Best Practices for Automating Record to Report (R2R)

This is a working prototype (currently a work in progress, but builds on a prior successful working prototype) that demonstrate the fundamentals of what is necessary to successfully and effectively create a repeatable process that can reliably be used to autogenerate a financial report. Such a financial report may, or may not, be rendered in the XBRL format. This process can be used to generate financial reports in human readable formats like Excel, Word, HTML, PDF, or machine-readable formats such as XBRL, RDF/OWL/SHACL, Prolog, SQL, GQL, JSON, XML, etc.

Fundamentally, if you are unable to control and verify a report; then the process is not reliable and cannot be depended upon to effectively autogenerate a high-quality report; and such a system cannot be deemed adequate. No step specified can be removed from this method; however, additional steps can be specified to automate more of this process.

Audit Data Standards (ADS) Prototype

This is a working prototype of standard audit data schedules that can be used by external reporting teams, internal auditors, or external auditors to generated information from an accounting system that supports an internal or external financial report.

Example of ADS

This is an example of audit data schedules (ADS) extracted from an accounting system prototype and represented in an XBRL format of the XBRL Global ledger style (i.e. tuples rather than dimensions based).

Link Between Audit Schedules and Financial Report

Audit schedules support the balances as of a point in time and transactions between two points in time.

NOTE: The links are currently to a prior prototype; they will be updated for this specific prototype over time.

General Journal Entries in various formats

This is an example of general journal entries in a number of different formats. These general journal entries were used to autogenerate the XBRL-based financial report provided in a later section.

NOTE: The above TRIAL BALANCE is a summary of GL transactions by CHART OF ACCOUNTS for real (i.e. permanent, balance sheet); the above TRANSACTIONS is a summary of GL transactions by 'Transaction Code Grouping' which is information missing from most accounting systems. This is what enables the proper generation of the roll forwards and TRANSACTIONS groupings.

Financial Disclosures

This is an example of and information related to disclosures and the mechanical rules that drive the creation of such financial disclosures.

NOTE: There is commercial support for US GAAP disclosure rules, and an example is provided below. XBRL Cloud does not currently support this prototype profile I am using to create reports, so I could not provide an HTML based example; Pesseract does support disclosure mechanics rules.

Financial Reporting Checklist (Disclosure Checklist, a.k.a. Disclosure Rules)

This is an example of and information related to machine-readable reporting checklists or disclosure checklists as contrast to the current human readable 'memory joggers' that are used by accountants.

Financial Reporting Standards Reporting Taxonomy (Prototype)

This is an example of and information related to XBRL-based taxonomies created to support the creation of XBRL-based financial reports by reporting economic entities.

NOTE: This is currently incomplete but will be built out. See the US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy example to understand what the completed version will look like.

Financial Report of Reporting Entity (reference implementation of financial report)

This is an example of and information related to XBRL-based reports created by an economic entity.

NOTE: Currently, this example is from a prior prototype. This current prototype will be updated to include all of the examples that you see below.

Financial Analysis of Reported Information (extraction of information from report)

This is information about how to extract information from a financial report and a repository of reports that demonstrate that extraction works and how to effectively extract information.

NOTE: Currently, extracting information from a report is demonstrated using another prototype; this will be replaced with repository specific to this ADS prototype over time.

Testing Tools

This is information about the testing and creation tools that I am leveraging to control this process. Note that none of these tools alone can satisfy 100% of what is required per this method; however by combining functionality of a number of tools 100% of the desired valadation requirements can be met. No software can satisfy the 'self-service' requirement (i.e. all tasks must be completeable by the typical accountant with less than one day of training).

Logical Theory Describing Financial Report

This is information about the underlying human readable and machine readable logical theory that provides the underlying foundation for achieving all of the above.

Last updated: 10/4/2019 11:34:03 AM

Public Domain