UK Charities XBRL Taxonomy 2019

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 001 - Taxonomy and Tagging Information Network


2 Taxonomy information [heading] Abstract bus:TaxonomyInformationHeading
3 For legal information on this taxonomy, see '' [guidance] Abstract
4 For guidance on how to use the taxonomy, see guidance documents published at '' [guidance] Abstract
5 002 - Entity Information Network


6 Entity information [heading] Abstract bus:EntityInformationHeading
7 Entity includes unincorporated charity, charitable incorporated organisation or charitable company [guidance] Abstract char:EntityIncludesUnincorporatedCharityCharitableIncorporatedOrganisationOrCharitableCompanyGuidance
8 Entity names [heading] Abstract bus:EntityNamesHeading
9 Entity current legal or registered name Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:EntityCurrentLegalOrRegisteredName
10 Entity trading name Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:EntityTradingName
11 Entity former legal or registered name [grouping] Abstract bus:EntityFormerLegalOrRegisteredNameGrouping
12 Entity former legal or registered name Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:EntityFormerLegalOrRegisteredName
13 Date when ceased to be legal or registered name Concept (Date) As Of bus:DateWhenCeasedToBeLegalOrRegisteredName
14 Other name entity known by Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OtherNameEntityKnownBy
15 Entity identifying codes [heading] Abstract bus:EntityIdentifyingCodesHeading
16 UK Companies House registered number Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:UKCompaniesHouseRegisteredNumber
17 Charity registration number (England and Wales) Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityRegistrationNumberEnglandWales
18 Charity registration number (Scotland) Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityRegistrationNumberScotland
19 Charity registration number (Northern Ireland) Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityRegistrationNumberNorthernIreland
20 Charity registration number (Republic of Ireland) Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityRegistrationNumberRepublicIreland
21 VAT registration number Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:VATRegistrationNumber
22 Legal Entity Identifier Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:LegalEntityIdentifier
23 UK Gift Aid number Concept (Text/String) For Period char:UKGiftAidNumber
24 Description of alternative registration, including name of business registry and number Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionAlternativeRegistrationIncludingNameBusinessRegistryNumber
25 Entity activities [heading] Abstract bus:EntityActivitiesHeading
26 Description of principal activities Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionPrincipalActivities
27 Main industry sector Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:MainIndustrySector
28 SIC code recorded at UK Companies House, 1 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:SICCodeRecordedUKCompaniesHouse1
29 SIC code recorded at UK Companies House, 2 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:SICCodeRecordedUKCompaniesHouse2
30 SIC code recorded at UK Companies House, 3 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:SICCodeRecordedUKCompaniesHouse3
31 SIC code recorded at UK Companies House, 4 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:SICCodeRecordedUKCompaniesHouse4
32 Entity legal form [heading] Abstract bus:EntityLegalFormHeading
33 Legal form of entity Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:LegalFormEntity
34 Country of formation or incorporation Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:CountryFormationOrIncorporation
35 Date of formation or incorporation Concept (Date) As Of bus:DateFormationOrIncorporation
36 Entity shares [heading] Abstract bus:EntitySharesHeading
37 Use entity share classes dimension to identify individual share class [guidance] Abstract bus:UseEntityShareClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareClassGuidance
38 Use share types dimension to identify individual share type [guidance] Abstract bus:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareTypeGuidance
39 Description of share type Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionShareType
40 Operational status of entity [heading] Abstract bus:OperationalStatusEntityHeading
41 Entity is dormant [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period bus:EntityDormantTruefalse
42 Entity trading status Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:EntityTradingStatus
43 Entity is under special legal status Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:EntityUnderSpecialLegalStatus
44 Use countries dimension to identify countries or regions where operational status applies [guidance] Abstract bus:UseCountriesDimensionToIdentifyCountriesOrRegionsWhereOperationalStatusAppliesGuidance
45 Entity officers, including directors, partners and trustees [heading] Abstract bus:EntityOfficersIncludingDirectorsPartnersHeading
46 Name of entity officer Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityOfficer
47 Use entity officers dimension to identify position of entity officer [guidance] Abstract bus:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyPositionEntityOfficerGuidance
48 Use entity officer status dimension to identify executive or non-executive status [guidance] Abstract bus:UseEntityOfficerStatusDimensionToIdentifyExecutiveOrNon-executiveStatusGuidance
49 Entity contacts and website information [heading] Abstract bus:EntityContactsWebsiteInformationHeading
50 Use entity contact type dimension to identify type or purpose of contact [guidance] Abstract bus:UseEntityContactTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeOrPurposeContactGuidance
51 Contact department or person [heading] Abstract bus:ContactDepartmentOrPersonHeading
52 Name of contact department or person Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameContactDepartmentOrPerson
53 Job title / position of contact person Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:JobTitlePositionContactPerson
54 Description or other information on entity contact Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionOrOtherInformationOnEntityContact
55 Means of contact [heading] Abstract bus:MeansContactHeading
56 Address [heading] Abstract bus:AddressHeading
57 Address line 1 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:AddressLine1
58 Address line 2 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:AddressLine2
59 Address line 3 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:AddressLine3
60 Principal location - city or town Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:PrincipalLocation-CityOrTown
61 County / Region Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:CountyRegion
62 Postal Code / Zip Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:PostalCodeZip
63 Use countries dimension tag attached to all lines of address to identify country [guidance] Abstract bus:UseCountriesDimensionTagAttachedToAllLinesAddressToIdentifyCountryGuidance
64 E-mail address Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:E-mailAddress
65 Phone number [heading] Abstract bus:PhoneNumberHeading
66 Country code Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:CountryCode
67 Area code Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:AreaCode
68 Local number Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:LocalNumber
69 Extension number Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:ExtensionNumber
70 VOIP contact Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:VOIPContact
71 Use address type dimension to distinguish main, postal and street address [guidance] Abstract bus:UseAddressTypeDimensionToDistinguishMainPostalStreetAddressGuidance
72 Use phone number type dimension to distinguish landline, mobile and fax [guidance] Abstract bus:UsePhoneNumberTypeDimensionToDistinguishLandlineMobileFaxGuidance
73 Use form of contact dimension to distinguish form of contact such as switchboard or direct [guidance] Abstract bus:UseFormContactDimensionToDistinguishFormContactSuchAsSwitchboardOrDirectGuidance
74 Website information [heading] Abstract bus:WebsiteInformationHeading
75 Website main page URL Concept (URL) For Period bus:WebsiteMainPageURL
76 Description or other information on website Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionOrOtherInformationOnWebsite
77 Use countries and languages dimensions to identify location and language of website [guidance] Abstract bus:UseCountriesLanguagesDimensionsToIdentifyLocationLanguageWebsiteGuidance
78 Third party agents [heading] Abstract bus:ThirdPartyAgentsHeading
79 Use third party agent status dimension to identify agents if multiple agents exist under any individual category [guidance] Abstract bus:UseThirdPartyAgentStatusDimensionToIdentifyAgentsIfMultipleAgentsExistUnderAnyIndividualCategoryGuidance
80 Name of entity accountants Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityAccountants
81 Address of entity accountants Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityAccountants
82 Name of entity auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityAuditors
83 Address of entity auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityAuditors
84 Name of entity charity auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameEntityCharityAuditors
85 Address of entity charity auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityCharityAuditors
86 Name of entity independent examiner Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityExaminers
87 Address of entity independent examiner Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityExaminers
88 Name of entity tax advisers Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityTaxAdvisers
89 Address of entity tax advisers Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityTaxAdvisers
90 Name of entity bankers Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityBankers
91 Address of entity bankers Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityBankers
92 Name of entity lawyers or legal advisers Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityLawyersOrLegalAdvisers
93 Address of entity lawyers or legal advisers Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityLawyersOrLegalAdvisers
94 Name of entity stockbrokers Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityStockbrokers
95 Address of entity stockbrokers Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityStockbrokers
96 Name of entity financial advisers Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityFinancialAdvisers
97 Address of entity financial advisers Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityFinancialAdvisers
98 Name of entity registrars Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityRegistrars
99 Address of entity registrars Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityRegistrars
100 Name of entity administrators Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityAdministrators
101 Address of entity administrators Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityAdministrators
102 Name of entity receivers Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityReceivers
103 Address of entity receivers Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityReceivers
104 Name of entity liquidators Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityLiquidators
105 Address of entity liquidators Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityLiquidators
106 Use group and company data dimension to distinguish group and company data - company is the default setting on all data [guidance] Abstract bus:UseGroupCompanyDataDimensionToDistinguishGroupCompanyData-CompanyDefaultSettingOnAllDataGuidance
107 003 - Report Information Network


108 Report information [heading] Abstract bus:ReportInformationHeading
109 Report title Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:ReportTitle
110 Scope of accounts Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:ScopeAccounts
111 Accounting standards applied Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:AccountingStandardsApplied
112 SORPs applied Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:SORPsApplied
113 Applicable legislation Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:ApplicableLegislation
114 Accounts status, audited or unaudited Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:AccountsStatusAuditedOrUnaudited
115 Accounts type, full or abbreviated Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:AccountsTypeFullOrAbbreviated
116 Report dates and periods covered [heading] Abstract bus:ReportDatesPeriodsCoveredHeading
117 Balance sheet date Concept (Date) As Of bus:BalanceSheetDate
118 Start date for period covered by report Concept (Date) As Of bus:StartDateForPeriodCoveredByReport
119 End date for period covered by report Concept (Date) As Of bus:EndDateForPeriodCoveredByReport
120 Business report publication date Concept (Date) As Of bus:BusinessReportPublicationDate
121 Report period Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:ReportPeriod
122 Report includes a Strategic Report [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period bus:ReportIncludesStrategicReportTruefalse
123 Report includes a list of subsidiaries [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period bus:ReportIncludesListSubsidiariesTruefalse
124 Report is an amended / revised version of a previously filed report [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period bus:ReportAnAmendedRevisedVersionPreviouslyFiledReportTruefalse
125 Description of revisions in an amended / revised version of a previously filed report Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionRevisionsInAnAmendedRevisedVersionPreviouslyFiledReport
126 Principal currency used in business report Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:PrincipalCurrencyUsedInBusinessReport
127 Other currency used in business report Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:OtherCurrencyUsedInBusinessReport
128 Report copyright statement Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:ReportCopyrightStatement
129 Report principal language Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period bus:ReportPrincipalLanguage
130 XBRL production software [heading] Abstract bus:XBRLProductionSoftwareHeading
131 Name of production software Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameProductionSoftware
132 Version of production software Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:VersionProductionSoftware
133 010 - Directors' Report Network


134 Directors' Report [heading] Abstract direp:DirectorsReportHeading
135 For full information on entity, see 'Entity Information' section [cross-reference] Abstract direp:ForFullInformationOnEntitySeeEntityInformationSectionCross-reference
136 Description of principal activities Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionPrincipalActivities
137 List of directors [heading] Abstract direp:ListDirectorsHeading
138 Use entity officers dimension to identify position of entity officer [guidance] Abstract bus:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyPositionEntityOfficerGuidance
139 Use entity officer status dimension to identify executive or non-executive status [guidance] Abstract bus:UseEntityOfficerStatusDimensionToIdentifyExecutiveOrNon-executiveStatusGuidance
140 Use entity officers dimension to identify trustees [guidance] Abstract char:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyTrusteesGuidance
141 Name of entity officer Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityOfficer
142 Date assumed position Concept (Date) As Of direp:DateAssumedPosition
143 Date of next reappointment Concept (Date) As Of direp:DateNextReappointment
144 Date of resignation Concept (Date) As Of direp:DateResignation
145 Statement if director or executive had no interest in shares or debentures of the entity or its undertakings Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementIfDirectorOrExecutiveHadNoInterestInSharesOrDebenturesEntityOrItsUndertakings
146 Dividend recommended by directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:DividendRecommendedByDirectors
147 Number of staff by gender shown in Strategic Report [heading] Abstract direp:NumberStaffByGenderShownInStrategicReportHeading
148 Directors, total Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:DirectorsTotal
149 Directors, male Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:DirectorsMale
150 Directors, female Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:DirectorsFemale
151 Directors, gender not disclosed Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:DirectorsGenderNotDisclosed
152 Senior managers, total Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:SeniorManagersTotal
153 Senior managers, male Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:SeniorManagersMale
154 Senior managers, female Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:SeniorManagersFemale
155 Senior managers, gender not disclosed Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:SeniorManagersGenderNotDisclosed
156 Employees, total Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:EmployeesTotal
157 Employees, male Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:EmployeesMale
158 Employees, female Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:EmployeesFemale
159 Employees, gender not disclosed Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:EmployeesGenderNotDisclosed
160 Average number of directors Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:AverageNumberDirectors
161 Political donations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:PoliticalDonations
162 EU political donations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:EUPoliticalDonations
163 Specific EU political donation [grouping] Abstract direp:SpecificEUPoliticalDonationGrouping
164 Name or description of EU political organisation Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:NameOrDescriptionEUPoliticalOrganisation
165 Total donation to EU political organisation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:TotalDonationToEUPoliticalOrganisation
166 Non-EU political donations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:Non-EUPoliticalDonations
167 Specific non-EU political donation [grouping] Abstract direp:SpecificNon-EUPoliticalDonationGrouping
168 Name or description of non-EU recipient organisation Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:NameOrDescriptionNon-EURecipientOrganisation
169 Total donation to non-EU political organisation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:TotalDonationToNon-EUPoliticalOrganisation
170 Political donations free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:PoliticalDonationsFree-textComment
171 Employment of disabled persons policy Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:EmploymentDisabledPersonsPolicy
172 Description of arrangements related to employees, such as provision of information and consultation Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionArrangementsRelatedToEmployeesSuchAsProvisionInformationConsultation
173 Purchase of own shares [heading] Abstract direp:PurchaseOwnSharesHeading
174 Use entity share classes dimension to identify individual share class [guidance] Abstract bus:UseEntityShareClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareClassGuidance
175 Use share types dimension to identify individual share type [guidance] Abstract bus:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareTypeGuidance
176 Description of share type Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionShareType
177 Net consideration paid for own shares Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:NetConsiderationPaidForOwnShares
178 Purchase of own shares, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:PurchaseOwnSharesExpense
179 Sale of own shares, income Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:SaleOwnSharesIncome
180 Nominal value of own shares purchased Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:NominalValueOwnSharesPurchased
181 Number of own shares purchased Concept (Shares) For Period direp:NumberOwnSharesPurchased
182 Maximum nominal value of own shares held by entity in period Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:MaximumNominalValueOwnSharesHeldByEntityInPeriod
183 Maximum number of own shares held by entity in period Concept (Shares) For Period direp:MaximumNumberOwnSharesHeldByEntityInPeriod
184 Nominal value of own shares sold Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:NominalValueOwnSharesSold
185 Number of own shares sold Concept (Shares) For Period direp:NumberOwnSharesSold
186 Percentage of called-up share capital represented by purchases during the period Concept (Percent) For Period direp:PercentageCalled-upShareCapitalRepresentedByPurchasesDuringPeriod
187 Description of reasons for purchase of own shares Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionReasonsForPurchaseOwnShares
188 Description of shares acquired or held in special circumstances, including the type, number and nominal values of shares acquired, disposed of or charged Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionSharesAcquiredOrHeldInSpecialCircumstancesIncludingTypeNumberNominalValuesSharesAcquiredDisposedOrCharged
189 Purchase of own shares free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:PurchaseOwnSharesFree-textComment
190 Greenhouse gas emissions [heading] Abstract direp:GreenhouseGasEmissionsHeading
191 Annual quantity of emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from combustion of fuel and operation of facilities Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:AnnualQuantityEmissionsInTonnesCarbonDioxideEquivalentFromCombustionFuelOperationFacilities
192 Annual quantity of emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from combustion of fuel Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:AnnualQuantityEmissionsInTonnesCarbonDioxideEquivalentFromCombustionFuel
193 Annual quantity of emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from operation of any facility Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:AnnualQuantityEmissionsInTonnesCarbonDioxideEquivalentFromOperationAnyFacility
194 Annual quantity of emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from purchase of electricity or other fuel for own use Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:AnnualQuantityEmissionsInTonnesCarbonDioxideEquivalentFromPurchaseElectricityOrOtherFuelForOwnUse
195 Description of availability of emissions information and any reasons it cannot be obtained in the detail required Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionAvailabilityEmissionsInformationAnyReasonsItCannotBeObtainedInDetailRequired
196 Description of methodologies used to calculate data on emissions Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionMethodologiesUsedToCalculateDataOnEmissions
197 Annual emissions as a ratio of a quantifiable factor associated with entity's activities Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:AnnualEmissionsAsRatioQuantifiableFactorAssociatedWithEntitysActivities
198 Description of reporting period for emissions data if this is different from period covered by directors' report Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionReportingPeriodForEmissionsDataIfThisDifferentFromPeriodCoveredByDirectorsReport
199 Entity and directors' statements [heading] Abstract direp:EntityDirectorsStatementsHeading
200 Statement that directors acknowledge their responsibilities under the Companies Act Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementThatDirectorsAcknowledgeTheirResponsibilitiesUnderCompaniesAct
201 Statement that directors' report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the small companies regime Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementThatDirectorsReportHasBeenPreparedInAccordanceWithProvisionsSmallCompaniesRegime
202 Statement that accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the small companies regime Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementThatAccountsHaveBeenPreparedInAccordanceWithProvisionsSmallCompaniesRegime
203 Abbreviated accounts are in accordance with special provisions in section 445(3) of the Companies Act relating to medium-sized companies [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period direp:AbbreviatedAccountsAreInAccordanceWithSpecialProvisionsInSection4453CompaniesActRelatingToMedium-sizedCompaniesTruefalse
204 Description why an entity with subsidiaries has not prepared group accounts Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionWhyAnEntityWithSubsidiariesHasNotPreparedGroupAccounts
205 Entity has taken exemption under the Companies Act in not publishing its own statement of financial activities [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:EntityHasTakenExemptionUnderCompaniesActInNotPublishingItsOwnStatementFinancialActivitiesTruefalse
206 Statement on quality and completeness of information provided to auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementOnQualityCompletenessInformationProvidedToAuditors
207 Statement on qualifying third party indemnity provisions Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementOnQualifyingThirdPartyIndemnityProvisions
208 Statement on matters required in directors' report being placed in strategic report Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementOnMattersRequiredInDirectorsReportBeingPlacedInStrategicReport
209 Company has acted as an agent during the period [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period direp:CompanyHasActedAsAnAgentDuringPeriodTruefalse
210 Statement that company entitled to exemption from audit under section 477 Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementThatCompanyEntitledToExemptionFromAuditUnderSection477CompaniesAct2006RelatingToSmallCompanies
211 Statement that company entitled to exemption from audit under section 479A Companies Act 2006 relating to subsidiary companies Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementThatCompanyEntitledToExemptionFromAuditUnderSection479ACompaniesAct2006RelatingToSubsidiaryCompanies
212 Statement that company entitled to exemption from audit under section 480 Companies Act 2006 relating to dormant companies Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementThatCompanyEntitledToExemptionFromAuditUnderSection480CompaniesAct2006RelatingToDormantCompanies
213 Statement that members have not required the company to obtain an audit Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementThatMembersHaveNotRequiredCompanyToObtainAnAudit
214 Statement that members have agreed to preparation of abridged accounts under section 444 Companies Act 2006 Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:StatementThatMembersHaveAgreedToPreparationAbridgedAccountsUnderSection444CompaniesAct2006
215 Company has published commitment to UK Effective Stewardship Code [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period direp:CompanyHasPublishedCommitmentToUKEffectiveStewardshipCodeTruefalse
216 For events after reporting date, see 'Events after reporting date' section [cross-reference] Abstract direp:ForEventsAfterReportingDateSeeEventsAfterReportingDateSectionCross-reference
217 For statement on going-concern basis, see 'Basis of preparation' section [cross-reference] Abstract direp:ForStatementOnGoing-concernBasisSeeBasisPreparationSectionCross-reference
218 For director remuneration, see 'Employee benefits' section [cross-reference] Abstract direp:ForDirectorRemunerationSeeEmployeeBenefitsSectionCross-reference
219 For director loans and advances, see 'Related parties' section [cross-reference] Abstract direp:ForDirectorLoansAdvancesSeeRelatedPartiesSectionCross-reference
220 Director signing Directors' Report Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period direp:DirectorSigningDirectorsReport
221 Date of signing of Directors' Report Concept (Date) As Of direp:DateSigningDirectorsReport
222 011 - Trustees' Annual Report Network


223 Trustees' Annual Report [heading] Abstract char:TrusteesAnnualReportHeading
224 Information required from all charities [heading] Abstract char:InformationRequiredFromAllCharitiesHeading
225 Objectives and activities [heading] Abstract char:ObjectivesActivitiesHeading
226 Use charitable objectives dimension to identify charitable objectives [guidance] Abstract char:UseCharitableObjectivesDimensionToIdentifyCharitableObjectivesGuidance
227 Charitable objective Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period char:CharitableObjective
228 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
229 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
230 Explanation of main activities undertaken for the public benefit Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationMainActivitiesUndertakenForPublicBenefit
231 Declaration confirming the trustees have had regard to the Commission's guidance on public benefit Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DeclarationConfirmingTrusteesHaveHadRegardToCommissionsGuidanceOnPublicBenefit
232 Achievements and Performance [heading] Abstract char:AchievementsPerformanceHeading
233 Summary of main achievements Concept (Text/String) For Period char:SummaryMainAchievements
234 Financial Review [heading] Abstract char:FinancialReviewHeading
235 Review of financial position at the end of the reporting period Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReviewFinancialPositionEndReportingPeriod
236 Reserves Policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReservesPolicy
237 Use funds dimension to identify available reserves [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyAvailableReservesGuidance
238 Reserves Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:Reserves
239 Reasons for holding reserves Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonsForHoldingReserves
240 Reasons for having zero reserves Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonsForHavingZeroReserves
241 Explanation of uncertainties over going concern Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationUncertaintiesOverGoingConcern
242 For funds or subsidiary undertaking materially in deficit please use funds dimension [guidance] Abstract char:ForFundsOrSubsidiaryUndertakingMateriallyInDeficitPleaseUseFundsDimensionGuidance
243 Material funds in deficit Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:MaterialFundsInDeficit
244 Explanation of funds materially in deficit Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationFundsMateriallyInDeficit
245 Steps being taken to eliminate funds in deficit Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StepsBeingTakenToEliminateFundsInDeficit
246 Structure, governance and management [heading] Abstract char:StructureGovernanceManagementHeading
247 For legal form of entity see 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForLegalFormEntitySeeEntityInformationSectionCross-reference
248 Use form of governing document dimension to identify type of governing document [guidance] Abstract char:UseFormGoverningDocumentDimensionToIdentifyTypeGoverningDocumentGuidance
249 Governing document Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period char:GoverningDocument
250 Methods used to recruit and appoint new trustees Concept (Text/String) For Period char:MethodsUsedToRecruitAppointNewTrustees
251 Name of other person or external body entitled to appoint one or more of charity trustees Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameOtherPersonOrExternalBodyEntitledToAppointOneOrMoreCharityTrustees
252 Reference and administration details [heading] Abstract char:ReferenceAdministrationDetailsHeading
253 For reference and administrative details see 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForReferenceAdministrativeDetailsSeeEntityInformationSectionCross-reference
254 For the charity principal address please use Entity Contact dimension [guidance] Abstract char:ForCharityPrincipalAddressPleaseUseEntityContactDimensionGuidance
255 Address [heading] Abstract bus:AddressHeading
256 Address line 1 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:AddressLine1
257 Address line 2 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:AddressLine2
258 Address line 3 Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:AddressLine3
259 Principal location - city or town Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:PrincipalLocation-CityOrTown
260 County / Region Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:CountyRegion
261 Postal Code / Zip Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:PostalCodeZip
262 Use countries dimension tag attached to all lines of address to identify country [guidance] Abstract bus:UseCountriesDimensionTagAttachedToAllLinesAddressToIdentifyCountryGuidance
263 List of trustees [heading] Abstract char:ListTrusteesHeading
264 Use entity officers dimension to identify trustees [guidance] Abstract char:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyTrusteesGuidance
265 Name of entity officer Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityOfficer
266 Date assumed position Concept (Date) As Of direp:DateAssumedPosition
267 Date of next reappointment Concept (Date) As Of direp:DateNextReappointment
268 Date of resignation Concept (Date) As Of direp:DateResignation
269 Exemptions from disclosure [heading] Abstract char:ExemptionsFromDisclosureHeading
270 Reason for omission of trustees' names Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonForOmissionTrusteesNames
271 Reason for omission of senior officers' names Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonForOmissionSeniorOfficersNames
272 Reason for omission of principal address Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonForOmissionPrincipalAddress
273 For funds held as custodian trustee on behalf of others, see 'Related parties' section in 'Notes and disclosures' [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForFundsHeldAsCustodianTrusteeOnBehalfOthersSeeRelatedPartiesSectionInNotesDisclosuresCross-reference
274 Additional information required from charities with income over £500,000 [heading] Abstract char:AdditionalInformationRequiredFromCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading
275 Objectives and activities of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] Abstract char:ObjectivesActivitiesCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading
276 Strategy for achieving stated aims and objectives [heading] Abstract char:StrategyForAchievingStatedAimsObjectivesHeading
277 Explanation of charitable aims including details of the changes it seeks to make through activities Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationCharitableAimsIncludingDetailsChangesItSeeksToMakeThroughActivities
278 Explanation of how achievement of aims will further legal purpose Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationHowAchievementAimsWillFurtherLegalPurpose
279 Strategies for achieving its stated aims and objectives Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StrategiesForAchievingItsStatedAimsObjectives
280 Criteria used for measuring success Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CriteriaUsedForMeasuringSuccess
281 Significant activities undertaken to achieve stated aims and objectives Concept (Text/String) For Period char:SignificantActivitiesUndertakenToAchieveStatedAimsObjectives
282 Explanation of the use of social investment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationUseSocialInvestment
283 Policy for social investment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PolicyForSocialInvestment
284 Explanation of how programme related investments contributed to aims and objectives Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationHowProgrammeRelatedInvestmentsContributedToAimsObjectives
285 Policy for grant making Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PolicyForGrantMaking
286 Explanation of how grant making activities contribute to aims and objectives Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationHowGrantMakingActivitiesContributeToAimsObjectives
287 Explanation of the contribution made by volunteers to activities Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationContributionMadeByVolunteersToActivities
288 Volunteer contribution in terms of hours Concept (Decimal) For Period char:VolunteerContributionInTermsHours
289 Volunteer contribution in terms of staff equivalents Concept (Decimal) For Period char:VolunteerContributionInTermsStaffEquivalents
290 Medium or large charitable companies registered in the UK are required to prepare a strategic report [guidance] Abstract char:MediumOrLargeCharitableCompaniesRegisteredInUKAreRequiredToPrepareStrategicReportGuidance
291 Trustees have approved the strategic report [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:TrusteesHaveApprovedStrategicReportTruefalse
292 Achievements and performance of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] Abstract char:AchievementsPerformanceCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading
293 Significant charitable activities undertaken Concept (Text/String) For Period char:SignificantCharitableActivitiesUndertaken
294 Achievements against objectives set Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AchievementsAgainstObjectivesSet
295 Performance of material fundraising activities against the fundraising objectives set Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PerformanceMaterialFundraisingActivitiesAgainstFundraisingObjectivesSet
296 Investment performance against the investment objectives set Concept (Text/String) For Period char:InvestmentPerformanceAgainstInvestmentObjectivesSet
297 Effect of expenditure to raise future income on the net return from fundraising activities Concept (Text/String) For Period char:EffectExpenditureToRaiseFutureIncomeOnNetReturnFromFundraisingActivities
298 Financial review of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] Abstract char:FinancialReviewCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading
299 Explanation of the financial effect of significant events Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationFinancialEffectSignificantEvents
300 Investment policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:InvestmentPolicy
301 Investment objectives Concept (Text/String) For Period char:InvestmentObjectives
302 Description of principle risks and uncertainties Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionPrincipleRisksUncertainties
303 Summary of plans and strategy for managing risks Concept (Text/String) For Period char:SummaryPlansStrategyForManagingRisks
304 Factors likely to affect future financial performance Concept (Text/String) For Period char:FactorsLikelyToAffectFutureFinancialPerformance
305 Principal funding sources of the charity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PrincipalFundingSourcesCharity
306 Description of how principal funding resources support key objectives Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionHowPrincipalFundingResourcesSupportKeyObjectives
307 Impact of any material pension liability arising from obligations to a post-benefits pension scheme Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ImpactAnyMaterialPensionLiabilityArisingFromObligationsToPost-benefitsPensionScheme
308 Explanation of any social and ethical considerations regarding investments Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationAnySocialEthicalConsiderationsRegardingInvestments
309 Charity reserves [heading] Abstract char:CharityReservesHeading
310 Charity funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:CharityFunds
311 Reserves available after allowing for restricted, designated and functional assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:ReservesAvailableAfterAllowingForRestrictedDesignatedFunctionalAssets
312 Funds which can only be realised by disposal of tangible fixed assets or programme related investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FundsWhichCanOnlyBeRealisedByDisposalTangibleFixedAssetsOrProgrammeRelatedInvestments
313 Explanation of designated funds Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationDesignatedFunds
314 Likely timing of expenditure of designated funds Concept (Text/String) For Period char:LikelyTimingExpenditureDesignatedFunds
315 Review of reserves against stated policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReviewReservesAgainstStatedPolicy
316 Charity reserves free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityReservesFree-textComment
317 Plans for future periods [heading] Abstract char:PlansForFuturePeriodsHeading
318 Summary of future plans Concept (Text/String) For Period char:SummaryFuturePlans
319 Activities planned to achieve future aims and objectives Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ActivitiesPlannedToAchieveFutureAimsObjectives
320 Structure, governance and management of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] Abstract char:StructureGovernanceManagementCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading
321 Explanation of the charity's organisational structure including those of any subsidiary undertakings Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationCharitysOrganisationalStructureIncludingThoseAnySubsidiaryUndertakings
322 Policy for decision making Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PolicyForDecisionMaking
323 Policy for induction and training of trustees Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PolicyForInductionTrainingTrustees
324 Policy for pay and remuneration of key management personnel Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PolicyForPayRemunerationKeyManagementPersonnel
325 Explanation of affiliations with other bodies Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationAffiliationsWithOtherBodies
326 Explanation of relationships between the charity and related parties Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationRelationshipsBetweenCharityRelatedParties
327 For related party information see 'Related parties' section in 'Notes and disclosures' [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForRelatedPartyInformationSeeRelatedPartiesSectionInNotesDisclosuresCross-reference
328 Reference and administration details of charities with income over £500,000 [heading] Abstract char:ReferenceAdministrationDetailsCharitiesWithIncomeOver500000Heading
329 For the name of any chief executive officer or senior management personnel to whom the trustees delegate day to day management use 'Entity officers dimension' under 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForNameAnyChiefExecutiveOfficerOrSeniorManagementPersonnelToWhomTrusteesDelegateDayToDayManagementUseEntityOfficersDimensionUnderEntityInformationSectionCross-reference
330 For the names and addresses of professional advisors use 'Third party agents' section under 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForNamesAddressesProfessionalAdvisorsUseThirdPartyAgentsSectionUnderEntityInformationSectionCross-reference
331 Additional disclosures required by charities who adopt a total return to investment [heading] Abstract char:AdditionalDisclosuresRequiredByCharitiesWhoAdoptTotalReturnToInvestmentHeading
332 Date initial value of trust for investment was established Concept (Date) As Of char:DateInitialValueTrustForInvestmentWasEstablished
333 Date initial value of unapplied total return was established Concept (Date) As Of char:DateInitialValueUnappliedTotalReturnWasEstablished
334 Policy used to identify the initial amounts of the trust for investment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PolicyUsedToIdentifyInitialAmountsTrustForInvestment
335 Date analysis performed to identify the initial amounts of the trust for investment Concept (Date) As Of char:DateAnalysisPerformedToIdentifyInitialAmountsTrustForInvestment
336 Explanation of the policies used and factors considered to determine the amount of unapplied total return allocated to income and allocated to trust for investment in the reporting period Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationPoliciesUsedFactorsConsideredToDetermineAmountUnappliedTotalReturnAllocatedToIncomeAllocatedToTrustForInvestmentInReportingPeriod
337 Explanation of the policies used and factors considered to determine the amount of the trust for investment allocated to the unapplied total return or any recoupment made to the trust for investment in the reporting period Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationPoliciesUsedFactorsConsideredToDetermineAmountTrustForInvestmentAllocatedToUnappliedTotalReturnOrAnyRecoupmentMadeToTrustForInvestmentInReportingPeriod
338 Name of professional advisor on total return approach to investments Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameProfessionalAdvisorOnTotalReturnApproachToInvestments
339 Qualifications of professional advisor Concept (Text/String) For Period char:QualificationsProfessionalAdvisor
340 Statement of Trustees' responsibilities Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementTrusteesResponsibilities
341 Trustee signing Trustee's Annual Report Concept (Text/String) As Of char:TrusteeSigningTrusteesAnnualReport
342 Date of signing of Trustees' Annual Report Concept (Date) As Of char:DateSigningTrusteesAnnualReport
343 015 - Audit Report Network


344 Audit report [heading] Abstract aurep:AuditReportHeading
345 Statement on respective responsibilities of directors and auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:StatementOnRespectiveResponsibilitiesDirectorsAuditors
346 Opinion of auditors on entity Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:OpinionAuditorsOnEntity
347 Basis for opinion of auditors on entity Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:BasisForOpinionAuditorsOnEntity
348 Opinion of auditors in respect of additional financial reporting framework Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:OpinionAuditorsInRespectAdditionalFinancialReportingFramework
349 Emphasis of matter statement Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:EmphasisMatterStatement
350 Statement on risks of material misstatement identified by the auditor Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:StatementOnRisksMaterialMisstatementIdentifiedByAuditor
351 Statement on application of materiality to audit Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:StatementOnApplicationMaterialityToAudit
352 Statement on scope of audit report Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:StatementOnScopeAuditReport
353 Statement on matters on which auditor reports by exception Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:StatementOnMattersOnWhichAuditorReportsByException
354 Statement of key audit matters Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:StatementKeyAuditMatters
355 Statement of responsibilities of management and those charged with corporate governance Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:StatementResponsibilitiesManagementThoseChargedWithCorporateGovernance
356 Statement of auditors responsibilities relating to other information Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:StatementAuditorsResponsibilitiesRelatingToOtherInformation
357 Company is entitled to deliver abbreviated accounts and accounts properly prepared [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period aurep:CompanyEntitledToDeliverAbbreviatedAccountsAccountsProperlyPreparedTruefalse
358 Description of matters giving rise to any modified audit opinion Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:DescriptionMattersGivingRiseToAnyModifiedAuditOpinion
359 Directors' report is consistent with the accounts [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period aurep:DirectorsReportConsistentWithAccountsTruefalse
360 Auditable part of the remuneration report has been properly prepared [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period aurep:AuditablePartRemunerationReportHasBeenProperlyPreparedTruefalse
361 Opinion of auditor of public sector entities on regularity Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:OpinionAuditorPublicSectorEntitiesOnRegularity
362 Date of auditor's report Concept (Date) As Of aurep:DateAuditorsReport
363 Auditor information [heading] Abstract aurep:AuditorInformationHeading
364 Name of entity auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityAuditors
365 Name or location of office performing audit Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:NameOrLocationOfficePerformingAudit
366 Name of individual auditor Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:NameIndividualAuditor
367 Name of senior statutory auditor Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:NameSeniorStatutoryAuditor
368 Description of reasons if senior statutory auditor's name is not disclosed Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:DescriptionReasonsIfSeniorStatutoryAuditorsNameNotDisclosed
369 Use third party agent status dimension to identify auditors in cases of multiple auditors or joint auditors [guidance] Abstract aurep:UseThirdPartyAgentStatusDimensionToIdentifyAuditorsInCasesMultipleAuditorsOrJointAuditorsGuidance
370 016 - Accountant's Report Network


371 017 - Charity Audit Report Network


372 Charity audit report [heading] Abstract char:CharityAuditReportHeading
373 Companies Act audit requirements apply to charitable companies over the Companies Act audit threshold [guidance] Abstract char:CompaniesActAuditRequirementsApplyToCharitableCompaniesOverCompaniesActAuditThresholdGuidance
374 For Companies Act audit tags use 'Audit Report' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForCompaniesActAuditTagsUseAuditReportSectionCross-reference
375 Charities Act audit requirements apply to charitable companies and all other charities over the charities act audit threshold or those with governing documents or grant conditions stipulating audit is required [guidance] Abstract char:CharitiesActAuditRequirementsApplyToCharitableCompaniesAllOtherCharitiesOverCharitiesActAuditThresholdOrThoseWithGoverningDocumentsOrGrantConditionsStipulatingAuditRequiredGuidance
376 Statement on respective responsibilities of directors/trustees and auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementOnRespectiveResponsibilitiesDirectorstrusteesAuditors
377 Statement that charities entitled to exemption from audit under sections 475-477 under the Companies Act 2006 Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementThatCharitiesEntitledToExemptionFromAuditUnderSections475-477UnderCompaniesAct2006
378 Opinion of auditors on entity is that the accounts give a true and fair view [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:OpinionAuditorsOnEntityThatAccountsGiveTrueFairViewTruefalse
379 Opinion of auditor's in respect of Charities Act, the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act and other Regulations [heading] Abstract char:OpinionAuditorsInRespectCharitiesActCharitiesTrusteeInvestmentScotlandActOtherRegulationsHeading
380 Unqualified opinion Concept (Text/String) For Period char:UnqualifiedOpinion
381 Qualified opinion Concept (Text/String) For Period char:QualifiedOpinion
382 Adverse opinion Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AdverseOpinion
383 Disclaimer of opinion Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DisclaimerOpinion
384 Charity emphasis of matter statement Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityEmphasisMatterStatement
385 Statement on risks of material misstatement identified by the charity auditor Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementOnRisksMaterialMisstatementIdentifiedByCharityAuditor
386 Statement on application of materiality to charity audit Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementOnApplicationMaterialityToCharityAudit
387 Statement on scope of charity audit report Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementOnScopeCharityAuditReport
388 Charitable companies are permitted to submit abbreviated accounts to Companies House but not to the Charity Commission [guidance] Abstract char:CharitableCompaniesArePermittedToSubmitAbbreviatedAccountsToCompaniesHouseButNotToCharityCommissionGuidance
389 Charitable company is entitled to deliver abbreviated accounts and accounts properly prepared to Companies House [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:CharitableCompanyEntitledToDeliverAbbreviatedAccountsAccountsProperlyPreparedToCompaniesHouseTruefalse
390 Description of matters giving rise to any modified charity audit opinion Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionMattersGivingRiseToAnyModifiedCharityAuditOpinion
391 Directors'/trustees' report is consistent with the accounts [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:DirectorstrusteesReportConsistentWithAccountsTruefalse
392 Auditable part of the charity remuneration report has been properly prepared [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:AuditablePartCharityRemunerationReportHasBeenProperlyPreparedTruefalse
393 Opinion of charity auditor of public sector entities on regularity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OpinionCharityAuditorPublicSectorEntitiesOnRegularity
394 Date of charity auditor's report Concept (Date) As Of char:DateCharityAuditorsReport
395 Charity auditor information [heading] Abstract char:CharityAuditorInformationHeading
396 Name of charity auditors Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameEntityCharityAuditors
397 Name or location of office performing charity audit Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameOrLocationOfficePerformingCharityAudit
398 Name of individual charity auditor Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameIndividualCharityAuditor
399 Name of senior statutory charity auditor Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameSeniorStatutoryCharityAuditor
400 Description of reasons if senior statutory charity auditor's name is not disclosed Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionReasonsIfSeniorStatutoryCharityAuditorsNameNotDisclosed
401 Use third party agent status dimension to identify auditors in cases of multiple auditors or joint auditors [guidance] Abstract char:UseThirdPartyAgentStatusDimensionToIdentifyAuditorsInCasesMultipleAuditorsOrJointAuditorsGuidance
402 018 - Independent Examiner's Report Network


403 Independent examiner's report [heading] Abstract char:IndependentExaminersReportHeading
404 Independent examination is required for all other charities unless their income is below the threshold or those with governing documents or grant conditions stipulating an audit is required [guidance] Abstract char:IndependentExaminationRequiredForAllOtherCharitiesUnlessTheirIncomeBelowThresholdOrThoseWithGoverningDocumentsOrGrantConditionsStipulatingAnAuditRequiredGuidance
405 Statement on respective responsibilities of directors/trustees and independent examiner Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementOnRespectiveResponsibilitiesDirectorstrusteesIndependentExaminer
406 No matter has come to the attention of the independent examiner [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoMatterHasComeToAttentionIndependentExaminerTruefalse
407 Matters which have come to the examiner's attention [heading] Abstract char:MattersWhichHaveComeToExaminersAttentionHeading
408 Accounting records for non-company charities have not been kept in accordance with section 130 of the Charities Act 2011 Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AccountingRecordsForNon-companyCharitiesHaveNotBeenKeptInAccordanceWithSection130CharitiesAct2011
409 Where the charity is a charitable company, the accounting records have not been kept in accordance with section 386 of the Companies Act 2006 Concept (Text/String) For Period char:WhereCharityCharitableCompanyAccountingRecordsHaveNotBeenKeptInAccordanceWithSection386CompaniesAct2006
410 The accounts do not accord with the accounting records Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AccountsDoNotAccordWithAccountingRecords
411 Any material expenditure or action which appears not to be in accordance with the trusts of the charity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AnyMaterialExpenditureOrActionWhichAppearsNotToBeInAccordanceWithTrustsCharity
412 Any failure to be provided with information and explanation by any past or present trustee, officer or employee Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AnyFailureToBeProvidedWithInformationExplanationByAnyPastOrPresentTrusteeOfficerOrEmployee
413 In the case of accruals accounts any material inconsistency between the accounts and the trustees' annual report, and in the case of a charitable company with the director's report Concept (Text/String) For Period char:InCaseAccrualsAccountsAnyMaterialInconsistencyBetweenAccountsTrusteesAnnualReportInCaseCharitableCompanyWithDirectorsReport
414 Independent examination free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:IndependentExaminationFree-textComment
415 Date of independent examiner's report Concept (Date) As Of char:DateIndependentExaminersReport
416 Independent examiner information [heading] Abstract char:IndependentExaminerInformationHeading
417 Name of entity independent examiner Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:NameEntityExaminers
418 Address of entity independent examiner Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AddressEntityExaminers
419 Relevant professional qualification(s) or body (if any) Concept (Text/String) For Period char:RelevantProfessionalQualificationsOrBodyIfAny
420 202 - Income Statement (FRS 102) Network


421 210 - Statement of Financial Activities Network


422 Statement of financial activities [heading] Abstract char:StatementFinancialActivitiesHeading
423 Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] Abstract core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance
424 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance
425 Statement of financial activities including an income and expenditure account for charitable companies [guidance] Abstract char:StatementFinancialActivitiesIncludingAnIncomeExpenditureAccountForCharitableCompaniesGuidance
426 Income and endowments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeEndowments
427 Donations and legacies Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:DonationsLegacies
428 Income from charitable activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeFromCharitableActivities
429 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
430 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
431 Use charitable income type dimension to identify type of charitable income [guidance] Abstract char:UseCharitableIncomeTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeCharitableIncomeGuidance
432 Income from charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeFromCharitableActivity
433 Income from other trading activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeFromOtherTradingActivities
434 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
435 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
436 Use non-charitable income type dimension to identify type of non-charitable income [guidance] Abstract char:UseNon-charitableIncomeTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeNon-charitableIncomeGuidance
437 Income from other trading activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeFromOtherTradingActivity
438 Investment income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:InvestmentIncome
439 Further material item of income [component of total income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FurtherMaterialItemIncomeComponentTotalIncome
440 Other income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:OtherIncome
441 Expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:Expenditure
442 Costs of raising funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostsRaisingFunds
443 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
444 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
445 Cost of fundraising activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostFundraisingActivity
446 Charitable expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CharitableExpenditure
447 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
448 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
449 Cost of charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostCharitableActivity
450 Further material item of expenditure [component of total expenditure] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FurtherMaterialItemExpenditureComponentTotalExpenditure
451 Other expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:OtherExpenditure
452 Net gains (losses) on investment assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:NetGainsLossesOnInvestmentAssets
453 Net income (expenditure) before transfers between funds and other recognised gains (losses) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:NetIncomeExpenditureBeforeTransfersBetweenFundsOtherRecognisedGainsLosses
454 Extraordinary items Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ExtraordinaryItems
455 Transfers between funds [heading] Abstract char:TransfersBetweenFundsHeading
456 For transfers between funds and conversion of endowments use the charity funds dimension [guidance] Abstract char:ForTransfersBetweenFundsConversionEndowmentsUseCharityFundsDimensionGuidance
457 Conversion of endowment funds may also be included in other income [guidance] Abstract char:ConversionEndowmentFundsMayAlsoBeIncludedInOtherIncomeGuidance
458 Transfer to (from) unrestricted funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromUnrestrictedFunds
459 Transfer to (from) designated funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromDesignatedFunds
460 Transfer to (from) restricted funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromRestrictedFunds
461 Transfer to (from) endowment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromEndowmentFunds
462 Allocation of unapplied total return to income funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:AllocationUnappliedTotalReturnToIncomeFunds
463 Transfer to (from) expendable endowment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromExpendableEndowmentFunds
464 Other recognised gains (losses) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:OtherRecognisedGainsLosses
465 Gain (loss) on the revaluation of fixed assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:GainLossOnRevaluationFixedAssets
466 Actuarial gain (loss) on defined benefit pension schemes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:ActuarialGainLossOnDefinedBenefitPensionSchemes
467 Further item of recognised gain (loss) [component of other recognised gains (losses)] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FurtherItemRecognisedGainLossComponentOtherRecognisedGainsLosses
468 Net increase (decrease) in charitable funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:NetIncreaseDecreaseInCharitableFunds
469 Charity funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:CharityFunds
470 For further breakdowns of income, expenses, gains and losses, see 'Notes on income and expense' and other appropriate sections [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForFurtherBreakdownsIncomeExpensesGainsLossesSeeNotesOnIncomeExpenseOtherAppropriateSectionsCross-reference
471 Summary income and expenditure account for charitable companies only [heading] Abstract char:SummaryIncomeExpenditureAccountForCharitableCompaniesOnlyHeading
472 Gross income in the reporting period Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:GrossIncomeInReportingPeriod
473 Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:Income
474 Net gains (losses) on investment assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:NetGainsLossesOnInvestmentAssets
475 Investment income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:InvestmentIncome
476 Further material item of income [component of total income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FurtherMaterialItemIncomeComponentTotalIncome
477 Total expenditure in the reporting period Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:TotalExpenditureInReportingPeriod
478 Expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:Expenditure
479 Costs of raising funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostsRaisingFunds
480 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
481 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
482 Cost of fundraising activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostFundraisingActivity
483 Charitable expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CharitableExpenditure
484 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
485 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
486 Cost of charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostCharitableActivity
487 Further material item of expenditure [component of total expenditure] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FurtherMaterialItemExpenditureComponentTotalExpenditure
488 Other expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:OtherExpenditure
489 Interest payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:InterestPayable
490 Depreciation and charges for impairment of fixed assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:DepreciationChargesForImpairmentFixedAssets
491 Amount charged to cover provisions or adjustments to provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:AmountChargedToCoverProvisionsOrAdjustmentsToProvisions
492 Further material item of expenditure [component of total expenditure] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FurtherMaterialItemExpenditureComponentTotalExpenditure
493 Net income (expenditure) before tax for the reporting period Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:NetIncomeExpenditureBeforeTaxForReportingPeriod
494 Tax payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:TaxPayable
495 Net income (expenditure) for the financial year Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:NetIncomeExpenditureForFinancialYear
496 212 - Statement of Comprehensive Income (FRS 102) Network


497 222 - Balance Sheet (FRS 102) Network


498 224 - Balance Sheet (Charities FRS 102 SORP) Network


499 Balance sheet / Statement of financial position [heading] Abstract core:BalanceSheetStatementFinancialPositionHeading
500 Balance sheet format 1 [heading] Abstract core:BalanceSheetFormat1Heading
501 Called up share capital not paid, not expressed as current asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaidNotExpressedAsCurrentAsset
502 Fixed assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FixedAssets
503 Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify held for sale values [guidance] Abstract core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyHeldForSaleValuesGuidance
504 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values as permitted under new SORP otherwise default 'total' will apply [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesAsPermittedUnderNewSORPOtherwiseDefaultTotalWillApplyGuidance
505 Intangible assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:IntangibleAssets
506 Property, plant and equipment / tangible fixed assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PropertyPlantEquipment
507 Use heritage assets basis of recognition dimension to identify cost or valuation values [guidance] Abstract char:UseHeritageAssetsBasisRecognitionDimensionToIdentifyCostOrValuationValuesGuidance
508 Use heritage assets class dimension to identify asset type [guidance] Abstract char:UseHeritageAssetsClassDimensionToIdentifyAssetTypeGuidance
509 Heritage assets Concept (Monetary) As Of char:HeritageAssets
510 Investments, fixed assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsFixedAssets
511 Use current / non-current dimension to identify current and non-current values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyCurrentNon-currentValuesGuidance
512 Social investments Concept (Monetary) As Of char:SocialInvestments
513 Programme related investments Concept (Monetary) As Of char:ProgrammeRelatedInvestments
514 Mixed motive investments Concept (Monetary) As Of char:MixedMotiveInvestments
515 Investments in group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakings
516 Loans to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToGroupUndertakings
517 Investments in associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
518 Loans to associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
519 Other investments other than loans Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherInvestmentsOtherThanLoans
520 Other loans classified under investments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments
521 Own shares Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OwnShares
522 Investment property Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentProperty
523 Biological assets, non-current Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssetsNon-current
524 Current assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CurrentAssets
525 Total stocks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalInventories
526 Biological assets, current Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssetsCurrent
527 Debtors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Debtors
528 Use current / non-current dimension to identify within one year / after one year values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance
529 Trade debtors / trade receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TradeDebtorsTradeReceivables
530 Amounts owed by group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByGroupUndertakings
531 Amounts owed by associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
532 Other debtors, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherDebtorsBalanceSheetSubtotal
533 Called up share capital not paid, current asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaidCurrentAsset
534 Prepayments and accrued income Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncome
535 Deferred tax asset, debtors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DeferredTaxAssetDebtors
536 Current asset investments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CurrentAssetInvestments
537 Use current / non-current dimension to identify current and non-current values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyCurrentNon-currentValuesGuidance
538 Investments in group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakings
539 Own shares Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OwnShares
540 Other current asset investments, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherCurrentAssetInvestmentsBalanceSheetSubtotal
541 Cash at bank and on hand Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashBankOnHand
542 Prepayments and accrued income, not expressed within current asset subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncomeNotExpressedWithinCurrentAssetSubtotal
543 Net current assets (liabilities) Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetCurrentAssetsLiabilities
544 Total assets less current liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalAssetsLessCurrentLiabilities
545 Creditors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Creditors
546 Use current / non-current dimension to identify within one year / after one year values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance
547 Trade creditors / trade payables Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TradeCreditorsTradePayables
548 Debentures in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DebenturesInIssue
549 Bank borrowings and overdrafts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankBorrowingsOverdrafts
550 Payments received on account Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PaymentsReceivedOnAccount
551 Bills of exchange payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BillsExchangePayable
552 Amounts owed to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakings
553 Amounts owed to associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
554 Other creditors including taxation and social security, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCreditorsIncludingTaxationSocialSecurityBalanceSheetSubtotal
555 Accrued liabilities and deferred income Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome
556 Provisions for liabilities, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ProvisionsForLiabilitiesBalanceSheetSubtotal
557 Net assets (liabilities) excluding defined benefit pension scheme assets (liabilities) Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:NetAssetsLiabilitiesExcludingDefinedBenefitPensionSchemeAssetsLiabilities
558 Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus
559 Taxation, including deferred taxation, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TaxationIncludingDeferredTaxationBalanceSheetSubtotal
560 Other provisions, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherProvisionsBalanceSheetSubtotal
561 Accrued liabilities, not expressed within creditors subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccruedLiabilitiesNotExpressedWithinCreditorsSubtotal
562 Net assets (liabilities) Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetAssetsLiabilities
563 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance
564 Charity funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:CharityFunds
565 Equity / share capital and reserves Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Equity
566 Non controlling interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit char:NonControllingInterests
567 Non controlling interest in non-charitable subsidiary Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit char:NonControllingInterestInNon-charitableSubsidiary
568 Non controlling interest in subsidiary charity Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit char:NonControllingInterestInSubsidiaryCharity
569 For further breakdowns of assets and liabilities, see 'Notes on assets and liabilities' and other appropriate sections [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForFurtherBreakdownsAssetsLiabilitiesSeeNotesOnAssetsLiabilitiesOtherAppropriateSectionsCross-reference
570 Balance sheet / Statement of financial position free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BalanceSheetStatementFinancialPositionFree-textComment
571 Approval of financial statements [heading] Abstract core:ApprovalFinancialStatementsHeading
572 Director/trustee signing financial statements Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:DirectorSigningFinancialStatements
573 Date of authorisation of financial statements for issue Concept (Date) As Of core:DateAuthorisationFinancialStatementsForIssue
574 Description of body authorising financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBodyAuthorisingFinancialStatements
575 For entity and directors' declarations, see 'Entity and directors' statements' section in the 'Directors' report' [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForEntityDirectorsDeclarationsSeeEntityDirectorsStatementsSectionInDirectorsReportCross-reference
576 232 - Statement of Changes in Equity (FRS 102) Network


577 242 - Cash Flow Statement (FRS 102) Network


578 244 - Cash Flow Statement (Charities FRS 102 SORP) Network


579 Cash flow statement [heading] Abstract core:CashFlowStatementHeading
580 On cash flow tags, a debit attribute represents a cash inflow and a credit represents a cash outflow [guidance] Abstract core:OnCashFlowTagsDebitAttributeRepresentsCashInflowCreditRepresentsCashOutflowGuidance
581 Tags labelled explicitly as 'net' are for net disclosures only, not gross amounts [guidance] Abstract core:TagsLabelledExplicitlyAsNetAreForNetDisclosuresOnlyNotGrossAmountsGuidance
582 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance
583 Entity has claimed exemption from presenting a cash flow statement and notes in line with FRS 102 1.12(b) [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromPresentingCashFlowStatementNotesInLineWithFRS1021.12bTruefalse
584 Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInOperatingActivities
585 Net cash generated from operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashGeneratedFromOperations
586 For breakdown of cash generated from operations by direct or indirect method, see 'Notes on cash flow' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForBreakdownCashGeneratedFromOperationsByDirectOrIndirectMethodSeeNotesOnCashFlowSectionCross-reference
587 Dividends received, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
588 Dividends paid, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendsPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
589 Net interest paid (received), classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetInterestPaidReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
590 Interest paid, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
591 Interest received, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
592 Income taxes paid (refund), classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncomeTaxesPaidRefundClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
593 Further item of cash flow from (used in) operating activities [component of total net cash flows from (used in) operating activities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemCashFlowFromUsedInOperatingActivitiesComponentTotalNetCashFlowsFromUsedInOperatingActivities
594 Other cash inflow (outflow), classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherCashInflowOutflowClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
595 Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivities
596 Cash receipts classified as investing activities [heading] Abstract core:CashReceiptsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesHeading
597 Cash receipts from rent on investment properties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromRentOnInvestmentProperties
598 Cash receipts from the repayment of loans by a non-charitable trading subsidiary Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansByNon-charitableTradingSubsidiary
599 Cash flows from disposal or reduction in control over subsidiaries or other businesses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashFlowsFromDisposalOrReductionInControlOverSubsidiariesOrOtherBusinesses
600 Cash receipts from sales of equity or debt instruments of other entities, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromSalesEquityOrDebtInstrumentsOtherEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
601 Cash receipts from disposal of non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromDisposalNon-controllingInterests
602 Cash receipts from sales of interests in joint ventures and associates / participating interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromSalesInterestsInJointVenturesAssociatesParticipatingInterests
603 Cash receipts from sales of interests in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromSalesInterestsInJointVentures
604 Cash receipts from sales of interests in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromSalesInterestsInAssociates
605 Proceeds from sales of long-term assets, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
606 Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesPropertyPlantEquipmentIntangibleAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
607 Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesPropertyPlantEquipment
608 Proceeds from sales of intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesIntangibleAssets
609 Proceeds from sales of heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ProceedsFromSalesHeritageAssets
610 Proceeds from sales of social investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ProceedsFromSalesSocialInvestments
611 Proceeds from sales of investment properties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesInvestmentProperties
612 Proceeds from sales of endowment investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ProceedsFromSalesEndowmentInvestments
613 Proceeds from sales of biological assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesBiologicalAssets
614 Proceeds from sales of non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale and discontinued operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDiscontinuedOperations
615 Proceeds from sales of non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSale
616 Proceeds from sales of discontinued operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesDiscontinuedOperations
617 Further item of proceeds from sales of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemProceedsFromSalesOtherLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
618 Proceeds from sales of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesOtherLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
619 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
620 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to related parties, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
621 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to group undertakings and participating interests, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
622 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to group undertakings, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
623 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to parent entities, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToParentEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
624 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to subsidiaries, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
625 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
626 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to associates, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
627 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to joint ventures, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
628 Further item of cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to related parties, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemCashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
629 Cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances to other related parties, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesToOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
630 Further item of cash receipts from repayment of loans and advances, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemCashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansAdvancesClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
631 Cash receipts from repayment of other loans and advances, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentOtherLoansAdvancesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
632 Proceeds from finance lease receivables, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromFinanceLeaseReceivablesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
633 Cash receipts from future contracts, forward contracts, option contracts and swap contracts, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromFutureContractsForwardContractsOptionContractsSwapContractsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
634 Proceeds from sales or maturity of financial assets held for trading / trading investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesOrMaturityFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingTradingInvestments
635 Proceeds from sales or maturity of financial assets other than trading investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSalesOrMaturityFinancialAssetsOtherThanTradingInvestments
636 Dividends and interest received, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsInterestReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
637 Dividends received, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
638 Dividends received from related parties, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
639 Dividends received from group undertakings and participating interests, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
640 Dividends received from group undertakings, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
641 Dividends received from parent entities, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromParentEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
642 Dividends received from subsidiaries, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromSubsidiariesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
643 Dividends received from joint ventures and associates / participating interests, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromJointVenturesAssociatesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
644 Dividends received from associates, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
645 Dividends received from joint ventures, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
646 Dividends received from other related parties, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
647 Dividends received from financial assets held for trading / trading investments, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingTradingInvestmentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
648 Dividends received from financial investments other than trading investments, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedFromFinancialInvestmentsOtherThanTradingInvestmentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
649 Further item of dividends received, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemDividendsReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
650 Interest received, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
651 Proceeds from government grants, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromGovernmentGrantsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
652 Insurance proceeds received, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InsuranceProceedsReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
653 Cash payments classified as investing activities [heading] Abstract core:CashPaymentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesHeading
654 Cash flows used in acquiring or obtaining control of subsidiaries or other businesses, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashFlowsUsedInAcquiringOrObtainingControlSubsidiariesOrOtherBusinessesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
655 Cash payments to acquire investments including conversion of endowment from cash to another form of investment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:CashPaymentsToAcquireInvestmentsIncludingConversionEndowmentFromCashToAnotherFormInvestment
656 Cash payments to acquire tangible fixed assets including conversion of endowment from cash to another form of fixed asset Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:CashPaymentsToAcquireTangibleFixedAssetsIncludingConversionEndowmentFromCashToAnotherFormFixedAsset
657 Cash payments to acquire equity or debt instruments of other entities, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsToAcquireEquityOrDebtInstrumentsOtherEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
658 Cash flows used in purchase of non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashFlowsUsedInPurchaseNon-controllingInterests
659 Payments to acquire interests in joint ventures and associates / participating interests, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsToAcquireInterestsInJointVenturesAssociatesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
660 Payments to acquire interests in associates, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsToAcquireInterestsInAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
661 Payments to acquire interests in joint ventures, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsToAcquireInterestsInJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
662 Purchase of long-term assets, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchaseLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
663 Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchasePropertyPlantEquipmentIntangibleAssets
664 Purchase of property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchasePropertyPlantEquipment
665 Purchase of intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchaseIntangibleAssets
666 Purchase of heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:PurchaseHeritageAssets
667 Purchase of social investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:PurchaseSocialInvestments
668 Purchase of investment properties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchaseInvestmentProperties
669 Purchase of biological assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchaseBiologicalAssets
670 Payments for capitalised expenditures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsForCapitalisedExpenditures
671 Payments for interest capitalised on construction of assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsForInterestCapitalisedOnConstructionAssets
672 Payments for capitalised development costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsForCapitalisedDevelopmentCosts
673 Payments for other capitalised costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsForOtherCapitalisedCosts
674 Further item of purchase of long-term assets, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemPurchaseLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
675 Purchase of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchaseOtherLong-termAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
676 Loans and advances granted, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
677 Loans and advances granted to related parties, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
678 Loans and advances granted to group undertakings and participating interests, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
679 Loans and advances granted to group undertakings, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
680 Loans and advances granted to parent entities, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToParentEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
681 Loans and advances granted to subsidiaries, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
682 Loans and advances granted to associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
683 Loans and advances granted to associates, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
684 Loans and advances granted to joint ventures, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
685 Further item of loans and advances granted to related parties, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemLoansAdvancesGrantedToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
686 Loans and advances granted to other related parties, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
687 Further item of loans and advances granted, classified as investing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemLoansAdvancesGrantedClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
688 Other loans and advances granted, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherLoansAdvancesGrantedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
689 Finance leases granted, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FinanceLeasesGrantedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
690 Payments for future contracts, forward contracts, option contracts and swap contracts, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsForFutureContractsForwardContractsOptionContractsSwapContractsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
691 Purchase of financial assets held for trading / trading investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchaseFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingTradingInvestments
692 Purchase of financial investments other than trading investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PurchaseFinancialInvestmentsOtherThanTradingInvestments
693 Interest paid, classified as investment activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestPaidClassifiedAsInvestmentActivities
694 Net cash flow items classified as investing activities [heading] Abstract core:NetCashFlowItemsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesHeading
695 Net cash inflow (outflow) from disposal or reduction in control over subsidiaries or other businesses, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromDisposalOrReductionInControlOverSubsidiariesOrOtherBusinessesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
696 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in financial assets held for trading / trading investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingTradingInvestments
697 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in financial investments other than trading investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInFinancialInvestmentsOtherThanTradingInvestments
698 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in capital contributions to subsidiaries, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInCapitalContributionsToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
699 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in finance leases, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInFinanceLeasesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
700 Net interest received (paid), classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetInterestReceivedPaidClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
701 Net income taxes paid (refunded), classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetIncomeTaxesPaidRefundedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
702 Further item of cash flow from (used in) investing activities [component of net cash flows from (used in) investing activities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemCashFlowFromUsedInInvestingActivitiesComponentNetCashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivities
703 Other cash inflow (outflow), classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherCashInflowOutflowClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
704 Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivities
705 Cash receipts classified as financing activities [heading] Abstract core:CashReceiptsClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesHeading
706 Proceeds from issuing shares and other equity instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromIssuingSharesOtherEquityInstruments
707 Proceeds from issuing shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromIssuingShares
708 Proceeds from issuing shares to non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromIssuingSharesToNon-controllingInterests
709 Proceeds from issuing shares to parties other than non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromIssuingSharesToPartiesOtherThanNon-controllingInterests
710 Proceeds from issuing other equity instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromIssuingOtherEquityInstruments
711 Proceeds from sale of treasury shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSaleTreasuryShares
712 Further item of proceeds from issuing shares and other equity instruments [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemProceedsFromIssuingSharesOtherEquityInstrumentsComponentCorrespondingTotal
713 Receipts from donations of endowment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ReceiptsFromDonationsEndowment
714 Receipts from accumulation of cash under a power to create expendable endowment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ReceiptsFromAccumulationCashUnderPowerToCreateExpendableEndowment
715 Receipts from the use of a bank overdraft facility Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ReceiptsFromUseBankOverdraftFacility
716 Proceeds from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromChangesInOwnershipInterestsInSubsidiariesThatDoNotResultInLossControl
717 Proceeds from borrowings, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromBorrowingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
718 Proceeds from issue of debt securities, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromIssueDebtSecuritiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
719 Proceeds from subordinated debt, classified as financial activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromSubordinatedDebtClassifiedAsFinancialActivities
720 Proceeds from share-based payment schemes / exercise of options Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromShare-basedPaymentSchemesExerciseOptions
721 Proceeds from finance leases, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromFinanceLeasesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
722 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to related parties, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
723 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to group undertakings and participating interests, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
724 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to group undertakings, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
725 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to parent entities, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToParentEntitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
726 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to subsidiaries, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
727 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
728 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to associates, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToAssociatesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
729 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to joint ventures, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToJointVenturesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
730 Further item of proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to related parties, classified as financing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
731 Proceeds from repayment of loans and advances to other related parties, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesToOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
732 Proceeds from loans and advances from related parties, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
733 Proceeds from loans and advances from group undertakings and participating interests, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
734 Proceeds from loans and advances from group undertakings, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
735 Proceeds from loans and advances from parent entities, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromParentEntitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
736 Proceeds from loans and advances from subsidiaries, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromSubsidiariesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
737 Proceeds from loans and advances from associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
738 Proceeds from loans and advances from associates, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromAssociatesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
739 Proceeds from loans and advances from joint ventures, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromJointVenturesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
740 Proceeds from loans and advances from other related parties, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
741 Further item of proceeds from loans and advances from related parties, classified as financing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemProceedsFromLoansAdvancesFromRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
742 Dividends and interest received, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsInterestReceivedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
743 Dividends received, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
744 Interest received, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestReceivedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
745 Proceeds from government grants, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsFromGovernmentGrantsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
746 Cash payments classified as financing activities [heading] Abstract core:CashPaymentsClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesHeading
747 Payments to acquire or redeem own shares and other equity instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsToAcquireOrRedeemOwnSharesOtherEquityInstruments
748 Payments to acquire own shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsToAcquireOwnShares
749 Payments to redeem own shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsToRedeemOwnShares
750 Payments on other equity instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsOnOtherEquityInstruments
751 Further item of payment to acquire or redeem own shares [component of total payments to acquire or redeem own shares] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemPaymentToAcquireOrRedeemOwnSharesComponentTotalPaymentsToAcquireOrRedeemOwnShares
752 Payments of transaction costs for financing arrangements including issue of shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsTransactionCostsForFinancingArrangementsIncludingIssueShares
753 Payments related to changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsRelatedToChangesInOwnershipInterestsInSubsidiariesThatDoNotResultInLossControl
754 Repayments of borrowings, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RepaymentsBorrowingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
755 Repayments of debt securities, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RepaymentsDebtSecuritiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
756 Repayments of subordinated debt, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RepaymentsSubordinatedDebtClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
757 Payments of finance lease liabilities, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsFinanceLeaseLiabilitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
758 Loans and advances granted to related parties, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
759 Loans and advances granted to group undertakings and participating interests, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
760 Loans and advances granted to group undertakings, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToGroupUndertakingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
761 Loans and advances granted to parent entities, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToParentEntitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
762 Loans and advances granted to subsidiaries, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToSubsidiariesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
763 Loans and advances granted to associates and joint ventures / participating interests, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
764 Loans and advances granted to associates, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToAssociatesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
765 Loans and advances granted to joint ventures, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToJointVenturesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
766 Further item of loans and advances granted to related parties, classified as financing activities [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemLoansAdvancesGrantedToRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesComponentCorrespondingTotal
767 Loans and advances granted to other related parties, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:LoansAdvancesGrantedToOtherRelatedPartiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
768 Interest paid, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestPaidClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
769 Net cash flow items classified as financing activities [heading] Abstract core:NetCashFlowItemsClassifiedAsFinancingActivitiesHeading
770 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in borrowings, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInBorrowingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
771 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in debt securities, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInDebtSecuritiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
772 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in bank overdrafts, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInBankOverdraftsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
773 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in finance leases, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInFinanceLeasesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
774 Net income taxes paid (refunded), classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetIncomeTaxesPaidRefundedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
775 Further item of cash flow from (used in) financing activities [component of net cash flows from (used in) financing activities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemCashFlowFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesComponentNetCashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivities
776 Other cash inflow (outflow), classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherCashInflowOutflowClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
777 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, before foreign exchange differences and changes in consolidation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsBeforeForeignExchangeDifferencesChangesInConsolidation
778 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents after foreign exchange differences and changes in consolidation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsAfterForeignExchangeDifferencesChangesInConsolidation
779 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsFromForeignExchangeDifferences
780 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from changes in consolidation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsFromChangesInConsolidation
781 Cash and cash equivalents, cash flow value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCashEquivalentsCashFlowValue
782 For reconciliation statements relating to cash flows, see 'Notes on cash flow' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForReconciliationStatementsRelatingToCashFlowsSeeNotesOnCashFlowSectionCross-reference
783 Cash flow statement free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CashFlowStatementFree-textComment
784 302 - Notes and Detailed Disclosures (FRS 102) Network


785 304 - Notes and Detailed Disclosures (Charities FRS 102 SORP) Network


786 Notes and detailed disclosures [heading] Abstract core:NotesDetailedDisclosuresHeading
787 General information on entity [heading] Abstract core:GeneralInformationOnEntityHeading
788 For basic information on entity, see 'Entity information' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForBasicInformationOnEntitySeeEntityInformationSectionCross-reference
789 Relationship between entity and parents [heading] Abstract core:RelationshipBetweenEntityParentsHeading
790 Name of parent entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameParentEntity
791 Name of ultimate parent of group, if not parent entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameUltimateParentGroupIfNotParentEntity
792 Name of ultimate controlling party, if not ultimate parent Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameUltimateControllingPartyIfNotUltimateParent
793 Name of most senior parent entity producing publicly available financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameMostSeniorParentEntityProducingPubliclyAvailableFinancialStatements
794 Description of relationships between entity and parents, including any changes Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRelationshipsBetweenEntityParentsIncludingAnyChanges
795 Parent of largest group in which results are consolidated [heading] Abstract core:ParentLargestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidatedHeading
796 Name of parent of largest group in which results are consolidated Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameParentLargestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidated
797 Country in which parent of largest group is incorporated Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:CountryInWhichParentLargestGroupIncorporated
798 Address of parent of largest group Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AddressParentLargestGroup
799 Further information on parent of largest group Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FurtherInformationOnParentLargestGroup
800 Parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated [heading] Abstract core:ParentSmallestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidatedHeading
801 Name of parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameParentSmallestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidated
802 Country in which parent of smallest group is incorporated Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:CountryInWhichParentSmallestGroupIncorporated
803 Address of parent of smallest group Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AddressParentSmallestGroup
804 Further information on parent of smallest group Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FurtherInformationOnParentSmallestGroup
805 Parent entity or controlling party and ultimate controlling party [grouping] Abstract core:ParentEntityOrControllingPartyUltimateControllingPartyGrouping
806 Name of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameControllingParty
807 Address of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AddressControllingParty
808 Charity registration number of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityRegistrationNumberControllingParty
809 Company registration number of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CompanyRegistrationNumberControllingParty
810 Principal purposes and activities of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PrincipalPurposesActivitiesControllingParty
811 Explanation of how controlling party exercises control Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationHowControllingPartyExercisesControl
812 Information on controlling party, including description of relationship Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InformationOnControllingPartyIncludingDescriptionRelationship
813 Controlling party is ultimate controlling party [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:ControllingPartyUltimateControllingPartyTruefalse
814 Statement that ultimate controlling party is not known Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementThatUltimateControllingPartyNotKnown
815 Statement that no controlling parties exist Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementThatNoControllingPartiesExist
816 Description of any memberships of a qualifying undertaking Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionAnyMembershipsQualifyingUndertaking
817 Basis of preparation and general information on financial statements [heading] Abstract core:BasisPreparationGeneralInformationOnFinancialStatementsHeading
818 For basic information on financial statements, see 'Report information' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForBasicInformationOnFinancialStatementsSeeReportInformationSectionCross-reference
819 Date of authorisation of financial statements for issue Concept (Date) As Of core:DateAuthorisationFinancialStatementsForIssue
820 Description of body authorising financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBodyAuthorisingFinancialStatements
821 Statement of compliance with applicable reporting framework Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementComplianceWithApplicableReportingFramework
822 Accounts are prepared in accordance with Charities FRS 102 SORP [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:AccountsArePreparedInAccordanceWithCharitiesFRS102SORPTruefalse
823 Description of departure from Charities FRS 102 SORP and reason for alternative treatment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionDepartureFromCharitiesFRS102SORPReasonForAlternativeTreatment
824 Details of any disclosures required by Charities FRS 102 SORP which have not been provided Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DetailsAnyDisclosuresRequiredByCharitiesFRS102SORPWhichHaveNotBeenProvided
825 Effect of departure from Charities FRS 102 SORP Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:EffectDepartureFromCharitiesFRS102SORP
826 Accounts are prepared in accordance with FRS102 or applicable legislation [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:AccountsArePreparedInAccordanceWithFRS102OrApplicableLegislationTruefalse
827 Accounts have departed from FRS102 or applicable legislation to achieve a fair presentation [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:AccountsHaveDepartedFromFRS102OrApplicableLegislationToAchieveFairPresentationTruefalse
828 Explanation for nature of departure from FRS102 and reason why treatment required by FRS102 would be misleading Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationForNatureDepartureFromFRS102ReasonWhyTreatmentRequiredByFRS102WouldBeMisleading
829 If there has been a material departure from FRS102 trustees are required to state whether the accounts present a true and fair view [guidance] Abstract char:IfThereHasBeenMaterialDepartureFromFRS102TrusteesAreRequiredToStateWhetherAccountsPresentTrueFairViewGuidance
830 Trustees have concluded that the accounts present a true and fair view Concept (Text/String) For Period char:TrusteesHaveConcludedThatAccountsPresentTrueFairView
831 Accounts are prepared in accordance with applicable charity and/or company law in the jurisdiction(s) of registration [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:AccountsArePreparedInAccordanceWithApplicableCharityAndorCompanyLawInJurisdictionsRegistrationTruefalse
832 Statement that the charity is a public benefit entity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementThatCharityPublicBenefitEntity
833 Accounts presented are for an investment pooling scheme [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:AccountsPresentedAreForAnInvestmentPoolingSchemeTruefalse
834 Date of investment pooling scheme Concept (Date) For Period char:DateInvestmentPoolingScheme
835 Authority for investment pooling scheme Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AuthorityForInvestmentPoolingScheme
836 General description of basis of measurement used in preparing financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionBasisMeasurementUsedInPreparingFinancialStatements
837 Consolidated statements information [heading] Abstract core:ConsolidatedStatementsInformationHeading
838 Description of reason why entity has not prepared consolidated financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonWhyEntityHasNotPreparedConsolidatedFinancialStatements
839 Description of related entity which has prepared consolidated financial statements and their availability Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRelatedEntityWhichHasPreparedConsolidatedFinancialStatementsTheirAvailability
840 For accounting policies on consolidation, see 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForAccountingPoliciesOnConsolidationSeeSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference
841 Disclosure that the reporting period is for less than or more than 12 months Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DisclosureThatReportingPeriodForLessThanOrMoreThan12Months
842 Description of reasons for any change in reporting period and impact on comparability Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsForAnyChangeInReportingPeriodImpactOnComparability
843 Legal authority by which the reporting period has been changed [heading] Abstract char:LegalAuthorityByWhichReportingPeriodHasBeenChangedHeading
844 Permission from regulatory body Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PermissionFromRegulatoryBody
845 Other legal authority Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OtherLegalAuthority
846 Financial statements are prepared on going-concern basis [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:FinancialStatementsArePreparedOnGoing-concernBasisTruefalse
847 Description why entity is not a going-concern or of uncertainties over going-concern status Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionWhyEntityNotGoing-concernOrUncertaintiesOverGoing-concernStatus
848 Statement that there are no material uncertainties about the charity's ability to continue Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementThatThereAreNoMaterialUncertaintiesAboutCharitysAbilityToContinue
849 Reporting exemptions claimed by entity [heading] Abstract core:ReportingExemptionsClaimedByEntityHeading
850 For most reporting exemptions tags, see the specific section to which the exemptions apply [guidance] Abstract core:ForMostReportingExemptionsTagsSeeSpecificSectionToWhichExemptionsApplyGuidance
851 Entity has claimed exemption from FRS 102 chapters 11 and 12 disclosure requirements in line with FRS 102 1.12(c) [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromFRS102Chapters1112DisclosureRequirementsInLineWithFRS1021.12cTruefalse
852 Amended / revised report [heading] Abstract core:AmendedRevisedReportHeading
853 Report is an amended / revised version of a previously filed report [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period bus:ReportAnAmendedRevisedVersionPreviouslyFiledReportTruefalse
854 Description of revisions in an amended / revised version of a previously filed report Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionRevisionsInAnAmendedRevisedVersionPreviouslyFiledReport
855 Changes in accounting standards, policies and estimates [heading] Abstract core:ChangesInAccountingStandardsPoliciesEstimatesHeading
856 Use the restatements and first time adoption dimension to identify numerical impact of changes in accounting policies [guidance] Abstract core:UseRestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionDimensionToIdentifyNumericalImpactChangesInAccountingPoliciesGuidance
857 General description of changes in accounting policies Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionChangesInAccountingPolicies
858 Reasons why applying the new accounting policy provides reliable and more relevant information Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonsWhyApplyingNewAccountingPolicyProvidesReliableMoreRelevantInformation
859 Explanation of adjustments made as a result of applying the new accounting policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationAdjustmentsMadeAsResultApplyingNewAccountingPolicy
860 General description of impact of newly effective standards or interpretations Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionImpactNewlyEffectiveStandardsOrInterpretations
861 General description of early adoption and voluntary changes in accounting policies Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionEarlyAdoptionVoluntaryChangesInAccountingPolicies
862 General description of new standards or interpretations which have not been applied Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionNewStandardsOrInterpretationsWhichHaveNotBeenApplied
863 General description of departures from standards and their financial impact Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionDeparturesFromStandardsTheirFinancialImpact
864 General description of changes in accounting estimates, including their future impact Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionChangesInAccountingEstimatesIncludingTheirFutureImpact
865 General description of the judgments made that have had most effect on the amounts recognised in the accounts Concept (Text/String) For Period char:GeneralDescriptionJudgmentsMadeThatHaveHadMostEffectOnAmountsRecognisedInAccounts
866 For judgements involving estimations see 'Critical accounting estimates and judgements' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForJudgementsInvolvingEstimationsSeeCriticalAccountingEstimatesJudgementsSectionCross-reference
867 Significant accounting policies [heading] Abstract core:SignificantAccountingPoliciesHeading
868 For tags for statements on exemptions, see the taxonomy sections to which the exemptions apply [guidance] Abstract core:ForTagsForStatementsOnExemptionsSeeTaxonomySectionsToWhichExemptionsApplyGuidance
869 General accounting policies [heading] Abstract core:GeneralAccountingPoliciesHeading
870 Consolidation policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ConsolidationPolicy
871 Subsidiaries accounting and consolidation policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:SubsidiariesAccountingConsolidationPolicy
872 Associates accounting and consolidation policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AssociatesAccountingConsolidationPolicy
873 Joint ventures accounting and consolidation policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:JointVenturesAccountingConsolidationPolicy
874 Transactions with non-controlling interests policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TransactionsWithNon-controllingInterestsPolicy
875 Investment entities policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InvestmentEntitiesPolicy
876 Description of differences in reporting dates between reporting charity parent and consolidated subsidiaries Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionDifferencesInReportingDatesBetweenReportingCharityParentConsolidatedSubsidiaries
877 Description of the nature and extent of significant restrictions on the ability of subsidiaries to transfer funds to the parent charity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionNatureExtentSignificantRestrictionsOnAbilitySubsidiariesToTransferFundsToParentCharity
878 Subsidiaries excluded from consolidation [grouping] Abstract char:SubsidiariesExcludedFromConsolidationGrouping
879 Subsidiary excluded from consolidation Concept (Text/String) For Period char:SubsidiaryExcludedFromConsolidation
880 Reason for excluding subsidiary from consolidation Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonForExcludingSubsidiaryFromConsolidation
881 Description of methods used to account for investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures in separate financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesInSeparateFinancialStatements
882 Description of methods used to account for investments in subsidiaries in separate financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInSubsidiariesInSeparateFinancialStatements
883 Description of methods used to account for investments in associates in separate financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInAssociatesInSeparateFinancialStatements
884 Description of methods used to account for investments in joint ventures in separate financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInJointVenturesInSeparateFinancialStatements
885 Capital management policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CapitalManagementPolicy
886 Segment reporting policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:SegmentReportingPolicy
887 Business combinations policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BusinessCombinationsPolicy
888 Functional and presentation currency policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FunctionalPresentationCurrencyPolicy
889 Foreign currency translation and operations policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ForeignCurrencyTranslationOperationsPolicy
890 Discontinued operations policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DiscontinuedOperationsPolicy
891 Leases policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LeasesPolicy
892 Lessor policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LessorPolicy
893 Lessor finance lease policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LessorFinanceLeasePolicy
894 Lessor operating lease policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LessorOperatingLeasePolicy
895 Lessee policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LesseePolicy
896 Lessee finance lease policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LesseeFinanceLeasePolicy
897 Lessee operating lease policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LesseeOperatingLeasePolicy
898 Borrowings policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BorrowingsPolicy
899 Borrowing costs policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BorrowingCostsPolicy
900 Government grants and other government assistance policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GovernmentGrantsOtherGovernmentAssistancePolicy
901 Tax policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TaxPolicy
902 Current income tax policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CurrentIncomeTaxPolicy
903 Deferred tax policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DeferredTaxPolicy
904 Other taxes policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:OtherTaxesPolicy
905 Employee benefits policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:EmployeeBenefitsPolicy
906 Defined contribution pensions policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DefinedContributionPensionsPolicy
907 Defined benefit pensions policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DefinedBenefitPensionsPolicy
908 Share-based payments policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:Share-basedPaymentsPolicy
909 Other employee benefits policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:OtherEmployeeBenefitsPolicy
910 Redundancy and termination payment policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:RedundancyTerminationPaymentPolicy
911 Expenditure policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExpenditurePolicy
912 Fund accounting policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:FundAccountingPolicy
913 Allocation of costs policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AllocationCostsPolicy
914 Non-financial assets and liabilities policies [heading] Abstract core:Non-financialAssetsLiabilitiesPoliciesHeading
915 Use dimensions to identify policies for classes of PPE, intangibles, provisions and other relevant asset types [guidance] Abstract core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyPoliciesForClassesPPEIntangiblesProvisionsOtherRelevantAssetTypesGuidance
916 Property, plant and equipment policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:PropertyPlantEquipmentPolicy
917 Description of measurement basis for property, plant and equipment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMeasurementBasisForPropertyPlantEquipment
918 Description of depreciation method for property, plant and equipment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionDepreciationMethodForPropertyPlantEquipment
919 Depreciation rate used for property, plant and equipment Concept (Percent) For Period core:DepreciationRateUsedForPropertyPlantEquipment
920 Useful life of property, plant and equipment [years] Concept (Decimal) For Period core:UsefulLifePropertyPlantEquipmentYears
921 Intangible assets policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:IntangibleAssetsPolicy
922 Description of recognition and basis of measurement of intangible assets Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRecognitionBasisMeasurementIntangibleAssets
923 Description of amortisation method for intangible assets Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionAmortisationMethodForIntangibleAssets
924 Amortisation rate used for intangible assets Concept (Percent) For Period core:AmortisationRateUsedForIntangibleAssets
925 Policy for the recognition of any capitalised development expenditure Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PolicyForRecognitionAnyCapitalisedDevelopmentExpenditure
926 Useful life of intangible assets [years] Concept (Decimal) For Period core:UsefulLifeIntangibleAssetsYears
927 Investment property policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InvestmentPropertyPolicy
928 Model used to measure investment property Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ModelUsedToMeasureInvestmentProperty
929 Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair value of investment property Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValueInvestmentProperty
930 Biological assets policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BiologicalAssetsPolicy
931 Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair value of biological assets Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValueBiologicalAssets
932 Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining the fair value at the point of harvest, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValuePointHarvestBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
933 Description of measurement basis for biological assets, cost model Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMeasurementBasisForBiologicalAssetsCostModel
934 Description of depreciation method for biological assets, cost model Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionDepreciationMethodForBiologicalAssetsCostModel
935 Depreciation rate used for biological assets, cost model Concept (Percent) For Period core:DepreciationRateUsedForBiologicalAssetsCostModel
936 Useful life of biological assets, cost model [years] Concept (Decimal) For Period core:UsefulLifeBiologicalAssetsCostModelYears
937 Heritage assets policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:HeritageAssetsPolicy
938 Description of the nature and scale of heritage assets held Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionNatureScaleHeritageAssetsHeld
939 Description of the policy for the acquisition, preservation, management and disposal of heritage assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionPolicyForAcquisitionPreservationManagementDisposalHeritageAssets
940 Description of recognition and basis of measurement of heritage assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionRecognitionBasisMeasurementHeritageAssets
941 Description of depreciation and impairment method for heritage assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionDepreciationImpairmentMethodForHeritageAssets
942 Provisions policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ProvisionsPolicy
943 Recognition of creditors and provisions for liabilities and charges policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:RecognitionCreditorsProvisionsForLiabilitiesChargesPolicy
944 Non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:Non-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSalePolicy
945 Cash and cash equivalents policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CashCashEquivalentsPolicy
946 Impairment of non-financial assets policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ImpairmentNon-financialAssetsPolicy
947 Current asset investments policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CurrentAssetInvestmentsPolicy
948 Stocks policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InventoriesPolicy
949 Trade debtors policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TradeReceivablesPolicy
950 Trade creditors policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TradePayablesPolicy
951 Construction work in progress policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ConstructionWorkInProgressPolicy
952 Research and development policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ResearchDevelopmentPolicy
953 Deferred income policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DeferredIncomePolicy
954 Apportionment of support costs between activities policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ApportionmentSupportCostsBetweenActivitiesPolicy
955 Financial assets and liabilities policies [heading] Abstract core:FinancialAssetsLiabilitiesPoliciesHeading
956 Use financial instrument classes and categories dimension to identify policies related to specific instrument classes [guidance] Abstract core:UseFinancialInstrumentClassesCategoriesDimensionToIdentifyPoliciesRelatedToSpecificInstrumentClassesGuidance
957 Financial instruments classification policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FinancialInstrumentsClassificationPolicy
958 Financial instruments recognition and measurement policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FinancialInstrumentsRecognitionMeasurementPolicy
959 Impairment of financial assets policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ImpairmentFinancialAssetsPolicy
960 General derivatives and hedging policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDerivativesHedgingPolicy
961 Derivatives policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DerivativesPolicy
962 Hedging policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:HedgingPolicy
963 Current versus non-current classification policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CurrentVersusNon-currentClassificationPolicy
964 Insurance business and contracts policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InsuranceBusinessContractsPolicy
965 Trade receivables policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TradeReceivablesPolicy
966 Trade payables policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TradePayablesPolicy
967 For additional policies for finance, see 'Banking and finance sector' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForAdditionalPoliciesForFinanceSeeBankingFinanceSectorSectionCross-reference
968 Social investment policies [heading] Abstract char:SocialInvestmentPoliciesHeading
969 Programme related investments measurement policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ProgrammeRelatedInvestmentsMeasurementPolicy
970 Mixed motive investments measurement policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:MixedMotiveInvestmentsMeasurementPolicy
971 Income policies [heading] Abstract core:IncomePoliciesHeading
972 Revenue recognition policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RevenueRecognitionPolicy
973 Finance income and costs policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FinanceIncomeCostsPolicy
974 Donated goods facilities and services policy Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DonatedGoodsFacilitiesServicesPolicy
975 Equity, share and dividend policies [heading] Abstract core:EquityShareDividendPoliciesHeading
976 Dividend policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DividendPolicy
977 Share capital policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ShareCapitalPolicy
978 Convertible preference shares policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesPolicy
979 Treasury shares policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TreasurySharesPolicy
980 Other specific accounting policy [grouping] Abstract core:OtherSpecificAccountingPolicyGrouping
981 Title of other specific accounting policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TitleOtherSpecificAccountingPolicy
982 Content of other specific accounting policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ContentOtherSpecificAccountingPolicy
983 Critical accounting estimates and judgements [heading] Abstract core:CriticalAccountingEstimatesJudgementsHeading
984 General description of critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionCriticalEstimatesJudgements
985 Disclosure of the nature of any changes to accounting estimates and the effects for current and future periods Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DisclosureNatureAnyChangesToAccountingEstimatesEffectsForCurrentFuturePeriods
986 Going concern, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GoingConcernCriticalEstimatesJudgements
987 Impairment of non-financial assets, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ImpairmentNon-financialAssetsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
988 Impairment of goodwill, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ImpairmentGoodwillCriticalEstimatesJudgements
989 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DepreciationPropertyPlantEquipmentIntangibleAssetsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
990 Revaluation of property, plant and equipment and investment property, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentInvestmentPropertyCriticalEstimatesJudgements
991 Lease classification, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LeaseClassificationCriticalEstimatesJudgements
992 Discontinued operations, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DiscontinuedOperationsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
993 Classification of financial instruments, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ClassificationFinancialInstrumentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
994 Financial instrument hierarchy, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FinancialInstrumentHierarchyCriticalEstimatesJudgements
995 Measurement of financial instruments, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:MeasurementFinancialInstrumentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
996 Impairment of financial instruments, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ImpairmentFinancialInstrumentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
997 Controlling interests and investments, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ControllingInterestsInvestmentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
998 Provisions, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ProvisionsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
999 Income taxes, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:IncomeTaxesCriticalEstimatesJudgements
1000 Deferred tax assets, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DeferredTaxAssetsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
1001 Post-employment benefits, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:Post-employmentBenefitsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
1002 Share-based payments, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:Share-basedPaymentsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
1003 Development costs, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DevelopmentCostsCriticalEstimatesJudgements
1004 Revenue recognition, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RevenueRecognitionCriticalEstimatesJudgements
1005 Commission revenue, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CommissionRevenueCriticalEstimatesJudgements
1006 General description of assets and liabilities with significant risk of material adjustment, including values Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionAssetsLiabilitiesWithSignificantRiskMaterialAdjustmentIncludingValues
1007 Apportionment of support costs between activities, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ApportionmentSupportCostsBetweenActivitiesCriticalEstimatesJudgements
1008 Nature, explanation and values of any prior period errors Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NatureExplanationValuesAnyPriorPeriodErrors
1009 Other specific critical estimate and judgement [grouping] Abstract core:OtherSpecificCriticalEstimateJudgementGrouping
1010 Title of other specific critical estimate and judgement Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TitleOtherSpecificCriticalEstimateJudgement
1011 Content of other specific critical estimate and judgement Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ContentOtherSpecificCriticalEstimateJudgement
1012 Segment reporting [heading] Abstract core:SegmentReportingHeading
1013 Use ordinary line item tags, such as 'Revenue', in conjunction with segment dimensions to identify segment values [guidance] Abstract core:UseOrdinaryLineItemTagsSuchAsRevenueInConjunctionWithSegmentDimensionsToIdentifySegmentValuesGuidance
1014 Use geographic segments, operating segments, products and services and major customers dimensions to identify individual segments [guidance] Abstract core:UseGeographicSegmentsOperatingSegmentsProductsServicesMajorCustomersDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualSegmentsGuidance
1015 Use segment reconciliation dimension to identify basic adjustments and eliminations [guidance] Abstract core:UseSegmentReconciliationDimensionToIdentifyBasicAdjustmentsEliminationsGuidance
1016 Detailed reconciliations of individual line items are not required to be tagged [guidance] LineItems core:DetailedReconciliationsIndividualLineItemsAreNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance
1017 Further line items for use in segment reporting [heading] LineItems core:FurtherLineItemsForUseInSegmentReportingHeading
1018 Capital expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CapitalExpenditure
1019 For other required line items, see appropriate statements and notes sections [guidance] LineItems core:ForOtherRequiredLineItemsSeeAppropriateStatementsNotesSectionsGuidance
1020 Information on individual segments [heading] Abstract core:InformationOnIndividualSegmentsHeading
1021 Name of individual segment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameIndividualSegment
1022 Description of individual segment member and source of its revenues Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionIndividualSegmentMemberSourceItsRevenues
1023 General disclosures on segments [heading] Abstract core:GeneralDisclosuresOnSegmentsHeading
1024 Factors used to identify entity's reportable segments Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FactorsUsedToIdentifyEntitysReportableSegments
1025 Description of operations which are not included in reportable segments Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionOperationsWhichAreNotIncludedInReportableSegments
1026 General description of measurement of all reported aspects of segment performance Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionMeasurementAllReportedAspectsSegmentPerformance
1027 Description of basis for attributing revenues to individual countries Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBasisForAttributingRevenuesToIndividualCountries
1028 Description of extent of reliance on major customers Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionExtentRelianceOnMajorCustomers
1029 Description of reasons why segment information is not available Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsWhySegmentInformationNotAvailable
1030 Disposals and discontinued operations [heading] Abstract core:DisposalsDiscontinuedOperationsHeading
1031 Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] Abstract core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance
1032 Description of discontinued operation or non-current assets or disposal group held for sale Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionDiscontinuedOperationOrNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupHeldForSale
1033 Description of facts and circumstances of sale or expected disposal Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionFactsCircumstancesSaleOrExpectedDisposal
1034 Name of reportable segment in which non-current assets or disposal group held for sale is presented Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameReportableSegmentInWhichNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupHeldForSalePresented
1035 Total expenses recognised for discontinued operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalExpensesRecognisedForDiscontinuedOperations
1036 Gain (loss) before tax on sale of discontinued operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossBeforeTaxOnSaleDiscontinuedOperations
1037 Tax expense (credit) relating to gain or loss on discontinuance of operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditRelatingToGainOrLossOnDiscontinuanceOperations
1038 Gain (loss) after tax on sale of discontinued operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossAfterTaxOnSaleDiscontinuedOperations
1039 Profit (loss) on discontinued operations, including gain or loss on sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossOnDiscontinuedOperationsIncludingGainOrLossOnSale
1040 Description of change of plan on sale and its effect on financial results Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionChangePlanOnSaleItsEffectOnFinancialResults
1041 For other profit or loss, asset and liability items related to discontinued operations, use ordinary line item and appropriate discontinued operations dimension tag [guidance] Abstract core:ForOtherProfitOrLossAssetLiabilityItemsRelatedToDiscontinuedOperationsUseOrdinaryLineItemAppropriateDiscontinuedOperationsDimensionTagGuidance
1042 Business combinations [heading] Abstract core:BusinessCombinationsHeading
1043 General disclosures on business combinations [heading] Abstract core:GeneralDisclosuresOnBusinessCombinationsHeading
1044 General description of nature and financial effect of business combinations during the period Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionNatureFinancialEffectBusinessCombinationsDuringPeriod
1045 Disclosures on specific business combinations [heading] Abstract core:DisclosuresOnSpecificBusinessCombinationsHeading
1046 Use business combinations dimension to identify individual business combinations [guidance] Abstract core:UseBusinessCombinationsDimensionToIdentifyIndividualBusinessCombinationsGuidance
1047 Linked charities [heading] Abstract char:LinkedCharitiesHeading
1048 Use linked charities dimension to identify each linked charity [guidance] Abstract char:UseLinkedCharitiesDimensionToIdentifyEachLinkedCharityGuidance
1049 Description of activities of linked charity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivitiesLinkedCharity
1050 Use charity funds dimension for analysis of funds of linked charities [guidance] Abstract char:UseCharityFundsDimensionForAnalysisFundsLinkedCharitiesGuidance
1051 Charity funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:CharityFunds
1052 Name of acquired entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameAcquiredEntity
1053 Description of acquired entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionAcquiredEntity
1054 Date of acquisition Concept (Date) As Of core:DateAcquisition
1055 Percentage of voting equity interests acquired Concept (Percent) As Of core:PercentageVotingEquityInterestsAcquired
1056 Description of primary reasons for business combination and how control acquired Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionPrimaryReasonsForBusinessCombinationHowControlAcquired
1057 Description of business combination disclosures which are incomplete or provisional and reasons for this Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBusinessCombinationDisclosuresWhichAreIncompleteOrProvisionalReasonsForThis
1058 Consideration for acquisition [heading] Abstract core:ConsiderationForAcquisitionHeading
1059 Total consideration transferred, including settlement of pre-existing relationship Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalConsiderationTransferredIncludingSettlementPre-existingRelationship
1060 Increase (decrease) in consideration transferred from settlement of pre-existing relationship Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInConsiderationTransferredFromSettlementPre-existingRelationship
1061 Total consideration transferred, excluding any settlement of pre-existing relationship Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalConsiderationTransferredExcludingAnySettlementPre-existingRelationship
1062 Cash transferred to acquire entity Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CashTransferredToAcquireEntity
1063 Other tangible or intangible assets transferred, fair value at acquisition date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherTangibleOrIntangibleAssetsTransferredFairValueAcquisitionDate
1064 Liabilities incurred, fair value at acquisition date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LiabilitiesIncurredFairValueAcquisitionDate
1065 Share-based payment liabilities transferred from acquired entity, fair value at acquisition date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Share-basedPaymentLiabilitiesTransferredFromAcquiredEntityFairValueAcquisitionDate
1066 Net contingent liabilities (assets) and indemnification assets recognised at acquisition date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:NetContingentLiabilitiesAssetsIndemnificationAssetsRecognisedAcquisitionDate
1067 Description of contingent consideration arrangements and indemnification assets, including estimated outcomes Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionContingentConsiderationArrangementsIndemnificationAssetsIncludingEstimatedOutcomes
1068 Equity interests of acquirer used in acquisition, fair value at acquisition date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:EquityInterestsAcquirerUsedInAcquisitionFairValueAcquisitionDate
1069 Description of instruments issued and the method for establishing their fair value Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInstrumentsIssuedMethodForEstablishingTheirFairValue
1070 Deferred consideration for business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredConsiderationForBusinessCombination
1071 Further item of consideration transferred [component of total consideration transferred] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemConsiderationTransferredComponentTotalConsiderationTransferred
1072 Tags in this section are treated as credits, to be consistent with treatment of outflows as credits under cash flow [guidance] Abstract core:TagsInThisSectionAreTreatedAsCreditsToBeConsistentWithTreatmentOutflowsAsCreditsUnderCashFlowGuidance
1073 Acquired assets and liabilities [heading] Abstract core:AcquiredAssetsLiabilitiesHeading
1074 Acquired assets and liabilities tags are intended for fair values - other values in any reconciliations do not need to be tagged [guidance] Abstract core:AcquiredAssetsLiabilitiesTagsAreIntendedForFairValues-OtherValuesInAnyReconciliationsDoNotNeedToBeTaggedGuidance
1075 Assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AssetsAcquired
1076 Property, plant and equipment acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PropertyPlantEquipmentAcquired
1077 Use PPE classes dimension to identify individual PPE classes acquired [guidance] Abstract core:UsePPEClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualPPEClassesAcquiredGuidance
1078 Intangible assets other than goodwill acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillAcquired
1079 Use intangible classes dimension to identify individual asset classes acquired [guidance] Abstract core:UseIntangibleClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesAcquiredGuidance
1080 Investment property acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentPropertyAcquired
1081 Biological assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssetsAcquired
1082 Biological assets acquired, current Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssetsAcquiredCurrent
1083 Biological assets acquired, non-current Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssetsAcquiredNon-current
1084 Inventories acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InventoriesAcquired
1085 Debtors acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtorsAcquired
1086 Trade debtors / trade receivables acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TradeDebtorsTradeReceivablesAcquired
1087 Further item of debtors acquired [component of total debtors acquired] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemDebtorsAcquiredComponentTotalDebtorsAcquired
1088 Other debtors acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherDebtorsAcquired
1089 Gross contractual amounts receivable for acquired receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GrossContractualAmountsReceivableForAcquiredReceivables
1090 Best estimate amount of contractual cash flows not expected to be collected Concept (Monetary) As Of core:BestEstimateAmountContractualCashFlowsNotExpectedToBeCollected
1091 Cash and cash equivalents acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCashEquivalentsAcquired
1092 Investments acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsAcquired
1093 Use financial assets classes and categories dimension to identify individual asset classes acquired [guidance] Abstract core:UseFinancialAssetsClassesCategoriesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesAcquiredGuidance
1094 Investments in joint ventures and associates acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesAssociatesAcquired
1095 Investments in joint ventures acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesAcquired
1096 Investments in associates acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociatesAcquired
1097 Debt securities acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesAcquired
1098 Equity securities acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:EquitySecuritiesAcquired
1099 Further item of investments acquired [component of total investments acquired] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemInvestmentsAcquiredComponentTotalInvestmentsAcquired
1100 Other investments acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherInvestmentsAcquired
1101 Financial assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinancialAssetsAcquired
1102 Use financial assets classes and categories dimension to identify individual asset classes acquired [guidance] Abstract core:UseFinancialAssetsClassesCategoriesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesAcquiredGuidance
1103 For debtors, investments and cash and cash equivalents acquired, see main 'Assets acquired' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDebtorsInvestmentsCashCashEquivalentsAcquiredSeeMainAssetsAcquiredSectionCross-reference
1104 Further item of financial assets acquired [component of total financial assets acquired] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemFinancialAssetsAcquiredComponentTotalFinancialAssetsAcquired
1105 Other financial assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherFinancialAssetsAcquired
1106 Derivative assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DerivativeAssetsAcquired
1107 Use derivative types, contracts and purposes dimensions to identify individual derivative asset types acquired [guidance] Abstract core:UseDerivativeTypesContractsPurposesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualDerivativeAssetTypesAcquiredGuidance
1108 Finance lease receivables acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinanceLeaseReceivablesAcquired
1109 Operating lease receivables acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OperatingLeaseReceivablesAcquired
1110 Deferred tax assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DeferredTaxAssetsAcquired
1111 Other asset revaluation surplus (deficit) related to acquisition Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherAssetRevaluationSurplusDeficitRelatedToAcquisition
1112 Further item of assets acquired [component of total assets acquired] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemAssetsAcquiredComponentTotalAssetsAcquired
1113 Other assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherAssetsAcquired
1114 Other current assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherCurrentAssetsAcquired
1115 Other non-current assets acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherNon-currentAssetsAcquired
1116 Liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LiabilitiesAssumed
1117 Creditors assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CreditorsAssumed
1118 Total borrowings assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalBorrowingsAssumed
1119 Bank overdrafts assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankOverdraftsAssumed
1120 Trade creditors / trade payables assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TradeCreditorsTradePayablesAssumed
1121 Further item of creditors assumed [component of total creditors assumed] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemCreditorsAssumedComponentTotalCreditorsAssumed
1122 Other creditors assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCreditorsAssumed
1123 Obligations under finance leases assumed, lessees Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ObligationsUnderFinanceLeasesAssumedLessees
1124 Financial liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FinancialLiabilitiesAssumed
1125 Use financial liabilities classes and categories dimension to identify individual liability classes acquired [guidance] Abstract core:UseFinancialLiabilitiesClassesCategoriesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualLiabilityClassesAcquiredGuidance
1126 For creditors, borrowings and lease obligations assumed, see main 'Liabilities assumed' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCreditorsBorrowingsLeaseObligationsAssumedSeeMainLiabilitiesAssumedSectionCross-reference
1127 Further item of financial liabilities assumed [component of total financial liabilities assumed] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemFinancialLiabilitiesAssumedComponentTotalFinancialLiabilitiesAssumed
1128 Other financial liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherFinancialLiabilitiesAssumed
1129 Derivative liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DerivativeLiabilitiesAssumed
1130 Use derivative types, contracts and purposes dimensions to identify individual derivative liability types acquired [guidance] Abstract core:UseDerivativeTypesContractsPurposesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualDerivativeLiabilityTypesAcquiredGuidance
1131 Deferred tax liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredTaxLiabilitiesAssumed
1132 Retirement defined benefit plan obligations (surplus) assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RetirementDefinedBenefitPlanObligationsSurplusAssumed
1133 Medical and other employee benefit plan obligations (surplus) assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:MedicalOtherEmployeeBenefitPlanObligationsSurplusAssumed
1134 Provisions assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ProvisionsAssumed
1135 Use provisions dimension to identify individual types of provision [guidance] Abstract core:UseProvisionsDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesProvisionGuidance
1136 Contingent liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ContingentLiabilitiesAssumed
1137 Use contingent liabilities dimension to identify individual types of contingent liability [guidance] Abstract core:UseContingentLiabilitiesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesContingentLiabilityGuidance
1138 General description of contingent liabilities arising on acquisition, including financial effect, uncertainties, possible reimbursement and assumptions Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionContingentLiabilitiesArisingOnAcquisitionIncludingFinancialEffectUncertaintiesPossibleReimbursementAssumptions
1139 Amount of any expected reimbursement for contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of core:AmountAnyExpectedReimbursementForContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombination
1140 Amount of any asset recognised for expected reimbursement for contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountAnyAssetRecognisedForExpectedReimbursementForContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombination
1141 General description of changes in contingent assets and liabilities related to a business combination Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionChangesInContingentAssetsLiabilitiesRelatedToBusinessCombination
1142 Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombination-MovementAnalysisHeading
1143 Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, added Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationAdded
1144 Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, used Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationUsed
1145 Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, unused reversed Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationUnusedReversed
1146 Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, increase (decrease) from unwinding of discount Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationIncreaseDecreaseFromUnwindingDiscount
1147 Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, increase (decrease) from discount rate changes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationIncreaseDecreaseFromDiscountRateChanges
1148 Contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentLiabilitiesRecognisedInBusinessCombinationIncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferences
1149 Royalties payable acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RoyaltiesPayableAcquired
1150 Further liabilities item assumed [component of total liabilities assumed] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherLiabilitiesItemAssumedComponentTotalLiabilitiesAssumed
1151 Other liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherLiabilitiesAssumed
1152 Other current liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesAssumed
1153 Other non-current liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherNon-currentLiabilitiesAssumed
1154 Net identifiable assets (liabilities) acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetIdentifiableAssetsLiabilitiesAcquired
1155 Description of significant gains and losses relating to assets acquired or liabilities assumed Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSignificantGainsLossesRelatingToAssetsAcquiredOrLiabilitiesAssumed
1156 Net significant gain (loss) relating to assets acquired or liabilities assumed Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetSignificantGainLossRelatingToAssetsAcquiredOrLiabilitiesAssumed
1157 Non-controlling interest in acquired entity recognised at acquisition date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Non-controllingInterestInAcquiredEntityRecognisedAcquisitionDate
1158 Description of methods of determining values of assets and liabilities of business combination Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsDeterminingValuesAssetsLiabilitiesBusinessCombination
1159 Goodwill arising on business combination [heading] Abstract core:GoodwillArisingOnBusinessCombinationHeading
1160 Goodwill arising on business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GoodwillArisingOnBusinessCombination
1161 Accumulated impairment and amortisation of goodwill related to business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedImpairmentAmortisationGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination
1162 Accumulated impairment loss of goodwill related to business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedImpairmentLossGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination
1163 Accumulated amortisation of goodwill related to business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedAmortisationGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination
1164 Total increase (decrease) in goodwill related to business combination Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination
1165 Additional goodwill related to business combination recognised during the period Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdditionalGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognisedDuringPeriod
1166 Increase (decrease) of goodwill related to business combination from subsequent recognition of deferred tax assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromSubsequentRecognitionDeferredTaxAssets
1167 Decrease in goodwill related to business combination included in disposal groups classified as held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationIncludedInDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSale
1168 Decrease in goodwill related to business combination derecognised, not held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationDerecognisedNotHeldForSale
1169 Decrease from impairment of goodwill related to business combination recognised Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseFromImpairmentGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognised
1170 Decrease from amortisation of goodwill related to business combination recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseFromAmortisationGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognisedInProfitLoss
1171 Increase (decrease) in goodwill related to business combination from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromForeignExchangeDifferences
1172 Increase (decrease) in goodwill related to business combination from other factors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromOtherFactors
1173 Further item of increase (decrease) in goodwill related to business combination [component of total change in goodwill related to business combination] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationComponentTotalChangeInGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination
1174 Description of factors that make up goodwill recognised Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionFactorsThatMakeUpGoodwillRecognised
1175 Useful life of goodwill in years Concept (Decimal) For Period core:UsefulLifeGoodwillInYears
1176 Description of reasons if useful life exceeds five years Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsIfUsefulLifeExceedsFiveYears
1177 Goodwill expected to be deductible for tax Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GoodwillExpectedToBeDeductibleForTax
1178 Description of nature of intangible assets included in goodwill on business combination Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNatureIntangibleAssetsIncludedInGoodwillOnBusinessCombination
1179 Cash effects of business combination [heading] Abstract core:CashEffectsBusinessCombinationHeading
1180 Cash transferred to acquire entity Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CashTransferredToAcquireEntity
1181 Cash and cash equivalents acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCashEquivalentsAcquired
1182 Net cash outflow (inflow) on business combination Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetCashOutflowInflowOnBusinessCombination
1183 Revenue and profit related to business combination [heading] Abstract core:RevenueProfitRelatedToBusinessCombinationHeading
1184 Revenue of acquiree Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueAcquiree
1185 Profit (loss) of acquiree Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossAcquiree
1186 Revenue of combined entity, estimated for the full year Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueCombinedEntityEstimatedForFullYear
1187 Profit (loss) of combined entity, estimated for the full year Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossCombinedEntityEstimatedForFullYear
1188 Description of reasons why disclosure of profit and revenue figures related to combination is impractical Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsWhyDisclosureProfitRevenueFiguresRelatedToCombinationImpractical
1189 Intangible assets recognised separately from goodwill on business combination [heading] Abstract core:IntangibleAssetsRecognisedSeparatelyFromGoodwillOnBusinessCombinationHeading
1190 Description of nature of intangible assets separated from goodwill on business combination Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNatureIntangibleAssetsSeparatedFromGoodwillOnBusinessCombination
1191 Description of reason why intangible assets are separated from goodwill on business combination Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonWhyIntangibleAssetsAreSeparatedFromGoodwillOnBusinessCombination
1192 Transactions recognised separately from the business combination [heading] Abstract core:TransactionsRecognisedSeparatelyFromBusinessCombinationHeading
1193 General description of transactions recognised separately from the business combination Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionTransactionsRecognisedSeparatelyFromBusinessCombination
1194 Total amount recognised separately from the business combination Concept (Monetary) For Period core:TotalAmountRecognisedSeparatelyFromBusinessCombination
1195 Gain (loss) on settlement of pre-existing relationship Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnSettlementPre-existingRelationship
1196 Issue costs recognised separately from business combination Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IssueCostsRecognisedSeparatelyFromBusinessCombination
1197 Business combination acquired as bargain purchase / resulting in negative goodwill [heading] Abstract core:BusinessCombinationAcquiredAsBargainPurchaseResultingInNegativeGoodwillHeading
1198 Description of business combination acquired as a bargain purchase / resulting in negative goodwill Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBusinessCombinationAcquiredAsBargainPurchaseResultingInNegativeGoodwill
1199 Amortisation of negative goodwill recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AmortisationNegativeGoodwillRecognisedInProfitLoss
1200 Negative goodwill arising on acquisition Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:NegativeGoodwillArisingOnAcquisition
1201 Accumulated impairment and amortisation, negative goodwill Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AccumulatedImpairmentAmortisationNegativeGoodwill
1202 Accumulated impairment loss of negative goodwill related to business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AccumulatedImpairmentLossNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination
1203 Accumulated amortisation of negative goodwill related to business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AccumulatedAmortisationNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombination
1204 Total increase (decrease) in negative goodwill Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseInNegativeGoodwill
1205 Additional negative goodwill related to business combination recognised during the period Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AdditionalNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognisedDuringPeriod
1206 Decrease in negative goodwill related to business combination included in disposal groups classified as held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseInNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationIncludedInDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSale
1207 Decrease in negative goodwill related to business combination derecognised, not held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseInNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationDerecognisedNotHeldForSale
1208 Decrease from impairment of negative goodwill related to business combination recognised Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseFromImpairmentNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognised
1209 Decrease from amortisation of negative goodwill related to business combination recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseFromAmortisationNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationRecognisedInProfitLoss
1210 Increase (decrease) in negative goodwill related to business combination from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromForeignExchangeDifferences
1211 Increase (decrease) in negative goodwill related to business combination from other factors Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNegativeGoodwillRelatedToBusinessCombinationFromOtherFactors
1212 Description of periods in which negative goodwill will be recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionPeriodsInWhichNegativeGoodwillWillBeRecognisedInProfitLoss
1213 Business combination achieved in stages [heading] Abstract core:BusinessCombinationAchievedInStagesHeading
1214 Description of business combination disclosures which are incomplete or provisional and reasons for this Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBusinessCombinationDisclosuresWhichAreIncompleteOrProvisionalReasonsForThis
1215 Equity interest in acquiree held by acquirer immediately before acquisition date, fair value at acquisition date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:EquityInterestInAcquireeHeldByAcquirerImmediatelyBeforeAcquisitionDateFairValueAcquisitionDate
1216 Gain (loss) recognised as result of remeasuring to fair value equity interest in acquired entity held by acquirer before business combination Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossRecognisedAsResultRemeasuringToFairValueEquityInterestInAcquiredEntityHeldByAcquirerBeforeBusinessCombination
1217 Change in non-controlling interest [heading] Abstract core:ChangeInNon-controllingInterestHeading
1218 Non-controlling interest in percent following transaction Concept (Percent) As Of core:Non-controllingInterestInPercentFollowingTransaction
1219 Increase (decrease) in non-controlling interest in percentage points from transaction Concept (Percent) For Period core:IncreaseDecreaseInNon-controllingInterestInPercentagePointsFromTransaction
1220 Value of non-controlling interest following transaction Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ValueNon-controllingInterestFollowingTransaction
1221 Increase (decrease) in value of non-controlling interest from transaction Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInValueNon-controllingInterestFromTransaction
1222 Share of comprehensive income from non-controlling interest Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ShareComprehensiveIncomeFromNon-controllingInterest
1223 Description of measurement basis and techniques for determining value of non-controlling interests Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMeasurementBasisTechniquesForDeterminingValueNon-controllingInterests
1224 Disclosures on charity mergers [heading] Abstract char:DisclosuresOnCharityMergersHeading
1225 Name of merged entity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameMergedEntity
1226 Description of merged entity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionMergedEntity
1227 Date of merger Concept (Date) For Period char:DateMerger
1228 Analysis of principal SoFA components relating to charity merger [heading] Abstract char:AnalysisPrincipalSoFAComponentsRelatingToCharityMergerHeading
1229 Net movement in funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:NetMovementInFunds
1230 Net income (expenditure) Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:NetIncomeExpenditure
1231 Income of entity pre-merger Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:IncomeEntityPre-merger
1232 Income of entity post-merger Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:IncomeEntityPost-merger
1233 Expenditure of entity pre-merger Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:ExpenditureEntityPre-merger
1234 Expenditure of entity post-merger Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:ExpenditureEntityPost-merger
1235 Other gains (losses) Concept (Monetary) For Period char:OtherGainsLosses
1236 Analysis of net assets at date of merger [heading] Abstract char:AnalysisNetAssetsDateMergerHeading
1237 Net assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:PoolingSchemeNetAssets
1238 Use charity funds dimension for analysis of funds for merged entities at date of merger [guidance] Abstract char:UseCharityFundsDimensionForAnalysisFundsForMergedEntitiesDateMergerGuidance
1239 Charity funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:CharityFunds
1240 Notes on income and expense [heading] Abstract core:NotesOnIncomeExpenseHeading
1241 Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] Abstract core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance
1242 Use exceptionals dimension to identify exceptional and specific non-exceptional values [guidance] Abstract core:UseExceptionalsDimensionToIdentifyExceptionalSpecificNon-exceptionalValuesGuidance
1243 Additional income and expense totals and sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:AdditionalIncomeExpenseTotalsSub-totalsHeading
1244 Other non-operating net gain (loss), before tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherNon-operatingNetGainLossBeforeTax
1245 Other non-operating income, before tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherNon-operatingIncomeBeforeTax
1246 Other non-operating expense, before tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherNon-operatingExpenseBeforeTax
1247 Revenue items and items often classed as revenue [heading] Abstract core:RevenueItemsItemsOftenClassedAsRevenueHeading
1248 Use dimensions to identify revenue attributable to specific segments or regions [guidance] Abstract core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyRevenueAttributableToSpecificSegmentsOrRegionsGuidance
1249 Revenue from sale of goods Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueFromSaleGoods
1250 Revenue from rendering of services Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueFromRenderingServices
1251 Revenue from royalties, licences and similar items Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueFromRoyaltiesLicencesSimilarItems
1252 Revenue from construction contracts Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueFromConstructionContracts
1253 Revenue from commissions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueFromCommissions
1254 Revenue from customer loyalty programmes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueFromCustomerLoyaltyProgrammes
1255 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServices
1256 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, sale of goods Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesSaleGoods
1257 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, rendering of services Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesRenderingServices
1258 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, construction contracts Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesConstructionContracts
1259 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, construction services Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesConstructionServices
1260 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, royalties, licences and similar income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesRoyaltiesLicencesSimilarIncome
1261 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, interest Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesInterest
1262 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, dividends Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesDividends
1263 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, commissions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesCommissions
1264 Revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services, other revenue Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueArisingFromExchangesGoodsOrServicesOtherRevenue
1265 Fee income from trust and other fiduciary activities resulting in holding of assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeeIncomeFromTrustOtherFiduciaryActivitiesResultingInHoldingAssets
1266 Management fee income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ManagementFeeIncome
1267 Brokerage fee income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:BrokerageFeeIncome
1268 Other fee income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherFeeIncome
1269 Further revenue item [component of total revenue] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherRevenueItemComponentTotalRevenue
1270 Other revenue Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherRevenue
1271 Turnover / revenue free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TurnoverRevenueFree-textComment
1272 Other operating income and revenue items [heading] Abstract core:OtherOperatingIncomeRevenueItemsHeading
1273 Rental and leasing income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RentalLeasingIncome
1274 Rental income from investment property Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RentalIncomeFromInvestmentProperty
1275 Income from leasing of plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncomeFromLeasingPlantEquipment
1276 Further rental and leasing income item [component of total rental and leasing income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherRentalLeasingIncomeItemComponentTotalRentalLeasingIncome
1277 Rental income from sub-leases Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RentalIncomeFromSub-leases
1278 Rental income from property sub-leases Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RentalIncomeFromPropertySub-leases
1279 Rental income from plant and equipment sub-leases Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RentalIncomeFromPlantEquipmentSub-leases
1280 Contingent rents recognised as income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentRentsRecognisedAsIncome
1281 Contingent rents on finance leases recognised as income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentRentsOnFinanceLeasesRecognisedAsIncome
1282 Contingent rents on operating leases recognised as income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentRentsOnOperatingLeasesRecognisedAsIncome
1283 Service concession income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ServiceConcessionIncome
1284 Description of service concession arrangements including effects on future cash flows Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionServiceConcessionArrangementsIncludingEffectsOnFutureCashFlows
1285 Government grant income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GovernmentGrantIncome
1286 Description of government grants and other forms of government assistance Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionGovernmentGrantsOtherFormsGovernmentAssistance
1287 Description of unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies attaching to government assistance Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionUnfulfilledConditionsOtherContingenciesAttachingToGovernmentAssistance
1288 Further item of operating income [component of total other operating income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemOperatingIncomeComponentTotalOtherOperatingIncome
1289 Other remaining operating income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherRemainingOperatingIncome
1290 Operating income free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:OperatingIncomeFree-textComment
1291 Operating expense items [heading] Abstract core:OperatingExpenseItemsHeading
1292 Fees to auditors [heading] Abstract aurep:FeesToAuditorsHeading
1293 Use third party agent status dimension to identify auditors in cases of multiple auditors or joint auditors [guidance] Abstract aurep:UseThirdPartyAgentStatusDimensionToIdentifyAuditorsInCasesMultipleAuditorsOrJointAuditorsGuidance
1294 Total fees to auditors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:TotalFeesToAuditors
1295 Audit fees and expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:AuditFeesExpenses
1296 Description of benefits in kind for audit services Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:DescriptionBenefitsInKindForAuditServices
1297 Estimated money value of benefits in kind for audit services Concept (Monetary) For Period aurep:EstimatedMoneyValueBenefitsInKindForAuditServices
1298 Fees for non-audit services Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:FeesForNon-auditServices
1299 Auditing accounts of associates, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesFees
1300 Auditing accounts of associates, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesPensionSchemesFees
1301 Auditing accounts of associates, service to entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesServiceToEntitySubsidiariesFees
1302 Audit-related assurance services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesFees
1303 Audit-related assurance services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesPensionSchemesFees
1304 Audit-related assurance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1305 Independent examination fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:IndependentExaminationFees
1306 Taxation compliance services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesFees
1307 Taxation compliance services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesPensionSchemesFees
1308 Taxation compliance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1309 Other taxation advisory services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesFees
1310 Other taxation advisory services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesPensionSchemesFees
1311 Other taxation advisory services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1312 Internal audit services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:InternalAuditServicesFees
1313 Internal audit services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:InternalAuditServicesPensionSchemesFees
1314 Internal audit services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:InternalAuditServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1315 Other assurance services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesFees
1316 Other assurance services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesPensionSchemesFees
1317 Other assurance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1318 Corporate finance transactions, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsFees
1319 Corporate finance transactions, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsPensionSchemesFees
1320 Corporate finance transactions, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsEntitySubsidiariesFees
1321 Other non-audit services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesFees
1322 Other non-audit services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesPensionSchemesFees
1323 Other non-audit services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1324 Description of benefits in kind for non-audit services Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:DescriptionBenefitsInKindForNon-auditServices
1325 Estimated money value of benefits in kind for non-audit services Concept (Monetary) For Period aurep:EstimatedMoneyValueBenefitsInKindForNon-auditServices
1326 Fees to auditors free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:FeesToAuditorsFree-textComment
1327 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment [heading] Abstract core:DepreciationAmortisationImpairmentHeading
1328 Use dimensions to distinguish expenses related to specific classes of asset [guidance] Abstract core:UseDimensionsToDistinguishExpensesRelatedToSpecificClassesAssetGuidance
1329 Use ownership of assets dimension to identify owned and leased asset items [guidance] Abstract core:UseOwnershipAssetsDimensionToIdentifyOwnedLeasedAssetItemsGuidance
1330 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DepreciationAmortisationImpairmentExpense
1331 Depreciation and amortisation expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DepreciationAmortisationExpense
1332 Depreciation and impairment expense, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DepreciationImpairmentExpensePropertyPlantEquipment
1333 Depreciation expense, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DepreciationExpensePropertyPlantEquipment
1334 Amortisation and impairment expense, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AmortisationImpairmentExpenseIntangibleAssets
1335 Amortisation expense, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AmortisationExpenseIntangibleAssets
1336 Depreciation and impairment expense, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DepreciationImpairmentExpenseBiologicalAssetsCostModel
1337 Depreciation expense, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DepreciationExpenseBiologicalAssetsCostModel
1338 Amortisation of government grants Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AmortisationGovernmentGrants
1339 Amortisation of other assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AmortisationOtherAssets
1340 Impairment losses and reversals [heading] Abstract core:ImpairmentLossesReversalsHeading
1341 Impairment loss (reversal) Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversal
1342 Total impairment loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalImpairmentLoss
1343 Total impairment reversal Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TotalImpairmentReversal
1344 Impairment loss (reversal) on heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ImpairmentLossReversalOnHeritageAssets
1345 Impairment loss on heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ImpairmentLossOnHeritageAssets
1346 Impairment reversal on heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:ImpairmentReversalOnHeritageAssets
1347 Impairment loss (reversal), non-financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalNon-financialAssets
1348 Impairment loss, non-financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossNon-financialAssets
1349 Impairment reversal, non-financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalNon-financialAssets
1350 Impairment loss (reversal), property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalPropertyPlantEquipment
1351 Impairment loss, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossPropertyPlantEquipment
1352 Impairment reversal, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalPropertyPlantEquipment
1353 Specific material impairment loss or reversal, property, plant and equipment [grouping] Abstract core:SpecificMaterialImpairmentLossOrReversalPropertyPlantEquipmentGrouping
1354 Description of specific asset and material impairment loss recognised or reversed, property, plant and equipment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSpecificAssetMaterialImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedPropertyPlantEquipment
1355 Specific material impairment loss (reversal), property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SpecificMaterialImpairmentLossReversalPropertyPlantEquipment
1356 Impairment loss (reversal), intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalIntangibleAssets
1357 Impairment loss, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossIntangibleAssets
1358 Impairment reversal, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalIntangibleAssets
1359 Specific material impairment loss or reversal, intangible assets [grouping] Abstract core:SpecificMaterialImpairmentLossOrReversalIntangibleAssetsGrouping
1360 Description of specific asset and material impairment loss recognised or reversed, intangible assets Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSpecificAssetMaterialImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedIntangibleAssets
1361 Specific material impairment loss (reversal), intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SpecificMaterialImpairmentLossReversalIntangibleAssets
1362 Recoverable amount of specific intangible asset is based value in use [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:RecoverableAmountSpecificIntangibleAssetBasedValueInUseTruefalse
1363 Description of basis of estimation of recoverable amount of specific intangible asset Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBasisEstimationRecoverableAmountSpecificIntangibleAsset
1364 Impairment loss (reversal), biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalBiologicalAssetsCostModel
1365 Impairment loss, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel
1366 Impairment reversal, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalBiologicalAssetsCostModel
1367 Impairment loss (reversal), investment property, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentPropertyCostModel
1368 Impairment loss, investment property, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentPropertyCostModel
1369 Impairment reversal, investment property, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentPropertyCostModel
1370 Impairment loss (reversal), investment property, at cost within fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentPropertyCostWithinFairValueModel
1371 Impairment loss, investment property, at cost within fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentPropertyCostWithinFairValueModel
1372 Impairment reversal, investment property, at cost within fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentPropertyCostWithinFairValueModel
1373 Impairment loss (reversal), investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentInSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVentures
1374 Impairment loss (reversal), investment in subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentInSubsidiaries
1375 Impairment loss, investment in subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentInSubsidiaries
1376 Impairment reversal, investment in subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentInSubsidiaries
1377 Impairment loss (reversal), investments in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentsInAssociates
1378 Impairment loss, investments in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentsInAssociates
1379 Impairment reversal, investments in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentsInAssociates
1380 Impairment loss (reversal), investments in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalInvestmentsInJointVentures
1381 Impairment loss, investments in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossInvestmentsInJointVentures
1382 Impairment reversal, investments in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalInvestmentsInJointVentures
1383 Impairment loss (reversal), other non-financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalOtherNon-financialAssets
1384 Impairment loss, other non-financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossOtherNon-financialAssets
1385 Impairment reversal, other non-financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalOtherNon-financialAssets
1386 Impairment loss (reversal) recognised for restructuring Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalRecognisedForRestructuring
1387 Use dimensions to distinguish impairment related to specific classes of asset [guidance] Abstract core:UseDimensionsToDistinguishImpairmentRelatedToSpecificClassesAssetGuidance
1388 For impairment of financial assets, see 'Finance income and cost items' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForImpairmentFinancialAssetsSeeFinanceIncomeCostItemsSectionCross-reference
1389 Loss (gain) from write-downs and reversals of stocks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:LossGainFromWrite-downsReversalsInventories
1390 Stocks write-down expense, gross Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InventoryWrite-downExpenseGross
1391 Reversal of stocks write-down, gross Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ReversalInventoryWrite-downGross
1392 Description of circumstances leading to reversals of stock write-down Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCircumstancesLeadingToReversalsInventoryWrite-down
1393 Staff costs / employee benefits expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:StaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense
1394 Wages and salaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:WagesSalaries
1395 Alternative wages and salaries sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:AlternativeWagesSalariesSub-totalsHeading
1396 Wages and salaries including redundancy costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:WagesSalariesIncludingRedundancyCosts
1397 Wages and salaries excluding redundancy costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:WagesSalariesExcludingRedundancyCosts
1398 Social security costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SocialSecurityCosts
1399 Other short-term employee benefits Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherShort-termEmployeeBenefits
1400 Expenditure on staff contracted with and paid by related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period char:ExpenditureOnStaffContractedWithPaidByRelatedParties
1401 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance
1402 Basis of allocation between activities of defined contribution pension liability and expense Concept (Text/String) For Period char:BasisAllocationBetweenActivitiesDefinedContributionPensionLiabilityExpense
1403 Pension and other post-employment benefit costs / other pension costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCostsOtherPensionCosts
1404 Pension costs, defined contribution plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PensionCostsDefinedContributionPlan
1405 Pension costs, defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PensionCostsDefinedBenefitPlan
1406 Further item of pension and other post-employment benefit costs [component of total pension and other post-employment benefit costs] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemPensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCostsComponentTotalPensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCosts
1407 Other post-employment benefit costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitCosts
1408 Defined benefit pension plan free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DefinedBenefitPensionPlanFree-textComment
1409 Description of the extent to which the charity can be liable to a multi-employer defined benefit plan for other entities' obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionExtentToWhichCharityCanBeLiableToMulti-employerDefinedBenefitPlanForOtherEntitiesObligations
1410 Explanation of how any liability arising from an agreement with a multi employer plan to fund a deficit has been determined Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationHowAnyLiabilityArisingFromAnAgreementWithMultiEmployerPlanToFundDeficitHasBeenDetermined
1411 Redundancy costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RedundancyCosts
1412 Share-based payment expense, equity settled Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:Share-basedPaymentExpenseEquitySettled
1413 Share-based payment expense, cash settled Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:Share-basedPaymentExpenseCashSettled
1414 Nature of the redundancy payment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NatureRedundancyPayment
1415 The extent of redundancy funding at the balance sheet date Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExtentRedundancyFundingBalanceSheetDate
1416 Other long-term benefits expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherLong-termBenefitsExpense
1417 Further employee expense item [component of total employee benefits expense] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherEmployeeExpenseItemComponentTotalEmployeeBenefitsExpense
1418 Other employee expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherEmployeeExpense
1419 No employees received benefits excluding employer pension costs of more than £60,000 [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoEmployeesReceivedBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsMoreThan60000Truefalse
1420 Use salary band dimension for number of employees who received benefits excluding employer pension costs of more than £60,000 [guidance] Abstract char:UseSalaryBandDimensionForNumberEmployeesWhoReceivedBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsMoreThan60000Guidance
1421 Number of employees whose total benefits excluding employer pension costs fall within bands of £10,000 over £60,000 Concept (Decimal) For Period char:NumberEmployeesWhoseTotalBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsFallWithinBandsGBP10000OverGBP60000
1422 Employee benefits free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:EmployeeBenefitsFree-textComment
1423 Unincorporated charities have Trustees and Charitable companies have Directors (who are also Trustees): Either category should use the following section if applicable [guidance] Abstract char:UnincorporatedCharitiesHaveTrusteesCharitableCompaniesHaveDirectorsWhoAreAlsoTrusteesEitherCategoryShouldUseFollowingSectionIfApplicableGuidance
1424 For directors' remuneration, see 'Employee benefits and other employee information' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDirectorsRemunerationSeeEmployeeBenefitsOtherEmployeeInformationSectionCross-reference
1425 Contractor costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ContractorCosts
1426 Production and manufacturing expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProductionManufacturingExpense
1427 Total operating lease payments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalOperatingLeasePayments
1428 Use operating lease purpose dimension to identify property and other lease values [guidance] Abstract core:UseOperatingLeasePurposeDimensionToIdentifyPropertyOtherLeaseValuesGuidance
1429 Minimum operating lease payments recognised as expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:MinimumOperatingLeasePaymentsRecognisedAsExpense
1430 Contingent rents on operating leases recognised as expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ContingentRentsOnOperatingLeasesRecognisedAsExpense
1431 Operating sublease payments recognised as expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OperatingSubleasePaymentsRecognisedAsExpense
1432 Research and development expense recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ResearchDevelopmentExpenseRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1433 Restructuring costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RestructuringCosts
1434 Royalties, licences and similar expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RoyaltiesLicencesSimilarExpense
1435 Repairs and maintenance expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RepairsMaintenanceExpense
1436 Repairs and maintenance expense, property-related Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RepairsMaintenanceExpenseProperty-related
1437 Repairs and maintenance expense, vehicles Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RepairsMaintenanceExpenseVehicles
1438 Other repairs and maintenance expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherRepairsMaintenanceExpense
1439 Premises costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PremisesCosts
1440 Sales and marketing costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SalesMarketingCosts
1441 Advertising costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdvertisingCosts
1442 Transportation costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TransportationCosts
1443 Other distribution costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherDistributionCosts
1444 Utilities costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:UtilitiesCosts
1445 Insurance costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InsuranceCosts
1446 Accountancy costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AccountancyCosts
1447 Professional, consultancy and legal fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProfessionalConsultancyLegalFees
1448 Professional and consultancy fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProfessionalConsultancyFees
1449 Legal fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:LegalFees
1450 Commissions expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CommissionsExpense
1451 Further operating expense item [component of total operating expenses] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherOperatingExpenseItemComponentTotalOperatingExpenses
1452 Other remaining operating expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherRemainingOperatingExpense
1453 Exceptional items free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ExceptionalItemsFree-textComment
1454 Operating expenses free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:OperatingExpensesFree-textComment
1455 Net gain / loss before tax items [heading] Abstract core:NetGainLossBeforeTaxItemsHeading
1456 Gain (loss) from revaluation, property, plant and equipment, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossFromRevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1457 Gain (loss) on disposals of property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalsPropertyPlantEquipment
1458 Gain (loss) from revaluation of heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:GainLossFromRevaluationHeritageAssets
1459 Gain (loss) from disposals of heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:GainLossFromDisposalsHeritageAssets
1460 Gain (loss) from sales of investment properties, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossFromRevaluationIntangibleAssetsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1461 Gain (loss) on disposals of intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalsIntangibleAssets
1462 Gain (loss) due to foreign exchange differences, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossFromSalesInvestmentPropertiesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1463 Gain (loss) on disposal of biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalBiologicalAssetsCostModel
1464 Gain (loss) due to foreign exchange differences, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossDueToForeignExchangeDifferencesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1465 Gain (loss) on non-financing activities due to foreign exchange differences, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnNon-financingActivitiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferencesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1466 Gain (loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalInvestmentsInSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVentures
1467 Gain (loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalInvestmentsInSubsidiaries
1468 Gain (loss) on disposal of investments in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalInvestmentsInAssociates
1469 Gain (loss) on disposal of investments in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalInvestmentsInJointVentures
1470 Gain (loss) from changes in provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossFromChangesInProvisions
1471 Increase in provisions recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInProvisionsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1472 Reversal of provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ReversalProvisions
1473 Reversal of provisions for cost of restructuring Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ReversalProvisionsForCostRestructuring
1474 Other reversals of provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherReversalsProvisions
1475 Gain (loss) from fair value adjustment, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossFromFairValueAdjustmentBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
1476 Gain (loss) in fair value adjustment attributable to physical changes, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossInFairValueAdjustmentAttributableToPhysicalChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
1477 Gain (loss) in biological assets due to births and deaths, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossInBiologicalAssetsDueToBirthsDeathsFairValueModel
1478 Gain (loss) on initial recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce for current period Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnInitialRecognitionBiologicalAssetsAgriculturalProduceForCurrentPeriod
1479 Gain (loss) in fair value adjustment attributable to price changes, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossInFairValueAdjustmentAttributableToPriceChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
1480 Gain (loss) in fair value adjustment through other changes, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossInFairValueAdjustmentThroughOtherChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
1481 Gain (loss) on termination of finance lease arrangements Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnTerminationFinanceLeaseArrangements
1482 Gain (loss) on disposals of other non-current assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalsOtherNon-currentAssets
1483 Gain (loss) on litigation settlements Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnLitigationSettlements
1484 Gain (loss) from fair value adjustment, investment property, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossFromFairValueAdjustmentInvestmentPropertyRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1485 Further item of gain (loss) before tax [component of net gain / loss before tax] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemGainLossBeforeTaxComponentNetGainLossBeforeTax
1486 Gains and losses before tax free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GainsLossesBeforeTaxFree-textComment
1487 Construction contracts [heading] Abstract core:ConstructionContractsHeading
1488 Revenue from construction contracts Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueFromConstructionContracts
1489 Gross amount due from customers for construction contract work as asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GrossAmountDueFromCustomersForConstructionContractWorkAsAsset
1490 Gross amount due to customers for construction contract work as liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:GrossAmountDueToCustomersForConstructionContractWorkAsLiability
1491 Description of methods used to determine construction contract revenue and stage of completion Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsUsedToDetermineConstructionContractRevenueStageCompletion
1492 Research and development charges and funding [heading] Abstract core:ResearchDevelopmentChargesFundingHeading
1493 Research and development expense recognised in profit or loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ResearchDevelopmentExpenseRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1494 Research and development charged Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ResearchDevelopmentCharged
1495 Gross research and development expenditure incurred Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GrossResearchDevelopmentExpenditureIncurred
1496 Development costs capitalised Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DevelopmentCostsCapitalised
1497 External research and development funding received Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ExternalResearchDevelopmentFundingReceived
1498 External research and development funding received from government Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ExternalResearchDevelopmentFundingReceivedFromGovernment
1499 External research and development funding received from other sources Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ExternalResearchDevelopmentFundingReceivedFromOtherSources
1500 Description of research and development expenditures during period Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionResearchDevelopmentExpendituresDuringPeriod
1501 Finance income and cost items [heading] Abstract core:FinanceIncomeCostItemsHeading
1502 Other interest receivable and similar income / finance income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherInterestReceivableSimilarIncomeFinanceIncome
1503 Use interest income tags to represent 'interest and similar' income items [guidance] Abstract core:UseInterestIncomeTagsToRepresentInterestSimilarIncomeItemsGuidance
1504 Interest income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncome
1505 Interest income on financial assets that are not at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1506 Interest income on financial assets at amortised cost Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost
1507 Further item of interest income on financial assets that are not at fair value through income and expenditure [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentCorrespondingTotal
1508 Interest income on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1509 Interest income on financial assets initially designated at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsInitiallyDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1510 Interest income on financial assets held for trading at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1511 Further item of interest income on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentCorrespondingTotal
1512 Interest income on debt securities held Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesHeld
1513 Interest income on listed debt securities held Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnListedDebtSecuritiesHeld
1514 Interest income on unlisted debt securities held Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnUnlistedDebtSecuritiesHeld
1515 Further item of interest income on debt securities held [component of total interest income on debt securities held] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesHeldComponentTotalInterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesHeld
1516 Interest income on derivative financial instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnDerivativeFinancialInstruments
1517 Interest income on derivatives held for risk management Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnDerivativesHeldForRiskManagement
1518 Interest income from related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromRelatedParties
1519 Interest income from group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
1520 Interest income from group undertakings Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromGroupUndertakings
1521 Interest income from parent entities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromParentEntities
1522 Interest income from subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromSubsidiaries
1523 Interest income from associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
1524 Interest income from associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromAssociates
1525 Interest income from joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromJointVentures
1526 Interest income from other related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromOtherRelatedParties
1527 Further item of interest income from related parties [component of total interest income from related parties] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeFromRelatedPartiesComponentTotalInterestIncomeFromRelatedParties
1528 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
1529 Interest income on cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnCashCashEquivalents
1530 Interest income on bank deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnBankDeposits
1531 Interest income on short-term bank deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnShort-termBankDeposits
1532 Interest income on long-term bank deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnLong-termBankDeposits
1533 Interest income on certificates of deposit held Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnCertificatesDepositHeld
1534 Interest income on mutual funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnMutualFunds
1535 Interest income on redeemable notes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnRedeemableNotes
1536 Interest income on managed funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnManagedFunds
1537 Interest income on non-controlled investment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnNon-controlledInvestmentFunds
1538 Interest income on deposits with credit institutions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnDepositsWithCreditInstitutions
1539 Interest income on assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
1540 Interest income from reimbursement rights of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromReimbursementRightsDefinedBenefitPlan
1541 Interest income on settlement of tax issues / disputes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnSettlementTaxIssuesDisputes
1542 Further item of interest income [component of total interest income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemInterestIncomeComponentTotalInterestIncome
1543 Other interest income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherInterestIncome
1544 Dividend income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncome
1545 Dividend income from related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromRelatedParties
1546 Dividend income from group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
1547 Dividend income from group undertakings Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromGroupUndertakings
1548 Dividend income from parent entities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromParentEntities
1549 Dividend income from subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromSubsidiaries
1550 Dividend income from associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
1551 Dividend income from associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromAssociates
1552 Dividend income from joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromJointVentures
1553 Dividend income from other related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromOtherRelatedParties
1554 Further item of dividend income from related parties [component of total dividend income from related parties] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemDividendIncomeFromRelatedPartiesComponentTotalDividendIncomeFromRelatedParties
1555 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
1556 Dividend income from financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1557 Dividend income from other equity instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromOtherEquityInstruments
1558 Further item of dividend income [component of total dividend income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemDividendIncomeComponentTotalDividendIncome
1559 Fee income from financial assets that are not at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeeIncomeFromFinancialAssetsThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1560 Fee income from financial assets measured at amortised cost Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeeIncomeFromFinancialAssetsMeasuredAmortisedCost
1561 Further item of fee income from financial assets that are not at fair value through income and expenditure [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemFeeIncomeFromFinancialAssetsThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentCorrespondingTotal
1562 Fee income from trust and other fiduciary activities resulting in holding of assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeeIncomeFromTrustOtherFiduciaryActivitiesResultingInHoldingAssets
1563 Management fee income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ManagementFeeIncome
1564 Brokerage fee income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:BrokerageFeeIncome
1565 Other fee income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherFeeIncome
1566 Gain on financing activities due to foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainOnFinancingActivitiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferences
1567 Further item of finance income [component of total finance income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemFinanceIncomeComponentTotalFinanceIncome
1568 Other finance income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherFinanceIncome
1569 Finance income free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FinanceIncomeFree-textComment
1570 Interest payable and similar charges / finance costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPayableSimilarChargesFinanceCosts
1571 Use interest expense tags to represent 'interest and similar' expense items [guidance] Abstract core:UseInterestExpenseTagsToRepresentInterestSimilarExpenseItemsGuidance
1572 Interest expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpense
1573 Interest expense on financial liabilities that are not at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1574 Interest expense on bank overdrafts, bank loans and similar borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnBankOverdraftsBankLoansSimilarBorrowings
1575 Interest expense on bank overdrafts Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnBankOverdrafts
1576 Interest expense on bank loans and similar borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnBankLoansSimilarBorrowings
1577 Further item of interest expense on bank overdrafts, bank loans and similar borrowings [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemInterestExpenseOnBankOverdraftsBankLoansSimilarBorrowingsComponentCorrespondingTotal
1578 Interest expense on debt securities in issue and other similar loans Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherSimilarLoans
1579 Specific item of interest expense on debt securities in issue and other similar loans [component of interest expense on debt securities in issue and other similar loans] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SpecificItemInterestExpenseOnDebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherSimilarLoansComponentInterestExpenseOnDebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherSimilarLoans
1580 Interest expense on debentures and other similar loans Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDebenturesOtherSimilarLoans
1581 Specific item of interest expense on debentures and other similar loans [component of interest expense on debentures and other similar loans] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SpecificItemInterestExpenseOnDebenturesOtherSimilarLoansComponentInterestExpenseOnDebenturesOtherSimilarLoans
1582 Interest expense on derivative liabilities held for risk management Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDerivativeLiabilitiesHeldForRiskManagement
1583 Interest expense on convertible borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnConvertibleBorrowings
1584 Interest expense on preference shares classified as debt Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnPreferenceSharesClassifiedAsDebt
1585 Interest expense on redeemable preference shares classified as debt Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnRedeemablePreferenceSharesClassifiedAsDebt
1586 Interest expense on non-redeemable preference shares classified as debt Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnNon-redeemablePreferenceSharesClassifiedAsDebt
1587 Interest expense on obligations under finance leases and hire purchase contracts Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnObligationsUnderFinanceLeasesHirePurchaseContracts
1588 Interest expense on secured debt Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnSecuredDebt
1589 Interest expense on subordinated debt Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnSubordinatedDebt
1590 Interest expense on loan capital Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnLoanCapital
1591 Interest expense on deferred consideration Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDeferredConsideration
1592 Interest paid to related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToRelatedParties
1593 Interest paid to group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
1594 Interest paid to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToGroupUndertakings
1595 Interest paid to parent entities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToParentEntities
1596 Interest paid to subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToSubsidiaries
1597 Interest paid to associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
1598 Interest paid to associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToAssociates
1599 Interest paid to joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToJointVentures
1600 Interest paid to other related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestPaidToOtherRelatedParties
1601 Further item of interest paid to related parties [component of total interest paid to related parties] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemInterestPaidToRelatedPartiesComponentTotalInterestPaidToRelatedParties
1602 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
1603 Interest expense on financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1604 Interest expense on financial liabilities initially designated at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesInitiallyDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1605 Interest expense on financial liabilities held for trading at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTradingFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1606 Borrowing costs included in the cost of qualifying assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:BorrowingCostsIncludedInCostQualifyingAssets
1607 Borrowing costs capitalised Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:BorrowingCostsCapitalised
1608 Amortisation of discounts or premiums relating to borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AmortisationDiscountsOrPremiumsRelatingToBorrowings
1609 Amortisation of ancillary costs related to borrowing arrangements Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AmortisationAncillaryCostsRelatedToBorrowingArrangements
1610 Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, general borrowings pool Concept (Percent) For Period core:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsGeneralBorrowingsPool
1611 Bank charges classified as finance costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:BankChargesClassifiedAsFinanceCosts
1612 Interest expense on liabilities of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan
1613 Interest expense on settlement of tax issues / disputes Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnSettlementTaxIssuesDisputes
1614 Further item of interest expense [component of total interest expense] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemInterestExpenseComponentTotalInterestExpense
1615 Other interest expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherInterestExpense
1616 Increase (decrease) in finance costs due to redemption and extinguishment of debt Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInFinanceCostsDueToRedemptionExtinguishmentDebt
1617 Increase (decrease) in finance costs due to movements on amounts owed to non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInFinanceCostsDueToMovementsOnAmountsOwedToNon-controllingInterests
1618 Loss on financing activities due to foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:LossOnFinancingActivitiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferences
1619 Unwinding of discount on provisions, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:UnwindingDiscountOnProvisionsExpense
1620 Unwinding of discount on other payables, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:UnwindingDiscountOnOtherPayablesExpense
1621 Unwinding of discount on deferred consideration, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:UnwindingDiscountOnDeferredConsiderationExpense
1622 Unwinding of discount on financial instruments, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:UnwindingDiscountOnFinancialInstrumentsExpense
1623 Unwinding of discount on business combination, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:UnwindingDiscountOnBusinessCombinationExpense
1624 Fee expense on financial liabilities that are not at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FeeExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesThatAreNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1625 Fee expense on trust and other fiduciary activities resulting in holding of assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FeeExpenseOnTrustOtherFiduciaryActivitiesResultingInHoldingAssets
1626 Increase (decrease) in minimum finance lease payments recognised as expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInMinimumFinanceLeasePaymentsRecognisedAsExpense
1627 Increase in contingent rents on finance leases recognised as expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInContingentRentsOnFinanceLeasesRecognisedAsExpense
1628 Further item of finance cost [component of total finance cost] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemFinanceCostComponentTotalFinanceCost
1629 Other finance costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherFinanceCosts
1630 Finance costs free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FinanceCostsFree-textComment
1631 Impairment loss (reversal), financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalFinancialAssets
1632 Impairment loss, financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossFinancialAssets
1633 Impairment reversal, financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalFinancialAssets
1634 Impairment loss (reversal), financial assets at amortised cost Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost
1635 Impairment loss, financial assets at amortised cost Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost
1636 Impairment reversal, financial assets at amortised cost Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost
1637 Impairment loss (reversal), trade and other receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalTradeOtherReceivables
1638 Impairment loss, trade and other receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossTradeOtherReceivables
1639 Impairment reversal, trade and other receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalTradeOtherReceivables
1640 Impairment loss (reversal) on investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalOnInvestments
1641 Impairment loss on investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossOnInvestments
1642 Impairment reversal on investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalOnInvestments
1643 Further item of impairment loss (reversal) on financial assets [component of total impairment loss (reversal) on financial assets] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemImpairmentLossReversalOnFinancialAssetsComponentTotalImpairmentLossReversalOnFinancialAssets
1644 For allowance for impairment losses, see 'Allowance / provision for impairment losses' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForAllowanceForImpairmentLossesSeeAllowanceProvisionForImpairmentLossesSectionCross-reference
1645 Financial instruments net gains and losses, before tax [heading] Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsNetGainsLossesBeforeTaxHeading
1646 Items in this section may be presented under finance income or costs, depending on whether they represent a gain or loss [guidance] Abstract core:ItemsInThisSectionMayBePresentedUnderFinanceIncomeOrCostsDependingOnWhetherTheyRepresentGainOrLossGuidance
1647 Financial instruments net gain (loss), before tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FinancialInstrumentsNetGainLossBeforeTax
1648 Gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1649 Gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1650 Gain (loss) on financial assets initially designated at fair value, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsInitiallyDesignatedFairValueRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1651 Gain (loss) on financial assets held for trading, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1652 Further item of gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure [component of total gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemGainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentTotalGainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1653 Gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1654 Gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments initially designated at fair value, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsInitiallyDesignatedFairValueRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1655 Gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments held for trading, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTradingRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1656 Further item of gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments at fair value through income and expenditure [component of total gain (loss) on derivative financial instruments at fair value through income and expenditure] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemGainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentTotalGainLossOnDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1657 Gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1658 Gain (loss) on financial liabilities initially designated at fair value, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesInitiallyDesignatedFairValueRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1659 Gain (loss) on financial liabilities held for trading, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTradingRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1660 Further item of gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure [component of total gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemGainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLossComponentTotalGainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
1661 Gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities, recognised in income and expenditure, free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInProfitOrLossFree-textComment
1662 Gain (loss) on financial assets at amortised cost Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsAmortisedCost
1663 Gain (loss) on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDisposalAvailable-for-saleFinancialAssets
1664 Gain (loss) on financial liabilities at amortised cost Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesAmortisedCost
1665 Gain (loss) on hedge accounting recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnHedgeAccountingRecognisedInProfitLoss
1666 Gain (loss) on hedging instruments designated as fair value hedges Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnHedgingInstrumentsDesignatedAsFairValueHedges
1667 Gain (loss) on fair value hedged items attributable to hedged risk Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFairValueHedgedItemsAttributableToHedgedRisk
1668 Gain (loss) on ineffectiveness of cash flow hedges recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnIneffectivenessCashFlowHedgesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1669 Gain (loss) on ineffectiveness of net investment hedge recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnIneffectivenessNetInvestmentHedgeRecognisedInProfitLoss
1670 Gain (loss) on reclassification of cash flow hedges recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnReclassificationCashFlowHedgesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
1671 Further item of gain (loss) on hedge accounting recognised in income and expenditure [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemGainLossOnHedgeAccountingRecognisedInProfitOrLossComponentCorrespondingTotal
1672 Gain (loss) on cash and cash equivalents from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnCashCashEquivalentsFromForeignExchangeDifferences
1673 Gain (loss) on financial instruments not at fair value through income and expenditure from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsNotFairValueThroughProfitOrLossFromForeignExchangeDifferences
1674 Further item of financial instrument net gain (loss), before tax [component of total financial instruments net gain (loss), before tax] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemFinancialInstrumentNetGainLossBeforeTaxComponentTotalFinancialInstrumentsNetGainLossBeforeTax
1675 Financial instruments net gains and losses free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FinancialInstrumentsNetGainsLossesFree-textComment
1676 Income tax [heading] Abstract core:IncomeTaxHeading
1677 Use tax jurisdiction dimension to identify UK and foreign tax if required [guidance] Abstract core:UseTaxJurisdictionDimensionToIdentifyUKForeignTaxIfRequiredGuidance
1678 Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] Abstract core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance
1679 Use exceptionals dimension to identify exceptional and specific non-exceptional values [guidance] Abstract core:UseExceptionalsDimensionToIdentifyExceptionalSpecificNon-exceptionalValuesGuidance
1680 Tax (tax credit) on profit or loss on ordinary activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxTaxCreditOnProfitOrLossOnOrdinaryActivities
1681 Total current tax expense (credit) Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalCurrentTaxExpenseCredit
1682 Current tax for the period Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CurrentTaxForPeriod
1683 Increase (decrease) in current tax from adjustment for prior periods Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromAdjustmentForPriorPeriods
1684 Increase (decrease) in current tax due to changes in accounting policies and errors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxDueToChangesInAccountingPoliciesErrors
1685 Increase (decrease) in current tax from foreign exchange adjustments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromForeignExchangeAdjustments
1686 Double taxation relief Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DoubleTaxationRelief
1687 Withholding tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:WithholdingTax
1688 Group tax relief received (paid) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GroupTaxReliefReceivedPaid
1689 Research and development tax credit Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ResearchDevelopmentTaxCredit
1690 Further item of current tax expense (credit) [component of total current tax expense] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemCurrentTaxExpenseCreditComponentTotalCurrentTaxExpense
1691 Other current tax expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherCurrentTaxExpense
1692 Current tax free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CurrentTaxFree-textComment
1693 Total deferred tax expense (credit) Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalDeferredTaxExpenseCredit
1694 Deferred tax expense (credit) relating to origination and reversal of timing differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditRelatingToOriginationReversalTimingDifferences
1695 Deferred tax expense (credit) relating to changes in tax rates or laws Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditRelatingToChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws
1696 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax expense arising from a change in the tax status of the entity or its shareholders Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxExpenseArisingFromChangeInTaxStatusEntityOrItsShareholders
1697 Decrease (increase) in estimate of recoverable deferred tax asset Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseIncreaseInEstimateRecoverableDeferredTaxAsset
1698 Further item of deferred expense (credit) [component of total deferred tax expense] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemDeferredExpenseCreditComponentTotalDeferredTaxExpense
1699 Other deferred tax expense (credit) Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherDeferredTaxExpenseCredit
1700 Deferred tax free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DeferredTaxFree-textComment
1701 Tax expense (credit) relating to gain or loss on discontinuance of operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditRelatingToGainOrLossOnDiscontinuanceOperations
1702 Share of income tax expense (credit) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ShareIncomeTaxExpenseCreditAssociatesJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
1703 Share of income tax expense (credit) of associates accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ShareIncomeTaxExpenseCreditAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
1704 Share of income tax expense (credit) of joint ventures accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ShareIncomeTaxExpenseCreditJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
1705 Reconciliation between tax expense and accounting profit multiplied by applicable tax rate [heading] Abstract core:ReconciliationBetweenTaxExpenseAccountingProfitMultipliedByApplicableTaxRateHeading
1706 Tax rates [heading] Abstract core:TaxRatesHeading
1707 Applicable tax rate Concept (Percent) For Period core:ApplicableTaxRate
1708 Description of basis on which applicable tax rate has been determined Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBasisOnWhichApplicableTaxRateHasBeenDetermined
1709 Tax expense (credit) at applicable tax rate Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditApplicableTaxRate
1710 Increase (decrease) in current tax from adjustment for prior periods Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromAdjustmentForPriorPeriods
1711 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of capital allowances and depreciation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectCapitalAllowancesDepreciation
1712 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of different tax rates on some earnings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectDifferentTaxRatesOnSomeEarnings
1713 Tax increase (decrease) from other short-term timing differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromOtherShort-termTimingDifferences
1714 Tax decrease (increase) from effect of revenue exempt from taxation Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TaxDecreaseIncreaseFromEffectRevenueExemptFromTaxation
1715 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of expenses not deductible in determining taxable profit or loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectExpensesNotDeductibleInDeterminingTaxableProfitOrLoss
1716 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of non-tax deductible amortisation of goodwill and impairment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectNon-taxDeductibleAmortisationGoodwillImpairment
1717 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of expenses not deductible for tax purposes, other than goodwill amortisation and impairment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectExpensesNotDeductibleForTaxPurposesOtherThanGoodwillAmortisationImpairment
1718 Tax decrease from utilisation of tax losses Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TaxDecreaseFromUtilisationTaxLosses
1719 Tax decrease from tax losses for which no deferred tax asset was recognised Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TaxDecreaseFromTaxLossesForWhichNoDeferredTaxAssetWasRecognised
1720 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of unrelieved tax losses carried forward Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectUnrelievedTaxLossesCarriedForward
1721 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of joint ventures and associates results reported net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectJointVenturesAssociatesResultsReportedNetTax
1722 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of exercise of employee share options Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectExerciseEmployeeShareOptions
1723 Tax increase (decrease) arising from group relief, tax reconciliation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseArisingFromGroupReliefTaxReconciliation
1724 Tax increase (decrease) from transfer pricing adjustments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromTransferPricingAdjustments
1725 Double taxation relief Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DoubleTaxationRelief
1726 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of foreign tax rates Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectForeignTaxRates
1727 Tax increase (decrease) arising from overseas tax suffered / expensed Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseArisingFromOverseasTaxSufferedExpensed
1728 Increase (decrease) in current tax from unrecognised tax loss or credit Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromUnrecognisedTaxLossOrCredit
1729 Deferred tax expense (credit) from unrecognised tax loss or credit Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditFromUnrecognisedTaxLossOrCredit
1730 Increase (decrease) in current tax from unrecognised timing difference from a prior period Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCurrentTaxFromUnrecognisedTimingDifferenceFromPriorPeriod
1731 Deferred tax expense (credit) from unrecognised timing difference from a prior period Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditFromUnrecognisedTimingDifferenceFromPriorPeriod
1732 Deferred tax expense (credit) relating to changes in tax rates or laws Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditRelatingToChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws
1733 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of dividends from companies Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectDividendsFromCompanies
1734 Tax decrease (increase) from effect of tax incentives Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TaxDecreaseIncreaseFromEffectTaxIncentives
1735 Tax increase (decrease) from changes in pension fund prepayment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromChangesInPensionFundPrepayment
1736 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of adjustment for long accounting periods Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectAdjustmentForLongAccountingPeriods
1737 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of adjustment in research and development tax credit Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectAdjustmentInResearchDevelopmentTaxCredit
1738 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of indexation allowance on capital gains Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectIndexationAllowanceOnCapitalGains
1739 Tax increase (decrease) from changes in tax provisions due to legislation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromChangesInTaxProvisionsDueToLegislation
1740 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of rollover relief on profit on disposal of fixed assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectRolloverReliefOnProfitOnDisposalFixedAssets
1741 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of unrelieved loss on disposal of operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectUnrelievedLossOnDisposalOperations
1742 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of unrelieved loss on foreign subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectUnrelievedLossOnForeignSubsidiaries
1743 Further item of tax increase (decrease) [component of adjusting items] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemTaxIncreaseDecreaseComponentAdjustingItems
1744 Tax increase (decrease) from other tax effects, tax reconciliation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromOtherTaxEffectsTaxReconciliation
1745 Income tax expense (credit) on components of other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncomeTaxExpenseCreditOnComponentsOtherComprehensiveIncome
1746 Tax expense (credit) on foreign exchange translation differences, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnForeignExchangeTranslationDifferencesInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1747 Tax expense (credit) on hedge of investments in foreign operations, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnHedgeInvestmentsInForeignOperationsInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1748 Total tax expense (credit) on cash flow hedges, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalTaxExpenseCreditOnCashFlowHedgesInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1749 Tax expense (credit) on change in fair value of cash flow hedges, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnChangeInFairValueCashFlowHedgesInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1750 Tax expense (credit) on reclassification of cash flow hedges to profit or loss from equity, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnReclassificationCashFlowHedgesToProfitOrLossFromEquityInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1751 Further item of tax expense (credit) on cash flow hedges, in other comprehensive income [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemTaxExpenseCreditOnCashFlowHedgesInOtherComprehensiveIncomeComponentCorrespondingTotal
1752 Tax expense (credit) on revaluation of property, plant and equipment, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1753 Tax expense (credit) on revaluation of investment properties, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRevaluationInvestmentPropertiesInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1754 Tax expense (credit) on revaluation of biological assets, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRevaluationBiologicalAssetsInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1755 Tax expense (credit) on revaluation of other assets, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRevaluationOtherAssetsInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1756 Tax expense (credit) on remeasurement of defined benefit plans, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnRemeasurementDefinedBenefitPlansInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1757 Tax expense (credit) on share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnShareOtherComprehensiveIncomeAssociatesJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
1758 Tax expense (credit) on share of other comprehensive income of associates accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnShareOtherComprehensiveIncomeAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
1759 Tax expense (credit) on share of other comprehensive income of joint ventures accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnShareOtherComprehensiveIncomeJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
1760 Increase (decrease) in tax expense due to changes in tax rates, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInTaxExpenseDueToChangesInTaxRatesInOtherComprehensiveIncome
1761 Further item of tax expense (credit) in other comprehensive income [component of total tax expense (credit) on items of other comprehensive income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemTaxExpenseCreditInOtherComprehensiveIncomeComponentTotalTaxExpenseCreditOnItemsOtherComprehensiveIncome
1762 Tax expense or credit recognised in equity [heading] Abstract core:TaxExpenseOrCreditRecognisedInEquityHeading
1763 Total tax expense (credit) on items recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalTaxExpenseCreditOnItemsRecognisedInEquity
1764 Current tax expense (credit), recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CurrentTaxExpenseCreditRecognisedInEquity
1765 Deferred tax expense (credit), recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditRecognisedInEquity
1766 Components of tax expense or credit recognised in equity [heading] Abstract core:ComponentsTaxExpenseOrCreditRecognisedInEquityHeading
1767 Tax expense (credit) on share-based payment arrangement, recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnShare-basedPaymentArrangementRecognisedInEquity
1768 Current tax expense (credit) on share-based payment arrangement, recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CurrentTaxExpenseCreditOnShare-basedPaymentArrangementRecognisedInEquity
1769 Deferred tax expense (credit) on share-based payment arrangement, recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DeferredTaxExpenseCreditOnShare-basedPaymentArrangementRecognisedInEquity
1770 Tax expense (credit) on discontinued operations, recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnDiscontinuedOperationsRecognisedInEquity
1771 Tax expense (credit) on convertible notes, recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnConvertibleNotesRecognisedInEquity
1772 Tax expense (credit) on depreciation transfer of revaluation surplus, recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditOnDepreciationTransferRevaluationSurplusRecognisedInEquity
1773 Further item of tax expense (credit) recognised in equity [component of total tax expense (credit) recognised in equity] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemTaxExpenseCreditRecognisedInEquityComponentTotalTaxExpenseCreditRecognisedInEquity
1774 Other income tax items [heading] Abstract core:OtherIncomeTaxItemsHeading
1775 Description of changes in applicable tax rates Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionChangesInApplicableTaxRates
1776 Description of income tax consequences of dividends proposed or declared but not recognised as a liability Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionIncomeTaxConsequencesDividendsProposedOrDeclaredButNotRecognisedAsLiability
1777 Amount of income tax affected by dividends not recognised as a liability Concept (Monetary) For Period core:AmountIncomeTaxAffectedByDividendsNotRecognisedAsLiability
1778 Description of potential income tax consequences from payment of a dividend, including those not practically determinable Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionPotentialIncomeTaxConsequencesFromPaymentDividendIncludingThoseNotPracticallyDeterminable
1779 Income tax free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:IncomeTaxFree-textComment
1780 Earnings per share [heading] Abstract core:EarningsPerShareHeading
1781 Basic earnings (loss) per share Concept (Share) For Period core:BasicEarningsLossPerShare
1782 Diluted earnings (loss) per share Concept (Share) For Period core:DilutedEarningsLossPerShare
1783 Alternative earnings per share (non-GAAP number) Concept (Share) For Period core:AlternativeEarningsPerShareNon-GAAPNumber
1784 Alternative diluted earnings per share (non-GAAP number) Concept (Share) For Period core:AlternativeDilutedEarningsPerShareNon-GAAPNumber
1785 Profit (loss), attributable to ordinary equity holders of parent entity, basic Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossAttributableToOrdinaryEquityHoldersParentEntityBasic
1786 Profit (loss), attributable to ordinary equity holders of parent entity, diluted Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossAttributableToOrdinaryEquityHoldersParentEntityDiluted
1787 Weighted average number of shares, basic Concept (Shares) For Period core:WeightedAverageNumberSharesBasic
1788 Weighted average number of shares, diluted Concept (Shares) For Period core:WeightedAverageNumberSharesDiluted
1789 Description of instruments which may dilute earnings per share Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInstrumentsWhichMayDiluteEarningsPerShare
1790 Description of transactions after reporting period which significantly alter number of ordinary shares outstanding Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionTransactionsAfterReportingPeriodWhichSignificantlyAlterNumberOrdinarySharesOutstanding
1791 Earnings per share free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:EarningsPerShareFree-textComment
1792 Specific reconciling items / adjustments in earnings per share note are not required to be tagged [guidance] Abstract core:SpecificReconcilingItemsAdjustmentsInEarningsPerShareNoteAreNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance
1793 Notes on income and receipt of endowment [heading] Abstract char:NotesOnIncomeReceiptEndowmentHeading
1794 Use continuing / discontinued dimension to identify continued, discontinued and held for sale values [guidance] Abstract core:UseContinuingDiscontinuedDimensionToIdentifyContinuedDiscontinuedHeldForSaleValuesGuidance
1795 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance
1796 Income and endowments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeEndowments
1797 Donations and legacies Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:DonationsLegacies
1798 Donations and gifts Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:DonationsGifts
1799 Membership subscriptions and sponsorships which are in substance donations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:MembershipSubscriptionsSponsorshipsWhichAreInSubstanceDonations
1800 Gift aid Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:GiftAid
1801 Legacies Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:Legacies
1802 Government grant income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GovernmentGrantIncome
1803 Description of government grants and other forms of government assistance Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionGovernmentGrantsOtherFormsGovernmentAssistance
1804 Description of unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies attaching to government assistance Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionUnfulfilledConditionsOtherContingenciesAttachingToGovernmentAssistance
1805 Other general grants Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:OtherGeneralGrants
1806 Donated goods, facilities and services Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:DonatedGoodsFacilitiesServices
1807 Volunteer contribution in terms of hours Concept (Decimal) For Period char:VolunteerContributionInTermsHours
1808 Volunteer contribution in terms of staff equivalents Concept (Decimal) For Period char:VolunteerContributionInTermsStaffEquivalents
1809 Seconded staff Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:SecondedStaff
1810 Use of property Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:UseProperty
1811 Further item of donated goods and services [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FurtherItemDonatedGoodsServicesComponentCorrespondingTotal
1812 Description of unfulfilled conditions or other contingencies attaching to resources from donated goods and services not recognised as income Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionUnfulfilledConditionsOrOtherContingenciesAttachingToResourcesFromDonatedGoodsServicesNotRecognisedAsIncome
1813 Description of other donated goods and services not recognised in the accounts Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionOtherDonatedGoodsServicesNotRecognisedInAccounts
1814 Endowments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:Endowments
1815 Permanent Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:Permanent
1816 Expendable Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:Expendable
1817 Further item of donations and legacies [component of total donations and legacies] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FurtherItemDonationsLegaciesComponentTotalDonationsLegacies
1818 Income from charitable activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeFromCharitableActivities
1819 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1820 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1821 Use charitable income type dimension to identify type of charitable income [guidance] Abstract char:UseCharitableIncomeTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeCharitableIncomeGuidance
1822 Income from charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeFromCharitableActivity
1823 Further item of income from charitable activities [component of total income from charitable activities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FurtherItemIncomeFromCharitableActivitiesComponentTotalIncomeFromCharitableActivities
1824 Income from other trading activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeFromOtherTradingActivities
1825 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1826 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1827 Use non-charitable income type dimension to identify type of non-charitable income [guidance] Abstract char:UseNon-charitableIncomeTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeNon-charitableIncomeGuidance
1828 Income from other trading activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncomeFromOtherTradingActivity
1829 Further item of income from other trading activities [component of total income from other trading activities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FurtherItemIncomeFromOtherTradingActivitiesComponentTotalIncomeFromOtherTradingActivities
1830 For income from investments see finance income and cost items [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForIncomeFromInvestmentsSeeFinanceIncomeCostItemsCross-reference
1831 Other income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:OtherIncome
1832 For conversion of endowment funds into income, use the charity funds dimension [guidance] Abstract char:ForConversionEndowmentFundsIntoIncomeUseCharityFundsDimensionGuidance
1833 Release to income funds from endowment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:ReleaseToIncomeFundsFromEndowment
1834 Release to income funds from unapplied total return fund Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:ReleaseToIncomeFundsFromUnappliedTotalReturnFund
1835 Explanation for the conversion of endowment to income during the reporting period Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationForConversionEndowmentToIncomeDuringReportingPeriod
1836 Explanation of the legal power for conversion of endowment to income Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationLegalPowerForConversionEndowmentToIncome
1837 Gain on disposal of a tangible fixed asset held for charity's own use Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:GainOnDisposalTangibleFixedAssetHeldForCharitysOwnUse
1838 Gain on disposal of a programme related investment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:GainOnDisposalProgrammeRelatedInvestment
1839 Royalties from the exploitation of intellectual property rights Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:RoyaltiesFromExploitationIntellectualPropertyRights
1840 Further items of income not falling into the other income categories [component of total other income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:FurtherItemsIncomeNotFallingIntoOtherIncomeCategoriesComponentTotalOtherIncome
1841 Notes on expenditure [heading] Abstract char:NotesOnExpenditureHeading
1842 Expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:Expenditure
1843 Costs of raising funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostsRaisingFunds
1844 Use fundraising expense type dimension to identify type of fundraising expense [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundraisingExpenseTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeFundraisingExpenseGuidance
1845 Fundraising direct costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FundraisingDirectCosts
1846 Fundraising support costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FundraisingSupportCosts
1847 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1848 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1849 Support costs of fundraising activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsFundraisingActivity
1850 Further item of costs of raising funds [component of total costs of raising funds] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FurtherItemCostsRaisingFundsComponentTotalCostsRaisingFunds
1851 Fundraising by activity [heading] Abstract char:FundraisingByActivityHeading
1852 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1853 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1854 Cost of fundraising activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostFundraisingActivity
1855 Use fundraising expense type dimension to identify type of fundraising expense [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundraisingExpenseTypeDimensionToIdentifyTypeFundraisingExpenseGuidance
1856 Direct costs of fundraising activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:DirectCostsFundraisingActivity
1857 Support costs of fundraising activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsFundraisingActivity
1858 Charitable expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CharitableExpenditure
1859 Direct charitable expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:DirectCharitableExpenditure
1860 Charitable support costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CharitableSupportCosts
1861 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1862 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1863 Support costs of charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsCharitableActivity
1864 Further item of charitable expenditure [component of total charitable expenditure] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FurtherItemCharitableExpenditureComponentTotalCharitableExpenditure
1865 Charitable expenditure by activity [heading] Abstract char:CharitableExpenditureByActivityHeading
1866 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1867 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1868 Cost of charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CostCharitableActivity
1869 Direct cost of charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:DirectCostCharitableActivity
1870 Support costs of charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsCharitableActivity
1871 Use institutional grant recipient dimension for analysis and disclosure of grants to institutions [guidance] Abstract char:UseInstitutionalGrantRecipientDimensionForAnalysisDisclosureGrantsToInstitutionsGuidance
1872 Grant funding Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:GrantFunding
1873 Total grants to individuals Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:TotalGrantsToIndividuals
1874 Total grants to institutions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:TotalGrantsToInstitutions
1875 Material grants to institutions [grouping] Abstract char:MaterialGrantsToInstitutionsGrouping
1876 Name of specific institutional grant recipient Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameSpecificInstitutionalGrantRecipient
1877 Amount of specific institutional grant Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:AmountSpecificInstitutionalGrant
1878 For a list of grant recipients, if published separately, see 'Website main page URL' [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForListGrantRecipientsIfPublishedSeparatelySeeWebsiteMainPageURLCross-reference
1879 Grant funding support costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:GrantFundingSupportCosts
1880 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1881 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1882 Support costs of grant funding activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsGrantFundingActivity
1883 Grants paid by activity [heading] Abstract char:GrantsPaidByActivityHeading
1884 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1885 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1886 Grant funding activity expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:GrantFundingActivityExpenditure
1887 Grant funding for activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:GrantFundingForActivity
1888 Support costs of grant funding activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsGrantFundingActivity
1889 Statement of exemption to disclosure on the grounds of serious prejudice Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementExemptionToDisclosureOnGroundsSeriousPrejudice
1890 Number of grants not disclosed on the grounds of serious prejudice Concept (Decimal) For Period char:NumberGrantsNotDisclosedOnGroundsSeriousPrejudice
1891 Value of grants not disclosed on the grounds of serious prejudice Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:ValueGrantsNotDisclosedOnGroundsSeriousPrejudice
1892 Description of the general purpose of those grants not disclosed on the grounds of serious prejudice Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionGeneralPurposeThoseGrantsNotDisclosedOnGroundsSeriousPrejudice
1893 Non disclosure of grants on the grounds of serious prejudice free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NonDisclosureGrantsOnGroundsSeriousPrejudiceFree-textComment
1894 Analysis of support costs [heading] Abstract char:AnalysisSupportCostsHeading
1895 Support costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCosts
1896 Fundraising support costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FundraisingSupportCosts
1897 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1898 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1899 Support costs of fundraising activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsFundraisingActivity
1900 Charitable support costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CharitableSupportCosts
1901 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1902 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1903 Support costs of charitable activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsCharitableActivity
1904 Grant funding support costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:GrantFundingSupportCosts
1905 Use activity dimension to identify activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionToIdentifyActivityGuidance
1906 Description of activity Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionActivity
1907 Support costs of grant funding activity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:SupportCostsGrantFundingActivity
1908 Further items of support costs [component of total support costs] Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FurtherItemsSupportCostsComponentTotalSupportCosts
1909 Analysis of governance costs [heading] Abstract char:AnalysisGovernanceCostsHeading
1910 Governance costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:GovernanceCosts
1911 Trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits including payments to third parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:DirectorRemunerationBenefitsIncludingPaymentsToThirdParties
1912 Payments to third parties for trustees'/directors' services Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:PaymentsToThirdPartiesForDirectorServices
1913 Trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:DirectorRemunerationBenefitsExcludingPaymentsToThirdParties
1914 Trustees'/directors' remuneration Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:DirectorRemuneration
1915 Salaries and fees, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:SalariesFeesDirectors
1916 Salaries, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:SalariesDirectors
1917 Fees, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:FeesDirectors
1918 Bonuses, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:BonusesDirectors
1919 Benefits in kind, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:BenefitsInKindDirectors
1920 Expense allowances, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:ExpenseAllowancesDirectors
1921 Gain (loss) on exercise of share options, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:GainLossOnExerciseShareOptionsDirectors
1922 Amount received or receivable under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:AmountReceivedOrReceivableUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors
1923 Net assets received or receivable under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:NetAssetsReceivedOrReceivableUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors
1924 Company contributions to money purchase plans, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:CompanyContributionsToMoneyPurchasePlansDirectors
1925 Company contributions to defined benefit plans, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:CompanyContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlansDirectors
1926 Further item of Trustee/Director remuneration and benefits [component of total trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:FurtherItemDirectorRemunerationBenefitsComponentTotalDirectorRemunerationBenefitsExcludingPaymentsToThirdParties
1927 Description of any non-cash benefits, trustees/directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionAnyNon-cashBenefitsDirectors
1928 Description of any arrangements under which trustees/directors waive emoluments Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionAnyArrangementsUnderWhichDirectorsWaiveEmoluments
1929 Trustees' remuneration and benefits Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TrusteesRemunerationBenefits
1930 None of the trustees have been paid any remuneration or received any other benefits [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoneTrusteesHaveBeenPaidAnyRemunerationOrReceivedAnyOtherBenefitsTruefalse
1931 One or more of the trustees has been paid remuneration or received other benefits [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:OneOrMoreTrusteesHasBeenPaidRemunerationOrReceivedOtherBenefitsTruefalse
1932 Name of remunerated trustee Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameRemuneratedTrustee
1933 Legal authority under which the trustee payment was made [heading] Abstract char:LegalAuthorityUnderWhichTrusteePaymentWasMadeHeading
1934 Provision in the governing document Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ProvisionInGoverningDocument
1935 Order of the court Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OrderCourt
1936 Permission from regulatory body Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PermissionFromRegulatoryBody
1937 Other legal authority Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OtherLegalAuthority
1938 Reason for remuneration Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonForRemuneration
1939 Amount of remuneration Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountRemuneration
1940 Amount of pension contributions paid in the reporting period Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountPensionContributionsPaidInReportingPeriod
1941 Amount for administrative support Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountForAdministrativeSupport
1942 Further trustee employee benefit item [component of total trustees remuneration and benefits] Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FurtherTrusteeEmployeeBenefitItemComponentTotalTrusteesRemunerationBenefits
1943 Trustees expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TrusteesExpenses
1944 No trustee expenses have been incurred [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoTrusteeExpensesHaveBeenIncurredTruefalse
1945 One or more trustees have had their expenses met by the charity [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:OneOrMoreTrusteesHaveHadTheirExpensesMetByCharityTruefalse
1946 Amount of any material expenses waived by trustees Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountAnyMaterialExpensesWaivedByTrustees
1947 Amount of expenses reimbursed or paid directly to third parties Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountExpensesReimbursedOrPaidDirectlyToThirdParties
1948 Travel Concept (Monetary) For Period char:Travel
1949 Subsistence Concept (Monetary) For Period char:Subsistence
1950 Accommodation Concept (Monetary) For Period char:Accommodation
1951 Further item of trustees' expenses [component of total trustees expenses] Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FurtherItemTrusteesExpensesComponentTotalTrusteesExpenses
1952 Number of trustees reimbursed or who had expenses paid by the charity to third parties Concept (Monetary) For Period char:NumberTrusteesReimbursedOrWhoHadExpensesPaidByCharityToThirdParties
1953 Total fees to auditors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:TotalFeesToAuditors
1954 Audit fees and expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:AuditFeesExpenses
1955 Description of benefits in kind for audit services Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:DescriptionBenefitsInKindForAuditServices
1956 Estimated money value of benefits in kind for audit services Concept (Monetary) For Period aurep:EstimatedMoneyValueBenefitsInKindForAuditServices
1957 Fees for non-audit services Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:FeesForNon-auditServices
1958 Auditing accounts of associates, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesFees
1959 Auditing accounts of associates, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesPensionSchemesFees
1960 Auditing accounts of associates, service to entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:AuditingAccountsAssociatesServiceToEntitySubsidiariesFees
1961 Audit-related assurance services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesFees
1962 Audit-related assurance services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesPensionSchemesFees
1963 Audit-related assurance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:Audit-relatedAssuranceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1964 Independent examination fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:IndependentExaminationFees
1965 Taxation compliance services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesFees
1966 Taxation compliance services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesPensionSchemesFees
1967 Taxation compliance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:TaxationComplianceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1968 Other taxation advisory services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesFees
1969 Other taxation advisory services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesPensionSchemesFees
1970 Other taxation advisory services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherTaxationAdvisoryServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1971 Internal audit services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:InternalAuditServicesFees
1972 Internal audit services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:InternalAuditServicesPensionSchemesFees
1973 Internal audit services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:InternalAuditServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1974 Other assurance services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesFees
1975 Other assurance services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesPensionSchemesFees
1976 Other assurance services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherAssuranceServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1977 Corporate finance transactions, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsFees
1978 Corporate finance transactions, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsPensionSchemesFees
1979 Corporate finance transactions, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:CorporateFinanceTransactionsEntitySubsidiariesFees
1980 Other non-audit services, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesFees
1981 Other non-audit services, pension schemes, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesPensionSchemesFees
1982 Other non-audit services, entity and subsidiaries, fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit aurep:OtherNon-auditServicesEntitySubsidiariesFees
1983 Description of benefits in kind for non-audit services Concept (Text/String) For Period aurep:DescriptionBenefitsInKindForNon-auditServices
1984 Estimated money value of benefits in kind for non-audit services Concept (Monetary) For Period aurep:EstimatedMoneyValueBenefitsInKindForNon-auditServices
1985 Accountancy costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AccountancyCosts
1986 Professional, consultancy and legal fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProfessionalConsultancyLegalFees
1987 Professional and consultancy fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProfessionalConsultancyFees
1988 Legal fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:LegalFees
1989 Further Item of governance costs [component of total governance costs] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:FurtherItemGovernanceCostsComponentTotalGovernanceCosts
1990 Other expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:OtherExpenditure
1991 Further items of other expenditure [component of total other expenditure] Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FurtherItemsOtherExpenditureComponentTotalOtherExpenditure
1992 Gain (loss) on investment assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:GainLossOnInvestmentAssets
1993 For gains (losses) on investment assets see 'Net gain / loss before tax items' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForGainsLossesOnInvestmentAssetsSeeNetGainLossBeforeTaxItemsSectionCross-reference
1994 For other gains (losses) on investments see 'Financial assets' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForOtherGainsLossesOnInvestmentsSeeFinancialAssetsSectionCross-reference
1995 Transfers between funds [heading] Abstract char:TransfersBetweenFundsHeading
1996 For transfers between funds and conversion of endowments use the charity funds dimension [guidance] Abstract char:ForTransfersBetweenFundsConversionEndowmentsUseCharityFundsDimensionGuidance
1997 Conversion of endowment funds may also be included in other income [guidance] Abstract char:ConversionEndowmentFundsMayAlsoBeIncludedInOtherIncomeGuidance
1998 Explanation for the conversion of endowment to income during the reporting period Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationForConversionEndowmentToIncomeDuringReportingPeriod
1999 Explanation of the legal power for conversion of endowment to income Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationLegalPowerForConversionEndowmentToIncome
2000 Explanation of material designated funds Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationMaterialDesignatedFunds
2001 Transfer to (from) unrestricted funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromUnrestrictedFunds
2002 Transfer to (from) designated funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromDesignatedFunds
2003 Transfer to (from) restricted funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromRestrictedFunds
2004 Transfer to (from) endowment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromEndowmentFunds
2005 Transfer to (from) expendable endowment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:TransferToFromExpendableEndowmentFunds
2006 Other recognised gains (losses) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:OtherRecognisedGainsLosses
2007 For gains (losses) on the revaluation of fixed assets see 'Net gain / loss before tax items' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForGainsLossesOnRevaluationFixedAssetsSeeNetGainLossBeforeTaxItemsSectionCross-reference
2008 For the details of actuarial gain (loss) on defined benefit pension schemes see 'Post-employment benefits' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForDetailsActuarialGainLossOnDefinedBenefitPensionSchemesSeePost-employmentBenefitsSectionCross-reference
2009 Reconciliation of funds [heading] Abstract char:ReconciliationFundsHeading
2010 For reconciliation of funds use funds dimension [guidance] Abstract char:ForReconciliationFundsUseFundsDimensionGuidance
2011 Increase (decrease) in unrestricted funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncreaseDecreaseInUnrestrictedFunds
2012 Increase (decrease) in designated funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncreaseDecreaseInDesignatedFunds
2013 Increase (decrease) in restricted funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncreaseDecreaseInRestrictedFunds
2014 Increase (decrease) in endowment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncreaseDecreaseInEndowmentFunds
2015 Increase (decrease) in expendable endowment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:IncreaseDecreaseInExpendableEndowmentFunds
2016 Notes on assets and liabilities [heading] Abstract core:NotesOnAssetsLiabilitiesHeading
2017 Property, plant and equipment / tangible fixed assets [heading] Abstract core:PropertyPlantEquipmentTangibleFixedAssetsHeading
2018 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance
2019 Use property, plant and equipment classes dimension to identify individual PPE classes [guidance] Abstract core:UsePropertyPlantEquipmentClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualPPEClassesGuidance
2020 Use 'investment property' tag in PPE classes dimension to identify investment property reported within PPE [guidance] Abstract core:UseInvestmentPropertyTagInPPEClassesDimensionToIdentifyInvestmentPropertyReportedWithinPPEGuidance
2021 Use PPE ownership dimension to identify owned, leased and short and long lease values [guidance] Abstract core:UsePPEOwnershipDimensionToIdentifyOwnedLeasedShortLongLeaseValuesGuidance
2022 Property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PropertyPlantEquipment
2023 Property, plant and equipment - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:PropertyPlantEquipment-MovementAnalysisHeading
2024 Property, plant and equipment, gross / at cost Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PropertyPlantEquipmentGrossCost
2025 Increase (decrease) in property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInPropertyPlantEquipment
2026 Total additions including from business combinations, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalAdditionsIncludingFromBusinessCombinationsPropertyPlantEquipment
2027 Acquired through business combinations, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsPropertyPlantEquipment
2028 Additions other than through business combinations, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsPropertyPlantEquipment
2029 Disposals, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DisposalsPropertyPlantEquipment
2030 Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSalePropertyPlantEquipment
2031 Disposals through business divestiture, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestiturePropertyPlantEquipment
2032 Retirements, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RetirementsPropertyPlantEquipment
2033 Other disposals, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherDisposalsPropertyPlantEquipment
2034 Decrease through discontinued operations, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsPropertyPlantEquipment
2035 Total increase (decrease) from revaluations, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsPropertyPlantEquipment
2036 Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomePropertyPlantEquipment
2037 Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in income and expenditure, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment
2038 Increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferencesPropertyPlantEquipment
2039 Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutPropertyPlantEquipment
2040 Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesPropertyPlantEquipment
2041 Further item of increase (decrease) in PPE [component of total change in PPE] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInPPEComponentTotalChangeInPPE
2042 Increase (decrease) through other changes, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesPropertyPlantEquipment
2043 Property, plant and equipment movement analysis free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:PropertyPlantEquipmentMovementAnalysisFree-textComment
2044 Property, plant and equipment depreciation and impairment [heading] Abstract core:PropertyPlantEquipmentDepreciationImpairmentHeading
2045 Accumulated depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2046 Accumulated depreciation, not including impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedDepreciationNotIncludingImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2047 Accumulated impairment, not including depreciation, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedImpairmentNotIncludingDepreciationPropertyPlantEquipment
2048 Increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2049 Increase from depreciation charge for the year, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromDepreciationChargeForYearPropertyPlantEquipment
2050 Increase (decrease) from total impairment loss recognised or reversed, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromTotalImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedPropertyPlantEquipment
2051 Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomePropertyPlantEquipment
2052 Increase from impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomePropertyPlantEquipment
2053 Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomePropertyPlantEquipment
2054 Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in income and expenditure, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment
2055 Increase from impairment loss recognised in income and expenditure, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment
2056 Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in income and expenditure, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment
2057 Disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2058 Transfer to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TransferToNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2059 Business divestiture, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:BusinessDivestitureDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2060 Retirements, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RetirementsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2061 Other disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherDisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2062 Acquisitions, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AcquisitionsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2063 Revaluations, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2064 Foreign exchange differences, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2065 Transfers into or out of property, plant and equipment, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersIntoOrOutPropertyPlantEquipmentIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairment
2066 Transfers between PPE classes, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersBetweenPPEClassesIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairment
2067 Further item of increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, PPE [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPPEComponentCorrespondingTotal
2068 Other increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipment
2069 Description of line items in income statement in which depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment is included LineItems core:DescriptionLineItemsInIncomeStatementInWhichDepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipmentIncluded
2070 Depreciation and impairment, property, plant and equipment, free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DepreciationImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipmentFree-textComment
2071 Impairment of property, plant and equipment [heading] Abstract core:ImpairmentPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading
2072 Description of impairment losses recognised or reversed, property, plant and equipment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionImpairmentLossesRecognisedOrReversedPropertyPlantEquipment
2073 Discount rate used in estimate of recoverable amount, property, plant and equipment Concept (Percent) For Period core:DiscountRateUsedInEstimateRecoverableAmountPropertyPlantEquipment
2074 For impairment loss and reversal amounts, see 'Impairment losses and reversals' section under 'Notes on income and expense' [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForImpairmentLossReversalAmountsSeeImpairmentLossesReversalsSectionUnderNotesOnIncomeExpenseCross-reference
2075 For depreciation methods and useful lives, see 'Property, plant and equipment policy' in 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDepreciationMethodsUsefulLivesSeePropertyPlantEquipmentPolicyInSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference
2076 Revaluation of property, plant and equipment [heading] Abstract core:RevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading
2077 Effective date of revaluation, property, plant and equipment Concept (Date) As Of core:EffectiveDateRevaluationPropertyPlantEquipment
2078 Carrying amount under cost model of revalued assets, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountUnderCostModelRevaluedAssetsPropertyPlantEquipment
2079 Independent valuer was involved in revaluation, property, plant and equipment [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:IndependentValuerWasInvolvedInRevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentTruefalse
2080 Qualifications of independent valuer, property plant and equipment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:QualificationsIndependentValuerPropertyPlantEquipment
2081 Description of methods and assumptions underlying fair values estimate, property, plant and equipment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsAssumptionsUnderlyingFairValuesEstimatePropertyPlantEquipment
2082 Revaluation of property, plant and equipment free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentFree-textComment
2083 Other information on property, plant and equipment [heading] Abstract core:OtherInformationOnPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading
2084 Carrying amount of investment property rented to another group entity Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountInvestmentPropertyRentedToAnotherGroupEntity
2085 Property, plant and equipment with restricted title [heading] Abstract core:PropertyPlantEquipmentWithRestrictedTitleHeading
2086 Description of property, plant and equipment with restricted title or pledged as security Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionPropertyPlantEquipmentWithRestrictedTitleOrPledgedAsSecurity
2087 Carrying amount of property, plant and equipment with restricted title Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountPropertyPlantEquipmentWithRestrictedTitle
2088 Carrying amount of property, plant and equipment pledged as security for liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountPropertyPlantEquipmentPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilities
2089 Commitments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CommitmentsForAcquisitionPropertyPlantEquipment
2090 Compensation from third parties for property, plant and equipment [heading] Abstract core:CompensationFromThirdPartiesForPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading
2091 Description of compensation from third parties for impairment or loss of property, plant and equipment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCompensationFromThirdPartiesForImpairmentOrLossPropertyPlantEquipment
2092 Amount of compensation from third parties for property, plant and equipment impaired, lost or given up that is included in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AmountCompensationFromThirdPartiesForPropertyPlantEquipmentImpairedLostOrGivenUpThatIncludedInProfitOrLoss
2093 Capitalised borrowing costs related to property, plant and equipment [heading] Abstract core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToPropertyPlantEquipmentHeading
2094 Capitalised borrowing costs related to property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToPropertyPlantEquipment
2095 Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, property, plant and equipment Concept (Percent) For Period core:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsPropertyPlantEquipment
2096 Capitalised borrowing costs related to property, plant and equipment free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToPropertyPlantEquipmentFree-textComment
2097 For analysis of property, plant and equipment by segment, use appropriate dimension members listed under 'Segment Reporting' note [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForAnalysisPropertyPlantEquipmentBySegmentUseAppropriateDimensionMembersListedUnderSegmentReportingNoteCross-reference
2098 For provisions related to property, plant and equipment, see 'Provisions' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForProvisionsRelatedToPropertyPlantEquipmentSeeProvisionsSectionCross-reference
2099 Property, plant and equipment free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:PropertyPlantEquipmentFree-textComment
2100 Heritage assets [heading] Abstract char:HeritageAssetsHeading
2101 Use heritage assets class dimension to identify individual asset classes [guidance] Abstract char:UseHeritageAssetsClassDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesGuidance
2102 Use heritage assets group dimension to identify individual asset groups [guidance] Abstract char:UseHeritageAssetsGroupDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetGroupsGuidance
2103 Use heritage assets basis of recognition dimension to identify cost or valuation values [guidance] Abstract char:UseHeritageAssetsBasisRecognitionDimensionToIdentifyCostOrValuationValuesGuidance
2104 Heritage assets Concept (Monetary) As Of char:HeritageAssets
2105 Heritage assets - movement analysis [heading] Abstract char:HeritageAssets-MovementAnalysisHeading
2106 Increase (decrease) in heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseDecreaseInHeritageAssets
2107 Total additions, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TotalAdditionsHeritageAssets
2108 Value acquired by donation, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:ValueAcquiredByDonationHeritageAssets
2109 Additions from purchase, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AdditionsFromPurchaseHeritageAssets
2110 Disposals, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:DisposalsHeritageAssets
2111 Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleHeritageAssets
2112 Other disposals, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:OtherDisposalsHeritageAssets
2113 Proceeds from disposals, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:ProceedsFromDisposalsHeritageAssets
2114 Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in the SoFA, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInSoFAHeritageAssets
2115 Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutHeritageAssets
2116 Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesHeritageAssets
2117 Further item of increase (decrease) in heritage assets [component of total change in heritage assets] Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInHeritageAssetsComponentTotalChangeInHeritageAssets
2118 Increase (decrease) through other changes, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesHeritageAssets
2119 Heritage assets movement analysis free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:HeritageAssetsMovementAnalysisFree-textComment
2120 Heritage assets depreciation and impairment [heading] Abstract char:HeritageAssetsDepreciationImpairmentHeading
2121 Accumulated depreciation and impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) As Of char:AccumulatedDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets
2122 Accumulated depreciation, not including impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) As Of char:AccumulatedDepreciationNotIncludingImpairmentHeritageAssets
2123 Accumulated impairment, not including depreciation, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) As Of char:AccumulatedImpairmentNotIncludingDepreciationHeritageAssets
2124 Increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets
2125 Increase from depreciation charge for the year, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseFromDepreciationChargeForYearHeritageAssets
2126 Increase (decrease) from total impairment loss recognised or reversed, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseDecreaseFromTotalImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedHeritageAssets
2127 Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in the SoFA, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInSoFAHeritageAssets
2128 Increase from impairment loss recognised in the SoFA, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInSoFAHeritageAssets
2129 Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in the SoFA, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInSoFAHeritageAssets
2130 Disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:DisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets
2131 Transfer to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, decrease in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TransferToNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets
2132 Other disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:OtherDisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets
2133 Acquisitions, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AcquisitionsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets
2134 Revaluations, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets
2135 Transfers into or out of heritage assets, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TransfersIntoOrOutHeritageAssetsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairment
2136 Transfers between heritage asset classes, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TransfersBetweenHeritageAssetClassesIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairment
2137 Further item of increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssetsComponentCorrespondingTotal
2138 Other increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssets
2139 Description of line items in income statement in which depreciation and impairment of heritage assets is included LineItems char:DescriptionLineItemsInIncomeStatementInWhichDepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssetsIncluded
2140 Depreciation and impairment, heritage assets, free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DepreciationImpairmentHeritageAssetsFree-textComment
2141 Impairment of heritage assets [heading] Abstract char:ImpairmentHeritageAssetsHeading
2142 Description of impairment losses recognised or reversed, heritage assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionImpairmentLossesRecognisedOrReversedHeritageAssets
2143 Discount rate used in estimate of recoverable amount, heritage assets Concept (Percent) For Period char:DiscountRateUsedInEstimateRecoverableAmountHeritageAssets
2144 For impairment loss and reversal amounts, see 'Impairment losses and reversals' section under 'Notes on income and expense' [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForImpairmentLossReversalAmountsSeeImpairmentLossesReversalsSectionUnderNotesOnIncomeExpenseCross-reference
2145 For depreciation methods and useful lives, see 'Heritage assets policy' in 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForDepreciationMethodsUsefulLivesSeeHeritageAssetsPolicyInSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference
2146 Revaluation of heritage assets [heading] Abstract char:RevaluationHeritageAssetsHeading
2147 Effective date of revaluation, heritage assets Concept (Date) As Of char:EffectiveDateRevaluationHeritageAssets
2148 Carrying amount under cost model of revalued assets, heritage assets Concept (Monetary) As Of char:CarryingAmountUnderCostModelRevaluedAssetsHeritageAssets
2149 Independent valuer was involved in revaluation, heritage assets [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:IndependentValuerWasInvolvedInRevaluationHeritageAssetsTruefalse
2150 Qualifications of independent valuer, heritage assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:QualificationsIndependentValuerHeritageAssets
2151 Description of methods and assumptions underlying fair values estimate, heritage assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionMethodsAssumptionsUnderlyingFairValuesEstimateHeritageAssets
2152 Revaluation of heritage assets free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:RevaluationHeritageAssetsFree-textComment
2153 Other information on heritage assets [heading] Abstract char:OtherInformationOnHeritageAssetsHeading
2154 Heritage assets with restricted title [heading] Abstract char:HeritageAssetsWithRestrictedTitleHeading
2155 Description of heritage assets with restricted title or pledged as security Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionHeritageAssetsWithRestrictedTitleOrPledgedAsSecurity
2156 Carrying amount of heritage assets with restricted title Concept (Monetary) As Of char:CarryingAmountHeritageAssetsWithRestrictedTitle
2157 Carrying amount of heritage assets pledged as security for liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of char:CarryingAmountHeritageAssetsPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilities
2158 Commitments for acquisition of heritage assets Concept (Monetary) As Of char:CommitmentsForAcquisitionHeritageAssets
2159 Compensation from third parties for heritage assets [heading] Abstract char:CompensationFromThirdPartiesForHeritageAssetsHeading
2160 Description of compensation from third parties for impairment or loss of heritage assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionCompensationFromThirdPartiesForImpairmentOrLossHeritageAssets
2161 Amount of compensation from third parties for heritage assets impaired, lost or given up that is included in the SoFA Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountCompensationFromThirdPartiesForHeritageAssetsImpairedLostOrGivenUpThatIncludedInSoFA
2162 Capitalised borrowing costs related to heritage assets [heading] Abstract char:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToHeritageAssetsHeading
2163 Capitalised borrowing costs related to heritage assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToHeritageAssets
2164 Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, heritage assets Concept (Percent) For Period char:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsHeritageAssets
2165 Capitalised borrowing costs related to heritage assets free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToHeritageAssetsFree-textComment
2166 Explanation for any heritage assets not recognised in the balance sheet Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationForAnyHeritageAssetsNotRecognisedInBalanceSheet
2167 Description of significance and nature of heritage assets not recognised in the balance sheet Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionSignificanceNatureHeritageAssetsNotRecognisedInBalanceSheet
2168 Disclosure of information helpful in assessing value of heritage assets not recognised in the balance sheet Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DisclosureInformationHelpfulInAssessingValueHeritageAssetsNotRecognisedInBalanceSheet
2169 Statement that valuation of heritage assets acquired by donation is not practicable Concept (Text/String) For Period char:StatementThatValuationHeritageAssetsAcquiredByDonationNotPracticable
2170 For analysis of heritage assets by segment, use appropriate dimension members listed under 'Segment Reporting' note [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForAnalysisHeritageAssetsBySegmentUseAppropriateDimensionMembersListedUnderSegmentReportingNoteCross-reference
2171 For provisions related to heritage assets, see 'Provisions' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForProvisionsRelatedToHeritageAssetsSeeProvisionsSectionCross-reference
2172 Heritage assets free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:HeritageAssetsFree-textComment
2173 Intangible assets [heading] Abstract core:IntangibleAssetsHeading
2174 Use intangible classes dimension to identify individual asset classes, including goodwill [guidance] Abstract core:UseIntangibleClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualAssetClassesIncludingGoodwillGuidance
2175 Use generation type dimension to distinguish values for internally generated and externally acquired assets [guidance] Abstract core:UseGenerationTypeDimensionToDistinguishValuesForInternallyGeneratedExternallyAcquiredAssetsGuidance
2176 Use segment reporting dimensions for analysis of intangible assets by segment [guidance] Abstract core:UseSegmentReportingDimensionsForAnalysisIntangibleAssetsBySegmentGuidance
2177 Intangible assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:IntangibleAssets
2178 Intangible assets - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:IntangibleAssets-MovementAnalysisHeading
2179 Intangible assets, gross / at cost Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:IntangibleAssetsGrossCost
2180 Increase (decrease) in intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInIntangibleAssets
2181 Total additions including from business combinations, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalAdditionsIncludingFromBusinessCombinationsIntangibleAssets
2182 Additions other than through business combinations, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsIntangibleAssets
2183 Acquired through business combinations, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsIntangibleAssets
2184 Disposals, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DisposalsIntangibleAssets
2185 Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleIntangibleAssets
2186 Disposals through business divestiture, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestitureIntangibleAssets
2187 Retirements, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RetirementsIntangibleAssets
2188 Other disposals, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherDisposalsIntangibleAssets
2189 Decrease through discontinued operations, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsIntangibleAssets
2190 Total increase (decrease) from revaluations, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsIntangibleAssets
2191 Increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferencesIntangibleAssets
2192 Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutIntangibleAssets
2193 Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesIntangibleAssets
2194 Further item of increase (decrease) in intangible assets [component of total change in intangible assets] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInIntangibleAssetsComponentTotalChangeInIntangibleAssets
2195 Increase (decrease) through other changes, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesIntangibleAssets
2196 Intangible assets movement analysis free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:IntangibleAssetsMovementAnalysisFree-textComment
2197 Intangible assets amortisation and impairment [heading] Abstract core:IntangibleAssetsAmortisationImpairmentHeading
2198 Accumulated amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2199 Accumulated impairment, not including amortisation, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedImpairmentNotIncludingAmortisationIntangibleAssets
2200 Accumulated amortisation, not including impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedAmortisationNotIncludingImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2201 Increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2202 Increase from amortisation charge for the year, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromAmortisationChargeForYearIntangibleAssets
2203 Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeIntangibleAssets
2204 Increase from impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeIntangibleAssets
2205 Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeIntangibleAssets
2206 Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in profit or loss, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossIntangibleAssets
2207 Increase from impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossIntangibleAssets
2208 Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossIntangibleAssets
2209 Disposals, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DisposalsDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2210 Transfer to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TransferToNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2211 Business divestiture, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:BusinessDivestitureDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2212 Retirements, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RetirementsDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2213 Other disposals, decrease in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherDisposalsDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2214 Acquisitions, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AcquisitionsIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2215 Revaluations, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2216 Foreign exchange differences, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2217 Transfers into or out of intangible assets, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersIntoOrOutIntangibleAssetsIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairment
2218 Transfers between intangible classes, increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersBetweenIntangibleClassesIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairment
2219 Further item of increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssetsComponentCorrespondingTotal
2220 Other increase (decrease) in amortisation and impairment, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssets
2221 Description of line items in income statement in which amortisation and impairment of intangible assets is included LineItems core:DescriptionLineItemsInIncomeStatementInWhichAmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssetsIncluded
2222 Amortisation and impairment, intangible assets, free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AmortisationImpairmentIntangibleAssetsFree-textComment
2223 Impairment of intangible assets [heading] Abstract core:ImpairmentIntangibleAssetsHeading
2224 Description of impairment losses recognised or reversed, intangible assets Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionImpairmentLossesRecognisedOrReversedIntangibleAssets
2225 Discount rate used in estimate of recoverable amount, intangible assets Concept (Percent) For Period core:DiscountRateUsedInEstimateRecoverableAmountIntangibleAssets
2226 For impairment loss and reversal amounts, see 'Impairment losses and reversals' section under 'Notes on income and expense' [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForImpairmentLossReversalAmountsSeeImpairmentLossesReversalsSectionUnderNotesOnIncomeExpenseCross-reference
2227 For amortisation methods and useful lives, see 'Intangible assets policy' in 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForAmortisationMethodsUsefulLivesSeeIntangibleAssetsPolicyInSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference
2228 Revaluation of intangible assets [heading] Abstract core:RevaluationIntangibleAssetsHeading
2229 Effective date of revaluation, intangible assets Concept (Date) As Of core:EffectiveDateRevaluationIntangibleAssets
2230 Carrying amount under cost model of revalued assets, intangible assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountUnderCostModelRevaluedAssetsIntangibleAssets
2231 Independent valuer was involved in revaluation, intangible assets [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:IndependentValuerWasInvolvedInRevaluationIntangibleAssetsTruefalse
2232 Qualifications of independent valuer, intangible assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:QualificationsIndependentValuerIntangibleAssets
2233 Description of methods and significant assumptions underlying estimate of fair values, intangible assets Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsUnderlyingEstimateFairValuesIntangibleAssets
2234 Revaluation of intangible assets free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RevaluationIntangibleAssetsFree-textComment
2235 Specific individual intangible asset [heading] Abstract core:SpecificIndividualIntangibleAssetHeading
2236 Material intangible asset [grouping] Abstract core:MaterialIntangibleAssetGrouping
2237 Description of material intangible asset Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMaterialIntangibleAsset
2238 Carrying amount of material intangible asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountMaterialIntangibleAsset
2239 Description of remaining amortisation period of material intangible asset Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRemainingAmortisationPeriodMaterialIntangibleAsset
2240 Intangible assets acquired through government grant [grouping] Abstract core:IntangibleAssetsAcquiredThroughGovernmentGrantGrouping
2241 Description of intangible assets acquired through government grant Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionIntangibleAssetsAcquiredThroughGovernmentGrant
2242 Fair value initially recognised of intangible assets acquired through government grant Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueInitiallyRecognisedIntangibleAssetsAcquiredThroughGovernmentGrant
2243 Carrying amount of intangible assets acquired through government grant Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountIntangibleAssetsAcquiredThroughGovernmentGrant
2244 For specific impairment loss and reversal, see 'Specific material impairment loss or reversal, intangible assets [grouping]' section under 'Notes on Income' [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForSpecificImpairmentLossReversalSeeSpecificMaterialImpairmentLossOrReversalIntangibleAssetsGroupingSectionUnderNotesOnIncomeCross-reference
2245 Other information on intangible assets [heading] Abstract core:OtherInformationOnIntangibleAssetsHeading
2246 Intangible assets with restricted title [heading] Abstract core:IntangibleAssetsWithRestrictedTitleHeading
2247 Description of intangible assets with restricted title or pledged as security Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionIntangibleAssetsWithRestrictedTitleOrPledgedAsSecurity
2248 Carrying amount of intangible assets with restricted title Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountIntangibleAssetsWithRestrictedTitle
2249 Carrying amount of intangible assets pledged as security for liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountIntangibleAssetsPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilities
2250 Commitments for acquisition of intangible assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CommitmentsForAcquisitionIntangibleAssets
2251 Capitalised borrowing costs related to intangible assets [heading] Abstract core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToIntangibleAssetsHeading
2252 Capitalised borrowing costs related to intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToIntangibleAssets
2253 Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, intangible assets Concept (Percent) For Period core:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsIntangibleAssets
2254 Capitalised borrowing costs related to intangible assets free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToIntangibleAssetsFree-textComment
2255 Allocation of goodwill to cash-generating units is not required to be tagged [guidance] Abstract core:AllocationGoodwillToCash-generatingUnitsNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance
2256 Intangible assets free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:IntangibleAssetsFree-textComment
2257 Investment property [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentPropertyHeading
2258 Use investment property ownership type dimension to distinguish freehold and leasehold values [guidance] Abstract core:UseInvestmentPropertyOwnershipTypeDimensionToDistinguishFreeholdLeaseholdValuesGuidance
2259 Investment property Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentProperty
2260 Model used to measure investment property Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ModelUsedToMeasureInvestmentProperty
2261 Description of investment property leasing arrangements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInvestmentPropertyLeasingArrangements
2262 Investment property, fair value model [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentPropertyFairValueModelHeading
2263 Investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2264 Increase (decrease) in investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2265 Additions other than through business combinations, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2266 Additions from subsequent expenditure recognised as asset, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdditionsFromSubsequentExpenditureRecognisedAsAssetInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2267 Additions from acquisitions, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdditionsFromAcquisitionsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2268 Acquired through business combinations, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2269 Disposals, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DisposalsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2270 Transfers to (from) non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2271 Disposals through business divestiture, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestitureInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2272 Other disposals, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherDisposalsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2273 Decrease through discontinued operations, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2274 Increase (decrease) from fair value adjustment, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromFairValueAdjustmentInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2275 Increase (decrease) through foreign exchange differences, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughForeignExchangeDifferencesInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2276 Transfers to (from) property, plant and equipment, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersToFromPropertyPlantEquipmentFairValueModel
2277 Transfers to (from) inventories, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersToFromInventoriesInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2278 Further item of increase (decrease) in investment property, fair value model [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInInvestmentPropertyFairValueModelComponentCorrespondingTotal
2279 Increase (decrease) from other changes, investment property, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromOtherChangesInvestmentPropertyFairValueModel
2280 Measurement of investment property, fair value model [heading] Abstract core:MeasurementInvestmentPropertyFairValueModelHeading
2281 Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair value of investment property Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValueInvestmentProperty
2282 Description of extent to which fair value of investment property is based on valuation by independent valuer Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionExtentToWhichFairValueInvestmentPropertyBasedOnValuationByIndependentValuer
2283 Income and expense recognised for investment property [heading] Abstract core:IncomeExpenseRecognisedForInvestmentPropertyHeading
2284 Rental income from investment property Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RentalIncomeFromInvestmentProperty
2285 Other disclosures on investment property [heading] Abstract core:OtherDisclosuresOnInvestmentPropertyHeading
2286 Description of restrictions on realisability or remittance of income from investment property Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRestrictionsOnRealisabilityOrRemittanceIncomeFromInvestmentProperty
2287 Description of contractual obligations on purchase, development or repair of investment property Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionContractualObligationsOnPurchaseDevelopmentOrRepairInvestmentProperty
2288 Repairs and maintenance commitments, investment property Concept (Monetary) As Of core:RepairsMaintenanceCommitmentsInvestmentProperty
2289 Investment property free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InvestmentPropertyFree-textComment
2290 Biological assets [heading] Abstract core:BiologicalAssetsHeading
2291 Use biological assets classes dimension to identify individual biological asset classes [guidance] Abstract core:UseBiologicalAssetsClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualBiologicalAssetClassesGuidance
2292 Use biological assets maturity dimension to distinguish mature and immature assets [guidance] Abstract core:UseBiologicalAssetsMaturityDimensionToDistinguishMatureImmatureAssetsGuidance
2293 Biological assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssets
2294 Name or description of biological asset class Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameOrDescriptionBiologicalAssetClass
2295 Biological assets, fair value model [heading] Abstract core:BiologicalAssetsFairValueModelHeading
2296 Biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2297 Increase (decrease) in biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2298 Total purchases / additions including from business combinations, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalPurchasesAdditionsIncludingFromBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2299 Purchases / additions other than through business combinations, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PurchasesAdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2300 Acquired through business combinations, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2301 Increase in biological assets from development / cultivation costs capitalised, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInBiologicalAssetsFromDevelopmentCultivationCostsCapitalisedFairValueModel
2302 Sales / disposals, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:SalesDisposalsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2303 Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2304 Disposals through business divestiture, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestitureBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2305 Retirements, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RetirementsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2306 Other disposals, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherDisposalsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2307 Decrease through discontinued operations, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2308 Increase (decrease) from fair value adjustment, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromFairValueAdjustmentBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2309 Increase (decrease) in fair value adjustment attributable to physical changes, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInFairValueAdjustmentAttributableToPhysicalChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2310 Increase (decrease) in biological assets due to births and deaths, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsDueToBirthsDeathsFairValueModel
2311 Increase (decrease) on initial recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce for current period Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseOnInitialRecognitionBiologicalAssetsAgriculturalProduceForCurrentPeriod
2312 Increase (decrease) in fair value adjustment attributable to price changes, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInFairValueAdjustmentAttributableToPriceChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2313 Increase (decrease) in fair value adjustment through other changes, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInFairValueAdjustmentThroughOtherChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2314 Decrease due to harvest, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseDueToHarvestBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2315 Increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferencesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2316 Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2317 Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of biological asset, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesBiologicalAssetFairValueModel
2318 Further item of increase (decrease) in biological assets, fair value model [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsFairValueModelComponentCorrespondingTotal
2319 Increase (decrease) through other changes, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2320 Measurement of biological assets, fair value model [heading] Abstract core:MeasurementBiologicalAssetsFairValueModelHeading
2321 Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair value of biological assets Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValueBiologicalAssets
2322 Description of methods and significant assumptions applied in determining the fair value at the point of harvest, biological assets, fair value model Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsSignificantAssumptionsAppliedInDeterminingFairValuePointHarvestBiologicalAssetsFairValueModel
2323 Biological assets, fair value model movement analysis free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BiologicalAssetsFairValueModelMovementAnalysisFree-textComment
2324 Biological assets, cost model [heading] Abstract core:BiologicalAssetsCostModelHeading
2325 Biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssetsCostModel
2326 Description of biological assets measured at cost Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBiologicalAssetsMeasuredCost
2327 Biological assets, cost model - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:BiologicalAssetsCostModel-MovementAnalysisHeading
2328 Biological assets, cost model, gross Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BiologicalAssetsCostModelGross
2329 Increase (decrease) in biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2330 Total purchases / additions including from business combinations, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalPurchasesAdditionsIncludingFromBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2331 Purchases / additions other than through business combinations, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PurchasesAdditionsOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2332 Acquired through business combinations, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AcquiredThroughBusinessCombinationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2333 Sales / disposals, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:SalesDisposalsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2334 Transfers to (from) non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersToFromNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2335 Disposals through business divestiture, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DisposalsThroughBusinessDivestitureBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2336 Retirements, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RetirementsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2337 Other disposals, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherDisposalsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2338 Decrease through discontinued operations, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseThroughDiscontinuedOperationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2339 Decrease due to harvest, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseDueToHarvestBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2340 Total increase (decrease) from revaluations, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2341 Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2342 Increase (decrease) from revaluations recognised or reversed in income and expenditure, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromRevaluationsRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2343 Increase (decrease) from foreign exchange differences, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromForeignExchangeDifferencesBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2344 Increase (decrease) due to transfers into or out of biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersIntoOrOutBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2345 Increase (decrease) due to transfers between classes of biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransfersBetweenClassesBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2346 Further item of increase (decrease) in biological assets, cost model [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInBiologicalAssetsCostModelComponentCorrespondingTotal
2347 Increase (decrease) through other changes, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2348 Biological assets, cost model, movement analysis free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BiologicalAssetsCostModelMovementAnalysisFree-textComment
2349 Biological assets, cost model, depreciation and impairment [heading] Abstract core:BiologicalAssetsCostModelDepreciationImpairmentHeading
2350 Accumulated depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2351 Accumulated depreciation, not including impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedDepreciationNotIncludingImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2352 Accumulated impairment, not including depreciation, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedImpairmentNotIncludingDepreciationBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2353 Increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2354 Increase from depreciation charge for the year, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromDepreciationChargeForYearBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2355 Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2356 Increase from impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2357 Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in other comprehensive income, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2358 Increase (decrease) from impairment loss recognised or reversed in income and expenditure, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedInProfitOrLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2359 Increase from impairment loss recognised in income and expenditure, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseFromImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2360 Decrease from reversal of impairment loss recognised in income and expenditure, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseFromReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2361 Sales / disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SalesDisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2362 Transfer to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TransferToNon-currentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2363 Business divestiture, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:BusinessDivestitureDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2364 Retirements, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RetirementsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2365 Disposals, decrease in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DisposalsDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2366 Acquisitions, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AcquisitionsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2367 Revaluations, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2368 Foreign exchange differences, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2369 Transfers into or out of biological assets, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersIntoOrOutBiologicalAssetsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentCostModel
2370 Transfers between classes of biological assets, increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TransfersBetweenClassesBiologicalAssetsIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentCostModel
2371 Further item of increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModelComponentCorrespondingTotal
2372 Other increase (decrease) in depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2373 Depreciation and impairment, biological assets, cost model, free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DepreciationImpairmentBiologicalAssetsCostModelFree-textComment
2374 For depreciation methods and useful lives, see 'Biological assets policy' in 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDepreciationMethodsUsefulLivesSeeBiologicalAssetsPolicyInSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference
2375 Measurement of biological assets, cost model [heading] Abstract core:MeasurementBiologicalAssetsCostModelHeading
2376 Description of measurement basis for biological assets, cost model Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMeasurementBasisForBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2377 Description of methods and assumptions underlying fair values estimate, biological assets, cost model Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMethodsAssumptionsUnderlyingFairValuesEstimateBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2378 Description of cases in which biological asset fair value information is unreliable, including explanation and estimates, cost model Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCasesInWhichBiologicalAssetFairValueInformationUnreliableIncludingExplanationEstimatesCostModel
2379 Description of cases in which fair value of biological assets becomes reliably measurable, including explanation and effect, cost model Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCasesInWhichFairValueBiologicalAssetsBecomesReliablyMeasurableIncludingExplanationEffectCostModel
2380 Capitalised borrowing costs related to biological assets, cost model [heading] Abstract core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToBiologicalAssetsCostModelHeading
2381 Capitalised borrowing costs related to biological assets, cost model Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2382 Capitalisation rate for capitalised borrowing costs, biological assets, cost model Concept (Percent) For Period core:CapitalisationRateForCapitalisedBorrowingCostsBiologicalAssetsCostModel
2383 Capitalised borrowing costs related to biological assets, cost model, free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CapitalisedBorrowingCostsRelatedToBiologicalAssetsCostModelFree-textComment
2384 For disclosures related to specific assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging, see 'Collateral' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDisclosuresRelatedToSpecificAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledgingSeeCollateralSectionCross-reference
2385 Biological assets free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BiologicalAssetsFree-textComment
2386 Stocks [heading] Abstract core:InventoriesHeading
2387 Use current / non-current stocks dimension to identify current and non-current values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrentNon-currentInventoriesDimensionToIdentifyCurrentNon-currentValuesGuidance
2388 Total stocks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalInventories
2389 Raw materials and consumables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:RawMaterialsConsumables
2390 Raw materials Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:RawMaterials
2391 Consumables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Consumables
2392 Merchandise Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Merchandise
2393 Production supplies Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ProductionSupplies
2394 Spare parts Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:SpareParts
2395 Work in progress Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:WorkInProgress
2396 Use activity dimension for analysis of work in progress by activity [guidance] Abstract char:UseActivityDimensionForAnalysisWorkInProgressByActivityGuidance
2397 Long term contract work in progress Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LongTermContractWorkInProgress
2398 Finished goods and goods for resale Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinishedGoodsGoodsForResale
2399 Finished goods Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinishedGoods
2400 Goods for resale Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GoodsForResale
2401 Goods for distribution to beneficiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of char:GoodsForDistributionToBeneficiaries
2402 Payments on account, stocks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PaymentsOnAccountInventories
2403 Further item of stocks [component of total stocks] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemInventoriesComponentTotalInventories
2404 Other stocks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherInventories
2405 Stocks at fair value less costs to sell / net realisable value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InventoriesFairValueLessCostsToSellNetRealisableValue
2406 Loss (gain) from write-downs and reversals of stocks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:LossGainFromWrite-downsReversalsInventories
2407 Stocks write-down expense, gross Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InventoryWrite-downExpenseGross
2408 Reversal of stocks write-down, gross Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ReversalInventoryWrite-downGross
2409 Description of circumstances leading to reversals of stock write-down Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCircumstancesLeadingToReversalsInventoryWrite-down
2410 Stocks pledged as security for liabilities, carrying amount Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InventoriesPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilitiesCarryingAmount
2411 Description of stocks pledged as security for liabilities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInventoriesPledgedAsSecurityForLiabilities
2412 Description of stock cost formulas Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInventoryCostFormulas
2413 Stocks free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InventoriesFree-textComment
2414 For provisions for obsolescence, see 'Provisions' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForProvisionsForObsolescenceSeeProvisionsSectionCross-reference
2415 Debtors [heading] Abstract core:DebtorsHeading
2416 Use current / non-current dimension to identify within one year / after one year values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance
2417 Debtors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Debtors
2418 Trade debtors / trade receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TradeDebtorsTradeReceivables
2419 Amounts owed by related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByRelatedParties
2420 Amounts owed by group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
2421 Amounts owed by group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByGroupUndertakings
2422 Amounts owed by parent entities Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByParentEntities
2423 Amounts owed by subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedBySubsidiaries
2424 Amounts owed by associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
2425 Amounts owed by associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByAssociates
2426 Amounts owed by joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByJointVentures
2427 Amounts owed by other related parties other than directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors
2428 Amounts owed by directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsOwedByDirectors
2429 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
2430 Amounts receivable in respect of group relief Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsReceivableInRespectGroupRelief
2431 Total lease receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalLeaseReceivables
2432 Present value of finance lease receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PresentValueFinanceLeaseReceivables
2433 Unearned finance income on finance leases Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:UnearnedFinanceIncomeOnFinanceLeases
2434 Gross investment in finance leases Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GrossInvestmentInFinanceLeases
2435 Operating leases rental receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OperatingLeasesRentalReceivables
2436 Interest and similar income receivable Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InterestSimilarIncomeReceivable
2437 Amounts recoverable on contracts Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsRecoverableOnContracts
2438 Called up share capital not paid Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid
2439 Advances paid to suppliers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AdvancesPaidToSuppliers
2440 Prepayments and accrued income Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncome
2441 Prepayments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Prepayments
2442 Accrued income Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AccruedIncome
2443 Pension schemes prepayments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PensionSchemesPrepayments
2444 Amounts due on sale of subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountsDueOnSaleSubsidiaries
2445 Dividends due from subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DividendsDueFromSubsidiaries
2446 Corporation tax recoverable Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CorporationTaxRecoverable
2447 Deferred tax asset, debtors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DeferredTaxAssetDebtors
2448 Description of reasons why deferred tax asset should be recognised Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsWhyDeferredTaxAssetShouldBeRecognised
2449 Recoverable value-added tax Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:RecoverableValue-addedTax
2450 Factored debts outstanding Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FactoredDebtsOutstanding
2451 Further item of debtors [component of total debtors] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemDebtorsComponentTotalDebtors
2452 Other debtors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherDebtors
2453 Debtors free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DebtorsFree-textComment
2454 Use allowance for impairment dimension to identify impairment of receivables [guidance] Abstract core:UseAllowanceForImpairmentDimensionToIdentifyImpairmentReceivablesGuidance
2455 For debtors / receivables related to construction contracts, see 'Construction contracts' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDebtorsReceivablesRelatedToConstructionContractsSeeConstructionContractsSectionCross-reference
2456 Financial and non-financial debtor sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:FinancialNon-financialDebtorSub-totalsHeading
2457 Debtors, non-financial asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtorsNon-financialAsset
2458 Debtors, financial asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtorsFinancialAsset
2459 Prepayments and accrued income, financial asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncomeFinancialAsset
2460 Prepayments and accrued income, non-financial asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncomeNon-financialAsset
2461 For further analysis of loans and receivables designated at fair value through income or expenditure, see 'Fair value of assets and liabilities' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForFurtherAnalysisLoansReceivablesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLossSeeFairValueAssetsLiabilitiesSectionCross-reference
2462 For analysis of impaired and of past due but not impaired financial assets, see 'Financial assets' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForAnalysisImpairedPastDueButNotImpairedFinancialAssetsSeeFinancialAssetsSectionCross-reference
2463 Creditors [heading] Abstract core:CreditorsHeading
2464 Use current / non-current dimension to identify within one year / after one year values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance
2465 Creditors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Creditors
2466 Total borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalBorrowings
2467 Bank borrowings and overdrafts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankBorrowingsOverdrafts
2468 Bank borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankBorrowings
2469 Bank overdrafts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankOverdrafts
2470 Further item of bank borrowings and overdrafts [component of total bank borrowings and overdrafts] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemBankBorrowingsOverdraftsComponentTotalBankBorrowingsOverdrafts
2471 Material bank loan [grouping] Abstract core:MaterialBankLoanGrouping
2472 Description of specific bank loan, including rate and repayment date Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSpecificBankLoanIncludingRateRepaymentDate
2473 Amount of specific bank loan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountSpecificBankLoan
2474 Concessionary loans [heading] Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoansHeading
2475 Description of concessionary loan Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionConcessionaryLoan
2476 Amount of concessionary loan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:AmountConcessionaryLoan
2477 Debt securities in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DebtSecuritiesInIssue
2478 Bonds and medium-term notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BondsMedium-termNotesInIssue
2479 Bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BondsInIssue
2480 Medium-term notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Medium-termNotesInIssue
2481 Covered bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CoveredBondsInIssue
2482 Floating rate notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FloatingRateNotesInIssue
2483 Certificates of deposit in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CertificatesDepositInIssue
2484 Commercial paper in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CommercialPaperInIssue
2485 Senior notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SeniorNotesInIssue
2486 Securitisation notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SecuritisationNotesInIssue
2487 Specific securitisation notes in issue item [component of total securitisation notes in issue] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SpecificSecuritisationNotesInIssueItemComponentTotalSecuritisationNotesInIssue
2488 Structured notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:StructuredNotesInIssue
2489 Perpetual notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PerpetualNotesInIssue
2490 Further item of debt securities in issue [component of total debt securities in issue] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemDebtSecuritiesInIssueComponentTotalDebtSecuritiesInIssue
2491 Other debt securities in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherDebtSecuritiesInIssue
2492 Debentures in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DebenturesInIssue
2493 Convertible bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ConvertibleBondsInIssue
2494 Redeemable preference shares, liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RedeemablePreferenceSharesLiability
2495 Convertible preference shares, liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesLiability
2496 Subordinated liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilities
2497 Subordinated liabilities, owed to third parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToThirdParties
2498 Subordinated liabilities, owed to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToGroupUndertakings
2499 Step-up perpetual preferred securities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Step-upPerpetualPreferredSecurities
2500 Further subordinated liabilities item [component of total subordinated liabilities] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherSubordinatedLiabilitiesItemComponentTotalSubordinatedLiabilities
2501 Loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoanCapital
2502 Undated loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:UndatedLoanCapital
2503 Dated loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DatedLoanCapital
2504 Further item of loan capital [component of total loan capital] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemLoanCapitalComponentTotalLoanCapital
2505 Advances on invoice discounting facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AdvancesOnInvoiceDiscountingFacilities
2506 Description of invoice discounting facilities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInvoiceDiscountingFacilities
2507 Contingent consideration for business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ContingentConsiderationForBusinessCombination
2508 Loans from government and other public authorities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromGovernmentOtherPublicAuthorities
2509 Further item of borrowings [component of total borrowings] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemBorrowingsComponentTotalBorrowings
2510 Other remaining borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherRemainingBorrowings
2511 Additional borrowings information [heading] Abstract core:AdditionalBorrowingsInformationHeading
2512 Amount of borrowing exposed to interest rate changes Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountBorrowingExposedToInterestRateChanges
2513 Description of non-interest bearing borrowings Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNon-interestBearingBorrowings
2514 Amount of borrowing repayable within a set time Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountBorrowingRepayableWithinSetTime
2515 Effective interest rate on borrowings Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBorrowings
2516 Effective interest rate on bank borrowings Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankBorrowings
2517 Effective interest rate on bank overdrafts Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankOverdrafts
2518 Undrawn borrowing facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of core:UndrawnBorrowingFacilities
2519 Total drawn and undrawn borrowing facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of core:TotalDrawnUndrawnBorrowingFacilities
2520 General description of loans payable in default or breach, including nature of default or breach and amounts involved Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionLoansPayableInDefaultOrBreachIncludingNatureDefaultOrBreachAmountsInvolved
2521 Trade creditors / trade payables Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TradeCreditorsTradePayables
2522 Loans from related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromRelatedParties
2523 Loans from group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
2524 Loans from group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromGroupUndertakings
2525 Loans from parent entities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromParentEntities
2526 Loans from subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromSubsidiaries
2527 Loans from associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
2528 Loans from associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromAssociates
2529 Loans from joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromJointVentures
2530 Loans from other related parties other than directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors
2531 Loans from directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromDirectors
2532 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
2533 Amounts owed to related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToRelatedParties
2534 Amounts owed to group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
2535 Amounts owed to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakings
2536 Amounts owed to parent entities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToParentEntities
2537 Amounts owed to subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToSubsidiaries
2538 Amounts owed to associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
2539 Amounts owed to associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToAssociates
2540 Amounts owed to joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToJointVentures
2541 Amounts owed to other related parties other than directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors
2542 Amounts owed to directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToDirectors
2543 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
2544 Amounts owed in respect of group relief Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedInRespectGroupRelief
2545 Accrued liabilities and deferred income Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome
2546 Accrued liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccruedLiabilities
2547 Deferred income Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredIncome
2548 Deferred income released from previous periods Concept (Monetary) As Of char:DeferredIncomeReleasedFromPreviousPeriods
2549 Explanation of reasons for deferred income Concept (Text/String) As Of char:ExplanationReasonsForDeferredIncome
2550 Further item of accrued liabilities or deferred income [component of total accrued liabilities and deferred income] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemAccruedLiabilitiesOrDeferredIncomeComponentTotalAccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome
2551 Interest and similar expense payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:InterestSimilarExpensePayable
2552 Taxation and social security, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TaxationSocialSecurityPayable
2553 Corporation tax, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CorporationTaxPayable
2554 Value-added tax, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Value-addedTaxPayable
2555 Foreign tax, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ForeignTaxPayable
2556 Other taxation and social security, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherTaxationSocialSecurityPayable
2557 Social security payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SocialSecurityPayable
2558 Other taxation payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherTaxationPayable
2559 Finance lease liabilities, present value, total Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FinanceLeaseLiabilitiesPresentValueTotal
2560 Bills of exchange payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BillsExchangePayable
2561 Royalties payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RoyaltiesPayable
2562 Government grants payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:GovernmentGrantsPayable
2563 Other grants payable Concept (Monetary) As Of char:OtherGrantsPayable
2564 Unpaid contributions to pension schemes Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:UnpaidContributionsToPensionSchemes
2565 Deferred consideration for business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredConsiderationForBusinessCombination
2566 Dividend declared and payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DividendDeclaredPayable
2567 Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CumulativePreferenceShareDividendsUnpaid
2568 Payments received on account Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PaymentsReceivedOnAccount
2569 Payments on account for contracts and performance related grants Concept (Monetary) As Of char:PaymentsOnAccountForContractsPerformanceRelatedGrants
2570 Further item of creditors [component of total creditors] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemCreditorsComponentTotalCreditors
2571 Other creditors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCreditors
2572 Creditors free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CreditorsFree-textComment
2573 Other creditor sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:OtherCreditorSub-totalsHeading
2574 Other payables and accrued expenses Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherPayablesAccruedExpenses
2575 Other creditors including taxation and social security, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCreditorsIncludingTaxationSocialSecurityBalanceSheetSubtotal
2576 For creditors / payables related to construction contracts, see 'Construction contracts' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCreditorsPayablesRelatedToConstructionContractsSeeConstructionContractsSectionCross-reference
2577 Financial and non-financial creditor sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:FinancialNon-financialTradeOtherPayableSub-totalsHeading
2578 Creditors, financial liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CreditorsFinancialLiability
2579 Creditors, non-financial liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CreditorsNon-financialLiability
2580 Leasing [heading] Abstract core:LeasingHeading
2581 Use maturities period dimension for analysis of maturity of lease obligations [guidance] Abstract core:UseMaturitiesPeriodDimensionForAnalysisMaturityLeaseObligationsGuidance
2582 Use finance lease contract types dimension to distinguish finance leases, hire purchases and other types [guidance] Abstract core:UseFinanceLeaseContractTypesDimensionToDistinguishFinanceLeasesHirePurchasesOtherTypesGuidance
2583 Leasing arrangements, lessors [heading] Abstract core:LeasingArrangementsLessorsHeading
2584 Finance lease assets and receivables, lessors [heading] Abstract core:FinanceLeaseAssetsReceivablesLessorsHeading
2585 Present value of finance lease receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PresentValueFinanceLeaseReceivables
2586 Unearned finance income on finance leases Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:UnearnedFinanceIncomeOnFinanceLeases
2587 Gross investment in finance leases Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GrossInvestmentInFinanceLeases
2588 Minimum expected receipts under non-cancellable subleases of finance leases, lessors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:MinimumExpectedReceiptsUnderNon-cancellableSubleasesFinanceLeasesLessors
2589 Unguaranteed residual values of finance leases accruing to benefit of lessor Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:UnguaranteedResidualValuesFinanceLeasesAccruingToBenefitLessor
2590 Accumulated allowance for uncollectible minimum lease payments receivable, including residual value risk Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedAllowanceForUncollectibleMinimumLeasePaymentsReceivableIncludingResidualValueRisk
2591 Accumulated allowance for uncollectible minimum lease payments receivable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedAllowanceForUncollectibleMinimumLeasePaymentsReceivable
2592 Accumulated allowance for residual value risk Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedAllowanceForResidualValueRisk
2593 Description of lessor's material finance leasing arrangements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionLessorsMaterialFinanceLeasingArrangements
2594 Operating lease receivables, lessors [heading] Abstract core:OperatingLeaseReceivablesLessorsHeading
2595 Operating leases rental receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OperatingLeasesRentalReceivables
2596 Minimum lease payments receivable under non-cancellable operating leases Concept (Monetary) As Of core:MinimumLeasePaymentsReceivableUnderNon-cancellableOperatingLeases
2597 Lease incentive receivables Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LeaseIncentiveReceivables
2598 Description of lessor's material operating leasing arrangements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionLessorsMaterialOperatingLeasingArrangements
2599 Contingent rents recognised as income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentRentsRecognisedAsIncome
2600 Contingent rents on finance leases recognised as income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentRentsOnFinanceLeasesRecognisedAsIncome
2601 Contingent rents on operating leases recognised as income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ContingentRentsOnOperatingLeasesRecognisedAsIncome
2602 Leasing arrangements, lessees [heading] Abstract core:LeasingArrangementsLesseesHeading
2603 Obligations under finance leases, lessees [heading] Abstract core:ObligationsUnderFinanceLeasesLesseesHeading
2604 Finance lease liabilities, present value, total Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FinanceLeaseLiabilitiesPresentValueTotal
2605 Financial lease liabilities components [heading] Abstract core:FinancialLeaseLiabilitiesComponentsHeading
2606 Finance lease payments owing, minimum / gross Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FinanceLeasePaymentsOwingMinimumGross
2607 Future finance charges on finance leases Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FutureFinanceChargesOnFinanceLeases
2608 Increase in contingent rents on finance leases recognised as expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInContingentRentsOnFinanceLeasesRecognisedAsExpense
2609 Minimum expected receipts under non-cancellable subleases of finance leases, lessees Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:MinimumExpectedReceiptsUnderNon-cancellableSubleasesFinanceLeasesLessees
2610 Description of lessee's material finance leasing arrangements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionLesseesMaterialFinanceLeasingArrangements
2611 Average lease term in years of property, plant and equipment leased under finance leases Concept (Decimal) For Period core:AverageLeaseTermInYearsPropertyPlantEquipmentLeasedUnderFinanceLeases
2612 Average lease term in years of intangible assets leased under finance leases Concept (Decimal) For Period core:AverageLeaseTermInYearsIntangibleAssetsLeasedUnderFinanceLeases
2613 Average effective borrowing rate on property, plant and equipment leased under finance leases Concept (Percent) For Period core:AverageEffectiveBorrowingRateOnPropertyPlantEquipmentLeasedUnderFinanceLeases
2614 Average effective borrowing rate on intangible assets leased under finance leases Concept (Percent) For Period core:AverageEffectiveBorrowingRateOnIntangibleAssetsLeasedUnderFinanceLeases
2615 Operating lease payments, lessees [heading] Abstract core:OperatingLeasePaymentsLesseesHeading
2616 Description of material operating leasing arrangements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMaterialOperatingLeasingArrangements
2617 Operating lease payments owing Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OperatingLeasePaymentsOwing
2618 Future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases Concept (Monetary) As Of core:FutureMinimumLeasePaymentsUnderNon-cancellableOperatingLeases
2619 Future minimum sublease payments expected to be received under non-cancellable subleases Concept (Monetary) As Of core:FutureMinimumSubleasePaymentsExpectedToBeReceivedUnderNon-cancellableSubleases
2620 Lease incentive payables Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LeaseIncentivePayables
2621 For operating lease expenses, see 'Operating expense items' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForOperatingLeaseExpensesSeeOperatingExpenseItemsSectionCross-reference
2622 Arrangements involving legal form of lease [heading] Abstract core:ArrangementsInvolvingLegalFormLeaseHeading
2623 Description of arrangements involving legal form of lease and accounting treatment applied to any fee received Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionArrangementsInvolvingLegalFormLeaseAccountingTreatmentAppliedToAnyFeeReceived
2624 Income recognised from arrangements involving legal form of lease Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncomeRecognisedFromArrangementsInvolvingLegalFormLease
2625 Investments [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentsHeading
2626 Use current / non-current dimension to identify current and non-current and within one year / after one year values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrentNon-currentDimensionToIdentifyCurrentNon-currentWithinOneYearAfterOneYearValuesGuidance
2627 Use listed-unlisted dimension to identify listed and unlisted values [guidance] Abstract core:UseListed-unlistedDimensionToIdentifyListedUnlistedValuesGuidance
2628 Use dimensions to identify asset class, interest rate type, secured status and other financial instrument information [guidance] Abstract core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyAssetClassInterestRateTypeSecuredStatusOtherFinancialInstrumentInformationGuidance
2629 Use investments movements dimension to identify changes in investments and provisions during period [guidance] Abstract core:UseInvestmentsMovementsDimensionToIdentifyChangesInInvestmentsProvisionsDuringPeriodGuidance
2630 Investments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Investments
2631 Social investments Concept (Monetary) As Of char:SocialInvestments
2632 Mixed motive investments Concept (Monetary) As Of char:MixedMotiveInvestments
2633 Programme related investments Concept (Monetary) As Of char:ProgrammeRelatedInvestments
2634 Third party benefitting from guarantee Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ThirdPartyBenefittingFromGuarantee
2635 Details of any guarantee made to or on behalf of a third party Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DetailsAnyGuaranteeMadeToOrOnBehalfThirdParty
2636 Amount of any guarantee made to or on behalf of a third party Concept (Monetary) As Of char:AmountAnyGuaranteeMadeToOrOnBehalfThirdParty
2637 Explanation for how the guarantee furthers the charity's aims Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationForHowGuaranteeFurthersCharitysAims
2638 Investments in group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
2639 Investments in group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakings
2640 Investments in parent entities Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInParentEntities
2641 Investments in subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInSubsidiaries
2642 Investments in associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
2643 Investments in associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociates
2644 Investments in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInJointVentures
2645 Investments in other entities measured at fair value [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentsInOtherEntitiesMeasuredFairValueHeading
2646 Tags below are for parent entities whose investments are part of an investment portfolio or non-parent entities who have elected to fair value investments [guidance] Abstract core:TagsBelowAreForParentEntitiesWhoseInvestmentsArePartAnInvestmentPortfolioOrNon-parentEntitiesWhoHaveElectedToFairValueInvestmentsGuidance
2647 Investments in subsidiaries, measured at fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesMeasuredFairValue
2648 Investments in associates, measured at fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociatesMeasuredFairValue
2649 Investments in joint ventures, measured at fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesMeasuredFairValue
2650 Investments in other entities, measured at fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInOtherEntitiesMeasuredFairValue
2651 Tags below are for investments held by or through venture capital organisations, mutual funds, and similar entities [guidance] Abstract core:TagsBelowAreForInvestmentsHeldByOrThroughVentureCapitalOrganisationsMutualFundsSimilarEntitiesGuidance
2652 Loans to related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToRelatedParties
2653 Loans to group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
2654 Loans to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToGroupUndertakings
2655 Loans to parent entities Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToParentEntities
2656 Loans to subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToSubsidiaries
2657 Loans to associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
2658 Loans to associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToAssociates
2659 Loans to joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToJointVentures
2660 Loans to other related parties other than directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors
2661 Loans to directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToDirectors
2662 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
2663 Other investments other than loans Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherInvestmentsOtherThanLoans
2664 Certificates of deposit held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CertificatesDepositHeld
2665 Deposits with credit institutions Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DepositsWithCreditInstitutions
2666 Equity securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:EquitySecuritiesHeld
2667 Use equity classes held dimension to identify class of share held [guidance] Abstract core:UseEquityClassesHeldDimensionToIdentifyClassShareHeldGuidance
2668 Use share types dimension to identify type of share [guidance] Abstract core:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyTypeShareGuidance
2669 Unit trusts Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:UnitTrusts
2670 Mutual funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:MutualFunds
2671 Managed funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ManagedFunds
2672 Non-controlled investment funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-controlledInvestmentFunds
2673 Debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesHeld
2674 Government debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GovernmentDebtSecuritiesHeld
2675 Treasury and other eligible bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TreasuryOtherEligibleBillsHeld
2676 Treasury bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TreasuryBillsHeld
2677 Other eligible bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherEligibleBillsHeld
2678 Local authority and other public sector debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LocalAuthorityOtherPublicSectorDebtSecuritiesHeld
2679 Local authority debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LocalAuthorityDebtSecuritiesHeld
2680 Other public sector debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherPublicSectorDebtSecuritiesHeld
2681 Corporate debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CorporateDebtSecuritiesHeld
2682 Asset and mortgage-backed securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AssetMortgage-backedSecuritiesHeld
2683 Mortgage-backed securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Mortgage-backedSecuritiesHeld
2684 Asset-backed securities, ABS, held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Asset-backedSecuritiesABSHeld
2685 Other specific financial assets and debt securities [heading] Abstract core:OtherSpecificFinancialAssetsDebtSecuritiesHeading
2686 Redeemable notes held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:RedeemableNotesHeld
2687 Commercial paper held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CommercialPaperHeld
2688 Floating rate notes held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FloatingRateNotesHeld
2689 Specific floating rate note held [component of total floating rate notes held] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:SpecificFloatingRateNoteHeldComponentTotalFloatingRateNotesHeld
2690 Debt securities issued by banks held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesIssuedByBanksHeld
2691 Convertible debt securities, held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ConvertibleDebtSecuritiesHeld
2692 Promissory notes held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PromissoryNotesHeld
2693 Debentures held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebenturesHeld
2694 Collateralised debt obligations held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CollateralisedDebtObligationsHeld
2695 Other debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherDebtSecuritiesHeld
2696 Warrants held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:WarrantsHeld
2697 Loan commitments, asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoanCommitmentsAsset
2698 Concessionary loan commitments, asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit char:ConcessionaryLoanCommitmentsAsset
2699 Seed investments held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:SeedInvestmentsHeld
2700 Investments defined as cash equivalents [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentsDefinedAsCashEquivalentsHeading
2701 Loans and receivables, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansReceivablesClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
2702 Banking arrangements, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BankingArrangementsClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
2703 Short-term investments, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Short-termInvestmentsClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
2704 Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Short-termDepositsClassifiedAsCashEquivalents
2705 Further item of investments [component of total other investments other than loans] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemInvestmentsComponentTotalOtherInvestmentsOtherThanLoans
2706 Other remaining investments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherRemainingInvestments
2707 Other loans classified under investments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments
2708 Loans to customers, classified under investments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansToCustomersClassifiedUnderInvestments
2709 Consumer loans, classified under investments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ConsumerLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments
2710 Corporate loans, classified under investments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CorporateLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments
2711 Further item of loans classified under investments [component of total other loans classified under investments] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemLoansClassifiedUnderInvestmentsComponentTotalOtherLoansClassifiedUnderInvestments
2712 Additional information on investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures [heading] Abstract core:AdditionalInformationOnInvestmentsInSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesHeading
2713 Investments in subsidiaries [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesHeading
2714 For method used to account for investments in subsidiaries in separate financial statements, see 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForMethodUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInSubsidiariesInSeparateFinancialStatementsSeeSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference
2715 Use subsidiaries dimension to identify specific subsidiaries [guidance] Abstract core:UseSubsidiariesDimensionToIdentifySpecificSubsidiariesGuidance
2716 Where there are more than 200 subsidiaries, report 'More than 200 subsidiaries [true/false]' as true and ensure that subsidiaries are tagged consistently between accounting periods [guidance] Abstract core:WhereThereAreMoreThan200SubsidiariesReportMoreThan200SubsidiariesTruefalseAsTrueEnsureThatSubsidiariesAreTaggedConsistentlyBetweenAccountingPeriodsGuidance
2717 Use investments movements dimension to identify changes in investments and provisions during period [guidance] Abstract core:UseInvestmentsMovementsDimensionToIdentifyChangesInInvestmentsProvisionsDuringPeriodGuidance
2718 Investments in subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInSubsidiaries
2719 Information on individual subsidiary [heading] Abstract core:InformationOnIndividualSubsidiaryHeading
2720 Name of subsidiary Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameSubsidiary
2721 Country of incorporation or residence of subsidiary Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:CountryIncorporationOrResidenceSubsidiary
2722 Principal place of business of subsidiary Concept (Text/String) For Period core:PrincipalPlaceBusinessSubsidiary
2723 Description of nature of business of subsidiary Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNatureBusinessSubsidiary
2724 Ownership interest in subsidiary, percent Concept (Percent) For Period core:OwnershipInterestInSubsidiaryPercent
2725 Details of shares held in subsidiary [grouping] Abstract core:DetailsSharesHeldInSubsidiaryGrouping
2726 Description of class of share held in subsidiary Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionClassShareHeldInSubsidiary
2727 Percentage of class of share held in subsidiary Concept (Percent) For Period core:PercentageClassShareHeldInSubsidiary
2728 Voting power in subsidiary, if different from ownership interest, percent Concept (Percent) For Period core:VotingPowerInSubsidiaryIfDifferentFromOwnershipInterestPercent
2729 Date of end of reporting period of subsidiary, if different from entity Concept (Date) As Of core:DateEndReportingPeriodSubsidiaryIfDifferentFromEntity
2730 Description why entity does not control a subsidiary despite holding more than half the voting rights Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionWhyEntityDoesNotControlSubsidiaryDespiteHoldingMoreThanHalfVotingRights
2731 Description why entity controls subsidiary despite holding less than half the voting rights Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionWhyEntityControlsSubsidiaryDespiteHoldingLessThanHalfVotingRights
2732 Description of significant judgements and assumptions made in determining whether entity is agent or principal in relation to investment in subsidiaries Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSignificantJudgementsAssumptionsMadeInDeterminingWhetherEntityAgentOrPrincipalInRelationToInvestmentInSubsidiaries
2733 Subsidiary is unconsolidated [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:SubsidiaryUnconsolidatedTruefalse
2734 Subsidiary is a special purpose entity [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:SubsidiarySpecialPurposeEntityTruefalse
2735 Description of nature and extent of interests in unconsolidated special purpose entities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNatureExtentInterestsInUnconsolidatedSpecialPurposeEntities
2736 Description of risks associated with interests in unconsolidated special purpose entities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRisksAssociatedWithInterestsInUnconsolidatedSpecialPurposeEntities
2737 Subsidiary is exempt from providing audited accounts under section 479A of the Companies Act [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:SubsidiaryExemptFromProvidingAuditedAccountsUnderSection479ACompaniesActTruefalse
2738 Non-controlling interests, investments in subsidiaries [heading] Abstract core:Non-controllingInterestsInvestmentsInSubsidiariesHeading
2739 Profit (loss), attributable to non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossAttributableToNon-controllingInterests
2740 Accumulated non-controlling interest in subsidiary Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccumulatedNon-controllingInterestInSubsidiary
2741 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendsPaidToNon-controllingInterests
2742 Summarised financial information of subsidiaries [heading] Abstract core:SummarisedFinancialInformationSubsidiariesHeading
2743 Net assets (liabilities), subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesSubsidiaries
2744 Current assets, subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CurrentAssetsSubsidiaries
2745 Non-current assets, subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-currentAssetsSubsidiaries
2746 Current liabilities, subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CurrentLiabilitiesSubsidiaries
2747 Non-current liabilities, subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Non-currentLiabilitiesSubsidiaries
2748 Revenue, subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueSubsidiaries
2749 Profit (loss), subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossSubsidiaries
2750 Comprehensive income, subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ComprehensiveIncomeSubsidiaries
2751 Assets and liabilities of subsidiaries to which significant restrictions apply [heading] Abstract core:AssetsLiabilitiesSubsidiariesToWhichSignificantRestrictionsApplyHeading
2752 Description of restrictions on the transfer of funds or other assets from subsidiary to parent Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRestrictionsOnTransferFundsOrOtherAssetsFromSubsidiaryToParent
2753 Assets of subsidiary to which significant restrictions apply Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AssetsSubsidiaryToWhichSignificantRestrictionsApply
2754 Liabilities of subsidiary to which significant restrictions apply Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LiabilitiesSubsidiaryToWhichSignificantRestrictionsApply
2755 More than 200 subsidiaries [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:MoreThan200SubsidiariesTruefalse
2756 Investments in subsidiaries free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesFree-textComment
2757 Investments in associates [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentsInAssociatesHeading
2758 For method used to account for investments in associates in separate financial statements, see 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForMethodUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInAssociatesInSeparateFinancialStatementsSeeSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference
2759 Use associates dimension to identify specific associates [guidance] Abstract core:UseAssociatesDimensionToIdentifySpecificAssociatesGuidance
2760 Use investments movements dimension to identify changes in investments and provisions during period [guidance] Abstract core:UseInvestmentsMovementsDimensionToIdentifyChangesInInvestmentsProvisionsDuringPeriodGuidance
2761 Investments in associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociates
2762 Investments in associates with price quotations, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociatesWithPriceQuotationsFairValue
2763 Disclosure that reliable measure of fair value is no longer available for associate Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DisclosureThatReliableMeasureFairValueNoLongerAvailableForAssociate
2764 Information on individual associate [heading] Abstract core:InformationOnIndividualAssociateHeading
2765 Name of associate Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameAssociate
2766 Country of incorporation or residence of associate Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:CountryIncorporationOrResidenceAssociate
2767 Principal place of business of associate Concept (Text/String) For Period core:PrincipalPlaceBusinessAssociate
2768 Description of nature of business of associate Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNatureBusinessAssociate
2769 Ownership interest in associate, percent Concept (Percent) For Period core:OwnershipInterestInAssociatePercent
2770 Details of shares held in associate [grouping] Abstract core:DetailsSharesHeldInAssociateGrouping
2771 Description of class of share held in associate Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionClassShareHeldInAssociate
2772 Percentage of class of share held in associate Concept (Percent) For Period core:PercentageClassShareHeldInAssociate
2773 Voting power in associate, if different from ownership interest, percent Concept (Percent) For Period core:VotingPowerInAssociateIfDifferentFromOwnershipInterestPercent
2774 Date of end of reporting period of associate, if different from entity Concept (Date) As Of core:DateEndReportingPeriodAssociateIfDifferentFromEntity
2775 Description of basis of preparation of summarised financial information of associate Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBasisPreparationSummarisedFinancialInformationAssociate
2776 Associate is not accounted for using equity method [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:AssociateNotAccountedForUsingEquityMethodTruefalse
2777 Description of reasons why associate is not accounted for using equity method Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsWhyAssociateNotAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
2778 Description why entity does not have significant influence over associate despite holding more than twenty percent of voting rights Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionWhyEntityDoesNotHaveSignificantInfluenceOverAssociateDespiteHoldingMoreThanTwentyPercentVotingRights
2779 Description why entity has significant influence over associate despite holding less than twenty percent of voting rights Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionWhyEntityHasSignificantInfluenceOverAssociateDespiteHoldingLessThanTwentyPercentVotingRights
2780 Summarised financial information of associates [heading] Abstract core:SummarisedFinancialInformationAssociatesHeading
2781 Net assets (liabilities), associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesAssociates
2782 Total assets, associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalAssetsAssociates
2783 Current assets, associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CurrentAssetsAssociates
2784 Non-current assets, associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-currentAssetsAssociates
2785 Total liabilities, associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalLiabilitiesAssociates
2786 Current liabilities, associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CurrentLiabilitiesAssociates
2787 Non-current liabilities, associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Non-currentLiabilitiesAssociates
2788 Revenue, associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueAssociates
2789 Use the charitable associate activity dimension to analyse the investing charity's share of the associate's income and expenditure [guidance] Abstract char:UseCharitableAssociateActivityDimensionToAnalyseInvestingCharitysShareAssociatesIncomeExpenditureGuidance
2790 Profit (loss) from continuing operations, associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossFromContinuingOperationsAssociates
2791 Profit (loss) from discontinued operations, associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsAssociates
2792 Other comprehensive income, associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAssociates
2793 Comprehensive income, associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ComprehensiveIncomeAssociates
2794 Share of profit (loss) of associates accounted for by equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ShareProfitLossAssociatesAccountedForByEquityMethod
2795 Share of profit (loss) of discontinued operations of associates accounted for by equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ShareProfitLossDiscontinuedOperationsAssociatesAccountedForByEquityMethod
2796 Commitments in relation to associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CommitmentsInRelationToAssociates
2797 Investments in associates free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InvestmentsInAssociatesFree-textComment
2798 Investments in joint ventures [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesHeading
2799 For method used to account for investments in joint ventures in separate financial statements, see 'Significant accounting policies' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForMethodUsedToAccountForInvestmentsInJointVenturesInSeparateFinancialStatementsSeeSignificantAccountingPoliciesSectionCross-reference
2800 Use joint ventures dimension to identify specific joint ventures [guidance] Abstract core:UseJointVenturesDimensionToIdentifySpecificJointVenturesGuidance
2801 Use investments movements dimension to identify changes in investments and provisions during period [guidance] Abstract core:UseInvestmentsMovementsDimensionToIdentifyChangesInInvestmentsProvisionsDuringPeriodGuidance
2802 Investments in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInJointVentures
2803 Investments in joint venture with price quotations, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInJointVentureWithPriceQuotationsFairValue
2804 Disclosure that reliable measure of fair value is no longer available for joint venture Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DisclosureThatReliableMeasureFairValueNoLongerAvailableForJointVenture
2805 Information on individual joint venture [heading] Abstract core:InformationOnIndividualJointVentureHeading
2806 Name of joint venture Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameJointVenture
2807 Country of incorporation or residence of joint venture Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:CountryIncorporationOrResidenceJointVenture
2808 Principal place of business of joint venture Concept (Text/String) For Period core:PrincipalPlaceBusinessJointVenture
2809 Description of nature of business of joint venture Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNatureBusinessJointVenture
2810 Ownership interest in joint venture, percent Concept (Percent) For Period core:OwnershipInterestInJointVenturePercent
2811 Details of shares held in joint venture [grouping] Abstract core:DetailsSharesHeldInJointVentureGrouping
2812 Description of class of share held in joint venture Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionClassShareHeldInJointVenture
2813 Percentage of class of share held in joint venture Concept (Percent) For Period core:PercentageClassShareHeldInJointVenture
2814 Voting power in joint venture, if different from ownership interest, percent Concept (Percent) For Period core:VotingPowerInJointVentureIfDifferentFromOwnershipInterestPercent
2815 Date of end of reporting period of joint venture, if different from entity Concept (Date) As Of core:DateEndReportingPeriodJointVentureIfDifferentFromEntity
2816 Description of basis of preparation of summarised financial information of joint venture Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBasisPreparationSummarisedFinancialInformationJointVenture
2817 Joint venture is not accounted for using equity method [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:JointVentureNotAccountedForUsingEquityMethodTruefalse
2818 Description of reasons why joint venture is not accounted for using equity method Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsWhyJointVentureNotAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
2819 Description why entity does not have significant influence over joint venture despite holding more than twenty percent of voting rights Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionWhyEntityDoesNotHaveSignificantInfluenceOverJointVentureDespiteHoldingMoreThanTwentyPercentVotingRights
2820 Description why entity has significant influence over joint venture despite holding less than twenty percent of voting rights Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionWhyEntityHasSignificantInfluenceOverJointVentureDespiteHoldingLessThanTwentyPercentVotingRights
2821 Summarised financial information of joint ventures [heading] Abstract core:SummarisedFinancialInformationJointVenturesHeading
2822 Net assets (liabilities), joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesJointVentures
2823 Total assets, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalAssetsJointVentures
2824 Current assets, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CurrentAssetsJointVentures
2825 Non-current assets, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-currentAssetsJointVentures
2826 Total liabilities, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalLiabilitiesJointVentures
2827 Current liabilities, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CurrentLiabilitiesJointVentures
2828 Non-current liabilities, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Non-currentLiabilitiesJointVentures
2829 Revenue, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RevenueJointVentures
2830 Use the charitable joint venture activity dimension to analyse the investing charity's share of the joint venture's income and expenditure [guidance] Abstract char:UseCharitableJointVentureActivityDimensionToAnalyseInvestingCharitysShareJointVenturesIncomeExpenditureGuidance
2831 Profit (loss) from continuing operations, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossFromContinuingOperationsJointVentures
2832 Profit (loss) from discontinued operations, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ProfitLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsJointVentures
2833 Other comprehensive income, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherComprehensiveIncomeJointVentures
2834 Comprehensive income, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ComprehensiveIncomeJointVentures
2835 Cash and cash equivalents, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCashEquivalentsJointVentures
2836 Other current financial liabilities, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCurrentFinancialLiabilitiesJointVentures
2837 Other non-current financial liabilities, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherNon-currentFinancialLiabilitiesJointVentures
2838 Depreciation and amortisation expense, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DepreciationAmortisationExpenseJointVentures
2839 Cost of sales, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CostSalesJointVentures
2840 Operating expenses, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OperatingExpensesJointVentures
2841 Interest income, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeJointVentures
2842 Interest expense, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseJointVentures
2843 Tax expense (credit), continuing operations, joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxExpenseCreditContinuingOperationsJointVentures
2844 Share of profit (loss) of joint ventures accounted for by equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ShareProfitLossJointVenturesAccountedForByEquityMethod
2845 Share of profit (loss) of discontinued operations of joint ventures accounted for by equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ShareProfitLossDiscontinuedOperationsJointVenturesAccountedForByEquityMethod
2846 Commitments in relation to joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CommitmentsInRelationToJointVentures
2847 Investments in joint ventures free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesFree-textComment
2848 Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ShareProfitLossAssociatesJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
2849 Intermediary payment arrangements [grouping] Abstract core:IntermediaryPaymentArrangementsGrouping
2850 Name of intermediary Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameIntermediary
2851 General description of intermediary including payment and equity arrangements and assets and liabilities held Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionIntermediaryIncludingPaymentEquityArrangementsAssetsLiabilitiesHeld
2852 Amount deducted from equity, intermediate payment arrangement Concept (Monetary) For Period core:AmountDeductedFromEquityIntermediatePaymentArrangement
2853 Market value of equity instruments held by intermediary not yet vested unconditionally with beneficiaries of arrangement Concept (Monetary) For Period core:MarketValueEquityInstrumentsHeldByIntermediaryNotYetVestedUnconditionallyWithBeneficiariesArrangement
2854 Amount deducted from aggregate dividends paid by sponsoring entity Concept (Monetary) For Period core:AmountDeductedFromAggregateDividendsPaidBySponsoringEntity
2855 For further analysis of financial assets, including impairment and reclassification, see 'Financial assets' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForFurtherAnalysisFinancialAssetsIncludingImpairmentReclassificationSeeFinancialAssetsSectionCross-reference
2856 Total return investments [heading] Abstract char:TotalReturnInvestmentsHeading
2857 Use charity funds dimension for analysis of total return investments [guidance] Abstract char:UseCharityFundsDimensionForAnalysisTotalReturnInvestmentsGuidance
2858 Total endowment Concept (Monetary) As Of char:TotalEndowment
2859 Gift component of the permanent endowment Concept (Monetary) As Of char:GiftComponentPermanentEndowment
2860 Unapplied total return Concept (Monetary) As Of char:TotalEndowmentUnappliedTotalReturn
2861 Movement analysis of total return investments [heading] Abstract char:MovementAnalysisTotalReturnInvestmentsHeading
2862 Net movements in the reporting period Concept (Monetary) As Of char:NetMovementsInReportingPeriod
2863 Unapplied total return allocated to income in the reporting period Concept (Monetary) As Of char:UnappliedTotalReturnAllocatedToIncomeInReportingPeriod
2864 Movements in the reporting period Concept (Monetary) As Of char:MovementsInReportingPeriod
2865 Gift of endowment funds Concept (Monetary) As Of char:GiftEndowmentFunds
2866 Recoupment of trust for investment Concept (Monetary) As Of char:RecoupmentTrustForInvestment
2867 Allocation from trust for investment Concept (Monetary) As Of char:AllocationFromTrustForInvestment
2868 Investment return: dividend and interest Concept (Monetary) As Of char:InvestmentReturnDividendInterest
2869 Investment return: realised and unrealised gains and (losses) Concept (Monetary) As Of char:InvestmentReturnRealisedUnrealisedGainsLosses
2870 Investment management costs Concept (Monetary) As Of char:MovementsInReportingPeriodInvestmentManagementCosts
2871 Details of the power of investment that permits a total return approach to investment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DetailsPowerInvestmentThatPermitsTotalReturnApproachToInvestment
2872 Financial assets [heading] Abstract core:FinancialAssetsHeading
2873 Use dimensions to identify asset class, value type, maturity, current/non-current, interest rate type, listed/unlisted, position type, secured status [guidance] Abstract core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyAssetClassValueTypeMaturityCurrentnon-currentInterestRateTypeListedunlistedPositionTypeSecuredStatusGuidance
2874 Financial assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinancialAssets
2875 For debtors, see 'Debtors' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDebtorsSeeDebtorsSectionCross-reference
2876 For lease receivables, see 'Leasing arrangements, lessors' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForLeaseReceivablesSeeLeasingArrangementsLessorsSectionCross-reference
2877 For derivatives, see 'Derivatives and hedge accounting' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDerivativesSeeDerivativesHedgeAccountingSectionCross-reference
2878 Cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCashEquivalents
2879 Cash at bank and on hand Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashBankOnHand
2880 Cash on hand Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashOnHand
2881 Balances with banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BalancesWithBanks
2882 Loans and receivables, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansReceivablesClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
2883 Concessionary loans, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of char:ConcessionaryLoansClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
2884 Banking arrangements, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BankingArrangementsClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
2885 Short-term investments, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Short-termInvestmentsClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
2886 Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Short-termDepositsClassifiedAsCashEquivalents
2887 Further item of cash and cash equivalents [component of total cash and cash equivalents] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemCashCashEquivalentsComponentTotalCashCashEquivalents
2888 Other cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherCashCashEquivalents
2889 Cash and cash equivalents unavailable for use by entity Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCashEquivalentsUnavailableForUseByEntity
2890 Certificates of deposit held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CertificatesDepositHeld
2891 Deposits with credit institutions Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DepositsWithCreditInstitutions
2892 Investments in other entities measured at fair value [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentsInOtherEntitiesMeasuredFairValueHeading
2893 Tags below are for parent entities whose investments are part of an investment portfolio or non-parent entities who have elected to fair value investments [guidance] Abstract core:TagsBelowAreForParentEntitiesWhoseInvestmentsArePartAnInvestmentPortfolioOrNon-parentEntitiesWhoHaveElectedToFairValueInvestmentsGuidance
2894 Investments in subsidiaries, measured at fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesMeasuredFairValue
2895 Investments in associates, measured at fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociatesMeasuredFairValue
2896 Investments in joint ventures, measured at fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInJointVenturesMeasuredFairValue
2897 Investments in other entities, measured at fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInOtherEntitiesMeasuredFairValue
2898 Tags below are for investments held by or through venture capital organisations, mutual funds, and similar entities [guidance] Abstract core:TagsBelowAreForInvestmentsHeldByOrThroughVentureCapitalOrganisationsMutualFundsSimilarEntitiesGuidance
2899 Equity securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:EquitySecuritiesHeld
2900 Use equity classes held dimension to identify class of share held [guidance] Abstract core:UseEquityClassesHeldDimensionToIdentifyClassShareHeldGuidance
2901 Use share types dimension to identify type of share [guidance] Abstract core:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyTypeShareGuidance
2902 Unit trusts Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:UnitTrusts
2903 Mutual funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:MutualFunds
2904 Managed funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ManagedFunds
2905 Non-controlled investment funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-controlledInvestmentFunds
2906 Debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesHeld
2907 Government debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GovernmentDebtSecuritiesHeld
2908 Treasury and other eligible bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TreasuryOtherEligibleBillsHeld
2909 Treasury bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TreasuryBillsHeld
2910 Other eligible bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherEligibleBillsHeld
2911 Local authority and other public sector debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LocalAuthorityOtherPublicSectorDebtSecuritiesHeld
2912 Local authority debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LocalAuthorityDebtSecuritiesHeld
2913 Other public sector debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherPublicSectorDebtSecuritiesHeld
2914 Corporate debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CorporateDebtSecuritiesHeld
2915 Asset and mortgage-backed securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AssetMortgage-backedSecuritiesHeld
2916 Mortgage-backed securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Mortgage-backedSecuritiesHeld
2917 Asset-backed securities, ABS, held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Asset-backedSecuritiesABSHeld
2918 Other specific financial assets and debt securities [heading] Abstract core:OtherSpecificFinancialAssetsDebtSecuritiesHeading
2919 Redeemable notes held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:RedeemableNotesHeld
2920 Commercial paper held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CommercialPaperHeld
2921 Floating rate notes held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FloatingRateNotesHeld
2922 Specific floating rate note held [component of total floating rate notes held] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:SpecificFloatingRateNoteHeldComponentTotalFloatingRateNotesHeld
2923 Debt securities issued by banks held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesIssuedByBanksHeld
2924 Convertible debt securities, held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ConvertibleDebtSecuritiesHeld
2925 Promissory notes held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PromissoryNotesHeld
2926 Debentures held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebenturesHeld
2927 Collateralised debt obligations held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CollateralisedDebtObligationsHeld
2928 Other debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherDebtSecuritiesHeld
2929 Warrants held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:WarrantsHeld
2930 Loan commitments, asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoanCommitmentsAsset
2931 Concessionary loan commitments, asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit char:ConcessionaryLoanCommitmentsAsset
2932 Seed investments held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:SeedInvestmentsHeld
2933 Further item of financial assets [component of total financial assets] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemFinancialAssetsComponentTotalFinancialAssets
2934 Other remaining financial assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherRemainingFinancialAssets
2935 Allowance / provision for impairment losses on financial assets [heading] Abstract core:AllowanceProvisionForImpairmentLossesOnFinancialAssetsHeading
2936 Use allowance for impairment dimension with other appropriate tags to identify allowance and movements [guidance] Abstract core:UseAllowanceForImpairmentDimensionWithOtherAppropriateTagsToIdentifyAllowanceMovementsGuidance
2937 Use allowance account measurement type dimension to identify collective and individual allowance account values [guidance] Abstract core:UseAllowanceAccountMeasurementTypeDimensionToIdentifyCollectiveIndividualAllowanceAccountValuesGuidance
2938 Analysis of impaired, and of past due but not impaired, financial assets [heading] Abstract core:AnalysisImpairedPastDueButNotImpairedFinancialAssetsHeading
2939 General description of financial assets past due but not impaired, including collateral held and fair value Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionFinancialAssetsPastDueButNotImpairedIncludingCollateralHeldFairValue
2940 General description of impaired financial assets, including collateral held and fair value Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionImpairedFinancialAssetsIncludingCollateralHeldFairValue
2941 For impaired and for past due but not impaired values, use appropriate tags in financial instrument value type dimension [guidance] Abstract core:ForImpairedForPastDueButNotImpairedValuesUseAppropriateTagsInFinancialInstrumentValueTypeDimensionGuidance
2942 Reclassification of financial assets [heading] Abstract core:ReclassificationFinancialAssetsHeading
2943 Description of reclassification of financial assets to cost or amortised cost from fair value Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReclassificationFinancialAssetsToCostOrAmortisedCostFromFairValue
2944 Description of reclassification of financial assets to fair value from at cost or amortised cost Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReclassificationFinancialAssetsToFairValueFromCostOrAmortisedCost
2945 Description of circumstances of reclassification out of financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCircumstancesReclassificationOutFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
2946 Fair value gain (loss) recognised in income and expenditure for reclassified financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FairValueGainLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossForReclassifiedFinancialAssets
2947 Fair value gain (loss) recognised in other comprehensive income for reclassified financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FairValueGainLossRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeForReclassifiedFinancialAssets
2948 Interest income (expense) recognised in income and expenditure for reclassified financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeExpenseRecognisedInProfitOrLossForReclassifiedFinancialAssets
2949 Impairment loss (gain) recognised in income and expenditure for reclassified financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossGainRecognisedInProfitOrLossForReclassifiedFinancialAssets
2950 Derivative and non-derivative financial asset sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:DerivativeNon-derivativeFinancialAssetSub-totalsHeading
2951 Non-derivative financial assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-derivativeFinancialAssets
2952 For derivative assets, see 'Derivatives and hedge accounting' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDerivativeAssetsSeeDerivativesHedgeAccountingSectionCross-reference
2953 Movement analyses in financial instruments, covering additions, disposals and the like, are not required to be tagged [guidance] Abstract core:MovementAnalysesInFinancialInstrumentsCoveringAdditionsDisposalsLikeAreNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance
2954 For collateral disclosures, see 'Collateral' section in banking and finance section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCollateralDisclosuresSeeCollateralSectionInBankingFinanceSectionCross-reference
2955 For derecognition / transfers and securitisation disclosures, see 'Derecognition / transfers of financial assets and securitisations' section in banking and finance section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDerecognitionTransfersSecuritisationDisclosuresSeeDerecognitionTransfersFinancialAssetsSecuritisationsSectionInBankingFinanceSectionCross-reference
2956 Financial liabilities [heading] Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesHeading
2957 Use dimensions to identify liability class, value type, maturity, current/non-current, interest rate type, listed/unlisted, position type, secured status [guidance] Abstract core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyLiabilityClassValueTypeMaturityCurrentnon-currentInterestRateTypeListedunlistedPositionTypeSecuredStatusGuidance
2958 Financial liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FinancialLiabilities
2959 For creditors, see 'Creditors' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCreditorsSeeCreditorsSectionCross-reference
2960 For finance lease liabilities, see 'Obligations under finance leases, lessees' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForFinanceLeaseLiabilitiesSeeObligationsUnderFinanceLeasesLesseesSectionCross-reference
2961 For derivatives, see 'Derivatives and hedge accounting' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDerivativesSeeDerivativesHedgeAccountingSectionCross-reference
2962 Total borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalBorrowings
2963 Bank borrowings and overdrafts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankBorrowingsOverdrafts
2964 Bank borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankBorrowings
2965 Bank overdrafts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankOverdrafts
2966 Further item of bank borrowings and overdrafts [component of total bank borrowings and overdrafts] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemBankBorrowingsOverdraftsComponentTotalBankBorrowingsOverdrafts
2967 Material bank loan [grouping] Abstract core:MaterialBankLoanGrouping
2968 Description of specific bank loan, including rate and repayment date Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSpecificBankLoanIncludingRateRepaymentDate
2969 Amount of specific bank loan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountSpecificBankLoan
2970 Concessionary loans [heading] Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoansHeading
2971 Description of concessionary loan Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionConcessionaryLoan
2972 Amount of concessionary loan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:AmountConcessionaryLoan
2973 Debt securities in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DebtSecuritiesInIssue
2974 Bonds and medium-term notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BondsMedium-termNotesInIssue
2975 Bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BondsInIssue
2976 Medium-term notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Medium-termNotesInIssue
2977 Covered bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CoveredBondsInIssue
2978 Floating rate notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FloatingRateNotesInIssue
2979 Certificates of deposit in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CertificatesDepositInIssue
2980 Commercial paper in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CommercialPaperInIssue
2981 Senior notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SeniorNotesInIssue
2982 Securitisation notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SecuritisationNotesInIssue
2983 Specific securitisation notes in issue item [component of total securitisation notes in issue] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SpecificSecuritisationNotesInIssueItemComponentTotalSecuritisationNotesInIssue
2984 Structured notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:StructuredNotesInIssue
2985 Perpetual notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PerpetualNotesInIssue
2986 Further item of debt securities in issue [component of total debt securities in issue] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemDebtSecuritiesInIssueComponentTotalDebtSecuritiesInIssue
2987 Other debt securities in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherDebtSecuritiesInIssue
2988 Debentures in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DebenturesInIssue
2989 Convertible bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ConvertibleBondsInIssue
2990 Redeemable preference shares, liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RedeemablePreferenceSharesLiability
2991 Convertible preference shares, liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesLiability
2992 Subordinated liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilities
2993 Subordinated liabilities, owed to third parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToThirdParties
2994 Subordinated liabilities, owed to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToGroupUndertakings
2995 Step-up perpetual preferred securities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Step-upPerpetualPreferredSecurities
2996 Further subordinated liabilities item [component of total subordinated liabilities] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherSubordinatedLiabilitiesItemComponentTotalSubordinatedLiabilities
2997 Loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoanCapital
2998 Undated loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:UndatedLoanCapital
2999 Dated loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DatedLoanCapital
3000 Further item of loan capital [component of total loan capital] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemLoanCapitalComponentTotalLoanCapital
3001 Advances on invoice discounting facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AdvancesOnInvoiceDiscountingFacilities
3002 Description of invoice discounting facilities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInvoiceDiscountingFacilities
3003 Contingent consideration for business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ContingentConsiderationForBusinessCombination
3004 Loans from government and other public authorities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromGovernmentOtherPublicAuthorities
3005 Further item of borrowings [component of total borrowings] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemBorrowingsComponentTotalBorrowings
3006 Other remaining borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherRemainingBorrowings
3007 Additional borrowings information [heading] Abstract core:AdditionalBorrowingsInformationHeading
3008 Amount of borrowing exposed to interest rate changes Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountBorrowingExposedToInterestRateChanges
3009 Description of non-interest bearing borrowings Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNon-interestBearingBorrowings
3010 Amount of borrowing repayable within a set time Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountBorrowingRepayableWithinSetTime
3011 Effective interest rate on borrowings Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBorrowings
3012 Effective interest rate on bank borrowings Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankBorrowings
3013 Effective interest rate on bank overdrafts Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankOverdrafts
3014 Undrawn borrowing facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of core:UndrawnBorrowingFacilities
3015 Total drawn and undrawn borrowing facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of core:TotalDrawnUndrawnBorrowingFacilities
3016 General description of loans payable in default or breach, including nature of default or breach and amounts involved Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionLoansPayableInDefaultOrBreachIncludingNatureDefaultOrBreachAmountsInvolved
3017 Further financial liability item [component of total financial liabilities] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherFinancialLiabilityItemComponentTotalFinancialLiabilities
3018 Other remaining financial liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherRemainingFinancialLiabilities
3019 Derivative and non-derivative financial liability sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:DerivativeNon-derivativeFinancialLiabilitySub-totalsHeading
3020 Non-derivative financial liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Non-derivativeFinancialLiabilities
3021 For derivative liabilities, see 'Derivatives and hedge accounting' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDerivativeLiabilitiesSeeDerivativesHedgeAccountingSectionCross-reference
3022 Movement analyses in financial instruments, covering additions, disposals and the like, are not required to be tagged [guidance] Abstract core:MovementAnalysesInFinancialInstrumentsCoveringAdditionsDisposalsLikeAreNotRequiredToBeTaggedGuidance
3023 Derivatives and hedge accounting [heading] Abstract core:DerivativesHedgeAccountingHeading
3024 Use derivative types dimension to identify type of derivative, such as cash flow hedge [guidance] Abstract core:UseDerivativeTypesDimensionToIdentifyTypeDerivativeSuchAsCashFlowHedgeGuidance
3025 Use derivative contracts dimension to identify form of contract, such as option or forward [guidance] Abstract core:UseDerivativeContractsDimensionToIdentifyFormContractSuchAsOptionOrForwardGuidance
3026 Use derivative purpose dimension to identify purpose, such as credit risk or market risk [guidance] Abstract core:UseDerivativePurposeDimensionToIdentifyPurposeSuchAsCreditRiskOrMarketRiskGuidance
3027 Use financial instruments dimensions to identify value type, maturity and other features where required [guidance] Abstract core:UseFinancialInstrumentsDimensionsToIdentifyValueTypeMaturityOtherFeaturesWhereRequiredGuidance
3028 General description of strategies for using derivatives Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionStrategiesForUsingDerivatives
3029 Net derivative asset (liability) Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetDerivativeAssetLiability
3030 Derivative assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DerivativeAssets
3031 Derivative liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DerivativeLiabilities
3032 Fair value hedges [heading] Abstract core:FairValueHedgesHeading
3033 General description of fair value hedges, including instruments designated as hedges and nature of risks Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionFairValueHedgesIncludingInstrumentsDesignatedAsHedgesNatureRisks
3034 Gain (loss) on hedging instruments designated as fair value hedges Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnHedgingInstrumentsDesignatedAsFairValueHedges
3035 Gain (loss) on fair value hedged items attributable to hedged risk Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFairValueHedgedItemsAttributableToHedgedRisk
3036 Cash flow hedges [heading] Abstract core:CashFlowHedgesHeading
3037 General description of cash flow hedges, including instruments designated as hedges and nature of risks Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionCashFlowHedgesIncludingInstrumentsDesignatedAsHedgesNatureRisks
3038 Gain (loss) from fair value of cash flow hedges, before tax, recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossFromFairValueCashFlowHedgesBeforeTaxRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3039 Gain (loss) on reclassification of cash flow hedges to income and expenditure from equity, before tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnReclassificationCashFlowHedgesToProfitOrLossFromEquityBeforeTax
3040 Gain (loss) on ineffectiveness of cash flow hedges recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnIneffectivenessCashFlowHedgesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3041 Description of forecast transactions for which hedge accounting previously used but which are no longer expected to occur Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionForecastTransactionsForWhichHedgeAccountingPreviouslyUsedButWhichAreNoLongerExpectedToOccur
3042 For other gains and losses related to cash flow hedges, see 'Equity - movement analysis' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForOtherGainsLossesRelatedToCashFlowHedgesSeeEquity-MovementAnalysisSectionCross-reference
3043 Hedges of net investments in foreign operations [heading] Abstract core:HedgesNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsHeading
3044 General description of hedge of net investments in foreign operations, including instruments designated as hedges and nature of risks Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionHedgeNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsIncludingInstrumentsDesignatedAsHedgesNatureRisks
3045 Gain (loss) on hedge of investments in foreign operations, before tax, in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnHedgeInvestmentsInForeignOperationsBeforeTaxInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3046 Gain (loss) on ineffectiveness of net investment hedge recognised in profit and loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnIneffectivenessNetInvestmentHedgeRecognisedInProfitLoss
3047 For other gains and losses related to hedges of net investments, see 'Equity - movement analysis' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForOtherGainsLossesRelatedToHedgesNetInvestmentsSeeEquity-MovementAnalysisSectionCross-reference
3048 Gross and net settled derivatives and additional cash flow disclosures [heading] Abstract core:GrossNetSettledDerivativesAdditionalCashFlowDisclosuresHeading
3049 Net hedged forecast cash inflow (outflow) Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetHedgedForecastCashInflowOutflow
3050 Hedged forecast receivable cash flow Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:HedgedForecastReceivableCashFlow
3051 Hedged forecast payable cash flow Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:HedgedForecastPayableCashFlow
3052 Net hedged forecast cash inflow (outflow), expected occurrence Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetHedgedForecastCashInflowOutflowExpectedOccurrence
3053 Hedged forecast receivable cash flow, expected occurrence Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:HedgedForecastReceivableCashFlowExpectedOccurrence
3054 Hedged forecast payable cash flow, expected occurrence Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:HedgedForecastPayableCashFlowExpectedOccurrence
3055 Net hedged forecast cash inflow (outflow), expected income and expenditure impact Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetHedgedForecastCashInflowOutflowExpectedProfitOrLossImpact
3056 Hedged forecast receivable cash flow, expected income and expenditure impact Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:HedgedForecastReceivableCashFlowExpectedProfitOrLossImpact
3057 Hedged forecast payable cash flow, expected income and expenditure impact Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:HedgedForecastPayableCashFlowExpectedProfitOrLossImpact
3058 Gross settled derivatives asset (liability) Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GrossSettledDerivativesAssetLiability
3059 Gross settled derivatives inflow Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:GrossSettledDerivativesInflow
3060 Gross settled derivatives outflow Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:GrossSettledDerivativesOutflow
3061 Net settled derivatives asset (liability) Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetSettledDerivativesAssetLiability
3062 Net settled derivatives inflow Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetSettledDerivativesInflow
3063 Net settled derivatives outflow Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:NetSettledDerivativesOutflow
3064 Undiscounted gross settled derivatives asset (liability) Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:UndiscountedGrossSettledDerivativesAssetLiability
3065 Contractual amounts payable, gross settled derivatives Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ContractualAmountsPayableGrossSettledDerivatives
3066 Contractual amounts receivable, gross settled derivatives Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ContractualAmountsReceivableGrossSettledDerivatives
3067 Financial instrument risk and capital risk management [heading] Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentRiskCapitalRiskManagementHeading
3068 Financial instruments risks [heading] Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsRisksHeading
3069 Use financial instrument line item tags and dimensions to identify individual instruments [guidance] Abstract core:UseFinancialInstrumentLineItemTagsDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualInstrumentsGuidance
3070 Use credit risk exposure dimension to identify credit risk exposures [guidance] Abstract core:UseCreditRiskExposureDimensionToIdentifyCreditRiskExposuresGuidance
3071 Use maturities dimension and, where appropriate, the 'contractual undiscounted value' tag for liquidity risk analysis [guidance] Abstract core:UseMaturitiesDimensionWhereAppropriateContractualUndiscountedValueTagForLiquidityRiskAnalysisGuidance
3072 Use industry concentration risk dimension to identify industry risk exposures [guidance] Abstract core:UseIndustryConcentrationRiskDimensionToIdentifyIndustryRiskExposuresGuidance
3073 Use regions and countries financial instrument dimension to identify geographical exposures [guidance] Abstract core:UseRegionsCountriesFinancialInstrumentDimensionToIdentifyGeographicalExposuresGuidance
3074 Use currency of denomination dimension to identify currency exposures [guidance] Abstract core:UseCurrencyDenominationDimensionToIdentifyCurrencyExposuresGuidance
3075 Use credit ratings dimension to identify credit rating values [guidance] Abstract core:UseCreditRatingsDimensionToIdentifyCreditRatingValuesGuidance
3076 Assign credit ratings dimension tags to reflect the order of ratings in the rating system used by the entity [guidance] Abstract core:AssignCreditRatingsDimensionTagsToReflectOrderRatingsInRatingSystemUsedByEntityGuidance
3077 General description of financial instrument risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionFinancialInstrumentRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk
3078 Credit risk [heading] Abstract core:CreditRiskHeading
3079 General description of credit risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionCreditRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk
3080 General description of collateral held as security and other credit enhancements on financial instruments Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionCollateralHeldAsSecurityOtherCreditEnhancementsOnFinancialInstruments
3081 Description of credit quality of financial assets that are neither past due nor impaired Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCreditQualityFinancialAssetsThatAreNeitherPastDueNorImpaired
3082 For impact of changes in credit risk on fair value of financial instruments, see 'Fair value of assets and liabilities' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForImpactChangesInCreditRiskOnFairValueFinancialInstrumentsSeeFairValueAssetsLiabilitiesSectionCross-reference
3083 Liquidity risk [heading] Abstract core:LiquidityRiskHeading
3084 General description of liquidity risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionLiquidityRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk
3085 Cumulative liquidity gap (surplus) Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CumulativeLiquidityGapSurplus
3086 For cash inflows and outflows arising from derivatives, see 'Gross and net settled derivatives and additional cash flow disclosures' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCashInflowsOutflowsArisingFromDerivativesSeeGrossNetSettledDerivativesAdditionalCashFlowDisclosuresSectionCross-reference
3087 Market risk [heading] Abstract core:MarketRiskHeading
3088 General description of market risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionMarketRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk
3089 General description of market risk sensitivity analysis, including methods, assumptions and changes Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionMarketRiskSensitivityAnalysisIncludingMethodsAssumptionsChanges
3090 Description of any factors which make the sensitivity analysis unrepresentative Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionAnyFactorsWhichMakeSensitivityAnalysisUnrepresentative
3091 General market risk sensitivity analysis [heading] Abstract core:GeneralMarketRiskSensitivityAnalysisHeading
3092 Use market risk type dimension to identify individual types of market risk [guidance] Abstract core:UseMarketRiskTypeDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesMarketRiskGuidance
3093 Description of market risk exposure, including any impact on income and expenditure and equity from changes in risk variables Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionMarketRiskExposureIncludingAnyImpactOnProfitOrLossEquityFromChangesInRiskVariables
3094 Value-at-risk sensitivity analysis [heading] Abstract core:Value-at-riskSensitivityAnalysisHeading
3095 Use market risk type dimension to identify individual types of market risk [guidance] Abstract core:UseMarketRiskTypeDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesMarketRiskGuidance
3096 Value-at-risk Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Value-at-risk
3097 Value-at-risk, lowest assumption Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Value-at-riskLowestAssumption
3098 Value-at-risk, highest assumption Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Value-at-riskHighestAssumption
3099 Other type of risk [heading] Abstract core:OtherTypeRiskHeading
3100 General description of other type of risk exposure and management, including any concentrations of risk Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionOtherTypeRiskExposureManagementIncludingAnyConcentrationsRisk
3101 Capital risk management [heading] Abstract core:CapitalRiskManagementHeading
3102 Total capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalCapital
3103 Description of capital Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCapital
3104 Description of gearing Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionGearing
3105 General description of capital requirements, including external imposition, management, changes and consequences of non-compliance Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionCapitalRequirementsIncludingExternalImpositionManagementChangesConsequencesNon-compliance
3106 For capital components, see 'Statement of Financial Position/Balance Sheet', its associated notes and the banking sector section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCapitalComponentsSeeStatementFinancialPositionBalanceSheetItsAssociatedNotesBankingSectorSectionCross-reference
3107 Fair value of assets and liabilities [heading] Abstract core:FairValueAssetsLiabilitiesHeading
3108 Changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value through income and expenditure attributable to changes in credit risk [heading] Abstract core:ChangesInFairValueFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLossAttributableToChangesInCreditRiskHeading
3109 Description of financial liabilities designated at fair value through income and expenditure subject to a change in fair value due to changes in credit risk Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLossSubjectToChangeInFairValueDueToChangesInCreditRisk
3110 Increase (decrease) during period in fair value of financial liabilities attributable to changes in credit risk Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseDuringPeriodInFairValueFinancialLiabilitiesAttributableToChangesInCreditRisk
3111 Cumulative increase (decrease) in fair value of financial liabilities attributable to changes in credit risk Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CumulativeIncreaseDecreaseInFairValueFinancialLiabilitiesAttributableToChangesInCreditRisk
3112 Difference between carrying value and contractual value at maturity of financial liabilities designated at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) As Of core:DifferenceBetweenCarryingValueContractualValueMaturityFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
3113 General description of methods for determining change in fair value of financial liabilities attributable to changes in credit risk, including limitations of methods and any features which modify values Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionMethodsForDeterminingChangeInFairValueFinancialLiabilitiesAttributableToChangesInCreditRiskIncludingLimitationsMethodsAnyFeaturesWhichModifyValues
3114 Loans and receivables designated at fair value through income and expenditure [heading] Abstract core:LoansReceivablesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLossHeading
3115 Description of loans and receivables designated at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionLoansReceivablesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
3116 Amount by which credit derivatives or similar instruments related to loans and receivables mitigate maximum exposure to credit risk Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountByWhichCreditDerivativesOrSimilarInstrumentsRelatedToLoansReceivablesMitigateMaximumExposureToCreditRisk
3117 Increase (decrease) in fair value of loans and receivables due to change in credit risk of financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInFairValueLoansReceivablesDueToChangeInCreditRiskFinancialAssets
3118 Cumulative increase (decrease) in fair value of loans and receivables due to change in credit risk of financial assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CumulativeIncreaseDecreaseInFairValueLoansReceivablesDueToChangeInCreditRiskFinancialAssets
3119 General description of methods for determining change in fair value of loans and receivables attributable to changes in credit risk, including limitations of methods Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionMethodsForDeterminingChangeInFairValueLoansReceivablesAttributableToChangesInCreditRiskIncludingLimitationsMethods
3120 Fair value hierarchy and analysis of movements among Level 1, 2, and 3 [heading] Abstract core:FairValueHierarchyAnalysisMovementsAmongLevel123Heading
3121 General description of fair value hierarchy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionFairValueHierarchy
3122 Use fair value movement dimension in combination with financial assets and liabilities tags to identify individual fair value movements [guidance] Abstract core:UseFairValueMovementDimensionInCombinationWithFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesTagsToIdentifyIndividualFairValueMovementsGuidance
3123 Use financial instrument level dimension to identify individual fair value hierarchy levels [guidance] Abstract core:UseFinancialInstrumentLevelDimensionToIdentifyIndividualFairValueHierarchyLevelsGuidance
3124 Valuation of assets and liabilities measured at fair value [heading] Abstract core:ValuationAssetsLiabilitiesMeasuredFairValueHeading
3125 Carrying amount of financial assets for which fair value has not been disclosed Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountFinancialAssetsForWhichFairValueHasNotBeenDisclosed
3126 Description of financial assets for which fair value has not been disclosed Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionFinancialAssetsForWhichFairValueHasNotBeenDisclosed
3127 Carrying amount of financial liabilities for which fair value has not been disclosed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CarryingAmountFinancialLiabilitiesForWhichFairValueHasNotBeenDisclosed
3128 Description of financial liabilities for which fair value has not been disclosed Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionFinancialLiabilitiesForWhichFairValueHasNotBeenDisclosed
3129 Provisions [heading] Abstract core:ProvisionsHeading
3130 Use provisions dimension to identify individual types of provision [guidance] Abstract core:UseProvisionsDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesProvisionGuidance
3131 Provisions Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Provisions
3132 Provisions - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:Provisions-MovementAnalysisHeading
3133 Total increase (decrease) in provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TotalIncreaseDecreaseInProvisions
3134 Additional provisions / increase from new provisions recognised Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AdditionalProvisionsIncreaseFromNewProvisionsRecognised
3135 Additional provisions / increase from new provisions recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AdditionalProvisionsIncreaseFromNewProvisionsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3136 Additional provisions / increase from new provisions recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AdditionalProvisionsIncreaseFromNewProvisionsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3137 Additional provisions / increase from new provisions recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:AdditionalProvisionsIncreaseFromNewProvisionsRecognisedInEquity
3138 Increase (decrease) in existing provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInExistingProvisions
3139 Increase (decrease) in existing provisions recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInExistingProvisionsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3140 Increase (decrease) in existing provisions recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInExistingProvisionsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3141 Increase (decrease) in existing provisions recognised in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInExistingProvisionsRecognisedInEquity
3142 Increase (decrease) in provisions through business combinations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughBusinessCombinations
3143 Decrease (increase) in provisions through disposals and transfers to held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseIncreaseInProvisionsThroughDisposalsTransfersToHeldForSale
3144 Decrease (increase) in provisions as a result of changes in measuring the discounted amount Concept (Monetary) For Period char:DecreaseIncreaseInProvisionsAsResultChangesInMeasuringDiscountedAmount
3145 Provisions used Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProvisionsUsed
3146 Unused provision reversed Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:UnusedProvisionReversed
3147 Increase (decrease) in provisions through adjustment in value from passage of time / unwinding of discount Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughAdjustmentInValueFromPassageTimeUnwindingDiscount
3148 Increase (decrease) in provisions through change in discount rate Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughChangeInDiscountRate
3149 Increase (decrease) in provisions through foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughForeignExchangeDifferences
3150 Increase (decrease) in provisions through transfers and reclassifications Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsThroughTransfersReclassifications
3151 Further item of increase (decrease) in provisions [component of total increase (decrease) in provisions] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsComponentTotalIncreaseDecreaseInProvisions
3152 Other increase (decrease) in provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInProvisions
3153 General description of nature of provision, including timing of outflows and major assumptions about future events Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionNatureProvisionIncludingTimingOutflowsMajorAssumptionsAboutFutureEvents
3154 Indication of any uncertainties about the amount or timing of payments including any performance related conditions Concept (Text/String) For Period char:IndicationAnyUncertaintiesAboutAmountOrTimingPaymentsIncludingAnyPerformanceRelatedConditions
3155 Amount of any expected reimbursement for a provision Concept (Monetary) As Of core:AmountAnyExpectedReimbursementForProvision
3156 Amount of any asset recognised for expected reimbursement for a provision Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AmountAnyAssetRecognisedForExpectedReimbursementForProvision
3157 Statement on non-disclosure of information regarding provisions Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementOnNon-disclosureInformationRegardingProvisions
3158 Disclosure of funding commitments not recognised as a liability or provision Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DisclosureFundingCommitmentsNotRecognisedAsLiabilityOrProvision
3159 Disclosure of designation of unrestricted funds to fund a commitment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DisclosureDesignationUnrestrictedFundsToFundCommitment
3160 For disclosures related to contingent liabilities and contingent assets, see 'Commitments, contingent assets and contingent liabilities' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDisclosuresRelatedToContingentLiabilitiesContingentAssetsSeeCommitmentsContingentAssetsContingentLiabilitiesSectionCross-reference
3161 Provisions free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ProvisionsFree-textComment
3162 Deferred taxation [heading] Abstract core:DeferredTaxationHeading
3163 Use deferred tax classes dimension to identify individual classes of deferred tax [guidance] Abstract core:UseDeferredTaxClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualClassesDeferredTaxGuidance
3164 Net deferred tax liability (asset) Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:NetDeferredTaxLiabilityAsset
3165 Deferred tax assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DeferredTaxAssets
3166 Deferred tax liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredTaxLiabilities
3167 Net deferred income tax liability (asset) - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:NetDeferredIncomeTaxLiabilityAsset-MovementAnalysisHeading
3168 Tags in this section should also be used to represent 'Decrease (increase) in net deferred tax asset' [guidance] Abstract core:TagsInThisSectionShouldAlsoBeUsedToRepresentDecreaseIncreaseInNetDeferredTaxAssetGuidance
3169 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromForeignExchangeDifferences
3170 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from changes in tax rates or laws Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws
3171 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3172 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3173 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised directly in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedDirectlyInEquity
3174 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from acquisitions through business combinations and disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinationsDisposals
3175 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from acquisitions through business combinations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinations
3176 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromDisposals
3177 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from transfers from and to assets and liabilities held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromTransfersFromToAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForSale
3178 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from amount recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3179 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from amount recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3180 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability from amount recognised directly in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedDirectlyInEquity
3181 Increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability arising from reclassifications Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityArisingFromReclassifications
3182 Further item of increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability [component of net deferred tax liability (asset) movement] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiabilityComponentNetDeferredTaxLiabilityAssetMovement
3183 Other increase (decrease) in net deferred tax liability Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInNetDeferredTaxLiability
3184 Gross deferred tax assets and liabilities [heading] Abstract core:GrossDeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesHeading
3185 Deferred tax assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DeferredTaxAssets
3186 Deferred tax assets offsetting arrangements [heading] Abstract core:DeferredTaxAssetsOffsettingArrangementsHeading
3187 Deferred tax assets, prior to partial offsetting Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DeferredTaxAssetsPriorToPartialOffsetting
3188 Decrease in deferred tax assets from partial offset of deferred tax liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromPartialOffsetDeferredTaxLiabilities
3189 Gross deferred tax assets - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:GrossDeferredTaxAssets-MovementAnalysisHeading
3190 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromForeignExchangeDifferences
3191 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from changes in tax rates or laws Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws
3192 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3193 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3194 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised directly in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedDirectlyInEquity
3195 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from acquisitions through business combinations and disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinationsDisposals
3196 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from acquisitions through business combinations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinations
3197 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromDisposals
3198 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets from transfers from and to assets and liabilities held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsFromTransfersFromToAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForSale
3199 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3200 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3201 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets recognised directly in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsRecognisedDirectlyInEquity
3202 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets arising from reclassifications Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsArisingFromReclassifications
3203 Further item of increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets [component of deferred tax assets movement] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssetsComponentDeferredTaxAssetsMovement
3204 Other increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxAssets
3205 Deferred tax liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredTaxLiabilities
3206 Deferred tax liabilities offsetting arrangements [heading] Abstract core:DeferredTaxLiabilitiesOffsettingArrangementsHeading
3207 Deferred tax liabilities, prior to partial offsetting Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredTaxLiabilitiesPriorToPartialOffsetting
3208 Decrease in deferred tax liabilities from partial offset of deferred tax assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromPartialOffsetDeferredTaxAssets
3209 Gross deferred tax liabilities - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:GrossDeferredTaxLiabilities-MovementAnalysisHeading
3210 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromForeignExchangeDifferences
3211 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from changes in tax rates or laws Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLaws
3212 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3213 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3214 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from changes in tax rates or laws, recognised directly in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromChangesInTaxRatesOrLawsRecognisedDirectlyInEquity
3215 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from acquisitions through business combinations and disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinationsDisposals
3216 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from acquisitions through business combinations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinations
3217 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromDisposals
3218 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities from transfers from and to assets and liabilities held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesFromTransfersFromToAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForSale
3219 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liability from amount recognised in income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
3220 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liability from amount recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3221 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liability from amount recognised directly in equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilityFromAmountRecognisedDirectlyInEquity
3222 Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities arising from reclassifications Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesArisingFromReclassifications
3223 Further item of increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities [component of deferred tax liabilities movement] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilitiesComponentDeferredTaxLiabilitiesMovement
3224 Other increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredTaxLiabilities
3225 Other disclosures related to deferred tax assets and liabilities [heading] Abstract core:OtherDisclosuresRelatedToDeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesHeading
3226 Amount of net reversal of deferred tax assets and liabilities expected to occur in the year beginning after the reporting period Concept (Monetary) As Of core:AmountNetReversalDeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesExpectedToOccurInYearBeginningAfterReportingPeriod
3227 Description of expected net reversal of deferred tax assets and liabilities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionExpectedNetReversalDeferredTaxAssetsLiabilities
3228 Description of expiry dates of timing differences, unused tax losses and unused tax credits Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionExpiryDatesTimingDifferencesUnusedTaxLossesUnusedTaxCredits
3229 Deferred taxation free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DeferredTaxationFree-textComment
3230 Notes on equity [heading] Abstract core:NotesOnEquityHeading
3231 Use equity classes dimension to identify individual classes of equity or reserve [guidance] Abstract core:UseEquityClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualClassesEquityOrReserveGuidance
3232 Equity / share capital and reserves Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Equity
3233 Share capital and dividends [heading] Abstract core:ShareCapitalDividendsHeading
3234 Use entity share classes dimension to identify individual share class [guidance] Abstract bus:UseEntityShareClassesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareClassGuidance
3235 Use share types dimension to identify individual share type [guidance] Abstract bus:UseShareTypesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualShareTypeGuidance
3236 For values of share capital and share premium, use appropriate items and dimension members in 'Statement of Changes in Equity' [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForValuesShareCapitalSharePremiumUseAppropriateItemsDimensionMembersInStatementChangesInEquityCross-reference
3237 Description of share type Concept (Text/String) For Period bus:DescriptionShareType
3238 Number of shares issued and fully paid Concept (Shares) As Of core:NumberSharesIssuedFullyPaid
3239 Number of shares issued but not fully paid Concept (Shares) As Of core:NumberSharesIssuedButNotFullyPaid
3240 Allotted share capital [heading] Abstract core:AllottedShareCapitalHeading
3241 Number of shares allotted Concept (Shares) For Period core:NumberSharesAllotted
3242 Nominal value of allotted share capital Concept (Monetary) For Period core:NominalValueAllottedShareCapital
3243 Par value of share Concept (Share) For Period core:ParValueShare
3244 Description of reasons why shares have no par value Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsWhySharesHaveNoParValue
3245 Shares issued in the period [heading] Abstract core:SharesIssuedInPeriodHeading
3246 Nominal value of shares issued in the period Concept (Monetary) For Period core:NominalValueSharesIssuedInPeriod
3247 Consideration received for shares issued in the period Concept (Monetary) For Period core:ConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriod
3248 Consideration received for shares issued in the period related to share-based payments Concept (Monetary) For Period core:ConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriodRelatedToShare-basedPayments
3249 Cash consideration received for shares issued in the period related to share-based payments Concept (Monetary) For Period core:CashConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriodRelatedToShare-basedPayments
3250 Service consideration received for shares issued in the period related to share-based payments Concept (Monetary) For Period core:ServiceConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriodRelatedToShare-basedPayments
3251 Consideration received for shares issued in the period related to other transactions Concept (Monetary) For Period core:ConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedInPeriodRelatedToOtherTransactions
3252 Transaction costs related to shares issued in the period Concept (Monetary) For Period core:TransactionCostsRelatedToSharesIssuedInPeriod
3253 Individual issue of shares [grouping] Abstract core:IndividualIssueSharesGrouping
3254 Description of reasons for specific share issue Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsForSpecificShareIssue
3255 Nominal value of shares issued, specific share issue Concept (Monetary) For Period core:NominalValueSharesIssuedSpecificShareIssue
3256 Consideration received for shares issued, specific share issue Concept (Monetary) For Period core:ConsiderationReceivedForSharesIssuedSpecificShareIssue
3257 Treasury shares [heading] Abstract core:TreasurySharesHeading
3258 Number of treasury shares held Concept (Shares) As Of core:NumberTreasurySharesHeld
3259 Increase (decrease) in number of treasury shares held in period Concept (Shares) For Period core:IncreaseDecreaseInNumberTreasurySharesHeldInPeriod
3260 Decrease in number of treasury shares due to vesting of treasury shares Concept (Shares) For Period core:DecreaseInNumberTreasurySharesDueToVestingTreasuryShares
3261 Further item of increase (decrease) in number of treasury shares [component of total change in number of treasury shares] Concept (Shares) For Period core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNumberTreasurySharesComponentTotalChangeInNumberTreasuryShares
3262 Other increase (decrease) in number of treasury shares Concept (Shares) For Period core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInNumberTreasuryShares
3263 Nominal value of treasury shares held Concept (Monetary) As Of core:NominalValueTreasurySharesHeld
3264 Redeemable preference shares [heading] Abstract core:RedeemablePreferenceSharesHeading
3265 Redemption value, redeemable preference shares Concept (Share) For Period core:RedemptionValueRedeemablePreferenceShares
3266 Earliest redemption date, redeemable preference shares Concept (Date) As Of core:EarliestRedemptionDateRedeemablePreferenceShares
3267 Definite redemption date, redeemable preference shares Concept (Date) As Of core:DefiniteRedemptionDateRedeemablePreferenceShares
3268 Winding up value, redeemable preference shares Concept (Share) For Period core:WindingUpValueRedeemablePreferenceShares
3269 Statement on whether redemption mandatory, at company option or shareholder option Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementOnWhetherRedemptionMandatoryCompanyOptionOrShareholderOption
3270 Description of premium payable on redemption, redeemable preference shares Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionPremiumPayableOnRedemptionRedeemablePreferenceShares
3271 Dividends [heading] Abstract core:DividendsHeading
3272 Dividends paid [heading] Abstract core:DividendsPaidHeading
3273 Dividends paid on shares Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsPaidOnShares
3274 Tax on dividends Concept (Monetary) For Period core:TaxOnDividends
3275 Dividends paid on shares after tax Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsPaidOnSharesAfterTax
3276 Dividends paid on shares, interim Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsPaidOnSharesInterim
3277 Dividends paid on shares, first interim Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsPaidOnSharesFirstInterim
3278 Dividends paid on shares, second interim Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsPaidOnSharesSecondInterim
3279 Dividends paid on shares, third interim Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsPaidOnSharesThirdInterim
3280 Dividends paid on shares, fourth interim Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsPaidOnSharesFourthInterim
3281 Dividends paid on shares, final Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsPaidOnSharesFinal
3282 Dividend per share Concept (Share) For Period core:DividendPerShare
3283 Dividend per share, interim Concept (Share) For Period core:DividendPerShareInterim
3284 Dividend per share, first interim Concept (Share) For Period core:DividendPerShareFirstInterim
3285 Dividend per share, second interim Concept (Share) For Period core:DividendPerShareSecondInterim
3286 Dividend per share, third interim Concept (Share) For Period core:DividendPerShareThirdInterim
3287 Dividend per share, fourth interim Concept (Share) For Period core:DividendPerShareFourthInterim
3288 Dividend per share, final Concept (Share) For Period core:DividendPerShareFinal
3289 Dividends declared after reporting date Concept (Monetary) For Period core:DividendsDeclaredAfterReportingDate
3290 Description of distribution which reduces net assets to less than the aggregate of called-up share capital and undistributable reserves Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionDistributionWhichReducesNetAssetsToLessThanAggregateCalled-upShareCapitalUndistributableReserves
3291 Dividends free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DividendsFree-textComment
3292 Description of rights, preferences and restrictions attaching to class of share capital Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRightsPreferencesRestrictionsAttachingToClassShareCapital
3293 Number of shares in entity held by entity, its subsidiaries or associates Concept (Shares) For Period core:NumberSharesInEntityHeldByEntityItsSubsidiariesOrAssociates
3294 Number of shares reserved for issue under options and contracts for sale of shares Concept (Shares) For Period core:NumberSharesReservedForIssueUnderOptionsContractsForSaleShares
3295 Description of reservation of shares, including terms, for issue under options and contracts for sale of shares Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReservationSharesIncludingTermsForIssueUnderOptionsContractsForSaleShares
3296 Share capital free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ShareCapitalFree-textComment
3297 Retained earnings and reserves [heading] Abstract core:RetainedEarningsReservesHeading
3298 Description of nature and purpose of reserves within equity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNaturePurposeReservesWithinEquity
3299 Description of conversion of debt to equity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionConversionDebtToEquity
3300 Description of puttable financial instruments classified as equity instruments, including reclassifications into and out of financial liabilities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionPuttableFinancialInstrumentsClassifiedAsEquityInstrumentsIncludingReclassificationsIntoOutFinancialLiabilities
3301 Non-controlling interests [heading] Abstract core:Non-controllingInterestsHeading
3302 Non-controlling interests free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:Non-controllingInterestsFree-textComment
3303 Charity funds [heading] Abstract char:CharityFundsHeading
3304 Analysis of net assets between funds [heading] Abstract char:AnalysisNetAssetsBetweenFundsHeading
3305 For analysis of net assets between funds use funds type dimension [guidance] Abstract char:ForAnalysisNetAssetsBetweenFundsUseFundsTypeDimensionGuidance
3306 Net increase (decrease) in charitable funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:NetIncreaseDecreaseInCharitableFunds
3307 Income of material fund Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncomeMaterialFund
3308 Expenditure of material fund Concept (Monetary) For Period char:ExpenditureMaterialFund
3309 Fixed assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FixedAssets
3310 Current assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CurrentAssets
3311 Creditors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Creditors
3312 Total borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalBorrowings
3313 Bank borrowings and overdrafts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankBorrowingsOverdrafts
3314 Bank borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankBorrowings
3315 Bank overdrafts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BankOverdrafts
3316 Further item of bank borrowings and overdrafts [component of total bank borrowings and overdrafts] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemBankBorrowingsOverdraftsComponentTotalBankBorrowingsOverdrafts
3317 Material bank loan [grouping] Abstract core:MaterialBankLoanGrouping
3318 Description of specific bank loan, including rate and repayment date Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSpecificBankLoanIncludingRateRepaymentDate
3319 Amount of specific bank loan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountSpecificBankLoan
3320 Concessionary loans [heading] Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoansHeading
3321 Description of concessionary loan Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionConcessionaryLoan
3322 Amount of concessionary loan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:AmountConcessionaryLoan
3323 Debt securities in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DebtSecuritiesInIssue
3324 Bonds and medium-term notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BondsMedium-termNotesInIssue
3325 Bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BondsInIssue
3326 Medium-term notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Medium-termNotesInIssue
3327 Covered bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CoveredBondsInIssue
3328 Floating rate notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FloatingRateNotesInIssue
3329 Certificates of deposit in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CertificatesDepositInIssue
3330 Commercial paper in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CommercialPaperInIssue
3331 Senior notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SeniorNotesInIssue
3332 Securitisation notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SecuritisationNotesInIssue
3333 Specific securitisation notes in issue item [component of total securitisation notes in issue] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SpecificSecuritisationNotesInIssueItemComponentTotalSecuritisationNotesInIssue
3334 Structured notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:StructuredNotesInIssue
3335 Perpetual notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PerpetualNotesInIssue
3336 Further item of debt securities in issue [component of total debt securities in issue] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemDebtSecuritiesInIssueComponentTotalDebtSecuritiesInIssue
3337 Other debt securities in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherDebtSecuritiesInIssue
3338 Debentures in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DebenturesInIssue
3339 Convertible bonds in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ConvertibleBondsInIssue
3340 Redeemable preference shares, liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RedeemablePreferenceSharesLiability
3341 Convertible preference shares, liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesLiability
3342 Subordinated liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilities
3343 Subordinated liabilities, owed to third parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToThirdParties
3344 Subordinated liabilities, owed to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilitiesOwedToGroupUndertakings
3345 Step-up perpetual preferred securities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Step-upPerpetualPreferredSecurities
3346 Further subordinated liabilities item [component of total subordinated liabilities] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherSubordinatedLiabilitiesItemComponentTotalSubordinatedLiabilities
3347 Loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoanCapital
3348 Undated loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:UndatedLoanCapital
3349 Dated loan capital Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DatedLoanCapital
3350 Further item of loan capital [component of total loan capital] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemLoanCapitalComponentTotalLoanCapital
3351 Advances on invoice discounting facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AdvancesOnInvoiceDiscountingFacilities
3352 Description of invoice discounting facilities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInvoiceDiscountingFacilities
3353 Contingent consideration for business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ContingentConsiderationForBusinessCombination
3354 Loans from government and other public authorities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromGovernmentOtherPublicAuthorities
3355 Further item of borrowings [component of total borrowings] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemBorrowingsComponentTotalBorrowings
3356 Other remaining borrowings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherRemainingBorrowings
3357 Additional borrowings information [heading] Abstract core:AdditionalBorrowingsInformationHeading
3358 Amount of borrowing exposed to interest rate changes Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountBorrowingExposedToInterestRateChanges
3359 Description of non-interest bearing borrowings Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNon-interestBearingBorrowings
3360 Amount of borrowing repayable within a set time Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountBorrowingRepayableWithinSetTime
3361 Effective interest rate on borrowings Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBorrowings
3362 Effective interest rate on bank borrowings Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankBorrowings
3363 Effective interest rate on bank overdrafts Concept (Percent) As Of core:EffectiveInterestRateOnBankOverdrafts
3364 Undrawn borrowing facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of core:UndrawnBorrowingFacilities
3365 Total drawn and undrawn borrowing facilities Concept (Monetary) As Of core:TotalDrawnUndrawnBorrowingFacilities
3366 General description of loans payable in default or breach, including nature of default or breach and amounts involved Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionLoansPayableInDefaultOrBreachIncludingNatureDefaultOrBreachAmountsInvolved
3367 Trade creditors / trade payables Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TradeCreditorsTradePayables
3368 Loans from related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromRelatedParties
3369 Loans from group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
3370 Loans from group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromGroupUndertakings
3371 Loans from parent entities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromParentEntities
3372 Loans from subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromSubsidiaries
3373 Loans from associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
3374 Loans from associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromAssociates
3375 Loans from joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromJointVentures
3376 Loans from other related parties other than directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors
3377 Loans from directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromDirectors
3378 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
3379 Amounts owed to related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToRelatedParties
3380 Amounts owed to group undertakings and participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakingsParticipatingInterests
3381 Amounts owed to group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToGroupUndertakings
3382 Amounts owed to parent entities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToParentEntities
3383 Amounts owed to subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToSubsidiaries
3384 Amounts owed to associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
3385 Amounts owed to associates Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToAssociates
3386 Amounts owed to joint ventures Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToJointVentures
3387 Amounts owed to other related parties other than directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToOtherRelatedPartiesOtherThanDirectors
3388 Amounts owed to directors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedToDirectors
3389 Use parents, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related parties dimensions to identify individual related entities [guidance] Abstract core:UseParentsSubsidiariesAssociatesJointVenturesOtherRelatedPartiesDimensionsToIdentifyIndividualRelatedEntitiesGuidance
3390 Amounts owed in respect of group relief Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountsOwedInRespectGroupRelief
3391 Accrued liabilities and deferred income Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome
3392 Accrued liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccruedLiabilities
3393 Deferred income Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredIncome
3394 Deferred income released from previous periods Concept (Monetary) As Of char:DeferredIncomeReleasedFromPreviousPeriods
3395 Explanation of reasons for deferred income Concept (Text/String) As Of char:ExplanationReasonsForDeferredIncome
3396 Further item of accrued liabilities or deferred income [component of total accrued liabilities and deferred income] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemAccruedLiabilitiesOrDeferredIncomeComponentTotalAccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome
3397 Interest and similar expense payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:InterestSimilarExpensePayable
3398 Taxation and social security, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TaxationSocialSecurityPayable
3399 Corporation tax, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CorporationTaxPayable
3400 Value-added tax, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Value-addedTaxPayable
3401 Foreign tax, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ForeignTaxPayable
3402 Other taxation and social security, payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherTaxationSocialSecurityPayable
3403 Social security payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SocialSecurityPayable
3404 Other taxation payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherTaxationPayable
3405 Finance lease liabilities, present value, total Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FinanceLeaseLiabilitiesPresentValueTotal
3406 Bills of exchange payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BillsExchangePayable
3407 Royalties payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RoyaltiesPayable
3408 Government grants payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:GovernmentGrantsPayable
3409 Other grants payable Concept (Monetary) As Of char:OtherGrantsPayable
3410 Unpaid contributions to pension schemes Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:UnpaidContributionsToPensionSchemes
3411 Deferred consideration for business combination Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredConsiderationForBusinessCombination
3412 Dividend declared and payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DividendDeclaredPayable
3413 Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CumulativePreferenceShareDividendsUnpaid
3414 Payments received on account Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PaymentsReceivedOnAccount
3415 Payments on account for contracts and performance related grants Concept (Monetary) As Of char:PaymentsOnAccountForContractsPerformanceRelatedGrants
3416 Further item of creditors [component of total creditors] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemCreditorsComponentTotalCreditors
3417 Other creditors Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCreditors
3418 Creditors free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CreditorsFree-textComment
3419 Other creditor sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:OtherCreditorSub-totalsHeading
3420 Other payables and accrued expenses Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherPayablesAccruedExpenses
3421 Other creditors including taxation and social security, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCreditorsIncludingTaxationSocialSecurityBalanceSheetSubtotal
3422 For creditors / payables related to construction contracts, see 'Construction contracts' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCreditorsPayablesRelatedToConstructionContractsSeeConstructionContractsSectionCross-reference
3423 Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus
3424 Charity funds Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:CharityFunds
3425 Charity funds free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityFundsFree-textComment
3426 Additional fund disclosures [heading] Abstract char:AdditionalFundDisclosuresHeading
3427 For analysis of material funds use material funds dimension [guidance] Abstract char:ForAnalysisMaterialFundsUseMaterialFundsDimensionGuidance
3428 Description of material fund Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionMaterialFund
3429 Explanation of the purposes and trust law restrictions imposed on each material fund Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationPurposesTrustLawRestrictionsImposedOnEachMaterialFund
3430 Net increase (decrease) in charitable funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:NetIncreaseDecreaseInCharitableFunds
3431 Income of material fund Concept (Monetary) For Period char:IncomeMaterialFund
3432 Expenditure of material fund Concept (Monetary) For Period char:ExpenditureMaterialFund
3433 Transfer to (from) material fund Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TransferToFromMaterialFund
3434 Gain (loss) of material fund Concept (Monetary) For Period char:GainLossMaterialFund
3435 Explanation of material transfers between funds Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationMaterialTransfersBetweenFunds
3436 Funds received as agent or custodian trustee [heading] Abstract char:FundsReceivedAsAgentOrCustodianTrusteeHeading
3437 Use funds received as agent dimension to identify individual funds received (paid) [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsReceivedAsAgentDimensionToIdentifyIndividualFundsReceivedPaidGuidance
3438 Net funds received (paid) as agent Concept (Monetary) For Period char:NetFundsReceivedPaidAsAgent
3439 Funds received as agent Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FundsReceivedAsAgent
3440 Funds paid as agent Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FundsPaidAsAgent
3441 Balances held as agent at the reporting date Concept (Monetary) As Of char:BalancesHeldAsAgentReportingDate
3442 Balances outstanding between consortium members Concept (Monetary) As Of char:BalancesOutstandingBetweenConsortiumMembers
3443 Description of assets held on behalf of others Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionAssetsHeldOnBehalfOthers
3444 Name and objects of the charities on whose behalf assets are held Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameObjectsCharitiesOnWhoseBehalfAssetsAreHeld
3445 Details of safe custody and segregation of assets from the charity's own assets Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DetailsSafeCustodySegregationAssetsFromCharitysOwnAssets
3446 Pooling scheme funds [heading] Abstract char:PoolingSchemeFundsHeading
3447 Use pooling scheme fund dimension for analysis of fund movements [guidance] Abstract char:UsePoolingSchemeFundDimensionForAnalysisFundMovementsGuidance
3448 Pooling scheme fund - movement analysis [heading] Abstract char:PoolingSchemeFund-MovementAnalysisHeading
3449 Net Assets Concept (Monetary) For Period char:PoolingSchemeFundNetAssets
3450 Additions to investment pool Concept (Monetary) For Period char:PoolingSchemeFundAdditionsToInvestmentPool
3451 Investment income Concept (Monetary) For Period char:PoolingSchemeFundInvestmentIncome
3452 Investment management costs Concept (Monetary) For Period char:PoolingSchemeFundsInvestmentManagementCosts
3453 Realised investment gains (losses) Concept (Monetary) For Period char:PoolingSchemeFundRealisedInvestmentGainsLosses
3454 Unrealised investment gains (losses) Concept (Monetary) For Period char:PoolingSchemeFundUnrealisedInvestmentGainsLosses
3455 Distributions for charitable expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period char:PoolingSchemeFundDistributionsForCharitableExpenditure
3456 For pooling scheme date and authority disclosures see 'Basis of preparation and general information on financial statements' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForPoolingSchemeDateAuthorityDisclosuresSeeBasisPreparationGeneralInformationOnFinancialStatementsSectionCross-reference
3457 Notes on cash flow [heading] Abstract core:NotesOnCashFlowHeading
3458 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed values [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedValuesGuidance
3459 For amounts released to income funds from endowment see 'Other income' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForAmountsReleasedToIncomeFundsFromEndowmentSeeOtherIncomeSectionCross-reference
3460 Amount of cash or cash equivalents unavailable for use to further charitable activities Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountCashOrCashEquivalentsUnavailableForUseToFurtherCharitableActivities
3461 Explanation of cash or cash equivalents unavailable for use to further charitable activities Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationCashOrCashEquivalentsUnavailableForUseToFurtherCharitableActivities
3462 Cash generated from operations, direct method [heading] Abstract core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsDirectMethodHeading
3463 Cash receipts from operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromOperatingActivities
3464 Cash receipts from donations, legacies and grants Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromDonationsLegaciesGrants
3465 Cash receipts from donations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromDonations
3466 Cash receipts from legacies Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromLegacies
3467 Cash receipts from grants Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromGrants
3468 Cash receipts from charitable activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromCharitableActivities
3469 Cash receipts from Gift Aid claims or repayment of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromGiftAidClaimsOrRepaymentTax
3470 Cash receipts from contracts for the supply of goods and services Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromContractsForSupplyGoodsServices
3471 Cash receipts from rents excluding rent from investment properties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromRentsExcludingRentFromInvestmentProperties
3472 Cash receipts from repayment of loans made to further the charity's purposes Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit char:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentLoansMadeToFurtherCharitysPurposes
3473 Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromSalesGoodsRenderingServices
3474 Cash receipts from royalties, fees, commissions and other revenue Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRoyaltiesFeesCommissionsOtherRevenue
3475 Cash receipts from contracts held for dealing or trading purpose Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromContractsHeldForDealingOrTradingPurpose
3476 Cash receipts from premiums and claims, annuities and other policy benefits, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromPremiumsClaimsAnnuitiesOtherPolicyBenefitsClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
3477 Cash receipts from government grants Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromGovernmentGrants
3478 Cash receipts from rents and subsequent sales of rental assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashReceiptsFromRentsSubsequentSalesRentalAssets
3479 Further item of cash receipts from operating activities [component of total cash receipts from operating activities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemCashReceiptsFromOperatingActivitiesComponentTotalCashReceiptsFromOperatingActivities
3480 Other cash receipts from operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherCashReceiptsFromOperatingActivities
3481 Cash payments for operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsForOperatingActivities
3482 Cash payments to suppliers and employees Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsToSuppliersEmployees
3483 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsToSuppliersForGoodsServices
3484 Cash payments to and on behalf of employees Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsToOnBehalfEmployees
3485 Cash payments of grants made Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:CashPaymentsGrantsMade
3486 Cash payments for charitable activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:CashPaymentsForCharitableActivities
3487 Cash payments of interest on borrowing related to operational activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:CashPaymentsInterestOnBorrowingRelatedToOperationalActivities
3488 Cash advances made to other parties as social investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:CashAdvancesMadeToOtherPartiesAsSocialInvestments
3489 Cash payments of taxes on income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit char:CashPaymentsTaxesOnIncome
3490 Cash payments for contracts held for dealing or trading purposes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsForContractsHeldForDealingOrTradingPurposes
3491 Cash payments for premiums and claims, annuities and other policy benefits, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsForPremiumsClaimsAnnuitiesOtherPolicyBenefitsClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
3492 Cash payments for research and development expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsForResearchDevelopmentExpenditure
3493 Cash payments for warranty claims Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsForWarrantyClaims
3494 Cash payments for restructuring expenditures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsForRestructuringExpenditures
3495 Cash payments for other administrative expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsForOtherAdministrativeExpenses
3496 Cash payments to manufacture or acquire assets held for rental to others and subsequently held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsToManufactureOrAcquireAssetsHeldForRentalToOthersSubsequentlyHeldForSale
3497 Further item of cash payments for operating activities [component of total cash payments for operating activities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemCashPaymentsForOperatingActivitiesComponentTotalCashPaymentsForOperatingActivities
3498 Other cash payments for operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherCashPaymentsForOperatingActivities
3499 Cash generated from operations, indirect method [heading] Abstract core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsIndirectMethodHeading
3500 Net cash inflow (outflow) from operations before movements in working capital Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromOperationsBeforeMovementsInWorkingCapital
3501 Adjustments to cash flows from non-cash items, excluding movements in working capital [heading] Abstract core:AdjustmentsToCashFlowsFromNon-cashItemsExcludingMovementsInWorkingCapitalHeading
3502 For other profit (loss) and income tax items, see 'Income statement' and 'Notes on income' sections [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForOtherProfitLossIncomeTaxItemsSeeIncomeStatementNotesOnIncomeSectionsCross-reference
3503 For items related to discontinued activities, see 'Disposals and discontinued operations' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForItemsRelatedToDiscontinuedActivitiesSeeDisposalsDiscontinuedOperationsSectionCross-reference
3504 For adjustments for which no tag exists elsewhere, use the analysis tag attached below [guidance] Abstract core:ForAdjustmentsForWhichNoTagExistsElsewhereUseAnalysisTagAttachedBelowGuidance
3505 Further non-cash item leading to a gain (loss) in cash flows [component of total adjustments from non-cash items] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherNon-cashItemLeadingToGainLossInCashFlowsComponentTotalAdjustmentsFromNon-cashItems
3506 Adjustments to cash flow from working capital [heading] Abstract core:AdjustmentsToCashFlowFromWorkingCapitalHeading
3507 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating assets and liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingAssetsLiabilities
3508 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingAssets
3509 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in stocks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInInventories
3510 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in biological assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInBiologicalAssets
3511 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in intangible assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInIntangibleAssets
3512 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in debtors / trade and other receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDebtorsTradeOtherReceivables
3513 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in trade debtors / trade receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInTradeDebtorsTradeReceivables
3514 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in other debtors / other receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOtherDebtorsOtherReceivables
3515 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in prepayments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInPrepayments
3516 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupsHeldForSale
3517 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in non-current assets held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInNon-currentAssetsHeldForSale
3518 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in disposal groups held for sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDisposalGroupsHeldForSale
3519 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in construction contract work in progress Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInConstructionContractWorkInProgress
3520 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in accrued items Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInAccruedItems
3521 Further item of gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating assets [component of total gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating assets] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemGainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingAssetsComponentTotalGainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingAssets
3522 Gain (loss) in cash flows from other change in operating assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromOtherChangeInOperatingAssets
3523 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingLiabilities
3524 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in creditors / trade and other payables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInCreditorsTradeOtherPayables
3525 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in trade creditors / trade payables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInTradeCreditorsTradePayables
3526 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in other creditors / other payables and accrued expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOtherCreditorsOtherPayablesAccruedExpenses
3527 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInProvisions
3528 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deferred items Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDeferredItems
3529 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deferred government grants Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDeferredGovernmentGrants
3530 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deferred taxes Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDeferredTaxes
3531 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deferred income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDeferredIncome
3532 Gain (loss) in cash flows from other change in deferred items Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromOtherChangeInDeferredItems
3533 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in retirement benefit obligations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInRetirementBenefitObligations
3534 Further item of gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating liabilities [component of total gain (loss) in cash flows from change in operating liabilities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemGainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingLiabilitiesComponentTotalGainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInOperatingLiabilities
3535 Gain (loss) in cash flows from other change in operating liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromOtherChangeInOperatingLiabilities
3536 Reconciliation of net income (expenditure) to net cash flow from operating activities [heading] Abstract char:ReconciliationNetIncomeExpenditureToNetCashFlowFromOperatingActivitiesHeading
3537 For adjustments see relevant sections in the notes and detailed disclosures [guidance] Abstract char:ForAdjustmentsSeeRelevantSectionsInNotesDetailedDisclosuresGuidance
3538 Analysis of cash and cash equivalents [heading] Abstract char:AnalysisCashCashEquivalentsHeading
3539 For cash and cash equivalents see 'Financial assets' section [cross-reference] Abstract char:ForCashCashEquivalentsSeeFinancialAssetsSectionCross-reference
3540 Reconciliation of cash flows to net debt [heading] Abstract core:ReconciliationCashFlowsToNetDebtHeading
3541 Net debt (funds) Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:NetDebtFunds
3542 Increase (decrease) in net debt in period Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtInPeriod
3543 New finance leases Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NewFinanceLeases
3544 Debt (funds) from acquisitions and disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DebtFundsFromAcquisitionsDisposals
3545 Debt (funds) acquired with subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DebtFundsAcquiredWithSubsidiaries
3546 Debt (funds) disposed of with subsidiaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DebtFundsDisposedWithSubsidiaries
3547 Increase (decrease) in net debt from cash flows Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtFromCashFlows
3548 Cash inflow (outflow) from management of liquid resources Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashInflowOutflowFromManagementLiquidResources
3549 Cash inflow (outflow) from debt financing Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CashInflowOutflowFromDebtFinancing
3550 Increase (decrease) in net debt from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtFromForeignExchangeDifferences
3551 Gain (loss) on hedging instruments designated as fair value hedges Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnHedgingInstrumentsDesignatedAsFairValueHedges
3552 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from changes in consolidation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsFromChangesInConsolidation
3553 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, before foreign exchange differences and changes in consolidation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInCashCashEquivalentsBeforeForeignExchangeDifferencesChangesInConsolidation
3554 Further item of increase (decrease) in net debt in period [component of total increase (decrease) in net debt in period] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtInPeriodComponentTotalIncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtInPeriod
3555 Other items of increase (decrease) in net debt in period Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherItemsIncreaseDecreaseInNetDebtInPeriod
3556 For other items which may be included in the reconciliation, see other relevant 'Notes' sections [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForOtherItemsWhichMayBeIncludedInReconciliationSeeOtherRelevantNotesSectionsCross-reference
3557 Increase (decrease) in net cash in period Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetCashInPeriod
3558 Description of investing and financing transactions not requiring cash or cash equivalents Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionInvestingFinancingTransactionsNotRequiringCashOrCashEquivalents
3559 For cash payments related to business combinations and disposals, see 'Business combinations' and 'Disposals' sections [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCashPaymentsRelatedToBusinessCombinationsDisposalsSeeBusinessCombinationsDisposalsSectionsCross-reference
3560 Employee benefits and other employee information [heading] Abstract core:EmployeeBenefitsOtherEmployeeInformationHeading
3561 Staff costs / employee benefits expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:StaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense
3562 Wages and salaries Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:WagesSalaries
3563 Alternative wages and salaries sub-totals [heading] Abstract core:AlternativeWagesSalariesSub-totalsHeading
3564 Wages and salaries including redundancy costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:WagesSalariesIncludingRedundancyCosts
3565 Wages and salaries excluding redundancy costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:WagesSalariesExcludingRedundancyCosts
3566 Social security costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SocialSecurityCosts
3567 Other short-term employee benefits Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherShort-termEmployeeBenefits
3568 Expenditure on staff contracted with and paid by related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period char:ExpenditureOnStaffContractedWithPaidByRelatedParties
3569 Use funds dimension to identify unrestricted, restricted and endowed funds values [guidance] Abstract char:UseFundsDimensionToIdentifyUnrestrictedRestrictedEndowedFundsValuesGuidance
3570 Basis of allocation between activities of defined contribution pension liability and expense Concept (Text/String) For Period char:BasisAllocationBetweenActivitiesDefinedContributionPensionLiabilityExpense
3571 Pension and other post-employment benefit costs / other pension costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCostsOtherPensionCosts
3572 Pension costs, defined contribution plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PensionCostsDefinedContributionPlan
3573 Pension costs, defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PensionCostsDefinedBenefitPlan
3574 Further item of pension and other post-employment benefit costs [component of total pension and other post-employment benefit costs] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemPensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCostsComponentTotalPensionOtherPost-employmentBenefitCosts
3575 Other post-employment benefit costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitCosts
3576 Defined benefit pension plan free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DefinedBenefitPensionPlanFree-textComment
3577 Description of the extent to which the charity can be liable to a multi-employer defined benefit plan for other entities' obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DescriptionExtentToWhichCharityCanBeLiableToMulti-employerDefinedBenefitPlanForOtherEntitiesObligations
3578 Explanation of how any liability arising from an agreement with a multi employer plan to fund a deficit has been determined Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationHowAnyLiabilityArisingFromAnAgreementWithMultiEmployerPlanToFundDeficitHasBeenDetermined
3579 Redundancy costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RedundancyCosts
3580 Share-based payment expense, equity settled Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:Share-basedPaymentExpenseEquitySettled
3581 Share-based payment expense, cash settled Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:Share-basedPaymentExpenseCashSettled
3582 Nature of the redundancy payment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NatureRedundancyPayment
3583 The extent of redundancy funding at the balance sheet date Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExtentRedundancyFundingBalanceSheetDate
3584 Other long-term benefits expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherLong-termBenefitsExpense
3585 Further employee expense item [component of total employee benefits expense] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherEmployeeExpenseItemComponentTotalEmployeeBenefitsExpense
3586 Other employee expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherEmployeeExpense
3587 No employees received benefits excluding employer pension costs of more than £60,000 [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoEmployeesReceivedBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsMoreThan60000Truefalse
3588 Use salary band dimension for number of employees who received benefits excluding employer pension costs of more than £60,000 [guidance] Abstract char:UseSalaryBandDimensionForNumberEmployeesWhoReceivedBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsMoreThan60000Guidance
3589 Number of employees whose total benefits excluding employer pension costs fall within bands of £10,000 over £60,000 Concept (Decimal) For Period char:NumberEmployeesWhoseTotalBenefitsExcludingEmployerPensionCostsFallWithinBandsGBP10000OverGBP60000
3590 Employee benefits free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:EmployeeBenefitsFree-textComment
3591 Unincorporated charities have Trustees and Charitable companies have Directors (who are also Trustees): Either category should use the following section if applicable [guidance] Abstract char:UnincorporatedCharitiesHaveTrusteesCharitableCompaniesHaveDirectorsWhoAreAlsoTrusteesEitherCategoryShouldUseFollowingSectionIfApplicableGuidance
3592 For directors' remuneration, see 'Employee benefits and other employee information' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDirectorsRemunerationSeeEmployeeBenefitsOtherEmployeeInformationSectionCross-reference
3593 Trustees'/directors' remuneration [heading] Abstract direp:DirectorsRemunerationHeading
3594 Use entity officers dimension to identify totals for trustees/directors and individual trustees/directors, including highest paid Trustee/Director [guidance] Abstract direp:UseEntityOfficersDimensionToIdentifyTotalsForDirectorsIndividualDirectorsIncludingHighestPaidDirectorGuidance
3595 Trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits including payments to third parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:DirectorRemunerationBenefitsIncludingPaymentsToThirdParties
3596 Payments to third parties for trustees'/directors' services Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:PaymentsToThirdPartiesForDirectorServices
3597 Trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:DirectorRemunerationBenefitsExcludingPaymentsToThirdParties
3598 Trustees'/directors' remuneration Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:DirectorRemuneration
3599 Salaries and fees, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:SalariesFeesDirectors
3600 Salaries, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:SalariesDirectors
3601 Fees, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:FeesDirectors
3602 Bonuses, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:BonusesDirectors
3603 Benefits in kind, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:BenefitsInKindDirectors
3604 Expense allowances, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:ExpenseAllowancesDirectors
3605 Gain (loss) on exercise of share options, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:GainLossOnExerciseShareOptionsDirectors
3606 Amount received or receivable under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:AmountReceivedOrReceivableUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors
3607 Net assets received or receivable under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:NetAssetsReceivedOrReceivableUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors
3608 Company contributions to money purchase plans, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:CompanyContributionsToMoneyPurchasePlansDirectors
3609 Company contributions to defined benefit plans, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:CompanyContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlansDirectors
3610 Further item of Trustee/Director remuneration and benefits [component of total trustees'/directors' remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:FurtherItemDirectorRemunerationBenefitsComponentTotalDirectorRemunerationBenefitsExcludingPaymentsToThirdParties
3611 Description of any non-cash benefits, trustees/directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionAnyNon-cashBenefitsDirectors
3612 Description of any arrangements under which trustees/directors waive emoluments Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionAnyArrangementsUnderWhichDirectorsWaiveEmoluments
3613 Numbers of trustees/directors receiving benefits and share incentives [heading] Abstract direp:NumbersDirectorsReceivingBenefitsShareIncentivesHeading
3614 Number of trustees/directors accruing retirement benefits Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:NumberDirectorsAccruingRetirementBenefits
3615 Number of trustees/directors accruing benefits under a defined benefit scheme Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:NumberDirectorsAccruingBenefitsUnderDefinedBenefitScheme
3616 Number of trustees/directors accruing benefits under a money purchase scheme Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:NumberDirectorsAccruingBenefitsUnderMoneyPurchaseScheme
3617 Number of trustees/directors who received or were entitled to receive shares under long term incentive schemes Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:NumberDirectorsWhoReceivedOrWereEntitledToReceiveSharesUnderLongTermIncentiveSchemes
3618 Number of trustees/directors who exercised share options Concept (Decimal) For Period direp:NumberDirectorsWhoExercisedShareOptions
3619 Other information on trustee/director payments [heading] Abstract direp:OtherInformationOnDirectorPaymentsHeading
3620 Accrued pension at period end, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) As Of direp:AccruedPensionPeriodEndDirectors
3621 Accrued pension lump sum at period end, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) As Of direp:AccruedPensionLumpSumPeriodEndDirectors
3622 General description of shares options exercised, trustees/directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:GeneralDescriptionSharesOptionsExercisedDirectors
3623 General description of benefits under long-term incentive schemes, trustees/directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:GeneralDescriptionBenefitsUnderLong-termIncentiveSchemesDirectors
3624 Excess of retirement benefits over original entitlement, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:ExcessRetirementBenefitsOverOriginalEntitlementDirectors
3625 Compensation for loss of office, trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:CompensationForLossOfficeDirectors
3626 Description of non-cash benefits provided as compensation for loss of office, trustees/directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionNon-cashBenefitsProvidedAsCompensationForLossOfficeDirectors
3627 Payments to third parties for trustees'/directors' services [heading] Abstract direp:PaymentsToThirdPartiesForDirectorsServicesHeading
3628 Payments made to third parties for services of trustees/directors as trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:PaymentsMadeToThirdPartiesForServicesDirectorsAsDirectors
3629 Payments made to third parties for services of trustees/directors while trustees/directors Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit direp:PaymentsMadeToThirdPartiesForServicesDirectorsWhileDirectors
3630 Description of non-cash benefits provided to third parties for services of trustees/directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionNon-cashBenefitsProvidedToThirdPartiesForServicesDirectors
3631 Trustees' remuneration and benefits Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TrusteesRemunerationBenefits
3632 None of the trustees have been paid any remuneration or received any other benefits [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoneTrusteesHaveBeenPaidAnyRemunerationOrReceivedAnyOtherBenefitsTruefalse
3633 One or more of the trustees has been paid remuneration or received other benefits [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:OneOrMoreTrusteesHasBeenPaidRemunerationOrReceivedOtherBenefitsTruefalse
3634 Name of remunerated trustee Concept (Text/String) For Period char:NameRemuneratedTrustee
3635 Legal authority under which the trustee payment was made [heading] Abstract char:LegalAuthorityUnderWhichTrusteePaymentWasMadeHeading
3636 Provision in the governing document Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ProvisionInGoverningDocument
3637 Order of the court Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OrderCourt
3638 Permission from regulatory body Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PermissionFromRegulatoryBody
3639 Other legal authority Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OtherLegalAuthority
3640 Reason for remuneration Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ReasonForRemuneration
3641 Amount of remuneration Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountRemuneration
3642 Amount of pension contributions paid in the reporting period Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountPensionContributionsPaidInReportingPeriod
3643 Amount for administrative support Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountForAdministrativeSupport
3644 Further trustee employee benefit item [component of total trustees remuneration and benefits] Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FurtherTrusteeEmployeeBenefitItemComponentTotalTrusteesRemunerationBenefits
3645 Trustees expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period char:TrusteesExpenses
3646 No trustee expenses have been incurred [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoTrusteeExpensesHaveBeenIncurredTruefalse
3647 One or more trustees have had their expenses met by the charity [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:OneOrMoreTrusteesHaveHadTheirExpensesMetByCharityTruefalse
3648 Amount of any material expenses waived by trustees Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountAnyMaterialExpensesWaivedByTrustees
3649 Amount of expenses reimbursed or paid directly to third parties Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountExpensesReimbursedOrPaidDirectlyToThirdParties
3650 Travel Concept (Monetary) For Period char:Travel
3651 Subsistence Concept (Monetary) For Period char:Subsistence
3652 Accommodation Concept (Monetary) For Period char:Accommodation
3653 Further item of trustees' expenses [component of total trustees expenses] Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FurtherItemTrusteesExpensesComponentTotalTrusteesExpenses
3654 Number of trustees reimbursed or who had expenses paid by the charity to third parties Concept (Monetary) For Period char:NumberTrusteesReimbursedOrWhoHadExpensesPaidByCharityToThirdParties
3655 Post-employment benefits [heading] Abstract core:Post-employmentBenefitsHeading
3656 Defined contribution plans [heading] Abstract core:DefinedContributionPlansHeading
3657 Use post-employment benefit plans dimension to identify individual plans [guidance] Abstract core:UsePost-employmentBenefitPlansDimensionToIdentifyIndividualPlansGuidance
3658 Name of defined contribution plan Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameDefinedContributionPlan
3659 Description of contribution plan Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionContributionPlan
3660 Pension costs, defined contribution plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PensionCostsDefinedContributionPlan
3661 Outstanding (pre-paid) contributions to defined contribution plan at reporting date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OutstandingPre-paidContributionsToDefinedContributionPlanReportingDate
3662 Defined benefit plans [heading] Abstract core:DefinedBenefitPlansHeading
3663 Use post-employment benefit plans dimension to identify individual plans [guidance] Abstract core:UsePost-employmentBenefitPlansDimensionToIdentifyIndividualPlansGuidance
3664 Name of defined benefit plan Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameDefinedBenefitPlan
3665 Description of defined benefit plan, including funding policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionDefinedBenefitPlanIncludingFundingPolicy
3666 Date of most recent actuarial valuation Concept (Date) As Of core:DateMostRecentActuarialValuation
3667 Outstanding (pre-paid) contributions to defined benefit plan at reporting date Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OutstandingPre-paidContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlanReportingDate
3668 Reconciliation of defined benefit plan assets and liabilities [heading] Abstract core:ReconciliationDefinedBenefitPlanAssetsLiabilitiesHeading
3669 Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus
3670 Deficit (surplus) in defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeficitSurplusInDefinedBenefitPlan
3671 Liabilities of defined benefit plan, present value Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanPresentValue
3672 Fair value of assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3673 Reimbursement rights asset, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReimbursementRightsAssetFairValue
3674 Amount not recognised because of asset ceiling, defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AmountNotRecognisedBecauseAssetCeilingDefinedBenefitPlan
3675 Other assets (liabilities) related to the defined benefit plan recognised in the balance sheet Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherAssetsLiabilitiesRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInBalanceSheet
3676 Deferred tax liability (asset) related to defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DeferredTaxLiabilityAssetRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlan
3677 Defined benefit plan funding arrangements [heading] Abstract core:DefinedBenefitPlanFundingArrangementsHeading
3678 Fair value of assets in defined benefit plans less present value of funded obligations Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueAssetsInDefinedBenefitPlansLessPresentValueFundedObligations
3679 Defined benefit liabilities from plans that are wholly unfunded, present value Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DefinedBenefitLiabilitiesFromPlansThatAreWhollyUnfundedPresentValue
3680 Defined benefit liabilities from plans that are wholly or partly funded, present value Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DefinedBenefitLiabilitiesFromPlansThatAreWhollyOrPartlyFundedPresentValue
3681 Explanation for any difference between the net liability for all plans shown in the balance sheet and the total across individual plans Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ExplanationForAnyDifferenceBetweenNetLiabilityForAllPlansShownInBalanceSheetTotalAcrossIndividualPlans
3682 Retirement benefit obligations - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:RetirementBenefitObligations-MovementAnalysisHeading
3683 Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus
3684 Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from pension costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromPensionCosts
3685 Decrease in net retirement benefit obligations from total contributions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromTotalContributions
3686 Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from business combinations and disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromBusinessCombinationsDisposals
3687 Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from business combinations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromBusinessCombinations
3688 Decrease (increase) in net retirement benefit obligations from disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseIncreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromDisposals
3689 Decrease in net retirement benefit obligations from benefits paid Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromBenefitsPaid
3690 Decrease in net retirement benefit obligations from amounts paid in respect of settlements Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromAmountsPaidInRespectSettlements
3691 Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromForeignExchangeDifferences
3692 Decrease (increase) in net retirement benefit obligations from remeasurement Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseIncreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromRemeasurement
3693 Increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations from transfers to and from other schemes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsFromTransfersToFromOtherSchemes
3694 Further item of increase (decrease) in net retirement benefit obligations [component of total change in net retirement benefit obligations] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNetRetirementBenefitObligationsComponentTotalChangeInNetRetirementBenefitObligations
3695 Reconciliation of present value of liabilities of defined benefit plan - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:ReconciliationPresentValueLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan-MovementAnalysisHeading
3696 Liabilities of defined benefit plan, present value Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanPresentValue
3697 Increase in liabilities of defined benefit plan from current service cost Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromCurrentServiceCost
3698 Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from past service cost and gains and losses arising from settlements Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromPastServiceCostGainsLossesArisingFromSettlements
3699 Increase in liabilities of defined benefit plan from interest expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromInterestExpense
3700 Increase in liabilities of defined benefit plan from contributions by participants Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromContributionsByParticipants
3701 Decrease (increase) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from remeasurement Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseIncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromRemeasurement
3702 Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromForeignExchangeDifferences
3703 Decrease in assets of defined benefit plan from benefits paid Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBenefitsPaid
3704 Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from business combinations and disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinationsDisposals
3705 Increase in liabilities of defined benefit plan from business combinations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinations
3706 Decrease in liabilities of defined benefit plan from disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromDisposals
3707 Decrease in liabilities of defined benefit plan from amounts paid in respect of settlements Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromAmountsPaidInRespectSettlements
3708 Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from curtailments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromCurtailments
3709 Increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan from transfers to and from other schemes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanFromTransfersToFromOtherSchemes
3710 Further item of increase (decrease) in liabilities of defined benefit plan [component of total change in present value of liabilities] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlanComponentTotalChangeInPresentValueLiabilities
3711 Reconciliation of fair value of assets of defined benefit plan - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:ReconciliationFairValueAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan-MovementAnalysisHeading
3712 Fair value of assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3713 Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from interest income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromInterestIncome
3714 Increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan from remeasurement Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromRemeasurement
3715 Actuarial gain (loss) on assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ActuarialGainLossOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3716 Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from return on assets, net of interest income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromReturnOnAssetsNetInterestIncome
3717 Increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan from foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromForeignExchangeDifferences
3718 Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from total contributions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromTotalContributions
3719 Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from contributions by participants Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromContributionsByParticipants
3720 Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from contributions by employer Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromContributionsByEmployer
3721 Decrease in assets of defined benefit plan from benefits paid Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBenefitsPaid
3722 Increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan from business combinations and disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinationsDisposals
3723 Increase in assets of defined benefit plan from business combinations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinations
3724 Decrease in assets of defined benefit plan from disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromDisposals
3725 Decrease in assets of defined benefit plan from settlements Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromSettlements
3726 Increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan from transfers to and from other schemes Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromTransfersToFromOtherSchemes
3727 Further item of increase (decrease) in assets of defined benefit plan [component of total change in fair value of plan assets] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanComponentTotalChangeInFairValuePlanAssets
3728 Reimbursement rights recognised as assets of defined benefit plan - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:ReimbursementRightsRecognisedAsAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan-MovementAnalysisHeading
3729 Reimbursement rights asset, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReimbursementRightsAssetFairValue
3730 Increase in reimbursement rights related to interest income on assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToInterestIncomeOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3731 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to remeasurement of assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToRemeasurementAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3732 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to foreign exchange differences on assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToForeignExchangeDifferencesOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3733 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to total contributions to defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToTotalContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlan
3734 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to contributions to defined benefit plan by employer Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlanByEmployer
3735 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to contributions by defined benefit plan participants Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToContributionsByDefinedBenefitPlanParticipants
3736 Decrease in reimbursement rights related to benefits paid under the defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToBenefitsPaidUnderDefinedBenefitPlan
3737 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from business combinations and disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinationsDisposals
3738 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from business combinations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromBusinessCombinations
3739 Decrease in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from disposals Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromDisposals
3740 Decrease in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from settlements Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromSettlements
3741 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from curtailments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromCurtailments
3742 Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan from transfers to and from other schemes Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlanFromTransfersToFromOtherSchemes
3743 Further item of increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit plan [component of total reimbursement rights asset] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanComponentTotalReimbursementRightsAsset
3744 Other increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInReimbursementRightsRelatedToAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3745 Amounts related to defined benefit plan recognised in income and expenditure [heading] Abstract core:AmountsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInProfitOrLossHeading
3746 Pension costs, defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PensionCostsDefinedBenefitPlan
3747 Increase (decrease) in operating costs from defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingCostsFromDefinedBenefitPlan
3748 Current service cost of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CurrentServiceCostDefinedBenefitPlan
3749 Past service cost of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PastServiceCostDefinedBenefitPlan
3750 Expense (income) from defined benefit plan settlements and curtailments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ExpenseIncomeFromDefinedBenefitPlanSettlementsCurtailments
3751 Expense (income) from defined benefit plan settlements Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ExpenseIncomeFromDefinedBenefitPlanSettlements
3752 Expense (income) from defined benefit plan curtailments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ExpenseIncomeFromDefinedBenefitPlanCurtailments
3753 Increase (decrease) in finance costs from defined benefit plans Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInFinanceCostsFromDefinedBenefitPlans
3754 Interest income on assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3755 Interest expense on liabilities of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan
3756 Interest income from reimbursement rights of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeFromReimbursementRightsDefinedBenefitPlan
3757 Gains and losses related to defined benefit plan recognised in other comprehensive income [heading] Abstract core:GainsLossesRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeHeading
3758 Gain (loss) on remeasurement of defined benefit plan recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnRemeasurementDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3759 Gain (loss) on remeasurement from changes in assumptions underlying the present value of defined benefit plan liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnRemeasurementFromChangesInAssumptionsUnderlyingPresentValueDefinedBenefitPlanLiabilities
3760 Cumulative gain (loss) on remeasurement of defined benefit plan recognised in other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CumulativeGainLossOnRemeasurementDefinedBenefitPlanRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
3761 Components of defined benefit plan assets [heading] Abstract core:ComponentsDefinedBenefitPlanAssetsHeading
3762 Fair value of assets of defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan
3763 Equity securities held in defined benefit plan, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:EquitySecuritiesHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue
3764 Equity securities held in defined benefit plan, percentage Concept (Percent) As Of core:EquitySecuritiesHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage
3765 Debt securities held in defined benefit plan, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue
3766 Debt securities held in defined benefit plan, percentage Concept (Percent) As Of core:DebtSecuritiesHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage
3767 Property held in defined benefit plan, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PropertyHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue
3768 Property held in defined benefit plan, percentage Concept (Percent) As Of core:PropertyHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage
3769 Cash and cash equivalents held in defined benefit plan, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCashEquivalentsHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue
3770 Cash and cash equivalents held in defined benefit plan, percentage Concept (Percent) As Of core:CashCashEquivalentsHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage
3771 Other type of asset held in defined benefit plan [grouping] Abstract core:OtherTypeAssetHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanGrouping
3772 Description of other type of asset held in defined benefit plan Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionOtherTypeAssetHeldInDefinedBenefitPlan
3773 Fair value of other type of asset held in defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueOtherTypeAssetHeldInDefinedBenefitPlan
3774 Percentage of other type of asset held in defined benefit plan Concept (Percent) As Of core:PercentageOtherTypeAssetHeldInDefinedBenefitPlan
3775 Other assets held in defined benefit plan, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherAssetsHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanFairValue
3776 Other assets held in defined benefit plan, percentage Concept (Percent) As Of core:OtherAssetsHeldInDefinedBenefitPlanPercentage
3777 Defined benefit plan assets owned or used by entity [heading] Abstract core:DefinedBenefitPlanAssetsOwnedOrUsedByEntityHeading
3778 Description of assets in defined benefit plan owned or used by entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionAssetsInDefinedBenefitPlanOwnedOrUsedByEntity
3779 Fair value of entity financial instruments included in defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueEntityFinancialInstrumentsIncludedInDefinedBenefitPlan
3780 Fair value of property owned or used by entity included in defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValuePropertyOwnedOrUsedByEntityIncludedInDefinedBenefitPlan
3781 Further item of assets owned or used by entity and included in defined benefit plan [component of total plan assets owned or used by entity] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemAssetsOwnedOrUsedByEntityIncludedInDefinedBenefitPlanComponentTotalPlanAssetsOwnedOrUsedByEntity
3782 Return on assets and actuarial assumptions related to defined benefit plan [heading] Abstract core:ReturnOnAssetsActuarialAssumptionsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanHeading
3783 Description of basis used to determine the overall rate of return on assets in benefit plan Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBasisUsedToDetermineOverallRateReturnOnAssetsInBenefitPlan
3784 Return on assets of benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period core:ReturnOnAssetsBenefitPlan
3785 Return on reimbursement rights assets in benefit plan Concept (Monetary) For Period core:ReturnOnReimbursementRightsAssetsInBenefitPlan
3786 Principal actuarial assumptions related to defined benefit plan [heading] Abstract core:PrincipalActuarialAssumptionsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlanHeading
3787 Discount rate used, defined benefit plan Concept (Percent) As Of core:DiscountRateUsedDefinedBenefitPlan
3788 Assumed rate of increase of pensionable salaries Concept (Percent) As Of core:AssumedRateIncreasePensionableSalaries
3789 Assumed rate of increase of pensions in payment and deferred pensions Concept (Percent) As Of core:AssumedRateIncreasePensionsInPaymentDeferredPensions
3790 Assumed percentage of employees opting for early retirement Concept (Percent) As Of core:AssumedPercentageEmployeesOptingForEarlyRetirement
3791 Assumed rate of increase in retirement healthcare costs Concept (Percent) As Of core:AssumedRateIncreaseInRetirementHealthcareCosts
3792 Assumed rate of increase in maximum state healthcare benefits Concept (Percent) As Of core:AssumedRateIncreaseInMaximumStateHealthcareBenefits
3793 Assumed rate of inflation - CPI Concept (Percent) As Of core:AssumedRateInflation-CPI
3794 Assumed rate of inflation - RPI Concept (Percent) As Of core:AssumedRateInflation-RPI
3795 General description of mortality assumptions Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionMortalityAssumptions
3796 Description of other material assumptions related to defined benefit plan Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionOtherMaterialAssumptionsRelatedToDefinedBenefitPlan
3797 Description of expected or agreed future contributions to defined benefit plan by entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionExpectedOrAgreedFutureContributionsToDefinedBenefitPlanByEntity
3798 Description of the relationship between reporting entity and trustees / managers of defined benefit plan Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRelationshipBetweenReportingEntityTrusteesManagersDefinedBenefitPlan
3799 Disclosures on multi-employer plans [heading] Abstract core:DisclosuresOnMulti-employerPlansHeading
3800 Defined benefit plan is a multi-employer plan [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:DefinedBenefitPlanMulti-employerPlanTruefalse
3801 Description why entity is unable to account for multi-employer plan as a defined benefit plan Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionWhyEntityUnableToAccountForMulti-employerPlanAsDefinedBenefitPlan
3802 Description of surplus or deficit in multi-employer plan, basis of valuation and implications for entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSurplusOrDeficitInMulti-employerPlanBasisValuationImplicationsForEntity
3803 Disclosures on defined benefit plans under common control [heading] Abstract core:DisclosuresOnDefinedBenefitPlansUnderCommonControlHeading
3804 General description of sharing of contributions, costs, risks and charging for defined benefit plans under common control Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionSharingContributionsCostsRisksChargingForDefinedBenefitPlansUnderCommonControl
3805 Description of group entity financial statements which disclose information on defined benefit plans under common control Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionGroupEntityFinancialStatementsWhichDiscloseInformationOnDefinedBenefitPlansUnderCommonControl
3806 Employee information [heading] Abstract core:EmployeeInformationHeading
3807 Average number of employees by department [heading] Abstract core:AverageNumberEmployeesByDepartmentHeading
3808 Average number of employees during the period Concept (Decimal) For Period core:AverageNumberEmployeesDuringPeriod
3809 Administration and support, average number of employees Concept (Decimal) For Period core:AdministrationSupportAverageNumberEmployees
3810 Production, average number of employees Concept (Decimal) For Period core:ProductionAverageNumberEmployees
3811 Research and development, average number of employees Concept (Decimal) For Period core:ResearchDevelopmentAverageNumberEmployees
3812 Sales, marketing and distribution, average number of employees Concept (Decimal) For Period core:SalesMarketingDistributionAverageNumberEmployees
3813 Selling, average number of employees Concept (Decimal) For Period core:SellingAverageNumberEmployees
3814 Marketing, average number of employees Concept (Decimal) For Period core:MarketingAverageNumberEmployees
3815 Distribution, average number of employees Concept (Decimal) For Period core:DistributionAverageNumberEmployees
3816 Further department item, average number of employees [component of average number list] Concept (Decimal) For Period core:FurtherDepartmentItemAverageNumberEmployeesComponentAverageNumberList
3817 Other departments, average number of employees Concept (Decimal) For Period core:OtherDepartmentsAverageNumberEmployees
3818 Number of employees at specific date [heading] Abstract core:NumberEmployeesSpecificDateHeading
3819 Date at which number of employees measured Concept (Date) As Of core:DateWhichNumberEmployeesMeasured
3820 Number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:NumberEmployeesDate
3821 Administration and support, number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:AdministrationSupportNumberEmployeesDate
3822 Production, number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:ProductionNumberEmployeesDate
3823 Research and development, number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:ResearchDevelopmentNumberEmployeesDate
3824 Sales, marketing and distribution, number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:SalesMarketingDistributionNumberEmployeesDate
3825 Selling, number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:SellingNumberEmployeesDate
3826 Marketing, number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:MarketingNumberEmployeesDate
3827 Distribution, number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:DistributionNumberEmployeesDate
3828 Further department item, number of employees at specific date [component of total number of employees at date] Concept (Decimal) As Of core:FurtherDepartmentItemNumberEmployeesSpecificDateComponentTotalNumberEmployeesDate
3829 Other departments, number of employees at date Concept (Decimal) As Of core:OtherDepartmentsNumberEmployeesDate
3830 Employee information free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:EmployeeInformationFree-textComment
3831 Related parties [heading] Abstract core:RelatedPartiesHeading
3832 Entity has claimed exemption from reporting disclosure of related party transactions for wholly-owned entities [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromReportingDisclosureRelatedPartyTransactionsForWholly-ownedEntitiesTruefalse
3833 Entity has claimed exemption from reporting disclosure of key management personnel compensation [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromReportingDisclosureKeyManagementPersonnelCompensationTruefalse
3834 Entity has claimed exemption from reporting disclosure of related party transactions for government-related entities [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:EntityHasClaimedExemptionFromReportingDisclosureRelatedPartyTransactionsForGovernment-relatedEntitiesTruefalse
3835 Tags in this section are intended specifically for the related parties note in accounts - tags elsewhere in the taxonomy are NOT intended for this note [guidance] Abstract core:TagsInThisSectionAreIntendedSpecificallyForRelatedPartiesNoteInAccounts-TagsElsewhereInTaxonomyAreNOTIntendedForThisNoteGuidance
3836 Relationship between entity and parents [heading] Abstract core:RelationshipBetweenEntityParentsHeading
3837 Name of parent entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameParentEntity
3838 Name of ultimate parent of group, if not parent entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameUltimateParentGroupIfNotParentEntity
3839 Name of ultimate controlling party, if not ultimate parent Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameUltimateControllingPartyIfNotUltimateParent
3840 Name of most senior parent entity producing publicly available financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameMostSeniorParentEntityProducingPubliclyAvailableFinancialStatements
3841 Description of relationships between entity and parents, including any changes Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRelationshipsBetweenEntityParentsIncludingAnyChanges
3842 Parent of largest group in which results are consolidated [heading] Abstract core:ParentLargestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidatedHeading
3843 Name of parent of largest group in which results are consolidated Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameParentLargestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidated
3844 Country in which parent of largest group is incorporated Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:CountryInWhichParentLargestGroupIncorporated
3845 Address of parent of largest group Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AddressParentLargestGroup
3846 Further information on parent of largest group Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FurtherInformationOnParentLargestGroup
3847 Parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated [heading] Abstract core:ParentSmallestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidatedHeading
3848 Name of parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameParentSmallestGroupInWhichResultsAreConsolidated
3849 Country in which parent of smallest group is incorporated Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:CountryInWhichParentSmallestGroupIncorporated
3850 Address of parent of smallest group Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AddressParentSmallestGroup
3851 Further information on parent of smallest group Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FurtherInformationOnParentSmallestGroup
3852 Parent entity or controlling party and ultimate controlling party [grouping] Abstract core:ParentEntityOrControllingPartyUltimateControllingPartyGrouping
3853 Name of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameControllingParty
3854 Address of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AddressControllingParty
3855 Charity registration number of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CharityRegistrationNumberControllingParty
3856 Company registration number of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period char:CompanyRegistrationNumberControllingParty
3857 Principal purposes and activities of controlling party Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PrincipalPurposesActivitiesControllingParty
3858 Explanation of how controlling party exercises control Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationHowControllingPartyExercisesControl
3859 Information on controlling party, including description of relationship Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InformationOnControllingPartyIncludingDescriptionRelationship
3860 Controlling party is ultimate controlling party [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:ControllingPartyUltimateControllingPartyTruefalse
3861 Statement that ultimate controlling party is not known Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementThatUltimateControllingPartyNotKnown
3862 Statement that no controlling parties exist Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementThatNoControllingPartiesExist
3863 Key management personnel compensation [heading] Abstract core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationHeading
3864 Key management personnel compensation, total Concept (Monetary) For Period core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationTotal
3865 Key management personnel compensation, short-term employee benefits Concept (Monetary) For Period core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationShort-termEmployeeBenefits
3866 Key management personnel compensation, post-employment benefits Concept (Monetary) For Period core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationPost-employmentBenefits
3867 Key management personnel compensation, other long-term benefits Concept (Monetary) For Period core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationOtherLong-termBenefits
3868 Key management personnel compensation, termination benefits Concept (Monetary) For Period core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationTerminationBenefits
3869 Key management personnel compensation, share-based payment Concept (Monetary) For Period core:KeyManagementPersonnelCompensationShare-basedPayment
3870 Further item of key management personnel compensation [component of total key management personnel compensation] Concept (Monetary) For Period core:FurtherItemKeyManagementPersonnelCompensationComponentTotalKeyManagementPersonnelCompensation
3871 Description of non-cash benefits for key management personnel Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNon-cashBenefitsForKeyManagementPersonnel
3872 For directors' remuneration, see 'Directors' remuneration' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDirectorsRemunerationSeeDirectorsRemunerationSectionCross-reference
3873 Transactions and balances with related parties [heading] Abstract core:TransactionsBalancesWithRelatedPartiesHeading
3874 No related party transactions in the reporting period require disclosure [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoRelatedPartyTransactionsInReportingPeriodRequireDisclosureTruefalse
3875 Use related party dimension to identify types or related party or individual related party [guidance] Abstract core:UseRelatedPartyDimensionToIdentifyTypesOrRelatedPartyOrIndividualRelatedPartyGuidance
3876 Use related party transaction type dimension to identify nature of transaction [guidance] Abstract core:UseRelatedPartyTransactionTypeDimensionToIdentifyNatureTransactionGuidance
3877 Name or description of related party [if not defined by another tag] Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameOrDescriptionRelatedPartyIfNotDefinedByAnotherTag
3878 Description of nature of transactions and balances with related parties Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNatureTransactionsBalancesWithRelatedParties
3879 Income from related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period core:IncomeFromRelatedParties
3880 Payments to related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period core:PaymentsToRelatedParties
3881 Balances / amounts owed by related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of core:BalancesAmountsOwedByRelatedParties
3882 Balances / amounts owed to related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of core:BalancesAmountsOwedToRelatedParties
3883 Loans owed to related parties [heading] Abstract core:LoansOwedToRelatedPartiesHeading
3884 Loans owed to related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansOwedToRelatedParties
3885 Increase in loans owed to related parties due to loans advanced Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesDueToLoansAdvanced
3886 Decrease in loans owed to related parties due to loans repaid Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DecreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesDueToLoansRepaid
3887 Increase (decrease) in loans owed to related parties due to foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferences
3888 Increase (decrease) in loans owed to related parties attributable to interest transactions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesAttributableToInterestTransactions
3889 Increase (decrease) in loans owed to related parties due to other changes Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesDueToOtherChanges
3890 General description of loans owed to related parties, including terms and guarantees given Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionLoansOwedToRelatedPartiesIncludingTermsGuaranteesGiven
3891 Loans owed by related parties [heading] Abstract core:LoansOwedByRelatedPartiesHeading
3892 Loans owed by related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansOwedByRelatedParties
3893 Increase in loans owed by related parties due to loans advanced Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesDueToLoansAdvanced
3894 Decrease in loans owed by related parties due to loans repaid Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesDueToLoansRepaid
3895 Increase (decrease) in loans owed by related parties due to foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesDueToForeignExchangeDifferences
3896 Increase (decrease) in loans owed by related parties attributable to interest transactions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesAttributableToInterestTransactions
3897 Increase (decrease) in loans owed by related parties due to other changes Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesDueToOtherChanges
3898 Provisions for amounts owed by related parties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ProvisionsForAmountsOwedByRelatedParties
3899 Expenses recognised for doubtful debts owed by related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ExpensesRecognisedForDoubtfulDebtsOwedByRelatedParties
3900 Amounts written off from balances owed to (by) related parties during the period Concept (Monetary) For Period char:AmountsWrittenOffFromBalancesOwedToByRelatedPartiesDuringPeriod
3901 Terms and conditions, including security and nature of consideration to be provided in settlement Concept (Text/String) For Period char:TermsConditionsIncludingSecurityNatureConsiderationToBeProvidedInSettlement
3902 Details of any guarantees given or received Concept (Text/String) For Period char:DetailsAnyGuaranteesGivenOrReceived
3903 Any other elements of the transactions necessary for the understanding of the accounts Concept (Text/String) For Period char:AnyOtherElementsTransactionsNecessaryForUnderstandingAccounts
3904 Ex gratia payments [heading] Abstract char:ExGratiaPaymentsHeading
3905 Value of ex gratia payments Concept (Monetary) For Period char:ValueExGratiaPayments
3906 Value of waiver of right to an asset Concept (Monetary) For Period char:ValueWaiverRightToAnAsset
3907 Explanation for ex gratia payment Concept (Text/String) For Period char:ExplanationForExGratiaPayment
3908 Legal authority under which the ex gratia payment was made [heading] Abstract char:LegalAuthorityUnderWhichExGratiaPaymentWasMadeHeading
3909 Order of the court Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OrderCourt
3910 Permission from regulatory body Concept (Text/String) For Period char:PermissionFromRegulatoryBody
3911 Other legal authority Concept (Text/String) For Period char:OtherLegalAuthority
3912 Commitments made to related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period core:CommitmentsMadeToRelatedParties
3913 General description loans owed by related parties, including terms and guarantees received Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionLoansOwedByRelatedPartiesIncludingTermsGuaranteesReceived
3914 For analysis of loans to and from directors, see 'Directors' advances, credits and guarantees' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForAnalysisLoansToFromDirectorsSeeDirectorsAdvancesCreditsGuaranteesSectionCross-reference
3915 Directors' advances, credits and guarantees [heading] Abstract direp:DirectorsAdvancesCreditsGuaranteesHeading
3916 Use entity officers dimension members to identify totals for directors and individual directors [guidance] Abstract direp:UseEntityOfficersDimensionMembersToIdentifyTotalsForDirectorsIndividualDirectorsGuidance
3917 General description of advances and credits to directors, including terms and interest rates Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:GeneralDescriptionAdvancesCreditsToDirectorsIncludingTermsInterestRates
3918 Advances and credits, directors Concept (Monetary) As Of direp:AdvancesCreditsDirectors
3919 Advances and credits made in period, directors Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:AdvancesCreditsMadeInPeriodDirectors
3920 Advances and credits repaid in period, directors Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:AdvancesCreditsRepaidInPeriodDirectors
3921 Specific advance or credit, directors [grouping] Abstract direp:SpecificAdvanceOrCreditDirectorsGrouping
3922 Description of specific advance or credit, its conditions and indicative interest rate, directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionSpecificAdvanceOrCreditItsConditionsIndicativeInterestRateDirectors
3923 Amount of specific advance or credit, directors Concept (Monetary) As Of direp:AmountSpecificAdvanceOrCreditDirectors
3924 Amount of specific advance or credit made in period, directors Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:AmountSpecificAdvanceOrCreditMadeInPeriodDirectors
3925 Amount of specific advance or credit repaid in period, directors Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:AmountSpecificAdvanceOrCreditRepaidInPeriodDirectors
3926 General description of guarantees and their terms, directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:GeneralDescriptionGuaranteesTheirTermsDirectors
3927 Maximum liability under guarantees, directors Concept (Monetary) As Of direp:MaximumLiabilityUnderGuaranteesDirectors
3928 Amount paid and liability incurred in fulfilling guarantees, directors Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:AmountPaidLiabilityIncurredInFulfillingGuaranteesDirectors
3929 Specific guarantee, directors [grouping] Abstract direp:SpecificGuaranteeDirectorsGrouping
3930 Description of specific guarantee and its terms, directors Concept (Text/String) For Period direp:DescriptionSpecificGuaranteeItsTermsDirectors
3931 Maximum liability under specific guarantee, directors Concept (Monetary) As Of direp:MaximumLiabilityUnderSpecificGuaranteeDirectors
3932 Amount paid and liability incurred in fulfilling specific guarantee, directors Concept (Monetary) For Period direp:AmountPaidLiabilityIncurredInFulfillingSpecificGuaranteeDirectors
3933 Government-related entities [grouping] Abstract core:Government-relatedEntitiesGrouping
3934 Use related party transaction type dimension to identify nature of transaction [guidance] Abstract core:UseRelatedPartyTransactionTypeDimensionToIdentifyNatureTransactionGuidance
3935 Name of government-related entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:NameGovernment-relatedEntity
3936 Description of relationships between entity and government-related entity, including any changes Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRelationshipsBetweenEntityGovernment-relatedEntityIncludingAnyChanges
3937 Income from government-related entity Concept (Monetary) For Period core:IncomeFromGovernment-relatedEntity
3938 Payments to government-related entity Concept (Monetary) For Period core:PaymentsToGovernment-relatedEntity
3939 Description of extent of collectively significant transactions, government-related entities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionExtentCollectivelySignificantTransactionsGovernment-relatedEntities
3940 Funds held as agent or custodian trustee on behalf of related parties [heading] Abstract char:FundsHeldAsAgentOrCustodianTrusteeOnBehalfRelatedPartiesHeading
3941 Use related party dimension to identify funds held as agent or custodian trustee on behalf of related parties [guidance] Abstract char:UseRelatedPartyDimensionToIdentifyFundsHeldAsAgentOrCustodianTrusteeOnBehalfRelatedPartiesGuidance
3942 Funds held as agent or custodian trustee on behalf of related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period char:FundsHeldAsAgentOrCustodianTrusteeOnBehalfRelatedParties
3943 Commitments, contingent assets and liabilities [heading] Abstract core:CommitmentsContingentAssetsLiabilitiesHeading
3944 Commitments [heading] Abstract core:CommitmentsHeading
3945 Capital commitments Concept (Monetary) As Of core:CapitalCommitments
3946 Financial commitments, other than capital commitments Concept (Monetary) As Of core:FinancialCommitmentsOtherThanCapitalCommitments
3947 Loan commitments Concept (Monetary) As Of core:LoanCommitments
3948 Remaining financial commitments Concept (Monetary) As Of core:RemainingFinancialCommitments
3949 Description of capital commitments Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCapitalCommitments
3950 Description of financial commitments other than capital commitments Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionFinancialCommitmentsOtherThanCapitalCommitments
3951 For commitments related to a particular area, such as leases, PPE or intangibles, see the taxonomy section covering that area [guidance] Abstract core:ForCommitmentsRelatedToParticularAreaSuchAsLeasesPPEOrIntangiblesSeeTaxonomySectionCoveringThatAreaGuidance
3952 Contingent liabilities [heading] Abstract core:ContingentLiabilitiesHeading
3953 Use contingent liabilities dimension to identify individual types of contingent liability [guidance] Abstract core:UseContingentLiabilitiesDimensionToIdentifyIndividualTypesContingentLiabilityGuidance
3954 Contingent liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of core:ContingentLiabilities
3955 General description of contingent liabilities, including financial effect, uncertainties and possible reimbursement Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionContingentLiabilitiesIncludingFinancialEffectUncertaintiesPossibleReimbursement
3956 Statement on non-disclosure of information on contingent liabilities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementOnNon-disclosureInformationOnContingentLiabilities
3957 For details of contingent assets and liabilities related to business combinations, see 'Business combinations' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDetailsContingentAssetsLiabilitiesRelatedToBusinessCombinationsSeeBusinessCombinationsSectionCross-reference
3958 For contingent liabilities related to associates, see 'Investments in associates' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForContingentLiabilitiesRelatedToAssociatesSeeInvestmentsInAssociatesSectionCross-reference
3959 For contingent liabilities related to joint ventures, see 'Investments in joint ventures' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForContingentLiabilitiesRelatedToJointVenturesSeeInvestmentsInJointVenturesSectionCross-reference
3960 Contingent assets [heading] Abstract core:ContingentAssetsHeading
3961 Total contingent assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalContingentAssets
3962 General description of contingent assets, including financial effect Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionContingentAssetsIncludingFinancialEffect
3963 Statement on non-disclosure of information on contingent assets Concept (Text/String) For Period core:StatementOnNon-disclosureInformationOnContingentAssets
3964 For details of contingent assets and liabilities related to business combinations, see 'Business combinations' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDetailsContingentAssetsLiabilitiesRelatedToBusinessCombinationsSeeBusinessCombinationsSectionCross-reference
3965 Off balance sheet disclosures [heading] Abstract core:OffBalanceSheetDisclosuresHeading
3966 General description of any off-balance sheet arrangements including nature, purpose and financial impact on entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionAnyOff-balanceSheetArrangementsIncludingNaturePurposeFinancialImpactOnEntity
3967 For unconsolidated entities, see 'Investments in unconsolidated structured entities' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForUnconsolidatedEntitiesSeeInvestmentsInUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesSectionCross-reference
3968 Events after reporting date [heading] Abstract core:EventsAfterReportingDateHeading
3969 Event after reporting date [grouping] Abstract core:EventAfterReportingDateGrouping
3970 Description of event after reporting date Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionEventAfterReportingDate
3971 No estimate can be made of financial effect of event after the reporting date [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period char:NoEstimateCanBeMadeFinancialEffectEventAfterReportingDateTruefalse
3972 Estimate of financial effect of event after the reporting date Concept (Monetary) For Period char:EstimateFinancialEffectEventAfterReportingDate
3973 For dividends declared after reporting date, see 'Dividends' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForDividendsDeclaredAfterReportingDateSeeDividendsSectionCross-reference
3974 For business combinations after reporting date, see 'Business combinations' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForBusinessCombinationsAfterReportingDateSeeBusinessCombinationsSectionCross-reference
3975 Restatements and first time adoption of standards [heading] Abstract core:RestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionStandardsHeading
3976 Use restatements and first time adoption dimension to identify restated values and adjustments [guidance] Abstract core:UseRestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionDimensionToIdentifyRestatedValuesAdjustmentsGuidance
3977 Use 'Increase (decrease) due to transition' tag in restatements and first time adoption dimension to identify effects of transition of standards [guidance] Abstract core:UseIncreaseDecreaseDueToTransitionTagInRestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionDimensionToIdentifyEffectsTransitionStandardsGuidance
3978 General description of prior period and policy change adjustments and their effect Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionPriorPeriodPolicyChangeAdjustmentsTheirEffect
3979 General description of effects of first time adoption, reasons for change and other factors relevant to transition Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionEffectsFirstTimeAdoptionReasonsForChangeOtherFactorsRelevantToTransition
3980 Description of reasons why restatement of amounts on transition to FRS 102 is impractical Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReasonsWhyRestatementAmountsOnTransitionToFRS102Impractical
3981 General description of reason why FRS 102 was not applied to most recent annual financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionReasonWhyFRS102WasNotAppliedToMostRecentAnnualFinancialStatements
3982 402 - Additional Industry Sector Data (FRS 102) Network


3983 404 - Additional Industry Sector Data (Charities FRS 102 SORP) Network


3984 Additional industry sector data items [heading] Abstract core:AdditionalIndustrySectorDataItemsHeading
3985 Banking and finance sector items [heading] Abstract core:BankingFinanceSectorItemsHeading
3986 Income statement, banking and finance sector [heading] Abstract core:IncomeStatementBankingFinanceSectorHeading
3987 Interest income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncome
3988 Interest income on debt securities and other fixed-income securities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesOtherFixed-incomeSecurities
3989 Interest income not derived from debt securities and other fixed-income securities, banking income statement subtotal Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeNotDerivedFromDebtSecuritiesOtherFixed-incomeSecuritiesBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal
3990 Interest expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpense
3991 Dividend income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncome
3992 Dividend income from equity instruments, banking income statement subtotal Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromEquityInstrumentsBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal
3993 Dividend income from associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
3994 Dividend income from group undertakings Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeFromGroupUndertakings
3995 Fee and commission income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeeCommissionIncome
3996 Fee and commission expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FeeCommissionExpense
3997 Net trading income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetTradingIncome
3998 Trading income excluding net interest income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TradingIncomeExcludingNetInterestIncome
3999 Interest income on financial assets held for trading at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
4000 Other operating income, banking income statement subtotal Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherOperatingIncomeBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal
4001 Administrative expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdministrativeExpenses
4002 Staff costs / employee benefits expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:StaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense
4003 Administrative expenses other than staff costs, banking income statement subtotal Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdministrativeExpensesOtherThanStaffCostsBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal
4004 Depreciation and amortisation expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DepreciationAmortisationExpense
4005 Other operating expense, banking income statement subtotal Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherOperatingExpenseBankingIncomeStatementSubtotal
4006 Provisions, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProvisionsExpense
4007 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProvisionsForBadDoubtfulDebtsExpense
4008 Provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments, expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProvisionsForContingentLiabilitiesCommitmentsExpense
4009 Reversals to provisions, income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ReversalsToProvisionsIncome
4010 Reversals to provisions for bad and doubtful debts, income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ReversalsToProvisionsForBadDoubtfulDebtsIncome
4011 Reversals to provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments, income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ReversalsToProvisionsForContingentLiabilitiesCommitmentsIncome
4012 Impairment loss fixed asset investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossFixedAssetInvestments
4013 Impairment reversal fixed asset investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalFixedAssetInvestments
4014 For remaining income statement items, see 'Income statement' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForRemainingIncomeStatementItemsSeeIncomeStatementSectionCross-reference
4015 Balance sheet, banking and finance sector [heading] Abstract core:BalanceSheetBankingFinanceSectorHeading
4016 Total assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalAssets
4017 Cash and balances at central banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashBalancesCentralBanks
4018 Treasury and other eligible bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TreasuryOtherEligibleBillsHeld
4019 Treasury bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TreasuryBillsHeld
4020 Other eligible bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherEligibleBillsHeld
4021 Total loans and advances Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalLoansAdvances
4022 Loans and advances to banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToBanks
4023 Loans and advances to customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToCustomers
4024 Debt securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesHeld
4025 Debt securities issued by public bodies Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesIssuedByPublicBodies
4026 Debt securities issued by other issuers, banking balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesIssuedByOtherIssuersBankingBalanceSheetSubtotal
4027 Equity securities held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:EquitySecuritiesHeld
4028 Investments in associates and joint ventures / participating interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInAssociatesJointVenturesParticipatingInterests
4029 Investments in group undertakings Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InvestmentsInGroupUndertakings
4030 Intangible assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:IntangibleAssets
4031 Property, plant and equipment / tangible fixed assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PropertyPlantEquipment
4032 Called up share capital not paid Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid
4033 Own shares Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OwnShares
4034 Other assets, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherAssetsBalanceSheetSubtotal
4035 Prepayments and accrued income, not expressed within current asset subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PrepaymentsAccruedIncomeNotExpressedWithinCurrentAssetSubtotal
4036 Total liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalLiabilities
4037 Total deposits from customers and banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalDepositsFromCustomersBanks
4038 Deposits from banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DepositsFromBanks
4039 Deposits from customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DepositsFromCustomers
4040 Debt securities in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DebtSecuritiesInIssue
4041 Bonds and medium-term notes in issue Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:BondsMedium-termNotesInIssue
4042 Other debt securities in issue, banking balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherDebtSecuritiesInIssueBankingBalanceSheetSubtotal
4043 Other liabilities, banking balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherLiabilitiesBankingBalanceSheetSubtotal
4044 Accrued liabilities and deferred income Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredIncome
4045 Provisions for liabilities, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ProvisionsForLiabilitiesBalanceSheetSubtotal
4046 Net assets (liabilities) excluding defined benefit pension scheme assets (liabilities) Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit char:NetAssetsLiabilitiesExcludingDefinedBenefitPensionSchemeAssetsLiabilities
4047 Net liability (asset) arising from defined benefit plan Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RetirementBenefitObligationsSurplus
4048 Taxation, including deferred taxation, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TaxationIncludingDeferredTaxationBalanceSheetSubtotal
4049 Other provisions, balance sheet subtotal Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherProvisionsBalanceSheetSubtotal
4050 Subordinated liabilities Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SubordinatedLiabilities
4051 Equity / share capital and reserves Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:Equity
4052 For further breakdowns of assets and liabilities, see 'Notes on assets and liabilities' and other appropriate sections [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForFurtherBreakdownsAssetsLiabilitiesSeeNotesOnAssetsLiabilitiesOtherAppropriateSectionsCross-reference
4053 Balance sheet / Statement of financial position free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:BalanceSheetStatementFinancialPositionFree-textComment
4054 Approval of financial statements [heading] Abstract core:ApprovalFinancialStatementsHeading
4055 Director/trustee signing financial statements Concept (types:fixedItemType) For Period core:DirectorSigningFinancialStatements
4056 Date of authorisation of financial statements for issue Concept (Date) As Of core:DateAuthorisationFinancialStatementsForIssue
4057 Description of body authorising financial statements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBodyAuthorisingFinancialStatements
4058 Cash flow Statement, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:CashFlowStatementAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4059 Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivitiesAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4060 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in loans and advances, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInLoansAdvancesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
4061 Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:NetCashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4062 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
4063 Net cash inflow (outflow) from change in repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetCashInflowOutflowFromChangeInRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
4064 Significant accounting policies, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:SignificantAccountingPoliciesAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4065 Goodwill in business combinations policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GoodwillInBusinessCombinationsPolicy
4066 Loans and advances to banks and customers recognition and measurement policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:LoansAdvancesToBanksCustomersRecognitionMeasurementPolicy
4067 Reclassification of financial assets policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ReclassificationFinancialAssetsPolicy
4068 Day 1 profit or loss policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:Day1ProfitOrLossPolicy
4069 Debt securities in issue and other borrowed funds recognition and measurement policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherBorrowedFundsRecognitionMeasurementPolicy
4070 Subordinated debt recognition and measurement policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:SubordinatedDebtRecognitionMeasurementPolicy
4071 Equity instruments recognition and measurement policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:EquityInstrumentsRecognitionMeasurementPolicy
4072 Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DerecognitionFinancialAssetsFinancialLiabilitiesPolicy
4073 Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RepurchaseReverseRepurchaseAgreementsPolicy
4074 Securities lending and borrowing policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:SecuritiesLendingBorrowingPolicy
4075 Valuation of financial instruments policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ValuationFinancialInstrumentsPolicy
4076 Offsetting financial instruments policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:OffsettingFinancialInstrumentsPolicy
4077 Financial guarantees policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FinancialGuaranteesPolicy
4078 Fiduciary assets policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FiduciaryAssetsPolicy
4079 Cash flow hedge policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CashFlowHedgePolicy
4080 Fair value hedge policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FairValueHedgePolicy
4081 Hedge of net investment policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:HedgeNetInvestmentPolicy
4082 Interest and similar income and expense recognition policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InterestSimilarIncomeExpenseRecognitionPolicy
4083 Fee and commission income and expense recognition policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:FeeCommissionIncomeExpenseRecognitionPolicy
4084 Trading income recognition policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TradingIncomeRecognitionPolicy
4085 Gain or loss on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GainOrLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLossPolicy
4086 Collateral policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:CollateralPolicy
4087 Equity reserve policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:EquityReservePolicy
4088 Critical accounting estimates and judgements, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:CriticalAccountingEstimatesJudgementsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4089 Impairment of loans and advances, critical estimates and judgements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:ImpairmentLoansAdvancesCriticalEstimatesJudgements
4090 Business combinations, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:BusinessCombinationsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4091 Assets acquired, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:AssetsAcquiredAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4092 Cash and balances at central banks acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashBalancesCentralBanksAcquired
4093 Cash collateral on securities borrowed acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedAcquired
4094 Loans and advances to banks acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToBanksAcquired
4095 Loans and advances to customers acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToCustomersAcquired
4096 Financial assets pledged as collateral acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralAcquired
4097 Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending acquired Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingAcquired
4098 Liabilities assumed, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:LiabilitiesAssumedAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4099 Deposits from banks assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DepositsFromBanksAssumed
4100 Deposits from customers assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DepositsFromCustomersAssumed
4101 Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing assumed Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingAssumed
4102 Notes on income and expense, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:NotesOnIncomeExpenseAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4103 Use interest income and expense tags to represent 'interest and similar' income and expense items [guidance] Abstract core:UseInterestIncomeExpenseTagsToRepresentInterestSimilarIncomeExpenseItemsGuidance
4104 Total operating income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:TotalOperatingIncome
4105 Net operating income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetOperatingIncome
4106 Bank levy Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:BankLevy
4107 Non-interest income (expense) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:Non-interestIncomeExpense
4108 Net insurance premium income (expense) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetInsurancePremiumIncomeExpense
4109 Insurance premium income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InsurancePremiumIncome
4110 Insurance claims expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InsuranceClaimsExpense
4111 Gain or loss in cash flow hedges reclassified as other operating expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainOrLossInCashFlowHedgesReclassifiedAsOtherOperatingExpense
4112 Impairment loss (reversal) on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossReversalOnLoansAdvancesOtherCreditRiskProvisions
4113 Impairment loss on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ImpairmentLossOnLoansAdvancesOtherCreditRiskProvisions
4114 Impairment reversal on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ImpairmentReversalOnLoansAdvancesOtherCreditRiskProvisions
4115 Interest income [heading] Abstract core:InterestIncomeHeading
4116 Net interest income (expense) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetInterestIncomeExpense
4117 Interest income on cash and short term funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnCashShortTermFunds
4118 Interest income on cash and bank balances at central banks Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnCashBankBalancesCentralBanks
4119 Interest income on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreements
4120 Interest income on loans and advances to banks Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnLoansAdvancesToBanks
4121 Interest income on loans and advances to customers Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnLoansAdvancesToCustomers
4122 Interest income on assets pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnAssetsPledgedAsCollateral
4123 Gain or loss in cash flow hedges reclassified as interest income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainOrLossInCashFlowHedgesReclassifiedAsInterestIncome
4124 Use analysis item and 'other' tag in main 'Interest income' section to cover further specific interest income items and 'other interest income' [cross-reference] Abstract core:UseAnalysisItemOtherTagInMainInterestIncomeSectionToCoverFurtherSpecificInterestIncomeItemsOtherInterestIncomeCross-reference
4125 Interest income free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InterestIncomeFree-textComment
4126 Interest expense [heading] Abstract core:InterestExpenseHeading
4127 Interest expense on deposits from banks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromBanks
4128 Interest expense on deposits from customers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomers
4129 Interest expense on deposits from customers, current accounts Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomersCurrentAccounts
4130 Interest expense on deposits from customers, savings accounts Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomersSavingsAccounts
4131 Interest expense on deposits from customers, demand and term deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomersDemandTermDeposits
4132 Interest expense on other deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnOtherDeposits
4133 Interest expense on liabilities due to central banks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnLiabilitiesDueToCentralBanks
4134 Interest expense on securities lent and repurchase agreements Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreements
4135 Interest expense on internal funding of trading business Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnInternalFundingTradingBusiness
4136 Interest expense on securitisation notes in issue Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterestExpenseOnSecuritisationNotesInIssue
4137 Gain or loss in cash flow hedges reclassified as interest expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainOrLossInCashFlowHedgesReclassifiedAsInterestExpense
4138 Use analysis item and 'other' tag in main 'Interest expense' section to cover further specific interest expense items and 'other interest expense' [cross-reference] Abstract core:UseAnalysisItemOtherTagInMainInterestExpenseSectionToCoverFurtherSpecificInterestExpenseItemsOtherInterestExpenseCross-reference
4139 Interest expense free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:InterestExpenseFree-textComment
4140 Fees and commission [heading] Abstract core:FeesCommissionHeading
4141 Net fee and commission income (expense) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:NetFeeCommissionIncomeExpense
4142 Fee and commission income [heading] Abstract core:FeeCommissionIncomeHeading
4143 Fees and commission income on investment fund management Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnInvestmentFundManagement
4144 Fees and commission income on financial guarantee contracts issued Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnFinancialGuaranteeContractsIssued
4145 Fees and commission income on retail banking Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnRetailBanking
4146 Fees and commission income on cards, personal loans and unsecured lending Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnCardsPersonalLoansUnsecuredLending
4147 Fees and commission income on wealth management activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnWealthManagementActivities
4148 Fees and commission income on mortgage and vehicle finance activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnMortgageVehicleFinanceActivities
4149 Fees and commission income on other consumer banking activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnOtherConsumerBankingActivities
4150 Fees and commission income on foreign exchange trading activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnForeignExchangeTradingActivities
4151 Fees and commission income on corporate banking credit related business Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnCorporateBankingCreditRelatedBusiness
4152 Fees and commission income on M&A and corporate finance activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnMACorporateFinanceActivities
4153 Fees and commission income on underwriting activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnUnderwritingActivities
4154 Fees and commission income on equity underwriting activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnEquityUnderwritingActivities
4155 Fees and commission income on debt underwriting activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnDebtUnderwritingActivities
4156 Fees and commission income on custodian business Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnCustodianBusiness
4157 Fees and commission income on securities trading and investment activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnSecuritiesTradingInvestmentActivities
4158 Fees and commission income on securities lending Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnSecuritiesLending
4159 Fees and commission income on investment banking Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FeesCommissionIncomeOnInvestmentBanking
4160 Further item of fee and commission income [component of total fee and commission income] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemFeeCommissionIncomeComponentTotalFeeCommissionIncome
4161 Other remaining fees and commission income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:OtherRemainingFeesCommissionIncome
4162 Fee and commission expense [heading] Abstract core:FeeCommissionExpenseHeading
4163 Brokerage fees expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:BrokerageFeesExpense
4164 Interbank transaction fees expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:InterbankTransactionFeesExpense
4165 Further item of fee and commission expense [component of total fee and commission expense] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemFeeCommissionExpenseComponentTotalFeeCommissionExpense
4166 Other remaining fee and commission expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:OtherRemainingFeeCommissionExpense
4167 Gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading [heading] Abstract core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTradingHeading
4168 Gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForTrading
4169 Gain (loss) on equity securities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnEquitySecuritiesHeldForTrading
4170 Gain (loss) on debt securities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDebtSecuritiesHeldForTrading
4171 Gain (loss) on other interest rate instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnOtherInterestRateInstruments
4172 Gain (loss) on foreign exchange trading transactions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnForeignExchangeTradingTransactions
4173 Foreign exchange gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ForeignExchangeGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTrading
4174 Gain (loss) on other credit instruments, asset backed securities, corporate bonds, credit derivatives and related hedges and funding, held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnOtherCreditInstrumentsAssetBackedSecuritiesCorporateBondsCreditDerivativesRelatedHedgesFundingHeldForTrading
4175 Gain (loss) on asset backed securities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnAssetBackedSecuritiesHeldForTrading
4176 Gain (loss) on corporate bonds held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnCorporateBondsHeldForTrading
4177 Gain (loss) on credit derivatives and related hedges and funding, held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnCreditDerivativesRelatedHedgesFundingHeldForTrading
4178 Gain (loss) on dividend income from financial assets held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDividendIncomeFromFinancialAssetsHeldForTrading
4179 Gain (loss) on commodities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnCommoditiesHeldForTrading
4180 Further item of gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading [component of total gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTradingComponentTotalGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTrading
4181 Gain (loss) on other financial instruments held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnOtherFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTrading
4182 Gain (loss) on financial instruments held for trading free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsHeldForTradingFree-textComment
4183 Gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value [heading] Abstract core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValueHeading
4184 Gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue
4185 Gain (loss) on equity securities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnEquitySecuritiesDesignatedFairValue
4186 Gain (loss) on debt securities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDebtSecuritiesDesignatedFairValue
4187 Gain (loss) on loans and advances to customers designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnLoansAdvancesToCustomersDesignatedFairValue
4188 Gain (loss) on loans and advances to banks designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnLoansAdvancesToBanksDesignatedFairValue
4189 Gain (loss) on debt securities in issue and other borrowed funds designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDebtSecuritiesInIssueOtherBorrowedFundsDesignatedFairValue
4190 Gain (loss) on trading derivatives managed in conjunction with financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnTradingDerivativesManagedInConjunctionWithFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue
4191 Gain (loss) on other credit instruments, asset backed securities, corporate bonds, credit derivatives and related hedges and funding, designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnOtherCreditInstrumentsAssetBackedSecuritiesCorporateBondsCreditDerivativesRelatedHedgesFundingDesignatedFairValue
4192 Gain (loss) on dividend income from financial assets designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnDividendIncomeFromFinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValue
4193 Gain (loss) on own credit losses (gains) from financial liabilities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnOwnCreditLossesGainsFromFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue
4194 Gain (loss) on commodities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnCommoditiesDesignatedFairValue
4195 Further item of gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value [component of total gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value] Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:FurtherItemGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValueComponentTotalGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValue
4196 Gain (loss) on other financial instruments designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnOtherFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValue
4197 Gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValueFree-textComment
4198 Realised and unrealised gain (loss) on financial instruments at fair value through income and expenditure [heading] Abstract core:RealisedUnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossHeading
4199 Realised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesFairValue
4200 Unrealised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesFairValue
4201 Realised gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValue
4202 Unrealised gain (loss) on financial assets at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsFairValue
4203 Realised gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValue
4204 Unrealised gain (loss) on financial liabilities at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialLiabilitiesFairValue
4205 Realised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForTrading
4206 Unrealised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesHeldForTrading
4207 Realised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue
4208 Unrealised gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:UnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue
4209 Realised gain (loss) on trading derivatives managed in conjunction with financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:RealisedGainLossOnTradingDerivativesManagedInConjunctionWithFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue
4210 Unrealised gain (loss) on trading derivatives managed in conjunction with financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:UnrealisedGainLossOnTradingDerivativesManagedInConjunctionWithFinancialAssetsLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue
4211 Realised and unrealised gain (loss) on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss free-text comment Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RealisedUnrealisedGainLossOnFinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossFree-textComment
4212 Notes on cash flow, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:NotesOnCashFlowAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4213 Cash generated from operations, indirect method, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsIndirectMethodAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4214 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial assets at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
4215 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial assets held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialAssetsHeldForTrading
4216 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial assets designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValue
4217 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in loans and advances to banks and customers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInLoansAdvancesToBanksCustomers
4218 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in loans and advances to banks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInLoansAdvancesToBanks
4219 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in loans and advances to customers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInLoansAdvancesToCustomers
4220 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in balances with central bank Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInBalancesWithCentralBank
4221 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
4222 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in derivative instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDerivativeInstruments
4223 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial liabilities at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
4224 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial liabilities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTrading
4225 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in financial liabilities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValue
4226 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deposits from banks and customers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDepositsFromBanksCustomers
4227 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deposits from banks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDepositsFromBanks
4228 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in deposits from customers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDepositsFromCustomers
4229 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
4230 Financial assets, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:FinancialAssetsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4231 Cash and cash equivalents, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:CashCashEquivalentsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4232 Loans and advances to customers, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToCustomersClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
4233 Loans and advances to banks, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToBanksClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
4234 Debt securities held, classified as cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesHeldClassifiedAsCashCashEquivalents
4235 Cash and balances at central banks [heading] Abstract core:CashBalancesCentralBanksHeading
4236 Current account with the UK central bank Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CurrentAccountWithUKCentralBank
4237 Other money market placements Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherMoneyMarketPlacements
4238 Deposits with central banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DepositsWithCentralBanks
4239 Deposits with the UK central bank Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DepositsWithUKCentralBank
4240 Mandatory reserve deposits with UK central bank Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:MandatoryReserveDepositsWithUKCentralBank
4241 Balances with the UK central bank other than mandatory reserve deposits Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BalancesWithUKCentralBankOtherThanMandatoryReserveDeposits
4242 Deposits with other central banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DepositsWithOtherCentralBanks
4243 Mandatory reserve deposits with other central banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:MandatoryReserveDepositsWithOtherCentralBanks
4244 Balances with other central banks other than mandatory reserve deposits Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BalancesWithOtherCentralBanksOtherThanMandatoryReserveDeposits
4245 Further item of cash and balances at central banks [component of total cash and balances at central banks] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemCashBalancesCentralBanksComponentTotalCashBalancesCentralBanks
4246 Bank accepted bills held Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:BankAcceptedBillsHeld
4247 Commodities, financial asset Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CommoditiesFinancialAsset
4248 Debt securities subject to repurchase agreements Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesSubjectToRepurchaseAgreements
4249 Items in course of collection from other banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ItemsInCourseCollectionFromOtherBanks
4250 Loans and advances to banks [heading] Abstract core:LoansAdvancesToBanksHeading
4251 Placements with other banks, loans and advances to banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:PlacementsWithOtherBanksLoansAdvancesToBanks
4252 Other amounts due from banks, loans and advances to banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:OtherAmountsDueFromBanksLoansAdvancesToBanks
4253 Stock borrowing, loans and advances to banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:StockBorrowingLoansAdvancesToBanks
4254 Settlement accounts, loans and advances to banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:SettlementAccountsLoansAdvancesToBanks
4255 Further item of loans and advances to banks [component of loans and advances to banks] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemLoansAdvancesToBanksComponentLoansAdvancesToBanks
4256 Financial assets pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral
4257 Debt securities pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesPledgedAsCollateral
4258 Treasury and other bills held pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TreasuryOtherBillsHeldPledgedAsCollateral
4259 Equity securities pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:EquitySecuritiesPledgedAsCollateral
4260 Loans and advances pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesPledgedAsCollateral
4261 Loans and advances to banks pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToBanksPledgedAsCollateral
4262 Loans and advances to customers pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToCustomersPledgedAsCollateral
4263 Further item of financial assets pledged as collateral [component of total financial assets pledged as collateral] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralComponentTotalFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral
4264 For further tags on collateral and reverse repurchase agreements, see 'Collateral' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForFurtherTagsOnCollateralReverseRepurchaseAgreementsSeeCollateralSectionCross-reference
4265 Derecognition / transfers of financial assets and securitisations [heading] Abstract core:DerecognitionTransfersFinancialAssetsSecuritisationsHeading
4266 Financial assets transferred which do not qualify for derecognition [heading] Abstract core:FinancialAssetsTransferredWhichDoNotQualifyForDerecognitionHeading
4267 General description of financial assets transferred which do not qualify for derecognition, including exposures and relationship with associated liabilities Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionFinancialAssetsTransferredWhichDoNotQualifyForDerecognitionIncludingExposuresRelationshipWithAssociatedLiabilities
4268 Carrying amount of financial assets which do not qualify for recognition Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountFinancialAssetsWhichDoNotQualifyForRecognition
4269 Carrying amount of liabilities associated with financial assets which do not qualify for recognition Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CarryingAmountLiabilitiesAssociatedWithFinancialAssetsWhichDoNotQualifyForRecognition
4270 Financial assets transferred which qualify for derecognition [heading] Abstract core:FinancialAssetsTransferredWhichQualifyForDerecognitionHeading
4271 General description of financial assets transferred which qualify for derecognition, including exposures Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionFinancialAssetsTransferredWhichQualifyForDerecognitionIncludingExposures
4272 Carrying amount of continuing involvement in financial assets derecognised Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CarryingAmountContinuingInvolvementInFinancialAssetsDerecognised
4273 Carrying amount of liabilities associated with continuing involvement in financial assets derecognised Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CarryingAmountLiabilitiesAssociatedWithContinuingInvolvementInFinancialAssetsDerecognised
4274 Securitisation transactions [heading] Abstract core:SecuritisationTransactionsHeading
4275 General description of securitisation transactions and debt securities subject to repurchase agreements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionSecuritisationTransactionsDebtSecuritiesSubjectToRepurchaseAgreements
4276 Financial liabilities, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4277 Currency notes in circulation Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CurrencyNotesInCirculation
4278 Loans from central banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LoansFromCentralBanks
4279 Deposits from banks [heading] Abstract core:DepositsFromBanksHeading
4280 Specific deposits from banks item [component of total deposits from banks] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SpecificDepositsFromBanksItemComponentTotalDepositsFromBanks
4281 Other money-market deposits Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherMoney-marketDeposits
4282 Items in the course of transmission to other banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ItemsInCourseTransmissionToOtherBanks
4283 Deposits from customers [heading] Abstract core:DepositsFromCustomersHeading
4284 Current accounts, deposits from customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CurrentAccountsDepositsFromCustomers
4285 Savings accounts, deposits from customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SavingsAccountsDepositsFromCustomers
4286 Term deposits, deposits from customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TermDepositsDepositsFromCustomers
4287 Further deposit from customers item [component of total deposits from customers] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherDepositFromCustomersItemComponentTotalDepositsFromCustomers
4288 Other customer deposits Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OtherCustomerDeposits
4289 Acceptances and endorsements, financial liability Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AcceptancesEndorsementsFinancialLiability
4290 Financial guarantee contracts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FinancialGuaranteeContracts
4291 Liabilities arising from insurance contracts Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LiabilitiesArisingFromInsuranceContracts
4292 Specific liabilities arising from insurance contracts item [component of total liabilities arising from insurance contracts] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:SpecificLiabilitiesArisingFromInsuranceContractsItemComponentTotalLiabilitiesArisingFromInsuranceContracts
4293 Put option on non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PutOptionOnNon-controllingInterests
4294 For tags on collateral and repurchase agreements, see 'Collateral' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForTagsOnCollateralRepurchaseAgreementsSeeCollateralSectionCross-reference
4295 Financial instrument risk and capital risk management, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentRiskCapitalRiskManagementAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4296 Off balance sheet items, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:OffBalanceSheetItemsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4297 For capital and other financial commitments, see 'Commitments' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForCapitalOtherFinancialCommitmentsSeeCommitmentsSectionCross-reference
4298 For contingent liabilities, see 'Contingent liabilities' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForContingentLiabilitiesSeeContingentLiabilitiesSectionCross-reference
4299 For financial assets past due or impaired, use appropriate dimension tags [guidance] Abstract core:ForFinancialAssetsPastDueOrImpairedUseAppropriateDimensionTagsGuidance
4300 For interest risk analysis by class of financial instruments, use 'carrying amount' dimension tag and 'all periods' dimension tag [guidance] Abstract core:ForInterestRiskAnalysisByClassFinancialInstrumentsUseCarryingAmountDimensionTagAllPeriodsDimensionTagGuidance
4301 Total financial liabilities and off balance sheet items Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalFinancialLiabilitiesOffBalanceSheetItems
4302 Off balance sheet items Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:OffBalanceSheetItems
4303 Documentary credits and other short term trade related transactions Concept (Monetary) As Of core:DocumentaryCreditsOtherShortTermTradeRelatedTransactions
4304 Letters of credit pledged as collateral security Concept (Monetary) As Of core:LettersCreditPledgedAsCollateralSecurity
4305 Financial guarantees for risk analysis Concept (Monetary) As Of core:FinancialGuaranteesForRiskAnalysis
4306 Performance guarantees, acceptances and endorsements Concept (Monetary) As Of core:PerformanceGuaranteesAcceptancesEndorsements
4307 Securities lending arrangements Concept (Monetary) As Of core:SecuritiesLendingArrangements
4308 Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend Concept (Monetary) As Of core:UndrawnFormalStandbyFacilitiesCreditLinesOtherCommitmentsToLend
4309 Capital components, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:CapitalComponentsAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4310 Tier 1 capital Concept (Monetary) As Of core:Tier1Capital
4311 Core tier 1 capital Concept (Monetary) As Of core:CoreTier1Capital
4312 Regulatory tier 1 capital Concept (Monetary) As Of core:RegulatoryTier1Capital
4313 Tier 2 capital Concept (Monetary) As Of core:Tier2Capital
4314 Regulatory tier 2 capital Concept (Monetary) As Of core:RegulatoryTier2Capital
4315 Tier 3 capital Concept (Monetary) As Of core:Tier3Capital
4316 Net deductions (additions) to regulatory capital Concept (Monetary) For Period core:NetDeductionsAdditionsToRegulatoryCapital
4317 Total regulatory capital Concept (Monetary) As Of core:TotalRegulatoryCapital
4318 Risk-weighted assets Concept (Monetary) As Of core:Risk-weightedAssets
4319 Risk-weighted assets, on-balance sheet Concept (Monetary) As Of core:Risk-weightedAssetsOn-balanceSheet
4320 Risk-weighted assets, off-balance sheet Concept (Monetary) As Of core:Risk-weightedAssetsOff-balanceSheet
4321 Tier 1 capital ratio Concept (Percent) As Of core:Tier1CapitalRatio
4322 Core tier 1 capital ratio Concept (Percent) As Of core:CoreTier1CapitalRatio
4323 Company surplus capital Concept (Monetary) As Of core:CompanySurplusCapital
4324 Collateral [heading] Abstract core:CollateralHeading
4325 General description of use of collateral Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionUseCollateral
4326 Total financial and non-financial assets pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalFinancialNon-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral
4327 Financial assets pledged as collateral [heading] Abstract core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralHeading
4328 Financial assets pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral
4329 Debt securities pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DebtSecuritiesPledgedAsCollateral
4330 Treasury and other bills held pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TreasuryOtherBillsHeldPledgedAsCollateral
4331 Equity securities pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:EquitySecuritiesPledgedAsCollateral
4332 Loans and advances pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesPledgedAsCollateral
4333 Loans and advances to banks pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToBanksPledgedAsCollateral
4334 Loans and advances to customers pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:LoansAdvancesToCustomersPledgedAsCollateral
4335 Further item of financial assets pledged as collateral [component of total financial assets pledged as collateral] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralComponentTotalFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral
4336 Description of terms and conditions on financial assets pledged as collateral Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionTermsConditionsOnFinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral
4337 Financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledging
4338 Non-financial assets pledged as collateral [heading] Abstract core:Non-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralHeading
4339 Non-financial assets pledged as collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateral
4340 Description of non-financial assets pledged as collateral, including terms and conditions Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNon-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralIncludingTermsConditions
4341 Non-financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledging
4342 Collateral subject to sale or repledging [heading] Abstract core:CollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledgingHeading
4343 Financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FinancialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledging
4344 Non-financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:Non-financialAssetsPledgedAsCollateralSubjectToSaleOrRepledging
4345 Collateral held which may be sold or repledged, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CollateralHeldWhichMayBeSoldOrRepledgedFairValue
4346 Collateral held which has been sold or repledged, fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CollateralHeldWhichHasBeenSoldOrRepledgedFairValue
4347 General description of collateral held which may be sold or repledged, including terms and conditions Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionCollateralHeldWhichMayBeSoldOrRepledgedIncludingTermsConditions
4348 Liabilities secured by assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LiabilitiesSecuredByAssets
4349 Assets obtained by taking possession of collateral Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AssetsObtainedByTakingPossessionCollateral
4350 Specific assets obtained by taking possession of collateral [component of total assets obtained by taking possession of collateral] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:SpecificAssetsObtainedByTakingPossessionCollateralComponentTotalAssetsObtainedByTakingPossessionCollateral
4351 Policy for disposing or using specific collateral assets which are not readily convertible into cash Concept (Text/String) For Period core:PolicyForDisposingOrUsingSpecificCollateralAssetsWhichAreNotReadilyConvertibleIntoCash
4352 Cash collateral, reverse repurchase agreements and repurchase agreements [heading] Abstract core:CashCollateralReverseRepurchaseAgreementsRepurchaseAgreementsHeading
4353 Cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreements
4354 Cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements, banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreementsBanks
4355 Cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements, customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreementsCustomers
4356 Cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements, other counterparties Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherCounterparties
4357 Further item of cash collateral on securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherItemCashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreementsComponentCorrespondingTotal
4358 Description of cash collateral related to securities borrowed and reverse repurchase agreements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCashCollateralRelatedToSecuritiesBorrowedReverseRepurchaseAgreements
4359 Cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreements
4360 Cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements, banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreementsBanks
4361 Cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements, customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreementsCustomers
4362 Cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements, other counterparties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreementsOtherCounterparties
4363 Further item of cash collateral on securities lent and repurchase agreements [component of corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherItemCashCollateralOnSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreementsComponentCorrespondingTotal
4364 Description of cash collateral related to securities lent and repurchase agreements Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCashCollateralRelatedToSecuritiesLentRepurchaseAgreements
4365 Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLending
4366 Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingBanks
4367 Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingCustomers
4368 Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending, other counterparties Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLendingOtherCounterparties
4369 Further reverse repurchase agreement item [component of total reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending] Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FurtherReverseRepurchaseAgreementItemComponentTotalReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLending
4370 Description of reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLending
4371 Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowing
4372 Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, banks Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingBanks
4373 Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, customers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingCustomers
4374 Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing, other counterparties Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:RepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowingOtherCounterparties
4375 Further repurchase agreement item [component of total reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending] Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FurtherRepurchaseAgreementItemComponentTotalReverseRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredLending
4376 Description of repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionRepurchaseAgreementsOtherSimilarSecuredBorrowing
4377 Day 1 / initial recognition of financial instruments measured at fair value, additional banking and finance items [heading] Abstract core:Day1InitialRecognitionFinancialInstrumentsMeasuredFairValueAdditionalBankingFinanceItemsHeading
4378 Unamortised deferred day 1 profit (loss) on financial instruments at fair value, balance Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:UnamortisedDeferredDay1ProfitLossOnFinancialInstrumentsFairValueBalance
4379 Increase (decrease) in deferred day 1 profit due to new transactions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredDay1ProfitDueToNewTransactions
4380 Recognition of deferred day 1 profit (loss) due to amortisation Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RecognitionDeferredDay1ProfitLossDueToAmortisation
4381 Reversal of deferred day 1 profit (loss) due to subsequent unobservable inputs becoming observable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ReversalDeferredDay1ProfitLossDueToSubsequentUnobservableInputsBecomingObservable
4382 Recognition of deferred day 1 profit (loss) due to maturity, termination or offsetting Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RecognitionDeferredDay1ProfitLossDueToMaturityTerminationOrOffsetting
4383 Increase (decrease) in deferred day 1 profit due to foreign exchange differences Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredDay1ProfitDueToForeignExchangeDifferences
4384 Increase (decrease) in deferred day 1 profit due to other factors Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:IncreaseDecreaseInDeferredDay1ProfitDueToOtherFactors
4385 Structured investment vehicle [grouping] Abstract core:StructuredInvestmentVehicleGrouping
4386 Description of structured investment vehicle Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionStructuredInvestmentVehicle
4387 Total assets, structured investment vehicle Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:TotalAssetsStructuredInvestmentVehicle
4388 Liabilities and funding, structured investment vehicle Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LiabilitiesFundingStructuredInvestmentVehicle
4389 Investment funds sector items [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentFundsSectorItemsHeading
4390 Investment funds general additional items [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentFundsGeneralAdditionalItemsHeading
4391 Investment entity status and consolidation information [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentEntityStatusConsolidationInformationHeading
4392 Description of significant judgements and assumptions made in determining that entity is investment entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSignificantJudgementsAssumptionsMadeInDeterminingThatEntityInvestmentEntity
4393 Description of change of investment entity status Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionChangeInvestmentEntityStatus
4394 Fair value of subsidiaries that cease to be consolidated as of date of change of investment entity status Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueSubsidiariesThatCeaseToBeConsolidatedAsDateChangeInvestmentEntityStatus
4395 Gain (loss) on cessation of consolidation of subsidiaries due to change of investment entity status Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossOnCessationConsolidationSubsidiariesDueToChangeInvestmentEntityStatus
4396 Description of line items in income and expenditure in which gain or loss on cessation of consolidation of subsidiaries is recognised LineItems core:DescriptionLineItemsInProfitOrLossInWhichGainOrLossOnCessationConsolidationSubsidiariesRecognised
4397 Investment entity is required to apply exception from consolidation [true/false] Concept (Yes/No) For Period core:InvestmentEntityRequiredToApplyExceptionFromConsolidationTruefalse
4398 Information on unconsolidated subsidiaries [heading] Abstract core:InformationOnUnconsolidatedSubsidiariesHeading
4399 Description of nature and extent of significant restrictions on transfer of funds from unconsolidated subsidiary to entity Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionNatureExtentSignificantRestrictionsOnTransferFundsFromUnconsolidatedSubsidiaryToEntity
4400 Description of current commitments or intentions to provide support to unconsolidated subsidiary Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionCurrentCommitmentsOrIntentionsToProvideSupportToUnconsolidatedSubsidiary
4401 Support provided to subsidiary without having contractual obligation to do so Concept (Monetary) For Period core:SupportProvidedToSubsidiaryWithoutHavingContractualObligationToDoSo
4402 Description of support provided to subsidiary without having contractual obligation to do so and reasons for support Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionSupportProvidedToSubsidiaryWithoutHavingContractualObligationToDoSoReasonsForSupport
4403 Income statement and notes, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:IncomeStatementNotesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4404 Dividends and interest income, investment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendsInterestIncomeInvestmentFunds
4405 Dividend expense on securities sold but not purchased Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendExpenseOnSecuritiesSoldButNotPurchased
4406 Management and performance fee expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ManagementPerformanceFeeExpenses
4407 Management fee expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ManagementFeeExpenses
4408 Management fee rebates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:ManagementFeeRebates
4409 Performance fee expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PerformanceFeeExpenses
4410 Custodian and administration fee expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CustodianAdministrationFeeExpenses
4411 Custodian fee expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:CustodianFeeExpenses
4412 Administration fee expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AdministrationFeeExpenses
4413 Listing fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ListingFees
4414 Regulatory fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RegulatoryFees
4415 Preliminary fund expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PreliminaryFundExpenses
4416 Secretarial fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SecretarialFees
4417 Registrar fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:RegistrarFees
4418 AIC fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:AICFees
4419 Transaction costs, investment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TransactionCostsInvestmentFunds
4420 Purchase transaction costs, investment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:PurchaseTransactionCostsInvestmentFunds
4421 Sales transaction costs, investments funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:SalesTransactionCostsInvestmentsFunds
4422 Underwriting commission income, investment funds Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:UnderwritingCommissionIncomeInvestmentFunds
4423 VAT recovered on investment management fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:VATRecoveredOnInvestmentManagementFees
4424 Balance sheet, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:BalanceSheetAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4425 Assets, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:AssetsAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4426 Advances on investment properties Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:AdvancesOnInvestmentProperties
4427 Due from brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DueFromBrokers
4428 Margin accounts, due from brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:MarginAccountsDueFromBrokers
4429 Receivables for securities sold but not yet settled, due from brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReceivablesForSecuritiesSoldButNotYetSettledDueFromBrokers
4430 Dividends receivable Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DividendsReceivable
4431 Interest receivable Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:InterestReceivable
4432 Liabilities, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:LiabilitiesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4433 Share subscriptions received in advance Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ShareSubscriptionsReceivedInAdvance
4434 Use dimensions to identify asset class, current/non-current and other features of financial instruments [guidance] Abstract core:UseDimensionsToIdentifyAssetClassCurrentnon-currentOtherFeaturesFinancialInstrumentsGuidance
4435 Accounting policies, additional investment funds items [heading] Abstract core:AccountingPoliciesAdditionalInvestmentFundsItemsHeading
4436 Due to / from brokers policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DueToFromBrokersPolicy
4437 Redeemable shares classified as equity instrument policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RedeemableSharesClassifiedAsEquityInstrumentPolicy
4438 Distributions to holders of redeemable shares classified as equity policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DistributionsToHoldersRedeemableSharesClassifiedAsEquityPolicy
4439 Transaction costs policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:TransactionCostsPolicy
4440 Advances for investment properties policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AdvancesForInvestmentPropertiesPolicy
4441 Dividend revenue and expense policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DividendRevenueExpensePolicy
4442 Interest and similar income, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:InterestSimilarIncomeAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4443 Interest income on debt securities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesHeldForTrading
4444 Interest income on debt securities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:InterestIncomeOnDebtSecuritiesDesignatedFairValue
4445 Dividend income on equity securities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeOnEquitySecuritiesHeldForTrading
4446 Dividend income on equity securities designated at fair value Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DividendIncomeOnEquitySecuritiesDesignatedFairValue
4447 Interest and similar expense, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:InterestSimilarExpenseAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4448 Dividend expense on equity securities sold but not purchased Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:DividendExpenseOnEquitySecuritiesSoldButNotPurchased
4449 Net gain / loss before tax items, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:NetGainLossBeforeTaxItemsAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4450 Gain (loss) arising from dilution of investments in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossArisingFromDilutionInvestmentsInAssociates
4451 Gain (loss) arising from disposals other than dilution of investments in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossArisingFromDisposalsOtherThanDilutionInvestmentsInAssociates
4452 Gain (loss) arising from dilution of investments in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossArisingFromDilutionInvestmentsInJointVentures
4453 Gain (loss) arising from disposals other than dilution of investments in joint ventures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossArisingFromDisposalsOtherThanDilutionInvestmentsInJointVentures
4454 Tax reconciliation, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:TaxReconciliationAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4455 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of non-taxable gains and losses on investments held at fair value through income and expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectNon-taxableGainsLossesOnInvestmentsHeldFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
4456 Tax increase (decrease) from effect of movement in excess expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:TaxIncreaseDecreaseFromEffectMovementInExcessExpenses
4457 Trade and other payables, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:TradeOtherPayablesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4458 Due to brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DueToBrokers
4459 Margin accounts, due to brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:MarginAccountsDueToBrokers
4460 Payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, due to brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PayablesForSecuritiesPurchasedButNotYetSettledDueToBrokers
4461 Management and performance fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ManagementPerformanceFeesPayable
4462 Management fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:ManagementFeesPayable
4463 Performance fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PerformanceFeesPayable
4464 Custodian and administration fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CustodianAdministrationFeesPayable
4465 Custodian fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:CustodianFeesPayable
4466 Administration fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AdministrationFeesPayable
4467 Audit fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:AuditFeesPayable
4468 Legal costs payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:LegalCostsPayable
4469 Promoters fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PromotersFeesPayable
4470 Directors' fees payable Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DirectorsFeesPayable
4471 Dividends payable on securities sold not yet purchased Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DividendsPayableOnSecuritiesSoldNotYetPurchased
4472 Puttable shares classified as liability instruments Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:PuttableSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityInstruments
4473 Loans and receivables, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:LoansReceivablesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4474 Due from brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:DueFromBrokers
4475 Margin accounts, due from brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:MarginAccountsDueFromBrokers
4476 Receivables for securities sold but not yet settled, due from brokers Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:ReceivablesForSecuritiesSoldButNotYetSettledDueFromBrokers
4477 Financial assets, additional investment funds items [heading] Abstract core:FinancialAssetsAdditionalInvestmentFundsItemsHeading
4478 General description of valuation of investments in other funds Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionValuationInvestmentsInOtherFunds
4479 General description of fair value estimation of investments in other funds Concept (Text/String) For Period core:GeneralDescriptionFairValueEstimationInvestmentsInOtherFunds
4480 Fund of fund investments, financial assets Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FundFundInvestmentsFinancialAssets
4481 Financial instrument risk and capital risk management, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentRiskCapitalRiskManagementAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4482 Fair value of monetary assets for foreign exchange exposure analysis Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueMonetaryAssetsForForeignExchangeExposureAnalysis
4483 Fair value of non-monetary assets for foreign exchange exposure analysis Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:FairValueNon-monetaryAssetsForForeignExchangeExposureAnalysis
4484 Fair value of monetary liabilities for foreign exchange exposure analysis Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FairValueMonetaryLiabilitiesForForeignExchangeExposureAnalysis
4485 Fair value of non-monetary liabilities for foreign exchange exposure analysis Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:FairValueNon-monetaryLiabilitiesForForeignExchangeExposureAnalysis
4486 Share capital and notes to equity, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:ShareCapitalNotesToEquityAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4487 Number of ordinary shares in issue, excluding treasury / own shares Concept (Shares) As Of core:NumberOrdinarySharesInIssueExcludingTreasuryOwnShares
4488 Non-treasury shares, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:Non-treasurySharesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4489 Number of non-treasury shares held Concept (Shares) As Of core:NumberNon-treasurySharesHeld
4490 Increase (decrease) in number of non-treasury shares held Concept (Shares) For Period core:IncreaseDecreaseInNumberNon-treasurySharesHeld
4491 Number of non-treasury shares issued Concept (Shares) For Period core:NumberNon-treasurySharesIssued
4492 Number of non-treasury shares repurchased or cancelled Concept (Shares) For Period core:NumberNon-treasurySharesRepurchasedOrCancelled
4493 Increase in number of non-treasury shares due to sale and reclassification of treasury shares Concept (Shares) For Period core:IncreaseInNumberNon-treasurySharesDueToSaleReclassificationTreasuryShares
4494 Further item of increase (decrease) in number of non-treasury shares held [component of total change in number of non-treasury shares held] Concept (Shares) For Period core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNumberNon-treasurySharesHeldComponentTotalChangeInNumberNon-treasurySharesHeld
4495 Cash generated from operations, direct method, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsDirectMethodAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4496 Proceeds received from brokers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:ProceedsReceivedFromBrokers
4497 Cash payments to brokers Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsToBrokers
4498 Cash payments on management and performance fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsOnManagementPerformanceFees
4499 Cash payments on custodian and administration fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsOnCustodianAdministrationFees
4500 Cash payments on directors' fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:CashPaymentsOnDirectorsFees
4501 Cash generated from operations, indirect method, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:CashGeneratedFromOperationsIndirectMethodAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4502 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in due from brokers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDueFromBrokers
4503 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in dividends receivable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDividendsReceivable
4504 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in interest receivable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInInterestReceivable
4505 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in due to brokers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDueToBrokers
4506 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in management and performance fees payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInManagementPerformanceFeesPayable
4507 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in management fees payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInManagementFeesPayable
4508 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in performance fees payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInPerformanceFeesPayable
4509 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in custodian and administration fees payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInCustodianAdministrationFeesPayable
4510 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in custodian fees payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInCustodianFeesPayable
4511 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in administration fees payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInAdministrationFeesPayable
4512 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in directors' fees payable Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDirectorsFeesPayable
4513 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in dividends payable on securities sold not yet purchased Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInDividendsPayableOnSecuritiesSoldNotYetPurchased
4514 Gain (loss) in cash flows from change in margin accounts Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:GainLossInCashFlowsFromChangeInMarginAccounts
4515 Cash flows from (used in) financing activities, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:CashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4516 Payments for distribution to holders of redeemable shares classified as debt instrument Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsForDistributionToHoldersRedeemableSharesClassifiedAsDebtInstrument
4517 Payments for distribution to holders of redeemable shares classified as equity instrument Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsForDistributionToHoldersRedeemableSharesClassifiedAsEquityInstrument
4518 Cash payments classified as investing activities, additional investment fund items [heading] Abstract core:CashPaymentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivitiesAdditionalInvestmentFundItemsHeading
4519 Payments of advances on investment properties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:PaymentsAdvancesOnInvestmentProperties
4520 Investment funds with shares classified as liability, additional items [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityAdditionalItemsHeading
4521 Income statement, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] Abstract core:IncomeStatementAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading
4522 Gain (loss) in net assets attributable to shareholders from price adjustments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersFromPriceAdjustments
4523 Gain (loss) in net assets attributable to shareholders from operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:GainLossInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersFromOperations
4524 Balance sheet, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] Abstract core:BalanceSheetAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading
4525 Distributions payable to shareholders Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:DistributionsPayableToShareholders
4526 Total liabilities excluding net assets attributable to shareholders Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit core:TotalLiabilitiesExcludingNetAssetsAttributableToShareholders
4527 Net assets (liabilities) attributable to shareholders in accordance with redemption requirements / prospectus Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesAttributableToShareholdersInAccordanceWithRedemptionRequirementsProspectus
4528 Cumulative gain (loss) in net assets attributable to shareholders from price adjustments Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:CumulativeGainLossInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersFromPriceAdjustments
4529 Net assets (liabilities) attributable to shareholders in accordance with standard Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit core:NetAssetsLiabilitiesAttributableToShareholdersInAccordanceWithStandard
4530 Statement of changes in net assets attributable to shareholders [heading] Abstract core:StatementChangesInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersHeading
4531 Net assets attributable to shareholders - movement analysis [heading] Abstract core:NetAssetsAttributableToShareholders-MovementAnalysisHeading
4532 Net increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders under standard due to share transactions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderStandardDueToShareTransactions
4533 Increase in assets attributable to shareholders under standard due to issue of shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderStandardDueToIssueShares
4534 Decrease in assets attributable to shareholders under standard due to redemption of shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderStandardDueToRedemptionShares
4535 Net increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders under redemption requirements / prospectus due to share transactions Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderRedemptionRequirementsProspectusDueToShareTransactions
4536 Increase in assets attributable to shareholders under redemption requirements / prospectus due to issue of shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseInAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderRedemptionRequirementsProspectusDueToIssueShares
4537 Decrease in assets attributable to shareholders under redemption requirements / prospectus due to redemption of shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DecreaseInAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderRedemptionRequirementsProspectusDueToRedemptionShares
4538 increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders under standard due to foreign exchange and other adjustments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderStandardDueToForeignExchangeOtherAdjustments
4539 Increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders under redemption requirements / prospectus due to foreign exchange and other adjustments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:IncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersUnderRedemptionRequirementsProspectusDueToForeignExchangeOtherAdjustments
4540 Further item of increase (decrease) in net assets attributable to shareholders [component of total change in corresponding total] Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit core:FurtherItemIncreaseDecreaseInNetAssetsAttributableToShareholdersComponentTotalChangeInCorrespondingTotal
4541 For share numbers and related information, see 'Share capital' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForShareNumbersRelatedInformationSeeShareCapitalSectionCross-reference
4542 For net assets (liabilities) attributable to shareholders, see 'Balance Sheet, additional items' section [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForNetAssetsLiabilitiesAttributableToShareholdersSeeBalanceSheetAdditionalItemsSectionCross-reference
4543 For gain (loss) in net assets from operations, use profit after tax and other items from 'Income Statement' [cross-reference] Abstract core:ForGainLossInNetAssetsFromOperationsUseProfitAfterTaxOtherItemsFromIncomeStatementCross-reference
4544 Accounting policies, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] Abstract core:AccountingPoliciesAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading
4545 Redeemable shares classified as debt instrument policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:RedeemableSharesClassifiedAsDebtInstrumentPolicy
4546 Distributions for shares classified as liability policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DistributionsForSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityPolicy
4547 Attribution of gain or loss in net assets to shareholders policy Concept (Text/String) For Period core:AttributionGainOrLossInNetAssetsToShareholdersPolicy
4548 Net asset value per share, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] Abstract core:NetAssetValuePerShareAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading
4549 Net asset value per share calculated in accordance with standard Concept (Share) As Of core:NetAssetValuePerShareCalculatedInAccordanceWithStandard
4550 Basic net asset value per share Concept (Share) As Of core:BasicNetAssetValuePerShare
4551 Diluted net asset value per share Concept (Share) As Of core:DilutedNetAssetValuePerShare
4552 Net asset value per share calculated in accordance with redemption requirements / prospectus Concept (Share) As Of core:NetAssetValuePerShareCalculatedInAccordanceWithRedemptionRequirementsProspectus
4553 Description of basis on which net asset value has been determined Concept (Text/String) For Period core:DescriptionBasisOnWhichNetAssetValueHasBeenDetermined
4554 Cash flows from (used in) financing activities, additional items for investment funds with shares classified as liability [heading] Abstract core:CashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesAdditionalItemsForInvestmentFundsWithSharesClassifiedAsLiabilityHeading
4555 Distributions paid to shareholders, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit core:DistributionsPaidToShareholdersClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
4556 500 - Dimensions Content Network


4557 Dimensions content [heading] Abstract bus:DimensionsContentHeading
4558 The list below is for information - for dimension content and connections, see dimensional displays [guidance] Abstract core:ListBelowForInformation-ForDimensionContentConnectionsSeeDimensionalDisplaysGuidance
4559 General dimensions [heading] Abstract bus:GeneralDimensionsHeading
4560 Group and company data [Dimension] Axis bus:GroupCompanyDataDimension
4561 Company [default] Abstract bus:CompanyDefault
4562 Consolidated Abstract bus:Consolidated
4563 Company [default] Abstract bus:CompanyDefault
4564 Continuing and discontinued operations [Dimension] Axis core:ContinuingDiscontinuedOperationsDimension
4565 Continuing and discontinued operations, total [default] Abstract core:ContinuingDiscontinuedOperationsTotalDefault
4566 Continuing operations Abstract core:ContinuingOperations
4567 Discontinued operations Abstract core:DiscontinuedOperations
4568 Specific discontinued operation 1 Abstract core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation1
4569 Specific discontinued operation 2 Abstract core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation2
4570 Specific discontinued operation 3 Abstract core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation3
4571 Specific discontinued operation 4 Abstract core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation4
4572 Specific discontinued operation 5 Abstract core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation5
4573 Specific discontinued operation 6 Abstract core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation6
4574 Specific discontinued operation 7 Abstract core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation7
4575 Specific discontinued operation 8 Abstract core:SpecificDiscontinuedOperation8
4576 Non-current assets / disposal groups held for sale Abstract core:Non-currentAssetsDisposalGroupsHeldForSale
4577 Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 1 Abstract core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale1
4578 Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 2 Abstract core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale2
4579 Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 3 Abstract core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale3
4580 Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 4 Abstract core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale4
4581 Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 5 Abstract core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale5
4582 Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 6 Abstract core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale6
4583 Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 7 Abstract core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale7
4584 Specific non-current assets / disposal group held for sale 8 Abstract core:SpecificNon-currentAssetsDisposalGroupHeldForSale8
4585 Exceptionals [Dimension] Axis core:ExceptionalsDimension
4586 Total reported [default] Abstract core:TotalReportedDefault
4587 Exceptional Abstract core:Exceptional
4588 Explicitly identified as non-exceptional Abstract core:ExplicitlyIdentifiedAsNon-exceptional
4589 Entity-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract bus:Entity-specificDimensionsHeading
4590 Main industry sector [Dimension] Axis bus:MainIndustrySectorDimension
4591 Main industry sector [heading] Abstract bus:MainIndustrySectorHeading
4592 A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing Abstract bus:A-AgricultureForestryFishing
4593 B - Mining and quarrying Abstract bus:B-MiningQuarrying
4594 C - Manufacturing Abstract bus:C-Manufacturing
4595 D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Abstract bus:D-ElectricityGasSteamAirConditioningSupply
4596 E - Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Abstract bus:E-WaterSupplySewerageWasteManagementRemediationActivities
4597 F - Construction Abstract bus:F-Construction
4598 G - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Abstract bus:G-WholesaleRetailTradeRepairMotorVehiclesMotorcycles
4599 H - Transportation and storage Abstract bus:H-TransportationStorage
4600 I - Accommodation and food service activities Abstract bus:I-AccommodationFoodServiceActivities
4601 J - Information and communication Abstract bus:J-InformationCommunication
4602 K - Financial and insurance activities Abstract bus:K-FinancialInsuranceActivities
4603 L - Real estate activities Abstract bus:L-RealEstateActivities
4604 M - Professional, scientific and technical activities Abstract bus:M-ProfessionalScientificTechnicalActivities
4605 N - Administrative and support service activities Abstract bus:N-AdministrativeSupportServiceActivities
4606 O - Public administration and defence, compulsory social security Abstract bus:O-PublicAdministrationDefenceCompulsorySocialSecurity
4607 P - Education Abstract bus:P-Education
4608 Q - Human health and social work activities Abstract bus:Q-HumanHealthSocialWorkActivities
4609 R - Arts, entertainment and recreation Abstract bus:R-ArtsEntertainmentRecreation
4610 S - Other service activities Abstract bus:S-OtherServiceActivities
4611 Legal form of entity [Dimension] Axis bus:LegalFormEntityDimension
4612 Legal form of entity [heading] Abstract bus:LegalFormEntityHeading
4613 Private limited company, Ltd Abstract bus:PrivateLimitedCompanyLtd
4614 Public limited company, PLC Abstract bus:PublicLimitedCompanyPLC
4615 Public limited company, PLC, not quoted on any exchange Abstract bus:PublicLimitedCompanyPLCNotQuotedOnAnyExchange
4616 Company limited by guarantee Abstract bus:CompanyLimitedByGuarantee
4617 Unlimited company Abstract bus:UnlimitedCompany
4618 Limited liability partnership, LLP Abstract bus:LimitedLiabilityPartnershipLLP
4619 Charitable company (limited by guarantee) Abstract char:CharitableCompanyLimitedByGuarantee
4620 Association charitable incorporated organisation Abstract char:AssociationCharitableIncorporatedOrganisation
4621 Foundation charitable incorporated organisation Abstract char:FoundationCharitableIncorporatedOrganisation
4622 Unincorporated association Abstract char:UnincorporatedAssociation
4623 Community benefit society Abstract char:CommunityBenefitSociety
4624 Charitable trust Abstract char:CharitableTrust
4625 Community interest company, CIC Abstract bus:CommunityInterestCompanyCIC
4626 Industrial and provident society Abstract bus:IndustrialProvidentSociety
4627 Friendly society Abstract bus:FriendlySociety
4628 Incorporated by Act of Parliament Abstract bus:IncorporatedByActParliament
4629 Incorporated by Royal Charter Abstract bus:IncorporatedByRoyalCharter
4630 Scottish partnership Abstract bus:ScottishPartnership
4631 Other incorporated association Abstract bus:OtherIncorporatedAssociation
4632 Branch trading in UK Abstract bus:BranchTradingInUK
4633 Other UK Abstract bus:OtherUK
4634 Other non-UK Abstract bus:OtherNon-UK
4635 Entity trading status [Dimension] Axis bus:EntityTradingStatusDimension
4636 Entity is trading [default] Abstract bus:EntityTradingDefault
4637 Entity has never traded Abstract bus:EntityHasNeverTraded
4638 Entity is no longer trading but traded in the past Abstract bus:EntityNoLongerTradingButTradedInPast
4639 Entity special legal status [Dimension] Axis bus:EntitySpecialLegalStatusDimension
4640 Entity special legal status [heading] Abstract bus:EntitySpecialLegalStatusHeading
4641 Entity is in administration Abstract bus:EntityInAdministration
4642 Entity is in receivership Abstract bus:EntityInReceivership
4643 Entity is in liquidation Abstract bus:EntityInLiquidation
4644 Entity is in compulsory liquidation Abstract bus:EntityInCompulsoryLiquidation
4645 Entity is in members' voluntary liquidation Member bus:EntityInMembersVoluntaryLiquidation
4646 Entity is in creditors' voluntary liquidation Abstract bus:EntityInCreditorsVoluntaryLiquidation
4647 Entity is under Company Voluntary Arrangement Abstract bus:EntityUnderCompanyVoluntaryArrangement
4648 Entity officers-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract bus:EntityOfficers-specificDimensionsHeading
4649 Entity officers [Dimension] Axis bus:EntityOfficersDimension
4650 All entity officers / Entity officers total [default] Abstract bus:AllEntityOfficersEntityOfficersTotalDefault
4651 Chairman Abstract bus:Chairman
4652 Chief executive Abstract bus:ChiefExecutive
4653 Chairman and chief executive Abstract bus:ChairmanChiefExecutive
4654 Senior partner, limited liability partnership Abstract bus:SeniorPartnerLimitedLiabilityPartnership
4655 Company secretary 1 Abstract bus:CompanySecretary1
4656 Company secretary 2 Abstract bus:CompanySecretary2
4657 Company secretary and director 1 Abstract bus:CompanySecretaryDirector1
4658 Company secretary and director 2 Abstract bus:CompanySecretaryDirector2
4659 Highest paid director Abstract bus:HighestPaidDirector
4660 Director 1 Abstract bus:Director1
4661 Director 2 Abstract bus:Director2
4662 Director 3 Abstract bus:Director3
4663 Director 4 Abstract bus:Director4
4664 Director 5 Abstract bus:Director5
4665 Director 6 Abstract bus:Director6
4666 Director 7 Abstract bus:Director7
4667 Director 8 Abstract bus:Director8
4668 Director 9 Abstract bus:Director9
4669 Director 10 Abstract bus:Director10
4670 Director 11 Abstract bus:Director11
4671 Director 12 Abstract bus:Director12
4672 Director 13 Abstract bus:Director13
4673 Director 14 Abstract bus:Director14
4674 Director 15 Abstract bus:Director15
4675 Director 16 Abstract bus:Director16
4676 Director 17 Abstract bus:Director17
4677 Director 18 Abstract bus:Director18
4678 Director 19 Abstract bus:Director19
4679 Director 20 Abstract bus:Director20
4680 Director 21 Abstract bus:Director21
4681 Director 22 Abstract bus:Director22
4682 Director 23 Abstract bus:Director23
4683 Director 24 Abstract bus:Director24
4684 Director 25 Abstract bus:Director25
4685 Director 26 Abstract bus:Director26
4686 Director 27 Abstract bus:Director27
4687 Director 28 Abstract bus:Director28
4688 Director 29 Abstract bus:Director29
4689 Director 30 Abstract bus:Director30
4690 Director 31 Abstract bus:Director31
4691 Director 32 Abstract bus:Director32
4692 Director 33 Abstract bus:Director33
4693 Director 34 Abstract bus:Director34
4694 Director 35 Abstract bus:Director35
4695 Director 36 Abstract bus:Director36
4696 Director 37 Abstract bus:Director37
4697 Director 38 Abstract bus:Director38
4698 Director 39 Abstract bus:Director39
4699 Director 40 Abstract bus:Director40
4700 Partners, limited liability partnership [heading] Abstract bus:PartnersLimitedLiabilityPartnershipHeading
4701 Partner, LLP, 1 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP1
4702 Partner, LLP, 2 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP2
4703 Partner, LLP, 3 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP3
4704 Partner, LLP, 4 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP4
4705 Partner, LLP, 5 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP5
4706 Partner, LLP, 6 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP6
4707 Partner, LLP, 7 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP7
4708 Partner, LLP, 8 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP8
4709 Partner, LLP, 9 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP9
4710 Partner, LLP, 10 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP10
4711 Partner, LLP, 11 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP11
4712 Partner, LLP, 12 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP12
4713 Partner, LLP, 13 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP13
4714 Partner, LLP, 14 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP14
4715 Partner, LLP, 15 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP15
4716 Partner, LLP, 16 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP16
4717 Partner, LLP, 17 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP17
4718 Partner, LLP, 18 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP18
4719 Partner, LLP, 19 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP19
4720 Partner, LLP, 20 Abstract bus:PartnerLLP20
4721 Trustee 1 Abstract char:Trustee1
4722 Trustee 2 Abstract char:Trustee2
4723 Trustee 3 Abstract char:Trustee3
4724 Trustee 4 Abstract char:Trustee4
4725 Trustee 5 Abstract char:Trustee5
4726 Trustee 6 Abstract char:Trustee6
4727 Trustee 7 Abstract char:Trustee7
4728 Trustee 8 Abstract char:Trustee8
4729 Trustee 9 Abstract char:Trustee9
4730 Trustee 10 Abstract char:Trustee10
4731 Trustee 11 Abstract char:Trustee11
4732 Trustee 12 Abstract char:Trustee12
4733 Trustee 13 Abstract char:Trustee13
4734 Trustee 14 Abstract char:Trustee14
4735 Trustee 15 Abstract char:Trustee15
4736 Trustee 16 Abstract char:Trustee16
4737 Trustee 17 Abstract char:Trustee17
4738 Trustee 18 Abstract char:Trustee18
4739 Trustee 19 Abstract char:Trustee19
4740 Trustee 20 Abstract char:Trustee20
4741 Corporate trustee 1 Abstract char:CorporateTrustee1
4742 Corporate trustee 2 Abstract char:CorporateTrustee2
4743 Corporate trustee 3 Abstract char:CorporateTrustee3
4744 Director 1 of corporate trustee Abstract char:Director1CorporateTrustee
4745 Director 2 of corporate trustee Abstract char:Director2CorporateTrustee
4746 Director 3 of corporate trustee Abstract char:Director3CorporateTrustee
4747 Custodian trustee 1 Abstract char:CustodianTrustee1
4748 Custodian trustee 2 Abstract char:CustodianTrustee2
4749 Custodian trustee 3 Abstract char:CustodianTrustee3
4750 Entity officer status [Dimension] Axis bus:EntityOfficerStatusDimension
4751 All entity officer types [default] Abstract bus:AllEntityOfficerTypesDefault
4752 Executive officer Abstract bus:ExecutiveOfficer
4753 Non-executive officer Abstract bus:Non-executiveOfficer
4754 Business report-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract bus:BusinessReport-specificDimensionsHeading
4755 Scope of accounts [Dimension] Axis bus:ScopeAccountsDimension
4756 Company accounts [default] Abstract bus:CompanyAccountsDefault
4757 Group accounts only Abstract bus:GroupAccountsOnly
4758 Consolidated group and company accounts Abstract bus:ConsolidatedGroupCompanyAccounts
4759 Accounting standards [Dimension] Axis bus:AccountingStandardsDimension
4760 Accounting standards [heading] Abstract bus:AccountingStandardsHeading
4761 FRSSE Abstract bus:FRSSE
4762 FRS 101 Abstract bus:FRS101
4763 FRS 102 Abstract bus:FRS102
4764 Full IFRS Abstract bus:FullIFRS
4765 Small entities Abstract bus:SmallEntities
4766 Micro-entities Abstract bus:Micro-entities
4767 Other standards Abstract bus:OtherStandards
4768 SORPs [Dimension] Axis bus:SORPsDimension
4769 SORPs [heading] Abstract bus:SORPsHeading
4770 Insurance business SORP Abstract bus:InsuranceBusinessSORP
4771 Oil and gas SORP Abstract bus:OilGasSORP
4772 Authorised funds SORP Abstract bus:AuthorisedFundsSORP
4773 Charities SORP Abstract bus:CharitiesSORP
4774 Pension funds SORP Abstract bus:PensionFundsSORP
4775 Further and higher education SORP Abstract bus:FurtherHigherEducationSORP
4776 Investment companies SORP Abstract bus:InvestmentCompaniesSORP
4777 Limited liability partnerships SORP Abstract bus:LimitedLiabilityPartnershipsSORP
4778 Social housing providers SORP Abstract bus:SocialHousingProvidersSORP
4779 Applicable legislation [Dimension] Axis bus:ApplicableLegislationDimension
4780 Applicable legislation [heading] Abstract bus:ApplicableLegislationHeading
4781 Small companies regime for directors' report Abstract bus:SmallCompaniesRegimeForDirectorsReport
4782 Small companies regime for accounts Abstract bus:SmallCompaniesRegimeForAccounts
4783 Large and medium-sized companies regime for directors' report Abstract bus:LargeMedium-sizedCompaniesRegimeForDirectorsReport
4784 Large and medium-sized companies regime for accounts Abstract bus:LargeMedium-sizedCompaniesRegimeForAccounts
4785 Residual Companies Act disclosures with IFRS Abstract bus:ResidualCompaniesActDisclosuresWithIFRS
4786 Other legislation Abstract bus:OtherLegislation
4787 Accounts status [Dimension] Axis bus:AccountsStatusDimension
4788 Accounts status [heading] Abstract bus:AccountsStatusHeading
4789 Audited Abstract bus:Audited
4790 Audit exempt - no accountants report Abstract bus:AuditExempt-NoAccountantsReport
4791 Audit exempt with accountants report Abstract bus:AuditExemptWithAccountantsReport
4792 Independent examination (charity) Abstract bus:IndependentExaminationCharity
4793 Other reporting regime Abstract bus:OtherReportingRegime
4794 Accounts type [Dimension] Axis bus:AccountsTypeDimension
4795 Accounts type [heading] Abstract bus:AccountsTypeHeading
4796 Full accounts Abstract bus:FullAccounts
4797 Abbreviated accounts Abstract bus:AbbreviatedAccounts
4798 Abridged accounts Abstract bus:AbridgedAccounts
4799 Report period [Dimension] Axis bus:ReportPeriodDimension
4800 Financial year [default] Abstract bus:FinancialYearDefault
4801 Quarter 1 Abstract bus:Quarter1
4802 Quarter 2 Abstract bus:Quarter2
4803 Quarter 3 Abstract bus:Quarter3
4804 Quarter 4 Abstract bus:Quarter4
4805 First half, H1 Abstract bus:FirstHalfH1
4806 Second half, H2 Abstract bus:SecondHalfH2
4807 Calendar year Abstract bus:CalendarYear
4808 Other period Abstract bus:OtherPeriod
4809 Equity classes-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:EquityClasses-specificDimensionsHeading
4810 Equity classes [Dimension] Axis core:EquityClassesDimension
4811 Total equity [default] Abstract core:TotalEquityDefault
4812 Share capital Abstract core:ShareCapital
4813 Share capital, ordinary shares Abstract core:ShareCapitalOrdinaryShares
4814 Share capital, preference shares Abstract core:ShareCapitalPreferenceShares
4815 Share capital, other share types Abstract core:ShareCapitalOtherShareTypes
4816 Share premium Abstract core:SharePremium
4817 Share premium, ordinary shares Abstract core:SharePremiumOrdinaryShares
4818 Share premium, preference shares Abstract core:SharePremiumPreferenceShares
4819 Share premium, other share types Abstract core:SharePremiumOtherShareTypes
4820 Share capital and share premium, subtotal Abstract core:ShareCapitalSharePremiumSubtotal
4821 Capital reserve Abstract core:CapitalReserve
4822 Treasury shares / own shares reserve Abstract core:TreasurySharesOwnSharesReserve
4823 Capital redemption reserve Abstract core:CapitalRedemptionReserve
4824 Convertible debt equity component reserve Abstract core:ConvertibleDebtEquityComponentReserve
4825 Other capital reserve Abstract core:OtherCapitalReserve
4826 Capital contribution reserve Abstract core:CapitalContributionReserve
4827 Merger reserve Abstract core:MergerReserve
4828 Goodwill reserve Abstract core:GoodwillReserve
4829 Foreign currency translation reserve Abstract core:ForeignCurrencyTranslationReserve
4830 Hedging reserve Abstract core:HedgingReserve
4831 Revaluation reserve Abstract core:RevaluationReserve
4832 Properties revaluation reserve Abstract core:PropertiesRevaluationReserve
4833 Investment properties revaluation reserve Abstract core:InvestmentPropertiesRevaluationReserve
4834 General banking risks reserve Abstract core:GeneralBankingRisksReserve
4835 Available-for-sale investments reserve Abstract core:Available-for-saleInvestmentsReserve
4836 Warrant reserve Abstract core:WarrantReserve
4837 Warrant exercise reserve Abstract core:WarrantExerciseReserve
4838 Asset revaluation surplus reserve Abstract core:AssetRevaluationSurplusReserve
4839 Share-based payments reserve Abstract core:Share-basedPaymentsReserve
4840 Share buy-back reserve Abstract core:ShareBuy-backReserve
4841 ESOP reserve Abstract core:ESOPReserve
4842 Taxation reserve Abstract core:TaxationReserve
4843 Legal and statutory reserve Abstract core:LegalStatutoryReserve
4844 Assets and disposal groups held for sale reserve Abstract core:AssetsDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleReserve
4845 Proposed dividend reserve Abstract core:ProposedDividendReserve
4846 Silent participation in government protection scheme Abstract core:SilentParticipationInGovernmentProtectionScheme
4847 Other capital instruments classified as equity Abstract core:OtherCapitalInstrumentsClassifiedAsEquity
4848 Further specific reserve 1 [component of total equity] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificReserve1ComponentTotalEquity
4849 Further specific reserve 2 [component of total equity] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificReserve2ComponentTotalEquity
4850 Further specific reserve 3 [component of total equity] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificReserve3ComponentTotalEquity
4851 Further specific reserve 4 [component of total equity] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificReserve4ComponentTotalEquity
4852 Other reserves, subtotal Abstract core:OtherReservesSubtotal
4853 Other miscellaneous reserve Abstract core:OtherMiscellaneousReserve
4854 Retained earnings (Accumulated losses) Abstract core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses
4855 Total equity attributable to owners of parent, before non-controlling interests Abstract core:TotalEquityAttributableToOwnersParentBeforeNon-controllingInterests
4856 Non-controlling interests Abstract core:Non-controllingInterests
4857 Investment funds-specific classes [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentFunds-specificClassesHeading
4858 Revenue reserves [Investment funds only] Abstract core:RevenueReservesInvestmentFundsOnly
4859 Capital reserves [Investment funds only] Abstract core:CapitalReservesInvestmentFundsOnly
4860 Special Reserve [Investment funds only] Abstract core:SpecialReserveInvestmentFundsOnly
4861 Segments-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:Segments-specificDimensionsHeading
4862 Geographic segments [Dimension] Axis core:GeographicSegmentsDimension
4863 Geographic segments [heading] Abstract core:GeographicSegmentsHeading
4864 Total geographic segments, including any unallocated amount Abstract core:TotalGeographicSegmentsIncludingAnyUnallocatedAmount
4865 Unallocated amount, geographic segments Abstract core:UnallocatedAmountGeographicSegments
4866 Total before unallocated amount, geographic segments Abstract core:TotalBeforeUnallocatedAmountGeographicSegments
4867 Other countries and regions Abstract countries:OtherCountriesRegions
4868 Home countries [heading] Abstract countries:HomeCountriesHeading
4869 United Kingdom Abstract countries:UnitedKingdom
4870 England Abstract countries:England
4871 Scotland Abstract countries:Scotland
4872 Wales Abstract countries:Wales
4873 England and Wales Abstract countries:EnglandWales
4874 Northern Ireland Abstract countries:NorthernIreland
4875 Isle of Man Abstract countries:IsleMan
4876 Channel Islands Abstract countries:ChannelIslands
4877 Jersey Abstract countries:Jersey
4878 Guernsey Abstract countries:Guernsey
4879 Other Channel Islands Abstract countries:OtherChannelIslands
4880 Great Britain Abstract countries:GreatBritain
4881 Main regions [heading] Abstract countries:MainRegionsHeading
4882 Rest of world, outside UK Abstract countries:RestWorldOutsideUK
4883 Rest of world, outside Europe Abstract countries:RestWorldOutsideEurope
4884 Rest of Europe, outside UK Abstract countries:RestEuropeOutsideUK
4885 European Community Abstract countries:EuropeanCommunity
4886 Europe Abstract countries:Europe
4887 Americas Abstract countries:Americas
4888 North America Abstract countries:NorthAmerica
4889 South America Abstract countries:SouthAmerica
4890 Latin America and Caribbean Abstract countries:LatinAmericaCaribbean
4891 Latin America Abstract countries:LatinAmerica
4892 Caribbean Abstract countries:Caribbean
4893 Central America Abstract countries:CentralAmerica
4894 Middle East Abstract countries:MiddleEast
4895 Africa Abstract countries:Africa
4896 Europe, Middle East and Africa Abstract countries:EuropeMiddleEastAfrica
4897 Asia Abstract countries:Asia
4898 South-east Asia Abstract countries:South-eastAsia
4899 Australasia Abstract countries:Australasia
4900 Further specific region 1 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion1ComponentAllCountriesRegions
4901 Further specific region 2 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion2ComponentAllCountriesRegions
4902 Further specific region 3 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion3ComponentAllCountriesRegions
4903 Further specific region 4 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion4ComponentAllCountriesRegions
4904 Further specific region 5 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion5ComponentAllCountriesRegions
4905 Further specific region 6 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion6ComponentAllCountriesRegions
4906 Further specific region 7 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion7ComponentAllCountriesRegions
4907 Further specific region 8 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion8ComponentAllCountriesRegions
4908 Country list [heading] Abstract countries:CountryListHeading
4909 Afghanistan Abstract countries:Afghanistan
4910 Aland Islands Abstract countries:AlandIslands
4911 Albania Abstract countries:Albania
4912 Algeria Abstract countries:Algeria
4913 American Samoa Abstract countries:AmericanSamoa
4914 Andorra Abstract countries:Andorra
4915 Angola Abstract countries:Angola
4916 Anguilla Abstract countries:Anguilla
4917 Antarctica Abstract countries:Antarctica
4918 Antigua and Barbuda Abstract countries:AntiguaBarbuda
4919 Argentina Abstract countries:Argentina
4920 Armenia Abstract countries:Armenia
4921 Aruba Abstract countries:Aruba
4922 Australia Abstract countries:Australia
4923 Austria Abstract countries:Austria
4924 Azerbaijan Abstract countries:Azerbaijan
4925 Bahamas Abstract countries:Bahamas
4926 Bahrain Abstract countries:Bahrain
4927 Bangladesh Abstract countries:Bangladesh
4928 Barbados Abstract countries:Barbados
4929 Belarus Abstract countries:Belarus
4930 Belgium Abstract countries:Belgium
4931 Belize Abstract countries:Belize
4932 Benin Abstract countries:Benin
4933 Bermuda Abstract countries:Bermuda
4934 Bhutan Abstract countries:Bhutan
4935 Bolivia Abstract countries:Bolivia
4936 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Abstract countries:BonaireSintEustatiusSaba
4937 Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract countries:BosniaHerzegovina
4938 Botswana Abstract countries:Botswana
4939 Bouvet Island Abstract countries:BouvetIsland
4940 Brazil Abstract countries:Brazil
4941 British Indian Ocean Territory Abstract countries:BritishIndianOceanTerritory
4942 Brunei Darussalam Abstract countries:BruneiDarussalam
4943 Bulgaria Abstract countries:Bulgaria
4944 Burkina Faso Abstract countries:BurkinaFaso
4945 Burundi Abstract countries:Burundi
4946 Cambodia Abstract countries:Cambodia
4947 Cameroon Abstract countries:Cameroon
4948 Canada Abstract countries:Canada
4949 Cape Verde Abstract countries:CapeVerde
4950 Cayman Islands Abstract countries:CaymanIslands
4951 Central African Republic Abstract countries:CentralAfricanRepublic
4952 Chad Abstract countries:Chad
4953 Chile Abstract countries:Chile
4954 China Abstract countries:China
4955 Christmas Island Abstract countries:ChristmasIsland
4956 Cocos (Keeling) Islands Abstract countries:CocosKeelingIslands
4957 Colombia Abstract countries:Colombia
4958 Comoros Abstract countries:Comoros
4959 Congo Abstract countries:Congo
4960 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Abstract countries:CongoDemocraticRepublic
4961 Cook Islands Abstract countries:CookIslands
4962 Costa Rica Abstract countries:CostaRica
4963 Cote d'Ivoire Abstract countries:CoteDIvoire
4964 Croatia Abstract countries:Croatia
4965 Cuba Abstract countries:Cuba
4966 Curaçao Abstract countries:Curaçao
4967 Cyprus Abstract countries:Cyprus
4968 Czech Republic Abstract countries:CzechRepublic
4969 Denmark Abstract countries:Denmark
4970 Djibouti Abstract countries:Djibouti
4971 Dominica Abstract countries:Dominica
4972 Dominican Republic Abstract countries:DominicanRepublic
4973 Ecuador Abstract countries:Ecuador
4974 Egypt Abstract countries:Egypt
4975 El Salvador Abstract countries:ElSalvador
4976 Equatorial Guinea Abstract countries:EquatorialGuinea
4977 Eritrea Abstract countries:Eritrea
4978 Estonia Abstract countries:Estonia
4979 Ethiopia Abstract countries:Ethiopia
4980 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Abstract countries:FalklandIslandsMalvinas
4981 Faroe Islands Abstract countries:FaroeIslands
4982 Fiji Abstract countries:Fiji
4983 Finland Abstract countries:Finland
4984 France Abstract countries:France
4985 French Guiana Abstract countries:FrenchGuiana
4986 French Polynesia Abstract countries:FrenchPolynesia
4987 French Southern Territories Abstract countries:FrenchSouthernTerritories
4988 Gabon Abstract countries:Gabon
4989 Gambia Abstract countries:Gambia
4990 Georgia Abstract countries:Georgia
4991 Germany Abstract countries:Germany
4992 Ghana Abstract countries:Ghana
4993 Gibraltar Abstract countries:Gibraltar
4994 Greece Abstract countries:Greece
4995 Greenland Abstract countries:Greenland
4996 Grenada Abstract countries:Grenada
4997 Guadeloupe Abstract countries:Guadeloupe
4998 Guam Abstract countries:Guam
4999 Guatemala Abstract countries:Guatemala
5000 Guernsey Abstract countries:Guernsey
5001 Guinea Abstract countries:Guinea
5002 Guinea-Bissau Abstract countries:Guinea-Bissau
5003 Guyana Abstract countries:Guyana
5004 Haiti Abstract countries:Haiti
5005 Heard Island and McDonald Islands Abstract countries:HeardIslandMcDonaldIslands
5006 Holy See (Vatican City State) Abstract countries:HolySeeVaticanCityState
5007 Honduras Abstract countries:Honduras
5008 Hong Kong Abstract countries:HongKong
5009 Hungary Abstract countries:Hungary
5010 Iceland Abstract countries:Iceland
5011 India Abstract countries:India
5012 Indonesia Abstract countries:Indonesia
5013 Iran, Islamic Republic of Abstract countries:IranIslamicRepublic
5014 Iraq Abstract countries:Iraq
5015 Ireland Abstract countries:Ireland
5016 Isle of Man Abstract countries:IsleMan
5017 Israel Abstract countries:Israel
5018 Italy Abstract countries:Italy
5019 Jamaica Abstract countries:Jamaica
5020 Japan Abstract countries:Japan
5021 Jersey Abstract countries:Jersey
5022 Jordan Abstract countries:Jordan
5023 Kazakhstan Abstract countries:Kazakhstan
5024 Kenya Abstract countries:Kenya
5025 Kiribati Abstract countries:Kiribati
5026 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Abstract countries:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic
5027 Korea, Republic of Abstract countries:KoreaRepublic
5028 Kuwait Abstract countries:Kuwait
5029 Kyrgyzstan Abstract countries:Kyrgyzstan
5030 Lao People's Democratic Republic Abstract countries:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic
5031 Latvia Abstract countries:Latvia
5032 Lebanon Abstract countries:Lebanon
5033 Lesotho Abstract countries:Lesotho
5034 Liberia Abstract countries:Liberia
5035 Libya Abstract countries:Libya
5036 Liechtenstein Abstract countries:Liechtenstein
5037 Lithuania Abstract countries:Lithuania
5038 Luxembourg Abstract countries:Luxembourg
5039 Macao Abstract countries:Macao
5040 Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Abstract countries:MacedoniaFormerYugoslavRepublic
5041 Madagascar Abstract countries:Madagascar
5042 Malawi Abstract countries:Malawi
5043 Malaysia Abstract countries:Malaysia
5044 Maldives Abstract countries:Maldives
5045 Mali Abstract countries:Mali
5046 Malta Abstract countries:Malta
5047 Marshall Islands Abstract countries:MarshallIslands
5048 Martinique Abstract countries:Martinique
5049 Mauritania Abstract countries:Mauritania
5050 Mauritius Abstract countries:Mauritius
5051 Mayotte Abstract countries:Mayotte
5052 Mexico Abstract countries:Mexico
5053 Micronesia, Federated States of Abstract countries:MicronesiaFederatedStates
5054 Moldova, Republic of Abstract countries:MoldovaRepublic
5055 Monaco Abstract countries:Monaco
5056 Mongolia Abstract countries:Mongolia
5057 Montenegro Abstract countries:Montenegro
5058 Montserrat Abstract countries:Montserrat
5059 Morocco Abstract countries:Morocco
5060 Mozambique Abstract countries:Mozambique
5061 Myanmar Abstract countries:Myanmar
5062 Namibia Abstract countries:Namibia
5063 Nauru Abstract countries:Nauru
5064 Nepal Abstract countries:Nepal
5065 Netherlands Abstract countries:Netherlands
5066 New Caledonia Abstract countries:NewCaledonia
5067 New Zealand Abstract countries:NewZealand
5068 Nicaragua Abstract countries:Nicaragua
5069 Niger Abstract countries:Niger
5070 Nigeria Abstract countries:Nigeria
5071 Niue Abstract countries:Niue
5072 Norfolk Island Abstract countries:NorfolkIsland
5073 Northern Mariana Islands Abstract countries:NorthernMarianaIslands
5074 Norway Abstract countries:Norway
5075 Oman Abstract countries:Oman
5076 Pakistan Abstract countries:Pakistan
5077 Palau Abstract countries:Palau
5078 Palestinian, State of Abstract countries:PalestinianState
5079 Panama Abstract countries:Panama
5080 Papua New Guinea Abstract countries:PapuaNewGuinea
5081 Paraguay Abstract countries:Paraguay
5082 Peru Abstract countries:Peru
5083 Philippines Abstract countries:Philippines
5084 Pitcairn Abstract countries:Pitcairn
5085 Poland Abstract countries:Poland
5086 Portugal Abstract countries:Portugal
5087 Puerto Rico Abstract countries:PuertoRico
5088 Qatar Abstract countries:Qatar
5089 Réunion Abstract countries:Réunion
5090 Romania Abstract countries:Romania
5091 Russian Federation Abstract countries:RussianFederation
5092 Rwanda Abstract countries:Rwanda
5093 Saint Barthélemy Abstract countries:SaintBarthélemy
5094 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha Abstract countries:SaintHelenaAscensionTristanDaCunha
5095 Saint Kitts and Nevis Abstract countries:SaintKittsNevis
5096 Saint Lucia Abstract countries:SaintLucia
5097 Saint Martin (French Part) Abstract countries:SaintMartinFrenchPart
5098 Saint Pierre and Miquelon Abstract countries:SaintPierreMiquelon
5099 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Abstract countries:SaintVincentGrenadines
5100 Samoa Abstract countries:Samoa
5101 San Marino Abstract countries:SanMarino
5102 Sao Tome and Principe Abstract countries:SaoTomePrincipe
5103 Saudi Arabia Abstract countries:SaudiArabia
5104 Senegal Abstract countries:Senegal
5105 Serbia Abstract countries:Serbia
5106 Seychelles Abstract countries:Seychelles
5107 Sierra Leone Abstract countries:SierraLeone
5108 Singapore Abstract countries:Singapore
5109 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Abstract countries:SintMaartenDutchPart
5110 Slovakia Abstract countries:Slovakia
5111 Slovenia Abstract countries:Slovenia
5112 Solomon Islands Abstract countries:SolomonIslands
5113 Somalia Abstract countries:Somalia
5114 South Africa Abstract countries:SouthAfrica
5115 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Abstract countries:SouthGeorgiaSouthSandwichIslands
5116 South Sudan Abstract countries:SouthSudan
5117 Spain Abstract countries:Spain
5118 Sri Lanka Abstract countries:SriLanka
5119 Sudan Abstract countries:Sudan
5120 Suriname Abstract countries:Suriname
5121 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Abstract countries:SvalbardJanMayen
5122 Swaziland Abstract countries:Swaziland
5123 Sweden Abstract countries:Sweden
5124 Switzerland Abstract countries:Switzerland
5125 Syrian Arab Republic Abstract countries:SyrianArabRepublic
5126 Taiwan, Province of China Abstract countries:TaiwanProvinceChina
5127 Tajikistan Abstract countries:Tajikistan
5128 Tanzania, United Republic of Abstract countries:TanzaniaUnitedRepublic
5129 Thailand Abstract countries:Thailand
5130 Timor-Leste Abstract countries:Timor-Leste
5131 Togo Abstract countries:Togo
5132 Tokelau Abstract countries:Tokelau
5133 Tonga Abstract countries:Tonga
5134 Trinidad and Tobago Abstract countries:TrinidadTobago
5135 Tunisia Abstract countries:Tunisia
5136 Turkey Abstract countries:Turkey
5137 Turkmenistan Abstract countries:Turkmenistan
5138 Turks and Caicos Islands Abstract countries:TurksCaicosIslands
5139 Tuvalu Abstract countries:Tuvalu
5140 Uganda Abstract countries:Uganda
5141 Ukraine Abstract countries:Ukraine
5142 United Arab Emirates Abstract countries:UnitedArabEmirates
5143 United Kingdom Abstract countries:UnitedKingdom
5144 United States Abstract countries:UnitedStates
5145 United States Minor Outlying Islands Abstract countries:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands
5146 Uruguay Abstract countries:Uruguay
5147 Uzbekistan Abstract countries:Uzbekistan
5148 Vanuatu Abstract countries:Vanuatu
5149 Venezuela Abstract countries:Venezuela
5150 Viet Nam Abstract countries:VietNam
5151 Virgin Islands, British Abstract countries:VirginIslandsBritish
5152 Virgin Islands, US Abstract countries:VirginIslandsUS
5153 Wallis and Futuna Abstract countries:WallisFutuna
5154 Western Sahara Abstract countries:WesternSahara
5155 Yemen Abstract countries:Yemen
5156 Zambia Abstract countries:Zambia
5157 Zimbabwe Abstract countries:Zimbabwe
5158 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5159 Operating segments [Dimension] Axis core:OperatingSegmentsDimension
5160 Reportable operating segments [heading] Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegmentsHeading
5161 Total reportable operating segments, including any unallocated amount Abstract core:TotalReportableOperatingSegmentsIncludingAnyUnallocatedAmount
5162 Unallocated amount, reportable operating segments Abstract core:UnallocatedAmountReportableOperatingSegments
5163 Total before unallocated amount, reportable operating segments Abstract core:TotalBeforeUnallocatedAmountReportableOperatingSegments
5164 Other reportable operating segments Abstract core:OtherReportableOperatingSegments
5165 Banking reportable operating segments [heading] Abstract core:BankingReportableOperatingSegmentsHeading
5166 Retail banking segment Abstract core:RetailBankingSegment
5167 Corporate banking segment Abstract core:CorporateBankingSegment
5168 Investment banking segment Abstract core:InvestmentBankingSegment
5169 Asset management segment Abstract core:AssetManagementSegment
5170 Group banking function Abstract core:GroupBankingFunction
5171 Mining reportable operating segments [heading] Abstract core:MiningReportableOperatingSegmentsHeading
5172 Mining segment Abstract core:MiningSegment
5173 Mining production segment Abstract core:MiningProductionSegment
5174 Mining exploration and evaluation segment Abstract core:MiningExplorationEvaluationSegment
5175 Metals segment Abstract core:MetalsSegment
5176 Precious metals segment Abstract core:PreciousMetalsSegment
5177 Gold segment Abstract core:GoldSegment
5178 Silver segment Abstract core:SilverSegment
5179 Base metals segment Abstract core:BaseMetalsSegment
5180 Aluminium segment Abstract core:AluminiumSegment
5181 Copper segment Abstract core:CopperSegment
5182 Manganese segment Abstract core:ManganeseSegment
5183 Zinc segment Abstract core:ZincSegment
5184 Iron ore segment Abstract core:IronOreSegment
5185 Steel segment Abstract core:SteelSegment
5186 Other metals segment Abstract core:OtherMetalsSegment
5187 Precious stones segment Abstract core:PreciousStonesSegment
5188 Diamonds segment Abstract core:DiamondsSegment
5189 Other mining operations segment Abstract core:OtherMiningOperationsSegment
5190 Oil and gas reportable operating segments [heading] Abstract core:OilGasReportableOperatingSegmentsHeading
5191 Oil and gas segment Abstract core:OilGasSegment
5192 Oil segment Abstract core:OilSegment
5193 Gas segment Abstract core:GasSegment
5194 Oil and gas exploration and production segment Abstract core:OilGasExplorationProductionSegment
5195 Oil and gas exploration segment Abstract core:OilGasExplorationSegment
5196 Oil and gas production segment Abstract core:OilGasProductionSegment
5197 Refining segment Abstract core:RefiningSegment
5198 Other oil and gas operations segment Abstract core:OtherOilGasOperationsSegment
5199 Reportable operating segment 1 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment1
5200 Reportable operating segment 2 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment2
5201 Reportable operating segment 3 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment3
5202 Reportable operating segment 4 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment4
5203 Reportable operating segment 5 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment5
5204 Reportable operating segment 6 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment6
5205 Reportable operating segment 7 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment7
5206 Reportable operating segment 8 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment8
5207 Reportable operating segment 9 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment9
5208 Reportable operating segment 10 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment10
5209 Reportable operating segment 11 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment11
5210 Reportable operating segment 12 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment12
5211 Reportable operating segment 13 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment13
5212 Reportable operating segment 14 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment14
5213 Reportable operating segment 15 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment15
5214 Reportable operating segment 16 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment16
5215 Reportable operating segment 17 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment17
5216 Reportable operating segment 18 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment18
5217 Reportable operating segment 19 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment19
5218 Reportable operating segment 20 Abstract core:ReportableOperatingSegment20
5219 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5220 Products and services [Dimension] Axis core:ProductsServicesDimension
5221 Products and services [heading] Abstract core:ProductsServicesHeading
5222 Total reportable products and services, including any unallocated amount Abstract core:TotalReportableProductsServicesIncludingAnyUnallocatedAmount
5223 Unallocated amount, products and services Abstract core:UnallocatedAmountProductsServices
5224 Total before unallocated amount, products and services Abstract core:TotalBeforeUnallocatedAmountProductsServices
5225 Other products and services Abstract core:OtherProductsServices
5226 Product and service 1 Abstract core:ProductService1
5227 Product and service 2 Abstract core:ProductService2
5228 Product and service 3 Abstract core:ProductService3
5229 Product and service 4 Abstract core:ProductService4
5230 Product and service 5 Abstract core:ProductService5
5231 Product and service 6 Abstract core:ProductService6
5232 Product and service 7 Abstract core:ProductService7
5233 Product and service 8 Abstract core:ProductService8
5234 Product and service 9 Abstract core:ProductService9
5235 Product and service 10 Abstract core:ProductService10
5236 Product and service 11 Abstract core:ProductService11
5237 Product and service 12 Abstract core:ProductService12
5238 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5239 Major customers [Dimension] Axis core:MajorCustomersDimension
5240 Major customers [heading] Abstract core:MajorCustomersHeading
5241 Total reportable major customers, including any unallocated amount Abstract core:TotalReportableMajorCustomersIncludingAnyUnallocatedAmount
5242 Unallocated amount, major customers Abstract core:UnallocatedAmountMajorCustomers
5243 Total before unallocated amount, major customers Abstract core:TotalBeforeUnallocatedAmountMajorCustomers
5244 Other major customers Abstract core:OtherMajorCustomers
5245 Major customer 1 Abstract core:MajorCustomer1
5246 Major customer 2 Abstract core:MajorCustomer2
5247 Major customer 3 Abstract core:MajorCustomer3
5248 Major customer 4 Abstract core:MajorCustomer4
5249 Major customer 5 Abstract core:MajorCustomer5
5250 Major customer 6 Abstract core:MajorCustomer6
5251 Major customer 7 Abstract core:MajorCustomer7
5252 Major customer 8 Abstract core:MajorCustomer8
5253 Major customer 9 Abstract core:MajorCustomer9
5254 Major customer 10 Abstract core:MajorCustomer10
5255 Major customer 11 Abstract core:MajorCustomer11
5256 Major customer 12 Abstract core:MajorCustomer12
5257 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5258 Contract type [Dimension] Axis core:ContractTypeDimension
5259 Type of contract [heading] Abstract core:TypeContractHeading
5260 Fixed price Abstract core:FixedPrice
5261 Time and materials Abstract core:TimeMaterials
5262 Other contract type 1 Abstract core:OtherContractType1
5263 Other contract type 2 Abstract core:OtherContractType2
5264 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5265 Contract duration [Dimension] Axis core:ContractDurationDimension
5266 Duration of contract [heading] Abstract core:DurationContractHeading
5267 Short-term contract Abstract core:Short-termContract
5268 Long-term contract Abstract core:Long-termContract
5269 Other duration type 1 Abstract core:OtherDurationType1
5270 Other duration type 2 Abstract core:OtherDurationType2
5271 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5272 Goods and services transfers timing [Dimension] Axis core:GoodsServicesTransfersTimingDimension
5273 Goods or services transferred to customers [heading] Abstract core:GoodsOrServicesTransferredToCustomersHeading
5274 At a point in time Abstract core:PointInTime
5275 Over time Abstract core:OverTime
5276 Within one year, over time Abstract core:WithinOneYearOverTime
5277 More than one year, over time Abstract core:MoreThanOneYearOverTime
5278 Between two and five years, over time Abstract core:BetweenTwoFiveYearsOverTime
5279 More than five years, over time Abstract core:MoreThanFiveYearsOverTime
5280 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5281 Sales channel [Dimension] Axis core:SalesChannelDimension
5282 Goods or services sold [heading] Abstract core:GoodsOrServicesSoldHeading
5283 Directly to customers Abstract core:DirectlyToCustomers
5284 Through intermediaries Abstract core:ThroughIntermediaries
5285 Other channel type 1 Abstract core:OtherChannelType1
5286 Other channel type 2 Abstract core:OtherChannelType2
5287 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5288 Segment reconciliation [Dimension] Axis core:SegmentReconciliationDimension
5289 Entity reported value after adjustments [default] Abstract core:EntityReportedValueAfterAdjustmentsDefault
5290 Increase (decrease) from material reconciling items Abstract core:IncreaseDecreaseFromMaterialReconcilingItems
5291 Decrease from elimination of intersegment amounts Abstract core:DecreaseFromEliminationIntersegmentAmounts
5292 Original segment value before adjustments Abstract core:OriginalSegmentValueBeforeAdjustments
5293 Business combinations-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:BusinessCombinations-specificDimensionsHeading
5294 Business combinations [Dimension] Axis core:BusinessCombinationsDimension
5295 Total business combinations [default] Abstract core:TotalBusinessCombinationsDefault
5296 Total of individually immaterial business combinations Abstract core:TotalIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessCombinations
5297 Specific business combination 1 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination1
5298 Specific business combination 2 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination2
5299 Specific business combination 3 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination3
5300 Specific business combination 4 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination4
5301 Specific business combination 5 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination5
5302 Specific business combination 6 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination6
5303 Specific business combination 7 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination7
5304 Specific business combination 8 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination8
5305 Specific business combination 9 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination9
5306 Specific business combination 10 Abstract core:SpecificBusinessCombination10
5307 Income and expense-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:IncomeExpense-specificDimensionsHeading
5308 Ownership of assets [Dimension] Axis core:OwnershipAssetsDimension
5309 Total owned and leased assets [default] Abstract core:TotalOwnedLeasedAssetsDefault
5310 Owned assets Abstract core:OwnedAssets
5311 Leased assets Abstract core:LeasedAssets
5312 Operating lease purpose [Dimension] Axis core:OperatingLeasePurposeDimension
5313 Total assets under operating leases [default] Abstract core:TotalAssetsUnderOperatingLeasesDefault
5314 Land and buildings under operating leases Abstract core:LandBuildingsUnderOperatingLeases
5315 Plant, equipment and other assets under operating leases Abstract core:PlantEquipmentOtherAssetsUnderOperatingLeases
5316 Plant and equipment under operating leases Abstract core:PlantEquipmentUnderOperatingLeases
5317 Other assets under operating leases Abstract core:OtherAssetsUnderOperatingLeases
5318 Income tax-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:IncomeTax-specificDimensionsHeading
5319 Tax jurisdiction [Dimension] Axis core:TaxJurisdictionDimension
5320 Total tax [default] Abstract core:TotalTaxDefault
5321 UK tax Abstract core:UKTax
5322 Foreign tax Abstract core:ForeignTax
5323 Property, plant and equipment-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:PropertyPlantEquipment-specificDimensionsHeading
5324 Property, plant and equipment classes [Dimension] Axis core:PropertyPlantEquipmentClassesDimension
5325 Total property, plant and equipment [default] Abstract core:TotalPropertyPlantEquipmentDefault
5326 Land and buildings Abstract core:LandBuildings
5327 Land Abstract core:Land
5328 Buildings Abstract core:Buildings
5329 Leasehold improvements Abstract core:LeaseholdImprovements
5330 Investment property included within PPE Abstract core:InvestmentPropertyIncludedWithinPPE
5331 Construction in progress / assets under construction Abstract core:ConstructionInProgressAssetsUnderConstruction
5332 Vehicles, plant and machinery Abstract core:VehiclesPlantMachinery
5333 Plant and machinery Abstract core:PlantMachinery
5334 Vehicles Abstract core:Vehicles
5335 Aircraft Abstract core:Aircraft
5336 Ships and boats Abstract core:ShipsBoats
5337 Motor vehicles Abstract core:MotorVehicles
5338 Commercial motor vehicles Abstract core:CommercialMotorVehicles
5339 Motor cars Abstract core:MotorCars
5340 Other vehicles Abstract core:OtherVehicles
5341 Furniture, fittings, tools and equipment Abstract core:FurnitureFittingsToolsEquipment
5342 Furniture and fittings Abstract core:FurnitureFittings
5343 Tools and equipment Abstract core:ToolsEquipment
5344 Office equipment Abstract core:OfficeEquipment
5345 Computer equipment Abstract core:ComputerEquipment
5346 Communication and network equipment Abstract core:CommunicationNetworkEquipment
5347 Network assets Abstract core:NetworkAssets
5348 Assets not yet available for use, PPE Abstract core:AssetsNotYetAvailableForUsePPE
5349 Mining, oil and gas, additional PPE classes [heading] Abstract core:MiningOilGasAdditionalPPEClassesHeading
5350 Total property, plant and equipment other than exploration and evaluation assets Abstract core:TotalPropertyPlantEquipmentOtherThanExplorationEvaluationAssets
5351 Tangible exploration and evaluation assets Abstract core:TangibleExplorationEvaluationAssets
5352 Oil and gas properties Abstract core:OilGasProperties
5353 Oil and gas production assets Abstract core:OilGasProductionAssets
5354 Oil depots, storage tanks and service stations Abstract core:OilDepotsStorageTanksServiceStations
5355 Total mine properties Abstract core:TotalMineProperties
5356 Producing mines Abstract core:ProducingMines
5357 Mining assets under construction Abstract core:MiningAssetsUnderConstruction
5358 Deferred stripping expenditures for mine properties Abstract core:DeferredStrippingExpendituresForMineProperties
5359 Other mining assets Abstract core:OtherMiningAssets
5360 Non-standard PPE class 1 [component of total property, plant and equipment] Abstract core:Non-standardPPEClass1ComponentTotalPropertyPlantEquipment
5361 Non-standard PPE class 2 [component of total property, plant and equipment] Abstract core:Non-standardPPEClass2ComponentTotalPropertyPlantEquipment
5362 Non-standard PPE class 3 [component of total property, plant and equipment] Abstract core:Non-standardPPEClass3ComponentTotalPropertyPlantEquipment
5363 Non-standard PPE class 4 [component of total property, plant and equipment] Abstract core:Non-standardPPEClass4ComponentTotalPropertyPlantEquipment
5364 Other property, plant and equipment Abstract core:OtherPropertyPlantEquipment
5365 PPE ownership [Dimension] Axis core:PPEOwnershipDimension
5366 Total owned and leased PPE assets [default] Abstract core:TotalOwnedLeasedPPEAssetsDefault
5367 Owned or freehold assets Abstract core:OwnedOrFreeholdAssets
5368 Leased assets, held as lessee Abstract core:LeasedAssetsHeldAsLessee
5369 Short leasehold assets Abstract core:ShortLeaseholdAssets
5370 Long leasehold assets Abstract core:LongLeaseholdAssets
5371 Assets held for use under leases, lessor (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:AssetsHeldForUseUnderLeasesLessor
5372 Right-of-use assets Abstract core:Right-of-useAssets
5373 Intangibles-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:Intangibles-specificDimensionsHeading
5374 Intangible asset classes [Dimension] Axis core:IntangibleAssetClassesDimension
5375 Total intangible assets including goodwill [default] Abstract core:TotalIntangibleAssetsIncludingGoodwillDefault
5376 Net goodwill Abstract core:NetGoodwill
5377 Goodwill Abstract core:Goodwill
5378 Negative goodwill Abstract core:NegativeGoodwill
5379 Intangible assets other than goodwill Abstract core:IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill
5380 Brand names Abstract core:BrandNames
5381 Mastheads and publishing titles Abstract core:MastheadsPublishingTitles
5382 Computer software Abstract core:ComputerSoftware
5383 Patents, trademarks, licences, concessions and similar Abstract core:PatentsTrademarksLicencesConcessionsSimilar
5384 Licences and franchises Abstract core:LicencesFranchises
5385 Copyrights, patents, trademarks, service and operating rights Abstract core:CopyrightsPatentsTrademarksServiceOperatingRights
5386 Recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes Abstract core:RecipesFormulaeModelsDesignsPrototypes
5387 Development costs / capitalised development expenditure Abstract core:DevelopmentCostsCapitalisedDevelopmentExpenditure
5388 Customer relationships Abstract core:CustomerRelationships
5389 Payments on account Abstract core:PaymentsOnAccount
5390 Assets not yet available for use, intangibles Abstract core:AssetsNotYetAvailableForUseIntangibles
5391 Mining, oil and gas, additional intangible asset classes [heading] Abstract core:MiningOilGasAdditionalIntangibleAssetClassesHeading
5392 Intangible exploration and evaluation assets Abstract core:IntangibleExplorationEvaluationAssets
5393 Exploration licenses Abstract core:ExplorationLicenses
5394 Mining rights Abstract core:MiningRights
5395 Other miscellaneous intangible exploration and evaluation assets Abstract core:OtherMiscellaneousIntangibleExplorationEvaluationAssets
5396 Non-standard intangible asset class 1 [component of intangible assets other than goodwill] Abstract core:Non-standardIntangibleAssetClass1ComponentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill
5397 Non-standard intangible asset class 2 [component of intangible assets other than goodwill] Abstract core:Non-standardIntangibleAssetClass2ComponentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill
5398 Non-standard intangible asset class 3 [component of intangible assets other than goodwill] Abstract core:Non-standardIntangibleAssetClass3ComponentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill
5399 Non-standard intangible asset class 4 [component of intangible assets other than goodwill] Abstract core:Non-standardIntangibleAssetClass4ComponentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill
5400 Other / residual intangible assets Abstract core:OtherResidualIntangibleAssets
5401 Intangible assets ownership type [Dimension] Axis core:IntangibleAssetsOwnershipTypeDimension
5402 Total owned and leased intangible assets [default] Abstract core:TotalOwnedLeasedIntangibleAssetsDefault
5403 Owned intangible assets Abstract core:OwnedIntangibleAssets
5404 Right-of-use intangible assets Abstract core:Right-of-useIntangibleAssets
5405 Intangible assets generation type [Dimension] Axis core:IntangibleAssetsGenerationTypeDimension
5406 Total internally and externally acquired intangible assets [default] Abstract core:TotalInternallyExternallyAcquiredIntangibleAssetsDefault
5407 Internally generated intangible assets Abstract core:InternallyGeneratedIntangibleAssets
5408 Externally acquired intangible assets Abstract core:ExternallyAcquiredIntangibleAssets
5409 Intangible assets life type [Dimension] Axis core:IntangibleAssetsLifeTypeDimension
5410 Total intangible assets with finite and with indefinite lives [default] Abstract core:TotalIntangibleAssetsWithFiniteWithIndefiniteLivesDefault
5411 Intangible assets with finite lives Abstract core:IntangibleAssetsWithFiniteLives
5412 Intangible assets with indefinite lives Abstract core:IntangibleAssetsWithIndefiniteLives
5413 Investment property-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:InvestmentProperty-specificDimensionsHeading
5414 Investment property ownership type [Dimension] Axis core:InvestmentPropertyOwnershipTypeDimension
5415 Total owned and leased investment property [default] Abstract core:TotalOwnedLeasedInvestmentPropertyDefault
5416 Freehold investment property Abstract core:FreeholdInvestmentProperty
5417 Leasehold investment property Abstract core:LeaseholdInvestmentProperty
5418 Right-of-use investment property Abstract core:Right-of-useInvestmentProperty
5419 Biological assets-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:BiologicalAssets-specificDimensionsHeading
5420 Biological asset classes [Dimension] Axis core:BiologicalAssetClassesDimension
5421 Total biological assets [default] Abstract core:TotalBiologicalAssetsDefault
5422 Consumable biological assets Abstract core:ConsumableBiologicalAssets
5423 Consumable biological asset class 1 Abstract core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass1
5424 Consumable biological asset class 2 Abstract core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass2
5425 Consumable biological asset class 3 Abstract core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass3
5426 Consumable biological asset class 4 Abstract core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass4
5427 Consumable biological asset class 5 Abstract core:ConsumableBiologicalAssetClass5
5428 Bearer biological assets Abstract core:BearerBiologicalAssets
5429 Bearer biological asset class 1 Abstract core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass1
5430 Bearer biological asset class 2 Abstract core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass2
5431 Bearer biological asset class 3 Abstract core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass3
5432 Bearer biological asset class 4 Abstract core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass4
5433 Bearer biological asset class 5 Abstract core:BearerBiologicalAssetClass5
5434 Biological asset maturity [Dimension] Axis core:BiologicalAssetMaturityDimension
5435 All biological assets [default] Abstract core:AllBiologicalAssetsDefault
5436 Mature biological assets Abstract core:MatureBiologicalAssets
5437 Immature biological assets Abstract core:ImmatureBiologicalAssets
5438 Investments-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:Investments-specificDimensionsHeading
5439 Subsidiaries [Dimension] Axis core:SubsidiariesDimension
5440 Total subsidiaries [default] Abstract core:TotalSubsidiariesDefault
5441 Other subsidiaries / total individually immaterial subsidiaries Abstract core:OtherSubsidiariesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialSubsidiaries
5442 Subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests Abstract core:SubsidiariesWithMaterialNon-controllingInterests
5443 Subsidiary 1 Abstract core:Subsidiary1
5444 Subsidiary 2 Abstract core:Subsidiary2
5445 Subsidiary 3 Abstract core:Subsidiary3
5446 Subsidiary 4 Abstract core:Subsidiary4
5447 Subsidiary 5 Abstract core:Subsidiary5
5448 Subsidiary 6 Abstract core:Subsidiary6
5449 Subsidiary 7 Abstract core:Subsidiary7
5450 Subsidiary 8 Abstract core:Subsidiary8
5451 Subsidiary 9 Abstract core:Subsidiary9
5452 Subsidiary 10 Abstract core:Subsidiary10
5453 Subsidiary 11 Abstract core:Subsidiary11
5454 Subsidiary 12 Abstract core:Subsidiary12
5455 Subsidiary 13 Abstract core:Subsidiary13
5456 Subsidiary 14 Abstract core:Subsidiary14
5457 Subsidiary 15 Abstract core:Subsidiary15
5458 Subsidiary 16 Abstract core:Subsidiary16
5459 Subsidiary 17 Abstract core:Subsidiary17
5460 Subsidiary 18 Abstract core:Subsidiary18
5461 Subsidiary 19 Abstract core:Subsidiary19
5462 Subsidiary 20 Abstract core:Subsidiary20
5463 Subsidiary 21 Abstract core:Subsidiary21
5464 Subsidiary 22 Abstract core:Subsidiary22
5465 Subsidiary 23 Abstract core:Subsidiary23
5466 Subsidiary 24 Abstract core:Subsidiary24
5467 Subsidiary 25 Abstract core:Subsidiary25
5468 Subsidiary 26 Abstract core:Subsidiary26
5469 Subsidiary 27 Abstract core:Subsidiary27
5470 Subsidiary 28 Abstract core:Subsidiary28
5471 Subsidiary 29 Abstract core:Subsidiary29
5472 Subsidiary 30 Abstract core:Subsidiary30
5473 Subsidiary 31 Abstract core:Subsidiary31
5474 Subsidiary 32 Abstract core:Subsidiary32
5475 Subsidiary 33 Abstract core:Subsidiary33
5476 Subsidiary 34 Abstract core:Subsidiary34
5477 Subsidiary 35 Abstract core:Subsidiary35
5478 Subsidiary 36 Abstract core:Subsidiary36
5479 Subsidiary 37 Abstract core:Subsidiary37
5480 Subsidiary 38 Abstract core:Subsidiary38
5481 Subsidiary 39 Abstract core:Subsidiary39
5482 Subsidiary 40 Abstract core:Subsidiary40
5483 Subsidiary 41 Abstract core:Subsidiary41
5484 Subsidiary 42 Abstract core:Subsidiary42
5485 Subsidiary 43 Abstract core:Subsidiary43
5486 Subsidiary 44 Abstract core:Subsidiary44
5487 Subsidiary 45 Abstract core:Subsidiary45
5488 Subsidiary 46 Abstract core:Subsidiary46
5489 Subsidiary 47 Abstract core:Subsidiary47
5490 Subsidiary 48 Abstract core:Subsidiary48
5491 Subsidiary 49 Abstract core:Subsidiary49
5492 Subsidiary 50 Abstract core:Subsidiary50
5493 Subsidiary 51 Abstract core:Subsidiary51
5494 Subsidiary 52 Abstract core:Subsidiary52
5495 Subsidiary 53 Abstract core:Subsidiary53
5496 Subsidiary 54 Abstract core:Subsidiary54
5497 Subsidiary 55 Abstract core:Subsidiary55
5498 Subsidiary 56 Abstract core:Subsidiary56
5499 Subsidiary 57 Abstract core:Subsidiary57
5500 Subsidiary 58 Abstract core:Subsidiary58
5501 Subsidiary 59 Abstract core:Subsidiary59
5502 Subsidiary 60 Abstract core:Subsidiary60
5503 Subsidiary 61 Abstract core:Subsidiary61
5504 Subsidiary 62 Abstract core:Subsidiary62
5505 Subsidiary 63 Abstract core:Subsidiary63
5506 Subsidiary 64 Abstract core:Subsidiary64
5507 Subsidiary 65 Abstract core:Subsidiary65
5508 Subsidiary 66 Abstract core:Subsidiary66
5509 Subsidiary 67 Abstract core:Subsidiary67
5510 Subsidiary 68 Abstract core:Subsidiary68
5511 Subsidiary 69 Abstract core:Subsidiary69
5512 Subsidiary 70 Abstract core:Subsidiary70
5513 Subsidiary 71 Abstract core:Subsidiary71
5514 Subsidiary 72 Abstract core:Subsidiary72
5515 Subsidiary 73 Abstract core:Subsidiary73
5516 Subsidiary 74 Abstract core:Subsidiary74
5517 Subsidiary 75 Abstract core:Subsidiary75
5518 Subsidiary 76 Abstract core:Subsidiary76
5519 Subsidiary 77 Abstract core:Subsidiary77
5520 Subsidiary 78 Abstract core:Subsidiary78
5521 Subsidiary 79 Abstract core:Subsidiary79
5522 Subsidiary 80 Abstract core:Subsidiary80
5523 Subsidiary 81 Abstract core:Subsidiary81
5524 Subsidiary 82 Abstract core:Subsidiary82
5525 Subsidiary 83 Abstract core:Subsidiary83
5526 Subsidiary 84 Abstract core:Subsidiary84
5527 Subsidiary 85 Abstract core:Subsidiary85
5528 Subsidiary 86 Abstract core:Subsidiary86
5529 Subsidiary 87 Abstract core:Subsidiary87
5530 Subsidiary 88 Abstract core:Subsidiary88
5531 Subsidiary 89 Abstract core:Subsidiary89
5532 Subsidiary 90 Abstract core:Subsidiary90
5533 Subsidiary 91 Abstract core:Subsidiary91
5534 Subsidiary 92 Abstract core:Subsidiary92
5535 Subsidiary 93 Abstract core:Subsidiary93
5536 Subsidiary 94 Abstract core:Subsidiary94
5537 Subsidiary 95 Abstract core:Subsidiary95
5538 Subsidiary 96 Abstract core:Subsidiary96
5539 Subsidiary 97 Abstract core:Subsidiary97
5540 Subsidiary 98 Abstract core:Subsidiary98
5541 Subsidiary 99 Abstract core:Subsidiary99
5542 Subsidiary 100 Abstract core:Subsidiary100
5543 Subsidiary 101 Abstract core:Subsidiary101
5544 Subsidiary 102 Abstract core:Subsidiary102
5545 Subsidiary 103 Abstract core:Subsidiary103
5546 Subsidiary 104 Abstract core:Subsidiary104
5547 Subsidiary 105 Abstract core:Subsidiary105
5548 Subsidiary 106 Abstract core:Subsidiary106
5549 Subsidiary 107 Abstract core:Subsidiary107
5550 Subsidiary 108 Abstract core:Subsidiary108
5551 Subsidiary 109 Abstract core:Subsidiary109
5552 Subsidiary 110 Abstract core:Subsidiary110
5553 Subsidiary 111 Abstract core:Subsidiary111
5554 Subsidiary 112 Abstract core:Subsidiary112
5555 Subsidiary 113 Abstract core:Subsidiary113
5556 Subsidiary 114 Abstract core:Subsidiary114
5557 Subsidiary 115 Abstract core:Subsidiary115
5558 Subsidiary 116 Abstract core:Subsidiary116
5559 Subsidiary 117 Abstract core:Subsidiary117
5560 Subsidiary 118 Abstract core:Subsidiary118
5561 Subsidiary 119 Abstract core:Subsidiary119
5562 Subsidiary 120 Abstract core:Subsidiary120
5563 Subsidiary 121 Abstract core:Subsidiary121
5564 Subsidiary 122 Abstract core:Subsidiary122
5565 Subsidiary 123 Abstract core:Subsidiary123
5566 Subsidiary 124 Abstract core:Subsidiary124
5567 Subsidiary 125 Abstract core:Subsidiary125
5568 Subsidiary 126 Abstract core:Subsidiary126
5569 Subsidiary 127 Abstract core:Subsidiary127
5570 Subsidiary 128 Abstract core:Subsidiary128
5571 Subsidiary 129 Abstract core:Subsidiary129
5572 Subsidiary 130 Abstract core:Subsidiary130
5573 Subsidiary 131 Abstract core:Subsidiary131
5574 Subsidiary 132 Abstract core:Subsidiary132
5575 Subsidiary 133 Abstract core:Subsidiary133
5576 Subsidiary 134 Abstract core:Subsidiary134
5577 Subsidiary 135 Abstract core:Subsidiary135
5578 Subsidiary 136 Abstract core:Subsidiary136
5579 Subsidiary 137 Abstract core:Subsidiary137
5580 Subsidiary 138 Abstract core:Subsidiary138
5581 Subsidiary 139 Abstract core:Subsidiary139
5582 Subsidiary 140 Abstract core:Subsidiary140
5583 Subsidiary 141 Abstract core:Subsidiary141
5584 Subsidiary 142 Abstract core:Subsidiary142
5585 Subsidiary 143 Abstract core:Subsidiary143
5586 Subsidiary 144 Abstract core:Subsidiary144
5587 Subsidiary 145 Abstract core:Subsidiary145
5588 Subsidiary 146 Abstract core:Subsidiary146
5589 Subsidiary 147 Abstract core:Subsidiary147
5590 Subsidiary 148 Abstract core:Subsidiary148
5591 Subsidiary 149 Abstract core:Subsidiary149
5592 Subsidiary 150 Abstract core:Subsidiary150
5593 Subsidiary 151 Abstract core:Subsidiary151
5594 Subsidiary 152 Abstract core:Subsidiary152
5595 Subsidiary 153 Abstract core:Subsidiary153
5596 Subsidiary 154 Abstract core:Subsidiary154
5597 Subsidiary 155 Abstract core:Subsidiary155
5598 Subsidiary 156 Abstract core:Subsidiary156
5599 Subsidiary 157 Abstract core:Subsidiary157
5600 Subsidiary 158 Abstract core:Subsidiary158
5601 Subsidiary 159 Abstract core:Subsidiary159
5602 Subsidiary 160 Abstract core:Subsidiary160
5603 Subsidiary 161 Abstract core:Subsidiary161
5604 Subsidiary 162 Abstract core:Subsidiary162
5605 Subsidiary 163 Abstract core:Subsidiary163
5606 Subsidiary 164 Abstract core:Subsidiary164
5607 Subsidiary 165 Abstract core:Subsidiary165
5608 Subsidiary 166 Abstract core:Subsidiary166
5609 Subsidiary 167 Abstract core:Subsidiary167
5610 Subsidiary 168 Abstract core:Subsidiary168
5611 Subsidiary 169 Abstract core:Subsidiary169
5612 Subsidiary 170 Abstract core:Subsidiary170
5613 Subsidiary 171 Abstract core:Subsidiary171
5614 Subsidiary 172 Abstract core:Subsidiary172
5615 Subsidiary 173 Abstract core:Subsidiary173
5616 Subsidiary 174 Abstract core:Subsidiary174
5617 Subsidiary 175 Abstract core:Subsidiary175
5618 Subsidiary 176 Abstract core:Subsidiary176
5619 Subsidiary 177 Abstract core:Subsidiary177
5620 Subsidiary 178 Abstract core:Subsidiary178
5621 Subsidiary 179 Abstract core:Subsidiary179
5622 Subsidiary 180 Abstract core:Subsidiary180
5623 Subsidiary 181 Abstract core:Subsidiary181
5624 Subsidiary 182 Abstract core:Subsidiary182
5625 Subsidiary 183 Abstract core:Subsidiary183
5626 Subsidiary 184 Abstract core:Subsidiary184
5627 Subsidiary 185 Abstract core:Subsidiary185
5628 Subsidiary 186 Abstract core:Subsidiary186
5629 Subsidiary 187 Abstract core:Subsidiary187
5630 Subsidiary 188 Abstract core:Subsidiary188
5631 Subsidiary 189 Abstract core:Subsidiary189
5632 Subsidiary 190 Abstract core:Subsidiary190
5633 Subsidiary 191 Abstract core:Subsidiary191
5634 Subsidiary 192 Abstract core:Subsidiary192
5635 Subsidiary 193 Abstract core:Subsidiary193
5636 Subsidiary 194 Abstract core:Subsidiary194
5637 Subsidiary 195 Abstract core:Subsidiary195
5638 Subsidiary 196 Abstract core:Subsidiary196
5639 Subsidiary 197 Abstract core:Subsidiary197
5640 Subsidiary 198 Abstract core:Subsidiary198
5641 Subsidiary 199 Abstract core:Subsidiary199
5642 Subsidiary 200 Abstract core:Subsidiary200
5643 Associates [Dimension] Axis core:AssociatesDimension
5644 Total associates [default] Abstract core:TotalAssociatesDefault
5645 Other associates / total individually immaterial associates Abstract core:OtherAssociatesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialAssociates
5646 Associate 1 Abstract core:Associate1
5647 Associate 2 Abstract core:Associate2
5648 Associate 3 Abstract core:Associate3
5649 Associate 4 Abstract core:Associate4
5650 Associate 5 Abstract core:Associate5
5651 Associate 6 Abstract core:Associate6
5652 Associate 7 Abstract core:Associate7
5653 Associate 8 Abstract core:Associate8
5654 Associate 9 Abstract core:Associate9
5655 Associate 10 Abstract core:Associate10
5656 Associate 11 Abstract core:Associate11
5657 Associate 12 Abstract core:Associate12
5658 Associate 13 Abstract core:Associate13
5659 Associate 14 Abstract core:Associate14
5660 Associate 15 Abstract core:Associate15
5661 Associate 16 Abstract core:Associate16
5662 Associate 17 Abstract core:Associate17
5663 Associate 18 Abstract core:Associate18
5664 Associate 19 Abstract core:Associate19
5665 Associate 20 Abstract core:Associate20
5666 Associate 21 Abstract core:Associate21
5667 Associate 22 Abstract core:Associate22
5668 Associate 23 Abstract core:Associate23
5669 Associate 24 Abstract core:Associate24
5670 Associate 25 Abstract core:Associate25
5671 Associate 26 Abstract core:Associate26
5672 Associate 27 Abstract core:Associate27
5673 Associate 28 Abstract core:Associate28
5674 Associate 29 Abstract core:Associate29
5675 Associate 30 Abstract core:Associate30
5676 Associate 31 Abstract core:Associate31
5677 Associate 32 Abstract core:Associate32
5678 Associate 33 Abstract core:Associate33
5679 Associate 34 Abstract core:Associate34
5680 Associate 35 Abstract core:Associate35
5681 Associate 36 Abstract core:Associate36
5682 Associate 37 Abstract core:Associate37
5683 Associate 38 Abstract core:Associate38
5684 Associate 39 Abstract core:Associate39
5685 Associate 40 Abstract core:Associate40
5686 Associate 41 Abstract core:Associate41
5687 Associate 42 Abstract core:Associate42
5688 Associate 43 Abstract core:Associate43
5689 Associate 44 Abstract core:Associate44
5690 Associate 45 Abstract core:Associate45
5691 Associate 46 Abstract core:Associate46
5692 Associate 47 Abstract core:Associate47
5693 Associate 48 Abstract core:Associate48
5694 Associate 49 Abstract core:Associate49
5695 Associate 50 Abstract core:Associate50
5696 Joint ventures [Dimension] Axis core:JointVenturesDimension
5697 Total joint ventures [default] Abstract core:TotalJointVenturesDefault
5698 Other joint ventures / total individually immaterial joint ventures Abstract core:OtherJointVenturesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialJointVentures
5699 Joint venture 1 Abstract core:JointVenture1
5700 Joint venture 2 Abstract core:JointVenture2
5701 Joint venture 3 Abstract core:JointVenture3
5702 Joint venture 4 Abstract core:JointVenture4
5703 Joint venture 5 Abstract core:JointVenture5
5704 Joint venture 6 Abstract core:JointVenture6
5705 Joint venture 7 Abstract core:JointVenture7
5706 Joint venture 8 Abstract core:JointVenture8
5707 Joint venture 9 Abstract core:JointVenture9
5708 Joint venture 10 Abstract core:JointVenture10
5709 Joint venture 11 Abstract core:JointVenture11
5710 Joint venture 12 Abstract core:JointVenture12
5711 Joint venture 13 Abstract core:JointVenture13
5712 Joint venture 14 Abstract core:JointVenture14
5713 Joint venture 15 Abstract core:JointVenture15
5714 Joint venture 16 Abstract core:JointVenture16
5715 Joint venture 17 Abstract core:JointVenture17
5716 Joint venture 18 Abstract core:JointVenture18
5717 Joint venture 19 Abstract core:JointVenture19
5718 Joint venture 20 Abstract core:JointVenture20
5719 Joint venture 21 Abstract core:JointVenture21
5720 Joint venture 22 Abstract core:JointVenture22
5721 Joint venture 23 Abstract core:JointVenture23
5722 Joint venture 24 Abstract core:JointVenture24
5723 Joint venture 25 Abstract core:JointVenture25
5724 Joint venture 26 Abstract core:JointVenture26
5725 Joint venture 27 Abstract core:JointVenture27
5726 Joint venture 28 Abstract core:JointVenture28
5727 Joint venture 29 Abstract core:JointVenture29
5728 Joint venture 30 Abstract core:JointVenture30
5729 Joint venture 31 Abstract core:JointVenture31
5730 Joint venture 32 Abstract core:JointVenture32
5731 Joint venture 33 Abstract core:JointVenture33
5732 Joint venture 34 Abstract core:JointVenture34
5733 Joint venture 35 Abstract core:JointVenture35
5734 Joint venture 36 Abstract core:JointVenture36
5735 Joint venture 37 Abstract core:JointVenture37
5736 Joint venture 38 Abstract core:JointVenture38
5737 Joint venture 39 Abstract core:JointVenture39
5738 Joint venture 40 Abstract core:JointVenture40
5739 Joint venture 41 Abstract core:JointVenture41
5740 Joint venture 42 Abstract core:JointVenture42
5741 Joint venture 43 Abstract core:JointVenture43
5742 Joint venture 44 Abstract core:JointVenture44
5743 Joint venture 45 Abstract core:JointVenture45
5744 Joint venture 46 Abstract core:JointVenture46
5745 Joint venture 47 Abstract core:JointVenture47
5746 Joint venture 48 Abstract core:JointVenture48
5747 Joint venture 49 Abstract core:JointVenture49
5748 Joint venture 50 Abstract core:JointVenture50
5749 Unconsolidated structured entities [Dimension] Axis core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesDimension
5750 Total unconsolidated structured entities [default] Abstract core:TotalUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesDefault
5751 Other unconsolidated structured entities / total individually immaterial unconsolidated structured entities Abstract core:OtherUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialUnconsolidatedStructuredEntities
5752 Unconsolidated structured entity 1 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity1
5753 Unconsolidated structured entity 2 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity2
5754 Unconsolidated structured entity 3 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity3
5755 Unconsolidated structured entity 4 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity4
5756 Unconsolidated structured entity 5 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity5
5757 Investments movements [Dimension] Axis core:InvestmentsMovementsDimension
5758 Net book value / carrying value [default] Abstract core:NetBookValueCarryingValueDefault
5759 At cost / valuation Abstract core:CostValuation
5760 Increase (decrease) in period, investments Abstract core:IncreaseDecreaseInPeriodInvestments
5761 Additions to investments Abstract core:AdditionsToInvestments
5762 Disposals / repayments of investments Abstract core:DisposalsRepaymentsInvestments
5763 Goodwill in investments transferred to goodwill Abstract core:GoodwillInInvestmentsTransferredToGoodwill
5764 Prior period items, increase (decrease) in investments Abstract core:PriorPeriodItemsIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments
5765 Share of profit or loss, increase (decrease) in investments Abstract core:ShareProfitOrLossIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments
5766 Acquisitions, increase in investments Abstract core:AcquisitionsIncreaseInInvestments
5767 Disposals, decrease in investments Abstract core:DisposalsDecreaseInInvestments
5768 Dividends received, increase in investments Abstract core:DividendsReceivedIncreaseInInvestments
5769 Revaluations, increase (decrease) in investments Abstract core:RevaluationsIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments
5770 Foreign exchange differences, increase (decrease) in investments Abstract core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments
5771 Transfers into or out of investments, increase (decrease) in investments Abstract core:TransfersIntoOrOutInvestmentsIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments
5772 Transfers between investment classes, increase (decrease) in investments Abstract core:TransfersBetweenInvestmentClassesIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments
5773 Further specific increase (decrease) in investments 1 [component of total change in investments] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments1ComponentTotalChangeInInvestments
5774 Further specific increase (decrease) in investments 2 [component of total change in investments] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments2ComponentTotalChangeInInvestments
5775 Other increase (decrease) in investments Abstract core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInInvestments
5776 Provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:ProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5777 Provided (released) in period, provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:ProvidedReleasedInPeriodProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5778 Disposals, decrease in provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:DisposalsDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5779 Acquisitions, increase in provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:AcquisitionsIncreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5780 Impairment loss (reversal), provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:ImpairmentLossReversalProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5781 Impairment loss, provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:ImpairmentLossProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5782 Impairment reversal, provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:ImpairmentReversalProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5783 Transfers into or out of investments, increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:TransfersIntoOrOutInvestmentsIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5784 Transfers between investment classes, increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:TransfersBetweenInvestmentClassesIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5785 Further specific increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments 1 [component of corresponding total] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments1ComponentCorrespondingTotal
5786 Further specific increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments 2 [component of corresponding total] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments2ComponentCorrespondingTotal
5787 Other increase (decrease) in provisions for impairment of investments Abstract core:OtherIncreaseDecreaseInProvisionsForImpairmentInvestments
5788 Accumulated goodwill in investments Abstract core:AccumulatedGoodwillInInvestments
5789 Inventories-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:Inventories-specificDimensionsHeading
5790 Current and non-current inventories [Dimension] Axis core:CurrentNon-currentInventoriesDimension
5791 Total current and non-current inventories [default] Abstract core:TotalCurrentNon-currentInventoriesDefault
5792 Current inventories Abstract core:CurrentInventories
5793 Non-current inventories Abstract core:Non-currentInventories
5794 Debtors and creditors-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:DebtorsCreditors-specificDimensionsHeading
5795 Parent entities [Dimension] Axis core:ParentEntitiesDimension
5796 All parent entities [default] Abstract core:AllParentEntitiesDefault
5797 Ultimate parent Abstract core:UltimateParent
5798 Immediate parent Abstract core:ImmediateParent
5799 Intermediate parents Abstract core:IntermediateParents
5800 Intermediate parent 1 Abstract core:IntermediateParent1
5801 Intermediate parent 2 Abstract core:IntermediateParent2
5802 Intermediate parent 3 Abstract core:IntermediateParent3
5803 Intermediate parent 4 Abstract core:IntermediateParent4
5804 Intermediate parent 5 Abstract core:IntermediateParent5
5805 Other related party type [Dimension] Axis core:OtherRelatedPartyTypeDimension
5806 All other related parties [default] Abstract core:AllOtherRelatedPartiesDefault
5807 For technical reasons, the full set of other related parties tags are only shown in dimensional displays [guidance] Abstract core:ForTechnicalReasonsFullSetOtherRelatedPartiesTagsAreOnlyShownInDimensionalDisplaysGuidance
5808 Further related party relationship type 1 [component of all other related parties] Abstract core:FurtherRelatedPartyRelationshipType1ComponentAllOtherRelatedParties
5809 Further related party relationship type 2 [component of all other related parties] Abstract core:FurtherRelatedPartyRelationshipType2ComponentAllOtherRelatedParties
5810 Remaining related parties Abstract core:RemainingRelatedParties
5811 Leasing-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:Leasing-specificDimensionsHeading
5812 Finance lease contract type [Dimension] Axis core:FinanceLeaseContractTypeDimension
5813 All contract types [default] Abstract core:AllContractTypesDefault
5814 Finance leases Abstract core:FinanceLeases
5815 Hire purchase contracts Abstract core:HirePurchaseContracts
5816 Further contract type 1 [component of total contract types] Abstract core:FurtherContractType1ComponentTotalContractTypes
5817 Further contract type 2 [component of total contract types] Abstract core:FurtherContractType2ComponentTotalContractTypes
5818 Further contract type 3 [component of total contract types] Abstract core:FurtherContractType3ComponentTotalContractTypes
5819 Operating lease purpose [Dimension] Axis core:OperatingLeasePurposeDimension
5820 Total assets under operating leases [default] Abstract core:TotalAssetsUnderOperatingLeasesDefault
5821 Land and buildings under operating leases Abstract core:LandBuildingsUnderOperatingLeases
5822 Plant, equipment and other assets under operating leases Abstract core:PlantEquipmentOtherAssetsUnderOperatingLeases
5823 Plant and equipment under operating leases Abstract core:PlantEquipmentUnderOperatingLeases
5824 Other assets under operating leases Abstract core:OtherAssetsUnderOperatingLeases
5825 Provisions-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:Provisions-specificDimensionsHeading
5826 Provisions classes [Dimension] Axis core:ProvisionsClassesDimension
5827 Total provisions [default] Abstract core:TotalProvisionsDefault
5828 Warranties Abstract core:Warranties
5829 Restructuring or reorganisation Abstract core:RestructuringOrReorganisation
5830 Legal proceedings Abstract core:LegalProceedings
5831 Regulatory matters Abstract core:RegulatoryMatters
5832 Legislative changes Abstract core:LegislativeChanges
5833 Other regulatory matters Abstract core:OtherRegulatoryMatters
5834 Onerous contracts, excluding vacant properties Abstract core:OnerousContractsExcludingVacantProperties
5835 Vacant properties Abstract core:VacantProperties
5836 Decommissioning and restoration / dilapidations Abstract core:DecommissioningRestorationDilapidations
5837 Taxation, including deferred taxation Abstract core:TaxationIncludingDeferredTaxation
5838 Deferred taxation Abstract core:DeferredTaxation
5839 Employee benefits Abstract core:EmployeeBenefits
5840 Social security contributions Abstract core:SocialSecurityContributions
5841 Post-employment benefits Abstract core:Post-employmentBenefits
5842 Pensions Abstract core:Pensions
5843 Bad debts Abstract core:BadDebts
5844 Financial guarantees Abstract core:FinancialGuarantees
5845 Inventory obsolescence Abstract core:InventoryObsolescence
5846 Environmental costs Abstract core:EnvironmentalCosts
5847 Waste disposal Abstract core:WasteDisposal
5848 Deferred considerations Abstract core:DeferredConsiderations
5849 Profit sharing and bonuses Abstract core:ProfitSharingBonuses
5850 Operating leases Abstract core:OperatingLeases
5851 Refunds Abstract core:Refunds
5852 Financial penalties / levies Abstract core:FinancialPenaltiesLevies
5853 Acceptances and endorsements Abstract core:AcceptancesEndorsements
5854 Commission clawback Abstract core:CommissionClawback
5855 Contingent liability on business combination Abstract core:ContingentLiabilityOnBusinessCombination
5856 Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 1 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability1ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities
5857 Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 2 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability2ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities
5858 Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 3 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability3ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities
5859 Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 4 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability4ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities
5860 Other provisions / contingent liabilities Abstract core:OtherProvisionsContingentLiabilities
5861 Financial instruments-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:FinancialInstruments-specificDimensionsHeading
5862 Financial instruments classes and categories [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialInstrumentsClassesCategoriesDimension
5863 Total financial instruments [default] Abstract core:TotalFinancialInstrumentsDefault
5864 Financial instruments at amortised cost Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsAmortisedCost
5865 Financial assets at amortised cost Abstract core:FinancialAssetsAmortisedCost
5866 Loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:LoansReceivables
5867 Held-to-maturity financial assets (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:Held-to-maturityFinancialAssets
5868 Financial liabilities at amortised cost Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesAmortisedCost
5869 Financial instruments at fair value Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsFairValue
5870 Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5871 Financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5872 Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5873 Financial instruments held for trading (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsHeldForTrading
5874 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income Abstract core:FinancialAssetsFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
5875 Financial assets mandatorily measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Abstract core:FinancialAssetsMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
5876 Financial assets designated at fair value through other comprehensive income Abstract core:FinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
5877 Available-for-sale financial assets (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:Available-for-saleFinancialAssets
5878 Financial instruments at cost less impairment Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsCostLessImpairment
5879 Financial assets classes and categories [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialAssetsClassesCategoriesDimension
5880 Total financial assets [default] Abstract core:TotalFinancialAssetsDefault
5881 Financial assets at amortised cost Abstract core:FinancialAssetsAmortisedCost
5882 Loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:LoansReceivables
5883 Held-to-maturity financial assets (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:Held-to-maturityFinancialAssets
5884 Financial assets at fair value Abstract core:FinancialAssetsFairValue
5885 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5886 Financial assets mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialAssetsMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5887 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5888 Financial assets held for trading (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:FinancialAssetsHeldForTrading
5889 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income Abstract core:FinancialAssetsFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
5890 Financial assets mandatorily measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Abstract core:FinancialAssetsMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
5891 Financial assets designated at fair value through other comprehensive income Abstract core:FinancialAssetsDesignatedFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
5892 Available-for-sale financial assets (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:Available-for-saleFinancialAssets
5893 Financial assets at cost less impairment Abstract core:FinancialAssetsCostLessImpairment
5894 Financial liabilities classes and categories [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialLiabilitiesClassesCategoriesDimension
5895 Total financial liabilities [default] Abstract core:TotalFinancialLiabilitiesDefault
5896 Financial liabilities at amortised cost Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesAmortisedCost
5897 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5898 Financial liabilities mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesMandatorilyMeasuredFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5899 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
5900 Financial liabilities held for trading (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTrading
5901 Financial liabilities at cost less impairment Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesCostLessImpairment
5902 Financial liabilities concessionary loans Abstract char:FinancialLiabilitiesConcessionaryLoans
5903 Equity classes held [Dimension] Axis core:EquityClassesHeldDimension
5904 All share classes held [default] Abstract core:AllShareClassesHeldDefault
5905 All ordinary shares held Abstract core:AllOrdinarySharesHeld
5906 All preference shares held Abstract core:AllPreferenceSharesHeld
5907 All deferred shares held Abstract core:AllDeferredSharesHeld
5908 Non-standard share class held 1 [component of total share classes held] Abstract core:Non-standardShareClassHeld1ComponentTotalShareClassesHeld
5909 Non-standard share class held 2 [component of total share classes held] Abstract core:Non-standardShareClassHeld2ComponentTotalShareClassesHeld
5910 Derivatives types [Dimension] Axis core:DerivativesTypesDimension
5911 Derivative financial instruments [default] Abstract core:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsDefault
5912 Derivatives held for risk management Abstract core:DerivativesHeldForRiskManagement
5913 Cash flow hedge Abstract core:CashFlowHedge
5914 Fair value hedge Abstract core:FairValueHedge
5915 Hedge of net investment Abstract core:HedgeNetInvestment
5916 Derivatives held for trading / hedge accounting not applied Abstract core:DerivativesHeldForTradingHedgeAccountingNotApplied
5917 Derivatives contracts [Dimension] Axis core:DerivativesContractsDimension
5918 Total for all derivatives contracts [default] Abstract core:TotalForAllDerivativesContractsDefault
5919 Option contract Abstract core:OptionContract
5920 Option contract written Abstract core:OptionContractWritten
5921 Option contract purchased Abstract core:OptionContractPurchased
5922 Futures contract Abstract core:FuturesContract
5923 Forward contract Abstract core:ForwardContract
5924 Swap contract Abstract core:SwapContract
5925 Commodity contract Abstract core:CommodityContract
5926 Cap and floor contract Abstract core:CapFloorContract
5927 Embedded derivative contract Abstract core:EmbeddedDerivativeContract
5928 Compound contracts [heading] Abstract core:CompoundContractsHeading
5929 Commodity and swap contract Abstract core:CommoditySwapContract
5930 Forward and futures contract Abstract core:ForwardFuturesContract
5931 Forward and option contract Abstract core:ForwardOptionContract
5932 Forward and swap contract Abstract core:ForwardSwapContract
5933 Option and futures contract Abstract core:OptionFuturesContract
5934 Option and swap contract Abstract core:OptionSwapContract
5935 Spot, forward and futures contract Abstract core:SpotForwardFuturesContract
5936 Swap and forward contract Abstract core:SwapForwardContract
5937 Non-standard derivative contract 1 [component of total for derivative contracts] Abstract core:Non-standardDerivativeContract1ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts
5938 Non-standard derivative contract 2 [component of total for derivative contracts] Abstract core:Non-standardDerivativeContract2ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts
5939 Non-standard derivative contract 3 [component of total for derivative contracts] Abstract core:Non-standardDerivativeContract3ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts
5940 Non-standard derivative contract 4 [component of total for derivative contracts] Abstract core:Non-standardDerivativeContract4ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts
5941 Non-standard derivative contract 5 [component of total for derivative contracts] Abstract core:Non-standardDerivativeContract5ComponentTotalForDerivativeContracts
5942 Derivative purpose [Dimension] Axis core:DerivativePurposeDimension
5943 Risk type covered by derivative [heading] Abstract core:RiskTypeCoveredByDerivativeHeading
5944 Credit risk derivative Abstract core:CreditRiskDerivative
5945 Market risk derivative Abstract core:MarketRiskDerivative
5946 Commodity price risk derivative Abstract core:CommodityPriceRiskDerivative
5947 Currency risk derivative Abstract core:CurrencyRiskDerivative
5948 Interest rate risk derivative Abstract core:InterestRateRiskDerivative
5949 Macro hedge of interest rate risk derivative Abstract core:MacroHedgeInterestRateRiskDerivative
5950 Cross-currency interest rate risk derivative Abstract core:Cross-currencyInterestRateRiskDerivative
5951 Equity price risk derivative Abstract core:EquityPriceRiskDerivative
5952 Other price risk derivative Abstract core:OtherPriceRiskDerivative
5953 Prepayment risk derivative Abstract core:PrepaymentRiskDerivative
5954 Residual value risk derivative Abstract core:ResidualValueRiskDerivative
5955 Other market risk derivative Abstract core:OtherMarketRiskDerivative
5956 Liquidity risk derivative Abstract core:LiquidityRiskDerivative
5957 Other risk type derivative 1 Abstract core:OtherRiskTypeDerivative1
5958 Other risk type derivative 2 Abstract core:OtherRiskTypeDerivative2
5959 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
5960 Financial instrument value type [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialInstrumentValueTypeDimension
5961 Value type [heading] Abstract core:ValueTypeHeading
5962 Carrying value [default] Abstract core:CarryingValueDefault
5963 At cost Abstract core:Cost
5964 Fair value Abstract core:FairValue
5965 Contractual undiscounted value Abstract core:ContractualUndiscountedValue
5966 Effect of offsetting for financial instruments [heading] Abstract core:EffectOffsettingForFinancialInstrumentsHeading
5967 Net amount after deducting amounts not set off from net amount presented in balance sheet Abstract core:NetAmountAfterDeductingAmountsNotSetOffFromNetAmountPresentedInBalanceSheet
5968 For net amount presented in balance sheet use carrying value / default [guidance] Abstract core:ForNetAmountPresentedInBalanceSheetUseCarryingValueDefaultGuidance
5969 Gross amount of recognised financial instrument Abstract core:GrossAmountRecognisedFinancialInstrument
5970 Gross amount of recognised financial instrument offset Abstract core:GrossAmountRecognisedFinancialInstrumentOffset
5971 Related amounts not set off in balance sheet, financial instruments and collateral Abstract core:RelatedAmountsNotSetOffInBalanceSheetFinancialInstrumentsCollateral
5972 Related amount not set off in balance sheet, financial instruments Abstract core:RelatedAmountNotSetOffInBalanceSheetFinancialInstruments
5973 Related amount not set off in balance sheet, financial collateral Abstract core:RelatedAmountNotSetOffInBalanceSheetFinancialCollateral
5974 Past due or impaired, carrying value Abstract core:PastDueOrImpairedCarryingValue
5975 Past due but not impaired, carrying value Abstract core:PastDueButNotImpairedCarryingValue
5976 Impaired, carrying value Abstract core:ImpairedCarryingValue
5977 Neither past due nor impaired, carrying value Abstract core:NeitherPastDueNorImpairedCarryingValue
5978 High grade, neither past due nor impaired Abstract core:HighGradeNeitherPastDueNorImpaired
5979 Standard grade, neither past due nor impaired Abstract core:StandardGradeNeitherPastDueNorImpaired
5980 Sub-standard grade, neither past due nor impaired Abstract core:Sub-standardGradeNeitherPastDueNorImpaired
5981 Special monitoring, neither past due nor impaired Abstract core:SpecialMonitoringNeitherPastDueNorImpaired
5982 Unrated, neither past due nor impaired Abstract core:UnratedNeitherPastDueNorImpaired
5983 Notional amount Abstract core:NotionalAmount
5984 Notional amount to receive Abstract core:NotionalAmountToReceive
5985 Notional amount to deliver Abstract core:NotionalAmountToDeliver
5986 For allowance for impairment, see 'Allowance for impairment' dimension [guidance] Abstract core:ForAllowanceForImpairmentSeeAllowanceForImpairmentDimensionGuidance
5987 Financial instrument current and non-current [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialInstrumentCurrentNon-currentDimension
5988 Total current and non-current financial instruments [default] Abstract core:TotalCurrentNon-currentFinancialInstrumentsDefault
5989 Current financial instruments Abstract core:CurrentFinancialInstruments
5990 Non-current financial instruments Abstract core:Non-currentFinancialInstruments
5991 Maturities or expiration periods [Dimension] Axis core:MaturitiesOrExpirationPeriodsDimension
5992 All periods Abstract core:AllPeriods
5993 Within one year Abstract core:WithinOneYear
5994 Within 30 days Abstract core:Within30Days
5995 On demand Abstract core:OnDemand
5996 Less than 7 days Abstract core:LessThan7Days
5997 Seven to 30 days Abstract core:SevenTo30Days
5998 Within 60 days Abstract core:Within60Days
5999 From 30 to 90 days Abstract core:From30To90Days
6000 From 30 to 60 days Abstract core:From30To60Days
6001 From 60 to 90 days Abstract core:From60To90Days
6002 Within 3 months Abstract core:Within3Months
6003 From 90 to 120 days Abstract core:From90To120Days
6004 Between 3 months and 6 months Abstract core:Between3Months6Months
6005 Between 3 months and one year Abstract core:Between3MonthsOneYear
6006 Within 6 months Abstract core:Within6Months
6007 Between 6 months and one year Abstract core:Between6MonthsOneYear
6008 After one year Abstract core:AfterOneYear
6009 Between one and five years Abstract core:BetweenOneFiveYears
6010 Between one and two years Abstract core:BetweenOneTwoYears
6011 Between two and five years Abstract core:BetweenTwoFiveYears
6012 Between two and three years Abstract core:BetweenTwoThreeYears
6013 Between three and four years Abstract core:BetweenThreeFourYears
6014 Between four and five years Abstract core:BetweenFourFiveYears
6015 More than five years Abstract core:MoreThanFiveYears
6016 Between five and 10 years Abstract core:BetweenFive10Years
6017 After 10 years Abstract core:After10Years
6018 Other than 'on demand' Abstract core:OtherThanOnDemand
6019 Indeterminate maturity / non-expiring financial instruments Abstract core:IndeterminateMaturityNon-expiringFinancialInstruments
6020 After 30 days Abstract core:After30Days
6021 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6022 Interest rate type [Dimension] Axis core:InterestRateTypeDimension
6023 Interest rate type of financial instrument [heading] Abstract core:InterestRateTypeFinancialInstrumentHeading
6024 Interest bearing financial instruments Abstract core:InterestBearingFinancialInstruments
6025 Variable rate interest bearing financial instruments Abstract core:VariableRateInterestBearingFinancialInstruments
6026 Fixed rate interest bearing financial instruments Abstract core:FixedRateInterestBearingFinancialInstruments
6027 Weighted average interest rate financial instruments Abstract core:WeightedAverageInterestRateFinancialInstruments
6028 Non-interest bearing financial instruments Abstract core:Non-interestBearingFinancialInstruments
6029 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6030 Listed-unlisted [Dimension] Axis core:Listed-unlistedDimension
6031 All financial instruments [default] Abstract core:AllFinancialInstrumentsDefault
6032 Listed / exchange traded Abstract core:ListedExchangeTraded
6033 Unlisted / non-exchange traded Abstract core:UnlistedNon-exchangeTraded
6034 Liquidity features [Dimension] Axis core:LiquidityFeaturesDimension
6035 Liquidity features [heading] Abstract core:LiquidityFeaturesHeading
6036 Over-the-counter financial instrument Abstract core:Over-the-counterFinancialInstrument
6037 Settled by central counterparty Abstract core:SettledByCentralCounterparty
6038 Not-settled by central counterparty Abstract core:Not-settledByCentralCounterparty
6039 Liquid financial instruments Abstract core:LiquidFinancialInstruments
6040 Illiquid financial instruments Abstract core:IlliquidFinancialInstruments
6041 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6042 Position type [Dimension] Axis core:PositionTypeDimension
6043 Position type [heading] Abstract core:PositionTypeHeading
6044 Short position Abstract core:ShortPosition
6045 Long position Abstract core:LongPosition
6046 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6047 Secured status [Dimension] Axis core:SecuredStatusDimension
6048 Secured status [heading] Abstract core:SecuredStatusHeading
6049 Secured Abstract core:Secured
6050 Unsecured Abstract core:Unsecured
6051 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6052 Financial instruments held for sale [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialInstrumentsHeldForSaleDimension
6053 Financial instruments, excluding those held for sale [default] Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsExcludingThoseHeldForSaleDefault
6054 Financial instruments held for sale Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsHeldForSale
6055 Financial instruments, including those held for sale Abstract core:FinancialInstrumentsIncludingThoseHeldForSale
6056 Fair value movement [Dimension] Axis core:FairValueMovementDimension
6057 Fair value movements [heading] Abstract core:FairValueMovementsHeading
6058 Transfer between levels [heading] Abstract core:TransferBetweenLevelsHeading
6059 Transfer from level 1 to 2 Abstract core:TransferFromLevel1To2
6060 Transfer from level 2 to 1 Abstract core:TransferFromLevel2To1
6061 Transfer from level 1 and 2 to 3 Abstract core:TransferFromLevel12To3
6062 Transfer from level 3 to 1 and 2 Abstract core:TransferFromLevel3To12
6063 Net increase or decrease in level 3 [heading] Abstract core:NetIncreaseOrDecreaseInLevel3Heading
6064 Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from purchases, sales, settlements and issues Abstract core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromPurchasesSalesSettlementsIssues
6065 Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from purchases Abstract core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromPurchases
6066 Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from sales Abstract core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromSales
6067 Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from settlements Abstract core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromSettlements
6068 Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from issues Abstract core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromIssues
6069 Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from foreign exchange adjustments Abstract core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromForeignExchangeAdjustments
6070 Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from reclassifications Abstract core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromReclassifications
6071 Net increase (decrease) in level 3 from other adjustments Abstract core:NetIncreaseDecreaseInLevel3FromOtherAdjustments
6072 Gain or loss for level 3 [heading] Abstract core:GainOrLossForLevel3Heading
6073 Gain (loss) for level 3 assets and liabilities recognised in profit or loss Abstract core:GainLossForLevel3AssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
6074 Gain (loss) for level 3 assets and liabilities recognised in other comprehensive income Abstract core:GainLossForLevel3AssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncome
6075 Gain (loss) in profit or loss for level 3 instruments held at end of period Abstract core:GainLossInProfitOrLossForLevel3InstrumentsHeldEndPeriod
6076 Gain (loss) for level 3 instruments from business combinations Abstract core:GainLossForLevel3InstrumentsFromBusinessCombinations
6077 Realised gain (loss) for level 3 assets and liabilities recognised in profit or loss Abstract core:RealisedGainLossForLevel3AssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
6078 Unrealised gain (loss) for level 3 assets and liabilities recognised in profit or loss Abstract core:UnrealisedGainLossForLevel3AssetsLiabilitiesRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
6079 Reclassifications [heading] Abstract core:ReclassificationsHeading
6080 Reclassified from level 3 to loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromLevel3ToLoansReceivables
6081 Reclassified from level 3 at fair value through profit or loss to fair value through other comprehensive income Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromLevel3FairValueThroughProfitOrLossToFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
6082 Reclassified from level 3 to held-to-maturity (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromLevel3ToHeld-to-maturity
6083 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6084 Fair value measurement type [Dimension] Axis core:FairValueMeasurementTypeDimension
6085 Fair value measurement type [heading] Abstract core:FairValueMeasurementTypeHeading
6086 Recurring fair value measurement Abstract core:RecurringFairValueMeasurement
6087 Non-recurring fair value measurement Abstract core:Non-recurringFairValueMeasurement
6088 Fair value disclosed, not measured Abstract core:FairValueDisclosedNotMeasured
6089 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6090 Financial instrument level [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialInstrumentLevelDimension
6091 Total all levels [default] Abstract core:TotalAllLevelsDefault
6092 Level 1 Abstract core:Level1
6093 Level 2 Abstract core:Level2
6094 Level 3 Abstract core:Level3
6095 Financial assets impairment stage [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialAssetsImpairmentStageDimension
6096 Financial assets impairment stage [heading] Abstract core:FinancialAssetsImpairmentStageHeading
6097 Stage 1, 12-months ECL Abstract core:Stage112-monthsECL
6098 Stage 2, Lifetime ECL not credit-impaired Abstract core:Stage2LifetimeECLNotCredit-impaired
6099 Stage 3, Lifetime ECL credit-impaired Abstract core:Stage3LifetimeECLCredit-impaired
6100 Purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets Abstract core:PurchasedOrOriginatedCredit-impairedFinancialAssets
6101 Simplified approach applied to trade receivables, contract assets and lease receivables Abstract core:SimplifiedApproachAppliedToTradeReceivablesContractAssetsLeaseReceivables
6102 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6103 Allowance for impairment [Dimension] Axis core:AllowanceForImpairmentDimension
6104 Allowance for impairment [heading] Abstract core:AllowanceForImpairmentHeading
6105 Carrying value [default] Abstract core:CarryingValueDefault
6106 Allowance for impairment loss Abstract core:AllowanceForImpairmentLoss
6107 Value before allowance for impairment loss Abstract core:ValueBeforeAllowanceForImpairmentLoss
6108 Movement in allowance for impairment loss / allowance account [heading] Abstract core:MovementInAllowanceForImpairmentLossAllowanceAccountHeading
6109 Transfers between expected credit loss stages [heading] Abstract core:TransfersBetweenExpectedCreditLossStagesHeading
6110 Transfer to stage 1 Abstract core:TransferToStage1
6111 Transfer from stage 2 to 1 Abstract core:TransferFromStage2To1
6112 Transfer from stage 3 to 1 Abstract core:TransferFromStage3To1
6113 Transfer to stage 2 Abstract core:TransferToStage2
6114 Transfer from stage 1 to 2 Abstract core:TransferFromStage1To2
6115 Transfer from stage 3 to 2 Abstract core:TransferFromStage3To2
6116 Transfer to stage 3 Abstract core:TransferToStage3
6117 Transfer from stage 1 to 3 Abstract core:TransferFromStage1To3
6118 Transfer from stage 2 to 3 Abstract core:TransferFromStage2To3
6119 Increase due to change in credit risk Abstract core:IncreaseDueToChangeInCreditRisk
6120 Decrease due to change in credit risk Abstract core:DecreaseDueToChangeInCreditRisk
6121 Changes due to modifications that did not result in derecognition Abstract core:ChangesDueToModificationsThatDidNotResultInDerecognition
6122 Changes in models/risk parameters Abstract core:ChangesInModelsriskParameters
6123 New financial assets originated or purchased Abstract core:NewFinancialAssetsOriginatedOrPurchased
6124 Impact on year end ECL of exposures transferred between stages during the year Abstract core:ImpactOnYearEndECLExposuresTransferredBetweenStagesDuringYear
6125 Financial assets derecognised in the period Abstract core:FinancialAssetsDerecognisedInPeriod
6126 Impairment charge (release) Abstract core:ImpairmentChargeRelease
6127 Impairment charge Abstract core:ImpairmentCharge
6128 (Release) of impairment Abstract core:ReleaseImpairment
6129 Business combinations, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment Abstract core:BusinessCombinationsIncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6130 Disposals and discontinued operations, decrease (increase) in allowance for impairment Abstract core:DisposalsDiscontinuedOperationsDecreaseIncreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6131 Business divestiture, decrease in allowance for impairment Abstract core:BusinessDivestitureDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6132 Discontinued operations and disposals other than business divestiture, decrease in allowance for impairment Abstract core:DiscontinuedOperationsDisposalsOtherThanBusinessDivestitureDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6133 Transfers to and from assets held for sale, decrease (increase) in allowance for impairment Abstract core:TransfersToFromAssetsHeldForSaleDecreaseIncreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6134 Write-off of financial assets, decrease in allowance for impairment Abstract core:Write-offFinancialAssetsDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6135 Recoveries of write-offs, increase in allowance for impairment Abstract core:RecoveriesWrite-offsIncreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6136 Unwind of discount, decrease in allowance for impairment Abstract core:UnwindDiscountDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6137 Further specific change 1, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment [component of total movement] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificChange1IncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairmentComponentTotalMovement
6138 Further specific change 2, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment [component of total movement] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificChange2IncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairmentComponentTotalMovement
6139 Further specific change 3, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment [component of total movement] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificChange3IncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairmentComponentTotalMovement
6140 Foreign exchange and other adjustments, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment Abstract core:ForeignExchangeOtherAdjustmentsIncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6141 Foreign exchange adjustments, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment Abstract core:ForeignExchangeAdjustmentsIncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6142 Other adjustments, increase (decrease) in allowance for impairment Abstract core:OtherAdjustmentsIncreaseDecreaseInAllowanceForImpairment
6143 Allowance account measurement type [Dimension] Axis core:AllowanceAccountMeasurementTypeDimension
6144 Total allowance account [default] Abstract core:TotalAllowanceAccountDefault
6145 Individual allowance account Abstract core:IndividualAllowanceAccount
6146 Collective allowance account Abstract core:CollectiveAllowanceAccount
6147 Credit losses incurred but not observed (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:CreditLossesIncurredButNotObserved
6148 Financial assets reclassification [Dimension] Axis core:FinancialAssetsReclassificationDimension
6149 Reclassified assets total Abstract core:ReclassifiedAssetsTotal
6150 Reclassified from held for trading to available-for-sale (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromHeldForTradingToAvailable-for-sale
6151 Reclassified from held for trading to loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromHeldForTradingToLoansReceivables
6152 Reclassified from held for trading to held-to-maturity (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromHeldForTradingToHeld-to-maturity
6153 Reclassified from available-for-sale to loans and receivables (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromAvailable-for-saleToLoansReceivables
6154 Reclassified from fair value through profit or loss to amortised cost Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromFairValueThroughProfitOrLossToAmortisedCost
6155 Reclassified from fair value through profit or loss to fair value through other comprehensive income Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromFairValueThroughProfitOrLossToFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
6156 Reclassified from fair value through other comprehensive income to amortised cost Abstract core:ReclassifiedFromFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeToAmortisedCost
6157 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6158 Credit risk exposure [Dimension] Axis core:CreditRiskExposureDimension
6159 Maximum credit risk exposure Abstract core:MaximumCreditRiskExposure
6160 Gross credit risk exposure Abstract core:GrossCreditRiskExposure
6161 Decrease from credit risk mitigation and offset Abstract core:DecreaseFromCreditRiskMitigationOffset
6162 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6163 Credit risk internal grade ratings [Dimension] Axis core:CreditRiskInternalGradeRatingsDimension
6164 Credit risk internal grade ratings [heading] Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGradeRatingsHeading
6165 Lowest credit risk internal grade,1 Abstract core:LowestCreditRiskInternalGrade1
6166 Credit risk internal grade 2 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade2
6167 Credit risk internal grade 3 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade3
6168 Credit risk internal grade 4 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade4
6169 Credit risk internal grade 5 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade5
6170 Credit risk internal grade 6 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade6
6171 Credit risk internal grade 7 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade7
6172 Credit risk internal grade 8 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade8
6173 Credit risk internal grade 9 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade9
6174 Credit risk internal grade 10 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade10
6175 Credit risk internal grade 11 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade11
6176 Credit risk internal grade 12 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade12
6177 Credit risk internal grade 13 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade13
6178 Credit risk internal grade 14 Abstract core:CreditRiskInternalGrade14
6179 Highest credit risk internal grade, 15 Abstract core:HighestCreditRiskInternalGrade15
6180 Unrated Abstract core:Unrated
6181 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6182 Credit ratings [Dimension] Axis core:CreditRatingsDimension
6183 Credit ratings [heading] Abstract core:CreditRatingsHeading
6184 Highest credit rating, 1 Abstract core:HighestCreditRating1
6185 Credit rating 2 Abstract core:CreditRating2
6186 Credit rating 3 Abstract core:CreditRating3
6187 Credit rating 4 Abstract core:CreditRating4
6188 Credit rating 5 Abstract core:CreditRating5
6189 Credit rating 6 Abstract core:CreditRating6
6190 Credit rating 7 Abstract core:CreditRating7
6191 Credit rating 8 Abstract core:CreditRating8
6192 Credit rating 9 Abstract core:CreditRating9
6193 Credit rating 10 Abstract core:CreditRating10
6194 Credit rating 11 Abstract core:CreditRating11
6195 Credit rating 12 Abstract core:CreditRating12
6196 Credit rating 13 Abstract core:CreditRating13
6197 Credit rating 14 Abstract core:CreditRating14
6198 Lowest credit rating, 15 Abstract core:LowestCreditRating15
6199 Unrated Abstract core:Unrated
6200 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6201 Industry concentration risk [Dimension] Axis core:IndustryConcentrationRiskDimension
6202 Types of industry concentration risk [heading] Abstract core:TypesIndustryConcentrationRiskHeading
6203 Financial services concentration risk Abstract core:FinancialServicesConcentrationRisk
6204 Banking industry concentration risk Abstract core:BankingIndustryConcentrationRisk
6205 Insurance industry concentration risk Abstract core:InsuranceIndustryConcentrationRisk
6206 Asset management industry concentration risk Abstract core:AssetManagementIndustryConcentrationRisk
6207 Residential mortgage loans concentration risk Abstract core:ResidentialMortgageLoansConcentrationRisk
6208 Other personal lending concentration risk Abstract core:OtherPersonalLendingConcentrationRisk
6209 Finance lease receivables concentration risk Abstract core:FinanceLeaseReceivablesConcentrationRisk
6210 Government and central banks concentration risk Abstract core:GovernmentCentralBanksConcentrationRisk
6211 Retail and wholesale industries concentration risk Abstract core:RetailWholesaleIndustriesConcentrationRisk
6212 Construction and materials concentration risk Abstract core:ConstructionMaterialsConcentrationRisk
6213 Manufacturing, oil and gas concentration risk Abstract core:ManufacturingOilGasConcentrationRisk
6214 Manufacturing concentration risk Abstract core:ManufacturingConcentrationRisk
6215 Oil and gas concentration risk Abstract core:OilGasConcentrationRisk
6216 Service industries concentration risk Abstract core:ServiceIndustriesConcentrationRisk
6217 Agriculture concentration risk Abstract core:AgricultureConcentrationRisk
6218 Utilities concentration risk Abstract core:UtilitiesConcentrationRisk
6219 Transport concentration risk Abstract core:TransportConcentrationRisk
6220 Telecommunications concentration risk Abstract core:TelecommunicationsConcentrationRisk
6221 Information technology concentration risk Abstract core:InformationTechnologyConcentrationRisk
6222 Healthcare concentration risk Abstract core:HealthcareConcentrationRisk
6223 Further specific type of industry concentration risk 1 [component of total industry concentration risk] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk1ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk
6224 Further specific type of industry concentration risk 2 [component of total industry concentration risk] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk2ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk
6225 Further specific type of industry concentration risk 3 [component of total industry concentration risk] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk3ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk
6226 Further specific type of industry concentration risk 4 [component of total industry concentration risk] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk4ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk
6227 Further specific type of industry concentration risk 5 [component of total industry concentration risk] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeIndustryConcentrationRisk5ComponentTotalIndustryConcentrationRisk
6228 Other industry concentration risk Abstract core:OtherIndustryConcentrationRisk
6229 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6230 Region and country of issuer / risk [Dimension] Axis core:RegionCountryIssuerRiskDimension
6231 Region and country of issuer / risk [heading] Abstract core:RegionCountryIssuerRiskHeading
6232 All countries Abstract countries:AllCountries
6233 Other countries and regions Abstract countries:OtherCountriesRegions
6234 Home countries [heading] Abstract countries:HomeCountriesHeading
6235 United Kingdom Abstract countries:UnitedKingdom
6236 England Abstract countries:England
6237 Scotland Abstract countries:Scotland
6238 Wales Abstract countries:Wales
6239 England and Wales Abstract countries:EnglandWales
6240 Northern Ireland Abstract countries:NorthernIreland
6241 Isle of Man Abstract countries:IsleMan
6242 Channel Islands Abstract countries:ChannelIslands
6243 Jersey Abstract countries:Jersey
6244 Guernsey Abstract countries:Guernsey
6245 Other Channel Islands Abstract countries:OtherChannelIslands
6246 Great Britain Abstract countries:GreatBritain
6247 Main regions [heading] Abstract countries:MainRegionsHeading
6248 Rest of world, outside UK Abstract countries:RestWorldOutsideUK
6249 Rest of world, outside Europe Abstract countries:RestWorldOutsideEurope
6250 Rest of Europe, outside UK Abstract countries:RestEuropeOutsideUK
6251 European Community Abstract countries:EuropeanCommunity
6252 Europe Abstract countries:Europe
6253 Americas Abstract countries:Americas
6254 North America Abstract countries:NorthAmerica
6255 South America Abstract countries:SouthAmerica
6256 Latin America and Caribbean Abstract countries:LatinAmericaCaribbean
6257 Latin America Abstract countries:LatinAmerica
6258 Caribbean Abstract countries:Caribbean
6259 Central America Abstract countries:CentralAmerica
6260 Middle East Abstract countries:MiddleEast
6261 Africa Abstract countries:Africa
6262 Europe, Middle East and Africa Abstract countries:EuropeMiddleEastAfrica
6263 Asia Abstract countries:Asia
6264 South-east Asia Abstract countries:South-eastAsia
6265 Australasia Abstract countries:Australasia
6266 Further specific region 1 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion1ComponentAllCountriesRegions
6267 Further specific region 2 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion2ComponentAllCountriesRegions
6268 Further specific region 3 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion3ComponentAllCountriesRegions
6269 Further specific region 4 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion4ComponentAllCountriesRegions
6270 Further specific region 5 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion5ComponentAllCountriesRegions
6271 Further specific region 6 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion6ComponentAllCountriesRegions
6272 Further specific region 7 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion7ComponentAllCountriesRegions
6273 Further specific region 8 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion8ComponentAllCountriesRegions
6274 Country list [heading] Abstract countries:CountryListHeading
6275 Afghanistan Abstract countries:Afghanistan
6276 Aland Islands Abstract countries:AlandIslands
6277 Albania Abstract countries:Albania
6278 Algeria Abstract countries:Algeria
6279 American Samoa Abstract countries:AmericanSamoa
6280 Andorra Abstract countries:Andorra
6281 Angola Abstract countries:Angola
6282 Anguilla Abstract countries:Anguilla
6283 Antarctica Abstract countries:Antarctica
6284 Antigua and Barbuda Abstract countries:AntiguaBarbuda
6285 Argentina Abstract countries:Argentina
6286 Armenia Abstract countries:Armenia
6287 Aruba Abstract countries:Aruba
6288 Australia Abstract countries:Australia
6289 Austria Abstract countries:Austria
6290 Azerbaijan Abstract countries:Azerbaijan
6291 Bahamas Abstract countries:Bahamas
6292 Bahrain Abstract countries:Bahrain
6293 Bangladesh Abstract countries:Bangladesh
6294 Barbados Abstract countries:Barbados
6295 Belarus Abstract countries:Belarus
6296 Belgium Abstract countries:Belgium
6297 Belize Abstract countries:Belize
6298 Benin Abstract countries:Benin
6299 Bermuda Abstract countries:Bermuda
6300 Bhutan Abstract countries:Bhutan
6301 Bolivia Abstract countries:Bolivia
6302 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Abstract countries:BonaireSintEustatiusSaba
6303 Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract countries:BosniaHerzegovina
6304 Botswana Abstract countries:Botswana
6305 Bouvet Island Abstract countries:BouvetIsland
6306 Brazil Abstract countries:Brazil
6307 British Indian Ocean Territory Abstract countries:BritishIndianOceanTerritory
6308 Brunei Darussalam Abstract countries:BruneiDarussalam
6309 Bulgaria Abstract countries:Bulgaria
6310 Burkina Faso Abstract countries:BurkinaFaso
6311 Burundi Abstract countries:Burundi
6312 Cambodia Abstract countries:Cambodia
6313 Cameroon Abstract countries:Cameroon
6314 Canada Abstract countries:Canada
6315 Cape Verde Abstract countries:CapeVerde
6316 Cayman Islands Abstract countries:CaymanIslands
6317 Central African Republic Abstract countries:CentralAfricanRepublic
6318 Chad Abstract countries:Chad
6319 Chile Abstract countries:Chile
6320 China Abstract countries:China
6321 Christmas Island Abstract countries:ChristmasIsland
6322 Cocos (Keeling) Islands Abstract countries:CocosKeelingIslands
6323 Colombia Abstract countries:Colombia
6324 Comoros Abstract countries:Comoros
6325 Congo Abstract countries:Congo
6326 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Abstract countries:CongoDemocraticRepublic
6327 Cook Islands Abstract countries:CookIslands
6328 Costa Rica Abstract countries:CostaRica
6329 Cote d'Ivoire Abstract countries:CoteDIvoire
6330 Croatia Abstract countries:Croatia
6331 Cuba Abstract countries:Cuba
6332 Curaçao Abstract countries:Curaçao
6333 Cyprus Abstract countries:Cyprus
6334 Czech Republic Abstract countries:CzechRepublic
6335 Denmark Abstract countries:Denmark
6336 Djibouti Abstract countries:Djibouti
6337 Dominica Abstract countries:Dominica
6338 Dominican Republic Abstract countries:DominicanRepublic
6339 Ecuador Abstract countries:Ecuador
6340 Egypt Abstract countries:Egypt
6341 El Salvador Abstract countries:ElSalvador
6342 Equatorial Guinea Abstract countries:EquatorialGuinea
6343 Eritrea Abstract countries:Eritrea
6344 Estonia Abstract countries:Estonia
6345 Ethiopia Abstract countries:Ethiopia
6346 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Abstract countries:FalklandIslandsMalvinas
6347 Faroe Islands Abstract countries:FaroeIslands
6348 Fiji Abstract countries:Fiji
6349 Finland Abstract countries:Finland
6350 France Abstract countries:France
6351 French Guiana Abstract countries:FrenchGuiana
6352 French Polynesia Abstract countries:FrenchPolynesia
6353 French Southern Territories Abstract countries:FrenchSouthernTerritories
6354 Gabon Abstract countries:Gabon
6355 Gambia Abstract countries:Gambia
6356 Georgia Abstract countries:Georgia
6357 Germany Abstract countries:Germany
6358 Ghana Abstract countries:Ghana
6359 Gibraltar Abstract countries:Gibraltar
6360 Greece Abstract countries:Greece
6361 Greenland Abstract countries:Greenland
6362 Grenada Abstract countries:Grenada
6363 Guadeloupe Abstract countries:Guadeloupe
6364 Guam Abstract countries:Guam
6365 Guatemala Abstract countries:Guatemala
6366 Guernsey Abstract countries:Guernsey
6367 Guinea Abstract countries:Guinea
6368 Guinea-Bissau Abstract countries:Guinea-Bissau
6369 Guyana Abstract countries:Guyana
6370 Haiti Abstract countries:Haiti
6371 Heard Island and McDonald Islands Abstract countries:HeardIslandMcDonaldIslands
6372 Holy See (Vatican City State) Abstract countries:HolySeeVaticanCityState
6373 Honduras Abstract countries:Honduras
6374 Hong Kong Abstract countries:HongKong
6375 Hungary Abstract countries:Hungary
6376 Iceland Abstract countries:Iceland
6377 India Abstract countries:India
6378 Indonesia Abstract countries:Indonesia
6379 Iran, Islamic Republic of Abstract countries:IranIslamicRepublic
6380 Iraq Abstract countries:Iraq
6381 Ireland Abstract countries:Ireland
6382 Isle of Man Abstract countries:IsleMan
6383 Israel Abstract countries:Israel
6384 Italy Abstract countries:Italy
6385 Jamaica Abstract countries:Jamaica
6386 Japan Abstract countries:Japan
6387 Jersey Abstract countries:Jersey
6388 Jordan Abstract countries:Jordan
6389 Kazakhstan Abstract countries:Kazakhstan
6390 Kenya Abstract countries:Kenya
6391 Kiribati Abstract countries:Kiribati
6392 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Abstract countries:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic
6393 Korea, Republic of Abstract countries:KoreaRepublic
6394 Kuwait Abstract countries:Kuwait
6395 Kyrgyzstan Abstract countries:Kyrgyzstan
6396 Lao People's Democratic Republic Abstract countries:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic
6397 Latvia Abstract countries:Latvia
6398 Lebanon Abstract countries:Lebanon
6399 Lesotho Abstract countries:Lesotho
6400 Liberia Abstract countries:Liberia
6401 Libya Abstract countries:Libya
6402 Liechtenstein Abstract countries:Liechtenstein
6403 Lithuania Abstract countries:Lithuania
6404 Luxembourg Abstract countries:Luxembourg
6405 Macao Abstract countries:Macao
6406 Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Abstract countries:MacedoniaFormerYugoslavRepublic
6407 Madagascar Abstract countries:Madagascar
6408 Malawi Abstract countries:Malawi
6409 Malaysia Abstract countries:Malaysia
6410 Maldives Abstract countries:Maldives
6411 Mali Abstract countries:Mali
6412 Malta Abstract countries:Malta
6413 Marshall Islands Abstract countries:MarshallIslands
6414 Martinique Abstract countries:Martinique
6415 Mauritania Abstract countries:Mauritania
6416 Mauritius Abstract countries:Mauritius
6417 Mayotte Abstract countries:Mayotte
6418 Mexico Abstract countries:Mexico
6419 Micronesia, Federated States of Abstract countries:MicronesiaFederatedStates
6420 Moldova, Republic of Abstract countries:MoldovaRepublic
6421 Monaco Abstract countries:Monaco
6422 Mongolia Abstract countries:Mongolia
6423 Montenegro Abstract countries:Montenegro
6424 Montserrat Abstract countries:Montserrat
6425 Morocco Abstract countries:Morocco
6426 Mozambique Abstract countries:Mozambique
6427 Myanmar Abstract countries:Myanmar
6428 Namibia Abstract countries:Namibia
6429 Nauru Abstract countries:Nauru
6430 Nepal Abstract countries:Nepal
6431 Netherlands Abstract countries:Netherlands
6432 New Caledonia Abstract countries:NewCaledonia
6433 New Zealand Abstract countries:NewZealand
6434 Nicaragua Abstract countries:Nicaragua
6435 Niger Abstract countries:Niger
6436 Nigeria Abstract countries:Nigeria
6437 Niue Abstract countries:Niue
6438 Norfolk Island Abstract countries:NorfolkIsland
6439 Northern Mariana Islands Abstract countries:NorthernMarianaIslands
6440 Norway Abstract countries:Norway
6441 Oman Abstract countries:Oman
6442 Pakistan Abstract countries:Pakistan
6443 Palau Abstract countries:Palau
6444 Palestinian, State of Abstract countries:PalestinianState
6445 Panama Abstract countries:Panama
6446 Papua New Guinea Abstract countries:PapuaNewGuinea
6447 Paraguay Abstract countries:Paraguay
6448 Peru Abstract countries:Peru
6449 Philippines Abstract countries:Philippines
6450 Pitcairn Abstract countries:Pitcairn
6451 Poland Abstract countries:Poland
6452 Portugal Abstract countries:Portugal
6453 Puerto Rico Abstract countries:PuertoRico
6454 Qatar Abstract countries:Qatar
6455 Réunion Abstract countries:Réunion
6456 Romania Abstract countries:Romania
6457 Russian Federation Abstract countries:RussianFederation
6458 Rwanda Abstract countries:Rwanda
6459 Saint Barthélemy Abstract countries:SaintBarthélemy
6460 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha Abstract countries:SaintHelenaAscensionTristanDaCunha
6461 Saint Kitts and Nevis Abstract countries:SaintKittsNevis
6462 Saint Lucia Abstract countries:SaintLucia
6463 Saint Martin (French Part) Abstract countries:SaintMartinFrenchPart
6464 Saint Pierre and Miquelon Abstract countries:SaintPierreMiquelon
6465 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Abstract countries:SaintVincentGrenadines
6466 Samoa Abstract countries:Samoa
6467 San Marino Abstract countries:SanMarino
6468 Sao Tome and Principe Abstract countries:SaoTomePrincipe
6469 Saudi Arabia Abstract countries:SaudiArabia
6470 Senegal Abstract countries:Senegal
6471 Serbia Abstract countries:Serbia
6472 Seychelles Abstract countries:Seychelles
6473 Sierra Leone Abstract countries:SierraLeone
6474 Singapore Abstract countries:Singapore
6475 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Abstract countries:SintMaartenDutchPart
6476 Slovakia Abstract countries:Slovakia
6477 Slovenia Abstract countries:Slovenia
6478 Solomon Islands Abstract countries:SolomonIslands
6479 Somalia Abstract countries:Somalia
6480 South Africa Abstract countries:SouthAfrica
6481 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Abstract countries:SouthGeorgiaSouthSandwichIslands
6482 South Sudan Abstract countries:SouthSudan
6483 Spain Abstract countries:Spain
6484 Sri Lanka Abstract countries:SriLanka
6485 Sudan Abstract countries:Sudan
6486 Suriname Abstract countries:Suriname
6487 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Abstract countries:SvalbardJanMayen
6488 Swaziland Abstract countries:Swaziland
6489 Sweden Abstract countries:Sweden
6490 Switzerland Abstract countries:Switzerland
6491 Syrian Arab Republic Abstract countries:SyrianArabRepublic
6492 Taiwan, Province of China Abstract countries:TaiwanProvinceChina
6493 Tajikistan Abstract countries:Tajikistan
6494 Tanzania, United Republic of Abstract countries:TanzaniaUnitedRepublic
6495 Thailand Abstract countries:Thailand
6496 Timor-Leste Abstract countries:Timor-Leste
6497 Togo Abstract countries:Togo
6498 Tokelau Abstract countries:Tokelau
6499 Tonga Abstract countries:Tonga
6500 Trinidad and Tobago Abstract countries:TrinidadTobago
6501 Tunisia Abstract countries:Tunisia
6502 Turkey Abstract countries:Turkey
6503 Turkmenistan Abstract countries:Turkmenistan
6504 Turks and Caicos Islands Abstract countries:TurksCaicosIslands
6505 Tuvalu Abstract countries:Tuvalu
6506 Uganda Abstract countries:Uganda
6507 Ukraine Abstract countries:Ukraine
6508 United Arab Emirates Abstract countries:UnitedArabEmirates
6509 United Kingdom Abstract countries:UnitedKingdom
6510 United States Abstract countries:UnitedStates
6511 United States Minor Outlying Islands Abstract countries:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands
6512 Uruguay Abstract countries:Uruguay
6513 Uzbekistan Abstract countries:Uzbekistan
6514 Vanuatu Abstract countries:Vanuatu
6515 Venezuela Abstract countries:Venezuela
6516 Viet Nam Abstract countries:VietNam
6517 Virgin Islands, British Abstract countries:VirginIslandsBritish
6518 Virgin Islands, US Abstract countries:VirginIslandsUS
6519 Wallis and Futuna Abstract countries:WallisFutuna
6520 Western Sahara Abstract countries:WesternSahara
6521 Yemen Abstract countries:Yemen
6522 Zambia Abstract countries:Zambia
6523 Zimbabwe Abstract countries:Zimbabwe
6524 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6525 Currency of denomination of financial instruments [Dimension] Axis core:CurrencyDenominationFinancialInstrumentsDimension
6526 Currency of denomination of financial instruments [heading] Abstract core:CurrencyDenominationFinancialInstrumentsHeading
6527 All currencies Abstract curr:AllCurrencies
6528 Other currencies Abstract curr:OtherCurrencies
6529 Main currencies [heading] Abstract curr:MainCurrenciesHeading
6530 Pound Sterling Abstract curr:PoundSterling
6531 US Dollar Abstract curr:USDollar
6532 Euro Abstract curr:Euro
6533 Japanese Yen Abstract curr:JapaneseYen
6534 Canadian Dollar Abstract curr:CanadianDollar
6535 Full currencies list [heading] Abstract curr:FullCurrenciesListHeading
6536 Afghan Afghani Abstract curr:AfghanAfghani
6537 Albanian Lek Abstract curr:AlbanianLek
6538 Algerian Dinar Abstract curr:AlgerianDinar
6539 Angolan kwanza Abstract curr:AngolanKwanza
6540 Argentine Peso Abstract curr:ArgentinePeso
6541 Armenian Dram Abstract curr:ArmenianDram
6542 Aruban Florin Abstract curr:ArubanFlorin
6543 Australian Dollar Abstract curr:AustralianDollar
6544 Azerbaijanian Manat Abstract curr:AzerbaijanianManat
6545 Bahamian Dollar Abstract curr:BahamianDollar
6546 Bahraini Dinar Abstract curr:BahrainiDinar
6547 Bangladeshi Taka Abstract curr:BangladeshiTaka
6548 Barbados Dollar Abstract curr:BarbadosDollar
6549 Belarussian Ruble Abstract curr:BelarussianRuble
6550 Belize Dollar Abstract curr:BelizeDollar
6551 Bermudian Dollar Abstract curr:BermudianDollar
6552 Bhutan Ngultrum Abstract curr:BhutanNgultrum
6553 Bolivian Boliviano Abstract curr:BolivianBoliviano
6554 Bolivian Mvdol Abstract curr:BolivianMvdol
6555 Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark Abstract curr:BosniaHerzegovinaConvertibleMark
6556 Botswana Pula Abstract curr:BotswanaPula
6557 Brazilian Real Abstract curr:BrazilianReal
6558 Brunei Dollar Abstract curr:BruneiDollar
6559 Bulgarian Lev Abstract curr:BulgarianLev
6560 Burundian Franc Abstract curr:BurundianFranc
6561 Cambodian Riel Abstract curr:CambodianRiel
6562 Canadian Dollar Abstract curr:CanadianDollar
6563 Cape Verde Escudo Abstract curr:CapeVerdeEscudo
6564 Cayman Islands Dollar Abstract curr:CaymanIslandsDollar
6565 CFA Franc BCEAO Abstract curr:CFAFrancBCEAO
6566 CFA Franc BEAC Abstract curr:CFAFrancBEAC
6567 CFP Franc / Pacific Franc Abstract curr:CFPFrancPacificFranc
6568 Chilean Peso Abstract curr:ChileanPeso
6569 Chinese Yuan Renminbi Abstract curr:ChineseYuanRenminbi
6570 Colombian Peso Abstract curr:ColombianPeso
6571 Comoro Franc Abstract curr:ComoroFranc
6572 Congolese Franc Abstract curr:CongoleseFranc
6573 Costa Rican Colon Abstract curr:CostaRicanColon
6574 Croatian Kuna Abstract curr:CroatianKuna
6575 Cuban Peso Abstract curr:CubanPeso
6576 Cuban convertible peso Abstract curr:CubanConvertiblePeso
6577 Czech Koruna Abstract curr:CzechKoruna
6578 Danish Krone Abstract curr:DanishKrone
6579 Djiboutian Franc Abstract curr:DjiboutianFranc
6580 Dominican Peso Abstract curr:DominicanPeso
6581 East Caribbean Dollar Abstract curr:EastCaribbeanDollar
6582 Egyptian Pound Abstract curr:EgyptianPound
6583 Eritrean Nakfa Abstract curr:EritreanNakfa
6584 Estonian Kroon Abstract curr:EstonianKroon
6585 Ethiopian Birr Abstract curr:EthiopianBirr
6586 Euro Abstract curr:Euro
6587 European Composite Unit (EURCO) Abstract curr:EuropeanCompositeUnitEURCO
6588 European Monetary Unit (EMU-6) Abstract curr:EuropeanMonetaryUnitEMU-6
6589 European Unit of Account 17 (EUA-17) Abstract curr:EuropeanUnitAccount17EUA-17
6590 European Unit of Account 9 (EUA-9) Abstract curr:EuropeanUnitAccount9EUA-9
6591 Falkland Islands Pound Abstract curr:FalklandIslandsPound
6592 Fiji Dollar Abstract curr:FijiDollar
6593 Gambian Dalasi Abstract curr:GambianDalasi
6594 Georgian Lari Abstract curr:GeorgianLari
6595 Ghanaian Cedi Abstract curr:GhanaianCedi
6596 Gibraltar Pound Abstract curr:GibraltarPound
6597 Gold (one troy ounce) Abstract curr:GoldOneTroyOunce
6598 Guatemalan Quetzal Abstract curr:GuatemalanQuetzal
6599 Guinean Franc Abstract curr:GuineanFranc
6600 Guyanaese Dollar Abstract curr:GuyanaeseDollar
6601 Haitian Gourde Abstract curr:HaitianGourde
6602 Honduras Lempira Abstract curr:HondurasLempira
6603 Hong Kong Dollar Abstract curr:HongKongDollar
6604 Hungarian Forint Abstract curr:HungarianForint
6605 Iceland Krona Abstract curr:IcelandKrona
6606 Indian Rupee Abstract curr:IndianRupee
6607 Indonesian Rupiah Abstract curr:IndonesianRupiah
6608 Iranian Rial Abstract curr:IranianRial
6609 Iraqi Dinar Abstract curr:IraqiDinar
6610 Israeli New Sheqel Abstract curr:IsraeliNewSheqel
6611 Jamaican Dollar Abstract curr:JamaicanDollar
6612 Japanese Yen Abstract curr:JapaneseYen
6613 Jordanian Dinar Abstract curr:JordanianDinar
6614 Kazakhstani Tenge Abstract curr:KazakhstaniTenge
6615 Kenyan Shilling Abstract curr:KenyanShilling
6616 Kuwaiti Dinar Abstract curr:KuwaitiDinar
6617 Kyrgyzstani Som Abstract curr:KyrgyzstaniSom
6618 Lao Kip Abstract curr:LaoKip
6619 Latvian Lats Abstract curr:LatvianLats
6620 Lebanese Pound Abstract curr:LebanesePound
6621 Lesotho Loti Abstract curr:LesothoLoti
6622 Liberian Dollar Abstract curr:LiberianDollar
6623 Libyan Dinar Abstract curr:LibyanDinar
6624 Lithuanian Litas Abstract curr:LithuanianLitas
6625 Macanese Pataca Abstract curr:MacanesePataca
6626 Macedonian Denar Abstract curr:MacedonianDenar
6627 Malagasy Ariary Abstract curr:MalagasyAriary
6628 Malawian Kwacha Abstract curr:MalawianKwacha
6629 Malaysian Ringgit Abstract curr:MalaysianRinggit
6630 Maldives Rufiyaa Abstract curr:MaldivesRufiyaa
6631 Mauritanian Ouguiya Abstract curr:MauritanianOuguiya
6632 Mauritius Rupee Abstract curr:MauritiusRupee
6633 Mexican Peso Abstract curr:MexicanPeso
6634 Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UID) Abstract curr:MexicanUnidadDeInversionUID
6635 Moldovan Leu Abstract curr:MoldovanLeu
6636 Mongolian Tugrik Abstract curr:MongolianTugrik
6637 Moroccan Dirham Abstract curr:MoroccanDirham
6638 Mozambican Metical Abstract curr:MozambicanMetical
6639 Myanma Kyat Abstract curr:MyanmaKyat
6640 Namibian Dollar Abstract curr:NamibianDollar
6641 Nepalese Rupee Abstract curr:NepaleseRupee
6642 Netherlands Antillian Guilder Abstract curr:NetherlandsAntillianGuilder
6643 New Zealand Dollar Abstract curr:NewZealandDollar
6644 Nicaraguan Cordoba Abstract curr:NicaraguanCordoba
6645 Nigerian Naira Abstract curr:NigerianNaira
6646 North Korean Won Abstract curr:NorthKoreanWon
6647 Norwegian Krone Abstract curr:NorwegianKrone
6648 Omani Rial Abstract curr:OmaniRial
6649 Pakistan Rupee Abstract curr:PakistanRupee
6650 Palladium (one troy ounce) Abstract curr:PalladiumOneTroyOunce
6651 Panamanian Balboa Abstract curr:PanamanianBalboa
6652 Papua New Guinean Kina Abstract curr:PapuaNewGuineanKina
6653 Paraguayan Guarani Abstract curr:ParaguayanGuarani
6654 Peruvian Nuevo Sol Abstract curr:PeruvianNuevoSol
6655 Philippine Peso Abstract curr:PhilippinePeso
6656 Platinum (one troy ounce) Abstract curr:PlatinumOneTroyOunce
6657 Polish Zloty Abstract curr:PolishZloty
6658 Pound Sterling Abstract curr:PoundSterling
6659 Qatari Rial Abstract curr:QatariRial
6660 Romanian New Leu Abstract curr:RomanianNewLeu
6661 Russian Ruble Abstract curr:RussianRuble
6662 Rwanda Franc Abstract curr:RwandaFranc
6663 Saint Helena Pound Abstract curr:SaintHelenaPound
6664 Samoan Tala Abstract curr:SamoanTala
6665 São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra Abstract curr:SãoToméPríncipeDobra
6666 Saudi Riyal Abstract curr:SaudiRiyal
6667 SDR / Special Drawing Rights Abstract curr:SDRSpecialDrawingRights
6668 Serbian Dinar Abstract curr:SerbianDinar
6669 Seychelles Rupee Abstract curr:SeychellesRupee
6670 Sierra Leonian Leone Abstract curr:SierraLeonianLeone
6671 Silver (one troy ounce) Abstract curr:SilverOneTroyOunce
6672 Singapore Dollar Abstract curr:SingaporeDollar
6673 Solomon Islands Dollar Abstract curr:SolomonIslandsDollar
6674 Somali Shilling Abstract curr:SomaliShilling
6675 South African Rand Abstract curr:SouthAfricanRand
6676 South Korean Won Abstract curr:SouthKoreanWon
6677 Sri Lanka Rupee Abstract curr:SriLankaRupee
6678 South Sudanese Pound Abstract curr:SouthSudanesePound
6679 Sudanese Pound Abstract curr:SudanesePound
6680 Surinamese Dollar Abstract curr:SurinameseDollar
6681 Swaziland Lilangeni Abstract curr:SwazilandLilangeni
6682 Swedish Krona Abstract curr:SwedishKrona
6683 Swiss Franc Abstract curr:SwissFranc
6684 Syrian Pound Abstract curr:SyrianPound
6685 Taiwanese New Dollar Abstract curr:TaiwaneseNewDollar
6686 Tajikistani Somoni Abstract curr:TajikistaniSomoni
6687 Tanzanian Shilling Abstract curr:TanzanianShilling
6688 Thai Baht Abstract curr:ThaiBaht
6689 Tongan Pa'anga Abstract curr:TonganPaanga
6690 Trinidad and Tobagan Dollar Abstract curr:TrinidadTobaganDollar
6691 Tunisian Dinar Abstract curr:TunisianDinar
6692 Turkish Lira Abstract curr:TurkishLira
6693 Turkmenistani Manat Abstract curr:TurkmenistaniManat
6694 UAE Dirham Abstract curr:UAEDirham
6695 Ugandan Shilling Abstract curr:UgandanShilling
6696 UIC Franc Abstract curr:UICFranc
6697 Ukrainian Hryvnia Abstract curr:UkrainianHryvnia
6698 Unidad de Formento Abstract curr:UnidadDeFormento
6699 Unidad de Valor Real Abstract curr:UnidadDeValorReal
6700 Uruguayan Peso Abstract curr:UruguayanPeso
6701 Uruguayan Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI) Abstract curr:UruguayanPesoEnUnidadesIndexadasURUIURUI
6702 US Dollar Abstract curr:USDollar
6703 US Dollar (Next day) Abstract curr:USDollarNextDay
6704 US Dollar (Same day) Abstract curr:USDollarSameDay
6705 Uzbekistani Som Abstract curr:UzbekistaniSom
6706 Vanuatan Vatu Abstract curr:VanuatanVatu
6707 Venezuelan Bolivar Abstract curr:VenezuelanBolivar
6708 Vietnamese Dong Abstract curr:VietnameseDong
6709 WIR Euro Abstract curr:WIREuro
6710 WIR Franc Abstract curr:WIRFranc
6711 Yemeni Rial Abstract curr:YemeniRial
6712 Zambian kwacha Abstract curr:ZambianKwacha
6713 Zimbabwean Dollar Abstract curr:ZimbabweanDollar
6714 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6715 Market risk type [Dimension] Axis core:MarketRiskTypeDimension
6716 Market risk Abstract core:MarketRisk
6717 Currency risk Abstract core:CurrencyRisk
6718 Interest rate risk Abstract core:InterestRateRisk
6719 Commodity price risk Abstract core:CommodityPriceRisk
6720 Equity price risk Abstract core:EquityPriceRisk
6721 Credit spread risk Abstract core:CreditSpreadRisk
6722 Prepayment risk Abstract core:PrepaymentRisk
6723 Residual value risk Abstract core:ResidualValueRisk
6724 Effect of correlation Abstract core:EffectCorrelation
6725 Other specific risk type 1 Abstract core:OtherSpecificRiskType1
6726 Other specific risk type 2 Abstract core:OtherSpecificRiskType2
6727 Other market risk Abstract core:OtherMarketRisk
6728 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
6729 Range [Dimension] Axis core:RangeDimension
6730 Single value [default] Abstract core:SingleValueDefault
6731 Top of range value Abstract core:TopRangeValue
6732 Bottom of range value Abstract core:BottomRangeValue
6733 Deferred tax-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:DeferredTax-specificDimensionsHeading
6734 Deferred tax asset and liability classes [Dimension] Axis core:DeferredTaxAssetLiabilityClassesDimension
6735 Total for deferred tax [default] Abstract core:TotalForDeferredTaxDefault
6736 Accelerated tax depreciation, deferred tax Abstract core:AcceleratedTaxDepreciationDeferredTax
6737 Amortisation, deferred tax Abstract core:AmortisationDeferredTax
6738 Convertible debt equity-component, deferred tax Abstract core:ConvertibleDebtEquity-componentDeferredTax
6739 Convertible preference shares, deferred tax Abstract core:ConvertiblePreferenceSharesDeferredTax
6740 Retirement benefit obligations, deferred tax Abstract core:RetirementBenefitObligationsDeferredTax
6741 Other post-employment benefits, deferred tax Abstract core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitsDeferredTax
6742 Share-based payments, deferred tax Abstract core:Share-basedPaymentsDeferredTax
6743 Share-based payments, cash-settled, deferred tax Abstract core:Share-basedPaymentsCash-settledDeferredTax
6744 Share-based payments, equity-settled, deferred tax Abstract core:Share-basedPaymentsEquity-settledDeferredTax
6745 Provisions, deferred tax Abstract core:ProvisionsDeferredTax
6746 Accrued liabilities, deferred tax Abstract core:AccruedLiabilitiesDeferredTax
6747 Contract assets, deferred tax Abstract core:ContractAssetsDeferredTax
6748 Contract cost assets, deferred tax Abstract core:ContractCostAssetsDeferredTax
6749 Contract liabilities, deferred tax Abstract core:ContractLiabilitiesDeferredTax
6750 Impairment losses, deferred tax Abstract core:ImpairmentLossesDeferredTax
6751 Capitalised / deferred development costs, deferred tax Abstract core:CapitalisedDeferredDevelopmentCostsDeferredTax
6752 Revaluation of property, plant and equipment, deferred tax Abstract core:RevaluationPropertyPlantEquipmentDeferredTax
6753 Revaluation of property, deferred tax Abstract core:RevaluationPropertyDeferredTax
6754 Revaluation of plant and equipment, deferred tax Abstract core:RevaluationPlantEquipmentDeferredTax
6755 Revaluation of intangible assets, deferred tax Abstract core:RevaluationIntangibleAssetsDeferredTax
6756 Revaluation of biological assets, deferred tax Abstract core:RevaluationBiologicalAssetsDeferredTax
6757 Revaluation of investment property, deferred tax Abstract core:RevaluationInvestmentPropertyDeferredTax
6758 Foreign exchange contracts, deferred tax Abstract core:ForeignExchangeContractsDeferredTax
6759 Fair value movements on financial instruments, deferred tax Abstract core:FairValueMovementsOnFinancialInstrumentsDeferredTax
6760 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, deferred tax Abstract core:FinancialAssetsFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDeferredTax
6761 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, deferred tax Abstract core:FinancialLiabilitiesFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDeferredTax
6762 Available-for-sale financial assets, deferred tax (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:Available-for-saleFinancialAssetsDeferredTax
6763 Held-to-maturity investments, deferred tax (Deprecated 2019-01-01) Abstract core:Held-to-maturityInvestmentsDeferredTax
6764 Loans and borrowings, deferred tax Abstract core:LoansBorrowingsDeferredTax
6765 Derivatives, deferred tax Abstract core:DerivativesDeferredTax
6766 Revaluation of fair value hedges, deferred tax Abstract core:RevaluationFairValueHedgesDeferredTax
6767 Revaluation of cash flow hedges, deferred tax Abstract core:RevaluationCashFlowHedgesDeferredTax
6768 Net investment hedges, deferred tax Abstract core:NetInvestmentHedgesDeferredTax
6769 Foreign exchange differences on foreign operations, deferred tax Abstract core:ForeignExchangeDifferencesOnForeignOperationsDeferredTax
6770 Inventories, deferred tax Abstract core:InventoriesDeferredTax
6771 Leases, deferred tax Abstract core:LeasesDeferredTax
6772 Deferred income, deferred tax Abstract core:DeferredIncomeDeferredTax
6773 Tax credits, deferred tax Abstract core:TaxCreditsDeferredTax
6774 Tax losses carry-forwards, deferred tax Abstract core:TaxLossesCarry-forwardsDeferredTax
6775 Transition adjustments arising from first-time adoption, deferred tax Abstract core:TransitionAdjustmentsArisingFromFirst-timeAdoptionDeferredTax
6776 Mining, oil and gas, additional deferred tax classes [heading] Abstract core:MiningOilGasAdditionalDeferredTaxClassesHeading
6777 Oil and gas properties, deferred tax Abstract core:OilGasPropertiesDeferredTax
6778 Mining properties, deferred tax Abstract core:MiningPropertiesDeferredTax
6779 Exploration and evaluation costs capitalised, deferred tax Abstract core:ExplorationEvaluationCostsCapitalisedDeferredTax
6780 Petroleum revenue tax, deferred tax Abstract core:PetroleumRevenueTaxDeferredTax
6781 Further specific item 1, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificItem1DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax
6782 Further specific item 2, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificItem2DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax
6783 Further specific item 3, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificItem3DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax
6784 Further specific item 4, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificItem4DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax
6785 Further specific item 5, deferred tax [component of total for deferred tax] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificItem5DeferredTaxComponentTotalForDeferredTax
6786 Other, deferred tax Abstract core:OtherDeferredTax
6787 Tax jurisdiction [Dimension] Axis core:TaxJurisdictionDimension
6788 Total tax [default] Abstract core:TotalTaxDefault
6789 UK tax Abstract core:UKTax
6790 Foreign tax Abstract core:ForeignTax
6791 Share capital and dividends-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract bus:ShareCapitalDividends-specificDimensionsHeading
6792 Entity share classes [Dimension] Axis bus:EntityShareClassesDimension
6793 All share classes [default] Abstract bus:AllShareClassesDefault
6794 All ordinary shares Abstract bus:AllOrdinaryShares
6795 Ordinary share class 1 Abstract bus:OrdinaryShareClass1
6796 Ordinary share class 2 Abstract bus:OrdinaryShareClass2
6797 Ordinary share class 3 Abstract bus:OrdinaryShareClass3
6798 Ordinary share class 4 Abstract bus:OrdinaryShareClass4
6799 Ordinary share class 5 Abstract bus:OrdinaryShareClass5
6800 All preference shares Abstract bus:AllPreferenceShares
6801 Preference share class 1 Abstract bus:PreferenceShareClass1
6802 Preference share class 2 Abstract bus:PreferenceShareClass2
6803 Preference share class 3 Abstract bus:PreferenceShareClass3
6804 Preference share class 4 Abstract bus:PreferenceShareClass4
6805 Preference share class 5 Abstract bus:PreferenceShareClass5
6806 All deferred shares Abstract bus:AllDeferredShares
6807 Deferred share class 1 Abstract bus:DeferredShareClass1
6808 Deferred share class 2 Abstract bus:DeferredShareClass2
6809 Deferred share class 3 Abstract bus:DeferredShareClass3
6810 Deferred share class 4 Abstract bus:DeferredShareClass4
6811 Deferred share class 5 Abstract bus:DeferredShareClass5
6812 Other share class 1 Abstract bus:OtherShareClass1
6813 Other share class 2 Abstract bus:OtherShareClass2
6814 Other share class 3 Abstract bus:OtherShareClass3
6815 Other share class 4 Abstract bus:OtherShareClass4
6816 Share types [Dimension] Axis bus:ShareTypesDimension
6817 All share types [default] Abstract bus:AllShareTypesDefault
6818 Cumulative shares Abstract bus:CumulativeShares
6819 Cumulative and redeemable shares Abstract bus:CumulativeRedeemableShares
6820 Cumulative and non-redeemable shares Abstract bus:CumulativeNon-redeemableShares
6821 Non-cumulative shares Abstract bus:Non-cumulativeShares
6822 Non-cumulative and redeemable shares Abstract bus:Non-cumulativeRedeemableShares
6823 Non-cumulative and non-redeemable shares Abstract bus:Non-cumulativeNon-redeemableShares
6824 Other share type Abstract bus:OtherShareType
6825 Share-based payments-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:Share-basedPayments-specificDimensionsHeading
6826 Share-based payment arrangements [Dimension] Axis core:Share-basedPaymentArrangementsDimension
6827 Total for all share-based payment arrangements / only share-based payment arrangement [default] Abstract core:TotalForAllShare-basedPaymentArrangementsOnlyShare-basedPaymentArrangementDefault
6828 Share-based arrangement 1 Abstract core:Share-basedArrangement1
6829 Share-based arrangement 2 Abstract core:Share-basedArrangement2
6830 Share-based arrangement 3 Abstract core:Share-basedArrangement3
6831 Share-based arrangement 4 Abstract core:Share-basedArrangement4
6832 Share-based arrangement 5 Abstract core:Share-basedArrangement5
6833 Share-based arrangement 6 Abstract core:Share-basedArrangement6
6834 Share-based arrangement 7 Abstract core:Share-basedArrangement7
6835 Share-based arrangement 8 Abstract core:Share-basedArrangement8
6836 Share-based payment grants [Dimension] Axis core:Share-basedPaymentGrantsDimension
6837 Total grants for share-based payment arrangement [default] Abstract core:TotalGrantsForShare-basedPaymentArrangementDefault
6838 Grant 1 Abstract core:Grant1
6839 Grant 2 Abstract core:Grant2
6840 Grant 3 Abstract core:Grant3
6841 Grant 4 Abstract core:Grant4
6842 Grant 5 Abstract core:Grant5
6843 Grant 6 Abstract core:Grant6
6844 Grant 7 Abstract core:Grant7
6845 Grant 8 Abstract core:Grant8
6846 Grant 9 Abstract core:Grant9
6847 Grant 10 Abstract core:Grant10
6848 Post-employment benefits-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:Post-employmentBenefits-specificDimensionsHeading
6849 Post-employment benefit plans [Dimension] Axis core:Post-employmentBenefitPlansDimension
6850 Total for all post-employment benefit plans of this type / only entity post-employment benefit plan of this type [default] Abstract core:TotalForAllPost-employmentBenefitPlansThisTypeOnlyEntityPost-employmentBenefitPlanThisTypeDefault
6851 Total for all pension plans, excluding medical and other plans Abstract core:TotalForAllPensionPlansExcludingMedicalOtherPlans
6852 Pension plan 1 Abstract core:PensionPlan1
6853 Pension plan 2 Abstract core:PensionPlan2
6854 Pension plan 3 Abstract core:PensionPlan3
6855 Pension plan 4 Abstract core:PensionPlan4
6856 Pension plan 5 Abstract core:PensionPlan5
6857 Pension plan 6 Abstract core:PensionPlan6
6858 Post-employment medical plan 1 Abstract core:Post-employmentMedicalPlan1
6859 Post-employment medical plan 2 Abstract core:Post-employmentMedicalPlan2
6860 Other post-employment benefit plan 1 Abstract core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitPlan1
6861 Other post-employment benefit plan 2 Abstract core:OtherPost-employmentBenefitPlan2
6862 Related parties-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:RelatedParties-specificDimensionsHeading
6863 Related parties [Dimension] Axis core:RelatedPartiesDimension
6864 Total related parties [default] Abstract core:TotalRelatedPartiesDefault
6865 Parent entities Abstract core:ParentEntities
6866 Ultimate parent Abstract core:UltimateParent
6867 Immediate parent Abstract core:ImmediateParent
6868 Intermediate parents Abstract core:IntermediateParents
6869 Intermediate parent 1 Abstract core:IntermediateParent1
6870 Intermediate parent 2 Abstract core:IntermediateParent2
6871 Intermediate parent 3 Abstract core:IntermediateParent3
6872 Intermediate parent 4 Abstract core:IntermediateParent4
6873 Intermediate parent 5 Abstract core:IntermediateParent5
6874 Entities with joint control or significant influence over the reporting entity Abstract core:EntitiesWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluenceOverReportingEntity
6875 Entity with joint control or significant influence 1 Abstract core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence1
6876 Entity with joint control or significant influence 2 Abstract core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence2
6877 Entity with joint control or significant influence 3 Abstract core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence3
6878 Entity with joint control or significant influence 4 Abstract core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence4
6879 Entity with joint control or significant influence 5 Abstract core:EntityWithJointControlOrSignificantInfluence5
6880 All subsidiaries Abstract core:AllSubsidiaries
6881 Other subsidiaries / total individually immaterial subsidiaries Abstract core:OtherSubsidiariesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialSubsidiaries
6882 Subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests Abstract core:SubsidiariesWithMaterialNon-controllingInterests
6883 Subsidiary 1 Abstract core:Subsidiary1
6884 Subsidiary 2 Abstract core:Subsidiary2
6885 Subsidiary 3 Abstract core:Subsidiary3
6886 Subsidiary 4 Abstract core:Subsidiary4
6887 Subsidiary 5 Abstract core:Subsidiary5
6888 Subsidiary 6 Abstract core:Subsidiary6
6889 Subsidiary 7 Abstract core:Subsidiary7
6890 Subsidiary 8 Abstract core:Subsidiary8
6891 Subsidiary 9 Abstract core:Subsidiary9
6892 Subsidiary 10 Abstract core:Subsidiary10
6893 Subsidiary 11 Abstract core:Subsidiary11
6894 Subsidiary 12 Abstract core:Subsidiary12
6895 Subsidiary 13 Abstract core:Subsidiary13
6896 Subsidiary 14 Abstract core:Subsidiary14
6897 Subsidiary 15 Abstract core:Subsidiary15
6898 Subsidiary 16 Abstract core:Subsidiary16
6899 Subsidiary 17 Abstract core:Subsidiary17
6900 Subsidiary 18 Abstract core:Subsidiary18
6901 Subsidiary 19 Abstract core:Subsidiary19
6902 Subsidiary 20 Abstract core:Subsidiary20
6903 Subsidiary 21 Abstract core:Subsidiary21
6904 Subsidiary 22 Abstract core:Subsidiary22
6905 Subsidiary 23 Abstract core:Subsidiary23
6906 Subsidiary 24 Abstract core:Subsidiary24
6907 Subsidiary 25 Abstract core:Subsidiary25
6908 Subsidiary 26 Abstract core:Subsidiary26
6909 Subsidiary 27 Abstract core:Subsidiary27
6910 Subsidiary 28 Abstract core:Subsidiary28
6911 Subsidiary 29 Abstract core:Subsidiary29
6912 Subsidiary 30 Abstract core:Subsidiary30
6913 Subsidiary 31 Abstract core:Subsidiary31
6914 Subsidiary 32 Abstract core:Subsidiary32
6915 Subsidiary 33 Abstract core:Subsidiary33
6916 Subsidiary 34 Abstract core:Subsidiary34
6917 Subsidiary 35 Abstract core:Subsidiary35
6918 Subsidiary 36 Abstract core:Subsidiary36
6919 Subsidiary 37 Abstract core:Subsidiary37
6920 Subsidiary 38 Abstract core:Subsidiary38
6921 Subsidiary 39 Abstract core:Subsidiary39
6922 Subsidiary 40 Abstract core:Subsidiary40
6923 Subsidiary 41 Abstract core:Subsidiary41
6924 Subsidiary 42 Abstract core:Subsidiary42
6925 Subsidiary 43 Abstract core:Subsidiary43
6926 Subsidiary 44 Abstract core:Subsidiary44
6927 Subsidiary 45 Abstract core:Subsidiary45
6928 Subsidiary 46 Abstract core:Subsidiary46
6929 Subsidiary 47 Abstract core:Subsidiary47
6930 Subsidiary 48 Abstract core:Subsidiary48
6931 Subsidiary 49 Abstract core:Subsidiary49
6932 Subsidiary 50 Abstract core:Subsidiary50
6933 Subsidiary 51 Abstract core:Subsidiary51
6934 Subsidiary 52 Abstract core:Subsidiary52
6935 Subsidiary 53 Abstract core:Subsidiary53
6936 Subsidiary 54 Abstract core:Subsidiary54
6937 Subsidiary 55 Abstract core:Subsidiary55
6938 Subsidiary 56 Abstract core:Subsidiary56
6939 Subsidiary 57 Abstract core:Subsidiary57
6940 Subsidiary 58 Abstract core:Subsidiary58
6941 Subsidiary 59 Abstract core:Subsidiary59
6942 Subsidiary 60 Abstract core:Subsidiary60
6943 Subsidiary 61 Abstract core:Subsidiary61
6944 Subsidiary 62 Abstract core:Subsidiary62
6945 Subsidiary 63 Abstract core:Subsidiary63
6946 Subsidiary 64 Abstract core:Subsidiary64
6947 Subsidiary 65 Abstract core:Subsidiary65
6948 Subsidiary 66 Abstract core:Subsidiary66
6949 Subsidiary 67 Abstract core:Subsidiary67
6950 Subsidiary 68 Abstract core:Subsidiary68
6951 Subsidiary 69 Abstract core:Subsidiary69
6952 Subsidiary 70 Abstract core:Subsidiary70
6953 Subsidiary 71 Abstract core:Subsidiary71
6954 Subsidiary 72 Abstract core:Subsidiary72
6955 Subsidiary 73 Abstract core:Subsidiary73
6956 Subsidiary 74 Abstract core:Subsidiary74
6957 Subsidiary 75 Abstract core:Subsidiary75
6958 Subsidiary 76 Abstract core:Subsidiary76
6959 Subsidiary 77 Abstract core:Subsidiary77
6960 Subsidiary 78 Abstract core:Subsidiary78
6961 Subsidiary 79 Abstract core:Subsidiary79
6962 Subsidiary 80 Abstract core:Subsidiary80
6963 Subsidiary 81 Abstract core:Subsidiary81
6964 Subsidiary 82 Abstract core:Subsidiary82
6965 Subsidiary 83 Abstract core:Subsidiary83
6966 Subsidiary 84 Abstract core:Subsidiary84
6967 Subsidiary 85 Abstract core:Subsidiary85
6968 Subsidiary 86 Abstract core:Subsidiary86
6969 Subsidiary 87 Abstract core:Subsidiary87
6970 Subsidiary 88 Abstract core:Subsidiary88
6971 Subsidiary 89 Abstract core:Subsidiary89
6972 Subsidiary 90 Abstract core:Subsidiary90
6973 Subsidiary 91 Abstract core:Subsidiary91
6974 Subsidiary 92 Abstract core:Subsidiary92
6975 Subsidiary 93 Abstract core:Subsidiary93
6976 Subsidiary 94 Abstract core:Subsidiary94
6977 Subsidiary 95 Abstract core:Subsidiary95
6978 Subsidiary 96 Abstract core:Subsidiary96
6979 Subsidiary 97 Abstract core:Subsidiary97
6980 Subsidiary 98 Abstract core:Subsidiary98
6981 Subsidiary 99 Abstract core:Subsidiary99
6982 Subsidiary 100 Abstract core:Subsidiary100
6983 Subsidiary 101 Abstract core:Subsidiary101
6984 Subsidiary 102 Abstract core:Subsidiary102
6985 Subsidiary 103 Abstract core:Subsidiary103
6986 Subsidiary 104 Abstract core:Subsidiary104
6987 Subsidiary 105 Abstract core:Subsidiary105
6988 Subsidiary 106 Abstract core:Subsidiary106
6989 Subsidiary 107 Abstract core:Subsidiary107
6990 Subsidiary 108 Abstract core:Subsidiary108
6991 Subsidiary 109 Abstract core:Subsidiary109
6992 Subsidiary 110 Abstract core:Subsidiary110
6993 Subsidiary 111 Abstract core:Subsidiary111
6994 Subsidiary 112 Abstract core:Subsidiary112
6995 Subsidiary 113 Abstract core:Subsidiary113
6996 Subsidiary 114 Abstract core:Subsidiary114
6997 Subsidiary 115 Abstract core:Subsidiary115
6998 Subsidiary 116 Abstract core:Subsidiary116
6999 Subsidiary 117 Abstract core:Subsidiary117
7000 Subsidiary 118 Abstract core:Subsidiary118
7001 Subsidiary 119 Abstract core:Subsidiary119
7002 Subsidiary 120 Abstract core:Subsidiary120
7003 Subsidiary 121 Abstract core:Subsidiary121
7004 Subsidiary 122 Abstract core:Subsidiary122
7005 Subsidiary 123 Abstract core:Subsidiary123
7006 Subsidiary 124 Abstract core:Subsidiary124
7007 Subsidiary 125 Abstract core:Subsidiary125
7008 Subsidiary 126 Abstract core:Subsidiary126
7009 Subsidiary 127 Abstract core:Subsidiary127
7010 Subsidiary 128 Abstract core:Subsidiary128
7011 Subsidiary 129 Abstract core:Subsidiary129
7012 Subsidiary 130 Abstract core:Subsidiary130
7013 Subsidiary 131 Abstract core:Subsidiary131
7014 Subsidiary 132 Abstract core:Subsidiary132
7015 Subsidiary 133 Abstract core:Subsidiary133
7016 Subsidiary 134 Abstract core:Subsidiary134
7017 Subsidiary 135 Abstract core:Subsidiary135
7018 Subsidiary 136 Abstract core:Subsidiary136
7019 Subsidiary 137 Abstract core:Subsidiary137
7020 Subsidiary 138 Abstract core:Subsidiary138
7021 Subsidiary 139 Abstract core:Subsidiary139
7022 Subsidiary 140 Abstract core:Subsidiary140
7023 Subsidiary 141 Abstract core:Subsidiary141
7024 Subsidiary 142 Abstract core:Subsidiary142
7025 Subsidiary 143 Abstract core:Subsidiary143
7026 Subsidiary 144 Abstract core:Subsidiary144
7027 Subsidiary 145 Abstract core:Subsidiary145
7028 Subsidiary 146 Abstract core:Subsidiary146
7029 Subsidiary 147 Abstract core:Subsidiary147
7030 Subsidiary 148 Abstract core:Subsidiary148
7031 Subsidiary 149 Abstract core:Subsidiary149
7032 Subsidiary 150 Abstract core:Subsidiary150
7033 Subsidiary 151 Abstract core:Subsidiary151
7034 Subsidiary 152 Abstract core:Subsidiary152
7035 Subsidiary 153 Abstract core:Subsidiary153
7036 Subsidiary 154 Abstract core:Subsidiary154
7037 Subsidiary 155 Abstract core:Subsidiary155
7038 Subsidiary 156 Abstract core:Subsidiary156
7039 Subsidiary 157 Abstract core:Subsidiary157
7040 Subsidiary 158 Abstract core:Subsidiary158
7041 Subsidiary 159 Abstract core:Subsidiary159
7042 Subsidiary 160 Abstract core:Subsidiary160
7043 Subsidiary 161 Abstract core:Subsidiary161
7044 Subsidiary 162 Abstract core:Subsidiary162
7045 Subsidiary 163 Abstract core:Subsidiary163
7046 Subsidiary 164 Abstract core:Subsidiary164
7047 Subsidiary 165 Abstract core:Subsidiary165
7048 Subsidiary 166 Abstract core:Subsidiary166
7049 Subsidiary 167 Abstract core:Subsidiary167
7050 Subsidiary 168 Abstract core:Subsidiary168
7051 Subsidiary 169 Abstract core:Subsidiary169
7052 Subsidiary 170 Abstract core:Subsidiary170
7053 Subsidiary 171 Abstract core:Subsidiary171
7054 Subsidiary 172 Abstract core:Subsidiary172
7055 Subsidiary 173 Abstract core:Subsidiary173
7056 Subsidiary 174 Abstract core:Subsidiary174
7057 Subsidiary 175 Abstract core:Subsidiary175
7058 Subsidiary 176 Abstract core:Subsidiary176
7059 Subsidiary 177 Abstract core:Subsidiary177
7060 Subsidiary 178 Abstract core:Subsidiary178
7061 Subsidiary 179 Abstract core:Subsidiary179
7062 Subsidiary 180 Abstract core:Subsidiary180
7063 Subsidiary 181 Abstract core:Subsidiary181
7064 Subsidiary 182 Abstract core:Subsidiary182
7065 Subsidiary 183 Abstract core:Subsidiary183
7066 Subsidiary 184 Abstract core:Subsidiary184
7067 Subsidiary 185 Abstract core:Subsidiary185
7068 Subsidiary 186 Abstract core:Subsidiary186
7069 Subsidiary 187 Abstract core:Subsidiary187
7070 Subsidiary 188 Abstract core:Subsidiary188
7071 Subsidiary 189 Abstract core:Subsidiary189
7072 Subsidiary 190 Abstract core:Subsidiary190
7073 Subsidiary 191 Abstract core:Subsidiary191
7074 Subsidiary 192 Abstract core:Subsidiary192
7075 Subsidiary 193 Abstract core:Subsidiary193
7076 Subsidiary 194 Abstract core:Subsidiary194
7077 Subsidiary 195 Abstract core:Subsidiary195
7078 Subsidiary 196 Abstract core:Subsidiary196
7079 Subsidiary 197 Abstract core:Subsidiary197
7080 Subsidiary 198 Abstract core:Subsidiary198
7081 Subsidiary 199 Abstract core:Subsidiary199
7082 Subsidiary 200 Abstract core:Subsidiary200
7083 All associates Abstract core:AllAssociates
7084 Other associates / total individually immaterial associates Abstract core:OtherAssociatesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialAssociates
7085 Associate 1 Abstract core:Associate1
7086 Associate 2 Abstract core:Associate2
7087 Associate 3 Abstract core:Associate3
7088 Associate 4 Abstract core:Associate4
7089 Associate 5 Abstract core:Associate5
7090 Associate 6 Abstract core:Associate6
7091 Associate 7 Abstract core:Associate7
7092 Associate 8 Abstract core:Associate8
7093 Associate 9 Abstract core:Associate9
7094 Associate 10 Abstract core:Associate10
7095 Associate 11 Abstract core:Associate11
7096 Associate 12 Abstract core:Associate12
7097 Associate 13 Abstract core:Associate13
7098 Associate 14 Abstract core:Associate14
7099 Associate 15 Abstract core:Associate15
7100 Associate 16 Abstract core:Associate16
7101 Associate 17 Abstract core:Associate17
7102 Associate 18 Abstract core:Associate18
7103 Associate 19 Abstract core:Associate19
7104 Associate 20 Abstract core:Associate20
7105 Associate 21 Abstract core:Associate21
7106 Associate 22 Abstract core:Associate22
7107 Associate 23 Abstract core:Associate23
7108 Associate 24 Abstract core:Associate24
7109 Associate 25 Abstract core:Associate25
7110 Associate 26 Abstract core:Associate26
7111 Associate 27 Abstract core:Associate27
7112 Associate 28 Abstract core:Associate28
7113 Associate 29 Abstract core:Associate29
7114 Associate 30 Abstract core:Associate30
7115 Associate 31 Abstract core:Associate31
7116 Associate 32 Abstract core:Associate32
7117 Associate 33 Abstract core:Associate33
7118 Associate 34 Abstract core:Associate34
7119 Associate 35 Abstract core:Associate35
7120 Associate 36 Abstract core:Associate36
7121 Associate 37 Abstract core:Associate37
7122 Associate 38 Abstract core:Associate38
7123 Associate 39 Abstract core:Associate39
7124 Associate 40 Abstract core:Associate40
7125 Associate 41 Abstract core:Associate41
7126 Associate 42 Abstract core:Associate42
7127 Associate 43 Abstract core:Associate43
7128 Associate 44 Abstract core:Associate44
7129 Associate 45 Abstract core:Associate45
7130 Associate 46 Abstract core:Associate46
7131 Associate 47 Abstract core:Associate47
7132 Associate 48 Abstract core:Associate48
7133 Associate 49 Abstract core:Associate49
7134 Associate 50 Abstract core:Associate50
7135 All joint ventures Abstract core:AllJointVentures
7136 Other joint ventures / total individually immaterial joint ventures Abstract core:OtherJointVenturesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialJointVentures
7137 Joint venture 1 Abstract core:JointVenture1
7138 Joint venture 2 Abstract core:JointVenture2
7139 Joint venture 3 Abstract core:JointVenture3
7140 Joint venture 4 Abstract core:JointVenture4
7141 Joint venture 5 Abstract core:JointVenture5
7142 Joint venture 6 Abstract core:JointVenture6
7143 Joint venture 7 Abstract core:JointVenture7
7144 Joint venture 8 Abstract core:JointVenture8
7145 Joint venture 9 Abstract core:JointVenture9
7146 Joint venture 10 Abstract core:JointVenture10
7147 Joint venture 11 Abstract core:JointVenture11
7148 Joint venture 12 Abstract core:JointVenture12
7149 Joint venture 13 Abstract core:JointVenture13
7150 Joint venture 14 Abstract core:JointVenture14
7151 Joint venture 15 Abstract core:JointVenture15
7152 Joint venture 16 Abstract core:JointVenture16
7153 Joint venture 17 Abstract core:JointVenture17
7154 Joint venture 18 Abstract core:JointVenture18
7155 Joint venture 19 Abstract core:JointVenture19
7156 Joint venture 20 Abstract core:JointVenture20
7157 Joint venture 21 Abstract core:JointVenture21
7158 Joint venture 22 Abstract core:JointVenture22
7159 Joint venture 23 Abstract core:JointVenture23
7160 Joint venture 24 Abstract core:JointVenture24
7161 Joint venture 25 Abstract core:JointVenture25
7162 Joint venture 26 Abstract core:JointVenture26
7163 Joint venture 27 Abstract core:JointVenture27
7164 Joint venture 28 Abstract core:JointVenture28
7165 Joint venture 29 Abstract core:JointVenture29
7166 Joint venture 30 Abstract core:JointVenture30
7167 Joint venture 31 Abstract core:JointVenture31
7168 Joint venture 32 Abstract core:JointVenture32
7169 Joint venture 33 Abstract core:JointVenture33
7170 Joint venture 34 Abstract core:JointVenture34
7171 Joint venture 35 Abstract core:JointVenture35
7172 Joint venture 36 Abstract core:JointVenture36
7173 Joint venture 37 Abstract core:JointVenture37
7174 Joint venture 38 Abstract core:JointVenture38
7175 Joint venture 39 Abstract core:JointVenture39
7176 Joint venture 40 Abstract core:JointVenture40
7177 Joint venture 41 Abstract core:JointVenture41
7178 Joint venture 42 Abstract core:JointVenture42
7179 Joint venture 43 Abstract core:JointVenture43
7180 Joint venture 44 Abstract core:JointVenture44
7181 Joint venture 45 Abstract core:JointVenture45
7182 Joint venture 46 Abstract core:JointVenture46
7183 Joint venture 47 Abstract core:JointVenture47
7184 Joint venture 48 Abstract core:JointVenture48
7185 Joint venture 49 Abstract core:JointVenture49
7186 Joint venture 50 Abstract core:JointVenture50
7187 All unconsolidated structured entities Abstract core:AllUnconsolidatedStructuredEntities
7188 Other unconsolidated structured entities / total individually immaterial unconsolidated structured entities Abstract core:OtherUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesTotalIndividuallyImmaterialUnconsolidatedStructuredEntities
7189 Unconsolidated structured entity 1 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity1
7190 Unconsolidated structured entity 2 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity2
7191 Unconsolidated structured entity 3 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity3
7192 Unconsolidated structured entity 4 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity4
7193 Unconsolidated structured entity 5 Abstract core:UnconsolidatedStructuredEntity5
7194 Other members of group, not defined elsewhere Member core:OtherMembersGroupNotDefinedElsewhere
7195 Other group member 1 Member core:OtherGroupMember1
7196 Other group member 2 Member core:OtherGroupMember2
7197 Other group member 3 Member core:OtherGroupMember3
7198 Other group member 4 Member core:OtherGroupMember4
7199 Other group member 5 Member core:OtherGroupMember5
7200 Other group member 6 Member core:OtherGroupMember6
7201 Other group member 7 Member core:OtherGroupMember7
7202 Other group member 8 Member core:OtherGroupMember8
7203 Trustees, close family members and entities under trustee's control Member char:TrusteesCloseFamilyMembersEntitiesUnderTrusteesControl
7204 Trustees Abstract char:Trustees
7205 Trustee / trustees 1 Abstract char:TrusteeTrustees1
7206 Trustee / trustees 2 Abstract char:TrusteeTrustees2
7207 Trustee / trustees 3 Abstract char:TrusteeTrustees3
7208 Trustee / trustees 4 Abstract char:TrusteeTrustees4
7209 Trustee / trustees 5 Abstract char:TrusteeTrustees5
7210 Close family members of trustees Member char:CloseFamilyMembersTrustees
7211 Close family member of trustee / trustees 1 Member char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees1
7212 Close family member of trustee / trustees 2 Member char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees2
7213 Close family member of trustee / trustees 3 Member char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees3
7214 Close family member of trustee / trustees 4 Member char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees4
7215 Close family member of trustee / trustees 5 Member char:CloseFamilyMemberTrusteeTrustees5
7216 Entities controlled by trustees Abstract char:EntitiesControlledByTrustees
7217 Entity controlled by trustees 1 Abstract char:EntityControlledByTrustees1
7218 Entity controlled by trustees 2 Abstract char:EntityControlledByTrustees2
7219 Entity controlled by trustees 3 Abstract char:EntityControlledByTrustees3
7220 Entity controlled by trustees 4 Abstract char:EntityControlledByTrustees4
7221 Entity controlled by trustees 5 Abstract char:EntityControlledByTrustees5
7222 Key management personnel, close family members and entities under key management personnel's control Member core:KeyManagementPersonnelCloseFamilyMembersEntitiesUnderKeyManagementPersonnelsControl
7223 Key management personnel Abstract core:KeyManagementPersonnel
7224 Key management individual / group 1 Abstract core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup1
7225 Key management individual / group 2 Abstract core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup2
7226 Key management individual / group 3 Abstract core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup3
7227 Key management individual / group 4 Abstract core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup4
7228 Key management individual / group 5 Abstract core:KeyManagementIndividualGroup5
7229 Close family members of key management personnel Member core:CloseFamilyMembersKeyManagementPersonnel
7230 Close family member 1 Member core:CloseFamilyMember1
7231 Close family member 2 Member core:CloseFamilyMember2
7232 Close family member 3 Member core:CloseFamilyMember3
7233 Close family member 4 Member core:CloseFamilyMember4
7234 Close family member 5 Member core:CloseFamilyMember5
7235 Entities controlled by key management personnel Abstract core:EntitiesControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel
7236 Entity controlled by key management personnel 1 Abstract core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel1
7237 Entity controlled by key management personnel 2 Abstract core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel2
7238 Entity controlled by key management personnel 3 Abstract core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel3
7239 Entity controlled by key management personnel 4 Abstract core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel4
7240 Entity controlled by key management personnel 5 Abstract core:EntityControlledByKeyManagementPersonnel5
7241 Other related party relationship type 1 [component of total related parties] Abstract core:OtherRelatedPartyRelationshipType1ComponentTotalRelatedParties
7242 Other related party relationship type 2 [component of total related parties] Abstract core:OtherRelatedPartyRelationshipType2ComponentTotalRelatedParties
7243 Other related parties Abstract core:OtherRelatedParties
7244 Related party transaction type [Dimension] Axis core:RelatedPartyTransactionTypeDimension
7245 All types of related party transactions [default] Abstract core:AllTypesRelatedPartyTransactionsDefault
7246 Sale or purchase of goods Abstract core:SaleOrPurchaseGoods
7247 Sale or purchase of property or other assets Abstract core:SaleOrPurchasePropertyOrOtherAssets
7248 Rendering or receiving of services Abstract core:RenderingOrReceivingServices
7249 Leases Abstract core:Leases
7250 Transfers of research and development Abstract core:TransfersResearchDevelopment
7251 Transfers under licence arrangements / royalties Abstract core:TransfersUnderLicenceArrangementsRoyalties
7252 Transfers under finance arrangements Abstract core:TransfersUnderFinanceArrangements
7253 Transfers of capital / equity contributions Abstract core:TransfersCapitalEquityContributions
7254 Transfers of assets Abstract core:TransfersAssets
7255 Settlement of liabilities Abstract core:SettlementLiabilities
7256 Provisions of guarantees or collateral Abstract core:ProvisionsGuaranteesOrCollateral
7257 Management recharges / services Abstract core:ManagementRechargesServices
7258 Administrative services Abstract core:AdministrativeServices
7259 Expenses reimbursed Abstract core:ExpensesReimbursed
7260 Auditor remuneration transactions Abstract core:AuditorRemunerationTransactions
7261 Interest expense transactions Abstract core:InterestExpenseTransactions
7262 Interest income transactions Abstract core:InterestIncomeTransactions
7263 Dividends paid transactions Abstract core:DividendsPaidTransactions
7264 Dividends received transactions Abstract core:DividendsReceivedTransactions
7265 Legal fees transactions Abstract core:LegalFeesTransactions
7266 Repairs and maintenance transactions Abstract core:RepairsMaintenanceTransactions
7267 Commissions transactions Abstract core:CommissionsTransactions
7268 Rental income transactions Abstract core:RentalIncomeTransactions
7269 Rental expense transactions Abstract core:RentalExpenseTransactions
7270 Group relief transactions Abstract core:GroupReliefTransactions
7271 Additional banking and finance sector transaction tags [heading] Abstract core:AdditionalBankingFinanceSectorTransactionTagsHeading
7272 Investment management fee transactions Abstract core:InvestmentManagementFeeTransactions
7273 Banking service fee transactions Abstract core:BankingServiceFeeTransactions
7274 Interest, fees and other income transactions Abstract core:InterestFeesOtherIncomeTransactions
7275 Fees and commission income transactions Abstract core:FeesCommissionIncomeTransactions
7276 Interest, fees and other expense transactions Abstract core:InterestFeesOtherExpenseTransactions
7277 Fees and commission expense transactions Abstract core:FeesCommissionExpenseTransactions
7278 Other transaction type 1 Abstract core:OtherTransactionType1
7279 Other transaction type 2 Abstract core:OtherTransactionType2
7280 Other transaction type 3 Abstract core:OtherTransactionType3
7281 Other transaction type 4 Abstract core:OtherTransactionType4
7282 Other transaction type 5 Abstract core:OtherTransactionType5
7283 Contingent liabilities-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:ContingentLiabilities-specificDimensionsHeading
7284 Contingent liabilities classes [Dimension] Axis core:ContingentLiabilitiesClassesDimension
7285 All contingent liabilities [default] Abstract core:AllContingentLiabilitiesDefault
7286 Warranties Abstract core:Warranties
7287 Restructuring or reorganisation Abstract core:RestructuringOrReorganisation
7288 Legal proceedings Abstract core:LegalProceedings
7289 Regulatory matters Abstract core:RegulatoryMatters
7290 Legislative changes Abstract core:LegislativeChanges
7291 Other regulatory matters Abstract core:OtherRegulatoryMatters
7292 Onerous contracts, excluding vacant properties Abstract core:OnerousContractsExcludingVacantProperties
7293 Vacant properties Abstract core:VacantProperties
7294 Decommissioning and restoration / dilapidations Abstract core:DecommissioningRestorationDilapidations
7295 Taxation, including deferred taxation Abstract core:TaxationIncludingDeferredTaxation
7296 Deferred taxation Abstract core:DeferredTaxation
7297 Employee benefits Abstract core:EmployeeBenefits
7298 Social security contributions Abstract core:SocialSecurityContributions
7299 Post-employment benefits Abstract core:Post-employmentBenefits
7300 Pensions Abstract core:Pensions
7301 Bad debts Abstract core:BadDebts
7302 Financial guarantees Abstract core:FinancialGuarantees
7303 Inventory obsolescence Abstract core:InventoryObsolescence
7304 Environmental costs Abstract core:EnvironmentalCosts
7305 Waste disposal Abstract core:WasteDisposal
7306 Deferred considerations Abstract core:DeferredConsiderations
7307 Profit sharing and bonuses Abstract core:ProfitSharingBonuses
7308 Operating leases Abstract core:OperatingLeases
7309 Refunds Abstract core:Refunds
7310 Financial penalties / levies Abstract core:FinancialPenaltiesLevies
7311 Acceptances and endorsements Abstract core:AcceptancesEndorsements
7312 Commission clawback Abstract core:CommissionClawback
7313 Contingent liability on business combination Abstract core:ContingentLiabilityOnBusinessCombination
7314 Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 1 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability1ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities
7315 Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 2 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability2ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities
7316 Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 3 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability3ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities
7317 Further specific type of provision / contingent liability 4 [component of total provisions / contingent liabilities] Abstract core:FurtherSpecificTypeProvisionContingentLiability4ComponentTotalProvisionsContingentLiabilities
7318 Other provisions / contingent liabilities Abstract core:OtherProvisionsContingentLiabilities
7319 Restatements and first time adoption-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract core:RestatementsFirstTimeAdoption-specificDimensionsHeading
7320 Restatements and first time adoption [Dimension] Axis core:RestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionDimension
7321 Restatements and first time adoption [heading] Abstract core:RestatementsFirstTimeAdoptionHeading
7322 Restated amount Abstract core:RestatedAmount
7323 Prior period increase (decrease) Abstract core:PriorPeriodIncreaseDecrease
7324 Accounting policy change, increase (decrease) Abstract core:AccountingPolicyChangeIncreaseDecrease
7325 Prior period error increase (decrease) Abstract core:PriorPeriodErrorIncreaseDecrease
7326 Original amount [default] Abstract core:OriginalAmountDefault
7327 Increase (decrease) due to transition from previous standard Abstract core:IncreaseDecreaseDueToTransitionFromPreviousStandard
7328 Contact information-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract bus:ContactInformation-specificDimensionsHeading
7329 Entity contact type [Dimension] Axis bus:EntityContactTypeDimension
7330 Entity contact type [heading] Abstract bus:EntityContactTypeHeading
7331 Head office [default] Abstract bus:HeadOfficeDefault
7332 Registered office Abstract bus:RegisteredOffice
7333 Registrar information Abstract bus:RegistrarInformation
7334 Investor relations Abstract bus:InvestorRelations
7335 Media relations Abstract bus:MediaRelations
7336 Share dealing information Abstract bus:ShareDealingInformation
7337 American Depositary Receipts information Abstract bus:AmericanDepositaryReceiptsInformation
7338 Address type [Dimension] Axis bus:AddressTypeDimension
7339 Address type [heading] Abstract bus:AddressTypeHeading
7340 Main address [default] Abstract bus:MainAddressDefault
7341 Postal Abstract bus:Postal
7342 Street Abstract bus:Street
7343 Phone number type [Dimension] Axis bus:PhoneNumberTypeDimension
7344 Phone number type [heading] Abstract bus:PhoneNumberTypeHeading
7345 Landline Abstract bus:Landline
7346 Mobile Abstract bus:Mobile
7347 Fax Abstract bus:Fax
7348 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
7349 Form of contact [Dimension] Axis bus:FormContactDimension
7350 Form of contact [heading] Abstract bus:FormContactHeading
7351 Main form of contact [default] Abstract bus:MainFormContactDefault
7352 Switchboard Abstract bus:Switchboard
7353 Direct Abstract bus:Direct
7354 Third party agent-specific dimensions [heading] Abstract bus:ThirdPartyAgent-specificDimensionsHeading
7355 Third party agent status [Dimension] Axis bus:ThirdPartyAgentStatusDimension
7356 Total agents [default] Abstract bus:TotalAgentsDefault
7357 Lead agent, if applicable Abstract bus:LeadAgentIfApplicable
7358 Agent 1 Abstract bus:Agent1
7359 Agent 2 Abstract bus:Agent2
7360 Agent 3 Abstract bus:Agent3
7361 Agent 4 Abstract bus:Agent4
7362 Agent 5 Abstract bus:Agent5
7363 Agent 6 Abstract bus:Agent6
7364 Agent 7 Abstract bus:Agent7
7365 Agent 8 Abstract bus:Agent8
7366 Agent 9 Abstract bus:Agent9
7367 Agent 10 Abstract bus:Agent10
7368 Standard countries and regions dimension [heading] Abstract bus:StandardCountriesRegionsDimensionHeading
7369 Countries and regions [Dimension] Axis countries:CountriesRegionsDimension
7370 Countries and regions [heading] Abstract countries:CountriesRegionsHeading
7371 All countries Abstract countries:AllCountries
7372 Other countries and regions Abstract countries:OtherCountriesRegions
7373 Home countries [heading] Abstract countries:HomeCountriesHeading
7374 United Kingdom Abstract countries:UnitedKingdom
7375 England Abstract countries:England
7376 Scotland Abstract countries:Scotland
7377 Wales Abstract countries:Wales
7378 England and Wales Abstract countries:EnglandWales
7379 Northern Ireland Abstract countries:NorthernIreland
7380 Isle of Man Abstract countries:IsleMan
7381 Channel Islands Abstract countries:ChannelIslands
7382 Jersey Abstract countries:Jersey
7383 Guernsey Abstract countries:Guernsey
7384 Other Channel Islands Abstract countries:OtherChannelIslands
7385 Great Britain Abstract countries:GreatBritain
7386 Main regions [heading] Abstract countries:MainRegionsHeading
7387 Rest of world, outside UK Abstract countries:RestWorldOutsideUK
7388 Rest of world, outside Europe Abstract countries:RestWorldOutsideEurope
7389 Rest of Europe, outside UK Abstract countries:RestEuropeOutsideUK
7390 European Community Abstract countries:EuropeanCommunity
7391 Europe Abstract countries:Europe
7392 Americas Abstract countries:Americas
7393 North America Abstract countries:NorthAmerica
7394 South America Abstract countries:SouthAmerica
7395 Latin America and Caribbean Abstract countries:LatinAmericaCaribbean
7396 Latin America Abstract countries:LatinAmerica
7397 Caribbean Abstract countries:Caribbean
7398 Central America Abstract countries:CentralAmerica
7399 Middle East Abstract countries:MiddleEast
7400 Africa Abstract countries:Africa
7401 Europe, Middle East and Africa Abstract countries:EuropeMiddleEastAfrica
7402 Asia Abstract countries:Asia
7403 South-east Asia Abstract countries:South-eastAsia
7404 Australasia Abstract countries:Australasia
7405 Further specific region 1 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion1ComponentAllCountriesRegions
7406 Further specific region 2 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion2ComponentAllCountriesRegions
7407 Further specific region 3 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion3ComponentAllCountriesRegions
7408 Further specific region 4 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion4ComponentAllCountriesRegions
7409 Further specific region 5 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion5ComponentAllCountriesRegions
7410 Further specific region 6 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion6ComponentAllCountriesRegions
7411 Further specific region 7 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion7ComponentAllCountriesRegions
7412 Further specific region 8 [component of all countries and regions] Abstract countries:FurtherSpecificRegion8ComponentAllCountriesRegions
7413 Country list [heading] Abstract countries:CountryListHeading
7414 Afghanistan Abstract countries:Afghanistan
7415 Aland Islands Abstract countries:AlandIslands
7416 Albania Abstract countries:Albania
7417 Algeria Abstract countries:Algeria
7418 American Samoa Abstract countries:AmericanSamoa
7419 Andorra Abstract countries:Andorra
7420 Angola Abstract countries:Angola
7421 Anguilla Abstract countries:Anguilla
7422 Antarctica Abstract countries:Antarctica
7423 Antigua and Barbuda Abstract countries:AntiguaBarbuda
7424 Argentina Abstract countries:Argentina
7425 Armenia Abstract countries:Armenia
7426 Aruba Abstract countries:Aruba
7427 Australia Abstract countries:Australia
7428 Austria Abstract countries:Austria
7429 Azerbaijan Abstract countries:Azerbaijan
7430 Bahamas Abstract countries:Bahamas
7431 Bahrain Abstract countries:Bahrain
7432 Bangladesh Abstract countries:Bangladesh
7433 Barbados Abstract countries:Barbados
7434 Belarus Abstract countries:Belarus
7435 Belgium Abstract countries:Belgium
7436 Belize Abstract countries:Belize
7437 Benin Abstract countries:Benin
7438 Bermuda Abstract countries:Bermuda
7439 Bhutan Abstract countries:Bhutan
7440 Bolivia Abstract countries:Bolivia
7441 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Abstract countries:BonaireSintEustatiusSaba
7442 Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract countries:BosniaHerzegovina
7443 Botswana Abstract countries:Botswana
7444 Bouvet Island Abstract countries:BouvetIsland
7445 Brazil Abstract countries:Brazil
7446 British Indian Ocean Territory Abstract countries:BritishIndianOceanTerritory
7447 Brunei Darussalam Abstract countries:BruneiDarussalam
7448 Bulgaria Abstract countries:Bulgaria
7449 Burkina Faso Abstract countries:BurkinaFaso
7450 Burundi Abstract countries:Burundi
7451 Cambodia Abstract countries:Cambodia
7452 Cameroon Abstract countries:Cameroon
7453 Canada Abstract countries:Canada
7454 Cape Verde Abstract countries:CapeVerde
7455 Cayman Islands Abstract countries:CaymanIslands
7456 Central African Republic Abstract countries:CentralAfricanRepublic
7457 Chad Abstract countries:Chad
7458 Chile Abstract countries:Chile
7459 China Abstract countries:China
7460 Christmas Island Abstract countries:ChristmasIsland
7461 Cocos (Keeling) Islands Abstract countries:CocosKeelingIslands
7462 Colombia Abstract countries:Colombia
7463 Comoros Abstract countries:Comoros
7464 Congo Abstract countries:Congo
7465 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Abstract countries:CongoDemocraticRepublic
7466 Cook Islands Abstract countries:CookIslands
7467 Costa Rica Abstract countries:CostaRica
7468 Cote d'Ivoire Abstract countries:CoteDIvoire
7469 Croatia Abstract countries:Croatia
7470 Cuba Abstract countries:Cuba
7471 Curaçao Abstract countries:Curaçao
7472 Cyprus Abstract countries:Cyprus
7473 Czech Republic Abstract countries:CzechRepublic
7474 Denmark Abstract countries:Denmark
7475 Djibouti Abstract countries:Djibouti
7476 Dominica Abstract countries:Dominica
7477 Dominican Republic Abstract countries:DominicanRepublic
7478 Ecuador Abstract countries:Ecuador
7479 Egypt Abstract countries:Egypt
7480 El Salvador Abstract countries:ElSalvador
7481 Equatorial Guinea Abstract countries:EquatorialGuinea
7482 Eritrea Abstract countries:Eritrea
7483 Estonia Abstract countries:Estonia
7484 Ethiopia Abstract countries:Ethiopia
7485 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Abstract countries:FalklandIslandsMalvinas
7486 Faroe Islands Abstract countries:FaroeIslands
7487 Fiji Abstract countries:Fiji
7488 Finland Abstract countries:Finland
7489 France Abstract countries:France
7490 French Guiana Abstract countries:FrenchGuiana
7491 French Polynesia Abstract countries:FrenchPolynesia
7492 French Southern Territories Abstract countries:FrenchSouthernTerritories
7493 Gabon Abstract countries:Gabon
7494 Gambia Abstract countries:Gambia
7495 Georgia Abstract countries:Georgia
7496 Germany Abstract countries:Germany
7497 Ghana Abstract countries:Ghana
7498 Gibraltar Abstract countries:Gibraltar
7499 Greece Abstract countries:Greece
7500 Greenland Abstract countries:Greenland
7501 Grenada Abstract countries:Grenada
7502 Guadeloupe Abstract countries:Guadeloupe
7503 Guam Abstract countries:Guam
7504 Guatemala Abstract countries:Guatemala
7505 Guernsey Abstract countries:Guernsey
7506 Guinea Abstract countries:Guinea
7507 Guinea-Bissau Abstract countries:Guinea-Bissau
7508 Guyana Abstract countries:Guyana
7509 Haiti Abstract countries:Haiti
7510 Heard Island and McDonald Islands Abstract countries:HeardIslandMcDonaldIslands
7511 Holy See (Vatican City State) Abstract countries:HolySeeVaticanCityState
7512 Honduras Abstract countries:Honduras
7513 Hong Kong Abstract countries:HongKong
7514 Hungary Abstract countries:Hungary
7515 Iceland Abstract countries:Iceland
7516 India Abstract countries:India
7517 Indonesia Abstract countries:Indonesia
7518 Iran, Islamic Republic of Abstract countries:IranIslamicRepublic
7519 Iraq Abstract countries:Iraq
7520 Ireland Abstract countries:Ireland
7521 Isle of Man Abstract countries:IsleMan
7522 Israel Abstract countries:Israel
7523 Italy Abstract countries:Italy
7524 Jamaica Abstract countries:Jamaica
7525 Japan Abstract countries:Japan
7526 Jersey Abstract countries:Jersey
7527 Jordan Abstract countries:Jordan
7528 Kazakhstan Abstract countries:Kazakhstan
7529 Kenya Abstract countries:Kenya
7530 Kiribati Abstract countries:Kiribati
7531 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Abstract countries:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic
7532 Korea, Republic of Abstract countries:KoreaRepublic
7533 Kuwait Abstract countries:Kuwait
7534 Kyrgyzstan Abstract countries:Kyrgyzstan
7535 Lao People's Democratic Republic Abstract countries:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic
7536 Latvia Abstract countries:Latvia
7537 Lebanon Abstract countries:Lebanon
7538 Lesotho Abstract countries:Lesotho
7539 Liberia Abstract countries:Liberia
7540 Libya Abstract countries:Libya
7541 Liechtenstein Abstract countries:Liechtenstein
7542 Lithuania Abstract countries:Lithuania
7543 Luxembourg Abstract countries:Luxembourg
7544 Macao Abstract countries:Macao
7545 Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Abstract countries:MacedoniaFormerYugoslavRepublic
7546 Madagascar Abstract countries:Madagascar
7547 Malawi Abstract countries:Malawi
7548 Malaysia Abstract countries:Malaysia
7549 Maldives Abstract countries:Maldives
7550 Mali Abstract countries:Mali
7551 Malta Abstract countries:Malta
7552 Marshall Islands Abstract countries:MarshallIslands
7553 Martinique Abstract countries:Martinique
7554 Mauritania Abstract countries:Mauritania
7555 Mauritius Abstract countries:Mauritius
7556 Mayotte Abstract countries:Mayotte
7557 Mexico Abstract countries:Mexico
7558 Micronesia, Federated States of Abstract countries:MicronesiaFederatedStates
7559 Moldova, Republic of Abstract countries:MoldovaRepublic
7560 Monaco Abstract countries:Monaco
7561 Mongolia Abstract countries:Mongolia
7562 Montenegro Abstract countries:Montenegro
7563 Montserrat Abstract countries:Montserrat
7564 Morocco Abstract countries:Morocco
7565 Mozambique Abstract countries:Mozambique
7566 Myanmar Abstract countries:Myanmar
7567 Namibia Abstract countries:Namibia
7568 Nauru Abstract countries:Nauru
7569 Nepal Abstract countries:Nepal
7570 Netherlands Abstract countries:Netherlands
7571 New Caledonia Abstract countries:NewCaledonia
7572 New Zealand Abstract countries:NewZealand
7573 Nicaragua Abstract countries:Nicaragua
7574 Niger Abstract countries:Niger
7575 Nigeria Abstract countries:Nigeria
7576 Niue Abstract countries:Niue
7577 Norfolk Island Abstract countries:NorfolkIsland
7578 Northern Mariana Islands Abstract countries:NorthernMarianaIslands
7579 Norway Abstract countries:Norway
7580 Oman Abstract countries:Oman
7581 Pakistan Abstract countries:Pakistan
7582 Palau Abstract countries:Palau
7583 Palestinian, State of Abstract countries:PalestinianState
7584 Panama Abstract countries:Panama
7585 Papua New Guinea Abstract countries:PapuaNewGuinea
7586 Paraguay Abstract countries:Paraguay
7587 Peru Abstract countries:Peru
7588 Philippines Abstract countries:Philippines
7589 Pitcairn Abstract countries:Pitcairn
7590 Poland Abstract countries:Poland
7591 Portugal Abstract countries:Portugal
7592 Puerto Rico Abstract countries:PuertoRico
7593 Qatar Abstract countries:Qatar
7594 Réunion Abstract countries:Réunion
7595 Romania Abstract countries:Romania
7596 Russian Federation Abstract countries:RussianFederation
7597 Rwanda Abstract countries:Rwanda
7598 Saint Barthélemy Abstract countries:SaintBarthélemy
7599 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha Abstract countries:SaintHelenaAscensionTristanDaCunha
7600 Saint Kitts and Nevis Abstract countries:SaintKittsNevis
7601 Saint Lucia Abstract countries:SaintLucia
7602 Saint Martin (French Part) Abstract countries:SaintMartinFrenchPart
7603 Saint Pierre and Miquelon Abstract countries:SaintPierreMiquelon
7604 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Abstract countries:SaintVincentGrenadines
7605 Samoa Abstract countries:Samoa
7606 San Marino Abstract countries:SanMarino
7607 Sao Tome and Principe Abstract countries:SaoTomePrincipe
7608 Saudi Arabia Abstract countries:SaudiArabia
7609 Senegal Abstract countries:Senegal
7610 Serbia Abstract countries:Serbia
7611 Seychelles Abstract countries:Seychelles
7612 Sierra Leone Abstract countries:SierraLeone
7613 Singapore Abstract countries:Singapore
7614 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Abstract countries:SintMaartenDutchPart
7615 Slovakia Abstract countries:Slovakia
7616 Slovenia Abstract countries:Slovenia
7617 Solomon Islands Abstract countries:SolomonIslands
7618 Somalia Abstract countries:Somalia
7619 South Africa Abstract countries:SouthAfrica
7620 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Abstract countries:SouthGeorgiaSouthSandwichIslands
7621 South Sudan Abstract countries:SouthSudan
7622 Spain Abstract countries:Spain
7623 Sri Lanka Abstract countries:SriLanka
7624 Sudan Abstract countries:Sudan
7625 Suriname Abstract countries:Suriname
7626 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Abstract countries:SvalbardJanMayen
7627 Swaziland Abstract countries:Swaziland
7628 Sweden Abstract countries:Sweden
7629 Switzerland Abstract countries:Switzerland
7630 Syrian Arab Republic Abstract countries:SyrianArabRepublic
7631 Taiwan, Province of China Abstract countries:TaiwanProvinceChina
7632 Tajikistan Abstract countries:Tajikistan
7633 Tanzania, United Republic of Abstract countries:TanzaniaUnitedRepublic
7634 Thailand Abstract countries:Thailand
7635 Timor-Leste Abstract countries:Timor-Leste
7636 Togo Abstract countries:Togo
7637 Tokelau Abstract countries:Tokelau
7638 Tonga Abstract countries:Tonga
7639 Trinidad and Tobago Abstract countries:TrinidadTobago
7640 Tunisia Abstract countries:Tunisia
7641 Turkey Abstract countries:Turkey
7642 Turkmenistan Abstract countries:Turkmenistan
7643 Turks and Caicos Islands Abstract countries:TurksCaicosIslands
7644 Tuvalu Abstract countries:Tuvalu
7645 Uganda Abstract countries:Uganda
7646 Ukraine Abstract countries:Ukraine
7647 United Arab Emirates Abstract countries:UnitedArabEmirates
7648 United Kingdom Abstract countries:UnitedKingdom
7649 United States Abstract countries:UnitedStates
7650 United States Minor Outlying Islands Abstract countries:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands
7651 Uruguay Abstract countries:Uruguay
7652 Uzbekistan Abstract countries:Uzbekistan
7653 Vanuatu Abstract countries:Vanuatu
7654 Venezuela Abstract countries:Venezuela
7655 Viet Nam Abstract countries:VietNam
7656 Virgin Islands, British Abstract countries:VirginIslandsBritish
7657 Virgin Islands, US Abstract countries:VirginIslandsUS
7658 Wallis and Futuna Abstract countries:WallisFutuna
7659 Western Sahara Abstract countries:WesternSahara
7660 Yemen Abstract countries:Yemen
7661 Zambia Abstract countries:Zambia
7662 Zimbabwe Abstract countries:Zimbabwe
7663 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
7664 Standard currencies dimension [heading] Abstract bus:StandardCurrenciesDimensionHeading
7665 Currencies [Dimension] Axis curr:CurrenciesDimension
7666 Currencies [heading] Abstract curr:CurrenciesHeading
7667 All currencies Abstract curr:AllCurrencies
7668 Other currencies Abstract curr:OtherCurrencies
7669 Main currencies [heading] Abstract curr:MainCurrenciesHeading
7670 Pound Sterling Abstract curr:PoundSterling
7671 US Dollar Abstract curr:USDollar
7672 Euro Abstract curr:Euro
7673 Japanese Yen Abstract curr:JapaneseYen
7674 Canadian Dollar Abstract curr:CanadianDollar
7675 Full currencies list [heading] Abstract curr:FullCurrenciesListHeading
7676 Afghan Afghani Abstract curr:AfghanAfghani
7677 Albanian Lek Abstract curr:AlbanianLek
7678 Algerian Dinar Abstract curr:AlgerianDinar
7679 Angolan kwanza Abstract curr:AngolanKwanza
7680 Argentine Peso Abstract curr:ArgentinePeso
7681 Armenian Dram Abstract curr:ArmenianDram
7682 Aruban Florin Abstract curr:ArubanFlorin
7683 Australian Dollar Abstract curr:AustralianDollar
7684 Azerbaijanian Manat Abstract curr:AzerbaijanianManat
7685 Bahamian Dollar Abstract curr:BahamianDollar
7686 Bahraini Dinar Abstract curr:BahrainiDinar
7687 Bangladeshi Taka Abstract curr:BangladeshiTaka
7688 Barbados Dollar Abstract curr:BarbadosDollar
7689 Belarussian Ruble Abstract curr:BelarussianRuble
7690 Belize Dollar Abstract curr:BelizeDollar
7691 Bermudian Dollar Abstract curr:BermudianDollar
7692 Bhutan Ngultrum Abstract curr:BhutanNgultrum
7693 Bolivian Boliviano Abstract curr:BolivianBoliviano
7694 Bolivian Mvdol Abstract curr:BolivianMvdol
7695 Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark Abstract curr:BosniaHerzegovinaConvertibleMark
7696 Botswana Pula Abstract curr:BotswanaPula
7697 Brazilian Real Abstract curr:BrazilianReal
7698 Brunei Dollar Abstract curr:BruneiDollar
7699 Bulgarian Lev Abstract curr:BulgarianLev
7700 Burundian Franc Abstract curr:BurundianFranc
7701 Cambodian Riel Abstract curr:CambodianRiel
7702 Canadian Dollar Abstract curr:CanadianDollar
7703 Cape Verde Escudo Abstract curr:CapeVerdeEscudo
7704 Cayman Islands Dollar Abstract curr:CaymanIslandsDollar
7705 CFA Franc BCEAO Abstract curr:CFAFrancBCEAO
7706 CFA Franc BEAC Abstract curr:CFAFrancBEAC
7707 CFP Franc / Pacific Franc Abstract curr:CFPFrancPacificFranc
7708 Chilean Peso Abstract curr:ChileanPeso
7709 Chinese Yuan Renminbi Abstract curr:ChineseYuanRenminbi
7710 Colombian Peso Abstract curr:ColombianPeso
7711 Comoro Franc Abstract curr:ComoroFranc
7712 Congolese Franc Abstract curr:CongoleseFranc
7713 Costa Rican Colon Abstract curr:CostaRicanColon
7714 Croatian Kuna Abstract curr:CroatianKuna
7715 Cuban Peso Abstract curr:CubanPeso
7716 Cuban convertible peso Abstract curr:CubanConvertiblePeso
7717 Czech Koruna Abstract curr:CzechKoruna
7718 Danish Krone Abstract curr:DanishKrone
7719 Djiboutian Franc Abstract curr:DjiboutianFranc
7720 Dominican Peso Abstract curr:DominicanPeso
7721 East Caribbean Dollar Abstract curr:EastCaribbeanDollar
7722 Egyptian Pound Abstract curr:EgyptianPound
7723 Eritrean Nakfa Abstract curr:EritreanNakfa
7724 Estonian Kroon Abstract curr:EstonianKroon
7725 Ethiopian Birr Abstract curr:EthiopianBirr
7726 Euro Abstract curr:Euro
7727 European Composite Unit (EURCO) Abstract curr:EuropeanCompositeUnitEURCO
7728 European Monetary Unit (EMU-6) Abstract curr:EuropeanMonetaryUnitEMU-6
7729 European Unit of Account 17 (EUA-17) Abstract curr:EuropeanUnitAccount17EUA-17
7730 European Unit of Account 9 (EUA-9) Abstract curr:EuropeanUnitAccount9EUA-9
7731 Falkland Islands Pound Abstract curr:FalklandIslandsPound
7732 Fiji Dollar Abstract curr:FijiDollar
7733 Gambian Dalasi Abstract curr:GambianDalasi
7734 Georgian Lari Abstract curr:GeorgianLari
7735 Ghanaian Cedi Abstract curr:GhanaianCedi
7736 Gibraltar Pound Abstract curr:GibraltarPound
7737 Gold (one troy ounce) Abstract curr:GoldOneTroyOunce
7738 Guatemalan Quetzal Abstract curr:GuatemalanQuetzal
7739 Guinean Franc Abstract curr:GuineanFranc
7740 Guyanaese Dollar Abstract curr:GuyanaeseDollar
7741 Haitian Gourde Abstract curr:HaitianGourde
7742 Honduras Lempira Abstract curr:HondurasLempira
7743 Hong Kong Dollar Abstract curr:HongKongDollar
7744 Hungarian Forint Abstract curr:HungarianForint
7745 Iceland Krona Abstract curr:IcelandKrona
7746 Indian Rupee Abstract curr:IndianRupee
7747 Indonesian Rupiah Abstract curr:IndonesianRupiah
7748 Iranian Rial Abstract curr:IranianRial
7749 Iraqi Dinar Abstract curr:IraqiDinar
7750 Israeli New Sheqel Abstract curr:IsraeliNewSheqel
7751 Jamaican Dollar Abstract curr:JamaicanDollar
7752 Japanese Yen Abstract curr:JapaneseYen
7753 Jordanian Dinar Abstract curr:JordanianDinar
7754 Kazakhstani Tenge Abstract curr:KazakhstaniTenge
7755 Kenyan Shilling Abstract curr:KenyanShilling
7756 Kuwaiti Dinar Abstract curr:KuwaitiDinar
7757 Kyrgyzstani Som Abstract curr:KyrgyzstaniSom
7758 Lao Kip Abstract curr:LaoKip
7759 Latvian Lats Abstract curr:LatvianLats
7760 Lebanese Pound Abstract curr:LebanesePound
7761 Lesotho Loti Abstract curr:LesothoLoti
7762 Liberian Dollar Abstract curr:LiberianDollar
7763 Libyan Dinar Abstract curr:LibyanDinar
7764 Lithuanian Litas Abstract curr:LithuanianLitas
7765 Macanese Pataca Abstract curr:MacanesePataca
7766 Macedonian Denar Abstract curr:MacedonianDenar
7767 Malagasy Ariary Abstract curr:MalagasyAriary
7768 Malawian Kwacha Abstract curr:MalawianKwacha
7769 Malaysian Ringgit Abstract curr:MalaysianRinggit
7770 Maldives Rufiyaa Abstract curr:MaldivesRufiyaa
7771 Mauritanian Ouguiya Abstract curr:MauritanianOuguiya
7772 Mauritius Rupee Abstract curr:MauritiusRupee
7773 Mexican Peso Abstract curr:MexicanPeso
7774 Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UID) Abstract curr:MexicanUnidadDeInversionUID
7775 Moldovan Leu Abstract curr:MoldovanLeu
7776 Mongolian Tugrik Abstract curr:MongolianTugrik
7777 Moroccan Dirham Abstract curr:MoroccanDirham
7778 Mozambican Metical Abstract curr:MozambicanMetical
7779 Myanma Kyat Abstract curr:MyanmaKyat
7780 Namibian Dollar Abstract curr:NamibianDollar
7781 Nepalese Rupee Abstract curr:NepaleseRupee
7782 Netherlands Antillian Guilder Abstract curr:NetherlandsAntillianGuilder
7783 New Zealand Dollar Abstract curr:NewZealandDollar
7784 Nicaraguan Cordoba Abstract curr:NicaraguanCordoba
7785 Nigerian Naira Abstract curr:NigerianNaira
7786 North Korean Won Abstract curr:NorthKoreanWon
7787 Norwegian Krone Abstract curr:NorwegianKrone
7788 Omani Rial Abstract curr:OmaniRial
7789 Pakistan Rupee Abstract curr:PakistanRupee
7790 Palladium (one troy ounce) Abstract curr:PalladiumOneTroyOunce
7791 Panamanian Balboa Abstract curr:PanamanianBalboa
7792 Papua New Guinean Kina Abstract curr:PapuaNewGuineanKina
7793 Paraguayan Guarani Abstract curr:ParaguayanGuarani
7794 Peruvian Nuevo Sol Abstract curr:PeruvianNuevoSol
7795 Philippine Peso Abstract curr:PhilippinePeso
7796 Platinum (one troy ounce) Abstract curr:PlatinumOneTroyOunce
7797 Polish Zloty Abstract curr:PolishZloty
7798 Pound Sterling Abstract curr:PoundSterling
7799 Qatari Rial Abstract curr:QatariRial
7800 Romanian New Leu Abstract curr:RomanianNewLeu
7801 Russian Ruble Abstract curr:RussianRuble
7802 Rwanda Franc Abstract curr:RwandaFranc
7803 Saint Helena Pound Abstract curr:SaintHelenaPound
7804 Samoan Tala Abstract curr:SamoanTala
7805 São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra Abstract curr:SãoToméPríncipeDobra
7806 Saudi Riyal Abstract curr:SaudiRiyal
7807 SDR / Special Drawing Rights Abstract curr:SDRSpecialDrawingRights
7808 Serbian Dinar Abstract curr:SerbianDinar
7809 Seychelles Rupee Abstract curr:SeychellesRupee
7810 Sierra Leonian Leone Abstract curr:SierraLeonianLeone
7811 Silver (one troy ounce) Abstract curr:SilverOneTroyOunce
7812 Singapore Dollar Abstract curr:SingaporeDollar
7813 Solomon Islands Dollar Abstract curr:SolomonIslandsDollar
7814 Somali Shilling Abstract curr:SomaliShilling
7815 South African Rand Abstract curr:SouthAfricanRand
7816 South Korean Won Abstract curr:SouthKoreanWon
7817 Sri Lanka Rupee Abstract curr:SriLankaRupee
7818 South Sudanese Pound Abstract curr:SouthSudanesePound
7819 Sudanese Pound Abstract curr:SudanesePound
7820 Surinamese Dollar Abstract curr:SurinameseDollar
7821 Swaziland Lilangeni Abstract curr:SwazilandLilangeni
7822 Swedish Krona Abstract curr:SwedishKrona
7823 Swiss Franc Abstract curr:SwissFranc
7824 Syrian Pound Abstract curr:SyrianPound
7825 Taiwanese New Dollar Abstract curr:TaiwaneseNewDollar
7826 Tajikistani Somoni Abstract curr:TajikistaniSomoni
7827 Tanzanian Shilling Abstract curr:TanzanianShilling
7828 Thai Baht Abstract curr:ThaiBaht
7829 Tongan Pa'anga Abstract curr:TonganPaanga
7830 Trinidad and Tobagan Dollar Abstract curr:TrinidadTobaganDollar
7831 Tunisian Dinar Abstract curr:TunisianDinar
7832 Turkish Lira Abstract curr:TurkishLira
7833 Turkmenistani Manat Abstract curr:TurkmenistaniManat
7834 UAE Dirham Abstract curr:UAEDirham
7835 Ugandan Shilling Abstract curr:UgandanShilling
7836 UIC Franc Abstract curr:UICFranc
7837 Ukrainian Hryvnia Abstract curr:UkrainianHryvnia
7838 Unidad de Formento Abstract curr:UnidadDeFormento
7839 Unidad de Valor Real Abstract curr:UnidadDeValorReal
7840 Uruguayan Peso Abstract curr:UruguayanPeso
7841 Uruguayan Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI) Abstract curr:UruguayanPesoEnUnidadesIndexadasURUIURUI
7842 US Dollar Abstract curr:USDollar
7843 US Dollar (Next day) Abstract curr:USDollarNextDay
7844 US Dollar (Same day) Abstract curr:USDollarSameDay
7845 Uzbekistani Som Abstract curr:UzbekistaniSom
7846 Vanuatan Vatu Abstract curr:VanuatanVatu
7847 Venezuelan Bolivar Abstract curr:VenezuelanBolivar
7848 Vietnamese Dong Abstract curr:VietnameseDong
7849 WIR Euro Abstract curr:WIREuro
7850 WIR Franc Abstract curr:WIRFranc
7851 Yemeni Rial Abstract curr:YemeniRial
7852 Zambian kwacha Abstract curr:ZambianKwacha
7853 Zimbabwean Dollar Abstract curr:ZimbabweanDollar
7854 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
7855 Standard languages dimension [heading] Abstract bus:StandardLanguagesDimensionHeading
7856 Languages [Dimension] Axis lang:LanguagesDimension
7857 Languages [heading] Abstract lang:LanguagesHeading
7858 English [default] Abstract lang:EnglishDefault
7859 Welsh Abstract lang:Welsh
7860 All languages Abstract lang:AllLanguages
7861 Language list [heading] Abstract lang:LanguageListHeading
7862 Abkhazian Abstract lang:Abkhazian
7863 Afrikaans Abstract lang:Afrikaans
7864 Albanian Abstract lang:Albanian
7865 Amharic Abstract lang:Amharic
7866 Arabic Abstract lang:Arabic
7867 Armenian Abstract lang:Armenian
7868 Assamese Abstract lang:Assamese
7869 Azerbaijani Abstract lang:Azerbaijani
7870 Basque Abstract lang:Basque
7871 Bengali Abstract lang:Bengali
7872 Bihari Abstract lang:Bihari
7873 Bulgarian Abstract lang:Bulgarian
7874 Burmese Abstract lang:Burmese
7875 Byelorussian Abstract lang:Byelorussian
7876 Catalan Abstract lang:Catalan
7877 Chinese Abstract lang:Chinese
7878 Croatian Abstract lang:Croatian
7879 Czech Abstract lang:Czech
7880 Danish Abstract lang:Danish
7881 Dutch Abstract lang:Dutch
7882 English [default] Abstract lang:EnglishDefault
7883 Esperanto Abstract lang:Esperanto
7884 Estonian Abstract lang:Estonian
7885 Faroese Abstract lang:Faroese
7886 Fijian Abstract lang:Fijian
7887 Finnish Abstract lang:Finnish
7888 French Abstract lang:French
7889 Frisian Abstract lang:Frisian
7890 Georgian Abstract lang:Georgian
7891 German Abstract lang:German
7892 Greek, Modern Abstract lang:GreekModern
7893 Greenlandic Abstract lang:Greenlandic
7894 Gujarati Abstract lang:Gujarati
7895 Hebrew Abstract lang:Hebrew
7896 Hindi Abstract lang:Hindi
7897 Icelandic Abstract lang:Icelandic
7898 Indonesian Abstract lang:Indonesian
7899 Iranian Abstract lang:Iranian
7900 Irish Abstract lang:Irish
7901 Italian Abstract lang:Italian
7902 Japanese Abstract lang:Japanese
7903 Javanese Abstract lang:Javanese
7904 Kashmiri Abstract lang:Kashmiri
7905 Kazakh Abstract lang:Kazakh
7906 Khmer Abstract lang:Khmer
7907 Kirghiz Abstract lang:Kirghiz
7908 Korean Abstract lang:Korean
7909 Kurdish Abstract lang:Kurdish
7910 Lao Abstract lang:Lao
7911 Latin Abstract lang:Latin
7912 Latvian Abstract lang:Latvian
7913 Letzeburgesch Abstract lang:Letzeburgesch
7914 Lithuanian Abstract lang:Lithuanian
7915 Macedonian Abstract lang:Macedonian
7916 Malagasy Abstract lang:Malagasy
7917 Malay Abstract lang:Malay
7918 Maltese Abstract lang:Maltese
7919 Maori Abstract lang:Maori
7920 Marathi Abstract lang:Marathi
7921 Moldavian Abstract lang:Moldavian
7922 Mongolian Abstract lang:Mongolian
7923 Nauru language Abstract lang:NauruLanguage
7924 Nepali Abstract lang:Nepali
7925 Norwegian Abstract lang:Norwegian
7926 Ossetic Abstract lang:Ossetic
7927 Panjabi Abstract lang:Panjabi
7928 Persian Abstract lang:Persian
7929 Polish Abstract lang:Polish
7930 Portuguese Abstract lang:Portuguese
7931 Pushto Abstract lang:Pushto
7932 Quechua Abstract lang:Quechua
7933 Rajasthani Abstract lang:Rajasthani
7934 Romanian Abstract lang:Romanian
7935 Russian Abstract lang:Russian
7936 Samoan Abstract lang:Samoan
7937 Scottish Gaelic Abstract lang:ScottishGaelic
7938 Serbian Abstract lang:Serbian
7939 Serbo-Croatian Abstract lang:Serbo-Croatian
7940 Singhalese Abstract lang:Singhalese
7941 Slovak Abstract lang:Slovak
7942 Slovenian Abstract lang:Slovenian
7943 Somali Abstract lang:Somali
7944 Spanish Abstract lang:Spanish
7945 Sudanese Abstract lang:Sudanese
7946 Swahili Abstract lang:Swahili
7947 Swazi Abstract lang:Swazi
7948 Swedish Abstract lang:Swedish
7949 Syriac Abstract lang:Syriac
7950 Tagalog Abstract lang:Tagalog
7951 Tahitian Abstract lang:Tahitian
7952 Tajik Abstract lang:Tajik
7953 Tamil Abstract lang:Tamil
7954 Thai Abstract lang:Thai
7955 Tibetan Abstract lang:Tibetan
7956 Turkish Abstract lang:Turkish
7957 Turkmen Abstract lang:Turkmen
7958 Ukrainian Abstract lang:Ukrainian
7959 Urdu Abstract lang:Urdu
7960 Uzbek Abstract lang:Uzbek
7961 Vietnamese Abstract lang:Vietnamese
7962 Welsh Abstract lang:Welsh
7963 Yiddish Abstract lang:Yiddish
7964 Zulu Abstract lang:Zulu
7965 Other language Abstract lang:OtherLanguage
7966 Charities specific dimensions [heading] Abstract char:CharitiesSpecificDimensionsHeading
7967 Charity funds [Dimension] Axis char:CharityFundsDimension
7968 Total funds [default] Abstract char:TotalFundsDefault
7969 Total unrestricted funds Abstract char:TotalUnrestrictedFunds
7970 Unrestricted funds, general Abstract char:UnrestrictedFundsGeneral
7971 Unrestricted funds, designated Abstract char:UnrestrictedFundsDesignated
7972 Revaluation reserve, unrestricted Abstract char:RevaluationReserveUnrestricted
7973 Pension reserve, unrestricted Abstract char:PensionReserveUnrestricted
7974 Fair value reserve, unrestricted Abstract char:FairValueReserveUnrestricted
7975 Total restricted income funds Abstract char:TotalRestrictedIncomeFunds
7976 Restricted income funds Abstract char:RestrictedIncomeFunds
7977 Revaluation reserve, restricted Abstract char:RevaluationReserveRestricted
7978 Pension reserve, restricted Abstract char:PensionReserveRestricted
7979 Fair value reserve, restricted Abstract char:FairValueReserveRestricted
7980 Total endowment funds Abstract char:TotalEndowmentFunds
7981 Endowment funds, permanent Abstract char:EndowmentFundsPermanent
7982 Trust for investment Abstract char:TrustForInvestment
7983 Unapplied total return Abstract char:UnappliedTotalReturn
7984 Endowment funds, expendable Abstract char:EndowmentFundsExpendable
7985 Material funds [Dimension] Axis char:MaterialFundsDimension
7986 Total material funds [default] Abstract char:TotalMaterialFundsDefault
7987 Material fund 1 Abstract char:MaterialFund1
7988 Material fund 2 Abstract char:MaterialFund2
7989 Material fund 3 Abstract char:MaterialFund3
7990 Material fund 4 Abstract char:MaterialFund4
7991 Material fund 5 Abstract char:MaterialFund5
7992 Material fund 6 Abstract char:MaterialFund6
7993 Material fund 7 Abstract char:MaterialFund7
7994 Material fund 8 Abstract char:MaterialFund8
7995 Material fund 9 Abstract char:MaterialFund9
7996 Material fund 10 Abstract char:MaterialFund10
7997 Material fund 11 Abstract char:MaterialFund11
7998 Material fund 12 Abstract char:MaterialFund12
7999 Material fund 13 Abstract char:MaterialFund13
8000 Material fund 14 Abstract char:MaterialFund14
8001 Material fund 15 Abstract char:MaterialFund15
8002 Material fund 16 Abstract char:MaterialFund16
8003 Material fund 17 Abstract char:MaterialFund17
8004 Material fund 18 Abstract char:MaterialFund18
8005 Material fund 19 Abstract char:MaterialFund19
8006 Material fund 20 Abstract char:MaterialFund20
8007 Material fund 21 Abstract char:MaterialFund21
8008 Material fund 22 Abstract char:MaterialFund22
8009 Material fund 23 Abstract char:MaterialFund23
8010 Material fund 24 Abstract char:MaterialFund24
8011 Material fund 25 Abstract char:MaterialFund25
8012 Material fund 26 Abstract char:MaterialFund26
8013 Material fund 27 Abstract char:MaterialFund27
8014 Material fund 28 Abstract char:MaterialFund28
8015 Material fund 29 Abstract char:MaterialFund29
8016 Material fund 30 Abstract char:MaterialFund30
8017 Material fund 31 Abstract char:MaterialFund31
8018 Material fund 32 Abstract char:MaterialFund32
8019 Material fund 33 Abstract char:MaterialFund33
8020 Material fund 34 Abstract char:MaterialFund34
8021 Material fund 35 Abstract char:MaterialFund35
8022 Material fund 36 Abstract char:MaterialFund36
8023 Material fund 37 Abstract char:MaterialFund37
8024 Material fund 38 Abstract char:MaterialFund38
8025 Material fund 39 Abstract char:MaterialFund39
8026 Material fund 40 Abstract char:MaterialFund40
8027 Material fund 41 Abstract char:MaterialFund41
8028 Material fund 42 Abstract char:MaterialFund42
8029 Material fund 43 Abstract char:MaterialFund43
8030 Material fund 44 Abstract char:MaterialFund44
8031 Material fund 45 Abstract char:MaterialFund45
8032 Material fund 46 Abstract char:MaterialFund46
8033 Material fund 47 Abstract char:MaterialFund47
8034 Material fund 48 Abstract char:MaterialFund48
8035 Material fund 49 Abstract char:MaterialFund49
8036 Material fund 50 Abstract char:MaterialFund50
8037 Remaining material funds Abstract char:RemainingMaterialFunds
8038 Linked charity [Dimension] Axis char:LinkedCharityDimension
8039 Linked charity [heading] Abstract char:LinkedCharityHeading
8040 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8041 Linked charity 1 Abstract char:LinkedCharity1
8042 Linked charity 2 Abstract char:LinkedCharity2
8043 Linked charity 3 Abstract char:LinkedCharity3
8044 Linked charity 4 Abstract char:LinkedCharity4
8045 Linked charity 5 Abstract char:LinkedCharity5
8046 Charitable objectives [Dimension] Axis char:CharitableObjectivesDimension
8047 Charitable objectives [heading] Abstract char:CharitableObjectivesHeading
8048 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8049 The prevention or relief of poverty Abstract char:PreventionOrReliefPoverty
8050 The advancement of education Abstract char:AdvancementEducation
8051 The advancement of religion Abstract char:AdvancementReligion
8052 The advancement of health or the saving of lives Abstract char:AdvancementHealthOrSavingLives
8053 The advancement of citizenship or community development Abstract char:AdvancementCitizenshipOrCommunityDevelopment
8054 The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science Abstract char:AdvancementArtsCultureHeritageOrScience
8055 The advancement of amateur sport Abstract char:AdvancementAmateurSport
8056 The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation or the promotion of religious or racial harmony or equality and diversity Abstract char:AdvancementHumanRightsConflictResolutionOrReconciliationOrPromotionReligiousOrRacialHarmonyOrEqualityDiversity
8057 The advancement of environmental protection or improvement Abstract char:AdvancementEnvironmentalProtectionOrImprovement
8058 The relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage Abstract char:ReliefThoseInNeedByReasonYouthAgeIll-healthDisabilityFinancialHardshipOrOtherDisadvantage
8059 The advancement of animal welfare Abstract char:AdvancementAnimalWelfare
8060 The promotion of the efficiency of the armed forces of the Crown, or of the efficiency of the police, fire and rescue services or ambulance services Abstract char:PromotionEfficiencyArmedForcesCrownOrEfficiencyPoliceFireRescueServicesOrAmbulanceServices
8061 Any other charitable services Abstract char:AnyOtherCharitableServices
8062 Form of governing document [Dimension] Axis char:FormGoverningDocumentDimension
8063 Form of governing document [heading] Abstract char:FormGoverningDocumentHeading
8064 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8065 Trust deed Abstract char:TrustDeed
8066 Memorandum and articles of association Abstract char:MemorandumArticlesAssociation
8067 Charity Commission scheme Abstract char:CharityCommissionScheme
8068 Royal Charter Abstract char:RoyalCharter
8069 Foundation Charitable Incorporated Organisation constitution Abstract char:FoundationCharitableIncorporatedOrganisationConstitution
8070 Association Charitable Incorporated Organisation constitution Abstract char:AssociationCharitableIncorporatedOrganisationConstitution
8071 Other form of governing document Abstract char:OtherFormGoverningDocument
8072 Heritage assets class [Dimension] Axis char:HeritageAssetsClassDimension
8073 Total heritage assets [default] Abstract char:TotalHeritageAssetsDefault
8074 Tangible heritage assets Abstract char:TangibleHeritageAssets
8075 Buildings Abstract char:Buildings
8076 Land Abstract char:Land
8077 Artefacts Abstract char:Artefacts
8078 Art Abstract char:Art
8079 Jewellery Abstract char:Jewellery
8080 Music Abstract char:Music
8081 Manuscripts Abstract char:Manuscripts
8082 Books Abstract char:Books
8083 Intangible heritage assets Abstract char:IntangibleHeritageAssets
8084 Music rights Abstract char:MusicRights
8085 Film rights Abstract char:FilmRights
8086 Non standard heritage asset class 1 [component of total heritage assets] Abstract char:NonStandardHeritageAssetClass1ComponentTotalHeritageAssets
8087 Non standard heritage asset class 2 [component of total heritage assets] Abstract char:NonStandardHeritageAssetClass2ComponentTotalHeritageAssets
8088 Non standard heritage asset class 3 [component of total heritage assets] Abstract char:NonStandardHeritageAssetClass3ComponentTotalHeritageAssets
8089 Non standard heritage asset class 4 [component of total heritage assets] Abstract char:NonStandardHeritageAssetClass4ComponentTotalHeritageAssets
8090 Other heritage assets Abstract char:OtherHeritageAssets
8091 Heritage assets group [Dimension] Axis char:HeritageAssetsGroupDimension
8092 Heritage assets group [heading] Abstract char:HeritageAssetsGroupHeading
8093 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8094 Group 1 Abstract char:Group1
8095 Group 2 Abstract char:Group2
8096 Group 3 Abstract char:Group3
8097 Group 4 Abstract char:Group4
8098 Group 5 Abstract char:Group5
8099 Group 6 Abstract char:Group6
8100 Group 7 Abstract char:Group7
8101 Group 8 Abstract char:Group8
8102 Group 9 Abstract char:Group9
8103 Group 10 Abstract char:Group10
8104 Heritage assets basis of recognition [Dimension] Axis char:HeritageAssetsBasisRecognitionDimension
8105 Heritage assets basis of recognition [heading] Abstract char:HeritageAssetsBasisRecognitionHeading
8106 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8107 Recognition at cost Abstract char:RecognitionCost
8108 Recognition at valuation Abstract char:RecognitionValuation
8109 Assets not recognised on the balance sheet Abstract char:AssetsNotRecognisedOnBalanceSheet
8110 Institutional Grant Recipient [Dimension] Axis char:InstitutionalGrantRecipientDimension
8111 Institutional grant recipient [heading] Abstract char:InstitutionalGrantRecipientHeading
8112 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8113 Name of grant recipient 1 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient1
8114 Name of grant recipient 2 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient2
8115 Name of grant recipient 3 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient3
8116 Name of grant recipient 4 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient4
8117 Name of grant recipient 5 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient5
8118 Name of grant recipient 6 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient6
8119 Name of grant recipient 7 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient7
8120 Name of grant recipient 8 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient8
8121 Name of grant recipient 9 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient9
8122 Name of grant recipient 10 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient10
8123 Name of grant recipient 11 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient11
8124 Name of grant recipient 12 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient12
8125 Name of grant recipient 13 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient13
8126 Name of grant recipient 14 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient14
8127 Name of grant recipient 15 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient15
8128 Name of grant recipient 16 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient16
8129 Name of grant recipient 17 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient17
8130 Name of grant recipient 18 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient18
8131 Name of grant recipient 19 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient19
8132 Name of grant recipient 20 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient20
8133 Name of grant recipient 21 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient21
8134 Name of grant recipient 22 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient22
8135 Name of grant recipient 23 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient23
8136 Name of grant recipient 24 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient24
8137 Name of grant recipient 25 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient25
8138 Name of grant recipient 26 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient26
8139 Name of grant recipient 27 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient27
8140 Name of grant recipient 28 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient28
8141 Name of grant recipient 29 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient29
8142 Name of grant recipient 30 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient30
8143 Name of grant recipient 31 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient31
8144 Name of grant recipient 32 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient32
8145 Name of grant recipient 33 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient33
8146 Name of grant recipient 34 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient34
8147 Name of grant recipient 35 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient35
8148 Name of grant recipient 36 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient36
8149 Name of grant recipient 37 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient37
8150 Name of grant recipient 38 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient38
8151 Name of grant recipient 39 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient39
8152 Name of grant recipient 40 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient40
8153 Name of grant recipient 41 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient41
8154 Name of grant recipient 42 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient42
8155 Name of grant recipient 43 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient43
8156 Name of grant recipient 44 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient44
8157 Name of grant recipient 45 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient45
8158 Name of grant recipient 46 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient46
8159 Name of grant recipient 47 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient47
8160 Name of grant recipient 48 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient48
8161 Name of grant recipient 49 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient49
8162 Name of grant recipient 50 Abstract char:NameGrantRecipient50
8163 Salary band [Dimension] Axis char:SalaryBandDimension
8164 Salary band [heading] Abstract char:SalaryBandHeading
8165 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8166 £60,001 to £70,000 Abstract char:GBP60001ToGBP70000
8167 £70,001 to £80,000 Abstract char:GBP70001ToGBP80000
8168 £80,001 to £90,000 Abstract char:GBP80001ToGBP90000
8169 £90,001 to £100,000 Abstract char:GBP90001ToGBP100000
8170 £100,001 to £110,000 Abstract char:GBP100001ToGBP110000
8171 £110,001 to £120,000 Abstract char:GBP110001ToGBP120000
8172 £120,001 to £130,000 Abstract char:GBP120001ToGBP130000
8173 £130,001 to £140,000 Abstract char:GBP130001ToGBP140000
8174 £140,001 to £150,000 Abstract char:GBP140001ToGBP150000
8175 £150,001 to £160,000 Abstract char:GBP150001ToGBP160000
8176 £160,001 to £170,000 Abstract char:GBP160001ToGBP170000
8177 £170,001 to £180,000 Abstract char:GBP170001ToGBP180000
8178 £180,001 to £190,000 Abstract char:GBP180001ToGBP190000
8179 £190,001 to £200,000 Abstract char:GBP190001ToGBP200000
8180 Over £200,000 Abstract char:OverGBP200000
8181 Pooling scheme fund [Dimension] Axis char:PoolingSchemeFundDimension
8182 Pooling scheme fund [heading] Abstract char:PoolingSchemeFundHeading
8183 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8184 Fund/charity 1 Abstract char:Fundcharity1
8185 Fund/charity 2 Abstract char:Fundcharity2
8186 Fund/charity 3 Abstract char:Fundcharity3
8187 Fund/charity 4 Abstract char:Fundcharity4
8188 Fund/charity 5 Abstract char:Fundcharity5
8189 Fund/charity 6 Abstract char:Fundcharity6
8190 Fund/charity 7 Abstract char:Fundcharity7
8191 Fund/charity 8 Abstract char:Fundcharity8
8192 Fund/charity 9 Abstract char:Fundcharity9
8193 Fund/charity 10 Abstract char:Fundcharity10
8194 Charitable associate activity [Dimension] Axis char:CharitableAssociateActivityDimension
8195 Charitable associate activity [heading] Abstract char:CharitableAssociateActivityHeading
8196 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8197 Associate activity 1 Abstract char:AssociateActivity1
8198 Associate activity 2 Abstract char:AssociateActivity2
8199 Associate activity 3 Abstract char:AssociateActivity3
8200 Associate activity 4 Abstract char:AssociateActivity4
8201 Associate activity 5 Abstract char:AssociateActivity5
8202 Associate activity 6 Abstract char:AssociateActivity6
8203 Associate activity 7 Abstract char:AssociateActivity7
8204 Associate activity 8 Abstract char:AssociateActivity8
8205 Associate activity 9 Abstract char:AssociateActivity9
8206 Associate activity 10 Abstract char:AssociateActivity10
8207 Funds received as agent [Dimension] Axis char:FundsReceivedAsAgentDimension
8208 Funds received as agent [heading] Abstract char:FundsReceivedAsAgentHeading
8209 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8210 Fund 1 Abstract char:Fund1
8211 Fund 2 Abstract char:Fund2
8212 Fund 3 Abstract char:Fund3
8213 Fund 4 Abstract char:Fund4
8214 Fund 5 Abstract char:Fund5
8215 Fund 6 Abstract char:Fund6
8216 Fund 7 Abstract char:Fund7
8217 Fund 8 Abstract char:Fund8
8218 Fund 9 Abstract char:Fund9
8219 Fund 10 Abstract char:Fund10
8220 Charitable joint venture activity [Dimension] Axis char:CharitableJointVentureActivityDimension
8221 Charitable joint venture activity [heading] Abstract char:CharitableJointVentureActivityHeading
8222 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8223 Joint venture activity 1 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity1
8224 Joint venture activity 2 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity2
8225 Joint venture activity 3 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity3
8226 Joint venture activity 4 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity4
8227 Joint venture activity 5 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity5
8228 Joint venture activity 6 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity6
8229 Joint venture activity 7 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity7
8230 Joint venture activity 8 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity8
8231 Joint venture activity 9 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity9
8232 Joint venture activity 10 Abstract char:JointVentureActivity10
8233 Activity [Dimension] Axis char:ActivityDimension
8234 Total activities [default] Abstract char:TotalActivitiesDefault
8235 Activity 1 Abstract char:Activity1
8236 Activity 2 Abstract char:Activity2
8237 Activity 3 Abstract char:Activity3
8238 Activity 4 Abstract char:Activity4
8239 Activity 5 Abstract char:Activity5
8240 Activity 6 Abstract char:Activity6
8241 Activity 7 Abstract char:Activity7
8242 Activity 8 Abstract char:Activity8
8243 Activity 9 Abstract char:Activity9
8244 Activity 10 Abstract char:Activity10
8245 Activity 11 Abstract char:Activity11
8246 Activity 12 Abstract char:Activity12
8247 Activity 13 Abstract char:Activity13
8248 Activity 14 Abstract char:Activity14
8249 Activity 15 Abstract char:Activity15
8250 Activity 16 Abstract char:Activity16
8251 Activity 17 Abstract char:Activity17
8252 Activity 18 Abstract char:Activity18
8253 Activity 19 Abstract char:Activity19
8254 Activity 20 Abstract char:Activity20
8255 Activity 21 Abstract char:Activity21
8256 Activity 22 Abstract char:Activity22
8257 Activity 23 Abstract char:Activity23
8258 Activity 24 Abstract char:Activity24
8259 Activity 25 Abstract char:Activity25
8260 Activity 26 Abstract char:Activity26
8261 Activity 27 Abstract char:Activity27
8262 Activity 28 Abstract char:Activity28
8263 Activity 29 Abstract char:Activity29
8264 Activity 30 Abstract char:Activity30
8265 Activity 31 Abstract char:Activity31
8266 Activity 32 Abstract char:Activity32
8267 Activity 33 Abstract char:Activity33
8268 Activity 34 Abstract char:Activity34
8269 Activity 35 Abstract char:Activity35
8270 Activity 36 Abstract char:Activity36
8271 Activity 37 Abstract char:Activity37
8272 Activity 38 Abstract char:Activity38
8273 Activity 39 Abstract char:Activity39
8274 Activity 40 Abstract char:Activity40
8275 Activity 41 Abstract char:Activity41
8276 Activity 42 Abstract char:Activity42
8277 Activity 43 Abstract char:Activity43
8278 Activity 44 Abstract char:Activity44
8279 Activity 45 Abstract char:Activity45
8280 Activity 46 Abstract char:Activity46
8281 Activity 47 Abstract char:Activity47
8282 Activity 48 Abstract char:Activity48
8283 Activity 49 Abstract char:Activity49
8284 Activity 50 Abstract char:Activity50
8285 Charitable Income Type [Dimension] Axis char:CharitableIncomeTypeDimension
8286 Charitable Income Type [heading] Abstract char:CharitableIncomeTypeHeading
8287 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8288 Primary purpose trading Abstract char:PrimaryPurposeTrading
8289 Provision of services under contract from government or public authorities and other parties Abstract char:ProvisionServicesUnderContractFromGovernmentOrPublicAuthoritiesOtherParties
8290 Sale of goods or services made or provided by beneficiaries of the charity Abstract char:SaleGoodsOrServicesMadeOrProvidedByBeneficiariesCharity
8291 Performance related grants Abstract char:PerformanceRelatedGrants
8292 Grants for specific services Abstract char:GrantsForSpecificServices
8293 Ancillary trading connected to primary purpose trading Abstract char:AncillaryTradingConnectedToPrimaryPurposeTrading
8294 Letting of non-investment property in furtherance of charitable purposes Abstract char:LettingNon-investmentPropertyInFurtheranceCharitablePurposes
8295 Non-charitable Income Type [Dimension] Axis char:Non-charitableIncomeTypeDimension
8296 Non-charitable Income Type [heading] Abstract char:Non-charitableIncomeTypeHeading
8297 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8298 Non-charitable trading activities Abstract char:Non-charitableTradingActivities
8299 Membership subscriptions and sponsorships which are in substance a payment for goods and services Member char:MembershipSubscriptionsSponsorshipsWhichAreInSubstancePaymentForGoodsServices
8300 Fundraising events Abstract char:FundraisingEvents
8301 Sale of donated and bought in goods Abstract char:SaleDonatedBoughtInGoods
8302 Letting and licencing arrangements Abstract char:LettingLicencingArrangements
8303 Sponsorships and social lotteries Abstract char:SponsorshipsSocialLotteries
8304 Fundraising Expense Type [Dimension] Axis char:FundraisingExpenseTypeDimension
8305 Fundraising Expense Type [heading] Abstract char:FundraisingExpenseTypeHeading
8306 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8307 Incurred in seeking donations, legacies and grants Abstract char:IncurredInSeekingDonationsLegaciesGrants
8308 Incurred in seeking donations and legacies Abstract char:IncurredInSeekingDonationsLegacies
8309 Incurred in seeking grants Abstract char:IncurredInSeekingGrants
8310 Operating membership schemes and social lotteries Member char:OperatingMembershipSchemesSocialLotteries
8311 Staging fundraising events Abstract char:StagingFundraisingEvents
8312 Fundraising agents Abstract char:FundraisingAgents
8313 Operating charity shops Abstract char:OperatingCharityShops
8314 Operating trading company undertaking non-charitable trading activity Abstract char:OperatingTradingCompanyUndertakingNon-charitableTradingActivity
8315 Other trading activities Abstract char:OtherTradingActivities
8316 Advertising marketing direct mail and publicity Abstract char:AdvertisingMarketingDirectMailPublicity
8317 Start up costs incurred in generating new source of future income Abstract char:StartUpCostsIncurredInGeneratingNewSourceFutureIncome
8318 Database development costs Abstract char:DatabaseDevelopmentCosts
8319 Investment management costs Abstract char:InvestmentManagementCosts
8320 Portfolio management costs Abstract char:PortfolioManagementCosts
8321 Costs of obtaining investment advice Abstract char:CostsObtainingInvestmentAdvice
8322 Investment administration costs Abstract char:InvestmentAdministrationCosts
8323 Intellectual property licensing costs Abstract char:IntellectualPropertyLicensingCosts
8324 Rent collection, property repairs and maintenance costs Abstract char:RentCollectionPropertyRepairsMaintenanceCosts
8325 Concessionary loans [Dimension] Axis char:ConcessionaryLoansDimension
8326 Concessionary loans [heading] Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoansHeading
8327 Not applicable [default] Abstract common:NotApplicableDefault
8328 Concessionary loan 1 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan1
8329 Concessionary loan 2 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan2
8330 Concessionary loan 3 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan3
8331 Concessionary loan 4 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan4
8332 Concessionary loan 5 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan5
8333 Concessionary loan 6 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan6
8334 Concessionary loan 7 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan7
8335 Concessionary loan 8 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan8
8336 Concessionary loan 9 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan9
8337 Concessionary loan 10 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan10
8338 Concessionary loan 11 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan11
8339 Concessionary loan 12 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan12
8340 Concessionary loan 13 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan13
8341 Concessionary loan 14 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan14
8342 Concessionary loan 15 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan15
8343 Concessionary loan 16 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan16
8344 Concessionary loan 17 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan17
8345 Concessionary loan 18 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan18
8346 Concessionary loan 19 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan19
8347 Concessionary loan 20 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan20
8348 Concessionary loan 21 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan21
8349 Concessionary loan 22 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan22
8350 Concessionary loan 23 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan23
8351 Concessionary loan 24 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan24
8352 Concessionary loan 25 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan25
8353 Concessionary loan 26 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan26
8354 Concessionary loan 27 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan27
8355 Concessionary loan 28 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan28
8356 Concessionary loan 29 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan29
8357 Concessionary loan 30 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan30
8358 Concessionary loan 31 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan31
8359 Concessionary loan 32 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan32
8360 Concessionary loan 33 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan33
8361 Concessionary loan 34 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan34
8362 Concessionary loan 35 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan35
8363 Concessionary loan 36 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan36
8364 Concessionary loan 37 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan37
8365 Concessionary loan 38 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan38
8366 Concessionary loan 39 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan39
8367 Concessionary loan 40 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan40
8368 Concessionary loan 41 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan41
8369 Concessionary loan 42 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan42
8370 Concessionary loan 43 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan43
8371 Concessionary loan 44 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan44
8372 Concessionary loan 45 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan45
8373 Concessionary loan 46 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan46
8374 Concessionary loan 47 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan47
8375 Concessionary loan 48 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan48
8376 Concessionary loan 49 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan49
8377 Concessionary loan 50 Abstract char:ConcessionaryLoan50
8378 6001 - Dimension - CountriesAndRegions Network


8379 6002 - Dimension - Currencies Network


8380 6003 - Dimension - Languages Network


8381 6010 - Dimension - Group and Company Data Network


8382 6011 - Dimension - Main Industry Sector Network


8383 6012 - Dimension - Legal Form of Entity Network


8384 6013 - Dimension - Entity Trading Status Network


8385 6014 - Dimension - Entity Special Legal Status Network


8386 6015 - Dimension - Entity Share Classes Network


8387 6016 - Dimension - Share Types Network


8388 6017 - Dimension - Entity Officers Network


8389 6018 - Dimension - Entity Officer Type Network


8390 6019 - Dimension - Entity Contact Type Network


8391 6020 - Dimension - Address Type Network


8392 6021 - Dimension - Phone Number Type Network


8393 6022 - Dimension - Form of Contact Network


8394 6023 - Dimension - Third Party Agent Status Network


8395 6024 - Dimension - Scope of Accounts Network


8396 6025 - Dimension - Accounting Standards Network


8397 6026 - Dimension - SORPs Network


8398 6027 - Dimension - Applicable Legislation Network


8399 6028 - Dimension - Accounts Status Network


8400 6029 - Dimension - Accounts Type Network


8401 6030 - Dimension - Report Period Network


8402 6040 - Dimension - Continuing and Discontinued Operations Network


8403 6041 - Dimension - Exceptionals Network


8404 6042 - Dimension - Equity Classes Network


8405 6043 - Dimension - Geographic Segments Network


8406 6044 - Dimension - Operating Segments Network


8407 6045 - Dimension - Products and Services Network


8408 6046 - Dimension - Major Customers Network


8409 6047 - Dimension - Segment Reconciliation Network


8410 6048 - Dimension - Business Combinations Network


8411 6049 - Dimension - Ownership Of Assets Network


8412 6050 - Dimension - Operating Lease Purpose Network


8413 6051 - Dimension - Tax Jurisdiction Network


8414 6052 - Dimension - PPE Classes Network


8415 6053 - Dimension - PPE Ownership Network


8416 6054 - Dimension - Intangible Asset Classes Network


8417 6055 - Dimension - Intangible Assets Generation Type Network


8418 6056 - Dimension - Intangible Assets Life Type Network


8419 6057 - Dimension - Investment Property Ownership Type Network


8420 6058 - Dimension - Biological Asset Classes Network


8421 6059 - Dimension - Biological Asset Maturity Network


8422 6080 - Dimension - Subsidiaries Network


8423 6081 - Dimension - Associates Network


8424 6082 - Dimension - Joint Ventures Network


8425 6083 - Dimension - Unconsolidated Structured Entities Network


8426 6084 - Dimension - Investments Movements Network


8427 6085 - Dimension - Current And Non-Current Inventories Network


8428 6086 - Dimension - Parent Entities Network


8429 6087 - Dimension - Other Related Party Type Network


8430 6088 - Dimension - Finance Lease Contract Type Network


8431 6089 - Dimension - Provisions Classes Network


8432 6090 - Dimension - Financial Instruments Classes And Categories Network


8433 6091 - Dimension - Financial Assets Classes And Categories Network


8434 6092 - Dimension - Financial Liabilities Classes And Categories Network


8435 6093 - Dimension - Equity Classes Held Network


8436 6096 - Dimension - Derivatives Types Network


8437 6097 - Dimension - Derivatives Contracts Network


8438 6098 - Dimension - Derivative Purpose Network


8439 6099 - Dimension - Financial Instrument Value Type Network


8440 6100 - Dimension - Financial Instrument Current And Non-Current Network


8441 6101 - Dimension - Maturities Or Expiration Periods Network


8442 6102 - Dimension - Interest Rate Type Network


8443 6103 - Dimension - Listed - Unlisted Network


8444 6110 - Dimension - Liquidity Features Network


8445 6111 - Dimension - Position Type Network


8446 6112 - Dimension - Secured Status Network


8447 6113 - Dimension - Financial Instruments Held For Sale Network


8448 6114 - Dimension - Fair Value Movement Network


8449 6115 - Dimension - Fair Value Measurement Type Network


8450 6116 - Dimension - Financial Instrument Level Network


8451 6117 - Dimension - Allowance For Impairment Network


8452 6118 - Dimension - Allowance Account Measurement Type Network


8453 6119 - Dimension - Financial Assets Reclassification Network


8454 6120 - Dimension - Credit Risk Exposure Network


8455 6130 - Dimension - Credit Ratings Network


8456 6131 - Dimension - Industry Concentration Risk Network


8457 6132 - Dimension - Region And Country Of Issuer / Risk Network


8458 6133 - Dimension - Currency Of Denomination Of Financial Instruments Network


8459 6134 - Dimension - Market Risk Type Network


8460 6135 - Dimension - Range Network


8461 6140 - Dimension - Deferred Tax Asset And Liability Classes Network


8462 6141 - Dimension - Share-Based Payment Arrangements Network


8463 6142 - Dimension - Share-Based Payment Grants Network


8464 6143 - Dimension - Post-Employment Benefit Plans Network


8465 6144 - Dimension - Related Parties Network


8466 6145 - Dimension - Related Party Transaction Type Network


8467 6146 - Dimension - Contingent Liabilities Classes Network


8468 6150 - Dimension - Restatements And First Time Adoption Network


8469 6160 - Dimension - Financial Assets Impairment Stage Network


8470 6161 - Dimension - Credit Risk Internal Grade Ratings Network


8471 6162 - Dimension - Intangible Assets Ownership Type Network


8472 6163 - Dimension - Contract Type Network


8473 6164 - Dimension - Contract Duration Network


8474 6165 - Dimension - Goods And Services Transfers Timing Network


8475 6166 - Dimension - Sales Channel Network


8476 9000 - Hypercube - Basic Network


8477 90001 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 1 Network


8478 90002 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 2 Network


8479 90003 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 3 Network


8480 90004 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 4 Network


8481 90005 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 5 Network


8482 90006 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 6 Network


8483 90007 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 7 Network


8484 90008 - Hypercube - Basic Grouping 8 Network


8485 90009 - Hypercube - Basic Analysis 1 Network


8486 9001 - Hypercube - Countries Network


8487 9002 - Hypercube - Currencies Network


8488 9003 - Hypercube - Languages Network


8489 9009 - Hypercube - Main Industry Sector Network


8490 9010 - Hypercube - Legal Form of Entity Network


8491 9011 - Hypercube - Shares Network


8492 90111 - Hypercube - Shares Analysis 1 Network


8493 90112 - Hypercube - Shares Grouping 1 Network


8494 9012 - Hypercube - Entity Trading Status Network


8495 9013 - Hypercube - Entity Special Legal Status Network


8496 9014 - Hypercube - Entity Officers Network


8497 90141 - Hypercube - Entity Officers Grouping 1 Network


8498 90142 - Hypercube - Entity Officers Grouping 2 Network


8499 90143 - Hypercube - Entity Officers Analysis 1 Network


8500 9015 - Hypercube - Entity Contact Info Network


8501 9016 - Hypercube - Third Party Agents Network


8502 9020 - Hypercube - Scope of Accounts Network


8503 9021 - Hypercube - Accounting Standards Applied Network


8504 9022 - Hypercube - SORPs Applied Network


8505 9023 - Hypercube - Applicable Legislation Network


8506 9024 - Hypercube - Accounts Status Network


8507 9025 - Hypercube - Accounts Type Network


8508 9026 - Hypercube - Report Period Network


8509 9030 - Hypercube - PPE Network


8510 90301 - Hypercube - PPE Analysis 1 Network


8511 9031 - Hypercube - PPE - Range Network


8512 9032 - Hypercube - PPE - Segments Network


8513 9034 - Hypercube - Intangibles Network


8514 90341 - Hypercube - Intangibles Analysis 1 Network


8515 90342 - Hypercube - Intangibles Grouping 1 Network


8516 90343 - Hypercube - Intangibles Grouping 2 Network


8517 9035 - Hypercube - Intangibles - Range Network


8518 9036 - Hypercube - Intangibles - Segments Network


8519 9038 - Hypercube - Investment Property Network


8520 90381 - Hypercube - Investment Property Analysis 1 Network


8521 9039 - Hypercube - Investment Property - Range Network


8522 9040 - Hypercube - Investment Property - Segments Network


8523 9042 - Hypercube - Biological Assets Network


8524 90421 - Hypercube - Biological Assets Analysis 1 Network


8525 9043 - Hypercube - Biological Assets - Range Network


8526 9044 - Hypercube - Biological Assets - Segments Network


8527 9046 - Hypercube - Provisions Network


8528 90461 - Hypercube - Provisions Analysis 1 Network


8529 9047 - Hypercube - Provisions - Segments Network


8530 9050 - Hypercube - Financial Instruments - Simple Network


8531 9052 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Basic Network


8532 90521 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Basic Analysis 1 Network


8533 9053 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Full Network


8534 90531 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Full Analysis 1 Network


8535 9054 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Segments Network


8536 9055 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Simple Network


8537 9056 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Subsidiaries Basic Network


8538 9057 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Subsidiaries Full Network


8539 9058 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Associates Basic Network


8540 9059 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Associates Full Network


8541 9060 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Joint Ventures Basic Network


8542 9061 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Joint Ventures Full Network


8543 9062 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Parents Basic Network


8544 9063 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Parents Full Network


8545 9064 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Other Parties Basic Network


8546 9065 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Other Parties Full Network


8547 9066 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Equities Basic Network


8548 9067 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Equities Full Network


8549 9068 - Hypercube - Financial Assets - Reclassification Network


8550 9069 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Basic Network


8551 90691 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Basic Analysis 1 Network


8552 9070 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Full Network


8553 90701 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Full Analysis 1 Network


8554 90702 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Bank Loan Grouping 1 Network


8555 9071 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Segments Network


8556 9072 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Simple Network


8557 9074 - Hypercube - Derivatives - Basic Network


8558 9075 - Hypercube - Derivatives - Full Network


8559 9076 - Hypercube - Derivatives - Segments Network


8560 9077 - Hypercube - Derivatives - Simple Network


8561 9080 - Hypercube - Income - Main Network


8562 90801 - Hypercube - Income - Main Analysis 1 Network


8563 9081 - Hypercube - Income - Assets Network


8564 9082 - Hypercube - Income - PPE Network


8565 90821 - Hypercube - Income - PPE Grouping 1 Network


8566 9083 - Hypercube - Income - Intangibles Network


8567 90831 - Hypercube - Income - Intangibles Grouping 1 Network


8568 9084 - Hypercube - Income - Investment Property Network


8569 9085 - Hypercube - Income - Biological Assets Network


8570 9088 - Hypercube - Income - Subsidiaries Network


8571 9089 - Hypercube - Income - Associates Network


8572 9090 - Hypercube - Income - Joint Ventures Network


8573 9095 - Hypercube - Income - Operating Leases Network


8574 9096 - Hypercube - Income - Finance Leases Network


8575 9097 - Hypercube - Income - Provisions Network


8576 9098 - Hypercube - Income - Business Combinations Network


8577 9099 - Hypercube - Income - Parents Network


8578 9100 - Hypercube - Income - Other Related Parties Network


8579 9101 - Hypercube - Income - Basic Network


8580 9105 - Hypercube - Audit Fees Network


8581 9106 - Hypercube - Segments - Text Network


8582 9107 - Hypercube - Continuing - Discontinued Network


8583 91071 - Hypercube - Continuing - Discontinued Analysis 1 Network


8584 9108 - Hypercube - Continuing - Discontinued - Segments Network


8585 9110 - Hypercube - EPS Network


8586 9111 - Hypercube - Inventories Network


8587 9112 - Hypercube - Inventories - Segments Network


8588 9113 - Hypercube - Inventories - Segments Analysis 1 Network


8589 9115 - Hypercube - Operating Leases - Basic Network


8590 9116 - Hypercube - Operating Leases - Main Network


8591 9117 - Hypercube - Operating Leases - Assets Network


8592 9118 - Hypercube - Operating Leases - Liabilities Network


8593 9120 - Hypercube - Finance Leases - Basic Network


8594 9121 - Hypercube - Finance Leases - Main Network


8595 9122 - Hypercube - Finance Leases - Assets Network


8596 9123 - Hypercube - Finance Leases - Liabilities Network


8597 9130 - Hypercube - Deferred Tax Network


8598 91301 - Hypercube - Deferred Tax Analysis 1 Network


8599 91302 - Hypercube - Deferred Tax Grouping 1 Network


8600 9131 - Hypercube - Deferred Tax - Segments Network


8601 9140 - Hypercube - Entity Officers-Basic Network


8602 9141 - Hypercube - Share-based Payments Network


8603 9145 - Hypercube - Related Parties Network


8604 91451 - Hypercube - Related Parties Grouping 1 Network


8605 9146 - Hypercube - Related Parties - Balances Network


8606 9151 - Hypercube - Contingent Liabilities Network


8607 9154 - Hypercube - Business Combinations Network


8608 91541 - Hypercube - Business Combinations Analysis 1 Network


8609 9155 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - PPE Network


8610 9156 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Intangibles Network


8611 9157 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Inventories Network


8612 9158 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Fin Instruments Network


8613 91581 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Fin Instruments Analysis 1 Network


8614 9160 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Financial Assets Network


8615 91601 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Financial Assets Analysis 1 Network


8616 9161 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Derivatives Network


8617 9162 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Finance Leases Network


8618 9163 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Financial Liabilities Network


8619 91631 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Financial Liabilities Analysis 1 Network


8620 9165 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Provisions Network


8621 9166 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Contingent Liabilities Network


8622 9170 - Hypercube - Income Tax Network


8623 91701 - Hypercube - Income Tax Analysis 1 Network


8624 9172 - Hypercube - Income Tax - Segments Network


8625 9180 - Hypercube - Debtors Network


8626 91801 - Hypercube - Debtors - Analysis 1 Network


8627 9181 - Hypercube - Debtors - Segments Network


8628 9182 - Hypercube - Debtors - Parents Network


8629 9183 - Hypercube - Debtors - Subsidiaries Network


8630 9184 - Hypercube - Debtors - Associates Network


8631 9185 - Hypercube - Debtors - Joint Ventures Network


8632 9186 - Hypercube - Debtors - Other Parties Network


8633 9187 - Hypercube - Debtors - Finance Leases Network


8634 9188 - Hypercube - Debtors - Operating Leases Network


8635 9190 - Hypercube - Creditors Network


8636 91901 - Hypercube - Creditors - Analysis 1 Network


8637 9191 - Hypercube - Creditors - Segments Network


8638 9192 - Hypercube - Creditors - Parents Network


8639 9193 - Hypercube - Creditors - Subsidiaries Network


8640 9194 - Hypercube - Creditors - Associates Network


8641 9195 - Hypercube - Creditors - Joint Ventures Network


8642 9196 - Hypercube - Creditors - Other Parties Network


8643 9197 - Hypercube - Creditors - Finance Leases Network


8644 9200 - Hypercube - Market Risk Network


8645 9202 - Hypercube - Fair Value Movement Network


8646 9205 - Hypercube - Investment Movements Network


8647 92051 - Hypercube - Investment Movements Analysis 1 Network


8648 9206 - Hypercube - Investments - Parents Network


8649 9207 - Hypercube - Investments - Subsidiaries Network


8650 9208 - Hypercube - Investments - Associates Network


8651 9209 - Hypercube - Investments - Joint Ventures Network


8652 9210 - Hypercube - Investments - Other Parties Network


8653 9211 - Hypercube - Investments - Equities Network


8654 9214 - Hypercube - Subsidiaries Network


8655 92141 - Hypercube - Subsidiaries Grouping 1 Network


8656 9215 - Hypercube - Subsidiaries - Countries Network


8657 9216 - Hypercube - Associates Network


8658 92161 - Hypercube - Associates Grouping 1 Network


8659 9217 - Hypercube - Associates - Countries Network


8660 9218 - Hypercube - Joint Ventures Network


8661 92181 - Hypercube - Joint Ventures Grouping 1 Network


8662 9219 - Hypercube - Joint Ventures - Countries Network


8663 9220 - Hypercube - USEs Network


8664 9221 - Hypercube - Intermediary Payment Grouping 1 Network


8665 9230 - Hypercube - Pensions Network


8666 92301 - Hypercube - Pensions - Analysis 1 Network


8667 92302 - Hypercube - Pensions - Grouping 1 Network


8668 9231 - Hypercube - Pensions - Segments Network


8669 9240 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI Network


8670 92401 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI Analysis 1 Network


8671 9241 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI - PPE Network


8672 9242 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI - Shares Network


8673 9243 - Hypercube - Equity and SOCI - Segments Network


8674 9244 - Hypercube - SOCI - Tax Network


8675 92441 - Hypercube - SOCI - Tax Analysis 1 Network


8676 9250 - Hypercube - Cash Flow Network


8677 92501 - Hypercube - Cash Flow Analysis 1 Network


8678 9251 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Parents Network


8679 9252 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Subsidiaries Network


8680 9253 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Associates Network


8681 9254 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Joint Ventures Network


8682 9255 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Other Related Parties Network


8683 9256 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Finance Leases Network


8684 9257 - Hypercube - Cash Flow - Share Classes Network


8685 9260 - Hypercube - Balance Sheet - Basic Network


8686 92601 - Hypercube - Balance Sheet Analysis 1 Network


8687 9261 - Hypercube - Balance Sheet - Own Shares Network


8688 9990 - Hypercube - Empty Network


8689 9991 - Cross-References Network


8690 9992 - Inflows Network


8691 9993 - Outflows Network


8692 Char - 6000 - Dimension - Activity Network


8693 Char - 6010 - Dimension - Charitable Income Type Network


8694 Char - 6020 - Dimension - Non-charitable Income Type Network


8695 Char - 6030 - Dimension - Fundraising Expense Type Network


8696 Char - 6040 - Dimension - Concessionary loans Network


8697 Char - 6160 - Dimension - Charity Funds Network


8698 Char - 6170 - Dimension - Charitable Objectives Network


8699 Char - 6180 - Dimension - Form of Governing Document Network


8700 Char - 6200 - Dimension - Heritage Assets Class Network


8701 Char - 6210 - Dimension - Heritage Assets Group Network


8702 Char - 6220 - Dimension - Heritage Assets Basis of Recognition Network


8703 Char - 6230 - Dimension - Material Funds Network


8704 Char - 6240 - Dimension - Linked Charity Network


8705 Char - 6250 - Dimension - Institutional grant recipient Network


8706 Char - 6260 - Dimension - Salary Band Network


8707 Char - 6270 - Dimension - Funds Received As Agent Network


8708 Char - 6280 - Dimension - Pooling Scheme Fund Network


8709 Char - 6290 - Dimension - Charitable Associate Activity Network


8710 Char - 6300 - Dimension - Charitable Joint Venture Activity Network


8711 Char - 9000B - Hypercube - Basic Grouping B Network


8712 Char - 9073 - Hypercube - Financial Liabilities - Concessionary Loans Network


8713 Char - 90895 - Hypercube - Income - Associates - Charitable Activity Network


8714 Char - 90905 - Hypercube - Income - Joint Ventures - Charitable Activity Network


8715 Char - 9091 - Hypercube - Income - Heritage Assets Network


8716 Char - 9092 - Hypercube - Income - Salary Band Network


8717 Char - 9093 - Hypercube - Income - Activity Network


8718 Char - 9094 - Hypercube - Income - Activity - Charitable Income Type Network


8719 Char - 9095 - Hypercube - Income - Activity - Non-charitable Income Type Network


8720 Char - 9167 - Hypercube - Business Combinations - Linked Charity Network


8721 Char - 92175 - Hypercube - Associates - Charitable Activity Network


8722 Char - 92195 - Hypercube - Joint Ventures - Charitable Activity Network


8723 Char - 9270 - Hypercube - Financial Activities (Charities) Network


8724 Char - 92701 - Hypercube - Financial Activities (Charities) - Analysis 1 Network


8725 Char - 9271 - Hypercube - Financial Activities (Charities) - Activity Network


8726 Char - 9280 - Hypercube - Charitable Objectives Network


8727 Char - 9300 - Hypercube - Heritage Assets Network


8728 Char - 93001 - Hypercube - Heritage Assets - Analysis 1 Network


8729 Char - 9301 - Hypercube - Heritage Assets - Segments Network


8730 Char - 9310 - Hypercube - Charity Funds Network


8731 Char - 9311 - Hypercube - Charity Funds - Received as Agent Network


8732 Char - 9312 - Hypercube - Charity Funds - Pooling Scheme Network


8733 Char - 9313 - Hypercube - Charity Funds - Material Network


8734 Char - 9320 - Hypercube - Form Of Governing Document Network


8735 Char - 9330 - Hypercube - Expenditure Network


8736 Char - 93301 - Hypercube - Expenditure Analysis 1 Network


8737 Char - 93305 - Hypercube - Expenditure Grouping 4 Network


8738 Char - 93311 - Hypercube - Expenditure - Grant Recipient Grouping 1 Network


8739 Char - 9332 - Hypercube - Expenditure - Activity Network


8740 Char - 9333 - Hypercube - Expenditure - Fundraising Expense Type Network


8741 Char - 9334 - Hypercube - Expenditure - Activity - Fundraising Expense Type Network

