[861000] Notes - Analysis of other comprehensive income by item

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 [861000] Notes - Analysis of other comprehensive income by item Network



2 Disclosure of analysis of other comprehensive income by item [text block] Concept (Text Block (HTML)) For Period ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAnalysisOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeByItemExplanatory
3 Disclosure of analysis of other comprehensive income by item [abstract] Abstract ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAnalysisOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeByItemAbstract
4 Disclosure of analysis of other comprehensive income by item [table] Table ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAnalysisOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeByItemTable
5 Components of equity [axis] Axis ifrs-full:ComponentsOfEquityAxis
6 Equity [member] Member ifrs-full:EquityMember
7 Equity attributable to owners of parent [member] Member ifrs-full:EquityAttributableToOwnersOfParentMember
8 Issued capital [member] Member ifrs-full:IssuedCapitalMember
9 Share premium [member] Member ifrs-full:SharePremiumMember
10 Treasury shares [member] Member ifrs-full:TreasurySharesMember
11 Other equity interest [member] Member ifrs-full:OtherEquityInterestMember
12 Other reserves [member] Member ifrs-full:OtherReservesMember
13 Revaluation surplus [member] Member ifrs-full:RevaluationSurplusMember
14 Reserve of exchange differences on translation [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfExchangeDifferencesOnTranslationMember
15 Reserve of cash flow hedges [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfCashFlowHedgesMember
16 Reserve of gains and losses on hedging instruments that hedge investments in equity instruments [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnHedgingInstrumentsThatHedgeInvestmentsInEquityInstrumentsMember
17 Reserve of change in value of time value of options [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptionsMember
18 Reserve of change in value of forward elements of forward contracts [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContractsMember
19 Reserve of change in value of foreign currency basis spreads [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreadsMember
20 Reserve of gains and losses on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember
21 Reserve of insurance finance income (expenses) from insurance contracts issued excluded from profit or loss that will be reclassified to profit or loss [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfInsuranceFinanceIncomeExpensesFromInsuranceContractsIssuedExcludedFromProfitOrLossThatWillBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossMember
22 Reserve of insurance finance income (expenses) from insurance contracts issued excluded from profit or loss that will not be reclassified to profit or loss [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfInsuranceFinanceIncomeExpensesFromInsuranceContractsIssuedExcludedFromProfitOrLossThatWillNotBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossMember
23 Reserve of finance income (expenses) from reinsurance contracts held excluded from profit or loss [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfFinanceIncomeExpensesFromReinsuranceContractsHeldExcludedFromProfitOrLossMember
24 Reserve of gains and losses on remeasuring available-for-sale financial assets [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnRemeasuringAvailableforsaleFinancialAssetsMember
25 Reserve of share-based payments [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfSharebasedPaymentsMember
26 Reserve of remeasurements of defined benefit plans [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfRemeasurementsOfDefinedBenefitPlansMember
27 Amount recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity relating to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale [member] Member ifrs-full:AmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeAndAccumulatedInEquityRelatingToNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSaleMember
28 Reserve of gains and losses from investments in equity instruments [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesFromInvestmentsInEquityInstrumentsMember
29 Reserve of change in fair value of financial liability attributable to change in credit risk of liability [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInFairValueOfFinancialLiabilityAttributableToChangeInCreditRiskOfLiabilityMember
30 Reserve for catastrophe [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveForCatastropheMember
31 Reserve for equalisation [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveForEqualisationMember
32 Reserve of discretionary participation features [member] Member ifrs-full:ReserveOfDiscretionaryParticipationFeaturesMember
33 Retained earnings [member] Member ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember
34 Non-controlling interests [member] Member ifrs-full:NoncontrollingInterestsMember
35 Types of risks [axis] Axis ifrs-full:TypesOfRisksAxis
36 Risks [member] Member ifrs-full:TypesOfRisksMember
37 Credit risk [member] Member ifrs-full:CreditRiskMember
38 Liquidity risk [member] Member ifrs-full:LiquidityRiskMember
39 Market risk [member] Member ifrs-full:MarketRiskMember
40 Currency risk [member] Member ifrs-full:CurrencyRiskMember
41 Interest rate risk [member] Member ifrs-full:InterestRateRiskMember
42 Other price risk [member] Member ifrs-full:OtherPriceRiskMember
43 Equity price risk [member] Member ifrs-full:EquityPriceRiskMember
44 Commodity price risk [member] Member ifrs-full:CommodityPriceRiskMember
45 Prepayment risk [member] Member ifrs-full:PrepaymentRiskMember
46 Residual value risk [member] Member ifrs-full:ResidualValueRiskMember
47 Disclosure of analysis of other comprehensive income by item [line items] LineItems ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAnalysisOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeByItemLineItems
48 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, exchange differences on translation Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxExchangeDifferencesOnTranslation
49 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, available-for-sale financial assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets
50 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, cash flow hedges Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxCashFlowHedges
51 Gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnCashFlowHedgesNetOfTax
52 Reclassification adjustments on cash flow hedges, net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnCashFlowHedgesNetOfTax
53 Reclassification adjustments on cash flow hedges for which hedged future cash flows are no longer expected to occur, net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnCashFlowHedgesForWhichHedgedFutureCashFlowsAreNoLongerExpectedToOccurNetOfTax
54 Reclassification adjustments on cash flow hedges for which hedged item affected profit or loss, net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnCashFlowHedgesForWhichHedgedItemAffectedProfitOrLossNetOfTax
55 Reclassification adjustments on cash flow hedges for which reserve of cash flow hedges will not be recovered in one or more future periods, net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnCashFlowHedgesForWhichReserveOfCashFlowHedgesWillNotBeRecoveredInOneOrMoreFuturePeriodsNetOfTax
56 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, hedges of net investments in foreign operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperations
57 Gains (losses) on hedges of net investments in foreign operations, net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsNetOfTax
58 Reclassification adjustments on hedges of net investments in foreign operations, net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsNetOfTax
59 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) on hedging instruments that hedge investments in equity instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxGainsLossesOnHedgingInstrumentsThatHedgeInvestmentsInEquityInstruments
60 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of time value of options Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptions
61 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of time value of options that hedge transaction related hedged items Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptionsThatHedgeTransactionRelatedHedgedItems
62 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of time value of options that hedge time-period related hedged items Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptionsThatHedgeTimeperiodRelatedHedgedItems
63 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of forward elements of forward contracts Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContracts
64 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of forward elements of forward contracts that hedge transaction related hedged items Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContractsThatHedgeTransactionRelatedHedgedItems
65 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of forward elements of forward contracts that hedge time-period related hedged items Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContractsThatHedgeTimeperiodRelatedHedgedItems
66 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of foreign currency basis spreads Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreads
67 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of foreign currency basis spreads that hedge transaction related hedged items Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreadsThatHedgeTransactionRelatedHedgedItems
68 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of foreign currency basis spreads that hedge time-period related hedged items Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreadsThatHedgeTimeperiodRelatedHedgedItems
69 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome
70 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) from investments in equity instruments Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxGainsLossesFromInvestmentsInEquityInstruments
71 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) on revaluation Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxGainsLossesOnRevaluation
72 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxGainsLossesOnRemeasurementsOfDefinedBenefitPlans
73 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in fair value of financial liability attributable to change in credit risk of liability Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInFairValueOfFinancialLiabilityAttributableToChangeInCreditRiskOfLiability
74 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, insurance finance income (expenses) from insurance contracts issued excluded from profit or loss that will be reclassified to profit or loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxInsuranceFinanceIncomeExpensesFromInsuranceContractsIssuedExcludedFromProfitOrLossThatWillBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLoss
75 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, insurance finance income (expenses) from insurance contracts issued excluded from profit or loss that will not be reclassified to profit or loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxInsuranceFinanceIncomeExpensesFromInsuranceContractsIssuedExcludedFromProfitOrLossThatWillNotBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLoss
76 Other comprehensive income, net of tax, finance income (expenses) from reinsurance contracts held excluded from profit or loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxFinanceIncomeExpensesFromReinsuranceContractsHeldExcludedFromProfitOrLoss
77 Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method, net of tax Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit ifrs-full:ShareOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod