Standard Label: | Description of valuation techniques used to measure fair value less costs of disposal |
Name: | ifrs-full:DescriptionOfValuationTechniquesUsedToMeasureFairValueLessCostsOfDisposal |
Identifier: | ifrs-full_DescriptionOfValuationTechniquesUsedToMeasureFairValueLessCostsOfDisposal |
Documentation: | The description of the valuation techniques used to measure fair value less costs of disposal for a cash generating unit (group of units). [Refer: Valuation techniques [member]] |
Category of Term: | Concept |
References: | IAS 36 130 f ii | IAS 36 134 e |
Balance type: | none |
Period type: | duration |
Data type: | xbrli:stringItemType |
Last updated: 12/22/2019 8:31:07 AM