Line |
Label |
Object Class |
Period Type |
Balance |
Report Element Name |
References |
1 |
[801000] Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
2 |
Disclosure of information accompanying relevant KPIs of non-financial undertakings [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfInformationAccompanyingRelevantKpisOfNonfinancialUndertakingsExplanatory |
3 |
Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:SpecificationOfDisclosuresAccompanyingKPIsOfNonFinancialUndertakingsAbstract |
4 |
Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:SpecificationOfDisclosuresAccompanyingKPIsOfNonFinancialUndertakingsTable |
5 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
6 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
7 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
8 |
Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:SpecificationOfDisclosuresAccompanyingKPIsOfNonFinancialUndertakingsLineItems |
9 |
Specification of key performance indicators (KPI) [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:SpecificationOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorsKpiAbstract |
10 |
Specification of key performance indicators (KPI) - KPI related to OpEx (OpEx KPI) [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:SpecificationOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorsKpiKpiRelatedToOpExOpExKpiAbstract |
11 |
Disclosure of total value of OpEx denominator and explanation of absence of materiality of operational expenditure in business model [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfTotalValueOfOpExDenominatorAndExplanationOfAbsenceOfMaterialityOfOperationalExpenditureInBusinessModelExplanatory |
12 |
Accounting policy [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AccountingPolicyAbstract |
13 |
Accounting policy - KPI related to turnover [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AccountingPolicyKpiRelatedToTurnoverAbstract |
14 |
Explanation of how turnover was determined and allocated to numerator and basis on which turnover was calculated [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfHowTurnoverWasDeterminedAndAllocatedToNumeratorAndBasisOnWhichTurnoverWasCalculatedExplanatory |
15 |
Disclosure of references to related line items in financial statements, turnover [text block] |
LineItems |
art8:DisclosureOfReferencesToRelatedLineItemsInFinancialStatementsTurnoverExplanatory |
16 |
Explanation of why changes in application of calculations result in more reliable and relevant information, turnover [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfWhyChangesInApplicationOfCalculationsResultInMoreReliableAndRelevantInformationTurnoverExplanatory |
17 |
Accounting policy - KPI related to CapEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AccountingPolicyKpiRelatedToCapExAbstract |
18 |
Explanation of how CapEx was determined and allocated to numerator and basis on which CapEx was calculated [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfHowCapExWasDeterminedAndAllocatedToNumeratorAndBasisOnWhichCapExWasCalculatedExplanatory |
19 |
Disclosure of references to related line items in financial statements, CapEx [text block] |
LineItems |
art8:DisclosureOfReferencesToRelatedLineItemsInFinancialStatementsCapExExplanatory |
20 |
Explanation of why changes in application of calculations result in more reliable and relevant information, CapEx [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfWhyChangesInApplicationOfCalculationsResultInMoreReliableAndRelevantInformationCapExExplanatory |
21 |
Material changes that have occurred during reporting period in relation to implementation of CapEx plans [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:MaterialChangesThatHaveOccurredDuringReportingPeriodInRelationToImplementationOfCapExPlansAbstract |
22 |
Disclosure of material changes that have occurred in CapEx plan and reasons underlying those changes [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfMaterialChangesThatHaveOccurredInCapExPlanAndReasonsUnderlyingThoseChangesExplanatory |
23 |
Disclosure of impact of changes on potential for economic activities to become Taxonomy-aligned and on period of time in which this change is expected to take place [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfImpactOfChangesOnPotentialForEconomicActivitiesToBecomeTaxonomyalignedAndOnPeriodOfTimeInWhichThisChangeIsExpectedToTakePlaceExplanatory |
24 |
Accounting policy - KPI related to OpEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AccountingPolicyKpiRelatedToOpExAbstract |
25 |
Explanation of how OpEx was determined and allocated to numerator and basis on which OpEx was calculated [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfHowOpExWasDeterminedAndAllocatedToNumeratorAndBasisOnWhichOpExWasCalculatedExplanatory |
26 |
Explanation of why changes in application of calculations result in more reliable and relevant information, OpEx [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfWhyChangesInApplicationOfCalculationsResultInMoreReliableAndRelevantInformationOpExExplanatory |
27 |
Assessment of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/852 [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AssessmentOfComplianceWithRegulationEU2020852Abstract |
28 |
Assessment of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/852 - KPI related to turnover [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AssessmentOfComplianceWithRegulationEU2020852KpiRelatedToTurnoverAbstract |
29 |
Information about assessment of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/852, turnover [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:InformationAboutAssessmentOfComplianceWithRegulationEU2020852TurnoverExplanatory |
30 |
Description of nature of Taxonomy-eligible and Taxonomy-aligned economic activities [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DescriptionOfNatureOfTaxonomyeligibleAndTaxonomyalignedEconomicActivitiesExplanatory |
31 |
Explanation of how compliance with criteria set out in Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 and associated technical screening criteria included in delegated acts has been assessed [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfHowComplianceWithCriteriaSetOutInArticle3OfRegulationEU2020NO852AndAssociatedTechnicalScreeningCriteriaIncludedInDelegatedActsHasBeenAssessedExplanatory |
32 |
Explanation of compliance with substantial contributions [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfComplianceWithSubstantialContributionsExplanatory |
33 |
Explanation of compliance with DNSH criteria [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfComplianceWithDnshCriteriaExplanatory |
34 |
Explanation of compliance with Minimum Safeguards [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfComplianceWithMinimumSafeguardsExplanatory |
35 |
Explanation of how double counting was avoided in allocation in numerator of turnover KPIs across economic activities [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfHowDoubleCountingWasAvoidedInAllocationInNumeratorOfTurnoverKpisAcrossEconomicActivitiesExplanatory |
36 |
Assessment of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/852 - KPI related to CapEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AssessmentOfComplianceWithRegulationEU2020852KpiRelatedToCapExAbstract |
37 |
Information about assessment of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/852, CapEx [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:InformationAboutAssessmentOfComplianceWithRegulationEU2020852CapExExplanatory |
38 |
Explanation of how double counting was avoided in allocation in numerator of CapEx KPIs across economic activities [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfHowDoubleCountingWasAvoidedInAllocationInNumeratorOfCapExKpisAcrossEconomicActivitiesExplanatory |
39 |
Assessment of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/852 - KPI related to OpEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AssessmentOfComplianceWithRegulationEU2020852KpiRelatedToOpExAbstract |
40 |
Information about assessment of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/852, OpEx [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:InformationAboutAssessmentOfComplianceWithRegulationEU2020852OpExExplanatory |
41 |
Explanation of how double counting was avoided in allocation in numerator of OpEx KPIs across economic activities [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfHowDoubleCountingWasAvoidedInAllocationInNumeratorOfOpExKpisAcrossEconomicActivitiesExplanatory |
42 |
Contextual information [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationAbstract |
43 |
Contextual information - KPI related to turnover [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationKpiRelatedToTurnoverAbstract |
44 |
Explanation of turnover KPI and reasons for any changes in KPI in reporting period [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfTurnoverKpiAndReasonsForAnyChangesInKpiInReportingPeriodExplanatory |
45 |
Disclosure of additional turnover KPIs that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfAdditionalTurnoverKpisThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVenturesExplanatory |
46 |
Additional turnover KPI that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AdditionalTurnoverKpiThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVentures |
47 |
Additional turnover KPI that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures, percentage |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:AdditionalTurnoverKpiThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVenturesPercentage |
48 |
Disclosure of quantitative breakdown of numerator to illustrate key drivers of change in turnover KPI [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfQuantitativeBreakdownOfNumeratorToIllustrateKeyDriversOfChangeInTurnoverKpiExplanatory |
49 |
Information about amounts related to Taxonomy-aligned activities pursued for non-financial undertakings' own internal consumption [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:InformationAboutAmountsRelatedToTaxonomyalignedActivitiesPursuedForNonfinancialUndertakingsOwnInternalConsumptionExplanatory |
50 |
Amount related to Taxonomy-aligned activities pursued for non-financial undertakings' own internal consumption |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AmountRelatedToTaxonomyalignedActivitiesPursuedForNonfinancialUndertakingsOwnInternalConsumption |
51 |
Disclosure of qualitative explanation of key elements of change in turnover KPI [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfQualitativeExplanationOfKeyElementsOfChangeInTurnoverKpiExplanatory |
52 |
Adjusted turnover KPI in relation to environmentally sustainable bonds or debt securities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AdjustedTurnoverKpiInRelationToEnvironmentallySustainableBondsOrDebtSecurities |
53 |
Adjusted turnover KPI in relation to environmentally sustainable bonds or debt securities, percentage |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:AdjustedTurnoverKpiInRelationToEnvironmentallySustainableBondsOrDebtSecuritiesPercentage |
54 |
Contextual information - KPI related to CapEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationKpiRelatedToCapExAbstract |
55 |
Explanation of CapEx KPI and reasons for any changes in KPI in reporting period [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfCapExKpiAndReasonsForAnyChangesInKpiInReportingPeriodExplanatory |
56 |
Disclosure of additional CapEx KPIs that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfAdditionalCapExKpisThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVenturesExplanatory |
57 |
Additional CapEx KPI that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AdditionalCapExKpiThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVentures |
58 |
Additional CapEx KPI that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures, percentage |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:AdditionalCapExKpiThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVenturesPercentage |
59 |
Disclosure of qualitative explanation of key elements of change in CapEx KPI [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfQualitativeExplanationOfKeyElementsOfChangeInCapExKpiExplanatory |
60 |
Disclosure of key information about CapEx plans, CapEx [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfKeyInformationAboutCapExPlansCapExExplanatory |
61 |
Environmental objectives pursued, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationSetItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EnvironmentalObjectivesPursuedCapEx |
62 |
Economic activities concerned, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationSetItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitiesConcernedCapEx |
63 |
Disclosure of research, development and innovation activities concerned, CapEx [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfResearchDevelopmentAndInnovationActivitiesConcernedCapExExplanatory |
64 |
CapEx KPI adjusted for Taxonomy-aligned capital expenditure financed by environmentally sustainable bonds or debt securities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CapExKpiAdjustedForTaxonomyalignedCapitalExpenditureFinancedByEnvironmentallySustainableBondsOrDebtSecurities |
65 |
CapEx KPI adjusted for Taxonomy-aligned capital expenditure financed by environmentally sustainable bonds or debt securities, percentage |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:CapExKpiAdjustedForTaxonomyalignedCapitalExpenditureFinancedByEnvironmentallySustainableBondsOrDebtSecuritiesPercentage |
66 |
Contextual information - KPI related to OpEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationKpiRelatedToOpExAbstract |
67 |
Explanation of OpEx KPI and reasons for any changes in KPI in reporting period [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfOpExKpiAndReasonsForAnyChangesInKpiInReportingPeriodExplanatory |
68 |
Disclosure of additional OpEx KPIs that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfAdditionalOpExKpisThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVenturesExplanatory |
69 |
Additional OpEx KPI that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AdditionalOpExKpiThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVentures |
70 |
Additional OpEx KPI that include investments in equity accounted in joint ventures, percentage |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:AdditionalOpExKpiThatIncludeInvestmentsInEquityAccountedInJointVenturesPercentage |
71 |
Disclosure of key information about CapEx plans, OpEx [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfKeyInformationAboutCapExPlansOpExExplanatory |
72 |
Environmental objectives pursued, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationSetItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EnvironmentalObjectivesPursuedOpEx |
73 |
Economic activities concerned, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationSetItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitiesConcernedOpEx |
74 |
Disclosure of research, development and innovation activities concerned, OpEx [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfResearchDevelopmentAndInnovationActivitiesConcernedOpExExplanatory |
75 |
Disclosure of quantitative breakdown of numerator to illustrate key elements of change in OpEx KPI [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfQuantitativeBreakdownOfNumeratorToIllustrateKeyElementsOfChangeInOpExKpiExplanatory |
76 |
Disclosure of qualitative explanation of key elements of change in OpEx KPI [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfQualitativeExplanationOfKeyElementsOfChangeInOpExKpiExplanatory |
77 |
Explanation of other expenditures relating to day-to-day servicing of items of property plant and equipment that are included in calculation of OpEx for numerator and denominator [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfOtherExpendituresRelatingToDaytodayServicingOfItemsOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentThatAreIncludedInCalculationOfOpExForNumeratorAndDenominatorExplanatory |
78 |
Contribution to multiple objectives [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContributionToMultipleObjectivesAbstract |
79 |
Contribution to multiple objectives [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:ContributionToMultipleObjectivesTable |
80 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
81 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
82 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
83 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
84 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
85 |
Contribution to multiple objectives [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:ContributionToMultipleObjectivesLineItems |
86 |
Information about economic activity contributing to several environmental objectives to demonstrate compliance with criteria set out in Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852, as well as turnover, CapEx and OpEx from that activity as contributing to several environmental objectives [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:InformationAboutEconomicActivityContributingToSeveralEnvironmentalObjectivesToDemonstrateComplianceWithCriteriaSetOutInArticle3OfRegulationEU2020852AsWellAsTurnoverCapExAndOpExFromThatActivityAsContributingToSeveralEnvironmentalObjectivesExplanatory |
87 |
Disaggregation of KPIs [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:DisaggregationOfKpisAbstract |
88 |
Disaggregation of KPIs [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:DisaggregationOfKpisTable |
89 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
90 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
91 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
92 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
93 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
94 |
Disaggregation of KPIs [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:DisaggregationOfKpisLineItems |
95 |
Disaggregation of KPIs, turnover [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:DisaggregationOfKpisTurnoverAbstract |
96 |
Disclosure of appropriate information accompanying turnover about basis of disaggregation [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfAppropriateInformationAccompanyingTurnoverAboutBasisOfDisaggregationExplanatory |
97 |
Disaggregation of KPIs, CapEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:DisaggregationOfKpisCapExAbstract |
98 |
Disclosure of appropriate information accompanying CapEx about basis of disaggregation [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfAppropriateInformationAccompanyingCapExAboutBasisOfDisaggregationExplanatory |
99 |
Disaggregation of KPIs, OpEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:DisaggregationOfKpisOpExAbstract |
100 |
Disclosure of appropriate information accompanying OpEx about basis of disaggregation [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfAppropriateInformationAccompanyingOpExAboutBasisOfDisaggregationExplanatory |
101 |
Contextual information about CapEx KPI - breakdown of numerator [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExKpiBreakdownOfNumeratorAbstract |
102 |
Contextual information about CapEx KPI - breakdown of numerator [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExKpiBreakdownOfNumeratorTable |
103 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
104 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
105 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
106 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
107 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
108 |
Contextual information about CapEx KPI - breakdown of numerator [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExKpiBreakdownOfNumeratorLineItems |
109 |
Disclosure of quantitative breakdown of amounts included in numerator, CapEx KPI [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfQuantitativeBreakdownOfAmountsIncludedInNumeratorCapExKpiExplanatory |
110 |
Additions to property, plant and equipment, to internally generated intangible assets, to investment properties acquired or recognised in carrying amount and to capitalised right-of-use assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AdditionsToPropertyPlantAndEquipmentToInternallyGeneratedIntangibleAssetsToInvestmentPropertiesAcquiredOrRecognisedInCarryingAmountAndToCapitalisedRightofuseAssets |
111 |
Additions related to acquisitions through business combinations |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AdditionsRelatedToAcquisitionsThroughBusinessCombinations |
112 |
Expenses incurred in relation to Taxonomy-aligned economic activities and expenses incurred as part of CapEx plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:ExpensesIncurredInRelationToTaxonomyalignedEconomicActivitiesAndExpensesIncurredAsPartOfCapExPlan |
113 |
Contextual information about CapEx and OpEx KPI - period for Taxonomy alignment [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExAndOpExKpiPeriodForTaxonomyAlignmentAbstract |
114 |
Contextual information about CapEx and OpEx KPI - period for Taxonomy alignment [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExAndOpExKpiPeriodForTaxonomyAlignmentTable |
115 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
116 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
117 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
118 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
119 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
120 |
Contextual information about CapEx and OpEx KPI - period for Taxonomy alignment [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExAndOpExKpiPeriodForTaxonomyAlignmentLineItems |
121 |
Contextual information about CapEx KPI - period for Taxonomy alignment [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExKpiPeriodForTaxonomyAlignmentAbstract |
122 |
Period (in years) whereby Taxonomy-aligned economic activity is expected to be expanded or whereby economic activity is expected to become Taxonomy-aligned, CapEx |
Concept (Integer) |
For Period |
art8:PeriodInYearsWherebyTaxonomyalignedEconomicActivityIsExpectedToBeExpandedOrWherebyEconomicActivityIsExpectedToBecomeTaxonomyalignedCapEx |
123 |
Contextual information about OpEx KPI - period for Taxonomy alignment [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutOpExKpiPeriodForTaxonomyAlignmentAbstract |
124 |
Period (in years) whereby Taxonomy-aligned economic activity is expected to be expanded or whereby economic activity is expected to become Taxonomy-aligned, OpEx |
Concept (Integer) |
For Period |
art8:PeriodInYearsWherebyTaxonomyalignedEconomicActivityIsExpectedToBeExpandedOrWherebyEconomicActivityIsExpectedToBecomeTaxonomyalignedOpEx |
125 |
Disclosure of objective justification of why economic activity is expected to become Taxonomy-aligned in more than five years based on specific features of economic activity and upgrade concerned [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfObjectiveJustificationOfWhyEconomicActivityIsExpectedToBecomeTaxonomyalignedInMoreThanFiveYearsBasedOnSpecificFeaturesOfEconomicActivityAndUpgradeConcernedExplanatory |
126 |
Contextual information about CapEx and OpEx KPI - capital expense [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExAndOpExKpiCapitalExpenseAbstract |
127 |
Contextual information about CapEx and OpEx KPI - capital expense [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExAndOpExKpiCapitalExpenseTable |
128 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
129 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
130 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
131 |
Name of CapEx plan [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfCapExPlanTypedAxis |
132 |
Contextual information about CapEx and OpEx KPI - capital expense [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExAndOpExKpiCapitalExpenseLineItems |
133 |
Contextual information about CapEx KPI - capital expense [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutCapExKpiCapitalExpenseAbstract |
134 |
Total CapEx expected to be incurred in CapEx plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CapExExpectedToBeIncurredInCapExPlan |
135 |
Total CapEx expected to be incurred during period of time of CapEx plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CapExExpectedToBeIncurredDuringPeriodOfTimeOfCapExPlan |
136 |
Contextual information about OpEx KPI - capital expense [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ContextualInformationAboutOpExKpiCapitalExpenseAbstract |
137 |
Total OpEx expected to be incurred in CapEx plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:OpExExpectedToBeIncurredInCapExPlan |
138 |
Total OpEx expected to be incurred during period of time of CapEx plan |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:OpExExpectedToBeIncurredDuringPeriodOfTimeOfCapExPlan |
139 |
[801001] Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general - Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
140 |
[801011] Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general - Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - contribution to multiple objectives |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
141 |
[801012] Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general - Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - disaggregation of KPIs |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
142 |
[801013] Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general - Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - contextual information about CapEx KPI - breakdown of numerator |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
143 |
[801014] Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general - Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - contextual information about CapEx and OpEx KPI - period for Taxonomy alignment |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
144 |
[801015] Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general - Annex 1. Specification of disclosures accompanying KPIs of non-financial undertakings - contextual information about CapEx and OpEx KPI - capital expense |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
145 |
[802000] Annex 2. Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general (KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned) |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
146 |
Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TemplatesForKPIsOfNonfinancialUndertakingsGeneralAbstract |
147 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyAlignedAbstract |
148 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyAlignedTable |
149 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
150 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
151 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
152 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
153 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
154 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
155 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
156 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
157 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
158 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
159 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
160 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
161 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
162 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
163 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
164 |
Climate change mitigation, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationPollutionMember |
165 |
Climate change mitigation, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationCircularEconomyMember |
166 |
Climate change mitigation, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
167 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
168 |
Climate change adaptation, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionMember |
169 |
Climate change adaptation, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationCircularEconomyMember |
170 |
Climate change adaptation, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
171 |
Water and marine resources, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionMember |
172 |
Water and marine resources, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyMember |
173 |
Water and marine resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
174 |
Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionCircularEconomyMember |
175 |
Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
176 |
Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
177 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
178 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionMember |
179 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationCircularEconomyMember |
180 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
181 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionMember |
182 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyMember |
183 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
184 |
Climate change mitigation, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
185 |
Climate change mitigation, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
186 |
Climate change mitigation, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
187 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionMember |
188 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyMember |
189 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
190 |
Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
191 |
Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
192 |
Climate change adaptation, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
193 |
Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
194 |
Water and marine resources, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
195 |
Water and marine resources, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
196 |
Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
197 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionMember |
198 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyMember |
199 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
200 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
201 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
202 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
203 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
204 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
205 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
206 |
Climate change mitigation, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
207 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
208 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
209 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
210 |
Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
211 |
Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
212 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
213 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
214 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
215 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
216 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
217 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
218 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
219 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
220 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
221 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
222 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
223 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
224 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
225 |
Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleButNotEnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesMember |
226 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyAlignedLineItems |
227 |
KPI related to turnover [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToTurnoverAbstract |
228 |
Turnover |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:Turnover |
229 |
Percentage of turnover |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnover |
230 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationTurnover |
231 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationTurnover |
232 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesTurnover |
233 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionTurnover |
234 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyTurnover |
235 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsTurnover |
236 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
237 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
238 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
239 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
240 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
241 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
242 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change mitigation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeMitigation |
243 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change adaptation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeAdaptation |
244 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Water and marine resources |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaWaterAndMarineResources |
245 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Pollution |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaPollution |
246 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Circular economy |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaCircularEconomy |
247 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Biodiversity and ecosystems |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaBiodiversityAndEcosystems |
248 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change mitigation, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationTurnover |
249 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change adaptation, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationTurnover |
250 |
DNSH criteria for Water and marine resources, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesTurnover |
251 |
DNSH criteria for Pollution, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForPollutionTurnover |
252 |
DNSH criteria for Circular economy, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForCircularEconomyTurnover |
253 |
DNSH criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsTurnover |
254 |
Minimum safeguards, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:MinimumSafeguardsTurnover |
255 |
Category enabling or transitional activity, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:CategoryEnablingOrTransitionalActivityTurnover |
256 |
KPI related to CapEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToCapExAbstract |
257 |
CapEx |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CapEx |
258 |
Percentage of CapEx |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapEx |
259 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationCapEx |
260 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationCapEx |
261 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesCapEx |
262 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionCapEx |
263 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyCapEx |
264 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsCapEx |
265 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
266 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
267 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
268 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
269 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
270 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
271 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change mitigation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeMitigation |
272 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change adaptation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeAdaptation |
273 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Water and marine resources |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaWaterAndMarineResources |
274 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Pollution |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaPollution |
275 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Circular economy |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaCircularEconomy |
276 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Biodiversity and ecosystems |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaBiodiversityAndEcosystems |
277 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change mitigation, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationCapEx |
278 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change adaptation, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationCapEx |
279 |
DNSH criteria for Water and marine resources, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesCapEx |
280 |
DNSH criteria for Pollution, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForPollutionCapEx |
281 |
DNSH criteria for Circular economy, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForCircularEconomyCapEx |
282 |
DNSH criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsCapEx |
283 |
Minimum safeguards, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:MinimumSafeguardsCapEx |
284 |
Category enabling or transitional activity, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:CategoryEnablingOrTransitionalActivityCapEx |
285 |
KPI related to OpEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToOpExAbstract |
286 |
OpEx |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:OpEx |
287 |
Percentage of OpEx |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpEx |
288 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationOpEx |
289 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationOpEx |
290 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesOpEx |
291 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionOpEx |
292 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyOpEx |
293 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsOpEx |
294 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
295 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
296 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
297 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
298 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
299 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
300 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change mitigation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeMitigation |
301 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change adaptation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeAdaptation |
302 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Water and marine resources |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaWaterAndMarineResources |
303 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Pollution |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaPollution |
304 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Circular economy |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaCircularEconomy |
305 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Biodiversity and ecosystems |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaBiodiversityAndEcosystems |
306 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change mitigation, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationOpEx |
307 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change adaptation, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationOpEx |
308 |
DNSH criteria for Water and marine resources, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesOpEx |
309 |
DNSH criteria for Pollution, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForPollutionOpEx |
310 |
DNSH criteria for Circular economy, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForCircularEconomyOpEx |
311 |
DNSH criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsOpEx |
312 |
Minimum safeguards, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:MinimumSafeguardsOpEx |
313 |
Category enabling or transitional activity, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:CategoryEnablingOrTransitionalActivityOpEx |
314 |
[802001] Annex 2. Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general (KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned) - more than one disclosure per economic activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
315 |
Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - more than one disclosure per economic activity - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TemplatesForKPIsOfNonfinancialUndertakingsMoreThanOneDisclosurePerEconomicActivityGeneralAbstract |
316 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned - more than one disclosure per economic activity [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyAlignedMoreThanOneDisclosurePerEconomicActivityAbstract |
317 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned - more than one disclosure per economic activity [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyAlignedMoreThanOneDisclosurePerEconomicActivityTable |
318 |
Row ID [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:RowIDTypedAxis |
319 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
320 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
321 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
322 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
323 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
324 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
325 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
326 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
327 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
328 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
329 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
330 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
331 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
332 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
333 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
334 |
Climate change mitigation, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationPollutionMember |
335 |
Climate change mitigation, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationCircularEconomyMember |
336 |
Climate change mitigation, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
337 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
338 |
Climate change adaptation, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionMember |
339 |
Climate change adaptation, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationCircularEconomyMember |
340 |
Climate change adaptation, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
341 |
Water and marine resources, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionMember |
342 |
Water and marine resources, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyMember |
343 |
Water and marine resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
344 |
Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionCircularEconomyMember |
345 |
Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
346 |
Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
347 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
348 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionMember |
349 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationCircularEconomyMember |
350 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
351 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionMember |
352 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyMember |
353 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
354 |
Climate change mitigation, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
355 |
Climate change mitigation, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
356 |
Climate change mitigation, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
357 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionMember |
358 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyMember |
359 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
360 |
Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
361 |
Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
362 |
Climate change adaptation, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
363 |
Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
364 |
Water and marine resources, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
365 |
Water and marine resources, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
366 |
Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
367 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionMember |
368 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyMember |
369 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
370 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
371 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
372 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
373 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
374 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
375 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
376 |
Climate change mitigation, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
377 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
378 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
379 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
380 |
Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
381 |
Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
382 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyMember |
383 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
384 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
385 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
386 |
Climate change mitigation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
387 |
Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
388 |
Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Water and marine resources, Pollution, Circular economy, Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationClimateChangeAdaptationWaterAndMarineResourcesPollutionCircularEconomyBiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
389 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
390 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
391 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
392 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
393 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
394 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
395 |
Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleButNotEnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesMember |
396 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned - more than one disclosure per economic activity [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyAlignedMoreThanOneDisclosurePerEconomicActivityLineItems |
397 |
KPI related to turnover [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToTurnoverAbstract |
398 |
Turnover |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:Turnover |
399 |
Percentage of turnover |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnover |
400 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationTurnover |
401 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationTurnover |
402 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesTurnover |
403 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionTurnover |
404 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyTurnover |
405 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsTurnover |
406 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
407 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
408 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
409 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
410 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
411 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems (not taxonomy-aligned activities), turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesTurnover |
412 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change mitigation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeMitigation |
413 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change adaptation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeAdaptation |
414 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Water and marine resources |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaWaterAndMarineResources |
415 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Pollution |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaPollution |
416 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Circular economy |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaCircularEconomy |
417 |
Percentage of turnover for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Biodiversity and ecosystems |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverForSubstantialContributionCriteriaBiodiversityAndEcosystems |
418 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change mitigation, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationTurnover |
419 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change adaptation, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationTurnover |
420 |
DNSH criteria for Water and marine resources, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesTurnover |
421 |
DNSH criteria for Pollution, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForPollutionTurnover |
422 |
DNSH criteria for Circular economy, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForCircularEconomyTurnover |
423 |
DNSH criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsTurnover |
424 |
Minimum safeguards, turnover |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:MinimumSafeguardsTurnover |
425 |
Category enabling or transitional activity, turnover |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:CategoryEnablingOrTransitionalActivityTurnover |
426 |
KPI related to CapEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToCapExAbstract |
427 |
CapEx |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CapEx |
428 |
Percentage of CapEx |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapEx |
429 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationCapEx |
430 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationCapEx |
431 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesCapEx |
432 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionCapEx |
433 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyCapEx |
434 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsCapEx |
435 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
436 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
437 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
438 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
439 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
440 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems (not taxonomy-aligned activities), CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesCapEx |
441 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change mitigation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeMitigation |
442 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change adaptation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeAdaptation |
443 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Water and marine resources |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaWaterAndMarineResources |
444 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Pollution |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaPollution |
445 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Circular economy |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaCircularEconomy |
446 |
Percentage of CapEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Biodiversity and ecosystems |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaBiodiversityAndEcosystems |
447 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change mitigation, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationCapEx |
448 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change adaptation, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationCapEx |
449 |
DNSH criteria for Water and marine resources, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesCapEx |
450 |
DNSH criteria for Pollution, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForPollutionCapEx |
451 |
DNSH criteria for Circular economy, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForCircularEconomyCapEx |
452 |
DNSH criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsCapEx |
453 |
Minimum safeguards, CapEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:MinimumSafeguardsCapEx |
454 |
Category enabling or transitional activity, CapEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:CategoryEnablingOrTransitionalActivityCapEx |
455 |
KPI related to OpEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToOpExAbstract |
456 |
OpEx |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:OpEx |
457 |
Percentage of OpEx |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpEx |
458 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationOpEx |
459 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationOpEx |
460 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesOpEx |
461 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionOpEx |
462 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyOpEx |
463 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsOpEx |
464 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change mitigation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
465 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Climate change adaptation (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
466 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Water and marine resources (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
467 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Pollution (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForPollutionNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
468 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Circular economy (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForCircularEconomyNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
469 |
Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems (not taxonomy-aligned activities), OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:EconomicActivitySubstantialContributionCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsNotTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesOpEx |
470 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change mitigation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeMitigation |
471 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Climate change adaptation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaClimateChangeAdaptation |
472 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Water and marine resources |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaWaterAndMarineResources |
473 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Pollution |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaPollution |
474 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Circular economy |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaCircularEconomy |
475 |
Percentage of OpEx for Substantial Contribution Criteria, Biodiversity and ecosystems |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpExForSubstantialContributionCriteriaBiodiversityAndEcosystems |
476 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change mitigation, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeMitigationOpEx |
477 |
DNSH criteria for Climate change adaptation, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForClimateChangeAdaptationOpEx |
478 |
DNSH criteria for Water and marine resources, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForWaterAndMarineResourcesOpEx |
479 |
DNSH criteria for Pollution, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForPollutionOpEx |
480 |
DNSH criteria for Circular economy, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForCircularEconomyOpEx |
481 |
DNSH criteria for Biodiversity and ecosystems, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteriaForBiodiversityAndEcosystemsOpEx |
482 |
Minimum safeguards, OpEx |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:MinimumSafeguardsOpEx |
483 |
Category enabling or transitional activity, OpEx |
Concept (enum2:enumerationItemType) |
For Period |
art8:CategoryEnablingOrTransitionalActivityOpEx |
484 |
[802002] Annex 2. Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general (Extent of eligibility and alignment per environmental objective) |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
485 |
Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TemplatesForKPIsOfNonfinancialUndertakingsGeneralAbstract |
486 |
Extent of eligibility and alignment per environmental objective [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ExtentOfEligibilityAndAlignmentPerEnvironmentalObjectiveAbstract |
487 |
Extent of eligibility and alignment per environmental objective [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:ExtentOfEligibilityAndAlignmentPerEnvironmentalObjectiveTable |
488 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
489 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
490 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
491 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
492 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
493 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
494 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
495 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
496 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
497 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
498 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
499 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
500 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
501 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
502 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
503 |
Extent of eligibility and alignment per environmental objective [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:ExtentOfEligibilityAndAlignmentPerEnvironmentalObjectiveLineItems |
504 |
KPI related to turnover [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToTurnoverAbstract |
505 |
Percentage of total turnover for reporting of multiple substantial contributions |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTotalTurnoverForReportingOfMultipleSubstantialContributions |
506 |
KPI related to CapEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToCapExAbstract |
507 |
Percentage of total CapEx for reporting of multiple substantial contributions |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTotalCapExForReportingOfMultipleSubstantialContributions |
508 |
KPI related to OpEx [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToOpExAbstract |
509 |
Percentage of total OpEx for reporting of multiple substantial contributions |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTotalOpExForReportingOfMultipleSubstantialContributions |
510 |
[802003] Annex 2. Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general (KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy non-eligible ) |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
511 |
Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TemplatesForKPIsOfNonfinancialUndertakingsGeneralAbstract |
512 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy non-eligible [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyNonEligibleAbstract |
513 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy non-eligible [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyNonEligibleTable |
514 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
515 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
516 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
517 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
518 |
Total economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
519 |
Taxonomy non-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyNonEligibleActivitiesMember |
520 |
KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy non-eligible [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIOfNonfinancialUndertakingsTaxonomyNonEligibleLineItems |
521 |
KPI related to turnover for Taxonomy non-eligible [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToTurnoverForTaxonomyNoneligibleAbstract |
522 |
Turnover |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:Turnover |
523 |
Percentage of turnover |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnover |
524 |
KPI related to CapEx for Taxonomy non-eligible [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToCapExForTaxonomyNoneligibleAbstract |
525 |
CapEx |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CapEx |
526 |
Percentage of CapEx |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapEx |
527 |
KPI related to OpEx for Taxonomy non-eligible [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIRelatedToOpExForTaxonomyNoneligibleAbstract |
528 |
OpEx |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:OpEx |
529 |
Percentage of OpEx |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfOpEx |
530 |
[802011] Annex 2. Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general (KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned) - Annex 2. Template 1. Proportion of turnover, CapEx, OpEx from products or services associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities � disclosure covering year N |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
531 |
[802012] Annex 2. Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general (KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy aligned) - more than one disclosure per economic activity - Annex 2. Template 1. Proportion of turnover, CapEx, OpEx from products or services associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities � disclosure covering year N - more than one disclosure per economic activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
532 |
[802013] Annex 2. Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general (Extent of eligibility and alignment per environmental objective) - Annex 2. Template 1. Extent of eligibility and alignment per environmental objective for activities contributing substantially to several objectives - turnover, CapEx, OpEx |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
533 |
[802014] Annex 2. Templates for KPIs of non-financial undertakings - general (KPI of non-financial undertakings - Taxonomy non-eligible ) - Annex 2. Template 1. Proportion of turnover, CapEx, OpEx from products or services associated with Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities � disclosure covering year N |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
534 |
[804000] Annex 4. KPI of asset managers - general |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
535 |
KPI of asset managers - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOfAssetManagersGeneralAbstract |
536 |
KPI of asset managers [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOfAssetManagersAbstract |
537 |
KPI of asset managers [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIOfAssetManagersTable |
538 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
539 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
540 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
541 |
Reporting entity [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingEntityAxis |
542 |
Reporting entity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ReportingEntityMember |
543 |
Asset manager [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AssetManagerMember |
544 |
KPI of asset managers [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIOfAssetManagersLineItems |
545 |
KPI of asset managers - details [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOfAssetManagersDetailsAbstract |
546 |
Weighted average value of all investmentsthat are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
547 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
548 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, turnover-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesTurnoverbased |
549 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, CapEx-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesCapExbased |
550 |
Percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
551 |
Assets covered by KPI |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsCoveredByKPI |
552 |
Breakdown of denominator of KPI [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:BreakdownOfDenominatorOfKPIAbstract |
553 |
Derivatives, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DerivativesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
554 |
Derivatives in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DerivativesInDenominator |
555 |
Exposures to EU non-financial undertakings not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToEUNonfinancialUndertakingsNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
556 |
Exposures to EU financial undertakings not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToEUFinancialUndertakingsNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
557 |
Exposures to EU non-financial undertakings not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToEUNonfinancialUndertakingsNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
558 |
Exposures to EU financial undertakings not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToEUFinancialUndertakingsNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
559 |
Exposures to non-financial undertakings from non-EU countries not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsFromNonEUCountriesNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
560 |
Exposures to financial undertakings from non-EU countries not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsFromNonEUCountriesNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
561 |
Exposures to non-financial undertakings from non-EU countries not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsFromNonEUCountriesNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
562 |
Exposures to financial undertakings from non-EU countries not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsFromNonEUCountriesNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
563 |
Exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
564 |
Exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
565 |
Exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
566 |
Exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
567 |
Exposures to other counterparties and assets, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
568 |
Exposures to other counterparties and assets in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsInDenominator |
569 |
All investments that are funding economic activities that are not Taxonomy-eligible, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingEconomicActivitiesThatAreNotTaxonomyEligibleTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
570 |
All investments that are funding economic activities that are not Taxonomy-eligible, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingEconomicActivitiesThatAreNotTaxonomyEligibleCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
571 |
All investments that are funding economic activities that are not Taxonomy-eligible in denominator, turnover-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingEconomicActivitiesThatAreNotTaxonomyEligibleInDenominatorTurnoverbased |
572 |
All investments that are funding economic activities that are not Taxonomy-eligible in denominator, CapEx-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingEconomicActivitiesThatAreNotTaxonomyEligibleInDenominatorCapExbased |
573 |
All investments that are funding taxonomy-eligible economic activities, but not Taxonomy-aligned, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesButNotTaxonomyAlignedTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
574 |
All investments that are funding taxonomy-eligible economic activities, but not Taxonomy-aligned, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesButNotTaxonomyAlignedCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
575 |
All investments that are funding taxonomy-eligible economic activities, but not Taxonomy-aligned in denominator, turnover-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesButNotTaxonomyAlignedInDenominatorTurnoverbased |
576 |
All investments that are funding taxonomy-eligible economic activities, but not Taxonomy-aligned in denominator, CapEx-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesButNotTaxonomyAlignedInDenominatorCapExbased |
577 |
Breakdown of numerator of KPI [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:BreakdownOfNumeratorOfKPIAbstract |
578 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
579 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
580 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, turnover-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUTurnoverbasedInNumerator |
581 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, CapEx-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUCapExbasedInNumerator |
582 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
583 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
584 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, turnover-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUTurnoverbasedInNumerator |
585 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, CapEx-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUCapExbasedInNumerator |
586 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to other counterparties and assets, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
587 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to other counterparties and assets, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
588 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to other counterparties and assets, turnover-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsTurnoverbasedInNumerator |
589 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to other counterparties and assets, CapEx-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsCapExbasedInNumerator |
590 |
KPI of asset managers - breakdown of numerator of KPI per environmental objective [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOfAssetManagersBreakdownOfNumeratorOfKPIPerEnvironmentalObjectiveAbstract |
591 |
KPI of asset managers - breakdown of numerator of KPI per environmental objective [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIOfAssetManagersBreakdownOfNumeratorOfKPIPerEnvironmentalObjectiveTable |
592 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
593 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
594 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
595 |
Reporting entity [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingEntityAxis |
596 |
Reporting entity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ReportingEntityMember |
597 |
Asset manager [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AssetManagerMember |
598 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
599 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
600 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
601 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
602 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
603 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
604 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
605 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
606 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
607 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
608 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
609 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
610 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
611 |
KPI of asset managers - breakdown of numerator of KPI per environmental objective [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIOfAssetManagersBreakdownOfNumeratorOfKPIPerEnvironmentalObjectiveLineItems |
612 |
Percentage of turnover-based |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverbased |
613 |
Percentage of CapEx-based |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExbased |
614 |
[804011] Annex 4. KPI of asset managers - general - Annex 4. KPI of asset managers |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
615 |
[804021] Annex 4. KPI of asset managers - general - Annex 4. KPI of asset managers - breakdown of numerator of KPI per environmental objective |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
616 |
[806000] Annex 6. KPIs of credit institutions - general |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
617 |
KPIs of credit institutions - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIsOfCreditInstitutionsGeneralAbstract |
618 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by credit institutions under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByCreditInstitutionsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationAbstract |
619 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by credit institutions under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByCreditInstitutionsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationTable |
620 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
621 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
622 |
Total environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) /NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
623 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
624 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
625 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
626 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
627 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
628 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
629 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
630 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by credit institutions under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByCreditInstitutionsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationLineItems |
631 |
GAR assets, percentage of total covered assets, Main KPI, Green asset ratio (GAR) stock |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsPercentageOfTotalCoveredAssetsMainKPIGreenAssetRatioGARStock |
632 |
GAR assets, Main KPI, Green asset ratio (GAR) stock |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:GarAssetsMainKpiGreenAssetRatioGarStock |
633 |
GAR assets, percentage of total covered assets, Additional KPI, Green asset ratio (GAR) flow |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsPercentageOfTotalCoveredAssetsAdditionalKPIGreenAssetRatioGARFlow |
634 |
GAR assets, Additional KPI, Green asset ratio (GAR) flow |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:GarAssetsAdditionalKpiGreenAssetRatioGarFlow |
635 |
GAR for trading portfolio, percentage of financial assets held for trading (debt securities and equity instruments), NFRD corporates, Additional KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARForTradingPortfolioPercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNFRDCorporates |
636 |
GAR for trading portfolio, financial assets held for trading (debt securities and equity instruments), NFRD corporates, Additional KPI |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:GARForTradingPortfolioFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNFRDCorporates |
637 |
Financial guarantees (FinGuar KPI), off-balance sheet exposures, percentage of total corresponding covered assets, Additional KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialGuaranteesFinGuarKPIOffbalanceSheetExposuresPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
638 |
Financial guarantees (FinGuar KPI), off-balance sheet exposures, Additional KPI |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialGuaranteesFinGuarKPIOffbalanceSheetExposures |
639 |
Assets under management (AuM KPI), off-balance sheet exposures, percentage of total corresponding covered assets, Additional KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsUnderManagementAuMKPIOffbalanceSheetExposuresPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
640 |
Assets under management (AuM KPI), off-balance sheet exposures, Additional KPI |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsUnderManagementAuMKPIOffbalanceSheetExposures |
641 |
Percentage of fees and commission income from NFRD corporates, services other than lending and asset management, Additional KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeFromNFRDCorporatesServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
642 |
Fees and commission income from NFRD corporates, services other than lending and asset management, Additional KPI |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:FeesAndCommissionIncomeFromNFRDCorporatesServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
643 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by credit institutions under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation - coverage and assets excluded [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByCreditInstitutionsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationCoverageAndAssetsExcludedAbstract |
644 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by credit institutions under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation - coverage and assets excluded [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByCreditInstitutionsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationCoverageAndAssetsExcludedTable |
645 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
646 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
647 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
648 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by credit institutions under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation - coverage and assets excluded [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByCreditInstitutionsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationCoverageAndAssetsExcludedLineItems |
649 |
GAR assets, percentage of total assets covered, stock |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredStock |
650 |
GAR assets, percentage of total assets covered, flow |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredFlow |
651 |
Percentage of assets excluded from numerator of GAR, stock |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorOfGARStock |
652 |
Percentage of assets excluded from numerator of GAR, flow |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorOfGARFlow |
653 |
Percentage of assets excluded from denominator of GAR, stock |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfAssetsExcludedFromDenominatorOfGARStock |
654 |
Percentage of assets excluded from denominator of GAR, flow |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfAssetsExcludedFromDenominatorOfGARFlow |
655 |
Assets for calculation of GAR - total [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AssetsForCalculationOfGARTotalAbstract |
656 |
Assets for calculation of GAR - total [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:AssetsForCalculationOfGARTotalTable |
657 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
658 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
659 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
660 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
661 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
662 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
663 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
664 |
Exposures counterparties [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ExposuresCounterpartiesAxis |
665 |
Exposures counterparties [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ExposuresCounterpartiesMember |
666 |
Total EU counterparties exposures / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUCounterpartiesExposuresMember |
667 |
Total non-EU counterparties exposures / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NonEUCounterpartiesExposuresMember |
668 |
Assets for calculation of GAR - total [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:AssetsForCalculationOfGARTotalLineItems |
669 |
GAR - Covered assets in both numerator and denominator, gross, at carrying amount [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARCoveredAssetsInBothNumeratorAndDenominatorGrossAtCarryingAmountAbstract |
670 |
Loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
671 |
Financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
672 |
Credit institutions, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CreditInstitutionsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
673 |
Loans and advances, credit institutions, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesCreditInstitutionsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
674 |
Debt securities, credit institutions, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutionsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
675 |
Equity instruments, credit institutions, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutionsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
676 |
Other financial corporations, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OtherFinancialCorporationsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
677 |
Investment firms, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentFirmsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
678 |
Loans and advances, investment firms, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInvestmentFirmsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
679 |
Debt securities, investment firms, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirmsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
680 |
Equity instruments, investment firms, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirmsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
681 |
Management companies, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ManagementCompaniesLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
682 |
Loans and advances, management companies, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesManagementCompaniesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
683 |
Debt securities, management companies, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesManagementCompaniesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
684 |
Equity instruments, management companies, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsManagementCompaniesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
685 |
Insurance undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InsuranceUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
686 |
Loans and advances, insurance undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInsuranceUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
687 |
Debt securities, insurance undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInsuranceUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
688 |
Equity instruments, insurance undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInsuranceUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
689 |
Non-financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
690 |
Loans and advances, non-financial undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesNonfinancialUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
691 |
Debt securities, non-financial undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
692 |
Equity instruments, non-financial undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
693 |
Households, loans and advances eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:HouseholdsLoansAndAdvancesEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
694 |
Loans collateralised by residential immovable property, households, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansCollateralisedByResidentialImmovablePropertyHouseholdsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
695 |
Building renovation loans, households, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:BuildingRenovationLoansHouseholdsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
696 |
Motor vehicle loans, households, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:MotorVehicleLoansHouseholdsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
697 |
Local governments financing, loans and advances eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
698 |
Housing financing, local governments financing, loans and advances, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:HousingFinancingLocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
699 |
Other local government financing, loans and advances, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OtherLocalGovernmentFinancingLoansAndAdvancesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
700 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession: residential and commercial immovable properties, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CollateralObtainedByTakingPossessionResidentialAndCommercialImmovablePropertiesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
701 |
Assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation (covered in denominator), gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationCoveredInDenominatorGrossAtCarryingAmount |
702 |
Financial and non-financial undertakings, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialAndNonfinancialUndertakingsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
703 |
SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:SMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
704 |
Loans and advances, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesSMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
705 |
Loans collateralised by commercial immovable property, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansCollateralisedByCommercialImmovablePropertySMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
706 |
Building renovation loans, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:BuildingRenovationLoansSMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
707 |
Debt securities, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesSMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
708 |
Equity instruments, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsSMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
709 |
Non-EU country counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:NonEUCountryCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
710 |
Loans and advances, non-EU country counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesNoneuCountryCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
711 |
Debt securities, non-EU country counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNoneuCountryCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
712 |
Equity instruments, non-EU country counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNoneuCountryCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
713 |
Derivatives, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DerivativesAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
714 |
On demand interbank loans, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OnDemandInterbankLoansAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
715 |
Cash and cash-related assets, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CashAndCashrelatedAssetsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
716 |
Other categories of assets, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OtherCategoriesOfAssetsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
717 |
Total GAR assets, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
718 |
Assets not covered for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsNotCoveredForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
719 |
Central governments and supranational issuers, assets not covered for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CentralGovernmentsAndSupranationalIssuersAssetsNotCoveredForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
720 |
Central banks exposure, assets not covered for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CentralBanksExposureAssetsNotCoveredForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
721 |
Trading book, assets not covered for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TradingBookAssetsNotCoveredForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
722 |
Total assets, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
723 |
Financial guarantees, off-balance sheet exposures, undertakings subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialGuaranteesOffbalanceSheetExposuresUndertakingsSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
724 |
Assets under management, off-balance sheet exposures, undertakings subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsUnderManagementOffbalanceSheetExposuresUndertakingsSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
725 |
Debt securities, assets under management, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesAssetsUnderManagementGrossAtCarryingAmount |
726 |
Equity instruments, assets under management, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsAssetsUnderManagementGrossAtCarryingAmount |
727 |
Assets for calculation of GAR [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AssetsForCalculationOfGARAbstract |
728 |
Assets for calculation of GAR [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:AssetsForCalculationOfGARTable |
729 |
Exposures counterparties [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ExposuresCounterpartiesAxis |
730 |
Exposures counterparties [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ExposuresCounterpartiesMember |
731 |
Total EU counterparties exposures / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUCounterpartiesExposuresMember |
732 |
Total non-EU counterparties exposures / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NonEUCounterpartiesExposuresMember |
733 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
734 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
735 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
736 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
737 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
738 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
739 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
740 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
741 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
742 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
743 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
744 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
745 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
746 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
747 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
748 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
749 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
750 |
Total environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) /NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
751 |
Assets for calculation of GAR [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:AssetsForCalculationOfGARLineItems |
752 |
GAR - Covered assets in both numerator and denominator, gross, at carrying amount [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARCoveredAssetsInBothNumeratorAndDenominatorGrossAtCarryingAmountAbstract |
753 |
Loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
754 |
Financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
755 |
Credit institutions, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CreditInstitutionsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
756 |
Loans and advances, credit institutions, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesCreditInstitutionsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
757 |
Debt securities, credit institutions, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutionsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
758 |
Equity instruments, credit institutions, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutionsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
759 |
Other financial corporations, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OtherFinancialCorporationsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
760 |
Investment firms, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentFirmsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
761 |
Loans and advances, investment firms, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInvestmentFirmsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
762 |
Debt securities, investment firms, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirmsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
763 |
Equity instruments, investment firms, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirmsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
764 |
Management companies, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ManagementCompaniesLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
765 |
Loans and advances, management companies, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesManagementCompaniesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
766 |
Debt securities, management companies, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesManagementCompaniesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
767 |
Equity instruments, management companies, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsManagementCompaniesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
768 |
Insurance undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InsuranceUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
769 |
Loans and advances, insurance undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInsuranceUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
770 |
Debt securities, insurance undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInsuranceUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
771 |
Equity instruments, insurance undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInsuranceUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
772 |
Non-financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
773 |
Loans and advances, non-financial undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesNonfinancialUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
774 |
Debt securities, non-financial undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
775 |
Equity instruments, non-financial undertakings, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakingsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
776 |
Households, loans and advances eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:HouseholdsLoansAndAdvancesEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
777 |
Loans collateralised by residential immovable property, households, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansCollateralisedByResidentialImmovablePropertyHouseholdsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
778 |
Building renovation loans, households, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:BuildingRenovationLoansHouseholdsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
779 |
Motor vehicle loans, households, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:MotorVehicleLoansHouseholdsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
780 |
Local governments financing, loans and advances eligible for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesEligibleForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
781 |
Housing financing, local governments financing, loans and advances, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:HousingFinancingLocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
782 |
Other local government financing, loans and advances, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OtherLocalGovernmentFinancingLoansAndAdvancesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
783 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession: residential and commercial immovable properties, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CollateralObtainedByTakingPossessionResidentialAndCommercialImmovablePropertiesGrossAtCarryingAmount |
784 |
Assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation (covered in denominator), gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationCoveredInDenominatorGrossAtCarryingAmount |
785 |
Financial and non-financial undertakings, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialAndNonfinancialUndertakingsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
786 |
SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:SMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
787 |
Loans and advances, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesSMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
788 |
Loans collateralised by commercial immovable property, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansCollateralisedByCommercialImmovablePropertySMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
789 |
Building renovation loans, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:BuildingRenovationLoansSMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
790 |
Debt securities, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesSMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
791 |
Equity instruments, SMEs and NFCs (other than SMEs) not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsSMEsAndNFCsOtherThanSMEsNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
792 |
Non-EU country counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:NonEUCountryCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
793 |
Loans and advances, non-EU country counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesNoneuCountryCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
794 |
Debt securities, non-EU country counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNoneuCountryCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
795 |
Equity instruments, non-EU country counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNoneuCountryCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
796 |
Derivatives, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DerivativesAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
797 |
On demand interbank loans, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OnDemandInterbankLoansAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
798 |
Cash and cash-related assets, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CashAndCashrelatedAssetsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
799 |
Other categories of assets, assets excluded from numerator for GAR calculation, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OtherCategoriesOfAssetsAssetsExcludedFromNumeratorForGARCalculationGrossAtCarryingAmount |
800 |
Total GAR assets, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
801 |
Total assets, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
802 |
Financial guarantees, off-balance sheet exposures, undertakings subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialGuaranteesOffbalanceSheetExposuresUndertakingsSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
803 |
Assets under management, off-balance sheet exposures, undertakings subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsUnderManagementOffbalanceSheetExposuresUndertakingsSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsGrossAtCarryingAmount |
804 |
Debt securities, assets under management, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesAssetsUnderManagementGrossAtCarryingAmount |
805 |
Equity instruments, assets under management, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsAssetsUnderManagementGrossAtCarryingAmount |
806 |
GAR sector information [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARSectorInformationAbstract |
807 |
GAR sector information [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:GARSectorInformationTable |
808 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
809 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
810 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
811 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
812 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
813 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
814 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
815 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
816 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
817 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
818 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
819 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
820 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
821 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
822 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
823 |
Economic activities NACE [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesNACEAxis |
824 |
Economic activities NACE [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesNACEMember |
825 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
826 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
827 |
Total environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) /NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
828 |
GAR sector information [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:GARSectorInformationLineItems |
829 |
Non-financial corporates subject to NFRD, gross, at carrying amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialCorporatesSubjectToNFRDGrossAtCarryingAmount |
830 |
[806001] Annex 6. KPIs of credit institutions - general - Annex 6. Template 0. Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by credit institutions under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
831 |
[806002] Annex 6. KPIs of credit institutions - general - Annex 6. Template 0. Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by credit institutions under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation - coverage and assets excluded |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
832 |
[806003] Annex 6. Template 3. KPIs of credit institutions - general (GAR KPI stock) |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
833 |
KPIs of credit institutions - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIsOfCreditInstitutionsGeneralAbstract |
834 |
GAR KPI stock [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARKPIStockAbstract |
835 |
GAR KPI stock [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:GARKPIStockTable |
836 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
837 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
838 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
839 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
840 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
841 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
842 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
843 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
844 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
845 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
846 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
847 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
848 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
849 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
850 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
851 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
852 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
853 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
854 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
855 |
Use of proceeds [member] |
Abstract |
art8:UseOfProceedsMember |
856 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
857 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
858 |
GAR KPI stock [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:GARKPIStockLineItems |
859 |
GAR - Covered assets in both numerator and denominator, percentage of total corresponding covered assets [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARCoveredAssetsInBothNumeratorAndDenominatorPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssetsAbstract |
860 |
Loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
861 |
Financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
862 |
Credit institutions, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:CreditInstitutionsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
863 |
Loans and advances, credit institutions, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
864 |
Debt securities, credit institutions, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
865 |
Equity instruments, credit institutions, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
866 |
Other financial corporations, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:OtherFinancialCorporationsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
867 |
Investment firms, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentFirmsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
868 |
Loans and advances, investment firms, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
869 |
Debt securities, investment firms, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
870 |
Equity instruments, investment firms, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
871 |
Management companies, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ManagementCompaniesLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
872 |
Loans and advances, management companies, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
873 |
Debt securities, management companies, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
874 |
Equity instruments, management companies, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
875 |
Insurance undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InsuranceUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
876 |
Loans and advances, insurance undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
877 |
Debt securities, insurance undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
878 |
Equity instruments, insurance undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
879 |
Non-financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
880 |
Loans and advances, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
881 |
Debt securities, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
882 |
Equity instruments, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
883 |
Households, loans and advances not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:HouseholdsLoansAndAdvancesNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
884 |
Loans collateralised by residential immovable property, households, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansCollateralisedByResidentialImmovablePropertyHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
885 |
Building renovation loans, households, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:BuildingRenovationLoansHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
886 |
Motor vehicle loans, households, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:MotorVehicleLoansHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
887 |
Local governments financing, loans and advances eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
888 |
Housing financing, local governments financing, loans and advances, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:HousingFinancingLocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
889 |
Other local government financing, loans and advances, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:OtherLocalGovernmentFinancingLoansAndAdvancesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
890 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession: residential and commercial immovable properties, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:CollateralObtainedByTakingPossessionResidentialAndCommercialImmovablePropertiesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
891 |
Total GAR assets, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
892 |
GAR KPI stock - total assets covered [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARKPIStockTotalAssetsCoveredAbstract |
893 |
GAR KPI stock - total assets covered [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:GARKPIStockTotalAssetsCoveredTable |
894 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
895 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
896 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
897 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
898 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
899 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
900 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
901 |
GAR KPI stock - total assets covered [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:GARKPIStockTotalAssetsCoveredLineItems |
902 |
GAR - Covered assets in both numerator and denominator, percentage of total assets covered [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARCoveredAssetsInBothNumeratorAndDenominatorPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredAbstract |
903 |
Loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
904 |
Financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
905 |
Credit institutions, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:CreditInstitutionsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
906 |
Loans and advances, credit institutions, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
907 |
Debt securities, credit institutions, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
908 |
Equity instruments, credit institutions, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
909 |
Other financial corporations, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:OtherFinancialCorporationsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
910 |
Investment firms, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentFirmsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
911 |
Loans and advances, investment firms, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
912 |
Debt securities, investment firms, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
913 |
Equity instruments, investment firms, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
914 |
Management companies, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ManagementCompaniesLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
915 |
Loans and advances, management companies, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
916 |
Debt securities, management companies, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
917 |
Equity instruments, management companies, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
918 |
Insurance undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InsuranceUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
919 |
Loans and advances, insurance undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
920 |
Debt securities, insurance undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
921 |
Equity instruments, insurance undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
922 |
Non-financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
923 |
Loans and advances, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
924 |
Debt securities, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
925 |
Equity instruments, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
926 |
Households, loans and advances not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:HouseholdsLoansAndAdvancesNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
927 |
Loans collateralised by residential immovable property, households, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansCollateralisedByResidentialImmovablePropertyHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
928 |
Building renovation loans, households, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:BuildingRenovationLoansHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
929 |
Motor vehicle loans, households, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:MotorVehicleLoansHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
930 |
Local governments financing, loans and advances eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
931 |
Housing financing, local governments financing, loans and advances, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:HousingFinancingLocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
932 |
Other local government financing, loans and advances, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:OtherLocalGovernmentFinancingLoansAndAdvancesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
933 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession: residential and commercial immovable properties, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:CollateralObtainedByTakingPossessionResidentialAndCommercialImmovablePropertiesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
934 |
Total GAR assets, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
935 |
[806004] Annex 6. Template 4. KPIs of credit institutions - general (GAR KPI flow) |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
936 |
KPIs of credit institutions - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIsOfCreditInstitutionsGeneralAbstract |
937 |
GAR KPI flow [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARKPIFlowAbstract |
938 |
GAR KPI flow [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:GARKPIFlowTable |
939 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
940 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
941 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
942 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
943 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
944 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
945 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
946 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
947 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
948 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
949 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
950 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
951 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
952 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
953 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
954 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
955 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
956 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
957 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
958 |
Use of proceeds [member] |
Abstract |
art8:UseOfProceedsMember |
959 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
960 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
961 |
Stock or flow [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:StockOrFlowAxis |
962 |
Stock [member] |
Abstract |
art8:StockMember |
963 |
Flow [member] |
Abstract |
art8:FlowMember |
964 |
GAR KPI flow [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:GARKPIFlowLineItems |
965 |
GAR - Covered assets in both numerator and denominator, percentage of total corresponding covered assets [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARCoveredAssetsInBothNumeratorAndDenominatorPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssetsAbstract |
966 |
Loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
967 |
Financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
968 |
Credit institutions, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:CreditInstitutionsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
969 |
Loans and advances, credit institutions, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
970 |
Debt securities, credit institutions, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
971 |
Equity instruments, credit institutions, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
972 |
Other financial corporations, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:OtherFinancialCorporationsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
973 |
Investment firms, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentFirmsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
974 |
Loans and advances, investment firms, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
975 |
Debt securities, investment firms, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
976 |
Equity instruments, investment firms, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
977 |
Management companies, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ManagementCompaniesLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
978 |
Loans and advances, management companies, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
979 |
Debt securities, management companies, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
980 |
Equity instruments, management companies, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
981 |
Insurance undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InsuranceUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
982 |
Loans and advances, insurance undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
983 |
Debt securities, insurance undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
984 |
Equity instruments, insurance undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
985 |
Non-financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
986 |
Loans and advances, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
987 |
Debt securities, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
988 |
Equity instruments, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
989 |
Households, loans and advances not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:HouseholdsLoansAndAdvancesNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
990 |
Loans collateralised by residential immovable property, households, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansCollateralisedByResidentialImmovablePropertyHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
991 |
Building renovation loans, households, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:BuildingRenovationLoansHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
992 |
Motor vehicle loans, households, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:MotorVehicleLoansHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
993 |
Local governments financing, loans and advances eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
994 |
Housing financing, local governments financing, loans and advances, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:HousingFinancingLocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
995 |
Other local government financing, loans and advances, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:OtherLocalGovernmentFinancingLoansAndAdvancesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
996 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession: residential and commercial immovable properties, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:CollateralObtainedByTakingPossessionResidentialAndCommercialImmovablePropertiesPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
997 |
Total GAR assets, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
998 |
GAR KPI flow - total new assets covered [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARKPIFlowTotalNewAssetsCoveredAbstract |
999 |
GAR KPI flow - total new assets covered [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:GARKPIFlowTotalNewAssetsCoveredTable |
1000 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1001 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1002 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1003 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1004 |
Stock or flow [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:StockOrFlowAxis |
1005 |
Stock [member] |
Abstract |
art8:StockMember |
1006 |
Flow [member] |
Abstract |
art8:FlowMember |
1007 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1008 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1009 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1010 |
GAR KPI flow - total new assets covered [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:GARKPIFlowTotalNewAssetsCoveredLineItems |
1011 |
GAR - Covered assets in both numerator and denominator, percentage of total assets covered [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:GARCoveredAssetsInBothNumeratorAndDenominatorPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredAbstract |
1012 |
Loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1013 |
Financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1014 |
Credit institutions, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:CreditInstitutionsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1015 |
Loans and advances, credit institutions, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1016 |
Debt securities, credit institutions, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1017 |
Equity instruments, credit institutions, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutionsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1018 |
Other financial corporations, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:OtherFinancialCorporationsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1019 |
Investment firms, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentFirmsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1020 |
Loans and advances, investment firms, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1021 |
Debt securities, investment firms, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1022 |
Equity instruments, investment firms, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirmsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1023 |
Management companies, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ManagementCompaniesLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1024 |
Loans and advances, management companies, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1025 |
Debt securities, management companies, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1026 |
Equity instruments, management companies, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsManagementCompaniesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1027 |
Insurance undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InsuranceUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1028 |
Loans and advances, insurance undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1029 |
Debt securities, insurance undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1030 |
Equity instruments, insurance undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInsuranceUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1031 |
Non-financial undertakings, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsLoansAndAdvancesDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1032 |
Loans and advances, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansAndAdvancesNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1033 |
Debt securities, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1034 |
Equity instruments, non-financial undertakings, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakingsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1035 |
Households, loans and advances not HfT eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:HouseholdsLoansAndAdvancesNotHfTEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1036 |
Loans collateralised by residential immovable property, households, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LoansCollateralisedByResidentialImmovablePropertyHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1037 |
Building renovation loans, households, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:BuildingRenovationLoansHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1038 |
Motor vehicle loans, households, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:MotorVehicleLoansHouseholdsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1039 |
Local governments financing, loans and advances eligible for GAR calculation, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:LocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesEligibleForGARCalculationPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1040 |
Housing financing, local governments financing, loans and advances, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:HousingFinancingLocalGovernmentsFinancingLoansAndAdvancesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1041 |
Other local government financing, loans and advances, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:OtherLocalGovernmentFinancingLoansAndAdvancesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1042 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession: residential and commercial immovable properties, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:CollateralObtainedByTakingPossessionResidentialAndCommercialImmovablePropertiesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1043 |
Total GAR assets, percentage of total assets covered |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARAssetsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCovered |
1044 |
[806005] Annex 6. Template 5. KPIs of credit institutions - general |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1045 |
KPIs of credit institutions - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIsOfCreditInstitutionsGeneralAbstract |
1046 |
KPI off-balance sheet exposures [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOffbalanceSheetExposuresAbstract |
1047 |
KPI off-balance sheet exposures [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIOffbalanceSheetExposuresTable |
1048 |
Stock or flow [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:StockOrFlowAxis |
1049 |
Stock [member] |
Abstract |
art8:StockMember |
1050 |
Flow [member] |
Abstract |
art8:FlowMember |
1051 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1052 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1053 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1054 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1055 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1056 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1057 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1058 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1059 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
1060 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
1061 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
1062 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
1063 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1064 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1065 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1066 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1067 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1068 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
1069 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1070 |
Use of proceeds [member] |
Abstract |
art8:UseOfProceedsMember |
1071 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
1072 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
1073 |
KPI off-balance sheet exposures [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIOffbalanceSheetExposuresLineItems |
1074 |
Financial guarantees (FinGuar KPI), off-balance sheet exposures, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialGuaranteesFinGuarKPIOffbalanceSheetExposuresPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
1075 |
Assets under management (AuM KPI), off-balance sheet exposures, percentage of total corresponding covered assets |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsUnderManagementAuMKPIOffbalanceSheetExposuresPercentageOfTotalCorrespondingCoveredAssets |
1076 |
[806006] Annex 6. Template 6. KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1077 |
KPIs of credit institutions - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIsOfCreditInstitutionsGeneralAbstract |
1078 |
KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management - total [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOnFeesAndCommissionsIncomeFromServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagementTotalAbstract |
1079 |
KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management - total [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIOnFeesAndCommissionsIncomeFromServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagementTotalTable |
1080 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1081 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1082 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1083 |
KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management - total [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIOnFeesAndCommissionsIncomeFromServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagementTotalLineItems |
1084 |
Total fees and commission income from NFRD corporates, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:FeesAndCommissionIncomeFromNFRDCorporatesServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1085 |
Total financial undertakings, fees and commission income, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsFeesAndCommissionIncomeServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1086 |
Total credit institutions, fees and commission income, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CreditInstitutionsFeesAndCommissionIncomeServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1087 |
Total other financial undertakings, fees and commission income, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:OtherFinancialUndertakingsFeesAndCommissionIncomeServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1088 |
Total investment firms, fees and commission income, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:InvestmentFirmsFeesAndCommissionIncomeServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1089 |
Total management companies, fees and commission income, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:ManagementCompaniesFeesAndCommissionIncomeServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1090 |
Total insurance undertakings, fees and commission income, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:InsuranceUndertakingsFeesAndCommissionIncomeServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1091 |
Total non-financial undertakings, fees and commission income, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsFeesAndCommissionIncomeServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1092 |
Total counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, fees and commission income, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsFeesAndCommissionIncomeServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1093 |
KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIOnFeesAndCommissionsIncomeFromServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagementAbstract |
1094 |
KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIOnFeesAndCommissionsIncomeFromServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagementTable |
1095 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1096 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1097 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1098 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1099 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1100 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1101 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1102 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1103 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
1104 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
1105 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
1106 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
1107 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1108 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1109 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1110 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1111 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1112 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
1113 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1114 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
1115 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
1116 |
KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIOnFeesAndCommissionsIncomeFromServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagementLineItems |
1117 |
Percentage of fees and commission income from NFRD corporates, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeFromNFRDCorporatesServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1118 |
Percentage of fees and commission income, financial undertakings, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeFinancialUndertakingsServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1119 |
Percentage of fees and commission income, credit institutions, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeCreditInstitutionsServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1120 |
Percentage of fees and commission income, other financial undertakings, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeOtherFinancialUndertakingsServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1121 |
Percentage of fees and commission income, investment firms, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeInvestmentFirmsServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1122 |
Percentage of fees and commission income, management companies, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeManagementCompaniesServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1123 |
Percentage of fees and commission income, insurance undertakings, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeInsuranceUndertakingsServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1124 |
Percentage of fees and commission income, non-financial undertakings, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeNonfinancialUndertakingsServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1125 |
Percentage of fees and commission income, counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, services other than lending and asset management |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfFeesAndCommissionIncomeCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsServicesOtherThanLendingAndAssetManagement |
1126 |
[806007] Annex 6. Template 7. KPI Trading book portfolio |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1127 |
KPIs of credit institutions - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIsOfCreditInstitutionsGeneralAbstract |
1128 |
KPI Trading book portfolio - fair value [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioFairValueAbstract |
1129 |
KPI Trading book portfolio - fair value [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioFairValueTable |
1130 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1131 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1132 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1133 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1134 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1135 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1136 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1137 |
Trading activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:TradingActivitiesAxis |
1138 |
Trading activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TradingActivitiesMember |
1139 |
Total absolute purchases plus absolute sales / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AbsolutePurchasesPlusAbsoluteSalesMember |
1140 |
Absolute purchases [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AbsolutePurchasesMember |
1141 |
Absolute sales [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AbsoluteSalesMember |
1142 |
KPI Trading book portfolio - fair value [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioFairValueLineItems |
1143 |
Financial assets held for trading (debt securities and equity instruments), NFRD corporates, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialAssetsHeldForTradingDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNFRDCorporatesAtFairValue |
1144 |
Financial undertakings, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1145 |
Credit institutions, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CreditInstitutionsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1146 |
Debt securities, credit institutions, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutionsAtFairValue |
1147 |
Equity instruments, credit institutions, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutionsAtFairValue |
1148 |
Other financial undertakings, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OtherFinancialUndertakingsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1149 |
Investment firms, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentFirmsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1150 |
Debt securities, investment firms, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirmsAtFairValue |
1151 |
Equity instruments, investment firms, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirmsAtFairValue |
1152 |
Asset managers, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetManagersFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1153 |
Debt securities, asset managers, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesAssetManagersAtFairValue |
1154 |
Equity instruments, asset managers, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsAssetManagersAtFairValue |
1155 |
Insurance companies, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InsuranceCompaniesFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1156 |
Debt securities, insurance companies, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInsuranceCompaniesAtFairValue |
1157 |
Equity instruments, insurance companies, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInsuranceCompaniesAtFairValue |
1158 |
Non-financial undertakings, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1159 |
Debt securities, non-financial undertakings, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakingsAtFairValue |
1160 |
Equity instruments, non-financial undertakings, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakingsAtFairValue |
1161 |
Counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1162 |
Debt securities, counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsAtFairValue |
1163 |
Equity instruments, counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsAtFairValue |
1164 |
KPI Trading book portfolio [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioAbstract |
1165 |
KPI Trading book portfolio [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioTable |
1166 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1167 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1168 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1169 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1170 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1171 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1172 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1173 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1174 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1175 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1176 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1177 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
1178 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
1179 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
1180 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
1181 |
Trading activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:TradingActivitiesAxis |
1182 |
Trading activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TradingActivitiesMember |
1183 |
Total absolute purchases plus absolute sales / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AbsolutePurchasesPlusAbsoluteSalesMember |
1184 |
Absolute purchases [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AbsolutePurchasesMember |
1185 |
Absolute sales [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AbsoluteSalesMember |
1186 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1187 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1188 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1189 |
KPI Trading book portfolio [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioLineItems |
1190 |
Financial assets held for trading (debt securities and equity instruments), NFRD corporates, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialAssetsHeldForTradingDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNFRDCorporatesAtFairValue |
1191 |
Financial undertakings, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:FinancialUndertakingsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1192 |
Credit institutions, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CreditInstitutionsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1193 |
Debt securities, credit institutions, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutionsAtFairValue |
1194 |
Equity instruments, credit institutions, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutionsAtFairValue |
1195 |
Other financial undertakings, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:OtherFinancialUndertakingsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1196 |
Investment firms, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentFirmsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1197 |
Debt securities, investment firms, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirmsAtFairValue |
1198 |
Equity instruments, investment firms, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirmsAtFairValue |
1199 |
Asset managers, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetManagersFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1200 |
Debt securities, asset managers, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesAssetManagersAtFairValue |
1201 |
Equity instruments, asset managers, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsAssetManagersAtFairValue |
1202 |
Insurance companies, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InsuranceCompaniesFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1203 |
Debt securities, insurance companies, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesInsuranceCompaniesAtFairValue |
1204 |
Equity instruments, insurance companies, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsInsuranceCompaniesAtFairValue |
1205 |
Non-financial undertakings, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:NonfinancialUndertakingsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1206 |
Debt securities, non-financial undertakings, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakingsAtFairValue |
1207 |
Equity instruments, non-financial undertakings, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakingsAtFairValue |
1208 |
Counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, financial assets held for trading, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:CounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAtFairValue |
1209 |
Debt securities, counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DebtSecuritiesCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsAtFairValue |
1210 |
Equity instruments, counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations, at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:EquityInstrumentsCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligationsAtFairValue |
1211 |
KPI Trading book portfolio - trading KPI [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioTradingKPIAbstract |
1212 |
KPI Trading book portfolio - trading KPI [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioTradingKPITable |
1213 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1214 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1215 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1216 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1217 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1218 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1219 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1220 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1221 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1222 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1223 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1224 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
1225 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
1226 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
1227 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
1228 |
KPI Trading book portfolio - trading KPI [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPITradingBookPortfolioTradingKPILineItems |
1229 |
GAR for trading portfolio, percentage of financial assets held for trading (debt securities and equity instruments), NFRD corporates |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:GARForTradingPortfolioPercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingDebtSecuritiesAndEquityInstrumentsNFRDCorporates |
1230 |
Percentage of financial assets held for trading, financial undertakings |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingFinancialUndertakings |
1231 |
Percentage of financial assets held for trading, credit institutions |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingCreditInstitutions |
1232 |
Percentage of debt securities, credit institutions |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfDebtSecuritiesCreditInstitutions |
1233 |
Percentage of equity instruments, credit institutions |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfEquityInstrumentsCreditInstitutions |
1234 |
Percentage of financial assets held for trading, other financial undertakings |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingOtherFinancialUndertakings |
1235 |
Percentage of financial assets held for trading, investment firms |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingInvestmentFirms |
1236 |
Percentage of debt securities, investment firms |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfDebtSecuritiesInvestmentFirms |
1237 |
Percentage of equity instruments, investment firms |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfEquityInstrumentsInvestmentFirms |
1238 |
Percentage of financial assets held for trading, asset managers |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingAssetManagers |
1239 |
Percentage of debt securities, asset managers |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfDebtSecuritiesAssetManagers |
1240 |
Percentage of equity instruments, asset managers |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfEquityInstrumentsAssetManagers |
1241 |
Percentage of financial assets held for trading, insurance companies |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingInsuranceCompanies |
1242 |
Percentage of debt securities, insurance companies |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfDebtSecuritiesInsuranceCompanies |
1243 |
Percentage of equity instruments, insurance companies |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfEquityInstrumentsInsuranceCompanies |
1244 |
Percentage of financial assets held for trading, non-financial undertakings |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingNonfinancialUndertakings |
1245 |
Percentage of debt securities, non-financial undertakings |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfDebtSecuritiesNonfinancialUndertakings |
1246 |
Percentage of equity instruments, non-financial undertakings |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfEquityInstrumentsNonfinancialUndertakings |
1247 |
Percentage of financial assets held for trading, counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligations |
1248 |
Percentage of debt securities, counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfDebtSecuritiesCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligations |
1249 |
Percentage of equity instruments, counterparties not subject to NFRD disclosure obligations |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfEquityInstrumentsCounterpartiesNotSubjectToNFRDDisclosureObligations |
1250 |
[806011] Annex 6. KPIs of credit institutions - general - Annex 6. Template 1. Assets for calculation of GAR - total |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1251 |
[806012] Annex 6. KPIs of credit institutions - general - Annex 6. Template 1. Assets for calculation of GAR |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1252 |
[806021] Annex 6. KPIs of credit institutions - general - Annex 6. Template 2. GAR sector information |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1253 |
[806031] Annex 6. Template 3. KPIs of credit institutions - general (GAR KPI stock) - Annex 6. Template 3. GAR KPI stock |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1254 |
[806032] Annex 6. Template 3. KPIs of credit institutions - general (GAR KPI stock) - Annex 6. Template 3. GAR KPI stock - total assets covered |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1255 |
[806041] Annex 6. Template 4. KPIs of credit institutions - general (GAR KPI flow) - Annex 6. Template 4. GAR KPI flow |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1256 |
[806042] Annex 6. Template 4. KPIs of credit institutions - general (GAR KPI flow) - Annex 6. Template 4. GAR KPI flow - total new assets covered |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1257 |
[806051] Annex 6. Template 5. KPIs of credit institutions - general - Annex 6. Template 5. KPI off-balance sheet exposures |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1258 |
[806061] Annex 6. Template 6. KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management - Annex 6. Template 6. KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management - total |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1259 |
[806062] Annex 6. Template 6. KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management - Annex 6. Template 6. KPI on fees and commissions income from services other than lending and asset management |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1260 |
[806071] Annex 6. Template 7. KPI Trading book portfolio - Annex 6. Template 7. KPI Trading book portfolio - fair value |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1261 |
[806072] Annex 6. Template 7. KPI Trading book portfolio - Annex 6. Template 7. KPI Trading book portfolio |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1262 |
[806073] Annex 6. Template 7. KPI Trading book portfolio - Annex 6. Template 7. KPI Trading book portfolio - trading KPI |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1263 |
[808000] Annex 8. Template for KPIs of investment firms - general |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1264 |
Template for KPIs of investment firms - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TemplateForKPIsOfInvestmentFirmsGeneralAbstract |
1265 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by investment firms under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByInvestmentFirmsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationAbstract |
1266 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by investment firms under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByInvestmentFirmsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationTable |
1267 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1268 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1269 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1270 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1271 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1272 |
Total environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) /NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1273 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1274 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1275 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1276 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1277 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by investment firms under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByInvestmentFirmsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationLineItems |
1278 |
Percentage of assets invested under investment firms' activities dealing on own account, Main KPI, Green asset ratio |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfAssetsInvestedUnderInvestmentFirmsActivitiesDealingOnOwnAccount |
1279 |
Assets invested under investment firms' activities dealing on own account, Main KPI, Green asset ratio |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AssetsInvestedUnderInvestmentFirmsActivitiesDealingOnOwnAccount |
1280 |
Percentage of revenue from investment and services and activities other than dealing on own account, Main KPI, KPI on Revenue |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromInvestmentAndServicesAndActivitiesOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1281 |
Revenue from investment and services and activities other than dealing on own account, Main KPI, KPI on Revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromInvestmentAndServicesAndActivitiesOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1282 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by investment firms under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation - coverage [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByInvestmentFirmsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationCoverageAbstract |
1283 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by investment firms under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation - coverage [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByInvestmentFirmsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationCoverageTable |
1284 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1285 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1286 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1287 |
Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by investment firms under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation - coverage [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:SummaryOfKPIsToBeDisclosedByInvestmentFirmsUnderArticle8TaxonomyRegulationCoverageLineItems |
1288 |
Percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
1289 |
Percentage of total revenue covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTotalRevenueCoveredByKPI |
1290 |
[808001] Annex 8. Template for KPIs of investment firms - general - Annex 8. Template 0. Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by investment firms under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1291 |
[808002] Annex 8. Template for KPIs of investment firms - general - Annex 8. Template 0. Summary of KPIs to be disclosed by investment firms under Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation - coverage |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1292 |
[808003] Annex 8. Template for KPIs of investment firms - KPI |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1293 |
Template for KPIs of investment firms - KPI[abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TemplateForKPIsOfInvestmentFirmsKPIAbstract |
1294 |
KPI IF - Dealing on own account services - amounts [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIIfDealingOnOwnAccountServicesAmountsAbstract |
1295 |
KPI IF - Dealing on own account services - Amounts [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIIfDealingOnOwnAccountServicesAmountsTable |
1296 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1297 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1298 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1299 |
Assets covered [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:AssetsCoveredAxis |
1300 |
Total assets covered [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AssetsCoveredMember |
1301 |
Assets covered by KPI [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AssetsCoveredByKPIMember |
1302 |
Total revenue / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RevenueMember |
1303 |
Revenue covered by KPI [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RevenueCoveredByKPIMember |
1304 |
KPI IF - Dealing on own account services - amounts [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIIfDealingOnOwnAccountServicesAmountsLineItems |
1305 |
Total assets invested under investment firms' activities dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AssetsInvestedUnderInvestmentFirmsActivitiesDealingOnOwnAccount |
1306 |
Assets invested under investment firms' activities dealing on own account, on own behalf |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AssetsInvestedUnderInvestmentFirmsActivitiesDealingOnOwnAccountOnOwnBehalf |
1307 |
Assets invested under investment firms' activities dealing on own account, on behalf of clients |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:AssetsInvestedUnderInvestmentFirmsActivitiesDealingOnOwnAccountOnBehalfOfClients |
1308 |
KPI IF - Dealing on own account services - percentage [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIIfDealingOnOwnAccountServicesPercentageAbstract |
1309 |
KPI IF - Dealing on own account services - Percentage [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIIfDealingOnOwnAccountServicesPercentageTable |
1310 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1311 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1312 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1313 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1314 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1315 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1316 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1317 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1318 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1319 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1320 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1321 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
1322 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
1323 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
1324 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
1325 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1326 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1327 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
1328 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1329 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
1330 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
1331 |
KPI IF - Dealing on own account services - percentage [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIIfDealingOnOwnAccountServicesPercentageLineItems |
1332 |
Percentage of assets invested under investment firms' activities dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfAssetsInvestedUnderInvestmentFirmsActivitiesDealingOnOwnAccount |
1333 |
Percentage of assets invested under investment firms' activities dealing on own account, on own behalf |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfAssetsInvestedUnderInvestmentFirmsActivitiesDealingOnOwnAccountOnOwnBehalf |
1334 |
Percentage of assets invested under investment firms' activities dealing on own account, on behalf of clients |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfAssetsInvestedUnderInvestmentFirmsActivitiesDealingOnOwnAccountOnBehalfOfClients |
1335 |
KPI IF Other services - amounts [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIIfOtherServicesAmountsAbstract |
1336 |
KPI IF Other services - Amounts [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIIfOtherServicesAmountsTable |
1337 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1338 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1339 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1340 |
Assets covered [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:AssetsCoveredAxis |
1341 |
Total assets covered [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AssetsCoveredMember |
1342 |
Assets covered by KPI [member] |
Abstract |
art8:AssetsCoveredByKPIMember |
1343 |
Total revenue / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RevenueMember |
1344 |
Revenue covered by KPI [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RevenueCoveredByKPIMember |
1345 |
KPI IF Other services - amounts [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIIfOtherServicesAmountsLineItems |
1346 |
Revenue from investment and services and activities other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromInvestmentAndServicesAndActivitiesOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1347 |
Revenue from reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromReceptionAndTransmissionOfOrdersInRelationToOneOrMoreFinancialInstrumentsOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1348 |
Revenue from execution of orders on behalf of clients other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromExecutionOfOrdersOnBehalfOfClientsOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1349 |
Revenue from portfolio management other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromPortfolioManagementOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1350 |
Revenue from investment advice other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromInvestmentAdviceOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1351 |
Revenue from underwriting of financial instruments and (or) placing of financial instruments on firm commitment basis other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromUnderwritingOfFinancialInstrumentsAndOrPlacingOfFinancialInstrumentsOnFirmCommitmentBasisOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1352 |
Revenue from placing of financial instruments without firm commitment basis other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromPlacingOfFinancialInstrumentsWithoutFirmCommitmentBasisOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1353 |
Revenue from operation of MTF other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromOperationOfMTFOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1354 |
Revenue from operation of OTF other than dealing on own account |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:RevenueFromOperationOfOTFOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1355 |
KPI IF Other services - percentage [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIIfOtherServicesPercentageAbstract |
1356 |
KPI IF Other services - Percentage [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIIfOtherServicesPercentageTable |
1357 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyAxis |
1358 |
KPI based on Turnover or CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverOrCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1359 |
KPI based on Turnover KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnTurnoverKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1360 |
KPI based on CapEx KPI of issuer / counterparty [member] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIBasedOnCapExKPIOfIssuerCounterpartyMember |
1361 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1362 |
Total EU Taxonomy objectives / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1363 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1364 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1365 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
1366 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
1367 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
1368 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
1369 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1370 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1371 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1372 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1373 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1374 |
Taxonomy-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleActivitiesMember |
1375 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1376 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
1377 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
1378 |
KPI IF Other services - percentage [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIIfOtherServicesPercentageLineItems |
1379 |
Percentage of revenue from investment and services and activities other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromInvestmentAndServicesAndActivitiesOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1380 |
Percentage of revenue from reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromReceptionAndTransmissionOfOrdersInRelationToOneOrMoreFinancialInstrumentsOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1381 |
Percentage of revenue from execution of orders on behalf of clients other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromExecutionOfOrdersOnBehalfOfClientsOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1382 |
Percentage of revenue from portfolio management other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromPortfolioManagementOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1383 |
Percentage of revenue from investment advice other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromInvestmentAdviceOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1384 |
Percentage of revenue from underwriting of financial instruments and (or) placing of financial instruments on firm commitment basis other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromUnderwritingOfFinancialInstrumentsAndOrPlacingOfFinancialInstrumentsOnFirmCommitmentBasisOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1385 |
Percentage of revenue from placing of financial instruments without firm commitment basis other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromPlacingOfFinancialInstrumentsWithoutFirmCommitmentBasisOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1386 |
Percentage of revenue from operation of MTF other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromOperationOfMTFOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1387 |
Percentage of revenue from operation of OTF other than dealing on own account |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfRevenueFromOperationOfTFOtherThanDealingOnOwnAccount |
1388 |
[808011] Annex 8. Template for KPIs of investment firms - KPI - Annex 8. Template 1. KPI IF - Dealing on own account services - amounts |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1389 |
[808012] Annex 8. Template for KPIs of investment firms - KPI - Annex 8. Template 1. KPI IF - Dealing on own account services - percentage |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1390 |
[808021] Annex 8. Template for KPIs of investment firms - KPI - Annex 8. Template 2. KPI IF Other services - amounts |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1391 |
[808022] Annex 8. Template for KPIs of investment firms - KPI - Annex 8. Template 2. KPI IF Other services - percentage |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1392 |
[810000] Annex 10. KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1393 |
KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIsOfInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsGeneralAbstract |
1394 |
Underwriting KPI for non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:UnderwritingKPIForNonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsAbstract |
1395 |
Underwriting KPI for non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:UnderwritingKPIForNonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsTable |
1396 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1397 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1398 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1399 |
Economic activities for insurance and reinsurance [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesForInsuranceAndReinsuranceAxis |
1400 |
Total economic activities for insurance and reinsurance / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesForInsuranceAndReinsuranceMember |
1401 |
Non-life insurance and reinsurance underwriting Taxonomy-aligned activities (environmentally sustainable) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUnderwritingTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesEnvironmentallySustainableMember |
1402 |
Reinsured activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ReinsuredActivitiesMember |
1403 |
Stemming from reinsurance activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:StemmingFromReinsuranceActivityMember |
1404 |
Reinsured (retrocession) activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ReinsuredRetrocessionActivitiesMember |
1405 |
Non-life insurance and reinsurance underwriting Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUnderwritingTaxonomyeligibleButNotEnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesNotTaxonomyalignedActivitiesMember |
1406 |
Non-life insurance and reinsurance underwriting Taxonomy-non-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NonLifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUnderwritingTaxonomyNonEligibleActivitiesMember |
1407 |
Underwriting KPI for non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:UnderwritingKPIForNonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsLineItems |
1408 |
Absolute premiums, substantial contribution to climate change adaptation |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AbsolutePremiumsSubstantialContributionToClimateChangeAdaptation |
1409 |
Percentage of premiums, substantial contribution to climate change adaptation |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfPremiumsSubstantialContributionToClimateChangeAdaptation |
1410 |
Minimum safeguards |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:MinimumSafeguards |
1411 |
Underwriting KPI for non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings - DNSH [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:UnderwritingKPIForNonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsDNSHAbstract |
1412 |
Underwriting KPI for non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings - DNSH [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:UnderwritingKPIForNonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsDNSHTable |
1413 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1414 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1415 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1416 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
1417 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
1418 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
1419 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
1420 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1421 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1422 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1423 |
Economic activities for insurance and reinsurance [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesForInsuranceAndReinsuranceAxis |
1424 |
Total economic activities for insurance and reinsurance / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesForInsuranceAndReinsuranceMember |
1425 |
Non-life insurance and reinsurance underwriting Taxonomy-aligned activities (environmentally sustainable) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUnderwritingTaxonomyAlignedActivitiesEnvironmentallySustainableMember |
1426 |
Reinsured activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ReinsuredActivitiesMember |
1427 |
Stemming from reinsurance activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:StemmingFromReinsuranceActivityMember |
1428 |
Reinsured (retrocession) activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ReinsuredRetrocessionActivitiesMember |
1429 |
Non-life insurance and reinsurance underwriting Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUnderwritingTaxonomyeligibleButNotEnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesNotTaxonomyalignedActivitiesMember |
1430 |
Non-life insurance and reinsurance underwriting Taxonomy-non-eligible activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NonLifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUnderwritingTaxonomyNonEligibleActivitiesMember |
1431 |
Underwriting KPI for non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings - DNSH [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:UnderwritingKPIForNonlifeInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsDNSHLineItems |
1432 |
DNSH criteria |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:DNSHCriteria |
1433 |
KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:KPIsOfInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsAbstract |
1434 |
KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:KPIsOfInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsTable |
1435 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1436 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1437 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1438 |
Reporting entity [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingEntityAxis |
1439 |
Reporting entity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ReportingEntityMember |
1440 |
Insurance or reinsurance undertaking [member] |
Abstract |
art8:InsuranceOrReinsuranceUndertakingMember |
1441 |
KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:KPIsOfInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsLineItems |
1442 |
Proportion of insurance or reinsurance undertaking's investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned in relation to total investments [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ProportionOfInsuranceOrReinsuranceUndertakingSInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedInRelationToTotalInvestmentsAbstract |
1443 |
Weighted average value of all investmentsthat are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
1444 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
1445 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, turnover-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesTurnoverbased |
1446 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, CapEx-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesCapExbased |
1447 |
Percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:PercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
1448 |
Assets covered by KPI |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AssetsCoveredByKPI |
1449 |
Breakdown of denominator of KPI [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:BreakdownOfDenominatorOfKPIAbstract |
1450 |
Derivatives, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:DerivativesPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1451 |
Derivatives in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:DerivativesInDenominator |
1452 |
Exposures to EU non-financial undertakings not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToEUNonfinancialUndertakingsNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1453 |
Exposures to EU financial undertakings not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToEUFinancialUndertakingsNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1454 |
Exposures to EU non-financial undertakings not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToEUNonfinancialUndertakingsNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
1455 |
Exposures to EU financial undertakings not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToEUFinancialUndertakingsNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
1456 |
Exposures to non-financial undertakings from non-EU countries not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsFromNonEUCountriesNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1457 |
Exposures to financial undertakings from non-EU countries not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsFromNonEUCountriesNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1458 |
Exposures to non-financial undertakings from non-EU countries not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsFromNonEUCountriesNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
1459 |
Exposures to financial undertakings from non-EU countries not subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsFromNonEUCountriesNotSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
1460 |
Exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1461 |
Exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1462 |
Exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
1463 |
Exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUInDenominator |
1464 |
Exposures to other counterparties and assets, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1465 |
Exposures to other counterparties and assets in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:ExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsInDenominator |
1466 |
Investments other than investments held in respect of life insurance contracts where investment risk is borne by policy holders, percentage in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsHeldInRespectOfLifeInsuranceContractsWhereInvestmentRiskIsBorneByPolicyHoldersPercentageInDenominator |
1467 |
Investments other than investments held in respect of life insurance contracts where investment risk is borne by policy holders, in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsHeldInRespectOfLifeInsuranceContractsWhereInvestmentRiskIsBorneByPolicyHoldersInDenominator |
1468 |
All investments that are funding economic activities that are not Taxonomy-eligible, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingEconomicActivitiesThatAreNotTaxonomyEligibleTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1469 |
All investments that are funding economic activities that are not Taxonomy-eligible, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingEconomicActivitiesThatAreNotTaxonomyEligibleCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1470 |
All investments that are funding economic activities that are not Taxonomy-eligible in denominator, turnover-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingEconomicActivitiesThatAreNotTaxonomyEligibleInDenominatorTurnoverbased |
1471 |
All investments that are funding economic activities that are not Taxonomy-eligible in denominator, CapEx-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingEconomicActivitiesThatAreNotTaxonomyEligibleInDenominatorCapExbased |
1472 |
All investments that are funding taxonomy-eligible economic activities, but not Taxonomy-aligned, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesButNotTaxonomyAlignedTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1473 |
All investments that are funding taxonomy-eligible economic activities, but not Taxonomy-aligned, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesButNotTaxonomyAlignedCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInDenominator |
1474 |
All investments that are funding taxonomy-eligible economic activities, but not Taxonomy-aligned in denominator, turnover-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesButNotTaxonomyAlignedInDenominatorTurnoverbased |
1475 |
All investments that are funding taxonomy-eligible economic activities, but not Taxonomy-aligned in denominator, CapEx-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:AllInvestmentsThatAreFundingTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesButNotTaxonomyAlignedInDenominatorCapExbased |
1476 |
Breakdown of numerator of KPI [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:BreakdownOfNumeratorOfKPIAbstract |
1477 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
1478 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
1479 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, turnover-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUTurnoverbasedInNumerator |
1480 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to non-financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, CapEx-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToNonfinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUCapExbasedInNumerator |
1481 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
1482 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
1483 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, turnover-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUTurnoverbasedInNumerator |
1484 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to financial undertakings subject to Articles 19a and 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU, CapEx-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToFinancialUndertakingsSubjectToArticles19AAnd29AOfDirective2013NO34NOEUCapExbasedInNumerator |
1485 |
Investments other than investments held in respect of life insurance contracts where investment risk is borne by policy holders, that are directed at funding, or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned, turnover-based, precentage in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsHeldInRespectOfLifeInsuranceContractsWhereInvestmentRiskIsBorneByPolicyHoldersThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedTurnoverbasedPrecentageInNumerator |
1486 |
Investments other than investments held in respect of life insurance contracts where investment risk is borne by policy holders, that are directed at funding, or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned, CapEx-based, precentage in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsHeldInRespectOfLifeInsuranceContractsWhereInvestmentRiskIsBorneByPolicyHoldersThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedCapExbasedPrecentageInNumerator |
1487 |
Investments other than investments held in respect of life insurance contracts where investment risk is borne by policy holders, that are directed at funding, or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned, turnover-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsHeldInRespectOfLifeInsuranceContractsWhereInvestmentRiskIsBorneByPolicyHoldersThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedTurnoverbasedInNumerator |
1488 |
Investments other than investments held in respect of life insurance contracts where investment risk is borne by policy holders, that are directed at funding, or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned, CapEx-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:InvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsHeldInRespectOfLifeInsuranceContractsWhereInvestmentRiskIsBorneByPolicyHoldersThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedCapExbasedInNumerator |
1489 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to other counterparties and assets, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
1490 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to other counterparties and assets, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPIInNumerator |
1491 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to other counterparties and assets, turnover-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsTurnoverbasedInNumerator |
1492 |
Taxonomy-aligned exposures to other counterparties and assets, CapEx-based in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedExposuresToOtherCounterpartiesAndAssetsCapExbasedInNumerator |
1493 |
Proportion of insurance or reinsurance undertaking's investments that are directed at funding or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned in relation to total investments - breakdown of numerator of KPI per environmental objective [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:ProportionOfInsuranceOrReinsuranceUndertakingSInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedInRelationToTotalInvestmentsBreakdownOfNumeratorOfKPIPerEnvironmentalObjectiveAbstract |
1494 |
Proportion of insurance or reinsurance undertaking�s investments that are directed at funding or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned in relation to total investments - breakdown of numerator of KPI per environmental objective [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:ProportionOfInsuranceOrReinsuranceUndertakingSInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedInRelationToTotalInvestmentsBreakdownOfNumeratorOfKPIPerEnvironmentalObjectiveTable |
1495 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1496 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1497 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1498 |
Reporting entity [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingEntityAxis |
1499 |
Reporting entity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ReportingEntityMember |
1500 |
Insurance or reinsurance undertaking [member] |
Abstract |
art8:InsuranceOrReinsuranceUndertakingMember |
1501 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1502 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1503 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1504 |
Water and marine resources [member] |
Abstract |
art8:WaterAndMarineResourcesMember |
1505 |
Circular economy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CircularEconomyMember |
1506 |
Pollution [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PollutionMember |
1507 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems [member] |
Abstract |
art8:BiodiversityAndEcosystemsMember |
1508 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1509 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1510 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1511 |
Transitional activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:TransitionalActivityMember |
1512 |
Enabling activity [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnablingActivityMember |
1513 |
Proportion of insurance or reinsurance undertaking's investments that are directed at funding or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned in relation to total investments - breakdown of numerator of KPI per environmental objective [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:ProportionOfInsuranceOrReinsuranceUndertakingSInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyAlignedInRelationToTotalInvestmentsBreakdownOfNumeratorOfKPIPerEnvironmentalObjectiveLineItems |
1514 |
Turnover-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:Turnoverbased |
1515 |
Percentage of turnover-based |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfTurnoverbased |
1516 |
CapEx-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:CapExbased |
1517 |
Percentage of CapEx-based |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageOfCapExbased |
1518 |
[810011] Annex 10. KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general - Annex 10. Template 1. Underwriting KPI for non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1519 |
[810012] Annex 10. KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general - Annex 10. Template 1. Underwriting KPI for non-life insurance and reinsurance undertakings - DNSH |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1520 |
[810021] Annex 10. KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general - Annex 10. Template 2. Proportion of insurance or reinsurance undertaking�s investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned in relation to total investments |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1521 |
[810022] Annex 10. KPIs of insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general - Annex 10. Template 2. Proportion of insurance or reinsurance undertaking�s investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with, Taxonomy-aligned in relation to total investments - breakdown of numerator of KPI per environmental objective |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1522 |
[811000] Annex 11. Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1523 |
Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:QualitativeDisclosuresForAssetManagersCreditInstitutionsInvestmentFirmsAndInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsGeneralAbstract |
1524 |
Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:QualitativeDisclosuresForAssetManagersCreditInstitutionsInvestmentFirmsAndInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsAbstract |
1525 |
Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:QualitativeDisclosuresForAssetManagersCreditInstitutionsInvestmentFirmsAndInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsTable |
1526 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1527 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1528 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1529 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1530 |
Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:QualitativeDisclosuresForAssetManagersCreditInstitutionsInvestmentFirmsAndInsuranceAndReinsuranceUndertakingsLineItems |
1531 |
Disclosure of qualitative information to support financial undertakings' explanations and markets� understanding of KPIs [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfQualitativeInformationToSupportFinancialUndertakingsExplanationsAndMarketsUnderstandingOfKPIsExplanatory |
1532 |
Disclosure of contextual information in support of quantitative indicators [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfContextualInformationInSupportOfQuantitativeIndicatorsExplanatory |
1533 |
Explanation of nature and objectives of Taxonomy-aligned economic activities and evolution of Taxonomy-aligned economic activities over time [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ExplanationOfNatureAndObjectivesOfTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesAndEvolutionOfTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesOverTimeExplanatory |
1534 |
Description of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/852 in financial undertaking's business strategy, product design processes and engagement with clients and counterparties [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DescriptionOfComplianceWithRegulationEU2020NO852InFinancialUndertakingSBusinessStrategyProductDesignProcessesAndEngagementWithClientsAndCounterpartiesExplanatory |
1535 |
Disclosure of credit institutions qualitative information on alignment of trading portfolios with Regulation (EU) 2020/852 [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfCreditInstitutionsQualitativeInformationOnAlignmentOfTradingPortfoliosWithRegulationEU2020NO852Explanatory |
1536 |
Disclosure of additional or complementary information in support of financial undertaking's strategies and weight of financing of Taxonomy-aligned economic activities in their overall activity [text block] |
Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) |
For Period |
art8:DisclosureOfAdditionalOrComplementaryInformationInSupportOfFinancialUndertakingSStrategiesAndWeightOfFinancingOfTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesInTheirOverallActivityExplanatory |
1537 |
Consolidated group level KPI, percentage, turnover-based |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ConsolidatedGroupLevelKpiPercentageTurnoverbased |
1538 |
Consolidated group level KPI, percentage, CapEx-based |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:ConsolidatedGroupLevelKpiPercentageCapExbased |
1539 |
Weighted average of applicable KPIs, percentage, turnover-based |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageOfApplicableKpisPercentageTurnoverbased |
1540 |
Weighted average of applicable KPIs, percentage, CapEx-based |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageOfApplicableKpisPercentageCapExbased |
1541 |
Additional or complementary information in support of financial undertaking's strategies and weight of financing of Taxonomy-aligned economic activities in their overall activity [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:AdditionalOrComplementaryInformationInSupportOfFinancialUndertakingSStrategiesAndWeightOfFinancingOfTaxonomyalignedEconomicActivitiesInTheirOverallActivityAbstract |
1542 |
Additional or complementary information in support of financial undertaking�s strategies and weight of financing of Taxonomy-aligned economic activities in their overall activity [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:AdditionalOrComplementaryInformationInSupportOfFinancialUndertakingSStrategiesAndWeightOfFinancingOfTaxonomyalignedEconomicActivitiesInTheirOverallActivityTable |
1543 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1544 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1545 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1546 |
Additional or complementary information in support of financial undertaking's strategies and weight of financing of Taxonomy-aligned economic activities in their overall activity [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:AdditionalOrComplementaryInformationInSupportOfFinancialUndertakingSStrategiesAndWeightOfFinancingOfTaxonomyalignedEconomicActivitiesInTheirOverallActivityLineItems |
1547 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-eligible economic activities, turnover-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesTurnoverbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
1548 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-eligible economic activities, CapEx-based, percentage of total assets covered by KPI |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesCapExbasedPercentageOfTotalAssetsCoveredByKPI |
1549 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-eligible economic activities, turnover-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesTurnoverbased |
1550 |
Weighted average value of all investments that are directed at funding, or are associated with Taxonomy-eligible economic activities, CapEx-based |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
art8:WeightedAverageValueOfAllInvestmentsThatAreDirectedAtFundingOrAreAssociatedWithTaxonomyEligibleEconomicActivitiesCapExbased |
1551 |
Percentage in total investments of investments in exposures to central governments, central banks and supranational issuers |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
For Period |
art8:PercentageInTotalInvestmentsOfInvestmentsInExposuresToCentralGovernmentsCentralBanksAndSupranationalIssuers |
1552 |
[811011] Annex 11. Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general - Annex 11. Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1553 |
[811012] Annex 11. Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings - general - Annex 11. Qualitative disclosures for asset managers, credit institutions, investment firms and insurance and reinsurance undertakings - additional or complementary information in support of financial undertaking�s strategies and weight of financing of Taxonomy-aligned economic activities in their overall activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1554 |
[812000] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1555 |
Standard templates for disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:StandardTemplatesForDisclosureReferredToInArticle86And7GeneralAbstract |
1556 |
Nuclear and fossil gas related activities [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:NuclearAndFossilGasRelatedActivitiesAbstract |
1557 |
Nuclear and fossil gas related activities [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:NuclearAndFossilGasRelatedActivitiesTable |
1558 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1559 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1560 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1561 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1562 |
Nuclear and fossil gas related activities [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:NuclearAndFossilGasRelatedActivitiesLineItems |
1563 |
Nuclear energy related activities [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:NuclearEnergyRelatedActivitiesAbstract |
1564 |
Undertaking carries out, funds or has exposures to research, development, demonstration and deployment of innovative electricity generation facilities that produce energy from nuclear processes with minimal waste from fuel cycle |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:UndertakingCarriesOutFundsOrHasExposuresToResearchDevelopmentDemonstrationAndDeploymentOfInnovativeElectricityGenerationFacilitiesThatProduceEnergyFromNuclearProcessesWithMinimalWasteFromFuelCycle |
1565 |
Undertaking carries out, funds or has exposures to construction and safe operation of new nuclear installations to produce electricity or process heat, as well as their safety upgrades, using best available technologies |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:UndertakingCarriesOutFundsOrHasExposuresToConstructionAndSafeOperationOfNewNuclearInstallationsToProduceElectricityOrProcessHeatAsWellAsTheirSafetyUpgradesUsingBestAvailableTechnologies |
1566 |
Undertaking carries out, funds or has exposures to safe operation of existing nuclear installations that produce electricity or process heat, as well as their safety upgrades |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:UndertakingCarriesOutFundsOrHasExposuresToSafeOperationOfExistingNuclearInstallationsThatProduceElectricityOrProcessHeatAsWellAsTheirSafetyUpgrades |
1567 |
Fossil gas related activities [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:FossilGasRelatedActivitiesAbstract |
1568 |
Undertaking carries out, funds or has exposures to construction or operation of electricity generation facilities that produce electricity using fossil gaseous fuels |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:UndertakingCarriesOutFundsOrHasExposuresToConstructionOrOperationOfElectricityGenerationFacilitiesThatProduceElectricityUsingFossilGaseousFuels |
1569 |
Undertaking carries out, funds or has exposures to construction, refurbishment, and operation of combined heat or cool and power generation facilities using fossil gaseous fuels |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:UndertakingCarriesOutFundsOrHasExposuresToConstructionRefurbishmentAndOperationOfCombinedHeatOrCoolAndPowerGenerationFacilitiesUsingFossilGaseousFuels |
1570 |
Undertaking carries out, funds or has exposures to construction, refurbishment and operation of heat generation facilities that produce heat or cool using fossil gaseous fuels |
Concept (Yes/No) |
For Period |
art8:UndertakingCarriesOutFundsOrHasExposuresToConstructionRefurbishmentAndOperationOfHeatGenerationFacilitiesThatProduceHeatOrCoolUsingFossilGaseousFuels |
1571 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesDenominatorAbstract |
1572 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesDenominatorTable |
1573 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1574 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1575 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1576 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1577 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1578 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1579 |
Total Climate change mitigation and Climate change adaptation / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationAndClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1580 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1581 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1582 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1583 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1584 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1585 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
1586 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
1587 |
Nuclear energy and fossil gas related activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NuclearEnergyAndFossilGasRelatedActivitiesMember |
1588 |
Pre-commercial stages of advanced technologies to produce energy from nuclear processes with minimal waste from fuel cycle [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PrecommercialStagesOfAdvancedTechnologiesToProduceEnergyFromNuclearProcessesWithMinimalWasteFromFuelCycleMember |
1589 |
Construction and safe operation of new nuclear power plants, for generation of electricity and/or heat, including for hydrogen production, using best-available technologies [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ConstructionAndSafeOperationOfNewNuclearPowerPlantsForGenerationOfElectricityAndOrHeatIncludingForHydrogenProductionUsingBestavailableTechnologiesMember |
1590 |
Electricity generation from nuclear energy in existing installations [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ElectricityGenerationFromNuclearEnergyInExistingInstallationsMember |
1591 |
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ElectricityGenerationFromFossilGaseousFuelsMember |
1592 |
High-efficiency co-generation of heat/cool and power from fossil gaseous fuels [member] |
Abstract |
art8:HighefficiencyCogenerationOfHeatCoolAndPowerFromFossilGaseousFuelsMember |
1593 |
Production of heat/cool from fossil gaseous fuels in efficient district heating and cooling system [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ProductionOfHeatCoolFromFossilGaseousFuelsInEfficientDistrictHeatingAndCoolingSystemMember |
1594 |
Other economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:OtherEconomicActivitiesMember |
1595 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesDenominatorLineItems |
1596 |
KPI, economic activity in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:KPIEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1597 |
KPI, percentage of economic activity in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:KPIPercentageOfEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1598 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) - total [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesDenominatorTotalAbstract |
1599 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) - total [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesDenominatorTotalTable |
1600 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1601 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1602 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1603 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1604 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1605 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1606 |
Total Climate change mitigation and Climate change adaptation / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationAndClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1607 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1608 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1609 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1610 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1611 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1612 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) - total [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesDenominatorTotalLineItems |
1613 |
Total KPI, amount |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:KPIAmount |
1614 |
Total KPI, percentage |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:KPIPercentage |
1615 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesNumeratorAbstract |
1616 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesNumeratorTable |
1617 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1618 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1619 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1620 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1621 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1622 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1623 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1624 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1625 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1626 |
Total Climate change mitigation and Climate change adaptation / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationAndClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1627 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1628 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1629 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
1630 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
1631 |
Nuclear energy and fossil gas related activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NuclearEnergyAndFossilGasRelatedActivitiesMember |
1632 |
Pre-commercial stages of advanced technologies to produce energy from nuclear processes with minimal waste from fuel cycle [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PrecommercialStagesOfAdvancedTechnologiesToProduceEnergyFromNuclearProcessesWithMinimalWasteFromFuelCycleMember |
1633 |
Construction and safe operation of new nuclear power plants, for generation of electricity and/or heat, including for hydrogen production, using best-available technologies [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ConstructionAndSafeOperationOfNewNuclearPowerPlantsForGenerationOfElectricityAndOrHeatIncludingForHydrogenProductionUsingBestavailableTechnologiesMember |
1634 |
Electricity generation from nuclear energy in existing installations [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ElectricityGenerationFromNuclearEnergyInExistingInstallationsMember |
1635 |
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ElectricityGenerationFromFossilGaseousFuelsMember |
1636 |
High-efficiency co-generation of heat/cool and power from fossil gaseous fuels [member] |
Abstract |
art8:HighefficiencyCogenerationOfHeatCoolAndPowerFromFossilGaseousFuelsMember |
1637 |
Production of heat/cool from fossil gaseous fuels in efficient district heating and cooling system [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ProductionOfHeatCoolFromFossilGaseousFuelsInEfficientDistrictHeatingAndCoolingSystemMember |
1638 |
Other economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:OtherEconomicActivitiesMember |
1639 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesNumeratorLineItems |
1640 |
KPI, economic activity in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:KPIEconomicActivityInNumerator |
1641 |
KPI, percentage of economic activity in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:KPIPercentageOfEconomicActivityInNumerator |
1642 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) - total [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesNumeratorTotalAbstract |
1643 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) - total [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesNumeratorTotalTable |
1644 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1645 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1646 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1647 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1648 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1649 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1650 |
Total Climate change mitigation and Climate change adaptation / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationAndClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1651 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1652 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1653 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1654 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1655 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1656 |
Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) - total [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:TaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesNumeratorTotalLineItems |
1657 |
Total KPI, economic activity in numerator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:KPIEconomicActivityInNumerator |
1658 |
Total KPI, percentage of economic activity in numerator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:KPIPercentageOfEconomicActivityInNumerator |
1659 |
Taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned economic activities [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleButNotTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesAbstract |
1660 |
Taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned economic activities [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleButNotTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesTable |
1661 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1662 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1663 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1664 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1665 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1666 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1667 |
Total Climate change mitigation and Climate change adaptation / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationAndClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1668 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1669 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1670 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1671 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1672 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1673 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
1674 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
1675 |
Nuclear energy and fossil gas related activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NuclearEnergyAndFossilGasRelatedActivitiesMember |
1676 |
Pre-commercial stages of advanced technologies to produce energy from nuclear processes with minimal waste from fuel cycle [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PrecommercialStagesOfAdvancedTechnologiesToProduceEnergyFromNuclearProcessesWithMinimalWasteFromFuelCycleMember |
1677 |
Construction and safe operation of new nuclear power plants, for generation of electricity and/or heat, including for hydrogen production, using best-available technologies [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ConstructionAndSafeOperationOfNewNuclearPowerPlantsForGenerationOfElectricityAndOrHeatIncludingForHydrogenProductionUsingBestavailableTechnologiesMember |
1678 |
Electricity generation from nuclear energy in existing installations [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ElectricityGenerationFromNuclearEnergyInExistingInstallationsMember |
1679 |
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ElectricityGenerationFromFossilGaseousFuelsMember |
1680 |
High-efficiency co-generation of heat/cool and power from fossil gaseous fuels [member] |
Abstract |
art8:HighefficiencyCogenerationOfHeatCoolAndPowerFromFossilGaseousFuelsMember |
1681 |
Production of heat/cool from fossil gaseous fuels in efficient district heating and cooling system [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ProductionOfHeatCoolFromFossilGaseousFuelsInEfficientDistrictHeatingAndCoolingSystemMember |
1682 |
Other economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:OtherEconomicActivitiesMember |
1683 |
Taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned economic activities [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleButNotTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesLineItems |
1684 |
KPI, economic activity in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:KPIEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1685 |
KPI, percentage of economic activity in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:KPIPercentageOfEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1686 |
Taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned economic activities - total [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleButNotTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesTotalAbstract |
1687 |
Taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned economic activities - total [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleButNotTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesTotalTable |
1688 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1689 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1690 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1691 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1692 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesAxis |
1693 |
EU Taxonomy objectives [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EUTaxonomyObjectivesMember |
1694 |
Total Climate change mitigation and Climate change adaptation / NA [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationAndClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1695 |
Climate change mitigation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeMitigationMember |
1696 |
Climate change adaptation [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ClimateChangeAdaptationMember |
1697 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1698 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1699 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1700 |
Taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned economic activities - total [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:TaxonomyEligibleButNotTaxonomyAlignedEconomicActivitiesTotalLineItems |
1701 |
Total KPI, economic activity in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:KPIEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1702 |
Total KPI, percentage of economic activity in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:KPIPercentageOfEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1703 |
Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyNoneligibleEconomicActivitiesAbstract |
1704 |
Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:TaxonomyNoneligibleEconomicActivitiesTable |
1705 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1706 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1707 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1708 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1709 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1710 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1711 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1712 |
Economic activities [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesAxis |
1713 |
Economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesMember |
1714 |
Nuclear energy and fossil gas related activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:NuclearEnergyAndFossilGasRelatedActivitiesMember |
1715 |
Pre-commercial stages of advanced technologies to produce energy from nuclear processes with minimal waste from fuel cycle [member] |
Abstract |
art8:PrecommercialStagesOfAdvancedTechnologiesToProduceEnergyFromNuclearProcessesWithMinimalWasteFromFuelCycleMember |
1716 |
Construction and safe operation of new nuclear power plants, for generation of electricity and/or heat, including for hydrogen production, using best-available technologies [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ConstructionAndSafeOperationOfNewNuclearPowerPlantsForGenerationOfElectricityAndOrHeatIncludingForHydrogenProductionUsingBestavailableTechnologiesMember |
1717 |
Electricity generation from nuclear energy in existing installations [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ElectricityGenerationFromNuclearEnergyInExistingInstallationsMember |
1718 |
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ElectricityGenerationFromFossilGaseousFuelsMember |
1719 |
High-efficiency co-generation of heat/cool and power from fossil gaseous fuels [member] |
Abstract |
art8:HighefficiencyCogenerationOfHeatCoolAndPowerFromFossilGaseousFuelsMember |
1720 |
Production of heat/cool from fossil gaseous fuels in efficient district heating and cooling system [member] |
Abstract |
art8:ProductionOfHeatCoolFromFossilGaseousFuelsInEfficientDistrictHeatingAndCoolingSystemMember |
1721 |
Other economic activities [member] |
Abstract |
art8:OtherEconomicActivitiesMember |
1722 |
Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:TaxonomyNoneligibleEconomicActivitiesLineItems |
1723 |
KPI, economic activity in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:KPIEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1724 |
KPI, percentage of economic activity in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:KPIPercentageOfEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1725 |
Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities - total [abstract] |
Abstract |
art8:TaxonomyNoneligibleEconomicActivitiesTotalAbstract |
1726 |
Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities - total [table] |
Hypercube |
art8:TaxonomyNoneligibleEconomicActivitiesTotalTable |
1727 |
Reporting scope [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:ReportingScopeAxis |
1728 |
Current and retrospective [member] |
Abstract |
art8:CurrentAndRetrospectiveMember |
1729 |
Restated, corrected or revised [member] |
Abstract |
art8:RestatedCorrectedOrRevisedMember |
1730 |
Name of key performance indicator (KPI) [typed axis] |
Dimension |
art8:NameOfKeyPerformanceIndicatorKPITypedAxis |
1731 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [axis] |
Dimension |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyAxis |
1732 |
Economic activities pursuant to EU Taxonomy [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EconomicActivitiesPursuantToEUTaxonomyMember |
1733 |
Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) [member] |
Abstract |
art8:EnvironmentallySustainableActivitiesTaxonomyAlignedMember |
1734 |
Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities - total [line items] |
LineItems |
art8:TaxonomyNoneligibleEconomicActivitiesTotalLineItems |
1735 |
Total KPI, economic activity in denominator |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
art8:KPIEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1736 |
Total KPI, percentage of economic activity in denominator |
Concept (dtr-types:percentItemType) |
As Of |
art8:KPIPercentageOfEconomicActivityInDenominator |
1737 |
[812011] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 1. Nuclear and fossil gas related activities |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1738 |
[812021] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 2. Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1739 |
[812022] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 2. Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) - total |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1740 |
[812031] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 3. Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1741 |
[812032] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 3. Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) - total |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1742 |
[812041] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 4. Taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned economic activities |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1743 |
[812042] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 4. Taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned economic activities - total |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1744 |
[812051] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 5. Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1745 |
[812052] Annex 12. Standard templates for the disclosure referred to in Article 8(6) and (7) - general - Annex 12. Template 5. Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities - total |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1746 |
[901000] NACE |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1747 |
[902000] Economic activities |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1748 |
[903000] Enumeration: Category enabling or transitional activity |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1749 |
[904000] Enumeration: Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for environmental objective |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1750 |
[905000] Enumeration: Economic activity Substantial Contribution Criteria for environmental objective (not taxonomy-aligned activities) |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1751 |
[906000] Enumeration: EU Taxonomy objectives |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1752 |
[907000] Enumeration: Economic activities |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1753 |
[990000] Dimension defaults |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |
1754 | |
Network |
* |
* | |
* |