Line |
Label |
Object Class |
Period Type |
Balance |
Report ElementName |
1 |
Topics |
Network |
* |
* | |
2 |
Components of Financial Report |
Abstract |
topics:ComponentsOfFinancialReport |
3 |
Face Statements |
Abstract |
topics:FaceStatements |
4 |
Statement of Financial Position |
Abstract |
topics:StatementOfFinancialPosition |
5 |
Statement of Financial Performance |
Abstract |
topics:StatementOfFinancialPerformance |
6 |
Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity |
Abstract |
topics:StatementOfChangesInNetAssetsEquity |
7 |
Cash Flow Statement |
Abstract |
topics:CashFlowStatement |
8 |
Nature of Economic Entity |
Abstract |
topics:NatureOfEconomicEntity |
9 |
Basis of Presentation |
Abstract |
topics:BasisOfPresentation |
10 |
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies |
Abstract |
topics:SummaryOfSignificantAccountingPolicies |
11 |
Supporting Information for Items Presented in Face Statements |
Abstract |
topics:SupportingInformationForItemsPresentedInFaceStatements |
12 |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
Abstract |
topics:PropertyPlantAndEquipment |
13 |
Investment Property |
Abstract |
topics:InvestmentProperty |
14 |
Intangible Assets |
Abstract |
topics:IntangibleAssets |
15 |
Financial Assets |
Abstract |
topics:FinancialAssets |
16 |
Investments Accountinged for Using Equity Method |
Abstract |
topics:InvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
17 |
Inventories |
Abstract |
topics:Inventories |
18 |
Recoveries from Nonexchange Transactions |
Abstract |
topics:RecoveriesFromNonexchangeTransactions |
19 |
Receivables from Exchange Transactions |
Abstract |
topics:ReceivablesFromExchangeTransactions |
20 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents |
Abstract |
topics:CashAndCashEquivalents |
21 |
Taxes and Transfers Payable |
Abstract |
topics:TaxesAndTransfersPayable |
22 |
Payables Under Exchange Transactions |
Abstract |
topics:PayablesUnderExchangeTransactions |
23 |
Provisions |
Abstract |
topics:Provisions |
24 |
Financial Liabilities |
Abstract |
topics:FinancialLiabilities |
25 |
Net Assets/Equity Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest |
Abstract |
topics:NetAssetsEquityAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
26 |
Net Assets/Equity Attributable to Controlling Interest |
Abstract |
topics:NetAssetsEquityAttributableToControllingInterest |
27 |
Revenue |
Abstract |
topics:Revenue |
28 |
Expenses |
Abstract |
topics:Expenses |
29 |
Finance Costs |
Abstract |
topics:FinanceCosts |
30 |
Share of Surplus (Deficit) of Associates and Joint Ventures Accounted for Using Equity Method Investments |
Abstract |
topics:ShareOfSurplusDeficitOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethodInvestments |
31 |
Pretax Gain (Loss) Recognized on Disposal of Assets or Settlement of Liabilities Attributable To Discontinued Operations |
Abstract |
topics:PretaxGainLossRecognizedOnDisposalOfAssetsOrSettlementOfLiabilitiesAttributableToDiscontinuedOperations |
32 |
Surplus (Deficit) |
Abstract |
topics:SurplusDeficit |
33 |
Net Assets/Equity |
Abstract |
topics:NetAssetsEquity |
34 |
Cash Flow Supplemental Information |
Abstract |
topics:CashFlowSupplementalInformation |
35 |
Other Disclosures |
Abstract |
topics:OtherDisclosures |
36 |
Contingent Liabilities and Unrecognized Contractual Commitments |
Abstract |
topics:ContingentLiabilitiesAndUnrecognizedContractualCommitments |
37 |
Nonfinancial Disclosures |
Abstract |
topics:NonfinancialDisclosures |
38 |
Dividends Proposed or Declared |
Abstract |
topics:DividendsProposedOrDeclared |
39 |
Cumulative Preference Dividends Not Recognized |
Abstract |
topics:CumulativePreferenceDividendsNotRecognized |
40 |
Write-downs of Inventories |
Abstract |
topics:WriteDownsOfInventories |
41 |
Restructurings |
Abstract |
topics:Restructurings |
42 |
Disposals of Property, Plant, and Equipment |
Abstract |
topics:DisposalsOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
43 |
Disposals of Investments |
Abstract |
topics:DisposalsOfInvestments |
44 |
Discontinued Operations |
Abstract |
topics:DiscontinuedOperations |
45 |
Litigation Settlements |
Abstract |
topics:LitigationSettlements |
46 |
Other Reversals of Provisions |
Abstract |
topics:OtherReversalsOfProvisions |
47 |
Segment Reporting |
Abstract |
topics:SegmentReporting |
48 |
Leases |
Abstract |
topics:Leases |
49 |
Events After Reporting Date |
Abstract |
topics:EventsAfterReportingDate |
50 |
Explanitory Information |
Abstract |
topics:ExplanitoryInformation |
51 |
Document and Entity Information |
Abstract |
topics:DocumentAndEntityInformation |