
Term: Explanation of whether breaches which permitted lender to demand accelerated repayment were remedied or terms of loans payable were renegotiated before financial statements were authorised for issue
Standard Label: Explanation of whether breaches which permitted lender to demand accelerated repayment were remedied or terms of loans payable were renegotiated before financial statements were authorised for issue
Name: ifrs-full:ExplanationOfWhetherBreachesWhichPermittedLenderToDemandAcceleratedRepaymentWereRemediedOrTermsOfLoansPayableWereRenegotiatedBeforeFinancialStatementsWereAuthorisedForIssue
Identifier: ifrs-full_ExplanationOfWhetherBreachesWhichPermittedLenderToDemandAcceleratedRepaymentWereRemediedOrTermsOfLoansPayableWereRenegotiatedBeforeFinancialStatementsWereAuthorisedForIssue
Documentation: The explanation of whether breaches of loan terms that permitted the lender to demand accelerated repayment were remedied, or terms of loans payable were renegotiated, before the financial statements were authorised for issue.
Category of Term: Concept
References: IFRS 7 19
Balance type: none
Period type: duration
Data type: xbrli:stringItemType

Last updated: 12/22/2019 8:31:27 AM

Public Domain