Templates - PROOF

# Business use case title Description Visual image
1. 1000-001-BalanceSheet Statement of financial position.
2. 1010-001-NetAssetsRollUp Details of net assets.
3. 1020-001-AssetsRollUp Summary of components of assets.
4. 1030-001-LiabilitiesAndEquityRollUp Summary of components of liabilities.
5. 1040-001-IncomeStatement Statement of income.
6. 1050-001-IncomeStatementAlternative Statement of income alternative approach.
7. 1060-001-ComprehensiveIncome Statement of comprehensive income.
8. 1070-001-CashFlowStatement Statement of cash flows
9. 1070-002-CashFlowStatement Statement of cash flows, modeled like most cash flow statements.
10. 1070-003-CashFlowStatement Statement of cash flows, modeled like a normal roll forward.
11. 1080-001-NetCashFlowRollUp Details of the subcomponents of net cash flow.
12. 1090-001-AssetsRollForward Roll forward of assets.
13. 1100-001-PriorPeriodError Adjustment of origionally stated balance to restated balance.
14. 1110-001-PriorPeriodErrorAlternative Adjustment of origionally stated balance to restated balance, alternative representation.
15. 1120-001-ChangesInEquity Statement of changes in equity.
16. 1130-001-BasisOfReporting Information about the basis used to create the financial report.
17. 1140-001-NatureOfOperations Information about the nature of operations of the economic entity providing report.
18. 1150-001-RevenueRecognitionPolicy Details of revenue recognition policy.
19. 1160-001-SegmentRevenues Breakdown of revenues by segment.
20. 1170-001-StockPlanActivity Information about stock activity plan.
21. 1180-001-VarianceAnalysis Variance of income statement items from budget.
22. 1190-001-FinancialHighlights Summary of financial highlights.


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