01-Personal Information

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 01-Personal Information Network



2 Personal Information [Hypercube] Hypercube pfs:PersonalInformationHypercube
3 Hypercube [Line Items] LineItems pfs:HypercubeLineItems
4 Personal Information [Set] Abstract pfs:PersonalInformationSet
5 Name of Economic Entity Concept (Text/String) For Period pfs:NameOfEconomicEntity
6 Address Concept (Text/String) For Period pfs:Address
7 City Concept (Text/String) For Period pfs:City
8 State Concept (Text/String) For Period pfs:State
9 Country Concept (Text/String) For Period pfs:Country
10 Postal Code Concept (Shares) For Period pfs:PostalCode
11 Home Phone Concept (Text/String) For Period pfs:HomePhone
12 Business Phone Concept (Text/String) For Period pfs:BusinessPhone
13 Name of Business Concept (Text/String) For Period pfs:NameOfBusiness