Disclosure Information: Leveraged Buyout Transaction [Hierarchy]
Label: Leveraged Buyout Transaction [Hierarchy]
Name: LeveragedBuyoutTransactionHierarchy
Parent Topic: BusinessCombinations
Documentation: Disclosure of information about leveraged buyout transaction(s).
Commentary: Seems like this should be in a table. Also, this does not seem to be in the 2015 US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy.
Level: Detail
Concept arrangement pattern: [Hierarchy]
Completion state: WIP
Exemplars: {no examples yet]
Taxonomy Network: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/BusinessCombinations

Prototype for disclosure: Machine Readable
Line Label Object Class (Data type) Period Type Balance Report Element Name
1 Leveraged Buyout Transaction [Hierarchy] Abstract added:LeveragedBuyoutTransactionHierarchy
2 Leveraged Buyout, Methodology and Assumptions Concept (Text/String) For Period us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutMethodologyAndAssumptions
3 Leveraged Buyout, Option Cost Previously Recognized Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutOptionCostPreviouslyRecognized
4 Leveraged Buyout, Continuing Ownership Interest by Continuing Stockholders Concept (Percent) As Of us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutContinuingOwnershipInterestByContinuingStockholders
5 Leveraged Buyout, Ownership Interest of New Investors Concept (Percent) As Of us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutOwnershipInterestOfNewInvestors
6 Leveraged Buyout, Percentage of Purchase Price Allocated to Assets and Liabilities Acquired at Fair Value Concept (Percent) As Of us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutPercentageOfPurchasePriceAllocatedToAssetsAndLiabilitiesAcquiredAtFairValue
7 Leveraged Buyout, Percentage of Purchase Price Allocated to Assets and Liabilities Acquired at Carryover Basis Concept (Percent) As Of us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutPercentageOfPurchasePriceAllocatedToAssetsAndLiabilitiesAcquiredAtCarryoverBasis
8 Leveraged Buyout, Predecessor Basis Adjustment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutPredecessorBasisAdjustment
9 Leveraged Buyout, Description of Equity Debit Resulting from Carryover Basis Concept (Text/String) For Period us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutDescriptionOfEquityDebitResultingFromCarryoverBasis
10 Leveraged Buyout, Cost of Transaction, Description Concept (Text/String) For Period us-gaap:LeveragedBuyoutCostOfTransactionDescription

Business Rules for Disclosure: Controlled Natural Language
Rules for disclosure: disclosures:LeveragedBuyoutTransactionHierarchy 
This disclosure:

   - MUST be represented as the Concept Arrangement Pattern: cm:Hierarchy

Business Rules for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
From Arcrole (predicate) To
disclosures:LeveragedBuyoutTransactionHierarchy drules-arcroles:disclosure-hasConceptArrangementPattern cm:Hierarchy

Exemplars for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
Entity Name and Text Block or Detailed Disclosure


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Last updated: 12/11/2019 11:31:09 AM