XA: Note: Nature of Business and Overall Financial Reporting Presentation and Display Note

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 XA: Note: Nature of Business and Overall Financial Reporting Presentation and Display Note Network



2 Nature of Business and Overall Financial Reporting Presentation and Display Matters [Table] Table gaap:NatureBusinessOverallFinancialReportingPresentationDisplayMattersTable
3 Legal Entity [Axis] Axis frm:LegalEntityAxis
4 Consolidated Entity [Member] Member frm:ConsolidatedEntityMember
5 Report Date [Axis] Axis frm:ReportDateAxis
6 Reporting Scenario [Axis] Axis frm:ReportingScenarioAxis
7 Actual [Member] Member frm:ActualMember
8 Nature of Business and Overall Financial Reporting Presentation and Display Matters [Line Items] LineItems gaap:NatureBusinessOverallFinancialReportingPresentationDisplayMattersLineItems
9 Nature of Business [HTML] Concept (types:TextBlockNoteItemType) For Period gaap:NatureOfBusinessHTML
10 Overall Financial Report Presentation and Display [HTML] Concept (types:TextBlockNoteItemType) For Period gaap:OverallFinancialReportPresentationDisplayHTML
11 Financial Highlights [HTML] Concept (types:TextBlockScheduleItemType) For Period gaap:FinancialHighlightsHTML
12 Other Matters [HTML] Concept (types:TextBlockNoteItemType) For Period gaap:OtherMattersHTML
13 General Information [Hierarchy] Abstract gaap:GeneralInformationHierarchy
14 Reclassification of Financial Statement Items Concept (xbrli:tokenItemType) For Period gaap:ReclassificationOfFinancialStatementItems
15 Average Number of Employees Concept (Decimal) For Period gaap:AverageNumberEmployees
16 Entity NAISCS Code Concept (xbrli:tokenItemType) For Period gaap:EntityNAISCSCode