Line |
Label |
Object Class |
Period Type |
Balance |
Report ElementName |
1 |
001 - Taxonomy and Tagging Information |
Network |
* |
* | |
2 |
Taxonomy information [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:TaxonomyInformationHeading |
3 |
For legal information on this taxonomy, see '' [guidance] |
Abstract |
| |
4 |
For guidance on how to use the taxonomy, see guidance documents published at '' [guidance] |
Abstract |
| |
5 |
002 - Entity Information |
Network |
* |
* | |
6 |
Entity information [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityInformationHeading |
7 |
Entity includes unincorporated charity, charitable incorporated organisation or charitable company [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:EntityIncludesUnincorporatedCharityCharitableIncorporatedOrganisationOrCharitableCompanyGuidance |
8 |
Entity names [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityNamesHeading |
9 |
Entity current legal or registered name |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:EntityCurrentLegalOrRegisteredName |
10 |
Entity trading name |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:EntityTradingName |
11 |
Entity former legal or registered name [grouping] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityFormerLegalOrRegisteredNameGrouping |
12 |
Entity former legal or registered name |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:EntityFormerLegalOrRegisteredName |
13 |
Date when ceased to be legal or registered name |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
bus:DateWhenCeasedToBeLegalOrRegisteredName |
14 |
Other name entity known by |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OtherNameEntityKnownBy |
15 |
Entity identifying codes [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityIdentifyingCodesHeading |
16 |
UK Companies House registered number |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:UKCompaniesHouseRegisteredNumber |
17 |
Charity registration number (England and Wales) |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityRegistrationNumberEnglandWales |
18 |
Charity registration number (Scotland) |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityRegistrationNumberScotland |
19 |
Charity registration number (Northern Ireland) |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityRegistrationNumberNorthernIreland |
20 |
Charity registration number (Republic of Ireland) |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityRegistrationNumberRepublicIreland |
21 |
VAT registration number |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:VATRegistrationNumber |
22 |
Legal Entity Identifier |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:LegalEntityIdentifier |
23 |
UK Gift Aid number |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:UKGiftAidNumber |
24 |
Description of alternative registration, including name of business registry and number |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionAlternativeRegistrationIncludingNameBusinessRegistryNumber |
25 |
Entity activities [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityActivitiesHeading |
26 |
Description of principal activities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionPrincipalActivities |
27 |
Main industry sector |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:MainIndustrySector |
28 |
SIC code recorded at UK Companies House, 1 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:SICCodeRecordedUKCompaniesHouse1 |
29 |
SIC code recorded at UK Companies House, 2 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:SICCodeRecordedUKCompaniesHouse2 |
30 |
SIC code recorded at UK Companies House, 3 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:SICCodeRecordedUKCompaniesHouse3 |
31 |
SIC code recorded at UK Companies House, 4 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:SICCodeRecordedUKCompaniesHouse4 |
32 |
Entity legal form [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityLegalFormHeading |
33 |
Legal form of entity |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:LegalFormEntity |
34 |
Country of formation or incorporation |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:CountryFormationOrIncorporation |
35 |
Date of formation or incorporation |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
bus:DateFormationOrIncorporation |
36 |
Entity shares [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntitySharesHeading |
37 |
Use entity share classes dimension to identify individual share class [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseEntityShareClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareClassGuidance |
38 |
Use share types dimension to identify individual share type [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareTypeGuidance |
39 |
Description of share type |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionShareType |
40 |
Operational status of entity [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:OperationalStatusEntityHeading |
41 |
Entity is dormant [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
bus:EntityDormantTruefalse |
42 |
Entity trading status |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:EntityTradingStatus |
43 |
Entity is under special legal status |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:EntityUnderSpecialLegalStatus |
44 |
Use countries dimension to identify countries or regions where operational status applies [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseCountriesDimensionToIdentifyCountriesOrRegionsWhereOperationalStatusAppliesGuidance |
45 |
Entity officers, including directors, partners and trustees [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityOfficersIncludingDirectorsPartnersHeading |
46 |
Name of entity officer |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityOfficer |
47 |
Use entity officers dimension to identify position of entity officer [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyPositionEntityOfficerGuidance |
48 |
Use entity officer status dimension to identify executive or non-executive status [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseEntityOfficerStatusDimensionToIdentifyExecutiveOrNon-executiveStatusGuidance |
49 |
Entity contacts and website information [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityContactsWebsiteInformationHeading |
50 |
Use entity contact type dimension to identify type or purpose of contact [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseEntityContactTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeOrPurposeContactGuidance |
51 |
Contact department or person [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:ContactDepartmentOrPersonHeading |
52 |
Name of contact department or person |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameContactDepartmentOrPerson |
53 |
Job title / position of contact person |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:JobTitlePositionContactPerson |
54 |
Description or other information on entity contact |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionOrOtherInformationOnEntityContact |
55 |
Means of contact [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:MeansContactHeading |
56 |
Address [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:AddressHeading |
57 |
Address line 1 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:AddressLine1 |
58 |
Address line 2 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:AddressLine2 |
59 |
Address line 3 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:AddressLine3 |
60 |
Principal location - city or town |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:PrincipalLocation-CityOrTown |
61 |
County / Region |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:CountyRegion |
62 |
Postal Code / Zip |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:PostalCodeZip |
63 |
Use countries dimension tag attached to all lines of address to identify country [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseCountriesDimensionTagAttachedToAllLinesAddressToIdentifyCountryGuidance |
64 |
E-mail address |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:E-mailAddress |
65 |
Phone number [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:PhoneNumberHeading |
66 |
Country code |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:CountryCode |
67 |
Area code |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:AreaCode |
68 |
Local number |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:LocalNumber |
69 |
Extension number |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:ExtensionNumber |
70 |
VOIP contact |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:VOIPContact |
71 |
Use address type dimension to distinguish main, postal and street address [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseAddressTypeDimensionToDistinguishMainPostalStreetAddressGuidance |
72 |
Use phone number type dimension to distinguish landline, mobile and fax [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UsePhoneNumberTypeDimensionToDistinguishLandlineMobileFaxGuidance |
73 |
Use form of contact dimension to distinguish form of contact such as switchboard or direct [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseFormContactDimensionToDistinguishFormContactSuchAsSwitchboardOrDirectGuidance |
74 |
Website information [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:WebsiteInformationHeading |
75 |
Website main page URL |
Concept (URL) |
For Period |
bus:WebsiteMainPageURL |
76 |
Description or other information on website |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionOrOtherInformationOnWebsite |
77 |
Use countries and languages dimensions to identify location and language of website [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseCountriesLanguagesDimensionsToIdentifyLocationLanguageWebsiteGuidance |
78 |
Third party agents [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:ThirdPartyAgentsHeading |
79 |
Use third party agent status dimension to identify agents if multiple agents exist under any individual category [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseThirdPartyAgentStatusDimensionToIdentifyAgentsIfMultipleAgentsExistUnderAnyIndividualCategoryGuidance |
80 |
Name of entity accountants |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityAccountants |
81 |
Address of entity accountants |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityAccountants |
82 |
Name of entity auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityAuditors |
83 |
Address of entity auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityAuditors |
84 |
Name of entity charity auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameEntityCharityAuditors |
85 |
Address of entity charity auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityCharityAuditors |
86 |
Name of entity independent examiner |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityExaminers |
87 |
Address of entity independent examiner |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityExaminers |
88 |
Name of entity tax advisers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityTaxAdvisers |
89 |
Address of entity tax advisers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityTaxAdvisers |
90 |
Name of entity bankers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityBankers |
91 |
Address of entity bankers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityBankers |
92 |
Name of entity lawyers or legal advisers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityLawyersOrLegalAdvisers |
93 |
Address of entity lawyers or legal advisers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityLawyersOrLegalAdvisers |
94 |
Name of entity stockbrokers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityStockbrokers |
95 |
Address of entity stockbrokers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityStockbrokers |
96 |
Name of entity financial advisers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityFinancialAdvisers |
97 |
Address of entity financial advisers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityFinancialAdvisers |
98 |
Name of entity registrars |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityRegistrars |
99 |
Address of entity registrars |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityRegistrars |
100 |
Name of entity administrators |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityAdministrators |
101 |
Address of entity administrators |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityAdministrators |
102 |
Name of entity receivers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityReceivers |
103 |
Address of entity receivers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityReceivers |
104 |
Name of entity liquidators |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityLiquidators |
105 |
Address of entity liquidators |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityLiquidators |
106 |
Use group and company data dimension to distinguish group and company data - company is the default setting on all data [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseGroupCompanyDataDimensionToDistinguishGroupCompanyData-CompanyDefaultSettingOnAllDataGuidance |
107 |
003 - Report Information |
Network |
* |
* | |
108 |
Report information [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:ReportInformationHeading |
109 |
Report title |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:ReportTitle |
110 |
Scope of accounts |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:ScopeAccounts |
111 |
Accounting standards applied |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:AccountingStandardsApplied |
112 |
SORPs applied |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:SORPsApplied |
113 |
Applicable legislation |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:ApplicableLegislation |
114 |
Accounts status, audited or unaudited |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:AccountsStatusAuditedOrUnaudited |
115 |
Accounts type, full or abbreviated |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:AccountsTypeFullOrAbbreviated |
116 |
Report dates and periods covered [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:ReportDatesPeriodsCoveredHeading |
117 |
Balance sheet date |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
bus:BalanceSheetDate |
118 |
Start date for period covered by report |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
bus:StartDateForPeriodCoveredByReport |
119 |
End date for period covered by report |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
bus:EndDateForPeriodCoveredByReport |
120 |
Business report publication date |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
bus:BusinessReportPublicationDate |
121 |
Report period |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:ReportPeriod |
122 |
Report includes a Strategic Report [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
bus:ReportIncludesStrategicReportTruefalse |
123 |
Report includes a list of subsidiaries [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
bus:ReportIncludesListSubsidiariesTruefalse |
124 |
Report is an amended / revised version of a previously filed report [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
bus:ReportAnAmendedRevisedVersionPreviouslyFiledReportTruefalse |
125 |
Description of revisions in an amended / revised version of a previously filed report |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionRevisionsInAnAmendedRevisedVersionPreviouslyFiledReport |
126 |
Principal currency used in business report |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:PrincipalCurrencyUsedInBusinessReport |
127 |
Other currency used in business report |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:OtherCurrencyUsedInBusinessReport |
128 |
Report copyright statement |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:ReportCopyrightStatement |
129 |
Report principal language |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
bus:ReportPrincipalLanguage |
130 |
XBRL production software [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:XBRLProductionSoftwareHeading |
131 |
Name of production software |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameProductionSoftware |
132 |
Version of production software |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:VersionProductionSoftware |
133 |
010 - Directors' Report |
Network |
* |
* | |
134 |
Directors' Report [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:DirectorsReportHeading |
135 |
For full information on entity, see 'Entity Information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
direp:ForFullInformationOnEntitySeeEntityInformationSectionCross-reference |
136 |
Description of principal activities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionPrincipalActivities |
137 |
List of directors [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:ListDirectorsHeading |
138 |
Use entity officers dimension to identify position of entity officer [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyPositionEntityOfficerGuidance |
139 |
Use entity officer status dimension to identify executive or non-executive status [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseEntityOfficerStatusDimensionToIdentifyExecutiveOrNon-executiveStatusGuidance |
140 |
Use entity officers dimension to identify trustees [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyTrusteesGuidance |
141 |
Name of entity officer |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityOfficer |
142 |
Date assumed position |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
direp:DateAssumedPosition |
143 |
Date of next reappointment |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
direp:DateNextReappointment |
144 |
Date of resignation |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
direp:DateResignation |
145 |
Statement if director or executive had no interest in shares or debentures of the entity or its undertakings |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementIfDirectorOrExecutiveHadNoInterestInSharesOrDebenturesEntityOrItsUndertakings |
146 |
Dividend recommended by directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:DividendRecommendedByDirectors |
147 |
Number of staff by gender shown in Strategic Report [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:NumberStaffByGenderShownInStrategicReportHeading |
148 |
Directors, total |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:DirectorsTotal |
149 |
Directors, male |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:DirectorsMale |
150 |
Directors, female |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:DirectorsFemale |
151 |
Directors, gender not disclosed |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:DirectorsGenderNotDisclosed |
152 |
Senior managers, total |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:SeniorManagersTotal |
153 |
Senior managers, male |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:SeniorManagersMale |
154 |
Senior managers, female |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:SeniorManagersFemale |
155 |
Senior managers, gender not disclosed |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:SeniorManagersGenderNotDisclosed |
156 |
Employees, total |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:EmployeesTotal |
157 |
Employees, male |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:EmployeesMale |
158 |
Employees, female |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:EmployeesFemale |
159 |
Employees, gender not disclosed |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:EmployeesGenderNotDisclosed |
160 |
Average number of directors |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:AverageNumberDirectors |
161 |
Political donations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:PoliticalDonations |
162 |
EU political donations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:EUPoliticalDonations |
163 |
Specific EU political donation [grouping] |
Abstract |
direp:SpecificEUPoliticalDonationGrouping |
164 |
Name or description of EU political organisation |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:NameOrDescriptionEUPoliticalOrganisation |
165 |
Total donation to EU political organisation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:TotalDonationToEUPoliticalOrganisation |
166 |
Non-EU political donations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:Non-EUPoliticalDonations |
167 |
Specific non-EU political donation [grouping] |
Abstract |
direp:SpecificNon-EUPoliticalDonationGrouping |
168 |
Name or description of non-EU recipient organisation |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:NameOrDescriptionNon-EURecipientOrganisation |
169 |
Total donation to non-EU political organisation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:TotalDonationToNon-EUPoliticalOrganisation |
170 |
Political donations free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:PoliticalDonationsFree-textComment |
171 |
Employment of disabled persons policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:EmploymentDisabledPersonsPolicy |
172 |
Description of arrangements related to employees, such as provision of information and consultation |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionArrangementsRelatedToEmployeesSuchAsProvisionInformationConsultation |
173 |
Purchase of own shares [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:PurchaseOwnSharesHeading |
174 |
Use entity share classes dimension to identify individual share class [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseEntityShareClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareClassGuidance |
175 |
Use share types dimension to identify individual share type [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareTypeGuidance |
176 |
Description of share type |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionShareType |
177 |
Net consideration paid for own shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:NetConsiderationPaidForOwnShares |
178 |
Purchase of own shares, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:PurchaseOwnSharesExpense |
179 |
Sale of own shares, income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:SaleOwnSharesIncome |
180 |
Nominal value of own shares purchased |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:NominalValueOwnSharesPurchased |
181 |
Number of own shares purchased |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
direp:NumberOwnSharesPurchased |
182 |
Maximum nominal value of own shares held by entity in period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:MaximumNominalValueOwnSharesHeldByEntityInPeriod |
183 |
Maximum number of own shares held by entity in period |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
direp:MaximumNumberOwnSharesHeldByEntityInPeriod |
184 |
Nominal value of own shares sold |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:NominalValueOwnSharesSold |
185 |
Number of own shares sold |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
direp:NumberOwnSharesSold |
186 |
Percentage of called-up share capital represented by purchases during the period |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
direp:PercentageCalled-upShareCapitalRepresentedByPurchasesDuringPeriod |
187 |
Description of reasons for purchase of own shares |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionReasonsForPurchaseOwnShares |
188 |
Description of shares acquired or held in special circumstances, including the type, number and nominal values of shares acquired, disposed of or charged |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionSharesAcquiredOrHeldInSpecialCircumstancesIncludingTypeNumberNominalValuesSharesAcquiredDisposedOrCharged |
189 |
Purchase of own shares free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:PurchaseOwnSharesFree-textComment |
190 |
Greenhouse gas emissions [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:GreenhouseGasEmissionsHeading |
191 |
Annual quantity of emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from combustion of fuel and operation of facilities |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:AnnualQuantityEmissionsInTonnesCarbonDioxideEquivalentFromCombustionFuelOperationFacilities |
192 |
Annual quantity of emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from combustion of fuel |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:AnnualQuantityEmissionsInTonnesCarbonDioxideEquivalentFromCombustionFuel |
193 |
Annual quantity of emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from operation of any facility |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:AnnualQuantityEmissionsInTonnesCarbonDioxideEquivalentFromOperationAnyFacility |
194 |
Annual quantity of emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from purchase of electricity or other fuel for own use |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:AnnualQuantityEmissionsInTonnesCarbonDioxideEquivalentFromPurchaseElectricityOrOtherFuelForOwnUse |
195 |
Description of availability of emissions information and any reasons it cannot be obtained in the detail required |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionAvailabilityEmissionsInformationAnyReasonsItCannotBeObtainedInDetailRequired |
196 |
Description of methodologies used to calculate data on emissions |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionMethodologiesUsedToCalculateDataOnEmissions |
197 |
Annual emissions as a ratio of a quantifiable factor associated with entity's activities |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:AnnualEmissionsAsRatioQuantifiableFactorAssociatedWithEntitysActivities |
198 |
Description of reporting period for emissions data if this is different from period covered by directors' report |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionReportingPeriodForEmissionsDataIfThisDifferentFromPeriodCoveredByDirectorsReport |
199 |
Entity and directors' statements [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:EntityDirectorsStatementsHeading |
200 |
Statement that directors acknowledge their responsibilities under the Companies Act |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementThatDirectorsAcknowledgeTheirResponsibilitiesUnderCompaniesAct |
201 |
Statement that directors' report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the small companies regime |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementThatDirectorsReportHasBeenPreparedInAccordanceWithProvisionsSmallCompaniesRegime |
202 |
Statement that accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the small companies regime |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementThatAccountsHaveBeenPreparedInAccordanceWithProvisionsSmallCompaniesRegime |
203 |
Abbreviated accounts are in accordance with special provisions in section 445(3) of the Companies Act relating to medium-sized companies [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
direp:AbbreviatedAccountsAreInAccordanceWithSpecialProvisionsInSection4453CompaniesActRelatingToMedium-sizedCompaniesTruefalse |
204 |
Description why an entity with subsidiaries has not prepared group accounts |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionWhyAnEntityWithSubsidiariesHasNotPreparedGroupAccounts |
205 |
Entity has taken exemption under the Companies Act in not publishing its own statement of financial activities [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:EntityHasTakenExemptionUnderCompaniesActInNotPublishingItsOwnStatementFinancialActivitiesTruefalse |
206 |
Statement on quality and completeness of information provided to auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementOnQualityCompletenessInformationProvidedToAuditors |
207 |
Statement on qualifying third party indemnity provisions |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementOnQualifyingThirdPartyIndemnityProvisions |
208 |
Statement on matters required in directors' report being placed in strategic report |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementOnMattersRequiredInDirectorsReportBeingPlacedInStrategicReport |
209 |
Company has acted as an agent during the period [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
direp:CompanyHasActedAsAnAgentDuringPeriodTruefalse |
210 |
Statement that company entitled to exemption from audit under section 477 Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementThatCompanyEntitledToExemptionFromAuditUnderSection477CompaniesAct2006RelatingToSmallCompanies |
211 |
Statement that company entitled to exemption from audit under section 479A Companies Act 2006 relating to subsidiary companies |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementThatCompanyEntitledToExemptionFromAuditUnderSection479ACompaniesAct2006RelatingToSubsidiaryCompanies |
212 |
Statement that company entitled to exemption from audit under section 480 Companies Act 2006 relating to dormant companies |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementThatCompanyEntitledToExemptionFromAuditUnderSection480CompaniesAct2006RelatingToDormantCompanies |
213 |
Statement that members have not required the company to obtain an audit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementThatMembersHaveNotRequiredCompanyToObtainAnAudit |
214 |
Statement that members have agreed to preparation of abridged accounts under section 444 Companies Act 2006 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:StatementThatMembersHaveAgreedToPreparationAbridgedAccountsUnderSection444CompaniesAct2006 |
215 |
Company has published commitment to UK Effective Stewardship Code [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
direp:CompanyHasPublishedCommitmentToUKEffectiveStewardshipCodeTruefalse |
216 |
For events after reporting date, see 'Events after reporting date' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
direp:ForEventsAfterReportingDateSeeEventsAfterReportingDateSectionCross-reference |
217 |
For statement on going-concern basis, see 'Basis of preparation' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
direp:ForStatementOnGoing-concernBasisSeeBasisPreparationSectionCross-reference |
218 |
For director remuneration, see 'Employee benefits' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
direp:ForDirectorRemunerationSeeEmployeeBenefitsSectionCross-reference |
219 |
For director loans and advances, see 'Related parties' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
direp:ForDirectorLoansAdvancesSeeRelatedPartiesSectionCross-reference |
220 |
Director signing Directors' Report |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
direp:DirectorSigningDirectorsReport |
221 |
Date of signing of Directors' Report |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
direp:DateSigningDirectorsReport |
222 |
011 - Trustees' Annual Report |
Network |
* |
* | |
223 |
Trustees' Annual Report [heading] |
Abstract |
char:TrusteesAnnualReportHeading |
224 |
Information required from all charities [heading] |
Abstract |
char:InformationRequiredFromAllCharitiesHeading |
225 |
Objectives and activities [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ObjectivesActivitiesHeading |
226 |
Use charitable objectives dimension to identify charitable objectives [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseCharitableObjectivesDimensionToIdentifyCharitableObjectivesGuidance |
227 |
Charitable objective |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
char:CharitableObjective |
228 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
229 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
230 |
Explanation of main activities undertaken for the public benefit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationMainActivitiesUndertakenForPublicBenefit |
231 |
Declaration confirming the trustees have had regard to the Commission's guidance on public benefit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DeclarationConfirmingTrusteesHaveHadRegardToCommissionsGuidanceOnPublicBenefit |
232 |
Achievements and Performance [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AchievementsPerformanceHeading |
233 |
Summary of main achievements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:SummaryMainAchievements |
234 |
Financial Review [heading] |
Abstract |
char:FinancialReviewHeading |
235 |
Review of financial position at the end of the reporting period |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReviewFinancialPositionEndReportingPeriod |
236 |
Reserves Policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReservesPolicy |
237 |
Use funds dimension to identify available reserves [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyAvailableReservesGuidance |
238 |
Reserves |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:Reserves |
239 |
Reasons for holding reserves |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonsForHoldingReserves |
240 |
Reasons for having zero reserves |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonsForHavingZeroReserves |
241 |
Explanation of uncertainties over going concern |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationUncertaintiesOverGoingConcern |
242 |
For funds or subsidiary undertaking materially in deficit please use funds dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForFundsOrSubsidiaryUndertakingMateriallyInDeficitPleaseUseFundsDimensionGuidance |
243 |
Material funds in deficit |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:MaterialFundsInDeficit |
244 |
Explanation of funds materially in deficit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationFundsMateriallyInDeficit |
245 |
Steps being taken to eliminate funds in deficit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StepsBeingTakenToEliminateFundsInDeficit |
246 |
Structure, governance and management [heading] |
Abstract |
char:StructureGovernanceManagementHeading |
247 |
For legal form of entity see 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForLegalFormEntitySeeEntityInformationSectionCross-reference |
248 |
Use form of governing document dimension to identify type of governing document [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFormGoverningDocumentDimensionToIdentifyTypeGoverningDocumentGuidance |
249 |
Governing document |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
char:GoverningDocument |
250 |
Methods used to recruit and appoint new trustees |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:MethodsUsedToRecruitAppointNewTrustees |
251 |
Name of other person or external body entitled to appoint one or more of charity trustees |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameOtherPersonOrExternalBodyEntitledToAppointOneOrMoreCharityTrustees |
252 |
Reference and administration details [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ReferenceAdministrationDetailsHeading |
253 |
For reference and administrative details see 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForReferenceAdministrativeDetailsSeeEntityInformationSectionCross-reference |
254 |
For the charity principal address please use Entity Contact dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForCharityPrincipalAddressPleaseUseEntityContactDimensionGuidance |
255 |
Address [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:AddressHeading |
256 |
Address line 1 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:AddressLine1 |
257 |
Address line 2 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:AddressLine2 |
258 |
Address line 3 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:AddressLine3 |
259 |
Principal location - city or town |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:PrincipalLocation-CityOrTown |
260 |
County / Region |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:CountyRegion |
261 |
Postal Code / Zip |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:PostalCodeZip |
262 |
Use countries dimension tag attached to all lines of address to identify country [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseCountriesDimensionTagAttachedToAllLinesAddressToIdentifyCountryGuidance |
263 |
List of trustees [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ListTrusteesHeading |
264 |
Use entity officers dimension to identify trustees [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyTrusteesGuidance |
265 |
Name of entity officer |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityOfficer |
266 |
Date assumed position |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
direp:DateAssumedPosition |
267 |
Date of next reappointment |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
direp:DateNextReappointment |
268 |
Date of resignation |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
direp:DateResignation |
269 |
Exemptions from disclosure [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ExemptionsFromDisclosureHeading |
270 |
Reason for omission of trustees' names |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonForOmissionTrusteesNames |
271 |
Reason for omission of senior officers' names |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonForOmissionSeniorOfficersNames |
272 |
Reason for omission of principal address |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonForOmissionPrincipalAddress |
273 |
For funds held as custodian trustee on behalf of others, see 'Related parties' section in 'Notes and disclosures' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForFundsHeldAsCustodianTrusteeOnBehalfOthersSeeRelatedPartiesSectionInNotesDisclosuresCross-reference |
274 |
Additional information required from charities with income over £500,000 [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AdditionalInformationRequiredFromCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading |
275 |
Objectives and activities of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ObjectivesActivitiesCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading |
276 |
Strategy for achieving stated aims and objectives [heading] |
Abstract |
char:StrategyForAchievingStatedAimsObjectivesHeading |
277 |
Explanation of charitable aims including details of the changes it seeks to make through activities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationCharitableAimsIncludingDetailsChangesItSeeksToMakeThroughActivities |
278 |
Explanation of how achievement of aims will further legal purpose |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationHowAchievementAimsWillFurtherLegalPurpose |
279 |
Strategies for achieving its stated aims and objectives |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StrategiesForAchievingItsStatedAimsObjectives |
280 |
Criteria used for measuring success |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CriteriaUsedForMeasuringSuccess |
281 |
Significant activities undertaken to achieve stated aims and objectives |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:SignificantActivitiesUndertakenToAchieveStatedAimsObjectives |
282 |
Explanation of the use of social investment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationUseSocialInvestment |
283 |
Policy for social investment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PolicyForSocialInvestment |
284 |
Explanation of how programme related investments contributed to aims and objectives |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationHowProgrammeRelatedInvestmentsContributedToAimsObjectives |
285 |
Policy for grant making |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PolicyForGrantMaking |
286 |
Explanation of how grant making activities contribute to aims and objectives |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationHowGrantMakingActivitiesContributeToAimsObjectives |
287 |
Explanation of the contribution made by volunteers to activities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationContributionMadeByVolunteersToActivities |
288 |
Volunteer contribution in terms of hours |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
char:VolunteerContributionInTermsHours |
289 |
Volunteer contribution in terms of staff equivalents |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
char:VolunteerContributionInTermsStaffEquivalents |
290 |
Medium or large charitable companies registered in the UK are required to prepare a strategic report [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:MediumOrLargeCharitableCompaniesRegisteredInUKAreRequiredToPrepareStrategicReportGuidance |
291 |
Trustees have approved the strategic report [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:TrusteesHaveApprovedStrategicReportTruefalse |
292 |
Achievements and performance of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AchievementsPerformanceCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading |
293 |
Significant charitable activities undertaken |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:SignificantCharitableActivitiesUndertaken |
294 |
Achievements against objectives set |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AchievementsAgainstObjectivesSet |
295 |
Performance of material fundraising activities against the fundraising objectives set |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PerformanceMaterialFundraisingActivitiesAgainstFundraisingObjectivesSet |
296 |
Investment performance against the investment objectives set |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:InvestmentPerformanceAgainstInvestmentObjectivesSet |
297 |
Effect of expenditure to raise future income on the net return from fundraising activities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:EffectExpenditureToRaiseFutureIncomeOnNetReturnFromFundraisingActivities |
298 |
Financial review of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] |
Abstract |
char:FinancialReviewCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading |
299 |
Explanation of the financial effect of significant events |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationFinancialEffectSignificantEvents |
300 |
Investment policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:InvestmentPolicy |
301 |
Investment objectives |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:InvestmentObjectives |
302 |
Description of principle risks and uncertainties |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionPrincipleRisksUncertainties |
303 |
Summary of plans and strategy for managing risks |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:SummaryPlansStrategyForManagingRisks |
304 |
Factors likely to affect future financial performance |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:FactorsLikelyToAffectFutureFinancialPerformance |
305 |
Principal funding sources of the charity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PrincipalFundingSourcesCharity |
306 |
Description of how principal funding resources support key objectives |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionHowPrincipalFundingResourcesSupportKeyObjectives |
307 |
Impact of any material pension liability arising from obligations to a post-benefits pension scheme |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ImpactAnyMaterialPensionLiabilityArisingFromObligationsToPost-benefitsPensionScheme |
308 |
Explanation of any social and ethical considerations regarding investments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationAnySocialEthicalConsiderationsRegardingInvestments |
309 |
Charity reserves [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharityReservesHeading |
310 |
Charity funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:CharityFunds |
311 |
Reserves available after allowing for restricted, designated and functional assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:ReservesAvailableAfterAllowingForRestrictedDesignatedFunctionalAssets |
312 |
Funds which can only be realised by disposal of tangible fixed assets or programme related investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FundsWhichCanOnlyBeRealisedByDisposalTangibleFixedAssetsOrProgrammeRelatedInvestments |
313 |
Explanation of designated funds |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationDesignatedFunds |
314 |
Likely timing of expenditure of designated funds |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:LikelyTimingExpenditureDesignatedFunds |
315 |
Review of reserves against stated policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReviewReservesAgainstStatedPolicy |
316 |
Charity reserves free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityReservesFree-textComment |
317 |
Plans for future periods [heading] |
Abstract |
char:PlansForFuturePeriodsHeading |
318 |
Summary of future plans |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:SummaryFuturePlans |
319 |
Activities planned to achieve future aims and objectives |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ActivitiesPlannedToAchieveFutureAimsObjectives |
320 |
Structure, governance and management of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] |
Abstract |
char:StructureGovernanceManagementCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading |
321 |
Explanation of the charity's organisational structure including those of any subsidiary undertakings |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationCharitysOrganisationalStructureIncludingThoseAnySubsidiaryUndertakings |
322 |
Policy for decision making |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PolicyForDecisionMaking |
323 |
Policy for induction and training of trustees |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PolicyForInductionTrainingTrustees |
324 |
Policy for pay and remuneration of key management personnel |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PolicyForPayRemunerationKeyManagementPersonnel |
325 |
Explanation of affiliations with other bodies |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationAffiliationsWithOtherBodies |
326 |
Explanation of relationships between the charity and related parties |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationRelationshipsBetweenCharityRelatedParties |
327 |
For related party information see 'Related parties' section in 'Notes and disclosures' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForRelatedPartyInformationSeeRelatedPartiesSectionInNotesDisclosuresCross-reference |
328 |
Reference and administration details of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ReferenceAdministrationDetailsCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading |
329 |
For the name of any chief executive officer or senior management personnel to whom the trustees delegate day to day management use 'Entity officers dimension' under 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForNameAnyChiefExecutiveOfficerOrSeniorManagementPersonnelToWhomTrusteesDelegateDayToDayManagementUseEntityOfficersDimensionUnderEntityInformationSectionCross-reference |
330 |
For the names and addresses of professional advisors use 'Third party agents' section under 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForNamesAddressesProfessionalAdvisorsUseThirdPartyAgentsSectionUnderEntityInformationSectionCross-reference |
331 |
Additional disclosures required by charities who adopt a total return to investment [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AdditionalDisclosuresRequiredByCharitiesWhoAdoptTotalReturnToInvestmentHeading |
332 |
Date initial value of trust for investment was established |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
char:DateInitialValueTrustForInvestmentWasEstablished |
333 |
Date initial value of unapplied total return was established |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
char:DateInitialValueUnappliedTotalReturnWasEstablished |
334 |
Policy used to identify the initial amounts of the trust for investment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PolicyUsedToIdentifyInitialAmountsTrustForInvestment |
335 |
Date analysis performed to identify the initial amounts of the trust for investment |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
char:DateAnalysisPerformedToIdentifyInitialAmountsTrustForInvestment |
336 |
Explanation of the policies used and factors considered to determine the amount of unapplied total return allocated to income and allocated to trust for investment in the reporting period |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationPoliciesUsedFactorsConsideredToDetermineAmountUnappliedTotalReturnAllocatedToIncomeAllocatedToTrustForInvestmentInReportingPeriod |
337 |
Explanation of the policies used and factors considered to determine the amount of the trust for investment allocated to the unapplied total return or any recoupment made to the trust for investment in the reporting period |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationPoliciesUsedFactorsConsideredToDetermineAmountTrustForInvestmentAllocatedToUnappliedTotalReturnOrAnyRecoupmentMadeToTrustForInvestmentInReportingPeriod |
338 |
Name of professional advisor on total return approach to investments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameProfessionalAdvisorOnTotalReturnApproachToInvestments |
339 |
Qualifications of professional advisor |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:QualificationsProfessionalAdvisor |
340 |
Statement of Trustees' responsibilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementTrusteesResponsibilities |
341 |
Trustee signing Trustee's Annual Report |
Concept (Text/String) |
As Of |
char:TrusteeSigningTrusteesAnnualReport |
342 |
Date of signing of Trustees' Annual Report |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
char:DateSigningTrusteesAnnualReport |
343 |
015 - Audit Report |
Network |
* |
* | |
344 |
Audit report [heading] |
Abstract |
aurep:AuditReportHeading |
345 |
Statement on respective responsibilities of directors and auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:StatementOnRespectiveResponsibilitiesDirectorsAuditors |
346 |
Opinion of auditors on entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:OpinionAuditorsOnEntity |
347 |
Basis for opinion of auditors on entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:BasisForOpinionAuditorsOnEntity |
348 |
Opinion of auditors in respect of additional financial reporting framework |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:OpinionAuditorsInRespectAdditionalFinancialReportingFramework |
349 |
Emphasis of matter statement |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:EmphasisMatterStatement |
350 |
Statement on risks of material misstatement identified by the auditor |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:StatementOnRisksMaterialMisstatementIdentifiedByAuditor |
351 |
Statement on application of materiality to audit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:StatementOnApplicationMaterialityToAudit |
352 |
Statement on scope of audit report |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:StatementOnScopeAuditReport |
353 |
Statement on matters on which auditor reports by exception |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:StatementOnMattersOnWhichAuditorReportsByException |
354 |
Statement of key audit matters |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:StatementKeyAuditMatters |
355 |
Statement of responsibilities of management and those charged with corporate governance |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:StatementResponsibilitiesManagementThoseChargedWithCorporateGovernance |
356 |
Statement of auditors responsibilities relating to other information |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:StatementAuditorsResponsibilitiesRelatingToOtherInformation |
357 |
Company is entitled to deliver abbreviated accounts and accounts properly prepared [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
aurep:CompanyEntitledToDeliverAbbreviatedAccountsAccountsProperlyPreparedTruefalse |
358 |
Description of matters giving rise to any modified audit opinion |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:DescriptionMattersGivingRiseToAnyModifiedAuditOpinion |
359 |
Directors' report is consistent with the accounts [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
aurep:DirectorsReportConsistentWithAccountsTruefalse |
360 |
Auditable part of the remuneration report has been properly prepared [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
aurep:AuditablePartRemunerationReportHasBeenProperlyPreparedTruefalse |
361 |
Opinion of auditor of public sector entities on regularity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:OpinionAuditorPublicSectorEntitiesOnRegularity |
362 |
Date of auditor's report |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
aurep:DateAuditorsReport |
363 |
Auditor information [heading] |
Abstract |
aurep:AuditorInformationHeading |
364 |
Name of entity auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityAuditors |
365 |
Name or location of office performing audit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:NameOrLocationOfficePerformingAudit |
366 |
Name of individual auditor |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:NameIndividualAuditor |
367 |
Name of senior statutory auditor |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:NameSeniorStatutoryAuditor |
368 |
Description of reasons if senior statutory auditor's name is not disclosed |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:DescriptionReasonsIfSeniorStatutoryAuditorsNameNotDisclosed |
369 |
Use third party agent status dimension to identify auditors in cases of multiple auditors or joint auditors [guidance] |
Abstract |
aurep:UseThirdPartyAgentStatusDimensionToIdentifyAuditorsInCasesMultipleAuditorsOrJointAuditorsGuidance |
370 |
016 - Accountant's Report |
Network |
* |
* | |
371 |
017 - Charity Audit Report |
Network |
* |
* | |
372 |
Charity audit report [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharityAuditReportHeading |
373 |
Companies Act audit requirements apply to charitable companies over the Companies Act audit threshold [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:CompaniesActAuditRequirementsApplyToCharitableCompaniesOverCompaniesActAuditThresholdGuidance |
374 |
For Companies Act audit tags use 'Audit Report' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForCompaniesActAuditTagsUseAuditReportSectionCross-reference |
375 |
Charities Act audit requirements apply to charitable companies and all other charities over the charities act audit threshold or those with governing documents or grant conditions stipulating audit is required [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:CharitiesActAuditRequirementsApplyToCharitableCompaniesAllOtherCharitiesOverCharitiesActAuditThresholdOrThoseWithGoverningDocumentsOrGrantConditionsStipulatingAuditRequiredGuidance |
376 |
Statement on respective responsibilities of directors/trustees and auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementOnRespectiveResponsibilitiesDirectorstrusteesAuditors |
377 |
Statement that charities entitled to exemption from audit under sections 475-477 under the Companies Act 2006 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementThatCharitiesEntitledToExemptionFromAuditUnderSections475-477UnderCompaniesAct2006 |
378 |
Opinion of auditors on entity is that the accounts give a true and fair view [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:OpinionAuditorsOnEntityThatAccountsGiveTrueFairViewTruefalse |
379 |
Opinion of auditor's in respect of Charities Act, the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act and other Regulations [heading] |
Abstract |
char:OpinionAuditorsInRespectCharitiesActCharitiesTrusteeInvestmentScotlandActOtherRegulationsHeading |
380 |
Unqualified opinion |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:UnqualifiedOpinion |
381 |
Qualified opinion |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:QualifiedOpinion |
382 |
Adverse opinion |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AdverseOpinion |
383 |
Disclaimer of opinion |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DisclaimerOpinion |
384 |
Charity emphasis of matter statement |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityEmphasisMatterStatement |
385 |
Statement on risks of material misstatement identified by the charity auditor |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementOnRisksMaterialMisstatementIdentifiedByCharityAuditor |
386 |
Statement on application of materiality to charity audit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementOnApplicationMaterialityToCharityAudit |
387 |
Statement on scope of charity audit report |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementOnScopeCharityAuditReport |
388 |
Charitable companies are permitted to submit abbreviated accounts to Companies House but not to the Charity Commission [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:CharitableCompaniesArePermittedToSubmitAbbreviatedAccountsToCompaniesHouseButNotToCharityCommissionGuidance |
389 |
Charitable company is entitled to deliver abbreviated accounts and accounts properly prepared to Companies House [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:CharitableCompanyEntitledToDeliverAbbreviatedAccountsAccountsProperlyPreparedToCompaniesHouseTruefalse |
390 |
Description of matters giving rise to any modified charity audit opinion |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionMattersGivingRiseToAnyModifiedCharityAuditOpinion |
391 |
Directors'/trustees' report is consistent with the accounts [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:DirectorstrusteesReportConsistentWithAccountsTruefalse |
392 |
Auditable part of the charity remuneration report has been properly prepared [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:AuditablePartCharityRemunerationReportHasBeenProperlyPreparedTruefalse |
393 |
Opinion of charity auditor of public sector entities on regularity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OpinionCharityAuditorPublicSectorEntitiesOnRegularity |
394 |
Date of charity auditor's report |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
char:DateCharityAuditorsReport |
395 |
Charity auditor information [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharityAuditorInformationHeading |
396 |
Name of charity auditors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameEntityCharityAuditors |
397 |
Name or location of office performing charity audit |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameOrLocationOfficePerformingCharityAudit |
398 |
Name of individual charity auditor |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameIndividualCharityAuditor |
399 |
Name of senior statutory charity auditor |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameSeniorStatutoryCharityAuditor |
400 |
Description of reasons if senior statutory charity auditor's name is not disclosed |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionReasonsIfSeniorStatutoryCharityAuditorsNameNotDisclosed |
401 |
Use third party agent status dimension to identify auditors in cases of multiple auditors or joint auditors [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseThirdPartyAgentStatusDimensionToIdentifyAuditorsInCasesMultipleAuditorsOrJointAuditorsGuidance |
402 |
018 - Independent Examiner's Report |
Network |
* |
* | |
403 |
Independent examiner's report [heading] |
Abstract |
char:IndependentExaminersReportHeading |
404 |
Independent examination is required for all other charities unless their income is below the threshold or those with governing documents or grant conditions stipulating an audit is required [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:IndependentExaminationRequiredForAllOtherCharitiesUnlessTheirIncomeBelowThresholdOrThoseWithGoverningDocumentsOrGrantConditionsStipulatingAnAuditRequiredGuidance |
405 |
Statement on respective responsibilities of directors/trustees and independent examiner |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementOnRespectiveResponsibilitiesDirectorstrusteesIndependentExaminer |
406 |
No matter has come to the attention of the independent examiner [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoMatterHasComeToAttentionIndependentExaminerTruefalse |
407 |
Matters which have come to the examiner's attention [heading] |
Abstract |
char:MattersWhichHaveComeToExaminersAttentionHeading |
408 |
Accounting records for non-company charities have not been kept in accordance with section 130 of the Charities Act 2011 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AccountingRecordsForNon-companyCharitiesHaveNotBeenKeptInAccordanceWithSection130CharitiesAct2011 |
409 |
Where the charity is a charitable company, the accounting records have not been kept in accordance with section 386 of the Companies Act 2006 |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:WhereCharityCharitableCompanyAccountingRecordsHaveNotBeenKeptInAccordanceWithSection386CompaniesAct2006 |
410 |
The accounts do not accord with the accounting records |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AccountsDoNotAccordWithAccountingRecords |
411 |
Any material expenditure or action which appears not to be in accordance with the trusts of the charity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AnyMaterialExpenditureOrActionWhichAppearsNotToBeInAccordanceWithTrustsCharity |
412 |
Any failure to be provided with information and explanation by any past or present trustee, officer or employee |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AnyFailureToBeProvidedWithInformationExplanationByAnyPastOrPresentTrusteeOfficerOrEmployee |
413 |
In the case of accruals accounts any material inconsistency between the accounts and the trustees' annual report, and in the case of a charitable company with the director's report |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:InCaseAccrualsAccountsAnyMaterialInconsistencyBetweenAccountsTrusteesAnnualReportInCaseCharitableCompanyWithDirectorsReport |
414 |
Independent examination free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:IndependentExaminationFree-textComment |
415 |
Date of independent examiner's report |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
char:DateIndependentExaminersReport |
416 |
Independent examiner information [heading] |
Abstract |
char:IndependentExaminerInformationHeading |
417 |
Name of entity independent examiner |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:NameEntityExaminers |
418 |
Address of entity independent examiner |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AddressEntityExaminers |
419 |
Relevant professional qualification(s) or body (if any) |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:RelevantProfessionalQualificationsOrBodyIfAny |
420 |
202 - Income Statement (FRS 102) |
Network |
* |
* | |
421 |
210 - Statement of Financial Activities |
Network |
* |
* | |
422 |
Statement of financial activities [heading] |
Abstract |
char:StatementFinancialActivitiesHeading |
423 |
Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance |
424 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance |
425 |
Statement of financial activities including an income and expenditure account for charitable companies [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:StatementFinancialActivitiesIncludingAnIncomeExpenditureAccountForCharitableCompaniesGuidance |
426 |
Income and endowments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeEndowments |
427 |
Donations and legacies |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:DonationsLegacies |
428 |
Income from charitable activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeFromCharitableActivities |
429 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
430 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
431 |
Use charitable income type dimension to identify type of charitable income [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseCharitableIncomeTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeCharitableIncomeGuidance |
432 |
Income from charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeFromCharitableActivity |
433 |
Income from other trading activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeFromOtherTradingActivities |
434 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
435 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
436 |
Use non-charitable income type dimension to identify type of non-charitable income [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseNon-charitableIncomeTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeNon-charitableIncomeGuidance |
437 |
Income from other trading activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeFromOtherTradingActivity |
438 |
Investment income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:InvestmentIncome |
439 |
Further material item of income [component of total income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FurtherMaterialItemIncomeComponentTotalIncome |
440 |
Other income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:OtherIncome |
441 |
Expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:Expenditure |
442 |
Costs of raising funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostsRaisingFunds |
443 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
444 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
445 |
Cost of fundraising activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostFundraisingActivity |
446 |
Charitable expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CharitableExpenditure |
447 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
448 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
449 |
Cost of charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostCharitableActivity |
450 |
Further material item of expenditure [component of total expenditure] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FurtherMaterialItemExpenditureComponentTotalExpenditure |
451 |
Other expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:OtherExpenditure |
452 |
Net gains (losses) on investment assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:NetGainsLossesOnInvestmentAssets |
453 |
Net income (expenditure) before transfers between funds and other recognised gains (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:NetIncomeExpenditureBeforeTransfersBetweenFundsOtherRecognisedGainsLosses |
454 |
Extraordinary items |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ExtraordinaryItems |
455 |
Transfers between funds [heading] |
Abstract |
char:TransfersBetweenFundsHeading |
456 |
For transfers between funds and conversion of endowments use the charity funds dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForTransfersBetweenFundsConversionEndowmentsUseCharityFundsDimensionGuidance |
457 |
Conversion of endowment funds may also be included in other income [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ConversionEndowmentFundsMayAlsoBeIncludedInOtherIncomeGuidance |
458 |
Transfer to (from) unrestricted funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromUnrestrictedFunds |
459 |
Transfer to (from) designated funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromDesignatedFunds |
460 |
Transfer to (from) restricted funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromRestrictedFunds |
461 |
Transfer to (from) endowment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromEndowmentFunds |
462 |
Allocation of unapplied total return to income funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:AllocationUnappliedTotalReturnToIncomeFunds |
463 |
Transfer to (from) expendable endowment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromExpendableEndowmentFunds |
464 |
Other recognised gains (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:OtherRecognisedGainsLosses |
465 |
Gain (loss) on the revaluation of fixed assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:GainLossOnRevaluationFixedAssets |
466 |
Actuarial gain (loss) on defined benefit pension schemes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:ActuarialGainLossOnDefinedBenefitPensionSchemes |
467 |
Further item of recognised gain (loss) [component of other recognised gains (losses)] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FurtherItemRecognisedGainLossComponentOtherRecognisedGainsLosses |
468 |
Net increase (decrease) in charitable funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:NetIncreaseDecreaseInCharitableFunds |
469 |
Charity funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:CharityFunds |
470 |
For further breakdowns of income, expenses, gains and losses, see 'Notes on income and expense' and other appropriate sections [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForFurtherBreakdownsIncomeExpensesGainsLossesSeeNotesOnIncomeExpenseOtherAppropriateSectionsCross-reference |
471 |
Summary income and expenditure account for charitable companies only [heading] |
Abstract |
char:SummaryIncomeExpenditureAccountForCharitableCompaniesOnlyHeading |
472 |
Gross income in the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:GrossIncomeInReportingPeriod |
473 |
Income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:Income |
474 |
Net gains (losses) on investment assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:NetGainsLossesOnInvestmentAssets |
475 |
Investment income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:InvestmentIncome |
476 |
Further material item of income [component of total income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FurtherMaterialItemIncomeComponentTotalIncome |
477 |
Total expenditure in the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:TotalExpenditureInReportingPeriod |
478 |
Expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:Expenditure |
479 |
Costs of raising funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostsRaisingFunds |
480 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
481 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
482 |
Cost of fundraising activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostFundraisingActivity |
483 |
Charitable expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CharitableExpenditure |
484 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
485 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
486 |
Cost of charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostCharitableActivity |
487 |
Further material item of expenditure [component of total expenditure] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FurtherMaterialItemExpenditureComponentTotalExpenditure |
488 |
Other expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:OtherExpenditure |
489 |
Interest payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:InterestPayable |
490 |
Depreciation and charges for impairment of fixed assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:DepreciationChargesForImpairmentFixedAssets |
491 |
Amount charged to cover provisions or adjustments to provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:AmountChargedToCoverProvisionsOrAdjustmentsToProvisions |
492 |
Further material item of expenditure [component of total expenditure] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FurtherMaterialItemExpenditureComponentTotalExpenditure |
493 |
Net income (expenditure) before tax for the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:NetIncomeExpenditureBeforeTaxForReportingPeriod |
494 |
Tax payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:TaxPayable |
495 |
Net income (expenditure) for the financial year |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:NetIncomeExpenditureForFinancialYear |
496 |
212 - Statement of Comprehensive Income (FRS 102) |
Network |
* |
* | |
497 |
222 - Balance Sheet (FRS 102) |
Network |
* |
* | |
498 |
224 - Balance Sheet (Charities FRS 102 SORP) |
Network |
* |
* | |
499 |
Balance sheet / Statement of financial position [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BalanceSheetStatementFinancialPositionHeading |
500 |
Balance sheet format 1 [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BalanceSheetFormat1Heading |
501 |
Called up share capital not paid, not expressed as current asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaidNotExpressedAsCurrentAsset |
502 |
Fixed assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FixedAssets |
503 |
Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify held for sale values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyHeldForSaleValuesGuidance |
504 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values as permitted under new SORP otherwise default 'total' will apply [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesAsPermittedUnderNewSORPOtherwiseDefaultTotalWillApplyGuidance |
505 |
Intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:IntangibleAssets |
506 |
Property, plant and equipment / tangible fixed assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PropertyPlantEquipment |
507 |
Use heritage assets basis of recognition dimension to identify cost or valuation values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseHeritageAssetsBasisRecognitionDimensionToIdentifyCostOrValuationValuesGuidance |
508 |
Use heritage assets class dimension to identify asset type [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseHeritageAssetsClassDimensionToIdentifyAssetTypeGuidance |
509 |
Heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:HeritageAssets |
510 |
Investments, fixed assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsFixedAssets |
511 |
Use current / non-current dimension to identify current and non-current values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyCurrentNon-currentValuesGuidance |
512 |
Social investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:SocialInvestments |
513 |
Programme related investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:ProgrammeRelatedInvestments |
514 |
Mixed motive investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:MixedMotiveInvestments |
515 |
Investments in group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakings |
516 |
Loans to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToGroupUndertakings |
517 |
Investments in associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
518 |
Loans to associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
519 |
Other investments other than loans |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherInvestmentsOtherThanLoans |
520 |
Other loans classified under investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments |
521 |
Own shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OwnShares |
522 |
Investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentProperty |
523 |
Biological assets, non-current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssetsNon-current |
524 |
Current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CurrentAssets |
525 |
Total stocks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalInventories |
526 |
Biological assets, current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssetsCurrent |
527 |
Debtors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Debtors |
528 |
Use current / non-current dimension to identify within one year / after one year values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance |
529 |
Trade debtors / trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TradeDebtorsTradeReceivables |
530 |
Amounts owed by group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByGroupUndertakings |
531 |
Amounts owed by associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
532 |
Other debtors, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherDebtorsBalanceSheetSubtotal |
533 |
Called up share capital not paid, current asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaidCurrentAsset |
534 |
Prepayments and accrued income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncome |
535 |
Deferred tax asset, debtors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxAssetDebtors |
536 |
Current asset investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CurrentAssetInvestments |
537 |
Use current / non-current dimension to identify current and non-current values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyCurrentNon-currentValuesGuidance |
538 |
Investments in group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakings |
539 |
Own shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OwnShares |
540 |
Other current asset investments, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherCurrentAssetInvestmentsBalanceSheetSubtotal |
541 |
Cash at bank and on hand |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashBankOnHand |
542 |
Prepayments and accrued income, not expressed within current asset subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncomeNotExpressedWithinCurrentAssetSubtotal |
543 |
Net current assets (liabilities) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetCurrentAssetsLiabilities |
544 |
Total assets less current liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalAssetsLessCurrentLiabilities |
545 |
Creditors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Creditors |
546 |
Use current / non-current dimension to identify within one year / after one year values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance |
547 |
Trade creditors / trade payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TradeCreditorsTradePayables |
548 |
Debentures in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DebenturesInIssue |
549 |
Bank borrowings and overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankBorrowingsOverdrafts |
550 |
Payments received on account |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PaymentsReceivedOnAccount |
551 |
Bills of exchange payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BillsExchangePayable |
552 |
Amounts owed to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakings |
553 |
Amounts owed to associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
554 |
Other creditors including taxation and social security, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCreditorsIncludingTaxationSocialSecurityBalanceSheetSubtotal |
555 |
Accrued liabilities and deferred income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome |
556 |
Provisions for liabilities, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ProvisionsForLiabilitiesBalanceSheetSubtotal |
557 |
Net assets (liabilities) excluding defined benefit pension scheme assets (liabilities) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:NetAssetsLiabilitiesExcludingDefinedBenefitPensionSchemeAssetsLiabilities |
558 |
Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus |
559 |
Taxation, including deferred taxation, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TaxationIncludingDeferredTaxationBalanceSheetSubtotal |
560 |
Other provisions, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherProvisionsBalanceSheetSubtotal |
561 |
Accrued liabilities, not expressed within creditors subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccruedLiabilitiesNotExpressedWithinCreditorsSubtotal |
562 |
Net assets (liabilities) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetAssetsLiabilities |
563 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance |
564 |
Charity funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:CharityFunds |
565 |
Equity / share capital and reserves |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Equity |
566 |
Non controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
char:NonControllingInterests |
567 |
Non controlling interest in non-charitable subsidiary |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
char:NonControllingInterestInNon-charitableSubsidiary |
568 |
Non controlling interest in subsidiary charity |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
char:NonControllingInterestInSubsidiaryCharity |
569 |
For further breakdowns of assets and liabilities, see 'Notes on assets and liabilities' and other appropriate sections [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForFurtherBreakdownsAssetsLiabilitiesSeeNotesOnAssetsLiabilitiesOtherAppropriateSectionsCross-reference |
570 |
Balance sheet / Statement of financial position free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BalanceSheetStatementFinancialPositionFree-textComment |
571 |
Approval of financial statements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ApprovalFinancialStatementsHeading |
572 |
Director/trustee signing financial statements |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:DirectorSigningFinancialStatements |
573 |
Date of authorisation of financial statements for issue |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateAuthorisationFinancialStatementsForIssue |
574 |
Description of body authorising financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBodyAuthorisingFinancialStatements |
575 |
For entity and directors' declarations, see 'Entity and directors' statements' section in the 'Directors' report' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForEntityDirectorsDeclarationsSeeEntityDirectorsStatementsSectionInDirectorsReportCross-reference |
576 |
232 - Statement of Changes in Equity (FRS 102) |
Network |
* |
* | |
577 |
242 - Cash Flow Statement (FRS 102) |
Network |
* |
* | |
578 |
244 - Cash Flow Statement (Charities FRS 102 SORP) |
Network |
* |
* | |
579 |
Cash flow statement [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashFlowStatementHeading |
580 |
On cash flow tags, a debit attribute represents a cash inflow and a credit represents a cash outflow [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:OnCashFlowTagsDebitAttributeRepresentsCashInflowCreditRepresentsCashOutflowGuidance |
581 |
Tags labelled explicitly as 'net' are for net disclosures only, not gross amounts [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:TagsLabelledExplicitlyAsNetAreForNetDisclosuresOnlyNotGrossAmountsGuidance |
582 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance |
583 |
Entity has claimed exemption from presenting a cash flow statement and notes in line with FRS 102 1.12(b) [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromPresentingCashFlowStatementNotesInLineWithFRS1021.12bTruefalse |
584 |
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInOperatingActivities |
585 |
Net cash generated from operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashGeneratedFromOperations |
586 |
For breakdown of cash generated from operations by direct or indirect method, see 'Notes on cash flow' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForBreakdownCashGeneratedFromOperationsByDirectOrIndirectMethodSeeNotesOnCashFlowSectionCross-reference |
587 |
Dividends received, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
588 |
Dividends paid, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendsPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
589 |
Net interest paid (received), classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetInterestPaidReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
590 |
Interest paid, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
591 |
Interest received, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
592 |
Income taxes paid (refund), classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncomeTaxesPaidRefundClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
593 |
Further item of cash flow from (used in) operating activities [component of total net cash flows from (used in) operating activities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashFlowFromUsedInOperatingActivitiesComponentTotalNetCashFlowsFromUsedInOperatingActivities |
594 |
Other cash inflow (outflow), classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherCashInflowOutflowClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
595 |
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivities |
596 |
Cash receipts classified as investing activities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashReceiptsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesHeading |
597 |
Cash receipts from rent on investment properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromRentOnInvestmentProperties |
598 |
Cash receipts from the repayment of loans by a non-charitable trading subsidiary |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansByNon-charitableTradingSubsidiary |
599 |
Cash flows from disposal or reduction in control over subsidiaries or other businesses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashFlowsFromDisposalOrReductionInControlOverSubsidiariesOrOtherBusinesses |
600 |
Cash receipts from sales of equity or debt instruments of other entities, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromSalesEquityOrDebtInstrumentsOtherEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
601 |
Cash receipts from disposal of non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromDisposalNon-controllingInterests |
602 |
Cash receipts from sales of interests in joint ventures and associates / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromSalesInterestsInJointVenturesAssociatesParticipatingInterests |
603 |
Cash receipts from sales of interests in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromSalesInterestsInJointVentures |
604 |
Cash receipts from sales of interests in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromSalesInterestsInAssociates |
605 |
Proceeds from sales of long-term assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
606 |
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesPropertyPlantEquipmentIntangibleAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
607 |
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesPropertyPlantEquipment |
608 |
Proceeds from sales of intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesIntangibleAssets |
609 |
Proceeds from sales of heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ProceedsFromSalesHeritageAssets |
610 |
Proceeds from sales of social investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ProceedsFromSalesSocialInvestments |
611 |
Proceeds from sales of investment properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesInvestmentProperties |
612 |
Proceeds from sales of endowment investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ProceedsFromSalesEndowmentInvestments |
613 |
Proceeds from sales of biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesBiologicalAssets |
614 |
Proceeds from sales of non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale and discontinued operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDiscontinuedOperations |
615 |
Proceeds from sales of non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSale |
616 |
Proceeds from sales of discontinued operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesDiscontinuedOperations |
617 |
Further item of proceeds from sales of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemProceedsFromSalesOtherLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
618 |
Proceeds from sales of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesOtherLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
619 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
620 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to related parties, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
621 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to group undertakings and participating interests, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
622 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to group undertakings, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
623 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to parent entities, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToParentEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
624 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to subsidiaries, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
625 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
626 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to associates, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
627 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to joint ventures, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
628 |
Further item of cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to related parties, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
629 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to other related parties, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
630 |
Further item of cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
631 |
Cash receipts from repayment of other loans and advances, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentOtherLoansAdvancesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
632 |
Proceeds from finance lease receivables, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromFinanceLeaseReceivablesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
633 |
Cash receipts from future contracts, forward contracts, option contracts and swap contracts, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromFutureContractsForwardContractsOptionContractsSwapContractsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
634 |
Proceeds from sales or maturity of financial assets held for trading / trading investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesOrMaturityFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingTradingInvestments |
635 |
Proceeds from sales or maturity of financial assets other than trading investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSalesOrMaturityFinancialAssetsOtherThanTradingInvestments |
636 |
Dividends and interest received, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsInterestReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
637 |
Dividends received, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
638 |
Dividends received from related parties, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
639 |
Dividends received from group undertakings and participating interests, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
640 |
Dividends received from group undertakings, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
641 |
Dividends received from parent entities, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromParentEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
642 |
Dividends received from subsidiaries, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromSubsidiariesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
643 |
Dividends received from joint ventures and associates / participating interests, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromJointVenturesAssociatesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
644 |
Dividends received from associates, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
645 |
Dividends received from joint ventures, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
646 |
Dividends received from other related parties, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
647 |
Dividends received from financial assets held for trading / trading investments, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingTradingInvestmentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
648 |
Dividends received from financial investments other than trading investments, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedFromFinancialInvestmentsOtherThanTradingInvestmentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
649 |
Further item of dividends received, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemDividendsReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
650 |
Interest received, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
651 |
Proceeds from government grants, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromGovernmentGrantsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
652 |
Insurance proceeds received, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InsuranceProceedsReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
653 |
Cash payments classified as investing activities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashPaymentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesHeading |
654 |
Cash flows used in acquiring or obtaining control of subsidiaries or other businesses, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashFlowsUsedInAcquiringOrObtainingControlSubsidiariesOrOtherBusinessesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
655 |
Cash payments to acquire investments including conversion of endowment from cash to another form of investment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:CashPaymentsToAcquireInvestmentsIncludingConversionEndowmentFromCashToAnotherFormInvestment |
656 |
Cash payments to acquire tangible fixed assets including conversion of endowment from cash to another form of fixed asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:CashPaymentsToAcquireTangibleFixedAssetsIncludingConversionEndowmentFromCashToAnotherFormFixedAsset |
657 |
Cash payments to acquire equity or debt instruments of other entities, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsToAcquireEquityOrDebtInstrumentsOtherEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
658 |
Cash flows used in purchase of non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashFlowsUsedInPurchaseNon-controllingInterests |
659 |
Payments to acquire interests in joint ventures and associates / participating interests, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsToAcquireInterestsInJointVenturesAssociatesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
660 |
Payments to acquire interests in associates, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsToAcquireInterestsInAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
661 |
Payments to acquire interests in joint ventures, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsToAcquireInterestsInJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
662 |
Purchase of long-term assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchaseLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
663 |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchasePropertyPlantEquipmentIntangibleAssets |
664 |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchasePropertyPlantEquipment |
665 |
Purchase of intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchaseIntangibleAssets |
666 |
Purchase of heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:PurchaseHeritageAssets |
667 |
Purchase of social investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:PurchaseSocialInvestments |
668 |
Purchase of investment properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchaseInvestmentProperties |
669 |
Purchase of biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchaseBiologicalAssets |
670 |
Payments for capitalised expenditures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsForCapitalisedExpenditures |
671 |
Payments for interest capitalised on construction of assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsForInterestCapitalisedOnConstructionAssets |
672 |
Payments for capitalised development costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsForCapitalisedDevelopmentCosts |
673 |
Payments for other capitalised costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsForOtherCapitalisedCosts |
674 |
Further item of purchase of long-term assets, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemPurchaseLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
675 |
Purchase of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchaseOtherLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
676 |
Loans and advances granted, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
677 |
Loans and advances granted to related parties, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
678 |
Loans and advances granted to group undertakings and participating interests, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
679 |
Loans and advances granted to group undertakings, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
680 |
Loans and advances granted to parent entities, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToParentEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
681 |
Loans and advances granted to subsidiaries, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
682 |
Loans and advances granted to associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
683 |
Loans and advances granted to associates, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
684 |
Loans and advances granted to joint ventures, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
685 |
Further item of loans and advances granted to related parties, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemLoansAdvancesGrantedToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
686 |
Loans and advances granted to other related parties, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
687 |
Further item of loans and advances granted, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemLoansAdvancesGrantedClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
688 |
Other loans and advances granted, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherLoansAdvancesGrantedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
689 |
Finance leases granted, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FinanceLeasesGrantedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
690 |
Payments for future contracts, forward contracts, option contracts and swap contracts, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsForFutureContractsForwardContractsOptionContractsSwapContractsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
691 |
Purchase of financial assets held for trading / trading investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchaseFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingTradingInvestments |
692 |
Purchase of financial investments other than trading investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PurchaseFinancialInvestmentsOtherThanTradingInvestments |
693 |
Interest paid, classified as investment activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestPaidClassifiedAsInvestmentActivities |
694 |
Net cash flow items classified as investing activities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetCashFlowItemsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesHeading |
695 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from disposal or reduction in control over subsidiaries or other businesses, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromDisposalOrReductionInControlOverSubsidiariesOrOtherBusinessesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
696 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in financial assets held for trading / trading investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingTradingInvestments |
697 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in financial investments other than trading investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInFinancialInvestmentsOtherThanTradingInvestments |
698 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in capital contributions to subsidiaries, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInCapitalContributionsToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
699 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in finance leases, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInFinanceLeasesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
700 |
Net interest received (paid), classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetInterestReceivedPaidClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
701 |
Net income taxes paid (refunded), classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetIncomeTaxesPaidRefundedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
702 |
Further item of cash flow from (used in) investing activities [component of net cash flows from (used in) investing activities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashFlowFromUsedInInvestingActivitiesComponentNetCashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivities |
703 |
Other cash inflow (outflow), classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherCashInflowOutflowClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
704 |
Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivities |
705 |
Cash receipts classified as financing activities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashReceiptsClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesHeading |
706 |
Proceeds from issuing shares and other equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromIssuingSharesOtherEquityInstruments |
707 |
Proceeds from issuing shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromIssuingShares |
708 |
Proceeds from issuing shares to non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromIssuingSharesToNon-controllingInterests |
709 |
Proceeds from issuing shares to parties other than non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromIssuingSharesToPartiesOtherThanNon-controllingInterests |
710 |
Proceeds from issuing other equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromIssuingOtherEquityInstruments |
711 |
Proceeds from sale of treasury shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSaleTreasuryShares |
712 |
Further item of proceeds from issuing shares and other equity instruments [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemProceedsFromIssuingSharesOtherEquityInstrumentsComponentCorrespondingTotal |
713 |
Receipts from donations of endowment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ReceiptsFromDonationsEndowment |
714 |
Receipts from accumulation of cash under a power to create expendable endowment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ReceiptsFromAccumulationCashUnderPowerToCreateExpendableEndowment |
715 |
Receipts from the use of a bank overdraft facility |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ReceiptsFromUseBankOverdraftFacility |
716 |
Proceeds from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromChangesInOwnershipInterestsInSubsidiariesThatDoNotResultInLossControl |
717 |
Proceeds from borrowings, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromBorrowingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
718 |
Proceeds from issue of debt securities, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromIssueDebtSecuritiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
719 |
Proceeds from subordinated debt, classified as financial activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromSubordinatedDebtClassifiedAsFinancialActivities |
720 |
Proceeds from share-based payment schemes / exercise of options |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromShare-basedPaymentSchemesExerciseOptions |
721 |
Proceeds from finance leases, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromFinanceLeasesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
722 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to related parties, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
723 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to group undertakings and participating interests, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
724 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to group undertakings, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
725 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to parent entities, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToParentEntitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
726 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to subsidiaries, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
727 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
728 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to associates, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToAssociatesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
729 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to joint ventures, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToJointVenturesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
730 |
Further item of proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to related parties, classified as financing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
731 |
Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to other related parties, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
732 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from related parties, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
733 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from group undertakings and participating interests, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
734 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from group undertakings, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
735 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from parent entities, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromParentEntitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
736 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from subsidiaries, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromSubsidiariesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
737 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
738 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from associates, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromAssociatesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
739 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from joint ventures, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromJointVenturesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
740 |
Proceeds from loans and advances from other related parties, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
741 |
Further item of proceeds from loans and advances from related parties, classified as financing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
742 |
Dividends and interest received, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsInterestReceivedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
743 |
Dividends received, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
744 |
Interest received, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestReceivedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
745 |
Proceeds from government grants, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsFromGovernmentGrantsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
746 |
Cash payments classified as financing activities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashPaymentsClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesHeading |
747 |
Payments to acquire or redeem own shares and other equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsToAcquireOrRedeemOwnSharesOtherEquityInstruments |
748 |
Payments to acquire own shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsToAcquireOwnShares |
749 |
Payments to redeem own shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsToRedeemOwnShares |
750 |
Payments on other equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsOnOtherEquityInstruments |
751 |
Further item of payment to acquire or redeem own shares [component of total payments to acquire or redeem own shares] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemPaymentToAcquireOrRedeemOwnSharesComponentTotalPaymentsToAcquireOrRedeemOwnShares |
752 |
Payments of transaction costs for financing arrangements including issue of shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsTransactionCostsForFinancingArrangementsIncludingIssueShares |
753 |
Payments related to changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsRelatedToChangesInOwnershipInterestsInSubsidiariesThatDoNotResultInLossControl |
754 |
Repayments of borrowings, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RepaymentsBorrowingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
755 |
Repayments of debt securities, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RepaymentsDebtSecuritiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
756 |
Repayments of subordinated debt, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RepaymentsSubordinatedDebtClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
757 |
Payments of finance lease liabilities, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsFinanceLeaseLiabilitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
758 |
Loans and advances granted to related parties, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
759 |
Loans and advances granted to group undertakings and participating interests, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
760 |
Loans and advances granted to group undertakings, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
761 |
Loans and advances granted to parent entities, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToParentEntitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
762 |
Loans and advances granted to subsidiaries, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
763 |
Loans and advances granted to associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
764 |
Loans and advances granted to associates, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToAssociatesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
765 |
Loans and advances granted to joint ventures, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToJointVenturesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
766 |
Further item of loans and advances granted to related parties, classified as financing activities [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemLoansAdvancesGrantedToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
767 |
Loans and advances granted to other related parties, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
768 |
Interest paid, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestPaidClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
769 |
Net cash flow items classified as financing activities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetCashFlowItemsClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesHeading |
770 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in borrowings, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInBorrowingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
771 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in debt securities, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInDebtSecuritiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
772 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in bank overdrafts, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInBankOverdraftsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
773 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in finance leases, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInFinanceLeasesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
774 |
Net income taxes paid (refunded), classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetIncomeTaxesPaidRefundedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
775 |
Further item of cash flow from (used in) financing activities [component of net cash flows from (used in) financing activities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashFlowFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesComponentNetCashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivities |
776 |
Other cash inflow (outflow), classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherCashInflowOutflowClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
777 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, before foreign exchange differences and changes in consolidation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsBeforeForeignExchangeDifferencesChangesInConsolidation |
778 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents after foreign exchange differences and changes in consolidation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsAfterForeignExchangeDifferencesChangesInConsolidation |
779 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
780 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from changes in consolidation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsFromChangesInConsolidation |
781 |
Cash and cash equivalents, cash flow value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCashEquivalentsCashFlowValue |
782 |
For reconciliation statements relating to cash flows, see 'Notes on cash flow' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForReconciliationStatementsRelatingToCashFlowsSeeNotesOnCashFlowSectionCross-reference |
783 |
Cash flow statement free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CashFlowStatementFree-textComment |
784 |
302 - Notes and Detailed Disclosures (FRS 102) |
Network |
* |
* | |
785 |
304 - Notes and Detailed Disclosures (Charities FRS 102 SORP) |
Network |
* |
* | |
786 |
Notes and detailed disclosures [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NotesDetailedDisclosuresHeading |
787 |
General information on entity [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GeneralInformationOnEntityHeading |
788 |
For basic information on entity, see 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForBasicInformationOnEntitySeeEntityInformationSectionCross-reference |
789 |
Relationship between entity and parents [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RelationshipBetweenEntityParentsHeading |
790 |
Name of parent entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameParentEntity |
791 |
Name of ultimate parent of group, if not parent entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameUltimateParentGroupIfNotParentEntity |
792 |
Name of ultimate controlling party, if not ultimate parent |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameUltimateControllingPartyIfNotUltimateParent |
793 |
Name of most senior parent entity producing publicly available financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameMostSeniorParentEntityProducingPubliclyAvailableFinancialStatements |
794 |
Description of relationships between entity and parents, including any changes |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRelationshipsBetweenEntityParentsIncludingAnyChanges |
795 |
Parent of largest group in which results are consolidated [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ParentLargestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidatedHeading |
796 |
Name of parent of largest group in which results are consolidated |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameParentLargestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidated |
797 |
Country in which parent of largest group is incorporated |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:CountryInWhichParentLargestGroupIncorporated |
798 |
Address of parent of largest group |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AddressParentLargestGroup |
799 |
Further information on parent of largest group |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FurtherInformationOnParentLargestGroup |
800 |
Parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ParentSmallestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidatedHeading |
801 |
Name of parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameParentSmallestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidated |
802 |
Country in which parent of smallest group is incorporated |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:CountryInWhichParentSmallestGroupIncorporated |
803 |
Address of parent of smallest group |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AddressParentSmallestGroup |
804 |
Further information on parent of smallest group |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FurtherInformationOnParentSmallestGroup |
805 |
Parent entity or controlling party and ultimate controlling party [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:ParentEntityOrControllingPartyUltimateControllingPartyGrouping |
806 |
Name of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameControllingParty |
807 |
Address of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AddressControllingParty |
808 |
Charity registration number of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityRegistrationNumberControllingParty |
809 |
Company registration number of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CompanyRegistrationNumberControllingParty |
810 |
Principal purposes and activities of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PrincipalPurposesActivitiesControllingParty |
811 |
Explanation of how controlling party exercises control |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationHowControllingPartyExercisesControl |
812 |
Information on controlling party, including description of relationship |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InformationOnControllingPartyIncludingDescriptionRelationship |
813 |
Controlling party is ultimate controlling party [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:ControllingPartyUltimateControllingPartyTruefalse |
814 |
Statement that ultimate controlling party is not known |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementThatUltimateControllingPartyNotKnown |
815 |
Statement that no controlling parties exist |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementThatNoControllingPartiesExist |
816 |
Description of any memberships of a qualifying undertaking |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionAnyMembershipsQualifyingUndertaking |
817 |
Basis of preparation and general information on financial statements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BasisPreparationGeneralInformationOnFinancialStatementsHeading |
818 |
For basic information on financial statements, see 'Report information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForBasicInformationOnFinancialStatementsSeeReportInformationSectionCross-reference |
819 |
Date of authorisation of financial statements for issue |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateAuthorisationFinancialStatementsForIssue |
820 |
Description of body authorising financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBodyAuthorisingFinancialStatements |
821 |
Statement of compliance with applicable reporting framework |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementComplianceWithApplicableReportingFramework |
822 |
Accounts are prepared in accordance with Charities FRS 102 SORP [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:AccountsArePreparedInAccordanceWithCharitiesFRS102SORPTruefalse |
823 |
Description of departure from Charities FRS 102 SORP and reason for alternative treatment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionDepartureFromCharitiesFRS102SORPReasonForAlternativeTreatment |
824 |
Details of any disclosures required by Charities FRS 102 SORP which have not been provided |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DetailsAnyDisclosuresRequiredByCharitiesFRS102SORPWhichHaveNotBeenProvided |
825 |
Effect of departure from Charities FRS 102 SORP |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:EffectDepartureFromCharitiesFRS102SORP |
826 |
Accounts are prepared in accordance with FRS102 or applicable legislation [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:AccountsArePreparedInAccordanceWithFRS102OrApplicableLegislationTruefalse |
827 |
Accounts have departed from FRS102 or applicable legislation to achieve a fair presentation [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:AccountsHaveDepartedFromFRS102OrApplicableLegislationToAchieveFairPresentationTruefalse |
828 |
Explanation for nature of departure from FRS102 and reason why treatment required by FRS102 would be misleading |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationForNatureDepartureFromFRS102ReasonWhyTreatmentRequiredByFRS102WouldBeMisleading |
829 |
If there has been a material departure from FRS102 trustees are required to state whether the accounts present a true and fair view [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:IfThereHasBeenMaterialDepartureFromFRS102TrusteesAreRequiredToStateWhetherAccountsPresentTrueFairViewGuidance |
830 |
Trustees have concluded that the accounts present a true and fair view |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:TrusteesHaveConcludedThatAccountsPresentTrueFairView |
831 |
Accounts are prepared in accordance with applicable charity and/or company law in the jurisdiction(s) of registration [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:AccountsArePreparedInAccordanceWithApplicableCharityAndorCompanyLawInJurisdictionsRegistrationTruefalse |
832 |
Statement that the charity is a public benefit entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementThatCharityPublicBenefitEntity |
833 |
Accounts presented are for an investment pooling scheme [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:AccountsPresentedAreForAnInvestmentPoolingSchemeTruefalse |
834 |
Date of investment pooling scheme |
Concept (Date) |
For Period |
char:DateInvestmentPoolingScheme |
835 |
Authority for investment pooling scheme |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AuthorityForInvestmentPoolingScheme |
836 |
General description of basis of measurement used in preparing financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionBasisMeasurementUsedInPreparingFinancialStatements |
837 |
Consolidated statements information [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ConsolidatedStatementsInformationHeading |
838 |
Description of reason why entity has not prepared consolidated financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonWhyEntityHasNotPreparedConsolidatedFinancialStatements |
839 |
Description of related entity which has prepared consolidated financial statements and their availability |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRelatedEntityWhichHasPreparedConsolidatedFinancialStatementsTheirAvailability |
840 |
For accounting policies on consolidation, see 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForAccountingPoliciesOnConsolidationSeeSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference |
841 |
Disclosure that the reporting period is for less than or more than 12 months |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DisclosureThatReportingPeriodForLessThanOrMoreThan12Months |
842 |
Description of reasons for any change in reporting period and impact on comparability |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsForAnyChangeInReportingPeriodImpactOnComparability |
843 |
Legal authority by which the reporting period has been changed [heading] |
Abstract |
char:LegalAuthorityByWhichReportingPeriodHasBeenChangedHeading |
844 |
Permission from regulatory body |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PermissionFromRegulatoryBody |
845 |
Other legal authority |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OtherLegalAuthority |
846 |
Financial statements are prepared on going-concern basis [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:FinancialStatementsArePreparedOnGoing-concernBasisTruefalse |
847 |
Description why entity is not a going-concern or of uncertainties over going-concern status |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionWhyEntityNotGoing-concernOrUncertaintiesOverGoing-concernStatus |
848 |
Statement that there are no material uncertainties about the charity's ability to continue |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementThatThereAreNoMaterialUncertaintiesAboutCharitysAbilityToContinue |
849 |
Reporting exemptions claimed by entity [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReportingExemptionsClaimedByEntityHeading |
850 |
For most reporting exemptions tags, see the specific section to which the exemptions apply [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForMostReportingExemptionsTagsSeeSpecificSectionToWhichExemptionsApplyGuidance |
851 |
Entity has claimed exemption from FRS 102 chapters 11 and 12 disclosure requirements in line with FRS 102 1.12(c) [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromFRS102Chapters1112DisclosureRequirementsInLineWithFRS1021.12cTruefalse |
852 |
Amended / revised report [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AmendedRevisedReportHeading |
853 |
Report is an amended / revised version of a previously filed report [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
bus:ReportAnAmendedRevisedVersionPreviouslyFiledReportTruefalse |
854 |
Description of revisions in an amended / revised version of a previously filed report |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionRevisionsInAnAmendedRevisedVersionPreviouslyFiledReport |
855 |
Changes in accounting standards, policies and estimates [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ChangesInAccountingStandardsPoliciesEstimatesHeading |
856 |
Use the restatements and first time adoption dimension to identify numerical impact of changes in accounting policies [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseRestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionDimensionToIdentifyNumericalImpactChangesInAccountingPoliciesGuidance |
857 |
General description of changes in accounting policies |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionChangesInAccountingPolicies |
858 |
Reasons why applying the new accounting policy provides reliable and more relevant information |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonsWhyApplyingNewAccountingPolicyProvidesReliableMoreRelevantInformation |
859 |
Explanation of adjustments made as a result of applying the new accounting policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationAdjustmentsMadeAsResultApplyingNewAccountingPolicy |
860 |
General description of impact of newly effective standards or interpretations |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionImpactNewlyEffectiveStandardsOrInterpretations |
861 |
General description of early adoption and voluntary changes in accounting policies |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionEarlyAdoptionVoluntaryChangesInAccountingPolicies |
862 |
General description of new standards or interpretations which have not been applied |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionNewStandardsOrInterpretationsWhichHaveNotBeenApplied |
863 |
General description of departures from standards and their financial impact |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionDeparturesFromStandardsTheirFinancialImpact |
864 |
General description of changes in accounting estimates, including their future impact |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionChangesInAccountingEstimatesIncludingTheirFutureImpact |
865 |
General description of the judgments made that have had most effect on the amounts recognised in the accounts |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:GeneralDescriptionJudgmentsMadeThatHaveHadMostEffectOnAmountsRecognisedInAccounts |
866 |
For judgements involving estimations see 'Critical accounting estimates and judgements' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForJudgementsInvolvingEstimationsSeeCriticalAccountingEstimatesJudgementsSectionCross-reference |
867 |
Significant accounting policies [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SignificantAccountingPoliciesHeading |
868 |
For tags for statements on exemptions, see the taxonomy sections to which the exemptions apply [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForTagsForStatementsOnExemptionsSeeTaxonomySectionsToWhichExemptionsApplyGuidance |
869 |
General accounting policies [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GeneralAccountingPoliciesHeading |
870 |
Consolidation policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ConsolidationPolicy |
871 |
Subsidiaries accounting and consolidation policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:SubsidiariesAccountingConsolidationPolicy |
872 |
Associates accounting and consolidation policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AssociatesAccountingConsolidationPolicy |
873 |
Joint ventures accounting and consolidation policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:JointVenturesAccountingConsolidationPolicy |
874 |
Transactions with non-controlling interests policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TransactionsWithNon-controllingInterestsPolicy |
875 |
Investment entities policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InvestmentEntitiesPolicy |
876 |
Description of differences in reporting dates between reporting charity parent and consolidated subsidiaries |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionDifferencesInReportingDatesBetweenReportingCharityParentConsolidatedSubsidiaries |
877 |
Description of the nature and extent of significant restrictions on the ability of subsidiaries to transfer funds to the parent charity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionNatureExtentSignificantRestrictionsOnAbilitySubsidiariesToTransferFundsToParentCharity |
878 |
Subsidiaries excluded from consolidation [grouping] |
Abstract |
char:SubsidiariesExcludedFromConsolidationGrouping |
879 |
Subsidiary excluded from consolidation |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:SubsidiaryExcludedFromConsolidation |
880 |
Reason for excluding subsidiary from consolidation |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonForExcludingSubsidiaryFromConsolidation |
881 |
Description of methods used to account for investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures in separate financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesInSeparateFinancialStatements |
882 |
Description of methods used to account for investments in subsidiaries in separate financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInSubsidiariesInSeparateFinancialStatements |
883 |
Description of methods used to account for investments in associates in separate financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInAssociatesInSeparateFinancialStatements |
884 |
Description of methods used to account for investments in joint ventures in separate financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInJointVenturesInSeparateFinancialStatements |
885 |
Capital management policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CapitalManagementPolicy |
886 |
Segment reporting policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:SegmentReportingPolicy |
887 |
Business combinations policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BusinessCombinationsPolicy |
888 |
Functional and presentation currency policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FunctionalPresentationCurrencyPolicy |
889 |
Foreign currency translation and operations policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ForeignCurrencyTranslationOperationsPolicy |
890 |
Discontinued operations policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DiscontinuedOperationsPolicy |
891 |
Leases policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LeasesPolicy |
892 |
Lessor policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LessorPolicy |
893 |
Lessor finance lease policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LessorFinanceLeasePolicy |
894 |
Lessor operating lease policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LessorOperatingLeasePolicy |
895 |
Lessee policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LesseePolicy |
896 |
Lessee finance lease policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LesseeFinanceLeasePolicy |
897 |
Lessee operating lease policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LesseeOperatingLeasePolicy |
898 |
Borrowings policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BorrowingsPolicy |
899 |
Borrowing costs policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BorrowingCostsPolicy |
900 |
Government grants and other government assistance policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GovernmentGrantsOtherGovernmentAssistancePolicy |
901 |
Tax policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TaxPolicy |
902 |
Current income tax policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CurrentIncomeTaxPolicy |
903 |
Deferred tax policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DeferredTaxPolicy |
904 |
Other taxes policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:OtherTaxesPolicy |
905 |
Employee benefits policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:EmployeeBenefitsPolicy |
906 |
Defined contribution pensions policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DefinedContributionPensionsPolicy |
907 |
Defined benefit pensions policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DefinedBenefitPensionsPolicy |
908 |
Share-based payments policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:Share-basedPaymentsPolicy |
909 |
Other employee benefits policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:OtherEmployeeBenefitsPolicy |
910 |
Redundancy and termination payment policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:RedundancyTerminationPaymentPolicy |
911 |
Expenditure policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExpenditurePolicy |
912 |
Fund accounting policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:FundAccountingPolicy |
913 |
Allocation of costs policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AllocationCostsPolicy |
914 |
Non-financial assets and liabilities policies [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Non-financialAssetsLiabilitiesPoliciesHeading |
915 |
Use dimensions to identify policies for classes of PPE, intangibles, provisions and other relevant asset types [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyPoliciesForClassesPPEIntangiblesProvisionsOtherRelevantAssetTypesGuidance |
916 |
Property, plant and equipment policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentPolicy |
917 |
Description of measurement basis for property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMeasurementBasisForPropertyPlantEquipment |
918 |
Description of depreciation method for property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionDepreciationMethodForPropertyPlantEquipment |
919 |
Depreciation rate used for property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:DepreciationRateUsedForPropertyPlantEquipment |
920 |
Useful life of property, plant and equipment [years] |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:UsefulLifePropertyPlantEquipmentYears |
921 |
Intangible assets policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:IntangibleAssetsPolicy |
922 |
Description of recognition and basis of measurement of intangible assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRecognitionBasisMeasurementIntangibleAssets |
923 |
Description of amortisation method for intangible assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionAmortisationMethodForIntangibleAssets |
924 |
Amortisation rate used for intangible assets |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:AmortisationRateUsedForIntangibleAssets |
925 |
Policy for the recognition of any capitalised development expenditure |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PolicyForRecognitionAnyCapitalisedDevelopmentExpenditure |
926 |
Useful life of intangible assets [years] |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:UsefulLifeIntangibleAssetsYears |
927 |
Investment property policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InvestmentPropertyPolicy |
928 |
Model used to measure investment property |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ModelUsedToMeasureInvestmentProperty |
929 |
Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair value of investment property |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValueInvestmentProperty |
930 |
Biological assets policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BiologicalAssetsPolicy |
931 |
Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair value of biological assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValueBiologicalAssets |
932 |
Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining the fair value at the point of harvest, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValuePointHarvestBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
933 |
Description of measurement basis for biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMeasurementBasisForBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
934 |
Description of depreciation method for biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionDepreciationMethodForBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
935 |
Depreciation rate used for biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:DepreciationRateUsedForBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
936 |
Useful life of biological assets, cost model [years] |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:UsefulLifeBiologicalAssetsCostModelYears |
937 |
Heritage assets policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:HeritageAssetsPolicy |
938 |
Description of the nature and scale of heritage assets held |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionNatureScaleHeritageAssetsHeld |
939 |
Description of the policy for the acquisition, preservation, management and disposal of heritage assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionPolicyForAcquisitionPreservationManagementDisposalHeritageAssets |
940 |
Description of recognition and basis of measurement of heritage assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionRecognitionBasisMeasurementHeritageAssets |
941 |
Description of depreciation and impairment method for heritage assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionDepreciationImpairmentMethodForHeritageAssets |
942 |
Provisions policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ProvisionsPolicy |
943 |
Recognition of creditors and provisions for liabilities and charges policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:RecognitionCreditorsProvisionsForLiabilitiesChargesPolicy |
944 |
Non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:Non-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSalePolicy |
945 |
Cash and cash equivalents policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CashCashEquivalentsPolicy |
946 |
Impairment of non-financial assets policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ImpairmentNon-financialAssetsPolicy |
947 |
Current asset investments policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CurrentAssetInvestmentsPolicy |
948 |
Stocks policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InventoriesPolicy |
949 |
Trade debtors policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TradeReceivablesPolicy |
950 |
Trade creditors policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TradePayablesPolicy |
951 |
Construction work in progress policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ConstructionWorkInProgressPolicy |
952 |
Research and development policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ResearchDevelopmentPolicy |
953 |
Deferred income policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DeferredIncomePolicy |
954 |
Apportionment of support costs between activities policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ApportionmentSupportCostsBetweenActivitiesPolicy |
955 |
Financial assets and liabilities policies [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsLiabilitiesPoliciesHeading |
956 |
Use financial instrument classes and categories dimension to identify policies related to specific instrument classes [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFinancialInstrumentClassesCategoriesDimensionToIdentifyPoliciesRelatedToSpecificInstrumentClassesGuidance |
957 |
Financial instruments classification policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FinancialInstrumentsClassificationPolicy |
958 |
Financial instruments recognition and measurement policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FinancialInstrumentsRecognitionMeasurementPolicy |
959 |
Impairment of financial assets policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ImpairmentFinancialAssetsPolicy |
960 |
General derivatives and hedging policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDerivativesHedgingPolicy |
961 |
Derivatives policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DerivativesPolicy |
962 |
Hedging policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:HedgingPolicy |
963 |
Current versus non-current classification policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CurrentVersusNon-currentClassificationPolicy |
964 |
Insurance business and contracts policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InsuranceBusinessContractsPolicy |
965 |
Trade receivables policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TradeReceivablesPolicy |
966 |
Trade payables policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TradePayablesPolicy |
967 |
For additional policies for finance, see 'Banking and finance sector' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForAdditionalPoliciesForFinanceSeeBankingFinanceSectorSectionCross-reference |
968 |
Social investment policies [heading] |
Abstract |
char:SocialInvestmentPoliciesHeading |
969 |
Programme related investments measurement policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ProgrammeRelatedInvestmentsMeasurementPolicy |
970 |
Mixed motive investments measurement policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:MixedMotiveInvestmentsMeasurementPolicy |
971 |
Income policies [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IncomePoliciesHeading |
972 |
Revenue recognition policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RevenueRecognitionPolicy |
973 |
Finance income and costs policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FinanceIncomeCostsPolicy |
974 |
Donated goods facilities and services policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DonatedGoodsFacilitiesServicesPolicy |
975 |
Equity, share and dividend policies [heading] |
Abstract |
core:EquityShareDividendPoliciesHeading |
976 |
Dividend policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DividendPolicy |
977 |
Share capital policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ShareCapitalPolicy |
978 |
Convertible preference shares policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesPolicy |
979 |
Treasury shares policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TreasurySharesPolicy |
980 |
Other specific accounting policy [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:OtherSpecificAccountingPolicyGrouping |
981 |
Title of other specific accounting policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TitleOtherSpecificAccountingPolicy |
982 |
Content of other specific accounting policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ContentOtherSpecificAccountingPolicy |
983 |
Critical accounting estimates and judgements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CriticalAccountingEstimatesJudgementsHeading |
984 |
General description of critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
985 |
Disclosure of the nature of any changes to accounting estimates and the effects for current and future periods |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DisclosureNatureAnyChangesToAccountingEstimatesEffectsForCurrentFuturePeriods |
986 |
Going concern, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GoingConcernCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
987 |
Impairment of non-financial assets, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ImpairmentNon-financialAssetsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
988 |
Impairment of goodwill, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ImpairmentGoodwillCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
989 |
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DepreciationPropertyPlantEquipmentIntangibleAssetsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
990 |
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment and investment property, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentInvestmentPropertyCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
991 |
Lease classification, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LeaseClassificationCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
992 |
Discontinued operations, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DiscontinuedOperationsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
993 |
Classification of financial instruments, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ClassificationFinancialInstrumentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
994 |
Financial instrument hierarchy, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FinancialInstrumentHierarchyCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
995 |
Measurement of financial instruments, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:MeasurementFinancialInstrumentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
996 |
Impairment of financial instruments, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ImpairmentFinancialInstrumentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
997 |
Controlling interests and investments, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ControllingInterestsInvestmentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
998 |
Provisions, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ProvisionsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
999 |
Income taxes, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:IncomeTaxesCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
1000 |
Deferred tax assets, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DeferredTaxAssetsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
1001 |
Post-employment benefits, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:Post-employmentBenefitsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
1002 |
Share-based payments, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:Share-basedPaymentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
1003 |
Development costs, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DevelopmentCostsCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
1004 |
Revenue recognition, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RevenueRecognitionCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
1005 |
Commission revenue, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CommissionRevenueCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
1006 |
General description of assets and liabilities with significant risk of material adjustment, including values |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionAssetsLiabilitiesWithSignificantRiskMaterialAdjustmentIncludingValues |
1007 |
Apportionment of support costs between activities, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ApportionmentSupportCostsBetweenActivitiesCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
1008 |
Nature, explanation and values of any prior period errors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NatureExplanationValuesAnyPriorPeriodErrors |
1009 |
Other specific critical estimate and judgement [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:OtherSpecificCriticalEstimateJudgementGrouping |
1010 |
Title of other specific critical estimate and judgement |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TitleOtherSpecificCriticalEstimateJudgement |
1011 |
Content of other specific critical estimate and judgement |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ContentOtherSpecificCriticalEstimateJudgement |
1012 |
Segment reporting [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SegmentReportingHeading |
1013 |
Use ordinary line item tags, such as 'Revenue', in conjunction with segment dimensions to identify segment values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseOrdinaryLineItemTagsSuchAsRevenueInConjunctionWithSegmentDimensionsToIdentifySegmentValuesGuidance |
1014 |
Use geographic segments, operating segments, products and services and major customers dimensions to identify individual segments [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseGeographicSegmentsOperatingSegmentsProductsServicesMajorCustomersDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualSegmentsGuidance |
1015 |
Use segment reconciliation dimension to identify basic adjustments and eliminations [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseSegmentReconciliationDimensionToIdentifyBasicAdjustmentsEliminationsGuidance |
1016 |
Detailed reconciliations of individual line items are not required to be tagged [guidance] |
LineItems |
core:DetailedReconciliationsIndividualLineItemsAreNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance |
1017 |
Further line items for use in segment reporting [heading] |
LineItems |
core:FurtherLineItemsForUseInSegmentReportingHeading |
1018 |
Capital expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CapitalExpenditure |
1019 |
For other required line items, see appropriate statements and notes sections [guidance] |
LineItems |
core:ForOtherRequiredLineItemsSeeAppropriateStatementsNotesSectionsGuidance |
1020 |
Information on individual segments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InformationOnIndividualSegmentsHeading |
1021 |
Name of individual segment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameIndividualSegment |
1022 |
Description of individual segment member and source of its revenues |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionIndividualSegmentMemberSourceItsRevenues |
1023 |
General disclosures on segments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GeneralDisclosuresOnSegmentsHeading |
1024 |
Factors used to identify entity's reportable segments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FactorsUsedToIdentifyEntitysReportableSegments |
1025 |
Description of operations which are not included in reportable segments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionOperationsWhichAreNotIncludedInReportableSegments |
1026 |
General description of measurement of all reported aspects of segment performance |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionMeasurementAllReportedAspectsSegmentPerformance |
1027 |
Description of basis for attributing revenues to individual countries |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBasisForAttributingRevenuesToIndividualCountries |
1028 |
Description of extent of reliance on major customers |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionExtentRelianceOnMajorCustomers |
1029 |
Description of reasons why segment information is not available |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsWhySegmentInformationNotAvailable |
1030 |
Disposals and discontinued operations [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DisposalsDiscontinuedOperationsHeading |
1031 |
Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance |
1032 |
Description of discontinued operation or non-current assets or disposal group held for sale |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionDiscontinuedOperationOrNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupHeldForSale |
1033 |
Description of facts and circumstances of sale or expected disposal |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionFactsCircumstancesSaleOrExpectedDisposal |
1034 |
Name of reportable segment in which non-current assets or disposal group held for sale is presented |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameReportableSegmentInWhichNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupHeldForSalePresented |
1035 |
Total expenses recognised for discontinued operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalExpensesRecognisedForDiscontinuedOperations |
1036 |
Gain (loss) before tax on sale of discontinued operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossBeforeTaxOnSaleDiscontinuedOperations |
1037 |
Tax expense (credit) relating to gain or loss on discontinuance of operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditRelatingToGainOrLossOnDiscontinuanceOperations |
1038 |
Gain (loss) after tax on sale of discontinued operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossAfterTaxOnSaleDiscontinuedOperations |
1039 |
Profit (loss) on discontinued operations, including gain or loss on sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossOnDiscontinuedOperationsIncludingGainOrLossOnSale |
1040 |
Description of change of plan on sale and its effect on financial results |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionChangePlanOnSaleItsEffectOnFinancialResults |
1041 |
For other profit or loss, asset and liability items related to discontinued operations, use ordinary line item and appropriate discontinued operations dimension tag [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForOtherProfitOrLossAssetLiabilityItemsRelatedToDiscontinuedOperationsUseOrdinaryLineItemAppropriateDiscontinuedOperationsDimensionTagGuidance |
1042 |
Business combinations [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BusinessCombinationsHeading |
1043 |
General disclosures on business combinations [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GeneralDisclosuresOnBusinessCombinationsHeading |
1044 |
General description of nature and financial effect of business combinations during the period |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionNatureFinancialEffectBusinessCombinationsDuringPeriod |
1045 |
Disclosures on specific business combinations [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DisclosuresOnSpecificBusinessCombinationsHeading |
1046 |
Use business combinations dimension to identify individual business combinations [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseBusinessCombinationsDimensionToIdentifyIndividualBusinessCombinationsGuidance |
1047 |
Linked charities [heading] |
Abstract |
char:LinkedCharitiesHeading |
1048 |
Use linked charities dimension to identify each linked charity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseLinkedCharitiesDimensionToIdentifyEachLinkedCharityGuidance |
1049 |
Description of activities of linked charity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivitiesLinkedCharity |
1050 |
Use charity funds dimension for analysis of funds of linked charities [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseCharityFundsDimensionForAnalysisFundsLinkedCharitiesGuidance |
1051 |
Charity funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:CharityFunds |
1052 |
Name of acquired entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameAcquiredEntity |
1053 |
Description of acquired entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionAcquiredEntity |
1054 |
Date of acquisition |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateAcquisition |
1055 |
Percentage of voting equity interests acquired |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:PercentageVotingEquityInterestsAcquired |
1056 |
Description of primary reasons for business combination and how control acquired |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionPrimaryReasonsForBusinessCombinationHowControlAcquired |
1057 |
Description of business combination disclosures which are incomplete or provisional and reasons for this |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBusinessCombinationDisclosuresWhichAreIncompleteOrProvisionalReasonsForThis |
1058 |
Consideration for acquisition [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ConsiderationForAcquisitionHeading |
1059 |
Total consideration transferred, including settlement of pre-existing relationship |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalConsiderationTransferredIncludingSettlementPre-existingRelationship |
1060 |
Increase (decrease) in consideration transferred from settlement of pre-existing relationship |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInConsiderationTransferredFromSettlementPre-existingRelationship |
1061 |
Total consideration transferred, excluding any settlement of pre-existing relationship |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalConsiderationTransferredExcludingAnySettlementPre-existingRelationship |
1062 |
Cash transferred to acquire entity |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CashTransferredToAcquireEntity |
1063 |
Other tangible or intangible assets transferred, fair value at acquisition date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherTangibleOrIntangibleAssetsTransferredFairValueAcquisitionDate |
1064 |
Liabilities incurred, fair value at acquisition date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LiabilitiesIncurredFairValueAcquisitionDate |
1065 |
Share-based payment liabilities transferred from acquired entity, fair value at acquisition date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Share-basedPaymentLiabilitiesTransferredFromAcquiredEntityFairValueAcquisitionDate |
1066 |
Net contingent liabilities (assets) and indemnification assets recognised at acquisition date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:NetContingentLiabilitiesAssetsIndemnificationAssetsRecognisedAcquisitionDate |
1067 |
Description of contingent consideration arrangements and indemnification assets, including estimated outcomes |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionContingentConsiderationArrangementsIndemnificationAssetsIncludingEstimatedOutcomes |
1068 |
Equity interests of acquirer used in acquisition, fair value at acquisition date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:EquityInterestsAcquirerUsedInAcquisitionFairValueAcquisitionDate |
1069 |
Description of instruments issued and the method for establishing their fair value |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInstrumentsIssuedMethodForEstablishingTheirFairValue |
1070 |
Deferred consideration for business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredConsiderationForBusinessCombination |
1071 |
Further item of consideration transferred [component of total consideration transferred] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemConsiderationTransferredComponentTotalConsiderationTransferred |
1072 |
Tags in this section are treated as credits, to be consistent with treatment of outflows as credits under cash flow [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:TagsInThisSectionAreTreatedAsCreditsToBeConsistentWithTreatmentOutflowsAsCreditsUnderCashFlowGuidance |
1073 |
Acquired assets and liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AcquiredAssetsLiabilitiesHeading |
1074 |
Acquired assets and liabilities tags are intended for fair values - other values in any reconciliations do not need to be tagged [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:AcquiredAssetsLiabilitiesTagsAreIntendedForFairValues-OtherValuesInAnyReconciliationsDoNotNeedToBeTaggedGuidance |
1075 |
Assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AssetsAcquired |
1076 |
Property, plant and equipment acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentAcquired |
1077 |
Use PPE classes dimension to identify individual PPE classes acquired [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UsePPEClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualPPEClassesAcquiredGuidance |
1078 |
Intangible assets other than goodwill acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillAcquired |
1079 |
Use intangible classes dimension to identify individual asset classes acquired [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseIntangibleClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesAcquiredGuidance |
1080 |
Investment property acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentPropertyAcquired |
1081 |
Biological assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssetsAcquired |
1082 |
Biological assets acquired, current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssetsAcquiredCurrent |
1083 |
Biological assets acquired, non-current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssetsAcquiredNon-current |
1084 |
Inventories acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InventoriesAcquired |
1085 |
Debtors acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtorsAcquired |
1086 |
Trade debtors / trade receivables acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TradeDebtorsTradeReceivablesAcquired |
1087 |
Further item of debtors acquired [component of total debtors acquired] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemDebtorsAcquiredComponentTotalDebtorsAcquired |
1088 |
Other debtors acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherDebtorsAcquired |
1089 |
Gross contractual amounts receivable for acquired receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GrossContractualAmountsReceivableForAcquiredReceivables |
1090 |
Best estimate amount of contractual cash flows not expected to be collected |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:BestEstimateAmountContractualCashFlowsNotExpectedToBeCollected |
1091 |
Cash and cash equivalents acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCashEquivalentsAcquired |
1092 |
Investments acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsAcquired |
1093 |
Use financial assets classes and categories dimension to identify individual asset classes acquired [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFinancialAssetsClassesCategoriesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesAcquiredGuidance |
1094 |
Investments in joint ventures and associates acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesAssociatesAcquired |
1095 |
Investments in joint ventures acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesAcquired |
1096 |
Investments in associates acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesAcquired |
1097 |
Debt securities acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesAcquired |
1098 |
Equity securities acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:EquitySecuritiesAcquired |
1099 |
Further item of investments acquired [component of total investments acquired] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemInvestmentsAcquiredComponentTotalInvestmentsAcquired |
1100 |
Other investments acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherInvestmentsAcquired |
1101 |
Financial assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinancialAssetsAcquired |
1102 |
Use financial assets classes and categories dimension to identify individual asset classes acquired [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFinancialAssetsClassesCategoriesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesAcquiredGuidance |
1103 |
For debtors, investments and cash and cash equivalents acquired, see main 'Assets acquired' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDebtorsInvestmentsCashCashEquivalentsAcquiredSeeMainAssetsAcquiredSectionCross-reference |
1104 |
Further item of financial assets acquired [component of total financial assets acquired] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemFinancialAssetsAcquiredComponentTotalFinancialAssetsAcquired |
1105 |
Other financial assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherFinancialAssetsAcquired |
1106 |
Derivative assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DerivativeAssetsAcquired |
1107 |
Use derivative types, contracts and purposes dimensions to identify individual derivative asset types acquired [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDerivativeTypesContractsPurposesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualDerivativeAssetTypesAcquiredGuidance |
1108 |
Finance lease receivables acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinanceLeaseReceivablesAcquired |
1109 |
Operating lease receivables acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OperatingLeaseReceivablesAcquired |
1110 |
Deferred tax assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxAssetsAcquired |
1111 |
Other asset revaluation surplus (deficit) related to acquisition |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherAssetRevaluationSurplusDeficitRelatedToAcquisition |
1112 |
Further item of assets acquired [component of total assets acquired] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemAssetsAcquiredComponentTotalAssetsAcquired |
1113 |
Other assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherAssetsAcquired |
1114 |
Other current assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherCurrentAssetsAcquired |
1115 |
Other non-current assets acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherNon-currentAssetsAcquired |
1116 |
Liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LiabilitiesAssumed |
1117 |
Creditors assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CreditorsAssumed |
1118 |
Total borrowings assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalBorrowingsAssumed |
1119 |
Bank overdrafts assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankOverdraftsAssumed |
1120 |
Trade creditors / trade payables assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TradeCreditorsTradePayablesAssumed |
1121 |
Further item of creditors assumed [component of total creditors assumed] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemCreditorsAssumedComponentTotalCreditorsAssumed |
1122 |
Other creditors assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCreditorsAssumed |
1123 |
Obligations under finance leases assumed, lessees |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ObligationsUnderFinanceLeasesAssumedLessees |
1124 |
Financial liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesAssumed |
1125 |
Use financial liabilities classes and categories dimension to identify individual liability classes acquired [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFinancialLiabilitiesClassesCategoriesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualLiabilityClassesAcquiredGuidance |
1126 |
For creditors, borrowings and lease obligations assumed, see main 'Liabilities assumed' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCreditorsBorrowingsLeaseObligationsAssumedSeeMainLiabilitiesAssumedSectionCross-reference |
1127 |
Further item of financial liabilities assumed [component of total financial liabilities assumed] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemFinancialLiabilitiesAssumedComponentTotalFinancialLiabilitiesAssumed |
1128 |
Other financial liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherFinancialLiabilitiesAssumed |
1129 |
Derivative liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DerivativeLiabilitiesAssumed |
1130 |
Use derivative types, contracts and purposes dimensions to identify individual derivative liability types acquired [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDerivativeTypesContractsPurposesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualDerivativeLiabilityTypesAcquiredGuidance |
1131 |
Deferred tax liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredTaxLiabilitiesAssumed |
1132 |
Retirement defined benefit plan obligations (surplus) assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RetirementDefinedBenefitPlanObligationsSurplusAssumed |
1133 |
Medical and other employee benefit plan obligations (surplus) assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:MedicalOtherEmployeeBenefitPlanObligationsSurplusAssumed |
1134 |
Provisions assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ProvisionsAssumed |
1135 |
Use provisions dimension to identify individual types of provision [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseProvisionsDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesProvisionGuidance |
1136 |
Contingent liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesAssumed |
1137 |
Use contingent liabilities dimension to identify individual types of contingent liability [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseContingentLiabilitiesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesContingentLiabilityGuidance |
1138 |
General description of contingent liabilities arising on acquisition, including financial effect, uncertainties, possible reimbursement and assumptions |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionContingentLiabilitiesArisingOnAcquisitionIncludingFinancialEffectUncertaintiesPossibleReimbursementAssumptions |
1139 |
Amount of any expected reimbursement for contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:AmountAnyExpectedReimbursementForContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombination |
1140 |
Amount of any asset recognised for expected reimbursement for contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountAnyAssetRecognisedForExpectedReimbursementForContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombination |
1141 |
General description of changes in contingent assets and liabilities related to a business combination |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionChangesInContingentAssetsLiabilitiesRelatedToBusinessCombination |
1142 |
Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombination-MovementAnalysisHeading |
1143 |
Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, added |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationAdded |
1144 |
Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, used |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationUsed |
1145 |
Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, unused reversed |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationUnusedReversed |
1146 |
Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, increase (decrease) from unwinding of discount |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationIncreaseDecreaseFromUnwindingDiscount |
1147 |
Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, increase (decrease) from discount rate changes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationIncreaseDecreaseFromDiscountRateChanges |
1148 |
Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationIncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
1149 |
Royalties payable acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RoyaltiesPayableAcquired |
1150 |
Further liabilities item assumed [component of total liabilities assumed] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherLiabilitiesItemAssumedComponentTotalLiabilitiesAssumed |
1151 |
Other liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherLiabilitiesAssumed |
1152 |
Other current liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesAssumed |
1153 |
Other non-current liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherNon-currentLiabilitiesAssumed |
1154 |
Net identifiable assets (liabilities) acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetIdentifiableAssetsLiabilitiesAcquired |
1155 |
Description of significant gains and losses relating to assets acquired or liabilities assumed |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSignificantGainsLossesRelatingToAssetsAcquiredOrLiabilitiesAssumed |
1156 |
Net significant gain (loss) relating to assets acquired or liabilities assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetSignificantGainLossRelatingToAssetsAcquiredOrLiabilitiesAssumed |
1157 |
Non-controlling interest in acquired entity recognised at acquisition date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Non-controllingInterestInAcquiredEntityRecognisedAcquisitionDate |
1158 |
Description of methods of determining values of assets and liabilities of business combination |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsDeterminingValuesAssetsLiabilitiesBusinessCombination |
1159 |
Goodwill arising on business combination [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GoodwillArisingOnBusinessCombinationHeading |
1160 |
Goodwill arising on business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GoodwillArisingOnBusinessCombination |
1161 |
Accumulated impairment and amortisation of goodwill related to business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedImpairmentAmortisationGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination |
1162 |
Accumulated impairment loss of goodwill related to business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedImpairmentLossGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination |
1163 |
Accumulated amortisation of goodwill related to business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedAmortisationGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination |
1164 |
Total increase (decrease) in goodwill related to business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination |
1165 |
Additional goodwill related to business combination recognised during the period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdditionalGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognisedDuringPeriod |
1166 |
Increase (decrease) of goodwill related to business combination from subsequent recognition of deferred tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromSubsequentRecognitionDeferredTaxAssets |
1167 |
Decrease in goodwill related to business combination included in disposal groups classified as held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationIncludedInDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSale |
1168 |
Decrease in goodwill related to business combination derecognised, not held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationDerecognisedNotHeldForSale |
1169 |
Decrease from impairment of goodwill related to business combination recognised |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseFromImpairmentGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognised |
1170 |
Decrease from amortisation of goodwill related to business combination recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseFromAmortisationGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognisedInProfitLoss |
1171 |
Increase (decrease) in goodwill related to business combination from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
1172 |
Increase (decrease) in goodwill related to business combination from other factors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromOtherFactors |
1173 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in goodwill related to business combination [component of total change in goodwill related to business combination] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationComponentTotalChangeInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination |
1174 |
Description of factors that make up goodwill recognised |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionFactorsThatMakeUpGoodwillRecognised |
1175 |
Useful life of goodwill in years |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:UsefulLifeGoodwillInYears |
1176 |
Description of reasons if useful life exceeds five years |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsIfUsefulLifeExceedsFiveYears |
1177 |
Goodwill expected to be deductible for tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GoodwillExpectedToBeDeductibleForTax |
1178 |
Description of nature of intangible assets included in goodwill on business combination |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNatureIntangibleAssetsIncludedInGoodwillOnBusinessCombination |
1179 |
Cash effects of business combination [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashEffectsBusinessCombinationHeading |
1180 |
Cash transferred to acquire entity |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CashTransferredToAcquireEntity |
1181 |
Cash and cash equivalents acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCashEquivalentsAcquired |
1182 |
Net cash outflow (inflow) on business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetCashOutflowInflowOnBusinessCombination |
1183 |
Revenue and profit related to business combination [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RevenueProfitRelatedToBusinessCombinationHeading |
1184 |
Revenue of acquiree |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueAcquiree |
1185 |
Profit (loss) of acquiree |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossAcquiree |
1186 |
Revenue of combined entity, estimated for the full year |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueCombinedEntityEstimatedForFullYear |
1187 |
Profit (loss) of combined entity, estimated for the full year |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossCombinedEntityEstimatedForFullYear |
1188 |
Description of reasons why disclosure of profit and revenue figures related to combination is impractical |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsWhyDisclosureProfitRevenueFiguresRelatedToCombinationImpractical |
1189 |
Intangible assets recognised separately from goodwill on business combination [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssetsRecognisedSeparatelyFromGoodwillOnBusinessCombinationHeading |
1190 |
Description of nature of intangible assets separated from goodwill on business combination |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNatureIntangibleAssetsSeparatedFromGoodwillOnBusinessCombination |
1191 |
Description of reason why intangible assets are separated from goodwill on business combination |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonWhyIntangibleAssetsAreSeparatedFromGoodwillOnBusinessCombination |
1192 |
Transactions recognised separately from the business combination [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TransactionsRecognisedSeparatelyFromBusinessCombinationHeading |
1193 |
General description of transactions recognised separately from the business combination |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionTransactionsRecognisedSeparatelyFromBusinessCombination |
1194 |
Total amount recognised separately from the business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:TotalAmountRecognisedSeparatelyFromBusinessCombination |
1195 |
Gain (loss) on settlement of pre-existing relationship |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnSettlementPre-existingRelationship |
1196 |
Issue costs recognised separately from business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IssueCostsRecognisedSeparatelyFromBusinessCombination |
1197 |
Business combination acquired as bargain purchase / resulting in negative goodwill [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BusinessCombinationAcquiredAsBargainPurchaseResultingInNegativeGoodwillHeading |
1198 |
Description of business combination acquired as a bargain purchase / resulting in negative goodwill |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBusinessCombinationAcquiredAsBargainPurchaseResultingInNegativeGoodwill |
1199 |
Amortisation of negative goodwill recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AmortisationNegativeGoodwillRecognisedInProfitLoss |
1200 |
Negative goodwill arising on acquisition |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:NegativeGoodwillArisingOnAcquisition |
1201 |
Accumulated impairment and amortisation, negative goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AccumulatedImpairmentAmortisationNegativeGoodwill |
1202 |
Accumulated impairment loss of negative goodwill related to business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AccumulatedImpairmentLossNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination |
1203 |
Accumulated amortisation of negative goodwill related to business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AccumulatedAmortisationNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination |
1204 |
Total increase (decrease) in negative goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseInNegativeGoodwill |
1205 |
Additional negative goodwill related to business combination recognised during the period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AdditionalNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognisedDuringPeriod |
1206 |
Decrease in negative goodwill related to business combination included in disposal groups classified as held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationIncludedInDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSale |
1207 |
Decrease in negative goodwill related to business combination derecognised, not held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationDerecognisedNotHeldForSale |
1208 |
Decrease from impairment of negative goodwill related to business combination recognised |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseFromImpairmentNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognised |
1209 |
Decrease from amortisation of negative goodwill related to business combination recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseFromAmortisationNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognisedInProfitLoss |
1210 |
Increase (decrease) in negative goodwill related to business combination from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
1211 |
Increase (decrease) in negative goodwill related to business combination from other factors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromOtherFactors |
1212 |
Description of periods in which negative goodwill will be recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionPeriodsInWhichNegativeGoodwillWillBeRecognisedInProfitLoss |
1213 |
Business combination achieved in stages [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BusinessCombinationAchievedInStagesHeading |
1214 |
Description of business combination disclosures which are incomplete or provisional and reasons for this |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBusinessCombinationDisclosuresWhichAreIncompleteOrProvisionalReasonsForThis |
1215 |
Equity interest in acquiree held by acquirer immediately before acquisition date, fair value at acquisition date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:EquityInterestInAcquireeHeldByAcquirerImmediatelyBeforeAcquisitionDateFairValueAcquisitionDate |
1216 |
Gain (loss) recognised as result of remeasuring to fair value equity interest in acquired entity held by acquirer before business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossRecognisedAsResultRemeasuringToFairValueEquityInterestInAcquiredEntityHeldByAcquirerBeforeBusinessCombination |
1217 |
Change in non-controlling interest [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ChangeInNon-controllingInterestHeading |
1218 |
Non-controlling interest in percent following transaction |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:Non-controllingInterestInPercentFollowingTransaction |
1219 |
Increase (decrease) in non-controlling interest in percentage points from transaction |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNon-controllingInterestInPercentagePointsFromTransaction |
1220 |
Value of non-controlling interest following transaction |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ValueNon-controllingInterestFollowingTransaction |
1221 |
Increase (decrease) in value of non-controlling interest from transaction |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInValueNon-controllingInterestFromTransaction |
1222 |
Share of comprehensive income from non-controlling interest |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ShareComprehensiveIncomeFromNon-controllingInterest |
1223 |
Description of measurement basis and techniques for determining value of non-controlling interests |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMeasurementBasisTechniquesForDeterminingValueNon-controllingInterests |
1224 |
Disclosures on charity mergers [heading] |
Abstract |
char:DisclosuresOnCharityMergersHeading |
1225 |
Name of merged entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameMergedEntity |
1226 |
Description of merged entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionMergedEntity |
1227 |
Date of merger |
Concept (Date) |
For Period |
char:DateMerger |
1228 |
Analysis of principal SoFA components relating to charity merger [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AnalysisPrincipalSoFAComponentsRelatingToCharityMergerHeading |
1229 |
Net movement in funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:NetMovementInFunds |
1230 |
Net income (expenditure) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:NetIncomeExpenditure |
1231 |
Income of entity pre-merger |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:IncomeEntityPre-merger |
1232 |
Income of entity post-merger |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:IncomeEntityPost-merger |
1233 |
Expenditure of entity pre-merger |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:ExpenditureEntityPre-merger |
1234 |
Expenditure of entity post-merger |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:ExpenditureEntityPost-merger |
1235 |
Other gains (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:OtherGainsLosses |
1236 |
Analysis of net assets at date of merger [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AnalysisNetAssetsDateMergerHeading |
1237 |
Net assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:PoolingSchemeNetAssets |
1238 |
Use charity funds dimension for analysis of funds for merged entities at date of merger [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseCharityFundsDimensionForAnalysisFundsForMergedEntitiesDateMergerGuidance |
1239 |
Charity funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:CharityFunds |
1240 |
Notes on income and expense [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NotesOnIncomeExpenseHeading |
1241 |
Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance |
1242 |
Use exceptionals dimension to identify exceptional and specific non-exceptional values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseExceptionalsDimensionToIdentifyExceptionalSpecificNon-exceptionalValuesGuidance |
1243 |
Additional income and expense totals and sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdditionalIncomeExpenseTotalsSub-totalsHeading |
1244 |
Other non-operating net gain (loss), before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherNon-operatingNetGainLossBeforeTax |
1245 |
Other non-operating income, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherNon-operatingIncomeBeforeTax |
1246 |
Other non-operating expense, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherNon-operatingExpenseBeforeTax |
1247 |
Revenue items and items often classed as revenue [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RevenueItemsItemsOftenClassedAsRevenueHeading |
1248 |
Use dimensions to identify revenue attributable to specific segments or regions [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyRevenueAttributableToSpecificSegmentsOrRegionsGuidance |
1249 |
Revenue from sale of goods |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueFromSaleGoods |
1250 |
Revenue from rendering of services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueFromRenderingServices |
1251 |
Revenue from royalties, licences and similar items |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueFromRoyaltiesLicencesSimilarItems |
1252 |
Revenue from construction contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueFromConstructionContracts |
1253 |
Revenue from commissions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueFromCommissions |
1254 |
Revenue from customer loyalty programmes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueFromCustomerLoyaltyProgrammes |
1255 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServices |
1256 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, sale of goods |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesSaleGoods |
1257 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, rendering of services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesRenderingServices |
1258 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, construction contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesConstructionContracts |
1259 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, construction services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesConstructionServices |
1260 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, royalties, licences and similar income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesRoyaltiesLicencesSimilarIncome |
1261 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, interest |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesInterest |
1262 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, dividends |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesDividends |
1263 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, commissions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesCommissions |
1264 |
Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, other revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesOtherRevenue |
1265 |
Fee income from trust and other fiduciary activities resulting in holding of assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeeIncomeFromTrustOtherFiduciaryActivitiesResultingInHoldingAssets |
1266 |
Management fee income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ManagementFeeIncome |
1267 |
Brokerage fee income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:BrokerageFeeIncome |
1268 |
Other fee income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherFeeIncome |
1269 |
Further revenue item [component of total revenue] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherRevenueItemComponentTotalRevenue |
1270 |
Other revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherRevenue |
1271 |
Turnover / revenue free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TurnoverRevenueFree-textComment |
1272 |
Other operating income and revenue items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherOperatingIncomeRevenueItemsHeading |
1273 |
Rental and leasing income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RentalLeasingIncome |
1274 |
Rental income from investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RentalIncomeFromInvestmentProperty |
1275 |
Income from leasing of plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncomeFromLeasingPlantEquipment |
1276 |
Further rental and leasing income item [component of total rental and leasing income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherRentalLeasingIncomeItemComponentTotalRentalLeasingIncome |
1277 |
Rental income from sub-leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RentalIncomeFromSub-leases |
1278 |
Rental income from property sub-leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RentalIncomeFromPropertySub-leases |
1279 |
Rental income from plant and equipment sub-leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RentalIncomeFromPlantEquipmentSub-leases |
1280 |
Contingent rents recognised as income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentRentsRecognisedAsIncome |
1281 |
Contingent rents on finance leases recognised as income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentRentsOnFinanceLeasesRecognisedAsIncome |
1282 |
Contingent rents on operating leases recognised as income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentRentsOnOperatingLeasesRecognisedAsIncome |
1283 |
Service concession income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ServiceConcessionIncome |
1284 |
Description of service concession arrangements including effects on future cash flows |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionServiceConcessionArrangementsIncludingEffectsOnFutureCashFlows |
1285 |
Government grant income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GovernmentGrantIncome |
1286 |
Description of government grants and other forms of government assistance |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionGovernmentGrantsOtherFormsGovernmentAssistance |
1287 |
Description of unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies attaching to government assistance |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionUnfulfilledConditionsOtherContingenciesAttachingToGovernmentAssistance |
1288 |
Further item of operating income [component of total other operating income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemOperatingIncomeComponentTotalOtherOperatingIncome |
1289 |
Other remaining operating income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherRemainingOperatingIncome |
1290 |
Operating income free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:OperatingIncomeFree-textComment |
1291 |
Operating expense items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OperatingExpenseItemsHeading |
1292 |
Fees to auditors [heading] |
Abstract |
aurep:FeesToAuditorsHeading |
1293 |
Use third party agent status dimension to identify auditors in cases of multiple auditors or joint auditors [guidance] |
Abstract |
aurep:UseThirdPartyAgentStatusDimensionToIdentifyAuditorsInCasesMultipleAuditorsOrJointAuditorsGuidance |
1294 |
Total fees to auditors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:TotalFeesToAuditors |
1295 |
Audit fees and expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:AuditFeesExpenses |
1296 |
Description of benefits in kind for audit services |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:DescriptionBenefitsInKindForAuditServices |
1297 |
Estimated money value of benefits in kind for audit services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
aurep:EstimatedMoneyValueBenefitsInKindForAuditServices |
1298 |
Fees for non-audit services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:FeesForNon-auditServices |
1299 |
Auditing accounts of associates, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesFees |
1300 |
Auditing accounts of associates, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesPensionSchemesFees |
1301 |
Auditing accounts of associates, service to entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesServiceToEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1302 |
Audit-related assurance services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesFees |
1303 |
Audit-related assurance services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1304 |
Audit-related assurance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1305 |
Independent examination fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:IndependentExaminationFees |
1306 |
Taxation compliance services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesFees |
1307 |
Taxation compliance services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1308 |
Taxation compliance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1309 |
Other taxation advisory services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesFees |
1310 |
Other taxation advisory services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1311 |
Other taxation advisory services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1312 |
Internal audit services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:InternalAuditServicesFees |
1313 |
Internal audit services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:InternalAuditServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1314 |
Internal audit services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:InternalAuditServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1315 |
Other assurance services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesFees |
1316 |
Other assurance services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1317 |
Other assurance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1318 |
Corporate finance transactions, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsFees |
1319 |
Corporate finance transactions, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsPensionSchemesFees |
1320 |
Corporate finance transactions, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1321 |
Other non-audit services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesFees |
1322 |
Other non-audit services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1323 |
Other non-audit services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1324 |
Description of benefits in kind for non-audit services |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:DescriptionBenefitsInKindForNon-auditServices |
1325 |
Estimated money value of benefits in kind for non-audit services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
aurep:EstimatedMoneyValueBenefitsInKindForNon-auditServices |
1326 |
Fees to auditors free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:FeesToAuditorsFree-textComment |
1327 |
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DepreciationAmortisationImpairmentHeading |
1328 |
Use dimensions to distinguish expenses related to specific classes of asset [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDimensionsToDistinguishExpensesRelatedToSpecificClassesAssetGuidance |
1329 |
Use ownership of assets dimension to identify owned and leased asset items [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseOwnershipAssetsDimensionToIdentifyOwnedLeasedAssetItemsGuidance |
1330 |
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DepreciationAmortisationImpairmentExpense |
1331 |
Depreciation and amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DepreciationAmortisationExpense |
1332 |
Depreciation and impairment expense, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DepreciationImpairmentExpensePropertyPlantEquipment |
1333 |
Depreciation expense, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DepreciationExpensePropertyPlantEquipment |
1334 |
Amortisation and impairment expense, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AmortisationImpairmentExpenseIntangibleAssets |
1335 |
Amortisation expense, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AmortisationExpenseIntangibleAssets |
1336 |
Depreciation and impairment expense, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DepreciationImpairmentExpenseBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
1337 |
Depreciation expense, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DepreciationExpenseBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
1338 |
Amortisation of government grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AmortisationGovernmentGrants |
1339 |
Amortisation of other assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AmortisationOtherAssets |
1340 |
Impairment losses and reversals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentLossesReversalsHeading |
1341 |
Impairment loss (reversal) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversal |
1342 |
Total impairment loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalImpairmentLoss |
1343 |
Total impairment reversal |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TotalImpairmentReversal |
1344 |
Impairment loss (reversal) on heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ImpairmentLossReversalOnHeritageAssets |
1345 |
Impairment loss on heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ImpairmentLossOnHeritageAssets |
1346 |
Impairment reversal on heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:ImpairmentReversalOnHeritageAssets |
1347 |
Impairment loss (reversal), non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalNon-financialAssets |
1348 |
Impairment loss, non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossNon-financialAssets |
1349 |
Impairment reversal, non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalNon-financialAssets |
1350 |
Impairment loss (reversal), property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalPropertyPlantEquipment |
1351 |
Impairment loss, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossPropertyPlantEquipment |
1352 |
Impairment reversal, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalPropertyPlantEquipment |
1353 |
Specific material impairment loss or reversal, property, plant and equipment [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:SpecificMaterialImpairmentLossOrReversalPropertyPlantEquipmentGrouping |
1354 |
Description of specific asset and material impairment loss recognised or reversed, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSpecificAssetMaterialImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedPropertyPlantEquipment |
1355 |
Specific material impairment loss (reversal), property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SpecificMaterialImpairmentLossReversalPropertyPlantEquipment |
1356 |
Impairment loss (reversal), intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalIntangibleAssets |
1357 |
Impairment loss, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossIntangibleAssets |
1358 |
Impairment reversal, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalIntangibleAssets |
1359 |
Specific material impairment loss or reversal, intangible assets [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:SpecificMaterialImpairmentLossOrReversalIntangibleAssetsGrouping |
1360 |
Description of specific asset and material impairment loss recognised or reversed, intangible assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSpecificAssetMaterialImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedIntangibleAssets |
1361 |
Specific material impairment loss (reversal), intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SpecificMaterialImpairmentLossReversalIntangibleAssets |
1362 |
Recoverable amount of specific intangible asset is based value in use [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:RecoverableAmountSpecificIntangibleAssetBasedValueInUseTruefalse |
1363 |
Description of basis of estimation of recoverable amount of specific intangible asset |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBasisEstimationRecoverableAmountSpecificIntangibleAsset |
1364 |
Impairment loss (reversal), biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
1365 |
Impairment loss, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
1366 |
Impairment reversal, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
1367 |
Impairment loss (reversal), investment property, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentPropertyCostModel |
1368 |
Impairment loss, investment property, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentPropertyCostModel |
1369 |
Impairment reversal, investment property, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentPropertyCostModel |
1370 |
Impairment loss (reversal), investment property, at cost within fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentPropertyCostWithinFairValueModel |
1371 |
Impairment loss, investment property, at cost within fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentPropertyCostWithinFairValueModel |
1372 |
Impairment reversal, investment property, at cost within fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentPropertyCostWithinFairValueModel |
1373 |
Impairment loss (reversal), investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentInSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVentures |
1374 |
Impairment loss (reversal), investment in subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentInSubsidiaries |
1375 |
Impairment loss, investment in subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentInSubsidiaries |
1376 |
Impairment reversal, investment in subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentInSubsidiaries |
1377 |
Impairment loss (reversal), investments in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentsInAssociates |
1378 |
Impairment loss, investments in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentsInAssociates |
1379 |
Impairment reversal, investments in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentsInAssociates |
1380 |
Impairment loss (reversal), investments in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentsInJointVentures |
1381 |
Impairment loss, investments in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentsInJointVentures |
1382 |
Impairment reversal, investments in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentsInJointVentures |
1383 |
Impairment loss (reversal), other non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalOtherNon-financialAssets |
1384 |
Impairment loss, other non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossOtherNon-financialAssets |
1385 |
Impairment reversal, other non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalOtherNon-financialAssets |
1386 |
Impairment loss (reversal) recognised for restructuring |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalRecognisedForRestructuring |
1387 |
Use dimensions to distinguish impairment related to specific classes of asset [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDimensionsToDistinguishImpairmentRelatedToSpecificClassesAssetGuidance |
1388 |
For impairment of financial assets, see 'Finance income and cost items' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForImpairmentFinancialAssetsSeeFinanceIncomeCostItemsSectionCross-reference |
1389 |
Loss (gain) from write-downs and reversals of stocks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:LossGainFromWrite-downsReversalsInventories |
1390 |
Stocks write-down expense, gross |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InventoryWrite-downExpenseGross |
1391 |
Reversal of stocks write-down, gross |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ReversalInventoryWrite-downGross |
1392 |
Description of circumstances leading to reversals of stock write-down |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCircumstancesLeadingToReversalsInventoryWrite-down |
1393 |
Staff costs / employee benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:StaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense |
1394 |
Wages and salaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:WagesSalaries |
1395 |
Alternative wages and salaries sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AlternativeWagesSalariesSub-totalsHeading |
1396 |
Wages and salaries including redundancy costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:WagesSalariesIncludingRedundancyCosts |
1397 |
Wages and salaries excluding redundancy costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:WagesSalariesExcludingRedundancyCosts |
1398 |
Social security costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SocialSecurityCosts |
1399 |
Other short-term employee benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherShort-termEmployeeBenefits |
1400 |
Expenditure on staff contracted with and paid by related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:ExpenditureOnStaffContractedWithPaidByRelatedParties |
1401 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance |
1402 |
Basis of allocation between activities of defined contribution pension liability and expense |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:BasisAllocationBetweenActivitiesDefinedContributionPensionLiabilityExpense |
1403 |
Pension and other post-employment benefit costs / other pension costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCostsOtherPensionCosts |
1404 |
Pension costs, defined contribution plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PensionCostsDefinedContributionPlan |
1405 |
Pension costs, defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PensionCostsDefinedBenefitPlan |
1406 |
Further item of pension and other post-employment benefit costs [component of total pension and other post-employment benefit costs] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemPensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCostsComponentTotalPensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCosts |
1407 |
Other post-employment benefit costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitCosts |
1408 |
Defined benefit pension plan free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DefinedBenefitPensionPlanFree-textComment |
1409 |
Description of the extent to which the charity can be liable to a multi-employer defined benefit plan for other entities' obligations |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionExtentToWhichCharityCanBeLiableToMulti-employerDefinedBenefitPlanForOtherEntitiesObligations |
1410 |
Explanation of how any liability arising from an agreement with a multi employer plan to fund a deficit has been determined |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationHowAnyLiabilityArisingFromAnAgreementWithMultiEmployerPlanToFundDeficitHasBeenDetermined |
1411 |
Redundancy costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RedundancyCosts |
1412 |
Share-based payment expense, equity settled |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:Share-basedPaymentExpenseEquitySettled |
1413 |
Share-based payment expense, cash settled |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:Share-basedPaymentExpenseCashSettled |
1414 |
Nature of the redundancy payment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NatureRedundancyPayment |
1415 |
The extent of redundancy funding at the balance sheet date |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExtentRedundancyFundingBalanceSheetDate |
1416 |
Other long-term benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherLong-termBenefitsExpense |
1417 |
Further employee expense item [component of total employee benefits expense] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherEmployeeExpenseItemComponentTotalEmployeeBenefitsExpense |
1418 |
Other employee expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherEmployeeExpense |
1419 |
No employees received benefits excluding employer pension costs of more than £60,000 [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoEmployeesReceivedBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsMoreThan60000Truefalse |
1420 |
Use salary band dimension for number of employees who received benefits excluding employer pension costs of more than £60,000 [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseSalaryBandDimensionForNumberEmployeesWhoReceivedBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsMoreThan60000Guidance |
1421 |
Number of employees whose total benefits excluding employer pension costs fall within bands of £10,000 over £60,000 |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
char:NumberEmployeesWhoseTotalBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsFallWithinBandsGBP10000OverGBP60000 |
1422 |
Employee benefits free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:EmployeeBenefitsFree-textComment |
1423 |
Unincorporated charities have Trustees and Charitable companies have Directors (who are also Trustees): Either category should use the following section if applicable [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UnincorporatedCharitiesHaveTrusteesCharitableCompaniesHaveDirectorsWhoAreAlsoTrusteesEitherCategoryShouldUseFollowingSectionIfApplicableGuidance |
1424 |
For directors' remuneration, see 'Employee benefits and other employee information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDirectorsRemunerationSeeEmployeeBenefitsOtherEmployeeInformationSectionCross-reference |
1425 |
Contractor costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ContractorCosts |
1426 |
Production and manufacturing expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProductionManufacturingExpense |
1427 |
Total operating lease payments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalOperatingLeasePayments |
1428 |
Use operating lease purpose dimension to identify property and other lease values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseOperatingLeasePurposeDimensionToIdentifyPropertyOtherLeaseValuesGuidance |
1429 |
Minimum operating lease payments recognised as expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:MinimumOperatingLeasePaymentsRecognisedAsExpense |
1430 |
Contingent rents on operating leases recognised as expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ContingentRentsOnOperatingLeasesRecognisedAsExpense |
1431 |
Operating sublease payments recognised as expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OperatingSubleasePaymentsRecognisedAsExpense |
1432 |
Research and development expense recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ResearchDevelopmentExpenseRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1433 |
Restructuring costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RestructuringCosts |
1434 |
Royalties, licences and similar expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RoyaltiesLicencesSimilarExpense |
1435 |
Repairs and maintenance expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RepairsMaintenanceExpense |
1436 |
Repairs and maintenance expense, property-related |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RepairsMaintenanceExpenseProperty-related |
1437 |
Repairs and maintenance expense, vehicles |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RepairsMaintenanceExpenseVehicles |
1438 |
Other repairs and maintenance expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherRepairsMaintenanceExpense |
1439 |
Premises costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PremisesCosts |
1440 |
Sales and marketing costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SalesMarketingCosts |
1441 |
Advertising costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdvertisingCosts |
1442 |
Transportation costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TransportationCosts |
1443 |
Other distribution costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherDistributionCosts |
1444 |
Utilities costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:UtilitiesCosts |
1445 |
Insurance costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InsuranceCosts |
1446 |
Accountancy costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AccountancyCosts |
1447 |
Professional, consultancy and legal fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProfessionalConsultancyLegalFees |
1448 |
Professional and consultancy fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProfessionalConsultancyFees |
1449 |
Legal fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:LegalFees |
1450 |
Commissions expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CommissionsExpense |
1451 |
Further operating expense item [component of total operating expenses] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherOperatingExpenseItemComponentTotalOperatingExpenses |
1452 |
Other remaining operating expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherRemainingOperatingExpense |
1453 |
Exceptional items free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ExceptionalItemsFree-textComment |
1454 |
Operating expenses free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:OperatingExpensesFree-textComment |
1455 |
Net gain / loss before tax items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetGainLossBeforeTaxItemsHeading |
1456 |
Gain (loss) from revaluation, property, plant and equipment, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossFromRevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1457 |
Gain (loss) on disposals of property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalsPropertyPlantEquipment |
1458 |
Gain (loss) from revaluation of heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:GainLossFromRevaluationHeritageAssets |
1459 |
Gain (loss) from disposals of heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:GainLossFromDisposalsHeritageAssets |
1460 |
Gain (loss) from sales of investment properties, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossFromRevaluationIntangibleAssetsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1461 |
Gain (loss) on disposals of intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalsIntangibleAssets |
1462 |
Gain (loss) due to foreign exchange differences, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossFromSalesInvestmentPropertiesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1463 |
Gain (loss) on disposal of biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
1464 |
Gain (loss) due to foreign exchange differences, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossDueToForeignExchangeDifferencesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1465 |
Gain (loss) on non-financing activities due to foreign exchange differences, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnNon-financingActivitiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferencesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1466 |
Gain (loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalInvestmentsInSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVentures |
1467 |
Gain (loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalInvestmentsInSubsidiaries |
1468 |
Gain (loss) on disposal of investments in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalInvestmentsInAssociates |
1469 |
Gain (loss) on disposal of investments in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalInvestmentsInJointVentures |
1470 |
Gain (loss) from changes in provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossFromChangesInProvisions |
1471 |
Increase in provisions recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInProvisionsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1472 |
Reversal of provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ReversalProvisions |
1473 |
Reversal of provisions for cost of restructuring |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ReversalProvisionsForCostRestructuring |
1474 |
Other reversals of provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherReversalsProvisions |
1475 |
Gain (loss) from fair value adjustment, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossFromFairValueAdjustmentBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
1476 |
Gain (loss) in fair value adjustment attributable to physical changes, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossInFairValueAdjustmentAttributableToPhysicalChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
1477 |
Gain (loss) in biological assets due to births and deaths, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossInBiologicalAssetsDueToBirthsDeathsFairValueModel |
1478 |
Gain (loss) on initial recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce for current period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnInitialRecognitionBiologicalAssetsAgriculturalProduceForCurrentPeriod |
1479 |
Gain (loss) in fair value adjustment attributable to price changes, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossInFairValueAdjustmentAttributableToPriceChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
1480 |
Gain (loss) in fair value adjustment through other changes, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossInFairValueAdjustmentThroughOtherChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
1481 |
Gain (loss) on termination of finance lease arrangements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnTerminationFinanceLeaseArrangements |
1482 |
Gain (loss) on disposals of other non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalsOtherNon-currentAssets |
1483 |
Gain (loss) on litigation settlements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnLitigationSettlements |
1484 |
Gain (loss) from fair value adjustment, investment property, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossFromFairValueAdjustmentInvestmentPropertyRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1485 |
Further item of gain (loss) before tax [component of net gain / loss before tax] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossBeforeTaxComponentNetGainLossBeforeTax |
1486 |
Gains and losses before tax free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GainsLossesBeforeTaxFree-textComment |
1487 |
Construction contracts [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ConstructionContractsHeading |
1488 |
Revenue from construction contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueFromConstructionContracts |
1489 |
Gross amount due from customers for construction contract work as asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GrossAmountDueFromCustomersForConstructionContractWorkAsAsset |
1490 |
Gross amount due to customers for construction contract work as liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:GrossAmountDueToCustomersForConstructionContractWorkAsLiability |
1491 |
Description of methods used to determine construction contract revenue and stage of completion |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToDetermineConstructionContractRevenueStageCompletion |
1492 |
Research and development charges and funding [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ResearchDevelopmentChargesFundingHeading |
1493 |
Research and development expense recognised in profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ResearchDevelopmentExpenseRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1494 |
Research and development charged |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ResearchDevelopmentCharged |
1495 |
Gross research and development expenditure incurred |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GrossResearchDevelopmentExpenditureIncurred |
1496 |
Development costs capitalised |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DevelopmentCostsCapitalised |
1497 |
External research and development funding received |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ExternalResearchDevelopmentFundingReceived |
1498 |
External research and development funding received from government |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ExternalResearchDevelopmentFundingReceivedFromGovernment |
1499 |
External research and development funding received from other sources |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ExternalResearchDevelopmentFundingReceivedFromOtherSources |
1500 |
Description of research and development expenditures during period |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionResearchDevelopmentExpendituresDuringPeriod |
1501 |
Finance income and cost items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinanceIncomeCostItemsHeading |
1502 |
Other interest receivable and similar income / finance income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherInterestReceivableSimilarIncomeFinanceIncome |
1503 |
Use interest income tags to represent 'interest and similar' income items [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInterestIncomeTagsToRepresentInterestSimilarIncomeItemsGuidance |
1504 |
Interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncome |
1505 |
Interest income on financial assets that are not at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1506 |
Interest income on financial assets at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost |
1507 |
Further item of interest income on financial assets that are not at fair value through income and expenditure [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentCorrespondingTotal |
1508 |
Interest income on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1509 |
Interest income on financial assets initially designated at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsInitiallyDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1510 |
Interest income on financial assets held for trading at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1511 |
Further item of interest income on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentCorrespondingTotal |
1512 |
Interest income on debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesHeld |
1513 |
Interest income on listed debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnListedDebtSecuritiesHeld |
1514 |
Interest income on unlisted debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnUnlistedDebtSecuritiesHeld |
1515 |
Further item of interest income on debt securities held [component of total interest income on debt securities held] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesHeldComponentTotalInterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesHeld |
1516 |
Interest income on derivative financial instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnDerivativeFinancialInstruments |
1517 |
Interest income on derivatives held for risk management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnDerivativesHeldForRiskManagement |
1518 |
Interest income from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromRelatedParties |
1519 |
Interest income from group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
1520 |
Interest income from group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromGroupUndertakings |
1521 |
Interest income from parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromParentEntities |
1522 |
Interest income from subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromSubsidiaries |
1523 |
Interest income from associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
1524 |
Interest income from associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromAssociates |
1525 |
Interest income from joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromJointVentures |
1526 |
Interest income from other related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromOtherRelatedParties |
1527 |
Further item of interest income from related parties [component of total interest income from related parties] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeFromRelatedPartiesComponentTotalInterestIncomeFromRelatedParties |
1528 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
1529 |
Interest income on cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnCashCashEquivalents |
1530 |
Interest income on bank deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnBankDeposits |
1531 |
Interest income on short-term bank deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnShort-termBankDeposits |
1532 |
Interest income on long-term bank deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnLong-termBankDeposits |
1533 |
Interest income on certificates of deposit held |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnCertificatesDepositHeld |
1534 |
Interest income on mutual funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnMutualFunds |
1535 |
Interest income on redeemable notes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnRedeemableNotes |
1536 |
Interest income on managed funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnManagedFunds |
1537 |
Interest income on non-controlled investment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnNon-controlledInvestmentFunds |
1538 |
Interest income on deposits with credit institutions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnDepositsWithCreditInstitutions |
1539 |
Interest income on assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
1540 |
Interest income from reimbursement rights of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromReimbursementRightsDefinedBenefitPlan |
1541 |
Interest income on settlement of tax issues / disputes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnSettlementTaxIssuesDisputes |
1542 |
Further item of interest income [component of total interest income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeComponentTotalInterestIncome |
1543 |
Other interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherInterestIncome |
1544 |
Dividend income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncome |
1545 |
Dividend income from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromRelatedParties |
1546 |
Dividend income from group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
1547 |
Dividend income from group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromGroupUndertakings |
1548 |
Dividend income from parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromParentEntities |
1549 |
Dividend income from subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromSubsidiaries |
1550 |
Dividend income from associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
1551 |
Dividend income from associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromAssociates |
1552 |
Dividend income from joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromJointVentures |
1553 |
Dividend income from other related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromOtherRelatedParties |
1554 |
Further item of dividend income from related parties [component of total dividend income from related parties] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemDividendIncomeFromRelatedPartiesComponentTotalDividendIncomeFromRelatedParties |
1555 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
1556 |
Dividend income from financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1557 |
Dividend income from other equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromOtherEquityInstruments |
1558 |
Further item of dividend income [component of total dividend income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemDividendIncomeComponentTotalDividendIncome |
1559 |
Fee income from financial assets that are not at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeeIncomeFromFinancialAssetsThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1560 |
Fee income from financial assets measured at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeeIncomeFromFinancialAssetsMeasuredAmortisedCost |
1561 |
Further item of fee income from financial assets that are not at fair value through income and expenditure [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemFeeIncomeFromFinancialAssetsThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentCorrespondingTotal |
1562 |
Fee income from trust and other fiduciary activities resulting in holding of assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeeIncomeFromTrustOtherFiduciaryActivitiesResultingInHoldingAssets |
1563 |
Management fee income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ManagementFeeIncome |
1564 |
Brokerage fee income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:BrokerageFeeIncome |
1565 |
Other fee income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherFeeIncome |
1566 |
Gain on financing activities due to foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainOnFinancingActivitiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferences |
1567 |
Further item of finance income [component of total finance income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemFinanceIncomeComponentTotalFinanceIncome |
1568 |
Other finance income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherFinanceIncome |
1569 |
Finance income free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FinanceIncomeFree-textComment |
1570 |
Interest payable and similar charges / finance costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPayableSimilarChargesFinanceCosts |
1571 |
Use interest expense tags to represent 'interest and similar' expense items [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInterestExpenseTagsToRepresentInterestSimilarExpenseItemsGuidance |
1572 |
Interest expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpense |
1573 |
Interest expense on financial liabilities that are not at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1574 |
Interest expense on bank overdrafts, bank loans and similar borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnBankOverdraftsBankLoansSimilarBorrowings |
1575 |
Interest expense on bank overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnBankOverdrafts |
1576 |
Interest expense on bank loans and similar borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnBankLoansSimilarBorrowings |
1577 |
Further item of interest expense on bank overdrafts, bank loans and similar borrowings [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemInterestExpenseOnBankOverdraftsBankLoansSimilarBorrowingsComponentCorrespondingTotal |
1578 |
Interest expense on debt securities in issue and other similar loans |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherSimilarLoans |
1579 |
Specific item of interest expense on debt securities in issue and other similar loans [component of interest expense on debt securities in issue and other similar loans] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SpecificItemInterestExpenseOnDebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherSimilarLoansComponentInterestExpenseOnDebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherSimilarLoans |
1580 |
Interest expense on debentures and other similar loans |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDebenturesOtherSimilarLoans |
1581 |
Specific item of interest expense on debentures and other similar loans [component of interest expense on debentures and other similar loans] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SpecificItemInterestExpenseOnDebenturesOtherSimilarLoansComponentInterestExpenseOnDebenturesOtherSimilarLoans |
1582 |
Interest expense on derivative liabilities held for risk management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDerivativeLiabilitiesHeldForRiskManagement |
1583 |
Interest expense on convertible borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnConvertibleBorrowings |
1584 |
Interest expense on preference shares classified as debt |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnPreferenceSharesClassifiedAsDebt |
1585 |
Interest expense on redeemable preference shares classified as debt |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnRedeemablePreferenceSharesClassifiedAsDebt |
1586 |
Interest expense on non-redeemable preference shares classified as debt |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnNon-redeemablePreferenceSharesClassifiedAsDebt |
1587 |
Interest expense on obligations under finance leases and hire purchase contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnObligationsUnderFinanceLeasesHirePurchaseContracts |
1588 |
Interest expense on secured debt |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnSecuredDebt |
1589 |
Interest expense on subordinated debt |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnSubordinatedDebt |
1590 |
Interest expense on loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnLoanCapital |
1591 |
Interest expense on deferred consideration |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDeferredConsideration |
1592 |
Interest paid to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToRelatedParties |
1593 |
Interest paid to group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
1594 |
Interest paid to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToGroupUndertakings |
1595 |
Interest paid to parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToParentEntities |
1596 |
Interest paid to subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToSubsidiaries |
1597 |
Interest paid to associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
1598 |
Interest paid to associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToAssociates |
1599 |
Interest paid to joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToJointVentures |
1600 |
Interest paid to other related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestPaidToOtherRelatedParties |
1601 |
Further item of interest paid to related parties [component of total interest paid to related parties] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemInterestPaidToRelatedPartiesComponentTotalInterestPaidToRelatedParties |
1602 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
1603 |
Interest expense on financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1604 |
Interest expense on financial liabilities initially designated at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesInitiallyDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1605 |
Interest expense on financial liabilities held for trading at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTradingFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1606 |
Borrowing costs included in the cost of qualifying assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:BorrowingCostsIncludedInCostQualifyingAssets |
1607 |
Borrowing costs capitalised |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:BorrowingCostsCapitalised |
1608 |
Amortisation of discounts or premiums relating to borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AmortisationDiscountsOrPremiumsRelatingToBorrowings |
1609 |
Amortisation of ancillary costs related to borrowing arrangements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AmortisationAncillaryCostsRelatedToBorrowingArrangements |
1610 |
Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, general borrowings pool |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsGeneralBorrowingsPool |
1611 |
Bank charges classified as finance costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:BankChargesClassifiedAsFinanceCosts |
1612 |
Interest expense on liabilities of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan |
1613 |
Interest expense on settlement of tax issues / disputes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnSettlementTaxIssuesDisputes |
1614 |
Further item of interest expense [component of total interest expense] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemInterestExpenseComponentTotalInterestExpense |
1615 |
Other interest expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherInterestExpense |
1616 |
Increase (decrease) in finance costs due to redemption and extinguishment of debt |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInFinanceCostsDueToRedemptionExtinguishmentDebt |
1617 |
Increase (decrease) in finance costs due to movements on amounts owed to non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInFinanceCostsDueToMovementsOnAmountsOwedToNon-controllingInterests |
1618 |
Loss on financing activities due to foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:LossOnFinancingActivitiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferences |
1619 |
Unwinding of discount on provisions, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:UnwindingDiscountOnProvisionsExpense |
1620 |
Unwinding of discount on other payables, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:UnwindingDiscountOnOtherPayablesExpense |
1621 |
Unwinding of discount on deferred consideration, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:UnwindingDiscountOnDeferredConsiderationExpense |
1622 |
Unwinding of discount on financial instruments, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:UnwindingDiscountOnFinancialInstrumentsExpense |
1623 |
Unwinding of discount on business combination, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:UnwindingDiscountOnBusinessCombinationExpense |
1624 |
Fee expense on financial liabilities that are not at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FeeExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1625 |
Fee expense on trust and other fiduciary activities resulting in holding of assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FeeExpenseOnTrustOtherFiduciaryActivitiesResultingInHoldingAssets |
1626 |
Increase (decrease) in minimum finance lease payments recognised as expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInMinimumFinanceLeasePaymentsRecognisedAsExpense |
1627 |
Increase in contingent rents on finance leases recognised as expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInContingentRentsOnFinanceLeasesRecognisedAsExpense |
1628 |
Further item of finance cost [component of total finance cost] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemFinanceCostComponentTotalFinanceCost |
1629 |
Other finance costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherFinanceCosts |
1630 |
Finance costs free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FinanceCostsFree-textComment |
1631 |
Impairment loss (reversal), financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalFinancialAssets |
1632 |
Impairment loss, financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossFinancialAssets |
1633 |
Impairment reversal, financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalFinancialAssets |
1634 |
Impairment loss (reversal), financial assets at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost |
1635 |
Impairment loss, financial assets at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost |
1636 |
Impairment reversal, financial assets at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost |
1637 |
Impairment loss (reversal), trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalTradeOtherReceivables |
1638 |
Impairment loss, trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossTradeOtherReceivables |
1639 |
Impairment reversal, trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalTradeOtherReceivables |
1640 |
Impairment loss (reversal) on investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalOnInvestments |
1641 |
Impairment loss on investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossOnInvestments |
1642 |
Impairment reversal on investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalOnInvestments |
1643 |
Further item of impairment loss (reversal) on financial assets [component of total impairment loss (reversal) on financial assets] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemImpairmentLossReversalOnFinancialAssetsComponentTotalImpairmentLossReversalOnFinancialAssets |
1644 |
For allowance for impairment losses, see 'Allowance / provision for impairment losses' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForAllowanceForImpairmentLossesSeeAllowanceProvisionForImpairmentLossesSectionCross-reference |
1645 |
Financial instruments net gains and losses, before tax [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsNetGainsLossesBeforeTaxHeading |
1646 |
Items in this section may be presented under finance income or costs, depending on whether they represent a gain or loss [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ItemsInThisSectionMayBePresentedUnderFinanceIncomeOrCostsDependingOnWhetherTheyRepresentGainOrLossGuidance |
1647 |
Financial instruments net gain (loss), before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FinancialInstrumentsNetGainLossBeforeTax |
1648 |
Gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1649 |
Gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1650 |
Gain (loss) on financial assets initially designated at fair value, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsInitiallyDesignatedFairValueRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1651 |
Gain (loss) on financial assets held for trading, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1652 |
Further item of gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure [component of total gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentTotalGainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1653 |
Gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1654 |
Gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments initially designated at fair value, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsInitiallyDesignatedFairValueRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1655 |
Gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments held for trading, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTradingRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1656 |
Further item of gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments at fair value through income and expenditure [component of total gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments at fair value through income and expenditure] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentTotalGainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1657 |
Gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1658 |
Gain (loss) on financial liabilities initially designated at fair value, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesInitiallyDesignatedFairValueRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1659 |
Gain (loss) on financial liabilities held for trading, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTradingRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1660 |
Further item of gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure [component of total gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentTotalGainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1661 |
Gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities, recognised in income and expenditure, free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInProfitOrLossFree-textComment |
1662 |
Gain (loss) on financial assets at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost |
1663 |
Gain (loss) on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDisposalAvailable-for-saleFinancialAssets |
1664 |
Gain (loss) on financial liabilities at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesAmortisedCost |
1665 |
Gain (loss) on hedge accounting recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnHedgeAccountingRecognisedInProfitLoss |
1666 |
Gain (loss) on hedging instruments designated as fair value hedges |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnHedgingInstrumentsDesignatedAsFairValueHedges |
1667 |
Gain (loss) on fair value hedged items attributable to hedged risk |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFairValueHedgedItemsAttributableToHedgedRisk |
1668 |
Gain (loss) on ineffectiveness of cash flow hedges recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnIneffectivenessCashFlowHedgesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1669 |
Gain (loss) on ineffectiveness of net investment hedge recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnIneffectivenessNetInvestmentHedgeRecognisedInProfitLoss |
1670 |
Gain (loss) on reclassification of cash flow hedges recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnReclassificationCashFlowHedgesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1671 |
Further item of gain (loss) on hedge accounting recognised in income and expenditure [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossOnHedgeAccountingRecognisedInProfitOrLossComponentCorrespondingTotal |
1672 |
Gain (loss) on cash and cash equivalents from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnCashCashEquivalentsFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
1673 |
Gain (loss) on financial instruments not at fair value through income and expenditure from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLossFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
1674 |
Further item of financial instrument net gain (loss), before tax [component of total financial instruments net gain (loss), before tax] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemFinancialInstrumentNetGainLossBeforeTaxComponentTotalFinancialInstrumentsNetGainLossBeforeTax |
1675 |
Financial instruments net gains and losses free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FinancialInstrumentsNetGainsLossesFree-textComment |
1676 |
Income tax [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IncomeTaxHeading |
1677 |
Use tax jurisdiction dimension to identify UK and foreign tax if required [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseTaxJurisdictionDimensionToIdentifyUKForeignTaxIfRequiredGuidance |
1678 |
Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance |
1679 |
Use exceptionals dimension to identify exceptional and specific non-exceptional values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseExceptionalsDimensionToIdentifyExceptionalSpecificNon-exceptionalValuesGuidance |
1680 |
Tax (tax credit) on profit or loss on ordinary activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxTaxCreditOnProfitOrLossOnOrdinaryActivities |
1681 |
Total current tax expense (credit) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalCurrentTaxExpenseCredit |
1682 |
Current tax for the period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CurrentTaxForPeriod |
1683 |
Increase (decrease) in current tax from adjustment for prior periods |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromAdjustmentForPriorPeriods |
1684 |
Increase (decrease) in current tax due to changes in accounting policies and errors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxDueToChangesInAccountingPoliciesErrors |
1685 |
Increase (decrease) in current tax from foreign exchange adjustments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromForeignExchangeAdjustments |
1686 |
Double taxation relief |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DoubleTaxationRelief |
1687 |
Withholding tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:WithholdingTax |
1688 |
Group tax relief received (paid) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GroupTaxReliefReceivedPaid |
1689 |
Research and development tax credit |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ResearchDevelopmentTaxCredit |
1690 |
Further item of current tax expense (credit) [component of total current tax expense] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCurrentTaxExpenseCreditComponentTotalCurrentTaxExpense |
1691 |
Other current tax expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherCurrentTaxExpense |
1692 |
Current tax free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CurrentTaxFree-textComment |
1693 |
Total deferred tax expense (credit) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalDeferredTaxExpenseCredit |
1694 |
Deferred tax expense (credit) relating to origination and reversal of timing differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditRelatingToOriginationReversalTimingDifferences |
1695 |
Deferred tax expense (credit) relating to changes in tax rates or laws |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditRelatingToChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws |
1696 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax expense arising from a change in the tax status of the entity or its shareholders |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxExpenseArisingFromChangeInTaxStatusEntityOrItsShareholders |
1697 |
Decrease (increase) in estimate of recoverable deferred tax asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseIncreaseInEstimateRecoverableDeferredTaxAsset |
1698 |
Further item of deferred expense (credit) [component of total deferred tax expense] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemDeferredExpenseCreditComponentTotalDeferredTaxExpense |
1699 |
Other deferred tax expense (credit) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherDeferredTaxExpenseCredit |
1700 |
Deferred tax free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DeferredTaxFree-textComment |
1701 |
Tax expense (credit) relating to gain or loss on discontinuance of operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditRelatingToGainOrLossOnDiscontinuanceOperations |
1702 |
Share of income tax expense (credit) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ShareIncomeTaxExpenseCreditAssociatesJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1703 |
Share of income tax expense (credit) of associates accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ShareIncomeTaxExpenseCreditAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1704 |
Share of income tax expense (credit) of joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ShareIncomeTaxExpenseCreditJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1705 |
Reconciliation between tax expense and accounting profit multiplied by applicable tax rate [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReconciliationBetweenTaxExpenseAccountingProfitMultipliedByApplicableTaxRateHeading |
1706 |
Tax rates [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TaxRatesHeading |
1707 |
Applicable tax rate |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:ApplicableTaxRate |
1708 |
Description of basis on which applicable tax rate has been determined |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBasisOnWhichApplicableTaxRateHasBeenDetermined |
1709 |
Tax expense (credit) at applicable tax rate |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditApplicableTaxRate |
1710 |
Increase (decrease) in current tax from adjustment for prior periods |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromAdjustmentForPriorPeriods |
1711 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of capital allowances and depreciation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectCapitalAllowancesDepreciation |
1712 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of different tax rates on some earnings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectDifferentTaxRatesOnSomeEarnings |
1713 |
Tax increase (decrease) from other short-term timing differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromOtherShort-termTimingDifferences |
1714 |
Tax decrease (increase) from effect of revenue exempt from taxation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TaxDecreaseIncreaseFromEffectRevenueExemptFromTaxation |
1715 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of expenses not deductible in determining taxable profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectExpensesNotDeductibleInDeterminingTaxableProfitOrLoss |
1716 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of non-tax deductible amortisation of goodwill and impairment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectNon-taxDeductibleAmortisationGoodwillImpairment |
1717 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of expenses not deductible for tax purposes, other than goodwill amortisation and impairment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectExpensesNotDeductibleForTaxPurposesOtherThanGoodwillAmortisationImpairment |
1718 |
Tax decrease from utilisation of tax losses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TaxDecreaseFromUtilisationTaxLosses |
1719 |
Tax decrease from tax losses for which no deferred tax asset was recognised |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TaxDecreaseFromTaxLossesForWhichNoDeferredTaxAssetWasRecognised |
1720 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of unrelieved tax losses carried forward |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectUnrelievedTaxLossesCarriedForward |
1721 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of joint ventures and associates results reported net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectJointVenturesAssociatesResultsReportedNetTax |
1722 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of exercise of employee share options |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectExerciseEmployeeShareOptions |
1723 |
Tax increase (decrease) arising from group relief, tax reconciliation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseArisingFromGroupReliefTaxReconciliation |
1724 |
Tax increase (decrease) from transfer pricing adjustments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromTransferPricingAdjustments |
1725 |
Double taxation relief |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DoubleTaxationRelief |
1726 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of foreign tax rates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectForeignTaxRates |
1727 |
Tax increase (decrease) arising from overseas tax suffered / expensed |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseArisingFromOverseasTaxSufferedExpensed |
1728 |
Increase (decrease) in current tax from unrecognised tax loss or credit |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromUnrecognisedTaxLossOrCredit |
1729 |
Deferred tax expense (credit) from unrecognised tax loss or credit |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditFromUnrecognisedTaxLossOrCredit |
1730 |
Increase (decrease) in current tax from unrecognised timing difference from a prior period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromUnrecognisedTimingDifferenceFromPriorPeriod |
1731 |
Deferred tax expense (credit) from unrecognised timing difference from a prior period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditFromUnrecognisedTimingDifferenceFromPriorPeriod |
1732 |
Deferred tax expense (credit) relating to changes in tax rates or laws |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditRelatingToChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws |
1733 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of dividends from companies |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectDividendsFromCompanies |
1734 |
Tax decrease (increase) from effect of tax incentives |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TaxDecreaseIncreaseFromEffectTaxIncentives |
1735 |
Tax increase (decrease) from changes in pension fund prepayment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromChangesInPensionFundPrepayment |
1736 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of adjustment for long accounting periods |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectAdjustmentForLongAccountingPeriods |
1737 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of adjustment in research and development tax credit |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectAdjustmentInResearchDevelopmentTaxCredit |
1738 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of indexation allowance on capital gains |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectIndexationAllowanceOnCapitalGains |
1739 |
Tax increase (decrease) from changes in tax provisions due to legislation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromChangesInTaxProvisionsDueToLegislation |
1740 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of rollover relief on profit on disposal of fixed assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectRolloverReliefOnProfitOnDisposalFixedAssets |
1741 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of unrelieved loss on disposal of operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectUnrelievedLossOnDisposalOperations |
1742 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of unrelieved loss on foreign subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectUnrelievedLossOnForeignSubsidiaries |
1743 |
Further item of tax increase (decrease) [component of adjusting items] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemTaxIncreaseDecreaseComponentAdjustingItems |
1744 |
Tax increase (decrease) from other tax effects, tax reconciliation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromOtherTaxEffectsTaxReconciliation |
1745 |
Income tax expense (credit) on components of other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncomeTaxExpenseCreditOnComponentsOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1746 |
Tax expense (credit) on foreign exchange translation differences, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnForeignExchangeTranslationDifferencesInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1747 |
Tax expense (credit) on hedge of investments in foreign operations, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnHedgeInvestmentsInForeignOperationsInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1748 |
Total tax expense (credit) on cash flow hedges, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalTaxExpenseCreditOnCashFlowHedgesInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1749 |
Tax expense (credit) on change in fair value of cash flow hedges, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnChangeInFairValueCashFlowHedgesInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1750 |
Tax expense (credit) on reclassification of cash flow hedges to profit or loss from equity, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnReclassificationCashFlowHedgesToProfitOrLossFromEquityInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1751 |
Further item of tax expense (credit) on cash flow hedges, in other comprehensive income [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemTaxExpenseCreditOnCashFlowHedgesInOtherComprehensiveIncomeComponentCorrespondingTotal |
1752 |
Tax expense (credit) on revaluation of property, plant and equipment, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1753 |
Tax expense (credit) on revaluation of investment properties, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRevaluationInvestmentPropertiesInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1754 |
Tax expense (credit) on revaluation of biological assets, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRevaluationBiologicalAssetsInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1755 |
Tax expense (credit) on revaluation of other assets, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRevaluationOtherAssetsInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1756 |
Tax expense (credit) on remeasurement of defined benefit plans, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRemeasurementDefinedBenefitPlansInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1757 |
Tax expense (credit) on share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnShareOtherComprehensiveIncomeAssociatesJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1758 |
Tax expense (credit) on share of other comprehensive income of associates accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnShareOtherComprehensiveIncomeAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1759 |
Tax expense (credit) on share of other comprehensive income of joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnShareOtherComprehensiveIncomeJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1760 |
Increase (decrease) in tax expense due to changes in tax rates, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInTaxExpenseDueToChangesInTaxRatesInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1761 |
Further item of tax expense (credit) in other comprehensive income [component of total tax expense (credit) on items of other comprehensive income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemTaxExpenseCreditInOtherComprehensiveIncomeComponentTotalTaxExpenseCreditOnItemsOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1762 |
Tax expense or credit recognised in equity [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TaxExpenseOrCreditRecognisedInEquityHeading |
1763 |
Total tax expense (credit) on items recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalTaxExpenseCreditOnItemsRecognisedInEquity |
1764 |
Current tax expense (credit), recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CurrentTaxExpenseCreditRecognisedInEquity |
1765 |
Deferred tax expense (credit), recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditRecognisedInEquity |
1766 |
Components of tax expense or credit recognised in equity [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ComponentsTaxExpenseOrCreditRecognisedInEquityHeading |
1767 |
Tax expense (credit) on share-based payment arrangement, recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnShare-basedPaymentArrangementRecognisedInEquity |
1768 |
Current tax expense (credit) on share-based payment arrangement, recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CurrentTaxExpenseCreditOnShare-basedPaymentArrangementRecognisedInEquity |
1769 |
Deferred tax expense (credit) on share-based payment arrangement, recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditOnShare-basedPaymentArrangementRecognisedInEquity |
1770 |
Tax expense (credit) on discontinued operations, recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnDiscontinuedOperationsRecognisedInEquity |
1771 |
Tax expense (credit) on convertible notes, recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnConvertibleNotesRecognisedInEquity |
1772 |
Tax expense (credit) on depreciation transfer of revaluation surplus, recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditOnDepreciationTransferRevaluationSurplusRecognisedInEquity |
1773 |
Further item of tax expense (credit) recognised in equity [component of total tax expense (credit) recognised in equity] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemTaxExpenseCreditRecognisedInEquityComponentTotalTaxExpenseCreditRecognisedInEquity |
1774 |
Other income tax items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherIncomeTaxItemsHeading |
1775 |
Description of changes in applicable tax rates |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionChangesInApplicableTaxRates |
1776 |
Description of income tax consequences of dividends proposed or declared but not recognised as a liability |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionIncomeTaxConsequencesDividendsProposedOrDeclaredButNotRecognisedAsLiability |
1777 |
Amount of income tax affected by dividends not recognised as a liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:AmountIncomeTaxAffectedByDividendsNotRecognisedAsLiability |
1778 |
Description of potential income tax consequences from payment of a dividend, including those not practically determinable |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionPotentialIncomeTaxConsequencesFromPaymentDividendIncludingThoseNotPracticallyDeterminable |
1779 |
Income tax free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:IncomeTaxFree-textComment |
1780 |
Earnings per share [heading] |
Abstract |
core:EarningsPerShareHeading |
1781 |
Basic earnings (loss) per share |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:BasicEarningsLossPerShare |
1782 |
Diluted earnings (loss) per share |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:DilutedEarningsLossPerShare |
1783 |
Alternative earnings per share (non-GAAP number) |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:AlternativeEarningsPerShareNon-GAAPNumber |
1784 |
Alternative diluted earnings per share (non-GAAP number) |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:AlternativeDilutedEarningsPerShareNon-GAAPNumber |
1785 |
Profit (loss), attributable to ordinary equity holders of parent entity, basic |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossAttributableToOrdinaryEquityHoldersParentEntityBasic |
1786 |
Profit (loss), attributable to ordinary equity holders of parent entity, diluted |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossAttributableToOrdinaryEquityHoldersParentEntityDiluted |
1787 |
Weighted average number of shares, basic |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:WeightedAverageNumberSharesBasic |
1788 |
Weighted average number of shares, diluted |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:WeightedAverageNumberSharesDiluted |
1789 |
Description of instruments which may dilute earnings per share |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInstrumentsWhichMayDiluteEarningsPerShare |
1790 |
Description of transactions after reporting period which significantly alter number of ordinary shares outstanding |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionTransactionsAfterReportingPeriodWhichSignificantlyAlterNumberOrdinarySharesOutstanding |
1791 |
Earnings per share free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:EarningsPerShareFree-textComment |
1792 |
Specific reconciling items / adjustments in earnings per share note are not required to be tagged [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:SpecificReconcilingItemsAdjustmentsInEarningsPerShareNoteAreNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance |
1793 |
Notes on income and receipt of endowment [heading] |
Abstract |
char:NotesOnIncomeReceiptEndowmentHeading |
1794 |
Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance |
1795 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance |
1796 |
Income and endowments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeEndowments |
1797 |
Donations and legacies |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:DonationsLegacies |
1798 |
Donations and gifts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:DonationsGifts |
1799 |
Membership subscriptions and sponsorships which are in substance donations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:MembershipSubscriptionsSponsorshipsWhichAreInSubstanceDonations |
1800 |
Gift aid |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:GiftAid |
1801 |
Legacies |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:Legacies |
1802 |
Government grant income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GovernmentGrantIncome |
1803 |
Description of government grants and other forms of government assistance |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionGovernmentGrantsOtherFormsGovernmentAssistance |
1804 |
Description of unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies attaching to government assistance |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionUnfulfilledConditionsOtherContingenciesAttachingToGovernmentAssistance |
1805 |
Other general grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:OtherGeneralGrants |
1806 |
Donated goods, facilities and services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:DonatedGoodsFacilitiesServices |
1807 |
Volunteer contribution in terms of hours |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
char:VolunteerContributionInTermsHours |
1808 |
Volunteer contribution in terms of staff equivalents |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
char:VolunteerContributionInTermsStaffEquivalents |
1809 |
Seconded staff |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:SecondedStaff |
1810 |
Use of property |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:UseProperty |
1811 |
Further item of donated goods and services [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FurtherItemDonatedGoodsServicesComponentCorrespondingTotal |
1812 |
Description of unfulfilled conditions or other contingencies attaching to resources from donated goods and services not recognised as income |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionUnfulfilledConditionsOrOtherContingenciesAttachingToResourcesFromDonatedGoodsServicesNotRecognisedAsIncome |
1813 |
Description of other donated goods and services not recognised in the accounts |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionOtherDonatedGoodsServicesNotRecognisedInAccounts |
1814 |
Endowments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:Endowments |
1815 |
Permanent |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:Permanent |
1816 |
Expendable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:Expendable |
1817 |
Further item of donations and legacies [component of total donations and legacies] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FurtherItemDonationsLegaciesComponentTotalDonationsLegacies |
1818 |
Income from charitable activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeFromCharitableActivities |
1819 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1820 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1821 |
Use charitable income type dimension to identify type of charitable income [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseCharitableIncomeTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeCharitableIncomeGuidance |
1822 |
Income from charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeFromCharitableActivity |
1823 |
Further item of income from charitable activities [component of total income from charitable activities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FurtherItemIncomeFromCharitableActivitiesComponentTotalIncomeFromCharitableActivities |
1824 |
Income from other trading activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeFromOtherTradingActivities |
1825 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1826 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1827 |
Use non-charitable income type dimension to identify type of non-charitable income [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseNon-charitableIncomeTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeNon-charitableIncomeGuidance |
1828 |
Income from other trading activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncomeFromOtherTradingActivity |
1829 |
Further item of income from other trading activities [component of total income from other trading activities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FurtherItemIncomeFromOtherTradingActivitiesComponentTotalIncomeFromOtherTradingActivities |
1830 |
For income from investments see finance income and cost items [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForIncomeFromInvestmentsSeeFinanceIncomeCostItemsCross-reference |
1831 |
Other income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:OtherIncome |
1832 |
For conversion of endowment funds into income, use the charity funds dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForConversionEndowmentFundsIntoIncomeUseCharityFundsDimensionGuidance |
1833 |
Release to income funds from endowment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:ReleaseToIncomeFundsFromEndowment |
1834 |
Release to income funds from unapplied total return fund |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:ReleaseToIncomeFundsFromUnappliedTotalReturnFund |
1835 |
Explanation for the conversion of endowment to income during the reporting period |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationForConversionEndowmentToIncomeDuringReportingPeriod |
1836 |
Explanation of the legal power for conversion of endowment to income |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationLegalPowerForConversionEndowmentToIncome |
1837 |
Gain on disposal of a tangible fixed asset held for charity's own use |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:GainOnDisposalTangibleFixedAssetHeldForCharitysOwnUse |
1838 |
Gain on disposal of a programme related investment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:GainOnDisposalProgrammeRelatedInvestment |
1839 |
Royalties from the exploitation of intellectual property rights |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:RoyaltiesFromExploitationIntellectualPropertyRights |
1840 |
Further items of income not falling into the other income categories [component of total other income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:FurtherItemsIncomeNotFallingIntoOtherIncomeCategoriesComponentTotalOtherIncome |
1841 |
Notes on expenditure [heading] |
Abstract |
char:NotesOnExpenditureHeading |
1842 |
Expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:Expenditure |
1843 |
Costs of raising funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostsRaisingFunds |
1844 |
Use fundraising expense type dimension to identify type of fundraising expense [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundraisingExpenseTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeFundraisingExpenseGuidance |
1845 |
Fundraising direct costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FundraisingDirectCosts |
1846 |
Fundraising support costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FundraisingSupportCosts |
1847 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1848 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1849 |
Support costs of fundraising activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsFundraisingActivity |
1850 |
Further item of costs of raising funds [component of total costs of raising funds] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FurtherItemCostsRaisingFundsComponentTotalCostsRaisingFunds |
1851 |
Fundraising by activity [heading] |
Abstract |
char:FundraisingByActivityHeading |
1852 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1853 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1854 |
Cost of fundraising activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostFundraisingActivity |
1855 |
Use fundraising expense type dimension to identify type of fundraising expense [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundraisingExpenseTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeFundraisingExpenseGuidance |
1856 |
Direct costs of fundraising activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:DirectCostsFundraisingActivity |
1857 |
Support costs of fundraising activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsFundraisingActivity |
1858 |
Charitable expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CharitableExpenditure |
1859 |
Direct charitable expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:DirectCharitableExpenditure |
1860 |
Charitable support costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CharitableSupportCosts |
1861 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1862 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1863 |
Support costs of charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsCharitableActivity |
1864 |
Further item of charitable expenditure [component of total charitable expenditure] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FurtherItemCharitableExpenditureComponentTotalCharitableExpenditure |
1865 |
Charitable expenditure by activity [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharitableExpenditureByActivityHeading |
1866 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1867 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1868 |
Cost of charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CostCharitableActivity |
1869 |
Direct cost of charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:DirectCostCharitableActivity |
1870 |
Support costs of charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsCharitableActivity |
1871 |
Use institutional grant recipient dimension for analysis and disclosure of grants to institutions [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseInstitutionalGrantRecipientDimensionForAnalysisDisclosureGrantsToInstitutionsGuidance |
1872 |
Grant funding |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:GrantFunding |
1873 |
Total grants to individuals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:TotalGrantsToIndividuals |
1874 |
Total grants to institutions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:TotalGrantsToInstitutions |
1875 |
Material grants to institutions [grouping] |
Abstract |
char:MaterialGrantsToInstitutionsGrouping |
1876 |
Name of specific institutional grant recipient |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameSpecificInstitutionalGrantRecipient |
1877 |
Amount of specific institutional grant |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:AmountSpecificInstitutionalGrant |
1878 |
For a list of grant recipients, if published separately, see 'Website main page URL' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForListGrantRecipientsIfPublishedSeparatelySeeWebsiteMainPageURLCross-reference |
1879 |
Grant funding support costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:GrantFundingSupportCosts |
1880 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1881 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1882 |
Support costs of grant funding activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsGrantFundingActivity |
1883 |
Grants paid by activity [heading] |
Abstract |
char:GrantsPaidByActivityHeading |
1884 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1885 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1886 |
Grant funding activity expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:GrantFundingActivityExpenditure |
1887 |
Grant funding for activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:GrantFundingForActivity |
1888 |
Support costs of grant funding activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsGrantFundingActivity |
1889 |
Statement of exemption to disclosure on the grounds of serious prejudice |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementExemptionToDisclosureOnGroundsSeriousPrejudice |
1890 |
Number of grants not disclosed on the grounds of serious prejudice |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
char:NumberGrantsNotDisclosedOnGroundsSeriousPrejudice |
1891 |
Value of grants not disclosed on the grounds of serious prejudice |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:ValueGrantsNotDisclosedOnGroundsSeriousPrejudice |
1892 |
Description of the general purpose of those grants not disclosed on the grounds of serious prejudice |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionGeneralPurposeThoseGrantsNotDisclosedOnGroundsSeriousPrejudice |
1893 |
Non disclosure of grants on the grounds of serious prejudice free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NonDisclosureGrantsOnGroundsSeriousPrejudiceFree-textComment |
1894 |
Analysis of support costs [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AnalysisSupportCostsHeading |
1895 |
Support costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCosts |
1896 |
Fundraising support costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FundraisingSupportCosts |
1897 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1898 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1899 |
Support costs of fundraising activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsFundraisingActivity |
1900 |
Charitable support costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CharitableSupportCosts |
1901 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1902 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1903 |
Support costs of charitable activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsCharitableActivity |
1904 |
Grant funding support costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:GrantFundingSupportCosts |
1905 |
Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance |
1906 |
Description of activity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionActivity |
1907 |
Support costs of grant funding activity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:SupportCostsGrantFundingActivity |
1908 |
Further items of support costs [component of total support costs] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FurtherItemsSupportCostsComponentTotalSupportCosts |
1909 |
Analysis of governance costs [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AnalysisGovernanceCostsHeading |
1910 |
Governance costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:GovernanceCosts |
1911 |
Trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits including payments to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:DirectorRemunerationBenefitsIncludingPaymentsToThirdParties |
1912 |
Payments to third parties for trustees'/directors' services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:PaymentsToThirdPartiesForDirectorServices |
1913 |
Trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:DirectorRemunerationBenefitsExcludingPaymentsToThirdParties |
1914 |
Trustees'/directors' remuneration |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:DirectorRemuneration |
1915 |
Salaries and fees, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:SalariesFeesDirectors |
1916 |
Salaries, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:SalariesDirectors |
1917 |
Fees, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:FeesDirectors |
1918 |
Bonuses, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:BonusesDirectors |
1919 |
Benefits in kind, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:BenefitsInKindDirectors |
1920 |
Expense allowances, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:ExpenseAllowancesDirectors |
1921 |
Gain (loss) on exercise of share options, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:GainLossOnExerciseShareOptionsDirectors |
1922 |
Amount received or receivable under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:AmountReceivedOrReceivableUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors |
1923 |
Net assets received or receivable under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:NetAssetsReceivedOrReceivableUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors |
1924 |
Company contributions to money purchase plans, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:CompanyContributionsToMoneyPurchasePlansDirectors |
1925 |
Company contributions to defined benefit plans, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:CompanyContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlansDirectors |
1926 |
Further item of Trustee/Director remuneration and benefits [component of total trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:FurtherItemDirectorRemunerationBenefitsComponentTotalDirectorRemunerationBenefitsExcludingPaymentsToThirdParties |
1927 |
Description of any non-cash benefits, trustees/directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionAnyNon-cashBenefitsDirectors |
1928 |
Description of any arrangements under which trustees/directors waive emoluments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionAnyArrangementsUnderWhichDirectorsWaiveEmoluments |
1929 |
Trustees' remuneration and benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TrusteesRemunerationBenefits |
1930 |
None of the trustees have been paid any remuneration or received any other benefits [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoneTrusteesHaveBeenPaidAnyRemunerationOrReceivedAnyOtherBenefitsTruefalse |
1931 |
One or more of the trustees has been paid remuneration or received other benefits [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:OneOrMoreTrusteesHasBeenPaidRemunerationOrReceivedOtherBenefitsTruefalse |
1932 |
Name of remunerated trustee |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameRemuneratedTrustee |
1933 |
Legal authority under which the trustee payment was made [heading] |
Abstract |
char:LegalAuthorityUnderWhichTrusteePaymentWasMadeHeading |
1934 |
Provision in the governing document |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ProvisionInGoverningDocument |
1935 |
Order of the court |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OrderCourt |
1936 |
Permission from regulatory body |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PermissionFromRegulatoryBody |
1937 |
Other legal authority |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OtherLegalAuthority |
1938 |
Reason for remuneration |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonForRemuneration |
1939 |
Amount of remuneration |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountRemuneration |
1940 |
Amount of pension contributions paid in the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountPensionContributionsPaidInReportingPeriod |
1941 |
Amount for administrative support |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountForAdministrativeSupport |
1942 |
Further trustee employee benefit item [component of total trustees remuneration and benefits] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FurtherTrusteeEmployeeBenefitItemComponentTotalTrusteesRemunerationBenefits |
1943 |
Trustees expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TrusteesExpenses |
1944 |
No trustee expenses have been incurred [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoTrusteeExpensesHaveBeenIncurredTruefalse |
1945 |
One or more trustees have had their expenses met by the charity [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:OneOrMoreTrusteesHaveHadTheirExpensesMetByCharityTruefalse |
1946 |
Amount of any material expenses waived by trustees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountAnyMaterialExpensesWaivedByTrustees |
1947 |
Amount of expenses reimbursed or paid directly to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountExpensesReimbursedOrPaidDirectlyToThirdParties |
1948 |
Travel |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:Travel |
1949 |
Subsistence |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:Subsistence |
1950 |
Accommodation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:Accommodation |
1951 |
Further item of trustees' expenses [component of total trustees expenses] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FurtherItemTrusteesExpensesComponentTotalTrusteesExpenses |
1952 |
Number of trustees reimbursed or who had expenses paid by the charity to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:NumberTrusteesReimbursedOrWhoHadExpensesPaidByCharityToThirdParties |
1953 |
Total fees to auditors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:TotalFeesToAuditors |
1954 |
Audit fees and expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:AuditFeesExpenses |
1955 |
Description of benefits in kind for audit services |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:DescriptionBenefitsInKindForAuditServices |
1956 |
Estimated money value of benefits in kind for audit services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
aurep:EstimatedMoneyValueBenefitsInKindForAuditServices |
1957 |
Fees for non-audit services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:FeesForNon-auditServices |
1958 |
Auditing accounts of associates, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesFees |
1959 |
Auditing accounts of associates, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesPensionSchemesFees |
1960 |
Auditing accounts of associates, service to entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesServiceToEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1961 |
Audit-related assurance services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesFees |
1962 |
Audit-related assurance services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1963 |
Audit-related assurance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1964 |
Independent examination fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:IndependentExaminationFees |
1965 |
Taxation compliance services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesFees |
1966 |
Taxation compliance services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1967 |
Taxation compliance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1968 |
Other taxation advisory services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesFees |
1969 |
Other taxation advisory services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1970 |
Other taxation advisory services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1971 |
Internal audit services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:InternalAuditServicesFees |
1972 |
Internal audit services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:InternalAuditServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1973 |
Internal audit services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:InternalAuditServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1974 |
Other assurance services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesFees |
1975 |
Other assurance services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1976 |
Other assurance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1977 |
Corporate finance transactions, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsFees |
1978 |
Corporate finance transactions, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsPensionSchemesFees |
1979 |
Corporate finance transactions, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1980 |
Other non-audit services, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesFees |
1981 |
Other non-audit services, pension schemes, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesPensionSchemesFees |
1982 |
Other non-audit services, entity and subsidiaries, fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees |
1983 |
Description of benefits in kind for non-audit services |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
aurep:DescriptionBenefitsInKindForNon-auditServices |
1984 |
Estimated money value of benefits in kind for non-audit services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
aurep:EstimatedMoneyValueBenefitsInKindForNon-auditServices |
1985 |
Accountancy costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AccountancyCosts |
1986 |
Professional, consultancy and legal fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProfessionalConsultancyLegalFees |
1987 |
Professional and consultancy fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProfessionalConsultancyFees |
1988 |
Legal fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:LegalFees |
1989 |
Further Item of governance costs [component of total governance costs] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:FurtherItemGovernanceCostsComponentTotalGovernanceCosts |
1990 |
Other expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:OtherExpenditure |
1991 |
Further items of other expenditure [component of total other expenditure] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FurtherItemsOtherExpenditureComponentTotalOtherExpenditure |
1992 |
Gain (loss) on investment assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:GainLossOnInvestmentAssets |
1993 |
For gains (losses) on investment assets see 'Net gain / loss before tax items' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForGainsLossesOnInvestmentAssetsSeeNetGainLossBeforeTaxItemsSectionCross-reference |
1994 |
For other gains (losses) on investments see 'Financial assets' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForOtherGainsLossesOnInvestmentsSeeFinancialAssetsSectionCross-reference |
1995 |
Transfers between funds [heading] |
Abstract |
char:TransfersBetweenFundsHeading |
1996 |
For transfers between funds and conversion of endowments use the charity funds dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForTransfersBetweenFundsConversionEndowmentsUseCharityFundsDimensionGuidance |
1997 |
Conversion of endowment funds may also be included in other income [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ConversionEndowmentFundsMayAlsoBeIncludedInOtherIncomeGuidance |
1998 |
Explanation for the conversion of endowment to income during the reporting period |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationForConversionEndowmentToIncomeDuringReportingPeriod |
1999 |
Explanation of the legal power for conversion of endowment to income |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationLegalPowerForConversionEndowmentToIncome |
2000 |
Explanation of material designated funds |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationMaterialDesignatedFunds |
2001 |
Transfer to (from) unrestricted funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromUnrestrictedFunds |
2002 |
Transfer to (from) designated funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromDesignatedFunds |
2003 |
Transfer to (from) restricted funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromRestrictedFunds |
2004 |
Transfer to (from) endowment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromEndowmentFunds |
2005 |
Transfer to (from) expendable endowment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:TransferToFromExpendableEndowmentFunds |
2006 |
Other recognised gains (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:OtherRecognisedGainsLosses |
2007 |
For gains (losses) on the revaluation of fixed assets see 'Net gain / loss before tax items' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForGainsLossesOnRevaluationFixedAssetsSeeNetGainLossBeforeTaxItemsSectionCross-reference |
2008 |
For the details of actuarial gain (loss) on defined benefit pension schemes see 'Post-employment benefits' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForDetailsActuarialGainLossOnDefinedBenefitPensionSchemesSeePost-employmentBenefitsSectionCross-reference |
2009 |
Reconciliation of funds [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ReconciliationFundsHeading |
2010 |
For reconciliation of funds use funds dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForReconciliationFundsUseFundsDimensionGuidance |
2011 |
Increase (decrease) in unrestricted funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncreaseDecreaseInUnrestrictedFunds |
2012 |
Increase (decrease) in designated funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncreaseDecreaseInDesignatedFunds |
2013 |
Increase (decrease) in restricted funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncreaseDecreaseInRestrictedFunds |
2014 |
Increase (decrease) in endowment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncreaseDecreaseInEndowmentFunds |
2015 |
Increase (decrease) in expendable endowment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:IncreaseDecreaseInExpendableEndowmentFunds |
2016 |
Notes on assets and liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NotesOnAssetsLiabilitiesHeading |
2017 |
Property, plant and equipment / tangible fixed assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentTangibleFixedAssetsHeading |
2018 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance |
2019 |
Use property, plant and equipment classes dimension to identify individual PPE classes [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UsePropertyPlantEquipmentClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualPPEClassesGuidance |
2020 |
Use 'investment property' tag in PPE classes dimension to identify investment property reported within PPE [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInvestmentPropertyTagInPPEClassesDimensionToIdentifyInvestmentPropertyReportedWithinPPEGuidance |
2021 |
Use PPE ownership dimension to identify owned, leased and short and long lease values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UsePPEOwnershipDimensionToIdentifyOwnedLeasedShortLongLeaseValuesGuidance |
2022 |
Property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PropertyPlantEquipment |
2023 |
Property, plant and equipment - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:PropertyPlantEquipment-MovementAnalysisHeading |
2024 |
Property, plant and equipment, gross / at cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentGrossCost |
2025 |
Increase (decrease) in property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInPropertyPlantEquipment |
2026 |
Total additions including from business combinations, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalAdditionsIncludingFromBusinessCombinationsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2027 |
Acquired through business combinations, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2028 |
Additions other than through business combinations, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2029 |
Disposals, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DisposalsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2030 |
Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSalePropertyPlantEquipment |
2031 |
Disposals through business divestiture, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestiturePropertyPlantEquipment |
2032 |
Retirements, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RetirementsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2033 |
Other disposals, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherDisposalsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2034 |
Decrease through discontinued operations, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2035 |
Total increase (decrease) from revaluations, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2036 |
Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomePropertyPlantEquipment |
2037 |
Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in income and expenditure, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment |
2038 |
Increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferencesPropertyPlantEquipment |
2039 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutPropertyPlantEquipment |
2040 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesPropertyPlantEquipment |
2041 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in PPE [component of total change in PPE] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInPPEComponentTotalChangeInPPE |
2042 |
Increase (decrease) through other changes, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesPropertyPlantEquipment |
2043 |
Property, plant and equipment movement analysis free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentMovementAnalysisFree-textComment |
2044 |
Property, plant and equipment depreciation and impairment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentDepreciationImpairmentHeading |
2045 |
Accumulated depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2046 |
Accumulated depreciation, not including impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedDepreciationNotIncludingImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2047 |
Accumulated impairment, not including depreciation, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedImpairmentNotIncludingDepreciationPropertyPlantEquipment |
2048 |
Increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2049 |
Increase from depreciation charge for the year, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromDepreciationChargeForYearPropertyPlantEquipment |
2050 |
Increase (decrease) from total impairment loss recognised or reversed, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromTotalImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedPropertyPlantEquipment |
2051 |
Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomePropertyPlantEquipment |
2052 |
Increase from impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomePropertyPlantEquipment |
2053 |
Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomePropertyPlantEquipment |
2054 |
Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in income and expenditure, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment |
2055 |
Increase from impairment loss recognised in income and expenditure, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment |
2056 |
Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in income and expenditure, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment |
2057 |
Disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2058 |
Transfer to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TransferToNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2059 |
Business divestiture, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:BusinessDivestitureDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2060 |
Retirements, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RetirementsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2061 |
Other disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherDisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2062 |
Acquisitions, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AcquisitionsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2063 |
Revaluations, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2064 |
Foreign exchange differences, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2065 |
Transfers into or out of property, plant and equipment, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersIntoOrOutPropertyPlantEquipmentIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairment |
2066 |
Transfers between PPE classes, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersBetweenPPEClassesIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairment |
2067 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, PPE [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPPEComponentCorrespondingTotal |
2068 |
Other increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment |
2069 |
Description of line items in income statement in which depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment is included |
LineItems |
core:DescriptionLineItemsInIncomeStatementInWhichDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipmentIncluded |
2070 |
Depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment, free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipmentFree-textComment |
2071 |
Impairment of property, plant and equipment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading |
2072 |
Description of impairment losses recognised or reversed, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionImpairmentLossesRecognisedOrReversedPropertyPlantEquipment |
2073 |
Discount rate used in estimate of recoverable amount, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:DiscountRateUsedInEstimateRecoverableAmountPropertyPlantEquipment |
2074 |
For impairment loss and reversal amounts, see 'Impairment losses and reversals' section under 'Notes on income and expense' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForImpairmentLossReversalAmountsSeeImpairmentLossesReversalsSectionUnderNotesOnIncomeExpenseCross-reference |
2075 |
For depreciation methods and useful lives, see 'Property, plant and equipment policy' in 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDepreciationMethodsUsefulLivesSeePropertyPlantEquipmentPolicyInSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference |
2076 |
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading |
2077 |
Effective date of revaluation, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveDateRevaluationPropertyPlantEquipment |
2078 |
Carrying amount under cost model of revalued assets, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountUnderCostModelRevaluedAssetsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2079 |
Independent valuer was involved in revaluation, property, plant and equipment [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:IndependentValuerWasInvolvedInRevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentTruefalse |
2080 |
Qualifications of independent valuer, property plant and equipment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:QualificationsIndependentValuerPropertyPlantEquipment |
2081 |
Description of methods and assumptions underlying fair values estimate, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsAssumptionsUnderlyingFairValuesEstimatePropertyPlantEquipment |
2082 |
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentFree-textComment |
2083 |
Other information on property, plant and equipment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherInformationOnPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading |
2084 |
Carrying amount of investment property rented to another group entity |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountInvestmentPropertyRentedToAnotherGroupEntity |
2085 |
Property, plant and equipment with restricted title [heading] |
Abstract |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentWithRestrictedTitleHeading |
2086 |
Description of property, plant and equipment with restricted title or pledged as security |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionPropertyPlantEquipmentWithRestrictedTitleOrPledgedAsSecurity |
2087 |
Carrying amount of property, plant and equipment with restricted title |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountPropertyPlantEquipmentWithRestrictedTitle |
2088 |
Carrying amount of property, plant and equipment pledged as security for liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountPropertyPlantEquipmentPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilities |
2089 |
Commitments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CommitmentsForAcquisitionPropertyPlantEquipment |
2090 |
Compensation from third parties for property, plant and equipment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CompensationFromThirdPartiesForPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading |
2091 |
Description of compensation from third parties for impairment or loss of property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCompensationFromThirdPartiesForImpairmentOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment |
2092 |
Amount of compensation from third parties for property, plant and equipment impaired, lost or given up that is included in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AmountCompensationFromThirdPartiesForPropertyPlantEquipmentImpairedLostOrGivenUpThatIncludedInProfitOrLoss |
2093 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to property, plant and equipment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading |
2094 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToPropertyPlantEquipment |
2095 |
Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsPropertyPlantEquipment |
2096 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to property, plant and equipment free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToPropertyPlantEquipmentFree-textComment |
2097 |
For analysis of property, plant and equipment by segment, use appropriate dimension members listed under 'Segment Reporting' note [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForAnalysisPropertyPlantEquipmentBySegmentUseAppropriateDimensionMembersListedUnderSegmentReportingNoteCross-reference |
2098 |
For provisions related to property, plant and equipment, see 'Provisions' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForProvisionsRelatedToPropertyPlantEquipmentSeeProvisionsSectionCross-reference |
2099 |
Property, plant and equipment free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentFree-textComment |
2100 |
Heritage assets [heading] |
Abstract |
char:HeritageAssetsHeading |
2101 |
Use heritage assets class dimension to identify individual asset classes [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseHeritageAssetsClassDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesGuidance |
2102 |
Use heritage assets group dimension to identify individual asset groups [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseHeritageAssetsGroupDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetGroupsGuidance |
2103 |
Use heritage assets basis of recognition dimension to identify cost or valuation values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseHeritageAssetsBasisRecognitionDimensionToIdentifyCostOrValuationValuesGuidance |
2104 |
Heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:HeritageAssets |
2105 |
Heritage assets - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
char:HeritageAssets-MovementAnalysisHeading |
2106 |
Increase (decrease) in heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseDecreaseInHeritageAssets |
2107 |
Total additions, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TotalAdditionsHeritageAssets |
2108 |
Value acquired by donation, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:ValueAcquiredByDonationHeritageAssets |
2109 |
Additions from purchase, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AdditionsFromPurchaseHeritageAssets |
2110 |
Disposals, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:DisposalsHeritageAssets |
2111 |
Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleHeritageAssets |
2112 |
Other disposals, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:OtherDisposalsHeritageAssets |
2113 |
Proceeds from disposals, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:ProceedsFromDisposalsHeritageAssets |
2114 |
Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in the SoFA, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInSoFAHeritageAssets |
2115 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutHeritageAssets |
2116 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesHeritageAssets |
2117 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in heritage assets [component of total change in heritage assets] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInHeritageAssetsComponentTotalChangeInHeritageAssets |
2118 |
Increase (decrease) through other changes, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesHeritageAssets |
2119 |
Heritage assets movement analysis free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:HeritageAssetsMovementAnalysisFree-textComment |
2120 |
Heritage assets depreciation and impairment [heading] |
Abstract |
char:HeritageAssetsDepreciationImpairmentHeading |
2121 |
Accumulated depreciation and impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:AccumulatedDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2122 |
Accumulated depreciation, not including impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:AccumulatedDepreciationNotIncludingImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2123 |
Accumulated impairment, not including depreciation, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:AccumulatedImpairmentNotIncludingDepreciationHeritageAssets |
2124 |
Increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2125 |
Increase from depreciation charge for the year, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseFromDepreciationChargeForYearHeritageAssets |
2126 |
Increase (decrease) from total impairment loss recognised or reversed, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseDecreaseFromTotalImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedHeritageAssets |
2127 |
Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in the SoFA, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInSoFAHeritageAssets |
2128 |
Increase from impairment loss recognised in the SoFA, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInSoFAHeritageAssets |
2129 |
Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in the SoFA, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInSoFAHeritageAssets |
2130 |
Disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:DisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2131 |
Transfer to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, decrease in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TransferToNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2132 |
Other disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:OtherDisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2133 |
Acquisitions, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AcquisitionsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2134 |
Revaluations, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2135 |
Transfers into or out of heritage assets, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TransfersIntoOrOutHeritageAssetsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairment |
2136 |
Transfers between heritage asset classes, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TransfersBetweenHeritageAssetClassesIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairment |
2137 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssetsComponentCorrespondingTotal |
2138 |
Other increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets |
2139 |
Description of line items in income statement in which depreciation and impairment of heritage assets is included |
LineItems |
char:DescriptionLineItemsInIncomeStatementInWhichDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssetsIncluded |
2140 |
Depreciation and impairment, heritage assets, free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssetsFree-textComment |
2141 |
Impairment of heritage assets [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ImpairmentHeritageAssetsHeading |
2142 |
Description of impairment losses recognised or reversed, heritage assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionImpairmentLossesRecognisedOrReversedHeritageAssets |
2143 |
Discount rate used in estimate of recoverable amount, heritage assets |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
char:DiscountRateUsedInEstimateRecoverableAmountHeritageAssets |
2144 |
For impairment loss and reversal amounts, see 'Impairment losses and reversals' section under 'Notes on income and expense' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForImpairmentLossReversalAmountsSeeImpairmentLossesReversalsSectionUnderNotesOnIncomeExpenseCross-reference |
2145 |
For depreciation methods and useful lives, see 'Heritage assets policy' in 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForDepreciationMethodsUsefulLivesSeeHeritageAssetsPolicyInSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference |
2146 |
Revaluation of heritage assets [heading] |
Abstract |
char:RevaluationHeritageAssetsHeading |
2147 |
Effective date of revaluation, heritage assets |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
char:EffectiveDateRevaluationHeritageAssets |
2148 |
Carrying amount under cost model of revalued assets, heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:CarryingAmountUnderCostModelRevaluedAssetsHeritageAssets |
2149 |
Independent valuer was involved in revaluation, heritage assets [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:IndependentValuerWasInvolvedInRevaluationHeritageAssetsTruefalse |
2150 |
Qualifications of independent valuer, heritage assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:QualificationsIndependentValuerHeritageAssets |
2151 |
Description of methods and assumptions underlying fair values estimate, heritage assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionMethodsAssumptionsUnderlyingFairValuesEstimateHeritageAssets |
2152 |
Revaluation of heritage assets free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:RevaluationHeritageAssetsFree-textComment |
2153 |
Other information on heritage assets [heading] |
Abstract |
char:OtherInformationOnHeritageAssetsHeading |
2154 |
Heritage assets with restricted title [heading] |
Abstract |
char:HeritageAssetsWithRestrictedTitleHeading |
2155 |
Description of heritage assets with restricted title or pledged as security |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionHeritageAssetsWithRestrictedTitleOrPledgedAsSecurity |
2156 |
Carrying amount of heritage assets with restricted title |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:CarryingAmountHeritageAssetsWithRestrictedTitle |
2157 |
Carrying amount of heritage assets pledged as security for liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:CarryingAmountHeritageAssetsPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilities |
2158 |
Commitments for acquisition of heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:CommitmentsForAcquisitionHeritageAssets |
2159 |
Compensation from third parties for heritage assets [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CompensationFromThirdPartiesForHeritageAssetsHeading |
2160 |
Description of compensation from third parties for impairment or loss of heritage assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionCompensationFromThirdPartiesForImpairmentOrLossHeritageAssets |
2161 |
Amount of compensation from third parties for heritage assets impaired, lost or given up that is included in the SoFA |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountCompensationFromThirdPartiesForHeritageAssetsImpairedLostOrGivenUpThatIncludedInSoFA |
2162 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to heritage assets [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToHeritageAssetsHeading |
2163 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to heritage assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToHeritageAssets |
2164 |
Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, heritage assets |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
char:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsHeritageAssets |
2165 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to heritage assets free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToHeritageAssetsFree-textComment |
2166 |
Explanation for any heritage assets not recognised in the balance sheet |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationForAnyHeritageAssetsNotRecognisedInBalanceSheet |
2167 |
Description of significance and nature of heritage assets not recognised in the balance sheet |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionSignificanceNatureHeritageAssetsNotRecognisedInBalanceSheet |
2168 |
Disclosure of information helpful in assessing value of heritage assets not recognised in the balance sheet |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DisclosureInformationHelpfulInAssessingValueHeritageAssetsNotRecognisedInBalanceSheet |
2169 |
Statement that valuation of heritage assets acquired by donation is not practicable |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:StatementThatValuationHeritageAssetsAcquiredByDonationNotPracticable |
2170 |
For analysis of heritage assets by segment, use appropriate dimension members listed under 'Segment Reporting' note [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForAnalysisHeritageAssetsBySegmentUseAppropriateDimensionMembersListedUnderSegmentReportingNoteCross-reference |
2171 |
For provisions related to heritage assets, see 'Provisions' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForProvisionsRelatedToHeritageAssetsSeeProvisionsSectionCross-reference |
2172 |
Heritage assets free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:HeritageAssetsFree-textComment |
2173 |
Intangible assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssetsHeading |
2174 |
Use intangible classes dimension to identify individual asset classes, including goodwill [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseIntangibleClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesIncludingGoodwillGuidance |
2175 |
Use generation type dimension to distinguish values for internally generated and externally acquired assets [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseGenerationTypeDimensionToDistinguishValuesForInternallyGeneratedExternallyAcquiredAssetsGuidance |
2176 |
Use segment reporting dimensions for analysis of intangible assets by segment [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseSegmentReportingDimensionsForAnalysisIntangibleAssetsBySegmentGuidance |
2177 |
Intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:IntangibleAssets |
2178 |
Intangible assets - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssets-MovementAnalysisHeading |
2179 |
Intangible assets, gross / at cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:IntangibleAssetsGrossCost |
2180 |
Increase (decrease) in intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInIntangibleAssets |
2181 |
Total additions including from business combinations, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalAdditionsIncludingFromBusinessCombinationsIntangibleAssets |
2182 |
Additions other than through business combinations, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsIntangibleAssets |
2183 |
Acquired through business combinations, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsIntangibleAssets |
2184 |
Disposals, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DisposalsIntangibleAssets |
2185 |
Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleIntangibleAssets |
2186 |
Disposals through business divestiture, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestitureIntangibleAssets |
2187 |
Retirements, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RetirementsIntangibleAssets |
2188 |
Other disposals, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherDisposalsIntangibleAssets |
2189 |
Decrease through discontinued operations, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsIntangibleAssets |
2190 |
Total increase (decrease) from revaluations, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsIntangibleAssets |
2191 |
Increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferencesIntangibleAssets |
2192 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutIntangibleAssets |
2193 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesIntangibleAssets |
2194 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in intangible assets [component of total change in intangible assets] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInIntangibleAssetsComponentTotalChangeInIntangibleAssets |
2195 |
Increase (decrease) through other changes, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesIntangibleAssets |
2196 |
Intangible assets movement analysis free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:IntangibleAssetsMovementAnalysisFree-textComment |
2197 |
Intangible assets amortisation and impairment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssetsAmortisationImpairmentHeading |
2198 |
Accumulated amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2199 |
Accumulated impairment, not including amortisation, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedImpairmentNotIncludingAmortisationIntangibleAssets |
2200 |
Accumulated amortisation, not including impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedAmortisationNotIncludingImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2201 |
Increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2202 |
Increase from amortisation charge for the year, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromAmortisationChargeForYearIntangibleAssets |
2203 |
Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeIntangibleAssets |
2204 |
Increase from impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeIntangibleAssets |
2205 |
Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeIntangibleAssets |
2206 |
Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in profit or loss, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossIntangibleAssets |
2207 |
Increase from impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossIntangibleAssets |
2208 |
Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossIntangibleAssets |
2209 |
Disposals, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DisposalsDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2210 |
Transfer to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TransferToNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2211 |
Business divestiture, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:BusinessDivestitureDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2212 |
Retirements, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RetirementsDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2213 |
Other disposals, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherDisposalsDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2214 |
Acquisitions, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AcquisitionsIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2215 |
Revaluations, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2216 |
Foreign exchange differences, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2217 |
Transfers into or out of intangible assets, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersIntoOrOutIntangibleAssetsIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairment |
2218 |
Transfers between intangible classes, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersBetweenIntangibleClassesIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairment |
2219 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssetsComponentCorrespondingTotal |
2220 |
Other increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets |
2221 |
Description of line items in income statement in which amortisation and impairment of intangible assets is included |
LineItems |
core:DescriptionLineItemsInIncomeStatementInWhichAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssetsIncluded |
2222 |
Amortisation and impairment, intangible assets, free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssetsFree-textComment |
2223 |
Impairment of intangible assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentIntangibleAssetsHeading |
2224 |
Description of impairment losses recognised or reversed, intangible assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionImpairmentLossesRecognisedOrReversedIntangibleAssets |
2225 |
Discount rate used in estimate of recoverable amount, intangible assets |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:DiscountRateUsedInEstimateRecoverableAmountIntangibleAssets |
2226 |
For impairment loss and reversal amounts, see 'Impairment losses and reversals' section under 'Notes on income and expense' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForImpairmentLossReversalAmountsSeeImpairmentLossesReversalsSectionUnderNotesOnIncomeExpenseCross-reference |
2227 |
For amortisation methods and useful lives, see 'Intangible assets policy' in 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForAmortisationMethodsUsefulLivesSeeIntangibleAssetsPolicyInSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference |
2228 |
Revaluation of intangible assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationIntangibleAssetsHeading |
2229 |
Effective date of revaluation, intangible assets |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveDateRevaluationIntangibleAssets |
2230 |
Carrying amount under cost model of revalued assets, intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountUnderCostModelRevaluedAssetsIntangibleAssets |
2231 |
Independent valuer was involved in revaluation, intangible assets [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:IndependentValuerWasInvolvedInRevaluationIntangibleAssetsTruefalse |
2232 |
Qualifications of independent valuer, intangible assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:QualificationsIndependentValuerIntangibleAssets |
2233 |
Description of methods and significant assumptions underlying estimate of fair values, intangible assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsUnderlyingEstimateFairValuesIntangibleAssets |
2234 |
Revaluation of intangible assets free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RevaluationIntangibleAssetsFree-textComment |
2235 |
Specific individual intangible asset [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SpecificIndividualIntangibleAssetHeading |
2236 |
Material intangible asset [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:MaterialIntangibleAssetGrouping |
2237 |
Description of material intangible asset |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMaterialIntangibleAsset |
2238 |
Carrying amount of material intangible asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountMaterialIntangibleAsset |
2239 |
Description of remaining amortisation period of material intangible asset |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRemainingAmortisationPeriodMaterialIntangibleAsset |
2240 |
Intangible assets acquired through government grant [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssetsAcquiredThroughGovernmentGrantGrouping |
2241 |
Description of intangible assets acquired through government grant |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionIntangibleAssetsAcquiredThroughGovernmentGrant |
2242 |
Fair value initially recognised of intangible assets acquired through government grant |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueInitiallyRecognisedIntangibleAssetsAcquiredThroughGovernmentGrant |
2243 |
Carrying amount of intangible assets acquired through government grant |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountIntangibleAssetsAcquiredThroughGovernmentGrant |
2244 |
For specific impairment loss and reversal, see 'Specific material impairment loss or reversal, intangible assets [grouping]' section under 'Notes on Income' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForSpecificImpairmentLossReversalSeeSpecificMaterialImpairmentLossOrReversalIntangibleAssetsGroupingSectionUnderNotesOnIncomeCross-reference |
2245 |
Other information on intangible assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherInformationOnIntangibleAssetsHeading |
2246 |
Intangible assets with restricted title [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssetsWithRestrictedTitleHeading |
2247 |
Description of intangible assets with restricted title or pledged as security |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionIntangibleAssetsWithRestrictedTitleOrPledgedAsSecurity |
2248 |
Carrying amount of intangible assets with restricted title |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountIntangibleAssetsWithRestrictedTitle |
2249 |
Carrying amount of intangible assets pledged as security for liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountIntangibleAssetsPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilities |
2250 |
Commitments for acquisition of intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CommitmentsForAcquisitionIntangibleAssets |
2251 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to intangible assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToIntangibleAssetsHeading |
2252 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToIntangibleAssets |
2253 |
Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, intangible assets |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsIntangibleAssets |
2254 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to intangible assets free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToIntangibleAssetsFree-textComment |
2255 |
Allocation of goodwill to cash-generating units is not required to be tagged [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:AllocationGoodwillToCash-generatingUnitsNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance |
2256 |
Intangible assets free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:IntangibleAssetsFree-textComment |
2257 |
Investment property [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentPropertyHeading |
2258 |
Use investment property ownership type dimension to distinguish freehold and leasehold values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInvestmentPropertyOwnershipTypeDimensionToDistinguishFreeholdLeaseholdValuesGuidance |
2259 |
Investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentProperty |
2260 |
Model used to measure investment property |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ModelUsedToMeasureInvestmentProperty |
2261 |
Description of investment property leasing arrangements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInvestmentPropertyLeasingArrangements |
2262 |
Investment property, fair value model [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentPropertyFairValueModelHeading |
2263 |
Investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2264 |
Increase (decrease) in investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2265 |
Additions other than through business combinations, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2266 |
Additions from subsequent expenditure recognised as asset, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdditionsFromSubsequentExpenditureRecognisedAsAssetInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2267 |
Additions from acquisitions, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdditionsFromAcquisitionsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2268 |
Acquired through business combinations, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2269 |
Disposals, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DisposalsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2270 |
Transfers to (from) non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2271 |
Disposals through business divestiture, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestitureInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2272 |
Other disposals, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherDisposalsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2273 |
Decrease through discontinued operations, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2274 |
Increase (decrease) from fair value adjustment, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromFairValueAdjustmentInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2275 |
Increase (decrease) through foreign exchange differences, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughForeignExchangeDifferencesInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2276 |
Transfers to (from) property, plant and equipment, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersToFromPropertyPlantEquipmentFairValueModel |
2277 |
Transfers to (from) inventories, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersToFromInventoriesInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2278 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in investment property, fair value model [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInInvestmentPropertyFairValueModelComponentCorrespondingTotal |
2279 |
Increase (decrease) from other changes, investment property, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromOtherChangesInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel |
2280 |
Measurement of investment property, fair value model [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MeasurementInvestmentPropertyFairValueModelHeading |
2281 |
Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair value of investment property |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValueInvestmentProperty |
2282 |
Description of extent to which fair value of investment property is based on valuation by independent valuer |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionExtentToWhichFairValueInvestmentPropertyBasedOnValuationByIndependentValuer |
2283 |
Income and expense recognised for investment property [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IncomeExpenseRecognisedForInvestmentPropertyHeading |
2284 |
Rental income from investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RentalIncomeFromInvestmentProperty |
2285 |
Other disclosures on investment property [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherDisclosuresOnInvestmentPropertyHeading |
2286 |
Description of restrictions on realisability or remittance of income from investment property |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRestrictionsOnRealisabilityOrRemittanceIncomeFromInvestmentProperty |
2287 |
Description of contractual obligations on purchase, development or repair of investment property |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionContractualObligationsOnPurchaseDevelopmentOrRepairInvestmentProperty |
2288 |
Repairs and maintenance commitments, investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:RepairsMaintenanceCommitmentsInvestmentProperty |
2289 |
Investment property free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InvestmentPropertyFree-textComment |
2290 |
Biological assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BiologicalAssetsHeading |
2291 |
Use biological assets classes dimension to identify individual biological asset classes [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseBiologicalAssetsClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualBiologicalAssetClassesGuidance |
2292 |
Use biological assets maturity dimension to distinguish mature and immature assets [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseBiologicalAssetsMaturityDimensionToDistinguishMatureImmatureAssetsGuidance |
2293 |
Biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssets |
2294 |
Name or description of biological asset class |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameOrDescriptionBiologicalAssetClass |
2295 |
Biological assets, fair value model [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BiologicalAssetsFairValueModelHeading |
2296 |
Biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2297 |
Increase (decrease) in biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2298 |
Total purchases / additions including from business combinations, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalPurchasesAdditionsIncludingFromBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2299 |
Purchases / additions other than through business combinations, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PurchasesAdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2300 |
Acquired through business combinations, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2301 |
Increase in biological assets from development / cultivation costs capitalised, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInBiologicalAssetsFromDevelopmentCultivationCostsCapitalisedFairValueModel |
2302 |
Sales / disposals, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:SalesDisposalsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2303 |
Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2304 |
Disposals through business divestiture, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestitureBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2305 |
Retirements, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RetirementsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2306 |
Other disposals, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherDisposalsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2307 |
Decrease through discontinued operations, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2308 |
Increase (decrease) from fair value adjustment, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromFairValueAdjustmentBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2309 |
Increase (decrease) in fair value adjustment attributable to physical changes, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInFairValueAdjustmentAttributableToPhysicalChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2310 |
Increase (decrease) in biological assets due to births and deaths, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsDueToBirthsDeathsFairValueModel |
2311 |
Increase (decrease) on initial recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce for current period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseOnInitialRecognitionBiologicalAssetsAgriculturalProduceForCurrentPeriod |
2312 |
Increase (decrease) in fair value adjustment attributable to price changes, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInFairValueAdjustmentAttributableToPriceChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2313 |
Increase (decrease) in fair value adjustment through other changes, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInFairValueAdjustmentThroughOtherChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2314 |
Decrease due to harvest, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseDueToHarvestBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2315 |
Increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferencesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2316 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2317 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of biological asset, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesBiologicalAssetFairValueModel |
2318 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in biological assets, fair value model [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsFairValueModelComponentCorrespondingTotal |
2319 |
Increase (decrease) through other changes, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2320 |
Measurement of biological assets, fair value model [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MeasurementBiologicalAssetsFairValueModelHeading |
2321 |
Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair value of biological assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValueBiologicalAssets |
2322 |
Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining the fair value at the point of harvest, biological assets, fair value model |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValuePointHarvestBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel |
2323 |
Biological assets, fair value model movement analysis free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BiologicalAssetsFairValueModelMovementAnalysisFree-textComment |
2324 |
Biological assets, cost model [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BiologicalAssetsCostModelHeading |
2325 |
Biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2326 |
Description of biological assets measured at cost |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBiologicalAssetsMeasuredCost |
2327 |
Biological assets, cost model - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BiologicalAssetsCostModel-MovementAnalysisHeading |
2328 |
Biological assets, cost model, gross |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BiologicalAssetsCostModelGross |
2329 |
Increase (decrease) in biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2330 |
Total purchases / additions including from business combinations, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalPurchasesAdditionsIncludingFromBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2331 |
Purchases / additions other than through business combinations, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PurchasesAdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2332 |
Acquired through business combinations, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2333 |
Sales / disposals, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:SalesDisposalsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2334 |
Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2335 |
Disposals through business divestiture, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestitureBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2336 |
Retirements, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RetirementsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2337 |
Other disposals, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherDisposalsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2338 |
Decrease through discontinued operations, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2339 |
Decrease due to harvest, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseDueToHarvestBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2340 |
Total increase (decrease) from revaluations, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2341 |
Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2342 |
Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in income and expenditure, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2343 |
Increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferencesBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2344 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2345 |
Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2346 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in biological assets, cost model [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsCostModelComponentCorrespondingTotal |
2347 |
Increase (decrease) through other changes, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2348 |
Biological assets, cost model, movement analysis free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BiologicalAssetsCostModelMovementAnalysisFree-textComment |
2349 |
Biological assets, cost model, depreciation and impairment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BiologicalAssetsCostModelDepreciationImpairmentHeading |
2350 |
Accumulated depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2351 |
Accumulated depreciation, not including impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedDepreciationNotIncludingImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2352 |
Accumulated impairment, not including depreciation, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedImpairmentNotIncludingDepreciationBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2353 |
Increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2354 |
Increase from depreciation charge for the year, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromDepreciationChargeForYearBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2355 |
Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2356 |
Increase from impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2357 |
Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2358 |
Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in income and expenditure, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2359 |
Increase from impairment loss recognised in income and expenditure, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2360 |
Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in income and expenditure, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2361 |
Sales / disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SalesDisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2362 |
Transfer to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TransferToNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2363 |
Business divestiture, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:BusinessDivestitureDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2364 |
Retirements, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RetirementsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2365 |
Disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2366 |
Acquisitions, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AcquisitionsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2367 |
Revaluations, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2368 |
Foreign exchange differences, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2369 |
Transfers into or out of biological assets, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersIntoOrOutBiologicalAssetsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentCostModel |
2370 |
Transfers between classes of biological assets, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TransfersBetweenClassesBiologicalAssetsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentCostModel |
2371 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModelComponentCorrespondingTotal |
2372 |
Other increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2373 |
Depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model, free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModelFree-textComment |
2374 |
For depreciation methods and useful lives, see 'Biological assets policy' in 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDepreciationMethodsUsefulLivesSeeBiologicalAssetsPolicyInSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference |
2375 |
Measurement of biological assets, cost model [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MeasurementBiologicalAssetsCostModelHeading |
2376 |
Description of measurement basis for biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMeasurementBasisForBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2377 |
Description of methods and assumptions underlying fair values estimate, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMethodsAssumptionsUnderlyingFairValuesEstimateBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2378 |
Description of cases in which biological asset fair value information is unreliable, including explanation and estimates, cost model |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCasesInWhichBiologicalAssetFairValueInformationUnreliableIncludingExplanationEstimatesCostModel |
2379 |
Description of cases in which fair value of biological assets becomes reliably measurable, including explanation and effect, cost model |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCasesInWhichFairValueBiologicalAssetsBecomesReliablyMeasurableIncludingExplanationEffectCostModel |
2380 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to biological assets, cost model [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToBiologicalAssetsCostModelHeading |
2381 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2382 |
Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, biological assets, cost model |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsBiologicalAssetsCostModel |
2383 |
Capitalised borrowing costs related to biological assets, cost model, free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToBiologicalAssetsCostModelFree-textComment |
2384 |
For disclosures related to specific assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging, see 'Collateral' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDisclosuresRelatedToSpecificAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledgingSeeCollateralSectionCross-reference |
2385 |
Biological assets free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BiologicalAssetsFree-textComment |
2386 |
Stocks [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InventoriesHeading |
2387 |
Use current / non-current stocks dimension to identify current and non-current values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrentNon-currentInventoriesDimensionToIdentifyCurrentNon-currentValuesGuidance |
2388 |
Total stocks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalInventories |
2389 |
Raw materials and consumables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:RawMaterialsConsumables |
2390 |
Raw materials |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:RawMaterials |
2391 |
Consumables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Consumables |
2392 |
Merchandise |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Merchandise |
2393 |
Production supplies |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ProductionSupplies |
2394 |
Spare parts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:SpareParts |
2395 |
Work in progress |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:WorkInProgress |
2396 |
Use activity dimension for analysis of work in progress by activity [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseActivityDimensionForAnalysisWorkInProgressByActivityGuidance |
2397 |
Long term contract work in progress |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LongTermContractWorkInProgress |
2398 |
Finished goods and goods for resale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinishedGoodsGoodsForResale |
2399 |
Finished goods |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinishedGoods |
2400 |
Goods for resale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GoodsForResale |
2401 |
Goods for distribution to beneficiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:GoodsForDistributionToBeneficiaries |
2402 |
Payments on account, stocks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PaymentsOnAccountInventories |
2403 |
Further item of stocks [component of total stocks] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemInventoriesComponentTotalInventories |
2404 |
Other stocks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherInventories |
2405 |
Stocks at fair value less costs to sell / net realisable value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InventoriesFairValueLessCostsToSellNetRealisableValue |
2406 |
Loss (gain) from write-downs and reversals of stocks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:LossGainFromWrite-downsReversalsInventories |
2407 |
Stocks write-down expense, gross |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InventoryWrite-downExpenseGross |
2408 |
Reversal of stocks write-down, gross |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ReversalInventoryWrite-downGross |
2409 |
Description of circumstances leading to reversals of stock write-down |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCircumstancesLeadingToReversalsInventoryWrite-down |
2410 |
Stocks pledged as security for liabilities, carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InventoriesPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilitiesCarryingAmount |
2411 |
Description of stocks pledged as security for liabilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInventoriesPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilities |
2412 |
Description of stock cost formulas |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInventoryCostFormulas |
2413 |
Stocks free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InventoriesFree-textComment |
2414 |
For provisions for obsolescence, see 'Provisions' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForProvisionsForObsolescenceSeeProvisionsSectionCross-reference |
2415 |
Debtors [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DebtorsHeading |
2416 |
Use current / non-current dimension to identify within one year / after one year values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance |
2417 |
Debtors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Debtors |
2418 |
Trade debtors / trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TradeDebtorsTradeReceivables |
2419 |
Amounts owed by related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByRelatedParties |
2420 |
Amounts owed by group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
2421 |
Amounts owed by group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByGroupUndertakings |
2422 |
Amounts owed by parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByParentEntities |
2423 |
Amounts owed by subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedBySubsidiaries |
2424 |
Amounts owed by associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
2425 |
Amounts owed by associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByAssociates |
2426 |
Amounts owed by joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByJointVentures |
2427 |
Amounts owed by other related parties other than directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors |
2428 |
Amounts owed by directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsOwedByDirectors |
2429 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
2430 |
Amounts receivable in respect of group relief |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsReceivableInRespectGroupRelief |
2431 |
Total lease receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalLeaseReceivables |
2432 |
Present value of finance lease receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PresentValueFinanceLeaseReceivables |
2433 |
Unearned finance income on finance leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:UnearnedFinanceIncomeOnFinanceLeases |
2434 |
Gross investment in finance leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GrossInvestmentInFinanceLeases |
2435 |
Operating leases rental receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OperatingLeasesRentalReceivables |
2436 |
Interest and similar income receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InterestSimilarIncomeReceivable |
2437 |
Amounts recoverable on contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsRecoverableOnContracts |
2438 |
Called up share capital not paid |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid |
2439 |
Advances paid to suppliers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AdvancesPaidToSuppliers |
2440 |
Prepayments and accrued income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncome |
2441 |
Prepayments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Prepayments |
2442 |
Accrued income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AccruedIncome |
2443 |
Pension schemes prepayments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PensionSchemesPrepayments |
2444 |
Amounts due on sale of subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountsDueOnSaleSubsidiaries |
2445 |
Dividends due from subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DividendsDueFromSubsidiaries |
2446 |
Corporation tax recoverable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CorporationTaxRecoverable |
2447 |
Deferred tax asset, debtors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxAssetDebtors |
2448 |
Description of reasons why deferred tax asset should be recognised |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsWhyDeferredTaxAssetShouldBeRecognised |
2449 |
Recoverable value-added tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:RecoverableValue-addedTax |
2450 |
Factored debts outstanding |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FactoredDebtsOutstanding |
2451 |
Further item of debtors [component of total debtors] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemDebtorsComponentTotalDebtors |
2452 |
Other debtors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherDebtors |
2453 |
Debtors free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DebtorsFree-textComment |
2454 |
Use allowance for impairment dimension to identify impairment of receivables [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseAllowanceForImpairmentDimensionToIdentifyImpairmentReceivablesGuidance |
2455 |
For debtors / receivables related to construction contracts, see 'Construction contracts' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDebtorsReceivablesRelatedToConstructionContractsSeeConstructionContractsSectionCross-reference |
2456 |
Financial and non-financial debtor sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialNon-financialDebtorSub-totalsHeading |
2457 |
Debtors, non-financial asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtorsNon-financialAsset |
2458 |
Debtors, financial asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtorsFinancialAsset |
2459 |
Prepayments and accrued income, financial asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncomeFinancialAsset |
2460 |
Prepayments and accrued income, non-financial asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncomeNon-financialAsset |
2461 |
For further analysis of loans and receivables designated at fair value through income or expenditure, see 'Fair value of assets and liabilities' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForFurtherAnalysisLoansReceivablesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLossSeeFairValueAssetsLiabilitiesSectionCross-reference |
2462 |
For analysis of impaired and of past due but not impaired financial assets, see 'Financial assets' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForAnalysisImpairedPastDueButNotImpairedFinancialAssetsSeeFinancialAssetsSectionCross-reference |
2463 |
Creditors [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CreditorsHeading |
2464 |
Use current / non-current dimension to identify within one year / after one year values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance |
2465 |
Creditors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Creditors |
2466 |
Total borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalBorrowings |
2467 |
Bank borrowings and overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankBorrowingsOverdrafts |
2468 |
Bank borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankBorrowings |
2469 |
Bank overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankOverdrafts |
2470 |
Further item of bank borrowings and overdrafts [component of total bank borrowings and overdrafts] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemBankBorrowingsOverdraftsComponentTotalBankBorrowingsOverdrafts |
2471 |
Material bank loan [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:MaterialBankLoanGrouping |
2472 |
Description of specific bank loan, including rate and repayment date |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSpecificBankLoanIncludingRateRepaymentDate |
2473 |
Amount of specific bank loan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountSpecificBankLoan |
2474 |
Concessionary loans [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoansHeading |
2475 |
Description of concessionary loan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionConcessionaryLoan |
2476 |
Amount of concessionary loan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:AmountConcessionaryLoan |
2477 |
Debt securities in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DebtSecuritiesInIssue |
2478 |
Bonds and medium-term notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BondsMedium-termNotesInIssue |
2479 |
Bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BondsInIssue |
2480 |
Medium-term notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Medium-termNotesInIssue |
2481 |
Covered bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CoveredBondsInIssue |
2482 |
Floating rate notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FloatingRateNotesInIssue |
2483 |
Certificates of deposit in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CertificatesDepositInIssue |
2484 |
Commercial paper in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CommercialPaperInIssue |
2485 |
Senior notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SeniorNotesInIssue |
2486 |
Securitisation notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SecuritisationNotesInIssue |
2487 |
Specific securitisation notes in issue item [component of total securitisation notes in issue] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SpecificSecuritisationNotesInIssueItemComponentTotalSecuritisationNotesInIssue |
2488 |
Structured notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:StructuredNotesInIssue |
2489 |
Perpetual notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PerpetualNotesInIssue |
2490 |
Further item of debt securities in issue [component of total debt securities in issue] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemDebtSecuritiesInIssueComponentTotalDebtSecuritiesInIssue |
2491 |
Other debt securities in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherDebtSecuritiesInIssue |
2492 |
Debentures in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DebenturesInIssue |
2493 |
Convertible bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ConvertibleBondsInIssue |
2494 |
Redeemable preference shares, liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RedeemablePreferenceSharesLiability |
2495 |
Convertible preference shares, liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesLiability |
2496 |
Subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilities |
2497 |
Subordinated liabilities, owed to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToThirdParties |
2498 |
Subordinated liabilities, owed to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToGroupUndertakings |
2499 |
Step-up perpetual preferred securities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Step-upPerpetualPreferredSecurities |
2500 |
Further subordinated liabilities item [component of total subordinated liabilities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherSubordinatedLiabilitiesItemComponentTotalSubordinatedLiabilities |
2501 |
Loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoanCapital |
2502 |
Undated loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:UndatedLoanCapital |
2503 |
Dated loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DatedLoanCapital |
2504 |
Further item of loan capital [component of total loan capital] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemLoanCapitalComponentTotalLoanCapital |
2505 |
Advances on invoice discounting facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AdvancesOnInvoiceDiscountingFacilities |
2506 |
Description of invoice discounting facilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInvoiceDiscountingFacilities |
2507 |
Contingent consideration for business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ContingentConsiderationForBusinessCombination |
2508 |
Loans from government and other public authorities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromGovernmentOtherPublicAuthorities |
2509 |
Further item of borrowings [component of total borrowings] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemBorrowingsComponentTotalBorrowings |
2510 |
Other remaining borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherRemainingBorrowings |
2511 |
Additional borrowings information [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdditionalBorrowingsInformationHeading |
2512 |
Amount of borrowing exposed to interest rate changes |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountBorrowingExposedToInterestRateChanges |
2513 |
Description of non-interest bearing borrowings |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNon-interestBearingBorrowings |
2514 |
Amount of borrowing repayable within a set time |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountBorrowingRepayableWithinSetTime |
2515 |
Effective interest rate on borrowings |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBorrowings |
2516 |
Effective interest rate on bank borrowings |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankBorrowings |
2517 |
Effective interest rate on bank overdrafts |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankOverdrafts |
2518 |
Undrawn borrowing facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:UndrawnBorrowingFacilities |
2519 |
Total drawn and undrawn borrowing facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:TotalDrawnUndrawnBorrowingFacilities |
2520 |
General description of loans payable in default or breach, including nature of default or breach and amounts involved |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionLoansPayableInDefaultOrBreachIncludingNatureDefaultOrBreachAmountsInvolved |
2521 |
Trade creditors / trade payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TradeCreditorsTradePayables |
2522 |
Loans from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromRelatedParties |
2523 |
Loans from group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
2524 |
Loans from group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromGroupUndertakings |
2525 |
Loans from parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromParentEntities |
2526 |
Loans from subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromSubsidiaries |
2527 |
Loans from associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
2528 |
Loans from associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromAssociates |
2529 |
Loans from joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromJointVentures |
2530 |
Loans from other related parties other than directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors |
2531 |
Loans from directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromDirectors |
2532 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
2533 |
Amounts owed to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToRelatedParties |
2534 |
Amounts owed to group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
2535 |
Amounts owed to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakings |
2536 |
Amounts owed to parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToParentEntities |
2537 |
Amounts owed to subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToSubsidiaries |
2538 |
Amounts owed to associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
2539 |
Amounts owed to associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToAssociates |
2540 |
Amounts owed to joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToJointVentures |
2541 |
Amounts owed to other related parties other than directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors |
2542 |
Amounts owed to directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToDirectors |
2543 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
2544 |
Amounts owed in respect of group relief |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedInRespectGroupRelief |
2545 |
Accrued liabilities and deferred income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome |
2546 |
Accrued liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccruedLiabilities |
2547 |
Deferred income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredIncome |
2548 |
Deferred income released from previous periods |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:DeferredIncomeReleasedFromPreviousPeriods |
2549 |
Explanation of reasons for deferred income |
Concept (Text/String) |
As Of |
char:ExplanationReasonsForDeferredIncome |
2550 |
Further item of accrued liabilities or deferred income [component of total accrued liabilities and deferred income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemAccruedLiabilitiesOrDeferredIncomeComponentTotalAccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome |
2551 |
Interest and similar expense payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:InterestSimilarExpensePayable |
2552 |
Taxation and social security, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TaxationSocialSecurityPayable |
2553 |
Corporation tax, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CorporationTaxPayable |
2554 |
Value-added tax, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Value-addedTaxPayable |
2555 |
Foreign tax, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ForeignTaxPayable |
2556 |
Other taxation and social security, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherTaxationSocialSecurityPayable |
2557 |
Social security payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SocialSecurityPayable |
2558 |
Other taxation payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherTaxationPayable |
2559 |
Finance lease liabilities, present value, total |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FinanceLeaseLiabilitiesPresentValueTotal |
2560 |
Bills of exchange payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BillsExchangePayable |
2561 |
Royalties payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RoyaltiesPayable |
2562 |
Government grants payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:GovernmentGrantsPayable |
2563 |
Other grants payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:OtherGrantsPayable |
2564 |
Unpaid contributions to pension schemes |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:UnpaidContributionsToPensionSchemes |
2565 |
Deferred consideration for business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredConsiderationForBusinessCombination |
2566 |
Dividend declared and payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DividendDeclaredPayable |
2567 |
Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CumulativePreferenceShareDividendsUnpaid |
2568 |
Payments received on account |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PaymentsReceivedOnAccount |
2569 |
Payments on account for contracts and performance related grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:PaymentsOnAccountForContractsPerformanceRelatedGrants |
2570 |
Further item of creditors [component of total creditors] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemCreditorsComponentTotalCreditors |
2571 |
Other creditors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCreditors |
2572 |
Creditors free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CreditorsFree-textComment |
2573 |
Other creditor sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherCreditorSub-totalsHeading |
2574 |
Other payables and accrued expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherPayablesAccruedExpenses |
2575 |
Other creditors including taxation and social security, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCreditorsIncludingTaxationSocialSecurityBalanceSheetSubtotal |
2576 |
For creditors / payables related to construction contracts, see 'Construction contracts' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCreditorsPayablesRelatedToConstructionContractsSeeConstructionContractsSectionCross-reference |
2577 |
Financial and non-financial creditor sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialNon-financialTradeOtherPayableSub-totalsHeading |
2578 |
Creditors, financial liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CreditorsFinancialLiability |
2579 |
Creditors, non-financial liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CreditorsNon-financialLiability |
2580 |
Leasing [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LeasingHeading |
2581 |
Use maturities period dimension for analysis of maturity of lease obligations [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseMaturitiesPeriodDimensionForAnalysisMaturityLeaseObligationsGuidance |
2582 |
Use finance lease contract types dimension to distinguish finance leases, hire purchases and other types [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFinanceLeaseContractTypesDimensionToDistinguishFinanceLeasesHirePurchasesOtherTypesGuidance |
2583 |
Leasing arrangements, lessors [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LeasingArrangementsLessorsHeading |
2584 |
Finance lease assets and receivables, lessors [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinanceLeaseAssetsReceivablesLessorsHeading |
2585 |
Present value of finance lease receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PresentValueFinanceLeaseReceivables |
2586 |
Unearned finance income on finance leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:UnearnedFinanceIncomeOnFinanceLeases |
2587 |
Gross investment in finance leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GrossInvestmentInFinanceLeases |
2588 |
Minimum expected receipts under non-cancellable subleases of finance leases, lessors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:MinimumExpectedReceiptsUnderNon-cancellableSubleasesFinanceLeasesLessors |
2589 |
Unguaranteed residual values of finance leases accruing to benefit of lessor |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:UnguaranteedResidualValuesFinanceLeasesAccruingToBenefitLessor |
2590 |
Accumulated allowance for uncollectible minimum lease payments receivable, including residual value risk |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedAllowanceForUncollectibleMinimumLeasePaymentsReceivableIncludingResidualValueRisk |
2591 |
Accumulated allowance for uncollectible minimum lease payments receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedAllowanceForUncollectibleMinimumLeasePaymentsReceivable |
2592 |
Accumulated allowance for residual value risk |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedAllowanceForResidualValueRisk |
2593 |
Description of lessor's material finance leasing arrangements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionLessorsMaterialFinanceLeasingArrangements |
2594 |
Operating lease receivables, lessors [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OperatingLeaseReceivablesLessorsHeading |
2595 |
Operating leases rental receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OperatingLeasesRentalReceivables |
2596 |
Minimum lease payments receivable under non-cancellable operating leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:MinimumLeasePaymentsReceivableUnderNon-cancellableOperatingLeases |
2597 |
Lease incentive receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LeaseIncentiveReceivables |
2598 |
Description of lessor's material operating leasing arrangements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionLessorsMaterialOperatingLeasingArrangements |
2599 |
Contingent rents recognised as income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentRentsRecognisedAsIncome |
2600 |
Contingent rents on finance leases recognised as income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentRentsOnFinanceLeasesRecognisedAsIncome |
2601 |
Contingent rents on operating leases recognised as income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ContingentRentsOnOperatingLeasesRecognisedAsIncome |
2602 |
Leasing arrangements, lessees [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LeasingArrangementsLesseesHeading |
2603 |
Obligations under finance leases, lessees [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ObligationsUnderFinanceLeasesLesseesHeading |
2604 |
Finance lease liabilities, present value, total |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FinanceLeaseLiabilitiesPresentValueTotal |
2605 |
Financial lease liabilities components [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLeaseLiabilitiesComponentsHeading |
2606 |
Finance lease payments owing, minimum / gross |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FinanceLeasePaymentsOwingMinimumGross |
2607 |
Future finance charges on finance leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FutureFinanceChargesOnFinanceLeases |
2608 |
Increase in contingent rents on finance leases recognised as expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInContingentRentsOnFinanceLeasesRecognisedAsExpense |
2609 |
Minimum expected receipts under non-cancellable subleases of finance leases, lessees |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:MinimumExpectedReceiptsUnderNon-cancellableSubleasesFinanceLeasesLessees |
2610 |
Description of lessee's material finance leasing arrangements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionLesseesMaterialFinanceLeasingArrangements |
2611 |
Average lease term in years of property, plant and equipment leased under finance leases |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:AverageLeaseTermInYearsPropertyPlantEquipmentLeasedUnderFinanceLeases |
2612 |
Average lease term in years of intangible assets leased under finance leases |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:AverageLeaseTermInYearsIntangibleAssetsLeasedUnderFinanceLeases |
2613 |
Average effective borrowing rate on property, plant and equipment leased under finance leases |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:AverageEffectiveBorrowingRateOnPropertyPlantEquipmentLeasedUnderFinanceLeases |
2614 |
Average effective borrowing rate on intangible assets leased under finance leases |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:AverageEffectiveBorrowingRateOnIntangibleAssetsLeasedUnderFinanceLeases |
2615 |
Operating lease payments, lessees [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OperatingLeasePaymentsLesseesHeading |
2616 |
Description of material operating leasing arrangements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMaterialOperatingLeasingArrangements |
2617 |
Operating lease payments owing |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OperatingLeasePaymentsOwing |
2618 |
Future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:FutureMinimumLeasePaymentsUnderNon-cancellableOperatingLeases |
2619 |
Future minimum sublease payments expected to be received under non-cancellable subleases |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:FutureMinimumSubleasePaymentsExpectedToBeReceivedUnderNon-cancellableSubleases |
2620 |
Lease incentive payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LeaseIncentivePayables |
2621 |
For operating lease expenses, see 'Operating expense items' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForOperatingLeaseExpensesSeeOperatingExpenseItemsSectionCross-reference |
2622 |
Arrangements involving legal form of lease [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ArrangementsInvolvingLegalFormLeaseHeading |
2623 |
Description of arrangements involving legal form of lease and accounting treatment applied to any fee received |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionArrangementsInvolvingLegalFormLeaseAccountingTreatmentAppliedToAnyFeeReceived |
2624 |
Income recognised from arrangements involving legal form of lease |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncomeRecognisedFromArrangementsInvolvingLegalFormLease |
2625 |
Investments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentsHeading |
2626 |
Use current / non-current dimension to identify current and non-current and within one year / after one year values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyCurrentNon-currentWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance |
2627 |
Use listed-unlisted dimension to identify listed and unlisted values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseListed-unlistedDimensionToIdentifyListedUnlistedValuesGuidance |
2628 |
Use dimensions to identify asset class, interest rate type, secured status and other financial instrument information [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyAssetClassInterestRateTypeSecuredStatusOtherFinancialInstrumentInformationGuidance |
2629 |
Use investments movements dimension to identify changes in investments and provisions during period [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInvestmentsMovementsDimensionToIdentifyChangesInInvestmentsProvisionsDuringPeriodGuidance |
2630 |
Investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Investments |
2631 |
Social investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:SocialInvestments |
2632 |
Mixed motive investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:MixedMotiveInvestments |
2633 |
Programme related investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:ProgrammeRelatedInvestments |
2634 |
Third party benefitting from guarantee |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ThirdPartyBenefittingFromGuarantee |
2635 |
Details of any guarantee made to or on behalf of a third party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DetailsAnyGuaranteeMadeToOrOnBehalfThirdParty |
2636 |
Amount of any guarantee made to or on behalf of a third party |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:AmountAnyGuaranteeMadeToOrOnBehalfThirdParty |
2637 |
Explanation for how the guarantee furthers the charity's aims |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationForHowGuaranteeFurthersCharitysAims |
2638 |
Investments in group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
2639 |
Investments in group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakings |
2640 |
Investments in parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInParentEntities |
2641 |
Investments in subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInSubsidiaries |
2642 |
Investments in associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
2643 |
Investments in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociates |
2644 |
Investments in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInJointVentures |
2645 |
Investments in other entities measured at fair value [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentsInOtherEntitiesMeasuredFairValueHeading |
2646 |
Tags below are for parent entities whose investments are part of an investment portfolio or non-parent entities who have elected to fair value investments [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:TagsBelowAreForParentEntitiesWhoseInvestmentsArePartAnInvestmentPortfolioOrNon-parentEntitiesWhoHaveElectedToFairValueInvestmentsGuidance |
2647 |
Investments in subsidiaries, measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesMeasuredFairValue |
2648 |
Investments in associates, measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesMeasuredFairValue |
2649 |
Investments in joint ventures, measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesMeasuredFairValue |
2650 |
Investments in other entities, measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInOtherEntitiesMeasuredFairValue |
2651 |
Tags below are for investments held by or through venture capital organisations, mutual funds, and similar entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:TagsBelowAreForInvestmentsHeldByOrThroughVentureCapitalOrganisationsMutualFundsSimilarEntitiesGuidance |
2652 |
Loans to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToRelatedParties |
2653 |
Loans to group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
2654 |
Loans to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToGroupUndertakings |
2655 |
Loans to parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToParentEntities |
2656 |
Loans to subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToSubsidiaries |
2657 |
Loans to associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
2658 |
Loans to associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToAssociates |
2659 |
Loans to joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToJointVentures |
2660 |
Loans to other related parties other than directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors |
2661 |
Loans to directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToDirectors |
2662 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
2663 |
Other investments other than loans |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherInvestmentsOtherThanLoans |
2664 |
Certificates of deposit held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CertificatesDepositHeld |
2665 |
Deposits with credit institutions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DepositsWithCreditInstitutions |
2666 |
Equity securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:EquitySecuritiesHeld |
2667 |
Use equity classes held dimension to identify class of share held [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseEquityClassesHeldDimensionToIdentifyClassShareHeldGuidance |
2668 |
Use share types dimension to identify type of share [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyTypeShareGuidance |
2669 |
Unit trusts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:UnitTrusts |
2670 |
Mutual funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:MutualFunds |
2671 |
Managed funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ManagedFunds |
2672 |
Non-controlled investment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-controlledInvestmentFunds |
2673 |
Debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesHeld |
2674 |
Government debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GovernmentDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2675 |
Treasury and other eligible bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TreasuryOtherEligibleBillsHeld |
2676 |
Treasury bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TreasuryBillsHeld |
2677 |
Other eligible bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherEligibleBillsHeld |
2678 |
Local authority and other public sector debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LocalAuthorityOtherPublicSectorDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2679 |
Local authority debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LocalAuthorityDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2680 |
Other public sector debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherPublicSectorDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2681 |
Corporate debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CorporateDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2682 |
Asset and mortgage-backed securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AssetMortgage-backedSecuritiesHeld |
2683 |
Mortgage-backed securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Mortgage-backedSecuritiesHeld |
2684 |
Asset-backed securities, ABS, held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Asset-backedSecuritiesABSHeld |
2685 |
Other specific financial assets and debt securities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherSpecificFinancialAssetsDebtSecuritiesHeading |
2686 |
Redeemable notes held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:RedeemableNotesHeld |
2687 |
Commercial paper held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CommercialPaperHeld |
2688 |
Floating rate notes held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FloatingRateNotesHeld |
2689 |
Specific floating rate note held [component of total floating rate notes held] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:SpecificFloatingRateNoteHeldComponentTotalFloatingRateNotesHeld |
2690 |
Debt securities issued by banks held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesIssuedByBanksHeld |
2691 |
Convertible debt securities, held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ConvertibleDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2692 |
Promissory notes held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PromissoryNotesHeld |
2693 |
Debentures held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebenturesHeld |
2694 |
Collateralised debt obligations held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CollateralisedDebtObligationsHeld |
2695 |
Other debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2696 |
Warrants held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:WarrantsHeld |
2697 |
Loan commitments, asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoanCommitmentsAsset |
2698 |
Concessionary loan commitments, asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
char:ConcessionaryLoanCommitmentsAsset |
2699 |
Seed investments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:SeedInvestmentsHeld |
2700 |
Investments defined as cash equivalents [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentsDefinedAsCashEquivalentsHeading |
2701 |
Loans and receivables, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansReceivablesClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
2702 |
Banking arrangements, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BankingArrangementsClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
2703 |
Short-term investments, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Short-termInvestmentsClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
2704 |
Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Short-termDepositsClassifiedAsCashEquivalents |
2705 |
Further item of investments [component of total other investments other than loans] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemInvestmentsComponentTotalOtherInvestmentsOtherThanLoans |
2706 |
Other remaining investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherRemainingInvestments |
2707 |
Other loans classified under investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments |
2708 |
Loans to customers, classified under investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansToCustomersClassifiedUnderInvestments |
2709 |
Consumer loans, classified under investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ConsumerLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments |
2710 |
Corporate loans, classified under investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CorporateLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments |
2711 |
Further item of loans classified under investments [component of total other loans classified under investments] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemLoansClassifiedUnderInvestmentsComponentTotalOtherLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments |
2712 |
Additional information on investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdditionalInformationOnInvestmentsInSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesHeading |
2713 |
Investments in subsidiaries [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesHeading |
2714 |
For method used to account for investments in subsidiaries in separate financial statements, see 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForMethodUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInSubsidiariesInSeparateFinancialStatementsSeeSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference |
2715 |
Use subsidiaries dimension to identify specific subsidiaries [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseSubsidiariesDimensionToIdentifySpecificSubsidiariesGuidance |
2716 |
Where there are more than 200 subsidiaries, report 'More than 200 subsidiaries [true/false]' as true and ensure that subsidiaries are tagged consistently between accounting periods [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:WhereThereAreMoreThan200SubsidiariesReportMoreThan200SubsidiariesTruefalseAsTrueEnsureThatSubsidiariesAreTaggedConsistentlyBetweenAccountingPeriodsGuidance |
2717 |
Use investments movements dimension to identify changes in investments and provisions during period [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInvestmentsMovementsDimensionToIdentifyChangesInInvestmentsProvisionsDuringPeriodGuidance |
2718 |
Investments in subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInSubsidiaries |
2719 |
Information on individual subsidiary [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InformationOnIndividualSubsidiaryHeading |
2720 |
Name of subsidiary |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameSubsidiary |
2721 |
Country of incorporation or residence of subsidiary |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:CountryIncorporationOrResidenceSubsidiary |
2722 |
Principal place of business of subsidiary |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:PrincipalPlaceBusinessSubsidiary |
2723 |
Description of nature of business of subsidiary |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNatureBusinessSubsidiary |
2724 |
Ownership interest in subsidiary, percent |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:OwnershipInterestInSubsidiaryPercent |
2725 |
Details of shares held in subsidiary [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:DetailsSharesHeldInSubsidiaryGrouping |
2726 |
Description of class of share held in subsidiary |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionClassShareHeldInSubsidiary |
2727 |
Percentage of class of share held in subsidiary |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:PercentageClassShareHeldInSubsidiary |
2728 |
Voting power in subsidiary, if different from ownership interest, percent |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:VotingPowerInSubsidiaryIfDifferentFromOwnershipInterestPercent |
2729 |
Date of end of reporting period of subsidiary, if different from entity |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateEndReportingPeriodSubsidiaryIfDifferentFromEntity |
2730 |
Description why entity does not control a subsidiary despite holding more than half the voting rights |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionWhyEntityDoesNotControlSubsidiaryDespiteHoldingMoreThanHalfVotingRights |
2731 |
Description why entity controls subsidiary despite holding less than half the voting rights |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionWhyEntityControlsSubsidiaryDespiteHoldingLessThanHalfVotingRights |
2732 |
Description of significant judgements and assumptions made in determining whether entity is agent or principal in relation to investment in subsidiaries |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSignificantJudgementsAssumptionsMadeInDeterminingWhetherEntityAgentOrPrincipalInRelationToInvestmentInSubsidiaries |
2733 |
Subsidiary is unconsolidated [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:SubsidiaryUnconsolidatedTruefalse |
2734 |
Subsidiary is a special purpose entity [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:SubsidiarySpecialPurposeEntityTruefalse |
2735 |
Description of nature and extent of interests in unconsolidated special purpose entities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNatureExtentInterestsInUnconsolidatedSpecialPurposeEntities |
2736 |
Description of risks associated with interests in unconsolidated special purpose entities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRisksAssociatedWithInterestsInUnconsolidatedSpecialPurposeEntities |
2737 |
Subsidiary is exempt from providing audited accounts under section 479A of the Companies Act [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:SubsidiaryExemptFromProvidingAuditedAccountsUnderSection479ACompaniesActTruefalse |
2738 |
Non-controlling interests, investments in subsidiaries [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Non-controllingInterestsInvestmentsInSubsidiariesHeading |
2739 |
Profit (loss), attributable to non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossAttributableToNon-controllingInterests |
2740 |
Accumulated non-controlling interest in subsidiary |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccumulatedNon-controllingInterestInSubsidiary |
2741 |
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendsPaidToNon-controllingInterests |
2742 |
Summarised financial information of subsidiaries [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SummarisedFinancialInformationSubsidiariesHeading |
2743 |
Net assets (liabilities), subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesSubsidiaries |
2744 |
Current assets, subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CurrentAssetsSubsidiaries |
2745 |
Non-current assets, subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-currentAssetsSubsidiaries |
2746 |
Current liabilities, subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CurrentLiabilitiesSubsidiaries |
2747 |
Non-current liabilities, subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Non-currentLiabilitiesSubsidiaries |
2748 |
Revenue, subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueSubsidiaries |
2749 |
Profit (loss), subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossSubsidiaries |
2750 |
Comprehensive income, subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ComprehensiveIncomeSubsidiaries |
2751 |
Assets and liabilities of subsidiaries to which significant restrictions apply [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AssetsLiabilitiesSubsidiariesToWhichSignificantRestrictionsApplyHeading |
2752 |
Description of restrictions on the transfer of funds or other assets from subsidiary to parent |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRestrictionsOnTransferFundsOrOtherAssetsFromSubsidiaryToParent |
2753 |
Assets of subsidiary to which significant restrictions apply |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AssetsSubsidiaryToWhichSignificantRestrictionsApply |
2754 |
Liabilities of subsidiary to which significant restrictions apply |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LiabilitiesSubsidiaryToWhichSignificantRestrictionsApply |
2755 |
More than 200 subsidiaries [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:MoreThan200SubsidiariesTruefalse |
2756 |
Investments in subsidiaries free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesFree-textComment |
2757 |
Investments in associates [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesHeading |
2758 |
For method used to account for investments in associates in separate financial statements, see 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForMethodUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInAssociatesInSeparateFinancialStatementsSeeSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference |
2759 |
Use associates dimension to identify specific associates [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseAssociatesDimensionToIdentifySpecificAssociatesGuidance |
2760 |
Use investments movements dimension to identify changes in investments and provisions during period [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInvestmentsMovementsDimensionToIdentifyChangesInInvestmentsProvisionsDuringPeriodGuidance |
2761 |
Investments in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociates |
2762 |
Investments in associates with price quotations, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesWithPriceQuotationsFairValue |
2763 |
Disclosure that reliable measure of fair value is no longer available for associate |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DisclosureThatReliableMeasureFairValueNoLongerAvailableForAssociate |
2764 |
Information on individual associate [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InformationOnIndividualAssociateHeading |
2765 |
Name of associate |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameAssociate |
2766 |
Country of incorporation or residence of associate |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:CountryIncorporationOrResidenceAssociate |
2767 |
Principal place of business of associate |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:PrincipalPlaceBusinessAssociate |
2768 |
Description of nature of business of associate |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNatureBusinessAssociate |
2769 |
Ownership interest in associate, percent |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:OwnershipInterestInAssociatePercent |
2770 |
Details of shares held in associate [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:DetailsSharesHeldInAssociateGrouping |
2771 |
Description of class of share held in associate |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionClassShareHeldInAssociate |
2772 |
Percentage of class of share held in associate |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:PercentageClassShareHeldInAssociate |
2773 |
Voting power in associate, if different from ownership interest, percent |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:VotingPowerInAssociateIfDifferentFromOwnershipInterestPercent |
2774 |
Date of end of reporting period of associate, if different from entity |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateEndReportingPeriodAssociateIfDifferentFromEntity |
2775 |
Description of basis of preparation of summarised financial information of associate |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBasisPreparationSummarisedFinancialInformationAssociate |
2776 |
Associate is not accounted for using equity method [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:AssociateNotAccountedForUsingEquityMethodTruefalse |
2777 |
Description of reasons why associate is not accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsWhyAssociateNotAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
2778 |
Description why entity does not have significant influence over associate despite holding more than twenty percent of voting rights |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionWhyEntityDoesNotHaveSignificantInfluenceOverAssociateDespiteHoldingMoreThanTwentyPercentVotingRights |
2779 |
Description why entity has significant influence over associate despite holding less than twenty percent of voting rights |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionWhyEntityHasSignificantInfluenceOverAssociateDespiteHoldingLessThanTwentyPercentVotingRights |
2780 |
Summarised financial information of associates [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SummarisedFinancialInformationAssociatesHeading |
2781 |
Net assets (liabilities), associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesAssociates |
2782 |
Total assets, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalAssetsAssociates |
2783 |
Current assets, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CurrentAssetsAssociates |
2784 |
Non-current assets, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-currentAssetsAssociates |
2785 |
Total liabilities, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalLiabilitiesAssociates |
2786 |
Current liabilities, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CurrentLiabilitiesAssociates |
2787 |
Non-current liabilities, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Non-currentLiabilitiesAssociates |
2788 |
Revenue, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueAssociates |
2789 |
Use the charitable associate activity dimension to analyse the investing charity's share of the associate's income and expenditure [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseCharitableAssociateActivityDimensionToAnalyseInvestingCharitysShareAssociatesIncomeExpenditureGuidance |
2790 |
Profit (loss) from continuing operations, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossFromContinuingOperationsAssociates |
2791 |
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsAssociates |
2792 |
Other comprehensive income, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAssociates |
2793 |
Comprehensive income, associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ComprehensiveIncomeAssociates |
2794 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates accounted for by equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ShareProfitLossAssociatesAccountedForByEquityMethod |
2795 |
Share of profit (loss) of discontinued operations of associates accounted for by equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ShareProfitLossDiscontinuedOperationsAssociatesAccountedForByEquityMethod |
2796 |
Commitments in relation to associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CommitmentsInRelationToAssociates |
2797 |
Investments in associates free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesFree-textComment |
2798 |
Investments in joint ventures [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesHeading |
2799 |
For method used to account for investments in joint ventures in separate financial statements, see 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForMethodUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInJointVenturesInSeparateFinancialStatementsSeeSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference |
2800 |
Use joint ventures dimension to identify specific joint ventures [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseJointVenturesDimensionToIdentifySpecificJointVenturesGuidance |
2801 |
Use investments movements dimension to identify changes in investments and provisions during period [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInvestmentsMovementsDimensionToIdentifyChangesInInvestmentsProvisionsDuringPeriodGuidance |
2802 |
Investments in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInJointVentures |
2803 |
Investments in joint venture with price quotations, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInJointVentureWithPriceQuotationsFairValue |
2804 |
Disclosure that reliable measure of fair value is no longer available for joint venture |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DisclosureThatReliableMeasureFairValueNoLongerAvailableForJointVenture |
2805 |
Information on individual joint venture [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InformationOnIndividualJointVentureHeading |
2806 |
Name of joint venture |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameJointVenture |
2807 |
Country of incorporation or residence of joint venture |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:CountryIncorporationOrResidenceJointVenture |
2808 |
Principal place of business of joint venture |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:PrincipalPlaceBusinessJointVenture |
2809 |
Description of nature of business of joint venture |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNatureBusinessJointVenture |
2810 |
Ownership interest in joint venture, percent |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:OwnershipInterestInJointVenturePercent |
2811 |
Details of shares held in joint venture [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:DetailsSharesHeldInJointVentureGrouping |
2812 |
Description of class of share held in joint venture |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionClassShareHeldInJointVenture |
2813 |
Percentage of class of share held in joint venture |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:PercentageClassShareHeldInJointVenture |
2814 |
Voting power in joint venture, if different from ownership interest, percent |
Concept (Percent) |
For Period |
core:VotingPowerInJointVentureIfDifferentFromOwnershipInterestPercent |
2815 |
Date of end of reporting period of joint venture, if different from entity |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateEndReportingPeriodJointVentureIfDifferentFromEntity |
2816 |
Description of basis of preparation of summarised financial information of joint venture |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBasisPreparationSummarisedFinancialInformationJointVenture |
2817 |
Joint venture is not accounted for using equity method [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:JointVentureNotAccountedForUsingEquityMethodTruefalse |
2818 |
Description of reasons why joint venture is not accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsWhyJointVentureNotAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
2819 |
Description why entity does not have significant influence over joint venture despite holding more than twenty percent of voting rights |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionWhyEntityDoesNotHaveSignificantInfluenceOverJointVentureDespiteHoldingMoreThanTwentyPercentVotingRights |
2820 |
Description why entity has significant influence over joint venture despite holding less than twenty percent of voting rights |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionWhyEntityHasSignificantInfluenceOverJointVentureDespiteHoldingLessThanTwentyPercentVotingRights |
2821 |
Summarised financial information of joint ventures [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SummarisedFinancialInformationJointVenturesHeading |
2822 |
Net assets (liabilities), joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesJointVentures |
2823 |
Total assets, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalAssetsJointVentures |
2824 |
Current assets, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CurrentAssetsJointVentures |
2825 |
Non-current assets, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-currentAssetsJointVentures |
2826 |
Total liabilities, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalLiabilitiesJointVentures |
2827 |
Current liabilities, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CurrentLiabilitiesJointVentures |
2828 |
Non-current liabilities, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Non-currentLiabilitiesJointVentures |
2829 |
Revenue, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RevenueJointVentures |
2830 |
Use the charitable joint venture activity dimension to analyse the investing charity's share of the joint venture's income and expenditure [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseCharitableJointVentureActivityDimensionToAnalyseInvestingCharitysShareJointVenturesIncomeExpenditureGuidance |
2831 |
Profit (loss) from continuing operations, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossFromContinuingOperationsJointVentures |
2832 |
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ProfitLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsJointVentures |
2833 |
Other comprehensive income, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherComprehensiveIncomeJointVentures |
2834 |
Comprehensive income, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ComprehensiveIncomeJointVentures |
2835 |
Cash and cash equivalents, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCashEquivalentsJointVentures |
2836 |
Other current financial liabilities, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCurrentFinancialLiabilitiesJointVentures |
2837 |
Other non-current financial liabilities, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherNon-currentFinancialLiabilitiesJointVentures |
2838 |
Depreciation and amortisation expense, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DepreciationAmortisationExpenseJointVentures |
2839 |
Cost of sales, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CostSalesJointVentures |
2840 |
Operating expenses, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OperatingExpensesJointVentures |
2841 |
Interest income, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeJointVentures |
2842 |
Interest expense, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseJointVentures |
2843 |
Tax expense (credit), continuing operations, joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxExpenseCreditContinuingOperationsJointVentures |
2844 |
Share of profit (loss) of joint ventures accounted for by equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ShareProfitLossJointVenturesAccountedForByEquityMethod |
2845 |
Share of profit (loss) of discontinued operations of joint ventures accounted for by equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ShareProfitLossDiscontinuedOperationsJointVenturesAccountedForByEquityMethod |
2846 |
Commitments in relation to joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CommitmentsInRelationToJointVentures |
2847 |
Investments in joint ventures free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesFree-textComment |
2848 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ShareProfitLossAssociatesJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
2849 |
Intermediary payment arrangements [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:IntermediaryPaymentArrangementsGrouping |
2850 |
Name of intermediary |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameIntermediary |
2851 |
General description of intermediary including payment and equity arrangements and assets and liabilities held |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionIntermediaryIncludingPaymentEquityArrangementsAssetsLiabilitiesHeld |
2852 |
Amount deducted from equity, intermediate payment arrangement |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:AmountDeductedFromEquityIntermediatePaymentArrangement |
2853 |
Market value of equity instruments held by intermediary not yet vested unconditionally with beneficiaries of arrangement |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:MarketValueEquityInstrumentsHeldByIntermediaryNotYetVestedUnconditionallyWithBeneficiariesArrangement |
2854 |
Amount deducted from aggregate dividends paid by sponsoring entity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:AmountDeductedFromAggregateDividendsPaidBySponsoringEntity |
2855 |
For further analysis of financial assets, including impairment and reclassification, see 'Financial assets' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForFurtherAnalysisFinancialAssetsIncludingImpairmentReclassificationSeeFinancialAssetsSectionCross-reference |
2856 |
Total return investments [heading] |
Abstract |
char:TotalReturnInvestmentsHeading |
2857 |
Use charity funds dimension for analysis of total return investments [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseCharityFundsDimensionForAnalysisTotalReturnInvestmentsGuidance |
2858 |
Total endowment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:TotalEndowment |
2859 |
Gift component of the permanent endowment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:GiftComponentPermanentEndowment |
2860 |
Unapplied total return |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:TotalEndowmentUnappliedTotalReturn |
2861 |
Movement analysis of total return investments [heading] |
Abstract |
char:MovementAnalysisTotalReturnInvestmentsHeading |
2862 |
Net movements in the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:NetMovementsInReportingPeriod |
2863 |
Unapplied total return allocated to income in the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:UnappliedTotalReturnAllocatedToIncomeInReportingPeriod |
2864 |
Movements in the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:MovementsInReportingPeriod |
2865 |
Gift of endowment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:GiftEndowmentFunds |
2866 |
Recoupment of trust for investment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:RecoupmentTrustForInvestment |
2867 |
Allocation from trust for investment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:AllocationFromTrustForInvestment |
2868 |
Investment return: dividend and interest |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:InvestmentReturnDividendInterest |
2869 |
Investment return: realised and unrealised gains and (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:InvestmentReturnRealisedUnrealisedGainsLosses |
2870 |
Investment management costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:MovementsInReportingPeriodInvestmentManagementCosts |
2871 |
Details of the power of investment that permits a total return approach to investment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DetailsPowerInvestmentThatPermitsTotalReturnApproachToInvestment |
2872 |
Financial assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsHeading |
2873 |
Use dimensions to identify asset class, value type, maturity, current/non-current, interest rate type, listed/unlisted, position type, secured status [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyAssetClassValueTypeMaturityCurrentnon-currentInterestRateTypeListedunlistedPositionTypeSecuredStatusGuidance |
2874 |
Financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinancialAssets |
2875 |
For debtors, see 'Debtors' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDebtorsSeeDebtorsSectionCross-reference |
2876 |
For lease receivables, see 'Leasing arrangements, lessors' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForLeaseReceivablesSeeLeasingArrangementsLessorsSectionCross-reference |
2877 |
For derivatives, see 'Derivatives and hedge accounting' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDerivativesSeeDerivativesHedgeAccountingSectionCross-reference |
2878 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCashEquivalents |
2879 |
Cash at bank and on hand |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashBankOnHand |
2880 |
Cash on hand |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashOnHand |
2881 |
Balances with banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BalancesWithBanks |
2882 |
Loans and receivables, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansReceivablesClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
2883 |
Concessionary loans, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:ConcessionaryLoansClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
2884 |
Banking arrangements, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BankingArrangementsClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
2885 |
Short-term investments, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Short-termInvestmentsClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
2886 |
Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Short-termDepositsClassifiedAsCashEquivalents |
2887 |
Further item of cash and cash equivalents [component of total cash and cash equivalents] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashCashEquivalentsComponentTotalCashCashEquivalents |
2888 |
Other cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherCashCashEquivalents |
2889 |
Cash and cash equivalents unavailable for use by entity |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCashEquivalentsUnavailableForUseByEntity |
2890 |
Certificates of deposit held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CertificatesDepositHeld |
2891 |
Deposits with credit institutions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DepositsWithCreditInstitutions |
2892 |
Investments in other entities measured at fair value [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentsInOtherEntitiesMeasuredFairValueHeading |
2893 |
Tags below are for parent entities whose investments are part of an investment portfolio or non-parent entities who have elected to fair value investments [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:TagsBelowAreForParentEntitiesWhoseInvestmentsArePartAnInvestmentPortfolioOrNon-parentEntitiesWhoHaveElectedToFairValueInvestmentsGuidance |
2894 |
Investments in subsidiaries, measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesMeasuredFairValue |
2895 |
Investments in associates, measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesMeasuredFairValue |
2896 |
Investments in joint ventures, measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesMeasuredFairValue |
2897 |
Investments in other entities, measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInOtherEntitiesMeasuredFairValue |
2898 |
Tags below are for investments held by or through venture capital organisations, mutual funds, and similar entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:TagsBelowAreForInvestmentsHeldByOrThroughVentureCapitalOrganisationsMutualFundsSimilarEntitiesGuidance |
2899 |
Equity securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:EquitySecuritiesHeld |
2900 |
Use equity classes held dimension to identify class of share held [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseEquityClassesHeldDimensionToIdentifyClassShareHeldGuidance |
2901 |
Use share types dimension to identify type of share [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyTypeShareGuidance |
2902 |
Unit trusts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:UnitTrusts |
2903 |
Mutual funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:MutualFunds |
2904 |
Managed funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ManagedFunds |
2905 |
Non-controlled investment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-controlledInvestmentFunds |
2906 |
Debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesHeld |
2907 |
Government debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GovernmentDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2908 |
Treasury and other eligible bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TreasuryOtherEligibleBillsHeld |
2909 |
Treasury bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TreasuryBillsHeld |
2910 |
Other eligible bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherEligibleBillsHeld |
2911 |
Local authority and other public sector debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LocalAuthorityOtherPublicSectorDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2912 |
Local authority debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LocalAuthorityDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2913 |
Other public sector debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherPublicSectorDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2914 |
Corporate debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CorporateDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2915 |
Asset and mortgage-backed securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AssetMortgage-backedSecuritiesHeld |
2916 |
Mortgage-backed securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Mortgage-backedSecuritiesHeld |
2917 |
Asset-backed securities, ABS, held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Asset-backedSecuritiesABSHeld |
2918 |
Other specific financial assets and debt securities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherSpecificFinancialAssetsDebtSecuritiesHeading |
2919 |
Redeemable notes held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:RedeemableNotesHeld |
2920 |
Commercial paper held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CommercialPaperHeld |
2921 |
Floating rate notes held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FloatingRateNotesHeld |
2922 |
Specific floating rate note held [component of total floating rate notes held] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:SpecificFloatingRateNoteHeldComponentTotalFloatingRateNotesHeld |
2923 |
Debt securities issued by banks held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesIssuedByBanksHeld |
2924 |
Convertible debt securities, held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ConvertibleDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2925 |
Promissory notes held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PromissoryNotesHeld |
2926 |
Debentures held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebenturesHeld |
2927 |
Collateralised debt obligations held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CollateralisedDebtObligationsHeld |
2928 |
Other debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherDebtSecuritiesHeld |
2929 |
Warrants held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:WarrantsHeld |
2930 |
Loan commitments, asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoanCommitmentsAsset |
2931 |
Concessionary loan commitments, asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
char:ConcessionaryLoanCommitmentsAsset |
2932 |
Seed investments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:SeedInvestmentsHeld |
2933 |
Further item of financial assets [component of total financial assets] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemFinancialAssetsComponentTotalFinancialAssets |
2934 |
Other remaining financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherRemainingFinancialAssets |
2935 |
Allowance / provision for impairment losses on financial assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AllowanceProvisionForImpairmentLossesOnFinancialAssetsHeading |
2936 |
Use allowance for impairment dimension with other appropriate tags to identify allowance and movements [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseAllowanceForImpairmentDimensionWithOtherAppropriateTagsToIdentifyAllowanceMovementsGuidance |
2937 |
Use allowance account measurement type dimension to identify collective and individual allowance account values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseAllowanceAccountMeasurementTypeDimensionToIdentifyCollectiveIndividualAllowanceAccountValuesGuidance |
2938 |
Analysis of impaired, and of past due but not impaired, financial assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AnalysisImpairedPastDueButNotImpairedFinancialAssetsHeading |
2939 |
General description of financial assets past due but not impaired, including collateral held and fair value |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionFinancialAssetsPastDueButNotImpairedIncludingCollateralHeldFairValue |
2940 |
General description of impaired financial assets, including collateral held and fair value |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionImpairedFinancialAssetsIncludingCollateralHeldFairValue |
2941 |
For impaired and for past due but not impaired values, use appropriate tags in financial instrument value type dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForImpairedForPastDueButNotImpairedValuesUseAppropriateTagsInFinancialInstrumentValueTypeDimensionGuidance |
2942 |
Reclassification of financial assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReclassificationFinancialAssetsHeading |
2943 |
Description of reclassification of financial assets to cost or amortised cost from fair value |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReclassificationFinancialAssetsToCostOrAmortisedCostFromFairValue |
2944 |
Description of reclassification of financial assets to fair value from at cost or amortised cost |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReclassificationFinancialAssetsToFairValueFromCostOrAmortisedCost |
2945 |
Description of circumstances of reclassification out of financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCircumstancesReclassificationOutFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
2946 |
Fair value gain (loss) recognised in income and expenditure for reclassified financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FairValueGainLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossForReclassifiedFinancialAssets |
2947 |
Fair value gain (loss) recognised in other comprehensive income for reclassified financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FairValueGainLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeForReclassifiedFinancialAssets |
2948 |
Interest income (expense) recognised in income and expenditure for reclassified financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeExpenseRecognisedInProfitOrLossForReclassifiedFinancialAssets |
2949 |
Impairment loss (gain) recognised in income and expenditure for reclassified financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossGainRecognisedInProfitOrLossForReclassifiedFinancialAssets |
2950 |
Derivative and non-derivative financial asset sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DerivativeNon-derivativeFinancialAssetSub-totalsHeading |
2951 |
Non-derivative financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-derivativeFinancialAssets |
2952 |
For derivative assets, see 'Derivatives and hedge accounting' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDerivativeAssetsSeeDerivativesHedgeAccountingSectionCross-reference |
2953 |
Movement analyses in financial instruments, covering additions, disposals and the like, are not required to be tagged [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:MovementAnalysesInFinancialInstrumentsCoveringAdditionsDisposalsLikeAreNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance |
2954 |
For collateral disclosures, see 'Collateral' section in banking and finance section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCollateralDisclosuresSeeCollateralSectionInBankingFinanceSectionCross-reference |
2955 |
For derecognition / transfers and securitisation disclosures, see 'Derecognition / transfers of financial assets and securitisations' section in banking and finance section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDerecognitionTransfersSecuritisationDisclosuresSeeDerecognitionTransfersFinancialAssetsSecuritisationsSectionInBankingFinanceSectionCross-reference |
2956 |
Financial liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesHeading |
2957 |
Use dimensions to identify liability class, value type, maturity, current/non-current, interest rate type, listed/unlisted, position type, secured status [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyLiabilityClassValueTypeMaturityCurrentnon-currentInterestRateTypeListedunlistedPositionTypeSecuredStatusGuidance |
2958 |
Financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FinancialLiabilities |
2959 |
For creditors, see 'Creditors' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCreditorsSeeCreditorsSectionCross-reference |
2960 |
For finance lease liabilities, see 'Obligations under finance leases, lessees' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForFinanceLeaseLiabilitiesSeeObligationsUnderFinanceLeasesLesseesSectionCross-reference |
2961 |
For derivatives, see 'Derivatives and hedge accounting' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDerivativesSeeDerivativesHedgeAccountingSectionCross-reference |
2962 |
Total borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalBorrowings |
2963 |
Bank borrowings and overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankBorrowingsOverdrafts |
2964 |
Bank borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankBorrowings |
2965 |
Bank overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankOverdrafts |
2966 |
Further item of bank borrowings and overdrafts [component of total bank borrowings and overdrafts] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemBankBorrowingsOverdraftsComponentTotalBankBorrowingsOverdrafts |
2967 |
Material bank loan [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:MaterialBankLoanGrouping |
2968 |
Description of specific bank loan, including rate and repayment date |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSpecificBankLoanIncludingRateRepaymentDate |
2969 |
Amount of specific bank loan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountSpecificBankLoan |
2970 |
Concessionary loans [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoansHeading |
2971 |
Description of concessionary loan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionConcessionaryLoan |
2972 |
Amount of concessionary loan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:AmountConcessionaryLoan |
2973 |
Debt securities in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DebtSecuritiesInIssue |
2974 |
Bonds and medium-term notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BondsMedium-termNotesInIssue |
2975 |
Bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BondsInIssue |
2976 |
Medium-term notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Medium-termNotesInIssue |
2977 |
Covered bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CoveredBondsInIssue |
2978 |
Floating rate notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FloatingRateNotesInIssue |
2979 |
Certificates of deposit in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CertificatesDepositInIssue |
2980 |
Commercial paper in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CommercialPaperInIssue |
2981 |
Senior notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SeniorNotesInIssue |
2982 |
Securitisation notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SecuritisationNotesInIssue |
2983 |
Specific securitisation notes in issue item [component of total securitisation notes in issue] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SpecificSecuritisationNotesInIssueItemComponentTotalSecuritisationNotesInIssue |
2984 |
Structured notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:StructuredNotesInIssue |
2985 |
Perpetual notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PerpetualNotesInIssue |
2986 |
Further item of debt securities in issue [component of total debt securities in issue] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemDebtSecuritiesInIssueComponentTotalDebtSecuritiesInIssue |
2987 |
Other debt securities in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherDebtSecuritiesInIssue |
2988 |
Debentures in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DebenturesInIssue |
2989 |
Convertible bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ConvertibleBondsInIssue |
2990 |
Redeemable preference shares, liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RedeemablePreferenceSharesLiability |
2991 |
Convertible preference shares, liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesLiability |
2992 |
Subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilities |
2993 |
Subordinated liabilities, owed to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToThirdParties |
2994 |
Subordinated liabilities, owed to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToGroupUndertakings |
2995 |
Step-up perpetual preferred securities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Step-upPerpetualPreferredSecurities |
2996 |
Further subordinated liabilities item [component of total subordinated liabilities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherSubordinatedLiabilitiesItemComponentTotalSubordinatedLiabilities |
2997 |
Loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoanCapital |
2998 |
Undated loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:UndatedLoanCapital |
2999 |
Dated loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DatedLoanCapital |
3000 |
Further item of loan capital [component of total loan capital] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemLoanCapitalComponentTotalLoanCapital |
3001 |
Advances on invoice discounting facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AdvancesOnInvoiceDiscountingFacilities |
3002 |
Description of invoice discounting facilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInvoiceDiscountingFacilities |
3003 |
Contingent consideration for business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ContingentConsiderationForBusinessCombination |
3004 |
Loans from government and other public authorities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromGovernmentOtherPublicAuthorities |
3005 |
Further item of borrowings [component of total borrowings] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemBorrowingsComponentTotalBorrowings |
3006 |
Other remaining borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherRemainingBorrowings |
3007 |
Additional borrowings information [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdditionalBorrowingsInformationHeading |
3008 |
Amount of borrowing exposed to interest rate changes |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountBorrowingExposedToInterestRateChanges |
3009 |
Description of non-interest bearing borrowings |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNon-interestBearingBorrowings |
3010 |
Amount of borrowing repayable within a set time |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountBorrowingRepayableWithinSetTime |
3011 |
Effective interest rate on borrowings |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBorrowings |
3012 |
Effective interest rate on bank borrowings |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankBorrowings |
3013 |
Effective interest rate on bank overdrafts |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankOverdrafts |
3014 |
Undrawn borrowing facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:UndrawnBorrowingFacilities |
3015 |
Total drawn and undrawn borrowing facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:TotalDrawnUndrawnBorrowingFacilities |
3016 |
General description of loans payable in default or breach, including nature of default or breach and amounts involved |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionLoansPayableInDefaultOrBreachIncludingNatureDefaultOrBreachAmountsInvolved |
3017 |
Further financial liability item [component of total financial liabilities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherFinancialLiabilityItemComponentTotalFinancialLiabilities |
3018 |
Other remaining financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherRemainingFinancialLiabilities |
3019 |
Derivative and non-derivative financial liability sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DerivativeNon-derivativeFinancialLiabilitySub-totalsHeading |
3020 |
Non-derivative financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Non-derivativeFinancialLiabilities |
3021 |
For derivative liabilities, see 'Derivatives and hedge accounting' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDerivativeLiabilitiesSeeDerivativesHedgeAccountingSectionCross-reference |
3022 |
Movement analyses in financial instruments, covering additions, disposals and the like, are not required to be tagged [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:MovementAnalysesInFinancialInstrumentsCoveringAdditionsDisposalsLikeAreNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance |
3023 |
Derivatives and hedge accounting [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DerivativesHedgeAccountingHeading |
3024 |
Use derivative types dimension to identify type of derivative, such as cash flow hedge [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDerivativeTypesDimensionToIdentifyTypeDerivativeSuchAsCashFlowHedgeGuidance |
3025 |
Use derivative contracts dimension to identify form of contract, such as option or forward [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDerivativeContractsDimensionToIdentifyFormContractSuchAsOptionOrForwardGuidance |
3026 |
Use derivative purpose dimension to identify purpose, such as credit risk or market risk [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDerivativePurposeDimensionToIdentifyPurposeSuchAsCreditRiskOrMarketRiskGuidance |
3027 |
Use financial instruments dimensions to identify value type, maturity and other features where required [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFinancialInstrumentsDimensionsToIdentifyValueTypeMaturityOtherFeaturesWhereRequiredGuidance |
3028 |
General description of strategies for using derivatives |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionStrategiesForUsingDerivatives |
3029 |
Net derivative asset (liability) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetDerivativeAssetLiability |
3030 |
Derivative assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DerivativeAssets |
3031 |
Derivative liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DerivativeLiabilities |
3032 |
Fair value hedges [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FairValueHedgesHeading |
3033 |
General description of fair value hedges, including instruments designated as hedges and nature of risks |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionFairValueHedgesIncludingInstrumentsDesignatedAsHedgesNatureRisks |
3034 |
Gain (loss) on hedging instruments designated as fair value hedges |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnHedgingInstrumentsDesignatedAsFairValueHedges |
3035 |
Gain (loss) on fair value hedged items attributable to hedged risk |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFairValueHedgedItemsAttributableToHedgedRisk |
3036 |
Cash flow hedges [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashFlowHedgesHeading |
3037 |
General description of cash flow hedges, including instruments designated as hedges and nature of risks |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionCashFlowHedgesIncludingInstrumentsDesignatedAsHedgesNatureRisks |
3038 |
Gain (loss) from fair value of cash flow hedges, before tax, recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossFromFairValueCashFlowHedgesBeforeTaxRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3039 |
Gain (loss) on reclassification of cash flow hedges to income and expenditure from equity, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnReclassificationCashFlowHedgesToProfitOrLossFromEquityBeforeTax |
3040 |
Gain (loss) on ineffectiveness of cash flow hedges recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnIneffectivenessCashFlowHedgesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3041 |
Description of forecast transactions for which hedge accounting previously used but which are no longer expected to occur |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionForecastTransactionsForWhichHedgeAccountingPreviouslyUsedButWhichAreNoLongerExpectedToOccur |
3042 |
For other gains and losses related to cash flow hedges, see 'Equity - movement analysis' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForOtherGainsLossesRelatedToCashFlowHedgesSeeEquity-MovementAnalysisSectionCross-reference |
3043 |
Hedges of net investments in foreign operations [heading] |
Abstract |
core:HedgesNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsHeading |
3044 |
General description of hedge of net investments in foreign operations, including instruments designated as hedges and nature of risks |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionHedgeNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsIncludingInstrumentsDesignatedAsHedgesNatureRisks |
3045 |
Gain (loss) on hedge of investments in foreign operations, before tax, in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnHedgeInvestmentsInForeignOperationsBeforeTaxInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3046 |
Gain (loss) on ineffectiveness of net investment hedge recognised in profit and loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnIneffectivenessNetInvestmentHedgeRecognisedInProfitLoss |
3047 |
For other gains and losses related to hedges of net investments, see 'Equity - movement analysis' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForOtherGainsLossesRelatedToHedgesNetInvestmentsSeeEquity-MovementAnalysisSectionCross-reference |
3048 |
Gross and net settled derivatives and additional cash flow disclosures [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GrossNetSettledDerivativesAdditionalCashFlowDisclosuresHeading |
3049 |
Net hedged forecast cash inflow (outflow) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetHedgedForecastCashInflowOutflow |
3050 |
Hedged forecast receivable cash flow |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:HedgedForecastReceivableCashFlow |
3051 |
Hedged forecast payable cash flow |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:HedgedForecastPayableCashFlow |
3052 |
Net hedged forecast cash inflow (outflow), expected occurrence |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetHedgedForecastCashInflowOutflowExpectedOccurrence |
3053 |
Hedged forecast receivable cash flow, expected occurrence |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:HedgedForecastReceivableCashFlowExpectedOccurrence |
3054 |
Hedged forecast payable cash flow, expected occurrence |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:HedgedForecastPayableCashFlowExpectedOccurrence |
3055 |
Net hedged forecast cash inflow (outflow), expected income and expenditure impact |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetHedgedForecastCashInflowOutflowExpectedProfitOrLossImpact |
3056 |
Hedged forecast receivable cash flow, expected income and expenditure impact |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:HedgedForecastReceivableCashFlowExpectedProfitOrLossImpact |
3057 |
Hedged forecast payable cash flow, expected income and expenditure impact |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:HedgedForecastPayableCashFlowExpectedProfitOrLossImpact |
3058 |
Gross settled derivatives asset (liability) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GrossSettledDerivativesAssetLiability |
3059 |
Gross settled derivatives inflow |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:GrossSettledDerivativesInflow |
3060 |
Gross settled derivatives outflow |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:GrossSettledDerivativesOutflow |
3061 |
Net settled derivatives asset (liability) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetSettledDerivativesAssetLiability |
3062 |
Net settled derivatives inflow |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetSettledDerivativesInflow |
3063 |
Net settled derivatives outflow |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:NetSettledDerivativesOutflow |
3064 |
Undiscounted gross settled derivatives asset (liability) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:UndiscountedGrossSettledDerivativesAssetLiability |
3065 |
Contractual amounts payable, gross settled derivatives |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ContractualAmountsPayableGrossSettledDerivatives |
3066 |
Contractual amounts receivable, gross settled derivatives |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ContractualAmountsReceivableGrossSettledDerivatives |
3067 |
Financial instrument risk and capital risk management [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentRiskCapitalRiskManagementHeading |
3068 |
Financial instruments risks [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsRisksHeading |
3069 |
Use financial instrument line item tags and dimensions to identify individual instruments [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFinancialInstrumentLineItemTagsDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualInstrumentsGuidance |
3070 |
Use credit risk exposure dimension to identify credit risk exposures [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCreditRiskExposureDimensionToIdentifyCreditRiskExposuresGuidance |
3071 |
Use maturities dimension and, where appropriate, the 'contractual undiscounted value' tag for liquidity risk analysis [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseMaturitiesDimensionWhereAppropriateContractualUndiscountedValueTagForLiquidityRiskAnalysisGuidance |
3072 |
Use industry concentration risk dimension to identify industry risk exposures [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseIndustryConcentrationRiskDimensionToIdentifyIndustryRiskExposuresGuidance |
3073 |
Use regions and countries financial instrument dimension to identify geographical exposures [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseRegionsCountriesFinancialInstrumentDimensionToIdentifyGeographicalExposuresGuidance |
3074 |
Use currency of denomination dimension to identify currency exposures [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCurrencyDenominationDimensionToIdentifyCurrencyExposuresGuidance |
3075 |
Use credit ratings dimension to identify credit rating values [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseCreditRatingsDimensionToIdentifyCreditRatingValuesGuidance |
3076 |
Assign credit ratings dimension tags to reflect the order of ratings in the rating system used by the entity [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:AssignCreditRatingsDimensionTagsToReflectOrderRatingsInRatingSystemUsedByEntityGuidance |
3077 |
General description of financial instrument risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionFinancialInstrumentRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk |
3078 |
Credit risk [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskHeading |
3079 |
General description of credit risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionCreditRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk |
3080 |
General description of collateral held as security and other credit enhancements on financial instruments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionCollateralHeldAsSecurityOtherCreditEnhancementsOnFinancialInstruments |
3081 |
Description of credit quality of financial assets that are neither past due nor impaired |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCreditQualityFinancialAssetsThatAreNeitherPastDueNorImpaired |
3082 |
For impact of changes in credit risk on fair value of financial instruments, see 'Fair value of assets and liabilities' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForImpactChangesInCreditRiskOnFairValueFinancialInstrumentsSeeFairValueAssetsLiabilitiesSectionCross-reference |
3083 |
Liquidity risk [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LiquidityRiskHeading |
3084 |
General description of liquidity risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionLiquidityRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk |
3085 |
Cumulative liquidity gap (surplus) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CumulativeLiquidityGapSurplus |
3086 |
For cash inflows and outflows arising from derivatives, see 'Gross and net settled derivatives and additional cash flow disclosures' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCashInflowsOutflowsArisingFromDerivativesSeeGrossNetSettledDerivativesAdditionalCashFlowDisclosuresSectionCross-reference |
3087 |
Market risk [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MarketRiskHeading |
3088 |
General description of market risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionMarketRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk |
3089 |
General description of market risk sensitivity analysis, including methods, assumptions and changes |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionMarketRiskSensitivityAnalysisIncludingMethodsAssumptionsChanges |
3090 |
Description of any factors which make the sensitivity analysis unrepresentative |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionAnyFactorsWhichMakeSensitivityAnalysisUnrepresentative |
3091 |
General market risk sensitivity analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GeneralMarketRiskSensitivityAnalysisHeading |
3092 |
Use market risk type dimension to identify individual types of market risk [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseMarketRiskTypeDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesMarketRiskGuidance |
3093 |
Description of market risk exposure, including any impact on income and expenditure and equity from changes in risk variables |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionMarketRiskExposureIncludingAnyImpactOnProfitOrLossEquityFromChangesInRiskVariables |
3094 |
Value-at-risk sensitivity analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Value-at-riskSensitivityAnalysisHeading |
3095 |
Use market risk type dimension to identify individual types of market risk [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseMarketRiskTypeDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesMarketRiskGuidance |
3096 |
Value-at-risk |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Value-at-risk |
3097 |
Value-at-risk, lowest assumption |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Value-at-riskLowestAssumption |
3098 |
Value-at-risk, highest assumption |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Value-at-riskHighestAssumption |
3099 |
Other type of risk [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherTypeRiskHeading |
3100 |
General description of other type of risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionOtherTypeRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk |
3101 |
Capital risk management [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CapitalRiskManagementHeading |
3102 |
Total capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalCapital |
3103 |
Description of capital |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCapital |
3104 |
Description of gearing |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionGearing |
3105 |
General description of capital requirements, including external imposition, management, changes and consequences of non-compliance |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionCapitalRequirementsIncludingExternalImpositionManagementChangesConsequencesNon-compliance |
3106 |
For capital components, see 'Statement of Financial Position/Balance Sheet', its associated notes and the banking sector section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCapitalComponentsSeeStatementFinancialPositionBalanceSheetItsAssociatedNotesBankingSectorSectionCross-reference |
3107 |
Fair value of assets and liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FairValueAssetsLiabilitiesHeading |
3108 |
Changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value through income and expenditure attributable to changes in credit risk [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ChangesInFairValueFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLossAttributableToChangesInCreditRiskHeading |
3109 |
Description of financial liabilities designated at fair value through income and expenditure subject to a change in fair value due to changes in credit risk |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLossSubjectToChangeInFairValueDueToChangesInCreditRisk |
3110 |
Increase (decrease) during period in fair value of financial liabilities attributable to changes in credit risk |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDuringPeriodInFairValueFinancialLiabilitiesAttributableToChangesInCreditRisk |
3111 |
Cumulative increase (decrease) in fair value of financial liabilities attributable to changes in credit risk |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CumulativeIncreaseDecreaseInFairValueFinancialLiabilitiesAttributableToChangesInCreditRisk |
3112 |
Difference between carrying value and contractual value at maturity of financial liabilities designated at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:DifferenceBetweenCarryingValueContractualValueMaturityFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
3113 |
General description of methods for determining change in fair value of financial liabilities attributable to changes in credit risk, including limitations of methods and any features which modify values |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionMethodsForDeterminingChangeInFairValueFinancialLiabilitiesAttributableToChangesInCreditRiskIncludingLimitationsMethodsAnyFeaturesWhichModifyValues |
3114 |
Loans and receivables designated at fair value through income and expenditure [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LoansReceivablesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLossHeading |
3115 |
Description of loans and receivables designated at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionLoansReceivablesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
3116 |
Amount by which credit derivatives or similar instruments related to loans and receivables mitigate maximum exposure to credit risk |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountByWhichCreditDerivativesOrSimilarInstrumentsRelatedToLoansReceivablesMitigateMaximumExposureToCreditRisk |
3117 |
Increase (decrease) in fair value of loans and receivables due to change in credit risk of financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInFairValueLoansReceivablesDueToChangeInCreditRiskFinancialAssets |
3118 |
Cumulative increase (decrease) in fair value of loans and receivables due to change in credit risk of financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CumulativeIncreaseDecreaseInFairValueLoansReceivablesDueToChangeInCreditRiskFinancialAssets |
3119 |
General description of methods for determining change in fair value of loans and receivables attributable to changes in credit risk, including limitations of methods |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionMethodsForDeterminingChangeInFairValueLoansReceivablesAttributableToChangesInCreditRiskIncludingLimitationsMethods |
3120 |
Fair value hierarchy and analysis of movements among Level 1, 2, and 3 [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FairValueHierarchyAnalysisMovementsAmongLevel123Heading |
3121 |
General description of fair value hierarchy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionFairValueHierarchy |
3122 |
Use fair value movement dimension in combination with financial assets and liabilities tags to identify individual fair value movements [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFairValueMovementDimensionInCombinationWithFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesTagsToIdentifyIndividualFairValueMovementsGuidance |
3123 |
Use financial instrument level dimension to identify individual fair value hierarchy levels [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseFinancialInstrumentLevelDimensionToIdentifyIndividualFairValueHierarchyLevelsGuidance |
3124 |
Valuation of assets and liabilities measured at fair value [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ValuationAssetsLiabilitiesMeasuredFairValueHeading |
3125 |
Carrying amount of financial assets for which fair value has not been disclosed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountFinancialAssetsForWhichFairValueHasNotBeenDisclosed |
3126 |
Description of financial assets for which fair value has not been disclosed |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionFinancialAssetsForWhichFairValueHasNotBeenDisclosed |
3127 |
Carrying amount of financial liabilities for which fair value has not been disclosed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CarryingAmountFinancialLiabilitiesForWhichFairValueHasNotBeenDisclosed |
3128 |
Description of financial liabilities for which fair value has not been disclosed |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionFinancialLiabilitiesForWhichFairValueHasNotBeenDisclosed |
3129 |
Provisions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ProvisionsHeading |
3130 |
Use provisions dimension to identify individual types of provision [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseProvisionsDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesProvisionGuidance |
3131 |
Provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Provisions |
3132 |
Provisions - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Provisions-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3133 |
Total increase (decrease) in provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseInProvisions |
3134 |
Additional provisions / increase from new provisions recognised |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AdditionalProvisionsIncreaseFromNewProvisionsRecognised |
3135 |
Additional provisions / increase from new provisions recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AdditionalProvisionsIncreaseFromNewProvisionsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3136 |
Additional provisions / increase from new provisions recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AdditionalProvisionsIncreaseFromNewProvisionsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3137 |
Additional provisions / increase from new provisions recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:AdditionalProvisionsIncreaseFromNewProvisionsRecognisedInEquity |
3138 |
Increase (decrease) in existing provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInExistingProvisions |
3139 |
Increase (decrease) in existing provisions recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInExistingProvisionsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3140 |
Increase (decrease) in existing provisions recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInExistingProvisionsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3141 |
Increase (decrease) in existing provisions recognised in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInExistingProvisionsRecognisedInEquity |
3142 |
Increase (decrease) in provisions through business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughBusinessCombinations |
3143 |
Decrease (increase) in provisions through disposals and transfers to held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseIncreaseInProvisionsThroughDisposalsTransfersToHeldForSale |
3144 |
Decrease (increase) in provisions as a result of changes in measuring the discounted amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:DecreaseIncreaseInProvisionsAsResultChangesInMeasuringDiscountedAmount |
3145 |
Provisions used |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProvisionsUsed |
3146 |
Unused provision reversed |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:UnusedProvisionReversed |
3147 |
Increase (decrease) in provisions through adjustment in value from passage of time / unwinding of discount |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughAdjustmentInValueFromPassageTimeUnwindingDiscount |
3148 |
Increase (decrease) in provisions through change in discount rate |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughChangeInDiscountRate |
3149 |
Increase (decrease) in provisions through foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughForeignExchangeDifferences |
3150 |
Increase (decrease) in provisions through transfers and reclassifications |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughTransfersReclassifications |
3151 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in provisions [component of total increase (decrease) in provisions] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsComponentTotalIncreaseDecreaseInProvisions |
3152 |
Other increase (decrease) in provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInProvisions |
3153 |
General description of nature of provision, including timing of outflows and major assumptions about future events |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionNatureProvisionIncludingTimingOutflowsMajorAssumptionsAboutFutureEvents |
3154 |
Indication of any uncertainties about the amount or timing of payments including any performance related conditions |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:IndicationAnyUncertaintiesAboutAmountOrTimingPaymentsIncludingAnyPerformanceRelatedConditions |
3155 |
Amount of any expected reimbursement for a provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:AmountAnyExpectedReimbursementForProvision |
3156 |
Amount of any asset recognised for expected reimbursement for a provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AmountAnyAssetRecognisedForExpectedReimbursementForProvision |
3157 |
Statement on non-disclosure of information regarding provisions |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementOnNon-disclosureInformationRegardingProvisions |
3158 |
Disclosure of funding commitments not recognised as a liability or provision |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DisclosureFundingCommitmentsNotRecognisedAsLiabilityOrProvision |
3159 |
Disclosure of designation of unrestricted funds to fund a commitment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DisclosureDesignationUnrestrictedFundsToFundCommitment |
3160 |
For disclosures related to contingent liabilities and contingent assets, see 'Commitments, contingent assets and contingent liabilities' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDisclosuresRelatedToContingentLiabilitiesContingentAssetsSeeCommitmentsContingentAssetsContingentLiabilitiesSectionCross-reference |
3161 |
Provisions free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ProvisionsFree-textComment |
3162 |
Deferred taxation [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DeferredTaxationHeading |
3163 |
Use deferred tax classes dimension to identify individual classes of deferred tax [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDeferredTaxClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualClassesDeferredTaxGuidance |
3164 |
Net deferred tax liability (asset) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:NetDeferredTaxLiabilityAsset |
3165 |
Deferred tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxAssets |
3166 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredTaxLiabilities |
3167 |
Net deferred income tax liability (asset) - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetDeferredIncomeTaxLiabilityAsset-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3168 |
Tags in this section should also be used to represent 'Decrease (increase) in net deferred tax asset' [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:TagsInThisSectionShouldAlsoBeUsedToRepresentDecreaseIncreaseInNetDeferredTaxAssetGuidance |
3169 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
3170 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from changes in tax rates or laws |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws |
3171 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3172 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3173 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised directly in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedDirectlyInEquity |
3174 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from acquisitions through business combinations and disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinationsDisposals |
3175 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from acquisitions through business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinations |
3176 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromDisposals |
3177 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from transfers from and to assets and liabilities held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromTransfersFromToAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForSale |
3178 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from amount recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3179 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from amount recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3180 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from amount recognised directly in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedDirectlyInEquity |
3181 |
Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability arising from reclassifications |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityArisingFromReclassifications |
3182 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability [component of net deferred tax liability (asset) movement] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityComponentNetDeferredTaxLiabilityAssetMovement |
3183 |
Other increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiability |
3184 |
Gross deferred tax assets and liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GrossDeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesHeading |
3185 |
Deferred tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxAssets |
3186 |
Deferred tax assets offsetting arrangements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DeferredTaxAssetsOffsettingArrangementsHeading |
3187 |
Deferred tax assets, prior to partial offsetting |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DeferredTaxAssetsPriorToPartialOffsetting |
3188 |
Decrease in deferred tax assets from partial offset of deferred tax liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromPartialOffsetDeferredTaxLiabilities |
3189 |
Gross deferred tax assets - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GrossDeferredTaxAssets-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3190 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
3191 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from changes in tax rates or laws |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws |
3192 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3193 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3194 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised directly in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedDirectlyInEquity |
3195 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from acquisitions through business combinations and disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinationsDisposals |
3196 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from acquisitions through business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinations |
3197 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromDisposals |
3198 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from transfers from and to assets and liabilities held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromTransfersFromToAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForSale |
3199 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3200 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3201 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets recognised directly in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsRecognisedDirectlyInEquity |
3202 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets arising from reclassifications |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsArisingFromReclassifications |
3203 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets [component of deferred tax assets movement] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsComponentDeferredTaxAssetsMovement |
3204 |
Other increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssets |
3205 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredTaxLiabilities |
3206 |
Deferred tax liabilities offsetting arrangements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DeferredTaxLiabilitiesOffsettingArrangementsHeading |
3207 |
Deferred tax liabilities, prior to partial offsetting |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredTaxLiabilitiesPriorToPartialOffsetting |
3208 |
Decrease in deferred tax liabilities from partial offset of deferred tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromPartialOffsetDeferredTaxAssets |
3209 |
Gross deferred tax liabilities - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GrossDeferredTaxLiabilities-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3210 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
3211 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from changes in tax rates or laws |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws |
3212 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3213 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3214 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised directly in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedDirectlyInEquity |
3215 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from acquisitions through business combinations and disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinationsDisposals |
3216 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from acquisitions through business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinations |
3217 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromDisposals |
3218 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from transfers from and to assets and liabilities held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromTransfersFromToAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForSale |
3219 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liability from amount recognised in income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
3220 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liability from amount recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3221 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liability from amount recognised directly in equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedDirectlyInEquity |
3222 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities arising from reclassifications |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesArisingFromReclassifications |
3223 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities [component of deferred tax liabilities movement] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesComponentDeferredTaxLiabilitiesMovement |
3224 |
Other increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilities |
3225 |
Other disclosures related to deferred tax assets and liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherDisclosuresRelatedToDeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesHeading |
3226 |
Amount of net reversal of deferred tax assets and liabilities expected to occur in the year beginning after the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:AmountNetReversalDeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesExpectedToOccurInYearBeginningAfterReportingPeriod |
3227 |
Description of expected net reversal of deferred tax assets and liabilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionExpectedNetReversalDeferredTaxAssetsLiabilities |
3228 |
Description of expiry dates of timing differences, unused tax losses and unused tax credits |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionExpiryDatesTimingDifferencesUnusedTaxLossesUnusedTaxCredits |
3229 |
Deferred taxation free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DeferredTaxationFree-textComment |
3230 |
Notes on equity [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NotesOnEquityHeading |
3231 |
Use equity classes dimension to identify individual classes of equity or reserve [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseEquityClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualClassesEquityOrReserveGuidance |
3232 |
Equity / share capital and reserves |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Equity |
3233 |
Share capital and dividends [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ShareCapitalDividendsHeading |
3234 |
Use entity share classes dimension to identify individual share class [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseEntityShareClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareClassGuidance |
3235 |
Use share types dimension to identify individual share type [guidance] |
Abstract |
bus:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareTypeGuidance |
3236 |
For values of share capital and share premium, use appropriate items and dimension members in 'Statement of Changes in Equity' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForValuesShareCapitalSharePremiumUseAppropriateItemsDimensionMembersInStatementChangesInEquityCross-reference |
3237 |
Description of share type |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
bus:DescriptionShareType |
3238 |
Number of shares issued and fully paid |
Concept (Shares) |
As Of |
core:NumberSharesIssuedFullyPaid |
3239 |
Number of shares issued but not fully paid |
Concept (Shares) |
As Of |
core:NumberSharesIssuedButNotFullyPaid |
3240 |
Allotted share capital [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AllottedShareCapitalHeading |
3241 |
Number of shares allotted |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:NumberSharesAllotted |
3242 |
Nominal value of allotted share capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:NominalValueAllottedShareCapital |
3243 |
Par value of share |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:ParValueShare |
3244 |
Description of reasons why shares have no par value |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsWhySharesHaveNoParValue |
3245 |
Shares issued in the period [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SharesIssuedInPeriodHeading |
3246 |
Nominal value of shares issued in the period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:NominalValueSharesIssuedInPeriod |
3247 |
Consideration received for shares issued in the period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:ConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriod |
3248 |
Consideration received for shares issued in the period related to share-based payments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:ConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriodRelatedToShare-basedPayments |
3249 |
Cash consideration received for shares issued in the period related to share-based payments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:CashConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriodRelatedToShare-basedPayments |
3250 |
Service consideration received for shares issued in the period related to share-based payments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:ServiceConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriodRelatedToShare-basedPayments |
3251 |
Consideration received for shares issued in the period related to other transactions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:ConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriodRelatedToOtherTransactions |
3252 |
Transaction costs related to shares issued in the period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:TransactionCostsRelatedToSharesIssuedInPeriod |
3253 |
Individual issue of shares [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:IndividualIssueSharesGrouping |
3254 |
Description of reasons for specific share issue |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsForSpecificShareIssue |
3255 |
Nominal value of shares issued, specific share issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:NominalValueSharesIssuedSpecificShareIssue |
3256 |
Consideration received for shares issued, specific share issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:ConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedSpecificShareIssue |
3257 |
Treasury shares [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TreasurySharesHeading |
3258 |
Number of treasury shares held |
Concept (Shares) |
As Of |
core:NumberTreasurySharesHeld |
3259 |
Increase (decrease) in number of treasury shares held in period |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNumberTreasurySharesHeldInPeriod |
3260 |
Decrease in number of treasury shares due to vesting of treasury shares |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:DecreaseInNumberTreasurySharesDueToVestingTreasuryShares |
3261 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in number of treasury shares [component of total change in number of treasury shares] |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNumberTreasurySharesComponentTotalChangeInNumberTreasuryShares |
3262 |
Other increase (decrease) in number of treasury shares |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInNumberTreasuryShares |
3263 |
Nominal value of treasury shares held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:NominalValueTreasurySharesHeld |
3264 |
Redeemable preference shares [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RedeemablePreferenceSharesHeading |
3265 |
Redemption value, redeemable preference shares |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:RedemptionValueRedeemablePreferenceShares |
3266 |
Earliest redemption date, redeemable preference shares |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:EarliestRedemptionDateRedeemablePreferenceShares |
3267 |
Definite redemption date, redeemable preference shares |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DefiniteRedemptionDateRedeemablePreferenceShares |
3268 |
Winding up value, redeemable preference shares |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:WindingUpValueRedeemablePreferenceShares |
3269 |
Statement on whether redemption mandatory, at company option or shareholder option |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementOnWhetherRedemptionMandatoryCompanyOptionOrShareholderOption |
3270 |
Description of premium payable on redemption, redeemable preference shares |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionPremiumPayableOnRedemptionRedeemablePreferenceShares |
3271 |
Dividends [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DividendsHeading |
3272 |
Dividends paid [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DividendsPaidHeading |
3273 |
Dividends paid on shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsPaidOnShares |
3274 |
Tax on dividends |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:TaxOnDividends |
3275 |
Dividends paid on shares after tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsPaidOnSharesAfterTax |
3276 |
Dividends paid on shares, interim |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsPaidOnSharesInterim |
3277 |
Dividends paid on shares, first interim |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsPaidOnSharesFirstInterim |
3278 |
Dividends paid on shares, second interim |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsPaidOnSharesSecondInterim |
3279 |
Dividends paid on shares, third interim |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsPaidOnSharesThirdInterim |
3280 |
Dividends paid on shares, fourth interim |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsPaidOnSharesFourthInterim |
3281 |
Dividends paid on shares, final |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsPaidOnSharesFinal |
3282 |
Dividend per share |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:DividendPerShare |
3283 |
Dividend per share, interim |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:DividendPerShareInterim |
3284 |
Dividend per share, first interim |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:DividendPerShareFirstInterim |
3285 |
Dividend per share, second interim |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:DividendPerShareSecondInterim |
3286 |
Dividend per share, third interim |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:DividendPerShareThirdInterim |
3287 |
Dividend per share, fourth interim |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:DividendPerShareFourthInterim |
3288 |
Dividend per share, final |
Concept (Share) |
For Period |
core:DividendPerShareFinal |
3289 |
Dividends declared after reporting date |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:DividendsDeclaredAfterReportingDate |
3290 |
Description of distribution which reduces net assets to less than the aggregate of called-up share capital and undistributable reserves |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionDistributionWhichReducesNetAssetsToLessThanAggregateCalled-upShareCapitalUndistributableReserves |
3291 |
Dividends free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DividendsFree-textComment |
3292 |
Description of rights, preferences and restrictions attaching to class of share capital |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRightsPreferencesRestrictionsAttachingToClassShareCapital |
3293 |
Number of shares in entity held by entity, its subsidiaries or associates |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:NumberSharesInEntityHeldByEntityItsSubsidiariesOrAssociates |
3294 |
Number of shares reserved for issue under options and contracts for sale of shares |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:NumberSharesReservedForIssueUnderOptionsContractsForSaleShares |
3295 |
Description of reservation of shares, including terms, for issue under options and contracts for sale of shares |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReservationSharesIncludingTermsForIssueUnderOptionsContractsForSaleShares |
3296 |
Share capital free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ShareCapitalFree-textComment |
3297 |
Retained earnings and reserves [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RetainedEarningsReservesHeading |
3298 |
Description of nature and purpose of reserves within equity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNaturePurposeReservesWithinEquity |
3299 |
Description of conversion of debt to equity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionConversionDebtToEquity |
3300 |
Description of puttable financial instruments classified as equity instruments, including reclassifications into and out of financial liabilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionPuttableFinancialInstrumentsClassifiedAsEquityInstrumentsIncludingReclassificationsIntoOutFinancialLiabilities |
3301 |
Non-controlling interests [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Non-controllingInterestsHeading |
3302 |
Non-controlling interests free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:Non-controllingInterestsFree-textComment |
3303 |
Charity funds [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharityFundsHeading |
3304 |
Analysis of net assets between funds [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AnalysisNetAssetsBetweenFundsHeading |
3305 |
For analysis of net assets between funds use funds type dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForAnalysisNetAssetsBetweenFundsUseFundsTypeDimensionGuidance |
3306 |
Net increase (decrease) in charitable funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:NetIncreaseDecreaseInCharitableFunds |
3307 |
Income of material fund |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncomeMaterialFund |
3308 |
Expenditure of material fund |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:ExpenditureMaterialFund |
3309 |
Fixed assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FixedAssets |
3310 |
Current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CurrentAssets |
3311 |
Creditors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Creditors |
3312 |
Total borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalBorrowings |
3313 |
Bank borrowings and overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankBorrowingsOverdrafts |
3314 |
Bank borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankBorrowings |
3315 |
Bank overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BankOverdrafts |
3316 |
Further item of bank borrowings and overdrafts [component of total bank borrowings and overdrafts] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemBankBorrowingsOverdraftsComponentTotalBankBorrowingsOverdrafts |
3317 |
Material bank loan [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:MaterialBankLoanGrouping |
3318 |
Description of specific bank loan, including rate and repayment date |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSpecificBankLoanIncludingRateRepaymentDate |
3319 |
Amount of specific bank loan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountSpecificBankLoan |
3320 |
Concessionary loans [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoansHeading |
3321 |
Description of concessionary loan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionConcessionaryLoan |
3322 |
Amount of concessionary loan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:AmountConcessionaryLoan |
3323 |
Debt securities in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DebtSecuritiesInIssue |
3324 |
Bonds and medium-term notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BondsMedium-termNotesInIssue |
3325 |
Bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BondsInIssue |
3326 |
Medium-term notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Medium-termNotesInIssue |
3327 |
Covered bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CoveredBondsInIssue |
3328 |
Floating rate notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FloatingRateNotesInIssue |
3329 |
Certificates of deposit in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CertificatesDepositInIssue |
3330 |
Commercial paper in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CommercialPaperInIssue |
3331 |
Senior notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SeniorNotesInIssue |
3332 |
Securitisation notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SecuritisationNotesInIssue |
3333 |
Specific securitisation notes in issue item [component of total securitisation notes in issue] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SpecificSecuritisationNotesInIssueItemComponentTotalSecuritisationNotesInIssue |
3334 |
Structured notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:StructuredNotesInIssue |
3335 |
Perpetual notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PerpetualNotesInIssue |
3336 |
Further item of debt securities in issue [component of total debt securities in issue] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemDebtSecuritiesInIssueComponentTotalDebtSecuritiesInIssue |
3337 |
Other debt securities in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherDebtSecuritiesInIssue |
3338 |
Debentures in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DebenturesInIssue |
3339 |
Convertible bonds in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ConvertibleBondsInIssue |
3340 |
Redeemable preference shares, liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RedeemablePreferenceSharesLiability |
3341 |
Convertible preference shares, liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesLiability |
3342 |
Subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilities |
3343 |
Subordinated liabilities, owed to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToThirdParties |
3344 |
Subordinated liabilities, owed to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToGroupUndertakings |
3345 |
Step-up perpetual preferred securities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Step-upPerpetualPreferredSecurities |
3346 |
Further subordinated liabilities item [component of total subordinated liabilities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherSubordinatedLiabilitiesItemComponentTotalSubordinatedLiabilities |
3347 |
Loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoanCapital |
3348 |
Undated loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:UndatedLoanCapital |
3349 |
Dated loan capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DatedLoanCapital |
3350 |
Further item of loan capital [component of total loan capital] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemLoanCapitalComponentTotalLoanCapital |
3351 |
Advances on invoice discounting facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AdvancesOnInvoiceDiscountingFacilities |
3352 |
Description of invoice discounting facilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInvoiceDiscountingFacilities |
3353 |
Contingent consideration for business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ContingentConsiderationForBusinessCombination |
3354 |
Loans from government and other public authorities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromGovernmentOtherPublicAuthorities |
3355 |
Further item of borrowings [component of total borrowings] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemBorrowingsComponentTotalBorrowings |
3356 |
Other remaining borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherRemainingBorrowings |
3357 |
Additional borrowings information [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdditionalBorrowingsInformationHeading |
3358 |
Amount of borrowing exposed to interest rate changes |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountBorrowingExposedToInterestRateChanges |
3359 |
Description of non-interest bearing borrowings |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNon-interestBearingBorrowings |
3360 |
Amount of borrowing repayable within a set time |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountBorrowingRepayableWithinSetTime |
3361 |
Effective interest rate on borrowings |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBorrowings |
3362 |
Effective interest rate on bank borrowings |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankBorrowings |
3363 |
Effective interest rate on bank overdrafts |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankOverdrafts |
3364 |
Undrawn borrowing facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:UndrawnBorrowingFacilities |
3365 |
Total drawn and undrawn borrowing facilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:TotalDrawnUndrawnBorrowingFacilities |
3366 |
General description of loans payable in default or breach, including nature of default or breach and amounts involved |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionLoansPayableInDefaultOrBreachIncludingNatureDefaultOrBreachAmountsInvolved |
3367 |
Trade creditors / trade payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TradeCreditorsTradePayables |
3368 |
Loans from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromRelatedParties |
3369 |
Loans from group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
3370 |
Loans from group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromGroupUndertakings |
3371 |
Loans from parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromParentEntities |
3372 |
Loans from subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromSubsidiaries |
3373 |
Loans from associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
3374 |
Loans from associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromAssociates |
3375 |
Loans from joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromJointVentures |
3376 |
Loans from other related parties other than directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors |
3377 |
Loans from directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromDirectors |
3378 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
3379 |
Amounts owed to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToRelatedParties |
3380 |
Amounts owed to group undertakings and participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests |
3381 |
Amounts owed to group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakings |
3382 |
Amounts owed to parent entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToParentEntities |
3383 |
Amounts owed to subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToSubsidiaries |
3384 |
Amounts owed to associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
3385 |
Amounts owed to associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToAssociates |
3386 |
Amounts owed to joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToJointVentures |
3387 |
Amounts owed to other related parties other than directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors |
3388 |
Amounts owed to directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedToDirectors |
3389 |
Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance |
3390 |
Amounts owed in respect of group relief |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountsOwedInRespectGroupRelief |
3391 |
Accrued liabilities and deferred income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome |
3392 |
Accrued liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccruedLiabilities |
3393 |
Deferred income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredIncome |
3394 |
Deferred income released from previous periods |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:DeferredIncomeReleasedFromPreviousPeriods |
3395 |
Explanation of reasons for deferred income |
Concept (Text/String) |
As Of |
char:ExplanationReasonsForDeferredIncome |
3396 |
Further item of accrued liabilities or deferred income [component of total accrued liabilities and deferred income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemAccruedLiabilitiesOrDeferredIncomeComponentTotalAccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome |
3397 |
Interest and similar expense payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:InterestSimilarExpensePayable |
3398 |
Taxation and social security, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TaxationSocialSecurityPayable |
3399 |
Corporation tax, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CorporationTaxPayable |
3400 |
Value-added tax, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Value-addedTaxPayable |
3401 |
Foreign tax, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ForeignTaxPayable |
3402 |
Other taxation and social security, payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherTaxationSocialSecurityPayable |
3403 |
Social security payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SocialSecurityPayable |
3404 |
Other taxation payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherTaxationPayable |
3405 |
Finance lease liabilities, present value, total |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FinanceLeaseLiabilitiesPresentValueTotal |
3406 |
Bills of exchange payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BillsExchangePayable |
3407 |
Royalties payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RoyaltiesPayable |
3408 |
Government grants payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:GovernmentGrantsPayable |
3409 |
Other grants payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:OtherGrantsPayable |
3410 |
Unpaid contributions to pension schemes |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:UnpaidContributionsToPensionSchemes |
3411 |
Deferred consideration for business combination |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredConsiderationForBusinessCombination |
3412 |
Dividend declared and payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DividendDeclaredPayable |
3413 |
Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CumulativePreferenceShareDividendsUnpaid |
3414 |
Payments received on account |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PaymentsReceivedOnAccount |
3415 |
Payments on account for contracts and performance related grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:PaymentsOnAccountForContractsPerformanceRelatedGrants |
3416 |
Further item of creditors [component of total creditors] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemCreditorsComponentTotalCreditors |
3417 |
Other creditors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCreditors |
3418 |
Creditors free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CreditorsFree-textComment |
3419 |
Other creditor sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OtherCreditorSub-totalsHeading |
3420 |
Other payables and accrued expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherPayablesAccruedExpenses |
3421 |
Other creditors including taxation and social security, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCreditorsIncludingTaxationSocialSecurityBalanceSheetSubtotal |
3422 |
For creditors / payables related to construction contracts, see 'Construction contracts' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCreditorsPayablesRelatedToConstructionContractsSeeConstructionContractsSectionCross-reference |
3423 |
Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus |
3424 |
Charity funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:CharityFunds |
3425 |
Charity funds free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityFundsFree-textComment |
3426 |
Additional fund disclosures [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AdditionalFundDisclosuresHeading |
3427 |
For analysis of material funds use material funds dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForAnalysisMaterialFundsUseMaterialFundsDimensionGuidance |
3428 |
Description of material fund |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionMaterialFund |
3429 |
Explanation of the purposes and trust law restrictions imposed on each material fund |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationPurposesTrustLawRestrictionsImposedOnEachMaterialFund |
3430 |
Net increase (decrease) in charitable funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:NetIncreaseDecreaseInCharitableFunds |
3431 |
Income of material fund |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:IncomeMaterialFund |
3432 |
Expenditure of material fund |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:ExpenditureMaterialFund |
3433 |
Transfer to (from) material fund |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TransferToFromMaterialFund |
3434 |
Gain (loss) of material fund |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:GainLossMaterialFund |
3435 |
Explanation of material transfers between funds |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationMaterialTransfersBetweenFunds |
3436 |
Funds received as agent or custodian trustee [heading] |
Abstract |
char:FundsReceivedAsAgentOrCustodianTrusteeHeading |
3437 |
Use funds received as agent dimension to identify individual funds received (paid) [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsReceivedAsAgentDimensionToIdentifyIndividualFundsReceivedPaidGuidance |
3438 |
Net funds received (paid) as agent |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:NetFundsReceivedPaidAsAgent |
3439 |
Funds received as agent |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FundsReceivedAsAgent |
3440 |
Funds paid as agent |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FundsPaidAsAgent |
3441 |
Balances held as agent at the reporting date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:BalancesHeldAsAgentReportingDate |
3442 |
Balances outstanding between consortium members |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
char:BalancesOutstandingBetweenConsortiumMembers |
3443 |
Description of assets held on behalf of others |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionAssetsHeldOnBehalfOthers |
3444 |
Name and objects of the charities on whose behalf assets are held |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameObjectsCharitiesOnWhoseBehalfAssetsAreHeld |
3445 |
Details of safe custody and segregation of assets from the charity's own assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DetailsSafeCustodySegregationAssetsFromCharitysOwnAssets |
3446 |
Pooling scheme funds [heading] |
Abstract |
char:PoolingSchemeFundsHeading |
3447 |
Use pooling scheme fund dimension for analysis of fund movements [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UsePoolingSchemeFundDimensionForAnalysisFundMovementsGuidance |
3448 |
Pooling scheme fund - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
char:PoolingSchemeFund-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3449 |
Net Assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:PoolingSchemeFundNetAssets |
3450 |
Additions to investment pool |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:PoolingSchemeFundAdditionsToInvestmentPool |
3451 |
Investment income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:PoolingSchemeFundInvestmentIncome |
3452 |
Investment management costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:PoolingSchemeFundsInvestmentManagementCosts |
3453 |
Realised investment gains (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:PoolingSchemeFundRealisedInvestmentGainsLosses |
3454 |
Unrealised investment gains (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:PoolingSchemeFundUnrealisedInvestmentGainsLosses |
3455 |
Distributions for charitable expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:PoolingSchemeFundDistributionsForCharitableExpenditure |
3456 |
For pooling scheme date and authority disclosures see 'Basis of preparation and general information on financial statements' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForPoolingSchemeDateAuthorityDisclosuresSeeBasisPreparationGeneralInformationOnFinancialStatementsSectionCross-reference |
3457 |
Notes on cash flow [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NotesOnCashFlowHeading |
3458 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedValuesGuidance |
3459 |
For amounts released to income funds from endowment see 'Other income' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForAmountsReleasedToIncomeFundsFromEndowmentSeeOtherIncomeSectionCross-reference |
3460 |
Amount of cash or cash equivalents unavailable for use to further charitable activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountCashOrCashEquivalentsUnavailableForUseToFurtherCharitableActivities |
3461 |
Explanation of cash or cash equivalents unavailable for use to further charitable activities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationCashOrCashEquivalentsUnavailableForUseToFurtherCharitableActivities |
3462 |
Cash generated from operations, direct method [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsDirectMethodHeading |
3463 |
Cash receipts from operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromOperatingActivities |
3464 |
Cash receipts from donations, legacies and grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromDonationsLegaciesGrants |
3465 |
Cash receipts from donations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromDonations |
3466 |
Cash receipts from legacies |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromLegacies |
3467 |
Cash receipts from grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromGrants |
3468 |
Cash receipts from charitable activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromCharitableActivities |
3469 |
Cash receipts from Gift Aid claims or repayment of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromGiftAidClaimsOrRepaymentTax |
3470 |
Cash receipts from contracts for the supply of goods and services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromContractsForSupplyGoodsServices |
3471 |
Cash receipts from rents excluding rent from investment properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromRentsExcludingRentFromInvestmentProperties |
3472 |
Cash receipts from repayment of loans made to further the charity's purposes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
char:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansMadeToFurtherCharitysPurposes |
3473 |
Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromSalesGoodsRenderingServices |
3474 |
Cash receipts from royalties, fees, commissions and other revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRoyaltiesFeesCommissionsOtherRevenue |
3475 |
Cash receipts from contracts held for dealing or trading purpose |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromContractsHeldForDealingOrTradingPurpose |
3476 |
Cash receipts from premiums and claims, annuities and other policy benefits, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromPremiumsClaimsAnnuitiesOtherPolicyBenefitsClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
3477 |
Cash receipts from government grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromGovernmentGrants |
3478 |
Cash receipts from rents and subsequent sales of rental assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashReceiptsFromRentsSubsequentSalesRentalAssets |
3479 |
Further item of cash receipts from operating activities [component of total cash receipts from operating activities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashReceiptsFromOperatingActivitiesComponentTotalCashReceiptsFromOperatingActivities |
3480 |
Other cash receipts from operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherCashReceiptsFromOperatingActivities |
3481 |
Cash payments for operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsForOperatingActivities |
3482 |
Cash payments to suppliers and employees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsToSuppliersEmployees |
3483 |
Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsToSuppliersForGoodsServices |
3484 |
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsToOnBehalfEmployees |
3485 |
Cash payments of grants made |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:CashPaymentsGrantsMade |
3486 |
Cash payments for charitable activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:CashPaymentsForCharitableActivities |
3487 |
Cash payments of interest on borrowing related to operational activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:CashPaymentsInterestOnBorrowingRelatedToOperationalActivities |
3488 |
Cash advances made to other parties as social investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:CashAdvancesMadeToOtherPartiesAsSocialInvestments |
3489 |
Cash payments of taxes on income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
char:CashPaymentsTaxesOnIncome |
3490 |
Cash payments for contracts held for dealing or trading purposes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsForContractsHeldForDealingOrTradingPurposes |
3491 |
Cash payments for premiums and claims, annuities and other policy benefits, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsForPremiumsClaimsAnnuitiesOtherPolicyBenefitsClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
3492 |
Cash payments for research and development expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsForResearchDevelopmentExpenditure |
3493 |
Cash payments for warranty claims |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsForWarrantyClaims |
3494 |
Cash payments for restructuring expenditures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsForRestructuringExpenditures |
3495 |
Cash payments for other administrative expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsForOtherAdministrativeExpenses |
3496 |
Cash payments to manufacture or acquire assets held for rental to others and subsequently held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsToManufactureOrAcquireAssetsHeldForRentalToOthersSubsequentlyHeldForSale |
3497 |
Further item of cash payments for operating activities [component of total cash payments for operating activities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemCashPaymentsForOperatingActivitiesComponentTotalCashPaymentsForOperatingActivities |
3498 |
Other cash payments for operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherCashPaymentsForOperatingActivities |
3499 |
Cash generated from operations, indirect method [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsIndirectMethodHeading |
3500 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operations before movements in working capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromOperationsBeforeMovementsInWorkingCapital |
3501 |
Adjustments to cash flows from non-cash items, excluding movements in working capital [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdjustmentsToCashFlowsFromNon-cashItemsExcludingMovementsInWorkingCapitalHeading |
3502 |
For other profit (loss) and income tax items, see 'Income statement' and 'Notes on income' sections [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForOtherProfitLossIncomeTaxItemsSeeIncomeStatementNotesOnIncomeSectionsCross-reference |
3503 |
For items related to discontinued activities, see 'Disposals and discontinued operations' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForItemsRelatedToDiscontinuedActivitiesSeeDisposalsDiscontinuedOperationsSectionCross-reference |
3504 |
For adjustments for which no tag exists elsewhere, use the analysis tag attached below [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForAdjustmentsForWhichNoTagExistsElsewhereUseAnalysisTagAttachedBelowGuidance |
3505 |
Further non-cash item leading to a gain (loss) in cash flows [component of total adjustments from non-cash items] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherNon-cashItemLeadingToGainLossInCashFlowsComponentTotalAdjustmentsFromNon-cashItems |
3506 |
Adjustments to cash flow from working capital [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdjustmentsToCashFlowFromWorkingCapitalHeading |
3507 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating assets and liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingAssetsLiabilities |
3508 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingAssets |
3509 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in stocks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInInventories |
3510 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInBiologicalAssets |
3511 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInIntangibleAssets |
3512 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in debtors / trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDebtorsTradeOtherReceivables |
3513 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in trade debtors / trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInTradeDebtorsTradeReceivables |
3514 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in other debtors / other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOtherDebtorsOtherReceivables |
3515 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in prepayments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInPrepayments |
3516 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupsHeldForSale |
3517 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in non-current assets held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInNon-currentAssetsHeldForSale |
3518 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in disposal groups held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDisposalGroupsHeldForSale |
3519 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in construction contract work in progress |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInConstructionContractWorkInProgress |
3520 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in accrued items |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInAccruedItems |
3521 |
Further item of gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating assets [component of total gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating assets] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingAssetsComponentTotalGainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingAssets |
3522 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from other change in operating assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromOtherChangeInOperatingAssets |
3523 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingLiabilities |
3524 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in creditors / trade and other payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInCreditorsTradeOtherPayables |
3525 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in trade creditors / trade payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInTradeCreditorsTradePayables |
3526 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in other creditors / other payables and accrued expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOtherCreditorsOtherPayablesAccruedExpenses |
3527 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInProvisions |
3528 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deferred items |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDeferredItems |
3529 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deferred government grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDeferredGovernmentGrants |
3530 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deferred taxes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDeferredTaxes |
3531 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deferred income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDeferredIncome |
3532 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from other change in deferred items |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromOtherChangeInDeferredItems |
3533 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in retirement benefit obligations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInRetirementBenefitObligations |
3534 |
Further item of gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating liabilities [component of total gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating liabilities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingLiabilitiesComponentTotalGainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingLiabilities |
3535 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from other change in operating liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromOtherChangeInOperatingLiabilities |
3536 |
Reconciliation of net income (expenditure) to net cash flow from operating activities [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ReconciliationNetIncomeExpenditureToNetCashFlowFromOperatingActivitiesHeading |
3537 |
For adjustments see relevant sections in the notes and detailed disclosures [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:ForAdjustmentsSeeRelevantSectionsInNotesDetailedDisclosuresGuidance |
3538 |
Analysis of cash and cash equivalents [heading] |
Abstract |
char:AnalysisCashCashEquivalentsHeading |
3539 |
For cash and cash equivalents see 'Financial assets' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
char:ForCashCashEquivalentsSeeFinancialAssetsSectionCross-reference |
3540 |
Reconciliation of cash flows to net debt [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReconciliationCashFlowsToNetDebtHeading |
3541 |
Net debt (funds) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:NetDebtFunds |
3542 |
Increase (decrease) in net debt in period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtInPeriod |
3543 |
New finance leases |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NewFinanceLeases |
3544 |
Debt (funds) from acquisitions and disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DebtFundsFromAcquisitionsDisposals |
3545 |
Debt (funds) acquired with subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DebtFundsAcquiredWithSubsidiaries |
3546 |
Debt (funds) disposed of with subsidiaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DebtFundsDisposedWithSubsidiaries |
3547 |
Increase (decrease) in net debt from cash flows |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtFromCashFlows |
3548 |
Cash inflow (outflow) from management of liquid resources |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashInflowOutflowFromManagementLiquidResources |
3549 |
Cash inflow (outflow) from debt financing |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CashInflowOutflowFromDebtFinancing |
3550 |
Increase (decrease) in net debt from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
3551 |
Gain (loss) on hedging instruments designated as fair value hedges |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnHedgingInstrumentsDesignatedAsFairValueHedges |
3552 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from changes in consolidation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsFromChangesInConsolidation |
3553 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, before foreign exchange differences and changes in consolidation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsBeforeForeignExchangeDifferencesChangesInConsolidation |
3554 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in net debt in period [component of total increase (decrease) in net debt in period] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtInPeriodComponentTotalIncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtInPeriod |
3555 |
Other items of increase (decrease) in net debt in period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherItemsIncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtInPeriod |
3556 |
For other items which may be included in the reconciliation, see other relevant 'Notes' sections [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForOtherItemsWhichMayBeIncludedInReconciliationSeeOtherRelevantNotesSectionsCross-reference |
3557 |
Increase (decrease) in net cash in period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetCashInPeriod |
3558 |
Description of investing and financing transactions not requiring cash or cash equivalents |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionInvestingFinancingTransactionsNotRequiringCashOrCashEquivalents |
3559 |
For cash payments related to business combinations and disposals, see 'Business combinations' and 'Disposals' sections [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCashPaymentsRelatedToBusinessCombinationsDisposalsSeeBusinessCombinationsDisposalsSectionsCross-reference |
3560 |
Employee benefits and other employee information [heading] |
Abstract |
core:EmployeeBenefitsOtherEmployeeInformationHeading |
3561 |
Staff costs / employee benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:StaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense |
3562 |
Wages and salaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:WagesSalaries |
3563 |
Alternative wages and salaries sub-totals [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AlternativeWagesSalariesSub-totalsHeading |
3564 |
Wages and salaries including redundancy costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:WagesSalariesIncludingRedundancyCosts |
3565 |
Wages and salaries excluding redundancy costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:WagesSalariesExcludingRedundancyCosts |
3566 |
Social security costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SocialSecurityCosts |
3567 |
Other short-term employee benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherShort-termEmployeeBenefits |
3568 |
Expenditure on staff contracted with and paid by related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:ExpenditureOnStaffContractedWithPaidByRelatedParties |
3569 |
Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance |
3570 |
Basis of allocation between activities of defined contribution pension liability and expense |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:BasisAllocationBetweenActivitiesDefinedContributionPensionLiabilityExpense |
3571 |
Pension and other post-employment benefit costs / other pension costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCostsOtherPensionCosts |
3572 |
Pension costs, defined contribution plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PensionCostsDefinedContributionPlan |
3573 |
Pension costs, defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PensionCostsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3574 |
Further item of pension and other post-employment benefit costs [component of total pension and other post-employment benefit costs] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemPensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCostsComponentTotalPensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCosts |
3575 |
Other post-employment benefit costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitCosts |
3576 |
Defined benefit pension plan free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DefinedBenefitPensionPlanFree-textComment |
3577 |
Description of the extent to which the charity can be liable to a multi-employer defined benefit plan for other entities' obligations |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DescriptionExtentToWhichCharityCanBeLiableToMulti-employerDefinedBenefitPlanForOtherEntitiesObligations |
3578 |
Explanation of how any liability arising from an agreement with a multi employer plan to fund a deficit has been determined |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationHowAnyLiabilityArisingFromAnAgreementWithMultiEmployerPlanToFundDeficitHasBeenDetermined |
3579 |
Redundancy costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RedundancyCosts |
3580 |
Share-based payment expense, equity settled |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:Share-basedPaymentExpenseEquitySettled |
3581 |
Share-based payment expense, cash settled |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:Share-basedPaymentExpenseCashSettled |
3582 |
Nature of the redundancy payment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NatureRedundancyPayment |
3583 |
The extent of redundancy funding at the balance sheet date |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExtentRedundancyFundingBalanceSheetDate |
3584 |
Other long-term benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherLong-termBenefitsExpense |
3585 |
Further employee expense item [component of total employee benefits expense] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherEmployeeExpenseItemComponentTotalEmployeeBenefitsExpense |
3586 |
Other employee expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherEmployeeExpense |
3587 |
No employees received benefits excluding employer pension costs of more than £60,000 [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoEmployeesReceivedBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsMoreThan60000Truefalse |
3588 |
Use salary band dimension for number of employees who received benefits excluding employer pension costs of more than £60,000 [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseSalaryBandDimensionForNumberEmployeesWhoReceivedBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsMoreThan60000Guidance |
3589 |
Number of employees whose total benefits excluding employer pension costs fall within bands of £10,000 over £60,000 |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
char:NumberEmployeesWhoseTotalBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsFallWithinBandsGBP10000OverGBP60000 |
3590 |
Employee benefits free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:EmployeeBenefitsFree-textComment |
3591 |
Unincorporated charities have Trustees and Charitable companies have Directors (who are also Trustees): Either category should use the following section if applicable [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UnincorporatedCharitiesHaveTrusteesCharitableCompaniesHaveDirectorsWhoAreAlsoTrusteesEitherCategoryShouldUseFollowingSectionIfApplicableGuidance |
3592 |
For directors' remuneration, see 'Employee benefits and other employee information' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDirectorsRemunerationSeeEmployeeBenefitsOtherEmployeeInformationSectionCross-reference |
3593 |
Trustees'/directors' remuneration [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:DirectorsRemunerationHeading |
3594 |
Use entity officers dimension to identify totals for trustees/directors and individual trustees/directors, including highest paid Trustee/Director [guidance] |
Abstract |
direp:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyTotalsForDirectorsIndividualDirectorsIncludingHighestPaidDirectorGuidance |
3595 |
Trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits including payments to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:DirectorRemunerationBenefitsIncludingPaymentsToThirdParties |
3596 |
Payments to third parties for trustees'/directors' services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:PaymentsToThirdPartiesForDirectorServices |
3597 |
Trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:DirectorRemunerationBenefitsExcludingPaymentsToThirdParties |
3598 |
Trustees'/directors' remuneration |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:DirectorRemuneration |
3599 |
Salaries and fees, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:SalariesFeesDirectors |
3600 |
Salaries, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:SalariesDirectors |
3601 |
Fees, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:FeesDirectors |
3602 |
Bonuses, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:BonusesDirectors |
3603 |
Benefits in kind, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:BenefitsInKindDirectors |
3604 |
Expense allowances, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:ExpenseAllowancesDirectors |
3605 |
Gain (loss) on exercise of share options, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:GainLossOnExerciseShareOptionsDirectors |
3606 |
Amount received or receivable under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:AmountReceivedOrReceivableUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors |
3607 |
Net assets received or receivable under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:NetAssetsReceivedOrReceivableUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors |
3608 |
Company contributions to money purchase plans, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:CompanyContributionsToMoneyPurchasePlansDirectors |
3609 |
Company contributions to defined benefit plans, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:CompanyContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlansDirectors |
3610 |
Further item of Trustee/Director remuneration and benefits [component of total trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:FurtherItemDirectorRemunerationBenefitsComponentTotalDirectorRemunerationBenefitsExcludingPaymentsToThirdParties |
3611 |
Description of any non-cash benefits, trustees/directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionAnyNon-cashBenefitsDirectors |
3612 |
Description of any arrangements under which trustees/directors waive emoluments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionAnyArrangementsUnderWhichDirectorsWaiveEmoluments |
3613 |
Numbers of trustees/directors receiving benefits and share incentives [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:NumbersDirectorsReceivingBenefitsShareIncentivesHeading |
3614 |
Number of trustees/directors accruing retirement benefits |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:NumberDirectorsAccruingRetirementBenefits |
3615 |
Number of trustees/directors accruing benefits under a defined benefit scheme |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:NumberDirectorsAccruingBenefitsUnderDefinedBenefitScheme |
3616 |
Number of trustees/directors accruing benefits under a money purchase scheme |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:NumberDirectorsAccruingBenefitsUnderMoneyPurchaseScheme |
3617 |
Number of trustees/directors who received or were entitled to receive shares under long term incentive schemes |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:NumberDirectorsWhoReceivedOrWereEntitledToReceiveSharesUnderLongTermIncentiveSchemes |
3618 |
Number of trustees/directors who exercised share options |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
direp:NumberDirectorsWhoExercisedShareOptions |
3619 |
Other information on trustee/director payments [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:OtherInformationOnDirectorPaymentsHeading |
3620 |
Accrued pension at period end, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
direp:AccruedPensionPeriodEndDirectors |
3621 |
Accrued pension lump sum at period end, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
direp:AccruedPensionLumpSumPeriodEndDirectors |
3622 |
General description of shares options exercised, trustees/directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:GeneralDescriptionSharesOptionsExercisedDirectors |
3623 |
General description of benefits under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:GeneralDescriptionBenefitsUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors |
3624 |
Excess of retirement benefits over original entitlement, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:ExcessRetirementBenefitsOverOriginalEntitlementDirectors |
3625 |
Compensation for loss of office, trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:CompensationForLossOfficeDirectors |
3626 |
Description of non-cash benefits provided as compensation for loss of office, trustees/directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionNon-cashBenefitsProvidedAsCompensationForLossOfficeDirectors |
3627 |
Payments to third parties for trustees'/directors' services [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:PaymentsToThirdPartiesForDirectorsServicesHeading |
3628 |
Payments made to third parties for services of trustees/directors as trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:PaymentsMadeToThirdPartiesForServicesDirectorsAsDirectors |
3629 |
Payments made to third parties for services of trustees/directors while trustees/directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
direp:PaymentsMadeToThirdPartiesForServicesDirectorsWhileDirectors |
3630 |
Description of non-cash benefits provided to third parties for services of trustees/directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionNon-cashBenefitsProvidedToThirdPartiesForServicesDirectors |
3631 |
Trustees' remuneration and benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TrusteesRemunerationBenefits |
3632 |
None of the trustees have been paid any remuneration or received any other benefits [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoneTrusteesHaveBeenPaidAnyRemunerationOrReceivedAnyOtherBenefitsTruefalse |
3633 |
One or more of the trustees has been paid remuneration or received other benefits [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:OneOrMoreTrusteesHasBeenPaidRemunerationOrReceivedOtherBenefitsTruefalse |
3634 |
Name of remunerated trustee |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:NameRemuneratedTrustee |
3635 |
Legal authority under which the trustee payment was made [heading] |
Abstract |
char:LegalAuthorityUnderWhichTrusteePaymentWasMadeHeading |
3636 |
Provision in the governing document |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ProvisionInGoverningDocument |
3637 |
Order of the court |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OrderCourt |
3638 |
Permission from regulatory body |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PermissionFromRegulatoryBody |
3639 |
Other legal authority |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OtherLegalAuthority |
3640 |
Reason for remuneration |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ReasonForRemuneration |
3641 |
Amount of remuneration |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountRemuneration |
3642 |
Amount of pension contributions paid in the reporting period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountPensionContributionsPaidInReportingPeriod |
3643 |
Amount for administrative support |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountForAdministrativeSupport |
3644 |
Further trustee employee benefit item [component of total trustees remuneration and benefits] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FurtherTrusteeEmployeeBenefitItemComponentTotalTrusteesRemunerationBenefits |
3645 |
Trustees expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:TrusteesExpenses |
3646 |
No trustee expenses have been incurred [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoTrusteeExpensesHaveBeenIncurredTruefalse |
3647 |
One or more trustees have had their expenses met by the charity [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:OneOrMoreTrusteesHaveHadTheirExpensesMetByCharityTruefalse |
3648 |
Amount of any material expenses waived by trustees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountAnyMaterialExpensesWaivedByTrustees |
3649 |
Amount of expenses reimbursed or paid directly to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountExpensesReimbursedOrPaidDirectlyToThirdParties |
3650 |
Travel |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:Travel |
3651 |
Subsistence |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:Subsistence |
3652 |
Accommodation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:Accommodation |
3653 |
Further item of trustees' expenses [component of total trustees expenses] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FurtherItemTrusteesExpensesComponentTotalTrusteesExpenses |
3654 |
Number of trustees reimbursed or who had expenses paid by the charity to third parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:NumberTrusteesReimbursedOrWhoHadExpensesPaidByCharityToThirdParties |
3655 |
Post-employment benefits [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Post-employmentBenefitsHeading |
3656 |
Defined contribution plans [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DefinedContributionPlansHeading |
3657 |
Use post-employment benefit plans dimension to identify individual plans [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UsePost-employmentBenefitPlansDimensionToIdentifyIndividualPlansGuidance |
3658 |
Name of defined contribution plan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameDefinedContributionPlan |
3659 |
Description of contribution plan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionContributionPlan |
3660 |
Pension costs, defined contribution plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PensionCostsDefinedContributionPlan |
3661 |
Outstanding (pre-paid) contributions to defined contribution plan at reporting date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OutstandingPre-paidContributionsToDefinedContributionPlanReportingDate |
3662 |
Defined benefit plans [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DefinedBenefitPlansHeading |
3663 |
Use post-employment benefit plans dimension to identify individual plans [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UsePost-employmentBenefitPlansDimensionToIdentifyIndividualPlansGuidance |
3664 |
Name of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameDefinedBenefitPlan |
3665 |
Description of defined benefit plan, including funding policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionDefinedBenefitPlanIncludingFundingPolicy |
3666 |
Date of most recent actuarial valuation |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateMostRecentActuarialValuation |
3667 |
Outstanding (pre-paid) contributions to defined benefit plan at reporting date |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OutstandingPre-paidContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlanReportingDate |
3668 |
Reconciliation of defined benefit plan assets and liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReconciliationDefinedBenefitPlanAssetsLiabilitiesHeading |
3669 |
Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus |
3670 |
Deficit (surplus) in defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeficitSurplusInDefinedBenefitPlan |
3671 |
Liabilities of defined benefit plan, present value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanPresentValue |
3672 |
Fair value of assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3673 |
Reimbursement rights asset, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReimbursementRightsAssetFairValue |
3674 |
Amount not recognised because of asset ceiling, defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AmountNotRecognisedBecauseAssetCeilingDefinedBenefitPlan |
3675 |
Other assets (liabilities) related to the defined benefit plan recognised in the balance sheet |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherAssetsLiabilitiesRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInBalanceSheet |
3676 |
Deferred tax liability (asset) related to defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DeferredTaxLiabilityAssetRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlan |
3677 |
Defined benefit plan funding arrangements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DefinedBenefitPlanFundingArrangementsHeading |
3678 |
Fair value of assets in defined benefit plans less present value of funded obligations |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueAssetsInDefinedBenefitPlansLessPresentValueFundedObligations |
3679 |
Defined benefit liabilities from plans that are wholly unfunded, present value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DefinedBenefitLiabilitiesFromPlansThatAreWhollyUnfundedPresentValue |
3680 |
Defined benefit liabilities from plans that are wholly or partly funded, present value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DefinedBenefitLiabilitiesFromPlansThatAreWhollyOrPartlyFundedPresentValue |
3681 |
Explanation for any difference between the net liability for all plans shown in the balance sheet and the total across individual plans |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ExplanationForAnyDifferenceBetweenNetLiabilityForAllPlansShownInBalanceSheetTotalAcrossIndividualPlans |
3682 |
Retirement benefit obligations - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RetirementBenefitObligations-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3683 |
Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus |
3684 |
Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from pension costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromPensionCosts |
3685 |
Decrease in net retirement benefit obligations from total contributions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromTotalContributions |
3686 |
Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from business combinations and disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromBusinessCombinationsDisposals |
3687 |
Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromBusinessCombinations |
3688 |
Decrease (increase) in net retirement benefit obligations from disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseIncreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromDisposals |
3689 |
Decrease in net retirement benefit obligations from benefits paid |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromBenefitsPaid |
3690 |
Decrease in net retirement benefit obligations from amounts paid in respect of settlements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromAmountsPaidInRespectSettlements |
3691 |
Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
3692 |
Decrease (increase) in net retirement benefit obligations from remeasurement |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseIncreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromRemeasurement |
3693 |
Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from transfers to and from other schemes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromTransfersToFromOtherSchemes |
3694 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations [component of total change in net retirement benefit obligations] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsComponentTotalChangeInNetRetirementBenefitObligations |
3695 |
Reconciliation of present value of liabilities of defined benefit plan - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReconciliationPresentValueLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3696 |
Liabilities of defined benefit plan, present value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanPresentValue |
3697 |
Increase in liabilities of defined benefit plan from current service cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromCurrentServiceCost |
3698 |
Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from past service cost and gains and losses arising from settlements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromPastServiceCostGainsLossesArisingFromSettlements |
3699 |
Increase in liabilities of defined benefit plan from interest expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromInterestExpense |
3700 |
Increase in liabilities of defined benefit plan from contributions by participants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromContributionsByParticipants |
3701 |
Decrease (increase) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from remeasurement |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseIncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromRemeasurement |
3702 |
Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
3703 |
Decrease in assets of defined benefit plan from benefits paid |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBenefitsPaid |
3704 |
Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from business combinations and disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinationsDisposals |
3705 |
Increase in liabilities of defined benefit plan from business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinations |
3706 |
Decrease in liabilities of defined benefit plan from disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromDisposals |
3707 |
Decrease in liabilities of defined benefit plan from amounts paid in respect of settlements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromAmountsPaidInRespectSettlements |
3708 |
Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from curtailments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromCurtailments |
3709 |
Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from transfers to and from other schemes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromTransfersToFromOtherSchemes |
3710 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan [component of total change in present value of liabilities] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanComponentTotalChangeInPresentValueLiabilities |
3711 |
Reconciliation of fair value of assets of defined benefit plan - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReconciliationFairValueAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3712 |
Fair value of assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3713 |
Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromInterestIncome |
3714 |
Increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan from remeasurement |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromRemeasurement |
3715 |
Actuarial gain (loss) on assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ActuarialGainLossOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3716 |
Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from return on assets, net of interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromReturnOnAssetsNetInterestIncome |
3717 |
Increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan from foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromForeignExchangeDifferences |
3718 |
Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from total contributions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromTotalContributions |
3719 |
Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from contributions by participants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromContributionsByParticipants |
3720 |
Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from contributions by employer |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromContributionsByEmployer |
3721 |
Decrease in assets of defined benefit plan from benefits paid |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBenefitsPaid |
3722 |
Increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan from business combinations and disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinationsDisposals |
3723 |
Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinations |
3724 |
Decrease in assets of defined benefit plan from disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromDisposals |
3725 |
Decrease in assets of defined benefit plan from settlements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromSettlements |
3726 |
Increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan from transfers to and from other schemes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromTransfersToFromOtherSchemes |
3727 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan [component of total change in fair value of plan assets] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanComponentTotalChangeInFairValuePlanAssets |
3728 |
Reimbursement rights recognised as assets of defined benefit plan - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReimbursementRightsRecognisedAsAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan-MovementAnalysisHeading |
3729 |
Reimbursement rights asset, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReimbursementRightsAssetFairValue |
3730 |
Increase in reimbursement rights related to interest income on assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToInterestIncomeOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3731 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to remeasurement of assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToRemeasurementAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3732 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to foreign exchange differences on assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToForeignExchangeDifferencesOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3733 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to total contributions to defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToTotalContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlan |
3734 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to contributions to defined benefit plan by employer |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlanByEmployer |
3735 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to contributions by defined benefit plan participants |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToContributionsByDefinedBenefitPlanParticipants |
3736 |
Decrease in reimbursement rights related to benefits paid under the defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToBenefitsPaidUnderDefinedBenefitPlan |
3737 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from business combinations and disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinationsDisposals |
3738 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinations |
3739 |
Decrease in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from disposals |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromDisposals |
3740 |
Decrease in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from settlements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromSettlements |
3741 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from curtailments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromCurtailments |
3742 |
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from transfers to and from other schemes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromTransfersToFromOtherSchemes |
3743 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit plan [component of total reimbursement rights asset] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanComponentTotalReimbursementRightsAsset |
3744 |
Other increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3745 |
Amounts related to defined benefit plan recognised in income and expenditure [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AmountsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInProfitOrLossHeading |
3746 |
Pension costs, defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PensionCostsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3747 |
Increase (decrease) in operating costs from defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingCostsFromDefinedBenefitPlan |
3748 |
Current service cost of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CurrentServiceCostDefinedBenefitPlan |
3749 |
Past service cost of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PastServiceCostDefinedBenefitPlan |
3750 |
Expense (income) from defined benefit plan settlements and curtailments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ExpenseIncomeFromDefinedBenefitPlanSettlementsCurtailments |
3751 |
Expense (income) from defined benefit plan settlements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ExpenseIncomeFromDefinedBenefitPlanSettlements |
3752 |
Expense (income) from defined benefit plan curtailments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ExpenseIncomeFromDefinedBenefitPlanCurtailments |
3753 |
Increase (decrease) in finance costs from defined benefit plans |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInFinanceCostsFromDefinedBenefitPlans |
3754 |
Interest income on assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3755 |
Interest expense on liabilities of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan |
3756 |
Interest income from reimbursement rights of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeFromReimbursementRightsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3757 |
Gains and losses related to defined benefit plan recognised in other comprehensive income [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GainsLossesRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeHeading |
3758 |
Gain (loss) on remeasurement of defined benefit plan recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnRemeasurementDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3759 |
Gain (loss) on remeasurement from changes in assumptions underlying the present value of defined benefit plan liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnRemeasurementFromChangesInAssumptionsUnderlyingPresentValueDefinedBenefitPlanLiabilities |
3760 |
Cumulative gain (loss) on remeasurement of defined benefit plan recognised in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CumulativeGainLossOnRemeasurementDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
3761 |
Components of defined benefit plan assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ComponentsDefinedBenefitPlanAssetsHeading |
3762 |
Fair value of assets of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3763 |
Equity securities held in defined benefit plan, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:EquitySecuritiesHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue |
3764 |
Equity securities held in defined benefit plan, percentage |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:EquitySecuritiesHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage |
3765 |
Debt securities held in defined benefit plan, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue |
3766 |
Debt securities held in defined benefit plan, percentage |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:DebtSecuritiesHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage |
3767 |
Property held in defined benefit plan, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PropertyHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue |
3768 |
Property held in defined benefit plan, percentage |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:PropertyHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage |
3769 |
Cash and cash equivalents held in defined benefit plan, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCashEquivalentsHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue |
3770 |
Cash and cash equivalents held in defined benefit plan, percentage |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:CashCashEquivalentsHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage |
3771 |
Other type of asset held in defined benefit plan [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:OtherTypeAssetHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanGrouping |
3772 |
Description of other type of asset held in defined benefit plan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionOtherTypeAssetHeldInDefinedBenefitPlan |
3773 |
Fair value of other type of asset held in defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueOtherTypeAssetHeldInDefinedBenefitPlan |
3774 |
Percentage of other type of asset held in defined benefit plan |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:PercentageOtherTypeAssetHeldInDefinedBenefitPlan |
3775 |
Other assets held in defined benefit plan, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherAssetsHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue |
3776 |
Other assets held in defined benefit plan, percentage |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:OtherAssetsHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage |
3777 |
Defined benefit plan assets owned or used by entity [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DefinedBenefitPlanAssetsOwnedOrUsedByEntityHeading |
3778 |
Description of assets in defined benefit plan owned or used by entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionAssetsInDefinedBenefitPlanOwnedOrUsedByEntity |
3779 |
Fair value of entity financial instruments included in defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueEntityFinancialInstrumentsIncludedInDefinedBenefitPlan |
3780 |
Fair value of property owned or used by entity included in defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValuePropertyOwnedOrUsedByEntityIncludedInDefinedBenefitPlan |
3781 |
Further item of assets owned or used by entity and included in defined benefit plan [component of total plan assets owned or used by entity] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemAssetsOwnedOrUsedByEntityIncludedInDefinedBenefitPlanComponentTotalPlanAssetsOwnedOrUsedByEntity |
3782 |
Return on assets and actuarial assumptions related to defined benefit plan [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReturnOnAssetsActuarialAssumptionsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanHeading |
3783 |
Description of basis used to determine the overall rate of return on assets in benefit plan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBasisUsedToDetermineOverallRateReturnOnAssetsInBenefitPlan |
3784 |
Return on assets of benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:ReturnOnAssetsBenefitPlan |
3785 |
Return on reimbursement rights assets in benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:ReturnOnReimbursementRightsAssetsInBenefitPlan |
3786 |
Principal actuarial assumptions related to defined benefit plan [heading] |
Abstract |
core:PrincipalActuarialAssumptionsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanHeading |
3787 |
Discount rate used, defined benefit plan |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:DiscountRateUsedDefinedBenefitPlan |
3788 |
Assumed rate of increase of pensionable salaries |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:AssumedRateIncreasePensionableSalaries |
3789 |
Assumed rate of increase of pensions in payment and deferred pensions |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:AssumedRateIncreasePensionsInPaymentDeferredPensions |
3790 |
Assumed percentage of employees opting for early retirement |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:AssumedPercentageEmployeesOptingForEarlyRetirement |
3791 |
Assumed rate of increase in retirement healthcare costs |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:AssumedRateIncreaseInRetirementHealthcareCosts |
3792 |
Assumed rate of increase in maximum state healthcare benefits |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:AssumedRateIncreaseInMaximumStateHealthcareBenefits |
3793 |
Assumed rate of inflation - CPI |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:AssumedRateInflation-CPI |
3794 |
Assumed rate of inflation - RPI |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:AssumedRateInflation-RPI |
3795 |
General description of mortality assumptions |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionMortalityAssumptions |
3796 |
Description of other material assumptions related to defined benefit plan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionOtherMaterialAssumptionsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlan |
3797 |
Description of expected or agreed future contributions to defined benefit plan by entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionExpectedOrAgreedFutureContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlanByEntity |
3798 |
Description of the relationship between reporting entity and trustees / managers of defined benefit plan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRelationshipBetweenReportingEntityTrusteesManagersDefinedBenefitPlan |
3799 |
Disclosures on multi-employer plans [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DisclosuresOnMulti-employerPlansHeading |
3800 |
Defined benefit plan is a multi-employer plan [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:DefinedBenefitPlanMulti-employerPlanTruefalse |
3801 |
Description why entity is unable to account for multi-employer plan as a defined benefit plan |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionWhyEntityUnableToAccountForMulti-employerPlanAsDefinedBenefitPlan |
3802 |
Description of surplus or deficit in multi-employer plan, basis of valuation and implications for entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSurplusOrDeficitInMulti-employerPlanBasisValuationImplicationsForEntity |
3803 |
Disclosures on defined benefit plans under common control [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DisclosuresOnDefinedBenefitPlansUnderCommonControlHeading |
3804 |
General description of sharing of contributions, costs, risks and charging for defined benefit plans under common control |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionSharingContributionsCostsRisksChargingForDefinedBenefitPlansUnderCommonControl |
3805 |
Description of group entity financial statements which disclose information on defined benefit plans under common control |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionGroupEntityFinancialStatementsWhichDiscloseInformationOnDefinedBenefitPlansUnderCommonControl |
3806 |
Employee information [heading] |
Abstract |
core:EmployeeInformationHeading |
3807 |
Average number of employees by department [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AverageNumberEmployeesByDepartmentHeading |
3808 |
Average number of employees during the period |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:AverageNumberEmployeesDuringPeriod |
3809 |
Administration and support, average number of employees |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:AdministrationSupportAverageNumberEmployees |
3810 |
Production, average number of employees |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:ProductionAverageNumberEmployees |
3811 |
Research and development, average number of employees |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:ResearchDevelopmentAverageNumberEmployees |
3812 |
Sales, marketing and distribution, average number of employees |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:SalesMarketingDistributionAverageNumberEmployees |
3813 |
Selling, average number of employees |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:SellingAverageNumberEmployees |
3814 |
Marketing, average number of employees |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:MarketingAverageNumberEmployees |
3815 |
Distribution, average number of employees |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:DistributionAverageNumberEmployees |
3816 |
Further department item, average number of employees [component of average number list] |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:FurtherDepartmentItemAverageNumberEmployeesComponentAverageNumberList |
3817 |
Other departments, average number of employees |
Concept (Decimal) |
For Period |
core:OtherDepartmentsAverageNumberEmployees |
3818 |
Number of employees at specific date [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NumberEmployeesSpecificDateHeading |
3819 |
Date at which number of employees measured |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateWhichNumberEmployeesMeasured |
3820 |
Number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:NumberEmployeesDate |
3821 |
Administration and support, number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:AdministrationSupportNumberEmployeesDate |
3822 |
Production, number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:ProductionNumberEmployeesDate |
3823 |
Research and development, number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:ResearchDevelopmentNumberEmployeesDate |
3824 |
Sales, marketing and distribution, number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:SalesMarketingDistributionNumberEmployeesDate |
3825 |
Selling, number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:SellingNumberEmployeesDate |
3826 |
Marketing, number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:MarketingNumberEmployeesDate |
3827 |
Distribution, number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:DistributionNumberEmployeesDate |
3828 |
Further department item, number of employees at specific date [component of total number of employees at date] |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:FurtherDepartmentItemNumberEmployeesSpecificDateComponentTotalNumberEmployeesDate |
3829 |
Other departments, number of employees at date |
Concept (Decimal) |
As Of |
core:OtherDepartmentsNumberEmployeesDate |
3830 |
Employee information free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:EmployeeInformationFree-textComment |
3831 |
Related parties [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RelatedPartiesHeading |
3832 |
Entity has claimed exemption from reporting disclosure of related party transactions for wholly-owned entities [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromReportingDisclosureRelatedPartyTransactionsForWholly-ownedEntitiesTruefalse |
3833 |
Entity has claimed exemption from reporting disclosure of key management personnel compensation [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromReportingDisclosureKeyManagementPersonnelCompensationTruefalse |
3834 |
Entity has claimed exemption from reporting disclosure of related party transactions for government-related entities [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromReportingDisclosureRelatedPartyTransactionsForGovernment-relatedEntitiesTruefalse |
3835 |
Tags in this section are intended specifically for the related parties note in accounts - tags elsewhere in the taxonomy are NOT intended for this note [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:TagsInThisSectionAreIntendedSpecificallyForRelatedPartiesNoteInAccounts-TagsElsewhereInTaxonomyAreNOTIntendedForThisNoteGuidance |
3836 |
Relationship between entity and parents [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RelationshipBetweenEntityParentsHeading |
3837 |
Name of parent entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameParentEntity |
3838 |
Name of ultimate parent of group, if not parent entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameUltimateParentGroupIfNotParentEntity |
3839 |
Name of ultimate controlling party, if not ultimate parent |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameUltimateControllingPartyIfNotUltimateParent |
3840 |
Name of most senior parent entity producing publicly available financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameMostSeniorParentEntityProducingPubliclyAvailableFinancialStatements |
3841 |
Description of relationships between entity and parents, including any changes |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRelationshipsBetweenEntityParentsIncludingAnyChanges |
3842 |
Parent of largest group in which results are consolidated [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ParentLargestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidatedHeading |
3843 |
Name of parent of largest group in which results are consolidated |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameParentLargestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidated |
3844 |
Country in which parent of largest group is incorporated |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:CountryInWhichParentLargestGroupIncorporated |
3845 |
Address of parent of largest group |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AddressParentLargestGroup |
3846 |
Further information on parent of largest group |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FurtherInformationOnParentLargestGroup |
3847 |
Parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ParentSmallestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidatedHeading |
3848 |
Name of parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameParentSmallestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidated |
3849 |
Country in which parent of smallest group is incorporated |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:CountryInWhichParentSmallestGroupIncorporated |
3850 |
Address of parent of smallest group |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AddressParentSmallestGroup |
3851 |
Further information on parent of smallest group |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FurtherInformationOnParentSmallestGroup |
3852 |
Parent entity or controlling party and ultimate controlling party [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:ParentEntityOrControllingPartyUltimateControllingPartyGrouping |
3853 |
Name of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameControllingParty |
3854 |
Address of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AddressControllingParty |
3855 |
Charity registration number of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CharityRegistrationNumberControllingParty |
3856 |
Company registration number of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:CompanyRegistrationNumberControllingParty |
3857 |
Principal purposes and activities of controlling party |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PrincipalPurposesActivitiesControllingParty |
3858 |
Explanation of how controlling party exercises control |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationHowControllingPartyExercisesControl |
3859 |
Information on controlling party, including description of relationship |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InformationOnControllingPartyIncludingDescriptionRelationship |
3860 |
Controlling party is ultimate controlling party [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:ControllingPartyUltimateControllingPartyTruefalse |
3861 |
Statement that ultimate controlling party is not known |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementThatUltimateControllingPartyNotKnown |
3862 |
Statement that no controlling parties exist |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementThatNoControllingPartiesExist |
3863 |
Key management personnel compensation [heading] |
Abstract |
core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationHeading |
3864 |
Key management personnel compensation, total |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationTotal |
3865 |
Key management personnel compensation, short-term employee benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationShort-termEmployeeBenefits |
3866 |
Key management personnel compensation, post-employment benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationPost-employmentBenefits |
3867 |
Key management personnel compensation, other long-term benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationOtherLong-termBenefits |
3868 |
Key management personnel compensation, termination benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationTerminationBenefits |
3869 |
Key management personnel compensation, share-based payment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationShare-basedPayment |
3870 |
Further item of key management personnel compensation [component of total key management personnel compensation] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:FurtherItemKeyManagementPersonnelCompensationComponentTotalKeyManagementPersonnelCompensation |
3871 |
Description of non-cash benefits for key management personnel |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNon-cashBenefitsForKeyManagementPersonnel |
3872 |
For directors' remuneration, see 'Directors' remuneration' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDirectorsRemunerationSeeDirectorsRemunerationSectionCross-reference |
3873 |
Transactions and balances with related parties [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TransactionsBalancesWithRelatedPartiesHeading |
3874 |
No related party transactions in the reporting period require disclosure [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoRelatedPartyTransactionsInReportingPeriodRequireDisclosureTruefalse |
3875 |
Use related party dimension to identify types or related party or individual related party [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseRelatedPartyDimensionToIdentifyTypesOrRelatedPartyOrIndividualRelatedPartyGuidance |
3876 |
Use related party transaction type dimension to identify nature of transaction [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseRelatedPartyTransactionTypeDimensionToIdentifyNatureTransactionGuidance |
3877 |
Name or description of related party [if not defined by another tag] |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameOrDescriptionRelatedPartyIfNotDefinedByAnotherTag |
3878 |
Description of nature of transactions and balances with related parties |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNatureTransactionsBalancesWithRelatedParties |
3879 |
Income from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:IncomeFromRelatedParties |
3880 |
Payments to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:PaymentsToRelatedParties |
3881 |
Balances / amounts owed by related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:BalancesAmountsOwedByRelatedParties |
3882 |
Balances / amounts owed to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:BalancesAmountsOwedToRelatedParties |
3883 |
Loans owed to related parties [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LoansOwedToRelatedPartiesHeading |
3884 |
Loans owed to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansOwedToRelatedParties |
3885 |
Increase in loans owed to related parties due to loans advanced |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesDueToLoansAdvanced |
3886 |
Decrease in loans owed to related parties due to loans repaid |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DecreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesDueToLoansRepaid |
3887 |
Increase (decrease) in loans owed to related parties due to foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferences |
3888 |
Increase (decrease) in loans owed to related parties attributable to interest transactions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesAttributableToInterestTransactions |
3889 |
Increase (decrease) in loans owed to related parties due to other changes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesDueToOtherChanges |
3890 |
General description of loans owed to related parties, including terms and guarantees given |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesIncludingTermsGuaranteesGiven |
3891 |
Loans owed by related parties [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LoansOwedByRelatedPartiesHeading |
3892 |
Loans owed by related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansOwedByRelatedParties |
3893 |
Increase in loans owed by related parties due to loans advanced |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesDueToLoansAdvanced |
3894 |
Decrease in loans owed by related parties due to loans repaid |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesDueToLoansRepaid |
3895 |
Increase (decrease) in loans owed by related parties due to foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferences |
3896 |
Increase (decrease) in loans owed by related parties attributable to interest transactions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesAttributableToInterestTransactions |
3897 |
Increase (decrease) in loans owed by related parties due to other changes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesDueToOtherChanges |
3898 |
Provisions for amounts owed by related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ProvisionsForAmountsOwedByRelatedParties |
3899 |
Expenses recognised for doubtful debts owed by related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ExpensesRecognisedForDoubtfulDebtsOwedByRelatedParties |
3900 |
Amounts written off from balances owed to (by) related parties during the period |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:AmountsWrittenOffFromBalancesOwedToByRelatedPartiesDuringPeriod |
3901 |
Terms and conditions, including security and nature of consideration to be provided in settlement |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:TermsConditionsIncludingSecurityNatureConsiderationToBeProvidedInSettlement |
3902 |
Details of any guarantees given or received |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:DetailsAnyGuaranteesGivenOrReceived |
3903 |
Any other elements of the transactions necessary for the understanding of the accounts |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:AnyOtherElementsTransactionsNecessaryForUnderstandingAccounts |
3904 |
Ex gratia payments [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ExGratiaPaymentsHeading |
3905 |
Value of ex gratia payments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:ValueExGratiaPayments |
3906 |
Value of waiver of right to an asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:ValueWaiverRightToAnAsset |
3907 |
Explanation for ex gratia payment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:ExplanationForExGratiaPayment |
3908 |
Legal authority under which the ex gratia payment was made [heading] |
Abstract |
char:LegalAuthorityUnderWhichExGratiaPaymentWasMadeHeading |
3909 |
Order of the court |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OrderCourt |
3910 |
Permission from regulatory body |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:PermissionFromRegulatoryBody |
3911 |
Other legal authority |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
char:OtherLegalAuthority |
3912 |
Commitments made to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:CommitmentsMadeToRelatedParties |
3913 |
General description loans owed by related parties, including terms and guarantees received |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesIncludingTermsGuaranteesReceived |
3914 |
For analysis of loans to and from directors, see 'Directors' advances, credits and guarantees' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForAnalysisLoansToFromDirectorsSeeDirectorsAdvancesCreditsGuaranteesSectionCross-reference |
3915 |
Directors' advances, credits and guarantees [heading] |
Abstract |
direp:DirectorsAdvancesCreditsGuaranteesHeading |
3916 |
Use entity officers dimension members to identify totals for directors and individual directors [guidance] |
Abstract |
direp:UseEntityOfficersDimensionMembersToIdentifyTotalsForDirectorsIndividualDirectorsGuidance |
3917 |
General description of advances and credits to directors, including terms and interest rates |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:GeneralDescriptionAdvancesCreditsToDirectorsIncludingTermsInterestRates |
3918 |
Advances and credits, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
direp:AdvancesCreditsDirectors |
3919 |
Advances and credits made in period, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:AdvancesCreditsMadeInPeriodDirectors |
3920 |
Advances and credits repaid in period, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:AdvancesCreditsRepaidInPeriodDirectors |
3921 |
Specific advance or credit, directors [grouping] |
Abstract |
direp:SpecificAdvanceOrCreditDirectorsGrouping |
3922 |
Description of specific advance or credit, its conditions and indicative interest rate, directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionSpecificAdvanceOrCreditItsConditionsIndicativeInterestRateDirectors |
3923 |
Amount of specific advance or credit, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
direp:AmountSpecificAdvanceOrCreditDirectors |
3924 |
Amount of specific advance or credit made in period, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:AmountSpecificAdvanceOrCreditMadeInPeriodDirectors |
3925 |
Amount of specific advance or credit repaid in period, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:AmountSpecificAdvanceOrCreditRepaidInPeriodDirectors |
3926 |
General description of guarantees and their terms, directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:GeneralDescriptionGuaranteesTheirTermsDirectors |
3927 |
Maximum liability under guarantees, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
direp:MaximumLiabilityUnderGuaranteesDirectors |
3928 |
Amount paid and liability incurred in fulfilling guarantees, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:AmountPaidLiabilityIncurredInFulfillingGuaranteesDirectors |
3929 |
Specific guarantee, directors [grouping] |
Abstract |
direp:SpecificGuaranteeDirectorsGrouping |
3930 |
Description of specific guarantee and its terms, directors |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
direp:DescriptionSpecificGuaranteeItsTermsDirectors |
3931 |
Maximum liability under specific guarantee, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
direp:MaximumLiabilityUnderSpecificGuaranteeDirectors |
3932 |
Amount paid and liability incurred in fulfilling specific guarantee, directors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
direp:AmountPaidLiabilityIncurredInFulfillingSpecificGuaranteeDirectors |
3933 |
Government-related entities [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:Government-relatedEntitiesGrouping |
3934 |
Use related party transaction type dimension to identify nature of transaction [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseRelatedPartyTransactionTypeDimensionToIdentifyNatureTransactionGuidance |
3935 |
Name of government-related entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:NameGovernment-relatedEntity |
3936 |
Description of relationships between entity and government-related entity, including any changes |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRelationshipsBetweenEntityGovernment-relatedEntityIncludingAnyChanges |
3937 |
Income from government-related entity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:IncomeFromGovernment-relatedEntity |
3938 |
Payments to government-related entity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:PaymentsToGovernment-relatedEntity |
3939 |
Description of extent of collectively significant transactions, government-related entities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionExtentCollectivelySignificantTransactionsGovernment-relatedEntities |
3940 |
Funds held as agent or custodian trustee on behalf of related parties [heading] |
Abstract |
char:FundsHeldAsAgentOrCustodianTrusteeOnBehalfRelatedPartiesHeading |
3941 |
Use related party dimension to identify funds held as agent or custodian trustee on behalf of related parties [guidance] |
Abstract |
char:UseRelatedPartyDimensionToIdentifyFundsHeldAsAgentOrCustodianTrusteeOnBehalfRelatedPartiesGuidance |
3942 |
Funds held as agent or custodian trustee on behalf of related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:FundsHeldAsAgentOrCustodianTrusteeOnBehalfRelatedParties |
3943 |
Commitments, contingent assets and liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CommitmentsContingentAssetsLiabilitiesHeading |
3944 |
Commitments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CommitmentsHeading |
3945 |
Capital commitments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:CapitalCommitments |
3946 |
Financial commitments, other than capital commitments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:FinancialCommitmentsOtherThanCapitalCommitments |
3947 |
Loan commitments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:LoanCommitments |
3948 |
Remaining financial commitments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:RemainingFinancialCommitments |
3949 |
Description of capital commitments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCapitalCommitments |
3950 |
Description of financial commitments other than capital commitments |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionFinancialCommitmentsOtherThanCapitalCommitments |
3951 |
For commitments related to a particular area, such as leases, PPE or intangibles, see the taxonomy section covering that area [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForCommitmentsRelatedToParticularAreaSuchAsLeasesPPEOrIntangiblesSeeTaxonomySectionCoveringThatAreaGuidance |
3952 |
Contingent liabilities [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesHeading |
3953 |
Use contingent liabilities dimension to identify individual types of contingent liability [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseContingentLiabilitiesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesContingentLiabilityGuidance |
3954 |
Contingent liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:ContingentLiabilities |
3955 |
General description of contingent liabilities, including financial effect, uncertainties and possible reimbursement |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionContingentLiabilitiesIncludingFinancialEffectUncertaintiesPossibleReimbursement |
3956 |
Statement on non-disclosure of information on contingent liabilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementOnNon-disclosureInformationOnContingentLiabilities |
3957 |
For details of contingent assets and liabilities related to business combinations, see 'Business combinations' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDetailsContingentAssetsLiabilitiesRelatedToBusinessCombinationsSeeBusinessCombinationsSectionCross-reference |
3958 |
For contingent liabilities related to associates, see 'Investments in associates' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForContingentLiabilitiesRelatedToAssociatesSeeInvestmentsInAssociatesSectionCross-reference |
3959 |
For contingent liabilities related to joint ventures, see 'Investments in joint ventures' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForContingentLiabilitiesRelatedToJointVenturesSeeInvestmentsInJointVenturesSectionCross-reference |
3960 |
Contingent assets [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ContingentAssetsHeading |
3961 |
Total contingent assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalContingentAssets |
3962 |
General description of contingent assets, including financial effect |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionContingentAssetsIncludingFinancialEffect |
3963 |
Statement on non-disclosure of information on contingent assets |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:StatementOnNon-disclosureInformationOnContingentAssets |
3964 |
For details of contingent assets and liabilities related to business combinations, see 'Business combinations' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDetailsContingentAssetsLiabilitiesRelatedToBusinessCombinationsSeeBusinessCombinationsSectionCross-reference |
3965 |
Off balance sheet disclosures [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OffBalanceSheetDisclosuresHeading |
3966 |
General description of any off-balance sheet arrangements including nature, purpose and financial impact on entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionAnyOff-balanceSheetArrangementsIncludingNaturePurposeFinancialImpactOnEntity |
3967 |
For unconsolidated entities, see 'Investments in unconsolidated structured entities' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForUnconsolidatedEntitiesSeeInvestmentsInUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesSectionCross-reference |
3968 |
Events after reporting date [heading] |
Abstract |
core:EventsAfterReportingDateHeading |
3969 |
Event after reporting date [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:EventAfterReportingDateGrouping |
3970 |
Description of event after reporting date |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionEventAfterReportingDate |
3971 |
No estimate can be made of financial effect of event after the reporting date [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
char:NoEstimateCanBeMadeFinancialEffectEventAfterReportingDateTruefalse |
3972 |
Estimate of financial effect of event after the reporting date |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
char:EstimateFinancialEffectEventAfterReportingDate |
3973 |
For dividends declared after reporting date, see 'Dividends' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForDividendsDeclaredAfterReportingDateSeeDividendsSectionCross-reference |
3974 |
For business combinations after reporting date, see 'Business combinations' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForBusinessCombinationsAfterReportingDateSeeBusinessCombinationsSectionCross-reference |
3975 |
Restatements and first time adoption of standards [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionStandardsHeading |
3976 |
Use restatements and first time adoption dimension to identify restated values and adjustments [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseRestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionDimensionToIdentifyRestatedValuesAdjustmentsGuidance |
3977 |
Use 'Increase (decrease) due to transition' tag in restatements and first time adoption dimension to identify effects of transition of standards [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseIncreaseDecreaseDueToTransitionTagInRestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionDimensionToIdentifyEffectsTransitionStandardsGuidance |
3978 |
General description of prior period and policy change adjustments and their effect |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionPriorPeriodPolicyChangeAdjustmentsTheirEffect |
3979 |
General description of effects of first time adoption, reasons for change and other factors relevant to transition |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionEffectsFirstTimeAdoptionReasonsForChangeOtherFactorsRelevantToTransition |
3980 |
Description of reasons why restatement of amounts on transition to FRS 102 is impractical |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReasonsWhyRestatementAmountsOnTransitionToFRS102Impractical |
3981 |
General description of reason why FRS 102 was not applied to most recent annual financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionReasonWhyFRS102WasNotAppliedToMostRecentAnnualFinancialStatements |
3982 |
402 - Additional Industry Sector Data (FRS 102) |
Network |
* |
* | |
3983 |
404 - Additional Industry Sector Data (Charities FRS 102 SORP) |
Network |
* |
* | |
3984 |
Additional industry sector data items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdditionalIndustrySectorDataItemsHeading |
3985 |
Banking and finance sector items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BankingFinanceSectorItemsHeading |
3986 |
Income statement, banking and finance sector [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IncomeStatementBankingFinanceSectorHeading |
3987 |
Interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncome |
3988 |
Interest income on debt securities and other fixed-income securities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesOtherFixed-incomeSecurities |
3989 |
Interest income not derived from debt securities and other fixed-income securities, banking income statement subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeNotDerivedFromDebtSecuritiesOtherFixed-incomeSecuritiesBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal |
3990 |
Interest expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpense |
3991 |
Dividend income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncome |
3992 |
Dividend income from equity instruments, banking income statement subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromEquityInstrumentsBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal |
3993 |
Dividend income from associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
3994 |
Dividend income from group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeFromGroupUndertakings |
3995 |
Fee and commission income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeeCommissionIncome |
3996 |
Fee and commission expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FeeCommissionExpense |
3997 |
Net trading income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetTradingIncome |
3998 |
Trading income excluding net interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TradingIncomeExcludingNetInterestIncome |
3999 |
Interest income on financial assets held for trading at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
4000 |
Other operating income, banking income statement subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherOperatingIncomeBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal |
4001 |
Administrative expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdministrativeExpenses |
4002 |
Staff costs / employee benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:StaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense |
4003 |
Administrative expenses other than staff costs, banking income statement subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdministrativeExpensesOtherThanStaffCostsBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal |
4004 |
Depreciation and amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DepreciationAmortisationExpense |
4005 |
Other operating expense, banking income statement subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherOperatingExpenseBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal |
4006 |
Provisions, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProvisionsExpense |
4007 |
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProvisionsForBadDoubtfulDebtsExpense |
4008 |
Provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments, expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProvisionsForContingentLiabilitiesCommitmentsExpense |
4009 |
Reversals to provisions, income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ReversalsToProvisionsIncome |
4010 |
Reversals to provisions for bad and doubtful debts, income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ReversalsToProvisionsForBadDoubtfulDebtsIncome |
4011 |
Reversals to provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments, income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ReversalsToProvisionsForContingentLiabilitiesCommitmentsIncome |
4012 |
Impairment loss fixed asset investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossFixedAssetInvestments |
4013 |
Impairment reversal fixed asset investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalFixedAssetInvestments |
4014 |
For remaining income statement items, see 'Income statement' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForRemainingIncomeStatementItemsSeeIncomeStatementSectionCross-reference |
4015 |
Balance sheet, banking and finance sector [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BalanceSheetBankingFinanceSectorHeading |
4016 |
Total assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalAssets |
4017 |
Cash and balances at central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashBalancesCentralBanks |
4018 |
Treasury and other eligible bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TreasuryOtherEligibleBillsHeld |
4019 |
Treasury bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TreasuryBillsHeld |
4020 |
Other eligible bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherEligibleBillsHeld |
4021 |
Total loans and advances |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalLoansAdvances |
4022 |
Loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToBanks |
4023 |
Loans and advances to customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToCustomers |
4024 |
Debt securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesHeld |
4025 |
Debt securities issued by public bodies |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesIssuedByPublicBodies |
4026 |
Debt securities issued by other issuers, banking balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesIssuedByOtherIssuersBankingBalanceSheetSubtotal |
4027 |
Equity securities held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:EquitySecuritiesHeld |
4028 |
Investments in associates and joint ventures / participating interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests |
4029 |
Investments in group undertakings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakings |
4030 |
Intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:IntangibleAssets |
4031 |
Property, plant and equipment / tangible fixed assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PropertyPlantEquipment |
4032 |
Called up share capital not paid |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid |
4033 |
Own shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OwnShares |
4034 |
Other assets, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherAssetsBalanceSheetSubtotal |
4035 |
Prepayments and accrued income, not expressed within current asset subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncomeNotExpressedWithinCurrentAssetSubtotal |
4036 |
Total liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalLiabilities |
4037 |
Total deposits from customers and banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalDepositsFromCustomersBanks |
4038 |
Deposits from banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DepositsFromBanks |
4039 |
Deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DepositsFromCustomers |
4040 |
Debt securities in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DebtSecuritiesInIssue |
4041 |
Bonds and medium-term notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:BondsMedium-termNotesInIssue |
4042 |
Other debt securities in issue, banking balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherDebtSecuritiesInIssueBankingBalanceSheetSubtotal |
4043 |
Other liabilities, banking balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherLiabilitiesBankingBalanceSheetSubtotal |
4044 |
Accrued liabilities and deferred income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome |
4045 |
Provisions for liabilities, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ProvisionsForLiabilitiesBalanceSheetSubtotal |
4046 |
Net assets (liabilities) excluding defined benefit pension scheme assets (liabilities) |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
char:NetAssetsLiabilitiesExcludingDefinedBenefitPensionSchemeAssetsLiabilities |
4047 |
Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus |
4048 |
Taxation, including deferred taxation, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TaxationIncludingDeferredTaxationBalanceSheetSubtotal |
4049 |
Other provisions, balance sheet subtotal |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherProvisionsBalanceSheetSubtotal |
4050 |
Subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SubordinatedLiabilities |
4051 |
Equity / share capital and reserves |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:Equity |
4052 |
For further breakdowns of assets and liabilities, see 'Notes on assets and liabilities' and other appropriate sections [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForFurtherBreakdownsAssetsLiabilitiesSeeNotesOnAssetsLiabilitiesOtherAppropriateSectionsCross-reference |
4053 |
Balance sheet / Statement of financial position free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:BalanceSheetStatementFinancialPositionFree-textComment |
4054 |
Approval of financial statements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ApprovalFinancialStatementsHeading |
4055 |
Director/trustee signing financial statements |
Concept (types:fixedItemType) |
For Period |
core:DirectorSigningFinancialStatements |
4056 |
Date of authorisation of financial statements for issue |
Concept (Date) |
As Of |
core:DateAuthorisationFinancialStatementsForIssue |
4057 |
Description of body authorising financial statements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBodyAuthorisingFinancialStatements |
4058 |
Cash flow Statement, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashFlowStatementAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4059 |
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivitiesAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4060 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in loans and advances, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInLoansAdvancesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
4061 |
Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4062 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
4063 |
Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
4064 |
Significant accounting policies, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SignificantAccountingPoliciesAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4065 |
Goodwill in business combinations policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GoodwillInBusinessCombinationsPolicy |
4066 |
Loans and advances to banks and customers recognition and measurement policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:LoansAdvancesToBanksCustomersRecognitionMeasurementPolicy |
4067 |
Reclassification of financial assets policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ReclassificationFinancialAssetsPolicy |
4068 |
Day 1 profit or loss policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:Day1ProfitOrLossPolicy |
4069 |
Debt securities in issue and other borrowed funds recognition and measurement policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherBorrowedFundsRecognitionMeasurementPolicy |
4070 |
Subordinated debt recognition and measurement policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:SubordinatedDebtRecognitionMeasurementPolicy |
4071 |
Equity instruments recognition and measurement policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:EquityInstrumentsRecognitionMeasurementPolicy |
4072 |
Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DerecognitionFinancialAssetsFinancialLiabilitiesPolicy |
4073 |
Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RepurchaseReverseRepurchaseAgreementsPolicy |
4074 |
Securities lending and borrowing policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:SecuritiesLendingBorrowingPolicy |
4075 |
Valuation of financial instruments policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ValuationFinancialInstrumentsPolicy |
4076 |
Offsetting financial instruments policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:OffsettingFinancialInstrumentsPolicy |
4077 |
Financial guarantees policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FinancialGuaranteesPolicy |
4078 |
Fiduciary assets policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FiduciaryAssetsPolicy |
4079 |
Cash flow hedge policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CashFlowHedgePolicy |
4080 |
Fair value hedge policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FairValueHedgePolicy |
4081 |
Hedge of net investment policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:HedgeNetInvestmentPolicy |
4082 |
Interest and similar income and expense recognition policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InterestSimilarIncomeExpenseRecognitionPolicy |
4083 |
Fee and commission income and expense recognition policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:FeeCommissionIncomeExpenseRecognitionPolicy |
4084 |
Trading income recognition policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TradingIncomeRecognitionPolicy |
4085 |
Gain or loss on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GainOrLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLossPolicy |
4086 |
Collateral policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:CollateralPolicy |
4087 |
Equity reserve policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:EquityReservePolicy |
4088 |
Critical accounting estimates and judgements, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CriticalAccountingEstimatesJudgementsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4089 |
Impairment of loans and advances, critical estimates and judgements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:ImpairmentLoansAdvancesCriticalEstimatesJudgements |
4090 |
Business combinations, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BusinessCombinationsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4091 |
Assets acquired, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AssetsAcquiredAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4092 |
Cash and balances at central banks acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashBalancesCentralBanksAcquired |
4093 |
Cash collateral on securities borrowed acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedAcquired |
4094 |
Loans and advances to banks acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToBanksAcquired |
4095 |
Loans and advances to customers acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToCustomersAcquired |
4096 |
Financial assets pledged as collateral acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralAcquired |
4097 |
Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending acquired |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingAcquired |
4098 |
Liabilities assumed, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LiabilitiesAssumedAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4099 |
Deposits from banks assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DepositsFromBanksAssumed |
4100 |
Deposits from customers assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DepositsFromCustomersAssumed |
4101 |
Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing assumed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingAssumed |
4102 |
Notes on income and expense, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NotesOnIncomeExpenseAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4103 |
Use interest income and expense tags to represent 'interest and similar' income and expense items [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseInterestIncomeExpenseTagsToRepresentInterestSimilarIncomeExpenseItemsGuidance |
4104 |
Total operating income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:TotalOperatingIncome |
4105 |
Net operating income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetOperatingIncome |
4106 |
Bank levy |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:BankLevy |
4107 |
Non-interest income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:Non-interestIncomeExpense |
4108 |
Net insurance premium income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetInsurancePremiumIncomeExpense |
4109 |
Insurance premium income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InsurancePremiumIncome |
4110 |
Insurance claims expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InsuranceClaimsExpense |
4111 |
Gain or loss in cash flow hedges reclassified as other operating expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainOrLossInCashFlowHedgesReclassifiedAsOtherOperatingExpense |
4112 |
Impairment loss (reversal) on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalOnLoansAdvancesOtherCreditRiskProvisions |
4113 |
Impairment loss on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ImpairmentLossOnLoansAdvancesOtherCreditRiskProvisions |
4114 |
Impairment reversal on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ImpairmentReversalOnLoansAdvancesOtherCreditRiskProvisions |
4115 |
Interest income [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InterestIncomeHeading |
4116 |
Net interest income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetInterestIncomeExpense |
4117 |
Interest income on cash and short term funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnCashShortTermFunds |
4118 |
Interest income on cash and bank balances at central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnCashBankBalancesCentralBanks |
4119 |
Interest income on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreements |
4120 |
Interest income on loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnLoansAdvancesToBanks |
4121 |
Interest income on loans and advances to customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnLoansAdvancesToCustomers |
4122 |
Interest income on assets pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnAssetsPledgedAsCollateral |
4123 |
Gain or loss in cash flow hedges reclassified as interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainOrLossInCashFlowHedgesReclassifiedAsInterestIncome |
4124 |
Use analysis item and 'other' tag in main 'Interest income' section to cover further specific interest income items and 'other interest income' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:UseAnalysisItemOtherTagInMainInterestIncomeSectionToCoverFurtherSpecificInterestIncomeItemsOtherInterestIncomeCross-reference |
4125 |
Interest income free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InterestIncomeFree-textComment |
4126 |
Interest expense [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InterestExpenseHeading |
4127 |
Interest expense on deposits from banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromBanks |
4128 |
Interest expense on deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomers |
4129 |
Interest expense on deposits from customers, current accounts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomersCurrentAccounts |
4130 |
Interest expense on deposits from customers, savings accounts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomersSavingsAccounts |
4131 |
Interest expense on deposits from customers, demand and term deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomersDemandTermDeposits |
4132 |
Interest expense on other deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnOtherDeposits |
4133 |
Interest expense on liabilities due to central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnLiabilitiesDueToCentralBanks |
4134 |
Interest expense on securities lent and repurchase agreements |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreements |
4135 |
Interest expense on internal funding of trading business |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnInternalFundingTradingBusiness |
4136 |
Interest expense on securitisation notes in issue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterestExpenseOnSecuritisationNotesInIssue |
4137 |
Gain or loss in cash flow hedges reclassified as interest expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainOrLossInCashFlowHedgesReclassifiedAsInterestExpense |
4138 |
Use analysis item and 'other' tag in main 'Interest expense' section to cover further specific interest expense items and 'other interest expense' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:UseAnalysisItemOtherTagInMainInterestExpenseSectionToCoverFurtherSpecificInterestExpenseItemsOtherInterestExpenseCross-reference |
4139 |
Interest expense free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:InterestExpenseFree-textComment |
4140 |
Fees and commission [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FeesCommissionHeading |
4141 |
Net fee and commission income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:NetFeeCommissionIncomeExpense |
4142 |
Fee and commission income [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FeeCommissionIncomeHeading |
4143 |
Fees and commission income on investment fund management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnInvestmentFundManagement |
4144 |
Fees and commission income on financial guarantee contracts issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnFinancialGuaranteeContractsIssued |
4145 |
Fees and commission income on retail banking |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnRetailBanking |
4146 |
Fees and commission income on cards, personal loans and unsecured lending |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnCardsPersonalLoansUnsecuredLending |
4147 |
Fees and commission income on wealth management activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnWealthManagementActivities |
4148 |
Fees and commission income on mortgage and vehicle finance activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnMortgageVehicleFinanceActivities |
4149 |
Fees and commission income on other consumer banking activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnOtherConsumerBankingActivities |
4150 |
Fees and commission income on foreign exchange trading activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnForeignExchangeTradingActivities |
4151 |
Fees and commission income on corporate banking credit related business |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnCorporateBankingCreditRelatedBusiness |
4152 |
Fees and commission income on M&A and corporate finance activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnMACorporateFinanceActivities |
4153 |
Fees and commission income on underwriting activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnUnderwritingActivities |
4154 |
Fees and commission income on equity underwriting activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnEquityUnderwritingActivities |
4155 |
Fees and commission income on debt underwriting activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnDebtUnderwritingActivities |
4156 |
Fees and commission income on custodian business |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnCustodianBusiness |
4157 |
Fees and commission income on securities trading and investment activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnSecuritiesTradingInvestmentActivities |
4158 |
Fees and commission income on securities lending |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnSecuritiesLending |
4159 |
Fees and commission income on investment banking |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnInvestmentBanking |
4160 |
Further item of fee and commission income [component of total fee and commission income] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemFeeCommissionIncomeComponentTotalFeeCommissionIncome |
4161 |
Other remaining fees and commission income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:OtherRemainingFeesCommissionIncome |
4162 |
Fee and commission expense [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FeeCommissionExpenseHeading |
4163 |
Brokerage fees expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:BrokerageFeesExpense |
4164 |
Interbank transaction fees expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:InterbankTransactionFeesExpense |
4165 |
Further item of fee and commission expense [component of total fee and commission expense] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemFeeCommissionExpenseComponentTotalFeeCommissionExpense |
4166 |
Other remaining fee and commission expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:OtherRemainingFeeCommissionExpense |
4167 |
Gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTradingHeading |
4168 |
Gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForTrading |
4169 |
Gain (loss) on equity securities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnEquitySecuritiesHeldForTrading |
4170 |
Gain (loss) on debt securities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDebtSecuritiesHeldForTrading |
4171 |
Gain (loss) on other interest rate instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnOtherInterestRateInstruments |
4172 |
Gain (loss) on foreign exchange trading transactions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnForeignExchangeTradingTransactions |
4173 |
Foreign exchange gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ForeignExchangeGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTrading |
4174 |
Gain (loss) on other credit instruments, asset backed securities, corporate bonds, credit derivatives and related hedges and funding, held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnOtherCreditInstrumentsAssetBackedSecuritiesCorporateBondsCreditDerivativesRelatedHedgesFundingHeldForTrading |
4175 |
Gain (loss) on asset backed securities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnAssetBackedSecuritiesHeldForTrading |
4176 |
Gain (loss) on corporate bonds held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnCorporateBondsHeldForTrading |
4177 |
Gain (loss) on credit derivatives and related hedges and funding, held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnCreditDerivativesRelatedHedgesFundingHeldForTrading |
4178 |
Gain (loss) on dividend income from financial assets held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDividendIncomeFromFinancialAssetsHeldForTrading |
4179 |
Gain (loss) on commodities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnCommoditiesHeldForTrading |
4180 |
Further item of gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading [component of total gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTradingComponentTotalGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTrading |
4181 |
Gain (loss) on other financial instruments held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnOtherFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTrading |
4182 |
Gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTradingFree-textComment |
4183 |
Gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValueHeading |
4184 |
Gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue |
4185 |
Gain (loss) on equity securities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnEquitySecuritiesDesignatedFairValue |
4186 |
Gain (loss) on debt securities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDebtSecuritiesDesignatedFairValue |
4187 |
Gain (loss) on loans and advances to customers designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnLoansAdvancesToCustomersDesignatedFairValue |
4188 |
Gain (loss) on loans and advances to banks designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnLoansAdvancesToBanksDesignatedFairValue |
4189 |
Gain (loss) on debt securities in issue and other borrowed funds designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherBorrowedFundsDesignatedFairValue |
4190 |
Gain (loss) on trading derivatives managed in conjunction with financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnTradingDerivativesManagedInConjunctionWithFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue |
4191 |
Gain (loss) on other credit instruments, asset backed securities, corporate bonds, credit derivatives and related hedges and funding, designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnOtherCreditInstrumentsAssetBackedSecuritiesCorporateBondsCreditDerivativesRelatedHedgesFundingDesignatedFairValue |
4192 |
Gain (loss) on dividend income from financial assets designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnDividendIncomeFromFinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValue |
4193 |
Gain (loss) on own credit losses (gains) from financial liabilities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnOwnCreditLossesGainsFromFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue |
4194 |
Gain (loss) on commodities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnCommoditiesDesignatedFairValue |
4195 |
Further item of gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value [component of total gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValueComponentTotalGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValue |
4196 |
Gain (loss) on other financial instruments designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnOtherFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValue |
4197 |
Gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValueFree-textComment |
4198 |
Realised and unrealised gain (loss) on financial instruments at fair value through income and expenditure [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RealisedUnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossHeading |
4199 |
Realised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesFairValue |
4200 |
Unrealised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesFairValue |
4201 |
Realised gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValue |
4202 |
Unrealised gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValue |
4203 |
Realised gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValue |
4204 |
Unrealised gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValue |
4205 |
Realised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForTrading |
4206 |
Unrealised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForTrading |
4207 |
Realised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue |
4208 |
Unrealised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue |
4209 |
Realised gain (loss) on trading derivatives managed in conjunction with financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:RealisedGainLossOnTradingDerivativesManagedInConjunctionWithFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue |
4210 |
Unrealised gain (loss) on trading derivatives managed in conjunction with financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:UnrealisedGainLossOnTradingDerivativesManagedInConjunctionWithFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue |
4211 |
Realised and unrealised gain (loss) on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss free-text comment |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RealisedUnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossFree-textComment |
4212 |
Notes on cash flow, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NotesOnCashFlowAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4213 |
Cash generated from operations, indirect method, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsIndirectMethodAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4214 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
4215 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial assets held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialAssetsHeldForTrading |
4216 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial assets designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValue |
4217 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in loans and advances to banks and customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInLoansAdvancesToBanksCustomers |
4218 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInLoansAdvancesToBanks |
4219 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in loans and advances to customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInLoansAdvancesToCustomers |
4220 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in balances with central bank |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInBalancesWithCentralBank |
4221 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
4222 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in derivative instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDerivativeInstruments |
4223 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
4224 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial liabilities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTrading |
4225 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial liabilities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue |
4226 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deposits from banks and customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDepositsFromBanksCustomers |
4227 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deposits from banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDepositsFromBanks |
4228 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDepositsFromCustomers |
4229 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
4230 |
Financial assets, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4231 |
Cash and cash equivalents, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashCashEquivalentsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4232 |
Loans and advances to customers, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToCustomersClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
4233 |
Loans and advances to banks, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToBanksClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
4234 |
Debt securities held, classified as cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesHeldClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents |
4235 |
Cash and balances at central banks [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashBalancesCentralBanksHeading |
4236 |
Current account with the UK central bank |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CurrentAccountWithUKCentralBank |
4237 |
Other money market placements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherMoneyMarketPlacements |
4238 |
Deposits with central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DepositsWithCentralBanks |
4239 |
Deposits with the UK central bank |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DepositsWithUKCentralBank |
4240 |
Mandatory reserve deposits with UK central bank |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:MandatoryReserveDepositsWithUKCentralBank |
4241 |
Balances with the UK central bank other than mandatory reserve deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BalancesWithUKCentralBankOtherThanMandatoryReserveDeposits |
4242 |
Deposits with other central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DepositsWithOtherCentralBanks |
4243 |
Mandatory reserve deposits with other central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:MandatoryReserveDepositsWithOtherCentralBanks |
4244 |
Balances with other central banks other than mandatory reserve deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BalancesWithOtherCentralBanksOtherThanMandatoryReserveDeposits |
4245 |
Further item of cash and balances at central banks [component of total cash and balances at central banks] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashBalancesCentralBanksComponentTotalCashBalancesCentralBanks |
4246 |
Bank accepted bills held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:BankAcceptedBillsHeld |
4247 |
Commodities, financial asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CommoditiesFinancialAsset |
4248 |
Debt securities subject to repurchase agreements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesSubjectToRepurchaseAgreements |
4249 |
Items in course of collection from other banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ItemsInCourseCollectionFromOtherBanks |
4250 |
Loans and advances to banks [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LoansAdvancesToBanksHeading |
4251 |
Placements with other banks, loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:PlacementsWithOtherBanksLoansAdvancesToBanks |
4252 |
Other amounts due from banks, loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:OtherAmountsDueFromBanksLoansAdvancesToBanks |
4253 |
Stock borrowing, loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:StockBorrowingLoansAdvancesToBanks |
4254 |
Settlement accounts, loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:SettlementAccountsLoansAdvancesToBanks |
4255 |
Further item of loans and advances to banks [component of loans and advances to banks] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemLoansAdvancesToBanksComponentLoansAdvancesToBanks |
4256 |
Financial assets pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral |
4257 |
Debt securities pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesPledgedAsCollateral |
4258 |
Treasury and other bills held pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TreasuryOtherBillsHeldPledgedAsCollateral |
4259 |
Equity securities pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:EquitySecuritiesPledgedAsCollateral |
4260 |
Loans and advances pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesPledgedAsCollateral |
4261 |
Loans and advances to banks pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToBanksPledgedAsCollateral |
4262 |
Loans and advances to customers pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToCustomersPledgedAsCollateral |
4263 |
Further item of financial assets pledged as collateral [component of total financial assets pledged as collateral] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralComponentTotalFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral |
4264 |
For further tags on collateral and reverse repurchase agreements, see 'Collateral' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForFurtherTagsOnCollateralReverseRepurchaseAgreementsSeeCollateralSectionCross-reference |
4265 |
Derecognition / transfers of financial assets and securitisations [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DerecognitionTransfersFinancialAssetsSecuritisationsHeading |
4266 |
Financial assets transferred which do not qualify for derecognition [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsTransferredWhichDoNotQualifyForDerecognitionHeading |
4267 |
General description of financial assets transferred which do not qualify for derecognition, including exposures and relationship with associated liabilities |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionFinancialAssetsTransferredWhichDoNotQualifyForDerecognitionIncludingExposuresRelationshipWithAssociatedLiabilities |
4268 |
Carrying amount of financial assets which do not qualify for recognition |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountFinancialAssetsWhichDoNotQualifyForRecognition |
4269 |
Carrying amount of liabilities associated with financial assets which do not qualify for recognition |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CarryingAmountLiabilitiesAssociatedWithFinancialAssetsWhichDoNotQualifyForRecognition |
4270 |
Financial assets transferred which qualify for derecognition [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsTransferredWhichQualifyForDerecognitionHeading |
4271 |
General description of financial assets transferred which qualify for derecognition, including exposures |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionFinancialAssetsTransferredWhichQualifyForDerecognitionIncludingExposures |
4272 |
Carrying amount of continuing involvement in financial assets derecognised |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CarryingAmountContinuingInvolvementInFinancialAssetsDerecognised |
4273 |
Carrying amount of liabilities associated with continuing involvement in financial assets derecognised |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CarryingAmountLiabilitiesAssociatedWithContinuingInvolvementInFinancialAssetsDerecognised |
4274 |
Securitisation transactions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SecuritisationTransactionsHeading |
4275 |
General description of securitisation transactions and debt securities subject to repurchase agreements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionSecuritisationTransactionsDebtSecuritiesSubjectToRepurchaseAgreements |
4276 |
Financial liabilities, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4277 |
Currency notes in circulation |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CurrencyNotesInCirculation |
4278 |
Loans from central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LoansFromCentralBanks |
4279 |
Deposits from banks [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DepositsFromBanksHeading |
4280 |
Specific deposits from banks item [component of total deposits from banks] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SpecificDepositsFromBanksItemComponentTotalDepositsFromBanks |
4281 |
Other money-market deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherMoney-marketDeposits |
4282 |
Items in the course of transmission to other banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ItemsInCourseTransmissionToOtherBanks |
4283 |
Deposits from customers [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DepositsFromCustomersHeading |
4284 |
Current accounts, deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CurrentAccountsDepositsFromCustomers |
4285 |
Savings accounts, deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SavingsAccountsDepositsFromCustomers |
4286 |
Term deposits, deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TermDepositsDepositsFromCustomers |
4287 |
Further deposit from customers item [component of total deposits from customers] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherDepositFromCustomersItemComponentTotalDepositsFromCustomers |
4288 |
Other customer deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OtherCustomerDeposits |
4289 |
Acceptances and endorsements, financial liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AcceptancesEndorsementsFinancialLiability |
4290 |
Financial guarantee contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FinancialGuaranteeContracts |
4291 |
Liabilities arising from insurance contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LiabilitiesArisingFromInsuranceContracts |
4292 |
Specific liabilities arising from insurance contracts item [component of total liabilities arising from insurance contracts] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:SpecificLiabilitiesArisingFromInsuranceContractsItemComponentTotalLiabilitiesArisingFromInsuranceContracts |
4293 |
Put option on non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PutOptionOnNon-controllingInterests |
4294 |
For tags on collateral and repurchase agreements, see 'Collateral' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForTagsOnCollateralRepurchaseAgreementsSeeCollateralSectionCross-reference |
4295 |
Financial instrument risk and capital risk management, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentRiskCapitalRiskManagementAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4296 |
Off balance sheet items, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OffBalanceSheetItemsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4297 |
For capital and other financial commitments, see 'Commitments' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForCapitalOtherFinancialCommitmentsSeeCommitmentsSectionCross-reference |
4298 |
For contingent liabilities, see 'Contingent liabilities' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForContingentLiabilitiesSeeContingentLiabilitiesSectionCross-reference |
4299 |
For financial assets past due or impaired, use appropriate dimension tags [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForFinancialAssetsPastDueOrImpairedUseAppropriateDimensionTagsGuidance |
4300 |
For interest risk analysis by class of financial instruments, use 'carrying amount' dimension tag and 'all periods' dimension tag [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForInterestRiskAnalysisByClassFinancialInstrumentsUseCarryingAmountDimensionTagAllPeriodsDimensionTagGuidance |
4301 |
Total financial liabilities and off balance sheet items |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalFinancialLiabilitiesOffBalanceSheetItems |
4302 |
Off balance sheet items |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:OffBalanceSheetItems |
4303 |
Documentary credits and other short term trade related transactions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:DocumentaryCreditsOtherShortTermTradeRelatedTransactions |
4304 |
Letters of credit pledged as collateral security |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:LettersCreditPledgedAsCollateralSecurity |
4305 |
Financial guarantees for risk analysis |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:FinancialGuaranteesForRiskAnalysis |
4306 |
Performance guarantees, acceptances and endorsements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:PerformanceGuaranteesAcceptancesEndorsements |
4307 |
Securities lending arrangements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:SecuritiesLendingArrangements |
4308 |
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:UndrawnFormalStandbyFacilitiesCreditLinesOtherCommitmentsToLend |
4309 |
Capital components, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CapitalComponentsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4310 |
Tier 1 capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:Tier1Capital |
4311 |
Core tier 1 capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:CoreTier1Capital |
4312 |
Regulatory tier 1 capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:RegulatoryTier1Capital |
4313 |
Tier 2 capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:Tier2Capital |
4314 |
Regulatory tier 2 capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:RegulatoryTier2Capital |
4315 |
Tier 3 capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:Tier3Capital |
4316 |
Net deductions (additions) to regulatory capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:NetDeductionsAdditionsToRegulatoryCapital |
4317 |
Total regulatory capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:TotalRegulatoryCapital |
4318 |
Risk-weighted assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:Risk-weightedAssets |
4319 |
Risk-weighted assets, on-balance sheet |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:Risk-weightedAssetsOn-balanceSheet |
4320 |
Risk-weighted assets, off-balance sheet |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:Risk-weightedAssetsOff-balanceSheet |
4321 |
Tier 1 capital ratio |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:Tier1CapitalRatio |
4322 |
Core tier 1 capital ratio |
Concept (Percent) |
As Of |
core:CoreTier1CapitalRatio |
4323 |
Company surplus capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
core:CompanySurplusCapital |
4324 |
Collateral [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CollateralHeading |
4325 |
General description of use of collateral |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionUseCollateral |
4326 |
Total financial and non-financial assets pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalFinancialNon-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral |
4327 |
Financial assets pledged as collateral [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralHeading |
4328 |
Financial assets pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral |
4329 |
Debt securities pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DebtSecuritiesPledgedAsCollateral |
4330 |
Treasury and other bills held pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TreasuryOtherBillsHeldPledgedAsCollateral |
4331 |
Equity securities pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:EquitySecuritiesPledgedAsCollateral |
4332 |
Loans and advances pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesPledgedAsCollateral |
4333 |
Loans and advances to banks pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToBanksPledgedAsCollateral |
4334 |
Loans and advances to customers pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:LoansAdvancesToCustomersPledgedAsCollateral |
4335 |
Further item of financial assets pledged as collateral [component of total financial assets pledged as collateral] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralComponentTotalFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral |
4336 |
Description of terms and conditions on financial assets pledged as collateral |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionTermsConditionsOnFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral |
4337 |
Financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledging |
4338 |
Non-financial assets pledged as collateral [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Non-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralHeading |
4339 |
Non-financial assets pledged as collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral |
4340 |
Description of non-financial assets pledged as collateral, including terms and conditions |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNon-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralIncludingTermsConditions |
4341 |
Non-financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledging |
4342 |
Collateral subject to sale or repledging [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledgingHeading |
4343 |
Financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledging |
4344 |
Non-financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:Non-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledging |
4345 |
Collateral held which may be sold or repledged, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CollateralHeldWhichMayBeSoldOrRepledgedFairValue |
4346 |
Collateral held which has been sold or repledged, fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CollateralHeldWhichHasBeenSoldOrRepledgedFairValue |
4347 |
General description of collateral held which may be sold or repledged, including terms and conditions |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionCollateralHeldWhichMayBeSoldOrRepledgedIncludingTermsConditions |
4348 |
Liabilities secured by assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LiabilitiesSecuredByAssets |
4349 |
Assets obtained by taking possession of collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AssetsObtainedByTakingPossessionCollateral |
4350 |
Specific assets obtained by taking possession of collateral [component of total assets obtained by taking possession of collateral] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:SpecificAssetsObtainedByTakingPossessionCollateralComponentTotalAssetsObtainedByTakingPossessionCollateral |
4351 |
Policy for disposing or using specific collateral assets which are not readily convertible into cash |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:PolicyForDisposingOrUsingSpecificCollateralAssetsWhichAreNotReadilyConvertibleIntoCash |
4352 |
Cash collateral, reverse repurchase agreements and repurchase agreements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashCollateralReverseRepurchaseAgreementsRepurchaseAgreementsHeading |
4353 |
Cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreements |
4354 |
Cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements, banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreementsBanks |
4355 |
Cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements, customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreementsCustomers |
4356 |
Cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements, other counterparties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherCounterparties |
4357 |
Further item of cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemCashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreementsComponentCorrespondingTotal |
4358 |
Description of cash collateral related to securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCashCollateralRelatedToSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreements |
4359 |
Cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreements |
4360 |
Cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements, banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreementsBanks |
4361 |
Cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements, customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreementsCustomers |
4362 |
Cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements, other counterparties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreementsOtherCounterparties |
4363 |
Further item of cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements [component of corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherItemCashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreementsComponentCorrespondingTotal |
4364 |
Description of cash collateral related to securities lent and repurchase agreements |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCashCollateralRelatedToSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreements |
4365 |
Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLending |
4366 |
Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingBanks |
4367 |
Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingCustomers |
4368 |
Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, other counterparties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingOtherCounterparties |
4369 |
Further reverse repurchase agreement item [component of total reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FurtherReverseRepurchaseAgreementItemComponentTotalReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLending |
4370 |
Description of reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLending |
4371 |
Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowing |
4372 |
Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingBanks |
4373 |
Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingCustomers |
4374 |
Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, other counterparties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingOtherCounterparties |
4375 |
Further repurchase agreement item [component of total reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending] |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FurtherRepurchaseAgreementItemComponentTotalReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLending |
4376 |
Description of repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowing |
4377 |
Day 1 / initial recognition of financial instruments measured at fair value, additional banking and finance items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Day1InitialRecognitionFinancialInstrumentsMeasuredFairValueAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading |
4378 |
Unamortised deferred day 1 profit (loss) on financial instruments at fair value, balance |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:UnamortisedDeferredDay1ProfitLossOnFinancialInstrumentsFairValueBalance |
4379 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred day 1 profit due to new transactions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredDay1ProfitDueToNewTransactions |
4380 |
Recognition of deferred day 1 profit (loss) due to amortisation |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RecognitionDeferredDay1ProfitLossDueToAmortisation |
4381 |
Reversal of deferred day 1 profit (loss) due to subsequent unobservable inputs becoming observable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ReversalDeferredDay1ProfitLossDueToSubsequentUnobservableInputsBecomingObservable |
4382 |
Recognition of deferred day 1 profit (loss) due to maturity, termination or offsetting |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RecognitionDeferredDay1ProfitLossDueToMaturityTerminationOrOffsetting |
4383 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred day 1 profit due to foreign exchange differences |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredDay1ProfitDueToForeignExchangeDifferences |
4384 |
Increase (decrease) in deferred day 1 profit due to other factors |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredDay1ProfitDueToOtherFactors |
4385 |
Structured investment vehicle [grouping] |
Abstract |
core:StructuredInvestmentVehicleGrouping |
4386 |
Description of structured investment vehicle |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionStructuredInvestmentVehicle |
4387 |
Total assets, structured investment vehicle |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:TotalAssetsStructuredInvestmentVehicle |
4388 |
Liabilities and funding, structured investment vehicle |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LiabilitiesFundingStructuredInvestmentVehicle |
4389 |
Investment funds sector items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentFundsSectorItemsHeading |
4390 |
Investment funds general additional items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentFundsGeneralAdditionalItemsHeading |
4391 |
Investment entity status and consolidation information [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentEntityStatusConsolidationInformationHeading |
4392 |
Description of significant judgements and assumptions made in determining that entity is investment entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSignificantJudgementsAssumptionsMadeInDeterminingThatEntityInvestmentEntity |
4393 |
Description of change of investment entity status |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionChangeInvestmentEntityStatus |
4394 |
Fair value of subsidiaries that cease to be consolidated as of date of change of investment entity status |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueSubsidiariesThatCeaseToBeConsolidatedAsDateChangeInvestmentEntityStatus |
4395 |
Gain (loss) on cessation of consolidation of subsidiaries due to change of investment entity status |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossOnCessationConsolidationSubsidiariesDueToChangeInvestmentEntityStatus |
4396 |
Description of line items in income and expenditure in which gain or loss on cessation of consolidation of subsidiaries is recognised |
LineItems |
core:DescriptionLineItemsInProfitOrLossInWhichGainOrLossOnCessationConsolidationSubsidiariesRecognised |
4397 |
Investment entity is required to apply exception from consolidation [true/false] |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
core:InvestmentEntityRequiredToApplyExceptionFromConsolidationTruefalse |
4398 |
Information on unconsolidated subsidiaries [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InformationOnUnconsolidatedSubsidiariesHeading |
4399 |
Description of nature and extent of significant restrictions on transfer of funds from unconsolidated subsidiary to entity |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionNatureExtentSignificantRestrictionsOnTransferFundsFromUnconsolidatedSubsidiaryToEntity |
4400 |
Description of current commitments or intentions to provide support to unconsolidated subsidiary |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionCurrentCommitmentsOrIntentionsToProvideSupportToUnconsolidatedSubsidiary |
4401 |
Support provided to subsidiary without having contractual obligation to do so |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
core:SupportProvidedToSubsidiaryWithoutHavingContractualObligationToDoSo |
4402 |
Description of support provided to subsidiary without having contractual obligation to do so and reasons for support |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionSupportProvidedToSubsidiaryWithoutHavingContractualObligationToDoSoReasonsForSupport |
4403 |
Income statement and notes, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IncomeStatementNotesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4404 |
Dividends and interest income, investment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendsInterestIncomeInvestmentFunds |
4405 |
Dividend expense on securities sold but not purchased |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendExpenseOnSecuritiesSoldButNotPurchased |
4406 |
Management and performance fee expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ManagementPerformanceFeeExpenses |
4407 |
Management fee expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ManagementFeeExpenses |
4408 |
Management fee rebates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:ManagementFeeRebates |
4409 |
Performance fee expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PerformanceFeeExpenses |
4410 |
Custodian and administration fee expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CustodianAdministrationFeeExpenses |
4411 |
Custodian fee expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:CustodianFeeExpenses |
4412 |
Administration fee expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AdministrationFeeExpenses |
4413 |
Listing fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ListingFees |
4414 |
Regulatory fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RegulatoryFees |
4415 |
Preliminary fund expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PreliminaryFundExpenses |
4416 |
Secretarial fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SecretarialFees |
4417 |
Registrar fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:RegistrarFees |
4418 |
AIC fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:AICFees |
4419 |
Transaction costs, investment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TransactionCostsInvestmentFunds |
4420 |
Purchase transaction costs, investment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:PurchaseTransactionCostsInvestmentFunds |
4421 |
Sales transaction costs, investments funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:SalesTransactionCostsInvestmentsFunds |
4422 |
Underwriting commission income, investment funds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:UnderwritingCommissionIncomeInvestmentFunds |
4423 |
VAT recovered on investment management fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:VATRecoveredOnInvestmentManagementFees |
4424 |
Balance sheet, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BalanceSheetAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4425 |
Assets, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AssetsAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4426 |
Advances on investment properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:AdvancesOnInvestmentProperties |
4427 |
Due from brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DueFromBrokers |
4428 |
Margin accounts, due from brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:MarginAccountsDueFromBrokers |
4429 |
Receivables for securities sold but not yet settled, due from brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReceivablesForSecuritiesSoldButNotYetSettledDueFromBrokers |
4430 |
Dividends receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DividendsReceivable |
4431 |
Interest receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:InterestReceivable |
4432 |
Liabilities, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LiabilitiesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4433 |
Share subscriptions received in advance |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ShareSubscriptionsReceivedInAdvance |
4434 |
Use dimensions to identify asset class, current/non-current and other features of financial instruments [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyAssetClassCurrentnon-currentOtherFeaturesFinancialInstrumentsGuidance |
4435 |
Accounting policies, additional investment funds items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AccountingPoliciesAdditionalInvestmentFundsItemsHeading |
4436 |
Due to / from brokers policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DueToFromBrokersPolicy |
4437 |
Redeemable shares classified as equity instrument policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RedeemableSharesClassifiedAsEquityInstrumentPolicy |
4438 |
Distributions to holders of redeemable shares classified as equity policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DistributionsToHoldersRedeemableSharesClassifiedAsEquityPolicy |
4439 |
Transaction costs policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:TransactionCostsPolicy |
4440 |
Advances for investment properties policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AdvancesForInvestmentPropertiesPolicy |
4441 |
Dividend revenue and expense policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DividendRevenueExpensePolicy |
4442 |
Interest and similar income, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InterestSimilarIncomeAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4443 |
Interest income on debt securities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesHeldForTrading |
4444 |
Interest income on debt securities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:InterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesDesignatedFairValue |
4445 |
Dividend income on equity securities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeOnEquitySecuritiesHeldForTrading |
4446 |
Dividend income on equity securities designated at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DividendIncomeOnEquitySecuritiesDesignatedFairValue |
4447 |
Interest and similar expense, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InterestSimilarExpenseAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4448 |
Dividend expense on equity securities sold but not purchased |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:DividendExpenseOnEquitySecuritiesSoldButNotPurchased |
4449 |
Net gain / loss before tax items, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetGainLossBeforeTaxItemsAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4450 |
Gain (loss) arising from dilution of investments in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossArisingFromDilutionInvestmentsInAssociates |
4451 |
Gain (loss) arising from disposals other than dilution of investments in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossArisingFromDisposalsOtherThanDilutionInvestmentsInAssociates |
4452 |
Gain (loss) arising from dilution of investments in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossArisingFromDilutionInvestmentsInJointVentures |
4453 |
Gain (loss) arising from disposals other than dilution of investments in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossArisingFromDisposalsOtherThanDilutionInvestmentsInJointVentures |
4454 |
Tax reconciliation, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TaxReconciliationAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4455 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of non-taxable gains and losses on investments held at fair value through income and expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectNon-taxableGainsLossesOnInvestmentsHeldFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
4456 |
Tax increase (decrease) from effect of movement in excess expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectMovementInExcessExpenses |
4457 |
Trade and other payables, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TradeOtherPayablesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4458 |
Due to brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DueToBrokers |
4459 |
Margin accounts, due to brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:MarginAccountsDueToBrokers |
4460 |
Payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, due to brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PayablesForSecuritiesPurchasedButNotYetSettledDueToBrokers |
4461 |
Management and performance fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ManagementPerformanceFeesPayable |
4462 |
Management fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:ManagementFeesPayable |
4463 |
Performance fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PerformanceFeesPayable |
4464 |
Custodian and administration fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CustodianAdministrationFeesPayable |
4465 |
Custodian fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:CustodianFeesPayable |
4466 |
Administration fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AdministrationFeesPayable |
4467 |
Audit fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:AuditFeesPayable |
4468 |
Legal costs payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:LegalCostsPayable |
4469 |
Promoters fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PromotersFeesPayable |
4470 |
Directors' fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DirectorsFeesPayable |
4471 |
Dividends payable on securities sold not yet purchased |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DividendsPayableOnSecuritiesSoldNotYetPurchased |
4472 |
Puttable shares classified as liability instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:PuttableSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityInstruments |
4473 |
Loans and receivables, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LoansReceivablesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4474 |
Due from brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:DueFromBrokers |
4475 |
Margin accounts, due from brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:MarginAccountsDueFromBrokers |
4476 |
Receivables for securities sold but not yet settled, due from brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:ReceivablesForSecuritiesSoldButNotYetSettledDueFromBrokers |
4477 |
Financial assets, additional investment funds items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsAdditionalInvestmentFundsItemsHeading |
4478 |
General description of valuation of investments in other funds |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionValuationInvestmentsInOtherFunds |
4479 |
General description of fair value estimation of investments in other funds |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:GeneralDescriptionFairValueEstimationInvestmentsInOtherFunds |
4480 |
Fund of fund investments, financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FundFundInvestmentsFinancialAssets |
4481 |
Financial instrument risk and capital risk management, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentRiskCapitalRiskManagementAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4482 |
Fair value of monetary assets for foreign exchange exposure analysis |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueMonetaryAssetsForForeignExchangeExposureAnalysis |
4483 |
Fair value of non-monetary assets for foreign exchange exposure analysis |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:FairValueNon-monetaryAssetsForForeignExchangeExposureAnalysis |
4484 |
Fair value of monetary liabilities for foreign exchange exposure analysis |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FairValueMonetaryLiabilitiesForForeignExchangeExposureAnalysis |
4485 |
Fair value of non-monetary liabilities for foreign exchange exposure analysis |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:FairValueNon-monetaryLiabilitiesForForeignExchangeExposureAnalysis |
4486 |
Share capital and notes to equity, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ShareCapitalNotesToEquityAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4487 |
Number of ordinary shares in issue, excluding treasury / own shares |
Concept (Shares) |
As Of |
core:NumberOrdinarySharesInIssueExcludingTreasuryOwnShares |
4488 |
Non-treasury shares, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Non-treasurySharesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4489 |
Number of non-treasury shares held |
Concept (Shares) |
As Of |
core:NumberNon-treasurySharesHeld |
4490 |
Increase (decrease) in number of non-treasury shares held |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNumberNon-treasurySharesHeld |
4491 |
Number of non-treasury shares issued |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:NumberNon-treasurySharesIssued |
4492 |
Number of non-treasury shares repurchased or cancelled |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:NumberNon-treasurySharesRepurchasedOrCancelled |
4493 |
Increase in number of non-treasury shares due to sale and reclassification of treasury shares |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:IncreaseInNumberNon-treasurySharesDueToSaleReclassificationTreasuryShares |
4494 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in number of non-treasury shares held [component of total change in number of non-treasury shares held] |
Concept (Shares) |
For Period |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNumberNon-treasurySharesHeldComponentTotalChangeInNumberNon-treasurySharesHeld |
4495 |
Cash generated from operations, direct method, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsDirectMethodAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4496 |
Proceeds received from brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:ProceedsReceivedFromBrokers |
4497 |
Cash payments to brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsToBrokers |
4498 |
Cash payments on management and performance fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsOnManagementPerformanceFees |
4499 |
Cash payments on custodian and administration fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsOnCustodianAdministrationFees |
4500 |
Cash payments on directors' fees |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:CashPaymentsOnDirectorsFees |
4501 |
Cash generated from operations, indirect method, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsIndirectMethodAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4502 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in due from brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDueFromBrokers |
4503 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in dividends receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDividendsReceivable |
4504 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in interest receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInInterestReceivable |
4505 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in due to brokers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDueToBrokers |
4506 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in management and performance fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInManagementPerformanceFeesPayable |
4507 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in management fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInManagementFeesPayable |
4508 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in performance fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInPerformanceFeesPayable |
4509 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in custodian and administration fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInCustodianAdministrationFeesPayable |
4510 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in custodian fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInCustodianFeesPayable |
4511 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in administration fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInAdministrationFeesPayable |
4512 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in directors' fees payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDirectorsFeesPayable |
4513 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in dividends payable on securities sold not yet purchased |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDividendsPayableOnSecuritiesSoldNotYetPurchased |
4514 |
Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in margin accounts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInMarginAccounts |
4515 |
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4516 |
Payments for distribution to holders of redeemable shares classified as debt instrument |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsForDistributionToHoldersRedeemableSharesClassifiedAsDebtInstrument |
4517 |
Payments for distribution to holders of redeemable shares classified as equity instrument |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsForDistributionToHoldersRedeemableSharesClassifiedAsEquityInstrument |
4518 |
Cash payments classified as investing activities, additional investment fund items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashPaymentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading |
4519 |
Payments of advances on investment properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:PaymentsAdvancesOnInvestmentProperties |
4520 |
Investment funds with shares classified as liability, additional items [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityAdditionalItemsHeading |
4521 |
Income statement, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IncomeStatementAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading |
4522 |
Gain (loss) in net assets attributable to shareholders from price adjustments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersFromPriceAdjustments |
4523 |
Gain (loss) in net assets attributable to shareholders from operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:GainLossInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersFromOperations |
4524 |
Balance sheet, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BalanceSheetAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading |
4525 |
Distributions payable to shareholders |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:DistributionsPayableToShareholders |
4526 |
Total liabilities excluding net assets attributable to shareholders |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
core:TotalLiabilitiesExcludingNetAssetsAttributableToShareholders |
4527 |
Net assets (liabilities) attributable to shareholders in accordance with redemption requirements / prospectus |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesAttributableToShareholdersInAccordanceWithRedemptionRequirementsProspectus |
4528 |
Cumulative gain (loss) in net assets attributable to shareholders from price adjustments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:CumulativeGainLossInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersFromPriceAdjustments |
4529 |
Net assets (liabilities) attributable to shareholders in accordance with standard |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesAttributableToShareholdersInAccordanceWithStandard |
4530 |
Statement of changes in net assets attributable to shareholders [heading] |
Abstract |
core:StatementChangesInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersHeading |
4531 |
Net assets attributable to shareholders - movement analysis [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetAssetsAttributableToShareholders-MovementAnalysisHeading |
4532 |
Net increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders under standard due to share transactions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderStandardDueToShareTransactions |
4533 |
Increase in assets attributable to shareholders under standard due to issue of shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderStandardDueToIssueShares |
4534 |
Decrease in assets attributable to shareholders under standard due to redemption of shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderStandardDueToRedemptionShares |
4535 |
Net increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders under redemption requirements / prospectus due to share transactions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderRedemptionRequirementsProspectusDueToShareTransactions |
4536 |
Increase in assets attributable to shareholders under redemption requirements / prospectus due to issue of shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseInAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderRedemptionRequirementsProspectusDueToIssueShares |
4537 |
Decrease in assets attributable to shareholders under redemption requirements / prospectus due to redemption of shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DecreaseInAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderRedemptionRequirementsProspectusDueToRedemptionShares |
4538 |
increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders under standard due to foreign exchange and other adjustments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderStandardDueToForeignExchangeOtherAdjustments |
4539 |
Increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders under redemption requirements / prospectus due to foreign exchange and other adjustments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderRedemptionRequirementsProspectusDueToForeignExchangeOtherAdjustments |
4540 |
Further item of increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders [component of total change in corresponding total] |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersComponentTotalChangeInCorrespondingTotal |
4541 |
For share numbers and related information, see 'Share capital' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForShareNumbersRelatedInformationSeeShareCapitalSectionCross-reference |
4542 |
For net assets (liabilities) attributable to shareholders, see 'Balance Sheet, additional items' section [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForNetAssetsLiabilitiesAttributableToShareholdersSeeBalanceSheetAdditionalItemsSectionCross-reference |
4543 |
For gain (loss) in net assets from operations, use profit after tax and other items from 'Income Statement' [cross-reference] |
Abstract |
core:ForGainLossInNetAssetsFromOperationsUseProfitAfterTaxOtherItemsFromIncomeStatementCross-reference |
4544 |
Accounting policies, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AccountingPoliciesAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading |
4545 |
Redeemable shares classified as debt instrument policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:RedeemableSharesClassifiedAsDebtInstrumentPolicy |
4546 |
Distributions for shares classified as liability policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DistributionsForSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityPolicy |
4547 |
Attribution of gain or loss in net assets to shareholders policy |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:AttributionGainOrLossInNetAssetsToShareholdersPolicy |
4548 |
Net asset value per share, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetAssetValuePerShareAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading |
4549 |
Net asset value per share calculated in accordance with standard |
Concept (Share) |
As Of |
core:NetAssetValuePerShareCalculatedInAccordanceWithStandard |
4550 |
Basic net asset value per share |
Concept (Share) |
As Of |
core:BasicNetAssetValuePerShare |
4551 |
Diluted net asset value per share |
Concept (Share) |
As Of |
core:DilutedNetAssetValuePerShare |
4552 |
Net asset value per share calculated in accordance with redemption requirements / prospectus |
Concept (Share) |
As Of |
core:NetAssetValuePerShareCalculatedInAccordanceWithRedemptionRequirementsProspectus |
4553 |
Description of basis on which net asset value has been determined |
Concept (Text/String) |
For Period |
core:DescriptionBasisOnWhichNetAssetValueHasBeenDetermined |
4554 |
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading |
4555 |
Distributions paid to shareholders, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
core:DistributionsPaidToShareholdersClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
4556 |
500 - Dimensions Content |
Network |
* |
* | |
4557 |
Dimensions content [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:DimensionsContentHeading |
4558 |
The list below is for information - for dimension content and connections, see dimensional displays [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ListBelowForInformation-ForDimensionContentConnectionsSeeDimensionalDisplaysGuidance |
4559 |
General dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:GeneralDimensionsHeading |
4560 |
Group and company data [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:GroupCompanyDataDimension |
4561 |
Company [default] |
Abstract |
bus:CompanyDefault |
4562 |
Consolidated |
Abstract |
bus:Consolidated |
4563 |
Company [default] |
Abstract |
bus:CompanyDefault |
4564 |
Continuing and discontinued operations [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:ContinuingDiscontinuedOperationsDimension |
4565 |
Continuing and discontinued operations, total [default] |
Abstract |
core:ContinuingDiscontinuedOperationsTotalDefault |
4566 |
Continuing operations |
Abstract |
core:ContinuingOperations |
4567 |
Discontinued operations |
Abstract |
core:DiscontinuedOperations |
4568 |
Specific discontinued operation 1 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation1 |
4569 |
Specific discontinued operation 2 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation2 |
4570 |
Specific discontinued operation 3 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation3 |
4571 |
Specific discontinued operation 4 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation4 |
4572 |
Specific discontinued operation 5 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation5 |
4573 |
Specific discontinued operation 6 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation6 |
4574 |
Specific discontinued operation 7 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation7 |
4575 |
Specific discontinued operation 8 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation8 |
4576 |
Non-current assets / disposal groups held for sale |
Abstract |
core:Non-currentAssetsDisposalGroupsHeldForSale |
4577 |
Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 1 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale1 |
4578 |
Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 2 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale2 |
4579 |
Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 3 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale3 |
4580 |
Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 4 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale4 |
4581 |
Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 5 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale5 |
4582 |
Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 6 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale6 |
4583 |
Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 7 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale7 |
4584 |
Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 8 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale8 |
4585 |
Exceptionals [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:ExceptionalsDimension |
4586 |
Total reported [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalReportedDefault |
4587 |
Exceptional |
Abstract |
core:Exceptional |
4588 |
Explicitly identified as non-exceptional |
Abstract |
core:ExplicitlyIdentifiedAsNon-exceptional |
4589 |
Entity-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:Entity-specificDimensionsHeading |
4590 |
Main industry sector [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:MainIndustrySectorDimension |
4591 |
Main industry sector [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:MainIndustrySectorHeading |
4592 |
A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing |
Abstract |
bus:A-AgricultureForestryFishing |
4593 |
B - Mining and quarrying |
Abstract |
bus:B-MiningQuarrying |
4594 |
C - Manufacturing |
Abstract |
bus:C-Manufacturing |
4595 |
D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
Abstract |
bus:D-ElectricityGasSteamAirConditioningSupply |
4596 |
E - Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
Abstract |
bus:E-WaterSupplySewerageWasteManagementRemediationActivities |
4597 |
F - Construction |
Abstract |
bus:F-Construction |
4598 |
G - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
Abstract |
bus:G-WholesaleRetailTradeRepairMotorVehiclesMotorcycles |
4599 |
H - Transportation and storage |
Abstract |
bus:H-TransportationStorage |
4600 |
I - Accommodation and food service activities |
Abstract |
bus:I-AccommodationFoodServiceActivities |
4601 |
J - Information and communication |
Abstract |
bus:J-InformationCommunication |
4602 |
K - Financial and insurance activities |
Abstract |
bus:K-FinancialInsuranceActivities |
4603 |
L - Real estate activities |
Abstract |
bus:L-RealEstateActivities |
4604 |
M - Professional, scientific and technical activities |
Abstract |
bus:M-ProfessionalScientificTechnicalActivities |
4605 |
N - Administrative and support service activities |
Abstract |
bus:N-AdministrativeSupportServiceActivities |
4606 |
O - Public administration and defence, compulsory social security |
Abstract |
bus:O-PublicAdministrationDefenceCompulsorySocialSecurity |
4607 |
P - Education |
Abstract |
bus:P-Education |
4608 |
Q - Human health and social work activities |
Abstract |
bus:Q-HumanHealthSocialWorkActivities |
4609 |
R - Arts, entertainment and recreation |
Abstract |
bus:R-ArtsEntertainmentRecreation |
4610 |
S - Other service activities |
Abstract |
bus:S-OtherServiceActivities |
4611 |
Legal form of entity [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:LegalFormEntityDimension |
4612 |
Legal form of entity [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:LegalFormEntityHeading |
4613 |
Private limited company, Ltd |
Abstract |
bus:PrivateLimitedCompanyLtd |
4614 |
Public limited company, PLC |
Abstract |
bus:PublicLimitedCompanyPLC |
4615 |
Public limited company, PLC, not quoted on any exchange |
Abstract |
bus:PublicLimitedCompanyPLCNotQuotedOnAnyExchange |
4616 |
Company limited by guarantee |
Abstract |
bus:CompanyLimitedByGuarantee |
4617 |
Unlimited company |
Abstract |
bus:UnlimitedCompany |
4618 |
Limited liability partnership, LLP |
Abstract |
bus:LimitedLiabilityPartnershipLLP |
4619 |
Charitable company (limited by guarantee) |
Abstract |
char:CharitableCompanyLimitedByGuarantee |
4620 |
Association charitable incorporated organisation |
Abstract |
char:AssociationCharitableIncorporatedOrganisation |
4621 |
Foundation charitable incorporated organisation |
Abstract |
char:FoundationCharitableIncorporatedOrganisation |
4622 |
Unincorporated association |
Abstract |
char:UnincorporatedAssociation |
4623 |
Community benefit society |
Abstract |
char:CommunityBenefitSociety |
4624 |
Charitable trust |
Abstract |
char:CharitableTrust |
4625 |
Community interest company, CIC |
Abstract |
bus:CommunityInterestCompanyCIC |
4626 |
Industrial and provident society |
Abstract |
bus:IndustrialProvidentSociety |
4627 |
Friendly society |
Abstract |
bus:FriendlySociety |
4628 |
Incorporated by Act of Parliament |
Abstract |
bus:IncorporatedByActParliament |
4629 |
Incorporated by Royal Charter |
Abstract |
bus:IncorporatedByRoyalCharter |
4630 |
Scottish partnership |
Abstract |
bus:ScottishPartnership |
4631 |
Other incorporated association |
Abstract |
bus:OtherIncorporatedAssociation |
4632 |
Branch trading in UK |
Abstract |
bus:BranchTradingInUK |
4633 |
Other UK |
Abstract |
bus:OtherUK |
4634 |
Other non-UK |
Abstract |
bus:OtherNon-UK |
4635 |
Entity trading status [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:EntityTradingStatusDimension |
4636 |
Entity is trading [default] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityTradingDefault |
4637 |
Entity has never traded |
Abstract |
bus:EntityHasNeverTraded |
4638 |
Entity is no longer trading but traded in the past |
Abstract |
bus:EntityNoLongerTradingButTradedInPast |
4639 |
Entity special legal status [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:EntitySpecialLegalStatusDimension |
4640 |
Entity special legal status [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntitySpecialLegalStatusHeading |
4641 |
Entity is in administration |
Abstract |
bus:EntityInAdministration |
4642 |
Entity is in receivership |
Abstract |
bus:EntityInReceivership |
4643 |
Entity is in liquidation |
Abstract |
bus:EntityInLiquidation |
4644 |
Entity is in compulsory liquidation |
Abstract |
bus:EntityInCompulsoryLiquidation |
4645 |
Entity is in members' voluntary liquidation |
Member |
bus:EntityInMembersVoluntaryLiquidation |
4646 |
Entity is in creditors' voluntary liquidation |
Abstract |
bus:EntityInCreditorsVoluntaryLiquidation |
4647 |
Entity is under Company Voluntary Arrangement |
Abstract |
bus:EntityUnderCompanyVoluntaryArrangement |
4648 |
Entity officers-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityOfficers-specificDimensionsHeading |
4649 |
Entity officers [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:EntityOfficersDimension |
4650 |
All entity officers / Entity officers total [default] |
Abstract |
bus:AllEntityOfficersEntityOfficersTotalDefault |
4651 |
Chairman |
Abstract |
bus:Chairman |
4652 |
Chief executive |
Abstract |
bus:ChiefExecutive |
4653 |
Chairman and chief executive |
Abstract |
bus:ChairmanChiefExecutive |
4654 |
Senior partner, limited liability partnership |
Abstract |
bus:SeniorPartnerLimitedLiabilityPartnership |
4655 |
Company secretary 1 |
Abstract |
bus:CompanySecretary1 |
4656 |
Company secretary 2 |
Abstract |
bus:CompanySecretary2 |
4657 |
Company secretary and director 1 |
Abstract |
bus:CompanySecretaryDirector1 |
4658 |
Company secretary and director 2 |
Abstract |
bus:CompanySecretaryDirector2 |
4659 |
Highest paid director |
Abstract |
bus:HighestPaidDirector |
4660 |
Director 1 |
Abstract |
bus:Director1 |
4661 |
Director 2 |
Abstract |
bus:Director2 |
4662 |
Director 3 |
Abstract |
bus:Director3 |
4663 |
Director 4 |
Abstract |
bus:Director4 |
4664 |
Director 5 |
Abstract |
bus:Director5 |
4665 |
Director 6 |
Abstract |
bus:Director6 |
4666 |
Director 7 |
Abstract |
bus:Director7 |
4667 |
Director 8 |
Abstract |
bus:Director8 |
4668 |
Director 9 |
Abstract |
bus:Director9 |
4669 |
Director 10 |
Abstract |
bus:Director10 |
4670 |
Director 11 |
Abstract |
bus:Director11 |
4671 |
Director 12 |
Abstract |
bus:Director12 |
4672 |
Director 13 |
Abstract |
bus:Director13 |
4673 |
Director 14 |
Abstract |
bus:Director14 |
4674 |
Director 15 |
Abstract |
bus:Director15 |
4675 |
Director 16 |
Abstract |
bus:Director16 |
4676 |
Director 17 |
Abstract |
bus:Director17 |
4677 |
Director 18 |
Abstract |
bus:Director18 |
4678 |
Director 19 |
Abstract |
bus:Director19 |
4679 |
Director 20 |
Abstract |
bus:Director20 |
4680 |
Director 21 |
Abstract |
bus:Director21 |
4681 |
Director 22 |
Abstract |
bus:Director22 |
4682 |
Director 23 |
Abstract |
bus:Director23 |
4683 |
Director 24 |
Abstract |
bus:Director24 |
4684 |
Director 25 |
Abstract |
bus:Director25 |
4685 |
Director 26 |
Abstract |
bus:Director26 |
4686 |
Director 27 |
Abstract |
bus:Director27 |
4687 |
Director 28 |
Abstract |
bus:Director28 |
4688 |
Director 29 |
Abstract |
bus:Director29 |
4689 |
Director 30 |
Abstract |
bus:Director30 |
4690 |
Director 31 |
Abstract |
bus:Director31 |
4691 |
Director 32 |
Abstract |
bus:Director32 |
4692 |
Director 33 |
Abstract |
bus:Director33 |
4693 |
Director 34 |
Abstract |
bus:Director34 |
4694 |
Director 35 |
Abstract |
bus:Director35 |
4695 |
Director 36 |
Abstract |
bus:Director36 |
4696 |
Director 37 |
Abstract |
bus:Director37 |
4697 |
Director 38 |
Abstract |
bus:Director38 |
4698 |
Director 39 |
Abstract |
bus:Director39 |
4699 |
Director 40 |
Abstract |
bus:Director40 |
4700 |
Partners, limited liability partnership [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:PartnersLimitedLiabilityPartnershipHeading |
4701 |
Partner, LLP, 1 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP1 |
4702 |
Partner, LLP, 2 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP2 |
4703 |
Partner, LLP, 3 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP3 |
4704 |
Partner, LLP, 4 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP4 |
4705 |
Partner, LLP, 5 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP5 |
4706 |
Partner, LLP, 6 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP6 |
4707 |
Partner, LLP, 7 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP7 |
4708 |
Partner, LLP, 8 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP8 |
4709 |
Partner, LLP, 9 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP9 |
4710 |
Partner, LLP, 10 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP10 |
4711 |
Partner, LLP, 11 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP11 |
4712 |
Partner, LLP, 12 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP12 |
4713 |
Partner, LLP, 13 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP13 |
4714 |
Partner, LLP, 14 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP14 |
4715 |
Partner, LLP, 15 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP15 |
4716 |
Partner, LLP, 16 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP16 |
4717 |
Partner, LLP, 17 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP17 |
4718 |
Partner, LLP, 18 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP18 |
4719 |
Partner, LLP, 19 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP19 |
4720 |
Partner, LLP, 20 |
Abstract |
bus:PartnerLLP20 |
4721 |
Trustee 1 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee1 |
4722 |
Trustee 2 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee2 |
4723 |
Trustee 3 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee3 |
4724 |
Trustee 4 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee4 |
4725 |
Trustee 5 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee5 |
4726 |
Trustee 6 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee6 |
4727 |
Trustee 7 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee7 |
4728 |
Trustee 8 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee8 |
4729 |
Trustee 9 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee9 |
4730 |
Trustee 10 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee10 |
4731 |
Trustee 11 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee11 |
4732 |
Trustee 12 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee12 |
4733 |
Trustee 13 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee13 |
4734 |
Trustee 14 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee14 |
4735 |
Trustee 15 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee15 |
4736 |
Trustee 16 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee16 |
4737 |
Trustee 17 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee17 |
4738 |
Trustee 18 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee18 |
4739 |
Trustee 19 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee19 |
4740 |
Trustee 20 |
Abstract |
char:Trustee20 |
4741 |
Corporate trustee 1 |
Abstract |
char:CorporateTrustee1 |
4742 |
Corporate trustee 2 |
Abstract |
char:CorporateTrustee2 |
4743 |
Corporate trustee 3 |
Abstract |
char:CorporateTrustee3 |
4744 |
Director 1 of corporate trustee |
Abstract |
char:Director1CorporateTrustee |
4745 |
Director 2 of corporate trustee |
Abstract |
char:Director2CorporateTrustee |
4746 |
Director 3 of corporate trustee |
Abstract |
char:Director3CorporateTrustee |
4747 |
Custodian trustee 1 |
Abstract |
char:CustodianTrustee1 |
4748 |
Custodian trustee 2 |
Abstract |
char:CustodianTrustee2 |
4749 |
Custodian trustee 3 |
Abstract |
char:CustodianTrustee3 |
4750 |
Entity officer status [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:EntityOfficerStatusDimension |
4751 |
All entity officer types [default] |
Abstract |
bus:AllEntityOfficerTypesDefault |
4752 |
Executive officer |
Abstract |
bus:ExecutiveOfficer |
4753 |
Non-executive officer |
Abstract |
bus:Non-executiveOfficer |
4754 |
Business report-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:BusinessReport-specificDimensionsHeading |
4755 |
Scope of accounts [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:ScopeAccountsDimension |
4756 |
Company accounts [default] |
Abstract |
bus:CompanyAccountsDefault |
4757 |
Group accounts only |
Abstract |
bus:GroupAccountsOnly |
4758 |
Consolidated group and company accounts |
Abstract |
bus:ConsolidatedGroupCompanyAccounts |
4759 |
Accounting standards [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:AccountingStandardsDimension |
4760 |
Accounting standards [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:AccountingStandardsHeading |
4761 |
Abstract |
bus:FRSSE |
4762 |
FRS 101 |
Abstract |
bus:FRS101 |
4763 |
FRS 102 |
Abstract |
bus:FRS102 |
4764 |
Full IFRS |
Abstract |
bus:FullIFRS |
4765 |
Small entities |
Abstract |
bus:SmallEntities |
4766 |
Micro-entities |
Abstract |
bus:Micro-entities |
4767 |
Other standards |
Abstract |
bus:OtherStandards |
4768 |
SORPs [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:SORPsDimension |
4769 |
SORPs [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:SORPsHeading |
4770 |
Insurance business SORP |
Abstract |
bus:InsuranceBusinessSORP |
4771 |
Oil and gas SORP |
Abstract |
bus:OilGasSORP |
4772 |
Authorised funds SORP |
Abstract |
bus:AuthorisedFundsSORP |
4773 |
Charities SORP |
Abstract |
bus:CharitiesSORP |
4774 |
Pension funds SORP |
Abstract |
bus:PensionFundsSORP |
4775 |
Further and higher education SORP |
Abstract |
bus:FurtherHigherEducationSORP |
4776 |
Investment companies SORP |
Abstract |
bus:InvestmentCompaniesSORP |
4777 |
Limited liability partnerships SORP |
Abstract |
bus:LimitedLiabilityPartnershipsSORP |
4778 |
Social housing providers SORP |
Abstract |
bus:SocialHousingProvidersSORP |
4779 |
Applicable legislation [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:ApplicableLegislationDimension |
4780 |
Applicable legislation [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:ApplicableLegislationHeading |
4781 |
Small companies regime for directors' report |
Abstract |
bus:SmallCompaniesRegimeForDirectorsReport |
4782 |
Small companies regime for accounts |
Abstract |
bus:SmallCompaniesRegimeForAccounts |
4783 |
Large and medium-sized companies regime for directors' report |
Abstract |
bus:LargeMedium-sizedCompaniesRegimeForDirectorsReport |
4784 |
Large and medium-sized companies regime for accounts |
Abstract |
bus:LargeMedium-sizedCompaniesRegimeForAccounts |
4785 |
Residual Companies Act disclosures with IFRS |
Abstract |
bus:ResidualCompaniesActDisclosuresWithIFRS |
4786 |
Other legislation |
Abstract |
bus:OtherLegislation |
4787 |
Accounts status [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:AccountsStatusDimension |
4788 |
Accounts status [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:AccountsStatusHeading |
4789 |
Audited |
Abstract |
bus:Audited |
4790 |
Audit exempt - no accountants report |
Abstract |
bus:AuditExempt-NoAccountantsReport |
4791 |
Audit exempt with accountants report |
Abstract |
bus:AuditExemptWithAccountantsReport |
4792 |
Independent examination (charity) |
Abstract |
bus:IndependentExaminationCharity |
4793 |
Other reporting regime |
Abstract |
bus:OtherReportingRegime |
4794 |
Accounts type [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:AccountsTypeDimension |
4795 |
Accounts type [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:AccountsTypeHeading |
4796 |
Full accounts |
Abstract |
bus:FullAccounts |
4797 |
Abbreviated accounts |
Abstract |
bus:AbbreviatedAccounts |
4798 |
Abridged accounts |
Abstract |
bus:AbridgedAccounts |
4799 |
Report period [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:ReportPeriodDimension |
4800 |
Financial year [default] |
Abstract |
bus:FinancialYearDefault |
4801 |
Quarter 1 |
Abstract |
bus:Quarter1 |
4802 |
Quarter 2 |
Abstract |
bus:Quarter2 |
4803 |
Quarter 3 |
Abstract |
bus:Quarter3 |
4804 |
Quarter 4 |
Abstract |
bus:Quarter4 |
4805 |
First half, H1 |
Abstract |
bus:FirstHalfH1 |
4806 |
Second half, H2 |
Abstract |
bus:SecondHalfH2 |
4807 |
Calendar year |
Abstract |
bus:CalendarYear |
4808 |
Other period |
Abstract |
bus:OtherPeriod |
4809 |
Equity classes-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:EquityClasses-specificDimensionsHeading |
4810 |
Equity classes [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:EquityClassesDimension |
4811 |
Total equity [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalEquityDefault |
4812 |
Share capital |
Abstract |
core:ShareCapital |
4813 |
Share capital, ordinary shares |
Abstract |
core:ShareCapitalOrdinaryShares |
4814 |
Share capital, preference shares |
Abstract |
core:ShareCapitalPreferenceShares |
4815 |
Share capital, other share types |
Abstract |
core:ShareCapitalOtherShareTypes |
4816 |
Share premium |
Abstract |
core:SharePremium |
4817 |
Share premium, ordinary shares |
Abstract |
core:SharePremiumOrdinaryShares |
4818 |
Share premium, preference shares |
Abstract |
core:SharePremiumPreferenceShares |
4819 |
Share premium, other share types |
Abstract |
core:SharePremiumOtherShareTypes |
4820 |
Share capital and share premium, subtotal |
Abstract |
core:ShareCapitalSharePremiumSubtotal |
4821 |
Capital reserve |
Abstract |
core:CapitalReserve |
4822 |
Treasury shares / own shares reserve |
Abstract |
core:TreasurySharesOwnSharesReserve |
4823 |
Capital redemption reserve |
Abstract |
core:CapitalRedemptionReserve |
4824 |
Convertible debt equity component reserve |
Abstract |
core:ConvertibleDebtEquityComponentReserve |
4825 |
Other capital reserve |
Abstract |
core:OtherCapitalReserve |
4826 |
Capital contribution reserve |
Abstract |
core:CapitalContributionReserve |
4827 |
Merger reserve |
Abstract |
core:MergerReserve |
4828 |
Goodwill reserve |
Abstract |
core:GoodwillReserve |
4829 |
Foreign currency translation reserve |
Abstract |
core:ForeignCurrencyTranslationReserve |
4830 |
Hedging reserve |
Abstract |
core:HedgingReserve |
4831 |
Revaluation reserve |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationReserve |
4832 |
Properties revaluation reserve |
Abstract |
core:PropertiesRevaluationReserve |
4833 |
Investment properties revaluation reserve |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentPropertiesRevaluationReserve |
4834 |
General banking risks reserve |
Abstract |
core:GeneralBankingRisksReserve |
4835 |
Available-for-sale investments reserve |
Abstract |
core:Available-for-saleInvestmentsReserve |
4836 |
Warrant reserve |
Abstract |
core:WarrantReserve |
4837 |
Warrant exercise reserve |
Abstract |
core:WarrantExerciseReserve |
4838 |
Asset revaluation surplus reserve |
Abstract |
core:AssetRevaluationSurplusReserve |
4839 |
Share-based payments reserve |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedPaymentsReserve |
4840 |
Share buy-back reserve |
Abstract |
core:ShareBuy-backReserve |
4841 |
ESOP reserve |
Abstract |
core:ESOPReserve |
4842 |
Taxation reserve |
Abstract |
core:TaxationReserve |
4843 |
Legal and statutory reserve |
Abstract |
core:LegalStatutoryReserve |
4844 |
Assets and disposal groups held for sale reserve |
Abstract |
core:AssetsDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleReserve |
4845 |
Proposed dividend reserve |
Abstract |
core:ProposedDividendReserve |
4846 |
Silent participation in government protection scheme |
Abstract |
core:SilentParticipationInGovernmentProtectionScheme |
4847 |
Other capital instruments classified as equity |
Abstract |
core:OtherCapitalInstrumentsClassifiedAsEquity |
4848 |
Further specific reserve 1 [component of total equity] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificReserve1ComponentTotalEquity |
4849 |
Further specific reserve 2 [component of total equity] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificReserve2ComponentTotalEquity |
4850 |
Further specific reserve 3 [component of total equity] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificReserve3ComponentTotalEquity |
4851 |
Further specific reserve 4 [component of total equity] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificReserve4ComponentTotalEquity |
4852 |
Other reserves, subtotal |
Abstract |
core:OtherReservesSubtotal |
4853 |
Other miscellaneous reserve |
Abstract |
core:OtherMiscellaneousReserve |
4854 |
Retained earnings (Accumulated losses) |
Abstract |
core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses |
4855 |
Total equity attributable to owners of parent, before non-controlling interests |
Abstract |
core:TotalEquityAttributableToOwnersParentBeforeNon-controllingInterests |
4856 |
Non-controlling interests |
Abstract |
core:Non-controllingInterests |
4857 |
Investment funds-specific classes [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentFunds-specificClassesHeading |
4858 |
Revenue reserves [Investment funds only] |
Abstract |
core:RevenueReservesInvestmentFundsOnly |
4859 |
Capital reserves [Investment funds only] |
Abstract |
core:CapitalReservesInvestmentFundsOnly |
4860 |
Special Reserve [Investment funds only] |
Abstract |
core:SpecialReserveInvestmentFundsOnly |
4861 |
Segments-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Segments-specificDimensionsHeading |
4862 |
Geographic segments [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:GeographicSegmentsDimension |
4863 |
Geographic segments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GeographicSegmentsHeading |
4864 |
Total geographic segments, including any unallocated amount |
Abstract |
core:TotalGeographicSegmentsIncludingAnyUnallocatedAmount |
4865 |
Unallocated amount, geographic segments |
Abstract |
core:UnallocatedAmountGeographicSegments |
4866 |
Total before unallocated amount, geographic segments |
Abstract |
core:TotalBeforeUnallocatedAmountGeographicSegments |
4867 |
Other countries and regions |
Abstract |
countries:OtherCountriesRegions |
4868 |
Home countries [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:HomeCountriesHeading |
4869 |
United Kingdom |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedKingdom |
4870 |
England |
Abstract |
countries:England |
4871 |
Scotland |
Abstract |
countries:Scotland |
4872 |
Wales |
Abstract |
countries:Wales |
4873 |
England and Wales |
Abstract |
countries:EnglandWales |
4874 |
Northern Ireland |
Abstract |
countries:NorthernIreland |
4875 |
Isle of Man |
Abstract |
countries:IsleMan |
4876 |
Channel Islands |
Abstract |
countries:ChannelIslands |
4877 |
Jersey |
Abstract |
countries:Jersey |
4878 |
Guernsey |
Abstract |
countries:Guernsey |
4879 |
Other Channel Islands |
Abstract |
countries:OtherChannelIslands |
4880 |
Great Britain |
Abstract |
countries:GreatBritain |
4881 |
Main regions [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:MainRegionsHeading |
4882 |
Rest of world, outside UK |
Abstract |
countries:RestWorldOutsideUK |
4883 |
Rest of world, outside Europe |
Abstract |
countries:RestWorldOutsideEurope |
4884 |
Rest of Europe, outside UK |
Abstract |
countries:RestEuropeOutsideUK |
4885 |
European Community |
Abstract |
countries:EuropeanCommunity |
4886 |
Europe |
Abstract |
countries:Europe |
4887 |
Americas |
Abstract |
countries:Americas |
4888 |
North America |
Abstract |
countries:NorthAmerica |
4889 |
South America |
Abstract |
countries:SouthAmerica |
4890 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
Abstract |
countries:LatinAmericaCaribbean |
4891 |
Latin America |
Abstract |
countries:LatinAmerica |
4892 |
Caribbean |
Abstract |
countries:Caribbean |
4893 |
Central America |
Abstract |
countries:CentralAmerica |
4894 |
Middle East |
Abstract |
countries:MiddleEast |
4895 |
Africa |
Abstract |
countries:Africa |
4896 |
Europe, Middle East and Africa |
Abstract |
countries:EuropeMiddleEastAfrica |
4897 |
Asia |
Abstract |
countries:Asia |
4898 |
South-east Asia |
Abstract |
countries:South-eastAsia |
4899 |
Australasia |
Abstract |
countries:Australasia |
4900 |
Further specific region 1 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion1ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
4901 |
Further specific region 2 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion2ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
4902 |
Further specific region 3 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion3ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
4903 |
Further specific region 4 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion4ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
4904 |
Further specific region 5 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion5ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
4905 |
Further specific region 6 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion6ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
4906 |
Further specific region 7 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion7ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
4907 |
Further specific region 8 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion8ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
4908 |
Country list [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:CountryListHeading |
4909 |
Afghanistan |
Abstract |
countries:Afghanistan |
4910 |
Aland Islands |
Abstract |
countries:AlandIslands |
4911 |
Albania |
Abstract |
countries:Albania |
4912 |
Algeria |
Abstract |
countries:Algeria |
4913 |
American Samoa |
Abstract |
countries:AmericanSamoa |
4914 |
Andorra |
Abstract |
countries:Andorra |
4915 |
Angola |
Abstract |
countries:Angola |
4916 |
Anguilla |
Abstract |
countries:Anguilla |
4917 |
Antarctica |
Abstract |
countries:Antarctica |
4918 |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Abstract |
countries:AntiguaBarbuda |
4919 |
Argentina |
Abstract |
countries:Argentina |
4920 |
Armenia |
Abstract |
countries:Armenia |
4921 |
Aruba |
Abstract |
countries:Aruba |
4922 |
Australia |
Abstract |
countries:Australia |
4923 |
Austria |
Abstract |
countries:Austria |
4924 |
Azerbaijan |
Abstract |
countries:Azerbaijan |
4925 |
Bahamas |
Abstract |
countries:Bahamas |
4926 |
Bahrain |
Abstract |
countries:Bahrain |
4927 |
Bangladesh |
Abstract |
countries:Bangladesh |
4928 |
Barbados |
Abstract |
countries:Barbados |
4929 |
Belarus |
Abstract |
countries:Belarus |
4930 |
Belgium |
Abstract |
countries:Belgium |
4931 |
Belize |
Abstract |
countries:Belize |
4932 |
Benin |
Abstract |
countries:Benin |
4933 |
Bermuda |
Abstract |
countries:Bermuda |
4934 |
Bhutan |
Abstract |
countries:Bhutan |
4935 |
Bolivia |
Abstract |
countries:Bolivia |
4936 |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba |
Abstract |
countries:BonaireSintEustatiusSaba |
4937 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Abstract |
countries:BosniaHerzegovina |
4938 |
Botswana |
Abstract |
countries:Botswana |
4939 |
Bouvet Island |
Abstract |
countries:BouvetIsland |
4940 |
Brazil |
Abstract |
countries:Brazil |
4941 |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
Abstract |
countries:BritishIndianOceanTerritory |
4942 |
Brunei Darussalam |
Abstract |
countries:BruneiDarussalam |
4943 |
Bulgaria |
Abstract |
countries:Bulgaria |
4944 |
Burkina Faso |
Abstract |
countries:BurkinaFaso |
4945 |
Burundi |
Abstract |
countries:Burundi |
4946 |
Cambodia |
Abstract |
countries:Cambodia |
4947 |
Cameroon |
Abstract |
countries:Cameroon |
4948 |
Canada |
Abstract |
countries:Canada |
4949 |
Cape Verde |
Abstract |
countries:CapeVerde |
4950 |
Cayman Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CaymanIslands |
4951 |
Central African Republic |
Abstract |
countries:CentralAfricanRepublic |
4952 |
Chad |
Abstract |
countries:Chad |
4953 |
Chile |
Abstract |
countries:Chile |
4954 |
China |
Abstract |
countries:China |
4955 |
Christmas Island |
Abstract |
countries:ChristmasIsland |
4956 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CocosKeelingIslands |
4957 |
Colombia |
Abstract |
countries:Colombia |
4958 |
Comoros |
Abstract |
countries:Comoros |
4959 |
Congo |
Abstract |
countries:Congo |
4960 |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the |
Abstract |
countries:CongoDemocraticRepublic |
4961 |
Cook Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CookIslands |
4962 |
Costa Rica |
Abstract |
countries:CostaRica |
4963 |
Cote d'Ivoire |
Abstract |
countries:CoteDIvoire |
4964 |
Croatia |
Abstract |
countries:Croatia |
4965 |
Cuba |
Abstract |
countries:Cuba |
4966 |
Curaçao |
Abstract |
countries:Curaçao |
4967 |
Cyprus |
Abstract |
countries:Cyprus |
4968 |
Czech Republic |
Abstract |
countries:CzechRepublic |
4969 |
Denmark |
Abstract |
countries:Denmark |
4970 |
Djibouti |
Abstract |
countries:Djibouti |
4971 |
Dominica |
Abstract |
countries:Dominica |
4972 |
Dominican Republic |
Abstract |
countries:DominicanRepublic |
4973 |
Ecuador |
Abstract |
countries:Ecuador |
4974 |
Egypt |
Abstract |
countries:Egypt |
4975 |
El Salvador |
Abstract |
countries:ElSalvador |
4976 |
Equatorial Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:EquatorialGuinea |
4977 |
Eritrea |
Abstract |
countries:Eritrea |
4978 |
Estonia |
Abstract |
countries:Estonia |
4979 |
Ethiopia |
Abstract |
countries:Ethiopia |
4980 |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
Abstract |
countries:FalklandIslandsMalvinas |
4981 |
Faroe Islands |
Abstract |
countries:FaroeIslands |
4982 |
Fiji |
Abstract |
countries:Fiji |
4983 |
Finland |
Abstract |
countries:Finland |
4984 |
France |
Abstract |
countries:France |
4985 |
French Guiana |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchGuiana |
4986 |
French Polynesia |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchPolynesia |
4987 |
French Southern Territories |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchSouthernTerritories |
4988 |
Gabon |
Abstract |
countries:Gabon |
4989 |
Gambia |
Abstract |
countries:Gambia |
4990 |
Georgia |
Abstract |
countries:Georgia |
4991 |
Germany |
Abstract |
countries:Germany |
4992 |
Ghana |
Abstract |
countries:Ghana |
4993 |
Gibraltar |
Abstract |
countries:Gibraltar |
4994 |
Greece |
Abstract |
countries:Greece |
4995 |
Greenland |
Abstract |
countries:Greenland |
4996 |
Grenada |
Abstract |
countries:Grenada |
4997 |
Guadeloupe |
Abstract |
countries:Guadeloupe |
4998 |
Guam |
Abstract |
countries:Guam |
4999 |
Guatemala |
Abstract |
countries:Guatemala |
5000 |
Guernsey |
Abstract |
countries:Guernsey |
5001 |
Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:Guinea |
5002 |
Guinea-Bissau |
Abstract |
countries:Guinea-Bissau |
5003 |
Guyana |
Abstract |
countries:Guyana |
5004 |
Haiti |
Abstract |
countries:Haiti |
5005 |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
Abstract |
countries:HeardIslandMcDonaldIslands |
5006 |
Holy See (Vatican City State) |
Abstract |
countries:HolySeeVaticanCityState |
5007 |
Honduras |
Abstract |
countries:Honduras |
5008 |
Hong Kong |
Abstract |
countries:HongKong |
5009 |
Hungary |
Abstract |
countries:Hungary |
5010 |
Iceland |
Abstract |
countries:Iceland |
5011 |
India |
Abstract |
countries:India |
5012 |
Indonesia |
Abstract |
countries:Indonesia |
5013 |
Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:IranIslamicRepublic |
5014 |
Iraq |
Abstract |
countries:Iraq |
5015 |
Ireland |
Abstract |
countries:Ireland |
5016 |
Isle of Man |
Abstract |
countries:IsleMan |
5017 |
Israel |
Abstract |
countries:Israel |
5018 |
Italy |
Abstract |
countries:Italy |
5019 |
Jamaica |
Abstract |
countries:Jamaica |
5020 |
Japan |
Abstract |
countries:Japan |
5021 |
Jersey |
Abstract |
countries:Jersey |
5022 |
Jordan |
Abstract |
countries:Jordan |
5023 |
Kazakhstan |
Abstract |
countries:Kazakhstan |
5024 |
Kenya |
Abstract |
countries:Kenya |
5025 |
Kiribati |
Abstract |
countries:Kiribati |
5026 |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic |
5027 |
Korea, Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:KoreaRepublic |
5028 |
Kuwait |
Abstract |
countries:Kuwait |
5029 |
Kyrgyzstan |
Abstract |
countries:Kyrgyzstan |
5030 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Abstract |
countries:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic |
5031 |
Latvia |
Abstract |
countries:Latvia |
5032 |
Lebanon |
Abstract |
countries:Lebanon |
5033 |
Lesotho |
Abstract |
countries:Lesotho |
5034 |
Liberia |
Abstract |
countries:Liberia |
5035 |
Libya |
Abstract |
countries:Libya |
5036 |
Liechtenstein |
Abstract |
countries:Liechtenstein |
5037 |
Lithuania |
Abstract |
countries:Lithuania |
5038 |
Luxembourg |
Abstract |
countries:Luxembourg |
5039 |
Macao |
Abstract |
countries:Macao |
5040 |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:MacedoniaFormerYugoslavRepublic |
5041 |
Madagascar |
Abstract |
countries:Madagascar |
5042 |
Malawi |
Abstract |
countries:Malawi |
5043 |
Malaysia |
Abstract |
countries:Malaysia |
5044 |
Maldives |
Abstract |
countries:Maldives |
5045 |
Mali |
Abstract |
countries:Mali |
5046 |
Malta |
Abstract |
countries:Malta |
5047 |
Marshall Islands |
Abstract |
countries:MarshallIslands |
5048 |
Martinique |
Abstract |
countries:Martinique |
5049 |
Mauritania |
Abstract |
countries:Mauritania |
5050 |
Mauritius |
Abstract |
countries:Mauritius |
5051 |
Mayotte |
Abstract |
countries:Mayotte |
5052 |
Mexico |
Abstract |
countries:Mexico |
5053 |
Micronesia, Federated States of |
Abstract |
countries:MicronesiaFederatedStates |
5054 |
Moldova, Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:MoldovaRepublic |
5055 |
Monaco |
Abstract |
countries:Monaco |
5056 |
Mongolia |
Abstract |
countries:Mongolia |
5057 |
Montenegro |
Abstract |
countries:Montenegro |
5058 |
Montserrat |
Abstract |
countries:Montserrat |
5059 |
Morocco |
Abstract |
countries:Morocco |
5060 |
Mozambique |
Abstract |
countries:Mozambique |
5061 |
Myanmar |
Abstract |
countries:Myanmar |
5062 |
Namibia |
Abstract |
countries:Namibia |
5063 |
Nauru |
Abstract |
countries:Nauru |
5064 |
Nepal |
Abstract |
countries:Nepal |
5065 |
Netherlands |
Abstract |
countries:Netherlands |
5066 |
New Caledonia |
Abstract |
countries:NewCaledonia |
5067 |
New Zealand |
Abstract |
countries:NewZealand |
5068 |
Nicaragua |
Abstract |
countries:Nicaragua |
5069 |
Niger |
Abstract |
countries:Niger |
5070 |
Nigeria |
Abstract |
countries:Nigeria |
5071 |
Niue |
Abstract |
countries:Niue |
5072 |
Norfolk Island |
Abstract |
countries:NorfolkIsland |
5073 |
Northern Mariana Islands |
Abstract |
countries:NorthernMarianaIslands |
5074 |
Norway |
Abstract |
countries:Norway |
5075 |
Oman |
Abstract |
countries:Oman |
5076 |
Pakistan |
Abstract |
countries:Pakistan |
5077 |
Palau |
Abstract |
countries:Palau |
5078 |
Palestinian, State of |
Abstract |
countries:PalestinianState |
5079 |
Panama |
Abstract |
countries:Panama |
5080 |
Papua New Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:PapuaNewGuinea |
5081 |
Paraguay |
Abstract |
countries:Paraguay |
5082 |
Peru |
Abstract |
countries:Peru |
5083 |
Philippines |
Abstract |
countries:Philippines |
5084 |
Pitcairn |
Abstract |
countries:Pitcairn |
5085 |
Poland |
Abstract |
countries:Poland |
5086 |
Portugal |
Abstract |
countries:Portugal |
5087 |
Puerto Rico |
Abstract |
countries:PuertoRico |
5088 |
Qatar |
Abstract |
countries:Qatar |
5089 |
Réunion |
Abstract |
countries:Réunion |
5090 |
Romania |
Abstract |
countries:Romania |
5091 |
Russian Federation |
Abstract |
countries:RussianFederation |
5092 |
Rwanda |
Abstract |
countries:Rwanda |
5093 |
Saint Barthélemy |
Abstract |
countries:SaintBarthélemy |
5094 |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha |
Abstract |
countries:SaintHelenaAscensionTristanDaCunha |
5095 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Abstract |
countries:SaintKittsNevis |
5096 |
Saint Lucia |
Abstract |
countries:SaintLucia |
5097 |
Saint Martin (French Part) |
Abstract |
countries:SaintMartinFrenchPart |
5098 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Abstract |
countries:SaintPierreMiquelon |
5099 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Abstract |
countries:SaintVincentGrenadines |
5100 |
Samoa |
Abstract |
countries:Samoa |
5101 |
San Marino |
Abstract |
countries:SanMarino |
5102 |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Abstract |
countries:SaoTomePrincipe |
5103 |
Saudi Arabia |
Abstract |
countries:SaudiArabia |
5104 |
Senegal |
Abstract |
countries:Senegal |
5105 |
Serbia |
Abstract |
countries:Serbia |
5106 |
Seychelles |
Abstract |
countries:Seychelles |
5107 |
Sierra Leone |
Abstract |
countries:SierraLeone |
5108 |
Singapore |
Abstract |
countries:Singapore |
5109 |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) |
Abstract |
countries:SintMaartenDutchPart |
5110 |
Slovakia |
Abstract |
countries:Slovakia |
5111 |
Slovenia |
Abstract |
countries:Slovenia |
5112 |
Solomon Islands |
Abstract |
countries:SolomonIslands |
5113 |
Somalia |
Abstract |
countries:Somalia |
5114 |
South Africa |
Abstract |
countries:SouthAfrica |
5115 |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Abstract |
countries:SouthGeorgiaSouthSandwichIslands |
5116 |
South Sudan |
Abstract |
countries:SouthSudan |
5117 |
Spain |
Abstract |
countries:Spain |
5118 |
Sri Lanka |
Abstract |
countries:SriLanka |
5119 |
Sudan |
Abstract |
countries:Sudan |
5120 |
Suriname |
Abstract |
countries:Suriname |
5121 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
Abstract |
countries:SvalbardJanMayen |
5122 |
Swaziland |
Abstract |
countries:Swaziland |
5123 |
Sweden |
Abstract |
countries:Sweden |
5124 |
Switzerland |
Abstract |
countries:Switzerland |
5125 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Abstract |
countries:SyrianArabRepublic |
5126 |
Taiwan, Province of China |
Abstract |
countries:TaiwanProvinceChina |
5127 |
Tajikistan |
Abstract |
countries:Tajikistan |
5128 |
Tanzania, United Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:TanzaniaUnitedRepublic |
5129 |
Thailand |
Abstract |
countries:Thailand |
5130 |
Timor-Leste |
Abstract |
countries:Timor-Leste |
5131 |
Togo |
Abstract |
countries:Togo |
5132 |
Tokelau |
Abstract |
countries:Tokelau |
5133 |
Tonga |
Abstract |
countries:Tonga |
5134 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Abstract |
countries:TrinidadTobago |
5135 |
Tunisia |
Abstract |
countries:Tunisia |
5136 |
Turkey |
Abstract |
countries:Turkey |
5137 |
Turkmenistan |
Abstract |
countries:Turkmenistan |
5138 |
Turks and Caicos Islands |
Abstract |
countries:TurksCaicosIslands |
5139 |
Tuvalu |
Abstract |
countries:Tuvalu |
5140 |
Uganda |
Abstract |
countries:Uganda |
5141 |
Ukraine |
Abstract |
countries:Ukraine |
5142 |
United Arab Emirates |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedArabEmirates |
5143 |
United Kingdom |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedKingdom |
5144 |
United States |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedStates |
5145 |
United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands |
5146 |
Uruguay |
Abstract |
countries:Uruguay |
5147 |
Uzbekistan |
Abstract |
countries:Uzbekistan |
5148 |
Vanuatu |
Abstract |
countries:Vanuatu |
5149 |
Venezuela |
Abstract |
countries:Venezuela |
5150 |
Viet Nam |
Abstract |
countries:VietNam |
5151 |
Virgin Islands, British |
Abstract |
countries:VirginIslandsBritish |
5152 |
Virgin Islands, US |
Abstract |
countries:VirginIslandsUS |
5153 |
Wallis and Futuna |
Abstract |
countries:WallisFutuna |
5154 |
Western Sahara |
Abstract |
countries:WesternSahara |
5155 |
Yemen |
Abstract |
countries:Yemen |
5156 |
Zambia |
Abstract |
countries:Zambia |
5157 |
Zimbabwe |
Abstract |
countries:Zimbabwe |
5158 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5159 |
Operating segments [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:OperatingSegmentsDimension |
5160 |
Reportable operating segments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegmentsHeading |
5161 |
Total reportable operating segments, including any unallocated amount |
Abstract |
core:TotalReportableOperatingSegmentsIncludingAnyUnallocatedAmount |
5162 |
Unallocated amount, reportable operating segments |
Abstract |
core:UnallocatedAmountReportableOperatingSegments |
5163 |
Total before unallocated amount, reportable operating segments |
Abstract |
core:TotalBeforeUnallocatedAmountReportableOperatingSegments |
5164 |
Other reportable operating segments |
Abstract |
core:OtherReportableOperatingSegments |
5165 |
Banking reportable operating segments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BankingReportableOperatingSegmentsHeading |
5166 |
Retail banking segment |
Abstract |
core:RetailBankingSegment |
5167 |
Corporate banking segment |
Abstract |
core:CorporateBankingSegment |
5168 |
Investment banking segment |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentBankingSegment |
5169 |
Asset management segment |
Abstract |
core:AssetManagementSegment |
5170 |
Group banking function |
Abstract |
core:GroupBankingFunction |
5171 |
Mining reportable operating segments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MiningReportableOperatingSegmentsHeading |
5172 |
Mining segment |
Abstract |
core:MiningSegment |
5173 |
Mining production segment |
Abstract |
core:MiningProductionSegment |
5174 |
Mining exploration and evaluation segment |
Abstract |
core:MiningExplorationEvaluationSegment |
5175 |
Metals segment |
Abstract |
core:MetalsSegment |
5176 |
Precious metals segment |
Abstract |
core:PreciousMetalsSegment |
5177 |
Gold segment |
Abstract |
core:GoldSegment |
5178 |
Silver segment |
Abstract |
core:SilverSegment |
5179 |
Base metals segment |
Abstract |
core:BaseMetalsSegment |
5180 |
Aluminium segment |
Abstract |
core:AluminiumSegment |
5181 |
Copper segment |
Abstract |
core:CopperSegment |
5182 |
Manganese segment |
Abstract |
core:ManganeseSegment |
5183 |
Zinc segment |
Abstract |
core:ZincSegment |
5184 |
Iron ore segment |
Abstract |
core:IronOreSegment |
5185 |
Steel segment |
Abstract |
core:SteelSegment |
5186 |
Other metals segment |
Abstract |
core:OtherMetalsSegment |
5187 |
Precious stones segment |
Abstract |
core:PreciousStonesSegment |
5188 |
Diamonds segment |
Abstract |
core:DiamondsSegment |
5189 |
Other mining operations segment |
Abstract |
core:OtherMiningOperationsSegment |
5190 |
Oil and gas reportable operating segments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:OilGasReportableOperatingSegmentsHeading |
5191 |
Oil and gas segment |
Abstract |
core:OilGasSegment |
5192 |
Oil segment |
Abstract |
core:OilSegment |
5193 |
Gas segment |
Abstract |
core:GasSegment |
5194 |
Oil and gas exploration and production segment |
Abstract |
core:OilGasExplorationProductionSegment |
5195 |
Oil and gas exploration segment |
Abstract |
core:OilGasExplorationSegment |
5196 |
Oil and gas production segment |
Abstract |
core:OilGasProductionSegment |
5197 |
Refining segment |
Abstract |
core:RefiningSegment |
5198 |
Other oil and gas operations segment |
Abstract |
core:OtherOilGasOperationsSegment |
5199 |
Reportable operating segment 1 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment1 |
5200 |
Reportable operating segment 2 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment2 |
5201 |
Reportable operating segment 3 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment3 |
5202 |
Reportable operating segment 4 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment4 |
5203 |
Reportable operating segment 5 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment5 |
5204 |
Reportable operating segment 6 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment6 |
5205 |
Reportable operating segment 7 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment7 |
5206 |
Reportable operating segment 8 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment8 |
5207 |
Reportable operating segment 9 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment9 |
5208 |
Reportable operating segment 10 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment10 |
5209 |
Reportable operating segment 11 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment11 |
5210 |
Reportable operating segment 12 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment12 |
5211 |
Reportable operating segment 13 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment13 |
5212 |
Reportable operating segment 14 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment14 |
5213 |
Reportable operating segment 15 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment15 |
5214 |
Reportable operating segment 16 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment16 |
5215 |
Reportable operating segment 17 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment17 |
5216 |
Reportable operating segment 18 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment18 |
5217 |
Reportable operating segment 19 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment19 |
5218 |
Reportable operating segment 20 |
Abstract |
core:ReportableOperatingSegment20 |
5219 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5220 |
Products and services [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:ProductsServicesDimension |
5221 |
Products and services [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ProductsServicesHeading |
5222 |
Total reportable products and services, including any unallocated amount |
Abstract |
core:TotalReportableProductsServicesIncludingAnyUnallocatedAmount |
5223 |
Unallocated amount, products and services |
Abstract |
core:UnallocatedAmountProductsServices |
5224 |
Total before unallocated amount, products and services |
Abstract |
core:TotalBeforeUnallocatedAmountProductsServices |
5225 |
Other products and services |
Abstract |
core:OtherProductsServices |
5226 |
Product and service 1 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService1 |
5227 |
Product and service 2 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService2 |
5228 |
Product and service 3 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService3 |
5229 |
Product and service 4 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService4 |
5230 |
Product and service 5 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService5 |
5231 |
Product and service 6 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService6 |
5232 |
Product and service 7 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService7 |
5233 |
Product and service 8 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService8 |
5234 |
Product and service 9 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService9 |
5235 |
Product and service 10 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService10 |
5236 |
Product and service 11 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService11 |
5237 |
Product and service 12 |
Abstract |
core:ProductService12 |
5238 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5239 |
Major customers [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:MajorCustomersDimension |
5240 |
Major customers [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomersHeading |
5241 |
Total reportable major customers, including any unallocated amount |
Abstract |
core:TotalReportableMajorCustomersIncludingAnyUnallocatedAmount |
5242 |
Unallocated amount, major customers |
Abstract |
core:UnallocatedAmountMajorCustomers |
5243 |
Total before unallocated amount, major customers |
Abstract |
core:TotalBeforeUnallocatedAmountMajorCustomers |
5244 |
Other major customers |
Abstract |
core:OtherMajorCustomers |
5245 |
Major customer 1 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer1 |
5246 |
Major customer 2 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer2 |
5247 |
Major customer 3 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer3 |
5248 |
Major customer 4 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer4 |
5249 |
Major customer 5 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer5 |
5250 |
Major customer 6 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer6 |
5251 |
Major customer 7 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer7 |
5252 |
Major customer 8 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer8 |
5253 |
Major customer 9 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer9 |
5254 |
Major customer 10 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer10 |
5255 |
Major customer 11 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer11 |
5256 |
Major customer 12 |
Abstract |
core:MajorCustomer12 |
5257 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5258 |
Contract type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:ContractTypeDimension |
5259 |
Type of contract [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TypeContractHeading |
5260 |
Fixed price |
Abstract |
core:FixedPrice |
5261 |
Time and materials |
Abstract |
core:TimeMaterials |
5262 |
Other contract type 1 |
Abstract |
core:OtherContractType1 |
5263 |
Other contract type 2 |
Abstract |
core:OtherContractType2 |
5264 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5265 |
Contract duration [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:ContractDurationDimension |
5266 |
Duration of contract [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DurationContractHeading |
5267 |
Short-term contract |
Abstract |
core:Short-termContract |
5268 |
Long-term contract |
Abstract |
core:Long-termContract |
5269 |
Other duration type 1 |
Abstract |
core:OtherDurationType1 |
5270 |
Other duration type 2 |
Abstract |
core:OtherDurationType2 |
5271 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5272 |
Goods and services transfers timing [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:GoodsServicesTransfersTimingDimension |
5273 |
Goods or services transferred to customers [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GoodsOrServicesTransferredToCustomersHeading |
5274 |
At a point in time |
Abstract |
core:PointInTime |
5275 |
Over time |
Abstract |
core:OverTime |
5276 |
Within one year, over time |
Abstract |
core:WithinOneYearOverTime |
5277 |
More than one year, over time |
Abstract |
core:MoreThanOneYearOverTime |
5278 |
Between two and five years, over time |
Abstract |
core:BetweenTwoFiveYearsOverTime |
5279 |
More than five years, over time |
Abstract |
core:MoreThanFiveYearsOverTime |
5280 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5281 |
Sales channel [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:SalesChannelDimension |
5282 |
Goods or services sold [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GoodsOrServicesSoldHeading |
5283 |
Directly to customers |
Abstract |
core:DirectlyToCustomers |
5284 |
Through intermediaries |
Abstract |
core:ThroughIntermediaries |
5285 |
Other channel type 1 |
Abstract |
core:OtherChannelType1 |
5286 |
Other channel type 2 |
Abstract |
core:OtherChannelType2 |
5287 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5288 |
Segment reconciliation [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:SegmentReconciliationDimension |
5289 |
Entity reported value after adjustments [default] |
Abstract |
core:EntityReportedValueAfterAdjustmentsDefault |
5290 |
Increase (decrease) from material reconciling items |
Abstract |
core:IncreaseDecreaseFromMaterialReconcilingItems |
5291 |
Decrease from elimination of intersegment amounts |
Abstract |
core:DecreaseFromEliminationIntersegmentAmounts |
5292 |
Original segment value before adjustments |
Abstract |
core:OriginalSegmentValueBeforeAdjustments |
5293 |
Business combinations-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BusinessCombinations-specificDimensionsHeading |
5294 |
Business combinations [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:BusinessCombinationsDimension |
5295 |
Total business combinations [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalBusinessCombinationsDefault |
5296 |
Total of individually immaterial business combinations |
Abstract |
core:TotalIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessCombinations |
5297 |
Specific business combination 1 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination1 |
5298 |
Specific business combination 2 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination2 |
5299 |
Specific business combination 3 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination3 |
5300 |
Specific business combination 4 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination4 |
5301 |
Specific business combination 5 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination5 |
5302 |
Specific business combination 6 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination6 |
5303 |
Specific business combination 7 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination7 |
5304 |
Specific business combination 8 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination8 |
5305 |
Specific business combination 9 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination9 |
5306 |
Specific business combination 10 |
Abstract |
core:SpecificBusinessCombination10 |
5307 |
Income and expense-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IncomeExpense-specificDimensionsHeading |
5308 |
Ownership of assets [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:OwnershipAssetsDimension |
5309 |
Total owned and leased assets [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalOwnedLeasedAssetsDefault |
5310 |
Owned assets |
Abstract |
core:OwnedAssets |
5311 |
Leased assets |
Abstract |
core:LeasedAssets |
5312 |
Operating lease purpose [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:OperatingLeasePurposeDimension |
5313 |
Total assets under operating leases [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalAssetsUnderOperatingLeasesDefault |
5314 |
Land and buildings under operating leases |
Abstract |
core:LandBuildingsUnderOperatingLeases |
5315 |
Plant, equipment and other assets under operating leases |
Abstract |
core:PlantEquipmentOtherAssetsUnderOperatingLeases |
5316 |
Plant and equipment under operating leases |
Abstract |
core:PlantEquipmentUnderOperatingLeases |
5317 |
Other assets under operating leases |
Abstract |
core:OtherAssetsUnderOperatingLeases |
5318 |
Income tax-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:IncomeTax-specificDimensionsHeading |
5319 |
Tax jurisdiction [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:TaxJurisdictionDimension |
5320 |
Total tax [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalTaxDefault |
5321 |
UK tax |
Abstract |
core:UKTax |
5322 |
Foreign tax |
Abstract |
core:ForeignTax |
5323 |
Property, plant and equipment-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:PropertyPlantEquipment-specificDimensionsHeading |
5324 |
Property, plant and equipment classes [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:PropertyPlantEquipmentClassesDimension |
5325 |
Total property, plant and equipment [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalPropertyPlantEquipmentDefault |
5326 |
Land and buildings |
Abstract |
core:LandBuildings |
5327 |
Land |
Abstract |
core:Land |
5328 |
Buildings |
Abstract |
core:Buildings |
5329 |
Leasehold improvements |
Abstract |
core:LeaseholdImprovements |
5330 |
Investment property included within PPE |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentPropertyIncludedWithinPPE |
5331 |
Construction in progress / assets under construction |
Abstract |
core:ConstructionInProgressAssetsUnderConstruction |
5332 |
Vehicles, plant and machinery |
Abstract |
core:VehiclesPlantMachinery |
5333 |
Plant and machinery |
Abstract |
core:PlantMachinery |
5334 |
Vehicles |
Abstract |
core:Vehicles |
5335 |
Aircraft |
Abstract |
core:Aircraft |
5336 |
Ships and boats |
Abstract |
core:ShipsBoats |
5337 |
Motor vehicles |
Abstract |
core:MotorVehicles |
5338 |
Commercial motor vehicles |
Abstract |
core:CommercialMotorVehicles |
5339 |
Motor cars |
Abstract |
core:MotorCars |
5340 |
Other vehicles |
Abstract |
core:OtherVehicles |
5341 |
Furniture, fittings, tools and equipment |
Abstract |
core:FurnitureFittingsToolsEquipment |
5342 |
Furniture and fittings |
Abstract |
core:FurnitureFittings |
5343 |
Tools and equipment |
Abstract |
core:ToolsEquipment |
5344 |
Office equipment |
Abstract |
core:OfficeEquipment |
5345 |
Computer equipment |
Abstract |
core:ComputerEquipment |
5346 |
Communication and network equipment |
Abstract |
core:CommunicationNetworkEquipment |
5347 |
Network assets |
Abstract |
core:NetworkAssets |
5348 |
Assets not yet available for use, PPE |
Abstract |
core:AssetsNotYetAvailableForUsePPE |
5349 |
Mining, oil and gas, additional PPE classes [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MiningOilGasAdditionalPPEClassesHeading |
5350 |
Total property, plant and equipment other than exploration and evaluation assets |
Abstract |
core:TotalPropertyPlantEquipmentOtherThanExplorationEvaluationAssets |
5351 |
Tangible exploration and evaluation assets |
Abstract |
core:TangibleExplorationEvaluationAssets |
5352 |
Oil and gas properties |
Abstract |
core:OilGasProperties |
5353 |
Oil and gas production assets |
Abstract |
core:OilGasProductionAssets |
5354 |
Oil depots, storage tanks and service stations |
Abstract |
core:OilDepotsStorageTanksServiceStations |
5355 |
Total mine properties |
Abstract |
core:TotalMineProperties |
5356 |
Producing mines |
Abstract |
core:ProducingMines |
5357 |
Mining assets under construction |
Abstract |
core:MiningAssetsUnderConstruction |
5358 |
Deferred stripping expenditures for mine properties |
Abstract |
core:DeferredStrippingExpendituresForMineProperties |
5359 |
Other mining assets |
Abstract |
core:OtherMiningAssets |
5360 |
Non-standard PPE class 1 [component of total property, plant and equipment] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardPPEClass1ComponentTotalPropertyPlantEquipment |
5361 |
Non-standard PPE class 2 [component of total property, plant and equipment] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardPPEClass2ComponentTotalPropertyPlantEquipment |
5362 |
Non-standard PPE class 3 [component of total property, plant and equipment] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardPPEClass3ComponentTotalPropertyPlantEquipment |
5363 |
Non-standard PPE class 4 [component of total property, plant and equipment] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardPPEClass4ComponentTotalPropertyPlantEquipment |
5364 |
Other property, plant and equipment |
Abstract |
core:OtherPropertyPlantEquipment |
5365 |
PPE ownership [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:PPEOwnershipDimension |
5366 |
Total owned and leased PPE assets [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalOwnedLeasedPPEAssetsDefault |
5367 |
Owned or freehold assets |
Abstract |
core:OwnedOrFreeholdAssets |
5368 |
Leased assets, held as lessee |
Abstract |
core:LeasedAssetsHeldAsLessee |
5369 |
Short leasehold assets |
Abstract |
core:ShortLeaseholdAssets |
5370 |
Long leasehold assets |
Abstract |
core:LongLeaseholdAssets |
5371 |
Assets held for use under leases, lessor (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:AssetsHeldForUseUnderLeasesLessor |
5372 |
Right-of-use assets |
Abstract |
core:Right-of-useAssets |
5373 |
Intangibles-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Intangibles-specificDimensionsHeading |
5374 |
Intangible asset classes [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:IntangibleAssetClassesDimension |
5375 |
Total intangible assets including goodwill [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalIntangibleAssetsIncludingGoodwillDefault |
5376 |
Net goodwill |
Abstract |
core:NetGoodwill |
5377 |
Goodwill |
Abstract |
core:Goodwill |
5378 |
Negative goodwill |
Abstract |
core:NegativeGoodwill |
5379 |
Intangible assets other than goodwill |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
5380 |
Brand names |
Abstract |
core:BrandNames |
5381 |
Mastheads and publishing titles |
Abstract |
core:MastheadsPublishingTitles |
5382 |
Computer software |
Abstract |
core:ComputerSoftware |
5383 |
Patents, trademarks, licences, concessions and similar |
Abstract |
core:PatentsTrademarksLicencesConcessionsSimilar |
5384 |
Licences and franchises |
Abstract |
core:LicencesFranchises |
5385 |
Copyrights, patents, trademarks, service and operating rights |
Abstract |
core:CopyrightsPatentsTrademarksServiceOperatingRights |
5386 |
Recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes |
Abstract |
core:RecipesFormulaeModelsDesignsPrototypes |
5387 |
Development costs / capitalised development expenditure |
Abstract |
core:DevelopmentCostsCapitalisedDevelopmentExpenditure |
5388 |
Customer relationships |
Abstract |
core:CustomerRelationships |
5389 |
Payments on account |
Abstract |
core:PaymentsOnAccount |
5390 |
Assets not yet available for use, intangibles |
Abstract |
core:AssetsNotYetAvailableForUseIntangibles |
5391 |
Mining, oil and gas, additional intangible asset classes [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MiningOilGasAdditionalIntangibleAssetClassesHeading |
5392 |
Intangible exploration and evaluation assets |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleExplorationEvaluationAssets |
5393 |
Exploration licenses |
Abstract |
core:ExplorationLicenses |
5394 |
Mining rights |
Abstract |
core:MiningRights |
5395 |
Other miscellaneous intangible exploration and evaluation assets |
Abstract |
core:OtherMiscellaneousIntangibleExplorationEvaluationAssets |
5396 |
Non-standard intangible asset class 1 [component of intangible assets other than goodwill] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardIntangibleAssetClass1ComponentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
5397 |
Non-standard intangible asset class 2 [component of intangible assets other than goodwill] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardIntangibleAssetClass2ComponentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
5398 |
Non-standard intangible asset class 3 [component of intangible assets other than goodwill] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardIntangibleAssetClass3ComponentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
5399 |
Non-standard intangible asset class 4 [component of intangible assets other than goodwill] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardIntangibleAssetClass4ComponentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
5400 |
Other / residual intangible assets |
Abstract |
core:OtherResidualIntangibleAssets |
5401 |
Intangible assets ownership type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:IntangibleAssetsOwnershipTypeDimension |
5402 |
Total owned and leased intangible assets [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalOwnedLeasedIntangibleAssetsDefault |
5403 |
Owned intangible assets |
Abstract |
core:OwnedIntangibleAssets |
5404 |
Right-of-use intangible assets |
Abstract |
core:Right-of-useIntangibleAssets |
5405 |
Intangible assets generation type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:IntangibleAssetsGenerationTypeDimension |
5406 |
Total internally and externally acquired intangible assets [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalInternallyExternallyAcquiredIntangibleAssetsDefault |
5407 |
Internally generated intangible assets |
Abstract |
core:InternallyGeneratedIntangibleAssets |
5408 |
Externally acquired intangible assets |
Abstract |
core:ExternallyAcquiredIntangibleAssets |
5409 |
Intangible assets life type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:IntangibleAssetsLifeTypeDimension |
5410 |
Total intangible assets with finite and with indefinite lives [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalIntangibleAssetsWithFiniteWithIndefiniteLivesDefault |
5411 |
Intangible assets with finite lives |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssetsWithFiniteLives |
5412 |
Intangible assets with indefinite lives |
Abstract |
core:IntangibleAssetsWithIndefiniteLives |
5413 |
Investment property-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentProperty-specificDimensionsHeading |
5414 |
Investment property ownership type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:InvestmentPropertyOwnershipTypeDimension |
5415 |
Total owned and leased investment property [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalOwnedLeasedInvestmentPropertyDefault |
5416 |
Freehold investment property |
Abstract |
core:FreeholdInvestmentProperty |
5417 |
Leasehold investment property |
Abstract |
core:LeaseholdInvestmentProperty |
5418 |
Right-of-use investment property |
Abstract |
core:Right-of-useInvestmentProperty |
5419 |
Biological assets-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:BiologicalAssets-specificDimensionsHeading |
5420 |
Biological asset classes [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:BiologicalAssetClassesDimension |
5421 |
Total biological assets [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalBiologicalAssetsDefault |
5422 |
Consumable biological assets |
Abstract |
core:ConsumableBiologicalAssets |
5423 |
Consumable biological asset class 1 |
Abstract |
core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass1 |
5424 |
Consumable biological asset class 2 |
Abstract |
core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass2 |
5425 |
Consumable biological asset class 3 |
Abstract |
core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass3 |
5426 |
Consumable biological asset class 4 |
Abstract |
core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass4 |
5427 |
Consumable biological asset class 5 |
Abstract |
core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass5 |
5428 |
Bearer biological assets |
Abstract |
core:BearerBiologicalAssets |
5429 |
Bearer biological asset class 1 |
Abstract |
core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass1 |
5430 |
Bearer biological asset class 2 |
Abstract |
core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass2 |
5431 |
Bearer biological asset class 3 |
Abstract |
core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass3 |
5432 |
Bearer biological asset class 4 |
Abstract |
core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass4 |
5433 |
Bearer biological asset class 5 |
Abstract |
core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass5 |
5434 |
Biological asset maturity [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:BiologicalAssetMaturityDimension |
5435 |
All biological assets [default] |
Abstract |
core:AllBiologicalAssetsDefault |
5436 |
Mature biological assets |
Abstract |
core:MatureBiologicalAssets |
5437 |
Immature biological assets |
Abstract |
core:ImmatureBiologicalAssets |
5438 |
Investments-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Investments-specificDimensionsHeading |
5439 |
Subsidiaries [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:SubsidiariesDimension |
5440 |
Total subsidiaries [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalSubsidiariesDefault |
5441 |
Other subsidiaries / total individually immaterial subsidiaries |
Abstract |
core:OtherSubsidiariesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialSubsidiaries |
5442 |
Subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests |
Abstract |
core:SubsidiariesWithMaterialNon-controllingInterests |
5443 |
Subsidiary 1 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary1 |
5444 |
Subsidiary 2 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary2 |
5445 |
Subsidiary 3 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary3 |
5446 |
Subsidiary 4 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary4 |
5447 |
Subsidiary 5 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary5 |
5448 |
Subsidiary 6 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary6 |
5449 |
Subsidiary 7 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary7 |
5450 |
Subsidiary 8 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary8 |
5451 |
Subsidiary 9 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary9 |
5452 |
Subsidiary 10 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary10 |
5453 |
Subsidiary 11 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary11 |
5454 |
Subsidiary 12 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary12 |
5455 |
Subsidiary 13 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary13 |
5456 |
Subsidiary 14 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary14 |
5457 |
Subsidiary 15 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary15 |
5458 |
Subsidiary 16 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary16 |
5459 |
Subsidiary 17 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary17 |
5460 |
Subsidiary 18 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary18 |
5461 |
Subsidiary 19 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary19 |
5462 |
Subsidiary 20 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary20 |
5463 |
Subsidiary 21 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary21 |
5464 |
Subsidiary 22 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary22 |
5465 |
Subsidiary 23 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary23 |
5466 |
Subsidiary 24 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary24 |
5467 |
Subsidiary 25 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary25 |
5468 |
Subsidiary 26 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary26 |
5469 |
Subsidiary 27 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary27 |
5470 |
Subsidiary 28 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary28 |
5471 |
Subsidiary 29 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary29 |
5472 |
Subsidiary 30 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary30 |
5473 |
Subsidiary 31 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary31 |
5474 |
Subsidiary 32 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary32 |
5475 |
Subsidiary 33 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary33 |
5476 |
Subsidiary 34 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary34 |
5477 |
Subsidiary 35 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary35 |
5478 |
Subsidiary 36 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary36 |
5479 |
Subsidiary 37 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary37 |
5480 |
Subsidiary 38 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary38 |
5481 |
Subsidiary 39 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary39 |
5482 |
Subsidiary 40 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary40 |
5483 |
Subsidiary 41 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary41 |
5484 |
Subsidiary 42 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary42 |
5485 |
Subsidiary 43 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary43 |
5486 |
Subsidiary 44 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary44 |
5487 |
Subsidiary 45 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary45 |
5488 |
Subsidiary 46 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary46 |
5489 |
Subsidiary 47 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary47 |
5490 |
Subsidiary 48 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary48 |
5491 |
Subsidiary 49 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary49 |
5492 |
Subsidiary 50 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary50 |
5493 |
Subsidiary 51 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary51 |
5494 |
Subsidiary 52 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary52 |
5495 |
Subsidiary 53 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary53 |
5496 |
Subsidiary 54 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary54 |
5497 |
Subsidiary 55 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary55 |
5498 |
Subsidiary 56 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary56 |
5499 |
Subsidiary 57 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary57 |
5500 |
Subsidiary 58 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary58 |
5501 |
Subsidiary 59 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary59 |
5502 |
Subsidiary 60 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary60 |
5503 |
Subsidiary 61 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary61 |
5504 |
Subsidiary 62 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary62 |
5505 |
Subsidiary 63 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary63 |
5506 |
Subsidiary 64 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary64 |
5507 |
Subsidiary 65 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary65 |
5508 |
Subsidiary 66 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary66 |
5509 |
Subsidiary 67 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary67 |
5510 |
Subsidiary 68 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary68 |
5511 |
Subsidiary 69 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary69 |
5512 |
Subsidiary 70 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary70 |
5513 |
Subsidiary 71 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary71 |
5514 |
Subsidiary 72 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary72 |
5515 |
Subsidiary 73 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary73 |
5516 |
Subsidiary 74 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary74 |
5517 |
Subsidiary 75 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary75 |
5518 |
Subsidiary 76 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary76 |
5519 |
Subsidiary 77 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary77 |
5520 |
Subsidiary 78 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary78 |
5521 |
Subsidiary 79 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary79 |
5522 |
Subsidiary 80 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary80 |
5523 |
Subsidiary 81 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary81 |
5524 |
Subsidiary 82 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary82 |
5525 |
Subsidiary 83 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary83 |
5526 |
Subsidiary 84 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary84 |
5527 |
Subsidiary 85 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary85 |
5528 |
Subsidiary 86 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary86 |
5529 |
Subsidiary 87 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary87 |
5530 |
Subsidiary 88 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary88 |
5531 |
Subsidiary 89 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary89 |
5532 |
Subsidiary 90 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary90 |
5533 |
Subsidiary 91 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary91 |
5534 |
Subsidiary 92 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary92 |
5535 |
Subsidiary 93 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary93 |
5536 |
Subsidiary 94 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary94 |
5537 |
Subsidiary 95 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary95 |
5538 |
Subsidiary 96 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary96 |
5539 |
Subsidiary 97 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary97 |
5540 |
Subsidiary 98 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary98 |
5541 |
Subsidiary 99 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary99 |
5542 |
Subsidiary 100 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary100 |
5543 |
Subsidiary 101 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary101 |
5544 |
Subsidiary 102 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary102 |
5545 |
Subsidiary 103 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary103 |
5546 |
Subsidiary 104 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary104 |
5547 |
Subsidiary 105 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary105 |
5548 |
Subsidiary 106 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary106 |
5549 |
Subsidiary 107 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary107 |
5550 |
Subsidiary 108 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary108 |
5551 |
Subsidiary 109 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary109 |
5552 |
Subsidiary 110 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary110 |
5553 |
Subsidiary 111 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary111 |
5554 |
Subsidiary 112 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary112 |
5555 |
Subsidiary 113 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary113 |
5556 |
Subsidiary 114 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary114 |
5557 |
Subsidiary 115 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary115 |
5558 |
Subsidiary 116 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary116 |
5559 |
Subsidiary 117 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary117 |
5560 |
Subsidiary 118 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary118 |
5561 |
Subsidiary 119 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary119 |
5562 |
Subsidiary 120 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary120 |
5563 |
Subsidiary 121 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary121 |
5564 |
Subsidiary 122 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary122 |
5565 |
Subsidiary 123 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary123 |
5566 |
Subsidiary 124 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary124 |
5567 |
Subsidiary 125 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary125 |
5568 |
Subsidiary 126 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary126 |
5569 |
Subsidiary 127 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary127 |
5570 |
Subsidiary 128 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary128 |
5571 |
Subsidiary 129 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary129 |
5572 |
Subsidiary 130 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary130 |
5573 |
Subsidiary 131 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary131 |
5574 |
Subsidiary 132 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary132 |
5575 |
Subsidiary 133 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary133 |
5576 |
Subsidiary 134 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary134 |
5577 |
Subsidiary 135 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary135 |
5578 |
Subsidiary 136 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary136 |
5579 |
Subsidiary 137 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary137 |
5580 |
Subsidiary 138 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary138 |
5581 |
Subsidiary 139 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary139 |
5582 |
Subsidiary 140 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary140 |
5583 |
Subsidiary 141 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary141 |
5584 |
Subsidiary 142 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary142 |
5585 |
Subsidiary 143 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary143 |
5586 |
Subsidiary 144 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary144 |
5587 |
Subsidiary 145 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary145 |
5588 |
Subsidiary 146 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary146 |
5589 |
Subsidiary 147 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary147 |
5590 |
Subsidiary 148 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary148 |
5591 |
Subsidiary 149 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary149 |
5592 |
Subsidiary 150 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary150 |
5593 |
Subsidiary 151 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary151 |
5594 |
Subsidiary 152 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary152 |
5595 |
Subsidiary 153 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary153 |
5596 |
Subsidiary 154 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary154 |
5597 |
Subsidiary 155 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary155 |
5598 |
Subsidiary 156 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary156 |
5599 |
Subsidiary 157 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary157 |
5600 |
Subsidiary 158 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary158 |
5601 |
Subsidiary 159 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary159 |
5602 |
Subsidiary 160 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary160 |
5603 |
Subsidiary 161 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary161 |
5604 |
Subsidiary 162 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary162 |
5605 |
Subsidiary 163 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary163 |
5606 |
Subsidiary 164 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary164 |
5607 |
Subsidiary 165 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary165 |
5608 |
Subsidiary 166 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary166 |
5609 |
Subsidiary 167 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary167 |
5610 |
Subsidiary 168 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary168 |
5611 |
Subsidiary 169 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary169 |
5612 |
Subsidiary 170 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary170 |
5613 |
Subsidiary 171 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary171 |
5614 |
Subsidiary 172 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary172 |
5615 |
Subsidiary 173 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary173 |
5616 |
Subsidiary 174 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary174 |
5617 |
Subsidiary 175 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary175 |
5618 |
Subsidiary 176 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary176 |
5619 |
Subsidiary 177 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary177 |
5620 |
Subsidiary 178 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary178 |
5621 |
Subsidiary 179 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary179 |
5622 |
Subsidiary 180 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary180 |
5623 |
Subsidiary 181 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary181 |
5624 |
Subsidiary 182 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary182 |
5625 |
Subsidiary 183 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary183 |
5626 |
Subsidiary 184 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary184 |
5627 |
Subsidiary 185 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary185 |
5628 |
Subsidiary 186 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary186 |
5629 |
Subsidiary 187 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary187 |
5630 |
Subsidiary 188 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary188 |
5631 |
Subsidiary 189 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary189 |
5632 |
Subsidiary 190 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary190 |
5633 |
Subsidiary 191 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary191 |
5634 |
Subsidiary 192 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary192 |
5635 |
Subsidiary 193 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary193 |
5636 |
Subsidiary 194 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary194 |
5637 |
Subsidiary 195 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary195 |
5638 |
Subsidiary 196 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary196 |
5639 |
Subsidiary 197 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary197 |
5640 |
Subsidiary 198 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary198 |
5641 |
Subsidiary 199 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary199 |
5642 |
Subsidiary 200 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary200 |
5643 |
Associates [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:AssociatesDimension |
5644 |
Total associates [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalAssociatesDefault |
5645 |
Other associates / total individually immaterial associates |
Abstract |
core:OtherAssociatesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialAssociates |
5646 |
Associate 1 |
Abstract |
core:Associate1 |
5647 |
Associate 2 |
Abstract |
core:Associate2 |
5648 |
Associate 3 |
Abstract |
core:Associate3 |
5649 |
Associate 4 |
Abstract |
core:Associate4 |
5650 |
Associate 5 |
Abstract |
core:Associate5 |
5651 |
Associate 6 |
Abstract |
core:Associate6 |
5652 |
Associate 7 |
Abstract |
core:Associate7 |
5653 |
Associate 8 |
Abstract |
core:Associate8 |
5654 |
Associate 9 |
Abstract |
core:Associate9 |
5655 |
Associate 10 |
Abstract |
core:Associate10 |
5656 |
Associate 11 |
Abstract |
core:Associate11 |
5657 |
Associate 12 |
Abstract |
core:Associate12 |
5658 |
Associate 13 |
Abstract |
core:Associate13 |
5659 |
Associate 14 |
Abstract |
core:Associate14 |
5660 |
Associate 15 |
Abstract |
core:Associate15 |
5661 |
Associate 16 |
Abstract |
core:Associate16 |
5662 |
Associate 17 |
Abstract |
core:Associate17 |
5663 |
Associate 18 |
Abstract |
core:Associate18 |
5664 |
Associate 19 |
Abstract |
core:Associate19 |
5665 |
Associate 20 |
Abstract |
core:Associate20 |
5666 |
Associate 21 |
Abstract |
core:Associate21 |
5667 |
Associate 22 |
Abstract |
core:Associate22 |
5668 |
Associate 23 |
Abstract |
core:Associate23 |
5669 |
Associate 24 |
Abstract |
core:Associate24 |
5670 |
Associate 25 |
Abstract |
core:Associate25 |
5671 |
Associate 26 |
Abstract |
core:Associate26 |
5672 |
Associate 27 |
Abstract |
core:Associate27 |
5673 |
Associate 28 |
Abstract |
core:Associate28 |
5674 |
Associate 29 |
Abstract |
core:Associate29 |
5675 |
Associate 30 |
Abstract |
core:Associate30 |
5676 |
Associate 31 |
Abstract |
core:Associate31 |
5677 |
Associate 32 |
Abstract |
core:Associate32 |
5678 |
Associate 33 |
Abstract |
core:Associate33 |
5679 |
Associate 34 |
Abstract |
core:Associate34 |
5680 |
Associate 35 |
Abstract |
core:Associate35 |
5681 |
Associate 36 |
Abstract |
core:Associate36 |
5682 |
Associate 37 |
Abstract |
core:Associate37 |
5683 |
Associate 38 |
Abstract |
core:Associate38 |
5684 |
Associate 39 |
Abstract |
core:Associate39 |
5685 |
Associate 40 |
Abstract |
core:Associate40 |
5686 |
Associate 41 |
Abstract |
core:Associate41 |
5687 |
Associate 42 |
Abstract |
core:Associate42 |
5688 |
Associate 43 |
Abstract |
core:Associate43 |
5689 |
Associate 44 |
Abstract |
core:Associate44 |
5690 |
Associate 45 |
Abstract |
core:Associate45 |
5691 |
Associate 46 |
Abstract |
core:Associate46 |
5692 |
Associate 47 |
Abstract |
core:Associate47 |
5693 |
Associate 48 |
Abstract |
core:Associate48 |
5694 |
Associate 49 |
Abstract |
core:Associate49 |
5695 |
Associate 50 |
Abstract |
core:Associate50 |
5696 |
Joint ventures [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:JointVenturesDimension |
5697 |
Total joint ventures [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalJointVenturesDefault |
5698 |
Other joint ventures / total individually immaterial joint ventures |
Abstract |
core:OtherJointVenturesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialJointVentures |
5699 |
Joint venture 1 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture1 |
5700 |
Joint venture 2 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture2 |
5701 |
Joint venture 3 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture3 |
5702 |
Joint venture 4 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture4 |
5703 |
Joint venture 5 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture5 |
5704 |
Joint venture 6 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture6 |
5705 |
Joint venture 7 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture7 |
5706 |
Joint venture 8 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture8 |
5707 |
Joint venture 9 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture9 |
5708 |
Joint venture 10 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture10 |
5709 |
Joint venture 11 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture11 |
5710 |
Joint venture 12 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture12 |
5711 |
Joint venture 13 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture13 |
5712 |
Joint venture 14 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture14 |
5713 |
Joint venture 15 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture15 |
5714 |
Joint venture 16 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture16 |
5715 |
Joint venture 17 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture17 |
5716 |
Joint venture 18 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture18 |
5717 |
Joint venture 19 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture19 |
5718 |
Joint venture 20 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture20 |
5719 |
Joint venture 21 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture21 |
5720 |
Joint venture 22 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture22 |
5721 |
Joint venture 23 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture23 |
5722 |
Joint venture 24 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture24 |
5723 |
Joint venture 25 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture25 |
5724 |
Joint venture 26 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture26 |
5725 |
Joint venture 27 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture27 |
5726 |
Joint venture 28 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture28 |
5727 |
Joint venture 29 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture29 |
5728 |
Joint venture 30 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture30 |
5729 |
Joint venture 31 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture31 |
5730 |
Joint venture 32 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture32 |
5731 |
Joint venture 33 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture33 |
5732 |
Joint venture 34 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture34 |
5733 |
Joint venture 35 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture35 |
5734 |
Joint venture 36 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture36 |
5735 |
Joint venture 37 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture37 |
5736 |
Joint venture 38 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture38 |
5737 |
Joint venture 39 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture39 |
5738 |
Joint venture 40 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture40 |
5739 |
Joint venture 41 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture41 |
5740 |
Joint venture 42 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture42 |
5741 |
Joint venture 43 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture43 |
5742 |
Joint venture 44 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture44 |
5743 |
Joint venture 45 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture45 |
5744 |
Joint venture 46 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture46 |
5745 |
Joint venture 47 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture47 |
5746 |
Joint venture 48 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture48 |
5747 |
Joint venture 49 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture49 |
5748 |
Joint venture 50 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture50 |
5749 |
Unconsolidated structured entities [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesDimension |
5750 |
Total unconsolidated structured entities [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesDefault |
5751 |
Other unconsolidated structured entities / total individually immaterial unconsolidated structured entities |
Abstract |
core:OtherUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialUnconsolidatedStructuredEntities |
5752 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 1 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity1 |
5753 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 2 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity2 |
5754 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 3 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity3 |
5755 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 4 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity4 |
5756 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 5 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity5 |
5757 |
Investments movements [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:InvestmentsMovementsDimension |
5758 |
Net book value / carrying value [default] |
Abstract |
core:NetBookValueCarryingValueDefault |
5759 |
At cost / valuation |
Abstract |
core:CostValuation |
5760 |
Increase (decrease) in period, investments |
Abstract |
core:IncreaseDecreaseInPeriodInvestments |
5761 |
Additions to investments |
Abstract |
core:AdditionsToInvestments |
5762 |
Disposals / repayments of investments |
Abstract |
core:DisposalsRepaymentsInvestments |
5763 |
Goodwill in investments transferred to goodwill |
Abstract |
core:GoodwillInInvestmentsTransferredToGoodwill |
5764 |
Prior period items, increase (decrease) in investments |
Abstract |
core:PriorPeriodItemsIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments |
5765 |
Share of profit or loss, increase (decrease) in investments |
Abstract |
core:ShareProfitOrLossIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments |
5766 |
Acquisitions, increase in investments |
Abstract |
core:AcquisitionsIncreaseInInvestments |
5767 |
Disposals, decrease in investments |
Abstract |
core:DisposalsDecreaseInInvestments |
5768 |
Dividends received, increase in investments |
Abstract |
core:DividendsReceivedIncreaseInInvestments |
5769 |
Revaluations, increase (decrease) in investments |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments |
5770 |
Foreign exchange differences, increase (decrease) in investments |
Abstract |
core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments |
5771 |
Transfers into or out of investments, increase (decrease) in investments |
Abstract |
core:TransfersIntoOrOutInvestmentsIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments |
5772 |
Transfers between investment classes, increase (decrease) in investments |
Abstract |
core:TransfersBetweenInvestmentClassesIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments |
5773 |
Further specific increase (decrease) in investments 1 [component of total change in investments] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments1ComponentTotalChangeInInvestments |
5774 |
Further specific increase (decrease) in investments 2 [component of total change in investments] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments2ComponentTotalChangeInInvestments |
5775 |
Other increase (decrease) in investments |
Abstract |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments |
5776 |
Provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:ProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5777 |
Provided (released) in period, provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:ProvidedReleasedInPeriodProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5778 |
Disposals, decrease in provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:DisposalsDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5779 |
Acquisitions, increase in provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:AcquisitionsIncreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5780 |
Impairment loss (reversal), provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentLossReversalProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5781 |
Impairment loss, provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentLossProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5782 |
Impairment reversal, provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentReversalProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5783 |
Transfers into or out of investments, increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:TransfersIntoOrOutInvestmentsIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5784 |
Transfers between investment classes, increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:TransfersBetweenInvestmentClassesIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5785 |
Further specific increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments 1 [component of corresponding total] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments1ComponentCorrespondingTotal |
5786 |
Further specific increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments 2 [component of corresponding total] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments2ComponentCorrespondingTotal |
5787 |
Other increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments |
Abstract |
core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments |
5788 |
Accumulated goodwill in investments |
Abstract |
core:AccumulatedGoodwillInInvestments |
5789 |
Inventories-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Inventories-specificDimensionsHeading |
5790 |
Current and non-current inventories [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:CurrentNon-currentInventoriesDimension |
5791 |
Total current and non-current inventories [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalCurrentNon-currentInventoriesDefault |
5792 |
Current inventories |
Abstract |
core:CurrentInventories |
5793 |
Non-current inventories |
Abstract |
core:Non-currentInventories |
5794 |
Debtors and creditors-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DebtorsCreditors-specificDimensionsHeading |
5795 |
Parent entities [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:ParentEntitiesDimension |
5796 |
All parent entities [default] |
Abstract |
core:AllParentEntitiesDefault |
5797 |
Ultimate parent |
Abstract |
core:UltimateParent |
5798 |
Immediate parent |
Abstract |
core:ImmediateParent |
5799 |
Intermediate parents |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParents |
5800 |
Intermediate parent 1 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent1 |
5801 |
Intermediate parent 2 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent2 |
5802 |
Intermediate parent 3 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent3 |
5803 |
Intermediate parent 4 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent4 |
5804 |
Intermediate parent 5 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent5 |
5805 |
Other related party type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:OtherRelatedPartyTypeDimension |
5806 |
All other related parties [default] |
Abstract |
core:AllOtherRelatedPartiesDefault |
5807 |
For technical reasons, the full set of other related parties tags are only shown in dimensional displays [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForTechnicalReasonsFullSetOtherRelatedPartiesTagsAreOnlyShownInDimensionalDisplaysGuidance |
5808 |
Further related party relationship type 1 [component of all other related parties] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherRelatedPartyRelationshipType1ComponentAllOtherRelatedParties |
5809 |
Further related party relationship type 2 [component of all other related parties] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherRelatedPartyRelationshipType2ComponentAllOtherRelatedParties |
5810 |
Remaining related parties |
Abstract |
core:RemainingRelatedParties |
5811 |
Leasing-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Leasing-specificDimensionsHeading |
5812 |
Finance lease contract type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinanceLeaseContractTypeDimension |
5813 |
All contract types [default] |
Abstract |
core:AllContractTypesDefault |
5814 |
Finance leases |
Abstract |
core:FinanceLeases |
5815 |
Hire purchase contracts |
Abstract |
core:HirePurchaseContracts |
5816 |
Further contract type 1 [component of total contract types] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherContractType1ComponentTotalContractTypes |
5817 |
Further contract type 2 [component of total contract types] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherContractType2ComponentTotalContractTypes |
5818 |
Further contract type 3 [component of total contract types] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherContractType3ComponentTotalContractTypes |
5819 |
Operating lease purpose [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:OperatingLeasePurposeDimension |
5820 |
Total assets under operating leases [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalAssetsUnderOperatingLeasesDefault |
5821 |
Land and buildings under operating leases |
Abstract |
core:LandBuildingsUnderOperatingLeases |
5822 |
Plant, equipment and other assets under operating leases |
Abstract |
core:PlantEquipmentOtherAssetsUnderOperatingLeases |
5823 |
Plant and equipment under operating leases |
Abstract |
core:PlantEquipmentUnderOperatingLeases |
5824 |
Other assets under operating leases |
Abstract |
core:OtherAssetsUnderOperatingLeases |
5825 |
Provisions-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Provisions-specificDimensionsHeading |
5826 |
Provisions classes [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:ProvisionsClassesDimension |
5827 |
Total provisions [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalProvisionsDefault |
5828 |
Warranties |
Abstract |
core:Warranties |
5829 |
Restructuring or reorganisation |
Abstract |
core:RestructuringOrReorganisation |
5830 |
Legal proceedings |
Abstract |
core:LegalProceedings |
5831 |
Regulatory matters |
Abstract |
core:RegulatoryMatters |
5832 |
Legislative changes |
Abstract |
core:LegislativeChanges |
5833 |
Other regulatory matters |
Abstract |
core:OtherRegulatoryMatters |
5834 |
Onerous contracts, excluding vacant properties |
Abstract |
core:OnerousContractsExcludingVacantProperties |
5835 |
Vacant properties |
Abstract |
core:VacantProperties |
5836 |
Decommissioning and restoration / dilapidations |
Abstract |
core:DecommissioningRestorationDilapidations |
5837 |
Taxation, including deferred taxation |
Abstract |
core:TaxationIncludingDeferredTaxation |
5838 |
Deferred taxation |
Abstract |
core:DeferredTaxation |
5839 |
Employee benefits |
Abstract |
core:EmployeeBenefits |
5840 |
Social security contributions |
Abstract |
core:SocialSecurityContributions |
5841 |
Post-employment benefits |
Abstract |
core:Post-employmentBenefits |
5842 |
Pensions |
Abstract |
core:Pensions |
5843 |
Bad debts |
Abstract |
core:BadDebts |
5844 |
Financial guarantees |
Abstract |
core:FinancialGuarantees |
5845 |
Inventory obsolescence |
Abstract |
core:InventoryObsolescence |
5846 |
Environmental costs |
Abstract |
core:EnvironmentalCosts |
5847 |
Waste disposal |
Abstract |
core:WasteDisposal |
5848 |
Deferred considerations |
Abstract |
core:DeferredConsiderations |
5849 |
Profit sharing and bonuses |
Abstract |
core:ProfitSharingBonuses |
5850 |
Operating leases |
Abstract |
core:OperatingLeases |
5851 |
Refunds |
Abstract |
core:Refunds |
5852 |
Financial penalties / levies |
Abstract |
core:FinancialPenaltiesLevies |
5853 |
Acceptances and endorsements |
Abstract |
core:AcceptancesEndorsements |
5854 |
Commission clawback |
Abstract |
core:CommissionClawback |
5855 |
Contingent liability on business combination |
Abstract |
core:ContingentLiabilityOnBusinessCombination |
5856 |
Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 1 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability1ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
5857 |
Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 2 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability2ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
5858 |
Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 3 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability3ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
5859 |
Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 4 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability4ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
5860 |
Other provisions / contingent liabilities |
Abstract |
core:OtherProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
5861 |
Financial instruments-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstruments-specificDimensionsHeading |
5862 |
Financial instruments classes and categories [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialInstrumentsClassesCategoriesDimension |
5863 |
Total financial instruments [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalFinancialInstrumentsDefault |
5864 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsAmortisedCost |
5865 |
Financial assets at amortised cost |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsAmortisedCost |
5866 |
Loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:LoansReceivables |
5867 |
Held-to-maturity financial assets (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:Held-to-maturityFinancialAssets |
5868 |
Financial liabilities at amortised cost |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesAmortisedCost |
5869 |
Financial instruments at fair value |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsFairValue |
5870 |
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5871 |
Financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5872 |
Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5873 |
Financial instruments held for trading (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsHeldForTrading |
5874 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
5875 |
Financial assets mandatorily measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
5876 |
Financial assets designated at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
5877 |
Available-for-sale financial assets (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:Available-for-saleFinancialAssets |
5878 |
Financial instruments at cost less impairment |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsCostLessImpairment |
5879 |
Financial assets classes and categories [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialAssetsClassesCategoriesDimension |
5880 |
Total financial assets [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalFinancialAssetsDefault |
5881 |
Financial assets at amortised cost |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsAmortisedCost |
5882 |
Loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:LoansReceivables |
5883 |
Held-to-maturity financial assets (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:Held-to-maturityFinancialAssets |
5884 |
Financial assets at fair value |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsFairValue |
5885 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5886 |
Financial assets mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5887 |
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5888 |
Financial assets held for trading (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsHeldForTrading |
5889 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
5890 |
Financial assets mandatorily measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
5891 |
Financial assets designated at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
5892 |
Available-for-sale financial assets (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:Available-for-saleFinancialAssets |
5893 |
Financial assets at cost less impairment |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsCostLessImpairment |
5894 |
Financial liabilities classes and categories [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesClassesCategoriesDimension |
5895 |
Total financial liabilities [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalFinancialLiabilitiesDefault |
5896 |
Financial liabilities at amortised cost |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesAmortisedCost |
5897 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5898 |
Financial liabilities mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5899 |
Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
5900 |
Financial liabilities held for trading (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTrading |
5901 |
Financial liabilities at cost less impairment |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesCostLessImpairment |
5902 |
Financial liabilities concessionary loans |
Abstract |
char:FinancialLiabilitiesConcessionaryLoans |
5903 |
Equity classes held [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:EquityClassesHeldDimension |
5904 |
All share classes held [default] |
Abstract |
core:AllShareClassesHeldDefault |
5905 |
All ordinary shares held |
Abstract |
core:AllOrdinarySharesHeld |
5906 |
All preference shares held |
Abstract |
core:AllPreferenceSharesHeld |
5907 |
All deferred shares held |
Abstract |
core:AllDeferredSharesHeld |
5908 |
Non-standard share class held 1 [component of total share classes held] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardShareClassHeld1ComponentTotalShareClassesHeld |
5909 |
Non-standard share class held 2 [component of total share classes held] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardShareClassHeld2ComponentTotalShareClassesHeld |
5910 |
Derivatives types [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:DerivativesTypesDimension |
5911 |
Derivative financial instruments [default] |
Abstract |
core:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsDefault |
5912 |
Derivatives held for risk management |
Abstract |
core:DerivativesHeldForRiskManagement |
5913 |
Cash flow hedge |
Abstract |
core:CashFlowHedge |
5914 |
Fair value hedge |
Abstract |
core:FairValueHedge |
5915 |
Hedge of net investment |
Abstract |
core:HedgeNetInvestment |
5916 |
Derivatives held for trading / hedge accounting not applied |
Abstract |
core:DerivativesHeldForTradingHedgeAccountingNotApplied |
5917 |
Derivatives contracts [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:DerivativesContractsDimension |
5918 |
Total for all derivatives contracts [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalForAllDerivativesContractsDefault |
5919 |
Option contract |
Abstract |
core:OptionContract |
5920 |
Option contract written |
Abstract |
core:OptionContractWritten |
5921 |
Option contract purchased |
Abstract |
core:OptionContractPurchased |
5922 |
Futures contract |
Abstract |
core:FuturesContract |
5923 |
Forward contract |
Abstract |
core:ForwardContract |
5924 |
Swap contract |
Abstract |
core:SwapContract |
5925 |
Commodity contract |
Abstract |
core:CommodityContract |
5926 |
Cap and floor contract |
Abstract |
core:CapFloorContract |
5927 |
Embedded derivative contract |
Abstract |
core:EmbeddedDerivativeContract |
5928 |
Compound contracts [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CompoundContractsHeading |
5929 |
Commodity and swap contract |
Abstract |
core:CommoditySwapContract |
5930 |
Forward and futures contract |
Abstract |
core:ForwardFuturesContract |
5931 |
Forward and option contract |
Abstract |
core:ForwardOptionContract |
5932 |
Forward and swap contract |
Abstract |
core:ForwardSwapContract |
5933 |
Option and futures contract |
Abstract |
core:OptionFuturesContract |
5934 |
Option and swap contract |
Abstract |
core:OptionSwapContract |
5935 |
Spot, forward and futures contract |
Abstract |
core:SpotForwardFuturesContract |
5936 |
Swap and forward contract |
Abstract |
core:SwapForwardContract |
5937 |
Non-standard derivative contract 1 [component of total for derivative contracts] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardDerivativeContract1ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts |
5938 |
Non-standard derivative contract 2 [component of total for derivative contracts] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardDerivativeContract2ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts |
5939 |
Non-standard derivative contract 3 [component of total for derivative contracts] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardDerivativeContract3ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts |
5940 |
Non-standard derivative contract 4 [component of total for derivative contracts] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardDerivativeContract4ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts |
5941 |
Non-standard derivative contract 5 [component of total for derivative contracts] |
Abstract |
core:Non-standardDerivativeContract5ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts |
5942 |
Derivative purpose [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:DerivativePurposeDimension |
5943 |
Risk type covered by derivative [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RiskTypeCoveredByDerivativeHeading |
5944 |
Credit risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskDerivative |
5945 |
Market risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:MarketRiskDerivative |
5946 |
Commodity price risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:CommodityPriceRiskDerivative |
5947 |
Currency risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:CurrencyRiskDerivative |
5948 |
Interest rate risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:InterestRateRiskDerivative |
5949 |
Macro hedge of interest rate risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:MacroHedgeInterestRateRiskDerivative |
5950 |
Cross-currency interest rate risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:Cross-currencyInterestRateRiskDerivative |
5951 |
Equity price risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:EquityPriceRiskDerivative |
5952 |
Other price risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:OtherPriceRiskDerivative |
5953 |
Prepayment risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:PrepaymentRiskDerivative |
5954 |
Residual value risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:ResidualValueRiskDerivative |
5955 |
Other market risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:OtherMarketRiskDerivative |
5956 |
Liquidity risk derivative |
Abstract |
core:LiquidityRiskDerivative |
5957 |
Other risk type derivative 1 |
Abstract |
core:OtherRiskTypeDerivative1 |
5958 |
Other risk type derivative 2 |
Abstract |
core:OtherRiskTypeDerivative2 |
5959 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
5960 |
Financial instrument value type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialInstrumentValueTypeDimension |
5961 |
Value type [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ValueTypeHeading |
5962 |
Carrying value [default] |
Abstract |
core:CarryingValueDefault |
5963 |
At cost |
Abstract |
core:Cost |
5964 |
Fair value |
Abstract |
core:FairValue |
5965 |
Contractual undiscounted value |
Abstract |
core:ContractualUndiscountedValue |
5966 |
Effect of offsetting for financial instruments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:EffectOffsettingForFinancialInstrumentsHeading |
5967 |
Net amount after deducting amounts not set off from net amount presented in balance sheet |
Abstract |
core:NetAmountAfterDeductingAmountsNotSetOffFromNetAmountPresentedInBalanceSheet |
5968 |
For net amount presented in balance sheet use carrying value / default [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForNetAmountPresentedInBalanceSheetUseCarryingValueDefaultGuidance |
5969 |
Gross amount of recognised financial instrument |
Abstract |
core:GrossAmountRecognisedFinancialInstrument |
5970 |
Gross amount of recognised financial instrument offset |
Abstract |
core:GrossAmountRecognisedFinancialInstrumentOffset |
5971 |
Related amounts not set off in balance sheet, financial instruments and collateral |
Abstract |
core:RelatedAmountsNotSetOffInBalanceSheetFinancialInstrumentsCollateral |
5972 |
Related amount not set off in balance sheet, financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:RelatedAmountNotSetOffInBalanceSheetFinancialInstruments |
5973 |
Related amount not set off in balance sheet, financial collateral |
Abstract |
core:RelatedAmountNotSetOffInBalanceSheetFinancialCollateral |
5974 |
Past due or impaired, carrying value |
Abstract |
core:PastDueOrImpairedCarryingValue |
5975 |
Past due but not impaired, carrying value |
Abstract |
core:PastDueButNotImpairedCarryingValue |
5976 |
Impaired, carrying value |
Abstract |
core:ImpairedCarryingValue |
5977 |
Neither past due nor impaired, carrying value |
Abstract |
core:NeitherPastDueNorImpairedCarryingValue |
5978 |
High grade, neither past due nor impaired |
Abstract |
core:HighGradeNeitherPastDueNorImpaired |
5979 |
Standard grade, neither past due nor impaired |
Abstract |
core:StandardGradeNeitherPastDueNorImpaired |
5980 |
Sub-standard grade, neither past due nor impaired |
Abstract |
core:Sub-standardGradeNeitherPastDueNorImpaired |
5981 |
Special monitoring, neither past due nor impaired |
Abstract |
core:SpecialMonitoringNeitherPastDueNorImpaired |
5982 |
Unrated, neither past due nor impaired |
Abstract |
core:UnratedNeitherPastDueNorImpaired |
5983 |
Notional amount |
Abstract |
core:NotionalAmount |
5984 |
Notional amount to receive |
Abstract |
core:NotionalAmountToReceive |
5985 |
Notional amount to deliver |
Abstract |
core:NotionalAmountToDeliver |
5986 |
For allowance for impairment, see 'Allowance for impairment' dimension [guidance] |
Abstract |
core:ForAllowanceForImpairmentSeeAllowanceForImpairmentDimensionGuidance |
5987 |
Financial instrument current and non-current [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialInstrumentCurrentNon-currentDimension |
5988 |
Total current and non-current financial instruments [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalCurrentNon-currentFinancialInstrumentsDefault |
5989 |
Current financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:CurrentFinancialInstruments |
5990 |
Non-current financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:Non-currentFinancialInstruments |
5991 |
Maturities or expiration periods [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:MaturitiesOrExpirationPeriodsDimension |
5992 |
All periods |
Abstract |
core:AllPeriods |
5993 |
Within one year |
Abstract |
core:WithinOneYear |
5994 |
Within 30 days |
Abstract |
core:Within30Days |
5995 |
On demand |
Abstract |
core:OnDemand |
5996 |
Less than 7 days |
Abstract |
core:LessThan7Days |
5997 |
Seven to 30 days |
Abstract |
core:SevenTo30Days |
5998 |
Within 60 days |
Abstract |
core:Within60Days |
5999 |
From 30 to 90 days |
Abstract |
core:From30To90Days |
6000 |
From 30 to 60 days |
Abstract |
core:From30To60Days |
6001 |
From 60 to 90 days |
Abstract |
core:From60To90Days |
6002 |
Within 3 months |
Abstract |
core:Within3Months |
6003 |
From 90 to 120 days |
Abstract |
core:From90To120Days |
6004 |
Between 3 months and 6 months |
Abstract |
core:Between3Months6Months |
6005 |
Between 3 months and one year |
Abstract |
core:Between3MonthsOneYear |
6006 |
Within 6 months |
Abstract |
core:Within6Months |
6007 |
Between 6 months and one year |
Abstract |
core:Between6MonthsOneYear |
6008 |
After one year |
Abstract |
core:AfterOneYear |
6009 |
Between one and five years |
Abstract |
core:BetweenOneFiveYears |
6010 |
Between one and two years |
Abstract |
core:BetweenOneTwoYears |
6011 |
Between two and five years |
Abstract |
core:BetweenTwoFiveYears |
6012 |
Between two and three years |
Abstract |
core:BetweenTwoThreeYears |
6013 |
Between three and four years |
Abstract |
core:BetweenThreeFourYears |
6014 |
Between four and five years |
Abstract |
core:BetweenFourFiveYears |
6015 |
More than five years |
Abstract |
core:MoreThanFiveYears |
6016 |
Between five and 10 years |
Abstract |
core:BetweenFive10Years |
6017 |
After 10 years |
Abstract |
core:After10Years |
6018 |
Other than 'on demand' |
Abstract |
core:OtherThanOnDemand |
6019 |
Indeterminate maturity / non-expiring financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:IndeterminateMaturityNon-expiringFinancialInstruments |
6020 |
After 30 days |
Abstract |
core:After30Days |
6021 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6022 |
Interest rate type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:InterestRateTypeDimension |
6023 |
Interest rate type of financial instrument [heading] |
Abstract |
core:InterestRateTypeFinancialInstrumentHeading |
6024 |
Interest bearing financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:InterestBearingFinancialInstruments |
6025 |
Variable rate interest bearing financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:VariableRateInterestBearingFinancialInstruments |
6026 |
Fixed rate interest bearing financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:FixedRateInterestBearingFinancialInstruments |
6027 |
Weighted average interest rate financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:WeightedAverageInterestRateFinancialInstruments |
6028 |
Non-interest bearing financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:Non-interestBearingFinancialInstruments |
6029 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6030 |
Listed-unlisted [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:Listed-unlistedDimension |
6031 |
All financial instruments [default] |
Abstract |
core:AllFinancialInstrumentsDefault |
6032 |
Listed / exchange traded |
Abstract |
core:ListedExchangeTraded |
6033 |
Unlisted / non-exchange traded |
Abstract |
core:UnlistedNon-exchangeTraded |
6034 |
Liquidity features [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:LiquidityFeaturesDimension |
6035 |
Liquidity features [heading] |
Abstract |
core:LiquidityFeaturesHeading |
6036 |
Over-the-counter financial instrument |
Abstract |
core:Over-the-counterFinancialInstrument |
6037 |
Settled by central counterparty |
Abstract |
core:SettledByCentralCounterparty |
6038 |
Not-settled by central counterparty |
Abstract |
core:Not-settledByCentralCounterparty |
6039 |
Liquid financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:LiquidFinancialInstruments |
6040 |
Illiquid financial instruments |
Abstract |
core:IlliquidFinancialInstruments |
6041 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6042 |
Position type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:PositionTypeDimension |
6043 |
Position type [heading] |
Abstract |
core:PositionTypeHeading |
6044 |
Short position |
Abstract |
core:ShortPosition |
6045 |
Long position |
Abstract |
core:LongPosition |
6046 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6047 |
Secured status [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:SecuredStatusDimension |
6048 |
Secured status [heading] |
Abstract |
core:SecuredStatusHeading |
6049 |
Secured |
Abstract |
core:Secured |
6050 |
Unsecured |
Abstract |
core:Unsecured |
6051 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6052 |
Financial instruments held for sale [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialInstrumentsHeldForSaleDimension |
6053 |
Financial instruments, excluding those held for sale [default] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsExcludingThoseHeldForSaleDefault |
6054 |
Financial instruments held for sale |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsHeldForSale |
6055 |
Financial instruments, including those held for sale |
Abstract |
core:FinancialInstrumentsIncludingThoseHeldForSale |
6056 |
Fair value movement [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FairValueMovementDimension |
6057 |
Fair value movements [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FairValueMovementsHeading |
6058 |
Transfer between levels [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TransferBetweenLevelsHeading |
6059 |
Transfer from level 1 to 2 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromLevel1To2 |
6060 |
Transfer from level 2 to 1 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromLevel2To1 |
6061 |
Transfer from level 1 and 2 to 3 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromLevel12To3 |
6062 |
Transfer from level 3 to 1 and 2 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromLevel3To12 |
6063 |
Net increase or decrease in level 3 [heading] |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseOrDecreaseInLevel3Heading |
6064 |
Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from purchases, sales, settlements and issues |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromPurchasesSalesSettlementsIssues |
6065 |
Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from purchases |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromPurchases |
6066 |
Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from sales |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromSales |
6067 |
Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from settlements |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromSettlements |
6068 |
Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from issues |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromIssues |
6069 |
Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from foreign exchange adjustments |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromForeignExchangeAdjustments |
6070 |
Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from reclassifications |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromReclassifications |
6071 |
Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from other adjustments |
Abstract |
core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromOtherAdjustments |
6072 |
Gain or loss for level 3 [heading] |
Abstract |
core:GainOrLossForLevel3Heading |
6073 |
Gain (loss) for level 3 assets and liabilities recognised in profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:GainLossForLevel3AssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
6074 |
Gain (loss) for level 3 assets and liabilities recognised in other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:GainLossForLevel3AssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome |
6075 |
Gain (loss) in profit or loss for level 3 instruments held at end of period |
Abstract |
core:GainLossInProfitOrLossForLevel3InstrumentsHeldEndPeriod |
6076 |
Gain (loss) for level 3 instruments from business combinations |
Abstract |
core:GainLossForLevel3InstrumentsFromBusinessCombinations |
6077 |
Realised gain (loss) for level 3 assets and liabilities recognised in profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:RealisedGainLossForLevel3AssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
6078 |
Unrealised gain (loss) for level 3 assets and liabilities recognised in profit or loss |
Abstract |
core:UnrealisedGainLossForLevel3AssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
6079 |
Reclassifications [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ReclassificationsHeading |
6080 |
Reclassified from level 3 to loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromLevel3ToLoansReceivables |
6081 |
Reclassified from level 3 at fair value through profit or loss to fair value through other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromLevel3FairValueThroughProfitOrLossToFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
6082 |
Reclassified from level 3 to held-to-maturity (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromLevel3ToHeld-to-maturity |
6083 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6084 |
Fair value measurement type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FairValueMeasurementTypeDimension |
6085 |
Fair value measurement type [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FairValueMeasurementTypeHeading |
6086 |
Recurring fair value measurement |
Abstract |
core:RecurringFairValueMeasurement |
6087 |
Non-recurring fair value measurement |
Abstract |
core:Non-recurringFairValueMeasurement |
6088 |
Fair value disclosed, not measured |
Abstract |
core:FairValueDisclosedNotMeasured |
6089 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6090 |
Financial instrument level [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialInstrumentLevelDimension |
6091 |
Total all levels [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalAllLevelsDefault |
6092 |
Level 1 |
Abstract |
core:Level1 |
6093 |
Level 2 |
Abstract |
core:Level2 |
6094 |
Level 3 |
Abstract |
core:Level3 |
6095 |
Financial assets impairment stage [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialAssetsImpairmentStageDimension |
6096 |
Financial assets impairment stage [heading] |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsImpairmentStageHeading |
6097 |
Stage 1, 12-months ECL |
Abstract |
core:Stage112-monthsECL |
6098 |
Stage 2, Lifetime ECL not credit-impaired |
Abstract |
core:Stage2LifetimeECLNotCredit-impaired |
6099 |
Stage 3, Lifetime ECL credit-impaired |
Abstract |
core:Stage3LifetimeECLCredit-impaired |
6100 |
Purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets |
Abstract |
core:PurchasedOrOriginatedCredit-impairedFinancialAssets |
6101 |
Simplified approach applied to trade receivables, contract assets and lease receivables |
Abstract |
core:SimplifiedApproachAppliedToTradeReceivablesContractAssetsLeaseReceivables |
6102 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6103 |
Allowance for impairment [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:AllowanceForImpairmentDimension |
6104 |
Allowance for impairment [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AllowanceForImpairmentHeading |
6105 |
Carrying value [default] |
Abstract |
core:CarryingValueDefault |
6106 |
Allowance for impairment loss |
Abstract |
core:AllowanceForImpairmentLoss |
6107 |
Value before allowance for impairment loss |
Abstract |
core:ValueBeforeAllowanceForImpairmentLoss |
6108 |
Movement in allowance for impairment loss / allowance account [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MovementInAllowanceForImpairmentLossAllowanceAccountHeading |
6109 |
Transfers between expected credit loss stages [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TransfersBetweenExpectedCreditLossStagesHeading |
6110 |
Transfer to stage 1 |
Abstract |
core:TransferToStage1 |
6111 |
Transfer from stage 2 to 1 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromStage2To1 |
6112 |
Transfer from stage 3 to 1 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromStage3To1 |
6113 |
Transfer to stage 2 |
Abstract |
core:TransferToStage2 |
6114 |
Transfer from stage 1 to 2 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromStage1To2 |
6115 |
Transfer from stage 3 to 2 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromStage3To2 |
6116 |
Transfer to stage 3 |
Abstract |
core:TransferToStage3 |
6117 |
Transfer from stage 1 to 3 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromStage1To3 |
6118 |
Transfer from stage 2 to 3 |
Abstract |
core:TransferFromStage2To3 |
6119 |
Increase due to change in credit risk |
Abstract |
core:IncreaseDueToChangeInCreditRisk |
6120 |
Decrease due to change in credit risk |
Abstract |
core:DecreaseDueToChangeInCreditRisk |
6121 |
Changes due to modifications that did not result in derecognition |
Abstract |
core:ChangesDueToModificationsThatDidNotResultInDerecognition |
6122 |
Changes in models/risk parameters |
Abstract |
core:ChangesInModelsriskParameters |
6123 |
New financial assets originated or purchased |
Abstract |
core:NewFinancialAssetsOriginatedOrPurchased |
6124 |
Impact on year end ECL of exposures transferred between stages during the year |
Abstract |
core:ImpactOnYearEndECLExposuresTransferredBetweenStagesDuringYear |
6125 |
Financial assets derecognised in the period |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsDerecognisedInPeriod |
6126 |
Impairment charge (release) |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentChargeRelease |
6127 |
Impairment charge |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentCharge |
6128 |
(Release) of impairment |
Abstract |
core:ReleaseImpairment |
6129 |
Business combinations, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:BusinessCombinationsIncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6130 |
Disposals and discontinued operations, decrease (increase) in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:DisposalsDiscontinuedOperationsDecreaseIncreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6131 |
Business divestiture, decrease in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:BusinessDivestitureDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6132 |
Discontinued operations and disposals other than business divestiture, decrease in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:DiscontinuedOperationsDisposalsOtherThanBusinessDivestitureDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6133 |
Transfers to and from assets held for sale, decrease (increase) in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:TransfersToFromAssetsHeldForSaleDecreaseIncreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6134 |
Write-off of financial assets, decrease in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:Write-offFinancialAssetsDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6135 |
Recoveries of write-offs, increase in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:RecoveriesWrite-offsIncreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6136 |
Unwind of discount, decrease in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:UnwindDiscountDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6137 |
Further specific change 1, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment [component of total movement] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificChange1IncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairmentComponentTotalMovement |
6138 |
Further specific change 2, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment [component of total movement] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificChange2IncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairmentComponentTotalMovement |
6139 |
Further specific change 3, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment [component of total movement] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificChange3IncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairmentComponentTotalMovement |
6140 |
Foreign exchange and other adjustments, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:ForeignExchangeOtherAdjustmentsIncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6141 |
Foreign exchange adjustments, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:ForeignExchangeAdjustmentsIncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6142 |
Other adjustments, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment |
Abstract |
core:OtherAdjustmentsIncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment |
6143 |
Allowance account measurement type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:AllowanceAccountMeasurementTypeDimension |
6144 |
Total allowance account [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalAllowanceAccountDefault |
6145 |
Individual allowance account |
Abstract |
core:IndividualAllowanceAccount |
6146 |
Collective allowance account |
Abstract |
core:CollectiveAllowanceAccount |
6147 |
Credit losses incurred but not observed (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:CreditLossesIncurredButNotObserved |
6148 |
Financial assets reclassification [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:FinancialAssetsReclassificationDimension |
6149 |
Reclassified assets total |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedAssetsTotal |
6150 |
Reclassified from held for trading to available-for-sale (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromHeldForTradingToAvailable-for-sale |
6151 |
Reclassified from held for trading to loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromHeldForTradingToLoansReceivables |
6152 |
Reclassified from held for trading to held-to-maturity (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromHeldForTradingToHeld-to-maturity |
6153 |
Reclassified from available-for-sale to loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromAvailable-for-saleToLoansReceivables |
6154 |
Reclassified from fair value through profit or loss to amortised cost |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromFairValueThroughProfitOrLossToAmortisedCost |
6155 |
Reclassified from fair value through profit or loss to fair value through other comprehensive income |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromFairValueThroughProfitOrLossToFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
6156 |
Reclassified from fair value through other comprehensive income to amortised cost |
Abstract |
core:ReclassifiedFromFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeToAmortisedCost |
6157 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6158 |
Credit risk exposure [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:CreditRiskExposureDimension |
6159 |
Maximum credit risk exposure |
Abstract |
core:MaximumCreditRiskExposure |
6160 |
Gross credit risk exposure |
Abstract |
core:GrossCreditRiskExposure |
6161 |
Decrease from credit risk mitigation and offset |
Abstract |
core:DecreaseFromCreditRiskMitigationOffset |
6162 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6163 |
Credit risk internal grade ratings [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:CreditRiskInternalGradeRatingsDimension |
6164 |
Credit risk internal grade ratings [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGradeRatingsHeading |
6165 |
Lowest credit risk internal grade,1 |
Abstract |
core:LowestCreditRiskInternalGrade1 |
6166 |
Credit risk internal grade 2 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade2 |
6167 |
Credit risk internal grade 3 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade3 |
6168 |
Credit risk internal grade 4 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade4 |
6169 |
Credit risk internal grade 5 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade5 |
6170 |
Credit risk internal grade 6 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade6 |
6171 |
Credit risk internal grade 7 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade7 |
6172 |
Credit risk internal grade 8 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade8 |
6173 |
Credit risk internal grade 9 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade9 |
6174 |
Credit risk internal grade 10 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade10 |
6175 |
Credit risk internal grade 11 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade11 |
6176 |
Credit risk internal grade 12 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade12 |
6177 |
Credit risk internal grade 13 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade13 |
6178 |
Credit risk internal grade 14 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRiskInternalGrade14 |
6179 |
Highest credit risk internal grade, 15 |
Abstract |
core:HighestCreditRiskInternalGrade15 |
6180 |
Unrated |
Abstract |
core:Unrated |
6181 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6182 |
Credit ratings [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:CreditRatingsDimension |
6183 |
Credit ratings [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CreditRatingsHeading |
6184 |
Highest credit rating, 1 |
Abstract |
core:HighestCreditRating1 |
6185 |
Credit rating 2 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating2 |
6186 |
Credit rating 3 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating3 |
6187 |
Credit rating 4 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating4 |
6188 |
Credit rating 5 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating5 |
6189 |
Credit rating 6 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating6 |
6190 |
Credit rating 7 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating7 |
6191 |
Credit rating 8 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating8 |
6192 |
Credit rating 9 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating9 |
6193 |
Credit rating 10 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating10 |
6194 |
Credit rating 11 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating11 |
6195 |
Credit rating 12 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating12 |
6196 |
Credit rating 13 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating13 |
6197 |
Credit rating 14 |
Abstract |
core:CreditRating14 |
6198 |
Lowest credit rating, 15 |
Abstract |
core:LowestCreditRating15 |
6199 |
Unrated |
Abstract |
core:Unrated |
6200 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6201 |
Industry concentration risk [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:IndustryConcentrationRiskDimension |
6202 |
Types of industry concentration risk [heading] |
Abstract |
core:TypesIndustryConcentrationRiskHeading |
6203 |
Financial services concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:FinancialServicesConcentrationRisk |
6204 |
Banking industry concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:BankingIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6205 |
Insurance industry concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:InsuranceIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6206 |
Asset management industry concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:AssetManagementIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6207 |
Residential mortgage loans concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:ResidentialMortgageLoansConcentrationRisk |
6208 |
Other personal lending concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:OtherPersonalLendingConcentrationRisk |
6209 |
Finance lease receivables concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:FinanceLeaseReceivablesConcentrationRisk |
6210 |
Government and central banks concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:GovernmentCentralBanksConcentrationRisk |
6211 |
Retail and wholesale industries concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:RetailWholesaleIndustriesConcentrationRisk |
6212 |
Construction and materials concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:ConstructionMaterialsConcentrationRisk |
6213 |
Manufacturing, oil and gas concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:ManufacturingOilGasConcentrationRisk |
6214 |
Manufacturing concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:ManufacturingConcentrationRisk |
6215 |
Oil and gas concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:OilGasConcentrationRisk |
6216 |
Service industries concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:ServiceIndustriesConcentrationRisk |
6217 |
Agriculture concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:AgricultureConcentrationRisk |
6218 |
Utilities concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:UtilitiesConcentrationRisk |
6219 |
Transport concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:TransportConcentrationRisk |
6220 |
Telecommunications concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:TelecommunicationsConcentrationRisk |
6221 |
Information technology concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:InformationTechnologyConcentrationRisk |
6222 |
Healthcare concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:HealthcareConcentrationRisk |
6223 |
Further specific type of industry concentration risk 1 [component of total industry concentration risk] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk1ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6224 |
Further specific type of industry concentration risk 2 [component of total industry concentration risk] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk2ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6225 |
Further specific type of industry concentration risk 3 [component of total industry concentration risk] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk3ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6226 |
Further specific type of industry concentration risk 4 [component of total industry concentration risk] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk4ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6227 |
Further specific type of industry concentration risk 5 [component of total industry concentration risk] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk5ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6228 |
Other industry concentration risk |
Abstract |
core:OtherIndustryConcentrationRisk |
6229 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6230 |
Region and country of issuer / risk [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:RegionCountryIssuerRiskDimension |
6231 |
Region and country of issuer / risk [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RegionCountryIssuerRiskHeading |
6232 |
All countries |
Abstract |
countries:AllCountries |
6233 |
Other countries and regions |
Abstract |
countries:OtherCountriesRegions |
6234 |
Home countries [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:HomeCountriesHeading |
6235 |
United Kingdom |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedKingdom |
6236 |
England |
Abstract |
countries:England |
6237 |
Scotland |
Abstract |
countries:Scotland |
6238 |
Wales |
Abstract |
countries:Wales |
6239 |
England and Wales |
Abstract |
countries:EnglandWales |
6240 |
Northern Ireland |
Abstract |
countries:NorthernIreland |
6241 |
Isle of Man |
Abstract |
countries:IsleMan |
6242 |
Channel Islands |
Abstract |
countries:ChannelIslands |
6243 |
Jersey |
Abstract |
countries:Jersey |
6244 |
Guernsey |
Abstract |
countries:Guernsey |
6245 |
Other Channel Islands |
Abstract |
countries:OtherChannelIslands |
6246 |
Great Britain |
Abstract |
countries:GreatBritain |
6247 |
Main regions [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:MainRegionsHeading |
6248 |
Rest of world, outside UK |
Abstract |
countries:RestWorldOutsideUK |
6249 |
Rest of world, outside Europe |
Abstract |
countries:RestWorldOutsideEurope |
6250 |
Rest of Europe, outside UK |
Abstract |
countries:RestEuropeOutsideUK |
6251 |
European Community |
Abstract |
countries:EuropeanCommunity |
6252 |
Europe |
Abstract |
countries:Europe |
6253 |
Americas |
Abstract |
countries:Americas |
6254 |
North America |
Abstract |
countries:NorthAmerica |
6255 |
South America |
Abstract |
countries:SouthAmerica |
6256 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
Abstract |
countries:LatinAmericaCaribbean |
6257 |
Latin America |
Abstract |
countries:LatinAmerica |
6258 |
Caribbean |
Abstract |
countries:Caribbean |
6259 |
Central America |
Abstract |
countries:CentralAmerica |
6260 |
Middle East |
Abstract |
countries:MiddleEast |
6261 |
Africa |
Abstract |
countries:Africa |
6262 |
Europe, Middle East and Africa |
Abstract |
countries:EuropeMiddleEastAfrica |
6263 |
Asia |
Abstract |
countries:Asia |
6264 |
South-east Asia |
Abstract |
countries:South-eastAsia |
6265 |
Australasia |
Abstract |
countries:Australasia |
6266 |
Further specific region 1 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion1ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
6267 |
Further specific region 2 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion2ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
6268 |
Further specific region 3 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion3ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
6269 |
Further specific region 4 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion4ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
6270 |
Further specific region 5 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion5ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
6271 |
Further specific region 6 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion6ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
6272 |
Further specific region 7 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion7ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
6273 |
Further specific region 8 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion8ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
6274 |
Country list [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:CountryListHeading |
6275 |
Afghanistan |
Abstract |
countries:Afghanistan |
6276 |
Aland Islands |
Abstract |
countries:AlandIslands |
6277 |
Albania |
Abstract |
countries:Albania |
6278 |
Algeria |
Abstract |
countries:Algeria |
6279 |
American Samoa |
Abstract |
countries:AmericanSamoa |
6280 |
Andorra |
Abstract |
countries:Andorra |
6281 |
Angola |
Abstract |
countries:Angola |
6282 |
Anguilla |
Abstract |
countries:Anguilla |
6283 |
Antarctica |
Abstract |
countries:Antarctica |
6284 |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Abstract |
countries:AntiguaBarbuda |
6285 |
Argentina |
Abstract |
countries:Argentina |
6286 |
Armenia |
Abstract |
countries:Armenia |
6287 |
Aruba |
Abstract |
countries:Aruba |
6288 |
Australia |
Abstract |
countries:Australia |
6289 |
Austria |
Abstract |
countries:Austria |
6290 |
Azerbaijan |
Abstract |
countries:Azerbaijan |
6291 |
Bahamas |
Abstract |
countries:Bahamas |
6292 |
Bahrain |
Abstract |
countries:Bahrain |
6293 |
Bangladesh |
Abstract |
countries:Bangladesh |
6294 |
Barbados |
Abstract |
countries:Barbados |
6295 |
Belarus |
Abstract |
countries:Belarus |
6296 |
Belgium |
Abstract |
countries:Belgium |
6297 |
Belize |
Abstract |
countries:Belize |
6298 |
Benin |
Abstract |
countries:Benin |
6299 |
Bermuda |
Abstract |
countries:Bermuda |
6300 |
Bhutan |
Abstract |
countries:Bhutan |
6301 |
Bolivia |
Abstract |
countries:Bolivia |
6302 |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba |
Abstract |
countries:BonaireSintEustatiusSaba |
6303 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Abstract |
countries:BosniaHerzegovina |
6304 |
Botswana |
Abstract |
countries:Botswana |
6305 |
Bouvet Island |
Abstract |
countries:BouvetIsland |
6306 |
Brazil |
Abstract |
countries:Brazil |
6307 |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
Abstract |
countries:BritishIndianOceanTerritory |
6308 |
Brunei Darussalam |
Abstract |
countries:BruneiDarussalam |
6309 |
Bulgaria |
Abstract |
countries:Bulgaria |
6310 |
Burkina Faso |
Abstract |
countries:BurkinaFaso |
6311 |
Burundi |
Abstract |
countries:Burundi |
6312 |
Cambodia |
Abstract |
countries:Cambodia |
6313 |
Cameroon |
Abstract |
countries:Cameroon |
6314 |
Canada |
Abstract |
countries:Canada |
6315 |
Cape Verde |
Abstract |
countries:CapeVerde |
6316 |
Cayman Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CaymanIslands |
6317 |
Central African Republic |
Abstract |
countries:CentralAfricanRepublic |
6318 |
Chad |
Abstract |
countries:Chad |
6319 |
Chile |
Abstract |
countries:Chile |
6320 |
China |
Abstract |
countries:China |
6321 |
Christmas Island |
Abstract |
countries:ChristmasIsland |
6322 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CocosKeelingIslands |
6323 |
Colombia |
Abstract |
countries:Colombia |
6324 |
Comoros |
Abstract |
countries:Comoros |
6325 |
Congo |
Abstract |
countries:Congo |
6326 |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the |
Abstract |
countries:CongoDemocraticRepublic |
6327 |
Cook Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CookIslands |
6328 |
Costa Rica |
Abstract |
countries:CostaRica |
6329 |
Cote d'Ivoire |
Abstract |
countries:CoteDIvoire |
6330 |
Croatia |
Abstract |
countries:Croatia |
6331 |
Cuba |
Abstract |
countries:Cuba |
6332 |
Curaçao |
Abstract |
countries:Curaçao |
6333 |
Cyprus |
Abstract |
countries:Cyprus |
6334 |
Czech Republic |
Abstract |
countries:CzechRepublic |
6335 |
Denmark |
Abstract |
countries:Denmark |
6336 |
Djibouti |
Abstract |
countries:Djibouti |
6337 |
Dominica |
Abstract |
countries:Dominica |
6338 |
Dominican Republic |
Abstract |
countries:DominicanRepublic |
6339 |
Ecuador |
Abstract |
countries:Ecuador |
6340 |
Egypt |
Abstract |
countries:Egypt |
6341 |
El Salvador |
Abstract |
countries:ElSalvador |
6342 |
Equatorial Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:EquatorialGuinea |
6343 |
Eritrea |
Abstract |
countries:Eritrea |
6344 |
Estonia |
Abstract |
countries:Estonia |
6345 |
Ethiopia |
Abstract |
countries:Ethiopia |
6346 |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
Abstract |
countries:FalklandIslandsMalvinas |
6347 |
Faroe Islands |
Abstract |
countries:FaroeIslands |
6348 |
Fiji |
Abstract |
countries:Fiji |
6349 |
Finland |
Abstract |
countries:Finland |
6350 |
France |
Abstract |
countries:France |
6351 |
French Guiana |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchGuiana |
6352 |
French Polynesia |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchPolynesia |
6353 |
French Southern Territories |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchSouthernTerritories |
6354 |
Gabon |
Abstract |
countries:Gabon |
6355 |
Gambia |
Abstract |
countries:Gambia |
6356 |
Georgia |
Abstract |
countries:Georgia |
6357 |
Germany |
Abstract |
countries:Germany |
6358 |
Ghana |
Abstract |
countries:Ghana |
6359 |
Gibraltar |
Abstract |
countries:Gibraltar |
6360 |
Greece |
Abstract |
countries:Greece |
6361 |
Greenland |
Abstract |
countries:Greenland |
6362 |
Grenada |
Abstract |
countries:Grenada |
6363 |
Guadeloupe |
Abstract |
countries:Guadeloupe |
6364 |
Guam |
Abstract |
countries:Guam |
6365 |
Guatemala |
Abstract |
countries:Guatemala |
6366 |
Guernsey |
Abstract |
countries:Guernsey |
6367 |
Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:Guinea |
6368 |
Guinea-Bissau |
Abstract |
countries:Guinea-Bissau |
6369 |
Guyana |
Abstract |
countries:Guyana |
6370 |
Haiti |
Abstract |
countries:Haiti |
6371 |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
Abstract |
countries:HeardIslandMcDonaldIslands |
6372 |
Holy See (Vatican City State) |
Abstract |
countries:HolySeeVaticanCityState |
6373 |
Honduras |
Abstract |
countries:Honduras |
6374 |
Hong Kong |
Abstract |
countries:HongKong |
6375 |
Hungary |
Abstract |
countries:Hungary |
6376 |
Iceland |
Abstract |
countries:Iceland |
6377 |
India |
Abstract |
countries:India |
6378 |
Indonesia |
Abstract |
countries:Indonesia |
6379 |
Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:IranIslamicRepublic |
6380 |
Iraq |
Abstract |
countries:Iraq |
6381 |
Ireland |
Abstract |
countries:Ireland |
6382 |
Isle of Man |
Abstract |
countries:IsleMan |
6383 |
Israel |
Abstract |
countries:Israel |
6384 |
Italy |
Abstract |
countries:Italy |
6385 |
Jamaica |
Abstract |
countries:Jamaica |
6386 |
Japan |
Abstract |
countries:Japan |
6387 |
Jersey |
Abstract |
countries:Jersey |
6388 |
Jordan |
Abstract |
countries:Jordan |
6389 |
Kazakhstan |
Abstract |
countries:Kazakhstan |
6390 |
Kenya |
Abstract |
countries:Kenya |
6391 |
Kiribati |
Abstract |
countries:Kiribati |
6392 |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic |
6393 |
Korea, Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:KoreaRepublic |
6394 |
Kuwait |
Abstract |
countries:Kuwait |
6395 |
Kyrgyzstan |
Abstract |
countries:Kyrgyzstan |
6396 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Abstract |
countries:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic |
6397 |
Latvia |
Abstract |
countries:Latvia |
6398 |
Lebanon |
Abstract |
countries:Lebanon |
6399 |
Lesotho |
Abstract |
countries:Lesotho |
6400 |
Liberia |
Abstract |
countries:Liberia |
6401 |
Libya |
Abstract |
countries:Libya |
6402 |
Liechtenstein |
Abstract |
countries:Liechtenstein |
6403 |
Lithuania |
Abstract |
countries:Lithuania |
6404 |
Luxembourg |
Abstract |
countries:Luxembourg |
6405 |
Macao |
Abstract |
countries:Macao |
6406 |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:MacedoniaFormerYugoslavRepublic |
6407 |
Madagascar |
Abstract |
countries:Madagascar |
6408 |
Malawi |
Abstract |
countries:Malawi |
6409 |
Malaysia |
Abstract |
countries:Malaysia |
6410 |
Maldives |
Abstract |
countries:Maldives |
6411 |
Mali |
Abstract |
countries:Mali |
6412 |
Malta |
Abstract |
countries:Malta |
6413 |
Marshall Islands |
Abstract |
countries:MarshallIslands |
6414 |
Martinique |
Abstract |
countries:Martinique |
6415 |
Mauritania |
Abstract |
countries:Mauritania |
6416 |
Mauritius |
Abstract |
countries:Mauritius |
6417 |
Mayotte |
Abstract |
countries:Mayotte |
6418 |
Mexico |
Abstract |
countries:Mexico |
6419 |
Micronesia, Federated States of |
Abstract |
countries:MicronesiaFederatedStates |
6420 |
Moldova, Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:MoldovaRepublic |
6421 |
Monaco |
Abstract |
countries:Monaco |
6422 |
Mongolia |
Abstract |
countries:Mongolia |
6423 |
Montenegro |
Abstract |
countries:Montenegro |
6424 |
Montserrat |
Abstract |
countries:Montserrat |
6425 |
Morocco |
Abstract |
countries:Morocco |
6426 |
Mozambique |
Abstract |
countries:Mozambique |
6427 |
Myanmar |
Abstract |
countries:Myanmar |
6428 |
Namibia |
Abstract |
countries:Namibia |
6429 |
Nauru |
Abstract |
countries:Nauru |
6430 |
Nepal |
Abstract |
countries:Nepal |
6431 |
Netherlands |
Abstract |
countries:Netherlands |
6432 |
New Caledonia |
Abstract |
countries:NewCaledonia |
6433 |
New Zealand |
Abstract |
countries:NewZealand |
6434 |
Nicaragua |
Abstract |
countries:Nicaragua |
6435 |
Niger |
Abstract |
countries:Niger |
6436 |
Nigeria |
Abstract |
countries:Nigeria |
6437 |
Niue |
Abstract |
countries:Niue |
6438 |
Norfolk Island |
Abstract |
countries:NorfolkIsland |
6439 |
Northern Mariana Islands |
Abstract |
countries:NorthernMarianaIslands |
6440 |
Norway |
Abstract |
countries:Norway |
6441 |
Oman |
Abstract |
countries:Oman |
6442 |
Pakistan |
Abstract |
countries:Pakistan |
6443 |
Palau |
Abstract |
countries:Palau |
6444 |
Palestinian, State of |
Abstract |
countries:PalestinianState |
6445 |
Panama |
Abstract |
countries:Panama |
6446 |
Papua New Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:PapuaNewGuinea |
6447 |
Paraguay |
Abstract |
countries:Paraguay |
6448 |
Peru |
Abstract |
countries:Peru |
6449 |
Philippines |
Abstract |
countries:Philippines |
6450 |
Pitcairn |
Abstract |
countries:Pitcairn |
6451 |
Poland |
Abstract |
countries:Poland |
6452 |
Portugal |
Abstract |
countries:Portugal |
6453 |
Puerto Rico |
Abstract |
countries:PuertoRico |
6454 |
Qatar |
Abstract |
countries:Qatar |
6455 |
Réunion |
Abstract |
countries:Réunion |
6456 |
Romania |
Abstract |
countries:Romania |
6457 |
Russian Federation |
Abstract |
countries:RussianFederation |
6458 |
Rwanda |
Abstract |
countries:Rwanda |
6459 |
Saint Barthélemy |
Abstract |
countries:SaintBarthélemy |
6460 |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha |
Abstract |
countries:SaintHelenaAscensionTristanDaCunha |
6461 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Abstract |
countries:SaintKittsNevis |
6462 |
Saint Lucia |
Abstract |
countries:SaintLucia |
6463 |
Saint Martin (French Part) |
Abstract |
countries:SaintMartinFrenchPart |
6464 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Abstract |
countries:SaintPierreMiquelon |
6465 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Abstract |
countries:SaintVincentGrenadines |
6466 |
Samoa |
Abstract |
countries:Samoa |
6467 |
San Marino |
Abstract |
countries:SanMarino |
6468 |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Abstract |
countries:SaoTomePrincipe |
6469 |
Saudi Arabia |
Abstract |
countries:SaudiArabia |
6470 |
Senegal |
Abstract |
countries:Senegal |
6471 |
Serbia |
Abstract |
countries:Serbia |
6472 |
Seychelles |
Abstract |
countries:Seychelles |
6473 |
Sierra Leone |
Abstract |
countries:SierraLeone |
6474 |
Singapore |
Abstract |
countries:Singapore |
6475 |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) |
Abstract |
countries:SintMaartenDutchPart |
6476 |
Slovakia |
Abstract |
countries:Slovakia |
6477 |
Slovenia |
Abstract |
countries:Slovenia |
6478 |
Solomon Islands |
Abstract |
countries:SolomonIslands |
6479 |
Somalia |
Abstract |
countries:Somalia |
6480 |
South Africa |
Abstract |
countries:SouthAfrica |
6481 |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Abstract |
countries:SouthGeorgiaSouthSandwichIslands |
6482 |
South Sudan |
Abstract |
countries:SouthSudan |
6483 |
Spain |
Abstract |
countries:Spain |
6484 |
Sri Lanka |
Abstract |
countries:SriLanka |
6485 |
Sudan |
Abstract |
countries:Sudan |
6486 |
Suriname |
Abstract |
countries:Suriname |
6487 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
Abstract |
countries:SvalbardJanMayen |
6488 |
Swaziland |
Abstract |
countries:Swaziland |
6489 |
Sweden |
Abstract |
countries:Sweden |
6490 |
Switzerland |
Abstract |
countries:Switzerland |
6491 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Abstract |
countries:SyrianArabRepublic |
6492 |
Taiwan, Province of China |
Abstract |
countries:TaiwanProvinceChina |
6493 |
Tajikistan |
Abstract |
countries:Tajikistan |
6494 |
Tanzania, United Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:TanzaniaUnitedRepublic |
6495 |
Thailand |
Abstract |
countries:Thailand |
6496 |
Timor-Leste |
Abstract |
countries:Timor-Leste |
6497 |
Togo |
Abstract |
countries:Togo |
6498 |
Tokelau |
Abstract |
countries:Tokelau |
6499 |
Tonga |
Abstract |
countries:Tonga |
6500 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Abstract |
countries:TrinidadTobago |
6501 |
Tunisia |
Abstract |
countries:Tunisia |
6502 |
Turkey |
Abstract |
countries:Turkey |
6503 |
Turkmenistan |
Abstract |
countries:Turkmenistan |
6504 |
Turks and Caicos Islands |
Abstract |
countries:TurksCaicosIslands |
6505 |
Tuvalu |
Abstract |
countries:Tuvalu |
6506 |
Uganda |
Abstract |
countries:Uganda |
6507 |
Ukraine |
Abstract |
countries:Ukraine |
6508 |
United Arab Emirates |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedArabEmirates |
6509 |
United Kingdom |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedKingdom |
6510 |
United States |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedStates |
6511 |
United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands |
6512 |
Uruguay |
Abstract |
countries:Uruguay |
6513 |
Uzbekistan |
Abstract |
countries:Uzbekistan |
6514 |
Vanuatu |
Abstract |
countries:Vanuatu |
6515 |
Venezuela |
Abstract |
countries:Venezuela |
6516 |
Viet Nam |
Abstract |
countries:VietNam |
6517 |
Virgin Islands, British |
Abstract |
countries:VirginIslandsBritish |
6518 |
Virgin Islands, US |
Abstract |
countries:VirginIslandsUS |
6519 |
Wallis and Futuna |
Abstract |
countries:WallisFutuna |
6520 |
Western Sahara |
Abstract |
countries:WesternSahara |
6521 |
Yemen |
Abstract |
countries:Yemen |
6522 |
Zambia |
Abstract |
countries:Zambia |
6523 |
Zimbabwe |
Abstract |
countries:Zimbabwe |
6524 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6525 |
Currency of denomination of financial instruments [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:CurrencyDenominationFinancialInstrumentsDimension |
6526 |
Currency of denomination of financial instruments [heading] |
Abstract |
core:CurrencyDenominationFinancialInstrumentsHeading |
6527 |
All currencies |
Abstract |
curr:AllCurrencies |
6528 |
Other currencies |
Abstract |
curr:OtherCurrencies |
6529 |
Main currencies [heading] |
Abstract |
curr:MainCurrenciesHeading |
6530 |
Pound Sterling |
Abstract |
curr:PoundSterling |
6531 |
US Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:USDollar |
6532 |
Euro |
Abstract |
curr:Euro |
6533 |
Japanese Yen |
Abstract |
curr:JapaneseYen |
6534 |
Canadian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:CanadianDollar |
6535 |
Full currencies list [heading] |
Abstract |
curr:FullCurrenciesListHeading |
6536 |
Afghan Afghani |
Abstract |
curr:AfghanAfghani |
6537 |
Albanian Lek |
Abstract |
curr:AlbanianLek |
6538 |
Algerian Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:AlgerianDinar |
6539 |
Angolan kwanza |
Abstract |
curr:AngolanKwanza |
6540 |
Argentine Peso |
Abstract |
curr:ArgentinePeso |
6541 |
Armenian Dram |
Abstract |
curr:ArmenianDram |
6542 |
Aruban Florin |
Abstract |
curr:ArubanFlorin |
6543 |
Australian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:AustralianDollar |
6544 |
Azerbaijanian Manat |
Abstract |
curr:AzerbaijanianManat |
6545 |
Bahamian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BahamianDollar |
6546 |
Bahraini Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:BahrainiDinar |
6547 |
Bangladeshi Taka |
Abstract |
curr:BangladeshiTaka |
6548 |
Barbados Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BarbadosDollar |
6549 |
Belarussian Ruble |
Abstract |
curr:BelarussianRuble |
6550 |
Belize Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BelizeDollar |
6551 |
Bermudian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BermudianDollar |
6552 |
Bhutan Ngultrum |
Abstract |
curr:BhutanNgultrum |
6553 |
Bolivian Boliviano |
Abstract |
curr:BolivianBoliviano |
6554 |
Bolivian Mvdol |
Abstract |
curr:BolivianMvdol |
6555 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark |
Abstract |
curr:BosniaHerzegovinaConvertibleMark |
6556 |
Botswana Pula |
Abstract |
curr:BotswanaPula |
6557 |
Brazilian Real |
Abstract |
curr:BrazilianReal |
6558 |
Brunei Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BruneiDollar |
6559 |
Bulgarian Lev |
Abstract |
curr:BulgarianLev |
6560 |
Burundian Franc |
Abstract |
curr:BurundianFranc |
6561 |
Cambodian Riel |
Abstract |
curr:CambodianRiel |
6562 |
Canadian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:CanadianDollar |
6563 |
Cape Verde Escudo |
Abstract |
curr:CapeVerdeEscudo |
6564 |
Cayman Islands Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:CaymanIslandsDollar |
6565 |
Abstract |
curr:CFAFrancBCEAO |
6566 |
CFA Franc BEAC |
Abstract |
curr:CFAFrancBEAC |
6567 |
CFP Franc / Pacific Franc |
Abstract |
curr:CFPFrancPacificFranc |
6568 |
Chilean Peso |
Abstract |
curr:ChileanPeso |
6569 |
Chinese Yuan Renminbi |
Abstract |
curr:ChineseYuanRenminbi |
6570 |
Colombian Peso |
Abstract |
curr:ColombianPeso |
6571 |
Comoro Franc |
Abstract |
curr:ComoroFranc |
6572 |
Congolese Franc |
Abstract |
curr:CongoleseFranc |
6573 |
Costa Rican Colon |
Abstract |
curr:CostaRicanColon |
6574 |
Croatian Kuna |
Abstract |
curr:CroatianKuna |
6575 |
Cuban Peso |
Abstract |
curr:CubanPeso |
6576 |
Cuban convertible peso |
Abstract |
curr:CubanConvertiblePeso |
6577 |
Czech Koruna |
Abstract |
curr:CzechKoruna |
6578 |
Danish Krone |
Abstract |
curr:DanishKrone |
6579 |
Djiboutian Franc |
Abstract |
curr:DjiboutianFranc |
6580 |
Dominican Peso |
Abstract |
curr:DominicanPeso |
6581 |
East Caribbean Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:EastCaribbeanDollar |
6582 |
Egyptian Pound |
Abstract |
curr:EgyptianPound |
6583 |
Eritrean Nakfa |
Abstract |
curr:EritreanNakfa |
6584 |
Estonian Kroon |
Abstract |
curr:EstonianKroon |
6585 |
Ethiopian Birr |
Abstract |
curr:EthiopianBirr |
6586 |
Euro |
Abstract |
curr:Euro |
6587 |
European Composite Unit (EURCO) |
Abstract |
curr:EuropeanCompositeUnitEURCO |
6588 |
European Monetary Unit (EMU-6) |
Abstract |
curr:EuropeanMonetaryUnitEMU-6 |
6589 |
European Unit of Account 17 (EUA-17) |
Abstract |
curr:EuropeanUnitAccount17EUA-17 |
6590 |
European Unit of Account 9 (EUA-9) |
Abstract |
curr:EuropeanUnitAccount9EUA-9 |
6591 |
Falkland Islands Pound |
Abstract |
curr:FalklandIslandsPound |
6592 |
Fiji Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:FijiDollar |
6593 |
Gambian Dalasi |
Abstract |
curr:GambianDalasi |
6594 |
Georgian Lari |
Abstract |
curr:GeorgianLari |
6595 |
Ghanaian Cedi |
Abstract |
curr:GhanaianCedi |
6596 |
Gibraltar Pound |
Abstract |
curr:GibraltarPound |
6597 |
Gold (one troy ounce) |
Abstract |
curr:GoldOneTroyOunce |
6598 |
Guatemalan Quetzal |
Abstract |
curr:GuatemalanQuetzal |
6599 |
Guinean Franc |
Abstract |
curr:GuineanFranc |
6600 |
Guyanaese Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:GuyanaeseDollar |
6601 |
Haitian Gourde |
Abstract |
curr:HaitianGourde |
6602 |
Honduras Lempira |
Abstract |
curr:HondurasLempira |
6603 |
Hong Kong Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:HongKongDollar |
6604 |
Hungarian Forint |
Abstract |
curr:HungarianForint |
6605 |
Iceland Krona |
Abstract |
curr:IcelandKrona |
6606 |
Indian Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:IndianRupee |
6607 |
Indonesian Rupiah |
Abstract |
curr:IndonesianRupiah |
6608 |
Iranian Rial |
Abstract |
curr:IranianRial |
6609 |
Iraqi Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:IraqiDinar |
6610 |
Israeli New Sheqel |
Abstract |
curr:IsraeliNewSheqel |
6611 |
Jamaican Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:JamaicanDollar |
6612 |
Japanese Yen |
Abstract |
curr:JapaneseYen |
6613 |
Jordanian Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:JordanianDinar |
6614 |
Kazakhstani Tenge |
Abstract |
curr:KazakhstaniTenge |
6615 |
Kenyan Shilling |
Abstract |
curr:KenyanShilling |
6616 |
Kuwaiti Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:KuwaitiDinar |
6617 |
Kyrgyzstani Som |
Abstract |
curr:KyrgyzstaniSom |
6618 |
Lao Kip |
Abstract |
curr:LaoKip |
6619 |
Latvian Lats |
Abstract |
curr:LatvianLats |
6620 |
Lebanese Pound |
Abstract |
curr:LebanesePound |
6621 |
Lesotho Loti |
Abstract |
curr:LesothoLoti |
6622 |
Liberian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:LiberianDollar |
6623 |
Libyan Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:LibyanDinar |
6624 |
Lithuanian Litas |
Abstract |
curr:LithuanianLitas |
6625 |
Macanese Pataca |
Abstract |
curr:MacanesePataca |
6626 |
Macedonian Denar |
Abstract |
curr:MacedonianDenar |
6627 |
Malagasy Ariary |
Abstract |
curr:MalagasyAriary |
6628 |
Malawian Kwacha |
Abstract |
curr:MalawianKwacha |
6629 |
Malaysian Ringgit |
Abstract |
curr:MalaysianRinggit |
6630 |
Maldives Rufiyaa |
Abstract |
curr:MaldivesRufiyaa |
6631 |
Mauritanian Ouguiya |
Abstract |
curr:MauritanianOuguiya |
6632 |
Mauritius Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:MauritiusRupee |
6633 |
Mexican Peso |
Abstract |
curr:MexicanPeso |
6634 |
Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UID) |
Abstract |
curr:MexicanUnidadDeInversionUID |
6635 |
Moldovan Leu |
Abstract |
curr:MoldovanLeu |
6636 |
Mongolian Tugrik |
Abstract |
curr:MongolianTugrik |
6637 |
Moroccan Dirham |
Abstract |
curr:MoroccanDirham |
6638 |
Mozambican Metical |
Abstract |
curr:MozambicanMetical |
6639 |
Myanma Kyat |
Abstract |
curr:MyanmaKyat |
6640 |
Namibian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:NamibianDollar |
6641 |
Nepalese Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:NepaleseRupee |
6642 |
Netherlands Antillian Guilder |
Abstract |
curr:NetherlandsAntillianGuilder |
6643 |
New Zealand Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:NewZealandDollar |
6644 |
Nicaraguan Cordoba |
Abstract |
curr:NicaraguanCordoba |
6645 |
Nigerian Naira |
Abstract |
curr:NigerianNaira |
6646 |
North Korean Won |
Abstract |
curr:NorthKoreanWon |
6647 |
Norwegian Krone |
Abstract |
curr:NorwegianKrone |
6648 |
Omani Rial |
Abstract |
curr:OmaniRial |
6649 |
Pakistan Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:PakistanRupee |
6650 |
Palladium (one troy ounce) |
Abstract |
curr:PalladiumOneTroyOunce |
6651 |
Panamanian Balboa |
Abstract |
curr:PanamanianBalboa |
6652 |
Papua New Guinean Kina |
Abstract |
curr:PapuaNewGuineanKina |
6653 |
Paraguayan Guarani |
Abstract |
curr:ParaguayanGuarani |
6654 |
Peruvian Nuevo Sol |
Abstract |
curr:PeruvianNuevoSol |
6655 |
Philippine Peso |
Abstract |
curr:PhilippinePeso |
6656 |
Platinum (one troy ounce) |
Abstract |
curr:PlatinumOneTroyOunce |
6657 |
Polish Zloty |
Abstract |
curr:PolishZloty |
6658 |
Pound Sterling |
Abstract |
curr:PoundSterling |
6659 |
Qatari Rial |
Abstract |
curr:QatariRial |
6660 |
Romanian New Leu |
Abstract |
curr:RomanianNewLeu |
6661 |
Russian Ruble |
Abstract |
curr:RussianRuble |
6662 |
Rwanda Franc |
Abstract |
curr:RwandaFranc |
6663 |
Saint Helena Pound |
Abstract |
curr:SaintHelenaPound |
6664 |
Samoan Tala |
Abstract |
curr:SamoanTala |
6665 |
São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra |
Abstract |
curr:SãoToméPríncipeDobra |
6666 |
Saudi Riyal |
Abstract |
curr:SaudiRiyal |
6667 |
SDR / Special Drawing Rights |
Abstract |
curr:SDRSpecialDrawingRights |
6668 |
Serbian Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:SerbianDinar |
6669 |
Seychelles Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:SeychellesRupee |
6670 |
Sierra Leonian Leone |
Abstract |
curr:SierraLeonianLeone |
6671 |
Silver (one troy ounce) |
Abstract |
curr:SilverOneTroyOunce |
6672 |
Singapore Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:SingaporeDollar |
6673 |
Solomon Islands Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:SolomonIslandsDollar |
6674 |
Somali Shilling |
Abstract |
curr:SomaliShilling |
6675 |
South African Rand |
Abstract |
curr:SouthAfricanRand |
6676 |
South Korean Won |
Abstract |
curr:SouthKoreanWon |
6677 |
Sri Lanka Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:SriLankaRupee |
6678 |
South Sudanese Pound |
Abstract |
curr:SouthSudanesePound |
6679 |
Sudanese Pound |
Abstract |
curr:SudanesePound |
6680 |
Surinamese Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:SurinameseDollar |
6681 |
Swaziland Lilangeni |
Abstract |
curr:SwazilandLilangeni |
6682 |
Swedish Krona |
Abstract |
curr:SwedishKrona |
6683 |
Swiss Franc |
Abstract |
curr:SwissFranc |
6684 |
Syrian Pound |
Abstract |
curr:SyrianPound |
6685 |
Taiwanese New Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:TaiwaneseNewDollar |
6686 |
Tajikistani Somoni |
Abstract |
curr:TajikistaniSomoni |
6687 |
Tanzanian Shilling |
Abstract |
curr:TanzanianShilling |
6688 |
Thai Baht |
Abstract |
curr:ThaiBaht |
6689 |
Tongan Pa'anga |
Abstract |
curr:TonganPaanga |
6690 |
Trinidad and Tobagan Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:TrinidadTobaganDollar |
6691 |
Tunisian Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:TunisianDinar |
6692 |
Turkish Lira |
Abstract |
curr:TurkishLira |
6693 |
Turkmenistani Manat |
Abstract |
curr:TurkmenistaniManat |
6694 |
UAE Dirham |
Abstract |
curr:UAEDirham |
6695 |
Ugandan Shilling |
Abstract |
curr:UgandanShilling |
6696 |
UIC Franc |
Abstract |
curr:UICFranc |
6697 |
Ukrainian Hryvnia |
Abstract |
curr:UkrainianHryvnia |
6698 |
Unidad de Formento |
Abstract |
curr:UnidadDeFormento |
6699 |
Unidad de Valor Real |
Abstract |
curr:UnidadDeValorReal |
6700 |
Uruguayan Peso |
Abstract |
curr:UruguayanPeso |
6701 |
Uruguayan Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI) |
Abstract |
curr:UruguayanPesoEnUnidadesIndexadasURUIURUI |
6702 |
US Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:USDollar |
6703 |
US Dollar (Next day) |
Abstract |
curr:USDollarNextDay |
6704 |
US Dollar (Same day) |
Abstract |
curr:USDollarSameDay |
6705 |
Uzbekistani Som |
Abstract |
curr:UzbekistaniSom |
6706 |
Vanuatan Vatu |
Abstract |
curr:VanuatanVatu |
6707 |
Venezuelan Bolivar |
Abstract |
curr:VenezuelanBolivar |
6708 |
Vietnamese Dong |
Abstract |
curr:VietnameseDong |
6709 |
WIR Euro |
Abstract |
curr:WIREuro |
6710 |
WIR Franc |
Abstract |
curr:WIRFranc |
6711 |
Yemeni Rial |
Abstract |
curr:YemeniRial |
6712 |
Zambian kwacha |
Abstract |
curr:ZambianKwacha |
6713 |
Zimbabwean Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:ZimbabweanDollar |
6714 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6715 |
Market risk type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:MarketRiskTypeDimension |
6716 |
Market risk |
Abstract |
core:MarketRisk |
6717 |
Currency risk |
Abstract |
core:CurrencyRisk |
6718 |
Interest rate risk |
Abstract |
core:InterestRateRisk |
6719 |
Commodity price risk |
Abstract |
core:CommodityPriceRisk |
6720 |
Equity price risk |
Abstract |
core:EquityPriceRisk |
6721 |
Credit spread risk |
Abstract |
core:CreditSpreadRisk |
6722 |
Prepayment risk |
Abstract |
core:PrepaymentRisk |
6723 |
Residual value risk |
Abstract |
core:ResidualValueRisk |
6724 |
Effect of correlation |
Abstract |
core:EffectCorrelation |
6725 |
Other specific risk type 1 |
Abstract |
core:OtherSpecificRiskType1 |
6726 |
Other specific risk type 2 |
Abstract |
core:OtherSpecificRiskType2 |
6727 |
Other market risk |
Abstract |
core:OtherMarketRisk |
6728 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
6729 |
Range [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:RangeDimension |
6730 |
Single value [default] |
Abstract |
core:SingleValueDefault |
6731 |
Top of range value |
Abstract |
core:TopRangeValue |
6732 |
Bottom of range value |
Abstract |
core:BottomRangeValue |
6733 |
Deferred tax-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:DeferredTax-specificDimensionsHeading |
6734 |
Deferred tax asset and liability classes [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:DeferredTaxAssetLiabilityClassesDimension |
6735 |
Total for deferred tax [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalForDeferredTaxDefault |
6736 |
Accelerated tax depreciation, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:AcceleratedTaxDepreciationDeferredTax |
6737 |
Amortisation, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:AmortisationDeferredTax |
6738 |
Convertible debt equity-component, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ConvertibleDebtEquity-componentDeferredTax |
6739 |
Convertible preference shares, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesDeferredTax |
6740 |
Retirement benefit obligations, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RetirementBenefitObligationsDeferredTax |
6741 |
Other post-employment benefits, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitsDeferredTax |
6742 |
Share-based payments, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedPaymentsDeferredTax |
6743 |
Share-based payments, cash-settled, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedPaymentsCash-settledDeferredTax |
6744 |
Share-based payments, equity-settled, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedPaymentsEquity-settledDeferredTax |
6745 |
Provisions, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ProvisionsDeferredTax |
6746 |
Accrued liabilities, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredTax |
6747 |
Contract assets, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ContractAssetsDeferredTax |
6748 |
Contract cost assets, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ContractCostAssetsDeferredTax |
6749 |
Contract liabilities, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ContractLiabilitiesDeferredTax |
6750 |
Impairment losses, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ImpairmentLossesDeferredTax |
6751 |
Capitalised / deferred development costs, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:CapitalisedDeferredDevelopmentCostsDeferredTax |
6752 |
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentDeferredTax |
6753 |
Revaluation of property, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationPropertyDeferredTax |
6754 |
Revaluation of plant and equipment, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationPlantEquipmentDeferredTax |
6755 |
Revaluation of intangible assets, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationIntangibleAssetsDeferredTax |
6756 |
Revaluation of biological assets, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationBiologicalAssetsDeferredTax |
6757 |
Revaluation of investment property, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationInvestmentPropertyDeferredTax |
6758 |
Foreign exchange contracts, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ForeignExchangeContractsDeferredTax |
6759 |
Fair value movements on financial instruments, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:FairValueMovementsOnFinancialInstrumentsDeferredTax |
6760 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:FinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDeferredTax |
6761 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:FinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDeferredTax |
6762 |
Available-for-sale financial assets, deferred tax (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:Available-for-saleFinancialAssetsDeferredTax |
6763 |
Held-to-maturity investments, deferred tax (Deprecated 2019-01-01) |
Abstract |
core:Held-to-maturityInvestmentsDeferredTax |
6764 |
Loans and borrowings, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:LoansBorrowingsDeferredTax |
6765 |
Derivatives, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:DerivativesDeferredTax |
6766 |
Revaluation of fair value hedges, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationFairValueHedgesDeferredTax |
6767 |
Revaluation of cash flow hedges, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:RevaluationCashFlowHedgesDeferredTax |
6768 |
Net investment hedges, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:NetInvestmentHedgesDeferredTax |
6769 |
Foreign exchange differences on foreign operations, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesOnForeignOperationsDeferredTax |
6770 |
Inventories, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:InventoriesDeferredTax |
6771 |
Leases, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:LeasesDeferredTax |
6772 |
Deferred income, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:DeferredIncomeDeferredTax |
6773 |
Tax credits, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:TaxCreditsDeferredTax |
6774 |
Tax losses carry-forwards, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:TaxLossesCarry-forwardsDeferredTax |
6775 |
Transition adjustments arising from first-time adoption, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:TransitionAdjustmentsArisingFromFirst-timeAdoptionDeferredTax |
6776 |
Mining, oil and gas, additional deferred tax classes [heading] |
Abstract |
core:MiningOilGasAdditionalDeferredTaxClassesHeading |
6777 |
Oil and gas properties, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:OilGasPropertiesDeferredTax |
6778 |
Mining properties, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:MiningPropertiesDeferredTax |
6779 |
Exploration and evaluation costs capitalised, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:ExplorationEvaluationCostsCapitalisedDeferredTax |
6780 |
Petroleum revenue tax, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:PetroleumRevenueTaxDeferredTax |
6781 |
Further specific item 1, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificItem1DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax |
6782 |
Further specific item 2, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificItem2DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax |
6783 |
Further specific item 3, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificItem3DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax |
6784 |
Further specific item 4, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificItem4DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax |
6785 |
Further specific item 5, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificItem5DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax |
6786 |
Other, deferred tax |
Abstract |
core:OtherDeferredTax |
6787 |
Tax jurisdiction [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:TaxJurisdictionDimension |
6788 |
Total tax [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalTaxDefault |
6789 |
UK tax |
Abstract |
core:UKTax |
6790 |
Foreign tax |
Abstract |
core:ForeignTax |
6791 |
Share capital and dividends-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:ShareCapitalDividends-specificDimensionsHeading |
6792 |
Entity share classes [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:EntityShareClassesDimension |
6793 |
All share classes [default] |
Abstract |
bus:AllShareClassesDefault |
6794 |
All ordinary shares |
Abstract |
bus:AllOrdinaryShares |
6795 |
Ordinary share class 1 |
Abstract |
bus:OrdinaryShareClass1 |
6796 |
Ordinary share class 2 |
Abstract |
bus:OrdinaryShareClass2 |
6797 |
Ordinary share class 3 |
Abstract |
bus:OrdinaryShareClass3 |
6798 |
Ordinary share class 4 |
Abstract |
bus:OrdinaryShareClass4 |
6799 |
Ordinary share class 5 |
Abstract |
bus:OrdinaryShareClass5 |
6800 |
All preference shares |
Abstract |
bus:AllPreferenceShares |
6801 |
Preference share class 1 |
Abstract |
bus:PreferenceShareClass1 |
6802 |
Preference share class 2 |
Abstract |
bus:PreferenceShareClass2 |
6803 |
Preference share class 3 |
Abstract |
bus:PreferenceShareClass3 |
6804 |
Preference share class 4 |
Abstract |
bus:PreferenceShareClass4 |
6805 |
Preference share class 5 |
Abstract |
bus:PreferenceShareClass5 |
6806 |
All deferred shares |
Abstract |
bus:AllDeferredShares |
6807 |
Deferred share class 1 |
Abstract |
bus:DeferredShareClass1 |
6808 |
Deferred share class 2 |
Abstract |
bus:DeferredShareClass2 |
6809 |
Deferred share class 3 |
Abstract |
bus:DeferredShareClass3 |
6810 |
Deferred share class 4 |
Abstract |
bus:DeferredShareClass4 |
6811 |
Deferred share class 5 |
Abstract |
bus:DeferredShareClass5 |
6812 |
Other share class 1 |
Abstract |
bus:OtherShareClass1 |
6813 |
Other share class 2 |
Abstract |
bus:OtherShareClass2 |
6814 |
Other share class 3 |
Abstract |
bus:OtherShareClass3 |
6815 |
Other share class 4 |
Abstract |
bus:OtherShareClass4 |
6816 |
Share types [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:ShareTypesDimension |
6817 |
All share types [default] |
Abstract |
bus:AllShareTypesDefault |
6818 |
Cumulative shares |
Abstract |
bus:CumulativeShares |
6819 |
Cumulative and redeemable shares |
Abstract |
bus:CumulativeRedeemableShares |
6820 |
Cumulative and non-redeemable shares |
Abstract |
bus:CumulativeNon-redeemableShares |
6821 |
Non-cumulative shares |
Abstract |
bus:Non-cumulativeShares |
6822 |
Non-cumulative and redeemable shares |
Abstract |
bus:Non-cumulativeRedeemableShares |
6823 |
Non-cumulative and non-redeemable shares |
Abstract |
bus:Non-cumulativeNon-redeemableShares |
6824 |
Other share type |
Abstract |
bus:OtherShareType |
6825 |
Share-based payments-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedPayments-specificDimensionsHeading |
6826 |
Share-based payment arrangements [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:Share-basedPaymentArrangementsDimension |
6827 |
Total for all share-based payment arrangements / only share-based payment arrangement [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalForAllShare-basedPaymentArrangementsOnlyShare-basedPaymentArrangementDefault |
6828 |
Share-based arrangement 1 |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedArrangement1 |
6829 |
Share-based arrangement 2 |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedArrangement2 |
6830 |
Share-based arrangement 3 |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedArrangement3 |
6831 |
Share-based arrangement 4 |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedArrangement4 |
6832 |
Share-based arrangement 5 |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedArrangement5 |
6833 |
Share-based arrangement 6 |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedArrangement6 |
6834 |
Share-based arrangement 7 |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedArrangement7 |
6835 |
Share-based arrangement 8 |
Abstract |
core:Share-basedArrangement8 |
6836 |
Share-based payment grants [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:Share-basedPaymentGrantsDimension |
6837 |
Total grants for share-based payment arrangement [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalGrantsForShare-basedPaymentArrangementDefault |
6838 |
Grant 1 |
Abstract |
core:Grant1 |
6839 |
Grant 2 |
Abstract |
core:Grant2 |
6840 |
Grant 3 |
Abstract |
core:Grant3 |
6841 |
Grant 4 |
Abstract |
core:Grant4 |
6842 |
Grant 5 |
Abstract |
core:Grant5 |
6843 |
Grant 6 |
Abstract |
core:Grant6 |
6844 |
Grant 7 |
Abstract |
core:Grant7 |
6845 |
Grant 8 |
Abstract |
core:Grant8 |
6846 |
Grant 9 |
Abstract |
core:Grant9 |
6847 |
Grant 10 |
Abstract |
core:Grant10 |
6848 |
Post-employment benefits-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:Post-employmentBenefits-specificDimensionsHeading |
6849 |
Post-employment benefit plans [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:Post-employmentBenefitPlansDimension |
6850 |
Total for all post-employment benefit plans of this type / only entity post-employment benefit plan of this type [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalForAllPost-employmentBenefitPlansThisTypeOnlyEntityPost-employmentBenefitPlanThisTypeDefault |
6851 |
Total for all pension plans, excluding medical and other plans |
Abstract |
core:TotalForAllPensionPlansExcludingMedicalOtherPlans |
6852 |
Pension plan 1 |
Abstract |
core:PensionPlan1 |
6853 |
Pension plan 2 |
Abstract |
core:PensionPlan2 |
6854 |
Pension plan 3 |
Abstract |
core:PensionPlan3 |
6855 |
Pension plan 4 |
Abstract |
core:PensionPlan4 |
6856 |
Pension plan 5 |
Abstract |
core:PensionPlan5 |
6857 |
Pension plan 6 |
Abstract |
core:PensionPlan6 |
6858 |
Post-employment medical plan 1 |
Abstract |
core:Post-employmentMedicalPlan1 |
6859 |
Post-employment medical plan 2 |
Abstract |
core:Post-employmentMedicalPlan2 |
6860 |
Other post-employment benefit plan 1 |
Abstract |
core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitPlan1 |
6861 |
Other post-employment benefit plan 2 |
Abstract |
core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitPlan2 |
6862 |
Related parties-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RelatedParties-specificDimensionsHeading |
6863 |
Related parties [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:RelatedPartiesDimension |
6864 |
Total related parties [default] |
Abstract |
core:TotalRelatedPartiesDefault |
6865 |
Parent entities |
Abstract |
core:ParentEntities |
6866 |
Ultimate parent |
Abstract |
core:UltimateParent |
6867 |
Immediate parent |
Abstract |
core:ImmediateParent |
6868 |
Intermediate parents |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParents |
6869 |
Intermediate parent 1 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent1 |
6870 |
Intermediate parent 2 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent2 |
6871 |
Intermediate parent 3 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent3 |
6872 |
Intermediate parent 4 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent4 |
6873 |
Intermediate parent 5 |
Abstract |
core:IntermediateParent5 |
6874 |
Entities with joint control or significant influence over the reporting entity |
Abstract |
core:EntitiesWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluenceOverReportingEntity |
6875 |
Entity with joint control or significant influence 1 |
Abstract |
core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence1 |
6876 |
Entity with joint control or significant influence 2 |
Abstract |
core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence2 |
6877 |
Entity with joint control or significant influence 3 |
Abstract |
core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence3 |
6878 |
Entity with joint control or significant influence 4 |
Abstract |
core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence4 |
6879 |
Entity with joint control or significant influence 5 |
Abstract |
core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence5 |
6880 |
All subsidiaries |
Abstract |
core:AllSubsidiaries |
6881 |
Other subsidiaries / total individually immaterial subsidiaries |
Abstract |
core:OtherSubsidiariesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialSubsidiaries |
6882 |
Subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests |
Abstract |
core:SubsidiariesWithMaterialNon-controllingInterests |
6883 |
Subsidiary 1 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary1 |
6884 |
Subsidiary 2 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary2 |
6885 |
Subsidiary 3 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary3 |
6886 |
Subsidiary 4 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary4 |
6887 |
Subsidiary 5 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary5 |
6888 |
Subsidiary 6 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary6 |
6889 |
Subsidiary 7 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary7 |
6890 |
Subsidiary 8 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary8 |
6891 |
Subsidiary 9 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary9 |
6892 |
Subsidiary 10 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary10 |
6893 |
Subsidiary 11 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary11 |
6894 |
Subsidiary 12 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary12 |
6895 |
Subsidiary 13 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary13 |
6896 |
Subsidiary 14 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary14 |
6897 |
Subsidiary 15 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary15 |
6898 |
Subsidiary 16 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary16 |
6899 |
Subsidiary 17 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary17 |
6900 |
Subsidiary 18 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary18 |
6901 |
Subsidiary 19 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary19 |
6902 |
Subsidiary 20 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary20 |
6903 |
Subsidiary 21 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary21 |
6904 |
Subsidiary 22 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary22 |
6905 |
Subsidiary 23 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary23 |
6906 |
Subsidiary 24 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary24 |
6907 |
Subsidiary 25 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary25 |
6908 |
Subsidiary 26 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary26 |
6909 |
Subsidiary 27 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary27 |
6910 |
Subsidiary 28 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary28 |
6911 |
Subsidiary 29 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary29 |
6912 |
Subsidiary 30 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary30 |
6913 |
Subsidiary 31 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary31 |
6914 |
Subsidiary 32 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary32 |
6915 |
Subsidiary 33 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary33 |
6916 |
Subsidiary 34 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary34 |
6917 |
Subsidiary 35 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary35 |
6918 |
Subsidiary 36 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary36 |
6919 |
Subsidiary 37 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary37 |
6920 |
Subsidiary 38 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary38 |
6921 |
Subsidiary 39 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary39 |
6922 |
Subsidiary 40 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary40 |
6923 |
Subsidiary 41 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary41 |
6924 |
Subsidiary 42 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary42 |
6925 |
Subsidiary 43 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary43 |
6926 |
Subsidiary 44 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary44 |
6927 |
Subsidiary 45 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary45 |
6928 |
Subsidiary 46 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary46 |
6929 |
Subsidiary 47 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary47 |
6930 |
Subsidiary 48 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary48 |
6931 |
Subsidiary 49 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary49 |
6932 |
Subsidiary 50 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary50 |
6933 |
Subsidiary 51 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary51 |
6934 |
Subsidiary 52 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary52 |
6935 |
Subsidiary 53 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary53 |
6936 |
Subsidiary 54 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary54 |
6937 |
Subsidiary 55 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary55 |
6938 |
Subsidiary 56 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary56 |
6939 |
Subsidiary 57 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary57 |
6940 |
Subsidiary 58 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary58 |
6941 |
Subsidiary 59 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary59 |
6942 |
Subsidiary 60 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary60 |
6943 |
Subsidiary 61 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary61 |
6944 |
Subsidiary 62 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary62 |
6945 |
Subsidiary 63 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary63 |
6946 |
Subsidiary 64 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary64 |
6947 |
Subsidiary 65 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary65 |
6948 |
Subsidiary 66 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary66 |
6949 |
Subsidiary 67 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary67 |
6950 |
Subsidiary 68 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary68 |
6951 |
Subsidiary 69 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary69 |
6952 |
Subsidiary 70 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary70 |
6953 |
Subsidiary 71 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary71 |
6954 |
Subsidiary 72 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary72 |
6955 |
Subsidiary 73 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary73 |
6956 |
Subsidiary 74 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary74 |
6957 |
Subsidiary 75 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary75 |
6958 |
Subsidiary 76 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary76 |
6959 |
Subsidiary 77 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary77 |
6960 |
Subsidiary 78 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary78 |
6961 |
Subsidiary 79 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary79 |
6962 |
Subsidiary 80 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary80 |
6963 |
Subsidiary 81 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary81 |
6964 |
Subsidiary 82 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary82 |
6965 |
Subsidiary 83 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary83 |
6966 |
Subsidiary 84 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary84 |
6967 |
Subsidiary 85 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary85 |
6968 |
Subsidiary 86 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary86 |
6969 |
Subsidiary 87 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary87 |
6970 |
Subsidiary 88 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary88 |
6971 |
Subsidiary 89 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary89 |
6972 |
Subsidiary 90 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary90 |
6973 |
Subsidiary 91 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary91 |
6974 |
Subsidiary 92 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary92 |
6975 |
Subsidiary 93 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary93 |
6976 |
Subsidiary 94 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary94 |
6977 |
Subsidiary 95 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary95 |
6978 |
Subsidiary 96 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary96 |
6979 |
Subsidiary 97 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary97 |
6980 |
Subsidiary 98 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary98 |
6981 |
Subsidiary 99 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary99 |
6982 |
Subsidiary 100 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary100 |
6983 |
Subsidiary 101 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary101 |
6984 |
Subsidiary 102 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary102 |
6985 |
Subsidiary 103 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary103 |
6986 |
Subsidiary 104 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary104 |
6987 |
Subsidiary 105 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary105 |
6988 |
Subsidiary 106 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary106 |
6989 |
Subsidiary 107 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary107 |
6990 |
Subsidiary 108 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary108 |
6991 |
Subsidiary 109 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary109 |
6992 |
Subsidiary 110 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary110 |
6993 |
Subsidiary 111 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary111 |
6994 |
Subsidiary 112 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary112 |
6995 |
Subsidiary 113 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary113 |
6996 |
Subsidiary 114 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary114 |
6997 |
Subsidiary 115 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary115 |
6998 |
Subsidiary 116 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary116 |
6999 |
Subsidiary 117 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary117 |
7000 |
Subsidiary 118 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary118 |
7001 |
Subsidiary 119 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary119 |
7002 |
Subsidiary 120 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary120 |
7003 |
Subsidiary 121 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary121 |
7004 |
Subsidiary 122 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary122 |
7005 |
Subsidiary 123 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary123 |
7006 |
Subsidiary 124 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary124 |
7007 |
Subsidiary 125 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary125 |
7008 |
Subsidiary 126 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary126 |
7009 |
Subsidiary 127 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary127 |
7010 |
Subsidiary 128 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary128 |
7011 |
Subsidiary 129 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary129 |
7012 |
Subsidiary 130 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary130 |
7013 |
Subsidiary 131 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary131 |
7014 |
Subsidiary 132 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary132 |
7015 |
Subsidiary 133 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary133 |
7016 |
Subsidiary 134 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary134 |
7017 |
Subsidiary 135 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary135 |
7018 |
Subsidiary 136 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary136 |
7019 |
Subsidiary 137 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary137 |
7020 |
Subsidiary 138 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary138 |
7021 |
Subsidiary 139 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary139 |
7022 |
Subsidiary 140 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary140 |
7023 |
Subsidiary 141 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary141 |
7024 |
Subsidiary 142 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary142 |
7025 |
Subsidiary 143 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary143 |
7026 |
Subsidiary 144 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary144 |
7027 |
Subsidiary 145 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary145 |
7028 |
Subsidiary 146 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary146 |
7029 |
Subsidiary 147 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary147 |
7030 |
Subsidiary 148 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary148 |
7031 |
Subsidiary 149 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary149 |
7032 |
Subsidiary 150 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary150 |
7033 |
Subsidiary 151 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary151 |
7034 |
Subsidiary 152 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary152 |
7035 |
Subsidiary 153 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary153 |
7036 |
Subsidiary 154 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary154 |
7037 |
Subsidiary 155 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary155 |
7038 |
Subsidiary 156 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary156 |
7039 |
Subsidiary 157 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary157 |
7040 |
Subsidiary 158 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary158 |
7041 |
Subsidiary 159 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary159 |
7042 |
Subsidiary 160 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary160 |
7043 |
Subsidiary 161 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary161 |
7044 |
Subsidiary 162 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary162 |
7045 |
Subsidiary 163 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary163 |
7046 |
Subsidiary 164 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary164 |
7047 |
Subsidiary 165 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary165 |
7048 |
Subsidiary 166 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary166 |
7049 |
Subsidiary 167 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary167 |
7050 |
Subsidiary 168 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary168 |
7051 |
Subsidiary 169 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary169 |
7052 |
Subsidiary 170 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary170 |
7053 |
Subsidiary 171 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary171 |
7054 |
Subsidiary 172 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary172 |
7055 |
Subsidiary 173 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary173 |
7056 |
Subsidiary 174 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary174 |
7057 |
Subsidiary 175 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary175 |
7058 |
Subsidiary 176 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary176 |
7059 |
Subsidiary 177 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary177 |
7060 |
Subsidiary 178 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary178 |
7061 |
Subsidiary 179 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary179 |
7062 |
Subsidiary 180 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary180 |
7063 |
Subsidiary 181 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary181 |
7064 |
Subsidiary 182 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary182 |
7065 |
Subsidiary 183 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary183 |
7066 |
Subsidiary 184 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary184 |
7067 |
Subsidiary 185 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary185 |
7068 |
Subsidiary 186 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary186 |
7069 |
Subsidiary 187 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary187 |
7070 |
Subsidiary 188 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary188 |
7071 |
Subsidiary 189 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary189 |
7072 |
Subsidiary 190 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary190 |
7073 |
Subsidiary 191 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary191 |
7074 |
Subsidiary 192 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary192 |
7075 |
Subsidiary 193 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary193 |
7076 |
Subsidiary 194 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary194 |
7077 |
Subsidiary 195 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary195 |
7078 |
Subsidiary 196 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary196 |
7079 |
Subsidiary 197 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary197 |
7080 |
Subsidiary 198 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary198 |
7081 |
Subsidiary 199 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary199 |
7082 |
Subsidiary 200 |
Abstract |
core:Subsidiary200 |
7083 |
All associates |
Abstract |
core:AllAssociates |
7084 |
Other associates / total individually immaterial associates |
Abstract |
core:OtherAssociatesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialAssociates |
7085 |
Associate 1 |
Abstract |
core:Associate1 |
7086 |
Associate 2 |
Abstract |
core:Associate2 |
7087 |
Associate 3 |
Abstract |
core:Associate3 |
7088 |
Associate 4 |
Abstract |
core:Associate4 |
7089 |
Associate 5 |
Abstract |
core:Associate5 |
7090 |
Associate 6 |
Abstract |
core:Associate6 |
7091 |
Associate 7 |
Abstract |
core:Associate7 |
7092 |
Associate 8 |
Abstract |
core:Associate8 |
7093 |
Associate 9 |
Abstract |
core:Associate9 |
7094 |
Associate 10 |
Abstract |
core:Associate10 |
7095 |
Associate 11 |
Abstract |
core:Associate11 |
7096 |
Associate 12 |
Abstract |
core:Associate12 |
7097 |
Associate 13 |
Abstract |
core:Associate13 |
7098 |
Associate 14 |
Abstract |
core:Associate14 |
7099 |
Associate 15 |
Abstract |
core:Associate15 |
7100 |
Associate 16 |
Abstract |
core:Associate16 |
7101 |
Associate 17 |
Abstract |
core:Associate17 |
7102 |
Associate 18 |
Abstract |
core:Associate18 |
7103 |
Associate 19 |
Abstract |
core:Associate19 |
7104 |
Associate 20 |
Abstract |
core:Associate20 |
7105 |
Associate 21 |
Abstract |
core:Associate21 |
7106 |
Associate 22 |
Abstract |
core:Associate22 |
7107 |
Associate 23 |
Abstract |
core:Associate23 |
7108 |
Associate 24 |
Abstract |
core:Associate24 |
7109 |
Associate 25 |
Abstract |
core:Associate25 |
7110 |
Associate 26 |
Abstract |
core:Associate26 |
7111 |
Associate 27 |
Abstract |
core:Associate27 |
7112 |
Associate 28 |
Abstract |
core:Associate28 |
7113 |
Associate 29 |
Abstract |
core:Associate29 |
7114 |
Associate 30 |
Abstract |
core:Associate30 |
7115 |
Associate 31 |
Abstract |
core:Associate31 |
7116 |
Associate 32 |
Abstract |
core:Associate32 |
7117 |
Associate 33 |
Abstract |
core:Associate33 |
7118 |
Associate 34 |
Abstract |
core:Associate34 |
7119 |
Associate 35 |
Abstract |
core:Associate35 |
7120 |
Associate 36 |
Abstract |
core:Associate36 |
7121 |
Associate 37 |
Abstract |
core:Associate37 |
7122 |
Associate 38 |
Abstract |
core:Associate38 |
7123 |
Associate 39 |
Abstract |
core:Associate39 |
7124 |
Associate 40 |
Abstract |
core:Associate40 |
7125 |
Associate 41 |
Abstract |
core:Associate41 |
7126 |
Associate 42 |
Abstract |
core:Associate42 |
7127 |
Associate 43 |
Abstract |
core:Associate43 |
7128 |
Associate 44 |
Abstract |
core:Associate44 |
7129 |
Associate 45 |
Abstract |
core:Associate45 |
7130 |
Associate 46 |
Abstract |
core:Associate46 |
7131 |
Associate 47 |
Abstract |
core:Associate47 |
7132 |
Associate 48 |
Abstract |
core:Associate48 |
7133 |
Associate 49 |
Abstract |
core:Associate49 |
7134 |
Associate 50 |
Abstract |
core:Associate50 |
7135 |
All joint ventures |
Abstract |
core:AllJointVentures |
7136 |
Other joint ventures / total individually immaterial joint ventures |
Abstract |
core:OtherJointVenturesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialJointVentures |
7137 |
Joint venture 1 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture1 |
7138 |
Joint venture 2 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture2 |
7139 |
Joint venture 3 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture3 |
7140 |
Joint venture 4 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture4 |
7141 |
Joint venture 5 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture5 |
7142 |
Joint venture 6 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture6 |
7143 |
Joint venture 7 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture7 |
7144 |
Joint venture 8 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture8 |
7145 |
Joint venture 9 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture9 |
7146 |
Joint venture 10 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture10 |
7147 |
Joint venture 11 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture11 |
7148 |
Joint venture 12 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture12 |
7149 |
Joint venture 13 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture13 |
7150 |
Joint venture 14 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture14 |
7151 |
Joint venture 15 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture15 |
7152 |
Joint venture 16 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture16 |
7153 |
Joint venture 17 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture17 |
7154 |
Joint venture 18 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture18 |
7155 |
Joint venture 19 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture19 |
7156 |
Joint venture 20 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture20 |
7157 |
Joint venture 21 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture21 |
7158 |
Joint venture 22 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture22 |
7159 |
Joint venture 23 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture23 |
7160 |
Joint venture 24 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture24 |
7161 |
Joint venture 25 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture25 |
7162 |
Joint venture 26 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture26 |
7163 |
Joint venture 27 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture27 |
7164 |
Joint venture 28 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture28 |
7165 |
Joint venture 29 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture29 |
7166 |
Joint venture 30 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture30 |
7167 |
Joint venture 31 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture31 |
7168 |
Joint venture 32 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture32 |
7169 |
Joint venture 33 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture33 |
7170 |
Joint venture 34 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture34 |
7171 |
Joint venture 35 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture35 |
7172 |
Joint venture 36 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture36 |
7173 |
Joint venture 37 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture37 |
7174 |
Joint venture 38 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture38 |
7175 |
Joint venture 39 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture39 |
7176 |
Joint venture 40 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture40 |
7177 |
Joint venture 41 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture41 |
7178 |
Joint venture 42 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture42 |
7179 |
Joint venture 43 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture43 |
7180 |
Joint venture 44 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture44 |
7181 |
Joint venture 45 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture45 |
7182 |
Joint venture 46 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture46 |
7183 |
Joint venture 47 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture47 |
7184 |
Joint venture 48 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture48 |
7185 |
Joint venture 49 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture49 |
7186 |
Joint venture 50 |
Abstract |
core:JointVenture50 |
7187 |
All unconsolidated structured entities |
Abstract |
core:AllUnconsolidatedStructuredEntities |
7188 |
Other unconsolidated structured entities / total individually immaterial unconsolidated structured entities |
Abstract |
core:OtherUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialUnconsolidatedStructuredEntities |
7189 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 1 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity1 |
7190 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 2 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity2 |
7191 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 3 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity3 |
7192 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 4 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity4 |
7193 |
Unconsolidated structured entity 5 |
Abstract |
core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity5 |
7194 |
Other members of group, not defined elsewhere |
Member |
core:OtherMembersGroupNotDefinedElsewhere |
7195 |
Other group member 1 |
Member |
core:OtherGroupMember1 |
7196 |
Other group member 2 |
Member |
core:OtherGroupMember2 |
7197 |
Other group member 3 |
Member |
core:OtherGroupMember3 |
7198 |
Other group member 4 |
Member |
core:OtherGroupMember4 |
7199 |
Other group member 5 |
Member |
core:OtherGroupMember5 |
7200 |
Other group member 6 |
Member |
core:OtherGroupMember6 |
7201 |
Other group member 7 |
Member |
core:OtherGroupMember7 |
7202 |
Other group member 8 |
Member |
core:OtherGroupMember8 |
7203 |
Trustees, close family members and entities under trustee's control |
Member |
char:TrusteesCloseFamilyMembersEntitiesUnderTrusteesControl |
7204 |
Trustees |
Abstract |
char:Trustees |
7205 |
Trustee / trustees 1 |
Abstract |
char:TrusteeTrustees1 |
7206 |
Trustee / trustees 2 |
Abstract |
char:TrusteeTrustees2 |
7207 |
Trustee / trustees 3 |
Abstract |
char:TrusteeTrustees3 |
7208 |
Trustee / trustees 4 |
Abstract |
char:TrusteeTrustees4 |
7209 |
Trustee / trustees 5 |
Abstract |
char:TrusteeTrustees5 |
7210 |
Close family members of trustees |
Member |
char:CloseFamilyMembersTrustees |
7211 |
Close family member of trustee / trustees 1 |
Member |
char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees1 |
7212 |
Close family member of trustee / trustees 2 |
Member |
char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees2 |
7213 |
Close family member of trustee / trustees 3 |
Member |
char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees3 |
7214 |
Close family member of trustee / trustees 4 |
Member |
char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees4 |
7215 |
Close family member of trustee / trustees 5 |
Member |
char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees5 |
7216 |
Entities controlled by trustees |
Abstract |
char:EntitiesControlledByTrustees |
7217 |
Entity controlled by trustees 1 |
Abstract |
char:EntityControlledByTrustees1 |
7218 |
Entity controlled by trustees 2 |
Abstract |
char:EntityControlledByTrustees2 |
7219 |
Entity controlled by trustees 3 |
Abstract |
char:EntityControlledByTrustees3 |
7220 |
Entity controlled by trustees 4 |
Abstract |
char:EntityControlledByTrustees4 |
7221 |
Entity controlled by trustees 5 |
Abstract |
char:EntityControlledByTrustees5 |
7222 |
Key management personnel, close family members and entities under key management personnel's control |
Member |
core:KeyManagementPersonnelCloseFamilyMembersEntitiesUnderKeyManagementPersonnelsControl |
7223 |
Key management personnel |
Abstract |
core:KeyManagementPersonnel |
7224 |
Key management individual / group 1 |
Abstract |
core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup1 |
7225 |
Key management individual / group 2 |
Abstract |
core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup2 |
7226 |
Key management individual / group 3 |
Abstract |
core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup3 |
7227 |
Key management individual / group 4 |
Abstract |
core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup4 |
7228 |
Key management individual / group 5 |
Abstract |
core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup5 |
7229 |
Close family members of key management personnel |
Member |
core:CloseFamilyMembersKeyManagementPersonnel |
7230 |
Close family member 1 |
Member |
core:CloseFamilyMember1 |
7231 |
Close family member 2 |
Member |
core:CloseFamilyMember2 |
7232 |
Close family member 3 |
Member |
core:CloseFamilyMember3 |
7233 |
Close family member 4 |
Member |
core:CloseFamilyMember4 |
7234 |
Close family member 5 |
Member |
core:CloseFamilyMember5 |
7235 |
Entities controlled by key management personnel |
Abstract |
core:EntitiesControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel |
7236 |
Entity controlled by key management personnel 1 |
Abstract |
core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel1 |
7237 |
Entity controlled by key management personnel 2 |
Abstract |
core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel2 |
7238 |
Entity controlled by key management personnel 3 |
Abstract |
core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel3 |
7239 |
Entity controlled by key management personnel 4 |
Abstract |
core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel4 |
7240 |
Entity controlled by key management personnel 5 |
Abstract |
core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel5 |
7241 |
Other related party relationship type 1 [component of total related parties] |
Abstract |
core:OtherRelatedPartyRelationshipType1ComponentTotalRelatedParties |
7242 |
Other related party relationship type 2 [component of total related parties] |
Abstract |
core:OtherRelatedPartyRelationshipType2ComponentTotalRelatedParties |
7243 |
Other related parties |
Abstract |
core:OtherRelatedParties |
7244 |
Related party transaction type [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:RelatedPartyTransactionTypeDimension |
7245 |
All types of related party transactions [default] |
Abstract |
core:AllTypesRelatedPartyTransactionsDefault |
7246 |
Sale or purchase of goods |
Abstract |
core:SaleOrPurchaseGoods |
7247 |
Sale or purchase of property or other assets |
Abstract |
core:SaleOrPurchasePropertyOrOtherAssets |
7248 |
Rendering or receiving of services |
Abstract |
core:RenderingOrReceivingServices |
7249 |
Leases |
Abstract |
core:Leases |
7250 |
Transfers of research and development |
Abstract |
core:TransfersResearchDevelopment |
7251 |
Transfers under licence arrangements / royalties |
Abstract |
core:TransfersUnderLicenceArrangementsRoyalties |
7252 |
Transfers under finance arrangements |
Abstract |
core:TransfersUnderFinanceArrangements |
7253 |
Transfers of capital / equity contributions |
Abstract |
core:TransfersCapitalEquityContributions |
7254 |
Transfers of assets |
Abstract |
core:TransfersAssets |
7255 |
Settlement of liabilities |
Abstract |
core:SettlementLiabilities |
7256 |
Provisions of guarantees or collateral |
Abstract |
core:ProvisionsGuaranteesOrCollateral |
7257 |
Management recharges / services |
Abstract |
core:ManagementRechargesServices |
7258 |
Administrative services |
Abstract |
core:AdministrativeServices |
7259 |
Expenses reimbursed |
Abstract |
core:ExpensesReimbursed |
7260 |
Auditor remuneration transactions |
Abstract |
core:AuditorRemunerationTransactions |
7261 |
Interest expense transactions |
Abstract |
core:InterestExpenseTransactions |
7262 |
Interest income transactions |
Abstract |
core:InterestIncomeTransactions |
7263 |
Dividends paid transactions |
Abstract |
core:DividendsPaidTransactions |
7264 |
Dividends received transactions |
Abstract |
core:DividendsReceivedTransactions |
7265 |
Legal fees transactions |
Abstract |
core:LegalFeesTransactions |
7266 |
Repairs and maintenance transactions |
Abstract |
core:RepairsMaintenanceTransactions |
7267 |
Commissions transactions |
Abstract |
core:CommissionsTransactions |
7268 |
Rental income transactions |
Abstract |
core:RentalIncomeTransactions |
7269 |
Rental expense transactions |
Abstract |
core:RentalExpenseTransactions |
7270 |
Group relief transactions |
Abstract |
core:GroupReliefTransactions |
7271 |
Additional banking and finance sector transaction tags [heading] |
Abstract |
core:AdditionalBankingFinanceSectorTransactionTagsHeading |
7272 |
Investment management fee transactions |
Abstract |
core:InvestmentManagementFeeTransactions |
7273 |
Banking service fee transactions |
Abstract |
core:BankingServiceFeeTransactions |
7274 |
Interest, fees and other income transactions |
Abstract |
core:InterestFeesOtherIncomeTransactions |
7275 |
Fees and commission income transactions |
Abstract |
core:FeesCommissionIncomeTransactions |
7276 |
Interest, fees and other expense transactions |
Abstract |
core:InterestFeesOtherExpenseTransactions |
7277 |
Fees and commission expense transactions |
Abstract |
core:FeesCommissionExpenseTransactions |
7278 |
Other transaction type 1 |
Abstract |
core:OtherTransactionType1 |
7279 |
Other transaction type 2 |
Abstract |
core:OtherTransactionType2 |
7280 |
Other transaction type 3 |
Abstract |
core:OtherTransactionType3 |
7281 |
Other transaction type 4 |
Abstract |
core:OtherTransactionType4 |
7282 |
Other transaction type 5 |
Abstract |
core:OtherTransactionType5 |
7283 |
Contingent liabilities-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:ContingentLiabilities-specificDimensionsHeading |
7284 |
Contingent liabilities classes [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:ContingentLiabilitiesClassesDimension |
7285 |
All contingent liabilities [default] |
Abstract |
core:AllContingentLiabilitiesDefault |
7286 |
Warranties |
Abstract |
core:Warranties |
7287 |
Restructuring or reorganisation |
Abstract |
core:RestructuringOrReorganisation |
7288 |
Legal proceedings |
Abstract |
core:LegalProceedings |
7289 |
Regulatory matters |
Abstract |
core:RegulatoryMatters |
7290 |
Legislative changes |
Abstract |
core:LegislativeChanges |
7291 |
Other regulatory matters |
Abstract |
core:OtherRegulatoryMatters |
7292 |
Onerous contracts, excluding vacant properties |
Abstract |
core:OnerousContractsExcludingVacantProperties |
7293 |
Vacant properties |
Abstract |
core:VacantProperties |
7294 |
Decommissioning and restoration / dilapidations |
Abstract |
core:DecommissioningRestorationDilapidations |
7295 |
Taxation, including deferred taxation |
Abstract |
core:TaxationIncludingDeferredTaxation |
7296 |
Deferred taxation |
Abstract |
core:DeferredTaxation |
7297 |
Employee benefits |
Abstract |
core:EmployeeBenefits |
7298 |
Social security contributions |
Abstract |
core:SocialSecurityContributions |
7299 |
Post-employment benefits |
Abstract |
core:Post-employmentBenefits |
7300 |
Pensions |
Abstract |
core:Pensions |
7301 |
Bad debts |
Abstract |
core:BadDebts |
7302 |
Financial guarantees |
Abstract |
core:FinancialGuarantees |
7303 |
Inventory obsolescence |
Abstract |
core:InventoryObsolescence |
7304 |
Environmental costs |
Abstract |
core:EnvironmentalCosts |
7305 |
Waste disposal |
Abstract |
core:WasteDisposal |
7306 |
Deferred considerations |
Abstract |
core:DeferredConsiderations |
7307 |
Profit sharing and bonuses |
Abstract |
core:ProfitSharingBonuses |
7308 |
Operating leases |
Abstract |
core:OperatingLeases |
7309 |
Refunds |
Abstract |
core:Refunds |
7310 |
Financial penalties / levies |
Abstract |
core:FinancialPenaltiesLevies |
7311 |
Acceptances and endorsements |
Abstract |
core:AcceptancesEndorsements |
7312 |
Commission clawback |
Abstract |
core:CommissionClawback |
7313 |
Contingent liability on business combination |
Abstract |
core:ContingentLiabilityOnBusinessCombination |
7314 |
Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 1 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability1ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
7315 |
Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 2 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability2ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
7316 |
Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 3 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability3ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
7317 |
Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 4 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] |
Abstract |
core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability4ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
7318 |
Other provisions / contingent liabilities |
Abstract |
core:OtherProvisionsContingentLiabilities |
7319 |
Restatements and first time adoption-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RestatementsFirstTimeAdoption-specificDimensionsHeading |
7320 |
Restatements and first time adoption [Dimension] |
Axis |
core:RestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionDimension |
7321 |
Restatements and first time adoption [heading] |
Abstract |
core:RestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionHeading |
7322 |
Restated amount |
Abstract |
core:RestatedAmount |
7323 |
Prior period increase (decrease) |
Abstract |
core:PriorPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
7324 |
Accounting policy change, increase (decrease) |
Abstract |
core:AccountingPolicyChangeIncreaseDecrease |
7325 |
Prior period error increase (decrease) |
Abstract |
core:PriorPeriodErrorIncreaseDecrease |
7326 |
Original amount [default] |
Abstract |
core:OriginalAmountDefault |
7327 |
Increase (decrease) due to transition from previous standard |
Abstract |
core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransitionFromPreviousStandard |
7328 |
Contact information-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:ContactInformation-specificDimensionsHeading |
7329 |
Entity contact type [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:EntityContactTypeDimension |
7330 |
Entity contact type [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:EntityContactTypeHeading |
7331 |
Head office [default] |
Abstract |
bus:HeadOfficeDefault |
7332 |
Registered office |
Abstract |
bus:RegisteredOffice |
7333 |
Registrar information |
Abstract |
bus:RegistrarInformation |
7334 |
Investor relations |
Abstract |
bus:InvestorRelations |
7335 |
Media relations |
Abstract |
bus:MediaRelations |
7336 |
Share dealing information |
Abstract |
bus:ShareDealingInformation |
7337 |
American Depositary Receipts information |
Abstract |
bus:AmericanDepositaryReceiptsInformation |
7338 |
Address type [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:AddressTypeDimension |
7339 |
Address type [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:AddressTypeHeading |
7340 |
Main address [default] |
Abstract |
bus:MainAddressDefault |
7341 |
Postal |
Abstract |
bus:Postal |
7342 |
Street |
Abstract |
bus:Street |
7343 |
Phone number type [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:PhoneNumberTypeDimension |
7344 |
Phone number type [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:PhoneNumberTypeHeading |
7345 |
Landline |
Abstract |
bus:Landline |
7346 |
Mobile |
Abstract |
bus:Mobile |
7347 |
Fax |
Abstract |
bus:Fax |
7348 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
7349 |
Form of contact [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:FormContactDimension |
7350 |
Form of contact [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:FormContactHeading |
7351 |
Main form of contact [default] |
Abstract |
bus:MainFormContactDefault |
7352 |
Switchboard |
Abstract |
bus:Switchboard |
7353 |
Direct |
Abstract |
bus:Direct |
7354 |
Third party agent-specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:ThirdPartyAgent-specificDimensionsHeading |
7355 |
Third party agent status [Dimension] |
Axis |
bus:ThirdPartyAgentStatusDimension |
7356 |
Total agents [default] |
Abstract |
bus:TotalAgentsDefault |
7357 |
Lead agent, if applicable |
Abstract |
bus:LeadAgentIfApplicable |
7358 |
Agent 1 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent1 |
7359 |
Agent 2 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent2 |
7360 |
Agent 3 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent3 |
7361 |
Agent 4 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent4 |
7362 |
Agent 5 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent5 |
7363 |
Agent 6 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent6 |
7364 |
Agent 7 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent7 |
7365 |
Agent 8 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent8 |
7366 |
Agent 9 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent9 |
7367 |
Agent 10 |
Abstract |
bus:Agent10 |
7368 |
Standard countries and regions dimension [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:StandardCountriesRegionsDimensionHeading |
7369 |
Countries and regions [Dimension] |
Axis |
countries:CountriesRegionsDimension |
7370 |
Countries and regions [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:CountriesRegionsHeading |
7371 |
All countries |
Abstract |
countries:AllCountries |
7372 |
Other countries and regions |
Abstract |
countries:OtherCountriesRegions |
7373 |
Home countries [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:HomeCountriesHeading |
7374 |
United Kingdom |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedKingdom |
7375 |
England |
Abstract |
countries:England |
7376 |
Scotland |
Abstract |
countries:Scotland |
7377 |
Wales |
Abstract |
countries:Wales |
7378 |
England and Wales |
Abstract |
countries:EnglandWales |
7379 |
Northern Ireland |
Abstract |
countries:NorthernIreland |
7380 |
Isle of Man |
Abstract |
countries:IsleMan |
7381 |
Channel Islands |
Abstract |
countries:ChannelIslands |
7382 |
Jersey |
Abstract |
countries:Jersey |
7383 |
Guernsey |
Abstract |
countries:Guernsey |
7384 |
Other Channel Islands |
Abstract |
countries:OtherChannelIslands |
7385 |
Great Britain |
Abstract |
countries:GreatBritain |
7386 |
Main regions [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:MainRegionsHeading |
7387 |
Rest of world, outside UK |
Abstract |
countries:RestWorldOutsideUK |
7388 |
Rest of world, outside Europe |
Abstract |
countries:RestWorldOutsideEurope |
7389 |
Rest of Europe, outside UK |
Abstract |
countries:RestEuropeOutsideUK |
7390 |
European Community |
Abstract |
countries:EuropeanCommunity |
7391 |
Europe |
Abstract |
countries:Europe |
7392 |
Americas |
Abstract |
countries:Americas |
7393 |
North America |
Abstract |
countries:NorthAmerica |
7394 |
South America |
Abstract |
countries:SouthAmerica |
7395 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
Abstract |
countries:LatinAmericaCaribbean |
7396 |
Latin America |
Abstract |
countries:LatinAmerica |
7397 |
Caribbean |
Abstract |
countries:Caribbean |
7398 |
Central America |
Abstract |
countries:CentralAmerica |
7399 |
Middle East |
Abstract |
countries:MiddleEast |
7400 |
Africa |
Abstract |
countries:Africa |
7401 |
Europe, Middle East and Africa |
Abstract |
countries:EuropeMiddleEastAfrica |
7402 |
Asia |
Abstract |
countries:Asia |
7403 |
South-east Asia |
Abstract |
countries:South-eastAsia |
7404 |
Australasia |
Abstract |
countries:Australasia |
7405 |
Further specific region 1 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion1ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
7406 |
Further specific region 2 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion2ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
7407 |
Further specific region 3 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion3ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
7408 |
Further specific region 4 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion4ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
7409 |
Further specific region 5 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion5ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
7410 |
Further specific region 6 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion6ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
7411 |
Further specific region 7 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion7ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
7412 |
Further specific region 8 [component of all countries and regions] |
Abstract |
countries:FurtherSpecificRegion8ComponentAllCountriesRegions |
7413 |
Country list [heading] |
Abstract |
countries:CountryListHeading |
7414 |
Afghanistan |
Abstract |
countries:Afghanistan |
7415 |
Aland Islands |
Abstract |
countries:AlandIslands |
7416 |
Albania |
Abstract |
countries:Albania |
7417 |
Algeria |
Abstract |
countries:Algeria |
7418 |
American Samoa |
Abstract |
countries:AmericanSamoa |
7419 |
Andorra |
Abstract |
countries:Andorra |
7420 |
Angola |
Abstract |
countries:Angola |
7421 |
Anguilla |
Abstract |
countries:Anguilla |
7422 |
Antarctica |
Abstract |
countries:Antarctica |
7423 |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Abstract |
countries:AntiguaBarbuda |
7424 |
Argentina |
Abstract |
countries:Argentina |
7425 |
Armenia |
Abstract |
countries:Armenia |
7426 |
Aruba |
Abstract |
countries:Aruba |
7427 |
Australia |
Abstract |
countries:Australia |
7428 |
Austria |
Abstract |
countries:Austria |
7429 |
Azerbaijan |
Abstract |
countries:Azerbaijan |
7430 |
Bahamas |
Abstract |
countries:Bahamas |
7431 |
Bahrain |
Abstract |
countries:Bahrain |
7432 |
Bangladesh |
Abstract |
countries:Bangladesh |
7433 |
Barbados |
Abstract |
countries:Barbados |
7434 |
Belarus |
Abstract |
countries:Belarus |
7435 |
Belgium |
Abstract |
countries:Belgium |
7436 |
Belize |
Abstract |
countries:Belize |
7437 |
Benin |
Abstract |
countries:Benin |
7438 |
Bermuda |
Abstract |
countries:Bermuda |
7439 |
Bhutan |
Abstract |
countries:Bhutan |
7440 |
Bolivia |
Abstract |
countries:Bolivia |
7441 |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba |
Abstract |
countries:BonaireSintEustatiusSaba |
7442 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Abstract |
countries:BosniaHerzegovina |
7443 |
Botswana |
Abstract |
countries:Botswana |
7444 |
Bouvet Island |
Abstract |
countries:BouvetIsland |
7445 |
Brazil |
Abstract |
countries:Brazil |
7446 |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
Abstract |
countries:BritishIndianOceanTerritory |
7447 |
Brunei Darussalam |
Abstract |
countries:BruneiDarussalam |
7448 |
Bulgaria |
Abstract |
countries:Bulgaria |
7449 |
Burkina Faso |
Abstract |
countries:BurkinaFaso |
7450 |
Burundi |
Abstract |
countries:Burundi |
7451 |
Cambodia |
Abstract |
countries:Cambodia |
7452 |
Cameroon |
Abstract |
countries:Cameroon |
7453 |
Canada |
Abstract |
countries:Canada |
7454 |
Cape Verde |
Abstract |
countries:CapeVerde |
7455 |
Cayman Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CaymanIslands |
7456 |
Central African Republic |
Abstract |
countries:CentralAfricanRepublic |
7457 |
Chad |
Abstract |
countries:Chad |
7458 |
Chile |
Abstract |
countries:Chile |
7459 |
China |
Abstract |
countries:China |
7460 |
Christmas Island |
Abstract |
countries:ChristmasIsland |
7461 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CocosKeelingIslands |
7462 |
Colombia |
Abstract |
countries:Colombia |
7463 |
Comoros |
Abstract |
countries:Comoros |
7464 |
Congo |
Abstract |
countries:Congo |
7465 |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the |
Abstract |
countries:CongoDemocraticRepublic |
7466 |
Cook Islands |
Abstract |
countries:CookIslands |
7467 |
Costa Rica |
Abstract |
countries:CostaRica |
7468 |
Cote d'Ivoire |
Abstract |
countries:CoteDIvoire |
7469 |
Croatia |
Abstract |
countries:Croatia |
7470 |
Cuba |
Abstract |
countries:Cuba |
7471 |
Curaçao |
Abstract |
countries:Curaçao |
7472 |
Cyprus |
Abstract |
countries:Cyprus |
7473 |
Czech Republic |
Abstract |
countries:CzechRepublic |
7474 |
Denmark |
Abstract |
countries:Denmark |
7475 |
Djibouti |
Abstract |
countries:Djibouti |
7476 |
Dominica |
Abstract |
countries:Dominica |
7477 |
Dominican Republic |
Abstract |
countries:DominicanRepublic |
7478 |
Ecuador |
Abstract |
countries:Ecuador |
7479 |
Egypt |
Abstract |
countries:Egypt |
7480 |
El Salvador |
Abstract |
countries:ElSalvador |
7481 |
Equatorial Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:EquatorialGuinea |
7482 |
Eritrea |
Abstract |
countries:Eritrea |
7483 |
Estonia |
Abstract |
countries:Estonia |
7484 |
Ethiopia |
Abstract |
countries:Ethiopia |
7485 |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
Abstract |
countries:FalklandIslandsMalvinas |
7486 |
Faroe Islands |
Abstract |
countries:FaroeIslands |
7487 |
Fiji |
Abstract |
countries:Fiji |
7488 |
Finland |
Abstract |
countries:Finland |
7489 |
France |
Abstract |
countries:France |
7490 |
French Guiana |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchGuiana |
7491 |
French Polynesia |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchPolynesia |
7492 |
French Southern Territories |
Abstract |
countries:FrenchSouthernTerritories |
7493 |
Gabon |
Abstract |
countries:Gabon |
7494 |
Gambia |
Abstract |
countries:Gambia |
7495 |
Georgia |
Abstract |
countries:Georgia |
7496 |
Germany |
Abstract |
countries:Germany |
7497 |
Ghana |
Abstract |
countries:Ghana |
7498 |
Gibraltar |
Abstract |
countries:Gibraltar |
7499 |
Greece |
Abstract |
countries:Greece |
7500 |
Greenland |
Abstract |
countries:Greenland |
7501 |
Grenada |
Abstract |
countries:Grenada |
7502 |
Guadeloupe |
Abstract |
countries:Guadeloupe |
7503 |
Guam |
Abstract |
countries:Guam |
7504 |
Guatemala |
Abstract |
countries:Guatemala |
7505 |
Guernsey |
Abstract |
countries:Guernsey |
7506 |
Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:Guinea |
7507 |
Guinea-Bissau |
Abstract |
countries:Guinea-Bissau |
7508 |
Guyana |
Abstract |
countries:Guyana |
7509 |
Haiti |
Abstract |
countries:Haiti |
7510 |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
Abstract |
countries:HeardIslandMcDonaldIslands |
7511 |
Holy See (Vatican City State) |
Abstract |
countries:HolySeeVaticanCityState |
7512 |
Honduras |
Abstract |
countries:Honduras |
7513 |
Hong Kong |
Abstract |
countries:HongKong |
7514 |
Hungary |
Abstract |
countries:Hungary |
7515 |
Iceland |
Abstract |
countries:Iceland |
7516 |
India |
Abstract |
countries:India |
7517 |
Indonesia |
Abstract |
countries:Indonesia |
7518 |
Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:IranIslamicRepublic |
7519 |
Iraq |
Abstract |
countries:Iraq |
7520 |
Ireland |
Abstract |
countries:Ireland |
7521 |
Isle of Man |
Abstract |
countries:IsleMan |
7522 |
Israel |
Abstract |
countries:Israel |
7523 |
Italy |
Abstract |
countries:Italy |
7524 |
Jamaica |
Abstract |
countries:Jamaica |
7525 |
Japan |
Abstract |
countries:Japan |
7526 |
Jersey |
Abstract |
countries:Jersey |
7527 |
Jordan |
Abstract |
countries:Jordan |
7528 |
Kazakhstan |
Abstract |
countries:Kazakhstan |
7529 |
Kenya |
Abstract |
countries:Kenya |
7530 |
Kiribati |
Abstract |
countries:Kiribati |
7531 |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic |
7532 |
Korea, Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:KoreaRepublic |
7533 |
Kuwait |
Abstract |
countries:Kuwait |
7534 |
Kyrgyzstan |
Abstract |
countries:Kyrgyzstan |
7535 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Abstract |
countries:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic |
7536 |
Latvia |
Abstract |
countries:Latvia |
7537 |
Lebanon |
Abstract |
countries:Lebanon |
7538 |
Lesotho |
Abstract |
countries:Lesotho |
7539 |
Liberia |
Abstract |
countries:Liberia |
7540 |
Libya |
Abstract |
countries:Libya |
7541 |
Liechtenstein |
Abstract |
countries:Liechtenstein |
7542 |
Lithuania |
Abstract |
countries:Lithuania |
7543 |
Luxembourg |
Abstract |
countries:Luxembourg |
7544 |
Macao |
Abstract |
countries:Macao |
7545 |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:MacedoniaFormerYugoslavRepublic |
7546 |
Madagascar |
Abstract |
countries:Madagascar |
7547 |
Malawi |
Abstract |
countries:Malawi |
7548 |
Malaysia |
Abstract |
countries:Malaysia |
7549 |
Maldives |
Abstract |
countries:Maldives |
7550 |
Mali |
Abstract |
countries:Mali |
7551 |
Malta |
Abstract |
countries:Malta |
7552 |
Marshall Islands |
Abstract |
countries:MarshallIslands |
7553 |
Martinique |
Abstract |
countries:Martinique |
7554 |
Mauritania |
Abstract |
countries:Mauritania |
7555 |
Mauritius |
Abstract |
countries:Mauritius |
7556 |
Mayotte |
Abstract |
countries:Mayotte |
7557 |
Mexico |
Abstract |
countries:Mexico |
7558 |
Micronesia, Federated States of |
Abstract |
countries:MicronesiaFederatedStates |
7559 |
Moldova, Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:MoldovaRepublic |
7560 |
Monaco |
Abstract |
countries:Monaco |
7561 |
Mongolia |
Abstract |
countries:Mongolia |
7562 |
Montenegro |
Abstract |
countries:Montenegro |
7563 |
Montserrat |
Abstract |
countries:Montserrat |
7564 |
Morocco |
Abstract |
countries:Morocco |
7565 |
Mozambique |
Abstract |
countries:Mozambique |
7566 |
Myanmar |
Abstract |
countries:Myanmar |
7567 |
Namibia |
Abstract |
countries:Namibia |
7568 |
Nauru |
Abstract |
countries:Nauru |
7569 |
Nepal |
Abstract |
countries:Nepal |
7570 |
Netherlands |
Abstract |
countries:Netherlands |
7571 |
New Caledonia |
Abstract |
countries:NewCaledonia |
7572 |
New Zealand |
Abstract |
countries:NewZealand |
7573 |
Nicaragua |
Abstract |
countries:Nicaragua |
7574 |
Niger |
Abstract |
countries:Niger |
7575 |
Nigeria |
Abstract |
countries:Nigeria |
7576 |
Niue |
Abstract |
countries:Niue |
7577 |
Norfolk Island |
Abstract |
countries:NorfolkIsland |
7578 |
Northern Mariana Islands |
Abstract |
countries:NorthernMarianaIslands |
7579 |
Norway |
Abstract |
countries:Norway |
7580 |
Oman |
Abstract |
countries:Oman |
7581 |
Pakistan |
Abstract |
countries:Pakistan |
7582 |
Palau |
Abstract |
countries:Palau |
7583 |
Palestinian, State of |
Abstract |
countries:PalestinianState |
7584 |
Panama |
Abstract |
countries:Panama |
7585 |
Papua New Guinea |
Abstract |
countries:PapuaNewGuinea |
7586 |
Paraguay |
Abstract |
countries:Paraguay |
7587 |
Peru |
Abstract |
countries:Peru |
7588 |
Philippines |
Abstract |
countries:Philippines |
7589 |
Pitcairn |
Abstract |
countries:Pitcairn |
7590 |
Poland |
Abstract |
countries:Poland |
7591 |
Portugal |
Abstract |
countries:Portugal |
7592 |
Puerto Rico |
Abstract |
countries:PuertoRico |
7593 |
Qatar |
Abstract |
countries:Qatar |
7594 |
Réunion |
Abstract |
countries:Réunion |
7595 |
Romania |
Abstract |
countries:Romania |
7596 |
Russian Federation |
Abstract |
countries:RussianFederation |
7597 |
Rwanda |
Abstract |
countries:Rwanda |
7598 |
Saint Barthélemy |
Abstract |
countries:SaintBarthélemy |
7599 |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha |
Abstract |
countries:SaintHelenaAscensionTristanDaCunha |
7600 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Abstract |
countries:SaintKittsNevis |
7601 |
Saint Lucia |
Abstract |
countries:SaintLucia |
7602 |
Saint Martin (French Part) |
Abstract |
countries:SaintMartinFrenchPart |
7603 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Abstract |
countries:SaintPierreMiquelon |
7604 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Abstract |
countries:SaintVincentGrenadines |
7605 |
Samoa |
Abstract |
countries:Samoa |
7606 |
San Marino |
Abstract |
countries:SanMarino |
7607 |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Abstract |
countries:SaoTomePrincipe |
7608 |
Saudi Arabia |
Abstract |
countries:SaudiArabia |
7609 |
Senegal |
Abstract |
countries:Senegal |
7610 |
Serbia |
Abstract |
countries:Serbia |
7611 |
Seychelles |
Abstract |
countries:Seychelles |
7612 |
Sierra Leone |
Abstract |
countries:SierraLeone |
7613 |
Singapore |
Abstract |
countries:Singapore |
7614 |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) |
Abstract |
countries:SintMaartenDutchPart |
7615 |
Slovakia |
Abstract |
countries:Slovakia |
7616 |
Slovenia |
Abstract |
countries:Slovenia |
7617 |
Solomon Islands |
Abstract |
countries:SolomonIslands |
7618 |
Somalia |
Abstract |
countries:Somalia |
7619 |
South Africa |
Abstract |
countries:SouthAfrica |
7620 |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Abstract |
countries:SouthGeorgiaSouthSandwichIslands |
7621 |
South Sudan |
Abstract |
countries:SouthSudan |
7622 |
Spain |
Abstract |
countries:Spain |
7623 |
Sri Lanka |
Abstract |
countries:SriLanka |
7624 |
Sudan |
Abstract |
countries:Sudan |
7625 |
Suriname |
Abstract |
countries:Suriname |
7626 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
Abstract |
countries:SvalbardJanMayen |
7627 |
Swaziland |
Abstract |
countries:Swaziland |
7628 |
Sweden |
Abstract |
countries:Sweden |
7629 |
Switzerland |
Abstract |
countries:Switzerland |
7630 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Abstract |
countries:SyrianArabRepublic |
7631 |
Taiwan, Province of China |
Abstract |
countries:TaiwanProvinceChina |
7632 |
Tajikistan |
Abstract |
countries:Tajikistan |
7633 |
Tanzania, United Republic of |
Abstract |
countries:TanzaniaUnitedRepublic |
7634 |
Thailand |
Abstract |
countries:Thailand |
7635 |
Timor-Leste |
Abstract |
countries:Timor-Leste |
7636 |
Togo |
Abstract |
countries:Togo |
7637 |
Tokelau |
Abstract |
countries:Tokelau |
7638 |
Tonga |
Abstract |
countries:Tonga |
7639 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Abstract |
countries:TrinidadTobago |
7640 |
Tunisia |
Abstract |
countries:Tunisia |
7641 |
Turkey |
Abstract |
countries:Turkey |
7642 |
Turkmenistan |
Abstract |
countries:Turkmenistan |
7643 |
Turks and Caicos Islands |
Abstract |
countries:TurksCaicosIslands |
7644 |
Tuvalu |
Abstract |
countries:Tuvalu |
7645 |
Uganda |
Abstract |
countries:Uganda |
7646 |
Ukraine |
Abstract |
countries:Ukraine |
7647 |
United Arab Emirates |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedArabEmirates |
7648 |
United Kingdom |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedKingdom |
7649 |
United States |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedStates |
7650 |
United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Abstract |
countries:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands |
7651 |
Uruguay |
Abstract |
countries:Uruguay |
7652 |
Uzbekistan |
Abstract |
countries:Uzbekistan |
7653 |
Vanuatu |
Abstract |
countries:Vanuatu |
7654 |
Venezuela |
Abstract |
countries:Venezuela |
7655 |
Viet Nam |
Abstract |
countries:VietNam |
7656 |
Virgin Islands, British |
Abstract |
countries:VirginIslandsBritish |
7657 |
Virgin Islands, US |
Abstract |
countries:VirginIslandsUS |
7658 |
Wallis and Futuna |
Abstract |
countries:WallisFutuna |
7659 |
Western Sahara |
Abstract |
countries:WesternSahara |
7660 |
Yemen |
Abstract |
countries:Yemen |
7661 |
Zambia |
Abstract |
countries:Zambia |
7662 |
Zimbabwe |
Abstract |
countries:Zimbabwe |
7663 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
7664 |
Standard currencies dimension [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:StandardCurrenciesDimensionHeading |
7665 |
Currencies [Dimension] |
Axis |
curr:CurrenciesDimension |
7666 |
Currencies [heading] |
Abstract |
curr:CurrenciesHeading |
7667 |
All currencies |
Abstract |
curr:AllCurrencies |
7668 |
Other currencies |
Abstract |
curr:OtherCurrencies |
7669 |
Main currencies [heading] |
Abstract |
curr:MainCurrenciesHeading |
7670 |
Pound Sterling |
Abstract |
curr:PoundSterling |
7671 |
US Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:USDollar |
7672 |
Euro |
Abstract |
curr:Euro |
7673 |
Japanese Yen |
Abstract |
curr:JapaneseYen |
7674 |
Canadian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:CanadianDollar |
7675 |
Full currencies list [heading] |
Abstract |
curr:FullCurrenciesListHeading |
7676 |
Afghan Afghani |
Abstract |
curr:AfghanAfghani |
7677 |
Albanian Lek |
Abstract |
curr:AlbanianLek |
7678 |
Algerian Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:AlgerianDinar |
7679 |
Angolan kwanza |
Abstract |
curr:AngolanKwanza |
7680 |
Argentine Peso |
Abstract |
curr:ArgentinePeso |
7681 |
Armenian Dram |
Abstract |
curr:ArmenianDram |
7682 |
Aruban Florin |
Abstract |
curr:ArubanFlorin |
7683 |
Australian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:AustralianDollar |
7684 |
Azerbaijanian Manat |
Abstract |
curr:AzerbaijanianManat |
7685 |
Bahamian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BahamianDollar |
7686 |
Bahraini Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:BahrainiDinar |
7687 |
Bangladeshi Taka |
Abstract |
curr:BangladeshiTaka |
7688 |
Barbados Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BarbadosDollar |
7689 |
Belarussian Ruble |
Abstract |
curr:BelarussianRuble |
7690 |
Belize Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BelizeDollar |
7691 |
Bermudian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BermudianDollar |
7692 |
Bhutan Ngultrum |
Abstract |
curr:BhutanNgultrum |
7693 |
Bolivian Boliviano |
Abstract |
curr:BolivianBoliviano |
7694 |
Bolivian Mvdol |
Abstract |
curr:BolivianMvdol |
7695 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark |
Abstract |
curr:BosniaHerzegovinaConvertibleMark |
7696 |
Botswana Pula |
Abstract |
curr:BotswanaPula |
7697 |
Brazilian Real |
Abstract |
curr:BrazilianReal |
7698 |
Brunei Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:BruneiDollar |
7699 |
Bulgarian Lev |
Abstract |
curr:BulgarianLev |
7700 |
Burundian Franc |
Abstract |
curr:BurundianFranc |
7701 |
Cambodian Riel |
Abstract |
curr:CambodianRiel |
7702 |
Canadian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:CanadianDollar |
7703 |
Cape Verde Escudo |
Abstract |
curr:CapeVerdeEscudo |
7704 |
Cayman Islands Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:CaymanIslandsDollar |
7705 |
Abstract |
curr:CFAFrancBCEAO |
7706 |
CFA Franc BEAC |
Abstract |
curr:CFAFrancBEAC |
7707 |
CFP Franc / Pacific Franc |
Abstract |
curr:CFPFrancPacificFranc |
7708 |
Chilean Peso |
Abstract |
curr:ChileanPeso |
7709 |
Chinese Yuan Renminbi |
Abstract |
curr:ChineseYuanRenminbi |
7710 |
Colombian Peso |
Abstract |
curr:ColombianPeso |
7711 |
Comoro Franc |
Abstract |
curr:ComoroFranc |
7712 |
Congolese Franc |
Abstract |
curr:CongoleseFranc |
7713 |
Costa Rican Colon |
Abstract |
curr:CostaRicanColon |
7714 |
Croatian Kuna |
Abstract |
curr:CroatianKuna |
7715 |
Cuban Peso |
Abstract |
curr:CubanPeso |
7716 |
Cuban convertible peso |
Abstract |
curr:CubanConvertiblePeso |
7717 |
Czech Koruna |
Abstract |
curr:CzechKoruna |
7718 |
Danish Krone |
Abstract |
curr:DanishKrone |
7719 |
Djiboutian Franc |
Abstract |
curr:DjiboutianFranc |
7720 |
Dominican Peso |
Abstract |
curr:DominicanPeso |
7721 |
East Caribbean Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:EastCaribbeanDollar |
7722 |
Egyptian Pound |
Abstract |
curr:EgyptianPound |
7723 |
Eritrean Nakfa |
Abstract |
curr:EritreanNakfa |
7724 |
Estonian Kroon |
Abstract |
curr:EstonianKroon |
7725 |
Ethiopian Birr |
Abstract |
curr:EthiopianBirr |
7726 |
Euro |
Abstract |
curr:Euro |
7727 |
European Composite Unit (EURCO) |
Abstract |
curr:EuropeanCompositeUnitEURCO |
7728 |
European Monetary Unit (EMU-6) |
Abstract |
curr:EuropeanMonetaryUnitEMU-6 |
7729 |
European Unit of Account 17 (EUA-17) |
Abstract |
curr:EuropeanUnitAccount17EUA-17 |
7730 |
European Unit of Account 9 (EUA-9) |
Abstract |
curr:EuropeanUnitAccount9EUA-9 |
7731 |
Falkland Islands Pound |
Abstract |
curr:FalklandIslandsPound |
7732 |
Fiji Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:FijiDollar |
7733 |
Gambian Dalasi |
Abstract |
curr:GambianDalasi |
7734 |
Georgian Lari |
Abstract |
curr:GeorgianLari |
7735 |
Ghanaian Cedi |
Abstract |
curr:GhanaianCedi |
7736 |
Gibraltar Pound |
Abstract |
curr:GibraltarPound |
7737 |
Gold (one troy ounce) |
Abstract |
curr:GoldOneTroyOunce |
7738 |
Guatemalan Quetzal |
Abstract |
curr:GuatemalanQuetzal |
7739 |
Guinean Franc |
Abstract |
curr:GuineanFranc |
7740 |
Guyanaese Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:GuyanaeseDollar |
7741 |
Haitian Gourde |
Abstract |
curr:HaitianGourde |
7742 |
Honduras Lempira |
Abstract |
curr:HondurasLempira |
7743 |
Hong Kong Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:HongKongDollar |
7744 |
Hungarian Forint |
Abstract |
curr:HungarianForint |
7745 |
Iceland Krona |
Abstract |
curr:IcelandKrona |
7746 |
Indian Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:IndianRupee |
7747 |
Indonesian Rupiah |
Abstract |
curr:IndonesianRupiah |
7748 |
Iranian Rial |
Abstract |
curr:IranianRial |
7749 |
Iraqi Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:IraqiDinar |
7750 |
Israeli New Sheqel |
Abstract |
curr:IsraeliNewSheqel |
7751 |
Jamaican Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:JamaicanDollar |
7752 |
Japanese Yen |
Abstract |
curr:JapaneseYen |
7753 |
Jordanian Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:JordanianDinar |
7754 |
Kazakhstani Tenge |
Abstract |
curr:KazakhstaniTenge |
7755 |
Kenyan Shilling |
Abstract |
curr:KenyanShilling |
7756 |
Kuwaiti Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:KuwaitiDinar |
7757 |
Kyrgyzstani Som |
Abstract |
curr:KyrgyzstaniSom |
7758 |
Lao Kip |
Abstract |
curr:LaoKip |
7759 |
Latvian Lats |
Abstract |
curr:LatvianLats |
7760 |
Lebanese Pound |
Abstract |
curr:LebanesePound |
7761 |
Lesotho Loti |
Abstract |
curr:LesothoLoti |
7762 |
Liberian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:LiberianDollar |
7763 |
Libyan Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:LibyanDinar |
7764 |
Lithuanian Litas |
Abstract |
curr:LithuanianLitas |
7765 |
Macanese Pataca |
Abstract |
curr:MacanesePataca |
7766 |
Macedonian Denar |
Abstract |
curr:MacedonianDenar |
7767 |
Malagasy Ariary |
Abstract |
curr:MalagasyAriary |
7768 |
Malawian Kwacha |
Abstract |
curr:MalawianKwacha |
7769 |
Malaysian Ringgit |
Abstract |
curr:MalaysianRinggit |
7770 |
Maldives Rufiyaa |
Abstract |
curr:MaldivesRufiyaa |
7771 |
Mauritanian Ouguiya |
Abstract |
curr:MauritanianOuguiya |
7772 |
Mauritius Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:MauritiusRupee |
7773 |
Mexican Peso |
Abstract |
curr:MexicanPeso |
7774 |
Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UID) |
Abstract |
curr:MexicanUnidadDeInversionUID |
7775 |
Moldovan Leu |
Abstract |
curr:MoldovanLeu |
7776 |
Mongolian Tugrik |
Abstract |
curr:MongolianTugrik |
7777 |
Moroccan Dirham |
Abstract |
curr:MoroccanDirham |
7778 |
Mozambican Metical |
Abstract |
curr:MozambicanMetical |
7779 |
Myanma Kyat |
Abstract |
curr:MyanmaKyat |
7780 |
Namibian Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:NamibianDollar |
7781 |
Nepalese Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:NepaleseRupee |
7782 |
Netherlands Antillian Guilder |
Abstract |
curr:NetherlandsAntillianGuilder |
7783 |
New Zealand Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:NewZealandDollar |
7784 |
Nicaraguan Cordoba |
Abstract |
curr:NicaraguanCordoba |
7785 |
Nigerian Naira |
Abstract |
curr:NigerianNaira |
7786 |
North Korean Won |
Abstract |
curr:NorthKoreanWon |
7787 |
Norwegian Krone |
Abstract |
curr:NorwegianKrone |
7788 |
Omani Rial |
Abstract |
curr:OmaniRial |
7789 |
Pakistan Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:PakistanRupee |
7790 |
Palladium (one troy ounce) |
Abstract |
curr:PalladiumOneTroyOunce |
7791 |
Panamanian Balboa |
Abstract |
curr:PanamanianBalboa |
7792 |
Papua New Guinean Kina |
Abstract |
curr:PapuaNewGuineanKina |
7793 |
Paraguayan Guarani |
Abstract |
curr:ParaguayanGuarani |
7794 |
Peruvian Nuevo Sol |
Abstract |
curr:PeruvianNuevoSol |
7795 |
Philippine Peso |
Abstract |
curr:PhilippinePeso |
7796 |
Platinum (one troy ounce) |
Abstract |
curr:PlatinumOneTroyOunce |
7797 |
Polish Zloty |
Abstract |
curr:PolishZloty |
7798 |
Pound Sterling |
Abstract |
curr:PoundSterling |
7799 |
Qatari Rial |
Abstract |
curr:QatariRial |
7800 |
Romanian New Leu |
Abstract |
curr:RomanianNewLeu |
7801 |
Russian Ruble |
Abstract |
curr:RussianRuble |
7802 |
Rwanda Franc |
Abstract |
curr:RwandaFranc |
7803 |
Saint Helena Pound |
Abstract |
curr:SaintHelenaPound |
7804 |
Samoan Tala |
Abstract |
curr:SamoanTala |
7805 |
São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra |
Abstract |
curr:SãoToméPríncipeDobra |
7806 |
Saudi Riyal |
Abstract |
curr:SaudiRiyal |
7807 |
SDR / Special Drawing Rights |
Abstract |
curr:SDRSpecialDrawingRights |
7808 |
Serbian Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:SerbianDinar |
7809 |
Seychelles Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:SeychellesRupee |
7810 |
Sierra Leonian Leone |
Abstract |
curr:SierraLeonianLeone |
7811 |
Silver (one troy ounce) |
Abstract |
curr:SilverOneTroyOunce |
7812 |
Singapore Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:SingaporeDollar |
7813 |
Solomon Islands Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:SolomonIslandsDollar |
7814 |
Somali Shilling |
Abstract |
curr:SomaliShilling |
7815 |
South African Rand |
Abstract |
curr:SouthAfricanRand |
7816 |
South Korean Won |
Abstract |
curr:SouthKoreanWon |
7817 |
Sri Lanka Rupee |
Abstract |
curr:SriLankaRupee |
7818 |
South Sudanese Pound |
Abstract |
curr:SouthSudanesePound |
7819 |
Sudanese Pound |
Abstract |
curr:SudanesePound |
7820 |
Surinamese Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:SurinameseDollar |
7821 |
Swaziland Lilangeni |
Abstract |
curr:SwazilandLilangeni |
7822 |
Swedish Krona |
Abstract |
curr:SwedishKrona |
7823 |
Swiss Franc |
Abstract |
curr:SwissFranc |
7824 |
Syrian Pound |
Abstract |
curr:SyrianPound |
7825 |
Taiwanese New Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:TaiwaneseNewDollar |
7826 |
Tajikistani Somoni |
Abstract |
curr:TajikistaniSomoni |
7827 |
Tanzanian Shilling |
Abstract |
curr:TanzanianShilling |
7828 |
Thai Baht |
Abstract |
curr:ThaiBaht |
7829 |
Tongan Pa'anga |
Abstract |
curr:TonganPaanga |
7830 |
Trinidad and Tobagan Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:TrinidadTobaganDollar |
7831 |
Tunisian Dinar |
Abstract |
curr:TunisianDinar |
7832 |
Turkish Lira |
Abstract |
curr:TurkishLira |
7833 |
Turkmenistani Manat |
Abstract |
curr:TurkmenistaniManat |
7834 |
UAE Dirham |
Abstract |
curr:UAEDirham |
7835 |
Ugandan Shilling |
Abstract |
curr:UgandanShilling |
7836 |
UIC Franc |
Abstract |
curr:UICFranc |
7837 |
Ukrainian Hryvnia |
Abstract |
curr:UkrainianHryvnia |
7838 |
Unidad de Formento |
Abstract |
curr:UnidadDeFormento |
7839 |
Unidad de Valor Real |
Abstract |
curr:UnidadDeValorReal |
7840 |
Uruguayan Peso |
Abstract |
curr:UruguayanPeso |
7841 |
Uruguayan Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI) |
Abstract |
curr:UruguayanPesoEnUnidadesIndexadasURUIURUI |
7842 |
US Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:USDollar |
7843 |
US Dollar (Next day) |
Abstract |
curr:USDollarNextDay |
7844 |
US Dollar (Same day) |
Abstract |
curr:USDollarSameDay |
7845 |
Uzbekistani Som |
Abstract |
curr:UzbekistaniSom |
7846 |
Vanuatan Vatu |
Abstract |
curr:VanuatanVatu |
7847 |
Venezuelan Bolivar |
Abstract |
curr:VenezuelanBolivar |
7848 |
Vietnamese Dong |
Abstract |
curr:VietnameseDong |
7849 |
WIR Euro |
Abstract |
curr:WIREuro |
7850 |
WIR Franc |
Abstract |
curr:WIRFranc |
7851 |
Yemeni Rial |
Abstract |
curr:YemeniRial |
7852 |
Zambian kwacha |
Abstract |
curr:ZambianKwacha |
7853 |
Zimbabwean Dollar |
Abstract |
curr:ZimbabweanDollar |
7854 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
7855 |
Standard languages dimension [heading] |
Abstract |
bus:StandardLanguagesDimensionHeading |
7856 |
Languages [Dimension] |
Axis |
lang:LanguagesDimension |
7857 |
Languages [heading] |
Abstract |
lang:LanguagesHeading |
7858 |
English [default] |
Abstract |
lang:EnglishDefault |
7859 |
Welsh |
Abstract |
lang:Welsh |
7860 |
All languages |
Abstract |
lang:AllLanguages |
7861 |
Language list [heading] |
Abstract |
lang:LanguageListHeading |
7862 |
Abkhazian |
Abstract |
lang:Abkhazian |
7863 |
Afrikaans |
Abstract |
lang:Afrikaans |
7864 |
Albanian |
Abstract |
lang:Albanian |
7865 |
Amharic |
Abstract |
lang:Amharic |
7866 |
Arabic |
Abstract |
lang:Arabic |
7867 |
Armenian |
Abstract |
lang:Armenian |
7868 |
Assamese |
Abstract |
lang:Assamese |
7869 |
Azerbaijani |
Abstract |
lang:Azerbaijani |
7870 |
Basque |
Abstract |
lang:Basque |
7871 |
Bengali |
Abstract |
lang:Bengali |
7872 |
Bihari |
Abstract |
lang:Bihari |
7873 |
Bulgarian |
Abstract |
lang:Bulgarian |
7874 |
Burmese |
Abstract |
lang:Burmese |
7875 |
Byelorussian |
Abstract |
lang:Byelorussian |
7876 |
Catalan |
Abstract |
lang:Catalan |
7877 |
Chinese |
Abstract |
lang:Chinese |
7878 |
Croatian |
Abstract |
lang:Croatian |
7879 |
Czech |
Abstract |
lang:Czech |
7880 |
Danish |
Abstract |
lang:Danish |
7881 |
Dutch |
Abstract |
lang:Dutch |
7882 |
English [default] |
Abstract |
lang:EnglishDefault |
7883 |
Esperanto |
Abstract |
lang:Esperanto |
7884 |
Estonian |
Abstract |
lang:Estonian |
7885 |
Faroese |
Abstract |
lang:Faroese |
7886 |
Fijian |
Abstract |
lang:Fijian |
7887 |
Finnish |
Abstract |
lang:Finnish |
7888 |
French |
Abstract |
lang:French |
7889 |
Frisian |
Abstract |
lang:Frisian |
7890 |
Georgian |
Abstract |
lang:Georgian |
7891 |
German |
Abstract |
lang:German |
7892 |
Greek, Modern |
Abstract |
lang:GreekModern |
7893 |
Greenlandic |
Abstract |
lang:Greenlandic |
7894 |
Gujarati |
Abstract |
lang:Gujarati |
7895 |
Hebrew |
Abstract |
lang:Hebrew |
7896 |
Hindi |
Abstract |
lang:Hindi |
7897 |
Icelandic |
Abstract |
lang:Icelandic |
7898 |
Indonesian |
Abstract |
lang:Indonesian |
7899 |
Iranian |
Abstract |
lang:Iranian |
7900 |
Irish |
Abstract |
lang:Irish |
7901 |
Italian |
Abstract |
lang:Italian |
7902 |
Japanese |
Abstract |
lang:Japanese |
7903 |
Javanese |
Abstract |
lang:Javanese |
7904 |
Kashmiri |
Abstract |
lang:Kashmiri |
7905 |
Kazakh |
Abstract |
lang:Kazakh |
7906 |
Khmer |
Abstract |
lang:Khmer |
7907 |
Kirghiz |
Abstract |
lang:Kirghiz |
7908 |
Korean |
Abstract |
lang:Korean |
7909 |
Kurdish |
Abstract |
lang:Kurdish |
7910 |
Lao |
Abstract |
lang:Lao |
7911 |
Latin |
Abstract |
lang:Latin |
7912 |
Latvian |
Abstract |
lang:Latvian |
7913 |
Letzeburgesch |
Abstract |
lang:Letzeburgesch |
7914 |
Lithuanian |
Abstract |
lang:Lithuanian |
7915 |
Macedonian |
Abstract |
lang:Macedonian |
7916 |
Malagasy |
Abstract |
lang:Malagasy |
7917 |
Malay |
Abstract |
lang:Malay |
7918 |
Maltese |
Abstract |
lang:Maltese |
7919 |
Maori |
Abstract |
lang:Maori |
7920 |
Marathi |
Abstract |
lang:Marathi |
7921 |
Moldavian |
Abstract |
lang:Moldavian |
7922 |
Mongolian |
Abstract |
lang:Mongolian |
7923 |
Nauru language |
Abstract |
lang:NauruLanguage |
7924 |
Nepali |
Abstract |
lang:Nepali |
7925 |
Norwegian |
Abstract |
lang:Norwegian |
7926 |
Ossetic |
Abstract |
lang:Ossetic |
7927 |
Panjabi |
Abstract |
lang:Panjabi |
7928 |
Persian |
Abstract |
lang:Persian |
7929 |
Polish |
Abstract |
lang:Polish |
7930 |
Portuguese |
Abstract |
lang:Portuguese |
7931 |
Pushto |
Abstract |
lang:Pushto |
7932 |
Quechua |
Abstract |
lang:Quechua |
7933 |
Rajasthani |
Abstract |
lang:Rajasthani |
7934 |
Romanian |
Abstract |
lang:Romanian |
7935 |
Russian |
Abstract |
lang:Russian |
7936 |
Samoan |
Abstract |
lang:Samoan |
7937 |
Scottish Gaelic |
Abstract |
lang:ScottishGaelic |
7938 |
Serbian |
Abstract |
lang:Serbian |
7939 |
Serbo-Croatian |
Abstract |
lang:Serbo-Croatian |
7940 |
Singhalese |
Abstract |
lang:Singhalese |
7941 |
Slovak |
Abstract |
lang:Slovak |
7942 |
Slovenian |
Abstract |
lang:Slovenian |
7943 |
Somali |
Abstract |
lang:Somali |
7944 |
Spanish |
Abstract |
lang:Spanish |
7945 |
Sudanese |
Abstract |
lang:Sudanese |
7946 |
Swahili |
Abstract |
lang:Swahili |
7947 |
Swazi |
Abstract |
lang:Swazi |
7948 |
Swedish |
Abstract |
lang:Swedish |
7949 |
Syriac |
Abstract |
lang:Syriac |
7950 |
Tagalog |
Abstract |
lang:Tagalog |
7951 |
Tahitian |
Abstract |
lang:Tahitian |
7952 |
Tajik |
Abstract |
lang:Tajik |
7953 |
Tamil |
Abstract |
lang:Tamil |
7954 |
Thai |
Abstract |
lang:Thai |
7955 |
Tibetan |
Abstract |
lang:Tibetan |
7956 |
Turkish |
Abstract |
lang:Turkish |
7957 |
Turkmen |
Abstract |
lang:Turkmen |
7958 |
Ukrainian |
Abstract |
lang:Ukrainian |
7959 |
Urdu |
Abstract |
lang:Urdu |
7960 |
Uzbek |
Abstract |
lang:Uzbek |
7961 |
Vietnamese |
Abstract |
lang:Vietnamese |
7962 |
Welsh |
Abstract |
lang:Welsh |
7963 |
Yiddish |
Abstract |
lang:Yiddish |
7964 |
Zulu |
Abstract |
lang:Zulu |
7965 |
Other language |
Abstract |
lang:OtherLanguage |
7966 |
Charities specific dimensions [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharitiesSpecificDimensionsHeading |
7967 |
Charity funds [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:CharityFundsDimension |
7968 |
Total funds [default] |
Abstract |
char:TotalFundsDefault |
7969 |
Total unrestricted funds |
Abstract |
char:TotalUnrestrictedFunds |
7970 |
Unrestricted funds, general |
Abstract |
char:UnrestrictedFundsGeneral |
7971 |
Unrestricted funds, designated |
Abstract |
char:UnrestrictedFundsDesignated |
7972 |
Revaluation reserve, unrestricted |
Abstract |
char:RevaluationReserveUnrestricted |
7973 |
Pension reserve, unrestricted |
Abstract |
char:PensionReserveUnrestricted |
7974 |
Fair value reserve, unrestricted |
Abstract |
char:FairValueReserveUnrestricted |
7975 |
Total restricted income funds |
Abstract |
char:TotalRestrictedIncomeFunds |
7976 |
Restricted income funds |
Abstract |
char:RestrictedIncomeFunds |
7977 |
Revaluation reserve, restricted |
Abstract |
char:RevaluationReserveRestricted |
7978 |
Pension reserve, restricted |
Abstract |
char:PensionReserveRestricted |
7979 |
Fair value reserve, restricted |
Abstract |
char:FairValueReserveRestricted |
7980 |
Total endowment funds |
Abstract |
char:TotalEndowmentFunds |
7981 |
Endowment funds, permanent |
Abstract |
char:EndowmentFundsPermanent |
7982 |
Trust for investment |
Abstract |
char:TrustForInvestment |
7983 |
Unapplied total return |
Abstract |
char:UnappliedTotalReturn |
7984 |
Endowment funds, expendable |
Abstract |
char:EndowmentFundsExpendable |
7985 |
Material funds [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:MaterialFundsDimension |
7986 |
Total material funds [default] |
Abstract |
char:TotalMaterialFundsDefault |
7987 |
Material fund 1 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund1 |
7988 |
Material fund 2 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund2 |
7989 |
Material fund 3 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund3 |
7990 |
Material fund 4 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund4 |
7991 |
Material fund 5 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund5 |
7992 |
Material fund 6 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund6 |
7993 |
Material fund 7 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund7 |
7994 |
Material fund 8 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund8 |
7995 |
Material fund 9 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund9 |
7996 |
Material fund 10 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund10 |
7997 |
Material fund 11 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund11 |
7998 |
Material fund 12 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund12 |
7999 |
Material fund 13 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund13 |
8000 |
Material fund 14 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund14 |
8001 |
Material fund 15 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund15 |
8002 |
Material fund 16 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund16 |
8003 |
Material fund 17 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund17 |
8004 |
Material fund 18 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund18 |
8005 |
Material fund 19 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund19 |
8006 |
Material fund 20 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund20 |
8007 |
Material fund 21 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund21 |
8008 |
Material fund 22 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund22 |
8009 |
Material fund 23 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund23 |
8010 |
Material fund 24 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund24 |
8011 |
Material fund 25 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund25 |
8012 |
Material fund 26 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund26 |
8013 |
Material fund 27 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund27 |
8014 |
Material fund 28 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund28 |
8015 |
Material fund 29 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund29 |
8016 |
Material fund 30 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund30 |
8017 |
Material fund 31 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund31 |
8018 |
Material fund 32 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund32 |
8019 |
Material fund 33 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund33 |
8020 |
Material fund 34 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund34 |
8021 |
Material fund 35 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund35 |
8022 |
Material fund 36 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund36 |
8023 |
Material fund 37 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund37 |
8024 |
Material fund 38 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund38 |
8025 |
Material fund 39 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund39 |
8026 |
Material fund 40 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund40 |
8027 |
Material fund 41 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund41 |
8028 |
Material fund 42 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund42 |
8029 |
Material fund 43 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund43 |
8030 |
Material fund 44 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund44 |
8031 |
Material fund 45 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund45 |
8032 |
Material fund 46 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund46 |
8033 |
Material fund 47 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund47 |
8034 |
Material fund 48 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund48 |
8035 |
Material fund 49 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund49 |
8036 |
Material fund 50 |
Abstract |
char:MaterialFund50 |
8037 |
Remaining material funds |
Abstract |
char:RemainingMaterialFunds |
8038 |
Linked charity [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:LinkedCharityDimension |
8039 |
Linked charity [heading] |
Abstract |
char:LinkedCharityHeading |
8040 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8041 |
Linked charity 1 |
Abstract |
char:LinkedCharity1 |
8042 |
Linked charity 2 |
Abstract |
char:LinkedCharity2 |
8043 |
Linked charity 3 |
Abstract |
char:LinkedCharity3 |
8044 |
Linked charity 4 |
Abstract |
char:LinkedCharity4 |
8045 |
Linked charity 5 |
Abstract |
char:LinkedCharity5 |
8046 |
Charitable objectives [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:CharitableObjectivesDimension |
8047 |
Charitable objectives [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharitableObjectivesHeading |
8048 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8049 |
The prevention or relief of poverty |
Abstract |
char:PreventionOrReliefPoverty |
8050 |
The advancement of education |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementEducation |
8051 |
The advancement of religion |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementReligion |
8052 |
The advancement of health or the saving of lives |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementHealthOrSavingLives |
8053 |
The advancement of citizenship or community development |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementCitizenshipOrCommunityDevelopment |
8054 |
The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementArtsCultureHeritageOrScience |
8055 |
The advancement of amateur sport |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementAmateurSport |
8056 |
The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation or the promotion of religious or racial harmony or equality and diversity |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementHumanRightsConflictResolutionOrReconciliationOrPromotionReligiousOrRacialHarmonyOrEqualityDiversity |
8057 |
The advancement of environmental protection or improvement |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementEnvironmentalProtectionOrImprovement |
8058 |
The relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage |
Abstract |
char:ReliefThoseInNeedByReasonYouthAgeIll-healthDisabilityFinancialHardshipOrOtherDisadvantage |
8059 |
The advancement of animal welfare |
Abstract |
char:AdvancementAnimalWelfare |
8060 |
The promotion of the efficiency of the armed forces of the Crown, or of the efficiency of the police, fire and rescue services or ambulance services |
Abstract |
char:PromotionEfficiencyArmedForcesCrownOrEfficiencyPoliceFireRescueServicesOrAmbulanceServices |
8061 |
Any other charitable services |
Abstract |
char:AnyOtherCharitableServices |
8062 |
Form of governing document [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:FormGoverningDocumentDimension |
8063 |
Form of governing document [heading] |
Abstract |
char:FormGoverningDocumentHeading |
8064 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8065 |
Trust deed |
Abstract |
char:TrustDeed |
8066 |
Memorandum and articles of association |
Abstract |
char:MemorandumArticlesAssociation |
8067 |
Charity Commission scheme |
Abstract |
char:CharityCommissionScheme |
8068 |
Royal Charter |
Abstract |
char:RoyalCharter |
8069 |
Foundation Charitable Incorporated Organisation constitution |
Abstract |
char:FoundationCharitableIncorporatedOrganisationConstitution |
8070 |
Association Charitable Incorporated Organisation constitution |
Abstract |
char:AssociationCharitableIncorporatedOrganisationConstitution |
8071 |
Other form of governing document |
Abstract |
char:OtherFormGoverningDocument |
8072 |
Heritage assets class [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:HeritageAssetsClassDimension |
8073 |
Total heritage assets [default] |
Abstract |
char:TotalHeritageAssetsDefault |
8074 |
Tangible heritage assets |
Abstract |
char:TangibleHeritageAssets |
8075 |
Buildings |
Abstract |
char:Buildings |
8076 |
Land |
Abstract |
char:Land |
8077 |
Artefacts |
Abstract |
char:Artefacts |
8078 |
Art |
Abstract |
char:Art |
8079 |
Jewellery |
Abstract |
char:Jewellery |
8080 |
Music |
Abstract |
char:Music |
8081 |
Manuscripts |
Abstract |
char:Manuscripts |
8082 |
Books |
Abstract |
char:Books |
8083 |
Intangible heritage assets |
Abstract |
char:IntangibleHeritageAssets |
8084 |
Music rights |
Abstract |
char:MusicRights |
8085 |
Film rights |
Abstract |
char:FilmRights |
8086 |
Non standard heritage asset class 1 [component of total heritage assets] |
Abstract |
char:NonStandardHeritageAssetClass1ComponentTotalHeritageAssets |
8087 |
Non standard heritage asset class 2 [component of total heritage assets] |
Abstract |
char:NonStandardHeritageAssetClass2ComponentTotalHeritageAssets |
8088 |
Non standard heritage asset class 3 [component of total heritage assets] |
Abstract |
char:NonStandardHeritageAssetClass3ComponentTotalHeritageAssets |
8089 |
Non standard heritage asset class 4 [component of total heritage assets] |
Abstract |
char:NonStandardHeritageAssetClass4ComponentTotalHeritageAssets |
8090 |
Other heritage assets |
Abstract |
char:OtherHeritageAssets |
8091 |
Heritage assets group [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:HeritageAssetsGroupDimension |
8092 |
Heritage assets group [heading] |
Abstract |
char:HeritageAssetsGroupHeading |
8093 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8094 |
Group 1 |
Abstract |
char:Group1 |
8095 |
Group 2 |
Abstract |
char:Group2 |
8096 |
Group 3 |
Abstract |
char:Group3 |
8097 |
Group 4 |
Abstract |
char:Group4 |
8098 |
Group 5 |
Abstract |
char:Group5 |
8099 |
Group 6 |
Abstract |
char:Group6 |
8100 |
Group 7 |
Abstract |
char:Group7 |
8101 |
Group 8 |
Abstract |
char:Group8 |
8102 |
Group 9 |
Abstract |
char:Group9 |
8103 |
Group 10 |
Abstract |
char:Group10 |
8104 |
Heritage assets basis of recognition [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:HeritageAssetsBasisRecognitionDimension |
8105 |
Heritage assets basis of recognition [heading] |
Abstract |
char:HeritageAssetsBasisRecognitionHeading |
8106 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8107 |
Recognition at cost |
Abstract |
char:RecognitionCost |
8108 |
Recognition at valuation |
Abstract |
char:RecognitionValuation |
8109 |
Assets not recognised on the balance sheet |
Abstract |
char:AssetsNotRecognisedOnBalanceSheet |
8110 |
Institutional Grant Recipient [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:InstitutionalGrantRecipientDimension |
8111 |
Institutional grant recipient [heading] |
Abstract |
char:InstitutionalGrantRecipientHeading |
8112 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8113 |
Name of grant recipient 1 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient1 |
8114 |
Name of grant recipient 2 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient2 |
8115 |
Name of grant recipient 3 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient3 |
8116 |
Name of grant recipient 4 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient4 |
8117 |
Name of grant recipient 5 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient5 |
8118 |
Name of grant recipient 6 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient6 |
8119 |
Name of grant recipient 7 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient7 |
8120 |
Name of grant recipient 8 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient8 |
8121 |
Name of grant recipient 9 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient9 |
8122 |
Name of grant recipient 10 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient10 |
8123 |
Name of grant recipient 11 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient11 |
8124 |
Name of grant recipient 12 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient12 |
8125 |
Name of grant recipient 13 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient13 |
8126 |
Name of grant recipient 14 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient14 |
8127 |
Name of grant recipient 15 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient15 |
8128 |
Name of grant recipient 16 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient16 |
8129 |
Name of grant recipient 17 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient17 |
8130 |
Name of grant recipient 18 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient18 |
8131 |
Name of grant recipient 19 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient19 |
8132 |
Name of grant recipient 20 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient20 |
8133 |
Name of grant recipient 21 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient21 |
8134 |
Name of grant recipient 22 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient22 |
8135 |
Name of grant recipient 23 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient23 |
8136 |
Name of grant recipient 24 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient24 |
8137 |
Name of grant recipient 25 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient25 |
8138 |
Name of grant recipient 26 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient26 |
8139 |
Name of grant recipient 27 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient27 |
8140 |
Name of grant recipient 28 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient28 |
8141 |
Name of grant recipient 29 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient29 |
8142 |
Name of grant recipient 30 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient30 |
8143 |
Name of grant recipient 31 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient31 |
8144 |
Name of grant recipient 32 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient32 |
8145 |
Name of grant recipient 33 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient33 |
8146 |
Name of grant recipient 34 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient34 |
8147 |
Name of grant recipient 35 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient35 |
8148 |
Name of grant recipient 36 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient36 |
8149 |
Name of grant recipient 37 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient37 |
8150 |
Name of grant recipient 38 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient38 |
8151 |
Name of grant recipient 39 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient39 |
8152 |
Name of grant recipient 40 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient40 |
8153 |
Name of grant recipient 41 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient41 |
8154 |
Name of grant recipient 42 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient42 |
8155 |
Name of grant recipient 43 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient43 |
8156 |
Name of grant recipient 44 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient44 |
8157 |
Name of grant recipient 45 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient45 |
8158 |
Name of grant recipient 46 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient46 |
8159 |
Name of grant recipient 47 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient47 |
8160 |
Name of grant recipient 48 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient48 |
8161 |
Name of grant recipient 49 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient49 |
8162 |
Name of grant recipient 50 |
Abstract |
char:NameGrantRecipient50 |
8163 |
Salary band [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:SalaryBandDimension |
8164 |
Salary band [heading] |
Abstract |
char:SalaryBandHeading |
8165 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8166 |
£60,001 to £70,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP60001ToGBP70000 |
8167 |
£70,001 to £80,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP70001ToGBP80000 |
8168 |
£80,001 to £90,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP80001ToGBP90000 |
8169 |
£90,001 to £100,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP90001ToGBP100000 |
8170 |
£100,001 to £110,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP100001ToGBP110000 |
8171 |
£110,001 to £120,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP110001ToGBP120000 |
8172 |
£120,001 to £130,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP120001ToGBP130000 |
8173 |
£130,001 to £140,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP130001ToGBP140000 |
8174 |
£140,001 to £150,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP140001ToGBP150000 |
8175 |
£150,001 to £160,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP150001ToGBP160000 |
8176 |
£160,001 to £170,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP160001ToGBP170000 |
8177 |
£170,001 to £180,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP170001ToGBP180000 |
8178 |
£180,001 to £190,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP180001ToGBP190000 |
8179 |
£190,001 to £200,000 |
Abstract |
char:GBP190001ToGBP200000 |
8180 |
Over £200,000 |
Abstract |
char:OverGBP200000 |
8181 |
Pooling scheme fund [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:PoolingSchemeFundDimension |
8182 |
Pooling scheme fund [heading] |
Abstract |
char:PoolingSchemeFundHeading |
8183 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8184 |
Fund/charity 1 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity1 |
8185 |
Fund/charity 2 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity2 |
8186 |
Fund/charity 3 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity3 |
8187 |
Fund/charity 4 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity4 |
8188 |
Fund/charity 5 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity5 |
8189 |
Fund/charity 6 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity6 |
8190 |
Fund/charity 7 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity7 |
8191 |
Fund/charity 8 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity8 |
8192 |
Fund/charity 9 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity9 |
8193 |
Fund/charity 10 |
Abstract |
char:Fundcharity10 |
8194 |
Charitable associate activity [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:CharitableAssociateActivityDimension |
8195 |
Charitable associate activity [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharitableAssociateActivityHeading |
8196 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8197 |
Associate activity 1 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity1 |
8198 |
Associate activity 2 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity2 |
8199 |
Associate activity 3 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity3 |
8200 |
Associate activity 4 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity4 |
8201 |
Associate activity 5 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity5 |
8202 |
Associate activity 6 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity6 |
8203 |
Associate activity 7 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity7 |
8204 |
Associate activity 8 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity8 |
8205 |
Associate activity 9 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity9 |
8206 |
Associate activity 10 |
Abstract |
char:AssociateActivity10 |
8207 |
Funds received as agent [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:FundsReceivedAsAgentDimension |
8208 |
Funds received as agent [heading] |
Abstract |
char:FundsReceivedAsAgentHeading |
8209 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8210 |
Fund 1 |
Abstract |
char:Fund1 |
8211 |
Fund 2 |
Abstract |
char:Fund2 |
8212 |
Fund 3 |
Abstract |
char:Fund3 |
8213 |
Fund 4 |
Abstract |
char:Fund4 |
8214 |
Fund 5 |
Abstract |
char:Fund5 |
8215 |
Fund 6 |
Abstract |
char:Fund6 |
8216 |
Fund 7 |
Abstract |
char:Fund7 |
8217 |
Fund 8 |
Abstract |
char:Fund8 |
8218 |
Fund 9 |
Abstract |
char:Fund9 |
8219 |
Fund 10 |
Abstract |
char:Fund10 |
8220 |
Charitable joint venture activity [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:CharitableJointVentureActivityDimension |
8221 |
Charitable joint venture activity [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharitableJointVentureActivityHeading |
8222 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8223 |
Joint venture activity 1 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity1 |
8224 |
Joint venture activity 2 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity2 |
8225 |
Joint venture activity 3 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity3 |
8226 |
Joint venture activity 4 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity4 |
8227 |
Joint venture activity 5 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity5 |
8228 |
Joint venture activity 6 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity6 |
8229 |
Joint venture activity 7 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity7 |
8230 |
Joint venture activity 8 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity8 |
8231 |
Joint venture activity 9 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity9 |
8232 |
Joint venture activity 10 |
Abstract |
char:JointVentureActivity10 |
8233 |
Activity [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:ActivityDimension |
8234 |
Total activities [default] |
Abstract |
char:TotalActivitiesDefault |
8235 |
Activity 1 |
Abstract |
char:Activity1 |
8236 |
Activity 2 |
Abstract |
char:Activity2 |
8237 |
Activity 3 |
Abstract |
char:Activity3 |
8238 |
Activity 4 |
Abstract |
char:Activity4 |
8239 |
Activity 5 |
Abstract |
char:Activity5 |
8240 |
Activity 6 |
Abstract |
char:Activity6 |
8241 |
Activity 7 |
Abstract |
char:Activity7 |
8242 |
Activity 8 |
Abstract |
char:Activity8 |
8243 |
Activity 9 |
Abstract |
char:Activity9 |
8244 |
Activity 10 |
Abstract |
char:Activity10 |
8245 |
Activity 11 |
Abstract |
char:Activity11 |
8246 |
Activity 12 |
Abstract |
char:Activity12 |
8247 |
Activity 13 |
Abstract |
char:Activity13 |
8248 |
Activity 14 |
Abstract |
char:Activity14 |
8249 |
Activity 15 |
Abstract |
char:Activity15 |
8250 |
Activity 16 |
Abstract |
char:Activity16 |
8251 |
Activity 17 |
Abstract |
char:Activity17 |
8252 |
Activity 18 |
Abstract |
char:Activity18 |
8253 |
Activity 19 |
Abstract |
char:Activity19 |
8254 |
Activity 20 |
Abstract |
char:Activity20 |
8255 |
Activity 21 |
Abstract |
char:Activity21 |
8256 |
Activity 22 |
Abstract |
char:Activity22 |
8257 |
Activity 23 |
Abstract |
char:Activity23 |
8258 |
Activity 24 |
Abstract |
char:Activity24 |
8259 |
Activity 25 |
Abstract |
char:Activity25 |
8260 |
Activity 26 |
Abstract |
char:Activity26 |
8261 |
Activity 27 |
Abstract |
char:Activity27 |
8262 |
Activity 28 |
Abstract |
char:Activity28 |
8263 |
Activity 29 |
Abstract |
char:Activity29 |
8264 |
Activity 30 |
Abstract |
char:Activity30 |
8265 |
Activity 31 |
Abstract |
char:Activity31 |
8266 |
Activity 32 |
Abstract |
char:Activity32 |
8267 |
Activity 33 |
Abstract |
char:Activity33 |
8268 |
Activity 34 |
Abstract |
char:Activity34 |
8269 |
Activity 35 |
Abstract |
char:Activity35 |
8270 |
Activity 36 |
Abstract |
char:Activity36 |
8271 |
Activity 37 |
Abstract |
char:Activity37 |
8272 |
Activity 38 |
Abstract |
char:Activity38 |
8273 |
Activity 39 |
Abstract |
char:Activity39 |
8274 |
Activity 40 |
Abstract |
char:Activity40 |
8275 |
Activity 41 |
Abstract |
char:Activity41 |
8276 |
Activity 42 |
Abstract |
char:Activity42 |
8277 |
Activity 43 |
Abstract |
char:Activity43 |
8278 |
Activity 44 |
Abstract |
char:Activity44 |
8279 |
Activity 45 |
Abstract |
char:Activity45 |
8280 |
Activity 46 |
Abstract |
char:Activity46 |
8281 |
Activity 47 |
Abstract |
char:Activity47 |
8282 |
Activity 48 |
Abstract |
char:Activity48 |
8283 |
Activity 49 |
Abstract |
char:Activity49 |
8284 |
Activity 50 |
Abstract |
char:Activity50 |
8285 |
Charitable Income Type [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:CharitableIncomeTypeDimension |
8286 |
Charitable Income Type [heading] |
Abstract |
char:CharitableIncomeTypeHeading |
8287 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8288 |
Primary purpose trading |
Abstract |
char:PrimaryPurposeTrading |
8289 |
Provision of services under contract from government or public authorities and other parties |
Abstract |
char:ProvisionServicesUnderContractFromGovernmentOrPublicAuthoritiesOtherParties |
8290 |
Sale of goods or services made or provided by beneficiaries of the charity |
Abstract |
char:SaleGoodsOrServicesMadeOrProvidedByBeneficiariesCharity |
8291 |
Performance related grants |
Abstract |
char:PerformanceRelatedGrants |
8292 |
Grants for specific services |
Abstract |
char:GrantsForSpecificServices |
8293 |
Ancillary trading connected to primary purpose trading |
Abstract |
char:AncillaryTradingConnectedToPrimaryPurposeTrading |
8294 |
Letting of non-investment property in furtherance of charitable purposes |
Abstract |
char:LettingNon-investmentPropertyInFurtheranceCharitablePurposes |
8295 |
Non-charitable Income Type [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:Non-charitableIncomeTypeDimension |
8296 |
Non-charitable Income Type [heading] |
Abstract |
char:Non-charitableIncomeTypeHeading |
8297 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8298 |
Non-charitable trading activities |
Abstract |
char:Non-charitableTradingActivities |
8299 |
Membership subscriptions and sponsorships which are in substance a payment for goods and services |
Member |
char:MembershipSubscriptionsSponsorshipsWhichAreInSubstancePaymentForGoodsServices |
8300 |
Fundraising events |
Abstract |
char:FundraisingEvents |
8301 |
Sale of donated and bought in goods |
Abstract |
char:SaleDonatedBoughtInGoods |
8302 |
Letting and licencing arrangements |
Abstract |
char:LettingLicencingArrangements |
8303 |
Sponsorships and social lotteries |
Abstract |
char:SponsorshipsSocialLotteries |
8304 |
Fundraising Expense Type [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:FundraisingExpenseTypeDimension |
8305 |
Fundraising Expense Type [heading] |
Abstract |
char:FundraisingExpenseTypeHeading |
8306 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8307 |
Incurred in seeking donations, legacies and grants |
Abstract |
char:IncurredInSeekingDonationsLegaciesGrants |
8308 |
Incurred in seeking donations and legacies |
Abstract |
char:IncurredInSeekingDonationsLegacies |
8309 |
Incurred in seeking grants |
Abstract |
char:IncurredInSeekingGrants |
8310 |
Operating membership schemes and social lotteries |
Member |
char:OperatingMembershipSchemesSocialLotteries |
8311 |
Staging fundraising events |
Abstract |
char:StagingFundraisingEvents |
8312 |
Fundraising agents |
Abstract |
char:FundraisingAgents |
8313 |
Operating charity shops |
Abstract |
char:OperatingCharityShops |
8314 |
Operating trading company undertaking non-charitable trading activity |
Abstract |
char:OperatingTradingCompanyUndertakingNon-charitableTradingActivity |
8315 |
Other trading activities |
Abstract |
char:OtherTradingActivities |
8316 |
Advertising marketing direct mail and publicity |
Abstract |
char:AdvertisingMarketingDirectMailPublicity |
8317 |
Start up costs incurred in generating new source of future income |
Abstract |
char:StartUpCostsIncurredInGeneratingNewSourceFutureIncome |
8318 |
Database development costs |
Abstract |
char:DatabaseDevelopmentCosts |
8319 |
Investment management costs |
Abstract |
char:InvestmentManagementCosts |
8320 |
Portfolio management costs |
Abstract |
char:PortfolioManagementCosts |
8321 |
Costs of obtaining investment advice |
Abstract |
char:CostsObtainingInvestmentAdvice |
8322 |
Investment administration costs |
Abstract |
char:InvestmentAdministrationCosts |
8323 |
Intellectual property licensing costs |
Abstract |
char:IntellectualPropertyLicensingCosts |
8324 |
Rent collection, property repairs and maintenance costs |
Abstract |
char:RentCollectionPropertyRepairsMaintenanceCosts |
8325 |
Concessionary loans [Dimension] |
Axis |
char:ConcessionaryLoansDimension |
8326 |
Concessionary loans [heading] |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoansHeading |
8327 |
Not applicable [default] |
Abstract |
common:NotApplicableDefault |
8328 |
Concessionary loan 1 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan1 |
8329 |
Concessionary loan 2 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan2 |
8330 |
Concessionary loan 3 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan3 |
8331 |
Concessionary loan 4 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan4 |
8332 |
Concessionary loan 5 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan5 |
8333 |
Concessionary loan 6 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan6 |
8334 |
Concessionary loan 7 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan7 |
8335 |
Concessionary loan 8 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan8 |
8336 |
Concessionary loan 9 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan9 |
8337 |
Concessionary loan 10 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan10 |
8338 |
Concessionary loan 11 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan11 |
8339 |
Concessionary loan 12 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan12 |
8340 |
Concessionary loan 13 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan13 |
8341 |
Concessionary loan 14 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan14 |
8342 |
Concessionary loan 15 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan15 |
8343 |
Concessionary loan 16 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan16 |
8344 |
Concessionary loan 17 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan17 |
8345 |
Concessionary loan 18 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan18 |
8346 |
Concessionary loan 19 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan19 |
8347 |
Concessionary loan 20 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan20 |
8348 |
Concessionary loan 21 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan21 |
8349 |
Concessionary loan 22 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan22 |
8350 |
Concessionary loan 23 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan23 |
8351 |
Concessionary loan 24 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan24 |
8352 |
Concessionary loan 25 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan25 |
8353 |
Concessionary loan 26 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan26 |
8354 |
Concessionary loan 27 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan27 |
8355 |
Concessionary loan 28 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan28 |
8356 |
Concessionary loan 29 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan29 |
8357 |
Concessionary loan 30 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan30 |
8358 |
Concessionary loan 31 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan31 |
8359 |
Concessionary loan 32 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan32 |
8360 |
Concessionary loan 33 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan33 |
8361 |
Concessionary loan 34 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan34 |
8362 |
Concessionary loan 35 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan35 |
8363 |
Concessionary loan 36 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan36 |
8364 |
Concessionary loan 37 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan37 |
8365 |
Concessionary loan 38 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan38 |
8366 |
Concessionary loan 39 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan39 |
8367 |
Concessionary loan 40 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan40 |
8368 |
Concessionary loan 41 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan41 |
8369 |
Concessionary loan 42 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan42 |
8370 |
Concessionary loan 43 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan43 |
8371 |
Concessionary loan 44 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan44 |
8372 |
Concessionary loan 45 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan45 |
8373 |
Concessionary loan 46 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan46 |
8374 |
Concessionary loan 47 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan47 |
8375 |
Concessionary loan 48 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan48 |
8376 |
Concessionary loan 49 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan49 |
8377 |
Concessionary loan 50 |
Abstract |
char:ConcessionaryLoan50 |
8378 |
6001 - Dimension - CountriesAndRegions |
Network |
* |
* | |
8379 |
6002 - Dimension - Currencies |
Network |
* |
* | |
8380 |
6003 - Dimension - Languages |
Network |
* |
* | |
8381 |
6010 - Dimension - Group and Company Data |
Network |
* |
* | |
8382 |
6011 - Dimension - Main Industry Sector |
Network |
* |
* | |
8383 |
6012 - Dimension - Legal Form of Entity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8384 |
6013 - Dimension - Entity Trading Status |
Network |
* |
* | |
8385 |
6014 - Dimension - Entity Special Legal Status |
Network |
* |
* | |
8386 |
6015 - Dimension - Entity Share Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8387 |
6016 - Dimension - Share Types |
Network |
* |
* | |
8388 |
6017 - Dimension - Entity Officers |
Network |
* |
* | |
8389 |
6018 - Dimension - Entity Officer Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8390 |
6019 - Dimension - Entity Contact Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8391 |
6020 - Dimension - Address Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8392 |
6021 - Dimension - Phone Number Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8393 |
6022 - Dimension - Form of Contact |
Network |
* |
* | |
8394 |
6023 - Dimension - Third Party Agent Status |
Network |
* |
* | |
8395 |
6024 - Dimension - Scope of Accounts |
Network |
* |
* | |
8396 |
6025 - Dimension - Accounting Standards |
Network |
* |
* | |
8397 |
6026 - Dimension - SORPs |
Network |
* |
* | |
8398 |
6027 - Dimension - Applicable Legislation |
Network |
* |
* | |
8399 |
6028 - Dimension - Accounts Status |
Network |
* |
* | |
8400 |
6029 - Dimension - Accounts Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8401 |
6030 - Dimension - Report Period |
Network |
* |
* | |
8402 |
6040 - Dimension - Continuing and Discontinued Operations |
Network |
* |
* | |
8403 |
6041 - Dimension - Exceptionals |
Network |
* |
* | |
8404 |
6042 - Dimension - Equity Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8405 |
6043 - Dimension - Geographic Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8406 |
6044 - Dimension - Operating Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8407 |
6045 - Dimension - Products and Services |
Network |
* |
* | |
8408 |
6046 - Dimension - Major Customers |
Network |
* |
* | |
8409 |
6047 - Dimension - Segment Reconciliation |
Network |
* |
* | |
8410 |
6048 - Dimension - Business Combinations |
Network |
* |
* | |
8411 |
6049 - Dimension - Ownership Of Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8412 |
6050 - Dimension - Operating Lease Purpose |
Network |
* |
* | |
8413 |
6051 - Dimension - Tax Jurisdiction |
Network |
* |
* | |
8414 |
6052 - Dimension - PPE Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8415 |
6053 - Dimension - PPE Ownership |
Network |
* |
* | |
8416 |
6054 - Dimension - Intangible Asset Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8417 |
6055 - Dimension - Intangible Assets Generation Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8418 |
6056 - Dimension - Intangible Assets Life Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8419 |
6057 - Dimension - Investment Property Ownership Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8420 |
6058 - Dimension - Biological Asset Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8421 |
6059 - Dimension - Biological Asset Maturity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8422 |
6080 - Dimension - Subsidiaries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8423 |
6081 - Dimension - Associates |
Network |
* |
* | |
8424 |
6082 - Dimension - Joint Ventures |
Network |
* |
* | |
8425 |
6083 - Dimension - Unconsolidated Structured Entities |
Network |
* |
* | |
8426 |
6084 - Dimension - Investments Movements |
Network |
* |
* | |
8427 |
6085 - Dimension - Current And Non-Current Inventories |
Network |
* |
* | |
8428 |
6086 - Dimension - Parent Entities |
Network |
* |
* | |
8429 |
6087 - Dimension - Other Related Party Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8430 |
6088 - Dimension - Finance Lease Contract Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8431 |
6089 - Dimension - Provisions Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8432 |
6090 - Dimension - Financial Instruments Classes And Categories |
Network |
* |
* | |
8433 |
6091 - Dimension - Financial Assets Classes And Categories |
Network |
* |
* | |
8434 |
6092 - Dimension - Financial Liabilities Classes And Categories |
Network |
* |
* | |
8435 |
6093 - Dimension - Equity Classes Held |
Network |
* |
* | |
8436 |
6096 - Dimension - Derivatives Types |
Network |
* |
* | |
8437 |
6097 - Dimension - Derivatives Contracts |
Network |
* |
* | |
8438 |
6098 - Dimension - Derivative Purpose |
Network |
* |
* | |
8439 |
6099 - Dimension - Financial Instrument Value Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8440 |
6100 - Dimension - Financial Instrument Current And Non-Current |
Network |
* |
* | |
8441 |
6101 - Dimension - Maturities Or Expiration Periods |
Network |
* |
* | |
8442 |
6102 - Dimension - Interest Rate Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8443 |
6103 - Dimension - Listed - Unlisted |
Network |
* |
* | |
8444 |
6110 - Dimension - Liquidity Features |
Network |
* |
* | |
8445 |
6111 - Dimension - Position Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8446 |
6112 - Dimension - Secured Status |
Network |
* |
* | |
8447 |
6113 - Dimension - Financial Instruments Held For Sale |
Network |
* |
* | |
8448 |
6114 - Dimension - Fair Value Movement |
Network |
* |
* | |
8449 |
6115 - Dimension - Fair Value Measurement Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8450 |
6116 - Dimension - Financial Instrument Level |
Network |
* |
* | |
8451 |
6117 - Dimension - Allowance For Impairment |
Network |
* |
* | |
8452 |
6118 - Dimension - Allowance Account Measurement Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8453 |
6119 - Dimension - Financial Assets Reclassification |
Network |
* |
* | |
8454 |
6120 - Dimension - Credit Risk Exposure |
Network |
* |
* | |
8455 |
6130 - Dimension - Credit Ratings |
Network |
* |
* | |
8456 |
6131 - Dimension - Industry Concentration Risk |
Network |
* |
* | |
8457 |
6132 - Dimension - Region And Country Of Issuer / Risk |
Network |
* |
* | |
8458 |
6133 - Dimension - Currency Of Denomination Of Financial Instruments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8459 |
6134 - Dimension - Market Risk Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8460 |
6135 - Dimension - Range |
Network |
* |
* | |
8461 |
6140 - Dimension - Deferred Tax Asset And Liability Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8462 |
6141 - Dimension - Share-Based Payment Arrangements |
Network |
* |
* | |
8463 |
6142 - Dimension - Share-Based Payment Grants |
Network |
* |
* | |
8464 |
6143 - Dimension - Post-Employment Benefit Plans |
Network |
* |
* | |
8465 |
6144 - Dimension - Related Parties |
Network |
* |
* | |
8466 |
6145 - Dimension - Related Party Transaction Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8467 |
6146 - Dimension - Contingent Liabilities Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8468 |
6150 - Dimension - Restatements And First Time Adoption |
Network |
* |
* | |
8469 |
6160 - Dimension - Financial Assets Impairment Stage |
Network |
* |
* | |
8470 |
6161 - Dimension - Credit Risk Internal Grade Ratings |
Network |
* |
* | |
8471 |
6162 - Dimension - Intangible Assets Ownership Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8472 |
6163 - Dimension - Contract Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8473 |
6164 - Dimension - Contract Duration |
Network |
* |
* | |
8474 |
6165 - Dimension - Goods And Services Transfers Timing |
Network |
* |
* | |
8475 |
6166 - Dimension - Sales Channel |
Network |
* |
* | |
8476 |
9000 - Hypercube - Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8477 |
90001 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8478 |
90002 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 2 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8479 |
90003 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 3 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8480 |
90004 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 4 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8481 |
90005 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 5 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8482 |
90006 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 6 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8483 |
90007 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 7 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8484 |
90008 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 8 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8485 |
90009 - Hypercube - Basic Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8486 |
9001 - Hypercube - Countries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8487 |
9002 - Hypercube - Currencies |
Network |
* |
* | |
8488 |
9003 - Hypercube - Languages |
Network |
* |
* | |
8489 |
9009 - Hypercube - Main Industry Sector |
Network |
* |
* | |
8490 |
9010 - Hypercube - Legal Form of Entity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8491 |
9011 - Hypercube - Shares |
Network |
* |
* | |
8492 |
90111 - Hypercube - Shares Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8493 |
90112 - Hypercube - Shares Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8494 |
9012 - Hypercube - Entity Trading Status |
Network |
* |
* | |
8495 |
9013 - Hypercube - Entity Special Legal Status |
Network |
* |
* | |
8496 |
9014 - Hypercube - Entity Officers |
Network |
* |
* | |
8497 |
90141 - Hypercube - Entity Officers Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8498 |
90142 - Hypercube - Entity Officers Grouping 2 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8499 |
90143 - Hypercube - Entity Officers Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8500 |
9015 - Hypercube - Entity Contact Info |
Network |
* |
* | |
8501 |
9016 - Hypercube - Third Party Agents |
Network |
* |
* | |
8502 |
9020 - Hypercube - Scope of Accounts |
Network |
* |
* | |
8503 |
9021 - Hypercube - Accounting Standards Applied |
Network |
* |
* | |
8504 |
9022 - Hypercube - SORPs Applied |
Network |
* |
* | |
8505 |
9023 - Hypercube - Applicable Legislation |
Network |
* |
* | |
8506 |
9024 - Hypercube - Accounts Status |
Network |
* |
* | |
8507 |
9025 - Hypercube - Accounts Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8508 |
9026 - Hypercube - Report Period |
Network |
* |
* | |
8509 |
9030 - Hypercube - PPE |
Network |
* |
* | |
8510 |
90301 - Hypercube - PPE Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8511 |
9031 - Hypercube - PPE - Range |
Network |
* |
* | |
8512 |
9032 - Hypercube - PPE - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8513 |
9034 - Hypercube - Intangibles |
Network |
* |
* | |
8514 |
90341 - Hypercube - Intangibles Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8515 |
90342 - Hypercube - Intangibles Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8516 |
90343 - Hypercube - Intangibles Grouping 2 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8517 |
9035 - Hypercube - Intangibles - Range |
Network |
* |
* | |
8518 |
9036 - Hypercube - Intangibles - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8519 |
9038 - Hypercube - Investment Property |
Network |
* |
* | |
8520 |
90381 - Hypercube - Investment Property Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8521 |
9039 - Hypercube - Investment Property - Range |
Network |
* |
* | |
8522 |
9040 - Hypercube - Investment Property - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8523 |
9042 - Hypercube - Biological Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8524 |
90421 - Hypercube - Biological Assets Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8525 |
9043 - Hypercube - Biological Assets - Range |
Network |
* |
* | |
8526 |
9044 - Hypercube - Biological Assets - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8527 |
9046 - Hypercube - Provisions |
Network |
* |
* | |
8528 |
90461 - Hypercube - Provisions Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8529 |
9047 - Hypercube - Provisions - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8530 |
9050 - Hypercube - Financial Instruments - Simple |
Network |
* |
* | |
8531 |
9052 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8532 |
90521 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Basic Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8533 |
9053 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8534 |
90531 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Full Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8535 |
9054 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8536 |
9055 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Simple |
Network |
* |
* | |
8537 |
9056 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Subsidiaries Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8538 |
9057 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Subsidiaries Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8539 |
9058 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Associates Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8540 |
9059 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Associates Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8541 |
9060 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Joint Ventures Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8542 |
9061 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Joint Ventures Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8543 |
9062 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Parents Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8544 |
9063 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Parents Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8545 |
9064 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Other Parties Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8546 |
9065 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Other Parties Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8547 |
9066 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Equities Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8548 |
9067 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Equities Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8549 |
9068 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Reclassification |
Network |
* |
* | |
8550 |
9069 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8551 |
90691 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Basic Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8552 |
9070 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8553 |
90701 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Full Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8554 |
90702 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Bank Loan Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8555 |
9071 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8556 |
9072 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Simple |
Network |
* |
* | |
8557 |
9074 - Hypercube - Derivatives - Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8558 |
9075 - Hypercube - Derivatives - Full |
Network |
* |
* | |
8559 |
9076 - Hypercube - Derivatives - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8560 |
9077 - Hypercube - Derivatives - Simple |
Network |
* |
* | |
8561 |
9080 - Hypercube - Income - Main |
Network |
* |
* | |
8562 |
90801 - Hypercube - Income - Main Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8563 |
9081 - Hypercube - Income - Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8564 |
9082 - Hypercube - Income - PPE |
Network |
* |
* | |
8565 |
90821 - Hypercube - Income - PPE Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8566 |
9083 - Hypercube - Income - Intangibles |
Network |
* |
* | |
8567 |
90831 - Hypercube - Income - Intangibles Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8568 |
9084 - Hypercube - Income - Investment Property |
Network |
* |
* | |
8569 |
9085 - Hypercube - Income - Biological Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8570 |
9088 - Hypercube - Income - Subsidiaries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8571 |
9089 - Hypercube - Income - Associates |
Network |
* |
* | |
8572 |
9090 - Hypercube - Income - Joint Ventures |
Network |
* |
* | |
8573 |
9095 - Hypercube - Income - Operating Leases |
Network |
* |
* | |
8574 |
9096 - Hypercube - Income - Finance Leases |
Network |
* |
* | |
8575 |
9097 - Hypercube - Income - Provisions |
Network |
* |
* | |
8576 |
9098 - Hypercube - Income - Business Combinations |
Network |
* |
* | |
8577 |
9099 - Hypercube - Income - Parents |
Network |
* |
* | |
8578 |
9100 - Hypercube - Income - Other Related Parties |
Network |
* |
* | |
8579 |
9101 - Hypercube - Income - Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8580 |
9105 - Hypercube - Audit Fees |
Network |
* |
* | |
8581 |
9106 - Hypercube - Segments - Text |
Network |
* |
* | |
8582 |
9107 - Hypercube - Continuing - Discontinued |
Network |
* |
* | |
8583 |
91071 - Hypercube - Continuing - Discontinued Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8584 |
9108 - Hypercube - Continuing - Discontinued - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8585 |
9110 - Hypercube - EPS |
Network |
* |
* | |
8586 |
9111 - Hypercube - Inventories |
Network |
* |
* | |
8587 |
9112 - Hypercube - Inventories - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8588 |
9113 - Hypercube - Inventories - Segments Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8589 |
9115 - Hypercube - Operating Leases - Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8590 |
9116 - Hypercube - Operating Leases - Main |
Network |
* |
* | |
8591 |
9117 - Hypercube - Operating Leases - Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8592 |
9118 - Hypercube - Operating Leases - Liabilities |
Network |
* |
* | |
8593 |
9120 - Hypercube - Finance Leases - Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8594 |
9121 - Hypercube - Finance Leases - Main |
Network |
* |
* | |
8595 |
9122 - Hypercube - Finance Leases - Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8596 |
9123 - Hypercube - Finance Leases - Liabilities |
Network |
* |
* | |
8597 |
9130 - Hypercube - Deferred Tax |
Network |
* |
* | |
8598 |
91301 - Hypercube - Deferred Tax Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8599 |
91302 - Hypercube - Deferred Tax Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8600 |
9131 - Hypercube - Deferred Tax - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8601 |
9140 - Hypercube - Entity Officers-Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8602 |
9141 - Hypercube - Share-based Payments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8603 |
9145 - Hypercube - Related Parties |
Network |
* |
* | |
8604 |
91451 - Hypercube - Related Parties Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8605 |
9146 - Hypercube - Related Parties - Balances |
Network |
* |
* | |
8606 |
9151 - Hypercube - Contingent Liabilities |
Network |
* |
* | |
8607 |
9154 - Hypercube - Business Combinations |
Network |
* |
* | |
8608 |
91541 - Hypercube - Business Combinations Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8609 |
9155 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - PPE |
Network |
* |
* | |
8610 |
9156 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Intangibles |
Network |
* |
* | |
8611 |
9157 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Inventories |
Network |
* |
* | |
8612 |
9158 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Fin Instruments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8613 |
91581 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Fin Instruments Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8614 |
9160 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Financial Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8615 |
91601 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Financial Assets Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8616 |
9161 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Derivatives |
Network |
* |
* | |
8617 |
9162 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Finance Leases |
Network |
* |
* | |
8618 |
9163 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Financial Liabilities |
Network |
* |
* | |
8619 |
91631 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Financial Liabilities Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8620 |
9165 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Provisions |
Network |
* |
* | |
8621 |
9166 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Contingent Liabilities |
Network |
* |
* | |
8622 |
9170 - Hypercube - Income Tax |
Network |
* |
* | |
8623 |
91701 - Hypercube - Income Tax Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8624 |
9172 - Hypercube - Income Tax - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8625 |
9180 - Hypercube - Debtors |
Network |
* |
* | |
8626 |
91801 - Hypercube - Debtors - Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8627 |
9181 - Hypercube - Debtors - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8628 |
9182 - Hypercube - Debtors - Parents |
Network |
* |
* | |
8629 |
9183 - Hypercube - Debtors - Subsidiaries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8630 |
9184 - Hypercube - Debtors - Associates |
Network |
* |
* | |
8631 |
9185 - Hypercube - Debtors - Joint Ventures |
Network |
* |
* | |
8632 |
9186 - Hypercube - Debtors - Other Parties |
Network |
* |
* | |
8633 |
9187 - Hypercube - Debtors - Finance Leases |
Network |
* |
* | |
8634 |
9188 - Hypercube - Debtors - Operating Leases |
Network |
* |
* | |
8635 |
9190 - Hypercube - Creditors |
Network |
* |
* | |
8636 |
91901 - Hypercube - Creditors - Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8637 |
9191 - Hypercube - Creditors - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8638 |
9192 - Hypercube - Creditors - Parents |
Network |
* |
* | |
8639 |
9193 - Hypercube - Creditors - Subsidiaries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8640 |
9194 - Hypercube - Creditors - Associates |
Network |
* |
* | |
8641 |
9195 - Hypercube - Creditors - Joint Ventures |
Network |
* |
* | |
8642 |
9196 - Hypercube - Creditors - Other Parties |
Network |
* |
* | |
8643 |
9197 - Hypercube - Creditors - Finance Leases |
Network |
* |
* | |
8644 |
9200 - Hypercube - Market Risk |
Network |
* |
* | |
8645 |
9202 - Hypercube - Fair Value Movement |
Network |
* |
* | |
8646 |
9205 - Hypercube - Investment Movements |
Network |
* |
* | |
8647 |
92051 - Hypercube - Investment Movements Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8648 |
9206 - Hypercube - Investments - Parents |
Network |
* |
* | |
8649 |
9207 - Hypercube - Investments - Subsidiaries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8650 |
9208 - Hypercube - Investments - Associates |
Network |
* |
* | |
8651 |
9209 - Hypercube - Investments - Joint Ventures |
Network |
* |
* | |
8652 |
9210 - Hypercube - Investments - Other Parties |
Network |
* |
* | |
8653 |
9211 - Hypercube - Investments - Equities |
Network |
* |
* | |
8654 |
9214 - Hypercube - Subsidiaries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8655 |
92141 - Hypercube - Subsidiaries Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8656 |
9215 - Hypercube - Subsidiaries - Countries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8657 |
9216 - Hypercube - Associates |
Network |
* |
* | |
8658 |
92161 - Hypercube - Associates Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8659 |
9217 - Hypercube - Associates - Countries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8660 |
9218 - Hypercube - Joint Ventures |
Network |
* |
* | |
8661 |
92181 - Hypercube - Joint Ventures Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8662 |
9219 - Hypercube - Joint Ventures - Countries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8663 |
9220 - Hypercube - USEs |
Network |
* |
* | |
8664 |
9221 - Hypercube - Intermediary Payment Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8665 |
9230 - Hypercube - Pensions |
Network |
* |
* | |
8666 |
92301 - Hypercube - Pensions - Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8667 |
92302 - Hypercube - Pensions - Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8668 |
9231 - Hypercube - Pensions - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8669 |
9240 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI |
Network |
* |
* | |
8670 |
92401 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8671 |
9241 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI - PPE |
Network |
* |
* | |
8672 |
9242 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI - Shares |
Network |
* |
* | |
8673 |
9243 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8674 |
9244 - Hypercube - SOCI - Tax |
Network |
* |
* | |
8675 |
92441 - Hypercube - SOCI - Tax Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8676 |
9250 - Hypercube - Cash Flow |
Network |
* |
* | |
8677 |
92501 - Hypercube - Cash Flow Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8678 |
9251 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Parents |
Network |
* |
* | |
8679 |
9252 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Subsidiaries |
Network |
* |
* | |
8680 |
9253 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Associates |
Network |
* |
* | |
8681 |
9254 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Joint Ventures |
Network |
* |
* | |
8682 |
9255 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Other Related Parties |
Network |
* |
* | |
8683 |
9256 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Finance Leases |
Network |
* |
* | |
8684 |
9257 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Share Classes |
Network |
* |
* | |
8685 |
9260 - Hypercube - Balance Sheet - Basic |
Network |
* |
* | |
8686 |
92601 - Hypercube - Balance Sheet Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8687 |
9261 - Hypercube - Balance Sheet - Own Shares |
Network |
* |
* | |
8688 |
9990 - Hypercube - Empty |
Network |
* |
* | |
8689 |
9991 - Cross-References |
Network |
* |
* | |
8690 |
9992 - Inflows |
Network |
* |
* | |
8691 |
9993 - Outflows |
Network |
* |
* | |
8692 |
Char - 6000 - Dimension - Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8693 |
Char - 6010 - Dimension - Charitable Income Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8694 |
Char - 6020 - Dimension - Non-charitable Income Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8695 |
Char - 6030 - Dimension - Fundraising Expense Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8696 |
Char - 6040 - Dimension - Concessionary loans |
Network |
* |
* | |
8697 |
Char - 6160 - Dimension - Charity Funds |
Network |
* |
* | |
8698 |
Char - 6170 - Dimension - Charitable Objectives |
Network |
* |
* | |
8699 |
Char - 6180 - Dimension - Form of Governing Document |
Network |
* |
* | |
8700 |
Char - 6200 - Dimension - Heritage Assets Class |
Network |
* |
* | |
8701 |
Char - 6210 - Dimension - Heritage Assets Group |
Network |
* |
* | |
8702 |
Char - 6220 - Dimension - Heritage Assets Basis of Recognition |
Network |
* |
* | |
8703 |
Char - 6230 - Dimension - Material Funds |
Network |
* |
* | |
8704 |
Char - 6240 - Dimension - Linked Charity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8705 |
Char - 6250 - Dimension - Institutional grant recipient |
Network |
* |
* | |
8706 |
Char - 6260 - Dimension - Salary Band |
Network |
* |
* | |
8707 |
Char - 6270 - Dimension - Funds Received As Agent |
Network |
* |
* | |
8708 |
Char - 6280 - Dimension - Pooling Scheme Fund |
Network |
* |
* | |
8709 |
Char - 6290 - Dimension - Charitable Associate Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8710 |
Char - 6300 - Dimension - Charitable Joint Venture Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8711 |
Char - 9000B - Hypercube - Basic Grouping B |
Network |
* |
* | |
8712 |
Char - 9073 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Concessionary Loans |
Network |
* |
* | |
8713 |
Char - 90895 - Hypercube - Income - Associates - Charitable Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8714 |
Char - 90905 - Hypercube - Income - Joint Ventures - Charitable Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8715 |
Char - 9091 - Hypercube - Income - Heritage Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8716 |
Char - 9092 - Hypercube - Income - Salary Band |
Network |
* |
* | |
8717 |
Char - 9093 - Hypercube - Income - Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8718 |
Char - 9094 - Hypercube - Income - Activity - Charitable Income Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8719 |
Char - 9095 - Hypercube - Income - Activity - Non-charitable Income Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8720 |
Char - 9167 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Linked Charity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8721 |
Char - 92175 - Hypercube - Associates - Charitable Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8722 |
Char - 92195 - Hypercube - Joint Ventures - Charitable Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8723 |
Char - 9270 - Hypercube - Financial Activities (Charities) |
Network |
* |
* | |
8724 |
Char - 92701 - Hypercube - Financial Activities (Charities) - Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8725 |
Char - 9271 - Hypercube - Financial Activities (Charities) - Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8726 |
Char - 9280 - Hypercube - Charitable Objectives |
Network |
* |
* | |
8727 |
Char - 9300 - Hypercube - Heritage Assets |
Network |
* |
* | |
8728 |
Char - 93001 - Hypercube - Heritage Assets - Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8729 |
Char - 9301 - Hypercube - Heritage Assets - Segments |
Network |
* |
* | |
8730 |
Char - 9310 - Hypercube - Charity Funds |
Network |
* |
* | |
8731 |
Char - 9311 - Hypercube - Charity Funds - Received as Agent |
Network |
* |
* | |
8732 |
Char - 9312 - Hypercube - Charity Funds - Pooling Scheme |
Network |
* |
* | |
8733 |
Char - 9313 - Hypercube - Charity Funds - Material |
Network |
* |
* | |
8734 |
Char - 9320 - Hypercube - Form Of Governing Document |
Network |
* |
* | |
8735 |
Char - 9330 - Hypercube - Expenditure |
Network |
* |
* | |
8736 |
Char - 93301 - Hypercube - Expenditure Analysis 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8737 |
Char - 93305 - Hypercube - Expenditure Grouping 4 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8738 |
Char - 93311 - Hypercube - Expenditure - Grant Recipient Grouping 1 |
Network |
* |
* | |
8739 |
Char - 9332 - Hypercube - Expenditure - Activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
8740 |
Char - 9333 - Hypercube - Expenditure - Fundraising Expense Type |
Network |
* |
* | |
8741 |
Char - 9334 - Hypercube - Expenditure - Activity - Fundraising Expense Type |
Network |
* |
* | |