[819100] Notes - First time adoption

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 [819100] Notes - First time adoption Network



2 Disclosure of first-time adoption [text block] Concept (Text Block (HTML)) For Period ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFirstTimeAdoptionExplanatory
3 Description of nature of main adjustments that would make historical summaries or comparative information presented in accordance with previous GAAP comply with IFRSs Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:DescriptionOfNatureOfMainAdjustmentsThatWouldMakeHistoricalSummariesOrComparativeInformationPresentedInAccordanceWithPreviousGAAPComplyWithIFRSs
4 Disclosure of comparative information prepared under previous GAAP [text block] Concept (Text Block (HTML)) For Period ifrs-full:DisclosureOfComparativeInformationPreparedUnderPreviousGAAPExplanatory
5 Disclosure of comparative information prepared under previous GAAP [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:DisclosureOfComparativeInformationPreparedUnderPreviousGAAPAbstract
6 Disclosure of comparative information prepared under previous GAAP [table] Table ifrs-full:DisclosureOfComparativeInformationPreparedUnderPreviousGAAPTable
7 Financial effect of transition from previous GAAP to IFRSs [axis] Axis ifrs-full:FinancialEffectOfTransitionFromPreviousGAAPToIFRSsAxis
8 IFRSs [member] Member ifrs-full:IFRSsMember
9 Previous GAAP [member] Member ifrs-full:PreviousGAAPMember
10 Effect of transition to IFRSs [member] Member ifrs-full:EffectOfTransitionToIFRSsMember
11 Disclosure of comparative information prepared under previous GAAP [line items] LineItems ifrs-full:DisclosureOfComparativeInformationPreparedUnderPreviousGAAPLineItems
12 Equity Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit ifrs-full:Equity
13 Comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:ComprehensiveIncome
14 Profit (loss) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:ProfitLoss
15 Explanation of effect of transition on reported financial position Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:ExplanationOfEffectOfTransitionOnReportedFinancialPosition
16 Explanation of effect of transition on reported financial performance Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:ExplanationOfEffectOfTransitionOnReportedFinancialPerformance
17 Explanation of effect of transition on reported cash flows Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:ExplanationOfEffectOfTransitionOnReportedCashFlows
18 Description of reason why entity stopped applying IFRSs Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:DescriptionOfReasonWhyEntityStoppedApplyingIFRSs
19 Description of reason why entity is resuming application of IFRSs Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:DescriptionOfReasonWhyEntityIsResumingApplicationOfIFRSs
20 Explanation of reasons why entity elected to apply IFRSs as if it had never stopped applying IFRSs Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:ExplanationOfReasonsWhyEntityElectedToApplyIFRSsAsIfItHadNeverStoppedApplyingIFRSs
21 Explanation of fact that financial statements for previous periods not presented Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:ExplanationOfFactThatFinancialStatementsForPreviousPeriodsNotPresented
22 Explanation of cross-reference to interim financial statement disclosures for first-time adopter Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:ExplanationOrCrossReferencesToInterimFinancialStatementDisclosuresForFirsttimeAdopter
23 Disclosure of redesignated financial assets and liabilities [text block] Concept (Text Block (HTML)) For Period ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRedesignatedFinancialAssetsAndLiabilitiesExplanatory
24 Disclosure of redesignated financial assets and liabilities [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRedesignatedFinancialAssetsAndLiabilitiesAbstract
25 Disclosure of redesignated financial assets and liabilities [table] Table ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRedesignatedFinancialAssetsAndLiabilitiesTable
26 Redesignation [axis] Axis ifrs-full:RedesignationAxis
27 Redesignated [member] Member ifrs-full:RedesignatedMember
28 Previous GAAP [member] Member ifrs-full:PreviousGAAPMember
29 Redesignated amount [member] Member ifrs-full:RedesignatedAmountMember
30 Disclosure of redesignated financial assets and liabilities [line items] LineItems ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRedesignatedFinancialAssetsAndLiabilitiesLineItems
31 Redesignated financial asset as available-for-sale Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:RedesignatedFinancialAssetAsAvailableforsale
32 Redesignated financial asset as at fair value through profit or loss Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:RedesignatedFinancialAssetAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
33 Redesignated financial liability as at fair value through profit or loss Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit ifrs-full:RedesignatedFinancialLiabilityAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss
34 Description of redesignated financial liabilities Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:DescriptionOfRedesignatedFinancialLiabilities
35 Description of redesignated financial assets Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:DescriptionOfRedesignatedFinancialAssets
36 Disclosure of fair values of items used as deemed cost [text block] Concept (Text Block (HTML)) For Period ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValuesOfItemsUsedAsDeemedCostExplanatory
37 Disclosure of fair values of items used as deemed cost [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValuesOfItemsUsedAsDeemedCostAbstract
38 Disclosure of fair values of items used as deemed cost [table] Table ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValuesOfItemsUsedAsDeemedCostTable
39 Fair value as deemed cost [axis] Axis ifrs-full:FairValueAsDeemedCostAxis
40 Aggregate of fair values [member] Member ifrs-full:AggregateOfFairValuesMember
41 Previous GAAP [member] Member ifrs-full:PreviousGAAPMember
42 Aggregate adjustment to carrying amounts reported under previous GAAP [member] Member ifrs-full:AggregateAdjustmentToCarryingValueReportedUnderPreviousGAAPMember
43 Disclosure of fair values of items used as deemed cost [line items] LineItems ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValuesOfItemsUsedAsDeemedCostLineItems
44 Intangible asset fair value used as deemed cost Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetFairValueUsedAsDeemedCost
45 Property, plant and equipment fair value used as deemed cost Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentFairValueUsedAsDeemedCost
46 Investment property fair value used as deemed cost Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:InvestmentPropertyFairValueUsedAsDeemedCost
47 Right-of-use asset fair value used as deemed cost Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetFairValueUsedAsDeemedCost
48 Aggregate deemed cost of investments for which deemed cost is previous GAAP carrying amount Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:DeemedCostOfInvestmentsForWhichDeemedCostIsPreviousGAAPCarryingAmount
49 Aggregate deemed cost of investments for which deemed cost is fair value Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:DeemedCostOfInvestmentsForWhichDeemedCostIsFairValue
50 Aggregate adjustment to carrying amounts of investments reported under previous GAAP Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentToCarryingAmountsReportedUnderPreviousGAAP
51 Description of fact and basis on which carrying amounts determined under previous GAAP were allocated if entity uses exemption in IFRS 1.D8A(b) Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:DescriptionOfFactAndBasisOnWhichCarryingAmountsDeterminedUnderPreviousGAAPWereAllocatedIfEntityUsesExemptionInIFRS1D8Ab
52 Description of fact and basis on which carrying amounts were determined under previous GAAP if entity uses exemption in IFRS 1.D8B Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:DescriptionOfFactAndBasisOnWhichCarryingAmountsWereDeterminedIfEntityUsesExemptionInIFRS1D8B
53 Explanation of how and why entity had, and ceased to have, functional currency for which reliable general price index is not available and no exchangeability with stable foreign currency exists Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:ExplanationOfHowAndWhyEntityHadAndCeasedToHaveFunctionalCurrencyForWhichReliableGeneralPriceIndexIsNotAvailableAndNoExchangeabilityWithStableForeignCurrencyExists
54 Statement that comparative information does not comply with IFRS 7 and IFRS 9 Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:StatementThatComparativeInformationDoesNotComplyWithIFRS7AndIFRS9
55 Description of basis used to prepare comparative information that does not comply with IFRS 7 and IFRS 9 Concept (Text/String) For Period ifrs-full:DescriptionOfBasisUsedToPrepareComparativeInformationThatDoesNotComplyWithIFRS7AndIFRS9