Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network001-Documentation-Report Information
HypercubeReport Information [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Report Information [Set]
Reporting Period End Date
Reporting Period
Presentation Currency
This is a string.
Level of Rounding
This is a string.
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network002-Documentation-Reporting Entity Information
HypercubeReporting Entity Information [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Reporting Entity [Set]
Reporting Entity Name
This is a string.
Reporting Entity Name Changes Information
This is a string.
Type of Reporting Entity
This is a string.
Domicile of Reporting Entity
This is a string.
Legal Form of Reporting Entity
This is a string.
Country of Incorporation of Reporting Entity
This is a string.
Address of Registered Office of Reporting Entity
This is a string.
Reporting Entity Going Concern
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network100-Statement-Statement of Financial Position, Classified (Net Assets Approach)
HypercubeStatement of Financial Position, Classified [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Net Assets [Roll Up]
Assets [Roll Up]
Current Assets [Roll Up]
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Trade and Other Current Receivables
Current Tax Assets
Other Current Financial Assets
Current Inventories
Current Biological Assets
Other Miscellaneous Current Assets
Assets or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
Current Assets
Non-current Assets [Roll Up]
Trade and Other Non-current Receivables
Non-current Inventories
Deferred Tax Assets
Other Non-current Financial Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Investment Property
Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill
Non-current Biological Assets
Investments in Associates
Investments in Joint Ventures
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Assets
Non-current Assets
Liabilities [Roll Up]
Current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Trade and Other Current Payables
Other Current Financial Liabilities
Current Provisions
Current Tax Liabilities
Other Miscellaneous Current Liabilities
Liabilities or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
Current Liabilities
Non-current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Trade and Other Non-current Payables
Non-current Provisions
Other Non-current Financial Liabilities
Deferred Tax Liabilities
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Liabilities
Non-current Liabilities
Net Assets
Equity [Roll Up]
Equity Attributable to Owners of Parent [Roll Up]
Issued Capital
Retained Earnings
Share Premium
Treasury Shares
Other Equity Interest
Other Reserves
Equity Attributable to Owners of Parent
Non-controlling Interests
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network101-Statement-Statement of Financial Position, Liquidity
HypercubeStatement of Financial Position, Liquidity [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Net Assets [Roll Up]
Assets [Roll Up]
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Trade and Other Receivables
Other Financial Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Investment Property
Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill
Biological Assets
Investments in Associates
Investments in Joint Ventures
Deferred Tax Assets
Other Miscellaneous Assets
Assets or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
Liabilities [Roll Up]
Trade and Other Payables
Other Financial Liabilities
Deferred Tax Liabilities
Other Miscellaneous Liabilities
Liabilities or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
Net Assets
Equity [Roll Up]
Equity Attributable to Owners of Parent [Roll Up]
Issued Capital
Retained Earnings
Share Premium
Treasury Shares
Other Equity Interest
Other Reserves
Equity Attributable to Owners of Parent
Non-controlling Interests
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network102-Statement-Statement of Financial Position, Classified (Alternative)
HypercubeStatement of Financial Position, Classified, Alternative [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Assets [Roll Up]
Current Assets [Roll Up]
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Trade and Other Current Receivables
Current Tax Assets
Other Current Financial Assets
Current Inventories
Current Biological Assets
Other Miscellaneous Current Assets
Assets or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
Current Assets
Non-current Assets [Roll Up]
Trade and Other Non-current Receivables
Other Non-current Financial Assets
Non-current Inventories
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Investment Property
Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill
Non-current Biological Assets
Investments in Associates
Investments in Joint Ventures
Deferred Tax Assets
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Assets
Non-current Assets
Liabilities and Equity [Roll Up]
Liabilities [Roll Up]
Current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Trade and Other Current Payables
Other Current Financial Liabilities
Current Provisions
Current Tax Liabilities
Other Miscellaneous Current Liabilities
Liabilities or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
Current Liabilities
Non-current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Trade and Other Non-current Payables
Non-current Provisions
Other Non-current Financial Liabilities
Deferred Tax Liabilities
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Liabilities
Non-current Liabilities
Equity [Roll Up]
Equity Attributable to Owners of Parent [Roll Up]
Issued Capital
Retained Earnings
Share Premium
Treasury Shares
Other Equity Interest
Other Reserves
Equity Attributable to Owners of Parent
Non-controlling Interests
Liabilities and Equity
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network111-Statement-Statement of Profit or Loss (by Function)
HypercubeStatement of Profit or Loss, by Function [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Profit (Loss) [Roll Up]
Profit (Loss) from Continuing Operations [Roll Up]
Profit (Loss) Before Tax [Roll Up]
Profit (Loss) Before Finance Costs and Tax Expense [Roll Up]
Profit (Loss) from Operating Activities [Roll Up]
Operating Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
Gross Profit (Loss) [Roll Up]
Cost of Sales
Gross Profit
Other Operating Income
Operating Income (Loss)
Operating Expenses Excluding Cost of Sales
Profit (Loss) from Operating Activities
Non-operating Income (Expenses) [Roll Up]
Income (Loss) from Equity Accounted Entities
Other Non-operating Income (Expense) Not Including Finance Costs or Tax Expense
Non-operating Income (Expense)
Profit (Loss) Before Finance Costs and Tax Expense
Finance Costs (Income)
Profit (Loss) Before Tax
Tax Expense (Income)
Profit (Loss) from Continuing Operations
Profit (Loss) from Discontinued Operations
Profit (Loss)
Breakdown of Profit (Loss) [Set]
Profit (Loss) Attributable to Non-controlling Interests
Profit (Loss) Attributable to Owners of Parent
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network112-Statement-Statement of Profit or Loss (by Nature)
HypercubeStatement of Profit or Loss, by Nature [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Profit (Loss) [Roll Up]
Profit (Loss) from Continuing Operations [Roll Up]
Profit (Loss) Before Tax [Roll Up]
Profit (Loss) from Operating Activities [Roll Up]
Operating Income [Roll Up]
Other Operating Income
Operating Income
Operating Expenses [Roll Up]
Purchases of Materials
Transportation Costs
Occupancy Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Employee Benefits
Advertising Costs
Other Operating Expenses by Nature
Operating Expenses
Profit (Loss) from Operating Activities
Non-operating Income (Expenses) [Roll Up]
Income (Loss) from Equity Accounted Entities
Other Non-operating Income (Expense) Not Including Finance Costs or Tax Expense
Non-operating Income (Expense)
Finance Costs (Income)
Profit (Loss) Before Tax
Tax Expense (Income)
Profit (Loss) from Continuing Operations
Profit (Loss) from Discontinued Operations
Profit (Loss)
Breakdown of Profit (Loss) [Set]
Profit (Loss) Attributable to Non-controlling Interests
Profit (Loss) Attributable to Owners of Parent
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network121-Statement-Statement of Other Comprehensive Income (OCI Compoonents Presented Net of Tax)
HypercubeStatement of Other Comprehensive Income [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
Profit (Loss)
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) that Will Not Be Reclassified to Profit (Loss) [Roll Up]
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) from Exchange Differences on Translation, Net of Tax
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) from Actuarial Gains (Losses) on Defined Benefit Plans, Net of Tax
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) from Revaluation, Net of Tax
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) that Will Not Be Reclassified to Profit (Loss)
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) that Will Be Reclassified to Profit (Loss) [Roll Up]
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) from Cash Flow Hedges, Net of Tax
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) that Will Be Reclassified to Profit (Loss)
Share of Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) of Associates and Joint Ventures Accounted for Using Equity Method, Net of Tax
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Breakdown of Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Set]
Comprehensive Income (Loss) Attributable to Non-controlling Interests
Comprehensive Income (Loss) Attributable to Owners of Parent
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network131-Statement-Statement of Cash Flows (Direct Method)
HypercubeStatement of Cash Flows, Direct Method [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents [Roll Up]
Cash Flows from (used in) Operating Activities [Roll Up]
Cash Receipts from Sale of Goods and Rendering of Services
Cash Receipts from Royalties, Fees, Commissions and Other Revenue
Cash Payments to Suppliers for Goods and Services
Cash Payments to and on Behalf of Employees
Cash Payments (Refunds) of Income Tax
Cash Flows from (used in) Operating Activities
Cash Flows from (used in) Investing Activities [Roll Up]
Cash Payments to Aquire Property, Plant, and Equipment
Cash Receipts from Sales of Property, Plant, and Equipment
Cash Payments to Aquire Invesment Property
Cash Receipts from Sales of Investment Property
Cash Payments to Aquire Equity or Debt Instruments from Other Entities
Cash Receipts from Sales of Equity or Debt Instruments of Other Entities
Cash Payments from Advances and Loans Made to Other Parties
Cash Receipts from Repayment of Advances and Loans Made to Other Parties
Cash Payments for Futures, Forward, Option, and Swap Contracts
Cash Receipts from Futures, Forward, Option, and Swap Contracts
Cash Flows from (used in) Investing Activities
Cash Flows from (used in) Financing Activities [Roll Up]
Cash Receipts from Proceeds from Issuing Shares of Other Equity Instruments
Cash Payments to Owners to Aquire or Redeem Entity's Shares
Cash Receipts from Proceeds from Short-term or Long-term Borrowings
Cash Payments to Repay Short-term or Long-term Borrowings
Cash Payments by Lessee for Lease
Cash Flows from (used in) Financing Activities
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents [Roll Forward]
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network140-Statement-Restatement of Equity (Previously Issued Financial Report)
HypercubeRetrospective Restatement of Equity [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Report Date [Dimension] Period [Aspect]
Retrospective Restatement of Equity [Adjustment]
Equity, Opening Balance After Cumulative Adjustment Prior Report [Member]
Effect of Mandatory Change in Accounting Policy Current Report [Member]
Effect of Voluntary Change in Accounting Policy Current Report [Member]
Effect of Correction of Prior Period Error Current Report [Member]
Equity, Restated Current Report [Member]
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network141-Statement-Statement of Changes in Equity
HypercubeStatement of Changes in Equity [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Changes in Equity [Roll Forward]
Equity, Beginning Balance
Profit (Loss)
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Issue of Shares
Buy-back of Shares
Share-based Payments
Transfer of Reserves
Other Miscellaneous Equity Transactions
Equity, Ending Balance
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network201-Policies-Significant Accounting Policies
HypercubeSignificant Accounting Policies [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Nature of Operations [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Basis of Presentation [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Judgements of Management [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Revenue Recognition Policy [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Cash and Cash Equivalents Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Trade and Other Receivables Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Biological Assets Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Property, Plant and Equipment Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Investment Property Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Intangible Assets other than Goodwill Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Goodwill Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Trade and Other Payables Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Provisions Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Equity Policies [Text Block]

Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum.

Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network202-Policies-Property, Plant, and Equipment Policies
HypercubeProperty, Plant and Equipment Policies by Class [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Class [Dimension]
Freehold Land [Member] Buildings [Member] Plant and Machinery [Member] Furniture and Fittings [Member] Office Equipment [Member] Tangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets [Member] Construction in Progress [Member] Other Miscellaneous Property, Plant and Equipment [Member] All Classes [Member]
Property, Plant and Equipment Policies [Set]
Measurement Basis of Property, Plant and Equipment
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
Depreciation Method of Property, Plant and Equipment
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
Useful Lives or Depreciation Rates Used of Property, Plant and Equipment
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
This is a string.
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network251-Disaggregation-Cash and Cash Equivalents Items
HypercubeCash and Cash Equivalents Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Cash and Cash Equivalents [Roll Up]
Cash in Banks and On Hand
Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network252-Disaggregation-Trade and Other Current Receivables Items
HypercubeTrade and Other Current Receivables Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Trade and Other Current Receivables [Roll Up]
Current Trade Receivables
Current Other Receivables
Current Due from Related Parties
Trade and Other Current Receivables
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network254-Disaggregation-Other Current Financial Assets Items
HypercubeOther Current Financial Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Current Financial Assets [Roll Up]
Other Current Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
Other Current Financial Assets Measured at Amortised Cost
Other Current Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through OCI
Other Current Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value
Other Current Financial Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network255-Disaggregation-Current Inventories Items
HypercubeCurrent Inventories Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Current Inventories [Roll Up]
Current Finished Goods Inventories
Current Work in Progress Inventories
Current Raw Materials Inventories
Current Other Miscellaneous Inventories
Current Inventories
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network256-Disaggregation-Current Biological Assets Items
HypercubeCurrent Biological Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Class [Dimension] Class [Dimension]
Crops [Member] Livestock [Member] Other Miscellaneous Biological Assets [Member] All Classes [Member] Crops [Member] Livestock [Member] Other Miscellaneous Biological Assets [Member] All Classes [Member]
Current Biological Assets [Roll Up]
Current Biological Assets, Gross
Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment of Current Biological Assets
Current Biological Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network257-Disaggregation-Other Miscelleneous Current Assets Items
HypercubeOther Miscellaneous Current Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Miscellaneous Current Assets [Roll Up]
Current Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents
Current Prepayments
Current Deferred Charges
Current Contract Assets
Other Sundry Current Assets
Other Miscellaneous Current Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network258-Disaggregation-Assets or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale Items
HypercubeAssets or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Assets or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale [Roll Up]
Inventories Classified as Held for Sale
Property, Plant and Equpment Classified as Held for Sale
Other Miscelleneous Assets Classified as Held for Sale
Assets or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network259-Disaggregation-Trade and Other Non-current Receivables Items
HypercubeTrade and Other Non-current Receivables Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Trade and Other Non-current Receivables [Roll Up]
Non-current Trade Receivables
Non-current Other Receivables
Non-current Due from Related Parties
Trade and Other Non-current Receivables
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network260-Disaggregation-Other Non-current Financial Assets Items
HypercubeOther Non-current Financial Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Non-current Financial Assets [Roll Up]
Other Non-current Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
Other Non-current Financial Assets Measured at Amortised Cost
Other Non-current Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through OCI
Other Non-current Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value
Other Non-current Financial Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network261-Disaggregation-Non-current Inventories Items
HypercubeNon-current Inventories Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Non-current Inventories [Roll Up]
Non-current Finished Goods Inventories
Non-current Work in Progress Inventories
Non-current Raw Materials Inventories
Non-current Other Miscellaneous Inventories
Non-current Inventories
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network262-Disaggregation-Property, Plant and Equipment Items
HypercubeProperty, Plant and Equipment by Class [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Class [Dimension] Class [Dimension]
Freehold Land [Member] Buildings [Member] Plant and Machinery [Member] Furniture and Fittings [Member] Office Equipment [Member] Tangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets [Member] Construction in Progress [Member] Other Miscellaneous Property, Plant and Equipment [Member] All Classes [Member] Freehold Land [Member] Buildings [Member] Plant and Machinery [Member] Furniture and Fittings [Member] Office Equipment [Member] Tangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets [Member] Construction in Progress [Member] Other Miscellaneous Property, Plant and Equipment [Member] All Classes [Member]
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net [Roll Up]
Property, Plant and Equipment, Gross
Accumulated Depreciation, Amortisation, and Impairment
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network263-Disaggregation-Investment Property Items
HypercubeInvestment Property Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Class [Dimension] Class [Dimension]
Class 1 [Member] Class 2 [Member] All Classes [Member] Class 1 [Member] Class 2 [Member] All Classes [Member]
Investment Property [Roll Up]
Investment Property, Gross
Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment of Investment Property
Investment Property
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network264-Disaggregation-Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill Items
HypercubeIntangible Assets other than Goodwill Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Class [Dimension] Class [Dimension]
Brand Names [Member] Mastheads and Publishing Titles [Member] Computer Software [Member] Licences and Franchises [Member] Copyrights, Patents and Other Industrial Property Rights, Service and Operating Rights [Member] Intangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets [Member] Recipes, Formulae, Models, Designs and Prototypes [Member] Intangible Assets Under Development [Member] Other Miscellaneous Intangible Assets [Member] All Classes [Member] Brand Names [Member] Mastheads and Publishing Titles [Member] Computer Software [Member] Licences and Franchises [Member] Copyrights, Patents and Other Industrial Property Rights, Service and Operating Rights [Member] Intangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets [Member] Recipes, Formulae, Models, Designs and Prototypes [Member] Intangible Assets Under Development [Member] Other Miscellaneous Intangible Assets [Member] All Classes [Member]
Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill [Roll Up]
Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill, Gross
Accumulated Amortisation and Impairment of Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill
Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network265-Disaggregation-Goodwill Items
HypercubeGoodwill Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Goodwill [Roll Up]
Goodwill, Gross
Accumulated Impairment Losses Related to Goodwill
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network266-Disaggregation-Non-current Biological Assets Items
HypercubeNon-current Biological Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Class [Dimension] Class [Dimension]
Crops [Member] Livestock [Member] Other Miscellaneous Biological Assets [Member] All Classes [Member] Crops [Member] Livestock [Member] Other Miscellaneous Biological Assets [Member] All Classes [Member]
Non-current Biological Assets [Roll Up]
Non-current Biological Assets, Gross
Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment of Non-current Biological Assets
Non-current Biological Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network267-Disaggregation-Investments in Associates Items
HypercubeInvestments in Associates Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Investments in Associates [Roll Up]
Investments in Associates Measured Using Equity Method
Investments in Associates Measured Using Cost Method
Investments in Associates Measured at Fair Value Through Profit (Loss)
Investments in Associates
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network268-Disaggregation-Investments in Joint Ventures Items
HypercubeInvestments in Joint Ventures Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Investments in Joint Ventures [Roll Up]
Investments in Joint Ventures Measured Using Equity Method
Investments in Joint Ventures Measured at Fair Value Through Profit (Loss)
Investments in Joint Ventures
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network269-Disaggregation-Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities Items
HypercubeDeferred Tax Assets and Liabilities Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities [Roll Up]
Deferred Tax Assets
Deferred Tax Liabilities
Deferred Tax Assets (Liabilities)
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network270-Disaggregation-Other Miscellaneous Non-current Assets Items
HypercubeOther Miscellaneous Non-current Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Assets [Roll Up]
Non-current Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents
Non-current Prepayments
Non-current Deferred Charges
Non-current Contract Assets
Other Sundry Non-current Assets
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network321-Disaggregation-Trade and Other Receivables Items
HypercubeTrade and Other Receivables Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Trade and Other Receivables [Roll Up]
Trade Receivables
Other Receivables
Due from Related Parties
Trade and Other Receivables
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network322-Disaggregation-Other Financial Assets Items
HypercubeOther Financial Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Financial Assets [Roll Up]
Other Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
Other Financial Assets Measured at Amortised Cost
Other Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through OCI
Other Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value
Other Financial Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network323-Disaggregation-Inventories Items
HypercubeInventories Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Inventories [Roll Up]
Finished Goods Inventories
Work in Progress Inventories
Raw Materials Inventories
Other Miscellaneous Inventories
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network324-Disaggregation-Biological Assets Items
HypercubeBiological Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Class [Dimension] Class [Dimension]
Crops [Member] Livestock [Member] Other Miscellaneous Biological Assets [Member] All Classes [Member] Crops [Member] Livestock [Member] Other Miscellaneous Biological Assets [Member] All Classes [Member]
Biological Assets [Roll Up]
Biological Assets, Gross
Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment of Biological Assets
Biological Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network325-Disaggregation-Other Miscellaneous Assets Items
HypercubeOther Miscellaneous Assets Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Miscellaneous Assets [Roll Up]
Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents
Deferred Charges
Contract Assets
Other Sundry Assets
Other Miscellaneous Assets
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network351-Disaggregation-Trade and Other Current Payables Items
HypercubeTrade and Other Current Payables Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Trade and Other Current Payables [Roll Up]
Current Trade Payables
Current Accruals
Current Contract Liabilities from Contracts with Customers
Current Due to Related Parties
Other Miscellaneous Current Payables
Trade and Other Current Payables
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network352-Disaggregation-Other Current Financial Liabilities Items
HypercubeOther Current Financial Liabilities Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Current Financial Liabilities [Roll Up]
Other Current Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
Other Current Financial Liabilities Measured at Amortised Cost
Other Current Financial Liabilities
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network353-Disaggregation-Current Provisions Items
HypercubeCurrent Provisions Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Current Provisions [Roll Up]
Current Employee Benefits Provision
Current Warranty Provision
Current Restoration Provision
Current Other Miscellaneous Provisions
Current Provisions
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network355-Disaggregation-Other Miscellaneous Current Liabilities Items
HypercubeOther Miscellaneous Current Liabilities Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Miscellaneous Current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Current Refund Liability
Current Deferred Income
Current Government Grants
Other Sundry Current Liabilities
Other Miscellaneous Current Liabilities
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network356-Disaggregation-Liabilities or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale Items
HypercubeLiabilities or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Liabilities or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale [Roll Up]
Other Financial Liabilities Classified as Held for Sale
Other Miscellaneous Liabilities Classified as Held for Sale
Liabilities or Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network357-Disaggregation-Trade and Other Non-current Payables Items
HypercubeTrade and Other Non-current Payables Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Trade and Other Non-current Payables [Roll Up]
Non-current Trade Payables
Non-current Accruals
Non-current Contract Liabilities from Contracts with Customers
Non-current Due to Related Parties
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Payables
Trade and Other Non-current Payables
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network358-Disaggregation-Non-current Provisions Items
HypercubeNon-current Provisions Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Non-current Provisions [Roll Up]
Non-current Employee Benefits Provision
Non-current Warranty Provision
Non-current Restoration Provision
Non-current Other Miscellaneous Provisions
Non-current Provisions
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network359-Disaggregation-Other Non-current Financial Liabilities Items
HypercubeOther Non-current Financial Liabilities Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Non-current Financial Liabilities [Roll Up]
Other Non-current Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
Other Non-current Financial Liabilities Measured at Amortised Cost
Other Non-current Financial Liabilities
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network361-Disaggregation-Other Miscellaneous Non-current Liabilities Items
HypercubeOther Miscellaneous Non-current Liabilities Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Non-current Refund Liability
Non-current Deferred Income
Non-current Government Grants
Other Sundry Non-current Liabilities
Other Miscellaneous Non-current Liabilities
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network381-Disaggregation-Trade and Other Payables Items
HypercubeTrade and Other Payables Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Trade and Other Payables [Roll Up]
Trade Payables
Contract Liabilities from Contracts with Customers
Due to Related Parties
Other Miscellaneous Payables
Trade and Other Payables
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network382-Disaggregation-Other Financial Liabilities Items
HypercubeOther Financial Liabilities Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Financial Liabilities [Roll Up]
Other Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
Other Financial Liabilities Measured at Amortised Cost
Other Financial Liabilities
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network383-Disaggregation-Provisions Items
HypercubeProvisions Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Provisions [Roll Up]
Employee Benefits Provision
Warranty Provision
Restoration Provision
Other Miscellaneous Provisions
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network384-Disaggregation-Other Miscellaneous Liabilities Items
HypercubeOther Miscellaneous Liabilities Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Other Miscellaneous Liabilities [Roll Up]
Refund Liability
Deferred Income
Government Grants
Other Sundry Liabilities
Other Miscellaneous Liabilities
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network451-Disaggregation-Revenue Items
HypercubeRevenue Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Revenue [Roll Up]
Revenue from Sale of Goods
Revenue from Rendering of Services
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network456-Disaggregation-Cost of Sales Items
HypercubeCost of Sales Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Cost of Sales [Roll Up]
Raw Materials and Consumables Used
Transportation Costs
Cost of Sales
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network461-Disaggregation-Other Operating Income Items
HypercubeOther Operating Income Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Other Operating Income [Roll Up]
Net Gains (Losses) on Disposal of Property, Plant, and Equipment
Gains on Derivative Instruments at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
Fair Value Adjustments to Investment Property
Other Sundry Operating Income
Other Operating Income
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network466-Disaggregation-Operating Expenses Excluding Cost of Sales Items
HypercubeOperating Expenses Exclusing Cost of Sales Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Operating Expenses Exclusing Cost of Sales [Roll Up]
Occupancy Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Research and Development Expenses
Expenses of Restructuring Activities
Employee Benefits
Advertising Costs
Other Operating Expenses by Function
Operating Expenses Excluding Cost of Sales
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network471-Disaggregation-Other Non-operating Income (Expense) Not Including Finance Costs or Tax Expense Items
HypercubeOther Non-operating Income (Expenses) Not Including Finance Costs or Tax Expense Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Other Non-operating Income (Expenses) Not Including Finance Costs or Tax Expense [Roll Up]
Net Foreign Exchange Gains (Losses)
Other Sundry Non-operating Income (Expense)
Other Non-operating Income (Expense) Not Including Finance Costs or Tax Expense
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network481-Disaggregation-Finance Costs (Income) Items
HypercubeFinance Costs (Income) Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Finance Costs (Income) [Roll Up]
Finance Costs
Finance Income
Finance Costs (Income)
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network486-Disaggregation-Operating Expenses
HypercubeOperating Expenses Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Operating Expenses [Roll Up]
Raw Materials and Consumables Used
Transportation Costs
Occupancy Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Research and Development Expenses
Employee Benefits
Advertising Costs
Other Operating Expenses by Nature
Operating Expenses
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network491-Disaggregation-Tax Expense (Income) Items
HypercubeTax Expense (Income) Components [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Tax Expense (Income) [Roll Up]
Current Tax Expense (Income)
Increases (Decreases) in Estimates Related to Prior Years Tax
Deferred Tax Expense (Income)
Tax Expense (Income)
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network501-Movements-Property, Plant, and Equipment Changes
HypercubeProperty, Plant and Equipment Movements [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Class [Dimension]
Freehold Land [Member] Buildings [Member] Plant and Machinery [Member] Furniture and Fittings [Member] Office Equipment [Member] Tangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets [Member] Construction in Progress [Member] Other Miscellaneous Property, Plant and Equipment [Member] All Classes [Member]
Property, Plant, and Equipment [Roll Forward]
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, Beginning Balance
Additions to Property, Plant, and Equipment
Classified as Held for Sale Property, Plant, and Equipment
Acquisitions of Property, Plant, and Equipment Through Business Combinations
Revaluations from Impairment Losses (Recognized) Reversed in Other Comprehensive Income
Transfers (to) from Investment Property
Impairment Losses (Recognized) Reversed in Profit or Loss
Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment
Other Miscellaneous Increases (Decreases) in Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, Ending Balance
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network502-Movements-Investment Property, Cost Method, Changes
HypercubeInvestment Property, Cost Method, Movements [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Class [Dimension]
Property A [Member] Property B [Member] All Classes [Member]
Investment Property [Roll Forward]
Investment Property, Beginning Balance
Additions to Investment Property
Classified as Held for Sale Investment Property
Acquisitions of Investment Property Through Business Combinations
Revaluations of Investment Property from Impairment Losses (Recognized) Reversed in Other Comprehensive Income
Transfers of Investment Property (to) from Property, Plant and Equipment
Impairment Losses of Investment Property (Recognized) Reversed in Profit or Loss
Other Miscellaneous Increases (Decreases) in Investment Property
Investment Property, Ending Balance
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network503-Movements-Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill Changes
HypercubeIntangible Assets Other than Goodwill Movements [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Class [Dimension]
Brand Names [Member] Mastheads and Publishing Titles [Member] Computer Software [Member] Licences and Franchises [Member] Copyrights, Patents and Other Industrial Property Rights, Service and Operating Rights [Member] Intangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets [Member] Recipes, Formulae, Models, Designs and Prototypes [Member] Intangible Assets Under Development [Member] Other Miscellaneous Intangible Assets [Member] All Classes [Member]
Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill [Roll Forward]
Intangible Assets other than Goodwill, Beginning Balance
Additions to Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Classified as Held for Sale Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Acquisitions of Intangible Assets other than Goodwill Through Business Combinations
Revaluations of Intangible Assets other than Goodwill from Impairment Losses (Recognized) Reversed in Other Comprehensive Income
Amortization of Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Impairment Losses of Intangible Assets other than Goodwill (Recognized) Reversed in Profit or Loss
Other Miscellaneous Increases (Decreases) in Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Intangible Assets other than Goodwill, Ending Balance
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network504-Movements-Goodwill Changes
HypercubeGoodwill Movements [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Goodwill [Roll Forward]
Goodwill, Beginning Balance
Changes Arising from New Business Combinations
Impairment Losses Impacting Goodwill
Disposals of Previously Acquired Businesses
Other Increases (Decreases) in Goodwill
Goodwill, Ending Balance
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network505-Movements-Biological Assets Fair Value Model Changes
HypercubeBiological Assets, Fair Value Model, Movements [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Class [Dimension]
Crops [Member] Livestock [Member] Other Miscellaneous Biological Assets [Member] All Classes [Member]
Biological Assets [Roll Forward]
Biological Assets, Beginning Balance
Gain (Loss) from Changes in Fair Value Less Costs to Sell
Increases from Purchases of Biological Assets
Decreases from Harvest of Biological Assets
Increases in Biological Assets from Business Combinations
Effects of Translation of Foreign Currency on Biological Assets
Other Increaes (Decreases) in Biological Assets
Biological Assets, Ending Balance
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network506-Movements-Biological Assets Cost Model Changes
HypercubeBiological Assets, Cost Model, Movements [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Class [Dimension]
Crops [Member] Livestock [Member] Other Miscellaneous Biological Assets [Member] All Classes [Member]
Biological Assets [Roll Forward]
Biological Assets, Beginning Balance
Increases from Purchases of Biological Assets
Decreases from Harvest of Biological Assets
Depreciation of Biological Assets
Impairment Losses (Recognized) Reversed of Biological Assets in Profit or Loss
Other Increaes (Decreases) in Biological Assets
Biological Assets, Ending Balance
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network507-Movements-Provisions Changes
HypercubeProvisions Movements [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Provisions [Roll Forward]
Provisions, Beginning Balance
Additions to Provisions
Charged Against Provisions
Unused Provisions Reversed
Provisions, Ending Balance
Provisions Breakdown [Roll Up]
Current Provisions
Non-current Provisions
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network971-Disclosure-Future Lease Payments Lessee
HypercubeFuture Lease Payments of Lessee [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Future Lease Payments Lessee [Roll Up]
Future Payments Payable by Lessee Not Later than One Year
Future Payments Payable by Lessee Later than One Year and Not Later than Five Years
Future Payments Payable by Lessee Later than Five Years
Future Payments Payable by Lessee
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network972-Disclosure-Future Lease Payments Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases
HypercubeFuture Lease Payments Receivable Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Unit [Aspect] iso4217:AUD
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Future Lease Payments Receivable Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases [Roll Up]
Future Payments Receivable Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases Not Later than One Year
Future Payments Receivable Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases Later than One Year and Not Later than Five Years
Future Payments Receivable Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases Later than Five Years
Future Payments Receivable Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases
Component: (Network and Hypercube)
Network991-Disclosure-Share-based Payments
HypercubeShare-based Payments by Type of Arrangment [Hypercube]
Reporting Entity [Aspect] GH259400TOMPUOLS65II |
Type [Dimension] All Types [Member]
Concept [Aspect] Period [Aspect]
2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31
Share-based Payment Arrangement General Information [Set]
Description of General Terms and Conditions of Share-based Payment Arrangement Type
This is a string.
Vesting Requirements of Share-based Payment Arrangement Type
This is a string.
Maximum Term of Options Granted of Share-based Payment Arrangement Type
This is a string.
Method of Settlement of Share-based Payment Arrangement Type
This is a string.
Description of How Fair Value Measured for Goods and Services Received
This is a string.
Information About How Liability was Measured for Cash-settled Arrangements
This is a string.
Explanation of Modifications to Share-based Payment Arrangement
This is a string.
Effect of Share-based Payment Transactions on Expense Recognized
Carrying Amount of Liabilities from Share-based Payment Transactions
Number of Share Options Outstanding [Roll Forward]
Number of Share Options Outstanding, Beginning of Period
Number of Share Options Granted
Number of Share Options Forfeited
Number of Share Options Exercised
Number of Share Options Expired
Number of Share Options Outstanding, End of Period
Weighted Average Exercise Prices of Share Options [Roll Forward Info]
Weighted Average Exercise Price of Share Options Outstanding, Beginning of Period
Weighted Average Exercise Price of Share Options Granted
Weighted Average Exercise Price of Share Options Forfeited
Weighted Average Exercise Price of Share Options Exercised
Weighted Average Exercise Price of Share Options Expired
Weighted Average Exercise Price of Share Options Outstanding, End of Period
Share-based Payments Exercisable [Set]
Number of Share Options Exercisable
Weighted Average Exercise Price of Share Options Exercisable