
Term: Insurance contracts [member]
Standard Label: Insurance contracts [member]
Name: ifrs-full:InsuranceContractsMember2017
Identifier: ifrs-full_InsuranceContractsMember2017
Documentation: This member stands for contracts under which one party (the issuer) accepts significant insurance risk from another party (the policyholder) by agreeing to compensate the policyholder if a specified uncertain future event (the insured event) adversely affects the policyholder. All references in IFRS 17 to insurance contracts also apply to: (a) reinsurance contracts held, except: (i) for references to insurance contracts issued; and (ii) as described in paragraphs 60–70 of IFRS 17; (b) investment contracts with discretionary participation features provided the entity also issues insurance contracts, except for the reference to insurance contracts in paragraph 3(c) of IFRS 17 and as described in paragraph 71 of IFRS 17. An investment contract with discretionary participation features is a financial instrument that provides a particular investor with the contractual right to receive, as a supplement to an amount not subject to the discretion of the issuer, additional amounts: (a) that are expected to be a significant portion of the total contractual benefits; (b) the timing or amount of which are contractually at the discretion of the issuer; and (c) that are contractually based on: (i) the returns on a specified pool of contracts or a specified type of contract; (ii) realised and/or unrealised investment returns on a specified pool of assets held by the issuer; or (iii) the profit or loss of the entity or fund that issues the contract. This member also represents the standard value for the 'Insurance contracts' axis if no other member is used.
Category of Term: Member
Balance type: none
Period type: duration
Data type: nonnum:domainItemType

Last updated: 12/22/2019 8:31:44 AM

Public Domain