# | Business use case title | Description | Visual image |
1. | 1000-001-DocumentInformation | Information about the document. | |
2. | 1010-001-EntityInformation | Information which describes the entity which filed the report. | |
3. | 1200-001-BalanceSheet | Classified balance sheet of the economic entity. | |
4. | 1200-002-BalanceSheetLiquidity | Order of liquidity balance sheet of the economic entity. | |
5. | 1210-001-AssetsRollUp | Assets roll up, part of classified balance sheet. | |
6. | 1220-001-LiabilitiesAndEquityRollUp | Liabilities and equity roll up, part of the classified balance sheet | |
7. | 1300-001-StatementOfActivities | Basic statement of activities. | |
8. | 1310-001-StatementOfActivitiesWithVariance | Statement of activities with variance from budget. | |
9. | 1350-001-StatementOfFunctionalExpenses | Basic statement of functional expenses | |
10. | 1400-001-CashFlowStatementDirectMethod | Cash flow statement using the direct method. | |
11. | 1401-001-NetCashFlowRollUp | Net cash flow roll up portion of cash flow statement. | |
12. | 1402-001-CashFlowSummaryRollForward | Cash and cash equivalents roll forward portion of cash flow statement. | |
13. | 1500-001-StatementOfChangesInNetAssets | Statement of changes in net assets. | |
14. | 1611-001-CashAndCashEquivalentsSubclassifications | Cash and cash equivalent subclassifications roll up. | |
15. | 1621-001-ReceivablesSubclassifications | Receivables subclassifications roll up. | |
16. | 1622-001-AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsRollForward | Allowance for doubtful accounts roll forward. | |
17. | 1631-001-InventoriesSubclassifications | Inventory subclassifications roll up. | |
18. | 1635-001-InvestmentsSubclassifications | Investments subclassifications roll up. | |
19. | 1640-001-PropertyPlantEquipmentSubclassifications | Property, plant, and equipment subclassifications roll up | |
20. | 1650-001-OtherAssetsSubclassifications | Other assets subclassifications roll up. | |
21. | 1711-001-AccountsPayableAndAccruedExpensesSubclassifications | Accounts payable and accrued expenses subclassifications. | |
22. | 1712-001-DeferredRevenueSubclassifications | Deferred revenue subclassifications. | |
23. | 1714-001-NotesPayableSubclassifications | Notes payable subclassifications. | |
24. | 1721-001-LongTermDebtSubclassifications | Long-term debt subclassifications roll up. | |
25. | 1723-001-LongTermDebtMaturities | Long-term debt maturities roll up. | |
26. | 1730-001-OtherLiabilitiesSubclassifications | Other liabilities subclassifications. | |
27. | 1740-001-NetAssetsRollForward | Net assets roll forward. | |
28. | 1811-001-DefinedBenefitPlansBenefitObligation | Defined benefit plans benefit obligation roll forward. | |
29. | 1812-001-DefinedBenefitPlansFairValueOfPlanAssets | Defined benefit plans fair value of plan assets roll forward. | |
30. | 1813-001-DefinedBenefitPlansFundedStatus | Defined benefit plans funded status roll up. | |
31. | 1910-001-CashAndCashEquivalentsPolicies | Cash and cash equivalents related policies. | |
32. | 1911-001-ReceivablesPolicies | Receivables related policies. | |
33. | 1912-001-InventoriesPolicies | Inventories related policies. | |
34. | 1913-001-InvestmentsPolicies | Investments related policies. | |
35. | 1914-001-PropertyPlantAndEquipmentPolicies | Property, plant, and equipment related policies. | |
36. | 1915-001-OtherAssetsPolicies | Other assets related policies. | |
37. | 1916-001-PrepaidExpensesPolicies | Prepaid expenses related policies | |
38. | 1930-001-AccountsPayableAndAccruedExpensesPolicies | Accounts payable and accrued expenses related policies. | |
39. | 1931-001-NotesPayablePolicies | Notes payable related policies. | |
40. | 1932-001-PostemploymentBenefitsPolicies | Postemployment benefits related policies | |
41. | 1933-001-LongtermDebtPolicies | Long-term debt related policies. | |
42. | 1934-001-DeferredRevenuePolicies | Deferred revenue related policies. | |
43. | 1935-001-OtherLiabilitiesPolicies | Other liabilities related policies. | |
44. | 1936-001-NetAssetsPolicies | Net assets related policies. | |
45. | 1937-001-UseOfEstimatesPolicies | Use of extimates related policies. | |
46. | 1938-001-RevenueRecognitionPolicies | Revenue recognition related policies. | |
47. | 2000-001-SignificantAccountingPolicies | Signifiant accounting policies of the economic entity. | |
48. | 2010-001-NatureOfEntity | Nature of of the economic entity, its operations, and other such information. | |
49. | 2020-001-BasisOfReporting | Basis of reporting. | |
50. | 2031-001-CashAndCashEquivalentsNote | Cash and cash equivalents note. | |
51. | 2032-001-ReceivablesNote | Receivables note. | |
52. | 2033-001-InventoriesNote | Inventories note. | |
53. | 2034-001-InvestmentsNote | Investments note. | |
54. | 2035-001-PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNote | Property, plant, and equipment note. | |
55. | 2036-001-OtherAssetsNote | Other assets note. | |
56. | 2040-001-AccountsPayableAndAccruedExpensesNote | Accounts payable and accrued expenses note. | |
57. | 2041-001-NotesPayableNote | Notes payable note. | |
58. | 2042-001-PostemploymentBenefitsNote | Postemployment benefits note. | |
59. | 2043-001-LongtermDebtNote | Long-term debt note. | |
60. | 2044-001-DeferredRevenueNote | Deferred revenue note. | |
61. | 2045-001-OtherLiabilitiesNote | Other liabilities note. | |
62. | 2046-001-NetAssetsWithDonorRestrictionsNote | Net assets with donor restrictions note. |
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