# | Deloitte USGAAPPlus | ASC Topic # | ASC Title | Topic Name | Disclosure Name | US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy Text Block Name | Text Block Level | US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy Network URI | # of Examples Provided | # of Templates Provided | Intermediate Accounting Textbook (or Advanced Accounting) |
1 | Document Information | Document Information [Hierarchy] | Document Information | 7 | List | ||||||
2 | Entity Information | Entity Information, by Legal Entity [Hierarchy] | Entity Information | 7 | List | ||||||
3 | 105 | ASC 105 | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | List | |||||||
4 | 205 | ASC 205 | Presentation of Financial Statements | List | |||||||
5 | 210 | ASC 210 | Balance Sheet | Balance Sheet | Balance Sheet | Statement of Financial Position, Classified | 38 | List | Chapter 3 - The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures | ||
6 | 210 | ASC 210 | Balance Sheet | Balance Sheet | Temporary Equity, by Class [Abstract] | us-gaap:TemporaryEquityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Financial Position, Classified | 9 | List | Chapter 3 - The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures |
7 | 210 | ASC 210 | Balance Sheet | Balance Sheet, Parenthetical, by Legal Entity [Hierarchy] | Statement of Financial Position, Classified | 2 | List | Chapter 3 - The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures | |||
8 | 215 | ASC 215 | Statement of Shareholder Equity | Statement of Changes in Equity | Statement of Changes in Equity [Roll Forward] | Statement of Shareholders Equity | List | ||||
9 | 220 | ASC 220 | Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income | Income Statement | Income Statement, by Legal Entity [Roll Up] | Statement of Income (Including Gross Margin) | 28 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows | ||
10 | 220 | ASC 220 | Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income | Statement of Comprehensive Income [Roll Up] | Statement of Comprehensive Income | 19 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows | |||
11 | 220 | ASC 220 | Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income | Statement of Income and Comprehensive Income [Roll Up] | Statement of Income (Including Gross Margin) | 1 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows | |||
12 | 225 | ASC 225 | Income Statement | Income Statement | Income Statement, by Legal Entity [Roll Up] | Statement of Income (Including Gross Margin) | 28 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows | ||
13 | 230 | ASC 230 | Statement of Cash Flows | Cash Flow Statement | Cash Flow, Operating Capital [Roll Up] | us-gaap:CashFlowOperatingCapitalTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 6 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
14 | 230 | ASC 230 | Statement of Cash Flows | Cash Flow Statement | Cash Flow Statement [Roll Forward] | Statement of Cash Flows | 31 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows | ||
15 | 230 | ASC 230 | Statement of Cash Flows | Cash Flow Statement | Cash Flow, Supplemental Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CashFlowSupplementalDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 100 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
16 | 230 | ASC 230 | Statement of Cash Flows | Cash Flow Statement | Cash Flow, Supplemental Information [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCashFlowSupplementalDisclosuresTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 5 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
17 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Accounting Policies | Significant Accounting Policies Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:SignificantAccountingPoliciesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 68 | List | |
18 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Additional Financial Information Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AdditionalFinancialInformationDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 14 | List | |
19 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:BasisOfPresentationAndSignificantAccountingPoliciesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 13 | List | |
20 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Business Description and Accounting Policies Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:BusinessDescriptionAndAccountingPoliciesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 3 | List | |
21 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Business Description and Basis of Presentation Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:BusinessDescriptionAndBasisOfPresentationTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 7 | List | |
22 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Going Concern Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LiquidityDisclosureGoingConcernNote | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 32 | List | |
23 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Nature of Operations Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:NatureOfOperations | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 44 | List | |
24 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OrganizationConsolidationAndPresentationOfFinancialStatementsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 22 | List | |
25 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements and Significant Accounting Policies Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OrganizationConsolidationAndPresentationOfFinancialStatementsDisclosureAndSignificantAccountingPoliciesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 6 | List | |
26 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Organization, Consolidation, Basis of Presentation, Business Description, and Accounting Policies Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OrganizationConsolidationBasisOfPresentationBusinessDescriptionAndAccountingPoliciesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 10 | List | |
27 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Reclassifications Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:Reclassifications | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 5 | List | |
28 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Supplemental Balance Sheet Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:SupplementalBalanceSheetDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 42 | List | |
29 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Organization | Valuation And Qualifying Accounts Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfValuationAndQualifyingAccountsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 28 | List | |
30 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Presentation of Financial Statements | Basis of Reporting Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:BasisOfAccounting | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 43 | List | |
31 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Presentation of Financial Statements | Franchisor Locations, by Location [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFranchisorDisclosureTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 7 | List | |
32 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Presentation of Financial Statements | Product information, by Product or Service and Concentration Risk Benchmark [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfProductInformationTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 3 | List | |
33 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Presentation of Financial Statements | Real Estate Properties, by Property [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRealEstatePropertiesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 3 | List | |
34 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Principles of Consolidation | Consolidation, Variable Interest Entity, Policy [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:ConsolidationVariableInterestEntityPolicy | cm:Level2TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 7 | List | |
35 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Principles of Consolidation | Variable Interest Entities, by Entity Classification and Balance Sheet Location [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfVariableInterestEntitiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 9 | List | |
36 | 235 | ASC 235 | Notes to Financial Statements | Use of Estimates | Change in Accounting Estimate, by Type of Change [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfChangeInAccountingEstimateTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 24 | List | |
37 | 250 | ASC 250 | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | Accounting Changes | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AccountingChangesAndErrorCorrectionsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 21 | List | Chapter 20 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections |
38 | 250 | ASC 250 | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | Accounting Changes | Accounting Changes Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AccountingChangesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 9 | List | Chapter 20 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections |
39 | 250 | ASC 250 | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | New Accounting Pronouncements | New Accounting Pronouncement, Early Adoption, by New Procouncement Adopted [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:NewAccountingPronouncementEarlyAdoptionTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 7 | List | Chapter 20 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections |
40 | 250 | ASC 250 | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | New Accounting Pronouncements | New Accounting Pronouncements and Changes in Accounting Principles, by New Pronouncement Adopted [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNewAccountingPronouncementsAndChangesInAccountingPrinciplesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 4 | List | Chapter 20 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections |
41 | 250 | ASC 250 | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | New Accounting Pronouncements | New Accounting Pronouncements or Change in Accounting Principle [Note Level] | us-gaap:NewAccountingPronouncementsAndChangesInAccountingPrinciplesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 44 | List | Chapter 20 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections |
42 | 250 | ASC 250 | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | New Accounting Pronouncements | Prospective Adoption of New Accounting Pronouncements, by New Pronouncement [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfProspectiveAdoptionOfNewAccountingPronouncementsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 1 | List | Chapter 20 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections |
43 | 250 | ASC 250 | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | Other Accounting Policies Related | Error Corrections and Prior Period Adjustments, by Error [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfErrorCorrectionsAndPriorPeriodAdjustmentsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 3 | List | Chapter 20 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections |
44 | 250 | ASC 250 | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | Error Corrections (Prior Period Adjustments) | Misstatement of Prior Year Statement Corrected in Current Year Financial Statements, by Nature of Error [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfQuantifyingPriorYearMisstatementsCorrectedInCurrentYearFinancialStatementsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections | 20 | List | Chapter 20 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections |
45 | 255 | ASC 255 | Changing Prices | List | |||||||
46 | 260 | ASC 260 | Earnings per Share | Earnings Per Share | Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share, by Security Name [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Earnings Per Share | 11 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
47 | 260 | ASC 260 | Earnings per Share | Earnings Per Share | Earnings Per Share, Basic, by Common Class, Including Two Class Method [Table] (DO NOT USE) | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEarningsPerShareBasicByCommonClassTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Earnings Per Share | 7 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
48 | 260 | ASC 260 | Earnings per Share | Earnings Per Share | Earnings Per Share, Diluted, by Common Class, Including Two Class Method [Table] (DO NOT USE) | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEarningsPerShareDilutedByCommonClassTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Earnings Per Share | 3 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
49 | 260 | ASC 260 | Earnings per Share | Earnings Per Share | Earnings Per Share Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:EarningsPerShareTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Earnings Per Share | 76 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
50 | 260 | ASC 260 | Earnings per Share | Earnings Per Share | Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding, Basic [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfWeightedAverageNumberOfSharesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Earnings Per Share | 8 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
51 | 270 | ASC 270 | Interim Reporting | Interim Reporting | Effect of Fourth Quarter Events [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:EffectOfFourthQuarterEventsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Interim Reporting | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
52 | 270 | ASC 270 | Interim Reporting | Interim Reporting | Quarterly Financial Information Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:QuarterlyFinancialInformationTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Interim Reporting | 77 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
53 | 270 | ASC 270 | Interim Reporting | Interim Reporting | Quarterly Financial Information [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfQuarterlyFinancialInformationTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Interim Reporting | 20 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
54 | 272 | ASC 272 | Limited Liability Entities | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
55 | 275 | ASC 275 | Risks and Uncertainties | Risks Uncertainties | Concentration of Risk, by Risk Factor [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SchedulesOfConcentrationOfRiskByRiskFactorTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Risks and Uncertainties | 22 | List | Chapter 3 - The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures |
56 | 275 | ASC 275 | Risks and Uncertainties | Risks Uncertainties | Concentration Risk Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ConcentrationRiskDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Risks and Uncertainties | 48 | List | Chapter 3 - The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures |
57 | 275 | ASC 275 | Risks and Uncertainties | Risks Uncertainties | Unusual Risks and Uncertainties, by Nature of Risk or Uncertainty [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:UnusualRisksAndUncertaintiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Risks and Uncertainties | 23 | List | Chapter 3 - The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures |
58 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Long-Lived Assets, by Geographic Area [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:LongLivedAssetsByGeographicAreasTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 14 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
59 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Long-Lived Assets in Individual Foreign Countries, by Geographic Area [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEntityWideDisclosureOnGeographicAreasLongLivedAssetsInIndividualForeignCountriesByCountryTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 12 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
60 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Revenues from External Customers, by Geographic Area [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:RevenueFromExternalCustomersByGeographicAreasTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 8 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
61 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Reconciliation of Assets from Segment to Consolidated, by Reportable Segment [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ReconciliationOfAssetsFromSegmentToConsolidatedTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 9 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
62 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Reconciliation of Operating Profit (Loss) from Segments to Consolidated, by Reportable Segment [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ReconciliationOfOperatingProfitLossFromSegmentsToConsolidatedTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 7 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
63 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Reconciliation of Other Significant Reconciling Items from Segments to Consolidated, by Reportable Segment [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ReconciliationOfOtherSignificantReconcilingItemsFromSegmentsToConsolidatedTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 7 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
64 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Reconciliation of Revenue from Segments to Consolidated, by Reportable Segment [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ReconciliationOfRevenueFromSegmentsToConsolidatedTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 5 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
65 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Revenue from External Customers and Long-Lived Assets, by Geographical Area [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRevenuesFromExternalCustomersAndLongLivedAssetsByGeographicalAreasTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 11 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
66 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Revenue from External Customers Attributed to Foreign Countries, by Geographic Area [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRevenueFromExternalCustomersAttributedToForeignCountriesByGeographicAreaTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 8 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
67 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Revenue from External Customers, by Products or Services [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEntityWideInformationRevenueFromExternalCustomersByProductsAndServicesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 6 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
68 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Revenue from Major Customers, by Reporting Segments [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRevenueByMajorCustomersByReportingSegmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 6 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
69 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:SegmentReportingDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 97 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
70 | 280 | ASC 280 | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting | Segment Reporting Information, by Segment [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfSegmentReportingInformationBySegmentTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Segment Reporting | 24 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
71 | 305 | ASC 305 | Cash and Cash Equivalents | Cash and Cash Equivalents | Cash and Cash Equivalents Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Cash and Cash Equivalents | 9 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
72 | 305 | ASC 305 | Cash and Cash Equivalents | Cash and Cash Equivalents | Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CashCashEquivalentsAndMarketableSecuritiesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Cash and Cash Equivalents | 2 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
73 | 305 | ASC 305 | Cash and Cash Equivalents | Cash and Cash Equivalents | Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short-term Investments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestmentsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Cash and Cash Equivalents | 6 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
74 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Accounts, Notes, Loans and Financing Receivable [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAccountsNotesLoansAndFinancingReceivableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 8 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
75 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Allowance for Credit Losses Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AllowanceForCreditLossesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 4 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
76 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Allowance for Credit Losses on Financing Receivables [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:AllowanceForCreditLossesOnFinancingReceivablesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 6 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
77 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Receivable, by Legal Entity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:AllowanceForCreditLossesOnFinancingReceivablesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 24 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
78 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Credit Losses Related to Financing Receivables, Current [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCreditLossesForFinancingReceivablesCurrentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 7 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
79 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Credit Losses Related to Financing Receivables, Current and Noncurrent [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCreditLossesRelatedToFinancingReceivablesCurrentAndNoncurrentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 7 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
80 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Credit Losses Related to Financing Receivables, Noncurrent [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCreditLossesRelatedToFinancingReceivablesNoncurrentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 9 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
81 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Financing Receivables, Recorded Investment, Credit Quality Indicators, by Class of Financing Receivable and Collateral [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:FinancingReceivableCreditQualityIndicatorsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 7 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
82 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Financing Receivables Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:FinancingReceivablesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 13 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
83 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Financing Receivables, Minimum Payments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFinancingReceivablesMinimumPaymentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 4 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
84 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Financing Receivables, Non Accrual Status, by Receivable Type and Class of Receivable [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFinancingReceivablesNonAccrualStatusTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 4 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
85 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Financing Receivables, Troubled Debt Restructurings, by Restructuring [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringsOnFinancingReceivablesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 8 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
86 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Impaired Financing Receivables [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ImpairedFinancingReceivablesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 5 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
87 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Receivables (Loans, Notes, Trade, Other) Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LoansNotesTradeAndOtherReceivablesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 13 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
88 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Receivables with Imputed Interest, by Name of Receivable [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfReceivablesWithImputedInterestTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 5 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
89 | 310 | ASC 310 | Receivables | Receivables | Restricted Assets Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:RestrictedAssetsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Receivables, Loans, Notes Receivable, and Others | 4 | List | Chapter 7 - Cash and Receivables |
90 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Available-for-sale Securities, by Major Type of Security [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:AvailableForSaleSecuritiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
91 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Available-for-sale Securities, by Major Type of Security [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:AvailableForSaleSecuritiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
92 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Available-for-sale Securities Reconciliation [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAvailableForSaleSecuritiesReconciliationTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 7 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
93 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Available-for-sale Securities Reconciliation [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAvailableForSaleSecuritiesReconciliationTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 7 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
94 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Cost and Equity Method Investments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CostAndEquityMethodInvestmentsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 5 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
95 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Cost and Equity Method Investments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CostAndEquityMethodInvestmentsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 5 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
96 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Held-to-maturity Securities, by Security [Abstract] | us-gaap:HeldToMaturitySecuritiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 9 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
97 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Held-to-maturity Securities, by Security [Abstract] | us-gaap:HeldToMaturitySecuritiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 9 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
98 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Investment Income, Reported Amounts, by Category [Roll Up] | us-gaap:InvestmentIncomeTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 8 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
99 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Investment Income, Reported Amounts, by Category [Roll Up] | us-gaap:InvestmentIncomeTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 8 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
100 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Investments Classified by Contractual Maturity Date [Roll Up] | us-gaap:InvestmentsClassifiedByContractualMaturityDateTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 12 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
101 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Investments Classified by Contractual Maturity Date [Roll Up] | us-gaap:InvestmentsClassifiedByContractualMaturityDateTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 12 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
102 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Investments in Debt and Marketable Equity Securities Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:InvestmentsInDebtAndMarketableEquitySecuritiesAndCertainTradingAssetsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 79 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
103 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Investments in Debt and Marketable Equity Securities Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:InvestmentsInDebtAndMarketableEquitySecuritiesAndCertainTradingAssetsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 79 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
104 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Marketable Securities, Current [Roll Up] | us-gaap:MarketableSecuritiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
105 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Marketable Securities, Current [Roll Up] | us-gaap:MarketableSecuritiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
106 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Other than Temporary Impairment, Credit Losses Recognized in Earnings, by Debt Security Category and Debt Security [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentCreditLossesRecognizedInEarningsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 8 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
107 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Other than Temporary Impairment, Credit Losses Recognized in Earnings, by Debt Security Category and Debt Security [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentCreditLossesRecognizedInEarningsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 8 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
108 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Realized Gain (Loss) [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRealizedGainLossTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
109 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Realized Gain (Loss) [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRealizedGainLossTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
110 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:RealizedGainLossOnInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 10 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
111 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:RealizedGainLossOnInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 10 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
112 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 5 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
113 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 5 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
114 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Trading Securities and Other Trading Assets, by Type of Security or Asset [Abstract] | us-gaap:TradingSecuritiesAndCertainTradingAssetsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
115 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Trading Securities and Other Trading Assets, by Type of Security or Asset [Abstract] | us-gaap:TradingSecuritiesAndCertainTradingAssetsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
116 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:UnrealizedGainLossOnInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
117 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:UnrealizedGainLossOnInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 4 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
118 | 320 | IG 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Unrealized Loss on Investments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfUnrealizedLossOnInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 6 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
119 | 320 | ASC 320 | Investments - Debt and Equity Securities | Investments-Debt and Equity Securities | Unrealized Loss on Investments [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfUnrealizedLossOnInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Debt and Equity Securities | 6 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
120 | 321 | ASC 321 | Investments - Equity Securities | List | Chapter 12 - Investments | ||||||
121 | 323 | ASC 323 | Investments - Equity Method and Joint Ventures | Investments-Equity Method Joint Ventures | Equity Method Investments [Abstract] | us-gaap:EquityMethodInvestmentsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, Equity Method and Joint Ventures | 8 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
122 | 323 | ASC 323 | Investments - Equity Method and Joint Ventures | Investments-Equity Method Joint Ventures | Equity Method Investments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:EquityMethodInvestmentsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, Equity Method and Joint Ventures | 92 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
123 | 325 | ASC 325 | Investments - Other | Investments-Other | Cost-method Investments, by Major Type of Security and Investment Name [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCostMethodInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, All Other Investments | 28 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
124 | 325 | ASC 325 | Investments - Other | Investments-Other | Cost-method Investments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CostMethodInvestmentsDescriptionTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, All Other Investments | 51 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
125 | 325 | ASC 325 | Investments - Other | Investments-Other | Financial Instruments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:FinancialInstrumentsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, All Other Investments | 15 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
126 | 325 | ASC 325 | Investments - Other | Investments-Other | Investments and Other Noncurrent Assets Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:InvestmentsAndOtherNoncurrentAssetsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, All Other Investments | 3 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
127 | 325 | ASC 325 | Investments - Other | Investments-Other | Life Insurance, Corporate or Bank Owned, Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LifeInsuranceCorporateOrBankOwnedTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, All Other Investments | 43 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
128 | 325 | ASC 325 | Investments - Other | Investments-Other | Life Settlement Contracts Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LifeSettlementContractsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Investments, All Other Investments | 6 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
129 | 325 | ASC 325 | Investments - Other | Investments-Other | Life Settlement Contracts, Fair Value Method, Number of Contracts, Fiscal Year Maturity [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfLifeSettlementContractsFairValueMethodTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, All Other Investments | 8 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
130 | 325 | ASC 325 | Investments - Other | Investments-Other | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Fiscal Year Maturity [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfLifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Investments, All Other Investments | 3 | List | Chapter 12 - Investments |
131 | 326 | ASC 326 | Financial Instruments - Credit Losses | List | |||||||
132 | 330 | ASC 330 | Inventory | Inventory | Inventory, Current [Table Text Block] (DO NOT USE, DUPLICATE) | us-gaap:ScheduleOfInventoryCurrentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Inventory | 11 | List | Chapter 8 - Inventories: Measurement |
133 | 330 | ASC 330 | Inventory | Inventory | Inventory Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:InventoryDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Inventory | 37 | List | Chapter 9 - Inventories: Additional Issues |
134 | 330 | ASC 330 | Inventory | Inventory | Inventory, Net (Current) [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfInventoryCurrentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Inventory | 63 | List | Chapter 8 - Inventories: Measurement |
135 | 330 | ASC 330 | Inventory | Inventory | Inventory, Noncurrent [Table Text Block] (DO NOT USE, DUPLICATE) | us-gaap:ScheduleOfInventoryNoncurrentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Inventory | 13 | List | Chapter 8 - Inventories: Measurement |
136 | 330 | ASC 330 | Inventory | Inventory | Inventory, Noncurrent [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfInventoryNoncurrentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Inventory | 26 | List | Chapter 8 - Inventories: Measurement |
137 | 340 | ASC 340 | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DeferredCostsCapitalizedPrepaidAndOtherAssetsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets | 26 | List | |
138 | 340 | ASC 340 | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets | 5 | List | |
139 | 340 | ASC 340 | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets and Other Liabilities [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherAssetsAndOtherLiabilitiesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets | 10 | List | |
140 | 340 | ASC 340 | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OtherAssetsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets | 38 | List | |
141 | 340 | ASC 340 | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets, Noncurrent [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherAssetsNoncurrentTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets | 6 | List | |
142 | 340 | ASC 340 | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets, Current, Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OtherCurrentAssetsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets | 2 | List | |
143 | 340 | ASC 340 | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets and Deferred Costs | Other Assets, Current [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherCurrentAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets | 8 | List | |
144 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Finite-lived Intangible Assets, by Major Class [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 8 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
145 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Acquired, by Major Class [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAcquiredIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 16 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
146 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Asset Impairment Charges Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AssetImpairmentChargesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 6 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
147 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Finite-lived Intangible Assets Amortization Expense [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 5 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
148 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Finite-lived Intangible Assets, Future Amortization Expense [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleofFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFutureAmortizationExpenseTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 55 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
149 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Finite-lived Intangible Assets, Net, by Major Class [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 24 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
150 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Intangible Assets and Goodwill Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 299 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
151 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Goodwill Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:GoodwillDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 9 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
152 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Goodwill [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfGoodwillTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 46 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
153 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Intangible Assets, Impaired, by Major Class [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfImpairedIntangibleAssetsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 5 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
154 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, by Major Class [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 8 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
155 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Intangible Assets and Goodwill [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 10 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
156 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Intangible Assets Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 18 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
157 | 350 | ASC 350 | Intangibles - Goodwill and Other | Intangibles-Goodwill and Other | Research and Development Assets Acquired Other than Through Business Combination, by Transaction [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfResearchAndDevelopmentAssetsAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other | 6 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
158 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Assets Disposed of by Method Other than Sale, in Period of Disposition, by Asset Name [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:AssetsDisposedOfByMethodOtherThanSaleInPeriodOfDispositionTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 4 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
159 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Impaired Assets to be Disposed of by Method Other than Sale [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ImpairedAssetsToBeDisposedOfByMethodOtherThanSaleTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 4 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
160 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Impaired Long-Lived Assets Held and Used, by Asset Type [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:DetailsOfImpairmentOfLongLivedAssetsHeldAndUsedByAssetTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 9 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
161 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Long Lived Assets Held-for-sale, by Asset Type [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:DisclosureOfLongLivedAssetsHeldForSaleTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 8 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
162 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Long-Lived Assets to be Abandoned, by Asset Name [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:DetailsOfLongLivedAssetsToBeAbandonedByAssetTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 3 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
163 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentAndIntangibleAssetsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 20 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
164 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant and Equipment Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 64 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
165 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Type [Roll Up] (Axis/Member style) | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 46 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
166 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Type [Roll Up] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 30 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
167 | 360 | ASC 360 | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant, and Equipment | Property, Plant and Equipment, Significant Acquisitions and Disposals [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentScheduleOfSignificantAcquisitionsAndDisposalsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Property, Plant, and Equipment | 4 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
168 | 405 | ASC 405 | Liabilities | Payables Accruals (Liabilities) | Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities, Current, Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AccountsPayableAccruedLiabilitiesAndOtherLiabilitiesDisclosureCurrentTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Payables and Accruals | 18 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
169 | 405 | ASC 405 | Liabilities | Payables Accruals (Liabilities) | Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities, Noncurrent, Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AccountsPayableAccruedLiabilitiesAndOtherLiabilitiesDisclosureNoncurrentTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Payables and Accruals | 4 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
170 | 405 | ASC 405 | Liabilities | Payables Accruals (Liabilities) | Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Payables and Accruals | 9 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
171 | 405 | ASC 405 | Liabilities | Payables Accruals (Liabilities) | Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Payables and Accruals | 11 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
172 | 405 | ASC 405 | Liabilities | Payables Accruals (Liabilities) | Accrued Liabilities [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAccruedLiabilitiesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Payables and Accruals | 11 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
173 | 410 | ASC 410 | Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations | Asset Retirement Obligations and Environmental Obligations | Asset Retirement Obligation Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AssetRetirementObligationDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Asset Retirement Obligations | 17 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
174 | 410 | ASC 410 | Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations | Asset Retirement Obligations and Environmental Obligations | Asset Retirement Obligation, by Legal Entity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfChangeInAssetRetirementObligationTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Asset Retirement Obligations | 25 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
175 | 410 | ASC 410 | Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations | Asset Retirement Obligations and Environmental Obligations | Asset Retirement Obligation [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAssetRetirementObligationsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Asset Retirement Obligations | 22 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
176 | 410 | ASC 410 | Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations | Asset Retirement Obligations and Environmental Obligations | Environmental Exit Cost, by Property [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:EnvironmentalExitCostsByCostTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Environmental Remediation Obligations | 6 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
177 | 420 | ASC 420 | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Discontinued Operations | Disposal Groups, Including Discontinued Operations, Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DisposalGroupsIncludingDiscontinuedOperationsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Discontinued Operations and Disposal Groups | 174 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
178 | 420 | ASC 420 | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Discontinued Operations | Disposal Groups, Including Discontinued Operations, Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Additional Disclosures, by Disposal Group [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDisposalGroupsIncludingDiscontinuedOperationsIncomeStatementBalanceSheetAndAdditionalDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Discontinued Operations and Disposal Groups | 6 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
179 | 420 | ASC 420 | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Effects on Future Earnings and Cash Flows Resulting from Exit Plan, by Effect [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEffectsOnFutureEarningsAndCashFlowsResultingFromExitPlanTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Restructuring and Related Activities | 1 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
180 | 420 | ASC 420 | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Restructuring and Related Activities Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:RestructuringAndRelatedActivitiesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Restructuring and Related Activities | 41 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
181 | 420 | ASC 420 | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Restructuring and Related Costs, by Restructuring Type [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRestructuringAndRelatedCostsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Restructuring and Related Activities | 1 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
182 | 420 | ASC 420 | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Restructuring, Impairment, and Other Activities Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:RestructuringImpairmentAndOtherActivitiesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Restructuring and Related Activities | 4 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
183 | 420 | ASC 420 | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations | Restructuring Reserve, by Type of Cost [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRestructuringReserveByTypeOfCostTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Restructuring and Related Activities | 7 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
184 | 430 | ASC 430 | Deferred Revenue | Deferred Revenue | Deferred Revenue Arrangement, by Type [Roll Up] | us-gaap:DeferredRevenueByArrangementDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Revenue Recognition and Deferred Revenue | 10 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
185 | 430 | ASC 430 | Deferred Revenue | Deferred Revenue | Deferred Revenue Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DeferredRevenueDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Revenue Recognition and Deferred Revenue | 8 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
186 | 440 | ASC 440 | Commitments | Commitments | Long-term Purchase Commitment, by Category of Item Purchased [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:LongTermPurchaseCommitmentTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 19 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
187 | 440 | ASC 440 | Commitments | Commitments | Purchase Commitments Excluding Long-term Commitments, by Commitment [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:PurchaseCommitmentExcludingLongtermCommitmentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 19 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
188 | 440 | ASC 440 | Commitments | Commitments | Supply Commitments, by Commitment [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SupplyCommitmentTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 28 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
189 | 440 | ASC 440 | Commitments | Commitments | Unrecorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, by Category of Item Purchased [Abstract] | us-gaap:UnrecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 7 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
190 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Commitments and Contingencies Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CommitmentsAndContingenciesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 96 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
191 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Commitments Contingencies and Guarantees Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CommitmentsContingenciesAndGuaranteesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 10 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
192 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Commitments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CommitmentsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 7 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
193 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Contingencies Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LossContingencyDisclosures | cm:Level1TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 2 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
194 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Environmental Loss Contingencies, by Site [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEnvironmentalLossContingenciesBySiteTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Environmental Remediation Obligations | 3 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
195 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Environmental Loss Contingency Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:EnvironmentalLossContingencyDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Environmental Remediation Obligations | 14 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
196 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Gain Contingencies, by Nature of Contingency [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfGainContingenciesByContingencyTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 3 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
197 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Legal Matters and Contingencies Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LegalMattersAndContingenciesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 11 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
198 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Loss Contingencies [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfLossContingenciesByContingencyTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 4 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
199 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Product Liability Contingencies, by Product or Service [Abstract] | us-gaap:ProductLiabilityContingenciesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 3 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
200 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Product Warranty Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ProductWarrantyDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 29 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
201 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Product Warranty Liability [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfProductWarrantyLiabilityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 5 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
202 | 450 | ASC 450 | Contingencies | Contingencies | Purchase and Supply Commitment, Excluding Long-term Commitment, Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:SignificantPurchaseAndSupplyCommitmentExcludingLongtermCommitmentTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Commitment and Contingencies | 5 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
203 | 460 | ASC 460 | Guarantees | Guarantees | Guarantees Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:GuaranteesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Guarantees | 33 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
204 | 460 | ASC 460 | Guarantees | Guarantees | Guarantor Obligations, by Nature of Obligation and Balance Sheet Location and Credit Rating and Underlying Asset Class [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfGuaranteeObligationsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Guarantees | 14 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
205 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Convertible Debt [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 3 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
206 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Debt [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 6 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
207 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Debt and Capital Leases Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DebtAndCapitalLeasesDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Debt | 4 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
208 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Debt Conversion, by Conversion [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtConversionsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 23 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
209 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Debt Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DebtDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Debt | 83 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
210 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Debt Instrument Redemption Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionTableTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Debt | 33 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
211 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Extinguishment of Debt, by Type of Debt Extinguished [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfExtinguishmentOfDebtTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 12 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
212 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Line of Credit Facility, by Type [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfLineOfCreditFacilitiesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 12 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
213 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Long-term Debt Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LongTermDebtTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Debt | 26 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
214 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Long-term Debt Instruments, by Instrument [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtInstrumentsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 19 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
215 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Long-term Debt Maturities [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfMaturitiesOfLongTermDebtTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 60 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
216 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Long-term Debt Maturities [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfMaturitiesOfLongTermDebtTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 8 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
217 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Mortgage Notes Payable Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:MortgageNotesPayableDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Debt | 2 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
218 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Participating Mortgage Loans, by Name [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfParticipatingMortgageLoansTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 23 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
219 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Short-term Debt, by Type of Debt and by Debt Instrument [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShortTermDebtTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 11 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
220 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Short-term Debt Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ShortTermDebtTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Debt | 9 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
221 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Table] (DO NOT USE) | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtorTroubledDebtRestructuringCurrentPeriodTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 26 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
222 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods, by Name [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtorTroubledDebtRestructuringSubsequentPeriodsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 24 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
223 | 470 | ASC 470 | Debt | Debt | Troubled Debt Restructuring Summary Note, Debtor [Table] (DO NOT USE) | us-gaap:SummaryOfTroubledDebtRestructuringNoteDebtorTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Debt | 14 | List | Chapter 14 - Bonds and Logn-term Notes |
224 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Accelerated Share Repurchases [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Liabilities | 6 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
225 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Change Due to Net Income Attributable to Parent and Effects of Changes, Net [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ConsolidationLessThanWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryParentOwnershipInterestEffectsOfChangesNetTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Noncontrolling Interest | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
226 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Effects of Changes, Net [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ConsolidationLessThanWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryParentOwnershipInterestEffectsOfChangesNetTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Noncontrolling Interest | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
227 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, by Settlement Terms Category [Roll Up] | us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Liabilities | 11 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
228 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Forward Contract Indexed to Issuers Equity, by Equity Type [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfForwardContractsIndexedToIssuersEquityTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Liabilities | 1 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
229 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Noncontrolling Interest Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:MinorityInterestDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Noncontrolling Interest | 47 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
230 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Option Indexed to Issuers Equity, by Option Type and Position [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOptionsIndexedToIssuersEquityTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 15 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
231 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Option Indexed to Issuers Equity Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityDescriptionTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Other Liabilities | 11 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
232 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Other Liabilities Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Other Liabilities | 48 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
233 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Other Liabilities, Noncurrent [Roll Up] | us-gaap:OtherNoncurrentLiabilitiesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Liabilities | 6 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
234 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Other Liabilities [Roll Up] | us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Liabilities | 16 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
235 | 480 | ASC 480 | Distinguishing Liabilities From Equity | Temporary Equity (Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity) | Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:RedeemableNoncontrollingInterestTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Noncontrolling Interest | 8 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
236 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), by Equity Component [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 23 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
237 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Auction Market Preferred Securities by Stock Series [Table] (DO NOT USE) | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesByStockSeriesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 4 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
238 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Auction Market Preferred Securities Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesDisclosure | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 1 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
239 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Capital Units [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCapitalUnitsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 8 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
240 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Treasury Stock, by Class of Stock [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfTreasuryStockByClassTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 7 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
241 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Common Stock Outstanding [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCommonStockOutstandingRollForwardTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 8 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
242 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfComprehensiveIncomeLossTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 7 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
243 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Comprehensive Income (Loss) Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ComprehensiveIncomeNoteTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 200 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
244 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Conversion of Stock, by Name [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfConversionsOfStockTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 18 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
245 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Derivative Financial Instruments Indexed to, and Potentially Settled in, Entitys Own Stock, Equity [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsIndexedToAndPotentiallySettledInEntitysOwnStockEquityTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 4 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
246 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Distributions Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, by Distribution Type [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLlcMemberByDistributionTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 19 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
247 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Distributions Made to Limited Partner, by Distribution Type [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToLimitedPartnerByDistributionTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 28 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
248 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Dividend Payment Restrictions Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDividendPaymentRestrictionsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 2 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
249 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Dividends Declared, by Class of Stock and Dividend Status [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:DividendsDeclaredTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 4 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
250 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Dividends Payable, by Class of Stock and Dividend Status [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDividendsPayableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 9 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
251 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Incentive Distribution Made to Managing Member or General Partner, by Recipient [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfIncentiveDistributionsMadeToManagingMembersOrGeneralPartnersByDistributionTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 24 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
252 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Incentive Distribution Policy, Managing Member or General Partner, Description [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionPolicyManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerDescription | cm:Level2TextBlock | Equity | 21 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
253 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Limited Partners Capital Account, by Class [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfLimitedPartnersCapitalAccountByClassTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 13 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
254 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Member Equity Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:MembersEquityNotesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 14 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
255 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Other Comprehensive Income, Noncontrolling Interest, Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNoncontrollingInterestTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 6 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
256 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Other Ownership Interests, by Name [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherOwnershipInterestsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 23 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
257 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Partners Capital Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:PartnersCapitalNotesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 4 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
258 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Preferred Stock Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:PreferredStockTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 3 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
259 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Preferred Units, by Class [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfPreferredUnitsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 4 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
260 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Reclassification Amount Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DisclosureOfReclassificationAmountTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 4 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
261 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Out of [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 8 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
262 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Restatement of Prior Year Income [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:RestatementToPriorYearIncomeTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 35 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
263 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Restrictions on Dividends, Loans, and Advances Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:RestrictionsOnDividendsLoansAndAdvancesTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 3 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
264 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Retained Earnings Adjustments, by Adjustment [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRetainedEarningsAdjustmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 3 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
265 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Preferred Stock [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockByClassTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 9 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
266 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Stockholders Equity [Table Text Block] (DO NOT USE, TO BE DELETED) | us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockholdersEquityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 4 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
267 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Stockholders Equity Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 72 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
268 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Warrants or Rights Issued [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockholdersEquityNoteWarrantsOrRightsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 603 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
269 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, by Reportable Investee [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfSaleOfStockBySubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 3 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
270 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Targeted or Tracking Stock, by Class of Stock [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockDescriptionTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Equity | 3 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
271 | 505 | ASC 505 | Equity | Equity | Treasury Stock Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:TreasuryStockTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Equity | 9 | List | Chapter 18 - Shareholders Equity |
272 | 605 | ASC 605 | Revenue Recognition | Revenue Recognition | Revenue Recognition, Milestone Method, by Type of Arrangement [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:RevenueRecognitionMilestoneMethodTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 4 | List | Chapter 5 - Income Measurement and Profitability Analysis |
273 | 605 | ASC 605 | Revenue Recognition | Revenue Recognition | Revenue Recognition, Multiple-deliverable Arrangements, by Type of Arrangement and Product or Service [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:RevenueRecognitionMultipleDeliverableArrangementsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Revenue Recognition and Deferred Revenue | 15 | List | Chapter 5 - Income Measurement and Profitability Analysis |
274 | 605 | ASC 605 | Revenue Recognition | Revenue Recognition | Revenue Recognition, Multiple-deliverable Arrangements, Description [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:RevenueRecognitionMultipleElementArrangements | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 49 | List | Chapter 5 - Income Measurement and Profitability Analysis |
275 | 606 | ASC 606 | Revenue From Contracts With Customers | List | Chapter 5 - Income Measurement and Profitability Analysis | ||||||
276 | 610 | ASC 610 | Other Income | List | Chapter 5 - Income Measurement and Profitability Analysis | ||||||
277 | 705 | ASC 705 | Cost of Sales and Services | List | Chapter 8 - Inventories: Measurement | ||||||
278 | 710 | ASC 710 | Compensation - General | Compensation-General | Compensation Related Costs, General, Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CompensationRelatedCostsGeneralTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, General | 9 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
279 | 710 | ASC 710 | Compensation - General | Compensation-General | Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Excluding Share-based Payments and Postretirement Benefits, by Title of Individual and by Type of Deferred Compensation [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualExcludingShareBasedPaymentsAndPostretirementBenefitsByTitleOfIndividualAndByTypeOfDeferredCompensationTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, General | 6 | List | Chapter 13 - Current Liabilities and Contingencies |
280 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Accumulated and Projected Benefit Obligations [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAccumulatedAndProjectedBenefitObligationsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 7 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
281 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Accumulated Benefit Obligations in Excess of Fair Value of Plan Assets [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAccumulatedBenefitObligationsInExcessOfFairValueOfPlanAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 8 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
282 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Defined Benefit Plan, Allocation of Plan Assets [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAllocationOfPlanAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 16 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
283 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Amounts to be Recognized over Next Fiscal Year [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAmountsInAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossToBeRecognizedOverNextFiscalYearTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 9 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
284 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Pension Plans or Other Employee Benefit Plans, Amounts Recognized in Balance Sheet [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAmountsRecognizedInBalanceSheetTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 6 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
285 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Pension Plans or Other Employee Benefit Plans, Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAmountsRecognizedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 5 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
286 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Defined Benefit Plan, Assumptions Used, by Plan [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfAssumptionsUsedTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 29 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
287 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Benefit Obligations in Excess of Fair Value of Plan Assets [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfBenefitObligationsInExcessOfFairValueOfPlanAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 5 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
288 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Accumulated Postemployment Benefit Obligations, Changes In [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfChangesInAccumulatedPostemploymentBenefitObligationsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 5 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
289 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Net Changes in Fair Value of Plan Assets [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfChangesInFairValueOfPlanAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 6 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
290 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Projected Benefit Obligations, Changes In [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfChangesInProjectedBenefitObligationsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 11 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
291 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation and Employee Benefit Plans Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CompensationAndEmployeeBenefitPlansTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 37 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
292 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation and Employee Benefit Plans Other than Share-based Compensation Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CompensationAndEmployeeBenefitPlansOtherThanShareBasedCompensationTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 4 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
293 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Retirement Plans Cost [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCostsOfRetirementPlansTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 5 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
294 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Postretirement Benefits [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:DeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualDisclosurePostretirementBenefitsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 4 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
295 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Defined Benefit Plan Amounts Recognized [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDefinedBenefitPlanAmountsRecognizedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 4 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
296 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Defined Benefit Plan, Change in Benefit Obligation, by Plan [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDefinedBenefitPlansDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 8 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
297 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Defined Benefit Plans Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDefinedBenefitPlansDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 138 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
298 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Effect of One-Percentage-Point Change in Assumed Health Care Cost Trend Rates [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEffectOfOnePercentagePointChangeInAssumedHealthCareCostTrendRatesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 11 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
299 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Effect of Significant Unobservable Inputs, Changes in Plan Assets [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEffectOfSignificantUnobservableInputsChangesInPlanAssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 13 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
300 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Benefit Payments [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfExpectedBenefitPaymentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 17 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
301 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Health Care Cost Trend Rates [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfHealthCareCostTrendRatesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 7 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
302 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Incremental Effects on Balance Sheet, Application of FAS 158 Recognition Provisions [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfIncrementalEffectsOnBalanceSheetApplicationOfSFAS158RecognitionProvisionsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 1 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
303 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Defined Benefit Plan, Net Periodic Benefit Costs, by Plan [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNetBenefitCostsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 17 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
304 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Net Funded Status [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNetFundedStatusTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 9 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
305 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Net Periodic Benefit Cost Not yet Recognized [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNetPeriodicBenefitCostNotYetRecognizedTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 14 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
306 | 712 | ASC 712 | Compensation - Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Compensation-Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits | Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:PensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Retirement Benefits | 90 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
307 | 715 | ASC 715 | Compensation - Retirement Benefits | Compensation-Retirement Benefits | Postemployment Benefits Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:PostemploymentBenefitsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Postemployment Benefits | 8 | List | Chapter 17 - Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits |
308 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Cash Proceeds Received from Share-based Payment Awards [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCashProceedsReceivedFromShareBasedPaymentAwardsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 5 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
309 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Compensation Cost for Share-based Payment Arrangements, Allocation of Share-based Compensation Costs by Plan [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCompensationCostForShareBasedPaymentArrangementsAllocationOfShareBasedCompensationCostsByPlanTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 6 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
310 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Compensation Related Costs and Share-based Payments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DisclosureOfCompensationRelatedCostsShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 82 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
311 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Share-based Payments, by Title of Individual [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 3 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
312 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Employee Service Share-based Compensation, Allocation of Recognized Period Costs, by Report Line [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationAllocationOfRecognizedPeriodCostsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 4 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
313 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEmployeeStockOwnershipPlanESOPDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 8 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
314 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Nonvested Performance-based Units Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNonvestedPerformanceBasedUnitsActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 12 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
315 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Nonvested Restricted Stock Units Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNonvestedRestrictedStockUnitsActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 8 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
316 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Nonvested Share Activity [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNonvestedShareActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 9 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
317 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Other Share-based Compensation, Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherShareBasedCompensationActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 3 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
318 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 9 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
319 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Grant Date Intrinsic Value [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantsInPeriodGrantDateIntrinsicValueTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 7 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
320 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantsInPeriodWeightedAverageGrantDateFairValueTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 6 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
321 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested and Expected to Vest, Exercisable [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsVestedAndExpectedToVestExercisableTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 5 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
322 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested and Expected to Vest, Outstanding [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsVestedAndExpectedToVestOutstandingTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 12 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
323 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested and Expected to Vest, Outstanding and Exercisable [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsVestedAndExpectedToVestOutstandingAndExercisableTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 21 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
324 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Performance-Based Units, Vested and Expected to Vest [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardPerformanceBasedUnitsVestedAndExpectedToVestTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 3 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
325 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Restricted Stock Units, Vested and Expected to Vest [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardRestrictedStockUnitsVestedAndExpectedToVestTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 7 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
326 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation Arrangements, by Award [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:DisclosureOfShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 8 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
327 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationEmployeeStockPurchasePlanActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 5 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
328 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Nonemployee Director Stock Award Plan, Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationNonemployeeDirectorStockAwardPlanActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 4 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
329 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfSharebasedCompensationRestrictedStockAndRestrictedStockUnitsActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 5 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
330 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Restricted Stock Units Award Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationRestrictedStockUnitsAwardActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 5 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
331 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Restricted Stock Units Award Activity, Weighted Average Price [Roll Forward Info] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationRestrictedStockUnitsAwardActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 1 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
332 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Shares Authorized under Stock Option Plans, by Exercise Price Range [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationSharesAuthorizedUnderStockOptionPlansByExercisePriceRangeTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 7 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
333 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Stock Appreciation Rights Award Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationStockAppreciationRightsAwardActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 16 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
334 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Stock Options, Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationStockOptionsActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 18 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
335 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Compensation, Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights Award Activity [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationStockOptionsAndStockAppreciationRightsAwardActivityTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 4 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
336 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Goods and Nonemployee Services Transactions, by Supplier [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedGoodsAndNonemployeeServicesTransactionBySupplierTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 8 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
337 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Payment Award, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, Valuation Assumptions [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedPaymentAwardEmployeeStockPurchasePlanValuationAssumptionsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 4 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
338 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Share-based Payment Award, Stock Options, Valuation Assumptions [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedPaymentAwardStockOptionsValuationAssumptionsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 19 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
339 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Shareholders Equity and Share-based Payments Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ShareholdersEquityAndShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 4 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
340 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Stock Options [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockOptionsRollForwardTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 4 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
341 | 718 | ASC 718 | Stock Compensation | Compensation-Stock Compensation | Unrecognized Compensation Cost, Nonvested Awards [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfUnrecognizedCompensationCostNonvestedAwardsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Compensation Related Costs, Share Based Payments | 20 | List | Chapter 19 - Share-based Compensation and Earnings Per Share |
342 | 720 | ASC 720 | Other Expenses | Other Expenses | Other Nonoperating Expense Components [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherNonoperatingExpenseByComponentTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Income and Expenses | 4 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
343 | 720 | ASC 720 | Other Expenses | Other Expenses | Other Income and Other Expense Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OtherIncomeAndOtherExpenseDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Other Income and Expenses | 108 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
344 | 720 | ASC 720 | Other Expenses | Other Expenses | Other Nonoperating Income and Expense Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OtherNonoperatingIncomeAndExpenseTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Other Income and Expenses | 3 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
345 | 720 | ASC 720 | Other Expenses | Other Expenses | Other Nonoperating Income (Expense) [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherNonoperatingIncomeExpenseTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Income and Expenses | 10 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
346 | 720 | ASC 720 | Other Expenses | Other Expenses | Other Operating Income and Expense Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OtherOperatingIncomeAndExpenseTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Other Income and Expenses | 3 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
347 | 720 | ASC 720 | Other Expenses | Other Expenses | Other Operating Income and Expense, Net [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherOperatingCostAndExpenseByComponentTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Income and Expenses | 16 | List | Chapter 4 - The Income Statement, Comprehensive Income, And Statement of Cash Flows |
348 | 730 | ASC 730 | Research and Development | Research and Development | Contracts and Arrangements to Perform for Research and Development for Others, by Type of Contract [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentArrangementContractToPerformForOthersTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Research and Development | 16 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
349 | 730 | ASC 730 | Research and Development | Research and Development | Research, Development, and Computer Software Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ResearchDevelopmentAndComputerSoftwareDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Research and Development | 2 | List | Chapter 11 - Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets; Utilization and Impairment |
350 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDeferredTaxAssetsAndLiabilitiesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 30 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
351 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Deferred Tax Liability Not Recognized [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SummaryOfDeferredTaxLiabilityNotRecognizedTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 32 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
352 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Reconcilation of Statutory to Effective Income Tax Rate, Continuing Operations [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfEffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 89 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
353 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Income before Income Tax, Domestic and Foreign [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfIncomeBeforeIncomeTaxDomesticAndForeignTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 18 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
354 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Income Tax Contingency, Unrecognized Tax Benefits [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:SummaryOfIncomeTaxContingenciesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 15 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
355 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Income Tax Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:IncomeTaxDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Income Taxes | 107 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
356 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Income Tax Examination, by Income Tax Authority [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SummaryOfIncomeTaxExaminationsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 12 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
357 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Income Tax Expense (Benefit), Current and Deferred Details [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfComponentsOfIncomeTaxExpenseBenefitTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 28 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
358 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Income Tax Holiday, by Income Tax Authority [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SummaryOfIncomeTaxHolidayTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 7 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
359 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Operating Loss Tax Carryforwards, by Income Tax Authority and Tax Period [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SummaryOfOperatingLossCarryforwardsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 4 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
360 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Significant Change in Unrecognized Tax Benefits is Reasonably Possible, by Nature of Uncertainty [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SummaryOfPositionsForWhichSignificantChangeInUnrecognizedTaxBenefitsIsReasonablyPossibleTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 3 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
361 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Tax Credit Carryforwards, by Carryforward Name and Tax Authority and Tax Period [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SummaryOfTaxCreditCarryforwardsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 3 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
362 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Excluding Amounts Pertaining to Examined Tax Returns [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfUnrecognizedTaxBenefitsExcludingAmountsPertainingToExaminedTaxReturnsRollForwardTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 62 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
363 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Income Tax Penalties and Interest Accrued [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfUnrecognizedTaxBenefitsRollForwardTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 8 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
364 | 740 | ASC 740 | Income Taxes | Income Taxes | Valuation Allowance, by Deferred Tax Asset [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:SummaryOfValuationAllowanceTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Income Taxes | 5 | List | Chapter 16 - Accounting for Income Taxes |
365 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Business Acquisition, Integration, Restructuring and Other Related Costs Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:BusinessAcquisitionIntegrationRestructuringAndOtherRelatedCostsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Business Combinations | 8 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
366 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Business Acquisition, Pro Forma Information [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:BusinessAcquisitionProFormaInformationTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Business Combinations | 6 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
367 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Business Acquisitions, by Acquisition [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfBusinessAcquisitionsByAcquisitionTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Business Combinations | 6 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
368 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Business Acquisitions, Contingent Consideration, by Acquisition [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfBusinessAcquisitionsByAcquisitionContingentConsiderationTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Business Combinations | 8 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
369 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Business Acquisitions, Equity Interest Issued or Issuable to Acquire Entity, by Acquisition and Type of Equity [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfBusinessAcquisitionsByAcquisitionEquityInterestIssuedOrIssuableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Business Combinations | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
370 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Business Combination Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:BusinessCombinationDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Business Combinations | 47 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
371 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Business Combination, Separately Recognized Transactions, by Transaction [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:BusinessCombinationSeparatelyRecognizedTransactionsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Business Combinations | 35 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
372 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Finite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired as Part of Business Combination [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAcquiredAsPartOfBusinessCombinationTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Business Combinations | 5 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
373 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Acquired as Part of Business Combination, by Acquisition and Major Class [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAcquiredAsPartOfBusinessCombinationTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Business Combinations | 9 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
374 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Mergers, Acquisitions and Dispositions Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:MergersAcquisitionsAndDispositionsDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Business Combinations | 19 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
375 | 805 | ASC 805 | Business Combinations | Business Combinations | Recognized Identified Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed [Table Text Block] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRecognizedIdentifiedAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Business Combinations | 5 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
376 | 808 | ASC 808 | Collaborative Arrangements | Collaborative Arrangements | Collaborative Arrangement Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CollaborativeArrangementDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 12 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
377 | 808 | ASC 808 | Collaborative Arrangements | Collaborative Arrangements | Collaborative Arrangements and Non-collaborative Arrangement Transactions, by Type of Arranngement [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCollaborativeArrangementsAndNoncollaborativeArrangementTransactionsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
378 | 810 | ASC 810 | Consolidation | Consolidation | Noncash or Part Noncash Acquisitions, by Acquisition [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNoncashOrPartNoncashAcquisitionsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 18 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
379 | 810 | ASC 810 | Consolidation | Consolidation | Noncash or Part Noncash Divestitures, by Divestiture [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfNoncashOrPartNoncashDivestituresTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 2 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
380 | 815 | ASC 815 | Derivatives and Hedging | Derivatives and Hedging | Derivative Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DerivativeInstrumentsAndHedgingActivitiesDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities | 57 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
381 | 815 | ASC 815 | Derivatives and Hedging | Derivatives and Hedging | Derivative Instruments in Statement of Financial Position Fair Value [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDerivativeInstrumentsInStatementOfFinancialPositionFairValueTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities | 20 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
382 | 815 | ASC 815 | Derivatives and Hedging | Derivatives and Hedging | Derivatives and Fair Value Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:DerivativesAndFairValueTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities | 3 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
383 | 820 | ASC 820 | Fair Value Measurements | Fair Value Measurement | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Unobservable Input Reconciliation [Roll Forward] | us-gaap:FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisUnobservableInputReconciliationTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Fair Value Measures and Disclosures | 10 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
384 | 820 | ASC 820 | Fair Value Measurements | Fair Value Measurement | Fair Value Measurement Inputs Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementInputsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Fair Value Measures and Disclosures | 49 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
385 | 820 | ASC 820 | Fair Value Measurements | Fair Value Measurement | Fair Value Measurements Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:FairValueDisclosuresTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Fair Value Measures and Disclosures | 57 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
386 | 820 | ASC 820 | Fair Value Measurements | Fair Value Measurement | Fair Value Measurements, Recurring and Nonrecurring [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:FairValueAssetsAndLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringAndNonrecurringBasisTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Fair Value Measures and Disclosures | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
387 | 820 | ASC 820 | Fair Value Measurements | Fair Value Measurement | Fair Value Option Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:FairValueOptionTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Fair Value Measures and Disclosures | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
388 | 825 | ASC 825 | Financial Instruments | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
389 | 830 | ASC 830 | Foreign Currency Matters | Foreign Currency Matters | Differences between Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amount, by Financial Statement Line Item [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfDifferencesBetweenReportedAmountAndReportingCurrencyDenominatedAmountTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Foreign Operations and Currency Translation | 13 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
390 | 830 | ASC 830 | Foreign Currency Matters | Foreign Currency Matters | Foreign Currency Transaction Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Foreign Operations and Currency Translation | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
391 | 830 | ASC 830 | Foreign Currency Matters | Foreign Currency Matters | Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance, by Entity Name or Description [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfIntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalancesTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Foreign Operations and Currency Translation | 6 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
392 | 835 | ASC 835 | Interest | Interest | Interest and Other Income Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:InterestAndOtherIncomeTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Other Income and Expenses | 4 | List | |
393 | 835 | ASC 835 | Interest | Interest | Interest and Other Income [Roll Up] | us-gaap:InterestAndOtherIncomeTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Other Income and Expenses | 8 | List | |
394 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Capital | Capital Leased Assets, Details by Asset Type [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfCapitalLeasedAsssetsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 24 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
395 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Capital | Future Minimum Payments, Present Value of Net Minimum Payments, Noncancelable Capital Leases, Lessor [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsForCapitalLeasesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 44 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
396 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Capital | Capital Leases in Financial Statements of Lessee Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CapitalLeasesInFinancialStatementsOfLesseeDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Leases | 5 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
397 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Capital | Capital Leases of Lessor in Financial Statements Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:CapitalLeasesInFinancialStatementsOfLessorDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Leases | 4 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
398 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Future Minimum Payments Due under Operating Leases of Lessee [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFutureMinimumRentalPaymentsForOperatingLeasesTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 16 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
399 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Leases of Lessee Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LeasesOfLesseeDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Leases | 34 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
400 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Leases of Lessor Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LeasesOfLessorDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Leases | 3 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
401 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Leveraged Leases, Net Investment in Leveraged Leases [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfComponentsOfLeveragedLeaseInvestmentsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 7 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
402 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Operating Leased Assets Details, by Contractual Arrangement and Asset Type [Abstract] | us-gaap:OperatingLeasesOfLesseeDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 6 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
403 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Future Minimum Payments Due under Operating Leases of Lessee [Roll Up] | us-gaap:OperatingLeasesOfLesseeDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 6 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
404 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Operating Leases of Lessor Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:OperatingLeasesOfLessorDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Leases | 3 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
405 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Operating Leases, Rent Expense, Net [Roll Up] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRentExpenseTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 19 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
406 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Operating | Operating Leases of Leasor, Property Subject to or Available for Operating Lease, by Major Property Class [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfPropertySubjectToOrAvailableForOperatingLeaseTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 6 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
407 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Sale and Leaseback | Sale Leaseback Transaction Details, by Transaction [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfSaleLeasebackTransactionsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Leases | 19 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
408 | 840 | ASC 840 | Leases (FAS 13) | Leases-Sale and Leaseback | Sale Leaseback Transaction Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:SaleLeasebackTransactionDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Leases | 5 | List | Chapter 15 - Leases |
409 | 842 | ASC 842 | Leases | List | Chapter 15 - Leases | ||||||
410 | 845 | ASC 845 | Nonmonetary Transactions | Nonmonetary Transactions | Nonmonetary Transactions, by Transaction Type [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:DetailsOfNonmonetaryTransactionsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Nonmonetary Transactions | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
411 | 845 | ASC 845 | Nonmonetary Transactions | Nonmonetary Transactions | Nonmonetary Transactions Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Nonmonetary Transactions | 13 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
412 | 845 | ASC 845 | Nonmonetary Transactions | Nonmonetary Transactions | Other Significant Noncash Transactions, by Transaction [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherSignificantNoncashTransactionsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures | 4 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
413 | 850 | ASC 850 | Related Party Disclosures | Related Party Disclosures | Related Party Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:RelatedPartyTransactionsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Related Party Disclosures | 23 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
414 | 850 | ASC 850 | Related Party Disclosures | Related Party Disclosures | Related Party Transactions, by Related Party [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfRelatedPartyTransactionsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Related Party Disclosures | 12 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
415 | 852 | IG 852 | Reorganizations | Reorganizations | Fresh-Start Adjustments, by Adjustment Type [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFreshStartAdjustmentsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Reorganizations | 5 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
416 | 852 | ASC 852 | Reorganizations | Reorganizations | Fresh-Start Adjustments, by Adjustment Type [Abstract] | us-gaap:ScheduleOfFreshStartAdjustmentsTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Reorganizations | 5 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
417 | 852 | IG 852 | Reorganizations | Reorganizations | Reorganization under Chapter 11 of US Bankruptcy Code Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ReorganizationUnderChapter11OfUSBankruptcyCodeDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Reorganizations | 28 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
418 | 852 | ASC 852 | Reorganizations | Reorganizations | Reorganization under Chapter 11 of US Bankruptcy Code Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:ReorganizationUnderChapter11OfUSBankruptcyCodeDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Reorganizations | 28 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
419 | 853 | ASC 853 | Service Concession Arrangements | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
420 | 855 | ASC 855 | Subsequent Events | Subsequent Events | Subsequent Event Pro Forma Business Combinations Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:SubsequentEventProFormaBusinessCombinations | cm:Level1TextBlock | Subsequent Events | 3 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
421 | 855 | ASC 855 | Subsequent Events | Subsequent Events | Subsequent Events Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:SubsequentEventsTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Subsequent Events | 36 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
422 | 860 | ASC 860 | Transfers and Servicing | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
423 | 905 | ASC 905 | Agriculture | Agriculture | Agriculture Policies [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:AgriculturePolicyPolicyTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 5 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
424 | 910 | ASC 910 | Contractors - Construction | Contractors-Construction | Billings in Excess of Cost [Roll Up] | us-gaap:CostsInExcessOfBillingsAndBillingsInExcessOfCostsTableTextBlock | cm:Level3TextBlock | Contractors | 21 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
425 | 910 | ASC 910 | Contractors - Construction | Contractors-Construction | Construction Contractors Policies [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:ConstructionContractorsPolicyPolicyTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 13 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
426 | 910 | ASC 910 | Contractors - Construction | Contractors-Construction | Long-term Contracts or Programs Note [Note Level] | us-gaap:LongTermContractsOrProgramsDisclosureTextBlock | cm:Level1TextBlock | Contractors | 87 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
427 | 912 | ASC 912 | Contractors - Federal Government | Contractors-Federal Government | Government Contractors Policies [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:GovernmentContractorsPolicyPolicyTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 9 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
428 | 920 | ASC 920 | Entertainment - Broadcasters | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
429 | 922 | ASC 922 | Entertainment - Cable Television | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
430 | 924 | ASC 924 | Entertainment - Casino | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
431 | 926 | ASC 926 | Entertainment - Films | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
432 | 928 | ASC 928 | Entertainment - Music | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
433 | 930 | ASC 930 | Extractive Activities - Mining | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
434 | 932 | ASC 932 | Extractive Activities - Oil and Gas | Extractive Activities-Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Accounting Policies [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:IndustrySpecificPoliciesOilAndGasTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 50 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
435 | 932 | SK 932 | Regulation S-K (SK) | Extractive Activities-Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Accounting Policies [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:IndustrySpecificPoliciesOilAndGasTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 50 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
436 | 940 | ASC 940 | Financial Services - Brokers and Dealers | Financial Services-Brokers and Dealers | Brokers and Dealers Accounting Policies [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:IndustrySpecificPoliciesBrokerDealerTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 8 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
437 | 942 | ASC 942 | Financial Services - Depository and Lending | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
438 | 944 | ASC 944 | Financial Services - Insurance | Financial Services-Insurance | Insurance Accounting Policies, Insurance Companies [Hierarchy] | us-gaap:IndustrySpecificPoliciesInsuranceCompaniesTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 8 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
439 | 946 | ASC 946 | Financial Services - Investment Companies | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
440 | 948 | ASC 948 | Financial Services - Mortgage Banking | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
441 | 952 | ASC 952 | Franchisors | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
442 | 954 | ASC 954 | Health Care Entities | Health Care Entities | Health Care Entities Policies [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:HealthCareEntitiesPolicyPolicyTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 1 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
443 | 958 | ASC 958 | Not-for-Profit Entities | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
444 | 970 | ASC 970 | Real Estate - General | Real Estate-General | Real Estate Policies [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:RealEstatePolicyTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 11 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
445 | 972 | ASC 972 | Real Estate - Common Interest Realty Associations | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
446 | 974 | ASC 974 | Real Estate - Real Estate Investment Trusts | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
447 | 976 | ASC 976 | Real Estate - Retail Land | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
448 | 978 | ASC 978 | Real Estate - Time-Sharing Activities | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
449 | 978 | IG 978 | Real Estate - Time-Sharing Activities | List | Advanced Financial Accounting | ||||||
450 | 980 | ASC 980 | Regulated Operations | Regulated Operations | Public Utilities Policies [Policy Text Block] | us-gaap:PublicUtilitiesPolicyTextBlock | cm:Level2TextBlock | Accounting Policies | 78 | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
451 | 985 | ASC 985 | Software | List | Advanced Financial Accounting |
Last updated: 12/14/2019 10:43:38 AM