Member Arrangement Patterns Summary (2017-05-07)


Member Arrangement Patterns documentation (PDF)

Visual Index of Member Arrangement Patterns

ZIP archive of all Member Arrangement Patterns

# Member arrangement patterns name Description Visual image
1. Complete Flat Set Is-a relation. A set of members, no root member, no aggregation
2. Simple Flat Aggregation Whole-Part relation. A set of members, with aggregation, therefore MUST have root member.
3. Nested Member Aggregation Whole-Part relation. A set of members, with aggregation, also has nested aggregation. Region and country are represented using one characteristic.
4. Multiple Characteristics Whole-Part relation. A set of members, with aggregation, also has nested aggregation. Region and country are represented using two characteristics. (Note that the meaning of the information did not change, only the representation method.)
5. Explicit Characteristics Whole-Part relation. A set of members, with aggregation, all characteristics are explicitly provided (rather then implied). Shows intersections between multiple tables where conflicts do NOT exist. (i.e. dimension defaults are not necessary)
6. Intersecting Tables Whole-Part relation. A set of members, with aggregation, all characteristics are explicitly provided (rather then implied). Shows intersections between multiple tables where conflicts would exist if dimension defaults are not used.


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