Fundamental Accounting Concepts - Terms

The following is a list of the high level fundamental accounting concepts (FAC) for US GAAP. These tend to be subtotals and totals.

# Name Label Balance Period Type
1 Assets Assets Debit Instant
2 AssetsHeldForSale Assets Held for Sale Debit Instant
3 BenefitsCostsExpenses Benefits Costs and Expenses Debit Duration
4 Capitalization Capitalization Credit Instant
5 CommitmentsAndContingencies Commitments And Contingencies Credit Instant
6 ComprehensiveIncomeLoss Comprehensive Income (Loss) Credit Duration
7 ComprehensiveIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest Comprehensive Income (Loss) Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest Credit Duration
8 ComprehensiveIncomeLossAttributableToParent Comprehensive Income (Loss) Attributable to Parent Credit Duration
9 CostOfRevenue Cost Of Revenue Debit Duration
10 CostOfRevenueGoods Cost of Revenue, Goods Debit Duration
11 CostOfRevenueServices Cost of Revenue, Services Debit Duration
12 CostsAndExpenses Costs And Expenses Debit Duration
13 CurrentAssets Current Assets Debit Instant
14 CurrentAssetsExcludingHeldForSale Current Assets Excluding Held for Sale Debit Instant
15 CurrentLiabilities Current Liabilities Credit Instant
16 CurrentLiabilitiesExcludingHeldForSale Current Liabilities Excluding Held for Sale Credit Instant
17 Equity Equity Credit Instant
18 EquityAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest Credit Instant
19 EquityAttributableToParent Equity Attributable To Parent Credit Instant
20 ExchangeGainsLosses Exchange Gains (Losses) Duration
21 ExciseAndSalesTaxes Excise and Sales Taxes Debit Duration
22 FixedAssets Fixed Assets Debit Instant
23 GainLossOnDispositionStockInSubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvestee Gain (Loss) on Disposition of Stock in Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee Credit Duration
24 GainLossOnSalePreviouslyUnissuedStockBySubsidiaryOrEquityInvesteeNonoperatingIncome Gain (Loss) on Sale of Previously Unissued Stock by Subsidiary or Equity Investee, Nonoperating Income Credit Duration
25 GainLossOnSalePropertiesNetTax Gain (Loss) On Sale of Properties, Net of Tax Credit Duration
26 GrossProfit Gross Profit Credit Duration
27 IncomeLossBeforeEquityMethodInvestments Income (Loss) Before Equity Method Investments Credit Duration
28 IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations After Tax Credit Duration
29 IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations Before Tax Credit Duration
30 IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax Income (Loss) From Discontinued Operations, Net Of Tax Credit Duration
31 IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxAdjustmentToPriorYearGainLossOnDisposal Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Adjustment to Prior Year Gain (Loss) on Disposal Credit Duration
32 IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxDuringPhaseOut Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, During Phase Out Credit Duration
33 IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxGainLossOnDisposal Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Gain (Loss) on Disposal Credit Duration
34 IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxProvisionForGainLossOnDisposal Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Provision for Gain (Loss) on Disposal Credit Duration
35 IncomeLossFromEquityMethodInvestments Income (Loss) From Equity Method Investments Credit Duration
36 IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit Income Tax Expense (Benefit) Debit Duration
37 IncomeTaxExpenseBenefitCurrent Income Tax Expense (Benefit), Current Debit Duration
38 IncomeTaxExpenseBenefitDeferred Income Tax Expense (Benefit), Deferred Debit Duration
39 IndirectOperatingNonoperatingCostsExpenses Indirect Operating and Nonoperating Costs and Expenses Debit Duration
40 InterestAndDebtExpense Interest And Debt Expense Debit Duration
41 InterestAndDividendIncomeOperating Interest And Dividend Income, Operating Credit Duration
42 InterestExpense Interest Expense Debit Duration
43 InterestExpenseOperating Interest Expense, Operating Debit Duration
44 InterestIncomeExpenseAfterProvisionForLosses Interest Income (Expense) After Provision For Losses Credit Duration
45 InterestIncomeExpenseOperatingNet Interest Income (Expense) Operating, Net Credit Duration
46 Liabilities Liabilities Credit Instant
47 LiabilitiesAndEquity Liabilities And Equity Credit Instant
48 LiabilitiesHeldForSale Liabilities Held for Sale Credit Instant
49 LongTermDebt Long-term Debt Credit Instant
50 NetAssetsLiabilities Net Assets (Liabilities) Debit Instant
51 NetCashFlow Net Cash Flow Duration
52 NetCashFlowContinuing Net Cash Flow, Continuing Duration
53 NetCashFlowDiscontinued Net Cash Flow, Discontinued Duration
54 NetCashFlowFromFinancingActivities Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities Duration
55 NetCashFlowFromFinancingActivitiesContinuing Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing Duration
56 NetCashFlowFromFinancingActivitiesDiscontinued Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Discontinued Duration
57 NetCashFlowFromInvestingActivities Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities Duration
58 NetCashFlowFromInvestingActivitiesContinuing Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing Duration
59 NetCashFlowFromInvestingActivitiesDiscontinued Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Discontinued Duration
60 NetCashFlowFromOperatingActivities Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities Duration
61 NetCashFlowFromOperatingActivitiesContinuing Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing Duration
62 NetCashFlowFromOperatingActivitiesDiscontinued Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Discontinued Duration
63 NetIncomeLoss Net Income (Loss) Credit Duration
64 NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest Net Income (Loss) Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest Credit Duration
65 NetIncomeLossAttributableToNonredeemableNoncontrollingInterest Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Nonredeemable Noncontrolling Interest Credit Duration
66 NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent Net Income (Loss) Attributable To Parent Credit Duration
67 NetIncomeLossAttributableToRedeemableNoncontrollingInterest Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest Credit Duration
68 NetIncomeLossAvailableToCommonStockholdersBasic Net Income (Loss) Available To Common Stockholders, Basic Credit Duration
69 NoncurrentAssets Noncurrent Assets Debit Instant
70 NoncurrentLiabilities Noncurrent Liabilities Credit Instant
71 NoninterestExpense Noninterest Expense Debit Duration
72 NoninterestIncome Noninterest Income Credit Duration
73 NonoperatingGainsLosses Nonoperating Gains (Losses) Credit Duration
74 NonoperatingIncomeLoss Nonoperating Income (Expense) Credit Duration
75 OperatingAndNonoperatingCostsAndExpenses Operating and Nonoperating Costs and Expenses Debit Duration
76 OperatingAndNonoperatingRevenues Operating and Nonoperating Revenues Credit Duration
77 OperatingExpenses Operating Expenses Debit Duration
78 OperatingIncomeLoss Operating Income (Loss) Credit Duration
79 OtherComprehensiveIncomeLoss Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Credit Duration
80 OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest Credit Duration
81 OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAttributableToParent Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Attributable to Parent Credit Duration
82 OtherNoncurrentAssetsOfRegulatedEntity Other Noncurrent Assets of Regulated Entity Debit Instant
83 OtherNoncurrentLiabilitiesOfRegulatedEntity Other Noncurrent Liabilities of Regulated Entity Credit Instant
84 OtherOperatingIncomeExpenses Other Operating Income (Expenses) Credit Duration
85 OtherThanFixedNoncurrentAssets Other than Fixed Noncurrent Assets Debit Instant
86 ParticipatingSecuritiesDistributedAndUndistributedEarningsLossBasic Participating Securities, Distributed and Undistributed Earnings (Loss), Basic Debit Duration
87 PreferredStockDividendsAndOtherAdjustments Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments Debit Duration
88 ProvisionForLoanLeaseAndOtherLosses Provision For Loan, Lease, And Other Losses Debit Duration
89 PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet Public Utilities Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net Debit Duration
90 RedeemableNoncontrollingInterest Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest Credit Instant
91 RedeemableNoncontrollingInterestCommon Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest Common Credit Instant
92 RedeemableNoncontrollingInterestOther Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest Other Credit Instant
93 RedeemableNoncontrollingInterestPreferred Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest Preferred Credit Instant
94 ReturnOnAssets Return on Assets (ROA) Duration
95 ReturnOnEquity Return on Equity (ROE) Duration
96 ReturnOnSales Return on Sales (ROS) Duration
97 Revenues Revenues Credit Duration
98 RevenuesExcludingInterestDividends Revenues, Excluding Interest and Dividends Credit Duration
99 RevenuesNetInterestExpense Revenues, Net of Interest Expense Credit Duration
100 SustainableGrowthRate Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) Duration
101 TemporaryEquity Temporary Equity Credit Instant
102 TemporaryEquityAttributableToParent Temporary Equity Attributable to Parent Credit Instant
103 UndistributedEarningsLossAllocatedToParticipatingSecuritiesBasic Undistributed Earnings (Loss) Allocated to Participating Securities, Basic Credit Duration

Last updated: 11/17/2020 12:08:57 PM