
Term: Description of cross-reference to disclosures about plans that share risks between entities under common control in another group entity's financial statements
Standard Label: Description of cross-reference to disclosures about plans that share risks between entities under common control in another group entity's financial statements
Name: ifrs-full:DescriptionOfCrossreferenceToDisclosuresAboutPlansThatShareRisksBetweenEntitiesUnderCommonControlInAnotherGroupEntitysFinancialStatements
Identifier: ifrs-full_DescriptionOfCrossreferenceToDisclosuresAboutPlansThatShareRisksBetweenEntitiesUnderCommonControlInAnotherGroupEntitysFinancialStatements
Documentation: The description of cross-references to disclosures about defined benefit plans that share risks between entities under common control in another group entity's financial statements. [Refer: Defined benefit plans that share risks between entities under common control [member]]
Category of Term: Concept
References: IAS 19 150
Balance type: none
Period type: duration
Data type: xbrli:stringItemType

Last updated: 12/22/2019 8:30:59 AM

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