Level 6: All of Level 5 PLUS blockchain-anchored XBRL to increase trust.



  1. Blockchain (Prototype)
  2. XBRL Taxonomy schema
  3. XBRL labels
  4. XBRL references
  5. XBRL presentation relations
  6. XBRL calculation relations
  7. XBRL definition relations
  8. Disclosures
  9. Disclosures Labels
  10. Disclosures Presentation Relations
  11. Disclosure Mechanics
  12. Disclosure Mechanics (Extended Link Role Definition)
  13. Disclosure Mechanics Rule - Balance Sheet
  14. Disclosure Mechanics Rule - Comprhensive Income
  15. Disclosure Mechanics Rule - Changes in Equity
  16. Disclosure Rules (Reporting Checklist)
  17. Disclosure Rules (Reporting Checklist) (Extended Link Role Definition)
  18. Consistency Rule (BS01)
  19. Consistency Rule (IS01)
  20. Consistency Rule (Other)
  21. Roll Forward Rule (SHE01)
  22. Derivation Rule (BS-Impute-01)
  23. Derivation Rule (BS-Impute-02)
  24. Derivation Rule (BS-Impute-03)
  25. Report (XBRL Instance)
  26. Download ZIP Archive of All Files

Last updated: 3/8/2021 5:32:36 PM

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