[800300] Notes - Statement of cash flows, additional disclosures

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 [800300] Notes - Statement of cash flows, additional disclosures Network



2 Statement of cash flows [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:StatementOfCashFlowsAbstract
3 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInOperatingActivitiesAbstract
4 Classes of cash payments from operating activities [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:ClassesOfCashPaymentsAbstract
5 Payments to suppliers for goods and services and to and on behalf of employees Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PaymentsToSuppliersForGoodsAndServicesAndToAndOnBehalfOfEmployees
6 Payments for exploration and evaluation expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PaymentsForExplorationAndEvaluationExpenses
7 Adjustments for interest expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForInterestExpense
8 Adjustments for interest income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForInterestIncome
9 Adjustments for dividend income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDividendIncome
10 Adjustments for finance income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForFinanceIncome
11 Adjustments for finance income (cost) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForFinanceIncomeCost
12 Adjustments for deferred tax expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDeferredTaxExpense
13 Adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) other than changes in working capital Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsToReconcileProfitLossOtherThanChangesInWorkingCapital
14 Cash flows from (used in) operations before changes in working capital Concept (Monetary) For Period ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInOperationsBeforeChangesInWorkingCapital
15 Increase (decrease) in working capital Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:IncreaseDecreaseInWorkingCapital
16 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade and other receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInTradeAndOtherReceivables
17 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in trade and other payables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInTradeAndOtherPayables
18 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in other assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInOtherAssets
19 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in other liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInOtherLiabilities
20 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in other current assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInOtherCurrentAssets
21 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in other current liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInOtherCurrentLiabilities
22 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in employee benefit liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInEmployeeBenefitLiabilities
23 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in loans and advances to customers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInLoansAndAdvancesToCustomers
24 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in loans and advances to banks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInLoansAndAdvancesToBanks
25 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in deposits from customers Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInDepositsFromCustomers
26 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in deposits from banks Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInDepositsFromBanks
27 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in insurance, reinsurance and investment contract liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInInsuranceReinsuranceAndInvestmentContractLiabilities
28 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities lent Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInRepurchaseAgreementsAndCashCollateralOnSecuritiesLent
29 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in reverse repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities borrowed Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInReverseRepurchaseAgreementsAndCashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowed
30 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in financial assets held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInFinancialAssetsHeldForTrading
31 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in financial liabilities held for trading Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTrading
32 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in derivative financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInDerivativeFinancialAssets
33 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in derivative financial liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInDerivativeFinancialLiabilities
34 Adjustments for decrease (increase) in biological assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInBiologicalAssets
35 Adjustments for increase in other provisions arising from passage of time Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseInOtherProvisionsArisingFromPassageOfTime
36 Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense and impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationAndAmortisationExpenseAndImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
37 Adjustments for amortisation expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForAmortisationExpense
38 Adjustments for depreciation expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationExpense
39 Adjustments for impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, goodwill Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossGoodwill
40 Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, trade and other receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossTradeAndOtherReceivables
41 Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, inventories Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossInventories
42 Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantAndEquipment
43 Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, exploration and evaluation assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossExplorationAndEvaluationAssets
44 Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, loans and advances Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossLoansAndAdvances
45 Adjustments for gains (losses) on fair value adjustment, investment property Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnFairValueAdjustmentInvestmentProperty
46 Adjustments for gains (losses) on change in fair value less costs to sell, biological assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnChangeInFairValueLessCostsToSellBiologicalAssets
47 Adjustments for gains (losses) on change in fair value of derivatives Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnChangeInFairValueOfDerivatives
48 Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposals, property, plant and equipment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainLossOnDisposalsPropertyPlantAndEquipment
49 Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainLossOnDisposalOfInvestmentsInSubsidiariesJointVenturesAndAssociates
50 Adjustments for undistributed profits of investments accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForUndistributedProfitsOfInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
51 Adjustments for increase (decrease) in deferred income Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInDeferredIncome
52 Income taxes paid, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:IncomeTaxesPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
53 Income taxes refund, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:IncomeTaxesRefundClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
54 Finance costs paid, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:FinanceCostsPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
55 Finance income received, classified as operating activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:FinanceIncomeReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities
56 Cash flows from (used in) investing activities [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivitiesAbstract
57 Cash flows from (used in) decrease (increase) in restricted cash and cash equivalents Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInDecreaseIncreaseInRestrictedCashAndCashEquivalents
58 Dividends received from investments accounted for using equity method, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethodClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
59 Dividends received from associates, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
60 Dividends received from joint ventures, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
61 Purchase of interests in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInterestsInAssociates
62 Proceeds from sales of interests in associates Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfInterestsInAssociates
63 Purchase of interests in investments accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInterestsInInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
64 Proceeds from sales of investments accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
65 Cash advances and loans made to related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:CashAdvancesAndLoansMadeToRelatedParties
66 Cash receipts from repayment of advances and loans made to related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentOfAdvancesAndLoansMadeToRelatedParties
67 Purchase of investment property Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInvestmentProperty
68 Proceeds from sales of investment property Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfInvestmentProperty
69 Purchase of biological assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfBiologicalAssets
70 Proceeds from sales of biological assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfBiologicalAssets
71 Purchase of exploration and evaluation assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfExplorationAndEvaluationAssets
72 Proceeds from disposal of exploration and evaluation assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOfExplorationAndEvaluationAssets
73 Purchase of mining assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfMiningAssets
74 Proceeds from disposal of mining assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOfMiningAssets
75 Purchase of oil and gas assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfOilAndGasAssets
76 Proceeds from disposal of oil and gas assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOfOilAndGasAssets
77 Proceeds from disposal of non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale and discontinued operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOfNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleAndDiscontinuedOperations
78 Purchase of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets other than goodwill, investment property and other non-current assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillInvestmentPropertyAndOtherNoncurrentAssets
79 Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets other than goodwill, investment property and other non-current assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalsOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillInvestmentPropertyAndOtherNoncurrentAssets
80 Payments for development project expenditure Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PaymentsForDevelopmentProjectExpenditure
81 Cash flows used in exploration and development activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:CashFlowsUsedInExplorationAndDevelopmentActivities
82 Purchase of investments other than investments accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
83 Proceeds from sales of investments other than investments accounted for using equity method Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfInvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod
84 Purchase of financial instruments, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfFinancialInstrumentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
85 Proceeds from sales or maturity of financial instruments, classified as investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOrMaturityOfFinancialInstrumentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities
86 Purchase of available-for-sale financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PurchaseOfAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets
87 Proceeds from disposal or maturity of available-for-sale financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOrMaturityOfAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets
88 Cash flows from (used in) decrease (increase) in short-term deposits and investments Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInDecreaseIncreaseInShorttermDepositsAndInvestments
89 Inflows of cash from investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:InflowsOfCashFromInvestingActivities
90 Outflows of cash from investing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OutflowsOfCashFromInvestingActivities
91 Cash flows from (used in) financing activities [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivitiesAbstract
92 Dividends paid to equity holders of parent, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:DividendsPaidToEquityHoldersOfParentClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
93 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests, classified as financing activities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:DividendsPaidToNoncontrollingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities
94 Proceeds from sale or issue of treasury shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSaleOrIssueOfTreasuryShares
95 Proceeds from exercise of options Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromExerciseOfOptions
96 Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssueOfOrdinaryShares
97 Proceeds from issue of preference shares Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssueOfPreferenceShares
98 Proceeds from non-current borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromNoncurrentBorrowings
99 Repayments of non-current borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfNoncurrentBorrowings
100 Proceeds from current borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromCurrentBorrowings
101 Repayments of current borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfCurrentBorrowings
102 Cash flows from (used in) increase (decrease) in current borrowings Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInIncreaseDecreaseInCurrentBorrowings
103 Cash advances and loans from related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:CashAdvancesAndLoansFromRelatedParties
104 Cash repayments of advances and loans from related parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:CashRepaymentsOfAdvancesAndLoansFromRelatedParties
105 Proceeds from issue of bonds, notes and debentures Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssueOfBondsNotesAndDebentures
106 Repayments of bonds, notes and debentures Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfBondsNotesAndDebentures
107 Payments for share issue costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PaymentsForShareIssueCosts
108 Payments for debt issue costs Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:PaymentsForDebtIssueCosts
109 Proceeds from contributions of non-controlling interests Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromContributionsOfNoncontrollingInterests
110 Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssueOfSubordinatedLiabilities
111 Repayments of subordinated liabilities Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfSubordinatedLiabilities