Business Events

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 Network


2 Thing Abstract cm:Thing
3 Event Abstract cm:Event
4 Accrue Interest Abstract events:AccrueInterest
5 Acquire Inventory On Account Abstract events:AcquireInventoryOnAccount
6 Acquire Long Term Debt Abstract events:AcquireLongTermDebt
7 Capital Acquisition for Cash Abstract events:CapitalAcquisitionForCash
8 Collection of Trade Receivable Abstract events:CollectionOfTradeReceivable
9 Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment Abstract events:DepreciationOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment
10 Distribution to Owner Abstract events:DistributionToOwner
11 Increase Allowance for Bad Debts Abstract events:IncreaseAllowanceForBadDebts
12 Investment by Owner Abstract events:InvestmentByOwner
13 Payment of Interest Accrued Abstract events:PaymentOfInterestAccrued
14 Payment of Trade Payable Abstract events:PaymentOfTradePayable
15 Repayment of Long Term Debt Obligation Abstract events:RepaymentOfLongTermDebtObligation
16 Sale on Account Abstract events:SaleOnAccount
17 Write Off Account Receivable as Bad Debt Abstract events:WriteOffAccountReceivableAsBadDebt
18 Write Off Inventory as Shrinkage Abstract events:WriteOffInventoryAsShrinkage