1 | Each Dimension in the context of a Fact should appear as a descendant of [Axis] in at least one [Table] | xc-usgt-e:FactWithDimensionNotInAnyPresentationTable |
2 | In a presentation network, [Axis] should only appear as a child of a [Table] | xc-usgt-e:PresentationDimensionPlacement |
3 | In a presentation network, each descendant of [Line Items] should be a Primary Item of the corresponding [Table] (Abstracts concepts are exempt from this rule) | xc-usgt-e:PresentationLineItemNotDefinedInTable |
4 | Axis defined in presentation, but not in corresponding hypercube | xc-usgt-e:PresentationTableExtraneousAxis |
5 | Axis defined in hypercube, but not in corresponding presentation | xc-usgt-e:PresentationTableMissingAxis |
6 | In a presentation network, only [Axis] and [Line Items] should appear as children of a [Table] | xc-usgt-e:PresentationTableOtherConcepts |
7 | In a Hypercube, all primary items should appear as a primary item in the corresponding presentation [Abstracts are exempt from this rule] | xc-usgt-e:TablePrimaryItemNotPresentationLineItem |