
Network: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/EarningsPerShare
Label/Title: Earnings Per Share
Name: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/EarningsPerShare
XBRL presentation relations: http://xbrl.fasb.org/us-gaap/2019/dis/us-gaap-dis-eps-pre-2019-01-31.xml
Category: Disclosure
Number: 780000
ASC Topic #: 260
Tree View of Network: http://xbrlsite-app.azurewebsites.net/TreeView/eps.aspx
Disclosures: Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share, by Security Name [Hierarchy] | Earnings Per Share, Basic, by Common Class, Including Two Class Method [Table] (DO NOT USE) | Earnings Per Share, Diluted, by Common Class, Including Two Class Method [Table] (DO NOT USE) | Earnings Per Share Note [Note Level] | Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding, Basic [Roll Up]
Number of elements: 257
Flat representation: (shown below) ../viewer/us-gaap-dis-eps-pre-2019-01-31_ModelStructure.html
Flat representation

Last updated: 12/14/2019 11:01:18 AM

Public Domain