Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
1100 - Document - Document Information
Table | Document Information [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Document Information [Table]
[Table] | dei:DocumentInformationTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Document Information [Line Items]
[Line Items] | dei:DocumentInformationLineItems | ||
5 |
Document information [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:DocumentInformationHierarchy | ||
6 |
Document type
[Concept] String | For Period | dei:DocumentType | |
7 |
Amendment flag
[Concept] Boolean | For Period | dei:AmendmentFlag | |
8 |
Document period end date
[Concept] Date | For Period | dei:DocumentPeriodEndDate | |
9 |
Document fiscal year focus
[Concept] GYear | For Period | dei:DocumentFiscalYearFocus | |
10 |
Document fiscal period focus
[Concept] Token | For Period | dei:DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
1200 - Document - Entity Information
Table | Entity Information [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Entity Information [Table]
[Table] | dei:EntitiesTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Entity Information [Line Items]
[Line Items] | dei:EntityInformationLineItems | ||
5 |
Entity information [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:EntityInformationHierarchy | ||
6 |
Entity registrant name
[Concept] NormalizedString | For Period | dei:EntityRegistrantName | |
7 |
Entity central index key (CIK)
[Concept] Token | For Period | dei:EntityCentralIndexKey | |
8 |
Entity well-known seasoned issuer
[Concept] Token | For Period | dei:EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer | |
9 |
Current fiscal year end date
[Concept] GMonthDay | For Period | dei:CurrentFiscalYearEndDate | |
10 |
Entity current reporting status
[Concept] Token | For Period | dei:EntityCurrentReportingStatus | |
11 |
Entity voluntary filers
[Concept] Token | For Period | dei:EntityVoluntaryFilers | |
12 |
Entity filer category
[Concept] String | For Period | dei:EntityFilerCategory | |
13 |
Entity public float
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | dei:EntityPublicFloat |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
1300 - Document - Entity Listings Information
Table | Entity Listings [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Entity Listings [Table]
[Table] | dei:EntityListingsTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Class of Stock [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:StatementClassOfStockAxis | ||
5 |
Class of Stock [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:ClassOfStockDomain | ||
6 |
Common Class A [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:CommonClassAMember | ||
7 |
Common Class B [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:CommonClassBMember | ||
8 |
Entity Listings [Line Items]
[Line Items] | dei:EntityListingsLineItems | ||
9 |
Listing [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:ListingHierarchy | ||
10 |
Trading symbol
[Concept] NormalizedString | For Period | dei:TradingSymbol | |
11 |
Entity common stock shares outstanding
[Concept] Shares | As Of | dei:EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2001 - Statement - Balance Sheet
Table | Balance Sheet [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Balance Sheet [Table]
[Table] | abc:BalanceSheetTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Balance Sheet [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:BalanceSheetLineItems | ||
5 |
Assets [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:AssetsAbstract | ||
6 |
Current assets [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:AssetsCurrentAbstract | ||
7 |
Cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestmentsAbstract | ||
8 |
Cash and cash equivalents
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue |
9 |
Marketable securities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:AvailableForSaleSecuritiesCurrent |
10 |
Cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments |
11 |
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $1,000 and $1,000
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:AccountsReceivableNetCurrent |
12 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:InventoryNet |
13 |
Prepaid expenses
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:PrepaidExpenseCurrent |
14 |
Total current assets
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:AssetsCurrent |
15 |
Noncurrent assets [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:AssetsNoncurrentAbstract | ||
16 |
Property, plant and equipment, net
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet |
17 |
Deferred costs
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:DeferredCosts |
18 |
Total noncurrent assets
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:AssetsNoncurrent |
19 |
Total assets
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:Assets |
20 |
Liabilities and Equity [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquityAbstract | ||
21 |
Current liabilities [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:LiabilitiesCurrentAbstract | ||
22 |
Accounts payable
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:AccountsPayableCurrent |
23 |
Accrued liabilities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:AccruedLiabilitiesCurrent |
24 |
Current portion of long-term debt
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtCurrent |
25 |
Product warranty accrual, current portion
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrualClassifiedCurrent |
26 |
Total current liabilities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LiabilitiesCurrent |
27 |
Noncurrent liabilities [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:LiabilitiesNoncurrentAbstract | ||
28 |
Product warranty accrual, noncurrent portion
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrualNoncurrent |
29 |
Long-term debt
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtNoncurrent |
30 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
31 |
Total noncurrent liabilities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LiabilitiesNoncurrent |
32 |
Commitments and contingencies
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:CommitmentsAndContingencies |
33 |
Stockholders' Equity [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAbstract | ||
34 |
Stockholders' equity attributable to parent [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:StockholdersEquityAbstract | ||
35 |
Preferred stock, $1 par, 10,000 shares authorized, issued and outstanding
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:PreferredStockValueOutstanding |
36 |
Class A and Class B common stock, $1 par, 110,000 shares authorized (Class A 60,000,
Class B 50,000), 90,000 shares issued and outstanding (Class A 50,000, Class B 40,000)
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:CommonStockValueOutstanding |
37 |
Additional paid-in capital
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapital |
38 |
Treasury stock, 10,000 shares
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:TreasuryStockValue |
39 |
Accumulated other comprehensive income
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
40 |
Retained earnings
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficit |
41 |
Stockholders' equity attributable to parent
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:StockholdersEquity |
42 |
Stockholders' equity attributable to noncontrolling interest
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:MinorityInterest |
43 |
Total stockholders' equity
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
44 |
Total liabilities and equity
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2002 - Statement - Balance Sheet Parenthetical, General
Table | Balance Sheet Parenthetical, General [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Balance Sheet Parenthetical, General [Table]
[Table] | abc:BalanceSheetParentheticalGeneralTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Balance Sheet Parenthetical, General [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:BalanceSheetParentheticalGeneralLineItems | ||
5 |
Balance Sheet Parenthetical General [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:BalanceSheetParentheticalGeneralHierarchy | ||
6 |
Allowance for doubtful accounts
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivableCurrent |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2003 - Statement - Balance Sheet Parenthetical, Preferred Stock
Table | Stock by Class [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Stock by Class [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockByClassTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Class of Stock [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:StatementClassOfStockAxis | ||
5 |
Class of Stock [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:ClassOfStockDomain | ||
6 |
Preferred Class A [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:PreferredClassAMember | ||
7 |
Class of Stock [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:ClassOfStockLineItems | ||
8 |
Class of Preferred Stock [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:ClassPreferredStockHierarchy | ||
9 |
Par value
[Concept] Decimal | As Of | us-gaap:PreferredStockParOrStatedValuePerShare | |
10 |
Shares authorized
[Concept] Shares | As Of | us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesAuthorized | |
11 |
Shares issued
[Concept] Shares | As Of | us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesIssued | |
12 |
Shares outstanding
[Concept] Shares | As Of | us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesOutstanding | |
13 |
Preferred stock amount outstanding
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:PreferredStockValueOutstanding |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2004 - Statement - Balance Sheet Parenthetical, Common Stock
Table | Stock by Class [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Stock by Class [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockByClassTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Class of Stock [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:StatementClassOfStockAxis | ||
5 |
Class of Stock [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:ClassOfStockDomain | ||
6 |
Common Class A [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:CommonClassAMember | ||
7 |
Common Class B [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:CommonClassBMember | ||
8 |
Class of Stock [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:ClassOfStockLineItems | ||
9 |
Class of Common Stock [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:ClassCommonStockHierarchy | ||
10 |
Par value
[Concept] Decimal | As Of | us-gaap:CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare | |
11 |
Shares authorized
[Concept] Shares | As Of | us-gaap:CommonStockSharesAuthorized | |
12 |
Shares issued
[Concept] Shares | As Of | us-gaap:CommonStockSharesIssued | |
13 |
Shares outstanding
[Concept] Shares | As Of | us-gaap:CommonStockSharesOutstanding | |
14 |
Common stock amount outstanding
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:CommonStockValueOutstanding |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2005 - Statement - Balance Sheet Parenthetical, Treasury Stock
Table | Class of Treasury Stock [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Class of Treasury Stock [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ClassOfTreasuryStockTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Class of Stock [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:StatementClassOfStockAxis | ||
5 |
Class of Stock [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:ClassOfStockDomain | ||
6 |
Common Class A [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:CommonClassAMember | ||
7 |
Equity, Class of Treasury Stock [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:EquityClassOfTreasuryStockLineItems | ||
8 |
Class of Treasury Stock [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:ClassTreasuryStockHierarchy | ||
9 |
[Concept] Shares | As Of | us-gaap:TreasuryStockShares | |
10 |
Treasury stock amount
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:TreasuryStockValue |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2006 - Statement - Income Statement
Table | Income Statement [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Income Statement [Table]
[Table] | abc:IncomeStatementTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Income Statement [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:IncomeStatementLineItems | ||
5 |
Net Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:NetIncomeLossAttributableToReportingEntityAbstract | ||
6 |
Income from Continuing Operations Before Tax [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesMinorityInterestAndIncomeLossFromEquityMethodInvestmentsAbstract | ||
7 |
Operating Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:OperatingIncomeLossAbstract | ||
8 |
Gross Profit [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:GrossProfitAbstract | ||
9 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:Revenues |
10 |
Cost of revenues
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:CostOfRevenue |
11 |
Gross profit
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:GrossProfit |
12 |
Operating Expenses [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:OperatingExpensesAbstract | ||
13 |
Selling, general and administrative expenses
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
14 |
Research and development expenses
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentExpense |
15 |
Marketing expense
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:MarketingExpense |
16 |
Other operating cost and expenses
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:OtherCostAndExpenseOperating |
17 |
Total operating expenses
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:OperatingExpenses |
18 |
Operating income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:OperatingIncomeLoss |
19 |
Nonoperating income (expense)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:NonoperatingIncomeExpense |
20 |
Interest and debt expense
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:InterestAndDebtExpense |
21 |
Income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesMinorityInterestAndIncomeLossFromEquityMethodInvestments |
22 |
Provision for income taxes
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit |
23 |
Net income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ProfitLoss |
24 |
Net Income (Loss) Attributable to [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | abc:NetIncomeLossAttributableToRollUp | ||
25 |
Net income (loss) attributable to parent
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:NetIncomeLoss |
26 |
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
27 |
Net income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ProfitLoss |
28 |
Earnings Per Share [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:EarningsPerShareAbstract | ||
29 |
[Concept] Decimal | For Period | us-gaap:EarningsPerShareBasic | |
30 |
[Concept] Decimal | For Period | us-gaap:EarningsPerShareDiluted | |
31 |
Weighted average common shares outstanding [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingBasicAbstract | ||
32 |
[Concept] Shares | For Period | us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingBasic | |
33 |
[Concept] Shares | For Period | us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2007 - Statement - Comprehensive Income
Table | Comprehensive Income [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Comprehensive Income [Table]
[Table] | abc:ComprehensiveIncomeTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Comprehensive Income [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:ComprehensiveIncomeLineItems | ||
5 |
Comprehensive Income Attributable to Parent [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | abc:ComprehensiveIncomeAttributableToParentRollUp | ||
6 |
Comprehensive Income [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | abc:ComprehensiveIncomeRollUp | ||
7 |
Net income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ProfitLoss |
8 |
Other comprehensive income [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract | ||
9 |
Change in foreign currency translation adjustment
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
10 |
Other comprehensive income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
11 |
Comprehensive income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
12 |
Noncontrolling interest
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:ComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
13 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTax |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2008 - Statement - Cash Flow Statement
Table | Cash Flow Statement [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Cash Flow Statement [Table]
[Table] | abc:CashFlowStatementTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Cash Flow Statement [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:CashFlowStatementLineItems | ||
5 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents [Roll Forward]
[Abstract] | abc:CashCashEquivalentsRollForward | ||
6 |
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract | ||
7 |
Operating activities [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesContinuingOperationsAbstract | ||
8 |
Net income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ProfitLoss |
9 |
Adjustments to reconcile to cash provided by operations [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:AdjustmentsToReconcileNetIncomeLossToCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesAbstract | ||
10 |
Noncash charges and credits [Abstract]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:AdjustmentsNoncashItemsToReconcileNetIncomeLossToCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesAbstract | ||
11 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:Depreciation |
12 |
Deferred income tax
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:DeferredIncomeTaxExpenseBenefit |
13 |
Other noncash charges and credits
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:OtherNoncashIncomeExpense |
14 |
Changes in working capital items [Abstract]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingCapitalAbstract | ||
15 |
Accounts receivable
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsReceivable |
16 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:IncreaseDecreaseInInventories |
17 |
Accounts payable
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsPayable |
18 |
Accrued liabilities
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:IncreaseDecreaseInAccruedLiabilities |
19 |
Product warranty accrual
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:IncreaseDecreaseInOtherDeferredLiability |
20 |
Adjustments to reconcile to cash provided by operations
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:AdjustmentsToReconcileNetIncomeLossToCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities |
21 |
Cash provided by operating activities
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | us-gaap:NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesContinuingOperations | |
22 |
Investing activities [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:NetCashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesContinuingOperationsAbstract | ||
23 |
Payments to acquire property, plant and equipment
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:PaymentsToAcquirePropertyPlantAndEquipment |
24 |
Proceeds from sale of property, plant, and equipment
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:ProceedsFromSaleOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
25 |
Other investing activities
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:PaymentsForProceedsFromOtherInvestingActivities |
26 |
Cash provided by (used in) investing activities
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:NetCashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesContinuingOperations |
27 |
Financing activities [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:NetCashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesContinuingOperationsAbstract | ||
28 |
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:ProceedsFromIssuanceOfLongTermDebt |
29 |
Repayments of long-term debt
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt |
30 |
Payment of common stock dividends
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:PaymentsOfDividendsCommonStock |
31 |
Other financing activities
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:ProceedsFromPaymentsForOtherFinancingActivities |
32 |
Cash provided by (used in) financing activities
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:NetCashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesContinuingOperations |
33 |
Effect of exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:EffectOfExchangeRateOnCashAndCashEquivalents |
34 |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
35 |
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning balance
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue |
36 |
Cash and cash equivalents, ending balance
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue |
37 |
Supplemental cash flow disclosures [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:SupplementalCashFlowInformationAbstract | ||
38 |
Interest paid
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:InterestPaid |
39 |
Income taxes paid
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:IncomeTaxesPaid |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2009 - Statement - Prior Period Adjustment
Table | Changes in Stockholders' Equity [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Changes in Stockholders' Equity [Table]
[Table] | abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Report Date [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:CreationDateAxis | ||
5 |
Restated Report Date [Domain]
[Member] | abc:RestatedReportDateDomain | ||
6 |
Origionally Stated Report Date [Member]
[Member] | abc:OrigionallyStatedReportDateMember | ||
7 |
Changes in Stockholders' Equity [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityLineItems | ||
8 |
Increase (Decrease) in Stockholders' Equity [Adjustment]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:IncreaseDecreaseInStockholdersEquityRollForward | ||
9 |
Stockholders' equity, origionally stated
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
10 |
Correction of a prior period error
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | abc:CorrectionOfPriorPeriodError |
11 |
Effect of mandatory change in accounting policy for adoption of FAS XXX
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | abc:EffectOfMandatoryChangeInAccountingPolicyForAdoptionOfFasXxx |
12 |
Stockholders' equity, restated
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
2010 - Statement - Changes in Total Stockholders' Equity
Table | Changes in Stockholders' Equity [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Changes in Stockholders' Equity [Table]
[Table] | abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Changes in Stockholders' Equity [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityLineItems | ||
5 |
Increase (Decrease) in Stockholders' Equity [Roll Forward]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:IncreaseDecreaseInStockholdersEquityRollForward | ||
6 |
Stockholders' equity, beginning balance
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
7 |
Net income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ProfitLoss |
8 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:Dividends |
9 |
Other comprehensive income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
10 |
Stockholders' equity, ending balance
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
4010 - Disclosure - Nature of Business
Table | Nature of Business [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Nature of Business [Table]
[Table] | abc:NatureOfBusinessTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Nature of Business [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:NatureOfBusinessLineItems | ||
5 |
Nature of business [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:NatureOfOperations |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
4015 - Disclosure - Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tables) [Temp location of Level 3 Text Blocks]
Table | (Implied) |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tables) [Temp location of Level 3 Text Blocks] [Table]
(Implied) | |||
2 |
Level 3 Text Blocks Temporary Location [Abstract]
[Abstract] | abc:Level3TextBlocksTemporaryLocationAbstract | ||
3 |
Significant Accounting Policies [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:SignificantAccountingPoliciesTextBlock | |
4 |
Basis of reporting [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:BasisOfAccounting | |
5 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents Components [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCashAndCashEquivalentsTableTextBlock | |
6 |
Inventory Components [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:ScheduleOfInventoryCurrentTableTextBlock | |
7 |
Property, Plant and Equipment Estimated Useful Lives [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentPolicyTextBlock | |
8 |
Property, Plant and Equipment by Type [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentTextBlock | |
9 |
Long-term Debt Maturities [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:ScheduleOfMaturitiesOfLongTermDebtTableTextBlock | |
10 |
Long-term Debt Instruments [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtInstrumentsTextBlock | |
11 |
Product Warranty Accrual [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:ScheduleOfProductWarrantyLiabilityTableTextBlock | |
12 |
Other Noncurrent Liabilities by Type [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:OtherNoncurrentLiabilitiesTableTextBlock | |
13 |
Long-lived Assets by Geographic Area [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:LongLivedAssetsByGeographicAreasTableTextBlock | |
14 |
Revenues from External Customers by Geographic Area [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRevenueFromExternalCustomersAttributedToForeignCountriesByGeographicAreaTextBlock | |
15 |
Nonmonetary Trasactions [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:DetailsOfNonmonetaryTransactionsTableTextBlock | |
16 |
Subsequent Events [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:ScheduleOfSubsequentEventsTextBlock |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
4020 - Disclosure - Significant Accounting Policies
Table | Significant Accounting Policies [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Significant Accounting Policies [Table]
[Table] | abc:SignificantAccountingPoliciesTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Significant Accounting Policies [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:SignificantAccountingPoliciesLineItems | ||
5 |
Cash and cash equivalents policy [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsPolicyTextBlock | |
6 |
Receivables policy [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:ReceivablesPolicyTextBlock | |
7 |
Inventories policy [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:InventoryPolicyTextBlock | |
8 |
Debt policy [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:DebtPolicyTextBlock | |
9 |
Revenue recognition policy [Text Block]
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:RevenueRecognitionPolicyTextBlock |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
4030 - Disclosure - Property, Plant and Equipment Policies
Table | Property, Plant and Equipment Components [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Property, Plant and Equipment Components [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Property, Plant and Equipment, Type [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis | ||
5 |
Property, Plant and Equipment, All Types [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentTypeDomain | ||
6 |
Land [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:LandMember | ||
7 |
Machinery and equipment [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:MachineryAndEquipmentMember | ||
8 |
Furniture and fixtures [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:FurnitureAndFixturesMember | ||
9 |
Property, Plant and Equipment [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentLineItems | ||
10 |
Property, Plant and Equipment Policies [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:PropertyPlantEquipmentPoliciesHierarchy | ||
11 |
Basis of valuation
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentBasisOfValuation | |
12 |
Depreciation methods
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentDepreciationMethods | |
13 |
Estimated useful lives
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentEstimatedUsefulLives | |
14 |
Dispositions policy
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentDispositions |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5010 - Disclosure - Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities
Table | Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities [Table]
[Table] | abc:CashCashEquivalentsAndMarketableSecuritiesTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Cash, Cash Equivlents, and Marketable Securities [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:CashCashEquivlentsAndMarketableSecuritiesLineItems | ||
5 |
Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | abc:CashCashEquivalentsMarketableSecuritiesRollUp | ||
6 |
Cash and cash equivalents
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue |
7 |
Marketable securities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:AvailableForSaleSecuritiesCurrent |
8 |
Cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5020 - Disclosure - Cash and Cash Equivalents Components
Table | Cash and Cash Equivalents Components [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents Components [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCashAndCashEquivalentsTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents Type [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsAxis | ||
5 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents, All Types [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:RestrictedCashAndCashEquivalentsCashAndCashEquivalentsMember | ||
6 |
Cash [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:CashMember | ||
7 |
Bank time deposits [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:BankTimeDepositsMember | ||
8 |
Money market funds [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:MoneyMarketFundsMember | ||
9 |
U.S. government agencies securities [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:USGovernmentCorporationsAndAgenciesSecuritiesMember | ||
10 |
Foreign government debt [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:ForeignGovernmentDebtMember | ||
11 |
Corporate debt securities [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMember | ||
12 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsLineItems | ||
13 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:CashCashEquivalentsHierarchy | ||
14 |
Cash and cash equivalents
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5030 - Disclosure - Marketable Securities Components
Table | Marketable Securities [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Marketable Securities [Table]
[Table] | abc:MarketableSecuritiesTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Instrument Type [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:MajorTypesOfDebtAndEquitySecuritiesAxis | ||
5 |
Instruments, All Types [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:MajorTypesOfDebtAndEquitySecuritiesDomain | ||
6 |
Bank time deposits [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:BankTimeDepositsMember | ||
7 |
U.S. government agencies securities [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:USGovernmentCorporationsAndAgenciesSecuritiesMember | ||
8 |
Foreign government debt [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:ForeignGovernmentDebtMember | ||
9 |
Municipal securities [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:MunicipalNotesMember | ||
10 |
Marketable equity securities [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:EquitySecuritiesMember | ||
11 |
Marketable Securities [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:MarketableSecuritiesLineItems | ||
12 |
Marketable Securities [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:MarketableSecuritiesHierarchy | ||
13 |
Marketable securities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:AvailableForSaleSecuritiesCurrent |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5040 - Disclosure - Inventory Components
Table | Inventory Components [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Inventory Components [Table]
[Table] | abc:InventoryComponentsTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Inventory Components [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:InventoryComponentsLineItems | ||
5 |
Inventory, Net [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:InventoryNetAbstract | ||
6 |
Finished Goods
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:InventoryFinishedGoods |
7 |
Work in progress
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:InventoryWorkInProcess |
8 |
Raw materials
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:InventoryRawMaterials |
9 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:OtherInventorySupplies |
10 |
Total inventories, net
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:InventoryNet |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5050 - Disclosure - Property, Plant and Equipment Components
Table | Property, Plant and Equipment Components [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Property, Plant and Equipment Components [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Property, Plant and Equipment, Type [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByTypeAxis | ||
5 |
Property, Plant and Equipment, All Types [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentTypeDomain | ||
6 |
Land [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:LandMember | ||
7 |
Machinery and equipment [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:MachineryAndEquipmentMember | ||
8 |
Furniture and fixtures [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:FurnitureAndFixturesMember | ||
9 |
Property, Plant and Equipment [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentLineItems | ||
10 |
Property, Plant and Equipment [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:PropertyPlantEquipmentHierarchy | ||
11 |
Property, plant and equipment, gross
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentGross |
12 |
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Type [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetByTypeAbstract | ||
13 |
Property, plant and equipment, gross
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentGross |
14 |
Accumulated depreciation
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:AccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAndAmortizationPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
15 |
Property, plant, and equipment, net
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5060 - Disclosure - Deferred Costs
Table | Deferred Costs Components [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Deferred Costs Components [Table]
[Table] | abc:DeferredCostsComponentsTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Deferred Costs Components [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:DeferredCostsComponentsLineItems | ||
5 |
Deferred Costs [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:DeferredCostsNoncurrentAbstract | ||
6 |
Deferred advertising costs
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:DeferredAdvertisingCosts |
7 |
Deferred set-up costs
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:DeferredSetUpCostsNoncurrent |
8 |
Deferred sales commissions
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:DeferredSalesCommission |
9 |
Total deferred costs
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:DeferredCosts |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5070 - Disclosure - Product Warranty Accrual
Table | Product Liability Contingency [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Product Liability Contingency [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ProductLiabilityContingencyTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Product Liability Contingency [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:ProductLiabilityContingencyLineItems | ||
5 |
Product warranty accrual [Roll Forward]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:MovementInStandardAndExtendedProductWarrantyIncreaseDecreaseRollForward | ||
6 |
Product warranty accrual, beginning balance
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrual |
7 |
Provision for product warranties issued
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrualWarrantiesIssued |
8 |
Payments to satisfy claims
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrualPayments |
9 |
Currency translation
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrualCurrencyTranslationIncreaseDecrease |
10 |
Product warranty accrual, ending balance
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrual |
11 |
Product Warranty Accrual, Balance Sheet Classification [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrualBalanceSheetClassificationAbstract | ||
12 |
Product warranty accrual, current portion
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrualClassifiedCurrent |
13 |
Product warranty accrual, noncurrent portion
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrualNoncurrent |
14 |
Product warranty accrual, total
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyAccrual |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5080 - Disclosure - Long-term Debt Instruments
Table | Long-term Debt Instruments [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Long-term Debt Instruments [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Long-term Debt, Type [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:LongtermDebtTypeAxis | ||
5 |
Long-term Debt, All Types [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:LongtermDebtTypeDomain | ||
6 |
Loans payable [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:LoansPayableMember | ||
7 |
Debt Instrument [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentAxis | ||
8 |
Debt Instrument, All Instruments [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentNameDomain | ||
9 |
Debt instrument AA [Member]
[Member] | abc:DebtInstrumentAaMember | ||
10 |
Debt instrument BB [Member]
[Member] | abc:DebtInstrumentBbMember | ||
11 |
Debt Instrument [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentLineItems | ||
12 |
Debt Instrument Hierarchy [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:DebtInstrumentHierarchyHierarchy | ||
13 |
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentDescription | |
14 |
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCollateral | |
15 |
Interest rate
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateTerms | |
16 |
Maturity date
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentMaturityDateDescription | |
17 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
18 |
Long-term Debt [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | abc:Long-termDebtRollUp | ||
19 |
Current portion of long-term debt
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtCurrent |
20 |
Long-term debt excluding current maturities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtNoncurrent |
21 |
Total long-term debt
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5090 - Disclosure - Maturities of Long-term Debt
Table | Maturities of Long-Term Debt [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Maturities of Long-Term Debt [Table]
[Table] | abc:MaturitiesOfLongTermDebtTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Maturities of Long-Term Debt [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:MaturitiesOfLongTermDebtLineItems | ||
5 |
Maturities of Long-Term Debt RollUp [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | abc:MaturitiesLong-TermDebtRollUpRollUp | ||
6 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextTwelveMonths |
7 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearTwo |
8 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearThree |
9 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFour |
10 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFive |
11 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalAfterYearFive |
12 |
Total long-term debt
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5110 - Disclosure - Other Noncurrent Liabilities
Table | Other Noncurrent Liabilities [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Other Noncurrent Liabilities [Table]
[Table] | abc:OtherNoncurrentLiabilitiesTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Other Noncurrent Liabilities [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:OtherNoncurrentLiabilitiesLineItems | ||
5 |
Other Liabilities, Noncurrent [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesNoncurrentAbstract | ||
6 |
Other sundry noncurrent liabilities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:OtherSundryLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
7 |
Noncurrent deferred taxes and other liabilities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:DeferredTaxAndOtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
8 |
Total other noncurrent liabilities
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Credit | us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5120 - Disclosure - Business Segments
Table | Business Segment Information, by Segment [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Business Segment Information, by Segment [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfSegmentReportingInformationBySegmentTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Business Segments [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis | ||
5 |
All Business Segments [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:SegmentDomain | ||
6 |
Business Segment Alpha [Member]
[Member] | abc:BusinessSegmentAlphaMember | ||
7 |
Business Segment Bravo [Member]
[Member] | abc:BusinessSegmentBravoMember | ||
8 |
Business Segment Charlie [Member]
[Member] | abc:BusinessSegmentCharlieMember | ||
9 |
Business Segment Delta [Member]
[Member] | abc:BusinessSegmentDeltaMember | ||
10 |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:SegmentReportingInformationLineItems | ||
11 |
Business Segment Information [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:BusinessSegmentInformationHierarchy | ||
12 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:Revenues |
13 |
Operating expenses
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:OperatingExpenses |
14 |
Selling, general and administrative expenses
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
15 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:Depreciation |
16 |
Operating income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:OperatingIncomeLoss |
17 |
Capital additions
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:PaymentsToAcquirePropertyPlantAndEquipment |
18 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:Assets |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5130 - Disclosure - Geographic Areas
Table | Revenues from External Customers and Long-lived Assets by Geographic Area [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Revenues from External Customers and Long-lived Assets by Geographic Area [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRevenuesFromExternalCustomersAndLongLivedAssetsTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Geographic Area [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:StatementGeographicalAxis | ||
5 |
All geographic areas [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:SegmentGeographicalDomain | ||
6 |
North America [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:NorthAmericaMember | ||
7 |
[Member] | country:US | ||
8 |
[Member] | country:CA | ||
9 |
Europe [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:EuropeMember | ||
10 |
[Member] | country:GB | ||
11 |
[Member] | country:DE | ||
12 |
Revenues from External Customers and Long-Lived Assets [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:RevenuesFromExternalCustomersAndLongLivedAssetsLineItems | ||
13 |
Revenues from External Customers [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:RevenuesFromExternalCustomersHierarchy | ||
14 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:Revenues |
15 |
Long Lived Assets [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:LongLivedAssetsHierarchy | ||
16 |
Long-lived assets
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:NoncurrentAssets |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5140 - Disclosure - Nonmonetary Transactions
Table | Nonmonetary Transaction, by Type [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Nonmonetary Transaction, by Type [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionByTypeTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Nonmonetary Transaction Type [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionTypeAxis | ||
5 |
Nonmonetary Transaction, All Types [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionTypeDomain | ||
6 |
Receipt of Assets in Satisfaction of Debt [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:ReceiptOfAssetsInSatisfactionOfDebtMember | ||
7 |
Advertising Barter Transactions [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:AdvertisingBarterTransactionsMember | ||
8 |
Inventory Exchanges [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:InventoryExchangesMember | ||
9 |
Nonmonetary Transaction [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionLineItems | ||
10 |
Nonmonetary Transaction [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:NonmonetaryTransactionHierarchy | ||
11 |
Basis of accounting for assets transferred
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionBasisOfAccountingForAssetsTransferred | |
12 |
Name of counterparty
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionNameOfCounterparty | |
13 |
Gain (loss) recognized on transfer
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionGainLossRecognizedOnTransfer |
14 |
Amount of barter transaction
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionAmountOfBarterTransaction |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5150 - Disclosure - Select Financial Information
Table | Select Financial Information [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Select Financial Information [Table]
[Table] | abc:SelectFinancialInformationTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Reporting scenario [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:StatementScenarioAxis | ||
5 |
Actual [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:ScenarioActualMember | ||
6 |
Variance [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:ScenarioUnspecifiedDomain | ||
7 |
Forecast [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:ScenarioForecastMember | ||
8 |
Select Financial Information [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:SelectFinancialInformationLineItems | ||
9 |
Select Financial Information [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:SelectFinancialInformationHierarchy | ||
10 |
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:Revenues |
11 |
Operating income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:OperatingIncomeLoss |
12 |
Net income (loss)
[Concept] Monetary | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:ProfitLoss |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
5160 - Disclosure - Subsequent Events
Table | Subsequent Event [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Subsequent Event [Table]
[Table] | us-gaap:SubsequentEventTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Subsequent Event Type [Axis]
[Axis] | us-gaap:SubsequentEventTypeAxis | ||
5 |
Subsequent Event, All Types [Domain]
[Member] | us-gaap:SubsequentEventTypeDomain | ||
6 |
Dividend Declared [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:DividendDeclaredMember | ||
7 |
Threatened Litigation [Member]
[Member] | us-gaap:ThreatenedLitigationMember | ||
8 |
Subsequent Event [Line Items]
[Line Items] | us-gaap:SubsequentEventLineItems | ||
9 |
Subsequent Event [Hierarchy]
[Abstract] | abc:SubsequentEventHierarchy | ||
10 |
Event description
[Concept] String | For Period | us-gaap:SubsequentEventDescription | |
11 |
Event date
[Concept] Date | For Period | us-gaap:SubsequentEventsDate |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network |
9101 - Disclosure - Raw Materials Details (Supplemental Information)
Table | Inventory Components [Table] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 |
Inventory Components [Table]
[Table] | abc:InventoryComponentsTable | ||
2 |
Legal Entity [Axis]
[Axis] | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 |
Consolidated Entity [Domain]
[Member] | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 |
Inventory Components [Line Items]
[Line Items] | abc:InventoryComponentsLineItems | ||
5 |
Raw Materials [Roll Up]
[Abstract] | abc:RawMaterialsRollUp | ||
6 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | abc:Steel |
7 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | abc:Copper |
8 |
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | abc:Lead |
9 |
Total raw materials
[Concept] Monetary | As Of | Debit | us-gaap:InventoryRawMaterials |