
Term: Description of method to recognise insurance acquisition cash flows when using premium allocation approach
Standard Label: Description of method to recognise insurance acquisition cash flows when using premium allocation approach
Name: ifrs-full:DescriptionOfMethodToRecogniseInsuranceAcquisitionCashFlowsWhenUsingPremiumAllocationApproach
Identifier: ifrs-full_DescriptionOfMethodToRecogniseInsuranceAcquisitionCashFlowsWhenUsingPremiumAllocationApproach
Documentation: The description of the method chosen by an entity that uses the premium allocation approach to recognise insurance acquisition cash flows applying paragraph 59(a) of IFRS 17. Premium allocation approach is an approach, described in paragraphs 53-59 of IFRS 17, that simplifies the measurement of the liability for remaining coverage of a group of insurance contracts. [Refer: Increase (decrease) through insurance acquisition cash flows, insurance contracts liability (asset)]
Category of Term: Concept
Balance type: none
Period type: duration
Data type: xbrli:stringItemType

Last updated: 12/22/2019 8:31:02 AM

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