Disclosure Information: Going Concern Note [Note Level]
Label: Going Concern Note [Note Level]
Name: GoingConcern
Parent Topic: Organization
Documentation: Entire disclosure of information about substantial doubt about a reporting entity being able to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time.
Commentary: Missing [Table]
Level: NoteLevel
Concept arrangement pattern: [Level 1 Text Block]
Completion state: WIP
Exemplars: 32 examples
Taxonomy Network: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/OrganizationConsolidationAndPresentationOfFinancialStatements

Prototype for disclosure: Machine Readable
Line Label Object Class (Data type) Period Type Balance Report Element Name
1 Notes Abstract us-gaap:DisclosureTextBlockAbstract
2 Going Concern Concept (Text/String) For Period us-gaap:LiquidityDisclosureGoingConcernNote

Business Rules for Disclosure: Controlled Natural Language
Rules for disclosure: disclosures:GoingConcern 
This disclosure:

   - MUST be represented as the Concept Arrangement Pattern: cm:Level1TextBlock
   - MUST contain the Level 4 Detailed concept: us-gaap:LiquidityDisclosureGoingConcernNote

Business Rules for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
From Arcrole (predicate) To
disclosures:GoingConcern drules-arcroles:disclosure-hasConceptArrangementPattern cm:Level1TextBlock
disclosures:GoingConcern drules-arcroles:disclosure-requiresConcept us-gaap:LiquidityDisclosureGoingConcernNote

Exemplars for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
Entity Name and Text Block or Detailed Disclosure
ABC Records Management & Data Storage Inc. | AcroBoo, Inc. | AF OCEAN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Co | Agricon Global Corp | ALL MARKETING SOLUTIONS, INC. | AMERICAN CRYOSTEM Corp | AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL VENTURES INC /DE/ | American Nano Silicon Technologies, Inc. | ANGLESEA ENTERPRISES, INC. | ANTIVIRAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | ARVANA INC | ASIA PACIFIC BOILER Corp | AXIM INTERNATIONAL INC. | Bnet Media Group, Inc. | BROADCAST LIVE DIGITAL CORP. | Cavitation Technologies, Inc. | EASTGATE ACQUISITIONS CORP | Energy Telecom, Inc. | FIRST ASIA HOLDINGS Ltd | First Power & Light, Inc. | Recursos Montana S.A. | Santo Mining Corp. | Sears Oil & Gas | SignPath Pharma, Inc. | SPINDLE, INC. | SPIRE TECHNOLOGIES INC. | SPRIZA, INC. | STUDIO II BRANDS INC | SW China Imports, Inc. | Varca Ventures, Inc. | Vu1 CORP | ZD VENTURES Corp |


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Last updated: 12/11/2019 11:31:16 AM