Level 2: Machine readable, nonstandard, structured for meaning, no taxonomy (a.k.a. dictionary), no rules, no report model.

A LEVEL 2 financial report is readable by computer and the report information is structured for meaning but the structure syntax is nonstandard. No "dictionary" (a.k.a. taxonomy, schema, ontology, conceptual model) that explains the report pieces is available. No rules to verify reported information or the report model is available. Again, it is POSSIBLE to read information with machine, but very challenging across many reports and information quality is low.


BOTTOM LINE: Possible to read information, but because there is no dictionary one really does not understand what the informatin is. This is NOT VALID XBRL because XBRL requires a valid XBRL taxonomy to be present.

Last updated: 2/14/2021 4:11:22 PM

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