Disclosures (with topics)

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Line Label Type Reference Name
1 Disclosures Network


2 Financial Report Heading XASB 200 1 a topics:FinancialReport
3 Primary Financial Statements Heading XASB 205 1 a topics:PrimaryFinancialStatements
4 Balance Sheet Topic XASB 210 1 a topics:BalanceSheet
5 Balance Sheet Disclosure disclosures:BalanceSheet
6 Assets [Roll Up] Disclosure disclosures:AssetsRollUp
7 Liabilities and Equity [Roll Up] Disclosure disclosures:LiabilitiesAndEquityRollUp
8 Income Statement Topic XASB 225 1 a topics:IncomeStatement
9 Income Statement Disclosure disclosures:IncomeStatement
10 Cash Flow Statement Topic XASB 226 1 a topics:CashFlowStatement
11 Cash Flow Statement, Direct Method Disclosure disclosures:CashFlowStatementDirectMethod
12 Statement of Changes in Equity Topic XASB 215 1 a topics:StatementShareholderEquity
13 Statement of Changes in Equity, Prior Period Adjustments Disclosure disclosures:StatementChangesInEquityPriorPeriodAdjustments
14 Statement of Changes in Equity Disclosure disclosures:StatementOfChangesInEquity
15 Statement of Changes in Equity, Preferred Stock by Class Disclosure disclosures:StatementOfChangesInEquityPreferredStockByClass
16 Statement of Changes in Equity, Common Stock by Class Disclosure disclosures:StatementOfChangesInEquityCommonStockByClass
17 Significant Accounting Policies Heading XASB 237 1 a topics:SignificantAccountingPolicies
18 New Accounting Pronouncements Topic XASB 250 1 a topics:NewAccountingPronouncements
19 Significant Accounting Policies Disclosure XASB 250 1 a disclosures:SignificantAccountingPolicies
20 Financial Statement Accounts Heading XASB 300 1 a topics:FinancialStatementAccounts
21 Cash and Cash Equivalents Topic XASB 305 1 a topics:CashAndCashEquivalents
22 Cash and Cash Equivalents Components Disclosure disclosures:CashCashEquivalentsComponents
23 Reconciliation of Cash Summary Disclosure disclosures:ReconciliationOfCashSummary
24 Reconciling Item of Cash and Cash Equivalents Disclosure disclosures:ReconcilingItemOfCashAndCashEquivalents
25 Receivables Topic XASB 310 1 a topics:Receivables
26 Receivables Details, Current and Noncurrent Disclosure disclosures:ReceivablesDetailsCurrentNoncurrent
27 Receivables Details, Gross, Net Disclosure disclosures:ReceivablesDetailsGrossNet
28 Receivables Details, By Compoment Disclosure disclosures:ReceivablesDetailsByCompoment
29 Inventory Topic XASB 330 1 a topics:Inventory
30 Inventory Components Disclosure disclosures:InventoryComponents
31 Other Assets and Deferred Costs Topic XASB 340 1 a topics:DeferredCosts
32 Prepaid Expenses Disclosure disclosures:PrepaidExpenses
33 Other Assets Current and Noncurrent Portions Disclosure disclosures:OtherAssetsCurrentAndNoncurrenPortions
34 Property, Plant, and Equipment Topic XASB 360 1 a topics:PropertyPlantAndEquipment
35 Property, Plant, and Equipment Components Disclosure disclosures:PropertyPlantEquipmentComponents
36 Buildings [Roll Forward] Disclosure disclosures:BuildingsRollForward
37 Furniture and Fixtures [Roll Forward] Disclosure disclosures:FurnitureAndFixturesRollForward
38 Land [Roll Forward] Disclosure disclosures:LandRollForward
39 Other Property, Plant, and Equipment [Roll Forward] Disclosure disclosures:OtherPropertyPlantAndEquipmentRollForward
40 Property, Plant, and Equipment Roll Forward Disclosure disclosures:PropertyPlantEquipmentRollForward
41 Property, Plant, and Equipment Estimated Useful Lives Disclosure disclosures:PropertyPlantEquipmentEstimatedUsefulLives
42 Payables Accruals (Liabilities) Topic XASB 405 1 a topics:PayablesAccruals
43 Payables and Accruals Components Disclosure disclosures:PayablesAccrualsComponents
44 Debt Topic XASB 470 1 a topics:Debt
45 Long-Term Debt Current and Noncurrent Portions Disclosure disclosures:LongTermDebtCurrentNoncurrentPortions
46 Long-Term Debt Maturities Disclosure disclosures:LongTermDebtMaturities
47 Long-Term Debt Instruments Disclosure disclosures:LongTermDebtInstruments
48 Long-Term Debt Components Disclosure disclosures:LongTermDebtComponents
49 Other Liabilities Topic XASB 480 1 a topics:OtherLiabilities
50 Other Liabilities Current and Noncurrent Breakdown Disclosure disclosures:OtherLiabilitiesCurrentAndNoncurrent
51 Equity Topic XASB 505 1 a topics:Equity
52 Preferred Stock, By Class Disclosure disclosures:PreferredStockByClass
53 Common Stock, By Class Disclosure disclosures:CommonStockByClass
54 Additional Paid In Capital Changes [Roll Forward] Disclosure disclosures:AdditionalPaidInCapitalChanges
55 Common Stock Changes [Roll Forward] Disclosure disclosures:CommonStockChanges
56 Preferred Stock Changes [Roll Forward] Disclosure disclosures:PreferredStockChanges
57 Retained Earnings Changes [Roll Forward] Disclosure disclosures:RetainedEarningsChanges
58 Compensation-Stock Compensation Topic XASB 718 1 a topics:StockCompensation
59 Share Ownership Plan Stock Options Outstanding Disclosure disclosures:ShareOwnershipPlanStockOptionsOutstanding
60 Income Taxes Topic XASB 740 1 a topics:IncomeTaxes
61 Income Tax Expense (Benefit) Components Disclosure disclosures:IncomeTaxExpenseBenefitComponents
62 Investments-Other Topic XASB 325 1 a topics:InvestmentsOther
63 Investment Disclosure disclosures:Investment
64 Basis of Financial Statement Presentation Heading XASB 235 1 a topics:BasisOfFinancialStatementPresentation
65 Earnings Per Share Topic XASB 260 1 a topics:EarningsPerShare
66 Earnings Per Share Summary Disclosure disclosures:EarningsPerShareSummary
67 Segment Reporting Topic XASB 280 1 a topics:SegmentReporting
68 Business Segments Disclosure disclosures:BusinessSegments
69 Business Segments, Assets [Roll Up] Disclosure disclosures:BusinessSegmentsAssetsRollUp
70 Business Segments, Depreciation and Amortization [Roll Up] Disclosure disclosures:BusinessSegmentsDepreciationAndAmortizationRollUp
71 Business Segments, Liabilities [Roll Up] Disclosure disclosures:BusinessSegmentsLiabilitiesRollUp
72 Business Segments, Other Information [Hierarchy] Disclosure disclosures:BusinessSegmentsOtherInformationHierarchy
73 Business Segments, Result [Roll Up] Disclosure disclosures:BusinessSegmentsResult
74 Business Segments, Revenues [Roll Up] Disclosure disclosures:BusinessSegmentsRevenues
75 Basis of Reporting Topic XASB 236 1 a topics:BasisOfReporting
76 Basis of Reporting Disclosure disclosures:BasisOfReporting
77 Broad Transactional Categories Heading XASB 800 1 a topics:BroadTransactionalCategories
78 Leases-Capital Topic XASB 840 1 a topics:LeasesCapital
79 Leasehold, Land, and Building Disclosure disclosures:LeaseholdLandAndBuilding
80 Related Party Disclosures Topic XASB 850 1 a topics:RelatedPartyDisclosures
81 Related Party Disclosure disclosures:RelatedParty
82 Related Party Transaction Disclosure disclosures:RelatedPartyTransaction
83 Director Compensation Disclosure disclosures:DirectorCompensation
84 Director Compensation, Options Granted Disclosure disclosures:DirectorCompensationOptionsGranted
85 Subsequent Events Topic XASB 855 1 a topics:SubsequentEvents
86 Subsequent Event Disclosure disclosures:SubsequentEvent
87 Document and Entity Information Heading XASB 910 1 a topics:DocumentAndEntityInformation
88 Document Information Topic XASB 920 1 a topics:DocumentInformation
89 Document Information Disclosure disclosures:DocumentInformation
90 Entity Information Topic XASB 930 1 a topics:EntityInformation
91 Entity Information Disclosure disclosures:EntityInformation
92 Entity Address Disclosure disclosures:EntityAddress
93 Supplementary Information Heading XASB 950 1 a topics:SupplementaryInformation
94 Other Information Topic XASB 960 1 a topics:OtherInformation
95 Financial Highlights Disclosure disclosures:FinancialHighlights
96 Sales Analysis, by Customer Disclosure disclosures:SalesAnalysisByCustomer
97 Variance Analysis Gross Profit Disclosure disclosures:VarianceAnalysisGrossProfit
98 Nature of Business Heading XASB 230 1 a topics:NatureOfBusiness
99 Organization Topic XASB 231 1 a topics:Organization
100 Nature of Operations Disclosure disclosures:NatureOfOperations

Last updated: 12/17/2019 12:59:18 PM