Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) Working Prototype - Asset Referenced Token

REGULATION (EU) 2023/1114 | Terms | Structures | Entry Point | JSON Import File | Excel Import File | Inline XBRL in Viewer | Inline XBRL File (no viewer) | Raw XBRL | Pacioli Validation Result

(Entry points for different types of whitepaper creators)

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 [0001] Annex I Part A: Information about offeror Network


2 Offeror of crypto-assets [abstract] Abstract mica:OfferorOfCryptoAssetsAbstract
3 Name of crypto-asset offeror Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:NameOfCryptoAssetOfferor
4 Offeror's legal form Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OfferorsLegalForm
5 Offeror's registered address Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OfferorsRegisteredAddress
6 Offeror's head office Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OfferorsHeadOffice
7 Offeror's registration date Concept (Date) For Period mica:OfferorsRegistrationDate
8 Offeror's legal entity identifier Concept (lei:leiItemType) For Period mica:OfferorsLegalEntityIdentifier
9 Offeror's another identifier required pursuant to applicable national law Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OfferorsAnotherIdentifierRequiredPursuantToApplicableNationalLaw
10 Offeror's contact telephone number Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OfferorsContactTelephoneNumber
11 Offeror's response time Concept (Integer) For Period mica:OfferorsResponseTimeDays
12 Identification of offeror's parent company Concept (lei:leiItemType) For Period mica:IdentificationOfOfferorsParentCompany
13 Members of offeror's management body [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:MembersOfOfferorsManagementBodyExplanatory
14 Offeror's e-mail address Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OfferorsEmailAddress
15 Offeror's business activity Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OfferorsBusinessActivity
16 Parent company business activity of offeror side [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:OfferorsParentCompanyBusinessActivityExplanatory
17 Newly established indicator Concept (Yes/No) For Period mica:NewlyEstablishedIndicator
18 Information about offeror's recent financial condition [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:InformationAboutOfferorsRecentFinancialConditionExplanatory
19 Information about offeror's financial condition since registration [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:InformationAboutOfferorsFinancialConditionSinceRegistrationExplanatory
20 [0002] Annex I Part B: Information about issuer Network


21 Issuer of crypto-assets [abstract] Abstract mica:IssuerOfCryptoAssetsAbstract
22 Name of crypto-asset issuer Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:NameOfCryptoAssetIssuer
23 Issuer's legal form Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuersLegalForm
24 Issuer's registered address Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuersRegisteredAddress
25 Issuer's head office Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuersHeadOffice
26 Issuer's registration date Concept (Date) For Period mica:IssuersRegistrationDate
27 Issuer's legal entity identifier Concept (lei:leiItemType) For Period mica:IssuersLegalEntityIdentifier
28 Issuer's another identifier required pursuant to applicable national law Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuersAnotherIdentifierRequiredPursuantToApplicableNationalLaw
29 Identification of issuer's parent company Concept (lei:leiItemType) For Period mica:IdentificationOfIssuersParentCompany
30 Members of issuer's management body [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:MembersOfIssuersManagementBodyExplanatory
31 Issuer's business activity Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuersBusinessActivity
32 Parent company business activity of issuer side [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:IssuersParentCompanyBusinessActivityExplanatory
33 [0003] Annex I Part C: Information about operator Network


34 Operator of crypto-assets [abstract] Abstract mica:OperatorOfCryptoAssetsAbstract
35 Name of crypto-asset operator Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:NameOfCryptoAssetOperator
36 Operator's legal form Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OperatorsLegalForm
37 Operator's registered address Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OperatorsRegisteredAddress
38 Operator's head office Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OperatorsHeadOffice
39 Operator's registration date Concept (Date) For Period mica:OperatorsRegistrationDate
40 Operator's legal entity identifier Concept (lei:leiItemType) For Period mica:OperatorsLegalEntityIdentifier
41 Operator's another identifier required pursuant to applicable national law Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OperatorsAnotherIdentifierRequiredPursuantToApplicableNationalLaw
42 Identification of operator's parent company Concept (lei:leiItemType) For Period mica:IdentificationOfOperatorsParentCompany
43 Reason for crypto-asset white paper preparation [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:ReasonForCryptoAssetWhitePaperPreparationExplanatory
44 Members of operator's management body [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:MembersOfOperatorsManagementBodyExplanatory
45 Operator's business activity Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:OperatorsBusinessActivity
46 Parent company business activity of operator side [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:ParentCompanyBusinessActivityOfOperatorSideExplanatory
47 [0004] Annex I Part D: Information about crypto-asset project Network


48 Crypto-asset project [abstract] Abstract mica:CryptoAssetProjectAbstract
49 Crypto-asset project name Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoAssetProjectName
50 Crypto-asset project brief description Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoAssetProjectBriefDescription
51 Crypto-asset project details [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:CryptoAssetProjectDetailsExplanatory
52 Crypto-asset project key features of utility tokens Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoAssetProjectKeyFeaturesOfUnilityTokens
53 Crypto-asset project past and future milestones Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoAssetProjectPastAndFutureMilestones
54 Crypto-asset project planned use of any funds Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoAssetProjectPlannedUseOfFunds
55 [0005] Annex I Part E: Information about offer to public Network


56 Offer to public [abstract] Abstract mica:OfferToPublicAbstract
57 Crypto-asset offer to public or admission to trading Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferToPublicOrAdmissionToTrading
58 Crypto-asset reason for offer to public or admission to trading Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetReasonForOfferToPublicOrAdmissionToTrading
59 Crypto-asset amount offer intends to raise Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetAmountOfferIntendsToRaise
60 Crypto-asset price offered to public Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetPriceOfferedToPublic
61 Crypto-asset offered total number Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferedTotalNumber
62 Crypto-asset prospective holders targeted Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetProspectiveHoldersTargeted
63 Crypto-asset notice of reimbursement if target not met Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetNoticeOfReimbursementIfTargetNotMet
64 Crypto-asset offer phases Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferPhases
65 Crypto-asset subscription period for time-limited offers Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetSubscriptionPeriodForTimelimitedOffers
66 Crypto-asset safeguard arrangements during withdrawal period Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetSafeguardArrangementsDuringWithdrawalPeriod
67 Crypto-asset offer methods of payment Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferMethodsOfPayment
68 Crypto-asset offer right of withdrawal Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferRightOfWithdrawal
69 Crypto-asset offer method and time schedule of transfer of purchased crypto-assets to holders Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferMethodAndTimeScheduleOfTransferOfPurchasedCryptoassetsToHolders
70 Crypto-asset offer technical requirements of purchaser Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferTechnicalRequirementsOfPurchaser
71 Crypto-asset offering service provider and form of placement Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferingServiceProviderAndFormOfPlacement
72 Crypto-asset trading platform name, access, and cost Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetTradingPlatformNameAccessAndCost
73 Crypto-asset offer expenses Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferExpenses
74 Crypto-asset offer potential conflicts of interest Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferPotentialConflictsOfInterest
75 Crypto-asset offer applicable law and court Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferApplicableLawAndCourt
76 [0006] Annex I Part F: Information about crypto-assets Network


77 Crypto assets information [abstract] Abstract mica:CryptoAssetsInformationAbstract
78 Crypto-asset type Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetType
79 Crypto-asset characteristics and functionality Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetCharacteristicsAndFunctionality
80 [0007] Annex I Part G: Information on rights and obligations Network


81 Rights and obligations [abstract] Abstract mica:RightsAndObligationsAbstract
82 Crypto-asset purchaser rights and obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetPurchaserRightsAndObligations
83 Crypto-asset modification of rights and obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetModificationOfRightsAndObligations
84 Crypto-asset future offers by issuer Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetFutureOffersByIssuer
85 Crypto-asset utility token quality and quantity Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetUtilityTokenQualityAndQuantity
86 Crypto-asset utility token redemption Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetUtilityTokenRedemption
87 Crypto-asset offer where admission to trading not sought Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferWhereAdmissionToTradingNotSought
88 Crypto-asset offer restrictions on transferability Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetOfferRestrictionsOnTransferability
89 Crypto-asset protocols for increase or decrease in supply Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetProtocolsForIncreaseOrDecreaseInSupply
90 Crypto-asset protection and compensation schemes Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetProtectionAndCompensationSchemes
91 Crypto-asset applicable law and court Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetApplicableLawAndCourt
92 [0008] Annex I Part H: Information on underlying technology Network


93 Underlying technology [abstract] Abstract mica:UnderlyingTechnologyAbstract
94 Crypto-asset technology used Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetTechnologyUsed
95 Crypto-asset consensus mechanism Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetConsensusMechanism
96 Crypto-asset incentive mechanism Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetIncentiveMechanism
97 Crypto-asset distributed ledger technology description Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetDistributedLedgerTechnologyDescription
98 Crypto-asset technology audit outcome information Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetTechnologyAuditOutcomeInformation
99 [0009] Annex I Part I: Information on risks Network


100 Risks associated with offer [abstract] Abstract mica:RisksAssociatedWithOfferAbstract
101 Crypto-asset risks associated with offer to the public or admission to trading Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetRisksAssociatedWithOfferToThePublicOrAdmissionToTrading
102 Crypto-asset issuer risks Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetIssuerRisks
103 Crypto-asset associated risks Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetAssociatedRisks
104 Crypto-asset project implementation associated risks Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetProjectImplementationAssociatedRisks
105 Crypto-asset risks associated with technology and mitigation measures Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:CryptoassetRisksAssociatedWithTechnologyAndMitigationMeasures
106 [0010] Annex II Part A: Information about issuer of asset-referenced token Network


107 Issuer of asset referenced token [abstract] Abstract mica:IssuerOfAssetReferencedTokenAbstract
108 Name of asset-referenced token issuer Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:NameOfAssetreferencedTokenIssuer
109 Issuer of asset-referenced token legal form Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenLegalForm
110 Issuer of asset-referenced token registered address Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenRegisteredAddress
111 Issuer of asset-referenced token date of registration Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenDateOfRegistration
112 Issuer of asset-referenced token legal entity identifier Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenLegalEntityIdentifier
113 Identification of issuer of asset-referenced token parent company Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IdentificationOfIssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenParentCompany
114 Members of issuer of asset-referenced token management body explanatory [text bock] Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:MembersOfIssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenManagementBodyExplanatory
115 Issuer of asset-referenced token business activity Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenBusinessActivity
116 Information about issuer of asset-referenced token recent financial condition explanatory [text block] Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:InformationAboutIssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenRecentFinancialConditionExplanatory
117 Issuer of asset-referenced token detailed description of governance arrangements Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenDetailedDescriptionOfGovernanceArrangements
118 Issuer of asset-referenced token authorization and authority which granted authority Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenAuthorizationAndAuthorityWhichGrantedAuthority
119 Issuer of asset-referenced token that also issues other crypto-assets explanatory [text block] Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfAssetreferencedTokenThatAlsoIssuesOtherCryptoassetsExplanatory
120 [0011] Annex II Part B: Information about asset-referenced token Network


121 Assets-referenced token [abstract] Abstract mica:AssetReferencedTokenAbstract
122 Asset-referenced token name and abbreviation Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenNameAndAbbreviation
123 Asset-referenced token description of characteristics Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenDescriptionOfCharacteristics
124 Asset-referenced token team Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenTeam
125 Asset-referenced token third-party involvement Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenThirdpartyInvolvement
126 Asset-referenced token plans and milestones Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenPlansAndMilestones
127 [0012] Annex II Part C: Information about offer to public of asset-referenced token Network


128 Offer to public asset-referenced token [abstract] Abstract mica:OfferToPublicAssetReferencedTokenAbstract
129 Asset-referenced token offer to public or admission to trading Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferToPublicOrAdmissionToTrading
130 Asset-referenced token amount offer intends to raise Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenAmountOfferIntendsToRaise
131 Asset-referenced token units to be offered or admitted Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenUnitsToBeOfferedOrAdmitted
132 Asset-referenced token prospective holders targeted Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenProspectiveHoldersTargeted
133 Asset-referenced token notice of reimbursement if target not met Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenNoticeOfReimbursementIfTargetNotMet
134 Asset-referenced token offer phases Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferPhases
135 Asset-referenced token subscription period for time-limited offers Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenSubscriptionPeriodForTimelimitedOffers
136 Asset-referenced token offer methods of payment Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferMethodsOfPayment
137 Asset-referenced token offer method and time schedule of transfer of purchased assets Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferMethodAndTimeScheduleOfTransferOfPurchasedAssets
138 Asset-referenced token offer technical requirements of purchaser Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferTechnicalRequirementsOfPurchaser
139 Asset-referenced token offering service provider and form of placement Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferingServiceProviderAndFormOfPlacement
140 Asset-referenced token trading platform name, access, and cost Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenTradingPlatformNameAccessAndCost
141 Asset-referenced token offer expenses Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferExpenses
142 Asset-referenced token offer potential conflicts of interest Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferPotentialConflictsOfInterest
143 Asset-referenced token offer applicable law and court Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferApplicableLawAndCourt
144 [0013] Annex II Part D: Information on rights and obligations asset-referenced token Network


145 Rights and obligations attached to asset-referenced token [abstract] Abstract mica:RightsAndObligationsAttachedToAssetReferencedTokenAbstract
146 Asset-referenced token characteristics and functionality Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenCharacteristicsAndFunctionality
147 Asset-referenced token offer purchaser rights and obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferPurchaserRightsAndObligations
148 Asset-referenced token modification of rights and obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenModificationOfRightsAndObligations
149 Asset-referenced token future offers by issuer Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenFutureOffersByIssuer
150 Asset-referenced token offer where admission to trading not sought Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferWhereAdmissionToTradingNotSought
151 Asset-referenced token offer restrictions on transferability Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenOfferRestrictionsOnTransferability
152 Asset-referenced token protocols for increase or decrease in supply Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenProtocolsForIncreaseOrDecreaseInSupply
153 Asset-referenced token protection and compensation schemes Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenProtectionAndCompensationSchemes
154 Asset-referenced token nature and enforceability of rights Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenNatureAndEnforceabilityOfRights
155 Asset-referenced token description of claims made Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenDescriptionOfClaimsMade
156 Asset-referenced token description and portions of each referenced asset Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenDescriptionAndPortionsOfEachReferencedAsset
157 Asset-referenced token value, claims, and reserve of assets Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenValueClaimsAndReserveOfAssets
158 Asset-referenced token valuation of components of claims description Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenValuationOfComponentsOfClaimsDescription
159 Asset-referenced token liquidity Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenLiquidity
160 Asset-referenced token complaints and complain handling procedures Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenComplaintsAndComplainHandlingProcedures
161 Asset-referenced token holder rights and obligations when issuer unable to fulfil obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenHolderRightsAndObligationsWhenIssuerUnableToFulfilObligations
162 Asset-referenced token recovery plan rights Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenRecoveryPlanRights
163 Asset-referenced token redemption plan rights Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenRedemptionPlanRights
164 Asset-referenced token redemption process Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenRedemptionProcess
165 Asset-referenced token law and court Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenLawAndCourt
166 [0014] Annex II Part E: Information on underlying technology asset-referenced token Network


167 Underlying technology assets referenced token [abstract] Abstract mica:UnderlyingTechnologyAssetsReferencedTokenAbstract
168 Asset-referenced token technology used Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenTechnologyUsed
169 Asset-referenced token consensus mechanism Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenConsensusMechanism
170 Asset-referenced token incentive mechanism Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenIncentiveMechanism
171 Asset-referenced token distributed ledger technology description Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenDistributedLedgerTechnologyDescription
172 Asset-referenced token technology audit outcome information Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenTechnologyAuditOutcomeInformation
173 [0015] Annex II Part F: Information on the risks asset-referenced token Network


174 Risks on assets-referenced token [abstract] Abstract mica:RisksOnAssetsReferencedTokenAbstract
175 Asset-referenced token risks associated with reserve assets Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenRisksAssociatedWithReserveAssets
176 Asset-referenced token issuer risks Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenIssuerRisks
177 Asset-referenced token risks associated with public offering or admission to trading Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenRisksAssociatedWithPublicOfferingOrAdmissionToTrading
178 Asset-referenced token associated risks regarding asset referenced Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenAssociatedRisksRegardingAssetReferenced
179 Asset-referenced token risks associated with project operationalization Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenRisksAssociatedWithProjectOperationalization
180 Asset-referenced token risks associated with technology and mitigation measures Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenRisksAssociatedWithTechnologyAndMitigationMeasures
181 [0016] Annex II Part G: Information on reserve of assets Network


182 Reserve of assets [abstract] Abstract mica:ReserveOfAssetsAbstract
183 Asset-referenced token value alignment mechanism Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenValueAlignmentMechanism
184 Asset-referenced token reserve assets and composition Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenReserveAssetsAndComposition
185 Asset-referenced token issuance and redemption mechanism Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenIssuanceAndRedemptionMechanism
186 Asset-referenced token investment of reserve assets Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenInvestmentOfReserveAssets
187 Asset-referenced token reserve asset custodial arrangements Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:AssetreferencedTokenReserveAssetCustodialArrangements
188 [0017] Annex III Part A: Information about issuer of e-money token Network


189 Issuer of e-money token [abstract] Abstract mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenAbstract
190 Issuer of e-money token legal name Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenLegalName
191 Issuer of e-money token legal form Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenLegalForm
192 Issuer of e-money token registered address Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenRegisteredAddress
193 Issuer of e-money token date of registration Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenDateOfRegistration
194 Issuer of e-money token legal entity identifier Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenLegalEntityIdentifier
195 Issuer of e-money token contact telephone number Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenContactTelephoneNumber
196 Issuer of e-money token parent company identification Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenParentCompanyIdentification
197 Issuer of e-money token management body, address, and functions Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenManagementBodyAddressAndFunctions
198 Issuer of e-money token business or professional activity Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenBusinessOrProfessionalActivity
199 Issuer of e-money token potential conflicts of interest Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenPotentialConflictsOfInterest
200 Issuer of e-money token that also issues other crypto assets Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenThatAlsoIssuesOtherCryptoAssets
201 Issuer of e-money token financial condition explanatory [text block] Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenFinancialConditionExplanatorytextBlock
202 Issuer of e-money token authorization explanatory [text block] Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:IssuerOfEmoneyTokenAuthorizationExplanatorytextBlock
203 [0018] Annex III Part B: Information about e-money token Network


204 E-money token [abstract] Abstract mica:EmoneyTokenAbstract
205 E-money token name and abbreviation Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenNameAndAbbreviation
206 E-money token description of characteristics explanatory [text block] Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenDescriptionOfCharacteristicsExplanatorytextBlock
207 E-money token team explanatory [text block] Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenTeamExplanatorytextBlock
208 [0019] Annex III Part C: Information about offer to public of e-money token Network


209 Offer to public of e-money token [abstract] Abstract mica:OfferToPublicOfEmoneyTokenAbstract
210 E-money token offer to public or admission to trading Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenOfferToPublicOrAdmissionToTrading
211 E-money token number of units to be offered Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenNumberOfUnitsToBeOffered
212 E-money token trading platform name, access, and cost Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenTradingPlatformNameAccessAndCost
213 E-money token applicable law and court Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenApplicableLawAndCourt
214 [0020] Annex III Part D: Information on the rights and obligations e-money tokens Network


215 Rights and obligations e-money token [abstract] Abstract mica:RightsAndOblicationsEmoneyTokenAbstract
216 E-money token holder rights and obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenHolderRightsAndObligations
217 E-money token rights and obligations modification Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenRightsAndObligationsModification
218 E-money token issuer unable to fulfill rights and obligations Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenIssuerUnableToFulfillRightsAndObligations
219 E-money token recovery plan rights Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenRecoveryPlanRights
220 E-money token redemption plan rights Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenRedemptionPlanRights
221 E-money token complaints and complain handling procedures Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenComplaintsAndComplainHandlingProcedures
222 E-money token value protection schemes Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenValueProtectionSchemes
223 E-money token law and court Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenLawAndCourt
224 [0021] Annex III Part E: Information on the underlying technology e-money tokens Network


225 Underlying technology e-money token [abstract] Abstract mica:UnderlyingTechnologyEmoneyTokenAbstract
226 E-money token technology used Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenTechnologyUsed
227 E-money token purchaser technical requirements for gaining control Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenPurchaserTechnicalRequirementsForGainingControl
228 E-money token consensus mechanism Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenConsensusMechanism
229 E-money token incentive mechanism Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenIncentiveMechanism
230 E-money token distributed ledger technology description Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenDistributedLedgerTechnologyDescription
231 E-money token technology audit outcome information Concept (Text/String) For Period mica:EmoneyTokenTechnologyAuditOutcomeInformation
232 [0022] Annex III Part F: Information on the risks e-money tokens Network


233 Risks associated with e-money token [abstract] Abstract mica:RisksAssociatedWithEmoneyTokenAbstract
234 Risks associated with issuer of e-money token [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:RisksAssociatedWithIssuerOfEmoneyTokenExplanitory
235 Risks associated with e-money token [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:RisksAssociatedWithEmoneyTokenExplanitory
236 Risks associated with technology [text block] Concept (dtr-types:textBlockItemType) For Period mica:RisksAssociatedWithTechnologyExplanitory