
Term: Gain (loss) recognised as result of remeasuring to fair value equity interest in acquiree held by acquirer before business combination
Standard Label: Gain (loss) recognised as result of remeasuring to fair value equity interest in acquiree held by acquirer before business combination
Name: ifrs-full:GainLossRecognisedAsResultOfRemeasuringToFairValueEquityInterestInAcquireeHeldByAcquirerBeforeBusinessCombination
Identifier: ifrs-full_GainLossRecognisedAsResultOfRemeasuringToFairValueEquityInterestInAcquireeHeldByAcquirerBeforeBusinessCombination
Documentation: The gain (loss) recognised as result of remeasuring to fair value the equity interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer before the business combination. [Refer: Business combinations [member]]
Category of Term: Concept
References: IFRS 3 B64 p ii
Balance type: credit
Period type: duration
Data type: xbrli:monetaryItemType

Last updated: 12/22/2019 8:31:32 AM

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