment of Accounts Payable 2 (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Accounts Payable, Ending Balance 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1260 - Disclosure - Long-term Debt Roll Forward
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Long term Debt Rolls Forward.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $AdditionalLongtermBorrowings - $RepaymentLongtermBorrowings = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Long-term Debt, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Long-term Debt, Beginning Balance 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Additional Long-term Borrowings 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF
Repayment of Long-term Borrowings (1,000) - 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Long-term Debt, Ending Balance 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
1270 - Disclosure - Retained Earnings Roll Forward
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Cash and cash equivalents reconciles.
Pass $VARIABLE_BalanceStart + $VARIABLE_Change1 = $VARIABLE_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Retained Earnings, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Retained Earnings, Beginning Balance 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  CR INF
Net Income (Loss) 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Retained Earnings, Ending Balance 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
2101 - Disclosure - Inventories Subclassifications
Table (Implied)

XBRL Calculations

2101 - Disclosure - Inventories Subclassifications
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Inventories [Roll Up]
Finished Goods 600  + 600  600  DR INF
Work in Progress 200  + 200  200  DR INF
Raw Material 200  + 200  200  DR INF
Inventories 1,000  1,000  1,000  DR INF OK
2101 - Disclosure - Inventories Subclassifications
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2017-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Inventories [Roll Up]
Finished Goods 700  + 700  700  DR INF
Work in Progress 100  + 100  100  DR INF
Raw Material 200  + 200  200  DR INF
Inventories 1,000  1,000  1,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
3101 - Disclosure - Inventory - Finished Goods Subclassifications
Table (Implied)

XBRL Calculations

3101 - Disclosure - Inventory - Finished Goods Subclassifications
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Finished Goods [Roll Up]
Product Alpha 400  + 400  400  DR INF
Product Bravo 200  + 200  200  DR INF
Finished Goods 600  600  600  DR INF OK
3101 - Disclosure - Inventory - Finished Goods Subclassifications
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2017-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Finished Goods [Roll Up]
Product Alpha 600  + 600  600  DR INF
Product Bravo 100  + 100  100  DR INF
Finished Goods 700  700  700  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
8101 - Support - Trial Balance
Table (Implied)

XBRL Calculations

8101 - Support - Trial Balance
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Check Sum [Roll Up]
Cash and Cash Equivalents 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  DR INF
Receivables 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Inventories 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Property, Plant and Equipment 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF
Accounts Payable (1,000) - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Long-term Debt (6,000) - 6,000  6,000  CR INF
Retained Earnings (6,000) - 6,000  6,000  CR INF
Check Sum DR INF OK
8101 - Support - Trial Balance
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2017-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Check Sum [Roll Up]
Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Receivables 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Inventories 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Property, Plant and Equipment 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Accounts Payable (1,000) - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Long-term Debt (1,000) - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Retained Earnings (4,000) - 4,000  4,000  CR INF
Check Sum DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
8201 - Support - Transactions
Table (Implied)

XBRL Calculations

8201 - Support - Transactions
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Check Sum Changes [Roll Up]
Collection of Receivables 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Payment of Accounts Payable (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Additional Long-term Borrowings 2 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF
Repayment of Long-term Borrowings 2 (1,000) - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Capital Additions of Property, Plant and Equipment 2 (5,000) - 5,000  5,000  CR INF
Sales 2 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  DR INF
Collection of Receivables 2 (3,000) - 3,000  3,000  CR INF
Additions to Allowance for Bad Debts - CR INF
Bad Debts Written Off - CR INF
Purchases of Inventory for Sale 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Costs of Sales 2 (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Inventory Written Off - CR INF
Capital Additions of Property, Plant and Equipment 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Depreciation and Amortization 2 - CR INF
Property, Plant and Equipment Written Off - CR INF
Purchases of Inventory for Sale 2 (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Payment of Accounts Payable 2 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Additional Long-term Borrowings (6,000) - 6,000  6,000  CR INF
Repayment of Long-term Borrowings 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Net Income (Loss) (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Check Sum Changes DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
9000 - Support - Class Subclass Associations
Table (Implied)

XBRL Calculations

9000 - Support - Class Subclass Associations
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Changes in Accounts Payable [Roll Up]
Purchases of Inventory for Sale 2 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Payment of Accounts Payable 2 2,000  - 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Changes in Accounts Payable CR INF OK
9000 - Support - Class Subclass Associations
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Changes in Cash and Cash Equivalents [Roll Up]
Collection of Receivables 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Payment of Accounts Payable 2,000  - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Additional Long-term Borrowings 2 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF
Repayment of Long-term Borrowings 2 1,000  - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Capital Additions of Property, Plant and Equipment 2 5,000  - 5,000  5,000  CR INF
Changes in Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,000  1,000  1,000  DR INF OK
9000 - Support - Class Subclass Associations
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Changes in Inventories [Roll Up]
Purchases of Inventory for Sale 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Costs of Sales 2 2,000  - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Inventory Written Off - CR INF
Changes in Inventories DR INF OK
9000 - Support - Class Subclass Associations
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Changes in Long-term Debt [Roll Up]
Additional Long-term Borrowings 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  CR INF
Repayment of Long-term Borrowings 1,000  - 1,000  1,000  DR INF
Changes in Long-term Debt 5,000  5,000  5,000  CR INF OK
9000 - Support - Class Subclass Associations
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Changes in Property, Plant and Equipment [Roll Up]
Capital Additions of Property, Plant and Equipment 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Depreciation and Amortization 2 - CR INF
Property, Plant and Equipment Written Off - CR INF
Changes in Property, Plant and Equipment 5,000  5,000  5,000  DR INF OK
9000 - Support - Class Subclass Associations
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Changes in Receivables [Roll Up]
Sales 2 4,000  + 4,000  4,000  DR INF
Collection of Receivables 2 3,000  - 3,000  3,000  CR INF
Additions to Allowance for Bad Debts - CR INF
Bad Debts Written Off - CR INF
Changes in Receivables 1,000  1,000  1,000  DR INF OK
9000 - Support - Class Subclass Associations
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Changes in Retained Earnings [Roll Up]
Net Income (Loss) 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Changes in Retained Earnings 2,000  2,000  2,000  CR INF OK
1130 - Statement - Cash Flow Statement
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Cash Flow [Roll Up]
Net Cash Flow Operating Activities [Roll Up]
Collection of Receivables 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Payment of Accounts Payable (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Net Cash Flow Operating Activities 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  INF OK
Net Cash Flow Financing Activities [Roll Up]
Additional Long-term Borrowings 2 6,000  + 6,000  6,000  DR INF
Repayment of Long-term Borrowings 2 (1,000) - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Net Cash Flow Financing Activities 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF OK
Net Cash Flow Investing Activities [Roll Up]
Capital Additions of Property, Plant and Equipment 2 (5,000) - 5,000  5,000  CR INF
Net Cash Flow Investing Activities (5,000) + (5,000) (5,000) DR INF OK
Net Cash Flow 1,000  1,000  1,000  DR INF OK
2101 - Disclosure - Inventories Subclassifications
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Inventories [Roll Up]
Finished Goods 600  + 600  600  DR INF
Work in Progress 200  + 200  200  DR INF
Raw Material 200  + 200  200  DR INF
Inventories 1,000  1,000  1,000  DR INF OK
2101 - Disclosure - Inventories Subclassifications
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2017-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Inventories [Roll Up]
Finished Goods 700  + 700  700  DR INF
Work in Progress 100  + 100  100  DR INF
Raw Material 200  + 200  200  DR INF
Inventories 1,000  1,000  1,000  DR INF OK
3101 - Disclosure - Inventory - Finished Goods Subclassifications
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2018-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Finished Goods [Roll Up]
Product Alpha 400  + 400  400  DR INF
Product Bravo 200  + 200  200  DR INF
Finished Goods 600  600  600  DR INF OK
3101 - Disclosure - Inventory - Finished Goods Subclassifications
Reporting Entity 30810137d58f76b84afd (
Period 2017-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Finished Goods [Roll Up]
Product Alpha 600  + 600  600  DR INF
Product Bravo 100  + 100  100  DR INF
Finished Goods 700  700  700  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
(Component not specified)
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 OperatingIncomeLoss = (GrossProfitLoss - OperatingExpenses)
Pass $OperatingIncomeLoss = ($GrossProfitLoss - $OperatingExpenses)
2 IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax = (OperatingIncomeLoss - NonoperatingIncomeExpenses)
Pass $IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax = ($OperatingIncomeLoss - $NonoperatingIncomeExpenses)
3 NetIncomeLoss = (IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax - IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit)
Pass $NetIncomeLoss = ($IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax - $IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit)
4 Liabilities = Current Liabilities + Noncurrent Liabilities
Pass $Liabilities = $LiabilitiesCurrent + $LiabilitiesNoncurrent
5 Liabilities = Current Liabilities + Noncurrent Liabilities
Pass $Liabilities = $LiabilitiesCurrent + $LiabilitiesNoncurrent
6 Assets = Current assets + Noncurrent assets
Pass $Assets = $AssetsCurrent + $AssetsNoncurrent
7 Assets = Current assets + Noncurrent assets
Pass $Assets = $AssetsCurrent + $AssetsNoncurrent
8 LiabilitiesAndEquity = Liabilities + Equity
Pass $LiabilitiesAndEquity = $Liabilities + $Equity
9 LiabilitiesAndEquity = Liabilities + Equity
Pass $LiabilitiesAndEquity = $Liabilities + $Equity
10 Assets = Liabilities and Equity
Pass $Assets = $LiabilitiesAndEquity
11 Assets = Liabilities and Equity
Pass $Assets = $LiabilitiesAndEquity
12 CashFlowNet = CashFlowProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesNet + CashFlowsProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesNet + CashFlowsProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesNet
Pass $CashFlowNet = $CashFlowProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesNet + $CashFlowsProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesNet + $CashFlowsProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesNet
13 GrossProfitLoss = RevenuesNet - CostOfSales
Pass $GrossProfitLoss = ($RevenuesNet - $CostOfSales)