Business Rules Summary

Assertions Summary

Defined Executed Pass Fail
Existence assertions 4 4 0 4
Value assertions 2 2 2 0
Consistency assertions 0 0 0 0
Total all assertions 6 6 2 4

Formulae Summary

Defined Executed Facts created
Formulae 0 0 0

Calculations Summary

Defined Executed Pass Inconsistent
Calculations 6 10 10 0

Reporting Entity Specific Rules Summary

Defined Executed Pass Inconsistent
Reporting Entity Specific Rules 2 9 9 0

Total Validations Summary

Severity Signal Count
ERROR xcf-embedded:Assertion 4

XBRL Cloud: Business Report
Component: (Network and Table)
01-Personal Information
Table Personal Information [Hypercube]
No business rules found for this component.

Component: (Network and Table)
02-Net Worth Summary
Table Net Worth Summary [Hypercube]

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 $NetWorth = $Assets - $Liabilities
Pass $NetWorth = $Assets - $Liabilities

XBRL Calculations

02-Net Worth Summary
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Worth [Roll Up]
Assets 90,000  + 90,000  90,000  DR INF
Liabilities 1,000  - 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Net Worth 89,000  89,000  89,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
03-Assets Summary
Table Assets [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

03-Assets Summary
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Assets [Roll Up]
Current Assets [Roll Up]
Cash on Hand and In Banks 10,000  + 10,000  10,000  DR INF
Cash Value of Life Insurance + DR INF
Marketable Securities Issued by Government 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Marketable Securities Other 20,000  + 20,000  20,000  DR INF
Notes and Accounts Receivable 7,000  + 7,000  7,000  DR INF
Other Current Assets 8,000  + 8,000  8,000  DR INF
Current Assets 50,000  + 50,000  50,000  DR INF OK
Noncurrent Assets [Roll Up]
Real Estate Owned 10,000  + 10,000  10,000  DR INF
Mortgages and Contracts Owned 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Notes Accounts Receivable (Doubtful) 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Notes Due from Relatives and Friends 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Other Securities (Not Marketable) 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Personal Property 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Other Noncurrent Assets 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Noncurrent Assets 40,000  + 40,000  40,000  DR INF OK
Assets 90,000  90,000  90,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
04-Liabilities Summary
Table Liabilities [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

04-Liabilities Summary
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Liabilities [Roll Up]
Current Liabilities [Roll Up]
Notes Due to Banks + CR INF
Notes Due to Relatives and Friends + CR INF
Notes Due to Others + CR INF
Accounts and Bills Payable 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Unpaid Income Taxes + CR INF
Other Unpaid Taxes and Interest + CR INF
Loans on Life Insurance Policies + CR INF
Contract Accounts Payable + CR INF
Cash Rent Owed + CR INF
Other Current Liabilities + CR INF
Current Liabilities 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF OK
Noncurrent Liabilities [Roll Up]
Real Estate Mortgages Payable + CR INF
Liens and Assessments Payable + CR INF
Other Noncurrent Liabilities + CR INF
Noncurrent Liabilities + CR INF OK
Liabilities 1,000  1,000  1,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
05-Income Summary
Table Income [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

05-Income Summary
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Income [Roll Up]
Salary, Bonues, and Commissions 120,000  + 120,000  120,000  CR INF
Dividends and Interest Income 10,000  + 10,000  10,000  CR INF
Rental and Lease Income + CR INF
Other Income + CR INF
Income 130,000  130,000  130,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
06-Expenses Summary
Table Expenses [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

06-Expenses Summary
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Expenses [Roll Up]
Income Taxes 32,500  + 32,500  32,500  DR INF
Other Taxes 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  DR INF
Insurance Premiums 12,000  + 12,000  12,000  DR INF
Mortgage Payments 12,000  + 12,000  12,000  DR INF
Rent Payments + DR INF
Other Expenses 48,500  + 48,500  48,500  DR INF
Expenses 110,000  110,000  110,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
07-Net Income/Expenses Summary
Table Net Income/Expenses Summary [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

07-Net Income/Expenses Summary
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Income (Expenses) [Roll Up]
Income 130,000  + 130,000  130,000  CR INF
(Expenses) (110,000) - 110,000  110,000  DR INF
Net Income (Expenses) 20,000  20,000  20,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
08-General Information
Table General Information [Hypercube]
No business rules found for this component.

Component: (Network and Table)
09-Contingent Liabilities
Table Contingent Liabilities [Hypercube]
No business rules found for this component.

Component: (Network and Table)
21-Other Current Assets Detail
Table Other Current Assets Subcomponents [Hypercube]

Member Aggregation Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
All [Member] [Member Aggregation]
Sundry [Member] 8,000  + 8,000  8,000  INF
All [Member] 8,000  + 8,000  8,000  INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
22-Other Noncurrent Assets Detail
Table Other Noncurrent Assets Subcomponents [Hypercube]

Member Aggregation Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
All [Member] [Member Aggregation]
Sundry [Member] 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  INF
All [Member] 5,000  + 5,000  5,000  INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
23-Other Current Liabilities Detail
Table Other Current Liabilities Subcomponents [Hypercube]

Member Aggregation Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
All [Member] [Member Aggregation]
Sundry [Member] + INF
All [Member] + INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
24-Other Noncurrent Liabilities Detail
Table Other Noncurrent Liabilities Subcomponents [Hypercube]

Member Aggregation Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
All [Member] [Member Aggregation]
Sundry [Member] + INF
All [Member] + INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
25-Other Income Detail
Table Other Income Subcomponents [Hypercube]

Member Aggregation Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
All [Member] [Member Aggregation]
Sundry [Member] + INF
All [Member] + INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
26-Other Expenses Detail
Table Other Expenses Subcomponents [Hypercube]

Member Aggregation Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
All [Member] [Member Aggregation]
Sundry [Member] 48,500  + 48,500  48,500  INF
All [Member] 48,500  + 48,500  48,500  INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
30-Net Worth Roll Forward
Table Change in Net Worth [Hypercube]

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 $NetWorth_BalanceStart + $NetIncomeExpenses = $NetWorth_BalanceEnd
Pass $NetWorth_BalanceStart + $NetIncomeExpenses = $NetWorth_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Worth, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Net Worth, Beginning Balance 69,000  + 69,000  69,000  DR INF
Net Income (Expenses) 20,000  + 20,000  20,000  CR INF
Net Worth, Ending Balance 89,000  + 89,000  89,000  DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
(Component not specified)
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Existence Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 Fact-20:2021-02-02 22:09:10,398 [xmlSchema:elementUnexpected] xbrli:xbrl complexType(sequence(link:schemaRef{1:unbounded}, link:linkbaseRef{0:unbounded}, link:roleRef{0:unbounded}, link:arcroleRef{0:unbounded}, choice(xbrli:item, xbrli:tuple, xbrli:context, xbrli:unit, link:footnoteLink){0:unbounded})) pfs:RealEstateOwned unexpected, within xbrl - instance.xml 98
2 Fact-20:2021-02-02 22:09:10,405 [xbrl:schemaImportMissing] Instance facts missing schema concept definition: pfs:AccountsAndBillsPayable, pfs:AreAnyAssetsPledged, pfs:AsEndorsesComakerOrGuarantor, pfs:CashRentOwed, pfs:ContractAccountsPayable, pfs:DefendantInAnyLawSuits, pfs:DividendsAndInterestIncome, pfs:EverDeclaredBankrupt, pfs:FederalOrStateIncomeTaxes, pfs:IncomeTaxes, pfs:InsurancePremiums, pfs:LegalClaims, pfs:LiensAndAssessmentsPayable, pfs:LoansOnLifeInsurancePolicies, pfs:MortgagePayments, pfs:MortgagesAndContractsOwned, pfs:NotesAccountsReceivableDoubtful, pfs:NotesDueFromRelativesAndFriends, pfs:NotesDueToBanks, pfs:NotesDueToOthers, pfs:NotesDueToRelativesAndFriends, pfs:OnLeasesOrContracts, pfs:OtherContingentLiabilities, pfs:OtherCurrentLiabilities, pfs:OtherExpenses, pfs:OtherIncome, pfs:OtherNoncurrentAssets, pfs:OtherNoncurrentLiabilities, pfs:OtherSecuritiesNotMarketable, pfs:OtherTaxes, pfs:OtherUnpaidTaxesAndInterest, pfs:PersonalProperty, pfs:RealEstateMortagesPayable, pfs:RealEstateOwned, pfs:RentPayments, pfs:RentalAndLeaseIncome, pfs:SalaryBonusesAndCommissions, pfs:UnpaidIncomeTaxes - instance.xml 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146
3 :2021-02-02 22:09:10,463 [xfie:invalidExplicitDimensionQName] pfs:LineItemDimension is not an explicit dimension concept QName. - report-Rule-MemberAggregation-Code-MA1_OtherCurrentAssets-formula.xml 115
4 :2021-02-02 22:09:10,463 [xfie:invalidExplicitDimensionQName] pfs:LineItemDimension is not an explicit dimension concept QName. - report-Rule-MemberAggregation-Code-MA1_OtherCurrentAssets-formula.xml 115