INDEX (Not-for-Profit Financial Reporting)

This page contains summary information related to an XBRL taxonomy used by not-for-profit entities to create external financial reports. For more human-readable information please go to the HOME page. This resource is a machine-readable ontology-like thing or logical system that supports creating XBRL-based digital financial reports using not-for-profit financial reporting rules.

Not-for-Profit Financial Reporting Knowledge Base

The Not-for-Profit Financial Reporting Knowledgebase is a prototype XBRL-based digital financial reporting scheme that demonstrates a modern approach to creating a financial reporting scheme. This approach can be used for general purpose or special purpose financial reporting.

The following is a quick reference to information provided within this human-readable and machine-readable knowledgebase.


Unified Chart of Accounts (UCOA) Prototype

Last updated: 5/7/2020 8:59:30 AM

Public Domain