Standard Label: | Description of comparison between assets and liabilities recognised in relation to structured entities and maximum exposure to loss from interests in structured entities |
Name: | ifrs-full:DescriptionOfComparisonBetweenAssetsAndLiabilitiesRecognisedInRelationToStructuredEntitiesAndMaximumExposureToLossFromInterestsInStructuredEntities |
Identifier: | ifrs-full_DescriptionOfComparisonBetweenAssetsAndLiabilitiesRecognisedInRelationToStructuredEntitiesAndMaximumExposureToLossFromInterestsInStructuredEntities |
Documentation: | The description of the comparison of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities of the entity that relate to its interests in structured entities and the entity's maximum exposure to loss from those entities. [Refer: Carrying amount [member]; Unconsolidated structured entities [member]; Maximum exposure to loss from interests in structured entities] |
Category of Term: | Concept |
References: | IFRS 12 29 d |
Balance type: | none |
Period type: | duration |
Data type: | xbrli:stringItemType |
Last updated: 12/22/2019 8:30:59 AM